AboutDialogOm PCSX2SCM= Source Code ManagementSCM Versjon<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 er en fri og åpen kildekode PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Formålet er å emulere maskinvaren til PS2en, ved hjelp av en kombinasjon av MIPS CPU Interpreters, rekompilatorer og en virtuell maskin som behandler maskinvaretilstand og PS2-systemminne. Dette gir deg mulighet til å spille PS2-spill på PCen din med ekstra funksjoner og fordeler.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 og PS2 er registrerte varemerker for Sony Interactive Entertainment. Denne applikasjonen er ikke tilknyttet Sony Interactive Entertainment.</p></body></html>NettsideStøtteforumGithub-repositoriumLisensTredjepartslisenserVis dokumentFil ikke funnet: %1AchievementLoginDialogWindow titleRetroAchievements innloggingHeader textRetroAchievements innloggingVennligst skriv inn brukernavn og passord for retroachievements.org nedenfor, passordet ditt vil ikke bli lagret i PCSX2. Et tilgangstoken vil bli generert og brukt istedenfor.Brukernavn:Passord:Klar...<strong>dine Retroprestasjoner inlogging's ID nummer er ikke lengre gyldig.</strong> Du må skrive inn dine innloggings detaljer for prestasjoner for å bli sporet. Passordet ditt vil ikke bli spart i PCSX2, tilgangs id nummeret vil bli generert å brukt isteden.&InnloggingLogger inn...PåloggingsfeilPåloggingen mislyktes.
Feil: %1
Vennligst sjekk brukernavn og passord, og prøv på nytt.Påloggingsfeil.Aktiver PrestasjonerAchievement tracking is not currently enabled. Your login will have no effect until after tracking is enabled.
Do you want to enable tracking now?Aktiver Hardcore modusHardcore mode is not currently enabled. Enabling hardcore mode allows you to set times, scores, and participate in game-specific leaderboards.
However, hardcore mode also prevents the usage of save states, cheats and slowdown functionality.
Do you want to enable hardcore mode?Omstart systemetHardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?AchievementSettingsWidgetAktiver PrestasjonerAktiver Hardcore modusTest uoffisielle prestasjonerAktiver lydeffekterVarsler5 sekunderKontoLogg inn...Vis profil...InnstillingerAktiver tilskuermodusEnable Encore ModeVis prestasjonsvarslerVis Ledertavle VarslerAktiver I-Spill OverleggBrukernavn:
Påloggingstoken generert på:Spill Info<html><head/><body><p align="justify">PCSX2 bruker RetroAchievements som en prestasjonsdatabase og til å spore fremgang. For å bruke prestasjoner må du registrere en konto på <a href="https://retroachievements.org/">retroachievements.org</a>.</p><p align="justify">For å se prestasjonslisten i spillet, trykk på hurtigtasten for <span style=" font-weight:600;">Åpne pause meny</span> og velg <span style=" font-weight:600;">Prestasjoner</span> i menyen.</p></body></html>UavmerketNår aktivert vil PCSX2 anta at alle prestasjoner er låst og ikke sende noen opplåsnings notifikasjoner til serveren.Når aktivert vil PCSX2 liste opp prestasjoner fra uoffisielle sett. Vær oppmerksom på at disse prestasjonene ikke er sporet av RetroAchievements, så de vil låse opp hver gang."Utfordring" modus for prestasjoner, inkludert ledertavle sporing. Deaktiverer lagret tilstand, juksing og tregere funksjoner.AvmerketSpiller av lydeffekter for hendelser som prestasjon opplåsinger og ledertavle innsendinger.Viser ikoner nederst til høyre på skjermen når en utfordring/"primed" prestasjon er aktiv.Når aktivert og logget inn, vil PCSX2 søke etter prestasjoner ved oppstart.Viser popup-meldinger på hendelser som for eksempel prestasjoner og spillefullføring.Viser popup-meldinger ved oppstart, sending eller mislykket en ledertavleutfordring.Når aktivert, vil hver økt oppføre seg som om ingen prestasjoner har blitt låst opp.Omstart systemetHardcore modus vil ikke bli aktivert før systemet er omstartet. Vil du omstarte systemet nå?%n sekunder%n sekunderBrukernavn: %1
Påloggingstoken generert på %2.Logg utIkke innlogget.AchievementsHardcore modus vil bli aktivert når systemet tilbakestilles.{0} kan ikke utføres mens hardcore modus er aktiv. Vil du deaktivere hardcore modus? {0} vil bli kansellert hvis du velger Nei.Hardcore modus er nå aktivert.{} (Hardcore Modus){0}, {1}.Achievement popupDu har låst opp {} av %n prestasjonerYou have unlocked {} of %n achievementsAchievement popupand earned {} of %n pointsand earned {} of %n points{} (frivillig)Mestret {}{0}, {1}Mastery popup%n prestasjoner%n achievementsMastery popup%n poeng%n pointsLedertavleseforsøk startet.Ledertavleforsøk feilet.Tiden din: {}{}Poengsum: {}{}Verdien din: {}{} (Oppføring)Prestasjoner frakobletEn opplåsningsforespørsel kunne ikke bli fullført. Vi vil fortsette å sende inn denne forespørselen på nytt.Oppnåelser gjenopprettetAlle ventende opplåsningsforespørsler er fullført.Hardcore modus er nå deaktivert.Score: {0} pts (softcore: {1} pts)
Unread messages: {2}Bekreft Hardcore modusAktiv utfordring Prestasjoner (Hardcore Modus)Du har låst opp alle prestasjoner og tjente {} poeng!Leaderboard Download FailedDin tid: {0} (Best: {1})Din poengsum: {0} (Best: {1})Din verdi: {0} (Best: {1}){0}
Ledertavle Posisjon: {1} av {2}Serverfeil i {0}:
