AboutDialogحول PCSX2SCM= Source Code Managementإصدار SCM<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 هو محاكي PlayStation 2 مجاني ومفتوح المصدر. هدفه محاكاة جهاز PlayStation 2 باستخدام مزيج من مترجمات أو معيدي بناء برامج MIPS وآلة افتراضية لادارة حالات معدات PlayStation 2 الافتراضية، مما يتيح لك لعب ألعاب PlayStation 2 على حاسوبك الخاص، بالاضافة إلى العديد من المميزات الاضافية.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 وPS2 علامات مسجلة لشركة Sony Interactive Entertainment. هذا البرنامج ليس له علاقة بشركة Sony Interactive Entertainment بأي شكل.</p></body></html>الموقع الإلكترونيمنتديات الدعم الفنيGitHub RepositoryالرخصةAchievementLoginDialogWindow titleتسجيل الدخول لRetroAchievementsHeader textتسجيل الدخول لRetroAchievementsيرجى إدخال اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور لRetroAchievements.org أدناه. لن يتم حفظ كلمة المرور الخاصة بك في PCSX2، سيتم إنشاء رمز الوصول واستخدامه بدلا من ذلك.اسم المستخدم:كلمة المرور:جاهز...&تسجيل الدخولجاري تسجيل الدخول...خطأ في تسجيل الدخولفشل تسجيل الدخول. الرجاء التحقق من اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور الخاصة بك، وحاول مجددا.فشل تسجيل الدخول.AchievementSettingsWidgetالإعدادات العامةتفعيل الإنجازاتعرض مؤشرات التحديThis "Rich Presence" is not Discord's, but rather RetroAchivements own system.تمكين DISCORD RA's وجود غنيتمكين الوضع الصعبتمكين لائحة المتصدريناختبار الإنجازات الغير رسميةتمكين وضع الاختبارتمكين المؤثرات الصوتيةأظهر الإشعاراتالحسابتسجيل الدخول...عرض الملف الشخصي...معلومات اللعبة<html><head/><body><p align="justify">PCSX2 يستخدم RetroAchievements كقاعدة بيانات للانجازات ولتتبع آداء اللاعب. لتمكين الانجازات يرجى انشاء حساب من <a href="https://retroachievements.org/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#4169e1;">retroachievements.org</span></a>.</p><p align="justify">لعرض قائمة الانجازات داخل اللعبة اضغط على مفتاح الاختصار ل<span style=" font-weight:600;">فتح قائمة الايقاف</span> و اختر <span style=" font-weight:600;">الانجازات</span> من القائمة.</p></body></html>غير محددعند التمكين وتسجيل الدخول، سيقوم PCSX2 بالبحث عن الإنجازات عند بدء التشغيل.عند التمكين، سيفترض PCSX2 أن جميع الإنجازات مقفلة ولن يرسل أي إشعارات فتح إلى الخادم.عند التمكين، سوف يعرض PCSX2 الإنجازات من مجموعات الإنجازات الغير رسمية. يرجى ملاحظة أن هذه الإنجازات لا يتم تتبعها بواسطة RetroAchievements، لذلك يتم فتحها من جديد في كل مرة.When enabled, rich presence information will be collected and sent to the RetroAchievements servers where supported.وضع "التحدي" للإنجازات يشمل تتبع لائحة المتصدرين. يُعطل مميزات حالات الحفظ والغش والحركة البطيئة.محددتمكين تتبع لوائح المتصدرين والاشتراك بها في الألعاب المدعومة. في حالة تعطيل لوائح المتصدرين سوف تظل تستطيع عرض لوائح المتصدرين، لكن لن يتم الاشتراك بها.عرض رسائل منبثقة حول أحداث مثل فتح الإنجازات والتقدم على لائحة المتصدرين.تشغيل مؤثرات صوتية عند أحداث مثل فتح الإنجازات والتقدم على لائحة المتصدرين.عرض أيقونات في الزاوية اليمنى السفلى من الشاشة عندما يكون هناك تحدي أو إنجاز نشط.إعادة تعيين النظاملن يتم تمكين الوضع الصعب حتى يتم إعادة تعيين النظام. هل تريد إعادة تعيين النظام الآن؟Variable %1 is an username, variable %2 is a timestamp.اسم المستخدم: %1
رمز تسجيل الدخول تم إنشاؤه في %2تسجيل الخروجلم يتم تسجيل الدخول.Achievements %s (وضع الهاردكور)You have earned {0} of {1} achievements, and {2} of {3} points.This game has no achievements.Leaderboard submission is enabled.Failed to read executable from disc. Achievements disabled.AdvancedSettingsWidgetاستخدام الإعدادات العامة [%1]وضع التقريبChop / Zero (Default)وضع حد الأرقامعادي (إفتراضي)تمكين مُعيد البناءمحددPerforms just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to x86.Wait loop: When the game makes the CPU do nothing (loop/spin) while it waits for something to happen (usually an interrupt).اكتشاف حلقات الانتظارتسريع معتدل لبعض الألعاب، بدون آثار جانبية معروفة.تمكين ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت (بطيء)غير محددمترجم فقط، هذا الاختيار موجود لتشخيص المشاكل فقط.INTC = Name of a PS2 register, leave as-is. "spin" = to make a cpu (or gpu) actively do nothing while you wait for something. Like spinning in a circle, you're moving but not actually going anywhere.اكتشاف استخدام INTCتسريع كبير لبعض الألعاب، يكاد لا يكون له آثار جانبية على التوافق.تمكين الوصول السريع للذاكرة"Backpatching" = To edit previously generated code to change what it does (in this case, we generate direct memory accesses, then backpatch them to jump to a fancier handler function when we realize they need the fancier handler function)يستخدم الترقيع المرجعي (BackPatching) لتجنب تنظيف ذاكرة المعالج عند كل عملية وصول للذاكرة.Pause On TLB MissPauses the virtual machine when a TLB miss occurs, instead of ignoring it and continuing. Note that the VM will pause after the end of the block, not on the instruction which caused the exception. Refer to the console to see the address where the invalid access occurred.VU0 Rounding ModeVU1 Rounding ModeVU0 Clamping ModeVU1 Clamping ModeVU0 = Vector Unit 0. One of the PS2's processors.تمكين مُعيد بناء برامج VU0 (في وضع المايكرو)يمكن مُعيد بناء برامج VU0.VU1 = Vector Unit 1. One of the PS2's processors.تمكين مُعيد بناء برامج VU1يمكن مُعيد بناء برامج VU1.mVU = PCSX2's recompiler for VU (Vector Unit) code (full name: microVU)تسريع mVU Flag Hackتسريع جيد ونسبة توافق عالية، قد يسبب أخطاء في الرسوم.يترجم كود الآلة لبرامج MIPS-IV 32-bit عند وقت التنفيذ إلى كود الآلة الذي يعمل على معالج x86.تمكين إصلاحات الألعابAutomatically loads and applies fixes to known problematic games on game start.تمكين تصويبات التوافقيقوم تلقائياً بتطبيق تصحيحات التوافق على الألعاب ذات المشاكل المعروفة.AdvancedSystemSettingsWidgetقد يتسبب تغيير هذه الخيارات في مشاكل في الألعاب. قم بالتعديل على مسؤوليتك الخاصة، لن يوفر فريق PCSX2 الدعم أثناء استخدام هذه الإعدادات.Emotion Engine = Commercial name of one of PS2's processors. Leave as-is unless there's an official name (like for Japanese).EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV)Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.وضع التقريب:الأقربسلبيإيجابيChop / Zero (Default)Clamping: Forcing out of bounds things in bounds by changing them to the closest possible value. In this case, this refers to clamping large PS2 floating point values (which map to infinity or NaN in PCs' IEEE754 floats) to non-infinite ones.وضع حد الأرقام:لا شيءعادي (إفتراضي)ClampModeNoneSign: refers here to the mathematical meaning (plus/minus).إضافي + حفظ العلامةكاملاكتشاف حلقات الانتظارتمكين مُعيد البناءتمكين الوصول السريع للذاكرةتمكين ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت (بطيء)اكتشاف استخدام INTCPause On TLB MissVector Unit/VU: refers to two of PS2's processors. Do not translate the full text or do so as a comment. Leave the acronym as-is.Vector Units (VU)وضع تقريب VU1:تسريع mVU Flag Hackتمكين مُعيد بناء برامج VU1تمكين مُعيد بناء برامج VU0 (في وضع المايكرو)إضافيوضع حد الأرقام لوحدة VU0:وضع التقريب لوحدة VU0:وضع حد الأرقام لوحدة VU1:معالج IOP (MIPS-I)إعدادات اللعبةتمكين إصلاحات الألعابتمكين تصويبات التوافقالتحكم في معدل الإطاراتhz=Hertz, as in the measuring unit. Shown after the corresponding number. Those languages who'd need to remove the space or do something in between should do so. هرتزمعدل إطارات PAL:معدل إطارات NTSC:PINE SettingsSlot:EnableAudioSettingsWidgetإعدادات تمطيط الوقتطول المدة:30حجم نافذة البحث:20التداخل:10استعادة الافتراضياتمستوى الصوت100%إعدادات المزجالمزامنة:تمطيط الوقت (مستحسن)المزيج الغير متزامن (يعطل بعض الألعاب!)لا شيء (قد يتسبب في تقطع الصوت)التوزيع:ستيريو (لا شيء، افتراضي)QuadrafonicSurround 5.1Surround 7.1ProLogic is a Dolby brand. Leave the name as-is unless there is an official translation for your language.مستوى ProLogic:لا شيء (افتراضي)ProLogic is a Dolby brand. Leave the name as-is unless there is an official translation for your language.فك تشفير ProLogic (أساسي)ProLogic II is a Dolby brand. Leave the name as-is unless there is an official translation for your language. gigaherz is the nickname of one of PCSX2's developers. Leave as-is.