/* ZeroSPU2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 zerofrog * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "zerospu2.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include "svnrev.h" #endif #include "SoundTouch/SoundTouch.h" #include "SoundTouch/WavFile.h" char libraryName[256]; FILE *spu2Log; Config conf; ADMA Adma4; ADMA Adma7; u32 MemAddr[2]; u32 g_nSpuInit = 0; u16 interrupt = 0; s8 *spu2regs = NULL; u16* spu2mem = NULL; u16* pSpuIrq[2] = {NULL}; u32 dwNewChannel2[2] = {0}; // keeps track of what channels that have been turned on u32 dwEndChannel2[2] = {0}; // keeps track of what channels have ended u32 dwNoiseVal=1; // global noise generator bool g_bPlaySound = true; // if true, will output sound, otherwise no s32 iFMod[NSSIZE]; s32 s_buffers[NSSIZE][2]; // left and right buffers // mixer thread variables static bool s_bThreadExit = true; static s32 s_nDropPacket = 0; string s_strIniPath="inis/zerospu2.ini"; #ifdef _WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER g_counterfreq; extern HWND hWMain; HANDLE s_threadSPU2 = NULL; DWORD WINAPI SPU2ThreadProc(LPVOID); #else #include <pthread.h> pthread_t s_threadSPU2; void* SPU2ThreadProc(void*); #endif static AUDIOBUFFER s_pAudioBuffers[NSPACKETS]; static s32 s_nCurBuffer = 0, s_nQueuedBuffers = 0; static s16* s_pCurOutput = NULL; static u32 g_startcount=0xffffffff; static u32 g_packetcount=0; // time stretch variables soundtouch::SoundTouch* pSoundTouch=NULL; WavOutFile* g_pWavRecord=NULL; // used for recording static u64 s_GlobalTimeStamp = 0; static s32 s_nDurations[64]={0}; static s32 s_nCurDuration=0; static s32 s_nTotalDuration=0; s32 SPUCycles = 0, SPUWorkerCycles = 0; s32 SPUStartCycle[2]; s32 SPUTargetCycle[2]; s32 g_logsound=0; int ADMASWrite(int c); void InitADSR(); // functions of main emu, called on spu irq void (*irqCallbackSPU2)()=0; void (*irqCallbackDMA4)()=0; void (*irqCallbackDMA7)()=0; uptr g_pDMABaseAddr=0; const s32 f[5][2] = { { 0, 0 }, { 60, 0 }, { 115, -52 }, { 98, -55 }, { 122, -60 } }; u32 RateTable[160]; // channels and voices VOICE_PROCESSED voices[SPU_NUMBER_VOICES+1]; // +1 for modulation static void InitLibraryName() { #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef PUBLIC // Public Release! // Output a simplified string that's just our name: strcpy( libraryName, "ZeroSPU2" ); #elif defined( SVN_REV_UNKNOWN ) // Unknown revision. // Output a name that includes devbuild status but not // subversion revision tags: strcpy( libraryName, "ZeroSPU2" # ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG "-Debug" # elif defined( ZEROSPU2_DEVBUILD ) "-Dev" # endif ); #else // Use TortoiseSVN's SubWCRev utility's output // to label the specific revision: sprintf_s( libraryName, "ZeroSPU2 r%d%s" # ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG "-Debug" # elif defined( ZEROSPU2_DEVBUILD ) "-Dev" # endif ,SVN_REV, SVN_MODS ? "m" : "" ); #endif #else // I'll hook in svn version code later. --arcum42 strcpy( libraryName, "ZeroSPU2 Playground" # ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG "-Debug" # elif defined( ZEROSPU2_DEVBUILD ) "-Dev" # endif ); # endif } u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibType() { return PS2E_LT_SPU2; } char* CALLBACK PS2EgetLibName() { InitLibraryName(); return libraryName; } u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type) { return (SPU2_MINOR<<24) | (SPU2_VERSION<<16) | (SPU2_REVISION<<8) | SPU2_BUILD; } void __Log(char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; if (!conf.Log || spu2Log == NULL) return; va_start(list, fmt); vfprintf(spu2Log, fmt, list); va_end(list); } void __LogToConsole(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, fmt); if (!conf.Log || spu2Log == NULL) vfprintf(spu2Log, fmt, list); printf("ZeroSPU2: "); vprintf(fmt, list); va_end(list); } s32 CALLBACK SPU2init() { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2init()\n"); spu2Log = fopen("logs/spu2.txt", "w"); if (spu2Log) setvbuf(spu2Log, NULL, _IONBF, 0); SPU2_LOG("Spu2 null version %d,%d\n",SPU2_REVISION,SPU2_BUILD); SPU2_LOG("SPU2init\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 QueryPerformanceFrequency(&g_counterfreq); #else char strcurdir[256]; getcwd(strcurdir, 256); s_strIniPath = strcurdir; s_strIniPath += "/inis/zerospu2.ini"; #endif spu2regs = (s8*)malloc(0x10000); spu2mem = (u16*)malloc(0x200000); // 2Mb memset(spu2regs, 0, 0x10000); memset(spu2mem, 0, 0x200000); if ((spu2mem == NULL) || (spu2regs == NULL)) { SysMessage("Error allocating Memory\n"); return -1; } memset(dwEndChannel2, 0, sizeof(dwEndChannel2)); memset(dwNewChannel2, 0, sizeof(dwNewChannel2)); memset(iFMod, 