/* ZeroGS KOSMOS * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 zerofrog@gmail.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // keyboard functions #include "Util.h" #include "GS.h" #include "ZeroGSShaders/zerogsshaders.h" #include "Profile.h" extern int CurrentSavestate, g_GSMultiThreaded, g_nPixelShaderVer; extern char *libraryName; extern const unsigned char zgsversion; extern unsigned char zgsrevision, zgsbuild, zgsminor; extern u32 THR_KeyEvent; // value for passing out key events between threads extern bool THR_bShift, SaveStateExists; const char* s_aa[5] = { "AA none |", "AA 2x |", "AA 4x |", "AA 8x |", "AA 16x |" }; const char* s_naa[3] = { "native res |", "res /2 |", "res /4 |" }; const char* pbilinear[] = { "off", "normal", "forced" }; void ProcessBilinear() { FUNCLOG char strtitle[256]; if (g_nPixelShaderVer == SHADER_REDUCED) { conf.bilinear = 0; sprintf(strtitle, "reduced shaders don't support bilinear filtering"); } else { conf.bilinear = (conf.bilinear + 1) % 3; sprintf(strtitle, "bilinear filtering - %s", pbilinear[conf.bilinear]); } ZZLog::WriteToScreen(strtitle); SaveConfig(); } void ProcessInterlace() { FUNCLOG char strtitle[256]; conf.interlace++; if (conf.interlace > 2) conf.interlace = 0; if (conf.interlace < 2) sprintf(strtitle, "interlace on - mode %d", conf.interlace); else sprintf(strtitle, "interlace off"); ZZLog::WriteToScreen(strtitle); SaveConfig(); } void ProcessAASetting(bool reverse) { FUNCLOG char strtitle[256]; if (reverse) conf.decAA(); else conf.incAA(); sprintf(strtitle, "anti-aliasing - %s", s_aa[conf.aa]); ZeroGS::SetAA(conf.aa); ZZLog::WriteToScreen(strtitle); SaveConfig(); } void ProcessFPS() { FUNCLOG extern bool g_bDisplayFPS; g_bDisplayFPS ^= 1; } void ProcessWireFrame() { FUNCLOG char strtitle[256]; conf.zz_options.wireframe = !conf.zz_options.wireframe; glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, (conf.wireframe()) ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL); sprintf(strtitle, "wireframe rendering - %s", (conf.wireframe()) ? "on" : "off"); ZZLog::WriteToScreen(strtitle); } void ProcessNegAASetting(bool reverse) { FUNCLOG char strtitle[256]; if (reverse) { conf.negaa--; // -1 if (conf.negaa > 2) conf.negaa = 2; // u8 in unsigned, so negative value is 255. sprintf(strtitle, "down resolution - %s", s_naa[conf.negaa]); ZeroGS::SetNegAA(conf.negaa); } else { conf.negaa++; if (conf.negaa > 2) conf.negaa = 0; sprintf(strtitle, "down resolution - %s", s_naa[conf.negaa]); ZeroGS::SetNegAA(conf.negaa); } ZZLog::WriteToScreen(strtitle); SaveConfig(); } typedef struct GameHackStruct { const char HackName[40]; u32 HackMask; } GameHack; #define HACK_NUMBER 30 GameHack HackinshTable[HACK_NUMBER] = { {"*** 0 No Hack", 0}, {"*** 1 TexTargets Check", GAME_TEXTURETARGS}, {"*** 2 Autoreset Targets", GAME_AUTORESET}, {"*** 3 Interlace 2x", GAME_INTERLACE2X}, {"*** 4 TexA hack", GAME_TEXAHACK}, {"*** 5 No Target Resolve", GAME_NOTARGETRESOLVE}, {"*** 6 Exact color", GAME_EXACTCOLOR}, {"*** 7 No color clamp", GAME_NOCOLORCLAMP}, {"*** 8 FFX hack", GAME_FFXHACK}, {"*** 9 No Alpha Fail", GAME_NOALPHAFAIL}, {"***10 No Depth Update", GAME_NODEPTHUPDATE}, {"***11 Quick Resolve 1", GAME_QUICKRESOLVE1}, {"***12 No quick resolve", GAME_NOQUICKRESOLVE}, {"***13 Notaget clut", GAME_NOTARGETCLUT}, {"***14 No Stencil", GAME_NOSTENCIL}, {"***15 No Depth resolve", GAME_NODEPTHRESOLVE}, {"***16 Full 16 bit", GAME_FULL16BITRES}, {"***17 Resolve promoted", GAME_RESOLVEPROMOTED}, {"***18 Fast Update", GAME_FASTUPDATE}, {"***19 