/*  ZeroSPU2
 *  Copyright (C) 2006-2010 zerofrog
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include "zerospu2.h"
#include "zeroworker.h"
#include "soundtouch/SoundTouch.h"
#ifdef __linux__
#include "WavFile.h"
#include "soundtouch/WavFile.h"

s32 g_logsound = 0;
WavOutFile* g_pWavRecord=NULL; // used for recording

const s32 f[5][2] = {
				{    0,     0 },
				{  60,     0 },
				{ 115, -52 },
				{   98, -55 },
				{ 122, -60 } };

s32 predict_nr, shift_factor, flags;
s32 s_1, s_2;

static __forceinline s32 SetPacket(s32 val)
	s32 ret;
	if (val & 0x8000) val |= 0xffff0000;
	ret = (val >> shift_factor);
	ret += ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0]) >> 6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1]) >> 6);
	s_2 = s_1;
	s_1 = ret;

	return ret;

void SPU2Loop(VOICE_PROCESSED* pChannel, u32 ch)
	u8* start;
	u32 nSample;

	for (u32 ns = 0; ns < NSSIZE; ns++)
		// fmod freq channel
		if (pChannel->bFMod == 1 && iFMod[ns]) pChannel->FModChangeFrequency(ns);

		while(pChannel->spos >= 0x10000 )
			if (pChannel->iSBPos == 28)			// 28 reached?
				start=pChannel->pCurr;		  // set up the current pos

				// special "stop" sign
				if (start == (u8*)-1)  //!pChannel->bOn
					pChannel->bOn = false;						// -> turn everything off
					pChannel->ADSRX.lVolume = 0;
					pChannel->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol = 0;
					return;							  // -> and done for this channel

				predict_nr = (s32)start[0];
				shift_factor = predict_nr&0xf;
				predict_nr >>= 4;
				start += 2;

				pChannel->iSBPos = 0;

				// decode the 16byte packet
				s_1 = pChannel->s_1;
				s_2 = pChannel->s_2;

				for (nSample=0; nSample<28; ++start)
					s32 d = (s32)*start;
					s32 s;

					s = ((d & 0xf)<<12);
					pChannel->SB[nSample++] = SetPacket(s);

					s = ((d & 0xf0) << 8);
					pChannel->SB[nSample++] = SetPacket(s);

				// irq occurs no matter what core accesses the address
				for (s32 core = 0; core < 2; ++core)
					if (spu2attr(core).irq)		 // some callback and irq active?
						// if irq address reached or irq on looping addr, when stop/loop flag is set
						u8* pirq = (u8*)pSpuIrq[core];

						if ((pirq > (start - 16)  && pirq <= start) ||
							((flags & 1) && (pirq > (pChannel->pLoop - 16) && pirq <= pChannel->pLoop)))
							IRQINFO |= 4 << core;

				// flag handler
				if ((flags & 4) && (!pChannel->bIgnoreLoop))
					pChannel->pLoop = start - 16;				// loop address

				if (flags & 1)							   // 1: stop/loop
					// We play this block out first...
					dwEndChannel2[ch / 24] |= (1 << (ch % 24));

					if (flags != 3 || pChannel->pLoop == NULL)
					{									  // and checking if pLoop is set avoids crashes, yeah
						start = (u8*)-1;
						pChannel->bStop = true;
						pChannel->bIgnoreLoop = false;
						start = pChannel->pLoop;

				pChannel->pCurr = start;					// store values for next cycle
				pChannel->s_1 = s_1;
				pChannel->s_2 = s_2;

			pChannel->StoreInterpolationVal(pChannel->SB[pChannel->iSBPos++]); // get sample data
			pChannel->spos -= 0x10000;

		s32 sval = (MixADSR(pChannel) * pChannel->iGetVal()) / 1023;   // mix adsr with noise or sample val.

		if (pChannel->bFMod == 2)						// fmod freq channel
			// -> store 1T sample data, use that to do fmod on next channel
			if (!pChannel->bNoise) iFMod[ns] = sval;
			if (pChannel->bVolumeL)
				s_buffers[ns][0] += (sval * pChannel->leftvol) >> 14;

			if (pChannel->bVolumeR)
				s_buffers[ns][1] += (sval * pChannel->rightvol) >> 14;

		pChannel->spos += pChannel->sinc;
// simulate SPU2 for 1ms
void SPU2Worker()
	// assume s_buffers are zeroed out
	if (dwNewChannel2[0] || dwNewChannel2[1]) s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].newchannels++;

	VOICE_PROCESSED* pChannel = voices;
	for (u32 ch=0; ch < SPU_NUMBER_VOICES; ch++, pChannel++)			  // loop em all... we will collect 1 ms of sound of each playing channel
		if (pChannel->bNew)
			pChannel->StartSound();						 // start new sound
			dwEndChannel2[ch / 24] &= ~(1 << (ch % 24));				  // clear end channel bit
			dwNewChannel2[ch / 24] &= ~(1 << (ch % 24));				  // clear channel bit

		if (!pChannel->bOn) continue;

		if (pChannel->iActFreq != pChannel->iUsedFreq)	 // new psx frequency?

