/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "xpad.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif // // Note! // // If this DLL is dynamically linked against the MFC // DLLs, any functions exported from this DLL which // call into MFC must have the AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro // added at the very beginning of the function. // // For example: // // extern "C" BOOL PASCAL EXPORT ExportedFunction() // { // AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // // normal function body here // } // // It is very important that this macro appear in each // function, prior to any calls into MFC. This means that // it must appear as the first statement within the // function, even before any object variable declarations // as their constructors may generate calls into the MFC // DLL. // // Please see MFC Technical Notes 33 and 58 for additional // details. // BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(xpadApp, CWinApp) END_MESSAGE_MAP() xpadApp::xpadApp() { } xpadApp theApp; BOOL xpadApp::InitInstance() { __super::InitInstance(); SetRegistryKey(_T("Gabest")); return TRUE; } // #define PS2E_LT_PAD 0x02 #define PS2E_PAD_VERSION 0x0002 EXPORT_C_(UINT32) PS2EgetLibType() { return PS2E_LT_PAD; } EXPORT_C_(char*) PS2EgetLibName() { return "XPad"; } EXPORT_C_(UINT32) PS2EgetLibVersion2(UINT32 type) { const UINT32 revision = 0; const UINT32 build = 1; const UINT32 minor = 0; return (build << 0) | (revision << 8) | (PS2E_PAD_VERSION << 16) | (minor << 24); } // struct XPadButton { enum { Select = 0x0001, L3 = 0x0002, R3 = 0x0004, Start = 0x0008, Up = 0x0010, Right = 0x0020, Down = 0x0040, Left = 0x0080, L2 = 0x0100, R2 = 0x0200, L1 = 0x0400, R1 = 0x0800, Triangle = 0x1000, Circle = 0x2000, Cross = 0x4000, Square = 0x8000, }; }; class XPad { public: int m_pad; bool m_connected; bool m_ds2native; bool m_analog; bool m_locked; bool m_vibration; BYTE m_small; BYTE m_large; WORD m_buttons; struct {BYTE x, y;} m_left; struct {BYTE x, y;} m_right; void SetButton(WORD buttons, WORD mask, int flag) { if(buttons & mask) { m_buttons &= ~flag; } else { m_buttons |= flag; } } void SetAnalog(short src, BYTE& dst, short deadzone) { if(abs(src) < deadzone) src = 0; dst = (src >> 8) + 128; } public: XPad(int pad) : m_pad(pad) , m_connected(false) , m_ds2native(false) , m_analog(false) , m_locked(false) , m_vibration(true) , m_small(0) , m_large(0) , m_buttons(0xffff) { } virtual ~XPad() { } BYTE GetId() { return m_analog ? (m_ds2native ? 0x79 : 0x73) : 0x41; } BYTE ReadData(int index) { if(index == 0) { XINPUT_STATE state; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); m_connected = SUCCEEDED(XInputGetState(m_pad, &state)); if(m_connected) { SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK, XPadButton::Select); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB, XPadButton::L3); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB, XPadButton::R3); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START, XPadButton::Start); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP, XPadButton::Up); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT, XPadButton::Right); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN, XPadButton::Down); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT, XPadButton::Left); SetButton(state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger, 0xe0, XPadButton::L2); SetButton(state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger, 0xe0, XPadButton::R2); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER, XPadButton::L1); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER, XPadButton::R1); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y, XPadButton::Triangle); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B, XPadButton::Circle); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A, XPadButton::Cross); SetButton(state.Gamepad.wButtons, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X, XPadButton::Square); SetAnalog(state.Gamepad.sThumbLX, m_left.x, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE); SetAnalog(~state.Gamepad.sThumbLY, m_left.y, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE); SetAnalog(state.Gamepad.sThumbRX, m_right.x, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE); SetAnalog(~state.Gamepad.sThumbRY, m_right.y, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE); } else { m_buttons = 0xffff; m_left.x = 128; m_left.y = 128; m_right.x = 128; m_right.y = 128; } } if(index == 1) { if(m_connected) { XINPUT_VIBRATION vibraton; memset(&vibraton, 0, sizeof(vibraton)); if(m_vibration && (m_small || m_large)) { vibraton.wLeftMotorSpeed = m_large << 8; vibraton.wRightMotorSpeed = m_small << 8; } XInputSetState(m_pad, &vibraton); } } switch(index) { case 0: return (BYTE)(m_buttons & 0xff); case 1: return (BYTE)(m_buttons >> 8); case 2: return m_right.x; case 3: return m_right.y; case 4: return m_left.x; case 5: return m_left.y; } return 0xff; } }; static class XPadPlugin { CAtlArray m_pads; XPad* m_pad; int m_index; bool m_cfgreaddata; BYTE m_unknown1; BYTE m_unknown3; typedef BYTE (XPadPlugin::*CommandHandler)(int, BYTE); CommandHandler m_handlers[256]; CommandHandler m_handler; BYTE DS2Enabler(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 2: return 0x02; case 5: return 'Z'; } return 0; } BYTE QueryDS2AnalogMode(int index, BYTE value) { if(m_pad->m_ds2native) { switch(index) { case 0: return 0xff; case 1: return 0xff; case 2: return 3; case 3: return 0; case 4: return 0; case 5: return 'Z'; } } return 0; } BYTE ReadDataAndVibrate(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: m_pad->m_small = value == 1 ? 