{1}JaNeiDu har låst opp {0} av {1} prestasjoner, som tjener {2} av {3} mulige poeng.UkjentLåstOpplåstIkke støttetUoffisiellNylig låst oppAktive utfordringerNesten fremme{} poeng{} poengXXX poengOpplåst: {}Dette spillet har {} ledertavler.Innsending av poengsummene er deaktivert pga hardcore modus er skrudd av. Poengtavlen er skrivebeskyttet og kan ikke leses.Vis besteVis nærliggendeRangNavnTidPoengsumVerdiDato innsendtLaster ned data for poengtavlen, vennligst vent...Laster...Dette spillet har ingen prestasjoner.Kunne ikke lese kjørbar fil fra disk. Prestasjoner er deaktivert.AdvancedSettingsWidgetBruk globale innstillinger [%1]Avrundings modusChop/Zero (Default)Changes how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Floating Point Unit (EE FPU). Because the various FPUs in the PS2 are non-compliant with international standards, some games may need different modes to do math correctly. The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Division Rounding ModeNærmeste (standard)Determines how the results of floating-point division are rounded. Some games need specific settings; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Klemme modusNormal (standard)Changes how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range. The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Aktiver rekompilatorAvmerketUse Save State SelectorShow a save state selector UI when switching slots instead of showing a notification bubble.Utfører just-in-time binær oversettelse av 64-bit MIPS-IV maskinkode til x86.Wait loop: When the game makes the CPU do nothing (loop/spin) while it waits for something to happen (usually an interrupt).Wait Loop DetectionModerat hastighetsøkning for noen spill, uten kjente bivirkninger.Aktiver hurtiglagring (treg)UavmerketKun kommandotolk, gitt for diagnostikk.INTC = Name of a PS2 register, leave as-is. "spin" = to make a cpu (or gpu) actively do nothing while you wait for something. Like spinning in a circle, you're moving but not actually going anywhere.INTC-spinnoppdagelseSvær hastighetsøkning for noen spill, nesten helt uten kompatibilitetsbivirkninger.Aktiver hurtig minne tilgang"Backpatching" = To edit previously generated code to change what it does (in this case, we generate direct memory accesses, then backpatch them to jump to a fancier handler function when we realize they need the fancier handler function)Bruker backpatching for å unngå registerskylling ved hver minnetilgang.Pause ved TLB avvikSetter den virtuelle maskinen i pause når TLB avvik oppstår, i stedet for å ignorere den og fortsette. Legg merke til at VMen vil settes i pause etter blokkens slutt, ikke på instruksjonen som førte til unntaket. Se konsollen for å finne adressen hvor det ugyldige tilganget oppstod.Aktiver 128MB RAM (Utviklerkonsoll)Exposes an additional 96MB of memory to the virtual machine.VU0 Avrunding ModusChanges how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem will cause stability issues and/or crashes.</b>VU1 Avrunding ModusChanges how PCSX2 handles rounding while emulating the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem will cause stability issues and/or crashes.</b>VU0 Klemme ModusChanges how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range in the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>VU1 Klemme ModusChanges how PCSX2 handles keeping floats in a standard x86 range in the Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). The default value handles the vast majority of games; <b>modifying this setting when a game is not having a visible problem can cause instability.</b>Aktiver øyeblikkelig VU1Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.VU0 = Vector Unit 0. One of the PS2's processors.Aktiver VU0 Rekompilator (Mikro Modus)Aktiverer VU0 Rekompilator.VU1 = Vector Unit 1. One of the PS2's processors.Aktiver VU1 RekompilatorAktiverer VU1 Rekompilator.mVU = PCSX2's recompiler for VU (Vector Unit) code (full name: microVU)mVU-flaggkorrigeringGod hastighet og høy kompatibilitet, kan forårsake grafiske feil.Utfør en ''just-in-time'' binær oversettelse av 32-bit MIPS-i maskinkode til x86.Aktiver spillfikserLaster automatisk inn og bruker rettelser på kjente problematiske spill ved oppstart av spill.Aktiver kompatibilitetspatcherLaster automatisk inn og bruker kompatibilitetspatcher på kjente problematiske spill.Savestate Compression MethodZstandardDetermines the algorithm to be used when compressing savestates.Savestate Compression LevelMediumDetermines the level to be used when compressing savestates.Save State On ShutdownAutomatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.Create Save State BackupsDo not translate the ".backup" extension.Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffix.AdvancedSystemSettingsWidgetHvis du endrer disse alternativene, kan det føre til at spillene ikke fungerer. PCSX2-teamet vil ikke gi støtte for konfigurasjoner der disse innstillingene er endret.Emotion Engine = Commercial name of one of PS2's processors. Leave as-is unless there's an official name (like for Japanese).EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV)Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.Avrunding Modus:NærmesteNegativPositivClamping: Forcing out of bounds things in bounds by changing them to the closest possible value. In this case, this refers to clamping large PS2 floating point values (which map to infinity or NaN in PCs' IEEE754 floats) to non-infinite ones.Klemme Modus:IngenNormal (Standard)Chop/Zero (Default)Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.Division Rounding Mode:Nærmeste (standard)Chop/ZeroClampModeIngenSign: refers here to the mathematical meaning (plus/minus).Ekstra + bevar tegnFullWait Loop DetectionAktiver RekompilatorAktiver Hurtig Minne TilgangAktiver Hurtiglagring (Treg)INTC-spinnoppdagelsePause Ved TLB AvvikAktiver 128MB RAM (Utviklerkonsoll)Vector Unit/VU: refers to two of PS2's processors. Do not translate the full text or do so as a comment. Leave the acronym as-is.Vektorenheter (VU)VU1 Avrunding Modus:mVU-flaggkorrigeringAktiver VU1 RekompilatorAktiver VU0 Rekompilator (Mikro Modus)Enable Instant VU1EkstraVU0 Klemme Modus:VU0 Avrunding Modus:VU1 Klemme Modus:I/O-prosessor (IOP, MIPS-I)SpillinnstillingerAktiver spillfikserAktiver kompatibilitetspatcherCreate Save State BackupsSave State On ShutdownBildefrekvens Kontrollhz=Hertz, as in the measuring unit. Shown after the corresponding number. Those languages who'd need to remove the space or do something in between should do so. hzPAL Bildefrekvens:NTSC Bildefrekvens:Savestate SettingsCompression Level:Compression Method:UncompressedDeflate64ZstandardLZMA2Low (Fast)Medium (Recommended)HighVery High (Slow, Not Recommended)Use Save State SelectorPINE InnstillingerSpor:AktiverAnalysisOptionsDialogAnalysis OptionsChanges made here won't be saved. Edit these settings from the global or per-game settings dialogs to have your changes take effect for future analysis runs.Close dialog after analysis has startedAnalyzeCloseAudioExpansionSettingsDialogAudio Expansion SettingsCircular Wrap:30Shift:20Dybde:10Fokus:Center Image:Front Separation:Rear Separation:Low Cutoff:High Cutoff:<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Expansion Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.