No Alpha Test", GAME_NOALPHATEST}, {"***20 Disable MRT deprh", GAME_DISABLEMRTDEPTH}, {"***21 32 bit targes", GAME_32BITTARGS}, {"***22 path 3 hack", GAME_PATH3HACK}, {"***23 parallelise calls", GAME_DOPARALLELCTX}, {"***24 specular highligths", GAME_XENOSPECHACK}, {"***25 partial pointers", GAME_PARTIALPOINTERS}, {"***26 partial depth", GAME_PARTIALDEPTH}, {"***27 reget hack", GAME_REGETHACK}, {"***28 gust hack", GAME_GUSTHACK}, {"***29 log-Z", GAME_NOLOGZ} }; int CurrentHackSetting = 0; void ProcessHackSetting(bool reverse) { FUNCLOG // printf ("A %d\n", HackinshTable[CurrentHackSetting].HackMask); conf.hacks._u32 &= !(HackinshTable[CurrentHackSetting].HackMask); if (reverse) { CurrentHackSetting--; if (CurrentHackSetting == -1) CurrentHackSetting = HACK_NUMBER - 1; } else { CurrentHackSetting++; if (CurrentHackSetting == HACK_NUMBER) CurrentHackSetting = 0; } conf.hacks._u32 |= HackinshTable[CurrentHackSetting].HackMask; ZZLog::WriteToScreen(HackinshTable[CurrentHackSetting].HackName); SaveConfig(); } void ProcessSaveState() { FUNCLOG char strtitle[256]; sprintf(strtitle, "Saving in savestate %d", CurrentSavestate); SaveStateExists = true; ZZLog::WriteToScreen(HackinshTable[CurrentHackSetting].HackName); } void OnFKey(int key, int shift) { switch(key) { //case 1: // ProcessSaveState(); // break; case 5: if (shift) ProcessBilinear(); else ProcessInterlace(); break; case 6: if (shift) ProcessAASetting(true); else ProcessAASetting(false); break; case 7: if (!shift) ProcessFPS(); else ProcessWireFrame(); break; case 9: if (shift) ProcessHackSetting(true); else ProcessHackSetting(false); break; default: break; } } void WriteAA() { if (conf.aa != 0) { char strtitle[64]; sprintf(strtitle, "anti-aliasing - %s", s_aa[conf.aa]); ZZLog::WriteToScreen(strtitle, 1000); } } void WriteBilinear() { switch (conf.bilinear) { case 2: ZZLog::WriteToScreen("bilinear filtering - forced", 1000); break; case 1: ZZLog::WriteToScreen("bilinear filtering - normal", 1000); break; default: break; } } #ifdef _WIN32 void ProcessMessages() { MSG msg; ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(msg)); while (1) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE)) { switch (msg.message) { case WM_KEYDOWN : int my_KeyEvent = msg.wParam; bool my_bShift = !!(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000); switch (msg.wParam) { case VK_F5: case VK_F6: case VK_F7: case VK_F9: OnFKey(msg.wParam - VK_F1 + 1, my_bShift); break; case VK_ESCAPE: if (conf.fullscreen()) { // destroy that msg conf.setFullscreen(false); ZeroGS::ChangeDeviceSize(conf.width, conf.height); UpdateWindow(GShwnd); continue; // so that msg doesn't get sent } else { SendMessage(GShwnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); return; } break; } break; } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { break; } } if ((GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000) && (GetKeyState(VK_RETURN) & 0x8000)) { conf.zz_options.fullscreen = !conf.zz_options.fullscreen; ZeroGS::SetChangeDeviceSize( (conf.fullscreen()) ? 1280 : conf.width, (conf.fullscreen()) ? 960 : conf.height); } } #else // linux void ProcessMessages() { FUNCLOG // check resizing GLWin.ResizeCheck(); if (THR_KeyEvent) // This values was passed from GSKeyEvents which could be in another thread { int my_KeyEvent = THR_KeyEvent; bool my_bShift = THR_bShift; THR_KeyEvent = 0; switch (my_KeyEvent) { case XK_F5: case XK_F6: case XK_F7: case XK_F9: OnFKey(my_KeyEvent - XK_F1 + 1, my_bShift); break; } } } #endif // linux