; Copyright (C) 2019 PCSX2 Team Function UninstallPrevious ; Here's how StrContains works: ; $result_var: This will store our result if the "needle" is found. Otherwise it will return null ("") ; $needle: String to search for ; $Haystack: String to look in ; This will become the primary version check for 1.6.0 and later ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "${INSTDIR_REG_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM Software\PCSX2 "Install_Dir" ${If} $R1 != "" ${AndIf} $R2 != "" Goto UserPrompt ${EndIf} ; Search for 1.4.0 ReadRegStr $R3 HKLM "${INSTDIR_REG_KEY}" "Uninst-pcsx2 1.4.0Directory" ${StrContains} "$2" "1.4.0" "$R3" ; If all cases return null, our work here is done. ${If} $R2 == "" ${AndIf} $R3 == "" Return ${EndIf} UserPrompt: ; Installing another version MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OKCANCEL "An existing version of PCSX2 has been detected and will be REMOVED. The config folder in Documents will be duplicated (if it exists) and renamed as PCSX2_backup. Backup any important files and click OK to uninstall PCSX2 or Cancel to abort the setup." /SD IDOK IDOK SetUninstPath IDCANCEL false false: Quit SetUninstPath: SetOutPath "$DOCUMENTS" CopyFiles /SILENT "$DOCUMENTS\PCSX2" "$DOCUMENTS\PCSX2_backup" RMDir /r "$DOCUMENTS\PCSX2" ${If} $R1 != "" Goto ExecNormal ${EndIf} ${If} $R3 != "" ${AndIf} $2 == "1.4.0" Goto Exec1.4.0 ${EndIf} ExecNormal: SetOutPath "$TEMP" CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$R2\Uninst-pcsx2.exe" "$TEMP" ExecWait '"$TEMP\Uninst-pcsx2.exe" /S _?=$R2' Delete "$TEMP\Uninst-pcsx2.exe" Return Exec1.4.0: SetOutPath "$TEMP" CopyFiles /SILENT /FILESONLY "$R3\Uninst-pcsx2 1.4.0.exe" "$TEMP" ExecWait '"$TEMP\Uninst-pcsx2 1.4.0.exe" /S _?=$R3' Delete "$TEMP\Uninst-pcsx2 1.4.0.exe" DeleteRegKey HKLM Software\PCSX2 Return FunctionEnd