</p></body></html>Block Size:AudioSettingsWidgetKonfigurasjonDriver:Expansion SettingsStretch SettingsDatabuffer Størrelse:Maximum latency: 0 frames (0.00ms)Backend:0 msControlsOutput Volume:100%Fast Forward Volume:Mute All SoundSynkronisering:TimeStretch (Anbefalt)Utvidelse:Utdatalatens:MinimalUtdataenhet:SynkroniseringNår du kjører utenfor 100 % hastighet, justeres tempoet på lyden i stedet for å slippe bilder. Gir mye bedre lyd når lyden blir strukket/krympet.StandardBestemmer bufferstørrelsen som tidsstrekkeren vil forsøke å holde fylt. Den velger i praksis den gjennomsnittlige ventetiden, ettersom lyden vil bli strukket/krympet for å holde bufferstørrelsen innenfor kontroll.UtdatalatensBestemmer latenstiden fra bufferen til vertslydutgangen. Denne kan settes lavere enn målforsinkelsen for å redusere lydforsinkelsen.Resets output volume back to the global/inherited setting.Resets output volume back to the default.Resets fast forward volume back to the global/inherited setting.Resets fast forward volume back to the default.%1%Preserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter ms (and/or any possible spaces in between) to your language's ruleset.Ikke tilgjengelig%Audio BackendThe audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host. Cubeb provides the lowest latency, if you encounter issues, try the SDL backend. The null backend disables all host audio output.%1 msBuffer SizeOutput VolumeControls the volume of the audio played on the host.Fast Forward VolumeControls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.UncheckedPrevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.Expansion ModeDisabled (Stereo)Determines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games. This includes games that support Dolby Pro Logic/Pro Logic II.These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.Reset VolumeReset Fast Forward VolumeUnknown Device "%1"Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms expand + %4 ms output)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms output)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms expand, minimum output latency unknown)Maximum Latency: %1 ms (minimum output latency unknown)AudioStreamNull (No Output)CubebSDLDisabled (Stereo)Stereo with LFEQuadraphonicQuadraphonic with LFE5.1 Surround7.1 SurroundDefaultAudioStretchSettingsDialogAudio Stretch SettingsSequence Length:30Seekwindow Size:20Overlap:10<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Stretch Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.</p></body></html>Use QuickseekUse Anti-Aliasing FilterAutoUpdaterDialogAutomatisk oppdateringsverktøyOppdatering tilgjengeligNåværende versjon: Ny versjon: Nedlastingsstørrelse:Last ned og installer...Hopp over denne oppdateringenPåminn Meg SenereFeil ved oppdatering<h2>Endringer:</h2><h2>Savestate advarsel</h2><p>ved å installere denne oppdateringen vil det gjøre savestaten<b>inkompatibel</b>. Forsikre deg om at du har lagret fremgang på spill til minnekort før du installerer denne oppdateringen, eller at du vil miste fremdriften.</p><h2>Advarsel om innstillinger</h2><p>Installasjon av denne oppdateringen vil tilbakestille programkonfigurasjonen. Vær oppmerksom på at du må konfigurere innstillingene på nytt etter denne oppdateringen.</p>lagretilstander Advarsel<h1>ADVARSEL</h1><p style='font-size:12pt;'>Installering av denne oppdateringen vil gjøre <b>lagretilstandene inkompatible</b>, <i>Pass på at du lagrer til minnekortene dine før du fortsetter </i>.</p><p>Ønsker du å fortsette?</p>Laster ned %1...Ingen oppdateringer er tilgjengelig for øyeblikket. Prøv igjen senere.Nåværende versjon: %1 (%2)Ny versjon: %1 (%2)Nedlastingsstørrelse: %1 MBLaster...Failed to remove updater exe after update.BIOSSettingsWidgetBIOS-mappePCSX2 vil søke etter BIOS bilder i denne mappen.Bla gjennom...GjenstartBIOS ValgÅpne BIOS mappen...Oppdater ListeFilnavnVersjonAlternativer og PatcherHurtig OppstartHurtig oppstartAvmerketPatcher BIOS for å hoppe over konsollens oppstartsanimasjon.UavmerketReduser oppstartstiden til spillet ved å fjerne begrensning på emuleringshastighet.BreakpointDialogOpprette / endre brytningspunktTypeEksekverMinneAdresse0LesSkrivEndreStørrelse1BetingelseLoggAktiverInvalid AddressInvalid ConditionInvalid SizeBreakpointModelEksekver--AktivertDeaktivertLes(C) = changes, as in "look for changes".Skriv(C)SkrivWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.TYPEWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.OFFSETWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.STØRRELSE / ETIKETTWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.INSTRUKSJONWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.BETINGELSEWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.TREFFWarning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.XCDVDPlasseringen av spilldisken er på en flyttbar enhet. Det kan oppstå ytelsesproblemer som hakking og frysingLagring av CDVD-blokkdump til '{}'.Precaching CDVDLydModus 1Modus 2UkjentPrecaching