/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright (c)2009-2010 zeydlitz@gmail.com, arcum42@gmail.com * Based on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef ZZOGLMATH_H_INCLUDED #define ZZOGLMATH_H_INCLUDED //Remind me to check and see if this is necessary, and what uses it. --arcum42 #ifndef _WIN32 #include <alloca.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include "Pcsx2Defs.h" //#define ZZ_MMATH #ifndef ZZ_MMATH template <class T> class Vector4 { public: T x, y, z, w; Vector4(T x1 = 0, T y1 = 0, T z1 = 0, T w1 = 0) { x = x1; y = y1; z = z1; w = w1; } Vector4(Vector4<T> &f) { x = f.x; y = f.y; z = f.z; w = f.w; } Vector4(T* f) { x = f[0]; y = f[1]; z = f[2]; w = f[3]; // For some reason, the old code set this to 0. } T& operator[](int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return x; case 1: return y; case 2: return z; case 3: return w; default: assert(0); } } operator T*() { return (T*) this; } operator const T*() const { return (const T*) this; } Vector4<T>& operator =(const Vector4<T>& v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; w = v.w; return *this; } bool operator ==(const Vector4<T>& v) { return !!( x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z && w == v.w ); } Vector4<T> operator +(const Vector4<T>& v) const { return Vector4<T>(x + v.x, y + v.y, z + v.z, w + v.w); } Vector4<T> operator -(const Vector4<T>& v) const { return Vector4<T>(x - v.x, y - v.y, z - v.z, w - v.w); } Vector4<T> operator *(const Vector4<T>& v) const { return Vector4<T>(x * v.x, y * v.y, z * v.z, w * v.w); } Vector4<T> operator /(const Vector4<T>& v) const { return Vector4<T>(x / v.x, y / v.y, z / v.z, w / v.w); } Vector4<T> operator +(T val) const { return Vector4<T>(x + val, y + val, z + val, w + val); } Vector4<T> operator -(T val) const { return Vector4<T>(x - val, y - val, z - val, w - val); } Vector4<T> operator *(T val) const { return Vector4<T>(x * val, y * val, z * val, w * val); } Vector4<T> operator /(T val) const { return Vector4<T>(x / val, y / val, z / val, w / val); } Vector4<T>& operator +=(const Vector4<T>& v) { *this = *this + v; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator -=(const Vector4<T>& v) { *this = *this - v; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator *=(const Vector4<T>& v) { *this = *this * v; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator /=(const Vector4<T>& v) { *this = *this - v; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator +=(T val) { *this = *this + (T)val; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator -=(T val) { *this = *this - (T)val; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator *=(T val) { *this = *this * (T)val; return *this; } Vector4<T>& operator /=(T val) { *this = *this / (T)val; return *this; } // Probably doesn't belong here, but I'll leave it in for the moment. void SetColor(u32 color) { x = (color & 0xff) / 255.0f; y = ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; z = ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; } bool equal_vectors(const Vector4<T>& v) { if (abs(x - v.x) + abs(y - v.y) + abs(z - v.z) + abs(w - v.w) < 0.01) return true; else return false; } }; typedef Vector4<float> float4; #else // Reimplement, swiping a bunch of code from GSdx and adapting it. (specifically GSVector.h) // This doesn't include more then half of the functions in there, as well as some of the structs... #include "Util.h" #include "Pcsx2Types.h" class float4 { public: union { struct {float x, y, z, w;}; struct {float r, g, b, a;}; struct {float left, top, right, bottom;}; float v[4]; float f32[4]; s8 _s8[16]; s16 _s16[8]; s32 _s32[4]; s64 _s64[2]; u8 _u8[16]; u16 _u16[8]; u32 _u32[4]; u64 _u64[2]; __m128 m; }; float4() { m = _mm_setzero_ps(); } float4(float x, float y, float z, float w = 0) { m = _mm_set_ps(w, z, y, x); } float4(float4 &f) { m = f.m; } float4(float x, float y) { m = _mm_unpacklo_ps(_mm_load_ss(&x), _mm_load_ss(&y)); } float4(int x, int y) { m = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(x), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(y))); } explicit float4(float f) { m = _mm_set1_ps(f); } explicit float4(__m128 m) { this->m = m; } float4(float* f) { x = f[0]; y = f[1]; z = f[2]; w = f[3]; // For some reason, the old code set this to 0. } float& operator[](int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return x; case 1: return y; case 2: return z; case 3: return w; default: assert(0); } } operator float*() { return (float*) this; } operator const float*() const { return (const float*) this; } void operator = (float f) { m = _mm_set1_ps(f); } void operator = (__m128 m) { this->m = m; } void operator += (const float4& v) { m = _mm_add_ps(m, v.m); } void operator -= (const float4& v) { m = _mm_sub_ps(m, v.m); } void operator *= (const float4& v) { m = _mm_mul_ps(m, v.m); } void operator /= (const float4& v) { m = _mm_div_ps(m, v.m); } void operator += (float f) { *this += float4(f); } void operator -= (float f) { *this -= float4(f); } void operator *= (float f) { *this *= float4(f); } void operator /= (float f) { *this /= float4(f); } void operator &= (const float4& v) { m = _mm_and_ps(m, v.m); } void operator |= (const float4& v) { m = _mm_or_ps(m, v.m); } void operator ^= (const float4& v) { m = _mm_xor_ps(m, v.m); } friend float4 operator + (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_add_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator - (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_sub_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator * (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_mul_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator / (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_div_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator + (const float4& v, float f) { return v + float4(f); } friend float4 operator - (const float4& v, float f) { return v - float4(f); } friend float4 operator * (const float4& v, float f) { return v * float4(f); } friend float4 operator / (const float4& v, float f) { return v / float4(f); } friend float4 operator & (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_and_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator | (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_or_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator ^ (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_xor_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator == (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_cmpeq_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator != (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_cmpneq_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator > (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_cmpgt_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator < (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_cmplt_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator >= (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_cmpge_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } friend float4 operator <= (const float4& v1, const float4& v2) { return float4(_mm_cmple_ps(v1.m, v2.m)); } bool equal_vectors(const float4& v) { if (abs(x - v.x) + abs(y - v.y) + abs(z - v.z) + abs(w - v.w) < 0.01) return true; else return false; } // This looked interesting, so I thought I'd include it... template<int i> float4 shuffle() const { return float4(_mm_shuffle_ps(m, m, _MM_SHUFFLE(i, i, i, i))); } #define VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_4(xs, xn, ys, yn, zs, zn, ws, wn) \ float4 xs##ys##zs##ws() const {return float4(_mm_shuffle_ps(m, m, _MM_SHUFFLE(wn, zn, yn, xn)));} \ float4 xs##ys##zs##ws(const float4& v) const {return float4(_mm_shuffle_ps(m, v.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(wn, zn, yn, xn)));} \ #define VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_3(xs, xn, ys, yn, zs, zn) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_4(xs, xn, ys, yn, zs, zn, x, 0) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_4(xs, xn, ys, yn, zs, zn, y, 1) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_4(xs, xn, ys, yn, zs, zn, z, 2) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_4(xs, xn, ys, yn, zs, zn, w, 3) \ #define VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_2(xs, xn, ys, yn) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_3(xs, xn, ys, yn, x, 0) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_3(xs, xn, ys, yn, y, 1) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_3(xs, xn, ys, yn, z, 2) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_3(xs, xn, ys, yn, w, 3) \ #define VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_1(xs, xn) \ float4 xs##4() const {return float4(_mm_shuffle_ps(m, m, _MM_SHUFFLE(xn, xn, xn, xn)));} \ float4 xs##4(const float4& v) const {return float4(_mm_shuffle_ps(m, v.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(xn, xn, xn, xn)));} \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_2(xs, xn, x, 0) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_2(xs, xn, y, 1) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_2(xs, xn, z, 2) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_2(xs, xn, w, 3) \ VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_1(x, 0) VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_1(y, 1) VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_1(z, 2) VECTOR4_SHUFFLE_1(w, 3) // Probably doesn't belong here, but I'll leave it in for the moment. void SetColor(u32 color) { x = (color & 0xff) / 255.0f; y = ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; z = ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; } }; #endif #endif