فك تشفير ProLogic II (غيغاهرتز)وقت استجابة الهدف:60 msإعدادات الإخراجوحدة الإخراج:وقت استجابة الإخراج:20 msالحد الأدنىمحرك الإخراج:الحد الأقصى للاستجابة:جهاز الإخراج:لا يوجد صوت (محاكاة SPU2 فقط)Cubeb is an audio engine name. Leave as-is.Cubeb (Cross-platform)XAudio2 is an audio engine name. Leave as-is.XAudio2Measuring unit that will appear after the number selected in its option. Adapt the space depending on your language's rules. م.ثالمزامنةWhen running outside of 100% speed, adjusts the tempo on audio instead of dropping frames. Produces much nicer fast-forward/slowdown audio.التوزيعDetermines how the stereo output from the emulated system is upmixed into a greater number of the output speakers.Cubeb is an audio engine name. Leave as-is.وحدة الإخراجSelects the library to be used for audio output.محرك الإخراجالافتراضيWhen the sound output module supports multiple audio backends, determines the API to be used for audio output to the system.Output DeviceDetermines which audio device to output the sound to.وقت استجابة الهدفيحدد حجم التخزين المؤقت الذي سيملأه المُمطط الزمني، هذا الإعداد يحدد متوسط مدة الاستجابة حيث سيتم تمطيط وتقليص الصوت لإبقاء حجم الذاكرة المؤقتة مساوٍ لهذا الإعداد.وقت استجابة الإخراجيحدد التأخير من ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت إلى إخراج صوت المضيف (الحاسوب). يمكن ضبطه إلى قيمة أقل من وقت استجابة الهدف لتقليل تأخر الصوت.طول المدة30 msSeek Window: the region of samples (window) the audio stretching algorithm is allowed to search.Seek Window Sizeالتداخل10 msيعدل مدى ارتفاع صوت اللعبة.استخدام الإعدادات العامة [%1]Variable value that indicates a percentage. Preserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter % (and/or any possible spaces) to your language's ruleset.%1%Preserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter ms (and/or any possible spaces in between) to your language's ruleset.لايوجد%1 msمتوسط التأخير: %1 م.ث (%2 م.ث ذاكرة تخزين مؤقت + %3 م.ث إخراج)متوسط التأخير: %1 م.ث (الحد الأدنى للإخراج غير معروف)AutoUpdaterDialogالتحديث التلقائيهناك تحديثاتالإصدار الحالي: الإصدار الجديد: التحميل والتثبيت...تخطى هذا التحديثذكرني لاحقاخطأ فى التحديث<h2>التغييرات:</h2><h2>Save State Warning</h2><p>Installing this update will make your save states <b>incompatible</b>. Please ensure you have saved your games to a Memory Card before installing this update or you will lose progress.</p><h2>تحذير الإعدادات</h2><p>تثبيت هذا التحديث سيعيد تعيين الإعدادات إلى الافتراضيات. يرجى ملاحظة أنه سيتعين عليك إعادة ضبط الإعدادات الخاصة بك بعد هذا التحديث</p>جار التحميل %1...إلغاءلاتوجد تحديثات حالياً، يرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقاً.الإصدار الحالي: %1 (%2)الإصدار الجديد: %1 (%2)جارٍ التحميل...BIOSSettingsWidgetمجلد BIOSسيبحث PCSX2 عن ملفات BIOS في هذا المجلد.تصفح...إعادة تعييناختيار BIOSفتح في مدير الملفات...تحديث القائمةإسم الملفالإصدارالخيارات والتصحيحاتبدء سريعFast Forward Bootمحدديقوم بتعديل الBIOS لتخطي بداية فتح الPlayStation 2.UncheckedRemoves emulation speed throttle until the game starts to reduce startup time.BreakpointDialogإنشاء / تعديل نقطة توقفالنوعتنفيذالذاكرةالعنوان0قراءةكتابةتغييرالحجم1الشرطالسجلتمكينخطأعنوان غير صالح "%1"شرط غير صحيح "%1"حجم غير صحيح "%1"BreakpointModelتنفيذلا شرط--مفعّلمعطَّلقراءة(C) = changes, as in "look for changes".كتابة(حالي)كتابةWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.النوعWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.إزاحةWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.الحجم / الاسمWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.التعليماتWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.الشرطWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.التطابقاتWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.ممَكنCDVDGame disc location is on a removable drive, performance issues such as jittering and freezing may occur.Saving CDVD block dump to '{}'.ColorPickerButtonSelect LED ColorControllerBindingWidgetنوع وحدة التحكم الافتراضيةارتباطات الأزرارالإعداداتوحدات الماكروتعيين تلقائيمسح التعيينController Port %1لا توجد أجهزة متوفرةBinding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).مسح الارتباطاتBinding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد مسح جميع الارتباطات الخاصة بهذا جهاز التحكم؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء.تعيين تلقائيلم يتم إنشاء أي ارتباطات لهذا جهاز التحكم، قد لا يدعم جهاز التحكم التعيين التلقائي.ControllerBindingWidget_DualShock2Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.أزرار الاتجاهاتاسفليسارأعلىيمينTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.عصا التحكم اليسرىالمحرك الكبيرLeave this button name as-is.L2Leave this button name as-is.R2Leave this button name as-is.L1Leave this button name as-is.R1Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.StartLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.SelectTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.أزرار الوجهTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.الكروسTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.المربعTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.المثلثTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.الدائرةTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.عصا التحكم اليمنىالمحرك الصغيرLeave this button name as-is.L3Leave this button name as-is.R3معدل الضغطتناظريControllerCustomSettingsWidgetإستعادة الإعدادات الإفتراضيةتصفح...اختر ملفControllerGlobalSettingsWidgetمصدر إدخال SDLيدعم مصدر مدخلات SDL معظم أجهزة التحكم، ويوفر وظائف متقدمة لجهازي DualShock 4 و DualSense في وضع البلوتوث مثل: الاهتزاز والتحكم في LED.تمكين مصدر إدخال SDLالوضع المُحسن لجهازي DualShock 4 و DualSenseمصدر إدخال XInputتمكين مصدر إدخال XInputمصدر إدخال DInputيدعم مصدر إدخال DInput أجهزة التحكم القديمة التي لا تدعم XInput. يُستحسن استخدام SDL عوضاً عن هذا، إلا في حالة عدم دعم جهاز التحكم على SDL.تمكين مصدر إدخال DInputإعدادات ملف التعريفعند تمكين هذا الخيار، يمكن تعيين مفاتيح الاختصار في ملف التعريف هذا، وسيتم استخدامها بدلاً من مفاتيح الاختصار العامة. الافتراضي هو استخدام مفاتيح الاختصار العامة دائماً.استخدام مفاتيح الاختصار في ملف التعريفController LED SettingsEnable SDL Raw InputThe XInput source provides support for Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox Series controllers, and third party controllers which implement the XInput protocol.مُشترك أجهزة التحكمتُتيح المشتركات عدد يصل إلى 8 أجهزة تحكم. كل مشترك بوفر 4 منافذ. لا تدعم جميع الألعاب المشتركات.تمكين المشترك في المنفذ: 1تمكين المشترك في المنفذ: 2مصدر إدخال الماوسPCSX2 allows you to use your mouse to simulate analog stick movement.Settings...تمكين تعيين الماوسأجهزة تم اكتشافهاControllerLEDSettingsDialogController LED SettingsSDL-0 LEDSDL-1 LEDSDL-2 LEDSDL-3 LEDControllerMacroEditWidgetالارتباطات/الأزرارحدد الأزرار التي تريد تشغيلها مع هذا الماكرو. يتم تنشيط جميع الأزرار معاً.PressureFor buttons which are pressure sensitive, this slider controls how much force will be simulated when the macro is active.100%المشغّلحدد المشغل لتفعيل هذا الماكرو. يمكن أن يكون هذا زرًا واحداً, أو مزيجًا من الأزرار. انقر مع الضغط على مفتاح Shift للحصول على العديد من المشغلات.الترددالماكرو سيتم تفعيله كل عدد س من الإطارات.تعيين...لم يتم الإعداد%1%تعيين الترددالتردد: لن يتم تكرار الماكرو.الماكرو سيتم تفعيله كل %1 إطار.ControllerMacroWidgetالماكروات المتعلقة بمنفذ جهاز التحكم رقم %1This is the full text that appears in each option of the 16 available macros, and reads like this:
Macro 1
Not Configured/Buttons configuredماكرو %1
%2ControllerMouseSettingsDialogMouse Mapping SettingsY Speed10X Speed<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Mouse Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping a mouse to the emulated controller.</p></body></html>InertiaX Dead ZoneY Dead ZoneControllerSettingsDialogإعدادات أذرع تحكم PCSX2Editing Profile:ملف تعريف جديدتحميل ملف تعريفحذف ملف التعريفاستعادة الافتراضياتأنشئ ملف تعريفأدخل اسماً لملف التعريف الجديد:خطأيوجد بالفعل ملف تعريف باسم '%1'.هل تريد نسخ جميع الارتباطات من ملف التعريف المحدد حاليا إلى ملف التعريف الجديد؟ اختيار \"لا\" سيؤدي إلى إنشاء ملف تعريف فارغ تماما.فشل في حفظ ملف التعريف الجديد إلى '%1'.أنشئ ملف تعريفهل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد تحميل ملف الإدخال المسمى \"%1\"؟
سيتم إزالة جميع الارتباطات العامة الحالية، وسيتم تحميل تحميل ارتباطات ملف التعريف المحدد.
لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا.حذف ملف التعريفهل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف ملف الإدخال المسمى '%1'؟
لا يمكنك التراجع عن هذا الإجراء.فشل في حذف '%1'.هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد استعادة إعدادات وحدة التحكم الافتراضية؟
سيتم فقدان جميع الارتباطات الإعدادات المشتركة، ولكن سيتم الاحتفاظ بملفات تعيين الإدخال الخاصة بك.
لا يمكنك التراجع عن هذا الإجراء.الإعدادات العامةController Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.منفذ وحدة التحكم %1%2
%3Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.منفذ وحدة التحكم %1
%2منفذ USB %1
%2مفاتيح الاختصار"Shared" refers here to the shared input profile.مشتركلا يمكن العثور على ملف الإدخال المسمى '%1'.CoverDownloadDialogتحميل الأغلفةيمكن لـ PCSX2 تنزيل الأغلفة تلقائيا للألعاب التي لا تحتوي حاليا على مجموعة غلاف. نحن لا نستضيف أي صور غلاف، يجب على المستخدم أن يوفر مصدره الخاص للصور.<html><head/><body><p>في الصندوق أدناه، يرجى كتابة عناوين المواقع لتحميل صور الأغلفة منها، يمكن موقع واحد في كل سطر. يمكن استخدام المتغيرات الآتية:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> اسم اللعبة.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> اسم ملف اللعبة بدون الصيغة.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> الرقم التسلسلي للعبة.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">مثال:</span> https://www.example-not-a-real-domain.com/covers/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html>سيتم حفظ الأغلفة المحملة باسم اللعبة بشكل افتراضي. اذا كنت لا ترغب في ذلك فيمكنك تحديد صندوق اختيار "استخدم الأرقام التسلسلية في اسم الملف" أدناه. استخدام الأرقام التسلسلية عوضاً عن أسماء الألعاب سيحمي من حدوث تعارضات عند وجود نفس اللعبة أكثر من مرة من نطاقات جغرافية مختلفة.استخدم الأرقام التسلسلية في اسم الملففي انتظار البدء...ابدأإغلاقاكتمل التنزيل.إيقافCpuWidgetRegistersFunctionsتحديثفلترالبحث في الذاكرةالنهايةالقيمةالبدايةالنوع1 بايت (8 بت)2 بايت (16 بت)4 بايت (32 بت)8 بايت (64 بت)FloatDoubleStringHexالبحثالذاكرةنقاط التوقفخيوط المعالجةActive Call StackBreakpoint List Context MenuجديدتعديلنسخحذفThread List Context Menu"Demangling" is the opposite of "Name mangling", which is a process where a compiler takes function names and combines them with other characteristics of the function (e.g. what types of data it accepts) to ensure they stay unique even when multiple functions exist with the same name (but different inputs / const-ness). See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling#C++Demangle Symbolsنسخ اسم الوظيفةنسخة عنوان الوظيفةGo to in DisassemblyGo to in Memory ViewStack List Context Menuمصصح الأخطاءعنوان البدء غير صحيحالعنوان النهاية غير صحيحلا يمكن لعنوان البدء أن يكون مساوٍ أو أكبر من عنوان النهايةقيمة البحث غير صالحةValue is larger than typeCreateMemoryCardDialogإنشاء بطاقة ذاكرة<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Create Memory Card</span><br />Enter the name of the Memory Card you wish to create, and choose a size. We recommend either using 8MB Memory Cards, or folder Memory Cards for best compatibility.</p></body></html>اسم بطاقة الذاكرة:8 ميغابايت [الأكثر توافقاً]الحجم القياسي الذي حددته شركة Sony، مدعوم من جميع الألعاب وإصدارات BIOS.16 ميغابايتA typical size for third-party Memory Cards which should work with most games.Store Memory Card contents in the host filesystem instead of a file.This is the standard Sony-provisioned size PS1 Memory Card, and only compatible with PS1 games.NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable. Typically compresses Memory Cards (highly recommended).32 ميغابايت64 ميغابايتLow compatibility warning: yes, it's very big, but may not work with many games.مجلد [مستحسن]128 كيلوبايت (PS1)استخدم خاصية ضغط NTFSFailed to create the Memory Card, because another card with the name '%1' already exists.Failed to create the Memory Card, the log may contain more information.Memory Card '%1' created.DEV9DnsHostDialogNetwork DNS Hosts Import/Exportحدد المضيفينحسناًإلغاءمحدَّدالاسمالرابطالعنوانمفعّلDEV9SettingsWidgetاتصال Ethernetجهاز Ethernet:نوع جهاز Ethernet:اعتراض DHCPمفعّلInterceptDHCPEnabledSubnet Mask:عنوان البوابة:تلقائياعتراض DHCP:عنوان PS2:عنوان DNS1:عنوان DNS2:DNS الداخليإضافةحذفتصديراستيرادللألعاب المخصصةيمكن اختيار DNS الداخلي باستخدام قائمة إسقاط DNS1 أو2 أو بتعيينها إلىمحرك القرص صلبملف القرص الصلب:40120حجم القرص الصلب (غيغيبايت):HDDEnabledتصفّحإنشاء صورةPCAP BridgedPCAP SwitchedTAPSocketsيدويداخلياستخدام الإعدادات العامة [%1]الاسمالرابطالعنوانملفات المستضيفini (*.ini)مضيفي DNSتم التصدير بنجاحفشل فتح الملفلا يوجد مضيفين في الملفتم الاستيراد بنجاحقائمة مضيفين للألعاب المخصصةنسخ الإعدادات العامة؟حذف قائمة المضيفين للألعاب المخصصة؟ملف صورة محرك القرص الصلبHDD (*.raw)استبدال الملف؟صورة القرص الصلب "%1" موجودة بالفعل
هل تريد استبدالها؟منشئ القرص الصلبتم إنشاء صورة القرص الصلباستخدم العامتجاوزDebugSettingsWidgetGSDraw DumpingDump GS DrawsSave RTحفظ الإطارحفظ صورة الإكساءحفظ العمقرقم بدء الرسم:Draw Dump Count:Hardware Dump Directory:Software Dump Directory:تصفح...فتح...DebuggerWindowمصحح PCSX2تشغيلانتقال إلىتجاوزخروجإيقاف مؤقتDisassemblyWidgetتفكيكنسخ العنواننسخ التعليمات (Hex)نسخ نص التعليماتبناء تعليمات جديدةتعليمات NOPتشغيل إلى المؤشرالقفز إلى المؤشرتمكين/تعطيل نقطة توقفتتبع الفرعالذهاب إلى عنوانالذهاب إلى طريقة عرض الذاكرةإضافة وظيفةإعادة تسمية الوظيفةحذف الوظيفةخطأ في البناءغير قادر على تغيير البناء (assembly) أثناء تشغيل النواةبناء تعليماتالذهاب إلى عنوانخطأ في الذهاب إلى العنوانالعنوان غير صحيحخطأ في إضافة الوظيفةيوجد بالفعل نقطة دخول إلى الوظيفة. فكّر في إعادة تسمية بدلاً من ذلك.سيكون طول الوظيفة (0x%1) تعليمات.
