AboutDialogAbout PCSX2Acerca de PCSX2SCM VersionSCM= Source Code ManagementVersión del SCM<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 es un emulador de PlayStation 2 (PS2) gratuito y de código abierto, cuyo fin es emular el hardware del PS2' mediante una combinación de intérpretes y recompiladores de la CPU MIPS y una máquina virtual que gestiona los estados del hardware y la memoria del sistema de PS2. De esta forma puedes ejecutar juegos de PS2 en tu PC con todo tipo de prestaciones y beneficios adicionales.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 and PS2 are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This application is not affiliated in any way with Sony Interactive Entertainment.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 y PS2 son marcas registradas de Sony Interactive Entertainment. Esta aplicación no está afiliada de ninguna forma con Sony Interactive Entertainment.</p></body></html>WebsiteSitio WebSupport ForumsForos de SoporteGitHub RepositoryRepositorio de GitHubLicenseLicenciaThird-Party LicensesLicencias de tercerosView DocumentVer documentoFile not found: %1Archivo no encontrado: %1AchievementLoginDialogRetroAchievements LoginWindow titleInicio de sesión en RetroAchievementsRetroAchievements LoginHeader textInicio de sesión en RetroAchievementsPlease enter user name and password for retroachievements.org below. Your password will not be saved in PCSX2, an access token will be generated and used instead.Introduce tu nombre de usuario y contraseña de retroachievements.org. PCSX2 no almacenará tu contraseña, sino que generará y utilizará un token de acceso.User Name:Nombre de usuario:Password:Contraseña:Ready...Listo...<strong>Your RetroAchievements login token is no longer valid.</strong> You must re-enter your credentials for achievements to be tracked. Your password will not be saved in PCSX2, an access token will be generated and used instead.<strong>Tu token de acceso de RetroAchievements ha dejado de ser válido.</strong> Debes volver a introducir tus credenciales para poder hacer el seguimiento de tus logros. PCSX2 no almacenará tu contraseña, sino que generará y utilizará un token de acceso.&Login&Iniciar sesiónLogging in...Iniciando sesión...Login ErrorError iniciando sesionLogin failed.
Error: %1
Please check your username and password, and try again.No se ha podido iniciar la sesión.
Error: %1
Comprueba tu nombre de usuario y contraseña y vuelve a intentarlo.Login failed.Error al iniciar sesión.Enable AchievementsHabilitar logrosAchievement tracking is not currently enabled. Your login will have no effect until after tracking is enabled.
Do you want to enable tracking now?El seguimiento de logros no está activado. Hasta que no lo actives, el inicio de sesión no tendrá efecto alguno.
¿Deseas activar el seguimiento de logros?Enable Hardcore ModeHabilitar modo «hardcore»Hardcore mode is not currently enabled. Enabling hardcore mode allows you to set times, scores, and participate in game-specific leaderboards.
However, hardcore mode also prevents the usage of save states, cheats and slowdown functionality.
Do you want to enable hardcore mode?Actualmente el Modo Hardcore no ha sido activado. Activar el Modo Hardcore te permite registrar la duración de tus partidas y sus puntuaciones, además de participar en tablas de posiciones en ciertos juegos específicos.
Sin embargo, el Modo Hardcore evita el poder guardar partidas, usar trucos o trampas y efectos de ralentización.
¿Deseas activar el Modo Hardcore?Reset SystemRestablecer sistemaHardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?El Modo Hardcore no será activado hasta que el sistema sea reiniciado. ¿Deseas reiniciar el sistema ahora?AchievementSettingsWidgetEnable AchievementsActivar LogrosEnable Hardcore ModeActivar Modo HardcoreTest Unofficial AchievementsProbar Logros no OficialesEnable Sound EffectsActivar Efectos de SonidoNotificationsNotificaciones5 seconds5 segundosAccountCuentaLogin...Iniciar sesión...View Profile...Ver Perfil...SettingsAjustesEnable Spectator ModeActivar Modo EspectadorEnable Encore ModeActivar Modo Desafío AdicionalShow Achievement NotificationsMostrar notificaciones de logrosShow Leaderboard NotificationsMostrar Notificaciones de MarcadorEnable In-Game OverlaysActivar Pantallas De Información Durante El JuegoUsername:
Login token generated at:Nombre de Usuario:
Token de acceso generado en:Game InfoInformación del juego<html><head/><body><p align="justify">PCSX2 uses RetroAchievements as an achievement database and for tracking progress. To use achievements, please sign up for an account at <a href="https://retroachievements.org/">retroachievements.org</a>.</p><p align="justify">To view the achievement list in-game, press the hotkey for <span style=" font-weight:600;">Open Pause Menu</span> and select <span style=" font-weight:600;">Achievements</span> from the menu.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p align="justify">PCSX2 usa RetroAchievements como base de datos de logros y para hacer seguimiento del progreso. Para usar logros, crea una cuenta en <a href="https://retroachievements.org/">retroachievements.org</a>.</p><p align="justify">Para er la lista de logros dentro del juego, presiona la tecla de acceso rápido <span style=" font-weight:600;">Abrir Menú de Pausa</span> y selecciona <span style=" font-weight:600;">Logros</span> desde el menú.</p></body></html>UncheckedDesactivadoWhen enabled, PCSX2 will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server.Al activar esta opción, PCSX2 asumirá que todos los logros están bloqueados y no enviará notificaciones de desbloqueo al servidor.When enabled, PCSX2 will list achievements from unofficial sets. Please note that these achievements are not tracked by RetroAchievements, so they unlock every time.Al activar esta opción, PCSX2 mostrará los logros de colecciones no oficiales. Ten en cuenta que RetroAchievements no hace un seguimiento de estos logros, así que se desbloquearán constantemente."Challenge" mode for achievements, including leaderboard tracking. Disables save state, cheats, and slowdown functions.Modo «Desafio» para logros, incluyendo seguimiento de tablas de clasificación. Desactiva los Save State, Trucos, y funciones de ralentizado.CheckedActivadoPlays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Reproduce efectos de sonido en ciertas situaciones, como el desbloqueo de logros y el envío de puntuaciones a las tablas.Shows icons in the lower-right corner of the screen when a challenge/primed achievement is active.Muestra iconos en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla cuando haya un logro activo o un desafío.When enabled and logged in, PCSX2 will scan for achievements on startup.Mientras esté activado y haya iniciado sesión, PCSX2 escaneará los logros al iniciar una partida.Displays popup messages on events such as achievement unlocks and game completion.Muestra mensajes emergentes en eventos como el desbloqueo de logros o al completar un juego.Displays popup messages when starting, submitting, or failing a leaderboard challenge.Muestra mensajes emergentes al empezar, enviar, o fallar un desafio del marcador.When enabled, each session will behave as if no achievements have been unlocked.Al activar esta opción, en cada partida, todos los logros deberán ser desbloqueados nuevamente.Reset SystemReiniciar sistemaHardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?El modo «hardcore» no se activará hasta que se reinicie el sistema. ¿Deseas reiniciar ahora?%n seconds%n segundos%n secondsUsername: %1
Login token generated on %2.Nombre de usuario: %1
Token de acceso generado el %2.LogoutCerrar sesiónNot Logged In.No se ha iniciado sesión.AchievementsHardcore mode will be enabled on system reset.El modo Hardcore será habilitado al reiniciar el sistema.{0} cannot be performed while hardcore mode is active. Do you want to disable hardcore mode? {0} will be cancelled if you select No.{0} no se puede realizar mientras el modo hardcore esté activo. ¿Quieres deshabilitar el modo hardcore? {0} será cancelado si seleccionas No.Hardcore mode is now enabled.El modo «hardcore» está activado.{} (Hardcore Mode){} (Modo Hardcore){0}, {1}.{0}, {1}.You have unlocked {} of %n achievementsAchievement popupDesbloqueaste {} de %n logrosYou have unlocked {} of %n achievementsand earned {} of %n pointsAchievement popupy ganaste {} de %n puntosand earned {} of %n points{} (Unofficial){} (No oficial)Mastered {}Completado en Modo Hardcore {}{0}, {1}{0}, {1}%n achievementsMastery popup%n logros%n achievements%n pointsMastery popup%n puntos%n pointsLeaderboard attempt started.Intento de entrar al marcador iniciado.Leaderboard attempt failed.Intento de entrar al marcador fallado.Your Time: {}{}Tiempo transcurrido: {}{}Your Score: {}{}Tu puntuación: {}{}Your Value: {}{}Tu Valor: {}{} (Submitting) (Enviando)Achievements DisconnectedLogros DesconectadosAn unlock request could not be completed. We will keep retrying to submit this request.Una petición de desbloqueo no pudo ser completada. Seguiremos tratando de enviar esta petición.Achievements ReconnectedLogros ReconectadosAll pending unlock requests have completed.Todas las peticiones de desbloqueo pendientes han sido completadas.Hardcore mode is now disabled.El modo «hardcore» está desactivado.Score: {0} pts (softcore: {1} pts)
Unread messages: {2}Puntos: {0} pts (softcore: {1} pts)
Mensajes no leídos: {2}Confirm Hardcore ModeConfirmar Modo HardcoreActive Challenge AchievementsActivas los Logros Por Desafíos (Hardcore Mode) (Modo Hardcore)You have unlocked all achievements and earned {} points!¡Has desbloqueado todos los logros y ganaste {} puntos!Your Time: {0} (Best: {1})Tu Tiempo: {0} (Mejor Tiempo: {1})Your Score: {0} (Best: {1})Tu Puntuación: {0} (Mejor Puntuación: {1})Your Value: {0} (Best: {1})Tu Valor: {0} (Mejor Valor: {1}){0}
Leaderboard Position: {1} of {2}{0}
Posición en el Marcador: {1} de {2}Server error in {0}:
{1}Error del servidor en {0}:
{1}YesSíNoNoYou have unlocked {0} of {1} achievements, earning {2} of {3} possible points.Has desbloqueado {0} de {1} logros y obtenido {2} de {3} puntos posibles.UnknownDesconocidoLockedBloqueadoUnlockedDesbloqueadoUnsupportedNo soportadoUnofficialNo oficialRecently UnlockedDesbloqueado recientementeActive ChallengesDesafíos En CursoAlmost ThereUn Poco Más{} points{} puntos{} point{} puntoXXX pointsXXX PuntosUnlocked: {}Desbloqueado: {}This game has {} leaderboards.Este juego tiene {} marcadores.Submitting scores is disabled because hardcore mode is off. Leaderboards are read-only.Tus puntuaciones no serán registradas porque el Modo Hardcore está deshabilitado. Únicamente podrás consultar la Tabla de Posiciones.Show BestMostrar mejorShow NearbyMostrar Cercanos A TiRankRangoNameNombreTimeTiempoScorePuntajeValueValorDate SubmittedFecha de EnvíoDownloading leaderboard data, please wait...Descargando las puntuaciones de la Tabla de Clasificación, por favor espere...Loading...Cargando...Leaderboard download failedNo se pudo obtener las puntuciones de la Tabla de ClasificaciónThis game has no achievements.Este juego no tiene logros.Failed to read executable from disc. Achievements disabled.Error al leer el ejecutable del disco. Logros desactivados.AdvancedSettingsWidgetUse Global Setting [%1]Utilizar configuración global [%1]Rounding ModeModo de redondeoChop/Zero (Default)Chop/Zero (Default)Changes how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Floating Point Unit (EE FPU). Because the various FPUs in the PS2 are non-compliant with international standards, some games may need different modes to do math correctly. The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Cambia el como PCSX2 maneja el redondear mientras emula la Unidad de Coma Flotante del Emotion Engine (UCF EE). Ya que las distintas UCF en la PS2 no cumplen con los estándares internacionales, algunos juegos necesitarían distintos modos para hacer sus calculos correctamente. El valor por defecto maneja la mayoria de los juegos; <b>modificar esta opción cuando un juego no tiene un problema notable puede causar inestabilidad.</b>Division Rounding ModeDivision Rounding ModeNearest (Default)Por proximidad (predeterminado)Determines how the results of floating-point division is rounded. Some games need specific settings; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Determina como los resultados de una división de coma flotante son redondeados. Algunos juegos necesitan ajustes específicos; <b>modificar este ajuste cuando un juego no tiene un problema visible puede causar inestabilidad.</b>Clamping ModeModo de limitaciónNormal (Default)Normal (predeterminado)Changes how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range. The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Cambia la forma que tiene PCSX2 de gestionar la conversión de valores de coma flotante a un rango estándar x86. El valor predeterminado sirve para la gran mayoría de juegos. <b>Si cambias este ajuste cuando un juego no muestre problemas visibles, podrías provocar inestabilidades.</b>Enable RecompilerActivar recompiladorCheckedActivadoPerforms just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to x86.Realiza una traducción binaria «just-in-time» del código máquina MIPS-IV de 64 bits a x86.Wait Loop DetectionWait loop: When the game makes the CPU do nothing (loop/spin) while it waits for something to happen (usually an interrupt).Detección de bucles en esperaModerate speedup for some games, with no known side effects.Mejora moderadamente la velocidad de algunos juegos sin efectos secundarios conocidos.Enable Cache (Slow)Activar caché (lenta)UncheckedDesactivadoInterpreter only, provided for diagnostic.Solo para el intérprete, utilizado con fines de diagnósticos.INTC Spin DetectionINTC = Name of a PS2 register, leave as-is. "spin" = to make a cpu (or gpu) actively do nothing while you wait for something. Like spinning in a circle, you're moving but not actually going anywhere.Detección de valores de INTCHuge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects.Mejora en gran medida la velocidad de algunos juegos sin casi ningún efecto secundario en la compatibilidad.Enable Fast Memory AccessActivar acceso rápido a memoriaUses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access."Backpatching" = To edit previously generated code to change what it does (in this case, we generate direct memory accesses, then backpatch them to jump to a fancier handler function when we realize they need the fancier handler function)Utiliza la técnica de «backpatching» (retroparcheado) para evitar que se vacíen los registros con cada acceso a memoria.Pause On TLB MissPausar al fallar el TLBPauses the virtual machine when a TLB miss occurs, instead of ignoring it and continuing. Note that the VM will pause after the end of the block, not on the instruction which caused the exception. Refer to the console to see the address where the invalid access occurred.Pausa la máquina virtual cuando una pérdida del TLB ocurre, en vez de ignorarla y continuar. Ten en cuenta que la MV se pausará luego del fin del bloque, no en la instrucción que haya causado la excepción. Consulte la consola para ver la dirección en la que se produjo el acceso no válido.Enable 128MB RAM (Dev Console)Habilitar 128MB de RAM (Dev Console)Exposes an additional 96MB of memory to the virtual machine.Expone 96MB adicionales de memoria a la máquina virtual.VU0 Rounding ModeModo de redondeo del VU0Changes how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem will cause stability issues and/or crashes.</b>Changes how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem will cause stability issues and/or crashes.</b>VU1 Rounding ModeModo de redondeo del VU1Changes how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem will cause stability issues and/or crashes.</b>Changes how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem will cause stability issues and/or crashes.</b>VU0 Clamping ModeModo de limitación del VU0Changes how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range in the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Changes how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range in the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>VU1 Clamping ModeModo de limitación del VU1Changes how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range in the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Changes how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range in the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Enable Instant VU1Enable Instant VU1Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)VU0 = Vector Unit 0. One of the PS2's processors.Activar recompilador del VU0 (modo micro)Enables VU0 Recompiler.Activa el recompilador del VU0.Enable VU1 RecompilerVU1 = Vector Unit 1. One of the PS2's processors.Activar recompilador del VU1Enables VU1 Recompiler.Activa el recompilador del VU1.mVU Flag HackmVU = PCSX2's recompiler for VU (Vector Unit) code (full name: microVU)Hack de indicador mVUGood speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors.Mejora bastante la velocidad y tiene una alta compatibilidad, pero podría provocar errores gráficos.Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to x86.Realiza una traducción binaria «just-in-time» del código máquina MIPS-I de 32 bits a x86.Enable Game FixesActivar correcciones para juegosAutomatically loads and applies fixes to known problematic games on game start.Carga y aplica automáticamente arreglos para juegos problemáticos conocidos al iniciarlos.Enable Compatibility PatchesActivar parches de compatibilidadAutomatically loads and applies compatibility patches to known problematic games.Carga y aplica automáticamente parches de compatibilidad a juegos problemáticos conocidos.AdvancedSystemSettingsWidgetChanging these options may cause games to become non-functional. Modify at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will not provide support for configurations with these settings changed.Cambiar estas opciones pueden causar que algunos juegos dejen de funcionar. Modificar bajo tu propio riesgo, el equipo de PCSX2 no dará soporte para dichas configuraciones.EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV)Emotion Engine = Commercial name of one of PS2's processors. Leave as-is unless there's an official name (like for Japanese).EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV)Rounding Mode:Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.Modo de redondeo:NearestMás cercanoNegativeNegativoPositivePositivoClamping Mode:Clamping: Forcing out of bounds things in bounds by changing them to the closest possible value. In this case, this refers to clamping large PS2 floating point values (which map to infinity or NaN in PCs' IEEE754 floats) to non-infinite ones.Modo de limitación:NoneNadaNormal (Default)Normal (predeterminado)Chop/Zero (Default)Chop/Zero (Default)Division Rounding Mode:Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.Division Rounding Mode:Nearest (Default)Nearest (Default)Chop/ZeroChop/ZeroNoneClampModeNadaExtra + Preserve SignSign: refers here to the mathematical meaning (plus/minus).Extra + conservar signoFullCompletoWait Loop DetectionEsperar detección de bucleEnable RecompilerActivar recompiladorEnable Fast Memory AccessHabilitar acceso rápido a memoriaEnable Cache (Slow)Habilitar caché (lento)INTC Spin DetectionDetección de valores de INTCPause On TLB MissPausar al fallar el TLBEnable 128MB RAM (Dev Console)Habilitar 128MB de RAM (Dev Console)Vector Units (VU)Vector Unit/VU: refers to two of PS2's processors. Do not translate the full text or do so as a comment. Leave the acronym as-is.Unidades vectoriales (VU)VU1 Rounding Mode:Modo de redondeo del VU1:mVU Flag HackHack de indicador mVUEnable VU1 RecompilerHabilitar recompilador del VU1Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)Habilitar recompilador del VU0 (modo micro)Enable Instant VU1Enable Instant VU1ExtraExtraVU0 Clamping Mode:Modo de limitación del VU0:VU0 Rounding Mode:Modo de redondeo del VU0:VU1 Clamping Mode:Modo de limitación del VU1:I/O Processor (IOP, MIPS-I)Procesador de E/S (IOP, MIPS-I)Game SettingsAjustes de JuegoEnable Game FixesActivar Arreglos de JuegosEnable Compatibility PatchesHabilitar parches de compatibilidadFrame Rate ControlControl de velocidad de fotogramas hzhz=Hertz, as in the measuring unit. Shown after the corresponding number. Those languages who'd need to remove the space or do something in between should do so. hzPAL Frame Rate:Velocidad de fotogramas PAL:NTSC Frame Rate:Velocidad de fotogramas NTSC:PINE SettingsAjustes de PINESlot:Puerto:EnableActivarAudioExpansionSettingsDialogAudio Expansion SettingsAjustes de expansión de audioCircular Wrap:Circular Wrap:3030Shift:Shift:2020Depth:Profundidad:1010Focus:Enfoque:Center Image:Centrar imagen:Front Separation:Separación frontal:Rear Separation:Separación trasera:Low Cutoff:Low Cutoff:High Cutoff:High Cutoff:<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Expansion Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Expansion Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.</p></body></html>Block Size:Tamaño del bloque:AudioSettingsWidgetConfigurationConfiguraciónDriver:Controlador:Expansion SettingsAjustes de expansiónStretch SettingsStretch SettingsBuffer Size:Tamaño del búfer:Maximum latency: 0 frames (0.00ms)Maximum latency: 0 frames (0.00ms)Backend:Backend:0 ms0 msControlsControlesOutput Volume:Volumen de salida:100%100 %Fast Forward Volume:Fast Forward Volume:Mute All SoundSilenciar todo sonidoSynchronization:Sincronización:TimeStretch (Recommended)Expansión de tiempo (recomendada)Expansion:Expansión:Output Latency:Latencia de salida:MinimalMínimaOutput Device:Dispositivo de salida:SynchronizationSincronizaciónWhen running outside of 100% speed, adjusts the tempo on audio instead of dropping frames. Produces much nicer fast-forward/slowdown audio.Cuando la emulación se ejecute a una velocidad que no sea el 100 %, se ajustará el tiempo del audio en vez de omitir fotogramas. Produce un audio más agradable cuando la emulación se acelere o ralentice.DefaultPredeterminadoDetermines the buffer size which the time stretcher will try to keep filled. It effectively selects the average latency, as audio will be stretched/shrunk to keep the buffer size within check.Determina el tamaño del búfer que intentará mantener lleno el expansor de tiempo. A efectos prácticos, selecciona la latencia media, ya que el audio será expandido o contraído para mantener el tamaño del búfer dentro de los límites.Output LatencyLatencia de salidaDetermines the latency from the buffer to the host audio output. This can be set lower than the target latency to reduce audio delay.Determines the latency from the buffer to the host audio output. This can be set lower than the target latency to reduce audio delay.Resets output volume back to the global/inherited setting.Resets output volume back to the global/inherited setting.Resets output volume back to the default.Resets output volume back to the default.Resets fast forward volume back to the global/inherited setting.Resets fast forward volume back to the global/inherited setting.Resets fast forward volume back to the default.Resets fast forward volume back to the default.%1%%1%N/APreserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter ms (and/or any possible spaces in between) to your language's ruleset.N/D%%Audio BackendAudio BackendThe audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host. Cubeb provides the lowest latency, if you encounter issues, try the SDL backend. The null backend disables all host audio output.The audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host. Cubeb provides the lowest latency, if you encounter issues, try the SDL backend. The null backend disables all host audio output.