0, sizeof(iFMod)); memset(s_buffers, 0, sizeof(s_buffers)); InitADSR(); memset(voices, 0, sizeof(voices)); // last 24 channels have higher mem offset for (s32 i = 0; i < 24; ++i) voices[i+24].memoffset = 0x400; // init each channel for (u32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(voices); ++i) { voices[i].chanid = i; voices[i].pLoop = voices[i].pStart = voices[i].pCurr = (u8*)spu2mem; voices[i].pvoice = (_SPU_VOICE*)((u8*)spu2regs+voices[i].memoffset)+(i%24); voices[i].ADSRX.SustainLevel = 1024; // -> init sustain } return 0; } s32 CALLBACK SPU2open(void *pDsp) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2open()\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 hWMain = pDsp == NULL ? NULL : *(HWND*)pDsp; if (!IsWindow(hWMain)) hWMain=GetActiveWindow(); #endif LoadConfig(); SPUCycles = SPUWorkerCycles = 0; interrupt = 0; SPUStartCycle[0] = SPUStartCycle[1] = 0; SPUTargetCycle[0] = SPUTargetCycle[1] = 0; s_nDropPacket = 0; if ( conf.options & OPTION_TIMESTRETCH ) { pSoundTouch = new soundtouch::SoundTouch(); pSoundTouch->setSampleRate(SAMPLE_RATE); pSoundTouch->setChannels(2); pSoundTouch->setTempoChange(0); pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_USE_QUICKSEEK, 0); pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_USE_AA_FILTER, 1); } //conf.Log = 1; g_bPlaySound = !(conf.options&OPTION_MUTE); if ( g_bPlaySound && SetupSound() != 0 ) { SysMessage("ZeroSPU2: Failed to initialize sound"); g_bPlaySound = false; } if ( g_bPlaySound ) { // initialize the audio buffers for (u32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers); ++i) { s_pAudioBuffers[i].pbuf = (u8*)_aligned_malloc(4*NSSIZE*NSFRAMES, 16); // 4 bytes for each sample s_pAudioBuffers[i].len = 0; } s_nCurBuffer = 0; s_nQueuedBuffers = 0; s_pCurOutput = (s16*)s_pAudioBuffers[0].pbuf; assert( s_pCurOutput != NULL); for (s32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(s_nDurations); ++i) { s_nDurations[i] = NSFRAMES*1000; } s_nTotalDuration = ArraySize(s_nDurations)*NSFRAMES*1000; s_nCurDuration = 0; // launch the thread s_bThreadExit = false; #ifdef _WIN32 s_threadSPU2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SPU2ThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL); if ( s_threadSPU2 == NULL ) { return -1; } #else if ( pthread_create(&s_threadSPU2, NULL, SPU2ThreadProc, NULL) != 0 ) { SysMessage("ZeroSPU2: Failed to create spu2thread\n"); return -1; } #endif } g_nSpuInit = 1; return 0; } void CALLBACK SPU2close() { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2close()\n"); g_nSpuInit = 0; if ( g_bPlaySound && !s_bThreadExit ) { s_bThreadExit = true; printf("ZeroSPU2: Waiting for thread... "); #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(s_threadSPU2, INFINITE); CloseHandle(s_threadSPU2); s_threadSPU2 = NULL; #else pthread_join(s_threadSPU2, NULL); #endif printf("done\n"); } RemoveSound(); delete g_pWavRecord; g_pWavRecord = NULL; delete pSoundTouch; pSoundTouch = NULL; for (u32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers); ++i) { _aligned_free(s_pAudioBuffers[i].pbuf); } memset(s_pAudioBuffers, 0, sizeof(s_pAudioBuffers)); } void CALLBACK SPU2shutdown() { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2shutdown()\n"); free(spu2regs); spu2regs = NULL; free(spu2mem); spu2mem = NULL; if (spu2Log) fclose(spu2Log); } void CALLBACK SPU2async(u32 cycle) { //LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2async()\n"); SPUCycles += cycle; if (interrupt & (1<<2)) { if (SPUCycles - SPUStartCycle[1] >= SPUTargetCycle[1]) { interrupt &= ~(1<<2); irqCallbackDMA7(); } } if (interrupt & (1<<1)) { if (SPUCycles - SPUStartCycle[0] >= SPUTargetCycle[0]) { interrupt &= ~(1<<1); irqCallbackDMA4(); } } if ( g_nSpuInit ) { while( SPUCycles-SPUWorkerCycles > 0 && CYCLES_PER_MS < SPUCycles-SPUWorkerCycles ) { SPU2Worker(); SPUWorkerCycles += CYCLES_PER_MS; } } else SPUWorkerCycles = SPUCycles; } void InitADSR() // INIT ADSR { u32 r,rs,rd; s32 i; memset(RateTable,0,sizeof(u32)*160); // build the rate table according to Neill's rules (see at bottom of file) r=3;rs=1;rd=0; for (i=32;i<160;i++) // we start at pos 32 with the real values... everything before is 0 { if (r<0x3FFFFFFF) { r+=rs; rd++; if (rd==5) { rd=1; rs*=2; } } if (r>0x3FFFFFFF) r=0x3FFFFFFF; RateTable[i]=r; } } s32 MixADSR(VOICE_PROCESSED* pvoice) // MIX ADSR { u32 rateadd[8] = { 0, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; if (pvoice->bStop) // should be stopped: { if (pvoice->ADSRX.ReleaseModeExp) // do release { s32 temp = ((pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol>>28)&0x7); pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol-=RateTable[(4*(pvoice->ADSRX.ReleaseRate^0x1F)) - 