is not supported for discs.Precaching {}...Precaching is not supported for this file format.Required memory ({}GB) is the above the maximum allowed ({}GB).ColorPickerButtonVelg LED FargeControllerBindingWidgetVirtuell Kontroll TypeBindingerInnstillingerMakroerAutomatisk kartleggingFjern tilordningKontroll Port %1Ingen enheter er tilgjengeligeBinding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).Tøm bindingerBinding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne alle bindinger for denne kontrolleren? Handlingen kan ikke angres.Automatisk bindingIngen generiske bindinger ble generert for enheten '%1'. Kontrolleren/kilden støtter kanskje ikke automatisk tilordning.ControllerBindingWidget_DualShock2Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.D-PadNedVenstreOppHøyreTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Venstre analogStor motorLeave this button name as-is.L2Leave this button name as-is.R2Leave this button name as-is.L1Leave this button name as-is.R1Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.StartLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.VelgTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.HovedknapperTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.KryssTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.KvadratTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.TrekantTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.SirkelTry to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Høyre AnalogLiten MotorLeave this button name as-is.L3Leave this button name as-is.R3TrykkmodifikatorAnalogControllerBindingWidget_GuitarGulTrykkKnappStartRødGrønnOransjeVelgSlag OppSlag NedBlåvibrato armTiltControllerBindingWidget_JogconD-PadDownLeftUpRightLarge MotorL2R2L1R1StartSelectFace ButtonsCrossSquareTriangleCircleSmall MotorDial LeftDial RightControllerBindingWidget_NegconD-PadDownLeftUpRightLarge MotorLStartRFace ButtonsIIIBASmall MotorTwist LeftTwist RightControllerBindingWidget_PopnLeave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.VelgGul (venstre)Gul (høyre)Blå (høyre)Blå (venstre)Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.StartRødGrønn (høyre)Hvit (venstre)Grønn (venstre)Hvit (høyre)ControllerCustomSettingsWidgetGjenopprett StandardinnstillingerBla gjennom...Velg FilControllerGlobalSettingsWidgetSDL-inndatakildeSDL-inngangskilden støtter de fleste kontrollere og gir avansert funksjonalitet for DualShock 4/DualSense kontrollere i Bluetooth-modus (vibrasjon/LED-kontroll).Aktiver SDL-inngangskildeDualshock 4 / Dualsense Forbedring ModusXInput KildeAktiver XInput Inngang KildeDInput KildeDInput-kilden gir støtte for eldre kontrollere som ikke støtter XInput. Det anbefales å bruke disse kontrollerne via SDL istedenfor, men DirectInput kan brukes hvis de ikke er kompatible med SDL.Aktiver DInput Inngang KildeProfilinnstillingerNår dette alternativet er aktivert, kan hurtigtaster angis i denne inndataprofilen og bli brukt i stedet for de globale hurtigtastene. Som standard deles hurtigtaster alltid mellom alle profiler.Bruk hurtigtaster per profilKontroll LED InnstillingerAktiver SDL Rå-inngangEnable IOKit DriverEnable MFI DriverXInput kilden gir støtte til Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox-serie-kontrollere og tredjeparts kontroller som bruker XInput protokollen.Kontroll MultitapMultitrykk lar opptil 8 kontroller kobles til konsollen. Hvert multitrykk gir 4 porter. Multitrykk støttes ikke av alle spill.Multitap på Kontrollport 1Multitap på Kontrollport 2Mus/Peker KilderPCSX2 lar deg bruke musen din til å simulere analoge bevegelser.Innstillinger...Aktiver musetilordningOppdagede EnheterControllerLEDSettingsDialogKontroll LED InnstillingerSDL-0 LEDSDL-1 LEDEnable DualSense Player LEDSDL-2 LEDSDL-3 LEDControllerMacroEditWidgetBindinger/knapperVelg knappene du ønsker å utløse med denne makroen. Alle knappene er aktivert samtidig.TrykkfølsomhetFor knapper som er trykkfølsomme, styrer denne glidebryteren hvor mye kraft som skal simuleres når makroen er aktiv.100%TriggerVelg utløseren som skal aktivere denne makroen. Dette kan være en enkelt knapp eller en kombinasjon av knapper (akkord). Shift-klikk for flere utløsere.Press To ToggleDødsone:FrekvensMakroen veksler hvert N bilde.Sett...Ikke konfigurert%1%Tilpass frekvensFrekvens:Makro vil ikke gjentas.Makroen veksler mellom knappene hvert %1 bilde.ControllerMacroWidgetKontroll Port %1 MakroThis is the full text that appears in each option of the 16 available macros, and reads like this:
Macro 1
Not Configured/Buttons configuredMakro %1
%2ControllerMappingSettingsDialogController Mapping Settings<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Controller Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping physical controllers to the emulated controllers.</p></body></html>Ignore Inversion<html><head/><body><p>Some third party controllers incorrectly flag their analog sticks as inverted on the positive component, but not negative.</p><p>As a result, the analog stick will be "stuck on" even while resting at neutral position. </p><p>Enabling this setting will tell PCSX2 to ignore inversion flags when creating mappings, allowing such controllers to function normally.</p></body></html>ControllerMouseSettingsDialogInnstillinger for musetilordningY Fart10X Fart<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Musetilordningsinnstillinger</span><br/>Disse innstillingene finjusterer oppførselen når du tilordner en mus til den emulerte kontrolleren.</p></body></html>TreghetX DødsoneY DødsoneControllerSettingsWindowPVSX2 KontrollerinnstillingerRedigerer profil:Ny profilApply ProfileRename ProfileSlett profilMapping SettingsGjenopprett standardinnstillingerOpprett inndataprofil Custom input profiles are used to override the Shared input profile for specific games.
