/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright (c)2009 zeydlitz@gmail.com * Based on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2006 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef GLSL4_API // This code is only for GLSL API // ZZogl Shader manipulation functions. /* * used cg calls: * cgGLIsProfileSupported -- don't needed * cgGetErrorString -- later * cgGetLastListing -- later * cgSetErrorHandler -- later * cgCreateContext -- think that don't need * cgGLEnableProfile -- don't need * cgGLSetOptimalOptions -- don't need? * cgGLSetManageTextureParameters -- what's this? * cgCreateParameter -- don't need * cgGLLoadProgram void LinkProgram(uint program) * cgGetError -- later * cgGLDisableProfile -- don't need * cgGLSetParameter4fv * cgGetNamedParameter * cgGLEnableTextureParameter * cgIsParameterUsed * cgGLBindProgram void UseProgram(uint program) * cgConnectParameter * cgIsProgram bool IsProgram(uint program) * cgCreateProgramFromFile */ //------------------- Includes #include "Util.h" #include "ZZoglShaders.h" #include "zpipe.h" #include #include #include // this for open(). Maybe linux-specific #include // and this for mmap // ----------------- Defines #define TEXWRAP_REPEAT 0 #define TEXWRAP_CLAMP 1 #define TEXWRAP_REGION_REPEAT 2 #define TEXWRAP_REPEAT_CLAMP 3 #ifdef DEVBUILD # define UNIFORM_ERROR_LOG ZZLog::Error_Log #else # define UNIFORM_ERROR_LOG #endif // Set it to 0 to diable context usage, 1 -- to enable. FFX-1 have a strange issue with ClampExt. #define NOCONTEXT 0 #define NUMBER_OF_SAMPLERS 11 #define MAX_SHADER_NAME_SIZE 25 #define DEFINE_STRING_SIZE 256 // #define ENABLE_MARKER // Fire some marker for opengl Debugger (apitrace, gdebugger) //------------------ Constants // Used in a logarithmic Z-test, as (1-o(1))/log(MAX_U32). const float g_filog32 = 0.999f / (32.0f * logf(2.0f)); const static char* g_pTexTypes[] = { "32", "tex32", "clut32", "tex32to16", "tex16to8h" }; const static char* g_pShaders[4] = { "full", "reduced", "accurate", "accurate-reduced" }; const static char* g_pPsTexWrap[] = { "#define REPEAT 1\n", "#define CLAMP 1\n", "#define REGION_REPEAT 1\n", "\n" }; const int GLSL_VERSION = 330; // ----------------- Global Variables ZZshContext g_cgcontext; ZZshProfile cgvProf, cgfProf; int g_nPixelShaderVer = 0; // default u8* s_lpShaderResources = NULL; ZZshShaderLink pvs[16] = {sZero}, g_vsprog = sZero, g_psprog = sZero; // 2 -- ZZ ZZshParameter g_vparamPosXY[2] = {pZero}, g_fparamFogColor = pZero; char* ZZshSource; // Shader's source data. off_t ZZshSourceSize; bool g_bCRTCBilinear = true; float4 g_vdepth, vlogz; FRAGMENTSHADER ppsBitBlt[2], ppsBitBltDepth, ppsOne; FRAGMENTSHADER ppsBaseTexture, ppsConvert16to32, ppsConvert32to16; FRAGMENTSHADER ppsRegular[4], ppsTexture[NUM_SHADERS]; FRAGMENTSHADER ppsCRTC[2], /*ppsCRTC24[2],*/ ppsCRTCTarg[2]; VERTEXSHADER pvsStore[16]; VERTEXSHADER pvsBitBlt; inline bool LoadEffects(); extern bool s_bWriteDepth; // Debug variable, store name of the function that call the shader. const char* ShaderCallerName = ""; const char* ShaderHandleName = ""; ZZshProgram CompiledPrograms[MAX_ACTIVE_SHADERS][MAX_ACTIVE_SHADERS] = {{0}}; // new for GLSL4 GSUniformBufferOGL *constant_buffer; GSUniformBufferOGL *common_buffer; GSUniformBufferOGL *vertex_buffer; GSUniformBufferOGL *fragment_buffer; GSVertexBufferStateOGL *vertex_array; COMMONSHADER g_cs; static GLuint s_pipeline = 0; //FRAGMENTSHADER ppsDebug; //FRAGMENTSHADER ppsDebug2; //------------------ Code inline int GET_SHADER_INDEX(int type, int texfilter, int texwrap, int fog, int writedepth, int testaem, int exactcolor, int context, int ps) { return type + texfilter*NUM_TYPES + NUM_FILTERS*NUM_TYPES*texwrap + NUM_TEXWRAPS*NUM_FILTERS*NUM_TYPES*(fog+2*writedepth+4*testaem+8*exactcolor+16*context+32*ps) ; } // Nothing need to be done. bool ZZshCheckProfilesSupport() { return true; } // Error handler. Setup in ZZogl_Create once. void