/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright (c)2009-2010 zeydlitz@gmail.com, arcum42@gmail.com * Based on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ // Realization of Flush -- drawing function of GS #include #include #include "GS.h" #include "Mem.h" #include "targets.h" #include "ZZoglFlushHack.h" #include "ZZoglShaders.h" #include "ZZClut.h" #include "ZZoglFlush.h" //------------------ Defines #ifdef ZEROGS_DEVBUILD bool g_bUpdateEffect = false; bool g_bSaveTex = false; // saves the current texture bool g_bSaveResolved = false; #endif // !defined(ZEROGS_DEVBUILD) bool g_bSaveTrans = false; bool s_bWriteDepth = false; bool s_bDestAlphaTest = false; bool g_bUpdateStencil = true; bool bCanRenderStencil = true; // local alpha blending settings GLenum s_rgbeq, s_alphaeq; // set by zgsBlendEquationSeparateEXT // ZZ // Note: blendalpha[2] & blendinvalpha[2] are never used !!! The index 2 is changed to 0 // Note: blendalpha[3] & blendinvalpha[3] are special case for dest blending on 24bits. FIXME: I was expected GL_ONE & GL_ZERO ! -- greg static const u32 blendalpha[4] = { GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT, GL_SRC_ALPHA }; // ZZ static const u32 blendinvalpha[4] = { GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA }; //ZZ static const u32 g_dwAlphaCmp[] = { GL_NEVER, GL_ALWAYS, GL_LESS, GL_LEQUAL, GL_EQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, GL_GREATER, GL_NOTEQUAL }; // ZZ // used for afail case static const u32 g_dwReverseAlphaCmp[] = { GL_ALWAYS, GL_NEVER, GL_GEQUAL, GL_GREATER, GL_NOTEQUAL, GL_LESS, GL_LEQUAL, GL_EQUAL }; static const u32 g_dwZCmp[] = { GL_NEVER, GL_ALWAYS, GL_GEQUAL, GL_GREATER }; ///////////////////// // graphics resources #define s_bForceTexFlush 1 // ZZ static u32 s_ptexCurSet[2] = {0}; static u32 s_ptexNextSet[2] = {0}; // ZZ int s_ClutResolve = 0; // ZZ int g_nDepthUsed = 0; // ffx2 pal movies int s_nWriteDepthCount = 0; // ZZ int s_nWriteDestAlphaTest = 0; // ZZ int s_nWireframeCount = 0; //////////////////// // State parameters static float4 vAlphaBlendColor; // used for GPU_COLOR static bool bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha; // set if the output source alpha is different from the real source alpha (only when blend factor > 0x80) static u32 s_dwColorWrite = 0xf; // the color write mask of the current target // g_flag_vars g_vars; //static alphaInfo s_alphaInfo; // ZZ int g_PrevBitwiseTexX = -1, g_PrevBitwiseTexY = -1; // textures stored in SAMP_BITWISEANDX and SAMP_BITWISEANDY // ZZ float fiTexWidth[2], fiTexHeight[2]; // current tex width and height Point AA = {0,0}; // if AA.y is set, then AA.x has to be set. VB vb[2]; int icurctx = -1; void Draw(const VB& curvb) { #ifdef GLSL4_API ZZshSetupShader(); #endif glDrawArrays(primtype[curvb.curprim.prim], 0, curvb.nCount); } inline float AlphaReferedValue(int aref) { // return (b2XAlphaTest) ? min(1.0f, (float)aref / 127.5f) : (float)aref / 255.0f ; return min(1.0f, (float)aref / 127.5f); } inline void SetAlphaTest(const pixTest& curtest) { // if s_dwColorWrite is nontrivial, than we should not off alphatest. // This fix GOW and Okami. if (!curtest.ate && USEALPHATESTING && (s_dwColorWrite != 2 && s_dwColorWrite != 14)) { glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); } else { glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(g_dwAlphaCmp[curtest.atst], AlphaReferedValue(curtest.aref)); } } // Return, if tcc, aem or psm mode told us, than Alpha test should be used // if tcc == 0 than no alpha used, aem used for alpha expanding and I am not sure // that it's correct, psm -- color mode, inline bool IsAlphaTestExpansion(tex0Info tex0) { return (tex0.tcc && gs.texa.aem && PSMT_ALPHAEXP(PIXEL_STORAGE_FORMAT(tex0))); } // Switch wireframe rendering off for first flush, so it's draw few solid primitives inline void SwitchWireframeOff() { if (conf.wireframe()) { if (s_nWireframeCount > 0) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); } } } // Switch wireframe rendering on, look at previous function inline void SwitchWireframeOn() { if (conf.wireframe()) { if (s_nWireframeCount > 0) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); --s_nWireframeCount; } } } extern u32 ptexBilinearBlocks; int GetTexFilter(const tex1Info& tex1) { // always force if (conf.bilinear == 2) return 1; int texfilter = 0; if (conf.bilinear && ptexBilinearBlocks != 0) { if (tex1.mmin <= 1) texfilter = tex1.mmin | tex1.mmag; else texfilter = tex1.mmag ? ((tex1.mmin + 2) & 5) : tex1.mmin; texfilter = texfilter == 1 || texfilter == 4 || texfilter == 5; } return texfilter; } void ReloadEffects() { #ifdef ZEROGS_DEVBUILD for (u32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(ppsTexture); ++i) { SAFE_RELEASE_PROG(ppsTexture[i].prog); } memset(ppsTexture, 0, sizeof(ppsTexture)); ZZshLoadExtraEffects(); #endif } long BufferNumber = 0; // This is a debug function. It prints all buffer info and save current texture into the file, then prints the file name. inline void VisualBufferMessage(int context) { #if defined(WRITE_PRIM_LOGS) && defined(_DEBUG) BufferNumber++; VB& curvb = vb[context]; static const char* patst[8] = { "NEVER", "ALWAYS", "LESS", "LEQUAL", "EQUAL", "GEQUAL", "GREATER", "NOTEQUAL"}; static const char* pztst[4] = { "NEVER", "ALWAYS", "GEQUAL", "GREATER" }; static const char* pafail[4] = { "KEEP", "FB_ONLY", "ZB_ONLY", "RGB_ONLY" }; ZZLog::Debug_Log("**Drawing ctx %d, num %d, fbp: 0x%x, zbp: 0x%x, fpsm: %d, zpsm: %d, fbw: %d", context, vb[context].nCount, curvb.prndr->fbp, curvb.zbuf.zbp, curvb.prndr->psm, curvb.zbuf.psm, curvb.prndr->fbw); ZZLog::Debug_Log("prim: prim=%x iip=%x tme=%x fge=%x abe=%x aa1=%x fst=%x ctxt=%x fix=%x", curvb.curprim.prim, curvb.curprim.iip, curvb.curprim.tme, curvb.curprim.fge, curvb.curprim.abe, curvb.curprim.aa1, curvb.curprim.fst, curvb.curprim.ctxt, curvb.curprim.fix); ZZLog::Debug_Log("test: ate:%d, atst: %s, aref: %d, afail: %s, date: %d, datm: %d, zte: %d, ztst: %s, fba: %d", curvb.test.ate, patst[curvb.test.atst], curvb.test.aref, pafail[curvb.test.afail], curvb.test.date, curvb.test.datm, curvb.test.zte, pztst[curvb.test.ztst], curvb.fba.fba); ZZLog::Debug_Log("alpha: A%d B%d C%d D%d FIX:%d pabe: %d; aem: %d, ta0: %d, ta1: %d\n", curvb.alpha.a, curvb.alpha.b, curvb.alpha.c, curvb.alpha.d, curvb.alpha.fix, gs.pabe, gs.texa.aem, gs.texa.ta[0], gs.texa.ta[1]); ZZLog::Debug_Log("tex0: tbp0=0x%x, tbw=%d, psm=0x%x, tw=%d, th=%d, tcc=%d, tfx=%d, cbp=0x%x, cpsm=0x%x, csm=%d, csa=%d, cld=%d", curvb.tex0.tbp0, curvb.tex0.tbw, curvb.tex0.psm, curvb.tex0.tw, curvb.tex0.th, curvb.tex0.tcc, curvb.tex0.tfx, curvb.tex0.cbp, curvb.tex0.cpsm, curvb.tex0.csm, curvb.tex0.csa, curvb.tex0.cld); char* Name; Name = NamedSaveTex(&curvb.tex0, 1); ZZLog::Error_Log("TGA name '%s'.", Name); free(Name); ZZLog::Debug_Log("buffer %ld.\n", BufferNumber); #endif } inline void SaveRendererTarget(VB& curvb) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Needs a # after rndr to work... // char str[255]; // sprintf(str, "rndr.tga"); // SaveRenderTarget(str, curvb.prndr->fbw, curvb.prndr->fbh, 0); #endif } // Stop effects in Developers mode inline void FlushUpdateEffect() { #if defined(DEVBUILD) if (g_bUpdateEffect) { ReloadEffects(); g_bUpdateEffect = 0; } #endif } // Check, maybe we could skip flush inline bool IsFlushNoNeed(VB& curvb, const pixTest& curtest) { if (curvb.nCount == 0 || (curtest.zte && curtest.ztst == 0) || IsBadFrame(curvb)) { curvb.nCount = 0; return true; } return false; } // Transfer targets, that are located in current texture. inline void FlushTransferRangesHelper(VB& curvb) { if (s_RangeMngr.ranges.size() > 0) { // don't want infinite loop, so set nCount to 0. u32 prevcount = curvb.nCount; curvb.nCount = 0; FlushTransferRanges(curvb.curprim.tme ? &curvb.tex0 : NULL); curvb.nCount += prevcount; } } // If set bit for texture checking, do it. Maybe it's all. inline bool FushTexDataHelper(VB& curvb) { if (curvb.bNeedFrameCheck || curvb.bNeedZCheck) { curvb.CheckFrame(curvb.curprim.tme ? curvb.tex0.tbp0 : 0); } if (curvb.bNeedTexCheck) // Zeydlitz want to try this { curvb.FlushTexData(); if (curvb.nCount == 0) return true; } return false; } // Null target mean that we do something really bad. inline bool FlushCheckForNULLTarget(VB& curvb, int context) { if ((curvb.prndr == NULL) || (curvb.pdepth == NULL)) { ERROR_LOG_SPAMA("Current render target NULL (ctx: %d)", context); curvb.nCount = 0; return true; } return false; } // O.k. A set of resolutions, we do before real flush. We do RangeManager, FrameCheck and // ZCheck before this. inline bool FlushInitialTest(VB& curvb, const pixTest& curtest, int context) { GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); assert(context >= 0 && context <= 1); FlushUpdateEffect(); if (IsFlushNoNeed(curvb, curtest)) return true; FlushTransferRangesHelper(curvb); if (FushTexDataHelper(curvb)) return true; GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); if (FlushCheckForNULLTarget(curvb, context)) return true; return false; } inline void TargetLog(int& tbw, int& tbp0, int& tpsm, VB& curvb, bool miss) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (tbp0 == 0x3600 && tbw == 0x100) { if (miss) { ZZLog::Debug_Log("Miss %x 0x%x %d", tbw, tbp0, tpsm); typedef map MAPTARGETS; for (MAPTARGETS::iterator itnew = s_RTs.mapTargets.begin(); itnew != s_RTs.mapTargets.end(); ++itnew) { ZZLog::Debug_Log("\tRender %x 0x%x %x", itnew->second->fbw, itnew->second->fbp, itnew->second->psm); } for (MAPTARGETS::iterator itnew = s_DepthRTs.mapTargets.begin(); itnew != s_DepthRTs.mapTargets.end(); ++itnew) { ZZLog::Debug_Log("\tDepth %x 0x%x %x", itnew->second->fbw, itnew->second->fbp, itnew->second->psm); } ZZLog::Debug_Log("\tCurvb 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x %x", curvb.frame.fbp, curvb.prndr->end, curvb.prndr->fbp, curvb.prndr->fbw); } else ZZLog::Debug_Log("Hit %x 0x%x %x", tbw, tbp0, tpsm); } #endif } // Try to different approach if texture target was not found inline CRenderTarget* FlushReGetTarget(int& tbw, int& tbp0, int& tpsm, VB& curvb) { // This was incorrect code CRenderTarget* ptextarg = NULL; if (PSMT_ISZTEX(tpsm)) { // try depth ptextarg = s_DepthRTs.GetTarg(tbp0, tbw); } // I wonder if either of these hacks are useful, or if I can just remove them? if ((conf.settings().reget) && (tpsm == PSMT8)) { // check for targets with half the width. Break Valkyrie Chronicles ptextarg = s_RTs.GetTarg(tbp0, tbw / 2); if (ptextarg == NULL) { tbp0 &= ~0x7ff; ptextarg = s_RTs.GetTarg(tbp0, tbw / 2); // mgs3 hack if (ptextarg == NULL) { // check the next level (mgs3) tbp0 &= ~0xfff; ptextarg = s_RTs.GetTarg(tbp0, tbw / 2); // mgs3 hack } if (ptextarg != NULL && ptextarg->start > tbp0*256) { // target beyond range, so ignore ptextarg = NULL; } } } if ((conf.settings().texture_targs) && (ptextarg == NULL)) { // check if any part of the texture intersects the current target if (!PSMT_ISCLUT(tpsm) && (curvb.tex0.tbp0 >= curvb.frame.fbp) && ((curvb.tex0.tbp0) < curvb.prndr->end)) { ptextarg = curvb.prndr; } } TargetLog(tbw, tbp0, tpsm, curvb, (ptextarg == NULL)); return ptextarg; } // Find target to draw a texture. inline CRenderTarget* FlushGetTarget(VB& curvb) { int tbw, tbp0, tpsm; CRenderTarget* ptextarg = NULL; if (!curvb.curprim.tme) return ptextarg; // Which would be NULL, currently. if (curvb.bNeedTexCheck) { ZZLog::Error_Log("How it is possible?"); // not yet initied, but still need to get correct target! (xeno3 ingame) tbp0 = ZZOglGet_tbp0_TexBits(curvb.uNextTex0Data[0]); tbw = ZZOglGet_tbw_TexBitsMult(curvb.uNextTex0Data[0]); tpsm = ZZOglGet_psm_TexBitsFix(curvb.uNextTex0Data[0]); } else { tbw = curvb.tex0.tbw; tbp0 = curvb.tex0.tbp0; tpsm = curvb.tex0.psm; } ptextarg = s_RTs.GetTarg(tbp0, tbw); if (ptextarg == NULL) ptextarg = FlushReGetTarget(tbw, tbp0, tpsm, curvb); if ((ptextarg != NULL) && !(ptextarg->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate)) { if (PSMT_BITMODE(tpsm) == 4) // handle 8h cluts { // don't support clut targets, read from mem // 4hl - kh2 check - from dx version -- arcum42 if (tpsm == PSMT4 && s_ClutResolve <= 1) { // xenosaga requires 2 resolves u32 prevcount = curvb.nCount; curvb.nCount = 0; ptextarg->Resolve(); s_ClutResolve++; curvb.nCount += prevcount; } ptextarg = NULL; } else { if (ptextarg == curvb.prndr) { // need feedback curvb.prndr->CreateFeedback(); if (s_bWriteDepth && (curvb.pdepth != NULL)) curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); else ResetRenderTarget(1); } } } else { // If a texture needs updating, clear it. ptextarg = NULL; } return ptextarg; } // Set target for current context inline void FlushSetContextTarget(VB& curvb, int context) { if (!curvb.bVarsSetTarg) { SetContextTarget(context); } else { assert(curvb.pdepth != NULL); if (curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_Virtual) { if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { #ifdef NDEBUG s_DepthRTs.Promote(GetFrameKey(curvb.pdepth)); #else CRenderTarget* ptemp = s_DepthRTs.Promote(GetFrameKey(curvb.pdepth)); assert(ptemp == curvb.pdepth); #endif } else { curvb.pdepth->status &= ~CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate; } } if ((curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate) || (curvb.prndr->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate)) SetContextTarget(context); } assert(!(curvb.prndr->status&CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate)); curvb.prndr->status = 0; if (curvb.pdepth != NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Reduce an assert to a warning. if (curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate) { ZZLog::Debug_Log("In FlushSetContextTarget, pdepth has TS_NeedUpdate set."); } #endif if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { assert(!(curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_Virtual)); curvb.pdepth->status = 0; } } } inline void FlushSetStream(VB& curvb) { // setup current buffer glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, g_vboBuffers[g_nCurVBOIndex]); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, curvb.nCount * sizeof(VertexGPU), curvb.pBufferData, GL_STREAM_DRAW); g_nCurVBOIndex = (g_nCurVBOIndex + 1) % ArraySize(g_vboBuffers); // void* pdata = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY); // memcpy_amd(pdata, curvb.pBufferData, curvb.nCount * sizeof(VertexGPU)); // glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); SET_STREAM(); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } // Set color mask. Really, it's not as good as PS2 one. inline void FlushSetColorMask(VB& curvb) { s_dwColorWrite = (PSMT_BITMODE(curvb.prndr->psm) == 1) ? (COLORMASK_BLUE | COLORMASK_GREEN | COLORMASK_RED) : 0xf; int maskR = ZZOglGet_fbmRed_FrameBits(curvb.frame.fbm); int maskG = ZZOglGet_fbmGreen_FrameBits(curvb.frame.fbm); int maskB = ZZOglGet_fbmBlue_FrameBits(curvb.frame.fbm); int maskA = ZZOglGet_fbmAlpha_FrameBits(curvb.frame.fbm); if (maskR == 0xff) s_dwColorWrite &= ~COLORMASK_RED; if (maskG == 0xff) s_dwColorWrite &= ~COLORMASK_GREEN; if (maskB == 0xff) s_dwColorWrite &= ~COLORMASK_BLUE; if ((maskA == 0xff) || (curvb.curprim.abe && (curvb.test.atst == ATST_LESS && curvb.test.aref == 128))) s_dwColorWrite &= ~COLORMASK_ALPHA; GL_COLORMASK(s_dwColorWrite); } // Set Scissors for scissor test. inline void FlushSetScissorRect(VB& curvb) { Rect& scissor = curvb.prndr->scissorrect; glScissor(scissor.x, scissor.y, scissor.w, scissor.h); } // Prior really doing something check context inline void FlushDoContextJob(VB& curvb, int context) { SaveRendererTarget(curvb); FlushSetContextTarget(curvb, context); icurctx = context; FlushSetStream(curvb); FlushSetColorMask(curvb); FlushSetScissorRect(curvb); } // Set 1 is Alpha test is EQUAL and alpha should be proceed with care. inline int FlushGetExactcolor(const pixTest curtest) { if (!(g_nPixelShaderVer&SHADER_REDUCED)) // ffx2 breaks when ==7 return ((curtest.ate && curtest.aref <= 128) && (curtest.atst == ATST_EQUAL));// || curtest.atst == ATST_NOTEQUAL); return 0; } // fill the buffer by decoding the clut inline void FlushDecodeClut(VB& curvb, GLuint& ptexclut) { glGenTextures(1, &ptexclut); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ptexclut); if (ptexclut != 0) { int clutsize; int entries = PSMT_IS8CLUT(curvb.tex0.psm) ? 256 : 16; if (curvb.tex0.csm && curvb.tex0.csa) ZZLog::Debug_Log("ERROR, csm1."); if (PSMT_IS32BIT(curvb.tex0.cpsm)) { __aligned16 u32 data[256]; clutsize = min(entries, 256 - curvb.tex0.csa * 16) * 4; ClutBuffer_to_Array((u32*)data, curvb.tex0.csa, clutsize); Texture2D(4, 256, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); } else { __aligned16 u16 data[256]; clutsize = min(entries, 512 - curvb.tex0.csa * 16) * 2; ClutBuffer_to_Array((u16*)data, curvb.tex0.csa, clutsize); Texture2D(4, 256, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, data); } s_vecTempTextures.push_back(ptexclut); if (g_bSaveTex) SaveTexture("clut.tga", GL_TEXTURE_2D, ptexclut, 256, 1); setTex2DWrap(GL_REPEAT); setTex2DFilters(GL_LINEAR); } } inline int FlushGetShaderType(VB& curvb, CRenderTarget* ptextarg, GLuint& ptexclut) { if (PSMT_ISCLUT(curvb.tex0.psm) && !(conf.settings().no_target_clut)) { FlushDecodeClut(curvb, ptexclut); if (!(g_nPixelShaderVer&SHADER_REDUCED) && PSMT_ISHALF(ptextarg->psm)) { return 4; } else { // Valkyrie return 2; } } if (PSMT_ISHALF_STORAGE(curvb.tex0) != PSMT_ISHALF(ptextarg->psm) && (!