To apply a custom input profile to a game, go to its Game Properties, then change the 'Input Profile' on the Summary tab.
Enter the name for the new input profile:FeilEn profil med navnet '%1' finnes allerede.Vil du kopiere alle bindinger fra gjeldende profil til den nye profilen? Velger du Nei vil den opprette en helt tom profil.Do you want to copy the current hotkey bindings from global settings to the new input profile?Kunne ikke lagre den nye profilen til '%1'.Last inn inndataprofilAre you sure you want to load the input profile named '%1'?
All current global bindings will be removed, and the profile bindings loaded.
You cannot undo this action.Rename Input ProfileEnter the new name for the input profile:Failed to rename '%1'.Slett inndataprofilAre you sure you want to delete the input profile named '%1'?
You cannot undo this action.Failed to delete '%1'.Are you sure you want to restore the default controller configuration?
All shared bindings and configuration will be lost, but your input profiles will remain.
You cannot undo this action.Globale innstillingerController Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.Kontrollerport %1%2
%3Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.Kontrollerport %1
%2USB-port %1
%2Tastatursnarveier"Shared" refers here to the shared input profile.DeltThe input profile named '%1' cannot be found.CoverDownloadDialogLast ned omslagPCSX2 kan automatisk nedlaste omslag for spill som for øyeblikket har ikke blitt angitt et omslag. Vi oppgir ikke noen omslagsbilder, brukeren må oppgi dems egen kilde for bildene.<html><head/><body><p>I boksen nedenfor angir du URL-ene som omslagene skal lastes ned fra, med én mal-URL per linje. Følgende variabler er tilgjengelige:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> Tittel på spillet.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> Navnkomponent i spillets filnavn. <br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> Spillets serienummer. </p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Eksempel:</span> https://www.example-not-a-real-domain.com/covers/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html>By default, the downloaded covers will be saved with the game's serial to ensure covers do not break with GameDB changes and that titles with multiple regions do not conflict. If this is not desired, you can check the "Use Title File Names" box below.Use Title File NamesVenter på å starte...StartLukkNedlasting fullført.StoppCpuWidgetRegistreFunksjonerMinne SøkMinneBrytningspunkterTråderAktiv Call StackLagrede adresserGlobalsLocalsParametersKontekstmeny for brytepunktlisteNyRedigerKopierSlettKopier alle som CSVLim inn fra CSVTråd Liste Kontekst MenyGå til DisassemblyLast inn fra innstillingerLagre i innstillingerGå til minnevisningKopier adresseKopier tekstKontekstmeny for stacklisteDEV9DnsHostDialogNetwork DNS Vert Import/EksportVelg verterOKAvbrytValgtNavnUrlAdresseAktivertDEV9SettingsWidgetEthernetEthernet enhet:Ethernet-enhetstype:Avskjære DHCPAktivertInterceptDHCPAktivertSubnet Maske:Gateway Adresse:AutoAvskjære DHCP:PS2 Adresse:DNS1 Adresse:DNS2 Adresse:Intern DNSLegg TilSlettEksporterImporterPer spillIntern DNS kan velges med DNS1/2 nedtrykksmenyene, eller ved å sette dem til 48-Bit LBAHDD Fil:40120HDD Størrelse (GiB):HDDAktivertBla gjennomOpprett bildePCAP BridgedPCAP SwitchedTAPSocketManuellInternBruk Globale Innstillinger [%1]NavnUrlAdresseHosts-filini (*.ini)DNS-verterEksport VellykketKunne ikke åpne filIngen verter i filenImporteringen var vellykketPer spillvertlisteKopier globale innstillinger?Slette per spillvertliste?HDD bildefilHDD (*.raw)2000100Erstatt Filen?HDD image "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite?HDD-skaperHDD-bilde opprettetBruk globaltOverstyringDebugAnalysisSettingsWidgetClear Existing SymbolsAutomatically Select Symbols To Clear<html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html>Import SymbolsImport From ELFDemangle SymbolsDemangle ParametersImport Default .sym FileImport from file (.elf, .sym, etc):AddRemoveScan For FunctionsScan Mode:Scan ELFScan MemorySkipCustom Address Range:Start:End:Hash FunctionsGray Out Symbols For Overwritten FunctionsCheckedAutomatically delete symbols that were generated by any previous analysis runs.Import symbol tables stored in the game's boot ELF.Import symbols from a .sym file with the same name as the loaded ISO file on disk if such a file exists.Demangle C++ symbols during the import process so that the function and global variable names shown in the debugger are more readable.Include parameter lists in demangled function names.Scan ModeChoose where the function scanner looks to find functions. This option can be useful if the application loads additional code at runtime.Custom Address RangeUncheckedWhether to look for functions from the address range specified (Checked), or from the ELF segment containing the entry point (Unchecked).Generate hashes for all the detected functions, and gray out the symbols displayed in the debugger for functions that no longer match.