#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace HashTools { #define HashFriend(Key,T) friend class HashMap /// Defines an equality comparison unary method. /// Generally intended for internal use only. #define _EQUALS_UNARY_OP( Type ) bool operator()(const Type s1, const Type s2) const { return s1.Equals( s2 ); } /// Defines a hash code unary method /// Generally intended for internal use only. #define _HASHCODE_UNARY_OP( Type ) hash_key_t operator()( const Type& val ) const { return val.GetHashCode(); } /// /// Defines an equality comparison method within an encapsulating struct, using the 'unary method' approach. /// /// /// /// This macro is a shortcut helper to implementing types usable as keys in s. /// Normally you will want to use instead as it defines both /// the HashCode predicate and Compare predicate. /// /// The code generated by this macro is equivalent to this: /// /// // where 'Type' is the parameter used in the macro. /// struct UnaryEquals /// { /// bool operator()(const Type s1, const Type s2) const /// { /// return s1.Equals( s2 ); // this operator must be implemented by the user. /// } /// }; /// /// Note: /// In C++, the term 'unary method' refers to a method that is implemented as an overload of the /// operator (), such that the object instance itself acts as a method. /// Note: /// This methodology is similar to C# / .NET's object.Equals() method: The class member method /// implementation of Equals should *not* throw exceptions -- it should instead return false /// if either side of the comparison is not a matching type. See for details. /// Note: /// The reason for this (perhaps seemingly) hogwash red tape is because you can define custom /// equality behavior for individual hashmaps, which are independent of the type used. The only /// obvious scenario where such a feature is useful is in /// /// /// /// /// #define DEFINE_EQUALS_UNARY( Type ) struct UnaryEquals{ _EQUALS_UNARY_OP( Type ) } /// /// Defines a hash code predicate within an encapsulating struct; for use in hashable user datatypes /// /// /// /// This macro is a shortcut helper to implementing types usable as keys in s. /// Normally you will want to use instead as it defines both /// the HashCode predicate and Compare predicate. /// /// The code generated by this macro is equivalent to this: /// /// // where 'Type' is the parameter used in the macro. /// struct UnaryHashCode /// { /// hash_key_t operator()( const Type& val ) const /// { /// return val.GetHashCode(); // this member function must be implemented by the user. /// } /// }; /// /// /// /// /// /// #define DEFINE_HASHCODE_UNARY( Type ) struct UnaryHashCode{ _HASHCODE_UNARY_OP( Type ) } /// /// Defines the API for hashcode and comparison unary methods; for use in hashable user datatypes /// /// /// This macro creates APIs that allow the class or struct to be used as a key in a . /// It requires that the data type implement the following items: /// * An equality test via an operator== overload. /// * A public instance member method GetHashCode. /// The code generated by this macro is equivalent to this: /// /// // where 'Type' is the parameter used in the macro. /// struct UnaryHashCode /// { /// hash_key_t operator()( const Type& val ) const /// { /// return val.GetHashCode(); // this member function must be implemented by the user. /// } /// }; /// /// struct UnaryEquals /// { /// bool operator()(const Type s1, const Type s2) const /// { /// return s1.Equals( s2 ); // this operator must be implemented by the user. /// } /// }; /// /// Note: /// In C++, the term 'unary method' refers to a method that is implemented as an overload of the /// operator (), such that the object instance itself acts as a method. /// Note: /// For class types you can use the interface, which also allows you to group /// multiple types of objects into a single complex HashMap. /// Note: /// Generally speaking, you do not use the IHashable interface on simple C-style structs, since it /// would incur the overhead of a vtbl and could potentially break code that assumes the structs to have /// 1-to-1 data-to-declaration coorlations. /// Note: /// Internally, using this macro is functionally equivalent to using both /// and . /// /// /// /// /// /// #define DEFINE_HASH_API( Type ) DEFINE_HASHCODE_UNARY( Type ); DEFINE_EQUALS_UNARY( Type ); /// /// A helper macro for creating custom types that can be used as keys. /// /// /// Use of this macro is only needed if the hashable type in question is a struct that is a private /// local to the namespace of a containing class. /// #define PRIVATE_HASHMAP( Key, T ) \ typedef SpecializedHashMap Key##HashMap; \ friend Key##HashMap; /// /// Type that represents a hashcode; returned by all hash functions. /// /// /// In theory this could be changed to a 64 bit value in the future, although many of the hash algorithms /// would have to be changed to take advantage of the larger data type. /// typedef u32 hash_key_t; hash_key_t Hash(const char* data, int len); struct CommonHashClass; extern const CommonHashClass GetCommonHash; /// /// A unary-style set of methods for getting the hash code of C++ fundamental types. /// /// /// This class is used to pass hash