%1 ms%1 msBuffer SizeTamaño del búferOutput VolumeVolumen de salidaControls the volume of the audio played on the host.Controls the volume of the audio played on the host.Fast Forward VolumeFast Forward VolumeControls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.Controls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.UncheckedUncheckedPrevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.Prevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.Expansion ModeModo de expansiónDisabled (Stereo)Deshabilitado (Stereo)Determines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games. This includes games that support Dolby Pro Logic/Pro Logic II.Determines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games. This includes games that support Dolby Pro Logic/Pro Logic II.These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.Reset VolumeRestablecer volumenReset Fast Forward VolumeReset Fast Forward VolumeUnknown Device "%1"Unknown Device "%1"Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms expand + %4 ms output)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms expand + %4 ms output)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms output)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms output)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms expand, minimum output latency unknown)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms expand, minimum output latency unknown)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (minimum output latency unknown)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (minimum output latency unknown)AudioStreamNull (No Output)Null (No Output)CubebCubebSDLSDLDisabled (Stereo)Disabled (Stereo)Stereo with LFEStereo with LFEQuadraphonicQuadraphonicQuadraphonic with LFEQuadraphonic with LFE5.1 Surround5.1 Surround7.1 Surround7.1 SurroundDefaultDefaultAudioStretchSettingsDialogAudio Stretch SettingsAudio Stretch SettingsSequence Length:Sequence Length:3030Seekwindow Size:Seekwindow Size:2020Overlap:Overlap:1010<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Stretch Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Stretch Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.</p></body></html>Use QuickseekUse QuickseekUse Anti-Aliasing FilterUse Anti-Aliasing FilterAutoUpdaterDialogAutomatic UpdaterActualizador automáticoUpdate AvailableActualización disponibleCurrent Version: Versión actual: New Version: Nueva versión: Download Size: Tamaño de descarga: Download and Install...Descargar e instalar...Skip This UpdateSaltar esta actualizaciónRemind Me LaterRecordar más tardeUpdater ErrorError del actualizador<h2>Changes:</h2><h2>Cambios:</h2><h2>Save State Warning</h2><p>Installing this update will make your save states <b>incompatible</b>. Please ensure you have saved your games to a Memory Card before installing this update or you will lose progress.</p><h2>Advertencia sobre los guardados rápidos</h2><p>La instalación de esta actualización hará que tus guardados rápidos <b>dejen de ser compatibles</b>. Asegúrate de haber guardado tus avances en una Memory Card antes de instalar esta actualización, o perderás dichos avances.</p><h2>Settings Warning</h2><p>Installing this update will reset your program configuration. Please note that you will have to reconfigure your settings after this update.</p><h2>Advertencia sobre la configuración</h2><p>La instalación de esta actualización reiniciará la configuración del programa. Recuerda que tendrás que volver a cambiar los ajustes del programa una vez se haya aplicado esta actualización.</p>Savestate WarningAdvertencia de Savestate<h1>WARNING</h1><p style='font-size:12pt;'>Installing this update will make your <b>save states incompatible</b>, <i>be sure to save any progress to your memory cards before proceeding</i>.</p><p>Do you wish to continue?</p><h1>ADVERTENCIA</h1><p style='font-size:12pt;'>La instalación de esta actualización hará que tus guardados rápidos <b>dejen de ser compatibles</b>, <i>asegúrate de haber guardado todos tus avances en tus Memory Cards antes de continuar</i>.</p><p>¿Seguro que quieres continuar?</p>Downloading %1...Descargando %1...No updates are currently available. Please try again later.No hay actualizaciones disponibles en este momento. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.Current Version: %1 (%2)Versión actual: %1 (%2)New Version: %1 (%2)Versión más reciente: %1 (%2)Download Size: %1 MBTamaño de descarga %1 MBLoading...Cargando...Failed to remove updater exe after update.Failed to remove updater exe after update.BIOSSettingsWidgetBIOS DirectoryDirectorio de BIOSPCSX2 will search for BIOS images in this directory.PCSX2 buscará imágenes BIOS en este directorio.Browse...Buscar...ResetReiniciarBIOS SelectionSelección de BIOSOpen BIOS Folder...Abrir carpeta de BIOS...Refresh ListActualizar listaFilenameNombre de archivoVersionVersiónOptions and PatchesOpciones y parchesFast BootEncendido rápidoFast Forward BootInicio rápidoCheckedActivadoPatches the BIOS to skip the console's boot animation.Parcha el BIOS para omitir la animación de arranque de la consolaUncheckedDesactivadoRemoves emulation speed throttle until the game starts to reduce startup time.Desactiva el limitador de velocidad hasta que el juego comience a ejecutarse para reducir el tiempo de arranque.BreakpointDialogCreate / Modify BreakpointCrear/Modificar punto de interrupciónTypeTipoExecuteEjecuciónMemoryMemoriaAddressDirección00ReadLecturaWriteEscrituraChangeCambioSizeTamaño11ConditionCondiciónLogRegistroEnableActivarErrorErrorInvalid address "%1"Dirección no válida: «%1»Invalid condition "%1"Condición no válida "%1"Invalid size "%1"Tamaño inválido "%1"BreakpointModelExecuteEjecución----EnabledActivarDisabledDesactivadaReadLecturaWrite(C)(C) = changes, as in "look for changes".Escritura (C)WriteEscrituraTYPEWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.TIPOOFFSETWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.DESPLAZSIZE / LABELWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.TAM./ETIQUETAINSTRUCTIONWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.INSTRUCCIÓNCONDITIONWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.CONDICIÓNHITSWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.HITSXWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.XCDVDGame disc location is on a removable drive, performance issues such as jittering and freezing may occur.El juego se encuentra en una unidad extraible, pueden producirse problemas de rendimiento.Saving CDVD block dump to '{}'.Saving CDVD block dump to '{}'.Precaching CDVDPrecacheo de CDVDAudioAudioMode 1Modo 1Mode 2Modo 2UnknownDesconocidoPrecaching is not supported for discs.El precacheo no está soportado para discos.Required memory ({}GB) is the above the maximum allowed ({}GB).Required memory ({}GB) is the above the maximum allowed ({}GB).ColorPickerButtonSelect LED ColorSeleccionar color del ledControllerBindingWidgetVirtual Controller TypeTipo de control virtualBindingsAsignacionesSettingsConfiguraciónMacrosMacrosAutomatic MappingAsignación automáticaClear MappingBorrar asignacionesController Port %1Puerto de control %1No devices availableNo hay dispositivos disponiblesClear BindingsBinding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).Eliminar asignacionesAre you sure you want to clear all bindings for this controller? This action cannot be undone.Binding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).¿Seguro que quieres borrar todas las asignaciones de este control? Esta acción no puede deshacerse.Automatic BindingAsignación automáticaNo generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.Ninguna asignación general fue generada para el dispositivo '%1'. El control/origen podría no ser compatible con el mapeo automático.ControllerBindingWidget_DualShock2D-PadTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Botones de direcciónDownAbajoLeftIzquierdaUpArribaRightDerechaLeft AnalogTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Joystick analógico izquierdoLarge MotorMotor grandeL2Leave this button name as-is.L2R2Leave this button name as-is.R2L1Leave this button name as-is.L1R1Leave this button name as-is.R1StartLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.StartSelectLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.SelectFace ButtonsTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Botones de acciónCrossTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.CruzSquareTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.CuadradoTriangleTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.TriánguloCircleTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.CírculoRight AnalogTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Joystick analógico derechoSmall MotorMotor pequeñoL3Leave this button name as-is.L3R3Leave this button name as-is.R3Pressure ModifierModificador de presiónAnalogAnálogoControllerBindingWidget_GuitarYellowAmarilloPushButtonPushButtonStartStartRedRojoGreenVerdeOrangeNaranjaSelectSelectStrum UpBarra de toque hacia arribaStrum DownBarra de toque hacia abajoBlueAzulWhammy BarWhammy BarTiltInclinarControllerBindingWidget_PopnSelectLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.SeleccionarYellow (Left)Amarillo (Izquierda)Yellow (Right)Amarillo (Derecha)Blue (Right)Azul (Derecha)Blue (Left)Azul (Izquierda)StartLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.IniciarRedRojoGreen (Right)Verde (Derecha)White (Left)Blanco (Izquierda)Green (Left)Verde (Izquierda)White (Right)Blanco (Derecha)ControllerCustomSettingsWidgetRestore Default SettingsRestaurar valores predeterminadosBrowse...Explorar...Select FileSeleccionar archivoControllerGlobalSettingsWidgetSDL Input SourceFuente de entrada SDLThe SDL input source supports most controllers, and provides advanced functionality for DualShock 4 / DualSense pads in Bluetooth mode (Vibration / LED Control).La fuente de entrada SDL soporta la mayoría de controles y ofrece funcionalidades avanzadas para DualShock 4 / DualSense en modo Bluetooth (vibración / control de LED).Enable SDL Input SourceActivar fuente de entrada SDLDualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced ModeModo mejorado para DualShock 4/DualSenseXInput SourceOrigen XInputEnable XInput Input SourceActivar fuente de entrada XInputDInput SourceOrigen DInputThe DInput source provides support for legacy controllers which do not support XInput. Accessing these controllers via SDL instead is recommended, but DirectInput can be used if they are not compatible with SDL.El origen XInput ofrece compatibilidad para controles de legado que no son compatibles con XInput. Se recomienda acceder a estos controles a través de SDL, pero si no son compatibles con SDL se puede utilizar DirectInput.Enable DInput Input SourceActivar fuente de entrada DInputProfile SettingsAjustes de perfilWhen this option is enabled, hotkeys can be set in this input profile, and will be used instead of the global hotkeys. By default, hotkeys are always shared between all profiles.Al activar esta opción se podrán asignar teclas de acceso rápido a este perfil de entrada, que se utilizarán en vez de las teclas globales. Las teclas de acceso rápido se comparten siempre entre todos los perfiles de forma predeterminada.Use Per-Profile HotkeysUse Per-Profile HotkeysController LED SettingsConfiguración del LED del controlEnable SDL Raw InputActivar entrada sin procesar SDLEnable IOKit DriverHabilitar controlado IOKitEnable MFI DriverHabilitar controlador MFIThe XInput source provides support for Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox Series controllers, and third party controllers which implement the XInput protocol.La fuente XInput ofrece compatibilidad para los controles de Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox Series, y controles de terceros que implementen el protocolo XInput.Controller MultitapMultitapThe multitap enables up to 8 controllers to be connected to the console. Each multitap provides 4 ports. Multitap is not supported by all games.El multitap permite conectar hasta 8 controles a la consola. Cada multitap proporciona 4 puertos. Multitap no está soportado por todos los juegos.Multitap on Console Port 1Multitap en el puerto de la consola 1Multitap on Console Port 2Multitap en el puerto de la consola 2Mouse/Pointer SourceOrigen de ratón/punteroPCSX2 allows you to use your mouse to simulate analog stick movement.PCSX2 te permite utilizar el ratón para simular el movimiento de los joysticks analógicos.Settings...Ajustes...Enable Mouse MappingActivar mapeo del ratónDetected DevicesDispositivos detectadosControllerLEDSettingsDialogController LED SettingsAjustes del LED de los controlesSDL-0 LEDLED SDL-0SDL-1 LEDLED SDL-1Enable DualSense Player LEDEnable DualSense Player LEDSDL-2 LEDLED SDL-2SDL-3 LEDLED SDL-3ControllerMacroEditWidgetBinds/ButtonsAsignaciones/BotonesSelect the buttons which you want to trigger with this macro. All buttons are activated concurrently.Selecciona los botones que deseas activar con esta macro. Se activarán todos los botones a la vez.PressurePresiónFor buttons which are pressure sensitive, this slider controls how much force will be simulated when the macro is active.Para botones sensibles a la presión, este deslizador controla cuánta fuerza será simulada cuando el macro esté activo.100%100 %TriggerDisparadorSelect the trigger to activate this macro. This can be a single button, or combination of buttons (chord). Shift-click for multiple triggers.Select the trigger to activate this macro. This can be a single button, or combination of buttons (chord). Shift-click for multiple triggers.Press To TogglePresionar para alternarDeadzone:Zona muerta:FrequencyFrecuenciaMacro will toggle every N frames.Macro will toggle every N frames.Set...Set...Not ConfiguredNo configurado%1%%1%Set FrequencyEstablecer frecuenciaFrequency: Frecuencia: Macro will not repeat.Macro will not repeat.Macro will toggle buttons every %1 frames.Macro will toggle buttons every %1 frames.ControllerMacroWidgetController Port %1 MacrosMacros del puerto de control %1Macro %1
%2This is the full text that appears in each option of the 16 available macros, and reads like this:
Macro 1
Not Configured/Buttons configuredMacro %1
%2ControllerMappingSettingsDialogController Mapping SettingsAjustes de mapeo de controles<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Controller Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping physical controllers to the emulated controllers.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Controller Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping physical controllers to the emulated controllers.</p></body></html>Ignore InversionIgnorar inversión<html><head/><body><p>Some third party controllers incorrectly flag their analog sticks as inverted on the positive component, but not negative.</p><p>As a result, the analog stick will be "stuck on" even while resting at neutral position. </p><p>Enabling this setting will tell PCSX2 to ignore inversion flags when creating mappings, allowing such controllers to function normally.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Some third party controllers incorrectly flag their analog sticks as inverted on the positive component, but not negative.</p><p>As a result, the analog stick will be "stuck on" even while resting at neutral position. </p><p>Enabling this setting will tell PCSX2 to ignore inversion flags when creating mappings, allowing such controllers to function normally.</p></body></html>ControllerMouseSettingsDialogMouse Mapping SettingsAjustes de mapeo del ratónY SpeedVelocidad Y1010X SpeedVelocidad X<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Mouse Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping a mouse to the emulated controller.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Mouse Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping a mouse to the emulated controller.</p></body></html>InertiaInerciaX Dead ZoneZona muerta XY Dead ZoneZona muerta YControllerSettingsWindowPCSX2 Controller SettingsAjustes de control de PCSX2Editing Profile:Editando perfil:New ProfileNuevo perfilApply ProfileAplicar perfilDelete ProfileBorrar perfilMapping SettingsAjustes de mapeoRestore DefaultsRestaurar predeterminadosCreate Input ProfileCrear perfil de entradaCustom input profiles are used to override the Shared input profile for specific games.
To apply a custom input profile to a game, go to its Game Properties, then change the 'Input Profile' on the Summary tab.
Enter the name for the new input profile:Custom input profiles are used to override the Shared input profile for specific games.
To apply a custom input profile to a game, go to its Game Properties, then change the 'Input Profile' on the Summary tab.
Enter the name for the new input profile:ErrorErrorA profile with the name '%1' already exists.Un perfil con el nombre '%1' ya existe.Do you want to copy all bindings from the currently-selected profile to the new profile? Selecting No will create a completely empty profile.Do you want to copy all bindings from the currently-selected profile to the new profile? Selecting No will create a completely empty profile.Do you want to copy the current hotkey bindings from global settings to the new input profile?Do you want to copy the current hotkey bindings from global settings to the new input profile?Failed to save the new profile to '%1'.Fallo al guardar el nuevo perfil en '%1'.Load Input ProfileCargar perfil de entradaAre you sure you want to load the input profile named '%1'?
All current global bindings will be removed, and the profile bindings loaded.
You cannot undo this action.Are you sure you want to load the input profile named '%1'?
All current global bindings will be removed, and the profile bindings loaded.
You cannot undo this action.Delete Input ProfileBorrar perfil de entradaAre you sure you want to delete the input profile named '%1'?
You cannot undo this action.Are you sure you want to delete the input profile named '%1'?
You cannot undo this action.Failed to delete '%1'.Fallo al borrar '%1'.Are you sure you want to restore the default controller configuration?
All shared bindings and configuration will be lost, but your input profiles will remain.
You cannot undo this action.Are you sure you want to restore the default controller configuration?
All shared bindings and configuration will be lost, but your input profiles will remain.
You cannot undo this action.Global SettingsAjustes globalesController Port %1%2
%3Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.Puerto de control %1%2
%3Controller Port %1
%2Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.Puerto de control %1
%2USB Port %1
%2Puerto USB %1
%2HotkeysTeclas de acceso rápidoShared"Shared" refers here to the shared input profile.CompartidoThe input profile named '%1' cannot be found.The input profile named '%1' cannot be found.CoverDownloadDialogDownload CoversDescargar caratulasPCSX2 can automatically download covers for games which do not currently have a cover set. We do not host any cover images, the user must provide their own source for images.PCSX2 puede descargar automáticamente las carátulas de aquellos juegos que no tengan una carátula asignada. No alojamos ninguna imagen: es el usuario quien debe proporcionarlas.<html><head/><body><p>In the box below, specify the URLs to download covers from, with one template URL per line. The following variables are available:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> Title of the game.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> Name component of the game's filename.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> Serial of the game.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Example:</span> https://www.example-not-a-real-domain.com/covers/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>In the box below, specify the URLs to download covers from, with one template URL per line. The following variables are available:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> Title of the game.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> Name component of the game's filename.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> Serial of the game.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Example:</span> https://www.example-not-a-real-domain.com/covers/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html>By default, the downloaded covers will be saved with the game's title. If this is not desired, you can check the "Use Serial File Names" box below. Using serials instead of game titles will prevent conflicts when multiple regions of the same game are used.Las carátulas descargadas se guardarán de forma predeterminada con el nombre del juego. Si no quieres eso, activa la opción «Usar números de serie como nombres de archivo». Al usar números de serie en lugar de títulos de juegos, se evitarán los conflictos al tener varias copias del mismo juego que sean de distintas regiones.Use Serial File NamesUsar números de serie como nombres de archivoWaiting to start...Esperando para iniciar...StartIniciarCloseCerrarDownload complete.Descarga completa.StopDetenerCpuWidgetRegistersRegistrosFunctionsFuncionesModuleMóduloVersionVersiónCountConteoRefreshActualizarFilterFiltrarMemory SearchBuscar en memoriaMemoryMemoriaBreakpointsBreakpointsThreadsHilosActive Call StackActive Call StackSaved AddressesSaved AddressesBreakpoint List Context MenuBreakpoint List Context MenuNewNuevoEditEditarCopyCopiarDeleteBorrarCopy all as CSVCopiar todo como CSVPaste from CSVPegar desde CSVThread List Context MenuThread List Context MenuDemangle Symbols"Demangling" is the opposite of "Name mangling", which is a process where a compiler takes function names and combines them with other characteristics of the function (e.g. what types of data it accepts) to ensure they stay unique even when multiple functions exist with the same name (but different inputs / const-ness). See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling#C++Demangle SymbolsCopy Function NameCopiar nombre de funciónCopy Function AddressCopiar dirección de funciónGo to in DisassemblyGo to in DisassemblyLoad from SettingsCargar desde ajustesSave to SettingsGuardar en ajustesGo to in Memory ViewGo to in Memory ViewCopy AddressCopy AddressCopy TextCopy TextModule TreeÁrbol de móduloStack List Context MenuStack List Context MenuDEV9DnsHostDialogNetwork DNS Hosts Import/ExportNetwork DNS Hosts Import/ExportSelect HostsSelect HostsOKAceptarCancelCancelarSelectedSelectedNameNombreUrlUrlAddressDirecciónEnabledHabilitadaDEV9SettingsWidgetEthernetEthernetEthernet Device:Dispositivo Ethernet:Ethernet Device Type:Tipo de dispositivo Ethernet:Intercept DHCPIntercept DHCPEnabledHabilitadaEnabledInterceptDHCPHabilitadaSubnet Mask:Subnet Mask:Gateway Address:Dirección de Gateway:AutoAutomáticaIntercept DHCP:Interceptar DHCP:PS2 Address:Dirección de PS2:DNS1 Address:Dirección de DNS1:DNS2 Address:Dirección de DNS2:Internal DNSDNS internoAddAgrergarDeleteBorrarExportExportarImportImportarPer gameSegún el juegoInternal DNS can be selected using the DNS1/2 dropdowns, or by setting them to DNS interno puede seleccionarse mediante las listas desplegables de DNS1/2 o configurando ambos a Disk DriveHDDEnable 48-Bit LBAHabilitar LBA de 48 bitsHDD File:Archivo de HDD:4040120120HDD Size (GiB):Tamaño del HDD (GiB):EnabledHDDActivadoBrowseBuscarCreate ImageCrear imagenPCAP BridgedPCAP (puente)PCAP SwitchedPCAP cambiadoTAPTAPSocketsSocketsManualManualInternalInternalUse Global Setting [%1]Usar ajuste global [%1]NameNombreUrlUrlAddressDirecciónHosts FileArchivo Hostsini (*.ini)ini (*.ini)DNS HostsHosts DNSExported SuccessfullyExportado con éxitoFailed to open fileError al abrir el archivoNo Hosts in fileNo hay hosts en el archivoImported SuccessfullyImportado con éxitoPer Game Host listPor lista de hosts de juegoCopy global settings?¿Copiar ajustes globales?Delete per game host list?¿Borrar por lista de hosts del juego?HDD Image FileArchivo de imagen de HDDHDD (*.raw)HDD (*.raw)20002000100100Overwrite File?¿Sobreescribir archivo?HDD image "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite?HDD image "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite?HDD CreatorCreador de HDDHDD image createdImagen de HDD creadaUse GlobalUsar globalOverrideSobreponerDebugSettingsWidgetGSGSDraw DumpingVocaldos de dibujoDump GS DrawsVolcar dibujos de GSSave RTGuardar RTSave FrameCuardar cuadroSave TextureGuardar texturaSave DepthGuardar profundidadStart Draw Number:Número de dibujo inicial:Draw Dump Count:Dibujar número de vocado:Hardware Dump Directory:Directorio de vocado de hardware:Software Dump Directory:Directorio de vocado de software:Browse...Buscar...Open...Abrir...DebuggerWindowPCSX2 DebuggerDepurador de PCSX2RunEjecutarStep IntoEntrarF11F11Step OverPasar sobreF10F10Step OutSalirShift+F11Shift+F11Always On TopSiempre encimaShow this window on topMostrar esta ventana encimaPausePausarDisassemblyWidgetDisassemblyDesensambladorCopy AddressCopiar direcciónCopy Instruction HexCopiar Hex de instrucciónNOP Instruction(s)Instrucción(ones) NOPRun to CursorEjecutar a cursorFollow BranchSeguir ramaGo to in Memory ViewIr al visualizador de memoriaAdd FunctionAñadir funciónRename FunctionRenombrar funciónRemove FunctionQuitar funciónAssemble ErrorError de ensambladoUnable to change assembly while core is runningNo es posible cambiar el ensamblado mientras se ejecuta el núcleoAssemble InstructionInstrucción de ensabladorGo to addressIr a direcciónGo to address errorIr al error de la direcciónInvalid addressDirección no válidaAdd Function ErrorAñadir error de funciónA function entry point already exists here. Consider renaming instead.Ya existe un punto de entrada de función. Considere renombrar en su lugar.Function will be (0x%1) instructions long.
Enter function nameLa función tendra (0x%1) instrucciones.
