#Check that people use the good file if (NOT TOP_CMAKE_WAS_SOURCED) message(FATAL_ERROR " You did not 'cmake' the good CMakeLists.txt file. Use the one in the top dir. It is advised to delete all wrongly generated cmake stuff => CMakeFiles & CMakeCache.txt") endif() #plugin name(no version number to ease future version bump and bisect) set(Output cdvdGigaherz) set(FinalFlags -fvisibility=hidden -Wall -Wno-parentheses ) set(Sources CDVD.cpp ReadThread.cpp Settings.cpp TocStuff.cpp ) set(Headers CDVD.h Settings.h ) if(Windows) LIST(APPEND Sources Windows/config.cpp Windows/resource.h ) else() LIST(APPEND Sources Unix/GtkGui.cpp Unix/LinuxConfig.cpp Unix/LinuxIOCtlSrc.cpp ) endif() set(FinalSources ${Sources} ${Headers} ) set(FinalLibs ${GTK2_LIBRARIES} ${LIBC_LIBRARIES} ${LIBUDEV_LIBRARIES} ) add_pcsx2_plugin(${Output} "${FinalSources}" "${FinalLibs}" "${FinalFlags}")