functions into the class and /// it's siblings. It houses methods for most of the fundamental types of C++ and the STL, /// such as all int and float types, and also std::string. All functions can be /// accessed via the () overload on an instance of the class, such as: /// /// const CommonHashClass GetHash; /// int v = 27; /// std::string s = "Joe's World!"; /// hash_key_t hashV = GetHash( v ); /// hash_key_t hashS = GetHash( s ); /// /// Note: /// In C++, the term 'unary method' refers to a method that is implemented as an overload of the /// operator (), such that the object instance itself acts as a method. /// /// struct CommonHashClass { public: // GCC needs empty constructors on const instances, because it likes pointlessness. CommonHashClass() {} hash_key_t DoInt( u32 val ) const { u32 key = val; key = ~key + (key << 15); key = key ^ (key >> 12); key = key + (key << 2); key = key ^ (key >> 4); key = key * 2057; key = key ^ (key >> 16); return val; } hash_key_t operator()(const std::string& src) const { return Hash( src.data(), src.length() ); } hash_key_t operator()( const std::wstring& src ) const { return Hash( (const char *)src.data(), src.length() * sizeof( wchar_t ) ); } hash_key_t operator()( const wxString& src ) const { return Hash( (const char *)src.data(), src.length() * sizeof( wxChar ) ); } // Returns a hashcode for a character. // This has function has been optimized to return an even distribution // across the range of an int value. In theory that should be more rewarding // to hastable performance than a straight up char lookup. hash_key_t operator()( const char c1 ) const { // Most chars contain values between 0 and 128, so let's mix it up a bit: int cs = (int)( c1 + (char)64 ); return ( cs + ( cs<<8 ) + ( cs << 16 ) + (cs << 24 ) ); } hash_key_t operator()( const wchar_t wc1 ) const { // Most unicode values are between 0 and 128, with 0-1024 // making up the bulk of the rest. Everything else is spatially used. /*int wcs = (int) ( wc1 + 0x2000 ); return wcs ^ ( wcs + 0x19000 );*/ // or maybe I'll just feed it into the int hash: return GetCommonHash( (u32)wc1 ); } /// /// Gets the hash code for a 32 bit integer. /// /// /// This method performs a very fast algorithm optimized for typical integral /// dispersion patterns (which tend to favor a bit heavy on the lower-range of values while /// leaving the extremes un-used). /// Note: /// Implementation is based on an article found here: http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm /// hash_key_t operator()( const u32 val ) const { return DoInt(val); } /// /// Gets the hash code for a 32 bit integer. /// /// /// This method performs a very fast algorithm optimized for typical integral /// dispersion patterns (which tend to favor a bit heavy on the lower-range of values while /// leaving the extremes un-used). /// Note: /// Implementation is based on an article found here: http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm /// hash_key_t operator()( const s32 val ) const { return DoInt(val); } /// /// Gets the hash code for a 64 bit integer. /// /// /// This method performs a very fast algorithm optimized for typical integral /// dispersion patterns (which tend to favor a bit heavy on the lower-range of values while /// leaving the extremes un-used). /// Note: /// Implementation is based on an article found here: http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm /// hash_key_t operator()( const u64 val ) const { u64 key = val; key = (~key) + (key << 18); key = key ^ (key >> 31); key = key * 21; // key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); key = key ^ (key >> 11); key = key + (key << 6); key = key ^ (key >> 22); return (u32) key; } /// /// Gets the hash code for a 64 bit integer. /// /// /// This method performs a very fast algorithm optimized for typical integral /// dispersion patterns (which tend to favor a bit heavy on the lower-range of values while /// leaving the extremes un-used). /// Note: /// Implementation is based on an article found here: http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm /// hash_key_t operator()( const s64 val ) const { return GetCommonHash((u64)val); } hash_key_t operator()( const float val ) const { // floats do a fine enough job of being scattered about // the universe: return *((hash_key_t *)&val); } hash_key_t operator()( const double val ) const { // doubles have to be compressed into a 32 bit value: return GetCommonHash( *((u64*)&val) ); } /// /// Calculates the hash of a pointer. /// /// /// This method has been optimized to give typical 32 bit pointers a reasonably /// wide spread across the integer spectrum. /// Note: /// This method is optimized for 32 bit pointers only. 64 bit pointer support /// has not been implemented, and thus on 64 bit platforms performance could be poor or, /// worse yet, results may not have a high degree of uniqueness. /// hash_key_t operator()( const void* addr ) const { hash_key_t key = (hash_key_t) addr; return (hash_key_t)((key >> 3) * 2654435761ul); } }; /// /// This class contains comparison methods for most fundamental types; and is used by the CommonHashMap class. /// /// /// The predicates of this class do standard equality