Inserta el nombre de funciónFunction nameNombre de funciónRename Function ErrorError al renombrar la funciónFunction name cannot be nothing.Nombre de función no puede estar vacío.No function / symbol is currently selected.No hay función / simbolo seleccionado actualmente.Restore Function ErrorError al restaurar funciónUnable to stub selected address.Unable to stub selected address.&Copy Instruction Text&Copy Instruction TextCopy Function NameCopiar nombre de funciónRestore Instruction(s)Restaurar instrucción(es)Asse&mble new Instruction(s)Asse&mble new Instruction(s)&Jump to Cursor&Jump to CursorToggle &BreakpointToggle &Breakpoint&Go to Address&Go to AddressRestore FunctionRestaurar funciónStub (NOP) FunctionStub (NOP) FunctionShow &OpcodeShow &Opcode%1 NOT VALID ADDRESS%1 NO ES UNA DIRECCIÓN VALIDAEmptyGameListWidget<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">No games in supported formats were found.</span></p><p>Please add a directory with games to begin.</p><p>Game dumps in the following formats will be scanned and listed:</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">No se han podido encontrar juegos en formatos soportados.</span></p><p>Por favor añade un directorio con juegos para comenzar.</p><p>Dumps de juegos en los siguientes formatos serán escaneados y listados:</p></body></html>Add Game Directory...Añadir directorio de juegos...Scan For New GamesEscanear juegos nuevosEmuThreadSlot: %1 | %2 | EE: %3% | VU: %4% | GS: %5%Slot: %1 | %2 | EE: %3% | VU: %4% | GS: %5%Slot: %1 | %2 | EE: %3% | GS: %4%Slot: %1 | %2 | EE: %3% | GS: %4%No ImageNo Image%1x%2%1x%2Game: %1 FPSJuego: %1 FPSVideo: %1 FPS (%2%)Video: %1 FPS (%2%)Game: %1 (%2)
Game: %1 (%2)
Rich presence inactive or unsupported.Rich presence inactive or unsupported.Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.ErrorErrorFailed to create HTTPDownloader.Failed to create HTTPDownloader.Downloading %1...Downloading %1...Download failed with HTTP status code %1.Descarga fallida con código de estado HTTP %1.Download failed: Data is empty.Download failed: Data is empty.Failed to write '%1'.Failed to write '%1'.EmulationSettingsWidgetSpeed ControlControl de VelocidadNormal Speed:Velocidad Normal:System SettingsAjustes del SistemaEnable CheatsEnable CheatsSlow-Motion Speed:Slow-Motion Speed:Fast-Forward Speed:Fast-Forward Speed:Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU)Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU)Enable Host FilesystemEnable Host FilesystemEnable Fast CDVDHabilitar CDVD rápidoEnable CDVD PrecachingHabilitar precacheo de CDVDEnable Thread PinningEnable Thread PinningEE Cycle Skipping:Omisión de ciclos del EE:DisabledDeshabilitadaMild UnderclockUnderclock leveModerate UnderclockUnderclock moderadoMaximum UnderclockUnderclock máximoEE Cycle Rate:Frecuencia de ciclos del EE:50% (Underclock)50% (Underclock)60% (Underclock)60% (Underclock)75% (Underclock)75% (Underclock)100% (Normal Speed)100% (Velocidad normal)130% (Overclock)130% (Overclock)180% (Overclock)180% (Overclock)300% (Overclock)300% (Overclock)Frame Pacing / Latency ControlFrame Pacing / Latency Control framesThis string will appear next to the amount of frames selected, in a dropdown box. cuadrosMaximum Frame Latency:Maximum Frame Latency:Use Host VSync TimingUse Host VSync TimingSync to Host Refresh RateSync to Host Refresh RateOptimal Frame PacingOptimal Frame PacingVertical Sync (VSync)Sincronización vertical (VSync)Use Global Setting [%1]Use Global Setting [%1]Normal SpeedNormal SpeedSets the target emulation speed. It is not guaranteed that this speed will be reached, and if not, the emulator will run as fast as it can manage.Sets the target emulation speed. It is not guaranteed that this speed will be reached, and if not, the emulator will run as fast as it can manage.User PreferenceUser PreferenceCheckedCheckedHigher values may increase internal framerate in games, but will increase CPU requirements substantially. Lower values will reduce the CPU load allowing lightweight games to run full speed on weaker CPUs.Valores más altos pueden aumentar los cuadros por segundo internos en los juegos, pero aumentarán sustancialmente los requerimientos de la CPU. Valores más bajos reducirán la carga de la CPU permitiendo a los juegos ligeros correr a toda velocidad en CPUs más débiles.Makes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance.SOTC = Shadow of the Colossus. A game's title, should not be translated unless an official translation exists.Makes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance.UncheckedUncheckedFast disc access, less loading times. Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with this.Fast disc access, less loading times. Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with this.Automatically loads and applies cheats on game start.Automatically loads and applies cheats on game start.Allows games and homebrew to access files / folders directly on the host computer.Allows games and homebrew to access files / folders directly on the host computer.Fast-Forward SpeedThe "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"Fast-Forward Speed100%100%Sets the fast-forward speed. This speed will be used when the fast-forward hotkey is pressed/toggled.Sets the fast-forward speed. This speed will be used when the fast-forward hotkey is pressed/toggled.Slow-Motion SpeedThe "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"Slow-Motion SpeedSets the slow-motion speed. This speed will be used when the slow-motion hotkey is pressed/toggled.Sets the slow-motion speed. This speed will be used when the slow-motion hotkey is pressed/toggled.EE Cycle RateEE Cycle RateEE Cycle SkipEE Cycle SkipSets the priority for specific threads in a specific order ignoring the system scheduler. May help CPUs with big (P) and little (E) cores (e.g. Intel 12th or newer generation CPUs from Intel or other vendors such as AMD).P-Core = Performance Core, E-Core = Efficiency Core. See if Intel has official translations for these terms.Sets the priority for specific threads in a specific order ignoring the system scheduler. May help CPUs with big (P) and little (E) cores (e.g. Intel 12th or newer generation CPUs from Intel or other vendors such as AMD).Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU1)Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU1)Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang.Generalmente acelera CPUs con 4 más núcleos. Seguro para la mayoría de juegos, pero algunos pocos son incompatibles y podrían colgarse.Loads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine. Can reduce stutter on systems with hard drives that have long wake times, but significantly increases boot times.Loads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine. Can reduce stutter on systems with hard drives that have long wake times, but significantly increases boot times.Sets the VSync queue size to 0, making every frame be completed and presented by the GS before input is polled and the next frame begins. Using this setting can reduce input lag at the cost of measurably higher CPU and GPU requirements.Sets the VSync queue size to 0, making every frame be completed and presented by the GS before input is polled and the next frame begins. Using this setting can reduce input lag at the cost of measurably higher CPU and GPU requirements.Maximum Frame LatencyMaximum Frame Latency2 Frames2 FramesSets the maximum number of frames that can be queued up to the GS, before the CPU thread will wait for one of them to complete before continuing. Higher values can assist with smoothing out irregular frame times, but add additional input lag.Sets the maximum number of frames that can be queued up to the GS, before the CPU thread will wait for one of them to complete before continuing. Higher values can assist with smoothing out irregular frame times, but add additional input lag.Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%. Sync to Host Refresh Rate will not take effect if the console's refresh rate is too far from the host's refresh rate. Users with variable refresh rate displays should disable this option.Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%. Sync to Host Refresh Rate will not take effect if the console's refresh rate is too far from the host's refresh rate. Users with variable refresh rate displays should disable this option.Enable this option to match PCSX2's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (eg. running at non-100% speed).Enable this option to match PCSX2's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (eg. running at non-100% speed).When synchronizing with the host refresh rate, this option disable's PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses the host instead. Can result in smoother frame pacing, <strong>but at the cost of increased input latency</strong>.When synchronizing with the host refresh rate, this option disable's PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses the host instead. Can result in smoother frame pacing, <strong>but at the cost of increased input latency</strong>.Use Global Setting [%1%]Use Global Setting [%1%]%1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]%1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]UnlimitedEvery case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.UnlimitedCustomEvery case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.CustomCustom [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]Custom [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]Custom SpeedCustom SpeedEnter Custom SpeedEnter Custom SpeedFileOperationsFailed to show fileFallo al mostrar archivoFailed to show file in file explorer.
The file was: %1Fallo al mostrar archivo en el explorardor de archivos.
El archivo era: %1Show in FolderWindows action to show a file in Windows ExplorerMostrar en carpetaShow in FindermacOS action to show a file in FinderMostrar en buscadorOpen Containing DirectoryOpens the system file manager to the directory containing a selected fileAbrir directorio contenedorFailed to open URLFallo al abrir URLFailed to open URL.
The URL was: %1Fallo al arbir URL.
La URL era: %1FolderSettingsWidgetCache DirectoryCache DirectoryBrowse...Browse...Open...Open...ResetReiniciarUsed for storing shaders, game list, and achievement data.Used for storing shaders, game list, and achievement data.Cheats DirectoryCheats DirectoryUsed for storing .pnach files containing game cheats.Used for storing .pnach files containing game cheats.Covers DirectoryCovers DirectoryUsed for storing covers in the game grid/Big Picture UIs.Usado para almacenar las carátulas en las interfaces de cuadrícula de juegos y Big Picture.Snapshots DirectoryDirectorio de capturas de imagenUsed for screenshots and saving GS dumps.Usado para capturas de pantalla y guardar volcados de GS.Save States DirectoryDirectorio de estados guardadosUsed for storing save states.Usado para almacenar estados guardados.FullscreenUICould not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.No se pudo encontrar ningún dispositivo de CD/DVD-ROM. Por favor asegúrese de tener un lector conectado y suficientes permisos para acceder a el.Use Global SettingUtilizar configuración globalAutomatic binding failed, no devices are available.Automatic binding failed, no devices are available.Game title copied to clipboard.Título del juego copiado al portapapeles.Game serial copied to clipboard.Número de serie del juego copiado al portapapeles.Game CRC copied to clipboard.CRC del juego copiado al portapapeles.Game type copied to clipboard.Game type copied to clipboard.Game region copied to clipboard.Región del juego copiada al portapapeles.Game compatibility copied to clipboard.Compatibilidad del juego copiada al portapapeles.Game path copied to clipboard.Ruta del juego copiada al portapapeles.Per-game controller configuration initialized with global settings.Configuración de control por juego iniciada con la configuración global.Controller settings reset to default.Configuración del control reiniciada a sus valores predeterminados.No input profiles available.No hay perfiles de entrada disponibles.Create New...Crear Nuevo...Enter the name of the input profile you wish to create.Introduzca el nombre del perfil de entrada que desee crear.Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost.Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost.Settings reset to defaults.Settings reset to defaults.No save present in this slot.No save present in this slot.No save states found.No save states found.Failed to delete save state.Failed to delete save state.Failed to copy text to clipboard.Fallo al copiar el texto al portapapeles.This game has no achievements.Este juego no tiene logros.This game has no leaderboards.Este juego no tiene tablas de clasificación.Reset SystemRestablecer sistemaHardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?Hardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?Launch a game from images scanned from your game directories.Launch a game from images scanned from your game directories.Launch a game by selecting a file/disc image.Launch a game by selecting a file/disc image.Start the console without any disc inserted.Start the console without any disc inserted.Start a game from a disc in your PC's DVD drive.Start a game from a disc in your PC's DVD drive.No BindingNo BindingSetting %s binding %s.Setting %s binding %s.Push a controller button or axis now.Oprima un botón o eje ahora.Timing out in %.0f seconds...Timing out in %.0f seconds...UnknownUnknownOKAceptarSelect DeviceSelect DeviceDetailsDetallesOptionsOpcionesCopies the current global settings to this game.Copies the current global settings to this game.Clears all settings set for this game.Clears all settings set for this game.BehaviourComportamientoPrevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile on Discord.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile on Discord.Pauses the emulator when a game is started.Pauses the emulator when a game is started.Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back.Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back.Pauses the emulator when you open the quick menu, and unpauses when you close it.Pauses the emulator when you open the quick menu, and unpauses when you close it.Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the emulator/game when the hotkey is pressed.Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the emulator/game when the hotkey is pressed.Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.Uses a light coloured theme instead of the default dark theme.Uses a light coloured theme instead of the default dark theme.Game DisplayGame DisplaySwitches between full screen and windowed when the window is double-clicked.Switches between full screen and windowed when the window is double-clicked.Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.Determines how large the on-screen messages and monitor are.Determines how large the on-screen messages and monitor are.Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.Shows the number of video frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the number of video frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the CPU usage based on threads in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the CPU usage based on threads in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the host's GPU usage in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the host's GPU usage in the top-right corner of the display.Shows statistics about GS (primitives, draw calls) in the top-right corner of the display.Shows statistics about GS (primitives, draw calls) in the top-right corner of the display.Shows indicators when fast forwarding, pausing, and other abnormal states are active.Shows indicators when fast forwarding, pausing, and other abnormal states are active.Shows the current configuration in the bottom-right corner of the display.Shows the current configuration in the bottom-right corner of the display.Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.Muestra el estado actual del control del sistema en la esquina inferior izquierda de la pantalla.Shows a visual history of frame times in the upper-left corner of the display.Shows a visual history of frame times in the upper-left corner of the display.Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.Resets configuration to defaults (excluding controller settings).Restablece la configuración por defecto (excluyendo los ajustes del control).Changes the BIOS image used to start future sessions.Changes the BIOS image used to start future sessions.AutomaticAutomatic{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}DefaultDefaultWARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD. It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.
Do you wish to shutdown anyways and IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?WARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD. It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.
Do you wish to shutdown anyways and IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.On-Screen DisplayOn-Screen Display%d%%%d%%Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.BIOS ConfigurationConfiguracion del BIOSBIOS SelectionBIOS SelectionOptions and PatchesOpciones y parchesSkips the intro screen, and bypasses region checks.Skips the intro screen, and bypasses region checks.Speed ControlSpeed ControlNormal SpeedNormal SpeedSets the speed when running without fast forwarding.Sets the speed when running without fast forwarding.Fast Forward SpeedFast Forward SpeedSets the speed when using the fast forward hotkey.Sets the speed when using the fast forward hotkey.Slow Motion SpeedSlow Motion SpeedSets the speed when using the slow motion hotkey.Sets the speed when using the slow motion hotkey.System SettingsSystem SettingsEE Cycle RateEE Cycle RateUnderclocks or overclocks the emulated Emotion Engine CPU.Underclocks or overclocks the emulated Emotion Engine CPU.EE Cycle SkippingEE Cycle SkippingPins emulation threads to CPU cores to potentially improve performance/frame time variance.Pins emulation threads to CPU cores to potentially improve performance/frame time variance.Enable MTVU (Multi-Threaded VU1)Enable MTVU (Multi-Threaded VU1)Enable Instant VU1Enable Instant VU1Enable CheatsActivar cheatsEnables loading cheats from pnach files.Permite cargar cheats de archivos ".pnach".Enable Host FilesystemActivar sistema de archivos del hostEnables access to files from the host: namespace in the virtual machine.Activa el acceso a los archivos desde el host: namespace en la máquina virtual.Enable Fast CDVDActivar CDVD rápidoFast disc access, less loading times. Not recommended.Fast disc access, less loading times. Not recommended.Frame Pacing/Latency ControlFrame Pacing/Latency ControlMaximum Frame LatencyLatencia máxima de fotogramasSets the number of frames which can be queued.Sets the number of frames which can be queued.Optimal Frame PacingOptimal Frame PacingSynchronize EE and GS threads after each frame. Lowest input latency, but increases system requirements.Synchronize EE and GS threads after each frame. Lowest input latency, but increases system requirements.Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host.Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host.RendererRendererSelects the API used to render the emulated GS.Selects the API used to render the emulated GS.Synchronizes frame presentation with host refresh.Synchronizes frame presentation with host refresh.DisplayDisplayAspect RatioRelación de aspectoSelects the aspect ratio to display the game content at.Selects the aspect ratio to display the game content at.FMV Aspect RatioFMV Aspect RatioSelects the aspect ratio for display when a FMV is detected as playing.Selects the aspect ratio for display when a FMV is detected as playing.DeinterlacingDesentrelazadoSelects the algorithm used to convert the PS2's interlaced output to progressive for display.Selects the algorithm used to convert the PS2's interlaced output to progressive for display.Screenshot SizeTamaño de capturas de pantallaDetermines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved.Determines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved.Screenshot FormatScreenshot FormatSelects the format which will be used to save screenshots.Selects the format which will be used to save screenshots.Screenshot QualityCalidad de captura de pantallaSelects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed.Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed.Vertical StretchVertical StretchIncreases or decreases the virtual picture size vertically.Increases or decreases the virtual picture size vertically.CropRecortarCrops the image, while respecting aspect ratio.Recorta la imagen, respetando la relación de aspecto.%dpx%dpxEnable Widescreen PatchesActivar parches WidescreenEnables loading widescreen patches from pnach files.Permite cargar parches widescreen de archivos ".pnach".Enable No-Interlacing PatchesActivar parches "No-Interlacing"Enables loading no-interlacing patches from pnach files.Permite activar parches "No-Interlacing" de archivos ".pnach".Bilinear UpscalingEscalado bilinearSmooths out the image when upscaling the console to the screen.Smooths out the image when upscaling the console to the screen.Integer UpscalingInteger UpscalingAdds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.Screen OffsetsScreen OffsetsEnables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests.Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests.Show OverscanShow OverscanEnables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.Anti-BlurAnti-DesenfoqueEnables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.Enables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.RenderingRenderizadoInternal ResolutionResolución internaMultiplies the render resolution by the specified factor (upscaling).Multiplies the render resolution by the specified factor (upscaling).MipmappingMipmappingBilinear FilteringFiltrado bilinealSelects where bilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Selects where bilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Trilinear FilteringTrilinear FilteringSelects where trilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Selects where trilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Anisotropic FilteringFiltrado anisotrópicoDitheringDitheringSelects the type of dithering applies when the game requests it.Selects the type of dithering applies when the game requests it.Blending AccuracyBlending AccuracyDetermines the level of accuracy when emulating blend modes not supported by the host graphics API.Determines the level of accuracy when emulating blend modes not supported by the host graphics API.Texture PreloadingTexture PreloadingUploads full textures to the GPU on use, rather than only the utilized regions. Can improve performance in some games.Uploads full textures to the GPU on use, rather than only the utilized regions. Can improve performance in some games.Software Rendering ThreadsSoftware Rendering ThreadsNumber of threads to use in addition to the main GS thread for rasterization.Number of threads to use in addition to the main GS thread for rasterization.Auto Flush (Software)Auto Flush (Software)Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture.Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture.Edge AA (AA1)Edge AA (AA1)Enables emulation of the GS's edge anti-aliasing (AA1).Enables emulation of the GS's edge anti-aliasing (AA1).Enables emulation of the GS's texture mipmapping.Enables emulation of the GS's texture mipmapping.Hardware FixesHardware FixesManual Hardware FixesManual Hardware FixesDisables automatic hardware fixes, allowing you to set fixes manually.Disables automatic hardware fixes, allowing you to set fixes manually.CPU Sprite Render SizeCPU Sprite Render SizeUses software renderer to draw texture decompression-like sprites.Uses software renderer to draw texture decompression-like sprites.CPU Sprite Render LevelCPU Sprite Render LevelDetermines filter level for CPU sprite render.Determines filter level for CPU sprite render.Software CLUT RenderSoftware CLUT RenderUses software renderer to draw texture CLUT points/sprites.Uses software renderer to draw texture CLUT points/sprites.Skip Draw StartSkip Draw StartObject range to skip drawing.Object range to skip drawing.Skip Draw EndSkip Draw EndAuto Flush (Hardware)Auto Flush (Hardware)CPU Framebuffer ConversionCPU Framebuffer ConversionDisable Depth ConversionDeshabilitar conversión de profundidadDisable Safe FeaturesDisable Safe FeaturesThis option disables multiple safe features.This option disables multiple safe features.This option disables game-specific render fixes.This option disables game-specific render fixes.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.Disable Partial InvalidationDisable Partial InvalidationRemoves texture cache entries when there is any intersection, rather than only the intersected areas.Removes texture cache entries when there is any intersection, rather than only the intersected areas.Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Read Targets When ClosingRead Targets When ClosingFlushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down.Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down.Estimate Texture RegionEstimate Texture RegionAttempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).GPU Palette ConversionGPU Palette ConversionUpscaling FixesUpscaling FixesAdjusts vertices relative to upscaling.Adjusts vertices relative to upscaling.Round SpriteRound SpriteAdjusts sprite coordinates.Adjusts sprite coordinates.Bilinear UpscaleEscalado bilinealCan smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.Can smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.Adjusts target texture offsets.Adjusts target texture offsets.Align SpriteAlign SpriteFixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in some games.Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in some games.Merge SpriteMerge SpriteReplaces multiple post-processing sprites with a larger single sprite.Replaces multiple post-processing sprites with a larger single sprite.Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.Unscaled Palette Texture DrawsUnscaled Palette Texture DrawsCan fix some broken effects which rely on pixel perfect precision.Can fix some broken effects which rely on pixel perfect precision.Texture ReplacementTexture ReplacementLoad TexturesCargar texturasLoads replacement textures where available and user-provided.Loads replacement textures where available and user-provided.Asynchronous Texture LoadingAsynchronous Texture LoadingLoads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.Loads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.Precache ReplacementsPrecache ReplacementsPreloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.Preloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.Replacements DirectoryReplacements DirectoryFoldersFoldersTexture DumpingTexture DumpingDump TexturesDump TexturesDump MipmapsDump MipmapsIncludes mipmaps when dumping textures.Includes mipmaps when dumping textures.Dump FMV TexturesDump FMV TexturesAllows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.Allows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.Post-ProcessingPost-ProcesamientoFXAAFXAAEnables FXAA post-processing shader.Enables FXAA post-processing shader.Contrast Adaptive SharpeningContrast Adaptive SharpeningEnables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.Enables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.CAS SharpnessCAS SharpnessDetermines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.Determines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.FiltersFiltrosShade BoostShade BoostEnables brightness/contrast/saturation adjustment.Enables brightness/contrast/saturation adjustment.Shade Boost BrightnessShade Boost BrightnessAdjusts brightness. 50 is normal.Ajusta el brillo. 50 es normal.Shade Boost ContrastShade Boost ContrastAdjusts contrast. 50 is normal.Ajusta el contraste. El valor 50 es lo normal.Shade Boost SaturationShade Boost SaturationAdjusts saturation. 50 is normal.Ajusta la saturación. 50 es normal.TV ShadersTV ShadersAdvancedAdvancedSkip Presenting Duplicate FramesSkip Presenting Duplicate FramesHardware Download ModeHardware Download ModeChanges synchronization behavior for GS downloads.Changes synchronization behavior for GS downloads.Allow Exclusive FullscreenAllow Exclusive FullscreenOverrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.Overrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.Override Texture BarriersOverride Texture BarriersForces texture barrier functionality to the specified value.Forces texture barrier functionality to the specified value.GS Dump CompressionGS Dump CompressionSets the compression algorithm for GS dumps.Sets the compression algorithm for GS dumps.Disable Framebuffer FetchDisable Framebuffer FetchPrevents the usage of framebuffer fetch when supported by host GPU.Prevents the usage of framebuffer fetch when supported by host GPU.Disable Shader CacheDisable Shader CachePrevents the loading and saving of shaders/pipelines to disk.Prevents the loading and saving of shaders/pipelines to disk.Disable Vertex Shader ExpandDisable Vertex Shader ExpandFalls back to the CPU for expanding sprites/lines.Falls back to the CPU for expanding sprites/lines.Changes when SPU samples are generated relative to system emulation.Changes when SPU samples are generated relative to system emulation.%d ms%d msSettings and OperationsSettings and OperationsCreates a new memory card file or folder.Creates a new memory card file or folder.Simulates a larger memory card by filtering saves only to the current game.Simulates a larger memory card by filtering saves only to the current game.If not set, this card will be considered unplugged.If not set, this card will be considered unplugged.The selected memory card image will be used for this slot.The selected memory card image will be used for this slot.Enable/Disable the Player LED on DualSense controllers.Enable/Disable the Player LED on DualSense controllers.TriggerDisparadorToggles the macro when the button is pressed, instead of held.Toggles the macro when the button is pressed, instead of held.{:%H:%M}{:%H:%M}Slot {}Ranura {}WebPWebPChange SelectionCambiar la selecciónSelectSeleccionarParent DirectoryDirectorio principalEnter ValueIngresar valorAboutAcerca deToggle FullscreenAlternar pantalla completaNavigateNavegarLoad Global StateCargar estado globalChange PageCambiar páginaReturn To GameVolver al juegoSelect StateSeleccionar estadoSelect GameSeleccionar juegoChange ViewCambiar vistaLaunch OptionsOpciones de lanzamientoCreate Save State BackupsCrear copias de respaldo de estados guardadosCreate Memory CardCrear Memory CardConfigurationConfigurationStart GameIniciar juegoLaunch a game from a file, disc, or starts the console without any disc inserted.Launch a game from a file, disc, or starts the console without any disc inserted.Changes settings for the application.Cambia los ajustes para la aplicación.Return to desktop mode, or exit the application.Volver al modo de escritorio, o salir de la aplicación.BackVolverReturn to the previous menu.Volver al menú previo.Exit PCSX2Salir de PCSX2Completely exits the application, returning you to your desktop.Completely exits the application, returning you to your desktop.Desktop ModeModo de escritorioExits Big Picture mode, returning to the desktop interface.Exits Big Picture mode, returning to the desktop interface.Uses game-specific settings for controllers for this game.Uses game-specific settings for controllers for this game.Copies the global controller configuration to this game.Copia la configuración global de control a este juego.Resets all configuration to defaults (including bindings).Resets all configuration to defaults (including bindings).Replaces these settings with a previously saved input profile.Replaces these settings with a previously saved input profile.Stores the current settings to an input profile.Stores the current settings to an input profile.Input SourcesInput SourcesThe SDL input source supports most controllers.La fuente de entrada SDL soporta la mayoría de controles.Provides vibration and LED control support over Bluetooth.Provides vibration and LED control support over Bluetooth.Allow SDL to use raw access to input devices.Allow SDL to use raw access to input devices.The XInput source provides support for XBox 360/XBox One/XBox Series controllers.La fuente XInput proporciona compatibilidad para los controles de Xbox 360/Xbox One/Xbox Series.MultitapMultitapEnables an additional three controller slots. Not supported in all games.Habilita tres puertos de control adicionales. No compatible en todos los juegos.Attempts to map the selected port to a chosen controller.Intenta mapear el puerto seleccionado a un control elegido.Determines how much pressure is simulated when macro is active.Determines how much pressure is simulated when macro is active.Determines the pressure required to activate the macro.Determines the pressure required to activate the macro.Toggle every %d framesToggle every %d framesClears all bindings for this USB controller.Clears all bindings for this USB controller.Data Save LocationsData Save LocationsShow Advanced SettingsMostrar Ajustes AvanzadosChanging these options may cause games to become non-functional. Modify at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will not provide support for configurations with these settings changed.Cambiar estas opciones pueden causar que los juegos dejen de funcionar. Modificar bajo su propio riesgo, el equipo de PCSX2 no dará soporte para configuraciones con estos ajustes cambiados.LoggingLoggingSystem ConsoleSystem ConsoleWrites log messages to the system console (console window/standard output).Writes log messages to the system console (console window/standard output).File LoggingFile LoggingWrites log messages to emulog.txt.Escribe mensajes de registro en emulog.txt.Verbose LoggingVerbose LoggingWrites dev log messages to log sinks.Writes dev log messages to log sinks.Log TimestampsLog TimestampsWrites timestamps alongside log messages.Writes timestamps alongside log messages.EE ConsoleEE ConsoleWrites debug messages from the game's EE code to the console.Writes debug messages from the game's EE code to the console.IOP ConsoleIOP ConsoleWrites debug messages from the game's IOP code to the console.Writes debug messages from the game's IOP code to the console.CDVD Verbose ReadsCDVD Verbose ReadsLogs disc reads from games.Logs disc reads from games.Emotion EngineEmotion EngineRounding ModeRounding ModeDetermines how the results of floating-point operations are rounded. Some games need specific settings.Determines how the results of floating-point operations are rounded. Some games need specific settings.Division Rounding ModeDivision Rounding ModeDetermines how the results of floating-point division is rounded. Some games need specific settings.Determines how the results of floating-point division is rounded. Some games need specific settings.Clamping ModeClamping ModeDetermines how out-of-range floating point numbers are handled. Some games need specific settings.Determines how out-of-range floating point numbers are handled. Some games need specific settings.Enable EE RecompilerEnable EE RecompilerPerforms just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to native code.Performs just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to native code.Enable EE CacheEnable EE CacheEnables simulation of the EE's cache. Slow.Enables simulation of the EE's cache. Slow.Enable INTC Spin DetectionEnable INTC Spin DetectionHuge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects.Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects.Enable Wait Loop DetectionEnable Wait Loop DetectionModerate speedup for some games, with no known side effects.Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects.Enable Fast Memory AccessEnable Fast Memory AccessUses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access.Uses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access.Vector UnitsVector UnitsVU0 Rounding ModeVU0 Rounding ModeVU0 Clamping ModeVU0 Clamping ModeVU1 Rounding ModeVU1 Rounding ModeVU1 Clamping ModeVU1 Clamping ModeEnable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)New Vector Unit recompiler with much improved compatibility. Recommended.New Vector Unit recompiler with much improved compatibility. Recommended.Enable VU1 RecompilerEnable VU1 RecompilerEnable VU Flag OptimizationEnable VU Flag OptimizationGood speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors.Good speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors.I/O ProcessorI/O ProcessorEnable IOP RecompilerEnable IOP RecompilerPerforms just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to native code.Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to native code.GraphicsGraphicsUse Debug DeviceUse Debug DeviceSettingsSettingsNo cheats are available for this game.No cheats are available for this game.Cheat CodesCheat CodesNo patches are available for this game.No patches are available for this game.Game PatchesGame PatchesActivating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.Activating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.Game FixesGame FixesGame fixes should not be modified unless you are aware of what each option does and the implications of doing so.Game fixes should not be modified unless you are aware of what each option does and the implications of doing so.FPU Multiply HackFPU Multiply HackFor Tales of Destiny.For Tales of Destiny.Preload TLB HackPreload TLB HackNeeded for some games with complex FMV rendering.Needed for some games with complex FMV rendering.Skip MPEG HackSkip MPEG HackSkips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.OPH Flag HackOPH Flag HackEE Timing HackEE Timing HackInstant DMA HackInstant DMA HackKnown to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.Known to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.VU Add HackVU Add HackFull VU0 SynchronizationFull VU0 SynchronizationForces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.Forces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.VU Overflow HackVU Overflow HackTo check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).To check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).Load StateLoad StateMakes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance.Makes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance.Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang.Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang.Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache.Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache.Disable Render FixesDisable Render FixesPreload Frame DataPreload Frame DataTexture Inside RTTexture Inside RTWhen enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.Half Pixel OffsetHalf Pixel OffsetTexture Offset XTexture Offset XTexture Offset YTexture Offset YDumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.Dumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.Skips displaying frames that don't change in 25/30fps games. Can improve speed, but increase input lag/make frame pacing worse.Skips displaying frames that don't change in 25/30fps games. Can improve speed, but increase input lag/make frame pacing worse.Enables API-level validation of graphics commands.Enables API-level validation of graphics commands.Use Software Renderer For FMVsUse Software Renderer For FMVsTo avoid TLB miss on Goemon.To avoid TLB miss on Goemon.General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.Emulate GIF FIFOEmulate GIF FIFOCorrect but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.Correct but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.DMA Busy HackDMA Busy HackDelay VIF1 StallsDelay VIF1 StallsEmulate VIF FIFOEmulate VIF FIFOSimulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.VU I Bit HackVU I Bit HackAvoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.Avoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.VU SyncVU SyncRun behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.Run behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.VU XGKick SyncVU XGKick SyncForce Blit Internal FPS DetectionForce Blit Internal FPS DetectionSave StateSave StateLoad Resume StateLoad Resume StateA resume save state created at %s was found.
