name: Linux Build Steps on: workflow_call: inputs: jobName: required: true type: string os: required: false type: string default: ubuntu-20.04 platform: required: false type: string default: x64 compiler: required: true type: string cmakeflags: required: true type: string buildAppImage: required: false type: boolean default: false detail: required: false type: string default: "" patches_url: required: false type: string default: jobs: build_linux: name: ${{ inputs.jobName }} runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }} # Set some sort of timeout in the event of run-away builds. We are limited on concurrent jobs so, get rid of them. timeout-minutes: 60 env: CCACHE_BASEDIR: ${{ github.workspace }} CCACHE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/.ccache CCACHE_COMPRESS: true CCACHE_COMPRESSLEVEL: 9 CCACHE_MAXSIZE: 100M steps: - name: Checkout Repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: recursive - name: Prepare Artifact Metadata id: artifact-metadata shell: bash env: OS: linux GUI_FRAMEWORK: QT ARCH: ${{ inputs.platform }} EVENT_NAME: ${{ github.event_name }} PR_TITLE: ${{ github.event.pull_request.title }} PR_NUM: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} PR_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} run: ./.github/workflows/scripts/common/ # -- SETUP CCACHE - - name: Prepare ccache timestamp id: ccache_cache_timestamp run: echo "timestamp=$(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d-%H;%M;%S")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: ccache cache files uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: .ccache key: ${{ inputs.os }} ${{ inputs.platform }} ${{ inputs.compiler }} ${{ inputs.detail }} ccache ${{ steps.ccache_cache_timestamp.outputs.timestamp }} restore-keys: ${{ inputs.os }} ${{ inputs.platform }} ${{ inputs.compiler }} ${{ inputs.detail }} ccache - name: Install Packages env: COMPILER: ${{ inputs.compiler }} run: .github/workflows/scripts/linux/ - name: Cache Dependencies id: cache-deps uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ~/deps key: ${{ inputs.os }} ${{ inputs.platform }} ${{ inputs.gui }} deps ${{ hashFiles('.github/workflows/scripts/linux/') }} - name: Build Dependencies if: steps.cache-deps.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: .github/workflows/scripts/linux/ - name: Download patches run: | cd bin/resources aria2c -Z "${{ inputs.patches_url }}/" - name: Generate CMake env: COMPILER: ${{ inputs.compiler }} ADDITIONAL_CMAKE_ARGS: ${{ inputs.cmakeflags }} CLANG_PATH: /usr/bin/clang-12 CLANGXX_PATH: /usr/bin/clang++-12 run: | DEPS_PREFIX="$HOME/deps" .github/workflows/scripts/linux/ - name: Build PCSX2 working-directory: build run: ../.github/workflows/scripts/linux/ - name: Run Tests working-directory: ./build run: ninja unittests - name: Package AppImage if: inputs.buildAppImage == true env: NAME: ${{ steps.artifact-metadata.outputs.artifact-name }} run: | .github/workflows/scripts/linux/ "$(realpath .)" "$(realpath ./build)" "$HOME/deps" "$NAME" mkdir -p "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"/ci-artifacts/ mv "${NAME}.AppImage" "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"/ci-artifacts/ - name: Upload artifact if: inputs.buildAppImage == true uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ steps.artifact-metadata.outputs.artifact-name }} path: ci-artifacts