/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "GSRendererDX11.h" #include "GSCrc.h" #include "resource.h" GSRendererDX11::GSRendererDX11() : GSRendererDX<GSVertexHW11>(new GSTextureCache11(this), GSVector2(-0.5f, -0.5f)) { InitVertexKick<GSRendererDX11>(); } bool GSRendererDX11::CreateDevice(GSDevice* dev) { if(!__super::CreateDevice(dev)) return false; return true; } template<uint32 prim, uint32 tme, uint32 fst> void GSRendererDX11::VertexKick(bool skip) { GSVertexHW11& dst = m_vl.AddTail(); dst.vi[0] = m_v.vi[0]; dst.vi[1] = m_v.vi[1]; #ifdef USE_UPSCALE_HACKS if(tme && fst) { //GSVector4::storel(&dst.ST, m_v.GetUV()); int Udiff = 0; int Vdiff = 0; int Uadjust = 0; int Vadjust = 0; int multiplier = upscale_Multiplier(); if (multiplier > 1) { Udiff = m_v.UV.U & 4095; Vdiff = m_v.UV.V & 4095; if (Udiff != 0){ if (Udiff >= 4080) {/*printf("U+ %d %d\n", Udiff, m_v.UV.U);*/ Uadjust = -1; } else if (Udiff <= 16) {/*printf("U- %d %d\n", Udiff, m_v.UV.U);*/ Uadjust = 1; } } if (Vdiff != 0){ if (Vdiff >= 4080) {/*printf("V+ %d %d\n", Vdiff, m_v.UV.V);*/ Vadjust = -1; } else if (Vdiff <= 16) {/*printf("V- %d %d\n", Vdiff, m_v.UV.V);*/ Vadjust = 1; } } Udiff = m_v.UV.U & 255; Vdiff = m_v.UV.V & 255; if (Udiff != 0){ if (Udiff >= 248) { Uadjust = -1; } else if (Udiff <= 8) { Uadjust = 1; } } if (Vdiff != 0){ if (Vdiff >= 248) { Vadjust = -1; } else if (Vdiff <= 8) { Vadjust = 1; } } Udiff = m_v.UV.U & 15; Vdiff = m_v.UV.V & 15; if (Udiff != 0){ if (Udiff >= 15) { Uadjust = -1; } else if (Udiff <= 1) { Uadjust = 1; } } if (Vdiff != 0){ if (Vdiff >= 15) { Vadjust = -1; } else if (Vdiff <= 1) { Vadjust = 1; } } } dst.ST.S = (float)m_v.UV.U - Uadjust; dst.ST.T = (float)m_v.UV.V - Vadjust; } else if (tme) { // Wip :p //dst.XYZ.X += 5; //dst.XYZ.Y += 5; } #else if(tme && fst) { GSVector4::storel(&dst.ST, m_v.GetUV()); } #endif int count = 0; if(GSVertexHW11* v = DrawingKick<prim>(skip, count)) { GSVector4i scissor = m_context->scissor.dx10; GSVector4i pmin, pmax; #if _M_SSE >= 0x401 GSVector4i v0, v1, v2; switch(prim) { case GS_POINTLIST: v0 = GSVector4i::load((int)v[0].p.xy).upl16(); pmin = v0; pmax = v0; break; case GS_LINELIST: case GS_LINESTRIP: case GS_SPRITE: v0 = GSVector4i::load((int)v[0].p.xy); v1 = GSVector4i::load((int)v[1].p.xy); pmin = v0.min_u16(v1).upl16(); pmax = v0.max_u16(v1).upl16(); break; case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: v0 = GSVector4i::load((int)v[0].p.xy); v1 = GSVector4i::load((int)v[1].p.xy); v2 = GSVector4i::load((int)v[2].p.xy); pmin = v0.min_u16(v1).min_u16(v2).upl16(); pmax = v0.max_u16(v1).max_u16(v2).upl16(); break; } #else switch(prim) { case GS_POINTLIST: pmin.x = v[0].p.x; pmin.y = v[0].p.y; pmax.x = v[0].p.x; pmax.y = v[0].p.y; break; case GS_LINELIST: case GS_LINESTRIP: case GS_SPRITE: pmin.x = std::min<uint16>(v[0].p.x, v[1].p.x); pmin.y = std::min<uint16>(v[0].p.y, v[1].p.y); pmax.x = std::max<uint16>(v[0].p.x, v[1].p.x); pmax.y = std::max<uint16>(v[0].p.y, v[1].p.y); break; case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: pmin.x = std::min<uint16>(std::min<uint16>(v[0].p.x, v[1].p.x), v[2].p.x); pmin.y = std::min<uint16>(std::min<uint16>(v[0].p.y, v[1].p.y), v[2].p.y); pmax.x = std::max<uint16>(std::max<uint16>(v[0].p.x, v[1].p.x), v[2].p.x); pmax.y = std::max<uint16>(std::max<uint16>(v[0].p.y, v[1].p.y), v[2].p.y); break; } #endif GSVector4i test = (pmax < scissor) | (pmin > scissor.zwxy()); switch(prim) { case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: case GS_SPRITE: test |= pmin == pmax; break; } if(test.mask() & 0xff) { return; } m_count += count; } } void GSRendererDX11::Draw(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* tex) { switch(m_vt.m_primclass) { case GS_POINT_CLASS: m_topology = D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTLIST; m_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::Prim, m_count); break; case GS_LINE_CLASS: case GS_SPRITE_CLASS: m_topology = D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST; m_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::Prim, m_count / 2); break; case GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS: m_topology = D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST; m_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::Prim, m_count / 3); break; default: __assume(0); } __super::Draw(rt, ds, tex); }