أدخل اسم الوظيفةاسم الوظيفةخطأ في إعادة تسمية الوظيفةاسم الدالة لا يمكن أن يكون لا شيء.لا توجد وظيفة / رمز محدد حاليا.%1 ليس عنوان قابل للاستخدامEmptyGameListWidget<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">لم يتم العثور على أية لعبة بصيغة مدعومة.</span></p><p>يُرجى إضافة مجلد يحتوي على ألعب للبدء.</p><p>سوف يتم فحص وإضافة الألعاب بالصيغ الآتية:</p></body></html>إضافة مجلد ألعاب...البحث عن ألعاب جديدةEmuThread%1x%2اللعبة: %1 FPSفيديو: %1 FPS (%2%)معرف اللعبة: %1
اسم اللعبة: %2
الإنجازات: %5 (%6)
%n نقطة%n points%n points%n points%n points%n pointsخاصية Discord Rich Presence غير نشطة أو غير مدعومة.اللعبة لم يتم تحميلها أو لا توجد إنجازات RetroAchievements متوفرة.EmulationSettingsWidgetالتحكم بالسرعةالسرعة العادية:تمكين محدد السرعةإعدادات النظامتمكين VU1 الفوريتمكين الشفراتSlow-Motion Speed:Fast-Forward Speed:Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU)تمكين نظام ملفات المضيفتمكين CDVD السريعتخطي دورات EE:معطَّلتخفيض خفيف لتردد التشغيلتخفيض متوسط لتردد التشغيلتخفيض أقصى لتردد التشغيلمعدل دورات EE:50% (تقليل التردد)60% (تقليل التردد)75% (تقليل التردد)100% (سرعة عادية)130% (زيادة التردد)180% (زيادة التردد)300% (زيادة التردد)التحكم في الارتباط:EE > VU > GSEE > GS > VUVU > EE > GSVU > GS > EEGS > EE > VUGS > VU > EEسرعة الإطارات / التحكم في التأخيرThis string will appear next to the amount of frames selected, in a dropdown box. إطاراتالحد الأقصى لتأخر الإطارات:سرعة الإطارات المثلىمزامنة مع معدل تحديث شاشة المضيفاستخدام الإعدادات العامة [%1]السرعة العاديةيحدد سرعة المحاكاة المستهدفة. لا يوجد ضمان أن الحاسوب سيستطيع الوصول إلى هذه السرعة، وعند عدم الوصول إليها فسيعمل PCSX2 بأسرع ما يستطيع.تفضيلات المستخدممحدد السرعةمحدَّديحدد سرعة المحاكاة ليكون معدل الإطارات مناسب للعبة التي تعمل حاليا.قد تُزيد القيم الأعلى معدل الإطارات الداخلية في الألعاب، ولكن ستزيد متطلبات وحدة المعالجة المركزية زيادة كبيرة. وسوف تقلل القيم الأقل من تحميل على المعالج مما يسمح للألعاب الخفيفة الوزن أن تعمل بالسرعة الكاملة على وحدات المعالجة المركزية الأضعف.SOTC = Shadow of the Colossus. A game's title, should not be translated unless an official translation exists.يجعل وحدة العالجة المركزية (Emotion Engine) يتخطى دورات. هذا يساعد في بعض الألعاب مثل Shadow of the Colossus. لكن في معظم الأوقات يضر هذا الإعداد الأداء.التحكم في الارتباطيُشغل VU1 على الفور. يُعطي تحسينا متواضعا للسرعة في معظم الألعاب. آمن لمعظم الألعاب، ولكن بعض الألعاب قد تظهر أخطاء في الرسوم.غير محددالوصول السريع إلى القرص، وقت تحميل أقل. تحقق من قوائم التوافق من HDLoader للألعاب المعروفة التي تواجه مشكلات في هذا.يحمّل ويطبق الشفرات تلقائيا عند بدء اللعبة.يسمح للألعاب و الـ homebrew بالوصول إلى الملفات / المجلدات مباشرة على جهاز الكمبيوتر المضيف.The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"Fast-Forward SpeedSets the fast-forward speed. This speed will be used when the fast-forward hotkey is pressed/toggled.The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"Slow-Motion SpeedSets the slow-motion speed. This speed will be used when the slow-motion hotkey is pressed/toggled.EE Cycle RateEE Cycle SkipP-Core = Performance Core, E-Core = Efficiency Core. See if Intel has official translations for these terms.Sets the priority for specific threads in a specific order ignoring the system scheduler. May help CPUs with big (P) and little (E) cores (e.g. Intel 12th or newer generation CPUs from Intel or other vendors such as AMD).Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU1)Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang.Sets the VSync queue size to 0, making every frame be completed and presented by the GS before input is polled and the next frame begins. Using this setting can reduce input lag at the cost of measurably higher CPU and GPU requirements.الحد الأقصى لتأخر الإطاراتإطارينيُحدد الحد الأقصى لعدد الأُطر التي سيتم معالجتها من قِبل وحدة الGS، قبل أن تستمر وحدة المعالجة المركزية في عملها. ستساعد القيم الأعلى في تحسين الأداء وجعله أكثر استقراراً، لكن سوف يُزيد مدة استجابة الإدخال.يُعدل سرعة المحاكاة ليتطابق معدل التحديث الخاص بالجهاز المُحاكى مع الجهاز المضيف، عند تفعيل خياري VSync واعادة أخذ عينات الصوت. هذا يتسبب في أكبر سلاسة في الحركة ممكنة، على حساب احتمال زيادة معدل المحاكة بمعدل لا يزيد عن 1%. هذا الخيار لن يُعطي أي مفعول في حالة اختلاف معدل أُطر الجهاز المحاكى عن الجهاز المضيف بشكل شاسع. يجب على أصحاب شاشات معدل التحديث المتغير تعطيل هذا الخيار.استخدام الإعدادات العامة [%1%]%1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]Every case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.غير محدودEvery case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.مُخصّصمخصص [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]سرعة مخصصةأدخل السرعة المخصصةFolderSettingsWidgetمجلد ذاكرة التخزين المؤقتتصفح...فتح...إعادة تعيينتستخدم لتخزين المُظللات (shaders) ومؤشرات gzip وبيانات قائمة الألعاب.مجلد الشفراتتستخدم لتخزين ملفات pnach التي تحتوي على شفرات الألعاب.مجلد الأغلفةتستخدم لتخزين الأغلفة في نظام عرض شبكة اللعبة أو واجهة استخدام الصورة الكبيرة.دليل لقطات الشاشةيُستخدم لحفظ لقطات الشاشة.مجلد حالات الحفظيستخدم لتخزين حالات الحفظ.GSFailed to reopen, restoring old configuration.Upscale multiplier set to {}x.Saving screenshot to '{}'.Saved screenshot to '{}'.Failed to save screenshot to '{}'.Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering.CAS is not available, your graphics driver does not support the required functionality.Saving {0} GS dump {1} to '{2}'Failed to render/download screenshot.Saved GS dump to '{}'.Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling.Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures.Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects.Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow.GameCheatSettingsWidgetFormActivating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats.Enable CheatsNameAuthorDescriptionEnable AllDisable AllReload Cheats%1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.GameDatabase{0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}.
Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}.