comparisons between fundamental C/STL types such as /// int, float, and std::string. Usefulness of this class outside the /// class is limited. /// /// struct CommonComparisonClass { bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const { return (s1 == s2) || (s1 && s2 && strcmp(s1, s2) == 0); } }; /// /// An interface for classes that implement hashmap functionality. /// /// /// This class provides interface methods for getting th hashcode of a class and checking for object /// equality. It's general intent is for use in situations where you have to store *non-similar objects* /// in a single unified hash map. As all object instances derive from this type, it allows the equality /// comparison to use typeid or dynamic casting to check for type similarity, and then use more detailed /// equality checks for similar types. /// class IHashable { public: /// Obligatory Virtual destructor mess! virtual ~IHashable() {}; /// /// Your basic no-thrills equality comparison; using a pointer comparison by default. /// /// /// This method uses a pointer comparison by default, which is the only way to really compare objects /// of unrelated types or of derrived types. When implementing this method, you may want to use typeid comparisons /// if you want derived types to register as being non-equal, or dynamic_cast for a more robust /// base-class comparison (illustrated in the example below). /// Note: /// It's recommended important to always do a pointer comparison as the first step of any object equality check. /// It is fast and easy, and 100% reliable. /// /// /// Performing non-pointer comparisons: /// /// class Hasher : IHashable /// { /// int someValue; /// /// virtual bool Equals( const IHashable& right ) const /// { /// // Use pointer comparison first since it's fast and accurate: /// if( &right == this ) return true; /// /// Hasher* them = dynamic_cast<Hasher*>( right ); /// if( them == NULL ) return false; /// return someValue == them->SomeValue; /// } /// } /// /// virtual bool Equals( const IHashable& right ) const { return ( &right == this ); // pointer comparison. } /// /// Returns a hash value for this object; by default the hash of its pointer address. /// /// /// /// virtual hash_key_t GetHashCode() const { return GetCommonHash( this ); } }; template< typename Key > class HashSet : public google::dense_hash_set< Key, CommonHashClass > { public: /// /// Constructor. /// /// /// Both the emptyKeya nd c>deletedKey parameters must be unique values that /// are *not* used as actual values in the set. /// HashSet( Key emptyKey, Key deletedKey, int initialCapacity=33 ) : google::dense_hash_set( initialCapacity ) { set_empty_key( emptyKey ); set_deleted_key( deletedKey ); } }; /// /// Defines a hashed collection of objects and provides methods for adding, removing, and reading items. /// /// /// This class is for hashing out a set data using objects as keys. Objects should derive from the /// type, and in either case *must* implement the UnaryHashCode and UnaryEquals /// unary classes. /// *Details On Implementing Key Types* /// /// Custom hash keying uses what I consider a somewhat contrived method of implementing the Key type; /// involving a handful of macros in the best case, and a great deal of syntaxical red tape in /// the worst case. Most cases should fall within the realm of the macros, which make life a lot easier, /// so that's the only implementation I will cover in detail here (see below for example). /// /// Note: /// For most hashs based on common or fundamental types or types that can be adequately compared using /// the default equality operator ==, such as int or structs that have no padding alignment concerns, /// use instead. For string-based hashs, use or . /// /// /// This is an example of making a hashable type out of a struct. This is useful in situations where /// inheriting the type would cause unnecessary overhead and/or broken C/C++ /// compatability. /// /// struct Point /// { /// int x, y; /// /// // Empty constructor is necessary for HashMap. /// // This can either be initialized to zero, or uninitialized as here: /// Point() {} /// /// // Copy Constructor is just always necessary. /// Point( const Point& src ) : first( src.first ), second( src.second ) {} /// /// // Standard content constructor (Not needed by HashMap) /// Point( int xpos, int ypos ) : x( xpos ), y( ypos ) {} /// /// /**** Begin Hashmap Interface Implementation ****/ /// /// // HashMap Requires both GetEmptyKey() and GetDeleteKey() instance member /// // methods to be defined. These act as defaults. The actual values used /// // can be overridden on an individual HashMap basis via the HashMap constructor. /// /// static Point GetEmptyKey() { return Point( -0xffffff, 0xffffff ); } /// static Point GetDeletedKey() { return Kerning( -0xffffee, 0xffffee ); } /// /// // HashMap Requires an Equality Overload. /// // The inequality overload is not required but is probably a good idea since /// // orphaned equality (without sibling inequality) operator overloads are ugly code. /// /// bool Equals( const Point& right ) const /// { /// return ( x == right.x ) && ( y == right.y ); /// } /// /// hash_key_t GetHashCode() const /// { /// // This is a decent "universal" hash method for when you have multiple int types: /// return GetCommonHash( x ) ^ GetCommonHash( y ); /// } /// /// // Use a macro to expose the hash API to the HashMap templates. /// // This macro creates MakeHashCode and Compare structs, which use the () /// // operator to create "unary methods" for the GetHashCode and == operator above. /// // Feeling dizzy yet? Don't worry. Just follow this template. It works! /// /// DEFINE_HASH_API( Point ); /// /// /**** End HashMap Interface Implementation ****/ /// }; /// /// template< class Key, class T > class SpecializedHashMap : public google::dense_hash_map { public: virtual ~SpecializedHashMap() {} SpecializedHashMap( int initialCapacity=33, Key emptyKey=Key::GetEmptyKey(), Key deletedKey=Key::GetDeletedKey() ) : google::dense_hash_map( initialCapacity ) { set_empty_key( emptyKey ); set_deleted_key( deletedKey ); } /// /// Tries to get a value from this hashmap; or does nothing if the Key does not exist. /// /// /// If found, the value associated with the requested key is copied into the outval /// parameter. This is a more favorable alternative to the indexer operator since the /// indexer implementation can and will create new entries for every request that /// /*void TryGetValue( const Key& key, T& outval ) const { // GCC doesn't like this for some reason -- says const_iterator can't be found. // Fortunately nothing uses these functions yet, so I just commented them out. --air const_iterator iter = find( key ); if( iter != end() ) outval = iter->second; }*/ const T& GetValue( Key key ) const { return (find( key ))->second; } }; /// /// This class implements a hashmap that uses fundamental types such as int or std::string /// as keys. /// /// /// This class is provided so that you don't have to jump through hoops in order to use fundamental types as /// hash keys. The class isn't suited to the task since it requires the key type to /// include a set of unary methods. Obviously predicates cannot be added to fundamentals after the fact. :) /// Note: /// Do not use char * or wchar_t * as key types. Use std::string and std::wstring /// instead, as performance of those types will generally be superior due to string length caching. For that /// matter, don't use this class at all! Use the string-specialized classes and /// . /// template< class Key, class T, class HashFunctor=CommonHashClass > class HashMap : public google::dense_hash_map { DeclareNoncopyableObject( HashMap ); typedef typename google::dense_hash_map _parent; public: using _parent::operator[]; using _parent::end; typedef typename _parent::const_iterator const_iterator; virtual ~HashMap() {} /// /// Constructor. /// /// /// Both the emptyKeya nd c>deletedKey parameters must be unique values that /// are *not* used as actual values in the set. /// HashMap( const Key& emptyKey, const Key& deletedKey, int initialCapacity=33 ) : google::dense_hash_map( initialCapacity ) { set_empty_key( emptyKey ); set_deleted_key( deletedKey ); } /// /// Tries to get a value from this hashmap; or does nothing if the Key does not exist. /// /// /// If found, the value associated with the requested key is copied into the outval /// parameter. This is a more favorable alternative to the indexer operator since the /// indexer implementation can and will create new entries for every request that /// bool TryGetValue( const Key& key, T& outval ) const { const_iterator iter( find(key) ); if( iter != end() ) { outval = iter->second; return true; } return false; } const T& GetValue( Key key ) const { return (find( key ))->second; } bool Find( Key key ) const { return find(key) != end(); } }; /// /// A shortcut class for easy implementation of string-based hash maps. /// /// /// Note: /// This class does not support Unicode character sets natively. To use Unicode strings as keys, /// use instead. /// template< class T > class Dictionary : public HashMap { public: virtual ~Dictionary() {} Dictionary( int initialCapacity=33, const std::string& emptyKey = "@@-EMPTY-@@", const std::string& deletedKey = "@@-DELETED-@@" ) : HashMap( emptyKey, deletedKey, initialCapacity) { } }; /// /// A shortcut class for easy implementation of string-based hash maps. /// /// /// Note: /// This class does incur some amount of additional overhead over , as it /// requires twice as much memory and much hash twice as much data. /// If you're only using the hash for friendly named array access (via string constants) /// then you should probably just stick to using the regular dictionary. /// template< class T > class UnicodeDictionary : public HashMap { public: virtual ~UnicodeDictionary() {} UnicodeDictionary( int initialCapacity=33, const std::wstring& emptyKey = L"@@-EMPTY-@@", const std::wstring& deletedKey = L"@@-DELETED-@@" ) : HashMap( emptyKey, deletedKey, initialCapacity) { } }; } template< class T, class HashFunctor=HashTools::CommonHashClass > class pxDictionary : public HashTools::HashMap { public: virtual ~pxDictionary() {} pxDictionary( int initialCapacity=33, const wxString& emptyKey = L"@@-EMPTY-@@", const wxString& deletedKey = L"@@-DELETED-@@" ) : HashTools::HashMap( emptyKey, deletedKey, initialCapacity) { } };