#!/bin/sh # Script default parameter MAX_DEPTH=1 DIR=$PWD CMAKE_FILE=CMakeLists.txt SKIP_H=FALSE ## Help message help() { cat <<EOF This script detects '.cpp/.h' files that are in directory (and sub) but not in the current cmake. options: -dir <dirname> : give the directory to check. Default '.' -help : print this help message and exit -max_depth <depth> : how many depth to check missing file. Default 1 -skip : skip the check of '.h' file. Disable by default EOF exit 0 } ## Handle option while [ -n "$1" ]; do case $1 in -help|-h) help;shift 1;; # appel de la fonction help -skip|-s) SKIP_H=TRUE;shift 1;; -dir|-d) DIR=$2;shift 2;; -max_depth|-m) MAX_DEPTH=$2;shift 2;; --) shift;break;; -*) echo "ERROR: $1 option does not exists. Use -h for help";exit 1;; *) break;; esac done ## Main sript for file in `find $DIR -maxdepth $MAX_DEPTH -name "*.cpp"` ; do PATTERN=`basename $file` grep $PATTERN $DIR/$CMAKE_FILE > /dev/null || echo $file is missing in $CMAKE_FILE done if [ "${SKIP_H}" = "FALSE" ] ; then for file in `find $DIR -maxdepth $MAX_DEPTH -name "*.h"` ; do PATTERN=`basename $file` grep $PATTERN $DIR/$CMAKE_FILE > /dev/null || echo $file is missing in $CMAKE_FILE done fi exit