HandleCgError(ZZshContext ctx, ZZshError err, void* appdata) {/* ZZLog::Error_Log("%s->%s: %s", ShaderCallerName, ShaderHandleName, cgGetErrorString(err)); const char* listing = cgGetLastListing(g_cgcontext); if (listing != NULL) ZZLog::Debug_Log(" last listing: %s", listing); */ } bool ZZshStartUsingShaders() { ZZLog::Error_Log("Creating effects."); B_G(LoadEffects(), return false); if (!glCreateShader) { ZZLog::Error_Log("GLSL shaders is not supported, stop."); return false; } init_shader(); // create a sample shader clampInfo temp; memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); temp.wms = 3; temp.wmt = 3; g_nPixelShaderVer = 0;//SHADER_ACCURATE; // test bool bFailed; FRAGMENTSHADER* pfrag = ZZshLoadShadeEffect(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, temp, 0, &bFailed); if( bFailed || pfrag == NULL ) { return false; ZZLog::Error_Log("Shader test failed."); } ZZLog::Error_Log("Creating extra effects."); B_G(ZZshLoadExtraEffects(), return false); ZZLog::Error_Log("Using %s shaders.", g_pShaders[g_nPixelShaderVer]); return true; } // open shader file according to build target bool ZZshCreateOpenShadersFile() { std::string ShaderFileName("plugins/ps2hw_gl4.glsl"); int ShaderFD = open(ShaderFileName.c_str(), O_RDONLY); struct stat sb; if ((ShaderFD == -1) || (fstat(ShaderFD, &sb) == -1)) { // Each linux distributions have his rules for path so we give them the possibility to // change it with compilation flags. -- Gregory #ifdef GLSL_SHADER_DIR_COMPILATION #define xGLSL_SHADER_DIR_str(s) GLSL_SHADER_DIR_str(s) #define GLSL_SHADER_DIR_str(s) #s ShaderFileName = string(xGLSL_SHADER_DIR_str(GLSL_SHADER_DIR_COMPILATION)) + "/ps2hw_gl4.glsl"; ShaderFD = open(ShaderFileName.c_str(), O_RDONLY); #endif if ((ShaderFD == -1) || (fstat(ShaderFD, &sb) == -1)) { ZZLog::Error_Log("No source for %s: \n", ShaderFileName.c_str()); return false; } } ZZshSourceSize = sb.st_size; ZZshSource = (char*)mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, ShaderFD, 0); // This function directly maped file into memory. ZZshSource[ ZZshSourceSize - 1] = 0; // Made source null-terminated. close(ShaderFD); return true; } void ZZshExitCleaning() { munmap(ZZshSource, ZZshSourceSize); delete constant_buffer; delete common_buffer; delete vertex_buffer; delete fragment_buffer; glDeleteProgramPipelines(1, &s_pipeline); } // Disable CG void ZZshGLDisableProfile() { // This stop all other shader programs from running; glBindProgramPipeline(0); } //Enable CG void ZZshGLEnableProfile() { glBindProgramPipeline(s_pipeline); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The same function for texture, also to cgGLEnable void ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(ZZshParameter param, GLuint texobj, const char* name) { #ifdef ENABLE_MARKER char* debug = new char[100]; sprintf(debug, "CS: texture %d, param %d", texobj, param); if (GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker) glStringMarkerGREMEDY(0, debug); #endif g_cs.set_texture(param, texobj); } void ZZshGLSetTextureParameter(ZZshShaderLink prog, ZZshParameter param, GLuint texobj, const char* name) { FRAGMENTSHADER* shader = (FRAGMENTSHADER*)prog.link; #ifdef ENABLE_MARKER char* debug = new char[100]; sprintf(debug, "FS(%d):texture %d, param %d", shader->program, texobj, param); if (GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker) glStringMarkerGREMEDY(0, debug); #endif shader->set_texture(param, texobj); } // This is helper of cgGLSetParameter4fv, made for debug purpose. // Name could be any string. We must use it on compilation time, because erroneus handler does not // return name void ZZshSetParameter4fv(ZZshShaderLink& prog, ZZshParameter param, const float* v, const char* name) { if (prog.isFragment) { FRAGMENTSHADER* shader = (FRAGMENTSHADER*)prog.link; shader->ZZshSetParameter4fv(param, v); } else { VERTEXSHADER* shader = (VERTEXSHADER*)prog.link; shader->ZZshSetParameter4fv(param, v); } #ifdef