/*  PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2010  PCSX2 Dev Team
 *  PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 *  of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
 *  ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
 *  PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
 *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef __WXMSW__
#include <wx/thread.h>
#include "common/PageFaultSource.h"
#include "common/EventSource.inl"
#include "common/MemsetFast.inl"

template class EventSource<IEventListener_PageFault>;

SrcType_PageFault* Source_PageFault = NULL;
Threading::Mutex PageFault_Mutex;

void pxInstallSignalHandler()
	if (!Source_PageFault)
		Source_PageFault = new SrcType_PageFault();


	// NOP on Win32 systems -- we use __try{} __except{} instead.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  EventListener_PageFault  (implementations)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	if (Source_PageFault)

void SrcType_PageFault::Dispatch(const PageFaultInfo& params)
	m_handled = false;

void SrcType_PageFault::_DispatchRaw(ListenerIterator iter, const ListenerIterator& iend, const PageFaultInfo& evt)
		(*iter)->DispatchEvent(evt, m_handled);
	} while ((++iter != iend) && !m_handled);

static size_t pageAlign(size_t size)
	return (size + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize * __pagesize;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  VirtualMemoryManager  (implementations)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VirtualMemoryManager::VirtualMemoryManager(const wxString& name, uptr base, size_t size, uptr upper_bounds, bool strict)
	: m_name(name)
	, m_baseptr(0)
	, m_pageuse(nullptr)
	, m_pages_reserved(0)
	if (!size)

	uptr reserved_bytes = pageAlign(size);
	m_pages_reserved = reserved_bytes / __pagesize;

	m_baseptr = (uptr)HostSys::MmapReserve(base, reserved_bytes);

	if (!m_baseptr || (upper_bounds != 0 && (((uptr)m_baseptr + reserved_bytes) > upper_bounds)))
		DevCon.Warning(L"%s: host memory @ %ls -> %ls is unavailable; attempting to map elsewhere...",
			WX_STR(m_name), pxsPtr(base), pxsPtr(base + size));

		SafeSysMunmap(m_baseptr, reserved_bytes);

		if (base)
			// Let's try again at an OS-picked memory area, and then hope it meets needed
			// boundschecking criteria below.
			m_baseptr = (uptr)HostSys::MmapReserve(0, reserved_bytes);

	bool fulfillsRequirements = true;
	if (strict && m_baseptr != base)
		fulfillsRequirements = false;
	if ((upper_bounds != 0) && ((m_baseptr + reserved_bytes) > upper_bounds))
		fulfillsRequirements = false;
	if (!fulfillsRequirements)
		SafeSysMunmap(m_baseptr, reserved_bytes);

	if (!m_baseptr)

	m_pageuse = new std::atomic<bool>[m_pages_reserved]();

	FastFormatUnicode mbkb;
	uint mbytes = reserved_bytes / _1mb;
	if (mbytes)
		mbkb.Write("[%umb]", mbytes);
		mbkb.Write("[%ukb]", reserved_bytes / 1024);

	DevCon.WriteLn(Color_Gray, L"%-32s @ %ls -> %ls %ls", WX_STR(m_name),
		pxsPtr(m_baseptr), pxsPtr((uptr)m_baseptr + reserved_bytes), mbkb.c_str());

	if (m_pageuse)
		delete[] m_pageuse;
	if (m_baseptr)
		HostSys::Munmap(m_baseptr, m_pages_reserved * __pagesize);

static bool VMMMarkPagesAsInUse(std::atomic<bool>* begin, std::atomic<bool>* end)
	for (auto current = begin; current < end; current++)
		bool expected = false;
		if (!current->compare_exchange_strong(expected, true), std::memory_order_relaxed)
			// This was already allocated!  Undo the things we've set until this point
			while (--current >= begin)
				if (!current->compare_exchange_strong(expected, false, std::memory_order_relaxed))
					// In the time we were doing this, someone set one of the things we just set to true back to false
					// This should never happen, but if it does we'll just stop and hope nothing bad happens
					return false;
			return false;
	return true;