(g_nPixelShaderVer&SHADER_REDUCED) || !curvb.curprim.fge)) { if (PSMT_ISHALF_STORAGE(curvb.tex0)) { // converting from 32->16 // Radiata Chronicles return 3; } else { // converting from 16->32 // Star Ward: Force return 0; } } return 1; } //Set page offsets depends on shader type. inline void FlushSetPageOffset(FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int shadertype, CRenderTarget* ptextarg) { SetShaderCaller("FlushSetPageOffset"); float4 vpageoffset; vpageoffset.w = 0; switch (shadertype) { case 3: vpageoffset.x = -0.1f / 256.0f; vpageoffset.y = -0.001f / 256.0f; vpageoffset.z = -0.1f / (ptextarg->fbh); vpageoffset.w = 0.0f; break; case 4: vpageoffset.x = 2; vpageoffset.y = 1; vpageoffset.z = 0; vpageoffset.w = 0.0001f; break; } // zoe2 if (PSMT_ISZTEX(ptextarg->psm)) vpageoffset.w = -1.0f; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fPageOffset, vpageoffset, "g_fPageOffset"); } //Setting texture offsets depends on shader type. inline void FlushSetTexOffset(FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int shadertype, VB& curvb, CRenderTarget* ptextarg) { SetShaderCaller("FlushSetTexOffset"); float4 v; if (shadertype == 3) { float4 v; v.x = 16.0f / (float)curvb.tex0.tw; v.y = 16.0f / (float)curvb.tex0.th; v.z = 0.5f * v.x; v.w = 0.5f * v.y; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexOffset, v, "g_fTexOffset"); } else if (shadertype == 4) { float4 v; v.x = 16.0f / (float)ptextarg->fbw; v.y = 16.0f / (float)ptextarg->fbh; v.z = -1; v.w = 8.0f / (float)ptextarg->fbh; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexOffset, v, "g_fTexOffset"); } } // Set dimension (Real!) of texture. z and w inline void FlushTextureDims(FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int shadertype, VB& curvb, CRenderTarget* ptextarg) { SetShaderCaller("FlushTextureDims"); float4 vTexDims; vTexDims.x = (float)RW(curvb.tex0.tw) ; vTexDims.y = (float)RH(curvb.tex0.th) ; // look at the offset of tbp0 from fbp if (curvb.tex0.tbp0 <= ptextarg->fbp) { vTexDims.z = 0;//-0.5f/(float)ptextarg->fbw; vTexDims.w = 0;//0.2f/(float)ptextarg->fbh; } else { //u32 tbp0 = curvb.tex0.tbp0 >> 5; // align to a page int blockheight = PSMT_ISHALF(ptextarg->psm) ? 64 : 32; int ycoord = ((curvb.tex0.tbp0 - ptextarg->fbp) / (32 * (ptextarg->fbw >> 6))) * blockheight; int xcoord = (((curvb.tex0.tbp0 - ptextarg->fbp) % (32 * (ptextarg -> fbw >> 6)))) * 2; vTexDims.z = (float)xcoord; vTexDims.w = (float)ycoord; } if (shadertype == 4) vTexDims.z += 8.0f; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexDims, vTexDims, "g_fTexDims"); } // Apply TEX1 mmag and mmin -- filter for expanding/reducing texture // We ignore all settings, only NEAREST (0) is used inline void FlushApplyResizeFilter(VB& curvb, u32& dwFilterOpts, CRenderTarget* ptextarg, int context) { u32 ptexset = (ptextarg == curvb.prndr) ? ptextarg->ptexFeedback : ptextarg->ptex; s_ptexCurSet[context] = ptexset; if ((!curvb.tex1.mmag) || (!curvb.tex1.mmin)) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, ptexset); if (!curvb.tex1.mmag) { glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); dwFilterOpts |= 1; } if (!curvb.tex1.mmin) { glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); dwFilterOpts |= 2; } } // Usage existing targets depends on several tricks, 32-16 conversion and CLUTing, so we need to handle it. inline FRAGMENTSHADER* FlushUseExistRenderTarget(VB& curvb, CRenderTarget* ptextarg, u32& dwFilterOpts, int exactcolor, int context) { if (ptextarg->IsDepth()) SetWriteDepth(); GLuint ptexclut = 0; //int psm = PIXEL_STORAGE_FORMAT(curvb.tex0); int shadertype = FlushGetShaderType(curvb, ptextarg, ptexclut); FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment = ZZshLoadShadeEffect(shadertype, 0, curvb.curprim.fge, IsAlphaTestExpansion(curvb.tex0), exactcolor, curvb.clamp, context, NULL); FlushSetPageOffset(pfragment, shadertype, ptextarg); FlushSetTexOffset(pfragment, shadertype, curvb, ptextarg); FlushTextureDims(pfragment, shadertype, curvb, ptextarg); if (pfragment->sCLUT != NULL && ptexclut != 0) ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sCLUT, ptexclut, "CLUT"); FlushApplyResizeFilter(curvb, dwFilterOpts, ptextarg, context); if (g_bSaveTex) SaveTexture("tex.tga", GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, ptextarg == curvb.prndr ? ptextarg->ptexFeedback : ptextarg->ptex, RW(ptextarg->fbw), RH(ptextarg->fbh)); return pfragment; } // Usage most major shader. inline FRAGMENTSHADER* FlushMadeNewTarget(VB& curvb, int exactcolor, int context) { // save the texture if (g_bSaveTex) { // FIXME: I suspect one of g_bSaveTex test variable is wrong if (g_bSaveTex == 1) { SaveTex(&curvb.tex0, 1); /*CMemoryTarget* pmemtarg = */ g_MemTargs.GetMemoryTarget(curvb.tex0, 0); } else { SaveTex(&curvb.tex0, 0); } } FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment = ZZshLoadShadeEffect(0, GetTexFilter(curvb.tex1), curvb.curprim.fge, IsAlphaTestExpansion(curvb.tex0), exactcolor, curvb.clamp, context, NULL); if (pfragment == NULL) ZZLog::Error_Log("Could not find memory target shader."); return pfragment; } // We made an shader, so now need to put all common variables. inline void FlushSetTexture(VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, CRenderTarget* ptextarg, int context) { SetTexVariables(context, pfragment); SetTexInt(context, pfragment, ptextarg == NULL); // have to enable the texture parameters(curtest.atst) if( curvb.ptexClamp[0] != 0 ) ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sBitwiseANDX, curvb.ptexClamp[0], "Clamp 0"); if( curvb.ptexClamp[1] != 0 ) ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sBitwiseANDY, curvb.ptexClamp[1], "Clamp 1"); // FIXME condition is a bit strange for GLSL #ifdef GLSL4_API if( s_ptexCurSet[context] != 0) ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sMemory, s_ptexCurSet[context], "Clamp memory"); #else if( pfragment->sMemory != NULL && s_ptexCurSet[context] != 0) ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sMemory, s_ptexCurSet[context], "Clamp memory"); #endif } // Reset program and texture variables; inline void FlushBindProgram(FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int context) { vb[context].bTexConstsSync = 0; vb[context].bVarsTexSync = 0; ZZshSetPixelShader(pfragment->prog); } inline FRAGMENTSHADER* FlushRendererStage(VB& curvb, u32& dwFilterOpts, CRenderTarget* ptextarg, int exactcolor, int context) { FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment = NULL; // set the correct pixel shaders if (curvb.curprim.tme) { if (ptextarg != NULL) pfragment = FlushUseExistRenderTarget(curvb, ptextarg, dwFilterOpts, exactcolor, context); else pfragment = FlushMadeNewTarget(curvb, exactcolor, context); if (pfragment == NULL) { ZZLog::Error_Log("Shader is not found."); // return NULL; } FlushSetTexture(curvb, pfragment, ptextarg, context); } else { pfragment = &ppsRegular[curvb.curprim.fge + 2 * s_bWriteDepth]; } GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); // set the shaders SetShaderCaller("FlushRendererStage"); ZZshSetVertexShader(pvs[2 * ((curvb.curprim._val >> 1) & 3) + 8 * s_bWriteDepth + context]); FlushBindProgram(pfragment, context); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); return pfragment; } inline bool AlphaCanRenderStencil(VB& curvb) { return g_bUpdateStencil && (PSMT_BITMODE(curvb.prndr->psm) != 1) && !ZZOglGet_fbmHighByte(curvb.frame.fbm) && !(conf.settings().no_stencil); } inline void AlphaSetStencil() { if (s_bDestAlphaTest && bCanRenderStencil) { glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_ALWAYS, 0, 0); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); } else glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } //inline u32 FtoDW(float f) { return (*((u32*)&f)); } inline void AlphaSetDepthTest(VB& curvb, const pixTest curtest, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment) { glDepthMask(!curvb.zbuf.zmsk && curtest.zte); // && curtest.zte && (curtest.ztst > 1) ); if (curtest.zte) { if (curtest.ztst > 1) g_nDepthUsed = 2; #if 0 if ((curtest.ztst == 2) ^(g_nDepthBias != 0)) { g_nDepthBias = (curtest.ztst == 2); //SETRS(D3DRS_DEPTHBIAS, g_nDepthBias?FtoDW(0.0003f):FtoDW(0.000015f)); } #endif glDepthFunc(g_dwZCmp[curtest.ztst]); } GL_ZTEST(curtest.zte); if (s_bWriteDepth) { if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); else ResetRenderTarget(1); } } inline u32 AlphaSetupBlendTest(VB& curvb) { if (curvb.curprim.abe) SetAlphaVariables(curvb.alpha); else glDisable(GL_BLEND); u32 oldabe = curvb.curprim.abe; if (gs.pabe) { //ZZLog::Error_Log("PABE!"); curvb.curprim.abe = 1; glEnable(GL_BLEND); } return oldabe; } inline void AlphaRenderFBA(VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment) { // needs to be before RenderAlphaTest if ((gs.pabe) || (curvb.fba.fba && !ZZOglGet_fbmHighByte(curvb.frame.fbm)) || (s_bDestAlphaTest && bCanRenderStencil)) { RenderFBA(curvb, pfragment); } } inline u32 AlphaRenderAlpha(VB& curvb, const pixTest curtest, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int exactcolor) { SetShaderCaller("AlphaRenderAlpha"); u32 dwUsingSpecialTesting = 0; if (curvb.curprim.abe) { if ((bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha || ((curtest.ate && curtest.atst > ATST_ALWAYS) && (curtest.aref > 0x80)))) { // need special stencil processing for the alpha RenderAlphaTest(curvb, pfragment); dwUsingSpecialTesting = 1; } // harvest fishing float4 v = vAlphaBlendColor; if (exactcolor) { v.y *= 255; v.w *= 255; } ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); } else { // not using blending so set to defaults float4 v = exactcolor ? float4(1, 510 * 255.0f / 256.0f, 0, 0) : float4(1, 2 * 255.0f / 256.0f, 0, 0); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); } return dwUsingSpecialTesting; } inline void AlphaRenderStencil(VB& curvb, u32 dwUsingSpecialTesting) { if (s_bDestAlphaTest && bCanRenderStencil) { // if not 24bit and can write to high alpha bit RenderStencil(curvb, dwUsingSpecialTesting); } else { s_stencilref = STENCIL_SPECIAL; s_stencilmask = STENCIL_SPECIAL; // setup the stencil to only accept the test pixels if (dwUsingSpecialTesting) { glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilMask(STENCIL_PIXELWRITE); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_EQUAL, STENCIL_SPECIAL | STENCIL_PIXELWRITE, STENCIL_SPECIAL); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); } } // #ifdef _DEBUG // if (bDestAlphaColor == 1) // { // ZZLog::Debug_Log("Dest alpha blending! Manipulate alpha here."); // } // // #endif if (bCanRenderStencil && gs.pabe) { // only render the pixels with alpha values >= 0x80 GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_EQUAL, s_stencilref | STENCIL_FBA, s_stencilmask | STENCIL_FBA); } GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } inline void AlphaTest(VB& curvb) { // ZZLog::Debug_Log("%d %d %d %d %d", curvb.test.date, curvb.test.datm, gs.texa.aem, curvb.test.ate, curvb.test.atst ); // return; // Zeydlitz changed this with a reason! It's an "Alpha more than 1 hack." if (curvb.test.ate == 1 && curvb.test.atst == ATST_ALWAYS && curvb.test.date == 1) { if (curvb.test.datm == 1) { glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 1.0f); } else { glAlphaFunc(GL_LESS, 1.0f); ZZLog::Debug_Log("%d %d %d", curvb.test.date, curvb.test.datm, gs.texa.aem); } } if (!curvb.test.ate || curvb.test.atst > ATST_NEVER) { Draw(curvb); } GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } inline void AlphaPabe(VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int exactcolor) { if (gs.pabe) { SetShaderCaller("AlphaPabe"); // only render the pixels with alpha values < 0x80 glDisable(GL_BLEND); GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); float4 v; v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = 0; v.w = 0; if (exactcolor) v.y *= 255; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); Draw(curvb); // reset if (!s_stencilmask) s_stencilfunc = GL_ALWAYS; GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); } GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } // Alpha Failure does not work properly on this cases. True means that no failure job should be done. // First three cases are trivial manual. inline bool AlphaFailureIgnore(const pixTest curtest) { if ((!curtest.ate) || (curtest.atst == ATST_ALWAYS) || (curtest.afail == AFAIL_KEEP)) return true; if (conf.settings().no_alpha_fail && ((s_dwColorWrite < 8) || (s_dwColorWrite == 15 && curtest.atst == 5 && (curtest.aref == 64)))) return true; // old and seemingly incorrect code. // if ((s_dwColorWrite < 8 && s_dwColorWrite !=8) && curtest.afail == AFAIL_FB_ONLY) // return true; // if ((s_dwColorWrite == 0xf) && curtest.atst == ATST_GEQUAL && curtest.afail == AFAIL_FB_ONLY && !(conf.settings() & GAME_REGETHACK)) // return true; return false; } // more work on alpha failure case inline void AlphaFailureTestJob(VB& curvb, const pixTest curtest, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int exactcolor, int oldabe) { // Note, case when ate == 1, atst == ATST_NEVER and afail > AFAIL_KEEP in documentation wrote as failure case. But it seems that // either doc's are incorrect or this case has some issues. if (AlphaFailureIgnore(curtest)) return; #ifdef NOALFAFAIL ZZLog::Error_Log("Alpha job here %d %d %d %d %d %d", s_dwColorWrite, curtest.atst, curtest.afail, curtest.aref, gs.pabe, s_bWriteDepth); // return; #endif SetShaderCaller("AlphaFailureTestJob"); // need to reverse the test and disable some targets glAlphaFunc(g_dwReverseAlphaCmp[curtest.atst], AlphaReferedValue(curtest.aref)); if (curtest.afail & 1) // front buffer update only { if (curtest.afail == AFAIL_RGB_ONLY) glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 0);// disable alpha glDepthMask(0); if (s_bWriteDepth) ResetRenderTarget(1); } else { // zbuffer update only glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (gs.pabe && bCanRenderStencil) { // only render the pixels with alpha values >= 0x80 float4 v = vAlphaBlendColor; if (exactcolor) { v.y *= 255; v.w *= 255; } ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); glEnable(GL_BLEND); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_EQUAL, s_stencilref | STENCIL_FBA, s_stencilmask | STENCIL_FBA); } Draw(curvb); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); if (gs.pabe) { // only render the pixels with alpha values < 0x80 glDisable(GL_BLEND); GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); float4 v; v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = 0; v.w = 0; if (exactcolor) v.y *= 255; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); Draw(curvb); // reset if (oldabe) glEnable(GL_BLEND); if (!s_stencilmask) s_stencilfunc = GL_ALWAYS; GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); } // restore if ((curtest.afail & 1) && !curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { glDepthMask(1); if (s_bWriteDepth) { assert(curvb.pdepth != NULL); curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); } } GL_COLORMASK(s_dwColorWrite); // not needed anymore since rest of ops concentrate on image processing GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } inline void AlphaSpecialTesting(VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, u32 dwUsingSpecialTesting, int exactcolor) { if (dwUsingSpecialTesting) { SetShaderCaller("AlphaSpecialTesting"); // render the real alpha glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 1); if (s_bWriteDepth) { ResetRenderTarget(1); } glDepthMask(0); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, STENCIL_SPECIAL | STENCIL_PIXELWRITE, STENCIL_SPECIAL | STENCIL_PIXELWRITE); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); float4 v = float4(0, exactcolor ? 510.0f : 2.0f, 0, 0); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); Draw(curvb); // don't need to restore } GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } inline void AlphaDestinationTest(VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment) { if (s_dwColorWrite & COLORMASK_ALPHA) { if (curvb.fba.fba) { ProcessFBA(curvb, pfragment); } else if (s_bDestAlphaTest && bCanRenderStencil) { // finally make sure all entries are 1 when the dest alpha >= 0x80 (if fba is 1, this is already the case) ProcessStencil(curvb); } } // if (bDestAlphaColor == 1) // { // // need to reset the dest colors to their original counter parts // //ZZLog::Warn_Log("Need to reset dest alpha color"); // } } inline void AlphaSaveTarget(VB& curvb) { #ifdef _DEBUG return; // Do nothing //#ifdef _WIN32 // CreateDirectory("frames", NULL); //#else // char* strdir=""; // sprintf(strdir, "mkdir %s", "frames"); // system(strdir); //#endif // char str[255]; // Needs a # after frame to work properly. // sprintf(str, "frames/frame.tga"); // //FB::Unbind(); // switch to the backbuffer // //glFlush(); // //SaveTexture("tex.jpg", GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, curvb.prndr->ptex, RW(curvb.prndr->fbw), RH(curvb.prndr->fbh)); // SaveRenderTarget(str, RW(curvb.prndr->fbw), RH(curvb.prndr->fbh), 0); #endif } inline void FlushUndoFiter(u32 dwFilterOpts) { if (dwFilterOpts) { // undo filter changes (binding didn't change) if (dwFilterOpts & 1) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if (dwFilterOpts & 2) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); } } // This is the most important function! It draws all collected info onscreen. void Flush(int context) { FUNCLOG VB& curvb = vb[context]; const pixTest curtest = curvb.test; #ifdef GLSL4_API g_cs.set_context(context); #endif if (FlushInitialTest(curvb, curtest, context)) return; VisualBufferMessage(context); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); CRenderTarget* ptextarg = FlushGetTarget(curvb); SwitchWireframeOff(); FlushDoContextJob(curvb, context); u32 dwUsingSpecialTesting = 0, dwFilterOpts = 0; int exactcolor = FlushGetExactcolor(curtest); FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment = FlushRendererStage(curvb, dwFilterOpts, ptextarg, exactcolor, context); bCanRenderStencil = AlphaCanRenderStencil(curvb); if (curtest.date || gs.pabe) SetDestAlphaTest(); AlphaSetStencil(); AlphaSetDepthTest(curvb, curtest, pfragment); // Error! SetAlphaTest(curtest); u32 oldabe = AlphaSetupBlendTest(curvb); // Unavoidable // needs to be before RenderAlphaTest AlphaRenderFBA(curvb, pfragment); dwUsingSpecialTesting = AlphaRenderAlpha(curvb, curtest, pfragment, exactcolor); // Unavoidable AlphaRenderStencil(curvb, dwUsingSpecialTesting); AlphaTest(curvb); // Unavoidable AlphaPabe(curvb, pfragment, exactcolor); AlphaFailureTestJob(curvb, curtest, pfragment, exactcolor, oldabe); AlphaSpecialTesting(curvb, pfragment, dwUsingSpecialTesting, exactcolor); AlphaDestinationTest(curvb, pfragment); AlphaSaveTarget(curvb); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); FlushUndoFiter(dwFilterOpts); ppf += curvb.nCount + 0x100000; curvb.nCount = 0; curvb.curprim.abe = oldabe; SwitchWireframeOn(); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } void FlushBoth() { Flush(0); Flush(1); } // Often called for several reasons // Call flush if renderer or depth target is equal to ptr void FlushIfNecesary(void* ptr) { if (vb[0].prndr == ptr || vb[0].pdepth == ptr) Flush(0); if (vb[1].prndr == ptr || vb[1].pdepth == ptr) Flush(1); } inline void RenderFBA(const VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment) { // add fba to all pixels GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_ALWAYS, STENCIL_FBA, 0xff); glStencilMask(STENCIL_CLEAR); glStencilOp(GL_ZERO, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(0); glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0); if (s_bWriteDepth) ResetRenderTarget(1); SetShaderCaller("RenderFBA"); glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, 1); float4 v(1,2,0,0); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); Draw(curvb); SetAlphaTest(curvb.test); // reset (not necessary) GL_COLORMASK(s_dwColorWrite); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { glDepthMask(1); assert(curvb.pdepth != NULL); if (s_bWriteDepth) curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); } GL_ZTEST(curvb.test.zte); } __forceinline void RenderAlphaTest(const VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment ) { if (!g_bUpdateStencil) return; if ((curvb.test.ate) && (curvb.test.afail == AFAIL_FB_ONLY)) glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glDepthMask(0); glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0); if (s_bWriteDepth) ResetRenderTarget(1); SetShaderCaller("RenderAlphaTest"); float4 v(1,2,0,0); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); // or a 1 to the stencil buffer wherever alpha passes glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); s_stencilfunc = GL_ALWAYS; glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); if (!s_bDestAlphaTest) { // clear everything s_stencilref = 0; glStencilMask(STENCIL_CLEAR); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); Draw(curvb); if (curvb.test.ate && curvb.test.afail != AFAIL_FB_ONLY && USEALPHATESTING) glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); } if (curvb.test.ate && curvb.test.atst > ATST_ALWAYS && curvb.test.aref > 0x80) { v = float4(1,1,0,0); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); glAlphaFunc(g_dwAlphaCmp[curvb.test.atst], AlphaReferedValue(curvb.test.aref)); } s_stencilref = STENCIL_SPECIAL; glStencilMask(STENCIL_SPECIAL); GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); Draw(curvb); if (curvb.test.zte) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL_ALPHATEST(0); GL_COLORMASK(s_dwColorWrite); if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { glDepthMask(1); // set rt next level if (s_bWriteDepth) curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); } } inline void RenderStencil(const VB& curvb, u32 dwUsingSpecialTesting) { //NOTE: This stencil hack for dest alpha testing ONLY works when // the geometry in one DrawPrimitive call does not overlap // mark the stencil buffer for the new data's bits (mark 4 if alpha is >= 0xff) // mark 4 if a pixel was written (so that the stencil buf can be changed with new values) glStencilMask(STENCIL_PIXELWRITE); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); s_stencilmask = (curvb.test.date ? STENCIL_ALPHABIT : 0) | (dwUsingSpecialTesting ? STENCIL_SPECIAL : 0); s_stencilfunc = s_stencilmask ? GL_EQUAL : GL_ALWAYS; s_stencilref = curvb.test.date * curvb.test.datm | STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | (dwUsingSpecialTesting ? STENCIL_SPECIAL : 0); GL_STENCILFUNC_SET(); } inline void ProcessStencil(const VB& curvb) { assert(!curvb.fba.fba); // set new alpha bit glStencilMask(STENCIL_ALPHABIT); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_EQUAL, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_FBA); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(0); glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0); if (s_bWriteDepth) ResetRenderTarget(1); GL_ALPHATEST(0); SetShaderCaller("ProcessStencil"); ZZshSetPixelShader(ppsOne.prog); Draw(curvb); // process when alpha >= 0xff GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_EQUAL, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_FBA | STENCIL_ALPHABIT, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_FBA); Draw(curvb); // clear STENCIL_PIXELWRITE bit glStencilMask(STENCIL_CLEAR); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_ALWAYS, 0, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_FBA); Draw(curvb); // restore state GL_COLORMASK(s_dwColorWrite); if (curvb.test.ate && USEALPHATESTING) glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { glDepthMask(1); if (s_bWriteDepth) { assert(curvb.pdepth != NULL); curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); } } GL_ZTEST(curvb.test.zte); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); } __forceinline void ProcessFBA(const VB& curvb, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment ) { if ((curvb.frame.fbm&0x80000000)) return; // add fba to all pixels that were written and alpha was less than 0xff glStencilMask(STENCIL_ALPHABIT); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_EQUAL, STENCIL_FBA | STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_ALPHABIT, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_FBA); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(0); glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 1); if (s_bWriteDepth) ResetRenderTarget(1); SetShaderCaller("ProcessFBA"); // processes the pixels with ALPHA < 0x80*2 glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(GL_LEQUAL, 1); // add 1 to dest GL_BLEND_ALPHA(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); GL_BLENDEQ_ALPHA(GL_FUNC_ADD); // FIXME: Seem dangerous // float f = 1; // ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, &f, "g_fOneColor"); float4 v = float4(1,1,0,0); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->sOneColor, v, "g_fOneColor"); ZZshSetPixelShader(ppsOne.prog); Draw(curvb); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); // reset bits glStencilMask(STENCIL_CLEAR); GL_STENCILFUNC(GL_GREATER, 0, STENCIL_PIXELWRITE | STENCIL_FBA); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ZERO); Draw(curvb); if ((curvb.test.atst != ATST_NEVER) && USEALPHATESTING) { glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(g_dwAlphaCmp[curvb.test.atst], AlphaReferedValue(curvb.test.aref)); } // restore (SetAlphaVariables) GL_BLEND_ALPHA(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); if (vAlphaBlendColor.y < 0) GL_BLENDEQ_ALPHA(GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT); // reset (not necessary) GL_COLORMASK(s_dwColorWrite); if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { glDepthMask(1); if (s_bWriteDepth) curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); } GL_ZTEST(curvb.test.zte); } void SetContextTarget(int context) { FUNCLOG VB& curvb = vb[context]; GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); if (curvb.prndr == NULL) curvb.prndr = s_RTs.GetTarg(curvb.frame, 0, get_maxheight(curvb.gsfb.fbp, curvb.gsfb.fbw, curvb.gsfb.psm)); // make sure targets are valid if (curvb.pdepth == NULL) { frameInfo f; f.fbp = curvb.zbuf.zbp; f.fbw = curvb.frame.fbw; f.fbh = curvb.prndr->fbh; f.psm = curvb.zbuf.psm; f.fbm = 0; curvb.pdepth = (CDepthTarget*)s_DepthRTs.GetTarg(f, CRenderTargetMngr::TO_DepthBuffer | CRenderTargetMngr::TO_StrictHeight | (curvb.zbuf.zmsk ? CRenderTargetMngr::TO_Virtual : 0), get_maxheight(curvb.zbuf.zbp, curvb.gsfb.fbw, 0)); } assert(curvb.prndr != NULL && curvb.pdepth != NULL); if (curvb.pdepth->fbh != curvb.prndr->fbh) ZZLog::Debug_Log("(curvb.pdepth->fbh(0x%x) != curvb.prndr->fbh(0x%x))", curvb.pdepth->fbh, curvb.prndr->fbh); //assert(curvb.pdepth->fbh == curvb.prndr->fbh); if (curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_Virtual) { if (!curvb.zbuf.zmsk) { #ifdef NDEBUG s_DepthRTs.Promote(curvb.pdepth->fbp | (curvb.pdepth->fbw << 16)); #else CRenderTarget* ptemp = s_DepthRTs.Promote(curvb.pdepth->fbp | (curvb.pdepth->fbw << 16)); assert(ptemp == curvb.pdepth); #endif } else { curvb.pdepth->status &= ~CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate; } } //bool bSetTarg = 1; if (curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate) { assert(!(curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_Virtual)); // don't update if virtual curvb.pdepth->Update(context, curvb.prndr); //bSetTarg = 0; } GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); if (curvb.prndr->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate) { /* if(bSetTarg) { * ZZLog::Debug_Log( " Here "); * if(s_bWriteDepth) { * curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); * curvb.pdepth->SetDepthStencilSurface(); * } * else * curvb.pdepth->SetDepthStencilSurface(); * }*/ curvb.prndr->Update(context, curvb.pdepth); } else { //if( (vb[0].prndr != vb[1].prndr && vb[!context].bVarsSetTarg) || !vb[context].bVarsSetTarg ) curvb.prndr->SetRenderTarget(0); //if( bSetTarg && ((vb[0].pdepth != vb[1].pdepth && vb[!context].bVarsSetTarg) || !vb[context].bVarsSetTarg) ) curvb.pdepth->SetDepthStencilSurface(); if (conf.mrtdepth && IsWriteDepth()) curvb.pdepth->SetRenderTarget(1); if (s_ptexCurSet[0] == curvb.prndr->ptex) s_ptexCurSet[0] = 0; if (s_ptexCurSet[1] == curvb.prndr->ptex) s_ptexCurSet[1] = 0; curvb.prndr->SetViewport(); } curvb.prndr->SetTarget(curvb.frame.fbp, curvb.scissor, context); if ((curvb.zbuf.zbp - curvb.pdepth->fbp) != (curvb.frame.fbp - curvb.prndr->fbp) && curvb.test.zte) ZZLog::Warn_Log("Frame and zbuf not aligned."); curvb.bVarsSetTarg = true; if (vb[!context].prndr != curvb.prndr) vb[!context].bVarsSetTarg = false; #ifdef _DEBUG // These conditions happen often enough that we'll just warn about it rather then abort in Debug mode. if (curvb.prndr->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate) { ZZLog::Debug_Log("In SetContextTarget, prndr is ending with TS_NeedUpdate set."); } if (curvb.pdepth != NULL && (curvb.pdepth->status & CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate)) { ZZLog::Debug_Log("In SetContextTarget, pdepth is ending with TS_NeedUpdate set."); } #endif GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } void SetTexInt(int context, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int settexint) { FUNCLOG if (settexint) { tex0Info& tex0 = vb[context].tex0; if (vb[context].bVarsTexSync) { SetTexVariablesInt(context, GetTexFilter(vb[context].tex1), tex0, true, pfragment, s_bForceTexFlush); } else { SetTexVariablesInt(context, GetTexFilter(vb[context].tex1), tex0, false, pfragment, s_bForceTexFlush); INC_TEXVARS(); } vb[context].bVarsTexSync = true; } else { vb[context].bVarsTexSync = false; } } // clamp relies on texture width void SetTexClamping(int context, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment) { FUNCLOG SetShaderCaller("SetTexClamping"); clampInfo* pclamp = &vb[context].clamp; float4 v, v2; v.x = v.y = 0; u32* ptex = vb[context].ptexClamp; ptex[0] = ptex[1] = 0; float fw = vb[context].tex0.tw ; float fh = vb[context].tex0.th ; switch (pclamp->wms) { case CLAMP_REPEAT: v2.x = -1e10; v2.z = 1e10; break; case CLAMP_CLAMP: // pclamp // suikoden5 movie text v2.x = 0; v2.z = 1 - 0.5f / fw; break; case CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP: // reg pclamp v2.x = (pclamp->minu + 0.5f) / fw; v2.z = (pclamp->maxu - 0.5f) / fw; break; case CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT: // region rep x v.x = 0.9999f; v.z = (float)fw; v2.x = (float)GPU_TEXMASKWIDTH / fw; v2.z = pclamp->maxu / fw; int correctMinu = pclamp->minu & (~pclamp->maxu); // (A && B) || C == (A && (B && !C)) + C if (correctMinu != g_PrevBitwiseTexX) { g_PrevBitwiseTexX = correctMinu; ptex[0] = s_BitwiseTextures.GetTex(correctMinu, 0); } break; } switch (pclamp->wmt) { case CLAMP_REPEAT: v2.y = -1e10; v2.w = 1e10; break; case CLAMP_CLAMP: // pclamp // suikoden5 movie text v2.y = 0; v2.w = 1 - 0.5f / fh; break; case CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP: // reg pclamp v2.y = (pclamp->minv + 0.5f) / fh; v2.w = (pclamp->maxv - 0.5f) / fh; break; case CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT: // region rep y v.y = 0.9999f; v.w = (float)fh; v2.y = (float)GPU_TEXMASKWIDTH / fh; v2.w = pclamp->maxv / fh; int correctMinv = pclamp->minv & (~pclamp->maxv); // (A && B) || C == (A && (B && !C)) + C if (correctMinv != g_PrevBitwiseTexY) { g_PrevBitwiseTexY = correctMinv; ptex[1] = s_BitwiseTextures.GetTex(correctMinv, ptex[0]); } break; } if (pfragment->fTexWrapMode != 0) ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexWrapMode, v, "g_fTexWrapMode"); if (pfragment->fClampExts != 0) ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fClampExts, v2, "g_fClampExts"); } int CheckTexArray[4][2][2][2] = {{{{0, }}}}; void SetTexVariables(int context, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment) { FUNCLOG if (!vb[context].curprim.tme) return; assert(!vb[context].bNeedTexCheck); float4 v, v2; tex0Info& tex0 = vb[context].tex0; //float fw = (float)tex0.tw; //float fh = (float)tex0.th; if (!vb[context].bTexConstsSync) { SetShaderCaller("SetTexVariables"); // alpha and texture highlighting float4 valpha, valpha2; // if clut, use the frame format int psm = PIXEL_STORAGE_FORMAT(tex0); // ZZLog::Error_Log( "A %d psm, is-clut %d. cpsm %d | %d %d", psm, PSMT_ISCLUT(psm), tex0.cpsm, tex0.tfx, tex0.tcc ); /* tcc -- Texture Color Component 0=RGB, 1=RGBA + use Alpha from TEXA reg when not in PSM * tfx -- Texture Function (0=modulate, 1=decal, 2=hilight, 3=hilight2) * * valpha2 = 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 * 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 * 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 * 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 * * 0 1,!nNeed 1, psm=2, 10 1, psm=1 * valpha = 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2ta0 2ta1-2ta0 0 0 2ta0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 ta0 ta1-ta0 0 0 ta0 0 0 0 * 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ta0 0 1 1 * 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ta0 0 1 0 */ valpha2.x = (tex0.tfx == TFX_DECAL); valpha2.y = (tex0.tcc == 1) && (tex0.tfx != TFX_MODULATE); valpha2.z = (tex0.tfx != TFX_DECAL) * 2; valpha2.w = (tex0.tfx == TFX_MODULATE); if (tex0.tcc && PSMT_ALPHAEXP(psm)) { valpha.x = (gs.texa.ta[0] / 255.0f) * (1 + (tex0.tfx == TFX_MODULATE)); if (psm == PSMCT24) { valpha.y = 0; } else { valpha.y = ((gs.texa.ta[1] - gs.texa.ta[0]) / 255.0f) * (1 + (tex0.tfx == TFX_MODULATE)); } } else { valpha.x = 0; valpha.y = (!!tex0.tcc) * (1 + (tex0.tfx == TFX_MODULATE)); } valpha.z = (tex0.tfx == TFX_HIGHLIGHT2); valpha.w = (tex0.tcc == 0) || (tex0.tcc == 1 && tex0.tfx == TFX_HIGHLIGHT); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexAlpha, valpha, "g_fTexAlpha"); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexAlpha2, valpha2, "g_fTexAlpha2"); if (IsAlphaTestExpansion(tex0)) { float4 vblack; vblack.x = vblack.y = vblack.z = vblack.w = 10; if (tex0.tcc && gs.texa.aem && psm == PSMCT24) vblack.w = 0; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTestBlack, vblack, "g_fTestBlack"); } SetTexClamping(context, pfragment); vb[context].bTexConstsSync = true; } if (s_bTexFlush) { if (PSMT_ISCLUT(tex0.psm)) texClutWrite(context); else s_bTexFlush = false; } } void SetTexVariablesInt(int context, int bilinear, const tex0Info& tex0, bool CheckVB, FRAGMENTSHADER* pfragment, int force) { FUNCLOG float4 v; CMemoryTarget* pmemtarg = g_MemTargs.GetMemoryTarget(tex0, 1); assert( pmemtarg != NULL && pfragment != NULL && pmemtarg->ptex != NULL); if (pmemtarg == NULL || pfragment == NULL || pmemtarg->ptex == NULL) { ZZLog::Error_Log("SetTexVariablesInt error."); return; } if (CheckVB && vb[context].pmemtarg == pmemtarg) return; SetShaderCaller("SetTexVariablesInt"); float fw = (float)tex0.tw; float fh = (float)tex0.th; bool bUseBilinear = bilinear > 1 || (bilinear && conf.bilinear); if (bUseBilinear) { v.x = (float)fw; v.y = (float)fh; v.z = 1.0f / (float)fw; v.w = 1.0f / (float)fh; ZZshSetParameter4fvWithRetry(&pfragment->fRealTexDims, pfragment->prog, v, "g_fRealTexDims"); } if (m_Blocks[tex0.psm].bpp == 0) { ZZLog::Error_Log("Undefined tex psm 0x%x!", tex0.psm); return; } const BLOCK& b = m_Blocks[tex0.psm]; float fbw = (float)tex0.tbw; float4 vTexDims; vTexDims.x = b.vTexDims.x * (fw); vTexDims.y = b.vTexDims.y * (fh); vTexDims.z = (float)BLOCK_TEXWIDTH * (0.002f / 64.0f + 0.01f / 128.0f); vTexDims.w = (float)BLOCK_TEXHEIGHT * 0.1f / 512.0f; if (bUseBilinear) { vTexDims.x *= 1 / 128.0f; vTexDims.y *= 1 / 512.0f; vTexDims.z *= 1 / 128.0f; vTexDims.w *= 1 / 512.0f; } float g_fitexwidth = g_fiGPU_TEXWIDTH / (float)pmemtarg->widthmult; //float g_texwidth = GPU_TEXWIDTH*(float)pmemtarg->widthmult; float fpage = tex0.tbp0 * (64.0f * g_fitexwidth);// + 0.05f * g_fitexwidth; float fpageint = floorf(fpage); //int starttbp = (int)fpage; // 2048 is number of words to span one page //float fblockstride = (2048.0f /(float)(g_texwidth*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH)) * b.vTexDims.x * fbw; float fblockstride = (2048.0f / (float)(GPU_TEXWIDTH * (float)pmemtarg->widthmult * BLOCK_TEXWIDTH)) * b.vTexDims.x * fbw; assert(fblockstride >= 1.0f); v.x = (float)(2048 * g_fitexwidth); v.y = fblockstride; v.z = g_fBlockMult / (float)pmemtarg->widthmult; v.w = fpage - fpageint ; if (g_fBlockMult > 1) { // make sure to divide by mult (since the G16R16 texture loses info) v.z *= b.bpp * (1 / 32.0f); } ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexDims, vTexDims, "g_fTexDims"); // ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->fTexBlock, b.vTexBlock, "g_fTexBlock"); // I change it, and it's working. Seems casting from float4 to float[4] is ok. ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexBlock, &b.vTexBlock.x, "g_fTexBlock"); ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fTexOffset, v, "g_fTexOffset"); // get hardware texture dims //int texheight = pmemtarg->texH; int texwidth = pmemtarg->texW; v.y = 1.0f; v.x = (fpageint - (float)pmemtarg->realy / (float)pmemtarg->widthmult + 0.5f);//*v.y; v.z = (float)texwidth; /* if( !(g_nPixelShaderVer & SHADER_ACCURATE) || bUseBilinear ) { if (tex0.psm == PSMT4 ) v.w = 0.0f; else v.w = 0.25f; } else v.w = 0.5f;*/ v.w = 0.5f; ZZshSetParameter4fv(pfragment->prog, pfragment->fPageOffset, v, "g_fPageOffset"); if (force) s_ptexCurSet[context] = pmemtarg->ptex->tex; else s_ptexNextSet[context] = pmemtarg->ptex->tex; vb[context].pmemtarg = pmemtarg; vb[context].bVarsTexSync = false; } #if 0 #define SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(sign) \ { \ switch(a.c) \ { \ case 0: \ vAlphaBlendColor.y = (sign) ? 2.0f*255.0f/256.0f : -2.0f*255.0f/256.0f; \ s_srcalpha = GL_ONE; \ s_alphaeq = (sign) ? GL_FUNC_ADD : GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT; \ break; \ \ case 1: \ /* if in 24 bit mode, dest alpha should be one */ \ switch(PSMT_BITMODE(vb[icurctx].prndr->psm)) \ { \ case 0: \ bDestAlphaColor = (a.d!=2)&&((a.a==a.d)||(a.b==a.d)); \ break; \ \ case 1: \ /* dest alpha should be one */ \ bDestAlphaColor = 2; \ break; \ /* default: 16bit surface, so returned alpha is ok */ \ } \ break; \ \ case 2: \ bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha = true; /* should disable alpha channel writing */ \ vAlphaBlendColor.y = 0; \ vAlphaBlendColor.w = (sign) ? (float)a.fix * (2.0f/255.0f) : (float)a.fix * (-2.0f/255.0f); \ usec = 0; /* change so that alpha comes from source*/ \ break; \ } \ } #if 0 if( a.fix <= 0x80 ) { \ dwTemp = (a.fix*2)>255?255:(a.fix*2); \ dwTemp = dwTemp|(dwTemp<<8)|(dwTemp<<16)|0x80000000; \ ZZLog::Debug_Log("bfactor: %8.8x", dwTemp); \ glBlendColorEXT(dwTemp); \ } \ else { \ #endif //void ResetAlphaVariables() { // FUNCLOG //} inline void NeedFactor(int w) { if (bDestAlphaColor == 2) { bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha = (w + 1) ? true : false; vAlphaBlendColor.y = 0; vAlphaBlendColor.w = (float)w; } } #endif template __forceinline int Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(const alphaInfo& a) { int usec = 0; switch(a.c) { case 0: usec = 0; /* Note: there are already default value when sign is 1. So only change them * when sign is 0 */ if (!SIGN) { vAlphaBlendColor.y = -2.0f*255.0f/256.0f; s_alphaeq = GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT; } break; case 1: usec = 1; /* if in 24 bit mode, dest alpha should be one */ if(PSMT_BITMODE(vb[icurctx].prndr->psm) == 1) { /* dest alpha should be one */ ZZLog::Debug_Log("Alpha on a 24 bits framebuffer, good place to check the value of blend"); // FIMXE: the array constains GL_SRC_ALPHA and GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA // It will love a test with GL_ONE and GL_ZERO usec = 4; // need a factor correction if (NEED_FACTOR) { bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha = (SIGN) ? true : false; vAlphaBlendColor.y = 0; vAlphaBlendColor.w = (SIGN) ? 1.0 : -1.0; } } break; case 2: usec = 0; /* change so that alpha comes from source*/ bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha = true; /* should disable alpha channel writing */ vAlphaBlendColor.y = 0; vAlphaBlendColor.w = (SIGN) ? (float)a.fix * (2.0f/255.0f) : (float)a.fix * (-2.0f/255.0f); break; default: assert(0); } return usec; } //static int CheckArray[48][2] = {{0,}}; void SetAlphaVariables(const alphaInfo& a) { FUNCLOG bool alphaenable = true; // TODO: negative color when not clamping turns to positive??? // g_vars._bAlphaState = 0; // set all to zero bNeedBlendFactorInAlpha = false; // b2XAlphaTest = 1; //u32 dwTemp = 0xffffffff; // bDestAlphaColor = 0; // default s_srcalpha = GL_ONE; s_dstalpha = GL_ZERO; s_alphaeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; // s_alphaInfo = a; vAlphaBlendColor = float4(1, 2 * 255.0f / 256.0f, 0, 0); // u32 usec = a.c; u32 usec; const bool POS_A = true; const bool NEG_A = false; const bool NEED_FACTOR = true; /* * Alpha table * a + b + d * S D * 0 a -a 1 | 0 0 0 * 1 0 0 0 | a -a 1 * 2 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 * * d = 0 Cs * a b 0 Cs 1 Cd 2 0 * | | * 0 000: a+-a+ 1 | 0+ 0+ 0 = 1 | 010: a+ 0+ 1 | 0+-a+ 0 = 1-(-a)(+)(-a) | 020: a+ 0+ 1 | 0+ 0+ 0 = 1-(-a) (+) 0 * 1 100: 0+-a+ 1 | a+ 0+ 0 = 1-a (+) a | 110: 0+ 0+ 1 | a+-a+ 0 = 1 | 120: 0+ 0+ 1 | a+ 0+ 0 = 1 (+) a * 2 200: 0+-a+ 1 | 0+ 0+ 0 = 1-a (+) 0 | 210: 0+ 0+ 1 | 0+-a+ 0 = 1 (-) a | 220: 0+ 0+ 1 | 0+ 0+ 0 = 1 * * d = 1 Cd * 0 | 1 | 2 * 0 001: a+-a+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 1 = 0 (+) 1 | 011: a+ 0+ 0 | 0+-a+ 1 = a (+) 1-a | 021: a+ 0+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 1 = a (+) 1 * 1 101: 0+-a+ 0 | a+ 0+ 1 = (-a)(+) 1-(-a) | 111: 0+ 0+ 0 | a+-a+ 1 = 0 (+) 1 | 121: 0+ 0+ 0 | a+ 0+ 1 = 0 (+) 1-(-a) * 2 201: 0+-a+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 1 = a (R-)1 | 211: 0+ 0+ 0 | 0+-a+ 1 = 0 (+) 1-a | 221: 0+ 0+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 1 = 0 (+) 1 * * d = 2 0 * 0 | 1 | 2 * 0 002: a+-a+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 0 = 0 | 012: a+ 0+ 0 | 0+-a+ 0 = a (-) a | 022: a+ 0+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 0 = a (+) 0 * 1 102: 0+-a+ 0 | a+ 0+ 0 = a (R-) a | 112: 0+ 0+ 0 | a+-a+ 0 = 0 | 122: 0+ 0+ 0 | a+ 0+ 0 = 0 (+) a * 2 202: 0+-a+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 0 = a (R-) 0 | 212: 0+ 0+ 0 | 0+-a+ 0 = 0 (-) a | 222: 0+ 0+ 0 | 0+ 0+ 0 = 0 * * Formulae is: (a-b) * (c /128) + d * 0 1 2 * a Cs Cd 0 * b Cs Cd 0 * c As Ad ALPHA.FIX * d Cs Cd 0 * * We want to emulate Cs * F1(alpha) + Cd * F2(alpha) by OpenGl blending: (Cs * Ss (+,-,R-) Cd * Sd) * SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(sign) set Set A (as As>>7, Ad>>7 or FIX>>7) with sign. * So we could use 1+a as one_minus_alpha and -a as alpha. * */ int code = (a.a * 16) + (a.b * 4) + a.d ; // #define one_minus_alpha (bDestAlphaColor == 2) ? GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : blendinvalpha[usec] // #define alpha (bDestAlphaColor == 2) ? GL_SRC_ALPHA : blendalpha[usec] // #define one (bDestAlphaColor == 2) ? GL_ONE : blendalpha[usec] // #define zero (bDestAlphaColor == 2) ? GL_ZERO : blendinvalpha[usec] #define one_minus_alpha blendinvalpha[usec] #define alpha blendalpha[usec] switch (code) { case 0: // 000 // Cs -- nothing changed case 20: // 110 = 16+4=20 // Cs case 40: // 220 = 32+8=40 // Cs { alphaenable = false; break; } case 2: //002 // 0 -- should be zero case 22: //112 // 0 case 42: //222 = 32+8+2 =42 // 0 { s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; s_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; break; } case 1: //001 // Cd -- Should be destination alpha case 21: //111, // Cd -- 0*Source + 1*Desrinarion case 41: //221 = 32+8+1=41 // Cd -- { s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; s_dstrgb = GL_ONE; break; } case 4: // 010 // (Cs-Cd)*A+Cs = Cs * (A + 1) - Cd * A { // bAlphaClamping = 3; // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(0); // a = -A usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; // Cs*(1-a)+Cd*a s_srcrgb = one_minus_alpha ; s_dstrgb = alpha; // NeedFactor(-1); break; } case 5: // 011 // (Cs-Cd)*A+Cs = Cs * A + Cd * (1-A) { // bAlphaClamping = 3; // all testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = alpha; s_dstrgb = one_minus_alpha; // NeedFactor(1); break; } case 6: //012 // (Cs-Cd)*A = Cs*A - Cd*A { // bAlphaClamping = 3; // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT; s_srcrgb = alpha; s_dstrgb = alpha; break; } case 