// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2024 PCSX2 Dev Team
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0+

#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include "common/Threading.h"
#include "common/Assertions.h"

#include <memory>

#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(__linux__)
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sched.h>

// glibc < v2.30 doesn't define gettid...
#if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 30
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#define gettid() syscall(SYS_gettid)
#include <pthread_np.h>

// Note: assuming multicore is safer because it forces the interlocked routines to use
// the LOCK prefix.  The prefix works on single core CPUs fine (but is slow), but not
// having the LOCK prefix is very bad indeed.

__forceinline void Threading::Timeslice()

// For use in spin/wait loops,  Acts as a hint to Intel CPUs and should, in theory
// improve performance and reduce cpu power consumption.
__forceinline void Threading::SpinWait()
	// If this doesn't compile you can just comment it out (it only serves as a
	// performance hint and isn't required).
#if defined(_M_X86)
#elif defined(_M_ARM64)
	__asm__ __volatile__("isb");

__forceinline void Threading::EnableHiresScheduler()
	// Don't know if linux has a customizable scheduler resolution like Windows (doubtful)

__forceinline void Threading::DisableHiresScheduler()

// Unit of time of GetThreadCpuTime/GetCpuTime
u64 Threading::GetThreadTicksPerSecond()
	return 1000000;

// Helper function to get either either the current cpu usage
// in called thread or in id thread
static u64 get_thread_time(uptr id = 0)
	clockid_t cid;
	if (id)
		int err = pthread_getcpuclockid((pthread_t)id, &cid);
		if (err)
			return 0;

	struct timespec ts;
	int err = clock_gettime(cid, &ts);
	if (err)
		return 0;

	return (u64)ts.tv_sec * (u64)1e6 + (u64)ts.tv_nsec / (u64)1e3;

// Returns the current timestamp (not relative to a real world clock)
u64 Threading::GetThreadCpuTime()
	return get_thread_time();

Threading::ThreadHandle::ThreadHandle() = default;

Threading::ThreadHandle::ThreadHandle(const ThreadHandle& handle)
	: m_native_handle(handle.m_native_handle)
#ifdef __linux__
	, m_native_id(handle.m_native_id)

Threading::ThreadHandle::ThreadHandle(ThreadHandle&& handle)
	: m_native_handle(handle.m_native_handle)
#ifdef __linux__
	, m_native_id(handle.m_native_id)
	handle.m_native_handle = nullptr;
#ifdef __linux__
	handle.m_native_id = 0;

Threading::ThreadHandle::~ThreadHandle() = default;

Threading::ThreadHandle Threading::ThreadHandle::GetForCallingThread()
	ThreadHandle ret;
	ret.m_native_handle = (void*)pthread_self();
#ifdef __linux__
	ret.m_native_id = gettid();
	return ret;

Threading::ThreadHandle& Threading::ThreadHandle::operator=(ThreadHandle&& handle)
	m_native_handle = handle.m_native_handle;
	handle.m_native_handle = nullptr;
#ifdef __linux__
	m_native_id = handle.m_native_id;
	handle.m_native_id = 0;
	return *this;

Threading::ThreadHandle& Threading::ThreadHandle::operator=(const ThreadHandle& handle)
	m_native_handle = handle.m_native_handle;
#ifdef __linux__
	m_native_id = handle.m_native_id;
	return *this;

u64 Threading::ThreadHandle::GetCPUTime() const
	return m_native_handle ? get_thread_time((uptr)m_native_handle) : 0;

bool Threading::ThreadHandle::SetAffinity(u64 processor_mask) const
#if defined(__linux__)
	cpu_set_t set;

	if (processor_mask != 0)
		for (u32 i = 0; i < 64; i++)
			if (processor_mask & (static_cast<u64>(1) << i))
				CPU_SET(i, &set);
		long num_processors = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
		for (long i = 0; i < num_processors; i++)
			CPU_SET(i, &set);

	return sched_setaffinity((pid_t)m_native_id, sizeof(set), &set) >= 0;
	return false;

Threading::Thread::Thread() = default;