Do you want to load this save and continue?A resume save state created at %s was found.
Do you want to load this save and continue?Region: Region: Compatibility: Compatibility: No Game SelectedNo Game SelectedSearch DirectoriesSearch DirectoriesAdds a new directory to the game search list.Adds a new directory to the game search list.Scanning SubdirectoriesScanning SubdirectoriesNot Scanning SubdirectoriesNot Scanning SubdirectoriesList SettingsList SettingsSets which view the game list will open to.Sets which view the game list will open to.Determines which field the game list will be sorted by.Determines which field the game list will be sorted by.Reverses the game list sort order from the default (usually ascending to descending).Reverses the game list sort order from the default (usually ascending to descending).Cover SettingsCover SettingsDownloads covers from a user-specified URL template.Downloads covers from a user-specified URL template.OperationsOperationsSelects where anisotropic filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Selecciona dónde es utilizado el filtrado anisotrópico al renderizar texturas.Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.Identifies any new files added to the game directories.Identifies any new files added to the game directories.Forces a full rescan of all games previously identified.Forces a full rescan of all games previously identified.Download CoversDownload CoversAbout PCSX2About PCSX2PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.PlayStation 2 and PS2 are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This application is not affiliated in any way with Sony Interactive Entertainment.PlayStation 2 and PS2 are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This application is not affiliated in any way with Sony Interactive Entertainment.When enabled and logged in, PCSX2 will scan for achievements on startup.When enabled and logged in, PCSX2 will scan for achievements on startup."Challenge" mode for achievements, including leaderboard tracking. Disables save state, cheats, and slowdown functions."Challenge" mode for achievements, including leaderboard tracking. Disables save state, cheats, and slowdown functions.Displays popup messages on events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Displays popup messages on events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Plays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Plays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Shows icons in the lower-right corner of the screen when a challenge/primed achievement is active.Shows icons in the lower-right corner of the screen when a challenge/primed achievement is active.When enabled, PCSX2 will list achievements from unofficial sets. These achievements are not tracked by RetroAchievements.When enabled, PCSX2 will list achievements from unofficial sets. These achievements are not tracked by RetroAchievements.When enabled, PCSX2 will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server.When enabled, PCSX2 will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server.ErrorErrorPauses the emulator when a controller with bindings is disconnected.Pausa el emulador cuando un control con enlaces es desconectado.Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffixCreates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffixEnable CDVD PrecachingHabilitar precacheo de CDVDLoads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine.Loads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine.Vertical Sync (VSync)Sincronización vertical (VSync)Sync to Host Refresh RateSync to Host Refresh RateUse Host VSync TimingUse Host VSync TimingDisables PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses host vsync instead.Disables PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses host vsync instead.Disable Mailbox PresentationDisable Mailbox PresentationForces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.Audio ControlControl de audioControls the volume of the audio played on the host.Controls the volume of the audio played on the host.Fast Forward VolumeVolumen del avance rápidoControls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.Controls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.Mute All SoundSilenciar todo sonidoPrevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.Prevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.Backend SettingsBackend SettingsAudio BackendAudio BackendThe audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host.The audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host.ExpansionExpansiónDetermines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games.Determines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games.SynchronizationSincronizaciónBuffer SizeTamaño de búferDetermines the amount of audio buffered before being pulled by the host API.Determines the amount of audio buffered before being pulled by the host API.Output LatencyLatencia de salidaDetermines how much latency there is between the audio being picked up by the host API, and played through speakers.Determines how much latency there is between the audio being picked up by the host API, and played through speakers.Minimal Output LatencyLatencia de salida mínimaWhen enabled, the minimum supported output latency will be used for the host API.When enabled, the minimum supported output latency will be used for the host API.Thread PinningThread PinningForce Even Sprite PositionForce Even Sprite PositionDisplays popup messages when starting, submitting, or failing a leaderboard challenge.Displays popup messages when starting, submitting, or failing a leaderboard challenge.When enabled, each session will behave as if no achievements have been unlocked.When enabled, each session will behave as if no achievements have been unlocked.AccountCuentaLogs out of RetroAchievements.Logs out of RetroAchievements.Logs in to RetroAchievements.Logs in to RetroAchievements.Current GameJuego actualAn error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
{}An error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
{}An error occurred while saving game settings:
{}An error occurred while saving game settings:
{}{} is not a valid disc image.{} is not a valid disc image.Automatic mapping completed for {}.Automatic mapping completed for {}.Automatic mapping failed for {}.Automatic mapping failed for {}.Game settings initialized with global settings for '{}'.Game settings initialized with global settings for '{}'.Game settings have been cleared for '{}'.Game settings have been cleared for '{}'.{} (Current){} (Current){} (Folder){} (Folder)Failed to load '{}'.Failed to load '{}'.Input profile '{}' loaded.Input profile '{}' loaded.Input profile '{}' saved.Input profile '{}' saved.Failed to save input profile '{}'.Failed to save input profile '{}'.Port {} Controller TypePort {} Controller TypeSelect Macro {} BindsSelect Macro {} BindsPort {} DevicePort {} DevicePort {} SubtypePort {} Subtype{} unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.{} unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.{} unlabelled patch codes found but not enabled.{} unlabelled patch codes found but not enabled.This Session: {}This Session: {}All Time: {}All Time: {}Save Slot {0}Save Slot {0}Saved {}Saved {}{} does not exist.{} does not exist.{} deleted.{} deleted.Failed to delete {}.Failed to delete {}.File: {}File: {}CRC: {:08X}CRC: {:08X}Time Played: {}Time Played: {}Last Played: {}Last Played: {}Size: {:.2f} MBSize: {:.2f} MBLeft: Left: Top: Top: Right: Right: Bottom: Bottom: SummarySummaryInterface SettingsInterface SettingsBIOS SettingsBIOS SettingsEmulation SettingsEmulation SettingsGraphics SettingsGraphics SettingsAudio SettingsAudio SettingsMemory Card SettingsMemory Card SettingsController SettingsAjustes del controlHotkey SettingsHotkey SettingsAchievements SettingsAchievements SettingsFolder SettingsFolder SettingsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced SettingsPatchesPatchesCheatsCheats2% [1 FPS (NTSC) / 1 FPS (PAL)]2% [1 FPS (NTSC) / 1 FPS (PAL)]10% [6 FPS (NTSC) / 5 FPS (PAL)]10% [6 FPS (NTSC) / 5 FPS (PAL)]25% [15 FPS (NTSC) / 12 FPS (PAL)]25% [15 FPS (NTSC) / 12 FPS (PAL)]50% [30 FPS (NTSC) / 25 FPS (PAL)]50% [30 FPS (NTSC) / 25 FPS (PAL)]75% [45 FPS (NTSC) / 37 FPS (PAL)]75% [45 FPS (NTSC) / 37 FPS (PAL)]90% [54 FPS (NTSC) / 45 FPS (PAL)]90% [54 FPS (NTSC) / 45 FPS (PAL)]100% [60 FPS (NTSC) / 50 FPS (PAL)]100% [60 FPS (NTSC) / 50 FPS (PAL)]110% [66 FPS (NTSC) / 55 FPS (PAL)]110% [66 FPS (NTSC) / 55 FPS (PAL)]120% [72 FPS (NTSC) / 60 FPS (PAL)]120% [72 FPS (NTSC) / 60 FPS (PAL)]150% [90 FPS (NTSC) / 75 FPS (PAL)]150% [90 FPS (NTSC) / 75 FPS (PAL)]175% [105 FPS (NTSC) / 87 FPS (PAL)]175% [105 FPS (NTSC) / 87 FPS (PAL)]200% [120 FPS (NTSC) / 100 FPS (PAL)]200% [120 FPS (NTSC) / 100 FPS (PAL)]300% [180 FPS (NTSC) / 150 FPS (PAL)]300% [180 FPS (NTSC) / 150 FPS (PAL)]400% [240 FPS (NTSC) / 200 FPS (PAL)]400% [240 FPS (NTSC) / 200 FPS (PAL)]500% [300 FPS (NTSC) / 250 FPS (PAL)]500% [300 FPS (NTSC) / 250 FPS (PAL)]1000% [600 FPS (NTSC) / 500 FPS (PAL)]1000% [600 FPS (NTSC) / 500 FPS (PAL)]50% Speed50% Speed60% Speed60% Speed75% Speed75% Speed100% Speed (Default)100% Speed (Default)130% Speed130% Speed180% Speed180% Speed300% Speed300% SpeedNormal (Default)Normal (Default)Mild UnderclockMild UnderclockModerate UnderclockModerate UnderclockMaximum UnderclockMaximum UnderclockDisabledDisabled0 Frames (Hard Sync)0 Frames (Hard Sync)1 Frame1 Frame2 Frames2 Frames3 Frames3 FramesNoneNoneExtra + Preserve SignExtra + Preserve SignFullFullExtraExtraAutomatic (Default)Automatic (Default)Direct3D 11Direct3D 11Direct3D 12Direct3D 12OpenGLOpenGLVulkanVulkanMetalMetalSoftwareSoftwareNullNullOffOffBilinear (Smooth)Bilinear (Smooth)Bilinear (Sharp)Bilinear (Sharp)Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)Bob (Top Field First)Bob (Top Field First)Bob (Bottom Field First)Bob (Bottom Field First)Blend (Top Field First, Half FPS)Blend (Top Field First, Half FPS)Blend (Bottom Field First, Half FPS)Blend (Bottom Field First, Half FPS)Adaptive (Top Field First)Adaptive (Top Field First)Adaptive (Bottom Field First)Adaptive (Bottom Field First)Native (PS2)Native (PS2)1.25x Native1.25x Native1.5x Native1.5x Native1.75x Native1.75x Native2x Native (~720p)2x Native (~720p)2.25x Native2.25x Native2.5x Native2.5x Native2.75x Native2.75x Native3x Native (~1080p)3x Native (~1080p)3.5x Native3.5x Native4x Native (~1440p/2K)4x Native (~1440p/2K)5x Native (~1620p)5x Native (~1620p)6x Native (~2160p/4K)6x Native (~2160p/4K)7x Native (~2520p)7x Native (~2520p)8x Native (~2880p)8x Native (~2880p)NearestNearestBilinear (Forced)Bilinear (Forced)Bilinear (PS2)Bilinear (PS2)Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)Off (None)Off (None)Trilinear (PS2)Trilinear (PS2)Trilinear (Forced)Trilinear (Forced)ScaledScaledUnscaled (Default)Unscaled (Default)MinimumMinimumBasic (Recommended)Basic (Recommended)MediumMediumHighHighFull (Slow)Full (Slow)Maximum (Very Slow)Maximum (Very Slow)Off (Default)Off (Default)2x2x4x4x8x8x16x16xPartialParcialFull (Hash Cache)Full (Hash Cache)Force DisabledForce DisabledForce EnabledForce EnabledAccurate (Recommended)Accurate (Recommended)Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)Disabled (Ignore Transfers)Disabled (Ignore Transfers)Screen ResolutionScreen ResolutionInternal Resolution (Aspect Uncorrected)Internal Resolution (Aspect Uncorrected)WARNING: Memory Card BusyWARNING: Memory Card BusyCannot show details for games which were not scanned in the game list.Cannot show details for games which were not scanned in the game list.Pause On Controller DisconnectionPause On Controller DisconnectionSDL DualSense Player LEDSDL DualSense Player LEDPress To TogglePresionar para alternarDeadzoneDeadzoneFull BootFull BootAchievement NotificationsAchievement NotificationsLeaderboard NotificationsLeaderboard NotificationsEnable In-Game OverlaysEnable In-Game OverlaysEncore ModeEncore ModeSpectator ModeSpectator ModePNGPNG--Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU.Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU.Removes the current card from the slot.Removes the current card from the slot.Determines the frequency at which the macro will toggle the buttons on and off (aka auto fire).Determines the frequency at which the macro will toggle the buttons on and off (aka auto fire).{} Frames{} FramesNo DeinterlacingNo DeinterlacingForce 32bitForzar 32 bitsJPEGJPEG0 (Disabled)0 (Disabled)1 (64 Max Width)1 (64 Max Width)2 (128 Max Width)2 (128 Max Width)3 (192 Max Width)3 (192 Max Width)4 (256 Max Width)4 (256 Max Width)5 (320 Max Width)5 (320 Max Width)6 (384 Max Width)6 (384 Max Width)7 (448 Max Width)7 (448 Max Width)8 (512 Max Width)8 (512 Max Width)9 (576 Max Width)9 (576 Max Width)10 (640 Max Width)10 (640 Max Width)Sprites OnlySprites OnlySprites/TrianglesSprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/Triangles1 (Normal)1 (Normal)2 (Aggressive)2 (Aggressive)Inside TargetInside TargetMerge TargetsMerge TargetsNormal (Vertex)Normal (Vertex)Special (Texture)Special (Texture)Special (Texture - Aggressive)Special (Texture - Aggressive)Align To NativeAlign To NativeHalfHalfForce BilinearForce BilinearForce NearestForce NearestDisabled (Default)Disabled (Default)Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (All Primitives)Enabled (All Primitives)None (Default)None (Default)Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)Scanline FilterScanline FilterDiagonal FilterDiagonal FilterTriangular FilterTriangular FilterWave FilterWave FilterLottes CRTLottes CRT4xRGSS4xRGSSNxAGSSNxAGSSUncompressedSin comprimirLZMA (xz)LZMA (xz)Zstandard (zst)Zstandard (zst)PS2 (8MB)PS2 (8MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (64MB)PS2 (64MB)PS1PS1NegativeNegativePositivePositiveChop/Zero (Default)Chop/Zero (Default)Game GridGame GridGame ListGame ListGame List SettingsGame List SettingsTypeTypeSerialSerialTitleTitleFile TitleFile TitleCRCCRCTime PlayedTiempo jugadoLast PlayedLast PlayedSizeSizeSelect Disc ImageSeleccionar imagen de discoSelect Disc DriveSelect Disc DriveStart FileStart FileStart BIOSIniciar BIOSStart DiscIniciar discoExitSalirSet Input BindingSet Input BindingRegionRegiónCompatibility RatingCompatibility RatingPathPathDisc PathDisc PathSelect Disc PathSelect Disc PathCopy SettingsCopy SettingsClear SettingsClear SettingsInhibit ScreensaverInhibit ScreensaverEnable Discord PresenceEnable Discord PresencePause On StartPause On StartPause On Focus LossPause On Focus LossPause On MenuPause On MenuConfirm ShutdownConfirm ShutdownSave State On ShutdownSave State On ShutdownUse Light ThemeUse Light ThemeStart FullscreenStart FullscreenDouble-Click Toggles FullscreenDouble-Click Toggles FullscreenHide Cursor In FullscreenHide Cursor In FullscreenOSD ScaleOSD ScaleShow MessagesShow MessagesShow SpeedShow SpeedShow FPSShow FPSShow CPU UsageShow CPU UsageShow GPU UsageShow GPU UsageShow ResolutionShow ResolutionShow GS StatisticsShow GS StatisticsShow Status IndicatorsShow Status IndicatorsShow SettingsShow SettingsShow InputsShow InputsShow Frame TimesShow Frame TimesWarn About Unsafe SettingsWarn About Unsafe SettingsReset SettingsReset SettingsChange Search DirectoryChange Search DirectoryFast BootFast BootOutput VolumeOutput VolumeMemory Card DirectoryMemory Card DirectoryFolder Memory Card FilterFolder Memory Card FilterCreateCreateCancelCancelLoad ProfileCargar perfilSave ProfileGuardar perfilPer-Game ConfigurationConfiguración por juegoCopy Global SettingsCopy Global SettingsEnable SDL Input SourceEnable SDL Input SourceSDL DualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced ModeSDL DualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced ModeSDL Raw InputSDL Raw InputEnable XInput Input SourceEnable XInput Input SourceEnable Console Port 1 MultitapEnable Console Port 1 MultitapEnable Console Port 2 MultitapEnable Console Port 2 MultitapController Port {}{}Puerto de control {}{}Controller Port {}Puerto de control {}Controller TypeTipo de controlAutomatic MappingAutomatic MappingController Port {}{} MacrosMacros de Puerto de control {}{}Controller Port {} MacrosController Port {} MacrosMacro Button {}Macro Button {}ButtonsButtonsFrequencyFrequencyPressurePressureController Port {}{} SettingsAjustes del puerto de control {}{}Controller Port {} SettingsAjustes del puerto de control {}USB Port {}Conector USB {}Device TypeDevice TypeDevice SubtypeDevice Subtype{} Bindings{} BindingsClear BindingsClear Bindings{} Settings{} SettingsCache DirectoryCache DirectoryCovers DirectoryCovers DirectorySnapshots DirectorySnapshots DirectorySave States DirectorySave States DirectoryGame Settings DirectoryGame Settings DirectoryInput Profile DirectoryInput Profile DirectoryCheats DirectoryCheats DirectoryPatches DirectoryPatches DirectoryTexture Replacements DirectoryTexture Replacements DirectoryVideo Dumping DirectoryVideo Dumping DirectoryResume GameResume GameToggle Frame LimitToggle Frame LimitGame PropertiesGame PropertiesAchievementsAchievementsSave ScreenshotSave ScreenshotSwitch To Software RendererSwitch To Software RendererSwitch To Hardware RendererSwitch To Hardware RendererChange DiscChange DiscClose GameClose GameExit Without SavingExit Without SavingBack To Pause MenuBack To Pause MenuExit And Save StateExit And Save StateLeaderboardsLeaderboardsDelete SaveDelete SaveClose MenuClose MenuDelete StateDelete StateDefault BootDefault BootReset Play TimeReset Play TimeAdd Search DirectoryAdd Search DirectoryOpen in File BrowserOpen in File BrowserDisable Subdirectory ScanningDisable Subdirectory ScanningEnable Subdirectory ScanningEnable Subdirectory ScanningRemove From ListRemove From ListDefault ViewDefault ViewSort BySort BySort ReversedSort ReversedScan For New GamesScan For New GamesRescan All GamesRescan All GamesWebsiteWebsiteSupport ForumsSupport ForumsGitHub RepositoryGitHub RepositoryLicenseLicenseCloseCloseRAIntegration is being used instead of the built-in achievements implementation.RAIntegration is being used instead of the built-in achievements implementation.Enable AchievementsEnable AchievementsHardcore ModeHardcore ModeSound EffectsSound EffectsTest Unofficial AchievementsTest Unofficial AchievementsUsername: {}Username: {}Login token generated on {}Login token generated on {}LogoutLogoutNot Logged InNot Logged InLoginLoginGame: {0} ({1})Game: {0} ({1})Rich presence inactive or unsupported.Rich presence inactive or unsupported.Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.Card EnabledCard EnabledCard NameCard NameEject CardEject CardGSFailed to reopen, restoring old configuration.Failed to reopen, restoring old configuration.Failed to create render device. This may be due to your GPU not supporting the chosen renderer ({}), or because your graphics drivers need to be updated.Failed to create render device. This may be due to your GPU not supporting the chosen renderer ({}), or because your graphics drivers need to be updated.Upscale multiplier set to {}x.Upscale multiplier set to {}x.Saving screenshot to '{}'.Guardando captura de pantalla en '{}'.Saved screenshot to '{}'.Captura de pantalla guardada en '{}'.Failed to save screenshot to '{}'.Fallo al guardar captura de pantalla en '{}'.Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering.Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering.CAS is not available, your graphics driver does not support the required functionality.CAS is not available, your graphics driver does not support the required functionality.with no compressionwith no compressionwith LZMA compressionwith LZMA compressionwith Zstandard compressionwith Zstandard compressionSaving {0} GS dump {1} to '{2}'Saving {0} GS dump {1} to '{2}'single framesingle framemulti-framemulti-frameFailed to render/download screenshot.Fallo al renderizar/descargar captura de pantalla.Saved GS dump to '{}'.Saved GS dump to '{}'.Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling.Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling.Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures.Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures.Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects.Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects.Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow.Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow.Your system has the "OpenCL, OpenGL, and Vulkan Compatibility Pack" installed.
