/* ZeroGS KOSMOS * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 zerofrog@gmail.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #if defined(_WIN32) #include <windows.h> #include "Win32.h" #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "GS.h" #include "Mem.h" #include "Regs.h" #include "zerogs.h" #include "targets.h" #include "ZeroGSShaders/zerogsshaders.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4244) #endif GSinternal gs; char GStitle[256]; GSconf conf; int ppf; primInfo *prim; FILE *gsLog; int g_GSMultiThreaded = 0; void (*GSirq)(); u8* g_pBasePS2Mem = NULL; int g_TransferredToGPU = 0; std::string s_strIniPath("inis/"); static BOOL g_bHidden = 0; int g_GameSettings = 0; // statistics u32 g_nGenVars = 0, g_nTexVars = 0, g_nAlphaVars = 0, g_nResolve = 0; #define VER 96 const unsigned char zgsversion = PS2E_GS_VERSION; unsigned char zgsrevision = 0; // revision and build gives plugin version unsigned char zgsbuild = VER; unsigned char zgsminor = 7; #ifdef _DEBUG char *libraryName = "ZeroGS-Pg OpenGL (Debug) "; #elif !defined(ZEROGS_DEVBUILD) char *libraryName = "ZeroGS Playground OpenGL "; #else char *libraryName = "ZeroGS-Pg OpenGL (Dev) "; #endif static const char* s_aa[5] = { "AA none |", "AA 2x |", "AA 4x |", "AA 8x |", "AA 16x |" }; static const char* pbilinear[] = { "off", "normal", "forced" }; extern GIFRegHandler g_GIFPackedRegHandlers[]; extern GIFRegHandler g_GIFRegHandlers[]; GIFRegHandler g_GIFTempRegHandlers[16] = {0}; extern int g_nPixelShaderVer; extern int g_nFrameRender; extern int g_nFramesSkipped; #ifndef ZEROGS_DEVBUILD #define g_bWriteProfile 0 #else BOOL g_bWriteProfile = 0; #endif int s_frameskipping = 0; u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibType() { return PS2E_LT_GS; } char* CALLBACK PS2EgetLibName() { return libraryName; } u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type) { return (zgsversion<<16) | (zgsrevision<<8) | zgsbuild | (zgsminor << 24); } static u64 luPerfFreq; #ifdef _WIN32 HWND GShwnd = NULL; void SysMessage(char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char tmp[512]; va_start(list,fmt); vsprintf(tmp,fmt,list); va_end(list); MessageBox(0, tmp, "GSsoftdx Msg", 0); } #else GLWindow GLWin; u32 THR_KeyEvent = 0; // Value for key event processing between threads bool THR_bShift = false; #endif void __Log(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; // gsLog can be null if the config dialog is used prior to Pcsx2 an emulation session. // (GSinit won't have been called then) if (gsLog == NULL || !conf.log) return; va_start(list, fmt); vfprintf(gsLog, fmt, list); va_end(list); } void __LogToConsole(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, fmt); // gsLog can be null if the config dialog is used prior to Pcsx2 an emulation session. // (GSinit won't have been called then) if( gsLog != NULL ) vfprintf(gsLog, fmt, list); printf("ZeroGS: "); vprintf(fmt, list); va_end(list); } void CALLBACK GSsetSettingsDir(const char* dir) { s_strIniPath = (dir==NULL) ? "inis/" : dir; } void CALLBACK GSsetBaseMem(void* pmem) { g_pBasePS2Mem = (u8*)pmem; } extern int VALIDATE_THRESH; extern u32 TEXDESTROY_THRESH; int g_LastCRC = 0; void CALLBACK GSsetGameCRC(int crc, int options) { VALIDATE_THRESH = 8; g_GameSettings = conf.gamesettings|options; conf.mrtdepth = 0;//!