128 : 0; // RE4 map menu, value = 2 break; case 1: m_pad->m_large = value; break; } return m_pad->ReadData(index); } BYTE ConfigMode(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: switch(value) { case 0: m_cfgreaddata = false; break; case 1: m_cfgreaddata = true; break; } break; } if(m_cfgreaddata) { return m_pad->ReadData(index); } return 0; } BYTE SetModeAndLock(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: // if(!m_pad->m_locked) ? m_pad->m_analog = value == 1; break; case 1: m_pad->m_locked = value == 3; break; } return 0; } BYTE QueryModelAndMode(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: return 3; case 1: return 2; case 2: return m_pad->m_analog ? 1 : 0; case 3: return m_pad->m_ds2native ? 1 : 2; case 4: return 1; } return 0; } BYTE QueryUnknown1(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: m_unknown1 = value; return 0; case 1: return 0; case 2: return 1; case 3: return m_unknown1 ? 0x01 : 0x02; case 4: return m_unknown1 ? 0x01 : 0x00; case 5: return m_unknown1 ? 0x14 : 0x0a; } return 0; } BYTE QueryUnknown2(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 2: return 2; case 4: return 1; } return 0; } BYTE QueryUnknown3(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: m_unknown3 = value; return 0; case 3: return m_unknown3 ? 0x07 : 0x04; } return 0; } BYTE ConfigVibration(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 0: return value; case 1: m_pad->m_vibration = value == 1; return value; } return 0xff; } BYTE SetDS2NativeMode(int index, BYTE value) { switch(index) { case 5: m_pad->m_ds2native = true; return 'Z'; } return 0; } BYTE m_cmd; BYTE UnknownCommand(int index, BYTE value) { TRACE(_T("Unknown command %02x (%d, %02x)\n"), m_cmd, index, value); return 0; } public: XPadPlugin() : m_pad(NULL) , m_index(-1) , m_cfgreaddata(false) , m_handler(NULL) { m_pads.Add(new XPad(0)); m_pads.Add(new XPad(1)); for(int i = 0; i < countof(m_handlers); i++) { m_handlers[i] = &XPadPlugin::UnknownCommand; } m_handlers['@'] = &XPadPlugin::DS2Enabler; m_handlers['A'] = &XPadPlugin::QueryDS2AnalogMode; m_handlers['B'] = &XPadPlugin::ReadDataAndVibrate; m_handlers['C'] = &XPadPlugin::ConfigMode; m_handlers['D'] = &XPadPlugin::SetModeAndLock; m_handlers['E'] = &XPadPlugin::QueryModelAndMode; m_handlers['F'] = &XPadPlugin::QueryUnknown1; m_handlers['G'] = &XPadPlugin::QueryUnknown2; m_handlers['L'] = &XPadPlugin::QueryUnknown3; m_handlers['M'] = &XPadPlugin::ConfigVibration; m_handlers['O'] = &XPadPlugin::SetDS2NativeMode; } void StartPoll(int pad) { m_pad = m_pads[pad & 1]; m_index = 0; } BYTE Poll(BYTE value) { BYTE ret = 0; switch(++m_index) { case 1: m_cmd = value; m_handler = m_handlers[value]; ret = (value == 'B' || value == 'C') ? m_pad->GetId() : 0xf3; break; case 2: ASSERT(value == 0); ret = 'Z'; break; default: ret = (this->*m_handler)(m_index - 3, value); break; } /* //if(m_cmd != 'B') { static FILE* log = NULL; if(log == NULL) { log = fopen("c:\\log.txt", "w"); } if(m_index == 1) fprintf(log, "\n"); fprintf(log, "*** %02x %d %02x %02x\n", m_cmd, m_index - 1, value, ret); fflush(log); } */ return ret; } } s_padplugin; // static int s_nRefs = 0; static HWND s_hWnd = NULL; static WNDPROC s_GSWndProc = NULL; static KeyEvent s_event = {0, 0}; LRESULT WINAPI PADwndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_KEYDOWN: if(lParam & 0x40000000) return TRUE; s_event.event = KEYPRESS; s_event.key = wParam; return TRUE; case WM_KEYUP: s_event.event = KEYRELEASE; s_event.key = wParam; return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: case WM_QUIT: s_event.event = KEYPRESS; s_event.key = VK_ESCAPE; break; } return s_GSWndProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } // EXPORT_C_(UINT32) PADinit(UINT32 flags) { return 0; } EXPORT_C PADshutdown() { } EXPORT_C_(UINT32) PADopen(void* pDsp) { XInputEnable(TRUE); if(s_nRefs == 0) { s_hWnd = *(HWND*)pDsp; s_GSWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(s_hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LPARAM)PADwndProc); } s_nRefs++; return 0; } EXPORT_C PADclose() { s_nRefs--; if(s_nRefs == 0) { SetWindowLongPtr(s_hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LPARAM)s_GSWndProc); } XInputEnable(FALSE); } EXPORT_C_(UINT32) CALLBACK PADquery() { return 3; } EXPORT_C_(BYTE) PADstartPoll(int pad) { s_padplugin.StartPoll(pad - 1); return 0xff; } EXPORT_C_(BYTE) PADpoll(BYTE value) { return s_padplugin.Poll(value); } EXPORT_C_(KeyEvent*) PADkeyEvent() { static KeyEvent event; event = s_event; s_event.event = 0; return &event; } EXPORT_C PADconfigure() { } EXPORT_C PADabout() { } EXPORT_C_(UINT32) PADtest() { return 0; }