<i>No symbol sources in database.</i><i>Start this game to modify the symbol sources list.</i>PathBase AddressConditionAdd Symbol FileDebugSettingsWidgetAnalysisThese settings control what and when analysis passes should be performed on the program running in the virtual machine so that the resultant information can be shown in the debugger.Automatically Analyze Program:AlwaysIf Debugger Is OpenNeverGenerate Symbols For IRX ExportsGSRå dumpingDumpe GF TrekkLagre RTLagre bildeLagre teksturLagre dybdeStart trekk nummer:Trekk Dumpe Nummer:Mappe for maskinvaredumper:Mappe for programvaredumper:Bla gjennom …Åpne...Trace LoggingEnableEEDMA ControlSPR / MFIFOVIFCOP1 (FPU)MSKPATH3CacheGIFR5900COP0HW Regs (MMIO)CountersSIFCOP2 (VU0 Macro)VIFCodesMemoryUnknown MMIOIPUBIOSDMA RegistersGIFTagsIOPCDVDR3000AMemcardsPadMDECCOP2 (GPU)Analyze ProgramChoose when the analysis passes should be run: Always (to save time when opening the debugger), If Debugger Is Open (to save memory if you never open the debugger), or Never.Generate Symbols for IRX Export TablesCheckedHook IRX module loading/unloading and generate symbols for exported functions on the fly.Enable Trace LoggingUncheckedGlobally enable / disable trace logging.EE BIOSLog SYSCALL and DECI2 activity.EE MemoryLog memory access to unknown or unmapped EE memory.EE R5900Log R5900 core instructions (excluding COPs). Requires modifying the PCSX2 source and enabling the interpreter.EE COP0Log COP0 (MMU, CPU status, etc) instructions.EE COP1Log COP1 (FPU) instructions.EE COP2Log COP2 (VU0 Macro mode) instructions.EE CacheLog EE cache activity.EE Known MMIOLog known MMIO accesses.EE Unknown MMIOLog unknown or unimplemented MMIO accesses.EE DMA RegistersLog DMA-related MMIO accesses.EE IPULog IPU activity; MMIO, decoding operations, DMA status, etc.EE GIF TagsLog GIFtag parsing activity.EE VIF CodesLog VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts.EE MSKPATH3Log Path3 Masking processing.EE MFIFOLog Scratchpad MFIFO activity.EE DMA ControllerLog DMA transfer activity. Stalls, bus right arbitration, etc.EE CountersLog all EE counters events and some counter register activity.EE VIFLog various VIF and VIFcode processing data.EE GIFLog various GIF and GIFtag parsing data.IOP BIOSLog SYSCALL and IRX activity.IOP MemcardsLog memory card activity. Reads, Writes, erases, etc.IOP R3000ALog R3000A core instructions (excluding COPs).IOP COP2Log IOP GPU co-processor instructions.IOP Known MMIOIOP Unknown MMIOIOP DMA RegistersIOP PADLog PAD activity.IOP DMA ControllerIOP CountersLog all IOP counters events and some counter register activity.IOP CDVDLog CDVD hardware activity.IOP MDECLog Motion (FMV) Decoder hardware unit activity.EE SIFLog SIF (EE <-> IOP) activity.DebuggerWindowPCSX2 FeilsøkerKjørGå innF11Gå overF10Gå utShift+F11Always On TopShow this window on topAnalyzePauseDisassemblyWidgetDemonterKopier adresseKopier instruksjonshexNOP instruksjon(er)Hopp til markørenFølg grenenGå til minnevisningLegg til funksjonEndre funksjonsnavnFjern funksjonMonteringsfeilKan ikke endre montering mens kjernen kjørerMonter instruksjonFunksjonsnavnEndre navn på funksjonsfeilFunksjonsnavn kan ikke være ingenting.Ingen funksjon / symbol er valgt for øyeblikket.Go To In DisassemblyCannot Go ToRestore Function ErrorUnable to stub selected address.&Copy Instruction TextCopy Function NameRestore Instruction(s)Asse&mble new Instruction(s)&Jump to CursorToggle &Breakpoint&Go to AddressGjenopprett funksjonStub (NOP) FunctionShow &Opcode%1 IKKE GYLDIG ADRESSEEmptyGameListWidget<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Ingen spill i støttede formater ble funnet.</span></p><p>Legg til en mappe med spill for å begynne.</p><p>Spill dumper i følgende format vil bli skannet og oppført:</p></body></html>Legg til spillmappe...Søk etter nye spillEmuThreadSlot: %1 | Volume: %2% | %3 | EE: %4% | VU: %5% | GS: %6%Slot: %1 | Volume: %2% | %3 | EE: %4% | GS: %5%No Image%1x %2FPS: %1VPS: %1 Speed: %1% Spill: %1 (%2)