You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve
graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements.Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied:GameFixSettingsWidgetإصلاحات اللعبة (لا يُوصَى بالتغيير على الصعيد العام)FPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nNegative Divide: mathematical term.\nGundam: a multimedia franchise name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.FPU Negative Divide Hack (For Gundam Games)FPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nMultiply: mathematical term.\nTales of Destiny: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.FPU Multiply Hack (For Tales of Destiny)FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.Use Software Renderer For FMVsMPEG: video codec, leave as-is. FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.Skip MPEG Hack (Skips Videos/FMVs)TLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer. Leave as-is. Goemon: name of a character from the series with his name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Preload TLB Hack (For Goemon)EE: Emotion Engine. Leave as-is.EE Timing Hack (General Purpose Timing Hack)DMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.Instant DMA Hack (Good for cache emulation problems)OPH: Name of a flag (Output PatH) in the GIF_STAT register in the EE. Leave as-is.\nBleach Blade Battles: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.OPH Flag Hack (For Bleach Blade Battlers)GIF = GS (Graphics Synthesizer, the GPU) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.Emulate GIF FIFO (Correct But Slower)DMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.DMA Busy Hack (Deny Writes When Busy)VIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is. SOCOM 2 and Spy Hunter: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.\nHUD = Heads-Up Display. The games' interfaces.Delay VIF1 Stalls (For SOCOM 2 HUD/Spy Hunter)VIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.محاكاة VIF FIFO (صحيح لكن أبطأ)VU0 = VU (Vector Unit) 0. Leave as-is.مزامنة VU0 كاملة (صحيح ولكن أبطأ)VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nI Bit = A bit referred as I, not as 1.\nScarface The World is Yours and Crash Tag Team Racing: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.VU I Bit Hack (لألعاب Scarface The World is Yours وCrash Tag Team Racing)VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nTri-Ace: a game development company name. Leave as-is.VU Add Hack (لألعاب Tri-Ace)VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nSuperman Returns: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.VU Overflow Hack (للعبة Superman Returns)VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nRun Behind: watch out for misleading capitalization for non-English: this refers to making the VUs run behind (delayed relative to) the EE.\nM-Bit: a bitflag in VU instructions that tells VU0 to synchronize with the EE. M-Bit Game: A game that uses instructions with the M-Bit enabled (unofficial PCSX2 name).VU Sync (Run Behind, M-Bit games)VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nXGKick: the name of one of the VU's instructions. Leave as-is.مزامنة VU XGKick (صحيح ولكن أبطأ)Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit This option tells PCSX2 to estimate internal FPS by detecting blits (image copies) onto visible display memory.Force Blit Internal FPS Detection (When auto-detection fails)GameListModelالنوعالكودالاسماسم الملفCRCوقت اللعبلعبت آخر مرةالحجمالمنطقةالتوافقGameListSettingsWidgetمجلدات البحث (سيتم البحث عن الألعاب فيها)إضافةإزالةمجلد البحثالبحث داخل المجلدات الفرعيةالمجلدات المستبعدة (لن يتم البحث فيها)البحث عن ألعاب جديدةإعادة فحص جميع الألعابفتح المجلد...حدد مجلد البحثالبحث داخل المجلدات الفرعية؟هل ترغب في البحث في المجلدات الفرعية تحت مجلد "%1" ؟
سيستغرق البحث في المجلدات الفرعية وقتاً أطول لكن سوف يتعرف على الملفات في المجلدات الفرعية.اختيار المكانGameListWidgetقائمة الألعابشبكة الألعابإظهار الأسماءجميع الأنواعجميع المناطقالبحث...GamePatchDetailsWidgetFormPatch TitleEnabled<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Author: </span>Patch Author</p><p>Description would go here</p></body></html><strong>Author: </strong>%1<br>%2UnknownNo description provided.GamePatchSettingsWidgetFormActivating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.Reload PatchesThere are no patches available for this game.GameSummaryWidgetالاسم:العنوان:الرقم التسلسلي:CRC:النوع:قرص PS2قرص PS1ELF (PS2 Executable)المنطقة:Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-B (البرازيل)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-C (الصين)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-HK (هونغ كونغ)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-J (اليابان)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-K (كوريا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-T (تايوان)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-U (الولايات المتحدة)أخرىLeave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-A (أستراليا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-AF (جنوب أفريقيا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-AU (أستراليا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-BE (بلجيكا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-E (أوروبا أو أستراليا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-F (فرنسا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-FI (فنلندا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-G (ألمانيا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-GR (اليونان)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-I (إيطاليا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-IN (الهند)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-M (أوروبا أو أستراليا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-NL (هولندا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-NO (النرويج)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-P (البرتغال)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-R (روسيا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-S (أسبانيا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SC (إسكندنافيا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SW (السويد)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SWI (سويسرا)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-UK (المملكة المتحدة)التوافق:غير معروفغير قابل للإقلاعيصل للمقدمةيصل إلى القائمةداخل العبةPlayableممتازأنشئ ملف تعريف الإدخال:Refers to the shared settings profile.مشتركعنوان القرص:تصفح...تنظيفحدد عنوان القرصGraphicsSettingsWidgetالعارضالعارض:كارت الشاشة:الشاشةوضع ملء الشاشة:تناسب الأبعاد:تلائم مع النافذة / ملء الشاشةمعيار تلقائي (4:3 تداخلي / 3:2 تقدمي)قياسي (4:3)شاشة عريضة (16:9)تناسب أبعاد الأفلام (FMV):إيقاف (الافتراضي)تلقائي (افتراضي)لا شيء (متداخل، يعمل أيضاً مع المسح التقدمي)Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.Bob (Top Field First, Full Frames)Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.Bob (Bottom Field First, Full Frames)Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.Blend (Top Field First, Merge 2 Fields)Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.Blend (Bottom Field First, Merge 2 Fields)Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.Adaptive (Top Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.Adaptive (Bottom Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)فلترة ثنائية الخط:لا شيءSmooth: Refers to the texture clarity.ثنائي الخط (أملس)Sharp: Refers to the texture clarity.ثنائي الخط (حاد)التمدد العمودي:Percentage sign that shows next to a value. You might want to add a space before if your language requires it.
Percentage sign that will appear next to a number. Add a space or whatever is needed before depending on your language.%اقتطاع:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.يسار:بكسلWarning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.أعلى:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.يمين:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.أسفل:إزاحة الشاشةVSyncShow Overscanتمكين شفرات الشاشة العريضةتمكين شفرات إلغاء التداخلمضاد الضبابيةCtrl+Sتعطيل إزاحة إطارات المسح المتداخلحجم لقطة الشاشة:دقة الشاشةالدقة الداخليةالدقة الداخلية (ليس له علاقة بتناسب الأبعاد)PNGJPEGالجودة:الرسمالدقة الداخلية:الإكساءات المصغرة Mipmapping:إيقافأساسي (Mipmaps منشئة)كامل (PS2 Mipmaps)فلترة الإكساءات:الأقربثنائي الخط (إجبار)ثنائي الخط (مثل الPS2)ثنائي الخط (إجبار لكل الإكساءات إلا Sprites)فلترة ثلاثية الخط Trilinear:متوقف (لا شيء)ثلاثي الخط (مثل الPS2)ثلاثي الخط (إجبار)فلترة متباينة Anisotropic:التشويش (Dithering):مُكبرغير مُكبر (افتراضي)دقة مزج الألوان:الحد الادنىأساسي (مستحسن)متوسطعاليكامل (بطيء)الحد الأقصى (بطيء جدا)التحميل المسبق للإكساءات:جزئيكامل (تخزين للهاشات)تحويل خريطة الألوان باستخدام بطاقة الرسوماتManual Hardware Renderer FixesSpin GPU During ReadbacksSpin CPU During Readbacksخيوط معالجة الرسم الإضافية: خيوط المعالجةالإكساءات المصغرة MipmappingAuto FlushHardware FixesHalf Screen Fix:تعطيل إجباريتمكين إجباريCPU Sprite Render Size:0 (Disabled)0 (Disabled)1 (64 Max Width)2 (128 Max Width)3 (192 Max Width)4 (256 Max Width)5 (320 Max Width)6 (384 Max Width)7 (448 Max Width)8 (512 Max Width)9 (576 Max Width)10 (640 Max Width)Skipdraw Range:Frame Buffer ConversionDisable Depth EmulationDisable Safe FeaturesPreload Frame DataTexture Inside RT1 (عادي)2 (عنيف)Software CLUT Render:CLUT: Color Look Up Table, often referred to as a palette in non-PS2 things. GPU Target CLUT: GPU handling of when a game uses data from a render target as a CLUT.GPU Target CLUT:معطل (افتراضي)ممكَّن (مطابق بالضبط)Enabled (Check Inside Target)إصلاحات تكبير الدقةHalf Pixel Offset:Normal (Vertex)Special (Texture)Special (Texture - Aggressive)Round Sprite:HalfFullTexture Offsets:X:Y:Merge SpriteAlign SpriteDeinterlacing:Sprites OnlySprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/TrianglesAuto Flush:Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (All Primitives)Texture Inside RT:Inside TargetMerge TargetsDisable Partial Source InvalidationTarget Partial InvalidationRead Targets When ClosingEstimate Texture RegionDisable Render FixesBilinear Dirty UpscaleUnscaled Palette Texture DrawsWild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Wild Arms HackTexture ReplacementSearch Directoryتصفح...فتح...Resetسيقوم PCSX2 بحفظ الإكساءات أو تحميل تبديلات الإكساءات من هذا الدليل.الخياراتحفظ الإكساءاتحفظ الإكساءات المصغرة Mipmapsحفظ إكساءات الفيديوهات FMVتحميل الإكساءات الغير المتزامنتحميل الإكساءاتالتخزين المؤقت المسبق للإكساءاتفلاتر ما بعد المعالجةزيادة الحدة/مقاومة التعاريجYou might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfxزيادة الحدة المتأقلم مع التباين:لا شيء (افتراضي)زيادة الحدة فقط (الدقة الداخلية)زيادة الحدة والحجم (دقة الشاشة)الحدة:FXAAFiltersTV Shader:Scanline FilterDiagonal FilterTriangular FilterWave FilterLottes = Timothy Lottes, the creator of the shader filter. Leave as-is. CRT= Cathode Ray Tube, an old type of television technology.Lottes CRTShade BoostBrightness:Contrast:التشبععارض المعلومات على الشاشهعارض المعلومات على الشاشهحجم عارض المعلومات:عرض المؤشراتعرض دقة الشاشةعرض المدخلاتإظهار استخدام GPUعرض الإعداداتعرض معدل الإطارات FPSDisable Shader CacheDisable Vertex Shader Expandعرض الإحصاءاتعرض استخدام CPUتحذير من الإعدادات غير الآمنةعرض أوقات الإطاراتRecordingVideo Dumping DirectoryCapture SetupContainer:Codec:Extra ArgumentsCapture AudioResolution:xAutoCapture VideoAdvanced here refers to the advanced graphics options.إعدادات متقدمةخيارات متقدمةHardware Download Mode:دقيق (مستحسن)تعطيل قرائة ذاكرة vram (مزامنة خيط معالجة GS)غير متزامن (غير حتمي)معطل (تجاهل عمليات النقل)ضغط حفظ GS:غير مضغوطLZMA (xz)Zstandard (zst)Skip Presenting Duplicate FramesBlit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit \nSwap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit
Swap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.Use Blit Swap ChainDisable Threaded PresentationBitrate:Unit that will appear next to a number. Alter the space or whatever is needed before the text depending on your language. kbpsAllow Exclusive Fullscreen:DisallowedAllowedDebugging OptionsOverride Texture Barriers:Use Debug DeviceDisable Dual Source BlendingShow Speed PercentagesDisable Framebuffer FetchGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.Direct3D 11Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.Direct3D 12Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.OpenGLGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.VulkanGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.MetalGraphics backend/engine type (refers to emulating the GS in software, on the CPU). Translate accordingly.SoftwareNull here means that this is a graphics backend that will show nothing.Null2x4x8x16xUse Global Setting [%1]UncheckedAutomatically loads and applies widescreen patches on game start. Can cause issues.Automatically loads and applies no-interlacing patches on game start. Can cause issues.Disables interlacing offset which may reduce blurring in some situations.Bilinear FilteringEnables bilinear post processing filter. Smooths the overall picture as it is displayed on the screen. Corrects positioning between pixels.PCRTC: Programmable CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller.Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests. Useful for some games such as WipEout Fusion for its screen shake effect, but can make the picture blurry.Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.FMV Aspect RatioOverrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio.Control the texture's trilinear filtering of the emulation.Control the accuracy level of the GS blending unit emulation.<br> The higher the setting, the more blending is emulated in the shader accurately, and the higher the speed penalty will be.<br> Do note that Direct3D's blending is reduced in capability compared to OpenGL/Vulkan.Software CLUT RenderThis option disables game-specific render fixes.By default, the texture cache handles partial invalidations. Unfortunately it is very costly to compute CPU wise. This hack replaces the partial invalidation with a complete deletion of the texture to reduce the CPU load. It helps with the Snowblind engine games.Framebuffer ConversionConvert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU. Helps Harry Potter and Stuntman games. It has a big impact on performance.DisabledAllows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down. Can prevent lost visuals when saving state or switching renderers, but can also cause graphical corruption.Allows partial invalidation of render targets, which can fix graphical errors in some games. Texture Inside Render Target automatically enables this option.Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).Namco: a game publisher and development company. Leave the name as-is. Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur: game names. Leave as-is or use official translations.Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%.Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion.Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging.Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom left corner of the display.Displays a graph showing the average frametimes.Allow Exclusive FullscreenOverrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency.CheckedEnables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.مكن هذا الخيار لجعل معدل تحديث الشاشة في PCSX2 متطابق مع معدل تحديث شاشتك الحالية. يتم تعطيل المزامنة العمودية تلقائياً عند عدم إمكان تشغيلها (مثل في حالة عدم العمل عند سرعة 100%).Integer ScalingAdds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.تناسب الأبعادالمعيار التلقائي (4:3 أو 3:2 تقدمي)Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era.إلغاء التداخلحجم لقطة الشاشةDetermines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size.Screenshot FormatSelects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail.Screenshot Quality50%Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed. Higher values preserve more detail for JPEG, and reduce file size for PNG.100%Vertical StretchStretches (< 100%) or squashes (> 100%) the vertical component of the display.Fullscreen ModeBorderless FullscreenChooses the fullscreen resolution and frequency.Left0pxChanges the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display.TopChanges the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display.RightChanges the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display.BottomChanges the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display.Native (PS2) (Default)Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered.Control the accuracy level of the mipmapping emulation.Texture FilteringControl the texture filtering of the emulation.Trilinear FilteringAnisotropic FilteringReduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles.DitheringReduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect.Blending AccuracyTexture PreloadingUploads entire textures at once instead of small pieces, avoiding redundant uploads when possible. Improves performance in most games, but can make a small selection slower.When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.Enabling this option gives you the ability to change the renderer and upscaling fixes to your games. However IF you have ENABLED this, you WILL DISABLE AUTOMATIC SETTINGS and you can re-enable automatic settings by unchecking this option.Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance but with a significant increase in power usage.Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance but with a significant increase in power usage.Extra Rendering Threads2 threadsNumber of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). If you have 4 threads on your CPU pick 2 or 3. You can calculate how to get the best performance (amount of CPU threads - 2). 7+ threads will not give much more performance and could perhaps even lower it.Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture. Fixes some processing effects such as the shadows in the Jak series and radiosity in GTA:SA.Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly.Half Screen FixControl the half-screen fix detection on texture shuffling.CPU Sprite Renderer SizeSkipdraw Range Start0Completely skips drawing surfaces from the surface in the left box up to the surface specified in the box on the right.Skipdraw Range EndDisable the support of Depth buffer in the texture cache. It can help to increase speed but it will likely create various glitches.This option disables multiple safe features. Disables accurate Unscale Point and Line rendering which can help Xenosaga games. Disables accurate GS Memory Clearing to be done on the CPU, and let the GPU handle it, which can help Kingdom Hearts games.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately. Fixes black screen issues in games like Armored Core: Last Raven.Half Pixel OffsetMight fix some misaligned fog, bloom, or blend effect.Round SpriteCorrects the sampling of 2D sprite textures when upscaling. Fixes lines in sprites of games like Ar tonelico when upscaling. Half option is for flat sprites, Full is for all sprites.Texture Offsets XST and UV are different types of texture coordinates, like XY would be spatial coordinates.Offset for the ST/UV texture coordinates. Fixes some odd texture issues and might fix some post processing alignment too.Texture Offsets YWild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.Bilinear UpscaleCan smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.Replaces post-processing multiple paving sprites by a single fat sprite. It reduces various upscaling lines.You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfxContrast Adaptive SharpeningSharpnessEnables saturation, contrast, and brightness to be adjusted. Values of brightness, saturation, and contrast are at default 50.Applies the FXAA anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the visual quality of games.Brightness50ContrastTV ShaderApplies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.OSD ScaleShow OSD MessagesShows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows host's CPU utilization.Shows host's GPU utilization.Shows counters for internal graphical utilization, useful for debugging.Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.Enable Extra ArgumentsLeave It BlankParameters passed to selected video codec.<br> You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.<br> For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast"Override Texture BarriersGS Dump CompressionChange the compression algorithm used when creating a GS dump.Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blitUses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems.Detects when idle frames are being presented in 25/30fps games, and skips presenting those frames. The frame is still rendered, it just means the GPU has more time to complete it (this is NOT frame skipping). Can smooth our frame time fluctuations when the CPU/GPU are near maximum utilization, but makes frame pacing more inconsistent and can increase input lag.Presents frames on the main GS thread instead of a worker thread. Used for debugging frametime issues. Could reduce chance of missing a frame or reduce tearing at the expense of more erratic frame times. Only applies to the Vulkan renderer.GS Download ModeAccurateSkips synchronizing with the GS thread and host GPU for GS downloads. Can result in a large speed boost on slower systems, at the cost of many broken graphical effects. If games are broken and you have this option enabled, please disable it first.This string refers to a default codec, whether it's an audio codec or a video codec.Default(Default)HotkeysGraphicsSave ScreenshotToggle Video CaptureSave Single Frame GS DumpSave Multi Frame GS DumpToggle Software RenderingIncrease Upscale MultiplierDecrease Upscale MultiplierCycle Aspect RatioAspect ratio set to '{}'.Cycle Hardware MipmappingHardware mipmapping set to '{}'.Cycle Deinterlace ModeDeinterlace mode set to '{}'.Toggle Texture DumpingTexture dumping is now enabled.Texture dumping is now disabled.Toggle Texture ReplacementsTexture replacements are now enabled.Texture replacements are now disabled.Reload Texture ReplacementsTexture replacements are not enabled.Reloading texture replacements...Target speed set to {:.0f}%.Volume: MutedVolume: {}%Save slot {} selected (last save: {}).Save slot {} selected (no save yet).No save state found in slot {}.SystemOpen Pause MenuOpen Achievements ListOpen Leaderboards ListToggle PauseToggle FullscreenToggle Frame LimitToggle Turbo / Fast ForwardToggle Slow MotionTurbo / Fast Forward (Hold)Increase Target SpeedDecrease Target SpeedIncrease VolumeDecrease VolumeToggle MuteFrame AdvanceShut Down Virtual MachineReset Virtual MachineToggle Input Recording ModeSave StatesSelect Previous Save SlotSelect Next Save SlotSave State To Selected SlotLoad State From Selected SlotSave State To Slot 1Load State From Slot 1Save State To Slot 2Load State From Slot 2Save State To Slot 3Load State From Slot 3Save State To Slot 4Load State From Slot 4Save State To Slot 5Load State From Slot 5Save State To Slot 6Load State From Slot 6Save State To Slot 7Load State From Slot 7Save State To Slot 8Load State From Slot 8Save State To Slot 9Load State From Slot 9Save State To Slot 10Load State From Slot 10InputBindingDialogEdit BindingsBindings for Controller0/ButtonCircleSensitivity:100%Deadzone:Add BindingRemove BindingClear BindingsBindings for %1 %2ClosePush Button/Axis... [%1]%1%InputBindingWidget%n bindings%n bindings%n bindings%n bindings%n bindings%n bindingsPush Button/Axis... [%1]InputRecordingViewerInput Recording ViewerFileEditViewOpenClose%1 %2%1%1 [%2]Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)InputVibrationBindingWidgetErrorNo devices with vibration motors were detected.Select vibration motor for %1.InterfaceSettingsWidgetBehaviourPause On Focus LossInhibit ScreensaverSave State On ShutdownPause On StartConfirm ShutdownCreate Save State BackupsEnable Discord PresenceEnable Per-Game SettingsGame DisplayStart FullscreenDouble-Click Toggles FullscreenRender To Separate WindowHide Main Window When RunningDisable Window ResizingHide Cursor In FullscreenPreferencesLanguage:Theme:Automatic UpdaterUpdate Channel:Current Version:Enable Automatic Update CheckCheck for Updates...NativeIgnore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Dark Fusion (Gray) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Dark Fusion (Blue) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Untouched Lagoon (Grayish Green/-Blue ) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Baby Pastel (Pink) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Pizza Time! (Brown-ish/Creamy White) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.PCSX2 (White/Blue) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Scarlet Devil (Red/Purple) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Violet Angel (Blue/Purple) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Cobalt Sky (Blue) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Ruby (Black/Red) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Sapphire (Black/Blue) [Dark]"Custom.qss" must be kept as-is.Custom.qss [Drop in PCSX2 Folder]CheckedAutomatically checks for updates to the program on startup. Updates can be deferred until later or skipped entirely.Variable %1 shows the version number and variable %2 shows a timestamp.%1 (%2)Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the virtual machine when the hotkey is pressed.Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.When enabled, custom per-game settings will be applied. Disable to always use the global configuration.Allows switching in and out of fullscreen mode by double-clicking the game window.Prevents the main window from being resized.UncheckedIgnore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Fusion [Light/Dark]Pauses the emulator when a game is started.Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back.Do not translate the ".backup" extension.Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffix.Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.Renders the game to a separate window, instead of the main window. If unchecked, the game will display over the top of the game list.Hides the main window (with the game list) when a game is running, requires Render To Separate Window to be enabled.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile in Discord.MainWindowPCSX2&SystemChange DiscLoad StateSave StateS&ettings&Help&DebugSwitch Renderer&View&Window Size&ToolsInput RecordingToolbarStart &File...Start &Disc...Start &BIOS&Scan For New Games&Rescan All GamesShut &DownShut Down &Without Saving&Reset&Pause&Load State&Save StateE&xit&BIOSEmulation&Controllers&Hotkeys&GraphicsA&chievements&Post-Processing Settings...FullscreenResolution Scale&GitHub Repository...Support &Forums...&Discord Server...Check for &Updates...About &Qt...&About PCSX2...Change Disc...&AudioGame ListInterfaceAdd Game Directory...&SettingsFrom File...From Device...From Game List...Remove DiscGlobal State&Screenshot&Memory Cards&Network && HDD&Folders&ToolbarLock Toolbar&Status BarVerbose StatusGame &ListThis grayed-out at first option will become available while there is a game emulated and the game list is displayed over the actual emulation, to let users display the system emulation once more.System &DisplayGame &PropertiesGame &GridShow Titles (Grid View)Zoom &In (Grid View)Ctrl++Zoom &Out (Grid View)Ctrl+-Refresh &Covers (Grid View)Open Memory Card Directory...Open Data Directory...Toggle Software RenderingOpen DebuggerReload Cheats/PatchesEnable System ConsoleEnable Verbose LoggingEnable EE Console LoggingEnable IOP Console LoggingSave Single Frame GS DumpThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.NewThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.PlayThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.StopThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.SettingsInput Recording LogsController LogsEnable &File LoggingEnable CDVD Read LoggingSave CDVD Block DumpEnable Log TimestampsStart Big Picture ModeBig PictureCover Downloader...Show Advanced SettingsRecording ViewerVideo CaptureInternal Resolution%1x ScaleSelect location to save block dump:Do not show againChanging advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting.
The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own.
Are you sure you want to continue?%1 Files (*.%2)Confirm ShutdownAre you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine?Save State For ResumeErrorYou must select a disc to change discs.Properties...Refers to the directory where a game is contained.Open Containing Directory...Set Cover Image...Exclude From ListReset Play TimeDefault BootFast BootFull BootBoot and DebugAdd Search Directory...Start FileStart DiscSelect Disc ImageUpdater Error<p>Sorry, you are trying to update a PCSX2 version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please download from the link below:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p>Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform.Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)PausedLoad State FailedCannot load a save state without a running VM.Failed to get window info from widgetAll File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump)All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump)Game PropertiesGame properties is unavailable for the current game.Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.Select disc drive:This save state does not exist.Select Cover ImageAll Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)Cover Already ExistsA cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?Copy ErrorFailed to remove existing cover '%1'Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'Confirm ResetAre you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'?
This action cannot be undone.Load Resume StateA resume save state was found for this game, saved at:
Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot?Fresh BootDelete And BootFailed to delete save state file '%1'.Load State File...Load From File...Select Save State FileSave States (*.p2s)Delete Save States...Undo Load StateResume (%2)Load Slot %1 (%2)Delete Save StatesAre you sure you want to delete all save states for %1?
The saves will not be recoverable.%1 save states deleted.Save To File...EmptySave Slot %1 (%2)Confirm Disc ChangeDo you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)?Swap DiscResetMemoryCardMemory Card '{}' was saved to storage.Memory Card in port %d / slot %d reinsertedMemory Card in port {} / slot {} reinserted.Force ejecting all Memory Cards.MemoryCardConvertDialogConvert Memory CardConversion Type8 MB File16 MB File32 MB File64 MB FileFolder<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Note: Converting a Memory Card creates a COPY of your existing Memory Card. It does NOT delete, modify, or replace your existing Memory Card.</p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><meta charset="utf-8" /><style type="text/css">
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hr { height: 1px; border-width: 0; }
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<p align="center" style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html>ProgressMemoryCardType should be left as-is.Convert Memory Card FailedInvalid MemoryCardTypeConversion CompleteMemory Card "%1" converted to "%2"Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less.Cannot Convert Memory CardMemoryCardListWidgetYesNoMemoryCardSettingsWidgetConsole PortsMemory CardsFolder:Browse...Open...ResetNameTypeFormattedLast ModifiedRefreshCreateDuplicateRenameConvertDeleteSettingsAutomatically manage saves based on running gameAuto-eject Memory Cards when loading save statesChecked(Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves.Swap Memory CardsPort %1Eject Memory CardErrorNot yet implemented.Delete Memory CardRename Memory CardNew Card NameNew name is invalid, it must end with .ps2New name is invalid, a card with this name already exists.Avoids broken Memory Card saves. May not work with some games such as Guitar Hero.This Memory Card is unknown.Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'?