8: //020 // Cs*A+Cs = Cs * (1+A) { // bAlphaClamping = 2; // max testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(0); // Zeydlitz change this! a = -A usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = one_minus_alpha; // Cs*(1-a). s_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; // NeedFactor(1); break; } case 9: //021 // Cs*A+Cd { // bAlphaClamping = 2; // max testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = alpha; // ZZ change it too. s_dstrgb = GL_ONE; break; } case 10: //022 // Cs*A { // bAlphaClamping = 2; // max testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = alpha; s_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; break; } case 16: //100 // (Cd-Cs)*A + Cs = Cd*A + Cs*(1-A) { // bAlphaClamping = 3; // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = one_minus_alpha; s_dstrgb = alpha; // NeedFactor(1); break; } case 17: //101 // (Cd-Cs)*A + Cd = Cd*(A+1) - A*Cs { // bAlphaClamping = 3; // all testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(0); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = alpha; s_dstrgb = one_minus_alpha; // NeedFactor(-1); break; } case 18: //102 // (Cd-Cs)*A = Cd*A - Cs*A { // bAlphaClamping = 3; // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT; s_srcrgb = alpha; s_dstrgb = alpha; break; } case 24: //120 = 16+8 // Cd*A + Cs { // bAlphaClamping = 2; // max testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ONE; s_dstrgb = alpha; break; } case 25: //121 // Cd*(1+A) { // bAlphaClamping = 2; // max testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(0); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; s_dstrgb = one_minus_alpha; // NeedFactor(-1); break; } case 26: //122 // Cd*A { // bAlphaClamping = 2; // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; s_dstrgb = alpha; break; } case 32: // 200 = 32 // -Cs*A + Cs = Cs*(1-A) { // bAlphaClamping = 1; // min testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = one_minus_alpha; s_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; break; } case 33: //201 // -Cs*A + Cd { // bAlphaClamping = 1; // min testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT; s_srcrgb = alpha; s_dstrgb = GL_ONE; break; } case 34: //202 // -Cs*A case 38: //212 // -Cd*A { // bAlphaClamping = 1; // min testing -- negative values s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; s_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; break; } case 36: //210 // -Cd*A + Cs { // bAlphaClamping = 1; // min testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT; s_srcrgb = GL_ONE; s_dstrgb = alpha; break; } case 37: //211 // -Cd*A+Cd = Cd * (1-A) { // bAlphaClamping = 1; // min testing // SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); usec = Set_Alpha_Color_Factor(a); s_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; s_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; s_dstrgb = one_minus_alpha; break; } default: { ZZLog::Error_Log("Bad alpha code %d | %d %d %d", code, a.a, a.b, a.d); } } /* int t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; int t_srcrgb = GL_ONE; int t_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; int tAlphaClamping = 0; if( a.a == a.b ) { // just d remains if( a.d == 0 ) {} else { t_dstrgb = a.d == 1 ? GL_ONE : GL_ZERO; t_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; //a) (001) (111) (221) b) (002) (112) (222) } goto EndSetAlpha; } else if( a.d == 2 ) { // zero if( a.a == 2 ) { // zero all color t_srcrgb = GL_ZERO; t_dstrgb = GL_ZERO; goto EndSetAlpha; // (202) (212) } else if( a.b == 2 ) { //b2XAlphaTest = 1; // a) (022) // b) (122) SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); if( bDestAlphaColor == 2 ) { t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; t_srcrgb = a.a == 0 ? GL_ONE : GL_ZERO; t_dstrgb = a.a == 0 ? GL_ZERO : GL_ONE; } else { tAlphaClamping = 2; t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; t_srcrgb = a.a == 0 ? blendalpha[usec] : GL_ZERO; t_dstrgb = a.a == 0 ? GL_ZERO : blendalpha[usec]; } goto EndSetAlpha; } // nothing is zero, so must do some real blending //b2XAlphaTest = 1; //a) (012) //b) (102) tAlphaClamping = 3; SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); t_rgbeq = a.a == 0 ? GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT : GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT; t_srcrgb = bDestAlphaColor == 2 ? GL_ONE : blendalpha[usec]; t_dstrgb = bDestAlphaColor == 2 ? GL_ONE : blendalpha[usec]; } else if( a.a == 2 ) { // zero //b2XAlphaTest = 1; tAlphaClamping = 1; // min testing SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(1); if( a.b == a.d ) { // can get away with 1-A // a.a == a.d == 2!! (200) (211) t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; t_srcrgb = (a.b == 0 && bDestAlphaColor != 2) ? blendinvalpha[usec] : GL_ZERO; t_dstrgb = (a.b == 0 || bDestAlphaColor == 2) ? GL_ZERO : blendinvalpha[usec]; } else { // a) (201) b)(210) t_rgbeq = a.b==0 ? GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT : GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT; t_srcrgb = (a.b == 0 && bDestAlphaColor != 2) ? blendalpha[usec] : GL_ONE; t_dstrgb = (a.b == 0 || bDestAlphaColor == 2 ) ? GL_ONE : blendalpha[usec]; } } else if( a.b == 2 ) { tAlphaClamping = 2; // max testing SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(a.a!=a.d); if( a.a == a.d ) { // can get away with 1+A, but need to set alpha to negative // a)(020) // b)(121) t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; if( bDestAlphaColor == 2 ) { t_srcrgb = (a.a == 0) ? GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : GL_ZERO; t_dstrgb = (a.a == 0) ? GL_ZERO : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } else { t_srcrgb = a.a == 0 ? blendinvalpha[usec] : GL_ZERO; t_dstrgb = a.a == 0 ? GL_ZERO : blendinvalpha[usec]; } } else { //a)(021) //b)(120) //b2XAlphaTest = 1; t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; t_srcrgb = (a.a == 0 && bDestAlphaColor != 2) ? blendalpha[usec] : GL_ONE; t_dstrgb = (a.a == 0 || bDestAlphaColor == 2) ? GL_ONE : blendalpha[usec]; } } else { // all 3 components are valid! tAlphaClamping = 3; // all testing SET_ALPHA_COLOR_FACTOR(a.a!=a.d); if( a.a == a.d ) { // can get away with 1+A, but need to set alpha to negative // a) 010, // b) 101 t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; if( bDestAlphaColor == 2 ) { // all ones t_srcrgb = a.a == 0 ? GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : GL_SRC_ALPHA; t_dstrgb = a.a == 0 ? GL_SRC_ALPHA : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } else { t_srcrgb = a.a == 0 ? blendinvalpha[usec] : blendalpha[usec]; t_dstrgb = a.a == 0 ? blendalpha[usec] : blendinvalpha[usec]; } } else { t_rgbeq = GL_FUNC_ADD; // a) 011 // b) 100 // if( bDestAlphaColor == 2 ) { // all ones t_srcrgb = a.a != 0 ? GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : GL_SRC_ALPHA; t_dstrgb = a.a != 0 ? GL_SRC_ALPHA : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } else { //b2XAlphaTest = 1; t_srcrgb = a.a != 0 ? blendinvalpha[usec] : blendalpha[usec]; t_dstrgb = a.a != 0 ? blendalpha[usec] : blendinvalpha[usec]; } } } EndSetAlpha: if ( alphaenable && (t_rgbeq != s_rgbeq || s_srcrgb != t_srcrgb || t_dstrgb != s_dstrgb || tAlphaClamping != bAlphaClamping)) { if (CheckArray[code][(bDestAlphaColor==2)] != -1) { ZZLog::Debug_Log( "A code %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x %d", code, alpha, one_minus_alpha, one, zero, bDestAlphaColor ); ZZLog::Debug_Log( " Difference %d %d %d %d | 0x%x 0x%x | 0x%x 0x%x | 0x%x 0x%x | %d %d", code, a.a, a.b, a.d, t_rgbeq, s_rgbeq, t_srcrgb, s_srcrgb, t_dstrgb, s_dstrgb, tAlphaClamping, bAlphaClamping); CheckArray[code][(bDestAlphaColor==2)] = -1; } } else if (CheckArray[code][(bDestAlphaColor==2)] == 0){ ZZLog::Debug_Log( "Add good code %d %d, psm %d destA %d", code, a.c, vb[icurctx].prndr->psm, bDestAlphaColor); CheckArray[code][(bDestAlphaColor==2)] = 1; }*/ if (alphaenable) { zgsBlendFuncSeparateEXT(s_srcrgb, s_dstrgb, s_srcalpha, s_dstalpha); zgsBlendEquationSeparateEXT(s_rgbeq, s_alphaeq); glEnable(GL_BLEND); // always set } else { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } INC_ALPHAVARS(); } void SetWriteDepth() { FUNCLOG if (conf.mrtdepth) { s_bWriteDepth = true; s_nWriteDepthCount = 4; } } bool IsWriteDepth() { FUNCLOG return s_bWriteDepth; } bool IsWriteDestAlphaTest() { FUNCLOG return s_bDestAlphaTest; } void SetDestAlphaTest() { FUNCLOG s_bDestAlphaTest = true; s_nWriteDestAlphaTest = 4; } void SetTexFlush() { FUNCLOG s_bTexFlush = true; // if( PSMT_ISCLUT(vb[0].tex0.psm) ) // texClutWrite(0); // if( PSMT_ISCLUT(vb[1].tex0.psm) ) // texClutWrite(1); if (!s_bForceTexFlush) { if (s_ptexCurSet[0] != s_ptexNextSet[0]) s_ptexCurSet[0] = s_ptexNextSet[0]; if (s_ptexCurSet[1] != s_ptexNextSet[1]) s_ptexCurSet[1] = s_ptexNextSet[1]; } }