Rich presence inaktiv eller ikke støttet.Spillet er ikke lastet inn eller så er ingen RetroAchievements tilgjengelig.FeilFailed to create HTTPDownloader.Laster ned %1...Download failed with HTTP status code %1.Download failed: Data is empty.Failed to write '%1'.EmulationSettingsWidgetHastighetsregulatorNormal hastighet:SysteminnstillingerSkru på juksekoderHastighet for sakte bevegelse:Hastighet for hurtigspoling:Aktiver flertrådet VU1 (MTVU)Aktiver vertens filsystemAktiver rask CDVDEnable CDVD PrecachingEnable Thread PinningHopp over EE-syklus:DeaktivertMild underklokkingModerat underklokkingMaksimal underklokkingEE syklusfrekvens:50% (underklokking)60% (underklokking)75% (underklokking)100 % (Normal hastighet)130% (overklokking)180% (overklokking)300% (overklokking)Styring av bilderytme / forsinkelseThis string will appear next to the amount of frames selected, in a dropdown box. bilderMaksimal bildeforsinkelse:Use Host VSync TimingSync to Host Refresh RateOptimal bilderytmeVertical Sync (VSync)Bruk Globale Innstillinger [%1]Normal hastighetAngir ønsket emuleringshastighet. Det er ikke garantert at denne hastigheten blir nådd, og hvis ikke vil emulatoren kjøre så raskt den klarer.BrukerpreferanseAvmerketHøyere verdier kan øke den interne bildefrekvensen i spill, men vil øke CPU-kravene betydelig. Lavere verdier reduserer CPU-belastningen, slik at lette spill kan kjøres med full hastighet på svakere CPU-er.SOTC = Shadow of the Colossus. A game's title, should not be translated unless an official translation exists.Får den emulerte Emotion Engine til å hoppe over sykluser. Hjelper noen få spill, som Shadow of the Colossus. For det meste er dette skadelig for ytelsen.UavmerketRask disktilgang, kortere lastetid. Sjekk HDLoader-kompatibilitetslistene for kjente spill som har problemer med dette.Laster automatisk inn og bruker juksekoder når spillet starter.Gir spill og homebrew tilgang til filer/mapper direkte på vertsdatamaskinen.The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"Hastighet for hurtigspoling100%Angir hastigheten for hurtigspoling. Denne hastigheten brukes når hurtigtasten for hurtigspoling trykkes/blinkes.The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"Hastighet for sakte bevegelseAngir hastigheten for sakte bevegelse. Denne hastigheten brukes når hurtigtasten for sakte bevegelse trykkes/veksles.EE syklusfrekvensHopp over EE-syklusP-Core = Performance Core, E-Core = Efficiency Core. See if Intel has official translations for these terms.Angir prioriteten for bestemte tråder i en bestemt rekkefølge uten å ta hensyn til systemplanleggeren. Kan hjelpe CPU-er med store (P) og små (E) kjerner (f.eks. Intel 12th eller nyere generasjoner CPU-er fra Intel eller andre leverandører som AMD).Aktiver flertrådet VU1 (MTVU1)Vanligvis en hastighetsøkning på CPU-er med 4 eller flere kjerner. Trygt for de fleste spill, men noen få er inkompatible og kan henge seg opp.Loads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine. Can reduce stutter on systems with hard drives that have long wake times, but significantly increases boot times.Setter VSync kø størrelse til 0, gjør hver bilde ferdig og presentert av GF før inndata er valgt, å neste bilde valgt. Bruk av denne instillingen kan reduysere inndata lag på kosten av målbart høyere CPU og GPU kravene.Maksimal bildeforsinkelse2 bilderSets the maximum number of frames that can be queued up to the GS, before the CPU thread will wait for one of them to complete before continuing. Higher values can assist with smoothing out irregular frame times, but add additional input lag.Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%. Sync to Host Refresh Rate will not take effect if the console's refresh rate is too far from the host's refresh rate. Users with variable refresh rate displays should disable this option.Enable this option to match PCSX2's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (eg. running at non-100% speed).When synchronizing with the host refresh rate, this option disable's PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses the host instead. Can result in smoother frame pacing, <strong>but at the cost of increased input latency</strong>.Bruk Globale Innstillinger [%1%]%1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]Every case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.UbegrensetEvery case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.EgendefinertTilpasset [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]Egendefinert hastighetAngi egendefinert hastighetExpressionParserInvalid memory access size %d.Invalid memory access (unaligned).Token too long.Invalid number "%s".Invalid symbol "%s".Invalid operator at "%s".Closing parenthesis without opening one.Closing bracket without opening one.Parenthesis not closed.Not enough arguments.Invalid memsize operator.Division by zero.Modulo by zero.Invalid tertiary operator.FileOperationsFailed to show fileFailed to show file in file explorer.
The file was: %1Windows action to show a file in Windows ExplorerVis i mappemacOS action to show a file in FinderShow in FinderOpens the system file manager to the directory containing a selected fileÅpne den inneholdende mappenMislyktes i å åpne URLMislyktes i å åpne URL-en.