0x18 + rateadd[temp] + 32]; } else { pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol-=RateTable[(4*(pvoice->ADSRX.ReleaseRate^0x1F)) - 0x0C + 32]; } // bIgnoreLoop sets EnvelopeVol to 0 anyways, so we can use one if statement rather then two. if ((pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol<0) || (pvoice->bIgnoreLoop == 0)) { pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0; pvoice->bOn=false; pvoice->pStart= (u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iStartAddr); pvoice->pLoop= (u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iStartAddr); pvoice->pCurr= (u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iStartAddr); pvoice->bStop = true; pvoice->bIgnoreLoop = false; //pvoice->bReverb=0; //pvoice->bNoise=0; } pvoice->ADSRX.lVolume=pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol>>21; return pvoice->ADSRX.lVolume; } else // not stopped yet? { s32 temp = ((pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol>>28)&0x7); switch (pvoice->ADSRX.State) { case 0: // -> attack if (pvoice->ADSRX.AttackModeExp) { if (pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol<0x60000000) pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol += RateTable[(pvoice->ADSRX.AttackRate^0x7F) - 0x10 + 32]; else pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol += RateTable[(pvoice->ADSRX.AttackRate^0x7F) - 0x18 + 32]; } else { pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol += RateTable[(pvoice->ADSRX.AttackRate^0x7F) - 0x10 + 32]; } if (pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol<0) { pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0x7FFFFFFF; pvoice->ADSRX.State=1; } break; case 1: // -> decay pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol-=RateTable[(4*(pvoice->ADSRX.DecayRate^0x1F)) - 0x18+ rateadd[temp] + 32]; if (pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol<0) pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0; if (((pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol>>27)&0xF) <= pvoice->ADSRX.SustainLevel) pvoice->ADSRX.State=2; break; case 2: // -> sustain if (pvoice->ADSRX.SustainIncrease) { if ((pvoice->ADSRX.SustainModeExp) && (pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol>=0x60000000)) pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol+=RateTable[(pvoice->ADSRX.SustainRate^0x7F) - 0x18 + 32]; else pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol+=RateTable[(pvoice->ADSRX.SustainRate^0x7F) - 0x10 + 32]; if (pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol<0) pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0x7FFFFFFF; } else { if (pvoice->ADSRX.SustainModeExp) pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol-=RateTable[((pvoice->ADSRX.SustainRate^0x7F)) - 0x1B +rateadd[temp] + 32]; else pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol-=RateTable[((pvoice->ADSRX.SustainRate^0x7F)) - 0x0F + 32]; if (pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol<0) pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0; } break; default: // This should never happen. return 0; } pvoice->ADSRX.lVolume=pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol>>21; return pvoice->ADSRX.lVolume; } return 0; } void MixChannels(s32 core) { // mix all channels s32 c_offset = 0x0400 * core; s32 dma, left_vol, right_vol; ADMA *Adma; if (core == 0) { Adma = &Adma4; dma = 4; left_vol = REG_C0_BVOLL; right_vol = REG_C0_BVOLR; } else { Adma = &Adma7; dma = 7; left_vol = REG_C1_BVOLL; right_vol = REG_C1_BVOLR; } if ((spu2Ru16(REG_C0_MMIX + c_offset) & 0xF0) && (spu2Ru16(REG_C0_ADMAS + c_offset) & (0x1 + core))) { for (s32 ns=0;ns<NSSIZE;ns++) { if ((spu2Ru16(REG_C0_MMIX + c_offset) & 0x80)) s_buffers[ns][0] += (((s16*)spu2mem)[0x2000 + c_offset +Adma->Index]*(s32)spu2Ru16(left_vol))>>16; if ((spu2Ru16(REG_C0_MMIX + c_offset) & 0x40)) s_buffers[ns][1] += (((s16*)spu2mem)[0x2200 + c_offset +Adma->Index]*(s32)spu2Ru16(right_vol))>>16; Adma->Index +=1; MemAddr[core] += 4; if (Adma->Index == 128 || Adma->Index == 384) { if (ADMASWrite(core)) { if (interrupt & (0x2 * (core + 1))) { interrupt &= ~(0x2 * (core + 1)); WARN_LOG("Stopping double interrupt DMA7\n"); } if (core == 0) irqCallbackDMA4(); else irqCallbackDMA7(); } if (core == 1) Adma->Enabled = 2; } if (Adma->Index == 512) { if ( Adma->Enabled == 2 ) Adma->Enabled = 0; Adma->Index = 0; } } } } // simulate SPU2 for 1ms void SPU2Worker() { u8* start; u32 nSample; s32 ch, predict_nr, shift_factor, flags; // assume s_buffers are zeroed out if ( dwNewChannel2[0] || dwNewChannel2[1] ) s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].newchannels++; VOICE_PROCESSED* pChannel=voices; for (ch=0; ch < SPU_NUMBER_VOICES; ch++, pChannel++) // loop em all... we will collect 1 ms of sound of each playing channel { if (pChannel->bNew) { pChannel->StartSound(); // start new sound dwEndChannel2[ch/24]&=~(1<<(ch%24)); // clear end channel bit dwNewChannel2[ch/24]&=~(1<<(ch%24)); // clear channel bit } if (!pChannel->bOn) continue; if (pChannel->iActFreq!