Threading::Thread::Thread(Thread&& thread)
	: ThreadHandle(thread)
	, m_stack_size(thread.m_stack_size)
	thread.m_stack_size = 0;

Threading::Thread::Thread(EntryPoint func)
	: ThreadHandle()
	if (!Start(std::move(func)))
		pxFailRel("Failed to start implicitly started thread.");

	pxAssertRel(!m_native_handle, "Thread should be detached or joined at destruction");

void Threading::Thread::SetStackSize(u32 size)
	pxAssertRel(!m_native_handle, "Can't change the stack size on a started thread");
	m_stack_size = size;

#ifdef __linux__
// For Linux, we have to do a bit of trickery here to get the thread's ID back from
// the thread itself, because it's not part of pthreads. We use a semaphore to signal
// when the thread has started, and filled in thread_id_ptr.
struct ThreadProcParameters
	Threading::Thread::EntryPoint func;
	Threading::KernelSemaphore* start_semaphore;
	unsigned int* thread_id_ptr;

void* Threading::Thread::ThreadProc(void* param)
	std::unique_ptr<ThreadProcParameters> entry(static_cast<ThreadProcParameters*>(param));
	*entry->thread_id_ptr = gettid();
	return nullptr;

bool Threading::Thread::Start(EntryPoint func)
	pxAssertRel(!m_native_handle, "Can't start an already-started thread");

	KernelSemaphore start_semaphore;
	std::unique_ptr<ThreadProcParameters> params(std::make_unique<ThreadProcParameters>());
	params->func = std::move(func);
	params->start_semaphore = &start_semaphore;
	params->thread_id_ptr = &m_native_id;

	pthread_attr_t attrs;
	bool has_attributes = false;

	if (m_stack_size != 0)
		has_attributes = true;
	if (m_stack_size != 0)
		pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, m_stack_size);

	pthread_t handle;
	const int res = pthread_create(&handle, has_attributes ? &attrs : nullptr, ThreadProc, params.get());
	if (res != 0)
		return false;

	// wait until it sets our native id

	// thread started, it'll release the memory
	m_native_handle = (void*)handle;
	return true;


void* Threading::Thread::ThreadProc(void* param)
	std::unique_ptr<EntryPoint> entry(static_cast<EntryPoint*>(param));
	return nullptr;

bool Threading::Thread::Start(EntryPoint func)
	pxAssertRel(!m_native_handle, "Can't start an already-started thread");

	std::unique_ptr<EntryPoint> func_clone(std::make_unique<EntryPoint>(std::move(func)));

	pthread_attr_t attrs;
	bool has_attributes = false;

	if (m_stack_size != 0)
		has_attributes = true;
	if (m_stack_size != 0)
		pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, m_stack_size);

	pthread_t handle;
	const int res = pthread_create(&handle, has_attributes ? &attrs : nullptr, ThreadProc, func_clone.get());
	if (res != 0)
		return false;

	// thread started, it'll release the memory
	m_native_handle = (void*)handle;
	return true;


void Threading::Thread::Detach()
	pxAssertRel(m_native_handle, "Can't detach without a thread");
	m_native_handle = nullptr;
#ifdef __linux__
	m_native_id = 0;

void Threading::Thread::Join()
	pxAssertRel(m_native_handle, "Can't join without a thread");
	void* retval;
	const int res = pthread_join((pthread_t)m_native_handle, &retval);
	if (res != 0)
		pxFailRel("pthread_join() for thread join failed");

	m_native_handle = nullptr;
#ifdef __linux__
	m_native_id = 0;

Threading::ThreadHandle& Threading::Thread::operator=(Thread&& thread)
	m_stack_size = thread.m_stack_size;
	thread.m_stack_size = 0;
	return *this;

void Threading::SetNameOfCurrentThread(const char* name)
#if defined(__linux__)
	// Extract of manpage: "The name can be up to 16 bytes long, and should be
	//						null-terminated if it contains fewer bytes."
	prctl(PR_SET_NAME, name, 0, 0, 0);
#elif defined(__unix__)
	pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), name);