ENABLE_MARKER char* debug = new char[100]; sprintf(debug, "prog: uniform (%s) (%f)", name, *v); if (GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker) glStringMarkerGREMEDY(0, debug); #endif } void ZZshSetParameter4fv(ZZshParameter param, const float* v, const char* name) { g_cs.ZZshSetParameter4fv(param, v); #ifdef ENABLE_MARKER char* debug = new char[100]; sprintf(debug, "CS: uniform (%s) (%f)", name, *v); if (GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker) glStringMarkerGREMEDY(0, debug); #endif } // The same stuff, but also with retry of param, name should be USED name of param for prog. void ZZshSetParameter4fvWithRetry(ZZshParameter* param, ZZshShaderLink& prog, const float* v, const char* name) { if (prog.isFragment) { FRAGMENTSHADER* shader = (FRAGMENTSHADER*)prog.link; shader->ZZshSetParameter4fv(*param, v); } else { VERTEXSHADER* shader = (VERTEXSHADER*)prog.link; shader->ZZshSetParameter4fv(*param, v); } } // Used sometimes for color 1. void ZZshDefaultOneColor( FRAGMENTSHADER& ptr ) { ShaderHandleName = "Set Default One colot"; float4 v = float4 ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); ptr.ZZshSetParameter4fv(ptr.sOneColor, v); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ValidateProgram(ZZshProgram Prog) { GLint isValid; glValidateProgram(Prog); glGetProgramiv(Prog, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &isValid); if (!isValid) { int lenght, infologlength; glGetProgramiv(Prog, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologlength); char* InfoLog = new char[infologlength]; glGetProgramInfoLog(Prog, infologlength, &lenght, InfoLog); ZZLog::Error_Log("Validation %d... %d:\t %s", Prog, infologlength, InfoLog); } return (isValid != 0); } inline bool CompileShaderFromFile(ZZshProgram& program, const std::string& DefineString, std::string main_entry, GLenum ShaderType) { std::string header(""); header += format("#version %d\n", GLSL_VERSION); header += format("#define %s main\n", main_entry.c_str()); if (ShaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) header += "#define VERTEX_SHADER 1\n"; else if (ShaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) header += "#define FRAGMENT_SHADER 1\n"; header += DefineString; const GLchar* ShaderSource[2]; ShaderSource[0] = header.c_str(); ShaderSource[1] = (const GLchar*)ZZshSource; program = glCreateShaderProgramv(ShaderType, 2, &ShaderSource[0]); ZZLog::Debug_Log("Creating program %d for %s", program, main_entry.c_str()); #if defined(DEVBUILD) || defined(_DEBUG) if (!ValidateProgram(program)) return false; #endif return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ZZshSetupShader() { VERTEXSHADER* vs = (VERTEXSHADER*)g_vsprog.link; FRAGMENTSHADER* ps = (FRAGMENTSHADER*)g_psprog.link; if (vs == NULL || ps == NULL) return; // From the glValidateProgram docs: "The implementation may use this as an opportunity to perform any internal // shader modifications that may be required to ensure correct operation of the installed // shaders given the current GL state" // It might be a good idea to validate the pipeline also in release mode??? #if defined(DEVBUILD) || defined(_DEBUG) glValidateProgramPipeline(s_pipeline); GLint isValid; glGetProgramPipelineiv(s_pipeline, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &isValid); if (!isValid) ZZLog::Error_Log("Something weird happened on pipeline validation."); #endif PutParametersInProgram(vs, ps); GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } void ZZshSetVertexShader(ZZshShaderLink prog) { g_vsprog = prog; VERTEXSHADER* vs = (VERTEXSHADER*)g_vsprog.link; if (!vs) return; glUseProgramStages(s_pipeline, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT, vs->program); } void ZZshSetPixelShader(ZZshShaderLink prog) { g_psprog = prog; FRAGMENTSHADER* ps = (FRAGMENTSHADER*)g_psprog.link; if (!ps) return; glUseProgramStages(s_pipeline, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, ps->program); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void