void* VirtualMemoryManager::Alloc(uptr offsetLocation, size_t size) const
	size = pageAlign(size);
	if (!pxAssertDev(offsetLocation % __pagesize == 0, "(VirtualMemoryManager) alloc at unaligned offsetLocation"))
		return nullptr;
	if (!pxAssertDev(size + offsetLocation <= m_pages_reserved * __pagesize, "(VirtualMemoryManager) alloc outside reserved area"))
		return nullptr;
	if (m_baseptr == 0)
		return nullptr;
	auto puStart = &m_pageuse[offsetLocation / __pagesize];
	auto puEnd = &m_pageuse[(offsetLocation + size) / __pagesize];
	if (!pxAssertDev(VMMMarkPagesAsInUse(puStart, puEnd), "(VirtualMemoryManager) allocation requests overlapped"))
		return nullptr;
	return (void*)(m_baseptr + offsetLocation);

void VirtualMemoryManager::Free(void* address, size_t size) const
	uptr offsetLocation = (uptr)address - m_baseptr;
	if (!pxAssertDev(offsetLocation % __pagesize == 0, "(VirtualMemoryManager) free at unaligned address"))
		uptr newLoc = pageAlign(offsetLocation);
		size -= (offsetLocation - newLoc);
		offsetLocation = newLoc;
	if (!pxAssertDev(size % __pagesize == 0, "(VirtualMemoryManager) free with unaligned size"))
		size -= size % __pagesize;
	if (!pxAssertDev(size + offsetLocation <= m_pages_reserved * __pagesize, "(VirtualMemoryManager) free outside reserved area"))
	auto puStart = &m_pageuse[offsetLocation / __pagesize];
	auto puEnd = &m_pageuse[(offsetLocation + size) / __pagesize];
	for (; puStart < puEnd; puStart++)
		bool expected = true;
		if (!puStart->compare_exchange_strong(expected, false, std::memory_order_relaxed))
			pxAssertDev(0, "(VirtaulMemoryManager) double-free");

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator  (implementations)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator::VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator(VirtualMemoryManagerPtr allocator, uptr offsetLocation, size_t size)
	: m_allocator(std::move(allocator))
	, m_baseptr((uptr)m_allocator->Alloc(offsetLocation, size))
	, m_endptr(m_baseptr + size)
	if (m_baseptr.load() == 0)
		pxAssertDev(0, "(VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator) tried to construct from bad VirtualMemoryManager");

void* VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator::Alloc(size_t size)
	if (m_baseptr.load() == 0) // True if constructed from bad VirtualMemoryManager (assertion was on initialization)
		return nullptr;

	size_t reservedSize = pageAlign(size);

	uptr out = m_baseptr.fetch_add(reservedSize, std::memory_order_relaxed);

	if (!pxAssertDev(out - reservedSize + size <= m_endptr, "(VirtualMemoryBumpAllocator) ran out of memory"))
		return nullptr;

	return (void*)out;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  VirtualMemoryReserve  (implementations)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VirtualMemoryReserve::VirtualMemoryReserve(const wxString& name, size_t size)
	: m_name(name)
	m_defsize = size;

	m_allocator = nullptr;
	m_pages_commited = 0;
	m_pages_reserved = 0;
	m_baseptr = nullptr;
	m_prot_mode = PageAccess_None();
	m_allow_writes = true;

VirtualMemoryReserve& VirtualMemoryReserve::SetPageAccessOnCommit(const PageProtectionMode& mode)
	m_prot_mode = mode;
	return *this;

size_t VirtualMemoryReserve::GetSize(size_t requestedSize)
	if (!requestedSize)
		return pageAlign(m_defsize);
	return pageAlign(requestedSize);

// Notes:
//  * This method should be called if the object is already in an released (unreserved) state.
//    Subsequent calls will be ignored, and the existing reserve will be returned.
// Parameters:
//   baseptr - the new base pointer that's about to be assigned
//   size - size of the region pointed to by baseptr
void* VirtualMemoryReserve::Assign(VirtualMemoryManagerPtr allocator, void* baseptr, size_t size)
	if (!pxAssertDev(m_baseptr == NULL, "(VirtualMemoryReserve) Invalid object state; object has already been reserved."))
		return m_baseptr;

	if (!size)
		return nullptr;

	m_allocator = std::move(allocator);

	m_baseptr = baseptr;

	uptr reserved_bytes = pageAlign(size);
	m_pages_reserved = reserved_bytes / __pagesize;

	if (!m_baseptr)
		return nullptr;

	FastFormatUnicode mbkb;
	uint mbytes = reserved_bytes / _1mb;
	if (mbytes)
		mbkb.Write("[%umb]", mbytes);
		mbkb.Write("[%ukb]", reserved_bytes / 1024);