(conf.gamesettings&GAME_DISABLEMRTDEPTH); if( !conf.mrtdepth ) ERROR_LOG("Disabling MRT depth writing\n"); g_GameSettings |= GAME_PATH3HACK; g_LastCRC = crc; switch(crc) { case 0x54A548B4: // crash n burn // overbright break; case 0xA3D63039: // xenosaga(j) case 0x0E7807B2: // xenosaga(u) g_GameSettings |= GAME_DOPARALLELCTX; VALIDATE_THRESH = 64; TEXDESTROY_THRESH = 32; break; case 0x7D2FE035: // espgaluda (j) VALIDATE_THRESH = 24; //g_GameSettings |= GAME_BIGVALIDATE; break; } } void CALLBACK GSsetFrameSkip(int frameskip) { s_frameskipping |= frameskip; if( frameskip && g_nFrameRender > 1 ) { for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { g_GIFPackedRegHandlers[i] = GIFPackedRegHandlerNOP; } // still keep certain handlers g_GIFPackedRegHandlers[6] = GIFRegHandlerTEX0_1; g_GIFPackedRegHandlers[7] = GIFRegHandlerTEX0_2; g_GIFPackedRegHandlers[14] = GIFPackedRegHandlerA_D; g_GIFRegHandlers[0] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[1] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[2] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[3] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[4] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[5] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[12] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[13] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[26] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_GIFRegHandlers[27] = GIFRegHandlerNOP; g_nFrameRender = 0; } else if( !frameskip && g_nFrameRender <= 0 ) { g_nFrameRender = 1; if( g_GIFTempRegHandlers[0] == NULL ) return; // not init yet // restore memcpy(g_GIFPackedRegHandlers, g_GIFTempRegHandlers, sizeof(g_GIFTempRegHandlers)); g_GIFRegHandlers[0] = GIFRegHandlerPRIM; g_GIFRegHandlers[1] = GIFRegHandlerRGBAQ; g_GIFRegHandlers[2] = GIFRegHandlerST; g_GIFRegHandlers[3] = GIFRegHandlerUV; g_GIFRegHandlers[4] = GIFRegHandlerXYZF2; g_GIFRegHandlers[5] = GIFRegHandlerXYZ2; g_GIFRegHandlers[12] = GIFRegHandlerXYZF3; g_GIFRegHandlers[13] = GIFRegHandlerXYZ2; g_GIFRegHandlers[26] = GIFRegHandlerPRMODECONT; g_GIFRegHandlers[27] = GIFRegHandlerPRMODE; } } void CALLBACK GSreset() { memset(&gs, 0, sizeof(gs)); ZeroGS::GSStateReset(); gs.prac = 1; prim = &gs._prim[0]; gs.nTriFanVert = -1; gs.imageTransfer = -1; gs.q = 1; } void CALLBACK GSgifSoftReset(u32 mask) { if( mask & 1 ) memset(&gs.path1, 0, sizeof(gs.path1)); if( mask & 2 ) memset(&gs.path2, 0, sizeof(gs.path2)); if( mask & 4 ) memset(&gs.path3, 0, sizeof(gs.path3)); gs.imageTransfer = -1; gs.q = 1; gs.nTriFanVert = -1; } s32 CALLBACK GSinit() { memcpy(g_GIFTempRegHandlers, g_GIFPackedRegHandlers, sizeof(g_GIFTempRegHandlers)); #ifdef GS_LOG gsLog = fopen("logs/gsLog.txt", "w"); if (gsLog == NULL) { gsLog = fopen("gsLog.txt", "w"); if (gsLog == NULL) { SysMessage("Can't create gsLog.txt"); return -1; } } setvbuf(gsLog, NULL, _IONBF, 0); GS_LOG("GSinit\n"); #endif GSreset(); GS_LOG("GSinit ok\n"); return 0; } void CALLBACK GSshutdown() { #ifdef GS_LOG if (gsLog != NULL) fclose(gsLog); #endif } // keyboard functions void OnKeyboardF5(int shift) { char strtitle[256]; if( shift ) { if( g_nPixelShaderVer == SHADER_REDUCED ) { conf.bilinear = 0; sprintf(strtitle, "reduced shaders don't support bilinear filtering"); } else { conf.bilinear = (conf.bilinear+1)%3; sprintf(strtitle, "bilinear filtering - %s", pbilinear[conf.bilinear]); } } else { conf.interlace++; if( conf.interlace > 2 ) conf.interlace = 0; if( conf.interlace < 2 ) sprintf(strtitle, "interlace on - mode %d", conf.interlace); else sprintf(strtitle, "interlace off"); } ZeroGS::AddMessage(strtitle); SaveConfig(); } void OnKeyboardF6(int shift) { char strtitle[256]; if( shift ) { conf.aa--; // -1 if( conf.aa > 4 ) conf.aa = 4; // u8 in unsigned, so negative value is 255. sprintf(strtitle, "anti-aliasing - %s", s_aa[conf.aa]); ZeroGS::SetAA(conf.aa); } else { conf.aa++; if( conf.aa > 4 ) conf.aa = 0; sprintf(strtitle, "anti-aliasing - %s", s_aa[conf.aa]); ZeroGS::SetAA(conf.aa); } ZeroGS::AddMessage(strtitle); SaveConfig(); } void OnKeyboardF7(int shift) { char strtitle[256]; if( shift ) { extern BOOL g_bDisplayFPS; g_bDisplayFPS ^= 1; } else { conf.options ^= GSOPTION_WIREFRAME; glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, (conf.options&GSOPTION_WIREFRAME)?GL_LINE:GL_FILL); sprintf(strtitle, "wireframe rendering - %s", (conf.options&GSOPTION_WIREFRAME)?"on":"off"); } } void OnKeyboardF9(int shift) { char strtitle[256]; g_GameSettings ^= GAME_PATH3HACK; sprintf(strtitle, "path3 hack - %s", (g_GameSettings&GAME_PATH3HACK) ? "on" : "off"); ZeroGS::AddMessage(strtitle); //SaveConfig(); } #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _DEBUG HANDLE g_hCurrentThread = NULL; #endif LRESULT WINAPI MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static int nWindowWidth = 0, nWindowHeight = 0; switch( msg ) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage( 0 ); return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: // switch(wParam) { // case VK_ESCAPE: // SendMessage(hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0L, 0L); // break; // } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: if( wParam != WA_INACTIVE ) { //DEBUG_LOG("restoring device\n"); ZeroGS::Restore(); } break; case WM_SIZE: nWindowWidth = lParam&0xffff; nWindowHeight = lParam>>16; ZeroGS::ChangeWindowSize(nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight); break; case WM_SIZING: // if button is 0, then just released so can resize if( GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) ? !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) : !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) ) { ZeroGS::SetChangeDeviceSize(nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight); } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: SetCursor(NULL); break; } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); } extern HINSTANCE hInst; void CALLBACK GSconfigure() { DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG), GetActiveWindow(), (DLGPROC)ConfigureDlgProc); if( g_nPixelShaderVer == SHADER_REDUCED ) conf.bilinear = 0; } s32 CALLBACK GSopen(void *pDsp, char *Title, int multithread) { g_GSMultiThreaded = multithread; GS_LOG("GSopen\n"); #ifdef _DEBUG g_hCurrentThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif assert( GSirq != NULL ); LoadConfig(); strcpy(GStitle, Title); RECT rc, rcdesktop; rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = conf.width; rc.bottom = conf.height; WNDCLASSEX wc = { sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), CS_CLASSDC, MsgProc, 0L, 0L, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "PS2EMU_ZEROGS", NULL }; RegisterClassEx( &wc ); AdjustWindowRect(&rc, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, FALSE); GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rcdesktop); GShwnd = CreateWindow( "PS2EMU_ZEROGS", "ZeroGS", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, (rcdesktop.right-(rc.right-rc.left))/2, (rcdesktop.bottom-(rc.bottom-rc.top))/2, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top, NULL, NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL ); if(GShwnd == NULL) { GS_LOG("Failed to create window. Exiting..."); return -1; } if( pDsp != NULL ) *(HWND*)pDsp = GShwnd; ERROR_LOG("creating zerogs\n"); //if (conf.record) recOpen(); if( !ZeroGS::Create(conf.width, conf.height) ) return -1; ERROR_LOG("initialization successful\n"); if( conf.bilinear == 2 ) { ZeroGS::AddMessage("forced bilinear filtering - on", 1000); } else if( conf.bilinear == 1 ) { ZeroGS::AddMessage("normal bilinear filtering - on", 1000); } if( conf.aa ) { char strtitle[64]; sprintf(strtitle, "anti-aliasing - %s", s_aa[conf.aa], 1000); ZeroGS::AddMessage(strtitle); } // set just in case SetWindowLongPtr(GShwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LPARAM)(WNDPROC)MsgProc); ShowWindow( GShwnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT ); UpdateWindow( GShwnd ); SetFocus(GShwnd); conf.winstyle = GetWindowLong( GShwnd, GWL_STYLE ); conf.winstyle &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE & ~WS_MINIMIZE; // remove minimize/maximize style GS_LOG("GSopen ok\n"); LARGE_INTEGER temp; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&temp); luPerfFreq = temp.QuadPart; gs.path1.mode = 0; gs.path2.mode = 0; gs.path3.mode = 0; return 0; } void ProcessMessages() { MSG msg; ZeroMemory( &msg, sizeof(msg) ); while( 1 ) { if( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE ) ) { switch( msg.message ) { case WM_KEYDOWN : if( msg.wParam == VK_F5 ) { OnKeyboardF5(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000); } else if( msg.wParam == VK_F6 ) { OnKeyboardF6(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000); } else if( msg.wParam == VK_F7 ) { OnKeyboardF7(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000); } else if( msg.wParam == VK_F9 ) { OnKeyboardF9(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000); } else if( msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) { if( conf.options & GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN ) { // destroy that msg conf.options &= ~GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN; conf.winstyle = GetWindowLong( GShwnd, GWL_STYLE ); conf.winstyle &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE & ~WS_MINIMIZE; // remove minimize/maximize style ZeroGS::ChangeDeviceSize(conf.width, conf.height); UpdateWindow(GShwnd); continue; // so that msg doesn't get sent } else { SendMessage(GShwnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); g_bHidden = 1; return; } } break; } TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } else break; } if( (GetKeyState(VK_MENU)&0x8000) && (GetKeyState(VK_RETURN)&0x8000) ) { conf.options ^= GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN; if( conf.options & GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN ) { conf.winstyle = GetWindowLong( GShwnd, GWL_STYLE ); conf.winstyle &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE & ~WS_MINIMIZE; // remove minimize/maximize style } ZeroGS::SetChangeDeviceSize( (conf.options&GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN) ? 1280 : conf.width, (conf.options&GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN) ? 960 : conf.height); } // if( conf.fullscreen && (GetKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)&0x8000)) { // conf.fullscreen &= ~GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN; // ZeroGS::SetChangeDeviceSize(conf.width, conf.height); // } //if( conf.interlace && g_nGenVars + g_nTexVars + g_nAlphaVars + g_nResolve == 0 ) // CSR->FIELD = 0; // 0 should always be the repeating at 0 } #else // linux s32 CALLBACK GSopen(void *pDsp, char *Title, int multithread) { GS_LOG("GSopen\n"); assert( GSirq != NULL ); LoadConfig(); strcpy(GStitle, Title); GLWin.CreateWindow(pDsp); ERROR_LOG("creating zerogs\n"); //if (conf.record) recOpen(); if( !ZeroGS::Create(conf.width, conf.height) ) return -1; ERROR_LOG("initialization successful\n"); if( conf.bilinear == 2 ) { ZeroGS::AddMessage("bilinear filtering - forced", 1000); } else if( conf.bilinear == 1 ) { ZeroGS::AddMessage("bilinear filtering - normal", 1000); } if( conf.aa ) { char strtitle[64]; sprintf(strtitle, "anti-aliasing - %s", s_aa[conf.aa], 1000); ZeroGS::AddMessage(strtitle); } GS_LOG("GSopen ok\n"); gs.path1.mode = 0; gs.path2.mode = 0; gs.path3.mode = 0; luPerfFreq = 1; return 0; } void ProcessMessages() { // check resizing GLWin.ResizeCheck(); if ( THR_KeyEvent ) { // This values was passed from GSKeyEvents witch could be in another thread int my_KeyEvent = THR_KeyEvent; bool my_bShift = THR_bShift; THR_KeyEvent = 0; switch ( my_KeyEvent ) { case XK_F5: OnKeyboardF5(my_bShift); break; case XK_F6: OnKeyboardF6(my_bShift); break; case XK_F7: OnKeyboardF7(my_bShift); break; case XK_F9: OnKeyboardF9(my_bShift); break; } } } #endif // linux void CALLBACK GSclose() { ZeroGS::Destroy(1); #ifdef _WIN32 if( GShwnd != NULL ) { DestroyWindow(GShwnd); GShwnd = NULL; } #else GLWin.CloseWindow(); #endif } void CALLBACK GSirqCallback(void (*callback)()) { GSirq = callback; } void CALLBACK GSwriteCSR(u32 write) { gs.CSRw = write; } void CALLBACK GSchangeSaveState(int newstate, const char* filename) { char str[255]; sprintf(str, "save state %d", newstate); ZeroGS::AddMessage(str); } void CALLBACK GSmakeSnapshot(char *path) { FILE *bmpfile; char filename[256]; u32 snapshotnr = 0; // increment snapshot value & try to get filename for (;;) { snapshotnr++; sprintf(filename,"%ssnap%03ld.%s", path, snapshotnr, (conf.options&GSOPTION_TGASNAP)?"bmp":"jpg"); bmpfile=fopen(filename,"rb"); if (bmpfile == NULL) break; fclose(bmpfile); } // try opening new snapshot file if((bmpfile=fopen(filename,"wb"))==NULL) { char strdir[255]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(strdir, "%s", path); CreateDirectory(strdir, NULL); #else sprintf(strdir, "mkdir %s", path); system(strdir); #endif if((bmpfile=fopen(filename,"wb"))==NULL) return; } fclose(bmpfile); // get the bits ZeroGS::SaveSnapshot(filename); } int UPDATE_FRAMES = 16; int g_nFrame = 0; int g_nRealFrame = 0; float fFPS = 0; void CALLBACK GSvsync(int interlace) { GS_LOG("\nGSvsync\n\n"); static u32 dwTime = timeGetTime(); static int nToNextUpdate = 1; char strtitle[256]; GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); g_nRealFrame++; ZeroGS::RenderCRTC(!interlace); ProcessMessages(); if( --nToNextUpdate <= 0 ) { u32 d = timeGetTime(); fFPS = UPDATE_FRAMES * 1000.0f / (float)max(d-dwTime,1); dwTime = d; g_nFrame += UPDATE_FRAMES; #ifndef ZEROGS_DEVBUILD const char* g_pShaders[4] = { "full", "reduced", "accurate", "accurate-reduced" }; sprintf(strtitle, "ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.%d.%d %.1f fps | %s%s%s %s (%.1f)", zgsbuild, zgsminor, fFPS, (conf.interlace < 2) ? "interlace | " : "", conf.bilinear ? (conf.bilinear==2?"forced bilinear | ":"bilinear | ") : "", conf.aa ? s_aa[conf.aa] : "", g_pShaders[g_nPixelShaderVer], (ppf&0xfffff)/(float)UPDATE_FRAMES); #else sprintf(strtitle, "%d | %.1f fps (sk:%d%%) | g: %.1f, t: %.1f, a: %.1f, r: %.1f | p: %.1f | tex: %d %d (%d kbpf)", g_nFrame, fFPS, 100*g_nFramesSkipped/g_nFrame, g_nGenVars/(float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_nTexVars/(float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_nAlphaVars/(float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_nResolve/(float)UPDATE_FRAMES, (ppf&0xfffff)/(float)UPDATE_FRAMES, ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.listTargets.size(), ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.listClearedTargets.size(), g_TransferredToGPU>>10); //_snprintf(strtitle, 512, "%x %x", *(int*)(g_pbyGSMemory + 256 * 0x3e0c + 4), *(int*)(g_pbyGSMemory + 256 * 0x3e04 + 4)); #endif // if( g_nFrame > 100 && fFPS > 60.0f ) { // DEBUG_LOG("set profile\n"); // g_bWriteProfile = 1; // } #ifdef _WIN32 if( !