This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card.Failed to delete the Memory Card. The log may have more information.Failed to rename Memory Card. The log may contain more information.Use for Port %1Both ports must have a card selected to swap.PS2 (8MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (64MB)PS1 (128KB)UnknownPS2 (Folder)MemoryCardSlotWidget%1 [%2]Ignore Crowdin's warning for [Missing], the text should be translated.%1 [Missing]MemoryViewWidgetMemoryGo to in disassemblyGo to addressShow as 1 byteShow as 2 bytesShow as 4 bytesShow as 8 bytesCopy ByteCopy SegmentCopy CharacterPasteNewInputRecordingDlgNew Input RecordingSelect Recording TypeIndicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded from the moment the emulation boots on/starts.Power OnIndicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded when an accompanying save state is saved.Save State<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html>Select File PathBrowseEnter Author NameInput Recording Files (*.p2m2)PadD-Pad UpD-Pad RightD-Pad DownD-Pad LeftTriangleCircleCrossSquareSelectStartL1 (Left Bumper)L2 (Left Trigger)R1 (Right Bumper)R2 (Right Trigger)L3 (Left Stick Button)R3 (Right Stick Button)Analog ToggleApply PressureLeft Stick UpLeft Stick RightLeft Stick DownLeft Stick LeftRight Stick UpRight Stick RightRight Stick DownRight Stick LeftLarge (Low Frequency) MotorSmall (High Frequency) MotorNot InvertedInvert Left/RightInvert Up/DownInvert Left/Right + Up/DownInvert Left StickInverts the direction of the left analog stick.Invert Right StickInverts the direction of the right analog stick.Analog DeadzoneSets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the analog stick movement which will be ignored.Analog SensitivitySets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 130% and 140% is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.Trigger DeadzoneSets the deadzone for activating triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger press which will be ignored.Trigger SensitivitySets the trigger scaling factor.Large Motor Vibration ScaleIncreases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game.Small Motor Vibration ScaleIncreases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game.Button DeadzoneSets the deadzone for activating buttons, i.e. the fraction of the button press which will be ignored.Modifier PressureSets the pressure when the modifier button is held.Not ConnectedDualShock 2PatchFailed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available.{} GameDB patches{}{} game patches{}{} cheat patches{} are active.No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled.QObjectFailed to open URLFailed to open URL.
The URL was: %1HDD CreatorFailed to create HDD imageCreating HDD file
%1 / %2 MiBCancelQtAsyncProgressThreadErrorQuestionInformationQtModalProgressCallbackPCSX2CancelErrorQuestionInformationRegisterWidgetRegister ViewView as hexView as floatCopy Top HalfCopy Bottom HalfCopy SegmentCopy ValueChange Top HalfChange Bottom HalfChange SegmentChange ValueGo to in DisassemblyGo to in MemoryChanging the value in a CPU register (e.g. "Change t0")Change %1Invalid register valueInvalid hexadecimal register value.Invalid floating-point register value.Invalid target addressSPU2Requested audio output device '{}' not found, using default.SettingWidgetBinderResetDefault: Select folder for %1SettingsDialogPCSX2 SettingsRestore DefaultsCloseSummary<strong>Summary</strong><hr>Eventually this will be where we can see patches and compute hashes/verify dumps/etc.Interface<strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Game List<strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive.BIOS<strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Emulation<strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Patches<strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements.Cheats<strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked.Game Fixes<strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise.Graphics<strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Audio<strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Memory Cards<strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Network & HDD<strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Folders<strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files.Achievements<strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games.RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled.This PCSX2 build was not compiled with RetroAchievements support.Advanced<strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information.Debug<strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space.Confirm Restore DefaultsAre you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost.Reset UI SettingsRecommended Value%1 [%2]THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Enabled]: the text must be translated.Use Global Setting [Enabled]THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Disabled]: the text must be translated.Use Global Setting [Disabled]Use Global Setting [%1]StackModelWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.ENTRYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.LABELWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).PCWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.INSTRUCTIONWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STACK POINTERWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.SIZEThreadModelINVALIDWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.IDWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).PCWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.ENTRYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.PRIORITYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STATEWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.WAIT TYPERefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.BADRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.RUNRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.READYRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.WAITRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.SUSPENDRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.WAIT SUSPENDRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.DORMANTRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.NONERefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.WAKEUP REQUESTRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.SEMAPHORERefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.SLEEPRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.DELAYRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.EVENTFLAGRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.MBOXRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.VPOOLRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.FIXPOOLUSBWebcam (EyeToy)Sony EyeToyKonami Capture EyeDevice NameSelects the device to capture images from.HID KeyboardKeyboardHID MousePointerLeft ButtonRight ButtonMiddle ButtonBeatMania Da Da Da!! KeyboardGunCon 2D-Pad UpD-Pad DownD-Pad LeftD-Pad RightTriggerShoot OffscreenCalibration ShotABCSelectStartManual Screen ConfigurationForces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available.X Scale (Sensitivity)Y Scale (Sensitivity)Center XSets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen.Center YSets the vertical center position of the simulated screen.Screen WidthSets the width of the simulated screen.Screen HeightSets the height of the simulated screen.Logitech USB HeadsetInput DeviceSelects the device to read audio from.Output DeviceSelects the device to output audio to.Input LatencySpecifies the latency to the host input device.Output LatencySpecifies the latency to the host output device.USB-Mic: Neither player 1 nor 2 is connected.USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream.SingstarPlayer 1 DeviceSelects the input for the first player.Player 2 DeviceSelects the input for the second player.Logitech USB Micusb-msd: Could not open image file '{}'Mass Storage DeviceModification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching.Image PathSets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device.Steering LeftSteering RightThrottleBrakeCrossSquareCircleTriangleL1R1L2R2Force FeedbackShift Up / R1Shift Down / L1L3R3Menu UpMenu DownXYSteering SmoothingSmooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards.Steering DeadzoneSteering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels.Steering DampingApplies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs.Wheel DeviceDriving ForceDriving Force ProDriving Force Pro (rev11.02)GT ForceRock Band Drum KitBlueGreenRedYellowOrangeBuzz ControllerPlayer 1 RedPlayer 1 BluePlayer 1 OrangePlayer 1 GreenPlayer 1 YellowPlayer 2 RedPlayer 2 BluePlayer 2 OrangePlayer 2 GreenPlayer 2 YellowPlayer 3 RedPlayer 3 BluePlayer 3 OrangePlayer 3 GreenPlayer 3 YellowPlayer 4 RedPlayer 4 BluePlayer 4 OrangePlayer 4 GreenPlayer 4 YellowKeyboardmaniaC 1C# 1D 1D# 1E 1F 1F# 1G 1G# 1A 1A# 1B 1C 2C# 2D 2D# 2E 2F 2F# 2G 2G# 2A 2A# 2B 2Wheel UpWheel DownSega SeamicStick LeftStick RightStick UpStick DownZLRFailed to open '{}' for printing.Printer saving to '{}'...PrinterNoneNot ConnectedUSBBindingWidgetAxesButtonsUSBBindingWidget_DrivingForceHintsTo bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.Force FeedbackD-PadDownLeftUpRightL1L2BrakeSteering LeftSteering RightSelectStartFace ButtonsCircleCrossTriangleSquareR1R2AcceleratorUSBBindingWidget_GTForceHintsTo bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.Force FeedbackXABrakeSteering LeftSteering RightLeft PaddleRight PaddleYBAcceleratorUSBDeviceWidgetDevice TypeBindingsSettingsAutomatic MappingClear MappingUSB Port %1No devices availableClear BindingsAre you sure you want to clear all bindings for this controller? This action cannot be undone.Automatic BindingNo generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.VMManagerFailed to back up old save state {}.Failed to save save state: {}.State saved to slot {}.Failed to save save state to slot {}.There is no save state in slot {}.Loading state from slot {}...Saving state to slot {}...Disc removed.Disc changed to '{}'.Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image.Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc.Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games.Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow.Audio is using async mix, expect desynchronization in FMVs.Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering.Mipmapping is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games.Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games.Blending is below basic, this may break effects in some games.Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games.EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games.EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance.mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance.GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance.Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance.Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance.