/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see . */ #include "PrecompiledHeader.h" #include #include #include "AdvancedSettingsWidget.h" #include "QtHost.h" #include "QtUtils.h" #include "SettingWidgetBinder.h" #include "SettingsDialog.h" AdvancedSettingsWidget::AdvancedSettingsWidget(SettingsDialog* dialog, QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_dialog(dialog) { SettingsInterface* sif = dialog->getSettingsInterface(); m_ui.setupUi(this); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.eeRecompiler, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "EnableEE", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.eeCache, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "EnableEECache", false); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.eeINTCSpinDetection, "EmuCore/Speedhacks", "IntcStat", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.eeWaitLoopDetection, "EmuCore/Speedhacks", "WaitLoop", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.eeFastmem, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "EnableFastmem", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.pauseOnTLBMiss, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "PauseOnTLBMiss", false); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.vu0Recompiler, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "EnableVU0", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.vu1Recompiler, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "EnableVU1", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.vuFlagHack, "EmuCore/Speedhacks", "vuFlagHack", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToIntSetting(sif, m_ui.eeRoundingMode, "EmuCore/CPU", "FPU.Roundmode", 3); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToIntSetting(sif, m_ui.vu0RoundingMode, "EmuCore/CPU", "VU0.Roundmode", 3); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToIntSetting(sif, m_ui.vu1RoundingMode, "EmuCore/CPU", "VU1.Roundmode", 3); if (m_dialog->isPerGameSettings()) { m_ui.eeClampMode->insertItem(0, tr("Use Global Setting [%1]").arg(m_ui.eeClampMode->itemText(getGlobalClampingModeIndex(-1)))); m_ui.vu0ClampMode->insertItem(0, tr("Use Global Setting [%1]").arg(m_ui.vu0ClampMode->itemText(getGlobalClampingModeIndex(0)))); m_ui.vu1ClampMode->insertItem(0, tr("Use Global Setting [%1]").arg(m_ui.vu1ClampMode->itemText(getGlobalClampingModeIndex(1)))); } m_ui.eeClampMode->setCurrentIndex(getClampingModeIndex(-1)); m_ui.vu0ClampMode->setCurrentIndex(getClampingModeIndex(0)); m_ui.vu1ClampMode->setCurrentIndex(getClampingModeIndex(1)); connect(m_ui.eeClampMode, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [this](int index) { setClampingMode(-1, index); }); connect(m_ui.vu0ClampMode, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [this](int index) { setClampingMode(0, index); }); connect(m_ui.vu1ClampMode, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [this](int index) { setClampingMode(1, index); }); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.iopRecompiler, "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", "EnableIOP", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.gameFixes, "EmuCore", "EnableGameFixes", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToBoolSetting(sif, m_ui.patches, "EmuCore", "EnablePatches", true); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToFloatSetting(sif, m_ui.ntscFrameRate, "EmuCore/GS", "FramerateNTSC", 59.94f); SettingWidgetBinder::BindWidgetToFloatSetting(sif, m_ui.palFrameRate, "EmuCore/GS", "FrameratePAL", 50.00f); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeRoundingMode, tr("Rounding Mode"), tr("Chop / Zero (Default)"), tr("")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeClampMode, tr("Clamping Mode"), tr("Normal (Default)"), tr("")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeRecompiler, tr("Enable Recompiler"), tr("Checked"), tr("Performs just - in - time binary translation of 64 - bit MIPS - IV machine code to x86.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeWaitLoopDetection, tr("Wait Loop Detection"), tr("Checked"), tr("Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeCache, tr("Enable Cache (Slow)"), tr("Unchecked"), tr("Interpreter only, provided for diagnostic.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeINTCSpinDetection, tr("INTC Spin Detection"), tr("Checked"), tr("Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.eeFastmem, tr("Enable Fast Memory Access"), tr("Checked"), tr("Uses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.pauseOnTLBMiss, tr("Pause On TLB Miss"), tr("Unchecked"), tr("Pauses the virtual machine when a TLB miss occurs, instead of ignoring it and continuing. Note the the VM will pause after the " "end of the block, not on the instruction which caused the exception. Refer to the console to see the address where the invalid " "access occurred.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vu0RoundingMode, tr("Rounding Mode"), tr("Chop / Zero (Default)"), tr("")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vu1RoundingMode, tr("Rounding Mode"), tr("Chop / Zero (Default)"), tr("")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vu0ClampMode, tr("Clamping Mode"), tr("Normal (Default)"), tr("")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vu1ClampMode, tr("Clamping Mode"), tr("Normal (Default)"), tr("")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vu0Recompiler, tr("Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)"), tr("Checked"), tr("Enables VU0 Recompiler.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.vu1Recompiler, tr("Enable VU1 Recompiler"), tr("Checked"), tr("Enables VU1 Recompiler.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp( m_ui.vuFlagHack, tr("mVU Flag Hack"), tr("Checked"), tr("Good speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.iopRecompiler, tr("Enable Recompiler"), tr("Checked"), tr("Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to x86.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.gameFixes, tr("Enable Game Fixes"), tr("Checked"), tr("Automatically loads and applies gamefixes to known problematic games on game start.")); dialog->registerWidgetHelp(m_ui.patches, tr("Enable Compatibility Patches"), tr("Checked"), tr("Automatically loads and applies compatibility patches to known problematic games.")); } AdvancedSettingsWidget::~AdvancedSettingsWidget() = default; int AdvancedSettingsWidget::getGlobalClampingModeIndex(int vunum) const { if (Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0SignOverflow" : "vu1SignOverflow") : "fpuFullMode"), false)) return 3; if (Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0ExtraOverflow" : "vu1ExtraOverflow") : "fpuExtraOverflow"), false)) return 2; if (Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0Overflow" : "vu1Overflow") : "fpuOverflow"), true)) return 1; return 0; } int AdvancedSettingsWidget::getClampingModeIndex(int vunum) const { // This is so messy... maybe we should just make the mode an int in the settings too... const bool base = m_dialog->isPerGameSettings() ? 1 : 0; std::optional default_false = m_dialog->isPerGameSettings() ? std::nullopt : std::optional(false); std::optional default_true = m_dialog->isPerGameSettings() ? std::nullopt : std::optional(true); std::optional third = m_dialog->getBoolValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0SignOverflow" : "vu1SignOverflow") : "fpuFullMode"), default_false); std::optional second = m_dialog->getBoolValue("EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0ExtraOverflow" : "vu1ExtraOverflow") : "fpuExtraOverflow"), default_false); std::optional first = m_dialog->getBoolValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0Overflow" : "vu1Overflow") : "fpuOverflow"), default_true); if (third.has_value() && third.value()) return base + 3; if (second.has_value() && second.value()) return base + 2; if (first.has_value() && first.value()) return base + 1; else if (first.has_value()) return base + 0; // none else return 0; // no per game override } void AdvancedSettingsWidget::setClampingMode(int vunum, int index) { std::optional first, second, third; if (!m_dialog->isPerGameSettings() || index > 0) { const bool base = m_dialog->isPerGameSettings() ? 1 : 0; third = (index >= (base + 3)); second = (index >= (base + 2)); first = (index >= (base + 1)); } m_dialog->setBoolSettingValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0SignOverflow" : "vu1SignOverflow") : "fpuFullMode"), third); m_dialog->setBoolSettingValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0ExtraOverflow" : "vu1ExtraOverflow") : "fpuExtraOverflow"), second); m_dialog->setBoolSettingValue( "EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler", (vunum >= 0 ? ((vunum == 0) ? "vu0Overflow" : "vu1Overflow") : "fpuOverflow"), first); }