/* blockv2.c * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 PCSX2 Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * * PCSX2 members can be contacted through their website at www.pcsx2.net. */ #include // NULL #include // malloc() #include // off64_t #include "zlib/zlib.h" #include "convert.h" #include "logfile.h" #include "isofile.h" // IsoFile #include "isocompress.h" // TableData, TableMap #include "actualfile.h" #include "blockv2.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma pack(1) #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct BlockV2Header { char id[4]; unsigned int blocksize; unsigned int numblocks; unsigned int blockoffset; #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma pack() #endif /* _WIN32 */ int BlockV2OpenTableForRead(struct IsoFile *isofile) { int i; int j; off64_t offset; int tableoffset; int retval; union TableMap tablemap; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: OpenTableForRead()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ // We pre-read the WHOLE offset table. isofile->tabledata = (char *) malloc(isofile->filesectorsize * sizeof(struct TableData)); if (isofile->tabledata == NULL) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Couldn't allocate internal table!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Could not get enough memory to hold table data offset = sizeof(struct BlockV2Header); tableoffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < isofile->filesectorsize; i++) { retval = BlockV2Seek(isofile, offset); if (retval != 0) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Failed to find sector %i!", i); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Trouble finding a lsn id? Fail. retval = ActualFileRead(isofile->handle, sizeof(int), (char *) & j); if (retval != sizeof(int)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Failed to read in sector %i!", i); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Trouble reading in a lsn id? Table damaged... fail. tablemap.table.offset = ConvertEndianUInt(j); // Actually, a lsn. for (j = 0; j < sizeof(struct TableData); j++) *(isofile->tabledata + tableoffset + j) = tablemap.ch[j]; offset += isofile->blocksize + 4; tableoffset += sizeof(struct TableData); } // NEXT i- reading in the sizes, and making offset as I go. isofile->tablehandle = ACTUALHANDLENULL; return(0); } // END BlockV2OpenTableForRead() int BlockV2SeekTable(struct IsoFile *isofile, off64_t sector) { int i; int tableoffset; union TableMap tablemap; off64_t filesectorstart; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: SeekTable(%lli)", sector); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ if ((isofile->filesectorpos >= 0) && (isofile->filesectorpos < isofile->filesectorsize)) { tableoffset = isofile->filesectorpos * sizeof(struct TableData); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct TableData); i++) tablemap.ch[i] = *(isofile->tabledata + tableoffset + i); if (sector == tablemap.table.offset) { return(0); } // ENDIF- Are we already pointing at the right sector? } else { isofile->filesectorpos = 0; tablemap.table.offset = -1; } // ENDIF- Is the file sector pointer within table limits? filesectorstart = isofile->filesectorpos; isofile->filesectorpos++; if (isofile->filesectorpos >= isofile->filesectorsize) isofile->filesectorpos = 0; while ((isofile->filesectorpos != filesectorstart) && (tablemap.table.offset != sector)) { tableoffset = isofile->filesectorpos * sizeof(struct TableData); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct TableData); i++) tablemap.ch[i] = *(isofile->tabledata + tableoffset + i); if (tablemap.table.offset != sector) { isofile->filesectorpos++; if (isofile->filesectorpos >= isofile->filesectorsize) isofile->filesectorpos = 0; } // ENDIF- Still didn't find it? move to next sector. } // ENDWHILE- Scanning through whole sector list (starting at current pos) if (isofile->filesectorpos == filesectorstart) { return(-1); } // ENDIF- Did we loop through the whole file... and not find this sector? return(0); } // END BlockV2SeekTable() int BlockV2ReadTable(struct IsoFile *isofile, struct TableData *table) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: ReadTable()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ table->offset = sizeof(int) + isofile->blocksize; table->offset *= isofile->filesectorpos; table->offset += sizeof(struct BlockV2Header) + 4; table->size = isofile->blocksize; isofile->filesectorpos++; return(0); } // END BlockV2ReadTable() int BlockV2OpenTableForWrite(struct IsoFile *isofile) { return(-1); } // END BlockV2OpenTableForWrite() int BlockV2WriteTable(struct IsoFile *isofile, struct TableData table) { return(-1); } // END BlockV2WriteTable() int BlockV2OpenForRead(struct IsoFile *isofile) { int retval; struct BlockV2Header header; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: OpenForRead()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ isofile->handle = ActualFileOpenForRead(isofile->name); if (isofile->handle == ACTUALHANDLENULL) { return(-1); } // ENDIF- Couldn't open data file? Fail. isofile->filebytesize = ActualFileSize(isofile->handle); isofile->filebytepos = 0; isofile->imageheader = 0; isofile->numsectors = 1; // Sectors per block retval = ActualFileRead(isofile->handle, sizeof(struct BlockV2Header), (char *) & header); if (retval != sizeof(struct BlockV2Header)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Couldn't read header!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ ActualFileClose(isofile->handle); isofile->handle = ACTUALHANDLENULL; return(-1); } // ENDIF Could not read the first sector? Fail. isofile->filebytepos += retval; if ((header.id[0] != 'B') || (header.id[1] != 'D') || (header.id[2] != 'V') || (header.id[3] != '2')) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Not a block dump v2 header!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ ActualFileClose(isofile->handle); isofile->handle = ACTUALHANDLENULL; return(-1); } // ENDIF- ID for this compression type doesn't match? isofile->blocksize = ConvertEndianUInt(header.blocksize); // isofile->filesectorsize = ConvertEndianUInt(header.numblocks); isofile->blockoffset = ConvertEndianUInt(header.blockoffset); isofile->filesectorsize = isofile->filebytesize; isofile->filesectorsize -= 16; isofile->filesectorsize /= (isofile->blocksize + sizeof(int)); isofile->filesectorpos = 0; return(0); } // END BlockV2OpenForRead() int BlockV2Seek(struct IsoFile *isofile, off64_t position) { int retval; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Seek(%lli)", position); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ retval = ActualFileSeek(isofile->handle, position); if (retval < 0) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Couldn't find the start of the block!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Couldn't find the data entry? Fail. isofile->filebytepos = position; return(0); return(-1); // Fail. (Due to lack of ambition?) } // END BlockV2Seek() int BlockV2Read(struct IsoFile *isofile, int bytes, char *buffer) { int retval; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Read(%i)", bytes); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ retval = ActualFileRead(isofile->handle, isofile->blocksize, buffer); if (retval > 0) isofile->filebytepos += retval; if (retval != isofile->blocksize) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Cannot read bytes! Returned: (%i)", retval); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_BLOCKV2 */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Trouble reading compressed sector? Abort. return(isofile->blocksize); } // END BlockV2Read() int BlockV2OpenForWrite(struct IsoFile *isofile) { return(-1); } // END BlockV2OpenForWrite() int BlockV2Write(struct IsoFile *isofile, char *buffer) { return(-1); } // END BlockV2Write() void BlockV2Close(struct IsoFile *isofile) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 PrintLog("CDVDiso BlockV2: Close()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_BLOCKV2 */ if (isofile->handle != ACTUALHANDLENULL) { ActualFileClose(isofile->handle); isofile->handle = ACTUALHANDLENULL; } // ENDIF- Is there a data file open? Close it. if (isofile->tabledata != NULL) { free(isofile->tabledata); isofile->tabledata = NULL; } // ENDIF- Do we have a read-in table to clear out? return; } // END BlockV2Close()