This Vulkan driver crashes PCSX2 on some GPUs.
To use the Vulkan renderer, you should remove this app package.Your system has the "OpenCL, OpenGL, and Vulkan Compatibility Pack" installed.
This Vulkan driver crashes PCSX2 on some GPUs.
To use the Vulkan renderer, you should remove this app package.The Vulkan renderer was automatically selected, but no compatible devices were found.
You should update all graphics drivers in your system, including any integrated GPUs
to use the Vulkan renderer.The Vulkan renderer was automatically selected, but no compatible devices were found.
You should update all graphics drivers in your system, including any integrated GPUs
to use the Vulkan renderer.Switching to Software Renderer...Switching to Software Renderer...Switching to Hardware Renderer...Switching to Hardware Renderer...The Direct3D renderer is running at feature level 10.0. This is an UNSUPPORTED configuration.
Do not request support, please upgrade your hardware/drivers first.The Direct3D renderer is running at feature level 10.0. This is an UNSUPPORTED configuration.
Do not request support, please upgrade your hardware/drivers first.GSCaptureFailed to load FFmpegFailed to load FFmpegYou may be missing one or more files, or are using the incorrect version. This build of PCSX2 requires:
libavcodec: {}
libavformat: {}
libavutil: {}
libswscale: {}
libswresample: {}
You may be missing one or more files, or are using the incorrect version. This build of PCSX2 requires:
libavcodec: {}
libavformat: {}
libavutil: {}
libswscale: {}
libswresample: {}
GameCheatSettingsWidgetActivating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats.Activating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats.Enable CheatsEnable CheatsNameNameAuthorAuthorDescriptionDescriptionEnable AllEnable AllDisable AllDisable AllAll CRCsTodos los CRCsReload CheatsReload CheatsShow Cheats For All CRCsShow Cheats For All CRCsCheckedComprobadoToggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.Toggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.%1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.%1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.GameDatabase{0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}.
Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}.
You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve
graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements.{0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}.
Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}.
You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve
graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements.Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied:Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied:No tracks provided.No tracks provided.Hash {} is not in database.Hash {} is not in database.Data track number does not match data track in database.Data track number does not match data track in database.Track {0} with hash {1} is not found in database.
Track {0} with hash {1} is not found in database.
Track {0} with hash {1} is for a different game ({2}).
Track {0} with hash {1} is for a different game ({2}).
Track {0} with hash {1} does not match database track.
Track {0} with hash {1} does not match database track.
GameFixSettingsWidgetGame Fixes (NOT recommended to change globally)Game Fixes (NOT recommended to change globally)FPU Multiply HackFPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nMultiply: mathematical term.\nTales of Destiny: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.FPU Multiply HackSkip MPEG HackMPEG: video codec, leave as-is. FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.Skip MPEG HackPreload TLB HackTLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer. Leave as-is. Goemon: name of a character from the series with his name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Preload TLB HackEE Timing HackEE: Emotion Engine. Leave as-is.EE Timing HackInstant DMA HackDMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.Instant DMA HackOPH Flag HackOPH: Name of a flag (Output PatH) in the GIF_STAT register in the EE. Leave as-is.\nBleach Blade Battles: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.OPH Flag HackEmulate GIF FIFOGIF = GS (Graphics Synthesizer, the GPU) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.Emulate GIF FIFODMA Busy HackDMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.DMA Busy HackDelay VIF1 StallsVIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is. SOCOM 2 and Spy Hunter: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.\nHUD = Heads-Up Display. The games' interfaces.Delay VIF1 StallsEmulate VIF FIFOVIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.Emulate VIF FIFOFull VU0 SynchronizationVU0 = VU (Vector Unit) 0. Leave as-is.Full VU0 SynchronizationVU I Bit HackVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nI Bit = A bit referred as I, not as 1.\nScarface The World is Yours and Crash Tag Team Racing: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.VU I Bit HackVU Add HackVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nTri-Ace: a game development company name. Leave as-is.VU Add HackVU Overflow HackVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nSuperman Returns: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.VU Overflow HackVU SyncVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nRun Behind: watch out for misleading capitalization for non-English: this refers to making the VUs run behind (delayed relative to) the EE.\nM-Bit: a bitflag in VU instructions that tells VU0 to synchronize with the EE. M-Bit Game: A game that uses instructions with the M-Bit enabled (unofficial PCSX2 name).VU SyncVU XGKick SyncVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nXGKick: the name of one of the VU's instructions. Leave as-is.VU XGKick SyncForce Blit Internal FPS DetectionBlit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit This option tells PCSX2 to estimate internal FPS by detecting blits (image copies) onto visible display memory.Force Blit Internal FPS DetectionUse Software Renderer For FMVsFMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.Use Software Renderer For FMVsUncheckedUncheckedFor Tales of Destiny.For Tales of Destiny.To avoid TLB miss on Goemon.To avoid TLB miss on Goemon.Needed for some games with complex FMV rendering.Needed for some games with complex FMV rendering.Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.Known to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.Known to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.Correct but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.Correct but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.Avoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.Avoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.Forces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.Forces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.Run behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.Run behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.To check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).To check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.GameListScanning directory {} (recursively)...Scanning directory {} (recursively)...Scanning directory {}...Scanning directory {}...Scanning {}...Scanning {}...NeverNeverTodayTodayYesterdayYesterday{}h {}m{}h {}m{}h {}m {}s{}h {}m {}s{}m {}s{}m {}s{}s{}s%n hours%n horas%n hours%n minutes%n minutos%n minutesDownloading cover for {0} [{1}]...Descargando carátula para {0} [{1}]...GameListModelTypeTypeCodeCodeTitleTitleFile TitleFile TitleCRCCRCTime PlayedTime PlayedLast PlayedLast PlayedSizeSizeRegionRegionCompatibilityCompatibilityGameListSettingsWidgetGame ScanningEscaneo de juegosSearch Directories (will be scanned for games)Search Directories (will be scanned for games)Add...Agregar...RemoveRemoveSearch DirectorySeleccionar directorioScan RecursivelyScan RecursivelyExcluded Paths (will not be scanned)Excluded Paths (will not be scanned)Directory...Directorio...File...Archivo...Scan For New GamesScan For New GamesRescan All GamesRescan All GamesDisplayPantallaPrefer English TitlesPreferir títulos en inglésUncheckedDesmarcadoFor games with both a title in the game's native language and one in English, prefer the English title.For games with both a title in the game's native language and one in English, prefer the English title.Open Directory...Open Directory...Select Search DirectorySelect Search DirectoryScan Recursively?Scan Recursively?Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.Select FileSeleccionar archivoSelect DirectorySeleccionar directorioGameListWidgetGame ListGame ListGame GridGame GridShow TitlesShow TitlesAll TypesAll TypesAll RegionsAll RegionsSearch...Search...GamePatchDetailsWidgetPatch TitlePatch TitleEnabledEnabled<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Author: </span>Patch Author</p><p>Description would go here</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Author: </span>Patch Author</p><p>Description would go here</p></body></html><strong>Author: </strong>%1<br>%2<strong>Author: </strong>%1<br>%2UnknownUnknownNo description provided.No description provided.GamePatchSettingsWidgetActivating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.Any patches bundled with PCSX2 for this game will be disabled since you have unlabeled patches loaded.Any patches bundled with PCSX2 for this game will be disabled since you have unlabeled patches loaded.All CRCsTodos los CRCsReload PatchesReload PatchesShow Patches For All CRCsShow Patches For All CRCsCheckedComprobadoToggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.Toggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.There are no patches available for this game.There are no patches available for this game.GameSummaryWidgetTitle:Title:Clear the line to restore the original title...Limpiar la linea para restaurar el título original...RestoreRestaurarSorting Title:Name for use in sorting (e.g. "XXX, The" for a game called "The XXX")Ordenanto título:English Title:Título en inglés:Path:Path:Serial:Serial:CRC:CRC:Type:Type:PS2 DiscPS2 DiscPS1 DiscPS1 DiscELF (PS2 Executable)ELF (PS2 Executable)Region:Region:NTSC-B (Brazil)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-B (Brazil)NTSC-C (China)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-C (China)NTSC-HK (Hong Kong)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-HK (Hong Kong)NTSC-J (Japan)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-J (Japan)NTSC-K (Korea)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-K (Korea)NTSC-T (Taiwan)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-T (Taiwan)NTSC-U (US)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-U (US)OtherOtherPAL-A (Australia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-A (Australia)PAL-AF (South Africa)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-AF (South Africa)PAL-AU (Austria)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-AU (Austria)PAL-BE (Belgium)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-BE (Belgium)PAL-E (Europe/Australia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-E (Europe/Australia)PAL-F (France)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-F (France)PAL-FI (Finland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-FI (Finland)PAL-G (Germany)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-G (Germany)PAL-GR (Greece)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-GR (Greece)PAL-I (Italy)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-I (Italy)PAL-IN (India)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-IN (India)PAL-M (Europe/Australia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-M (Europe/Australia)PAL-NL (Netherlands)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-NL (Netherlands)PAL-NO (Norway)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-NO (Norway)PAL-P (Portugal)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-P (Portugal)PAL-PL (Poland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-PL (Polonia)PAL-R (Russia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-R (Russia)PAL-S (Spain)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-S (Spain)PAL-SC (Scandinavia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SC (Scandinavia)PAL-SW (Sweden)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SW (Sweden)PAL-SWI (Switzerland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SWI (Switzerland)PAL-UK (United Kingdom)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-UK (United Kingdom)Compatibility:Compatibility:UnknownUnknownNot BootableNot BootableReaches IntroReaches IntroReaches MenuReaches MenuIn-GameIn-GamePlayablePlayablePerfectPerfectInput Profile:Input Profile:SharedRefers to the shared settings profile.CompartidoDisc Path:Disc Path:Browse...Browse...ClearClearVerifyVerificarSearch on Redump.org...Search on Redump.org...Select Disc PathSelect Disc PathGame is not a CD/DVD.Game is not a CD/DVD.Track list unavailable while virtual machine is running.Track list unavailable while virtual machine is running.##ModeModoStartStartSectorsSectoresSizeTamañoMD5MD5StatusEstado%1%1<not computed><not computed>ErrorErrorCannot verify image while a game is running.Cannot verify image while a game is running.One or more tracks is missing.One or more tracks is missing.Verified as %1 [%2] (Version %3).Verified as %1 [%2] (Version %3).Verified as %1 [%2].Verified as %1 [%2].GraphicsSettingsWidgetRenderer:Renderer:Adapter:Adapter:DisplayDisplayFullscreen Mode:Modo pantalla completa:Aspect Ratio:Aspect Ratio:Fit to Window / FullscreenAjustar a ventana / pantalla completaAuto Standard (4:3 Interlaced / 3:2 Progressive)Auto Standard (4:3 Interlaced / 3:2 Progressive)Standard (4:3)Standard (4:3)Widescreen (16:9)Widescreen (16:9)FMV Aspect Ratio:FMV Aspect Ratio:Off (Default)Off (Default)Automatic (Default)Automatic (Default)Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)Bob (Top Field First, Full Frames)Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.Bob (Top Field First, Full Frames)Bob (Bottom Field First, Full Frames)Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.Bob (Bottom Field First, Full Frames)Blend (Top Field First, Merge 2 Fields)Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.Blend (Top Field First, Merge 2 Fields)Blend (Bottom Field First, Merge 2 Fields)Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.Blend (Bottom Field First, Merge 2 Fields)Adaptive (Top Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.Adaptive (Top Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)Adaptive (Bottom Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.Adaptive (Bottom Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)Bilinear Filtering:Bilinear Filtering:NoneNoneBilinear (Smooth)Smooth: Refers to the texture clarity.Bilinear (Smooth)Bilinear (Sharp)Sharp: Refers to the texture clarity.Bilinear (Sharp)Vertical Stretch:Vertical Stretch:%Percentage sign that shows next to a value. You might want to add a space before if your language requires it.
Percentage sign that will appear next to a number. Add a space or whatever is needed before depending on your language.%Crop:Crop:Left:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Left:pxpxTop:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Top:Right:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Right:Bottom:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Bottom:Screen OffsetsScreen OffsetsShow OverscanShow OverscanEnable Widescreen PatchesEnable Widescreen PatchesEnable No-Interlacing PatchesEnable No-Interlacing PatchesAnti-BlurAnti-BlurCtrl+SCtrl+SDisable Interlace OffsetDisable Interlace OffsetScreenshot Size:Tamaño de captura de pantalla:Screen ResolutionScreen ResolutionInternal ResolutionInternal ResolutionPNGPNGJPEGJPEGQuality:Quality:RenderingRenderingInternal Resolution:Internal Resolution:OffOffTexture Filtering:Texture Filtering:NearestNearestBilinear (Forced)Bilinear (Forced)Bilinear (PS2)Bilinear (PS2)Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)Trilinear Filtering:Trilinear Filtering:Off (None)Off (None)Trilinear (PS2)Trilinear (PS2)Trilinear (Forced)Trilinear (Forced)Anisotropic Filtering:Anisotropic Filtering:Dithering:Dithering:ScaledScaledUnscaled (Default)Unscaled (Default)Blending Accuracy:Blending Accuracy:MinimumMinimumBasic (Recommended)Basic (Recommended)MediumMediumHighHighFull (Slow)Full (Slow)Maximum (Very Slow)Maximum (Very Slow)Texture Preloading:Texture Preloading:PartialPartialFull (Hash Cache)Full (Hash Cache)Software Rendering Threads:Software Rendering Threads:Skip Draw Range:Skip Draw Range:Disable Depth ConversionDisable Depth ConversionGPU Palette ConversionGPU Palette ConversionManual Hardware Renderer FixesManual Hardware Renderer FixesSpin GPU During ReadbacksSpin GPU During ReadbacksSpin CPU During ReadbacksSpin CPU During Readbacks threads threadsMipmappingMipmappingAuto FlushAuto FlushHardware FixesHardware FixesForce DisabledForce DisabledForce EnabledForce EnabledCPU Sprite Render Size:CPU Sprite Render Size:0 (Disabled)0 (Disabled)0 (Disabled)1 (64 Max Width)1 (64 Max Width)2 (128 Max Width)2 (128 Max Width)3 (192 Max Width)3 (192 Max Width)4 (256 Max Width)4 (256 Max Width)5 (320 Max Width)5 (320 Max Width)6 (384 Max Width)6 (384 Max Width)7 (448 Max Width)7 (448 Max Width)8 (512 Max Width)8 (512 Max Width)9 (576 Max Width)9 (576 Max Width)10 (640 Max Width)10 (640 Max Width)Disable Safe FeaturesDisable Safe FeaturesPreload Frame DataPreload Frame DataTexture Inside RTTexture Inside RT1 (Normal)1 (Normal)2 (Aggressive)2 (Aggressive)Software CLUT Render:Software CLUT Render:GPU Target CLUT:CLUT: Color Look Up Table, often referred to as a palette in non-PS2 things. GPU Target CLUT: GPU handling of when a game uses data from a render target as a CLUT.GPU Target CLUT:Disabled (Default)Disabled (Default)Enabled (Exact Match)Enabled (Exact Match)Enabled (Check Inside Target)Enabled (Check Inside Target)Upscaling FixesUpscaling FixesHalf Pixel Offset:Half Pixel Offset:Normal (Vertex)Normal (Vertex)Special (Texture)Special (Texture)Special (Texture - Aggressive)Special (Texture - Aggressive)Round Sprite:Round Sprite:HalfHalfFullFullTexture Offsets:Texture Offsets:X:X:Y:Y:Merge SpriteMerge SpriteAlign SpriteAlign SpriteDeinterlacing:Deinterlacing:No DeinterlacingNo DeinterlacingApply Widescreen PatchesAplicar parches de pantalla anchaApply No-Interlacing PatchesAplicar parches de no entrelazadoWindow Resolution (Aspect Corrected)Window Resolution (Aspect Corrected)Internal Resolution (Aspect Corrected)Internal Resolution (Aspect Corrected)Internal Resolution (No Aspect Correction)Internal Resolution (No Aspect Correction)WebPWebPForce 32bitForzar 32 bitsSprites OnlySprites OnlySprites/TrianglesSprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/TrianglesAuto Flush:Auto Flush:Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (All Primitives)Enabled (All Primitives)Texture Inside RT:Texture Inside RT:Inside TargetInside TargetMerge TargetsMerge TargetsDisable Partial Source InvalidationDisable Partial Source InvalidationRead Targets When ClosingRead Targets When ClosingEstimate Texture RegionEstimate Texture RegionDisable Render FixesDisable Render FixesAlign To NativeAlign To NativeUnscaled Palette Texture DrawsUnscaled Palette Texture DrawsBilinear Dirty Upscale:Bilinear Dirty Upscale:Force BilinearForce BilinearForce NearestForce NearestTexture ReplacementTexture ReplacementSearch DirectorySearch DirectoryBrowse...Browse...Open...Open...ResetReiniciarPCSX2 will dump and load texture replacements from this directory.PCSX2 will dump and load texture replacements from this directory.OptionsOptionsDump TexturesDump TexturesDump MipmapsDump MipmapsDump FMV TexturesDump FMV TexturesLoad TexturesLoad TexturesNative ScalingNative ScalingNormalNormalAggressiveAggressiveForce Even Sprite PositionForce Even Sprite PositionPrecache TexturesPrecache TexturesPost-ProcessingPost-ProcessingSharpening/Anti-AliasingSharpening/Anti-AliasingContrast Adaptive Sharpening:You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfxContrast Adaptive Sharpening:None (Default)None (Default)Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)Sharpness:Sharpness:FXAAFXAAFiltersFiltersTV Shader:TV Shader:Scanline FilterScanline FilterDiagonal FilterDiagonal FilterTriangular FilterTriangular FilterWave FilterWave FilterLottes CRTLottes = Timothy Lottes, the creator of the shader filter. Leave as-is. CRT= Cathode Ray Tube, an old type of television technology.Lottes CRT4xRGSS downsampling (4x Rotated Grid SuperSampling)4xRGSS downsampling (4x Rotated Grid SuperSampling)NxAGSS downsampling (Nx Automatic Grid SuperSampling)NxAGSS downsampling (Nx Automatic Grid SuperSampling)Shade BoostShade BoostBrightness:Brightness:Contrast:Contrast:SaturationSaturationOSDOSDOn-Screen DisplayOn-Screen DisplayOSD Scale:OSD Scale:Show IndicatorsShow IndicatorsShow ResolutionShow ResolutionShow InputsShow InputsShow GPU UsageShow GPU UsageShow SettingsShow SettingsShow FPSShow FPSDisable Mailbox PresentationDisable Mailbox PresentationDisable Shader CacheDisable Shader CacheDisable Vertex Shader ExpandDisable Vertex Shader ExpandShow StatisticsShow StatisticsAsynchronous Texture LoadingAsynchronous Texture LoadingSaturation:Saturación:Show CPU UsageShow CPU UsageWarn About Unsafe SettingsWarn About Unsafe SettingsShow Frame TimesShow Frame TimesRecordingRecordingVideo Dumping DirectoryVideo Dumping DirectoryCapture SetupCapture SetupcapturecaptureContainer:Container:Codec:Codec:Extra ArgumentsExtra ArgumentsCapture AudioCapture AudioResolution:Resolution:xxAutoAutoCapture VideoCapture VideoAdvancedAdvanced here refers to the advanced graphics options.AdvancedAdvanced OptionsAdvanced OptionsHardware Download Mode:Hardware Download Mode:Accurate (Recommended)Accurate (Recommended)Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)Disabled (Ignore Transfers)Disabled (Ignore Transfers)GS Dump Compression:GS Dump Compression:UncompressedUncompressedLZMA (xz)LZMA (xz)Zstandard (zst)Zstandard (zst)Skip Presenting Duplicate FramesSkip Presenting Duplicate FramesUse Blit Swap ChainBlit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit \nSwap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit
Swap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.Use Blit Swap ChainBitrate:Bitrate: kbpsUnit that will appear next to a number. Alter the space or whatever is needed before the text depending on your language. kbpsAllow Exclusive Fullscreen:Permitir pantalla completa exclusiva:DisallowedDisallowedAllowedAllowedDebugging OptionsDebugging OptionsOverride Texture Barriers:Override Texture Barriers:Use Debug DeviceUse Debug DeviceShow Speed PercentagesShow Speed PercentagesDisable Framebuffer FetchDisable Framebuffer FetchDirect3D 11Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.Direct3D 11Direct3D 12Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.Direct3D 12OpenGLGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.OpenGLVulkanGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.VulkanMetalGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.MetalSoftwareGraphics backend/engine type (refers to emulating the GS in software, on the CPU). Translate accordingly.SoftwareNullNull here means that this is a graphics backend that will show nothing.Null2x2x4x4x8x8x16x16xUse Global Setting [%1]Use Global Setting [%1]UncheckedUncheckedAutomatically loads and applies widescreen patches on game start. Can cause issues.Automatically loads and applies widescreen patches on game start. Can cause issues.Automatically loads and applies no-interlacing patches on game start. Can cause issues.Automatically loads and applies no-interlacing patches on game start. Can cause issues.Disables interlacing offset which may reduce blurring in some situations.Disables interlacing offset which may reduce blurring in some situations.Bilinear FilteringBilinear FilteringEnables bilinear post processing filter. Smooths the overall picture as it is displayed on the screen. Corrects positioning between pixels.Enables bilinear post processing filter. Smooths the overall picture as it is displayed on the screen. Corrects positioning between pixels.Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests. Useful for some games such as WipEout Fusion for its screen shake effect, but can make the picture blurry.PCRTC: Programmable CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller.Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests. Useful for some games such as WipEout Fusion for its screen shake effect, but can make the picture blurry.Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.FMV Aspect RatioFMV Aspect RatioOverrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio.Overrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio.Determines the deinterlacing method to be used on the interlaced screen of the emulated console. Automatic should be able to correctly deinterlace most games, but if you see visibly shaky graphics, try one of the available options.Determines the deinterlacing method to be used on the interlaced screen of the emulated console. Automatic should be able to correctly deinterlace most games, but if you see visibly shaky graphics, try one of the available options.Control the texture's trilinear filtering of the emulation.Control the texture's trilinear filtering of the emulation.Control the accuracy level of the GS blending unit emulation.<br> The higher the setting, the more blending is emulated in the shader accurately, and the higher the speed penalty will be.<br> Do note that Direct3D's blending is reduced in capability compared to OpenGL/Vulkan.Control the accuracy level of the GS blending unit emulation.<br> The higher the setting, the more blending is emulated in the shader accurately, and the higher the speed penalty will be.<br> Do note that Direct3D's blending is reduced in capability compared to OpenGL/Vulkan.Software Rendering ThreadsSoftware Rendering ThreadsCPU Sprite Render SizeCPU Sprite Render SizeSoftware CLUT RenderSoftware CLUT RenderTry to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it on the GPU with special handling.Try to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it on the GPU with special handling.This option disables game-specific render fixes.This option disables game-specific render fixes.By default, the texture cache handles partial invalidations. Unfortunately it is very costly to compute CPU wise. This hack replaces the partial invalidation with a complete deletion of the texture to reduce the CPU load. It helps with the Snowblind engine games.By default, the texture cache handles partial invalidations. Unfortunately it is very costly to compute CPU wise. This hack replaces the partial invalidation with a complete deletion of the texture to reduce the CPU load. It helps with the Snowblind engine games.Framebuffer ConversionFramebuffer ConversionConvert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU. Helps Harry Potter and Stuntman games. It has a big impact on performance.Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU. Helps Harry Potter and Stuntman games. It has a big impact on performance.DisabledDisabledRemove Unsupported SettingsRemover ajustes no soportadosYou currently have the <strong>Enable Widescreen Patches</strong> or <strong>Enable No-Interlacing Patches</strong> options enabled for this game.<br><br>We no longer support these options, instead <strong>you should select the "Patches" section, and explicitly enable the patches you want.</strong><br><br>Do you want to remove these options from your game configuration now?You currently have the <strong>Enable Widescreen Patches</strong> or <strong>Enable No-Interlacing Patches</strong> options enabled for this game.<br><br>We no longer support these options, instead <strong>you should select the "Patches" section, and explicitly enable the patches you want.</strong><br><br>Do you want to remove these options from your game configuration now?Reduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Force 32bit: Treat all draws as if they were 32bit to avoid banding and dithering.Reduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Force 32bit: Treat all draws as if they were 32bit to avoid banding and dithering.Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.Number of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). 2 to 4 threads is recommended, any more than that is likely to be slower instead of faster.Number of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). 2 to 4 threads is recommended, any more than that is likely to be slower instead of faster.Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache. Will likely create various glitches and is only useful for debugging.Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache. Will likely create various glitches and is only useful for debugging.Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down. Can prevent lost visuals when saving state or switching renderers, but can also cause graphical corruption.Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down. Can prevent lost visuals when saving state or switching renderers, but can also cause graphical corruption.Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.Namco: a game publisher and development company. Leave the name as-is. Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur: game names. Leave as-is or use official translations.Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.Dumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.Dumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.Includes mipmaps when dumping textures.Includes mipmaps when dumping textures.Allows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.Allows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.Loads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.Loads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.Loads replacement textures where available and user-provided.Loads replacement textures where available and user-provided.Preloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.Preloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.Enables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.Enables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.Determines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.Determines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.Adjusts brightness. 50 is normal.Adjusts brightness. 50 is normal.Adjusts contrast. 50 is normal.Adjusts contrast. 50 is normal.Adjusts saturation. 50 is normal.Adjusts saturation. 50 is normal.Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%.Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%.Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion.Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion.Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging.Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging.Displays a graph showing the average frametimes.Displays a graph showing the average frametimes.Video CodecVideo CodecSelects which Video Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>Selects which Video Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>Video BitrateVideo Bitrate6000 kbps6000 kbpsSets the video bitrate to be used. Larger bitrate generally yields better video quality at the cost of larger resulting file size.Sets the video bitrate to be used. Larger bitrate generally yields better video quality at the cost of larger resulting file size.Automatic ResolutionAutomatic ResolutionWhen checked, the video capture resolution will follows the internal resolution of the running game.<br><br><b>Be careful when using this setting especially when you are upscaling, as higher internal resolution (above 4x) can results in very large video capture and can cause system overload.</b>When checked, the video capture resolution will follows the internal resolution of the running game.<br><br><b>Be careful when using this setting especially when you are upscaling, as higher internal resolution (above 4x) can results in very large video capture and can cause system overload.</b>Enable Extra Video ArgumentsEnable Extra Video ArgumentsAllows you to pass arguments to the selected video codec.Allows you to pass arguments to the selected video codec.Extra Video ArgumentsExtra Video ArgumentsAudio CodecAudio CodecSelects which Audio Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>Selects which Audio Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>Audio BitrateAudio BitrateEnable Extra Audio ArgumentsEnable Extra Audio ArgumentsAllows you to pass arguments to the selected audio codec.Allows you to pass arguments to the selected audio codec.Extra Audio ArgumentsExtra Audio ArgumentsAllow Exclusive FullscreenPermitir pantalla completa exclusivaOverrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency.Overrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency.CheckedCheckedEnables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.Enables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.Integer ScalingInteger ScalingAdds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.Aspect RatioAspect RatioAuto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive)Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive)Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era.Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era.DeinterlacingDeinterlacingScreenshot SizeTamaño de captura de pantallaDetermines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size.Determines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size.Screenshot FormatFormato de captura de pantallaSelects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail.Selects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail.Screenshot QualityCalidad de captura de pantalla50%50%Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed. Higher values preserve more detail for JPEG, and reduce file size for PNG.Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed. Higher values preserve more detail for JPEG, and reduce file size for PNG.100%100%Vertical StretchVertical StretchStretches (< 100%) or squashes (> 100%) the vertical component of the display.Stretches (< 100%) or squashes (> 100%) the vertical component of the display.Fullscreen ModeModo pantalla completaBorderless FullscreenPantalla completa sin bordesChooses the fullscreen resolution and frequency.Elige la resolucion y frecuencia de pantalla completa.LeftLeft0px0pxChanges the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display.Changes the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display.TopTopChanges the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display.Changes the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display.RightRightChanges the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display.Changes the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display.BottomBottomChanges the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display.Changes the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display.Native (PS2) (Default)Native (PS2) (Default)Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered.Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered.Texture FilteringTexture FilteringControl the texture filtering of the emulation.Controla el filtrado de texturas de la emulación.Trilinear FilteringTrilinear FilteringAnisotropic FilteringAnisotropic FilteringReduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles.Reduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles.DitheringDitheringBlending AccuracyBlending AccuracyTexture PreloadingTexture PreloadingUploads entire textures at once instead of small pieces, avoiding redundant uploads when possible. Improves performance in most games, but can make a small selection slower.Uploads entire textures at once instead of small pieces, avoiding redundant uploads when possible. Improves performance in most games, but can make a small selection slower.When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.Enabling this option gives you the ability to change the renderer and upscaling fixes to your games. However IF you have ENABLED this, you WILL DISABLE AUTOMATIC SETTINGS and you can re-enable automatic settings by unchecking this option.Enabling this option gives you the ability to change the renderer and upscaling fixes to your games. However IF you have ENABLED this, you WILL DISABLE AUTOMATIC SETTINGS and you can re-enable automatic settings by unchecking this option.2 threads2 threadsForce a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture. Fixes some processing effects such as the shadows in the Jak series and radiosity in GTA:SA.Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture. Fixes some processing effects such as the shadows in the Jak series and radiosity in GTA:SA.Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly.Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly.The maximum target memory width that will allow the CPU Sprite Renderer to activate on.The maximum target memory width that will allow the CPU Sprite Renderer to activate on.Tries to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it in software, instead of on the GPU.Tries to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it in software, instead of on the GPU.GPU Target CLUTGPU Target CLUTSkipdraw Range StartSkipdraw Range Start00Completely skips drawing surfaces from the surface in the left box up to the surface specified in the box on the right.Completely skips drawing surfaces from the surface in the left box up to the surface specified in the box on the right.Skipdraw Range EndSkipdraw Range EndThis option disables multiple safe features. Disables accurate Unscale Point and Line rendering which can help Xenosaga games. Disables accurate GS Memory Clearing to be done on the CPU, and let the GPU handle it, which can help Kingdom Hearts games.This option disables multiple safe features. Disables accurate Unscale Point and Line rendering which can help Xenosaga games. Disables accurate GS Memory Clearing to be done on the CPU, and let the GPU handle it, which can help Kingdom Hearts games.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.Half Pixel OffsetHalf Pixel OffsetMight fix some misaligned fog, bloom, or blend effect.Might fix some misaligned fog, bloom, or blend effect.Round SpriteRound SpriteCorrects the sampling of 2D sprite textures when upscaling. Fixes lines in sprites of games like Ar tonelico when upscaling. Half option is for flat sprites, Full is for all sprites.Corrects the sampling of 2D sprite textures when upscaling. Fixes lines in sprites of games like Ar tonelico when upscaling. Half option is for flat sprites, Full is for all sprites.Texture Offsets XTexture Offsets XOffset for the ST/UV texture coordinates. Fixes some odd texture issues and might fix some post processing alignment too.ST and UV are different types of texture coordinates, like XY would be spatial coordinates.Offset for the ST/UV texture coordinates. Fixes some odd texture issues and might fix some post processing alignment too.Texture Offsets YTexture Offsets YLowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.Wild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.Bilinear UpscaleBilinear UpscaleCan smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.Can smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.Replaces post-processing multiple paving sprites by a single fat sprite. It reduces various upscaling lines.Replaces post-processing multiple paving sprites by a single fat sprite. It reduces various upscaling lines.Force palette texture draws to render at native resolution.Force palette texture draws to render at native resolution.Contrast Adaptive SharpeningYou might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfxContrast Adaptive SharpeningSharpnessSharpnessEnables saturation, contrast, and brightness to be adjusted. Values of brightness, saturation, and contrast are at default 50.Enables saturation, contrast, and brightness to be adjusted. Values of brightness, saturation, and contrast are at default 50.Applies the FXAA anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the visual quality of games.Applies the FXAA anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the visual quality of games.BrightnessBrightness5050ContrastContrastTV ShaderTV ShaderApplies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.OSD ScaleOSD ScaleShow OSD MessagesShow OSD MessagesShows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.Shows host's CPU utilization.Shows host's CPU utilization.Shows host's GPU utilization.Shows host's GPU utilization.Shows counters for internal graphical utilization, useful for debugging.Shows counters for internal graphical utilization, useful for debugging.Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.Leave It BlankLeave It BlankParameters passed to the selected video codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast"Parameters passed to the selected video codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast"Sets the audio bitrate to be used.Sets the audio bitrate to be used.160 kbps160 kbpsParameters passed to the selected audio codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "compression_level = 4 : joint_stereo = 1"Parameters passed to the selected audio codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "compression_level = 4 : joint_stereo = 1"GS Dump CompressionGS Dump CompressionChange the compression algorithm used when creating a GS dump.Change the compression algorithm used when creating a GS dump.Uses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems.Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blitUses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems.Detects when idle frames are being presented in 25/30fps games, and skips presenting those frames. The frame is still rendered, it just means the GPU has more time to complete it (this is NOT frame skipping). Can smooth our frame time fluctuations when the CPU/GPU are near maximum utilization, but makes frame pacing more inconsistent and can increase input lag.Detects when idle frames are being presented in 25/30fps games, and skips presenting those frames. The frame is still rendered, it just means the GPU has more time to complete it (this is NOT frame skipping). Can smooth our frame time fluctuations when the CPU/GPU are near maximum utilization, but makes frame pacing more inconsistent and can increase input lag.Enable Debug DeviceEnable Debug DeviceEnables API-level validation of graphics commands.Enables API-level validation of graphics commands.GS Download ModeGS Download ModeAccurateAccurateSkips synchronizing with the GS thread and host GPU for GS downloads. Can result in a large speed boost on slower systems, at the cost of many broken graphical effects. If games are broken and you have this option enabled, please disable it first.Skips synchronizing with the GS thread and host GPU for GS downloads. Can result in a large speed boost on slower systems, at the cost of many broken graphical effects. If games are broken and you have this option enabled, please disable it first.DefaultThis string refers to a default codec, whether it's an audio codec or a video codec.DefaultForces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.(Default)(Default)HotkeysGraphicsGraphicsSave ScreenshotGuardar captura de pantallaToggle Video CaptureToggle Video CaptureSave Single Frame GS DumpSave Single Frame GS DumpSave Multi Frame GS DumpSave Multi Frame GS DumpToggle Software RenderingToggle Software RenderingIncrease Upscale MultiplierIncrease Upscale MultiplierDecrease Upscale MultiplierDecrease Upscale MultiplierToggle On-Screen DisplayAlternar presentación en pantallaCycle Aspect RatioCycle Aspect RatioAspect ratio set to '{}'.Aspect ratio set to '{}'.Toggle Hardware MipmappingAlternar Mipmapeo de HardwareHardware mipmapping is now enabled.El mipmapeo de hardware está ahora habilitado.Hardware mipmapping is now disabled.El mipmapeo de hardware está ahora deshabilitado.Cycle Deinterlace ModeCycle Deinterlace ModeDeinterlace mode set to '{}'.Deinterlace mode set to '{}'.Toggle Texture DumpingToggle Texture DumpingTexture dumping is now enabled.Texture dumping is now enabled.Texture dumping is now disabled.Texture dumping is now disabled.Toggle Texture ReplacementsToggle Texture ReplacementsTexture replacements are now enabled.Texture replacements are now enabled.Texture replacements are now disabled.Texture replacements are now disabled.Reload Texture ReplacementsReload Texture ReplacementsTexture replacements are not enabled.Texture replacements are not enabled.Reloading texture replacements...Reloading texture replacements...Target speed set to {:.0f}%.Target speed set to {:.0f}%.Volume: MutedVolume: MutedVolume: {}%Volume: {}%No save state found in slot {}.No se encontro estado guardado en ranura {}.SystemSystemOpen Pause MenuAbrir menú de pausaOpen Achievements ListOpen Achievements ListOpen Leaderboards ListOpen Leaderboards ListToggle PauseAlternar pausaToggle FullscreenAlternar pantalla completaToggle Frame LimitToggle Frame LimitToggle Turbo / Fast ForwardToggle Turbo / Fast ForwardToggle Slow MotionToggle Slow MotionTurbo / Fast Forward (Hold)Turbo / Fast Forward (Hold)Increase Target SpeedIncrease Target SpeedDecrease Target SpeedDecrease Target SpeedIncrease VolumeIncrease VolumeDecrease VolumeDecrease VolumeToggle MuteToggle MuteFrame AdvanceFrame AdvanceShut Down Virtual MachineApagar maquina virtualReset Virtual MachineReiniciar maquina virtualToggle Input Recording ModeToggle Input Recording ModeSave StatesEstados guardadosSelect Previous Save SlotSelect Previous Save SlotSelect Next Save SlotSelect Next Save SlotSave State To Selected SlotGuardar estado a la ranura seleccionadaLoad State From Selected SlotCargar estado desde ranura seleccionadaSave State and Select Next SlotSave State and Select Next SlotSave State To Slot 1Guardar estado en ranura 1Load State From Slot 1Cargar estado desde ranura 1Save State To Slot 2Guardar estado en ranura 2Load State From Slot 2Cargar estado desde ranura 2Save State To Slot 3Guardar estado en ranura 3Load State From Slot 3Cargar estado desde ranura 3Save State To Slot 4Guardar estado en ranura 4Load State From Slot 4Cargar estado desde ranura 4Save State To Slot 5Guardar estado en ranura 5Load State From Slot 5Cargar estado desde ranura 5Save State To Slot 6Guardar estado en ranura 6Load State From Slot 6Cargar estado desde ranura 6Save State To Slot 7Guardar estado en ranura 7Load State From Slot 7Cargar estado desde ranura 7Save State To Slot 8Guardar estado en ranura 8Load State From Slot 8Cargar estado desde ranura 8Save State To Slot 9Guardar estado en ranura 9Load State From Slot 9Cargar estado desde ranura 9Save State To Slot 10Guardar estado en ranura 10Load State From Slot 10Cargar estado desde ranura 10Save slot {0} selected ({1}).Save slot {0} selected ({1}).ImGuiOverlays{} Recording Input{} Recording Input{} Replaying{} ReplayingInput Recording Active: {}Input Recording Active: {}Frame: {}/{} ({})Frame: {}/{} ({})Undo Count: {}Undo Count: {}Saved at {0:%H:%M} on {0:%a} {0:%Y/%m/%d}.Saved at {0:%H:%M} on {0:%a} {0:%Y/%m/%d}.Save state selector is unavailable without a valid game serial.Save state selector is unavailable without a valid game serial.LoadCargarSaveGuardarSelect PreviousSeleccionar previoSelect NextSeleccionar siguienteSave Slot {0}Save Slot {0}No save present in this slot.No save present in this slot.no save yetno save yetInputBindingDialogEdit BindingsEdit BindingsBindings for Controller0/ButtonCircleBindings for Controller0/ButtonCircleSensitivity:Sensitivity:100%100%Deadzone:Deadzone:Add BindingAdd BindingRemove BindingRemove BindingClear BindingsClear BindingsBindings for %1 %2Bindings for %1 %2CloseClosePush Button/Axis... [%1]Push Button/Axis... [%1]%1%%1%InputBindingWidget
Left click to assign a new button
Shift + left click for additional bindings
Left click to assign a new button
Shift + left click for additional bindings
Right click to clear binding
Right click to clear bindingNo bindings registeredNo bindings registered%n bindings%n bindings%n bindingsPush Button/Axis... [%1]Push Button/Axis... [%1]InputRecordingViewerInput Recording ViewerInput Recording ViewerFileFileEditEditViewViewOpenOpenCloseClose%1 %2%1 %2%1%1%1 [%2]%1 [%2]Left AnalogIzquierda analógicaRight AnalogDerecha analógicaCrossCruzSquareCuadradoTriangleTrianguloCircleCírculoL1L1R1R1L2L2R2R2D-Pad DownD-Pad AbajoL3L3R3R3SelectSelectStartStartD-Pad RightD-Pad RightD-Pad UpD-Pad UpD-Pad LeftD-Pad LeftInput Recording Files (*.p2m2)Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)Opening Recording FailedOpening Recording FailedFailed to open file: %1Fallo al abrir archivo: %1InputVibrationBindingWidgetErrorErrorNo devices with vibration motors were detected.No devices with vibration motors were detected.Select vibration motor for %1.Select vibration motor for %1.InterfaceSettingsWidgetBehaviourBehaviourPause On Focus LossPausar al perder focoInhibit ScreensaverInhibit ScreensaverSave State On ShutdownGuardar estado al apagarPause On StartPausar al iniciarConfirm ShutdownConfirmar apagadoCreate Save State BackupsCrear copias de respaldo de estado guardadoEnable Discord PresenceEnable Discord PresencePause On Controller DisconnectionPausar al desconectar el controlGame DisplayGame DisplayStart FullscreenIniciar pantalla completaDouble-Click Toggles FullscreenDoble clic alterna pantalla completaRender To Separate WindowRender To Separate WindowHide Main Window When RunningHide Main Window When RunningDisable Window ResizingDisable Window ResizingHide Cursor In FullscreenOcultar cursor en pantalla completaPreferencesPreferencesLanguage:Language:Theme:Theme:Automatic UpdaterAutomatic UpdaterUpdate Channel:Update Channel:Current Version:Current Version:Enable Automatic Update CheckEnable Automatic Update CheckCheck for Updates...Check for Updates...NativeNativeClassic WindowsIgnore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Windows clásicoDark Fusion (Gray) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Dark Fusion (gris) [Oscuro]Dark Fusion (Blue) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Dark Fusion (azul) [Oscuro]Grey Matter (Gray) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Materia gris (Gris) [Oscuro]Untouched Lagoon (Grayish Green/-Blue ) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Untouched Lagoon (verde grisáceo/-azul) [Claro]Baby Pastel (Pink) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Baby Pastel (rosa) [Claro]Pizza Time! (Brown-ish/Creamy White) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Pizza Time! (Brown-ish/Creamy White) [Light]PCSX2 (White/Blue) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.PCSX2 (blanco/azul) [Claro]Scarlet Devil (Red/Purple) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Scarlet Devil (rojo/púrpura) [Oscuro]Violet Angel (Blue/Purple) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Violet Angel (azul/púrpura) [Oscuro]Cobalt Sky (Blue) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Cobalt Sky (Blue) [Dark]Ruby (Black/Red) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Ruby (negro/rojo) [Oscuro]Sapphire (Black/Blue) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Sapphire (negro/azul) [Oscuro]Custom.qss [Drop in PCSX2 Folder]"Custom.qss" must be kept as-is.Custom.qss [Drop in PCSX2 Folder]CheckedCheckedAutomatically checks for updates to the program on startup. Updates can be deferred until later or skipped entirely.Automatically checks for updates to the program on startup. Updates can be deferred until later or skipped entirely.%1 (%2)Variable %1 shows the version number and variable %2 shows a timestamp.%1 (%2)Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the virtual machine when the hotkey is pressed.Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the virtual machine when the hotkey is pressed.Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.Pauses the emulator when a controller with bindings is disconnected.Pausa el emulador cuando un control con enlaces es desconectado.Allows switching in and out of fullscreen mode by double-clicking the game window.Allows switching in and out of fullscreen mode by double-clicking the game window.Prevents the main window from being resized.Prevents the main window from being resized.UncheckedUncheckedFusion [Light/Dark]Fusion [Light/Dark]Pauses the emulator when a game is started.Pausa el emulador cuando un juego a iniciado.Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back.Pausa el emulador cuando minimizas la ventana o cambias a otra aplicacion, y se despausa cuando vuelves a cambiar.Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffix.Do not translate the ".backup" extension.Crea una copia de seguridad de un estado guardado si este ya existe cuando el guardado es creado.Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.Renders the game to a separate window, instead of the main window. If unchecked, the game will display over the top of the game list.Renders the game to a separate window, instead of the main window. If unchecked, the game will display over the top of the game list.Hides the main window (with the game list) when a game is running, requires Render To Separate Window to be enabled.Hides the main window (with the game list) when a game is running, requires Render To Separate Window to be enabled.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile in Discord.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile in Discord.System Language [Default]Idioma del sistema [Predeterminado]LogWindowLog Window - %1 [%2]Log Window - %1 [%2]Log WindowVentana de registro&Clear&Limpiar&Save...&Guardar...Cl&ose&Cerrar&Settings&AjustesLog To &System ConsoleLog To &System ConsoleLog To &Debug ConsoleLog To &Debug ConsoleLog To &FileLog To &FileAttach To &Main WindowAttach To &Main WindowShow &TimestampsShow &TimestampsSelect Log FileSelect Log FileLog Files (*.txt)Log Files (*.txt)ErrorErrorFailed to open file for writing.Failed to open file for writing.Log was written to %1.