		// loop until 1 ms of data is reached
		SPU2Loop(pChannel, ch);

	// mix all channels

	if ( g_bPlaySound )
		assert( s_pCurOutput != NULL);

		for (u32 ns = 0; ns < NSSIZE; ns++)
			// clamp and write

			s_pCurOutput += 2;
			s_buffers[ns][0] = 0;
			s_buffers[ns][1] = 0;
		// check if end reached

		if ((uptr)s_pCurOutput - (uptr)s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf >= 4 * NS_TOTAL_SIZE)

			if ( conf.options & OPTION_RECORDING )
				static s32 lastrectime = 0;
				if (timeGetTime() - lastrectime > 5000)
					WARN_LOG("ZeroSPU2: recording\n");
					lastrectime = timeGetTime();
				LogRawSound(s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf, 4, s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf+2, 4, NS_TOTAL_SIZE);

			if ( s_nQueuedBuffers >= ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers)-1 )
				//ZeroSPU2: dropping packets! game too fast
				s_nDropPacket += NSFRAMES;
				s_GlobalTimeStamp = GetMicroTime();
			else {
				// submit to final mixer
				if ( g_logsound )
					LogRawSound(s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf, 4, s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf + 2, 4, NS_TOTAL_SIZE);
				if ( g_startcount == 0xffffffff )
					g_startcount = timeGetTime();
					g_packetcount = 0;

				if ( conf.options & OPTION_TIMESTRETCH )
					u32 newtotal = s_nTotalDuration - s_nDurations[s_nCurDuration];
					u64 newtime = GetMicroTime();
					u32 duration;

					if (s_GlobalTimeStamp == 0) s_GlobalTimeStamp = newtime - NSFRAMES * 1000;
					duration = (u32)(newtime-s_GlobalTimeStamp);

					s_nDurations[s_nCurDuration] = duration;
					s_nTotalDuration = newtotal + duration;
					s_nCurDuration = (s_nCurDuration+1)%ArraySize(s_nDurations);
					s_GlobalTimeStamp = newtime;
					s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].timestamp = timeGetTime();
					s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].avgtime = s_nTotalDuration/ArraySize(s_nDurations);

				s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].len = 4 * NS_TOTAL_SIZE;
				InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*)&s_nQueuedBuffers, 1);

				s_nCurBuffer = (s_nCurBuffer+1)%ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers);
				s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].newchannels = 0; // reset

			// restart
			s_pCurOutput = (s16*)s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf;

// size is in bytes
void LogPacketSound(void* packet, s32 memsize)
	u16 buf[28];

	u8* pstart = (u8*)packet;
	s_1 = s_2 = 0;

	for (s32 i = 0; i < memsize; i += 16)
		predict_nr = (s32)pstart[0];
		shift_factor = predict_nr&0xf;
		predict_nr >>= 4;
		pstart += 2;

		for (s32 nSample = 0;nSample < 28; ++pstart)
			s32 d = (s32)*pstart;

			s32 temp;

			temp = ((d & 0xf) << 12);
			buf[nSample++] = SetPacket(temp);
			temp = ((d & 0xf0) << 8);
			buf[nSample++] = SetPacket(temp);

		LogRawSound(buf, 2, buf, 2, 28);

void LogRawSound(void* pleft, s32 leftstride, void* pright, s32 rightstride, s32 numsamples)
	if (g_pWavRecord == NULL )
		g_pWavRecord = new WavOutFile(RECORD_FILENAME, SAMPLE_RATE, 16, 2);

	u8* left = (u8*)pleft;
	u8* right = (u8*)pright;
	static vector<s16> tempbuf;

	tempbuf.resize(2 * numsamples);

	for (s32 i = 0; i < numsamples; ++i)
		tempbuf[2*i+0] = *(s16*)left;
		tempbuf[2*i+1] = *(s16*)right;
		left += leftstride;
		right += rightstride;

	g_pWavRecord->write(&tempbuf[0], numsamples*2);