=pChannel->iUsedFreq) // new psx frequency? pChannel->VoiceChangeFrequency(); // loop until 1 ms of data is reached s32 ns = 0; while(ns<NSSIZE) { s32 s_1, s_2, fa; // fmod freq channel if (pChannel->bFMod==1 && iFMod[ns]) pChannel->FModChangeFrequency(ns); while(pChannel->spos >= 0x10000 ) { if (pChannel->iSBPos == 28) // 28 reached? { start=pChannel->pCurr; // set up the current pos // special "stop" sign - fixme - an *unsigned* -1? if (start == (u8*)-1) //!pChannel->bOn { pChannel->bOn=false; // -> turn everything off pChannel->ADSRX.lVolume=0; pChannel->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0; goto ENDX; // -> and done for this channel } predict_nr=(s32)start[0]; shift_factor=predict_nr&0xf; predict_nr >>= 4; flags=(s32)start[1]; start += 2; pChannel->iSBPos=0; // decode the 16byte packet s_1=pChannel->s_1; s_2=pChannel->s_2; for (nSample=0; nSample<28; ++start) { s32 s; s32 d = (s32)*start; s = ((d & 0xf)<<12); if (s & 0x8000) s |= 0xffff0000; fa = (s >> shift_factor); fa += ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0]) >> 6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1]) >> 6); s_2 = s_1; s_1 = fa; pChannel->SB[nSample++]=fa; s = ((d & 0xf0) << 8); if (s & 0x8000) s|=0xffff0000; fa = (s>>shift_factor); fa += ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0])>>6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1]) >> 6); s_2 = s_1; s_1 = fa; pChannel->SB[nSample++]=fa; } // irq occurs no matter what core access the address for (s32 core = 0; core < 2; ++core) { if (((SPU_CONTROL_*)(spu2regs + (0x400 * core) + REG_C0_CTRL))->irq) // some callback and irq active? { // if irq address reached or irq on looping addr, when stop/loop flag is set u8* pirq = (u8*)pSpuIrq[core]; if ((pirq > (start - 16) && pirq <= start) || ((flags & 1) && (pirq > (pChannel->pLoop - 16) && pirq <= pChannel->pLoop))) { IRQINFO |= 4<<core; SPU2_LOG("SPU2Worker:interrupt\n"); irqCallbackSPU2(); } } } // flag handler if ((flags&4) && (!pChannel->bIgnoreLoop)) pChannel->pLoop=start-16; // loop address if (flags&1) // 1: stop/loop { // We play this block out first... dwEndChannel2[ch/24]|=(1<<(ch%24)); if (flags!=3 || pChannel->pLoop==NULL) { // and checking if pLoop is set avoids crashes, yeah start = (u8*)-1; pChannel->bStop = true; pChannel->bIgnoreLoop = false; } else { start = pChannel->pLoop; } } pChannel->pCurr=start; // store values for next cycle pChannel->s_1=s_1; pChannel->s_2=s_2; } fa=pChannel->SB[pChannel->iSBPos++]; // get sample data pChannel->StoreInterpolationVal(fa); pChannel->spos -= 0x10000; } if (pChannel->bNoise) fa=pChannel->iGetNoiseVal(); // get noise val else fa=pChannel->iGetInterpolationVal(); // get sample val s32 sval = (MixADSR(pChannel) * fa) / 1023; // mix adsr if (pChannel->bFMod == 2) // fmod freq channel { iFMod[ns] = sval; // -> store 1T sample data, use that to do fmod on next channel } else { if (pChannel->bVolumeL) s_buffers[ns][0]+=(sval * pChannel->leftvol)>>14; if (pChannel->bVolumeR) s_buffers[ns][1]+=(sval * pChannel->rightvol)>>14; } // go to the next packet ns++; pChannel->spos += pChannel->sinc; } ENDX: ; } // mix all channels MixChannels(0); MixChannels(1); if ( g_bPlaySound ) { assert( s_pCurOutput != NULL); for (s32 ns=0; ns<NSSIZE; ns++) { // clamp and write clampandwrite16(s_pCurOutput[0],s_buffers[ns][0]); clampandwrite16(s_pCurOutput[1],s_buffers[ns][1]); s_pCurOutput += 2; s_buffers[ns][0] = 0; s_buffers[ns][1] = 0; } // check if end reached if ((uptr)s_pCurOutput - (uptr)s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf >= 4 * NSSIZE * NSFRAMES) { if ( conf.options & OPTION_RECORDING ) { static s32 lastrectime = 0; if (timeGetTime() - lastrectime > 5000) { WARN_LOG("ZeroSPU2: recording\n"); lastrectime = timeGetTime(); } LogRawSound(s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf, 4, s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf+2, 4, NSSIZE*NSFRAMES); } if ( s_nQueuedBuffers >= ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers)-1 ) { //ZeroSPU2: dropping packets! game too fast s_nDropPacket += NSFRAMES; s_GlobalTimeStamp = GetMicroTime(); } else { // submit to final mixer #ifdef ZEROSPU2_DEVBUILD if ( g_logsound ) LogRawSound(s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf, 