DebugSettingsWidget 0 0 527 501 0 0 0 0 0 true Analysis 0 0 0 0 true 0 0 523 464 0 0 These settings control what and when analysis passes should be performed on the program running in the virtual machine so that the resultant information can be shown in the debugger. true 0 0 Analysis Automatically Analyze Program: Always If Debugger Is Open Never Generate Symbols For IRX Exports 0 0 GS Draw Dumping Dump GS Draws Save RT Save Frame Save Texture Save Depth Start Draw Number: 99999999 Draw Dump Count: 1 99999999 Hardware Dump Directory: Software Dump Directory: Browse... Open... Browse... Open... Trace Logging Enable EE DMA Control SPR / MFIFO VIF COP1 (FPU) MSKPATH3 Cache GIF R5900 COP0 HW Regs (MMIO) Counters SIF COP2 (VU0 Macro) VIFCodes Memory Unknown MMIO IPU BIOS DMA Registers GIFTags Qt::Vertical 20 0 IOP Counters Unknown MMIO HW Regs (MMIO) CDVD R3000A Memcards DMA Registers Pad BIOS MDEC DMA Control COP2 (GPU) Qt::Vertical 20 40