/* CDVDlinuz.c * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 PCSX2 Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * PCSX2 members can be contacted through their website at www.pcsx2.net. */ #include // BOOL, CALLBACK, APIENTRY #include // NULL #include // time(), time_t #define CDVDdefs #include "../PS2Edefs.h" #include "device.h" #include "CD.h" #include "DVD.h" #include "../buffer.h" #include "../convert.h" #include "conf.h" #include "logfile.h" #include "../version.h" #include "screens.h" #include "mainbox.h" // Initialize mainboxwindow #include "CDVDlinuz.h" HINSTANCE progmodule; BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD param, LPVOID reserved) { switch(param) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: progmodule = hModule; // mainboxwindow = NULL; return(TRUE); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // CDVDshutdown(); return(TRUE); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: return(TRUE); break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: return(TRUE); break; } // ENDSWITCH param- What does the OS want with us? return(FALSE); // Wasn't on list? Wasn't handled. } // END DllMain() char* CALLBACK PS2EgetLibName() { return(libname); } // END PS2EgetLibName() u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibType() { return(PS2E_LT_CDVD); } // END PS2getLibType() u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type) { return((version << 16) | (revision << 8) | build); } // END PS2EgetLibVersion2() s32 CALLBACK CDVDinit() { InitLog(); if(OpenLog() != 0) return(-1); // Couldn't open Log File? Abort. #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDinit()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ InitConf(); DeviceInit(); InitCDInfo(); InitDVDInfo(); mainboxwindow = NULL; return(0); } // END CDVDinit() void CALLBACK CDVDshutdown() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDshutdown()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ DeviceClose(); // Close Windows as well? (Just in case) CloseLog(); } // END CDVDshutdown() s32 CALLBACK CDVDopen() { int retval; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDopen()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ InitBuffer(); LoadConf(); retval = DeviceOpen(); if(retval == 0) { DeviceTrayStatus(); } // ENDIF- Did we open the device? Poll for media. return(retval); } // END CDVDopen() void CALLBACK CDVDclose() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDclose()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ DeviceClose(); } // END CDVDclose() s32 CALLBACK CDVDreadSubQ(u32 lsn, cdvdSubQ* subq) { char temptime[3]; int i; int pos; u32 tracklsn; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDreadSubQ()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(DiscInserted() != 0) return(-1); if((disctype == CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD) || (disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DVDV)) { return(-1); // DVDs don't have SubQ data } // ENDIF- Trying to get a SubQ from a DVD? // fake it i = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[7]); pos = i * 10; pos += 30; temptime[0] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[pos + 7]); temptime[1] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[pos + 8]); temptime[2] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[pos + 9]); tracklsn = MSFtoLBA(temptime); while((i < BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[17])) && (tracklsn < lsn)) { i++; pos = i * 10; pos += 30; temptime[0] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[pos + 7]); temptime[1] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[pos + 8]); temptime[2] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[pos + 9]); tracklsn = MSFtoLBA(temptime); } // ENDIF- Loop through tracks searching for lsn track i--; subq->ctrl = 4; subq->mode = 1; subq->trackNum = HEXTOBCD(i); subq->trackIndex = HEXTOBCD(i); LBAtoMSF(lsn - tracklsn, temptime); subq->trackM = HEXTOBCD(temptime[0]); subq->trackS = HEXTOBCD(temptime[1]); subq->trackF = HEXTOBCD(temptime[2]); subq->pad = 0; // lba_to_msf(lsn + (2*75), &min, &sec, &frm); LBAtoMSF(lsn, temptime); subq->discM = HEXTOBCD(temptime[0]); subq->discS = HEXTOBCD(temptime[1]); subq->discF = HEXTOBCD(temptime[2]); return(0); } // END CDVDreadSubQ() s32 CALLBACK CDVDgetTN(cdvdTN *Buffer) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDgetTN()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(DiscInserted() != 0) return(-1); if((disctype == CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD) || (disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DVDV)) { Buffer->strack = 1; Buffer->etrack = 1; } else { Buffer->strack = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[7]); Buffer->etrack = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[17]); } // ENDIF- Retrieve track info from a DVD? (or a CD?) return(0); } // END CDVDgetTN() s32 CALLBACK CDVDgetTD(u8 track, cdvdTD *buffer) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDgetTD()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ return(DeviceGetTD(track, buffer)); } // END CDVDgetTD() s32 CALLBACK CDVDgetTOC(void* toc) { int i; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDgetTOC()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(DiscInserted() != 0) return(-1); for(i = 0; i < 2048; i++) *(((char *) toc) + i) = tocbuffer[i]; return(0); } // END CDVDgetTOC() s32 CALLBACK CDVDreadTrack(u32 lsn, int mode) { int retval; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDreadTrack(%u)", lsn); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(DiscInserted() == -1) return(-1); if(userbuffer < BUFFERMAX) { if((bufferlist[userbuffer].lsn == lsn) && (bufferlist[userbuffer].mode == mode)) { return(0); } // ENDIF- And it's the right one? } // ENDIF- Are we already pointing at the buffer? userbuffer = FindListBuffer(lsn); if(userbuffer < BUFFERMAX) { if((bufferlist[userbuffer].lsn == lsn) && (bufferlist[userbuffer].mode == mode)) { return(0); } // ENDIF- And it was the right one? } // ENDIF- Was a buffer found in the cache? replacebuffer++; if(replacebuffer >= BUFFERMAX) replacebuffer = 0; userbuffer = replacebuffer; if(bufferlist[replacebuffer].upsort != 0xffff) { RemoveListBuffer(replacebuffer); } // ENDIF- Reference already in place? Remove it. retval = DeviceReadTrack(lsn, mode, bufferlist[replacebuffer].buffer); bufferlist[replacebuffer].lsn = lsn; bufferlist[replacebuffer].mode = mode; bufferlist[replacebuffer].offset = DeviceBufferOffset(); if(retval != 0) { bufferlist[replacebuffer].mode = -1; // Error! flag buffer as such. } else { if((disctype != CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD) && (disctype != CDVD_TYPE_DVDV)) { if(mode == CDVD_MODE_2352) { CDreadSubQ(lsn, &bufferlist[replacebuffer].subq); } // ENDIF- Read subq as well? } // ENDIF- Read a DVD buffer or a CD buffer? } // ENDIF-Read ok? Fill out rest of buffer info. AddListBuffer(replacebuffer); return(retval); } // END CDVDreadTrack() u8* CALLBACK CDVDgetBuffer() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDgetBuffer()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(DiscInserted() == -1) return(NULL); if(userbuffer == 0xffff) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: Not pointing to a buffer!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(NULL); // No buffer reference? } // ENDIF- user buffer not pointing at anything? Abort if(bufferlist[userbuffer].mode < 0) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: Error retrieving sector (ReadTrack call)"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(NULL); // Bad Sector? } // ENDIF- Trouble reading physical sector? Tell them. return(bufferlist[userbuffer].buffer + bufferlist[userbuffer].offset); } // END CDVDgetBuffer() s32 CALLBACK CDVDgetDiskType() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDgetDiskType()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(lasttime != time(NULL)) { lasttime = time(NULL); DeviceTrayStatus(); } // ENDIF- Has enough time passed between calls? return(disctype); } // END CDVDgetDiskType() s32 CALLBACK CDVDgetTrayStatus() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDgetTrayStatus()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ if(lasttime != time(NULL)) { lasttime = time(NULL); DeviceTrayStatus(); } // ENDIF- Has enough time passed between calls? return(traystatus); } // END CDVDgetTrayStatus() s32 CALLBACK CDVDctrlTrayOpen() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDctrlTrayOpen()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ return(DeviceTrayOpen()); } // END CDVDctrlTrayOpen() s32 CALLBACK CDVDctrlTrayClose() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDctrlTrayClose()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ return(DeviceTrayClose()); } // END CDVDctrlTrayClose() s32 CALLBACK CDVDtest() { int retval; errno = 0; if(devicehandle != NULL) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: Device already open"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(0); } // ENDIF- Is the CD/DVD already in use? That's fine. #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz interface: CDVDtest()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_INTERFACE */ retval = DeviceOpen(); DeviceClose(); return(retval); } // END CDVDtest() void CALLBACK CDVDconfigure() { HWND lastwindow; lastwindow = GetActiveWindow(); DialogBox(progmodule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_0200), lastwindow, (DLGPROC)MainBoxCallback); SetActiveWindow(lastwindow); lastwindow = NULL; return; } // END CDVDconfigure() BOOL CALLBACK AboutCallback(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM param, LPARAM param2) { switch(msg) { case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(param)) { case IDC_0104: // "Ok" Button EndDialog(window, FALSE); return(TRUE); break; } // ENDSWITCH param- Which Windows Message Command? case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(window, FALSE); return(TRUE); break; } // ENDSWITCH msg- what message has been sent to this window? return(FALSE); // Not a recognisable message. Pass it back to the OS. } // END AboutCallback() void CALLBACK CDVDabout() { HWND lastwindow; lastwindow = GetActiveWindow(); DialogBox(progmodule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_0100), lastwindow, (DLGPROC)AboutCallback); SetActiveWindow(lastwindow); return; } // END CDVDabout()