4, s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf+2, 4, NSSIZE*NSFRAMES); #endif if ( g_startcount == 0xffffffff ) { g_startcount = timeGetTime(); g_packetcount = 0; } if ( conf.options & OPTION_TIMESTRETCH ) { u64 newtime = GetMicroTime(); if ( s_GlobalTimeStamp == 0 ) s_GlobalTimeStamp = newtime-NSFRAMES*1000; u32 newtotal = s_nTotalDuration-s_nDurations[s_nCurDuration]; u32 duration = (u32)(newtime-s_GlobalTimeStamp); s_nDurations[s_nCurDuration] = duration; s_nTotalDuration = newtotal + duration; s_nCurDuration = (s_nCurDuration+1)%ArraySize(s_nDurations); s_GlobalTimeStamp = newtime; s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].timestamp = timeGetTime(); s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].avgtime = s_nTotalDuration/ArraySize(s_nDurations); } s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].len = 4*NSSIZE*NSFRAMES; InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*)&s_nQueuedBuffers, 1); s_nCurBuffer = (s_nCurBuffer+1)%ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers); s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].newchannels = 0; // reset } // restart s_pCurOutput = (s16*)s_pAudioBuffers[s_nCurBuffer].pbuf; } } } // resamples pStereoSamples void ResampleLinear(s16* pStereoSamples, s32 oldsamples, s16* pNewSamples, s32 newsamples) { for (s32 i = 0; i < newsamples; ++i) { s32 io = i * oldsamples; s32 old = io / newsamples; s32 rem = io - old * newsamples; old *= 2; s32 newsampL = pStereoSamples[old] * (newsamples - rem) + pStereoSamples[old+2] * rem; s32 newsampR = pStereoSamples[old+1] * (newsamples - rem) + pStereoSamples[old+3] * rem; pNewSamples[2 * i] = newsampL / newsamples; pNewSamples[2 * i + 1] = newsampR / newsamples; } } static __aligned16 s16 s_ThreadBuffer[NSSIZE*NSFRAMES*2*5]; // SoundTouch's INTEGER system is broken these days, so we'll need this to do float conversions... static __aligned16 float s_floatBuffer[NSSIZE*NSFRAMES*2*5]; // communicates with the audio hardware #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD WINAPI SPU2ThreadProc(LPVOID) #else void* SPU2ThreadProc(void* lpParam) #endif { s32 nReadBuf = 0; while (!s_bThreadExit) { if (!(conf.options&OPTION_REALTIME)) { while(s_nQueuedBuffers< 3 && !s_bThreadExit) { //Sleeping Sleep(1); if ( s_bThreadExit ) return NULL; } while( SoundGetBytesBuffered() > 72000 ) { //Bytes buffered Sleep(1); if ( s_bThreadExit ) return NULL; } } else { while(s_nQueuedBuffers< 1 && !s_bThreadExit) { //Sleeping Sleep(1); } } //s32 ps2delay = timeGetTime() - s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].timestamp; s32 NewSamples = s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].avgtime; if ( (conf.options & OPTION_TIMESTRETCH) ) { s32 bytesbuf = SoundGetBytesBuffered(); if ( bytesbuf < 8000 ) NewSamples += 1000; // check the current timestamp, if too far apart, speed up audio else if ( bytesbuf > 40000 ) { //WARN_LOG("making faster %d\n", timeGetTime() - s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].timestamp); NewSamples -= (bytesbuf-40000)/10;//*(ps2delay-NewSamples*8/1000); } if ( s_nDropPacket > 0 ) { s_nDropPacket--; NewSamples -= 1000; } NewSamples *= NSSIZE; NewSamples /= 1000; NewSamples = min(NewSamples, NSFRAMES * NSSIZE * 3); s32 oldsamples = s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].len / 4; if ((nReadBuf & 3) == 0) // wow, this if statement makes the whole difference pSoundTouch->setTempoChange(100.0f*(float)oldsamples/(float)NewSamples - 100.0f); for( s32 sx=0; sx<oldsamples*2; sx++ ) s_floatBuffer[sx] = ((s16*)s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].pbuf)[sx]/65536.0f; pSoundTouch->putSamples(s_floatBuffer, oldsamples); // extract 2*NSFRAMES ms at a time s32 nOutSamples; do { nOutSamples = pSoundTouch->receiveSamples(s_floatBuffer, NSSIZE * NSFRAMES * 5); if ( nOutSamples > 0 ) { for( s32 sx=0; sx<nOutSamples*2; sx++ ) s_ThreadBuffer[sx] = (s16)(s_floatBuffer[sx]*65536.0f); SoundFeedVoiceData((u8*)s_ThreadBuffer, nOutSamples * 4); } } while (nOutSamples != 0); } else SoundFeedVoiceData(s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].pbuf, s_pAudioBuffers[nReadBuf].len); // don't go to the next buffer unless there is more data buffered nReadBuf = (nReadBuf+1)%ArraySize(s_pAudioBuffers); InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*)&s_nQueuedBuffers, -1); if ( s_bThreadExit ) break; } return NULL; } // turn channels on void SoundOn(s32 start,s32 end,u16 val) // SOUND ON PSX COMAND { for (s32 ch=start;ch<end;ch++,val>>=1) // loop channels { if ((val&1) && voices[ch].pStart) // mmm... start has to be set before key on !?! { voices[ch].bNew=true; voices[ch].bIgnoreLoop = false; dwNewChannel2[ch/24]|=(1<<(ch%24)); // clear end channel bit } } } // turn channels off void SoundOff(s32 start,s32 end,u16 val) // SOUND OFF PSX COMMAND { for (s32 ch=start;ch<end;ch++,val>>=1) // loop channels { if (val&1) voices[ch].bStop=true; // && s_chan[i].bOn) mmm... } } void FModOn(s32 start,s32 end,u16 val) // FMOD ON PSX COMMAND { s32 ch; for (ch=start;ch<end;ch++,val>>=1) // loop channels { if (val&1) { // -> fmod on/off if (ch>0) { voices[ch].bFMod=1; // --> sound channel voices[ch-1].bFMod=2; // --> freq channel } } else voices[ch].bFMod=0; // --> turn off fmod } } void VolumeOn(s32 start,s32 end,u16 val,s32 iRight) // VOLUME ON PSX COMMAND { s32 ch; for (ch=start;ch<end;ch++,val>>=1) // loop channels { if (val&1) { // -> reverb on/off if (iRight) voices[ch].bVolumeR = true; else voices[ch].bVolumeL = true; } else { if (iRight) voices[ch].bVolumeR = false; else voices[ch].bVolumeL = false; } } } void CALLBACK SPU2write(u32 mem, u16 value) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2write()\n"); u32 spuaddr; SPU2_LOG("SPU2 write mem %x value %x\n", mem, value); assert(C0_SPUADDR() < 0x100000); assert(C1_SPUADDR() < 0x100000); spu2Ru16(mem) = value; u32 r = mem & 0xffff; // channel info if ((r<0x0180) || (r>=0x0400 && r<0x0580)) // u32s are always >= 0. { s32 ch=0; if (r >= 0x400) ch = ((r - 0x400) >> 4) + 24; else ch = (r >> 4); VOICE_PROCESSED* pvoice = &voices[ch]; switch(r & 0x0f) { case 0: case 2: pvoice->SetVolume(mem & 0x2); break; case 4: { s32 NP; if (value> 0x3fff) NP=0x3fff; // get pitch val else NP=value; pvoice->pvoice->pitch = NP; NP = (SAMPLE_RATE * NP) / 4096L; // calc frequency if (NP<1) NP = 1; // some security pvoice->iActFreq = NP; // store frequency break; } case 6: { pvoice->ADSRX.AttackModeExp=(value&0x8000)?1:0; pvoice->ADSRX.AttackRate = ((value>>8) & 0x007f); pvoice->ADSRX.DecayRate = (((value>>4) & 0x000f)); pvoice->ADSRX.SustainLevel = (value & 0x000f); break; } case 8: pvoice->ADSRX.SustainModeExp = (value&0x8000)?1:0; pvoice->ADSRX.SustainIncrease= (value&0x4000)?0:1; pvoice->ADSRX.SustainRate = ((value>>6) & 0x007f); pvoice->ADSRX.ReleaseModeExp = (value&0x0020)?1:0; pvoice->ADSRX.ReleaseRate = ((value & 0x001f)); break; } return; } // more channel info if ((r>=0x01c0 && r<0x02E0)||(r>=0x05c0 && r<0x06E0)) { s32 ch=0; u32 rx=r; if (rx>=0x400) { ch=24; rx-=0x400; } ch += ((rx-0x1c0)/12); rx -= (ch%24)*12; VOICE_PROCESSED* pvoice = &voices[ch]; switch(rx) { case REG_VA_SSA: pvoice->iStartAddr=(((u32)value&0x3f)<<16)|(pvoice->iStartAddr&0xFFFF); pvoice->pStart=(u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iStartAddr); break; case 0x1C2: pvoice->iStartAddr=(pvoice->iStartAddr & 0x3f0000) | (value & 0xFFFF); pvoice->pStart=(u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iStartAddr); break; case REG_VA_LSAX: pvoice->iLoopAddr =(((u32)value&0x3f)<<16)|(pvoice->iLoopAddr&0xFFFF); pvoice->pLoop=(u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iLoopAddr); pvoice->bIgnoreLoop=pvoice->iLoopAddr>0; break; case 0x1C6: pvoice->iLoopAddr=(pvoice->iLoopAddr& 0x3f0000) | (value & 0xFFFF); pvoice->pLoop=(u8*)(spu2mem+pvoice->iLoopAddr); pvoice->bIgnoreLoop=pvoice->iLoopAddr>0; break; case REG_VA_NAX: // unused... check if it gets written as well pvoice->iNextAddr=(((u32)value&0x3f)<<16)|(pvoice->iNextAddr&0xFFFF); break; case 0x1CA: // unused... check if it gets written as well pvoice->iNextAddr=(pvoice->iNextAddr & 0x3f0000) | (value & 0xFFFF); break; } return; } // process non-channel data switch(mem & 0xffff) { case REG_C0_SPUDATA: spuaddr = C0_SPUADDR(); spu2mem[spuaddr] = value; spuaddr++; if ((spu2Ru16(REG_C0_CTRL)&0x40) && (C0_IRQA() == spuaddr)) { IRQINFO |= 4; SPU2_LOG("SPU2write:C0_CPUDATA interrupt\n"); irqCallbackSPU2(); } if (spuaddr>0xFFFFE) spuaddr = 0x2800; C0_SPUADDR_SET(spuaddr); spu2Ru16(REG_C0_SPUSTAT)&=~0x80; spu2Ru16(REG_C0_CTRL)&=~0x30; break; case REG_C1_SPUDATA: spuaddr = C1_SPUADDR(); spu2mem[spuaddr] = value; spuaddr++; if ((spu2Ru16(REG_C1_CTRL)&0x40) && (C1_IRQA() == spuaddr)) { IRQINFO |= 8; SPU2_LOG("SPU2write:C1_CPUDATA interrupt\n"); irqCallbackSPU2(); } if (spuaddr>0xFFFFE) spuaddr = 0x2800; C1_SPUADDR_SET(spuaddr); spu2Ru16(REG_C1_SPUSTAT)&=~0x80; spu2Ru16(REG_C1_CTRL)&=~0x30; break; case REG_C0_IRQA_HI: case REG_C0_IRQA_LO: pSpuIrq[0] = spu2mem + C0_IRQA(); break; case REG_C1_IRQA_HI: case REG_C1_IRQA_LO: pSpuIrq[1] = spu2mem + C1_IRQA(); break; case REG_C0_SPUADDR_HI: case REG_C1_SPUADDR_HI: spu2Ru16(mem) = value&0xf; break; case REG_C0_CTRL: spu2Ru16(mem) = value; // clear interrupt if (!(value & 0x40)) IRQINFO &= ~0x4; break; case REG_C1_CTRL: spu2Ru16(mem) = value; // clear interrupt if (!(value & 0x40)) IRQINFO &= ~0x8; break; // Could probably simplify case REG_C0_SPUON1: SoundOn(0,16,value); break; case REG_C0_SPUON2: SoundOn(16,24,value); break; case REG_C1_SPUON1: SoundOn(24,40,value); break; case REG_C1_SPUON2: SoundOn(40,48,value); break; case REG_C0_SPUOFF1: SoundOff(0,16,value); break; case REG_C0_SPUOFF2: SoundOff(16,24,value); break; case REG_C1_SPUOFF1: SoundOff(24,40,value); break; case REG_C1_SPUOFF2: SoundOff(40,48,value); break; // According to manual all bits are cleared by writing an arbitary value case REG_C0_END1: dwEndChannel2[0] &= 0x00ff0000; break; case REG_C0_END2: dwEndChannel2[0] &= 0x0000ffff; break; case REG_C1_END1: dwEndChannel2[1] &= 0x00ff0000; break; case REG_C1_END2: dwEndChannel2[1] &= 0x0000ffff; break; case REG_C0_FMOD1: FModOn(0,16,value); break; case REG_C0_FMOD2: FModOn(16,24,value); break; case REG_C1_FMOD1: FModOn(24,40,value); break; case REG_C1_FMOD2: FModOn(40,48,value); break; case REG_C0_VMIXL1: VolumeOn(0,16,value,0); break; case REG_C0_VMIXL2: VolumeOn(16,24,value,0); break; case REG_C1_VMIXL1: VolumeOn(24,40,value,0); break; case REG_C1_VMIXL2: VolumeOn(40,48,value,0); break; case REG_C0_VMIXR1: VolumeOn(0,16,value,1); break; case REG_C0_VMIXR2: VolumeOn(16,24,value,1); break; case REG_C1_VMIXR1: VolumeOn(24,40,value,1); break; case REG_C1_VMIXR2: VolumeOn(40,48,value,1); break; } assert( C0_SPUADDR() < 0x100000); assert( C1_SPUADDR() < 0x100000); } u16 CALLBACK SPU2read(u32 mem) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2read()\n"); u32 spuaddr; u16 ret = 0; u32 r = mem & 0xffff; // register // channel info // if the register is any of the regs before core 0, or is somewhere between core 0 and 1... if ((r < 0x0180) || (r >= 0x0400 && r < 0x0580)) // u32s are always >= 0. { s32 ch = 0; if (r >= 0x400) ch=((r - 0x400) >> 4) + 24; else ch = (r >> 4); VOICE_PROCESSED* pvoice = &voices[ch]; if ((r&0x0f) == 10) return (u16)(pvoice->ADSRX.EnvelopeVol >> 16); } if ((r>=REG_VA_SSA && r<REG_A_ESA) || (r>=0x05c0 && r<0x06E0)) // some channel info? { s32 ch=0; u32 rx = r; if (rx >=0x400) { ch=24; rx-=0x400; } ch+=((rx-0x1c0)/12); rx-=(ch%24)*12; VOICE_PROCESSED* pvoice = &voices[ch]; // Note - can we generalize this? switch(rx) { case REG_VA_SSA: ret = ((((uptr)pvoice->pStart-(uptr)spu2mem)>>17)&0x3F); break; case 0x1C2: ret = ((((uptr)pvoice->pStart-(uptr)spu2mem)>>1)&0xFFFF); break; case REG_VA_LSAX: ret = ((((uptr)pvoice->pLoop-(uptr)spu2mem)>>17)&0x3F); break; case 0x1C6: ret = ((((uptr)pvoice->pLoop-(uptr)spu2mem)>>1)&0xFFFF); break; case REG_VA_NAX: ret = ((((uptr)pvoice->pCurr-(uptr)spu2mem)>>17)&0x3F); break; case 0x1CA: ret = ((((uptr)pvoice->pCurr-(uptr)spu2mem)>>1)&0xFFFF); break; } SPU2_LOG("SPU2 channel read mem %x: %x\n", mem, ret); return ret; } switch(mem & 0xffff) { case REG_C0_SPUDATA: spuaddr = C0_SPUADDR(); ret =spu2mem[spuaddr]; spuaddr++; if (spuaddr > 0xfffff) spuaddr=0; C0_SPUADDR_SET(spuaddr); break; case REG_C1_SPUDATA: spuaddr = C1_SPUADDR(); ret = spu2mem[spuaddr]; spuaddr++; if (spuaddr > 0xfffff) spuaddr=0; C1_SPUADDR_SET(spuaddr); break; case REG_C0_END1: ret = (dwEndChannel2[0]&0xffff); break; case REG_C1_END1: ret = (dwEndChannel2[1]&0xffff); break; case REG_C0_END2: ret = (dwEndChannel2[0]>>16); break; case REG_C1_END2: ret = (dwEndChannel2[1]>>16); break; case REG_IRQINFO: ret = IRQINFO; break; default: ret = spu2Ru16(mem); } SPU2_LOG("SPU2 read mem %x: %x\n", mem, ret); return ret; } void CALLBACK SPU2WriteMemAddr(int core, u32 value) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2WriteMemAddr(%d, %d)\n", core, value); MemAddr[core] = g_pDMABaseAddr + value; } u32 CALLBACK SPU2ReadMemAddr(int core) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2ReadMemAddr(%d)\n", core); return MemAddr[core] - g_pDMABaseAddr; } void CALLBACK SPU2setDMABaseAddr(uptr baseaddr) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2setDMABaseAddr()\n"); g_pDMABaseAddr = baseaddr; } void CALLBACK SPU2irqCallback(void (*SPU2callback)(),void (*DMA4callback)(),void (*DMA7callback)()) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2irqCallback()\n"); irqCallbackSPU2 = SPU2callback; irqCallbackDMA4 = DMA4callback; irqCallbackDMA7 = DMA7callback; } s32 CALLBACK SPU2test() { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2test()\n"); return 0; } #define SetPacket(s) \ { \ if (s & 0x8000) s|=0xffff0000; \ fa = (s >> shift_factor); \ fa += ((s_1 * f[predict_nr][0]) >> 6) + ((s_2 * f[predict_nr][1]) >> 6); \ s_2 = s_1; \ s_1 = fa; \ buf[nSample++] = fa; \ } // size is in bytes void LogPacketSound(void* packet, s32 memsize) { u16 buf[28]; u8* pstart = (u8*)packet; s32 s_1 = 0, s_2=0; for (s32 i = 0; i < memsize; i += 16) { s32 predict_nr=(s32)pstart[0]; s32 shift_factor=predict_nr&0xf; predict_nr >>= 4; pstart += 2; for (s32 nSample=0;nSample<28; ++pstart) { s32 d=(s32)*pstart; s32 s, fa; s =((d & 0xf) << 12); SetPacket(s); s=((d & 0xf0) << 8); SetPacket(s); } LogRawSound(buf, 2, buf, 2, 28); } } void LogRawSound(void* pleft, s32 leftstride, void* pright, s32 rightstride, s32 numsamples) { if (g_pWavRecord == NULL ) g_pWavRecord = new WavOutFile(RECORD_FILENAME, SAMPLE_RATE, 16, 2); u8* left = (u8*)pleft; u8* right = (u8*)pright; static vector<s16> tempbuf; tempbuf.resize(2 * numsamples); for (s32 i = 0; i < numsamples; ++i) { tempbuf[2*i+0] = *(s16*)left; tempbuf[2*i+1] = *(s16*)right; left += leftstride; right += rightstride; } g_pWavRecord->write(&tempbuf[0], numsamples*2); } int CALLBACK SPU2setupRecording(int start, void* pData) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2setupRecording()\n"); if ( start ) { conf.options |= OPTION_RECORDING; WARN_LOG("ZeroSPU2: started recording at %s\n", RECORD_FILENAME); } else { conf.options &= ~OPTION_RECORDING; WARN_LOG("ZeroSPU2: stopped recording\n"); } return 1; } void save_data(freezeData *data) { SPU2freezeData *spud; s32 i; spud = (SPU2freezeData*)data->data; spud->version = 0x70000001; memcpy(spud->spu2regs, spu2regs, 0x10000); memcpy(spud->spu2mem, spu2mem, 0x200000); spud->nSpuIrq[0] = (s32)(pSpuIrq[0] - spu2mem); spud->nSpuIrq[1] = (s32)(pSpuIrq[1] - spu2mem); memcpy(spud->dwNewChannel2, dwNewChannel2, 4*2); memcpy(spud->dwEndChannel2, dwEndChannel2, 4*2); spud->dwNoiseVal = dwNoiseVal; spud->interrupt = interrupt; memcpy(spud->iFMod, iFMod, sizeof(iFMod)); memcpy(spud->MemAddr, MemAddr, sizeof(MemAddr)); spud->adma[0] = Adma4; spud->adma[1] = Adma7; spud->Adma4MemAddr = (u32)((uptr)Adma4.MemAddr - g_pDMABaseAddr); spud->Adma7MemAddr = (u32)((uptr)Adma7.MemAddr - g_pDMABaseAddr); spud->SPUCycles = SPUCycles; spud->SPUWorkerCycles = SPUWorkerCycles; memcpy(spud->SPUStartCycle, SPUStartCycle, sizeof(SPUStartCycle)); memcpy(spud->SPUTargetCycle, SPUTargetCycle, sizeof(SPUTargetCycle)); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(s_nDurations); ++i) { s_nDurations[i] = NSFRAMES*1000; } s_nTotalDuration = ArraySize(s_nDurations)*NSFRAMES*1000; s_nCurDuration = 0; spud->voicesize = SPU_VOICE_STATE_SIZE; for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(voices); ++i) { memcpy(&spud->voices[i], &voices[i], SPU_VOICE_STATE_SIZE); spud->voices[i].pStart = (u8*)((uptr)voices[i].pStart-(uptr)spu2mem); spud->voices[i].pLoop = (u8*)((uptr)voices[i].pLoop-(uptr)spu2mem); spud->voices[i].pCurr = (u8*)((uptr)voices[i].pCurr-(uptr)spu2mem); } g_startcount=0xffffffff; s_GlobalTimeStamp = 0; s_nDropPacket = 0; } void load_data(freezeData *data) { SPU2freezeData *spud; s32 i; spud = (SPU2freezeData*)data->data; if (spud->version != 0x70000001) { ERROR_LOG("zerospu2: Sound data either corrupted or from another plugin. Ignoring.\n"); return; } memcpy(spu2regs, spud->spu2regs, 0x10000); memcpy(spu2mem, spud->spu2mem, 0x200000); pSpuIrq[0] = spu2mem + spud->nSpuIrq[0]; pSpuIrq[1] = spu2mem + spud->nSpuIrq[1]; memcpy(dwNewChannel2, spud->dwNewChannel2, 4*2); memcpy(dwEndChannel2, spud->dwEndChannel2, 4*2); dwNoiseVal = spud->dwNoiseVal; interrupt = spud->interrupt; memcpy(iFMod, spud->iFMod, sizeof(iFMod)); memcpy(MemAddr, spud->MemAddr, sizeof(MemAddr)); Adma4 = spud->adma[0]; Adma7 = spud->adma[1]; Adma4.MemAddr = (u16*)(g_pDMABaseAddr+spud->Adma4MemAddr); Adma7.MemAddr = (u16*)(g_pDMABaseAddr+spud->Adma7MemAddr); SPUCycles = spud->SPUCycles; SPUWorkerCycles = spud->SPUWorkerCycles; memcpy(SPUStartCycle, spud->SPUStartCycle, sizeof(SPUStartCycle)); memcpy(SPUTargetCycle, spud->SPUTargetCycle, sizeof(SPUTargetCycle)); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(voices); ++i) { memcpy(&voices[i], &spud->voices[i], min((s32)SPU_VOICE_STATE_SIZE, spud->voicesize)); voices[i].pStart = (u8*)((uptr)spud->voices[i].pStart+(uptr)spu2mem); voices[i].pLoop = (u8*)((uptr)spud->voices[i].pLoop+(uptr)spu2mem); voices[i].pCurr = (u8*)((uptr)spud->voices[i].pCurr+(uptr)spu2mem); } s_GlobalTimeStamp = 0; g_startcount = 0xffffffff; for (s32 i = 0; i < ArraySize(s_nDurations); ++i) { s_nDurations[i] = NSFRAMES*1000; } s_nTotalDuration = ArraySize(s_nDurations)*NSFRAMES*1000; s_nCurDuration = 0; s_nQueuedBuffers = 0; s_nDropPacket = 0; } s32 CALLBACK SPU2freeze(int mode, freezeData *data) { LOG_CALLBACK("SPU2freeze()\n"); assert( g_pDMABaseAddr != 0 ); switch (mode) { case FREEZE_LOAD: load_data(data); break; case FREEZE_SAVE: save_data(data); break; case FREEZE_SIZE: data->size = sizeof(SPU2freezeData); break; default: break; } return 0; }