Log was written to %1.
MAC_APPLICATION_MENUServicesServicesHide %1Hide %1Hide OthersHide OthersShow AllShow AllPreferences...Preferences...Quit %1Quit %1About %1About %1MainWindowPCSX2PCSX2&System&SistemaChange DiscCambiar discoLoad StateCargar estadoSave StateGuardar estadoS&ettingsA&justes&Help&Ayuda&Debug&DebugSwitch RendererCambiar renderizador&View&Vista&Window Size&Tamaño de la ventana&Tools&HerramientasInput RecordingGrabar entradaToolbarBarra de herramientasStart &File...Iniciar &archivo...Start &Disc...Iniciar &disco...Start &BIOSIniciar &BIOS&Scan For New Games&Scan For New Games&Rescan All Games&Reescanear todos los juegosShut &DownA&pagarShut Down &Without SavingApagar &sin guardar&Reset&Reiniciar&Pause&PausarE&xitS&alir&BIOS&BIOSEmulationEmulación&Controllers&Controles&Hotkeys&Atajos de teclado&Graphics&GráficosA&chievementsL&ogros&Post-Processing Settings...&Ajustes de posprocesado...FullscreenPantalla completaResolution ScaleEscala de resolución&GitHub Repository...Repositorio de &GitHub...Support &Forums...&Foros de soporte...&Discord Server...Servidor de &Discord...Check for &Updates...Buscar &actualizaciones...About &Qt...Acerca de &Qt...&About PCSX2...Acerca de PCSX2...FullscreenIn ToolbarPantalla completaChange Disc...In ToolbarCambiar disco...&Audio&AudioGame ListLista de juegosInterfaceInterfazAdd Game Directory...Añadir directorio de juegos...&Settings&AjustesFrom File...From File...From Device...From Device...From Game List...From Game List...Remove DiscExtraer discoGlobal StateGlobal State&Screenshot&Captura de pantallaStart FileIn ToolbarIniciar archivoStart DiscIn ToolbarIniciar discoStart BIOSIn ToolbarIniciar BIOSShut DownIn ToolbarApagarResetIn ToolbarReinciarPauseIn ToolbarPausarLoad StateIn ToolbarCargar estadoSave StateIn ToolbarGuardar estadoControllersIn ToolbarControlesSettingsIn ToolbarAjustesScreenshotIn ToolbarCaptura de pantalla&Memory Cards&Memory Cards&Network && HDD&Red y HDD&Folders&Carpetas&Toolbar&Barra de herramientasLock ToolbarBloquear barra de herramientas&Status Bar&Status BarVerbose StatusVerbose StatusGame &List&Lista de juegosSystem &DisplayThis grayed-out at first option will become available while there is a game emulated and the game list is displayed over the actual emulation, to let users display the system emulation once more.System &DisplayGame &Properties&Propiedades del juegoGame &Grid&Cuadrícula de juegosShow Titles (Grid View)Show Titles (Grid View)Zoom &In (Grid View)Zoom &In (Grid View)Ctrl++Ctrl++Zoom &Out (Grid View)Zoom &Out (Grid View)Ctrl+-Ctrl+-Refresh &Covers (Grid View)Refresh &Covers (Grid View)Open Memory Card Directory...Open Memory Card Directory...Open Data Directory...Open Data Directory...Toggle Software RenderingToggle Software RenderingOpen DebuggerOpen DebuggerReload Cheats/PatchesReload Cheats/PatchesEnable System ConsoleEnable System ConsoleEnable Debug ConsoleEnable Debug ConsoleEnable Log WindowEnable Log WindowEnable Verbose LoggingEnable Verbose LoggingEnable EE Console LoggingEnable EE Console LoggingEnable IOP Console LoggingEnable IOP Console LoggingSave Single Frame GS DumpSave Single Frame GS DumpNewThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.NewPlayThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.PlayStopThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.StopSettingsThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.SettingsInput Recording LogsInput Recording LogsController LogsController LogsEnable &File LoggingEnable &File LoggingEnable CDVD Read LoggingEnable CDVD Read LoggingSave CDVD Block DumpSave CDVD Block DumpEnable Log TimestampsEnable Log TimestampsStart Big Picture ModeIniciar modo Big PictureBig PictureIn ToolbarBig PictureCover Downloader...Cover Downloader...Show Advanced SettingsShow Advanced SettingsRecording ViewerRecording ViewerVideo CaptureVideo CaptureEdit Cheats...Editar trucos...Edit Patches...Editar parches...Internal ResolutionInternal Resolution%1x Scale%1x ScaleSelect location to save block dump:Select location to save block dump:Do not show againDo not show againChanging advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting.
The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own.
Are you sure you want to continue?Changing advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting.
The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own.
Are you sure you want to continue?%1 Files (*.%2)%1 Files (*.%2)WARNING: Memory Card BusyWARNING: Memory Card BusyConfirm ShutdownConfirmar apagadoAre you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine?Are you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine?Save State For ResumeGuardar estado para reanudarErrorErrorYou must select a disc to change discs.Debes seleccionar un disco para cambiar discos.Properties...Properties...Set Cover Image...Set Cover Image...Exclude From ListExcluir de la listaReset Play TimeReinciar tiempo de juegoDefault BootDefault BootFast BootFast BootFull BootFull BootBoot and DebugBoot and DebugAdd Search Directory...Add Search Directory...Start FileIniciar archivoStart DiscIniciar discoSelect Disc ImageSeleccionar imagen de discoUpdater ErrorError del actualizador<p>Sorry, you are trying to update a PCSX2 version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please download from the link below:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p><p>Lo sentimos, estás intentando actualizar una versión de PCSX2 que no es una publicación oficial de GitHub. Para evitar incompatibilidades, el actualizador automático sólo está habilitado en compilaciones oficiales.</p><p>Para obtener una compilación oficial, por favor descargue desde el siguiente enlace:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p>Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform.La actualización automática no es compatible con esta plataforma.Confirm File CreationConfirmar creación de archivoThe pnach file '%1' does not currently exist. Do you want to create it?El archivo pnach '%1' no existe. ¿Desea crearlo?Failed to create '%1'.Error al crear '%1'.Input Recording FailedInput Recording FailedFailed to create file: {}Fallo al crear archivo: {}Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)Input Playback FailedInput Playback FailedFailed to open file: {}Fallo al abrir archivo: {}PausedPausadoLoad State FailedFallo al cargar estadoCannot load a save state without a running VM.Cannot load a save state without a running VM.The new ELF cannot be loaded without resetting the virtual machine. Do you want to reset the virtual machine now?The new ELF cannot be loaded without resetting the virtual machine. Do you want to reset the virtual machine now?Cannot change from game to GS dump without shutting down first.Cannot change from game to GS dump without shutting down first.Failed to get window info from widgetFailed to get window info from widgetStop Big Picture ModeDetener modo Big PictureExit Big PictureIn ToolbarSalir del Big PictureGame PropertiesPropiedades del juegoGame properties is unavailable for the current game.Game properties is unavailable for the current game.Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.Select disc drive:Select disc drive:This save state does not exist.Este estado guardado no existe.Select Cover ImageSelect Cover ImageCover Already ExistsCover Already ExistsA cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?A cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?Copy ErrorCopy ErrorFailed to remove existing cover '%1'Failed to remove existing cover '%1'Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'Failed to remove '%1'Fallo al eliminar '%1'Confirm ResetConfirmar reinicioAll Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.webp)All Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.webp)You must select a different file to the current cover image.You must select a different file to the current cover image.Are you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'?
This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'?
This action cannot be undone.Load Resume StateLoad Resume StateA resume save state was found for this game, saved at:
Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot?A resume save state was found for this game, saved at:
Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot?Fresh BootFresh BootDelete And BootDelete And BootFailed to delete save state file '%1'.Failed to delete save state file '%1'.Load State File...Cargar archivo de estado...Load From File...Load From File...Select Save State FileSeleccionar archivo de estado guardadoSave States (*.p2s)Estados guardados (*.p2s)Delete Save States...Borrar estados guardados...All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump)All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump)All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump)All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump)WARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now <b>WILL IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD.</b> It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.<br><br>Do you wish to shutdown anyways and <b>IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?</b>WARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now <b>WILL IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD.</b> It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.<br><br>Do you wish to shutdown anyways and <b>IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?</b>Save States (*.p2s *.p2s.backup)Save States (*.p2s *.p2s.backup)Undo Load StateUndo Load StateResume (%2)Resume (%2)Load Slot %1 (%2)Load Slot %1 (%2)Delete Save StatesBorrar estados guardadosAre you sure you want to delete all save states for %1?
The saves will not be recoverable.Are you sure you want to delete all save states for %1?
The saves will not be recoverable.%1 save states deleted.%1 estado guardado borrado.Save To File...Save To File...EmptyEmptySave Slot %1 (%2)Save Slot %1 (%2)Confirm Disc ChangeConfirmar cambio de discoDo you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)?¿Deseas cambiar de discos o arrancar la nueva imagen (a través del reinicio del sistema)?Swap DiscCambiar discoResetReiniciarMissing Font FileMissing Font FileThe font file '%1' is required for the On-Screen Display and Big Picture Mode to show messages in your language.<br><br>Do you want to download this file now? These files are usually less than 10 megabytes in size.<br><br><strong>If you do not download this file, on-screen messages will not be readable.</strong>The font file '%1' is required for the On-Screen Display and Big Picture Mode to show messages in your language.<br><br>Do you want to download this file now? These files are usually less than 10 megabytes in size.<br><br><strong>If you do not download this file, on-screen messages will not be readable.</strong>Downloading FilesDownloading FilesMemoryCardMemory Card Creation FailedMemory Card Creation FailedCould not create the memory card:
{}Could not create the memory card:
{}Memory Card Read FailedMemory Card Read FailedUnable to access memory card:
Another instance of PCSX2 may be using this memory card or the memory card is stored in a write-protected folder.
Close any other instances of PCSX2, or restart your computer.
Unable to access memory card:
Another instance of PCSX2 may be using this memory card or the memory card is stored in a write-protected folder.
Close any other instances of PCSX2, or restart your computer.
Memory Card '{}' was saved to storage.Memory Card '{}' was saved to storage.Failed to create memory card. The error was:
{}Failed to create memory card. The error was:
{}Memory Cards reinserted.Memory Cards reinserted.Force ejecting all Memory Cards. Reinserting in 1 second.Force ejecting all Memory Cards. Reinserting in 1 second.MemoryCardConvertDialogConvert Memory CardConvert Memory CardConversion TypeConversion Type8 MB File8 MB File16 MB File16 MB File32 MB File32 MB File64 MB File64 MB FileFolderFolder<center><strong>Note:</strong> Converting a Memory Card creates a <strong>COPY</strong> of your existing Memory Card. It does <strong>NOT delete, modify, or replace</strong> your existing Memory Card.</center><center><strong>Note:</strong> Converting a Memory Card creates a <strong>COPY</strong> of your existing Memory Card. It does <strong>NOT delete, modify, or replace</strong> your existing Memory Card.</center>ProgressProgressUses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity.A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity.2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues.2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues.4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.Convert Memory Card FailedMemoryCardType should be left as-is.Convert Memory Card FailedInvalid MemoryCardTypeInvalid MemoryCardTypeConversion CompleteConversion CompleteMemory Card "%1" converted to "%2"Memory Card "%1" converted to "%2"Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less.Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less.Cannot Convert Memory CardCannot Convert Memory CardMemoryCardCreateDialogCreate Memory CardCrear Memory Card<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Create Memory Card</span><br />Enter the name of the Memory Card you wish to create, and choose a size. We recommend either using 8MB Memory Cards, or folder Memory Cards for best compatibility.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Crear Memory Card</span><br />Introduce el nombre de la Memory Card que deseas crear y elige un tamaño. Por compatibilidad recomendamos utilizar Memory Cards de 8 Mb o carpetas Memory Card..</p></body></html>Memory Card Name:Nombre de Memory Card:8 MB [Most Compatible]8 MB [lo más compatible]This is the standard Sony-provisioned size, and is supported by all games and BIOS versions.El tamaño estándar ofrecido por Sony, compatible con todos los juegos y versiones de BIOS.16 MB16 MBA typical size for third-party Memory Cards which should work with most games.Un tamaño habitual en las Memory Card de terceros, el cual debería funcionar en la mayoría de juegos.32 MB32 MB64 MB64 MBLow compatibility warning: yes, it's very big, but may not work with many games.Advertencia de baja compatibilidad: sí, mucho espacio, pero podría no funcionar en muchos juegos.Folder [Recommended]Carpeta [Recommended]Store Memory Card contents in the host filesystem instead of a file.Almacena los contenidos de la Memory Card en el sistema de archivos del host en lugar de como archivo.128 KB (PS1)128 KB (PS1)This is the standard Sony-provisioned size PS1 Memory Card, and only compatible with PS1 games.Este es el tamaño estándar de Memory Card de PS1 ofrecido por Sony, solo compatible con los juegos de PS1.Use NTFS CompressionUsar compresión NTFSNTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable. Typically compresses Memory Cards (highly recommended).La compresión NTFS es integrada, rápida y totalmente fiable. Suele comprimir las Memory Card (muy recomendada).Failed to create the Memory Card, because the name '%1' contains one or more invalid characters.Error al crear la Memory Card, porque el nombre '%1' contiene uno o más caracteres inválidos.Failed to create the Memory Card, because another card with the name '%1' already exists.Error al crear la Memory Card, porque ya existe otra con el nombre '%1'.Failed to create the Memory Card, the log may contain more information.Error al crear la Memory Card, el registro podría contener más información.Memory Card '%1' created.Memory Card '%1' creada.MemoryCardListWidgetYesYesNoNoMemoryCardSettingsWidgetMemory Card SlotsRanuras de tarjeta de memoriaMemory CardsMemory CardsFolder:Folder:Browse...Browse...Open...Open...ResetReiniciarNameNameTypeTypeFormattedFormattedLast ModifiedLast ModifiedRefreshRefreshCreateCreateRenameRenameConvertConvertDeleteDeleteSettingsSettingsAutomatically manage saves based on running gameAutomatically manage saves based on running gameCheckedChecked(Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves.(Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves.Swap Memory CardsSwap Memory CardsEject Memory CardEject Memory CardErrorErrorDelete Memory CardDelete Memory CardRename Memory CardRename Memory CardNew Card NameNew Card NameNew name is invalid, it must end with .ps2New name is invalid, it must end with .ps2New name is invalid, a card with this name already exists.New name is invalid, a card with this name already exists.Slot %1Ranura %1This Memory Card cannot be recognized or is not a valid file type.This Memory Card cannot be recognized or is not a valid file type.Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'?
This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card.Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'?
This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card.Failed to delete the Memory Card. The log may have more information.Failed to delete the Memory Card. The log may have more information.Failed to rename Memory Card. The log may contain more information.Failed to rename Memory Card. The log may contain more information.Use for Slot %1Usar para ranura %1Both slots must have a card selected to swap.Ambas ranuras deben tener seleccionada una tarjeta para intercambiar.PS2 (8MB)PS2 (8MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (64MB)PS2 (64MB)PS1 (128KB)PS1 (128KB)UnknownUnknownPS2 (Folder)PS2 (Folder)MemoryCardSlotWidget%1 [%2]%1 [%2]%1 [Missing]Ignore Crowdin's warning for [Missing], the text should be translated.%1 [Missing]MemorySearchWidgetValueValueTypeTipo1 Byte (8 bits)1 Byte (8 bits)2 Bytes (16 bits)2 Bytes (16 bits)4 Bytes (32 bits)4 Bytes (32 bits)8 Bytes (64 bits)8 Bytes (64 bits)FloatFlotanteDoubleDobleStringCadenaArray of byteMatriz de byteHexHexSearchBuscarFilter SearchFilter SearchEqualsEqualsNot EqualsNot EqualsGreater ThanGreater ThanGreater Than Or EqualGreater Than Or EqualLess ThanLess ThanLess Than Or EqualLess Than Or EqualComparisonComparisonStartInicioEndFinSearch Results List Context MenuSearch Results List Context MenuCopy AddressCopiar direcciónGo to in DisassemblyGo to in DisassemblyAdd to Saved Memory AddressesAdd to Saved Memory AddressesRemove ResultRemove ResultDebuggerDepuradorInvalid start addressDirección de inicio inválidaInvalid end addressDirección de fin inválidaStart address can't be equal to or greater than the end addressStart address can't be equal to or greater than the end addressInvalid search valueInvalid search valueValue is larger than typeValue is larger than typeThis search comparison can only be used with filter searches.This search comparison can only be used with filter searches.%0 results found%0 results foundSearching...Buscando...IncreasedIncrementadoIncreased ByIncrementado porDecreasedDisminuidoDecreased ByDecreased ByChangedChangedChanged ByChanged ByNot ChangedNot ChangedMemoryViewWidgetMemoryMemoryCopy AddressCopiar direcciónGo to in DisassemblyGo to in DisassemblyGo to addressGo to addressShow as 1 byteShow as 1 byteShow as 2 bytesShow as 2 bytesShow as 4 bytesShow as 4 bytesShow as 8 bytesShow as 8 bytesAdd to Saved Memory AddressesAdd to Saved Memory AddressesCopy ByteCopy ByteCopy SegmentCopy SegmentCopy CharacterCopy CharacterPastePasteNewInputRecordingDlgNew Input RecordingNew Input RecordingSelect Recording TypeSelect Recording TypePower OnIndicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded from the moment the emulation boots on/starts.Power OnSave StateIndicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded when an accompanying save state is saved.Guardar estado<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html>Select File PathSelect File PathBrowseBrowseEnter Author NameEnter Author NameInput Recording Files (*.p2m2)Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)Select a FileSelecciona un archivoPadD-Pad UpD-Pad UpD-Pad RightD-Pad RightD-Pad DownD-Pad DownD-Pad LeftD-Pad LeftTriangleTriangleCircleCircleCrossCrossSquareSquareSelectSelectStartStartL1 (Left Bumper)L1 (Left Bumper)L2 (Left Trigger)L2 (Left Trigger)R1 (Right Bumper)R1 (Right Bumper)R2 (Right Trigger)R2 (Right Trigger)L3 (Left Stick Button)L3 (Left Stick Button)R3 (Right Stick Button)R3 (Right Stick Button)Analog ToggleAnalog ToggleApply PressureApply PressureLeft Stick UpLeft Stick UpLeft Stick RightLeft Stick RightLeft Stick DownLeft Stick DownLeft Stick LeftLeft Stick LeftRight Stick UpRight Stick UpRight Stick RightRight Stick RightRight Stick DownRight Stick DownRight Stick LeftRight Stick LeftLarge (Low Frequency) MotorLarge (Low Frequency) MotorSmall (High Frequency) MotorSmall (High Frequency) MotorNot InvertedNot InvertedInvert Left/RightInvert Left/RightInvert Up/DownInvert Up/DownInvert Left/Right + Up/DownInvert Left/Right + Up/DownInvert Left StickInvert Left StickInverts the direction of the left analog stick.Inverts the direction of the left analog stick.Invert Right StickInvert Right StickInverts the direction of the right analog stick.Inverts the direction of the right analog stick.Analog DeadzoneAnalog DeadzoneSets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the stick movement which will be ignored.Sets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the stick movement which will be ignored.%.0f%%%.0f%%Button/Trigger DeadzoneButton/Trigger DeadzoneSets the deadzone for activating buttons/triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger which will be ignored.Sets the deadzone for activating buttons/triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger which will be ignored.Analog light is now on for port {0} / slot {1}Analog light is now on for port {0} / slot {1}Analog light is now off for port {0} / slot {1}Analog light is now off for port {0} / slot {1}Analog SensitivityAnalog SensitivitySets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 130% and 140% is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.Sets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 130% and 140% is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.Large Motor Vibration ScaleLarge Motor Vibration ScaleIncreases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game.Increases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game.Small Motor Vibration ScaleSmall Motor Vibration ScaleIncreases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game.Increases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game.Modifier PressureModifier PressureSets the pressure when the modifier button is held.Sets the pressure when the modifier button is held.Not ConnectedNot ConnectedDualShock 2DualShock 2Strum UpStrum UpStrum DownStrum DownGreen FretGreen FretRed FretRed FretYellow FretYellow FretBlue FretBlue FretOrange FretOrange FretWhammy BarWhammy BarTilt UpTilt UpWhammy Bar DeadzoneWhammy Bar DeadzoneSets the whammy bar deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2.Sets the whammy bar deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2.Whammy Bar SensitivityWhammy Bar SensitivitySets the whammy bar axis scaling factor.Sets the whammy bar axis scaling factor.GuitarGuitarraController port {0}, slot {1} has a {2} connected, but the save state has a {3}.
Ejecting {3} and replacing it with {2}.Controller port {0}, slot {1} has a {2} connected, but the save state has a {3}.
Ejecting {3} and replacing it with {2}.Yellow (Left)Yellow (Left)Yellow (Right)Yellow (Right)Blue (Left)Blue (Left)Blue (Right)Blue (Right)White (Left)White (Left)White (Right)White (Right)Green (Left)Green (Left)Green (Right)Green (Right)RedRedPop'n MusicPop'n MusicPatchFailed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available.Failed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available.%n GameDB patches are active.OSD Message%n GameDB patches are active.%n GameDB patches are active.%n game patches are active.OSD Message%n game patches are active.%n game patches are active.%n cheat patches are active.OSD Message%n cheat patches are active.%n cheat patches are active.No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled.No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled.Pcsx2ConfigDisabled (Noisy)Disabled (Noisy)TimeStretch (Recommended)TimeStretch (Recommended)PermissionsDialogCameraPCSX2 uses your camera to emulate an EyeToy camera plugged into the virtual PS2.PCSX2 uses your camera to emulate an EyeToy camera plugged into the virtual PS2.PermissionsDialogMicrophonePCSX2 uses your microphone to emulate a USB microphone plugged into the virtual PS2.PCSX2 uses your microphone to emulate a USB microphone plugged into the virtual PS2.QObjectHDD CreatorHDD CreatorFailed to create HDD imageFailed to create HDD imageCreating HDD file
%1 / %2 MiBCreating HDD file
%1 / %2 MiBCancelCancelQtAsyncProgressThreadErrorErrorQuestionQuestionInformationInformationQtHostRA: Logged in as %1 (%2 pts, softcore: %3 pts). %4 unread messages.RA: Logged in as %1 (%2 pts, softcore: %3 pts). %4 unread messages.ErrorErrorAn error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
{}An error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
{}An error occurred while saving game settings:
{}An error occurred while saving game settings:
{}Controller {} connected.Control {} conectado.System paused because controller {} was disconnected.Sistema pausado porque el control {} fue desconectado.Controller {} disconnected.Control {} desconectado.CancelCancelarQtModalProgressCallbackPCSX2PCSX2CancelCancelErrorErrorQuestionQuestionInformationInformationRegisterWidgetRegister ViewRegister ViewView as hexView as hexView as floatView as floatCopy Top HalfCopy Top HalfCopy Bottom HalfCopy Bottom HalfCopy SegmentCopy SegmentCopy ValueCopy ValueChange Top HalfChange Top HalfChange Bottom HalfChange Bottom HalfChange SegmentChange SegmentChange ValueChange ValueGo to in DisassemblyGo to in DisassemblyGo to in Memory ViewGo to in Memory ViewChange %1Changing the value in a CPU register (e.g. "Change t0")Change %1Invalid register valueInvalid register valueInvalid hexadecimal register value.Invalid hexadecimal register value.Invalid floating-point register value.Invalid floating-point register value.Invalid target addressInvalid target addressSaveStateThis save state is outdated and is no longer compatible with the current version of PCSX2.
