PS2Link (C) 2003 Tord Lindstrom ( (C) 2003,2004 adresd ( (C) 2004 Lukasz Bruun ( (C) 2006 Drakonite ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2006-02-18 Version 1.46 - Added Cached Config support - Extra config disabled, at least while cached config is enabled - Some code cleanup and reordering - More consistant environment (no longer has sio2man and mcman loaded when booting from MC, assuming cached_cfg enabled) - Boots from essentially anywhere now - Some code uglyfications - Elf in bin/ is now packed using ps2-packer - Lots of version bumping from beta test versions - Other stuff 2006-01-25 Version 1.32 - Cleaned up and repaired Makefiles - Disabled 'check' dependency of make dist as it seems to be broken, dist was broken anyways so it doesn't seem like check is being used - Builtin_irx made default out of svn - Bumped version for tag 2004-09-25 Version 1.30 - Added IOP exception handling - Changed IPCONFIG.DAT & EXTRA.CNF a little and added better parsing code. 2004-05-24 Version 1.24 - Made changes for compiling with ps2sdk, introduction of imports.lst/.h and many changes in IOP part to use ioman.h. - Set default values for irx_mod pointers and sizes for cached modules to ensure they were in .bss and not trashed on pko_reset. - Set default values for ip parameters for the same reason as above. - New command writemem - Can load irx files from a defined file in IPCONFIG.DAT - All-In-One elf (irx's embedded in the elf) build target. 2004-02-08 Version 1.23 - Some new commands stop/start vu, dump mem, dump reg, gsexec 2004-02-06 Version 1.22 - HOST: getdir support (so ps2 can get filelist from host:, using ioman calls) 2004-01-29 Version 1.21 - Fixed Host loading (both IRX and ipconfig) - prob with reset (CLEARSPU), but runs fine. - Added sbv for prefix checking, to remove LMB for mc load. - Added screen/console exception dump selection. - Consistent IOP reset for both HOST and other FS load methods. - Removed DMS specific loading, module loading made more general. - Handles being run from ANY mc dir now. - Cleaned up highloading version. 2003-12-31 Version 1.2 - Binary Release Version 2003-12-15 Version 1.1 - Made compatible with ps2drv, for eth and HDD access together. 2003-05-12 Version 1.0 - First release