(conf.options&GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN) ) SetWindowText(GShwnd, strtitle); #else // linux if (!(conf.options & GSOPTION_FULLSCREEN)) GLWin.SetTitle(strtitle); #endif if( fFPS < 16 ) UPDATE_FRAMES = 4; else if( fFPS < 32 ) UPDATE_FRAMES = 8; else UPDATE_FRAMES = 16; nToNextUpdate = UPDATE_FRAMES; g_TransferredToGPU = 0; g_nGenVars = 0; g_nTexVars = 0; g_nAlphaVars = 0; g_nResolve = 0; ppf = 0; g_nFramesSkipped = 0; } #ifdef ZEROGS_DEVBUILD if( g_bWriteProfile ) { //g_bWriteProfile = 0; DVProfWrite("prof.txt", UPDATE_FRAMES); DVProfClear(); } #endif GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } void CALLBACK GSreadFIFO(u64 *pMem) { //GS_LOG("GSreadFIFO\n"); ZeroGS::TransferLocalHost((u32*)pMem, 1); } void CALLBACK GSreadFIFO2(u64 *pMem, int qwc) { //GS_LOG("GSreadFIFO2\n"); ZeroGS::TransferLocalHost((u32*)pMem, qwc); } int CALLBACK GSsetupRecording(int start, void* pData) { if( start ) { if( conf.options & GSOPTION_CAPTUREAVI ) return 1; ZeroGS::StartCapture(); conf.options |= GSOPTION_CAPTUREAVI; WARN_LOG("ZeroGS: started recording at zerogs.avi\n"); } else { if( !(conf.options & GSOPTION_CAPTUREAVI) ) return 1; conf.options &= ~GSOPTION_CAPTUREAVI; ZeroGS::StopCapture(); WARN_LOG("ZeroGS: stopped recording\n"); } return 1; } s32 CALLBACK GSfreeze(int mode, freezeData *data) { switch (mode) { case FREEZE_LOAD: if (!ZeroGS::Load(data->data)) ERROR_LOG("GS: Bad load format!"); g_nRealFrame += 100; break; case FREEZE_SAVE: ZeroGS::Save(data->data); break; case FREEZE_SIZE: data->size = ZeroGS::Save(NULL); break; default: break; } return 0; } //////////////////// // Small profiler // //////////////////// #include <list> #include <string> #include <map> using namespace std; #ifdef _WIN32 __forceinline u64 GET_PROFILE_TIME() { LARGE_INTEGER lu; QueryPerformanceCounter(&lu); return lu.QuadPart; } #else #define GET_PROFILE_TIME() //GetCpuTick() #endif struct DVPROFSTRUCT; struct DVPROFSTRUCT { struct DATA { DATA(u64 time, u32 user = 0) : dwTime(time), dwUserData(user) {} DATA() : dwTime(0), dwUserData(0) {} u64 dwTime; u32 dwUserData; }; ~DVPROFSTRUCT() { list<DVPROFSTRUCT*>::iterator it = listpChild.begin(); while(it != listpChild.end() ) { SAFE_DELETE(*it); ++it; } } list<DATA> listTimes; // before DVProfEnd is called, contains the global time it started // after DVProfEnd is called, contains the time it lasted // the list contains all the tracked times char pname[256]; list<DVPROFSTRUCT*> listpChild; // other profilers called during this profiler period }; struct DVPROFTRACK { u32 dwUserData; DVPROFSTRUCT::DATA* pdwTime; DVPROFSTRUCT* pprof; }; list<DVPROFTRACK> g_listCurTracking; // the current profiling functions, the back element is the // one that will first get popped off the list when DVProfEnd is called // the pointer is an element in DVPROFSTRUCT::listTimes list<DVPROFSTRUCT> g_listProfilers; // the current profilers, note that these are the parents // any profiler started during the time of another is held in // DVPROFSTRUCT::listpChild list<DVPROFSTRUCT*> g_listAllProfilers; // ignores the hierarchy, pointer to elements in g_listProfilers void