If you have any unsaved progress on this save state, you can download the compatible version (PCSX2 {}) from pcsx2.net, load the save state, and save your progress to the memory card.This save state is outdated and is no longer compatible with the current version of PCSX2.
If you have any unsaved progress on this save state, you can download the compatible version (PCSX2 {}) from pcsx2.net, load the save state, and save your progress to the memory card.SavedAddressesModelMEMORY ADDRESSMEMORY ADDRESSLABELLABELDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONSettingWidgetBinderResetReiniciarDefault: Default: Confirm FolderConfirmar carpetaThe chosen directory does not currently exist:
Do you want to create this directory?The chosen directory does not currently exist:
Do you want to create this directory?ErrorErrorFolder path cannot be empty.La ruta de la carpeta no puede estar vacía.Select folder for %1Select folder for %1SettingsDialogUse Global Setting [Enabled]THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Enabled]: the text must be translated.Usar configuración(es) global(es) [Enabled]Use Global Setting [Disabled]THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Disabled]: the text must be translated.Usar configuración(es) global(es) [Disabled]Use Global Setting [%1]Use Global Setting [%1]SettingsWindowPCSX2 SettingsAjustes de PCSX2Restore DefaultsRestaurar predeterminadosCopy Global SettingsCopiar ajustes globalesClear SettingsLimpiar ajustesCloseCerrar<strong>Summary</strong><hr>This page shows details about the selected game. Changing the Input Profile will set the controller binding scheme for this game to whichever profile is chosen, instead of the default (Shared) configuration. The track list and dump verification can be used to determine if your disc image matches a known good dump. If it does not match, the game may be broken.<strong>Summary</strong><hr>This page shows details about the selected game. Changing the Input Profile will set the controller binding scheme for this game to whichever profile is chosen, instead of the default (Shared) configuration. The track list and dump verification can be used to determine if your disc image matches a known good dump. If it does not match, the game may be broken.SummarySumarioSummary is unavailable for files not present in game list.Summary is unavailable for files not present in game list.InterfaceInterfazGame ListLista de juegos<strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive.<strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive.BIOSBIOSEmulationEmulationPatchesPatches<strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements.<strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements.CheatsCheats<strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked.<strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked.Game FixesGame Fixes<strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise.<strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise.GraphicsGraphicsAudioAudioMemory CardsMemory CardsNetwork & HDDNetwork & HDDFoldersFolders<strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files.<strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files.AchievementsAchievements<strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games.<strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games.RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled.RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled.AdvancedAdvancedAre you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any existing preferences will be lost.Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any existing preferences will be lost.<strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.DebugDebug<strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space.<strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space.Confirm Restore DefaultsConfirm Restore DefaultsReset UI SettingsReset UI SettingsThe configuration for this game will be replaced by the current global settings.
Any current setting values will be overwritten.
Do you want to continue?The configuration for this game will be replaced by the current global settings.
Any current setting values will be overwritten.
Do you want to continue?Per-game configuration copied from global settings.Per-game configuration copied from global settings.The configuration for this game will be cleared.
Any current setting values will be lost.
Do you want to continue?The configuration for this game will be cleared.
Any current setting values will be lost.
Do you want to continue?Per-game configuration cleared.Per-game configuration cleared.Recommended ValueRecommended ValueSetupWizardDialogPCSX2 Setup WizardPCSX2 Setup WizardLanguageLanguageBIOS ImageBIOS ImageGame DirectoriesGame DirectoriesController SetupController SetupCompleteCompleteLanguage:Language:Theme:Theme:Enable Automatic UpdatesEnable Automatic UpdatesBIOS Directory:BIOS Directory:Browse...Browse...ResetReiniciarFilenameFilenameVersionVersionOpen BIOS Folder...Abrir carpeta de BIOS...Refresh ListRefresh ListSearch Directories (will be scanned for games)Search Directories (will be scanned for games)Add...Agregar...RemoveRemoveSearch DirectorySearch DirectoryScan RecursivelyScan Recursively<html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Welcome to PCSX2!</span></h1><p>This wizard will help guide you through the configuration steps required to use the application. It is recommended if this is your first time installing PCSX2 that you view the setup guide <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/">here</a>.</p><p>By default, PCSX2 will connect to the server at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/">pcsx2.net</a> to check for updates, and if available and confirmed, download update packages from <a href="https://github.com/">github.com</a>. If you do not wish for PCSX2 to make any network connections on startup, you should uncheck the Automatic Updates option now. The Automatic Update setting can be changed later at any time in Interface Settings.</p><p>Please choose a language and theme to begin.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Welcome to PCSX2!</span></h1><p>This wizard will help guide you through the configuration steps required to use the application. It is recommended if this is your first time installing PCSX2 that you view the setup guide <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/">here</a>.</p><p>By default, PCSX2 will connect to the server at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/">pcsx2.net</a> to check for updates, and if available and confirmed, download update packages from <a href="https://github.com/">github.com</a>. If you do not wish for PCSX2 to make any network connections on startup, you should uncheck the Automatic Updates option now. The Automatic Update setting can be changed later at any time in Interface Settings.</p><p>Please choose a language and theme to begin.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.</p><p>For legal reasons, you must obtain a BIOS <strong>from an actual PS2 unit that you own</strong> (borrowing doesn't count).</p><p>Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory shown below, or you can instruct PCSX2 to scan an alternative directory.</p><p>A guide for dumping your BIOS can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/gather#how-to-dump-your-ps2-bios">here</a>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.</p><p>For legal reasons, you must obtain a BIOS <strong>from an actual PS2 unit that you own</strong> (borrowing doesn't count).</p><p>Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory shown below, or you can instruct PCSX2 to scan an alternative directory.</p><p>A guide for dumping your BIOS can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/gather#how-to-dump-your-ps2-bios">here</a>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 will automatically scan and identify games from the selected directories below, and populate the game list.<br>These games should be dumped from discs you own. Guides for dumping discs can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/gather#dumping-ps2-discs-via-imgburn">here</a>.</p><p>Supported formats for dumps include:</p><p><ul><li>.bin/.iso (ISO Disc Images)</li><li>.mdf (Media Descriptor File)</li><li>.chd (Compressed Hunks of Data)</li><li>.cso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.zso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.gz (Gzip Compressed ISO)</li></ul></p></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 will automatically scan and identify games from the selected directories below, and populate the game list.<br>These games should be dumped from discs you own. Guides for dumping discs can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/gather#dumping-ps2-discs-via-imgburn">here</a>.</p><p>Supported formats for dumps include:</p><p><ul><li>.bin/.iso (ISO Disc Images)</li><li>.mdf (Media Descriptor File)</li><li>.chd (Compressed Hunks of Data)</li><li>.cso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.zso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.gz (Gzip Compressed ISO)</li></ul></p></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>By default, PCSX2 will map your keyboard to the virtual PS2 controller.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:704;">To use an external controller, you must map it first. </span>On this screen, you can automatically map any controller which is currently connected. If your controller is not currently connected, you can plug it in now.</p><p>To change controller bindings in more detail, or use multi-tap, open the Settings menu and choose Controllers once you have completed the Setup Wizard.</p><p>Guides for configuring controllers can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/post/controllers/"><span style="">here</span></a>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>By default, PCSX2 will map your keyboard to the virtual PS2 controller.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:704;">To use an external controller, you must map it first. </span>On this screen, you can automatically map any controller which is currently connected. If your controller is not currently connected, you can plug it in now.</p><p>To change controller bindings in more detail, or use multi-tap, open the Settings menu and choose Controllers once you have completed the Setup Wizard.</p><p>Guides for configuring controllers can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/post/controllers/"><span style="">here</span></a>.</p></body></html>Controller Port 1Puerto de control 1Controller Mapped To:Controller Mapped To:Controller Type:Tipo de control:Default (Keyboard)Default (Keyboard)Automatic MappingAutomatic MappingController Port 2Puerto de control 2<html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Setup Complete!</span></h1><p>You are now ready to run games.</p><p>Further options are available under the settings menu. You can also use the Big Picture UI for navigation entirely with a gamepad.</p><p>We hope you enjoy using PCSX2.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">¡Configuración completa!</span></h1><p>Ahora estás listo para ejecutar juegos.</p><p>Opciones adicionales están disponibles en el menú de ajustes. También puedes usar la interfaz de usuario Big Picture para navegar completamente con un control.</p><p>Esperamos que disfrutes usando PCSX2.</p></body></html>&Back&Back&Next&Next&Cancel&CancelWarningWarningA BIOS image has not been selected. PCSX2 <strong>will not</strong> be able to run games without a BIOS image.<br><br>Are you sure you wish to continue without selecting a BIOS image?A BIOS image has not been selected. PCSX2 <strong>will not</strong> be able to run games without a BIOS image.<br><br>Are you sure you wish to continue without selecting a BIOS image?No game directories have been selected. You will have to manually open any game dumps you want to play, PCSX2's list will be empty.
Are you sure you want to continue?No game directories have been selected. You will have to manually open any game dumps you want to play, PCSX2's list will be empty.
Are you sure you want to continue?&Finish&FinalizarCancel SetupCancel SetupAre you sure you want to cancel PCSX2 setup?
Any changes have been saved, and the wizard will run again next time you start PCSX2.Are you sure you want to cancel PCSX2 setup?
Any changes have been saved, and the wizard will run again next time you start PCSX2.Open Directory...Open Directory...Select Search DirectorySelect Search DirectoryScan Recursively?Scan Recursively?Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.Default (None)Default (None)No devices availableNo devices availableAutomatic BindingAutomatic BindingNo generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.StackModelENTRYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.ENTRYLABELWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.LABELPCWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).PCINSTRUCTIONWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.INSTRUCTIONSTACK POINTERWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STACK POINTERSIZEWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.SIZEThreadModelINVALIDINVALIDIDWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.IDPCWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).PCENTRYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.ENTRYPRIORITYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.PRIORITYSTATEWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STATEWAIT TYPEWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.WAIT TYPEBADRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.BADRUNRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.RUNREADYRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.READYWAITRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.WAITSUSPENDRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.SUSPENDWAIT SUSPENDRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.WAIT SUSPENDDORMANTRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.DORMANTNONERefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.NONEWAKEUP REQUESTRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.WAKEUP REQUESTSEMAPHORERefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.SEMAPHORESLEEPRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.SLEEPDELAYRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.DELAYEVENTFLAGRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.EVENTFLAGMBOXRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.MBOXVPOOLRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.VPOOLFIXPOOLRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.FIXPOOLUSBWebcam (EyeToy)Webcam (EyeToy)Sony EyeToySony EyeToyKonami Capture EyeKonami Capture EyeDevice NameDevice NameSelects the device to capture images from.Selects the device to capture images from.HID KeyboardHID KeyboardKeyboardTecladoHID MouseHID MousePointerPointerLeft ButtonLeft ButtonRight ButtonRight ButtonMiddle ButtonMiddle ButtonKonami KeyboardTeclado de KonamiGunCon 2GunCon 2D-Pad UpBotones de dirección ArribaD-Pad DownBotones de dirección AbajoD-Pad LeftBotones de dirección IzquierdaD-Pad RightBotones de dirección DerechaTriggerTriggerShoot OffscreenShoot OffscreenCalibration ShotCalibration ShotAABBCCSelectSelectStartStartRelative LeftRelative LeftRelative RightRelative RightRelative UpRelative UpRelative DownRelative DownCursor PathCursor PathSets the crosshair image that this lightgun will use. Setting a crosshair image will disable the system cursor.Sets the crosshair image that this lightgun will use. Setting a crosshair image will disable the system cursor.Cursor ScaleCursor ScaleScales the crosshair image set above.Scales the crosshair image set above.%.0f%%%.0f%%Cursor ColorCursor ColorApplies a color to the chosen crosshair images, can be used for multiple players. Specify in HTML/CSS format (e.g. #aabbcc)Applies a color to the chosen crosshair images, can be used for multiple players. Specify in HTML/CSS format (e.g. #aabbcc)Manual Screen ConfigurationManual Screen ConfigurationForces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available.Forces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available.X Scale (Sensitivity)X Scale (Sensitivity)Scales the position to simulate CRT curvature.Scales the position to simulate CRT curvature.%.2f%%%.2f%%Y Scale (Sensitivity)Y Scale (Sensitivity)Center XCenter XSets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen.Sets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen.%.0fpx%.0fpxCenter YCenter YSets the vertical center position of the simulated screen.Sets the vertical center position of the simulated screen.Screen WidthScreen WidthSets the width of the simulated screen.Sets the width of the simulated screen.%dpx%dpxScreen HeightScreen HeightSets the height of the simulated screen.Sets the height of the simulated screen.Logitech USB HeadsetLogitech USB HeadsetInput DeviceInput DeviceSelects the device to read audio from.Selects the device to read audio from.Output DeviceOutput DeviceSelects the device to output audio to.Selects the device to output audio to.Input LatencyInput LatencySpecifies the latency to the host input device.Specifies the latency to the host input device.%dms%dmsOutput LatencyOutput LatencySpecifies the latency to the host output device.Specifies the latency to the host output device.USB-Mic: Neither player 1 nor 2 is connected.USB-Mic: Neither player 1 nor 2 is connected.USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream.USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream.SingstarSingstarPlayer 1 DevicePlayer 1 DeviceSelects the input for the first player.Selects the input for the first player.Player 2 DevicePlayer 2 DeviceSelects the input for the second player.Selects the input for the second player.Logitech USB MicLogitech USB Micusb-msd: Could not open image file '{}'usb-msd: Could not open image file '{}'Mass Storage DeviceMass Storage DeviceModification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching.Modification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching.Image PathImage PathSets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device.Sets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device.Steering LeftSteering LeftSteering RightSteering RightThrottleThrottleBrakeBrakeCrossCruzSquareCuadradoCircleCirculoTriangleTrianguloL1L1R1R1L2L2R2R2Force FeedbackForce FeedbackShift Up / R1Shift Up / R1Shift Down / L1Shift Down / L1L3L3R3R3Menu UpMenu UpMenu DownMenu DownXXYYOffOffLowLowMediumMediumHighHighSteering SmoothingSteering SmoothingSmooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards.Smooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards.%d%%%d%%Steering DeadzoneSteering DeadzoneSteering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels.Steering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels.Steering DampingSteering DampingApplies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs.Applies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs.Wheel DeviceWheel DeviceDriving ForceDriving ForceDriving Force ProDriving Force ProDriving Force Pro (rev11.02)Driving Force Pro (rev11.02)GT ForceGT ForceRock Band Drum KitRock Band Drum KitBlueBlueGreenGreenRedRedYellowYellowOrangeOrangeBuzz ControllerBuzz ControllerPlayer 1 RedPlayer 1 RedPlayer 1 BluePlayer 1 BluePlayer 1 OrangePlayer 1 OrangePlayer 1 GreenPlayer 1 GreenPlayer 1 YellowPlayer 1 YellowPlayer 2 RedPlayer 2 RedPlayer 2 BluePlayer 2 BluePlayer 2 OrangePlayer 2 OrangePlayer 2 GreenPlayer 2 GreenPlayer 2 YellowPlayer 2 YellowPlayer 3 RedPlayer 3 RedPlayer 3 BluePlayer 3 BluePlayer 3 OrangePlayer 3 OrangePlayer 3 GreenPlayer 3 GreenPlayer 3 YellowPlayer 3 YellowPlayer 4 RedPlayer 4 RedPlayer 4 BluePlayer 4 BluePlayer 4 OrangePlayer 4 OrangePlayer 4 GreenPlayer 4 GreenPlayer 4 YellowPlayer 4 YellowKeyboardManiaKeyboardManiaC 1C 1C# 1C# 1D 1D 1D# 1D# 1E 1E 1F 1F 1F# 1F# 1G 1G 1G# 1G# 1A 1A 1A# 1A# 1B 1B 1C 2C 2C# 2C# 2D 2D 2D# 2D# 2E 2E 2F 2F 2F# 2F# 2G 2G 2G# 2G# 2A 2A 2A# 2A# 2B 2B 2Wheel UpWheel UpWheel DownWheel DownSega SeamicSega SeamicStick LeftStick LeftStick RightStick RightStick UpStick UpStick DownStick DownZZLLRRFailed to open '{}' for printing.Failed to open '{}' for printing.Printer saving to '{}'...Printer saving to '{}'...PrinterImpresoraNoneNoneNot ConnectedNot ConnectedDefault Input DeviceDefault Input DeviceDefault Output DeviceDefault Output DeviceDJ Hero TurntableTornamesa DJ HeroTriangle / EuphoriaTriángulo / EuforiaCrossfader LeftCrossfader LeftCrossfader RightCrossfader RightLeft Turntable ClockwiseLeft Turntable ClockwiseLeft Turntable CounterclockwiseLeft Turntable CounterclockwiseRight Turntable ClockwiseRight Turntable ClockwiseRight Turntable CounterclockwiseRight Turntable CounterclockwiseLeft Turntable GreenLeft Turntable GreenLeft Turntable RedLeft Turntable RedLeft Turntable BlueLeft Turntable BlueRight Turntable GreenRight Turntable GreenRight Turntable Red Right Turntable Red Right Turntable BlueRight Turntable BlueApply a multiplier to the turntableApply a multiplier to the turntableEffects Knob LeftPerilla de Efectos a la IzquierdaEffects Knob RightPerilla de Efectos a la DerechaTurntable MultiplierMultiplicador de PlatoUSBBindingWidgetAxesEjesButtonsBotonesUSBBindingWidget_DrivingForceHintsHintsTo bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.Force FeedbackForce FeedbackD-PadD-PadDownDownLeftLeftUpUpRightRightL1L1L2L2BrakeBrakeSteering LeftSteering LeftSteering RightSteering RightSelectSelectStartStartFace ButtonsFace ButtonsCircleCirculoCrossCruzTriangleTrianguloSquareCuadradoR1R1R2R2AcceleratorAcceleratorUSBBindingWidget_GTForceHintsHintsTo bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.Force FeedbackForce FeedbackXXAABrakeBrakeSteering LeftSteering LeftSteering RightSteering RightLeft PaddleLeft PaddleRight PaddleRight PaddleYYBBAcceleratorAceleradorUSBBindingWidget_GunCon2ButtonsBotonesAACCStartStartSelectSelectBBD-PadD-PadDownAbajoLeftIzquierdaUpArribaRightDerechaPointer SetupPointer Setup<p>By default, GunCon2 will use the mouse pointer. To use the mouse, you <strong>do not</strong> need to configure any bindings apart from the trigger and buttons.</p>
<p>If you want to use a controller, or lightgun which simulates a controller instead of a mouse, then you should bind it to Relative Aiming. Otherwise, Relative Aiming should be <strong>left unbound</strong>.</p><p>By default, GunCon2 will use the mouse pointer. To use the mouse, you <strong>do not</strong> need to configure any bindings apart from the trigger and buttons.</p>
<p>If you want to use a controller, or lightgun which simulates a controller instead of a mouse, then you should bind it to Relative Aiming. Otherwise, Relative Aiming should be <strong>left unbound</strong>.</p>Relative AimingTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Relative AimingTriggerTriggerShoot OffscreenShoot OffscreenCalibration ShotCalibration ShotCalibration shot is required to pass the setup screen in some games.Calibration shot is required to pass the setup screen in some games.USBDeviceWidgetDevice TypeTipo de dispositivoBindingsBindingsSettingsAjustesAutomatic MappingAutomatic MappingClear MappingClear MappingUSB Port %1Conector USB %1No devices availableNingún dispositivo disponibleClear BindingsQuitar asignacionesAre you sure you want to clear all bindings for this device? This action cannot be undone.¿Está seguro de que quiere quitar todas las asignaciones para este dispositivo? Esta acción no puede deshacerse.Automatic BindingAsignación automáticaNo generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.VMManagerFailed to back up old save state {}.Failed to back up old save state {}.Failed to save save state: {}.Fallo al guardar estado guardado: {}.PS2 BIOS ({})PS2 BIOS ({})Unknown GameJuego desconocidoCDVD precaching was cancelled.El precacheo de CDVD fue cancelado.CDVD precaching failed: {}Precacheo de CDVD fallido: {}ErrorErrorPCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.
For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count).
Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory (Tools Menu -> Open Data Directory).
Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions.PCSX2 requiere un BIOS de PS2 para poder ejecutarse.
Por razones legales, *debes* obtener un BIOS de una unidad PS2 real de tu propiedad (el préstamo no cuenta).
Una vez descargada, esta imagen del BIOS debe colocarse en la carpeta BIOS dentro del directorio de datos (Menú Herramientas -> Abrir directorio de datos).
Por favor consulte las preguntas frecuentes y las guías para obtener más instrucciones.Resuming stateReanudando estadoBoot and DebugArranque y depuraciónFailed to load save stateFailed to load save stateState saved to slot {}.Estado guardado en la ranura {}.Failed to save save state to slot {}.Fallo al guardar estado en la ranura {}.Loading stateCargando estadoFailed to load state (Memory card is busy)Failed to load state (Memory card is busy)There is no save state in slot {}.No hay estado guardado en la ranura {}.Failed to load state from slot {} (Memory card is busy)Failed to load state from slot {} (Memory card is busy)Loading state from slot {}...Cargando estado desde la ranura {}...Failed to save state (Memory card is busy)Failed to save state (Memory card is busy)Failed to save state to slot {} (Memory card is busy)Failed to save state to slot {} (Memory card is busy)Saving state to slot {}...Saving state to slot {}...Frame advancingAvance de cuadrosDisc removed.Disc removed.Disc changed to '{}'.Disco cambiado a '{}'.Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image.
Error was: {}Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image.
Error was: {}Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc.
Error was: {}Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc.
Error was: {}Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games.Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games.Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow.Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow.Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering.Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering.Mipmapping is disabled. This may break rendering in some games.Mipmapping is disabled. This may break rendering in some games.Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games.Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games.Blending Accuracy is below Basic, this may break effects in some games.Blending Accuracy is below Basic, this may break effects in some games.Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games.Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games.EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU0 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU0 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU1 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU1 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.128MB RAM is enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.128MB RAM is enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games.Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games.EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.Fastmem is not enabled, this will reduce performance.Fastmem is not enabled, this will reduce performance.Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance.Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance.mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance.mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance.GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance.GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance.Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance.Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance.Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance.Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance.Texture dumping is enabled, this will continually dump textures to disk.El volcado de texturas está habilitado, esto volcará continuamente las texturas al disco.