init_shader() { // TODO: // Note it would be more clever to allocate buffer inside SHADER class // Add a dirty flags to avoid to upload twice same data... // You need to attach() properly the uniform buffer; // Note: don't put GSUniformBuffer creation inside constructor of static object (context won't // be set to call gl command) // Warning put same order than GLSL constant_buffer = new GSUniformBufferOGL(0, sizeof(ConstantUniform)); common_buffer = new GSUniformBufferOGL(1, sizeof(GlobalUniform)); vertex_buffer = new GSUniformBufferOGL(2, sizeof(VertexUniform)); fragment_buffer = new GSUniformBufferOGL(3, sizeof(FragmentUniform)); constant_buffer->bind(); constant_buffer->upload((void*)&g_cs.uniform_buffer_constant); g_cs.set_texture(g_cs.sBlocks, ptexBlocks); g_cs.set_texture(g_cs.sConv16to32, ptexConv16to32); g_cs.set_texture(g_cs.sConv32to16, ptexConv32to16); g_cs.set_texture(g_cs.sBilinearBlocks, ptexBilinearBlocks); glGenProgramPipelines(1, &s_pipeline); glBindProgramPipeline(s_pipeline); } void PutParametersInProgram(VERTEXSHADER* vs, FRAGMENTSHADER* ps) { common_buffer->bind(); common_buffer->upload((void*)&g_cs.uniform_buffer[g_cs.context]); vertex_buffer->bind(); vertex_buffer->upload((void*)&vs->uniform_buffer[vs->context]); fragment_buffer->bind(); fragment_buffer->upload((void*)&ps->uniform_buffer[ps->context]); #ifdef ENABLE_MARKER char* debug = new char[100]; sprintf(debug, "FS(%d): enable texture", ps->program); if (GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker) glStringMarkerGREMEDY(0, debug); #endif g_cs.enable_texture(); ps->enable_texture(); } std::string BuildGlslMacro(bool writedepth, int texwrap = 3, bool testaem = false, bool exactcolor = false) { std::string header(""); if (writedepth) header += "#define WRITE_DEPTH 1\n"; if (testaem) header += "#define TEST_AEM 1\n"; if (exactcolor) header += "#define EXACT_COLOR 1\n"; header += format("%s", g_pPsTexWrap[texwrap]); //const char* AddAccurate = (ps & SHADER_ACCURATE)?"#define ACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION 1\n":""; return header; } static __forceinline bool LOAD_VS(const std::string& DefineString, const char* name, VERTEXSHADER& vertex, ZZshProfile context) { bool flag = CompileShaderFromFile(vertex.program, DefineString, name, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); vertex.context = context * NOCONTEXT; return flag; } static __forceinline bool LOAD_PS(const std::string& DefineString, const char* name, FRAGMENTSHADER& fragment, ZZshProfile context) { bool flag = CompileShaderFromFile(fragment.program, DefineString, name, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); fragment.context = context * NOCONTEXT; return flag; } inline bool LoadEffects() { // clear the textures for(u32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(ppsTexture); ++i) ppsTexture[i].release_prog(); return true; } bool ZZshLoadExtraEffects() { bool bLoadSuccess = true; std::string depth_macro = BuildGlslMacro(true); std::string empty_macro = BuildGlslMacro(false); const char* pvsshaders[4] = { "RegularVS", "TextureVS", "RegularFogVS", "TextureFogVS" }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!LOAD_VS(empty_macro, pvsshaders[i], pvsStore[2 * i], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_VS(empty_macro, pvsshaders[i], pvsStore[2 *i + 1 ], 1)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_VS(depth_macro, pvsshaders[i], pvsStore[2 *i + 8 ], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_VS(depth_macro, pvsshaders[i], pvsStore[2 *i + 8 + 1], 1)) bLoadSuccess = false; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) pvs[i] = pvsStore[i].prog; if (!LOAD_VS(empty_macro, "BitBltVS", pvsBitBlt, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "RegularPS", ppsRegular[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "RegularFogPS", ppsRegular[1], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if( conf.mrtdepth ) { if (!LOAD_PS(depth_macro, "RegularPS", ppsRegular[2], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!bLoadSuccess) conf.mrtdepth = 0; if (!LOAD_PS(depth_macro, "RegularFogPS", ppsRegular[3], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!bLoadSuccess) conf.mrtdepth = 0; } if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "BitBltPS", ppsBitBlt[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "BitBltAAPS", ppsBitBlt[1], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!bLoadSuccess) { ZZLog::Error_Log("Failed to load BitBltAAPS, using BitBltPS."); if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "BitBltPS", ppsBitBlt[1], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; } if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "BitBltDepthPS", ppsBitBltDepth, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTCTargPS", ppsCRTCTarg[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTCTargInterPS", ppsCRTCTarg[1], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; g_bCRTCBilinear = true; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTCPS", ppsCRTC[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if( !bLoadSuccess ) { // switch to simpler g_bCRTCBilinear = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTCPS_Nearest", ppsCRTC[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTCInterPS_Nearest", ppsCRTC[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; } else { if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTCInterPS", ppsCRTC[1], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; } if( !bLoadSuccess ) ZZLog::Error_Log("Failed to create CRTC shaders."); // if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTC24PS", ppsCRTC24[0], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; // if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "CRTC24InterPS", ppsCRTC24[1], 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "ZeroPS", ppsOne, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "BaseTexturePS", ppsBaseTexture, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "Convert16to32PS", ppsConvert16to32, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "Convert32to16PS", ppsConvert32to16, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; // DEBUG // if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "ZeroDebugPS", ppsDebug, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; // if (!LOAD_PS(empty_macro, "ZeroDebug2PS", ppsDebug2, 0)) bLoadSuccess = false; GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); return true; } FRAGMENTSHADER* ZZshLoadShadeEffect(int type, int texfilter, int fog, int testaem, int exactcolor, const clampInfo& clamp, int context, bool* pbFailed) { int texwrap; assert( texfilter < NUM_FILTERS ); if( clamp.wms == clamp.wmt ) { switch( clamp.wms ) { case 0: texwrap = TEXWRAP_REPEAT; break; case 1: texwrap = TEXWRAP_CLAMP; break; case 2: texwrap = TEXWRAP_CLAMP; break; default: texwrap = TEXWRAP_REGION_REPEAT; break; } } else if( clamp.wms==3||clamp.wmt==3) texwrap = TEXWRAP_REGION_REPEAT; else texwrap = TEXWRAP_REPEAT_CLAMP; int index = GET_SHADER_INDEX(type, texfilter, texwrap, fog, s_bWriteDepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, 0); if( pbFailed != NULL ) *pbFailed = false; FRAGMENTSHADER* pf = ppsTexture+index; if (ZZshExistProgram(pf)) { return pf; } std::string macro = BuildGlslMacro(s_bWriteDepth, texwrap, testaem, exactcolor); std::string main_entry = format("Texture%s%d_%sPS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter, g_pTexTypes[type]); pf->context = context * NOCONTEXT; if (!CompileShaderFromFile(pf->program, macro, main_entry, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) { ZZLog::Error_Log("Failed to create shader %d,%d,%d,%d.", type, fog, texfilter, 4*clamp.wms+clamp.wmt); if( pbFailed != NULL ) *pbFailed = false; return NULL; } return pf; } #endif // GLSL4_API