/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see . */ #include #include "common/IniInterface.h" #include "common/Console.h" const wxRect wxDefaultRect(wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord); wxDirName g_fullBaseDirName = wxDirName(L""); void SetFullBaseDir(wxDirName appRoot) { g_fullBaseDirName = appRoot; } static int _calcEnumLength(const wxChar* const* enumArray) { int cnt = 0; while (*enumArray != NULL) { enumArray++; cnt++; } return cnt; } ScopedIniGroup::ScopedIniGroup(IniInterface& mommy, const wxString& group) : m_mom(mommy) { pxAssertDev(wxStringTokenize(group, L"/").Count() <= 1, L"Cannot nest more than one group deep per instance of ScopedIniGroup."); m_mom.SetPath(group); } ScopedIniGroup::~ScopedIniGroup() { m_mom.SetPath(L".."); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IniInterface (implementations) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IniInterface::IniInterface(wxConfigBase& config) { m_Config = &config; } IniInterface::IniInterface(wxConfigBase* config) { m_Config = config; } IniInterface::IniInterface() { m_Config = wxConfigBase::Get(false); } IniInterface::~IniInterface() { Flush(); } void IniInterface::SetPath(const wxString& path) { if (m_Config) m_Config->SetPath(path); } void IniInterface::Flush() { if (m_Config) m_Config->Flush(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IniLoader (implementations) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IniLoader::IniLoader(wxConfigBase& config) : IniInterface(config) { } IniLoader::IniLoader(wxConfigBase* config) : IniInterface(config) { } IniLoader::IniLoader() : IniInterface() { } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, wxString& value, const wxString defvalue) { if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, &value, defvalue); else value = defvalue; } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, wxDirName& value, const wxDirName defvalue, bool isAllowRelative) { wxString dest; if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, &dest, wxEmptyString); if (dest.IsEmpty()) value = defvalue; else { value = dest; if (isAllowRelative) value = g_fullBaseDirName + value; if (value.IsAbsolute()) value.Normalize(); } } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, wxFileName& value, const wxFileName defvalue, bool isAllowRelative) { wxString dest(defvalue.GetFullPath()); if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, &dest, defvalue.GetFullPath()); value = dest; if (isAllowRelative) value = g_fullBaseDirName + value; if (value.IsAbsolute()) value.Normalize(); if (value.HasVolume()) value.SetVolume(value.GetVolume().Upper()); } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, int& value, const int defvalue) { if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, &value, defvalue); else value = defvalue; } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, uint& value, const uint defvalue) { if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, (int*)&value, (int)defvalue); else value = defvalue; } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, bool& value, const bool defvalue) { // TODO : Stricter value checking on enabled/disabled? wxString dest; if (defvalue) dest = wxString("enabled"); else dest = wxString("disabled"); if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, &dest, dest); value = (dest == L"enabled") || (dest == L"1"); } bool IniLoader::EntryBitBool(const wxString& var, bool value, const bool defvalue) { // Note: 'value' param is used by inisaver only. bool result; Entry(var, result, defvalue); return result; } int IniLoader::EntryBitfield(const wxString& var, int value, const int defvalue) { int result; Entry(var, result, defvalue); return result; } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, double& value, const double defvalue) { auto readval = wxString::FromCDouble(value); if (m_Config) m_Config->Read(var, &readval); if (!readval.ToCDouble(&value)) value = 0.0; } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, wxPoint& value, const wxPoint defvalue) { if (!m_Config) { value = defvalue; return; } TryParse(value, m_Config->Read(var, ToString(defvalue)), defvalue); } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, wxSize& value, const wxSize defvalue) { if (!m_Config) { value = defvalue; return; } TryParse(value, m_Config->Read(var, ToString(defvalue)), defvalue); } void IniLoader::Entry(const wxString& var, wxRect& value, const wxRect defvalue) { if (!m_Config) { value = defvalue; return; } TryParse(value, m_Config->Read(var, ToString(defvalue)), defvalue); } void IniLoader::_EnumEntry(const wxString& var, int& value, const wxChar* const* enumArray, int defvalue) { // Confirm default value sanity... const int cnt = _calcEnumLength(enumArray); if (!IndexBoundsCheck(L"IniLoader EnumDefaultValue", defvalue, cnt)) { Console.Error("(LoadSettings) Default enumeration index is out of bounds. Truncating."); defvalue = cnt - 1; } // Sanity confirmed, proceed with craziness! if (!m_Config) { value = defvalue; return; } wxString retval; m_Config->Read(var, &retval, enumArray[defvalue]); int i = 0; while (enumArray[i] != NULL && (retval != enumArray[i])) i++; if (enumArray[i] == NULL) { Console.Warning(L"(LoadSettings) Warning: Unrecognized value '%s' on key '%s'\n\tUsing the default setting of '%s'.", WX_STR(retval), WX_STR(var), enumArray[defvalue]); value = defvalue; } else value = i; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IniSaver (implementations) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IniSaver::IniSaver(wxConfigBase& config) : IniInterface(config) { } IniSaver::IniSaver(wxConfigBase* config) : IniInterface(config) { } IniSaver::IniSaver() : IniInterface() { } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, wxString& value, const wxString defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, value); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, wxDirName& value, const wxDirName defvalue, bool isAllowRelative) { if (!m_Config) return; wxDirName res(value); if (res.IsAbsolute()) res.Normalize(); if (isAllowRelative) res = wxDirName::MakeAutoRelativeTo(res, g_fullBaseDirName.ToString()); /*if( value == defvalue ) m_Config->Write( var, wxString() ); else*/ m_Config->Write(var, res.ToString()); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, wxFileName& value, const wxFileName defvalue, bool isAllowRelative) { if (!m_Config) return; wxFileName res(value); if (res.IsAbsolute()) res.Normalize(); if (isAllowRelative) res = wxDirName::MakeAutoRelativeTo(res, g_fullBaseDirName.ToString()); m_Config->Write(var, res.GetFullPath()); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, int& value, const int defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, value); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, uint& value, const uint defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, (int)value); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, bool& value, const bool defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, value ? L"enabled" : L"disabled"); } bool IniSaver::EntryBitBool(const wxString& var, bool value, const bool defvalue) { if (m_Config) m_Config->Write(var, value ? L"enabled" : L"disabled"); return value; } int IniSaver::EntryBitfield(const wxString& var, int value, const int defvalue) { if (m_Config) m_Config->Write(var, value); return value; } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, double& value, const double defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, wxString::FromCDouble(value)); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, wxPoint& value, const wxPoint defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, ToString(value)); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, wxSize& value, const wxSize defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, ToString(value)); } void IniSaver::Entry(const wxString& var, wxRect& value, const wxRect defvalue) { if (!m_Config) return; m_Config->Write(var, ToString(value)); } void IniSaver::_EnumEntry(const wxString& var, int& value, const wxChar* const* enumArray, int defvalue) { const int cnt = _calcEnumLength(enumArray); // Confirm default value sanity... if (!IndexBoundsCheck(L"IniSaver EnumDefaultValue", defvalue, cnt)) { Console.Error("(SaveSettings) Default enumeration index is out of bounds. Truncating."); defvalue = cnt - 1; } if (!m_Config) return; if (value >= cnt) { Console.Warning(L"(SaveSettings) An illegal enumerated index was detected when saving '%s'", WX_STR(var)); Console.Indent().Warning( L"Illegal Value: %d\n" L"Using Default: %d (%s)\n", value, defvalue, enumArray[defvalue]); // Cause a debug assertion, since this is a fully recoverable error. pxAssert(value < cnt); value = defvalue; } m_Config->Write(var, enumArray[value]); }