	DevCon.WriteLn(Color_Gray, L"%-32s @ %ls -> %ls %ls", WX_STR(m_name),
		pxsPtr(m_baseptr), pxsPtr((uptr)m_baseptr + reserved_bytes), mbkb.c_str());

	return m_baseptr;

void VirtualMemoryReserve::ReprotectCommittedBlocks(const PageProtectionMode& newmode)
	if (!m_pages_commited)
	HostSys::MemProtect(m_baseptr, m_pages_commited * __pagesize, newmode);

// Clears all committed blocks, restoring the allocation to a reserve only.
void VirtualMemoryReserve::Reset()
	if (!m_pages_commited)

	HostSys::MmapResetPtr(m_baseptr, m_pages_commited * __pagesize);
	m_pages_commited = 0;

void VirtualMemoryReserve::Release()
	if (!m_baseptr)
	m_allocator->Free(m_baseptr, m_pages_reserved * __pagesize);
	m_baseptr = nullptr;

bool VirtualMemoryReserve::Commit()
	if (!m_pages_reserved)
		return false;
	if (!pxAssert(!m_pages_commited))
		return true;

	m_pages_commited = m_pages_reserved;
	return HostSys::MmapCommitPtr(m_baseptr, m_pages_reserved * __pagesize, m_prot_mode);

void VirtualMemoryReserve::AllowModification()
	m_allow_writes = true;
	HostSys::MemProtect(m_baseptr, m_pages_commited * __pagesize, m_prot_mode);

void VirtualMemoryReserve::ForbidModification()
	m_allow_writes = false;
	HostSys::MemProtect(m_baseptr, m_pages_commited * __pagesize, PageProtectionMode(m_prot_mode).Write(false));

// If growing the array, or if shrinking the array to some point that's still *greater* than the
// committed memory range, then attempt a passive "on-the-fly" resize that maps/unmaps some portion
// of the reserve.
// If the above conditions are not met, or if the map/unmap fails, this method returns false.
// The caller will be responsible for manually resetting the reserve.
// Parameters:
//  newsize - new size of the reserved buffer, in bytes.
bool VirtualMemoryReserve::TryResize(uint newsize)
	uint newPages = pageAlign(newsize) / __pagesize;

	if (newPages > m_pages_reserved)
		uint toReservePages = newPages - m_pages_reserved;
		uint toReserveBytes = toReservePages * __pagesize;

		DevCon.WriteLn(L"%-32s is being expanded by %u pages.", WX_STR(m_name), toReservePages);

		if (!m_allocator->AllocAtAddress(GetPtrEnd(), toReserveBytes))
			Console.Warning("%-32s could not be passively resized due to virtual memory conflict!", WX_STR(m_name));
			Console.Indent().Warning("(attempted to map memory @ %08p -> %08p)", m_baseptr, (uptr)m_baseptr + toReserveBytes);
			return false;

		DevCon.WriteLn(Color_Gray, L"%-32s @ %08p -> %08p [%umb]", WX_STR(m_name),
			m_baseptr, (uptr)m_baseptr + toReserveBytes, toReserveBytes / _1mb);
	else if (newPages < m_pages_reserved)
		if (m_pages_commited > newsize)
			return false;

		uint toRemovePages = m_pages_reserved - newPages;
		uint toRemoveBytes = toRemovePages * __pagesize;

		DevCon.WriteLn(L"%-32s is being shrunk by %u pages.", WX_STR(m_name), toRemovePages);

		m_allocator->Free(GetPtrEnd() - toRemoveBytes, toRemoveBytes);

		DevCon.WriteLn(Color_Gray, L"%-32s @ %08p -> %08p [%umb]", WX_STR(m_name),
			m_baseptr, GetPtrEnd(), GetReserveSizeInBytes() / _1mb);

	m_pages_reserved = newPages;
	return true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  PageProtectionMode  (implementations)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString PageProtectionMode::ToString() const
	wxString modeStr;

	if (m_read)
		modeStr += L"Read";
	if (m_write)
		modeStr += L"Write";
	if (m_exec)
		modeStr += L"Exec";

	if (modeStr.IsEmpty())
		return L"NoAccess";
	if (modeStr.Length() <= 5)
		modeStr += L"Only";

	return modeStr;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Common HostSys implementation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void HostSys::Munmap(void* base, size_t size)
	Munmap((uptr)base, size);