DVProfRegister(char* pname) { if( !g_bWriteProfile ) return; list<DVPROFSTRUCT*>::iterator it = g_listAllProfilers.begin(); // while(it != g_listAllProfilers.end() ) { // // if( _tcscmp(pname, (*it)->pname) == 0 ) { // (*it)->listTimes.push_back(timeGetTime()); // DVPROFTRACK dvtrack; // dvtrack.pdwTime = &(*it)->listTimes.back(); // dvtrack.pprof = *it; // g_listCurTracking.push_back(dvtrack); // return; // } // // ++it; // } // else add in a new profiler to the appropriate parent profiler DVPROFSTRUCT* pprof = NULL; if( g_listCurTracking.size() > 0 ) { assert( g_listCurTracking.back().pprof != NULL ); g_listCurTracking.back().pprof->listpChild.push_back(new DVPROFSTRUCT()); pprof = g_listCurTracking.back().pprof->listpChild.back(); } else { g_listProfilers.push_back(DVPROFSTRUCT()); pprof = &g_listProfilers.back(); } strncpy(pprof->pname, pname, 256); // setup the profiler for tracking pprof->listTimes.push_back(DVPROFSTRUCT::DATA(GET_PROFILE_TIME())); DVPROFTRACK dvtrack; dvtrack.pdwTime = &pprof->listTimes.back(); dvtrack.pprof = pprof; dvtrack.dwUserData = 0; g_listCurTracking.push_back(dvtrack); // add to all profiler list g_listAllProfilers.push_back(pprof); } void DVProfEnd(u32 dwUserData) { if( !g_bWriteProfile ) return; B_RETURN( g_listCurTracking.size() > 0 ); DVPROFTRACK dvtrack = g_listCurTracking.back(); assert( dvtrack.pdwTime != NULL && dvtrack.pprof != NULL ); dvtrack.pdwTime->dwTime = 1000000 * (GET_PROFILE_TIME()- dvtrack.pdwTime->dwTime) / luPerfFreq; dvtrack.pdwTime->dwUserData= dwUserData; g_listCurTracking.pop_back(); } struct DVTIMEINFO { DVTIMEINFO() : uInclusive(0), uExclusive(0) {} u64 uInclusive, uExclusive; }; map<string, DVTIMEINFO> mapAggregateTimes; u64 DVProfWriteStruct(FILE* f, DVPROFSTRUCT* p, int ident) { fprintf(f, "%*s%s - ", ident, "", p->pname); list<DVPROFSTRUCT::DATA>::iterator ittime = p->listTimes.begin(); u32 utime = 0; while(ittime != p->listTimes.end() ) { utime += (u32)ittime->dwTime; if( ittime->dwUserData ) fprintf(f, "time: %d, user: 0x%8.8x", (u32)ittime->dwTime, ittime->dwUserData); else fprintf(f, "time: %d", (u32)ittime->dwTime); ++ittime; } mapAggregateTimes[p->pname].uInclusive += utime; fprintf(f, "\n"); list<DVPROFSTRUCT*>::iterator itprof = p->listpChild.begin(); u32 uex = utime; while(itprof != p->listpChild.end() ) { uex -= DVProfWriteStruct(f, *itprof, ident+4); ++itprof; } mapAggregateTimes[p->pname].uExclusive += uex; return utime; } void DVProfWrite(char* pfilename, u32 frames) { assert( pfilename != NULL ); FILE* f = fopen(pfilename, "wb"); mapAggregateTimes.clear(); list<DVPROFSTRUCT>::iterator it = g_listProfilers.begin(); while(it != g_listProfilers.end() ) { DVProfWriteStruct(f, &(*it), 0); ++it; } { map<string, DVTIMEINFO>::iterator it; fprintf(f, "\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); u64 uTotal[2] = {0}; double fiTotalTime[2]; for(it = mapAggregateTimes.begin(); it != mapAggregateTimes.end(); ++it) { uTotal[0] += it->second.uExclusive; uTotal[1] += it->second.uInclusive; } fprintf(f, "total times (%d): ex: %Lu ", frames, uTotal[0]/frames); fprintf(f, "inc: %Lu\n", uTotal[1]/frames); fiTotalTime[0] = 1.0 / (double)uTotal[0]; fiTotalTime[1] = 1.0 / (double)uTotal[1]; // output the combined times for(it = mapAggregateTimes.begin(); it != mapAggregateTimes.end(); ++it) { fprintf(f, "%s - ex: %f inc: %f\n", it->first.c_str(), (double)it->second.uExclusive * fiTotalTime[0], (double)it->second.uInclusive * fiTotalTime[1]); } } fclose(f); } void DVProfClear() { g_listCurTracking.clear(); g_listProfilers.clear(); g_listAllProfilers.clear(); }