URL-en var: %1FolderSettingsWidgetMappe for hurtiglagerBla gjennom...Åpne...TilbakestillBrukes til lagring av shaders, spilliste og prestasjonsdata.Mappe for juksekoderBrukes til å lagre .pnach-filer som inneholder juksekoder.Mappe for omslagBrukes til å lagre omslag i spillets rutenett/store bildegrensesnitt.Mappe for skjermbilderBrukes til skjermbilder og lagring av GS-dumps.Mappe for lagrede tilstanderBrukes til å lagre lagringstilstander.FullscreenUIKunne ikke finne noen CD/DVD-ROM enheter. Pass på at du har en optisk enhet koblet til og tilstrekkelig tilgang til å bruke den.Bruk global InstillingAutomatisk binding feilet, ingen enhet er tilgjengelig.Spill tittel kopiert til i utklippstavlen.Spill nøkkel kopert til utklippstavlen.Spill CRC kopert til utklippstavlen.Spill type kopert til utklippstavlen.Spill region kopert til utklippstavlen.Spill kompatiblitet kopert til utklippstavlen.Spill bane kopert til utklippstavlen.Controller settings reset to default.No input profiles available.Opprett ny...Skriv inn navnet på den inndataprofilen du ønsker å opprette.Er du sikker på at du vil gjenopprette standardinnstillingene? Alle innstillinger vil gå tapt.Settings reset to defaults.No save present in this slot.Ingen lagringstilstander funnet.Kunne ikke slette lagringstilstand.Kunne ikke kopiere til utklippstavlen.Dette spillet har ingen prestasjoner.Dette spillet har ingen ledertavler.Omstart systemetHardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?Launch a game from images scanned from your game directories.Launch a game by selecting a file/disc image.Start konsollen uten noen disk satt inn.Start et spill fra en plate i din PC's DVD-stasjon.Ingen tastebindingSetting %s binding %s.Trykk på en kontrollerknapp eller kontrollerspak nå.Tidsavbrudd om %.0f sekunder...UkjentOKVelg enhetDetaljerInnstillingerCopies the current global settings to this game.Fjerner alle innstillinger satt for dette spillet.OppførselPrevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile on Discord.Setter emulatoren på pause når et spill startes opp.Pauser emulatoren når du minimerer vinduet eller skifter til en annen applikasjon, og fortsetter når du bytter tilbake.Pauser emulatoren når du åpner hurtigmeny, og fortsetter når du lukker.Bestemmer om det skal vises en melding for å bekrefte at emulator/spill slås av når du trykker på hurtigtasten.Lagrer emulatortilstanden automatisk når du slår av eller avslutter. Du kan da gjenoppta direkte fra der du slapp neste gang.Bruker et lys farget tema i stedet for standard mørkt tema.SpillvisningVeksler mellom full skjerm og vindu når vinduet dobbeltklikkes.Skjuler musepeker-/markøren når emulatoren er i fullskjerm-modus.Bestemmer hvor store melding overlegg på skjerm er.Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.Viser emulator sin emulatorhastighet øverst i høyre hjørnet av skjerm, med en prosentverdi.Shows the number of video frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.Viser CPU Bruk basert på trådene øverst til høyre hjørne av skjermen.Viser verten's GPU bruk øverst til høyre hjørne av skjermen.Shows statistics about GS (primitives, draw calls) in the top-right corner of the display.Shows indicators when fast forwarding, pausing, and other abnormal states are active.Shows the current configuration in the bottom-right corner of the display.Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.Resets configuration to defaults (excluding controller settings).Changes the BIOS image used to start future sessions.Automatisk{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}StandardWARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD. It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.
Do you wish to shutdown anyways and IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.Visning på skjermen%d%%Viser spillets oppløsning øverst til høyre på skjermen.BIOS konfigurasjonBIOS utvalgAlternativer og PatcherHopper over intro skjermen, og forbigår region kontroller.Hastighet kontrollNormal hastighetSetter hastigheten under kjøring uten spoling.Hurtig Fremover FartSets the speed when using the fast forward hotkey.Slow Motion SpeedSets the speed when using the slow motion hotkey.SysteminnstillingerEE Cycle RateUnderclocks or overclocks the emulated Emotion Engine CPU.EE Cycle SkippingEnable MTVU (Multi-Threaded VU1)Enable Instant VU1Skru på juksekoderEnables loading cheats from pnach files.Enable Host FilesystemEnables access to files from the host: namespace in the virtual machine.Enable Fast CDVDFast disc access, less loading times. Not recommended.Frame Pacing/Latency ControlMaximum Frame LatencySets the number of frames which can be queued.Optimal Frame PacingSynchronize EE and GS threads after each frame. Lowest input latency, but increases system requirements.Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host.RendererSelects the API used to render the emulated GS.Synchronizes frame presentation with host refresh.SkjermVisningsaspektSelects the aspect ratio to display the game content at.FMV Aspect Ratio OverrideSelects the aspect ratio for display when a FMV is detected as playing.AvflettingSelects the algorithm used to convert the PS2's interlaced output to progressive for display.SkjermklippstørrelseDetermines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved.SkjermklippformatSelects the format which will be used to save screenshots.SkjermklippkvalitetSelects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed.Vertikal strekkingIncreases or decreases the virtual picture size vertically.KlippCrops the image, while respecting aspect ratio.%dpxBilinear UpscalingSmooths out the image when upscaling the console to the screen.Heltall oppskaleringAdds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.Screen OffsetsEnables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests.Show OverscanEnables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.Anti-uskarphetEnables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.RenderingIntern oppløsningMultiplies the render resolution by the specified factor (upscaling).MipmappingBilineær filtreringSelects where bilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Trilineær filtreringSelects where trilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Anisotropisk filtreringDitheringSelects the type of dithering applies when the game requests it.Blending AccuracyDetermines the level of accuracy when emulating blend modes not supported by the host graphics API.Texture PreloadingUploads full textures to the GPU on use, rather than only the utilized regions. Can improve performance in some games.Software Rendering ThreadsNumber of threads to use in addition to the main GS thread for rasterization.Auto Flush (Software)Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture.Edge AA (AA1)Enables emulation of the GS's edge anti-aliasing (AA1).Enables emulation of the GS's texture mipmapping.The selected input profile will be used for this game.SharedInput ProfileShow a save state selector UI when switching slots instead of showing a notification bubble.Shows the current PCSX2 version on the top-right corner of the display.Shows the currently active input recording status.Shows the currently active video capture status.Shows a visual history of frame times in the upper-left corner of the display.Shows the current system hardware information on the OSD.Pins emulation threads to CPU cores to potentially improve performance/frame time variance.Enable Widescreen PatchesEnables loading widescreen patches from pnach files.Enable No-Interlacing PatchesEnables loading no-interlacing patches from pnach files.MaskinvarefikserManual Hardware FixesDisables automatic hardware fixes, allowing you to set fixes manually.CPU Sprite Render SizeUses software renderer to draw texture decompression-like sprites.CPU Sprite Render LevelDetermines filter level for CPU sprite render.Software CLUT RenderUses software renderer to draw texture CLUT points/sprites.Skip Draw StartObject range to skip drawing.Skip Draw EndAuto Flush (Hardware)CPU Framebuffer ConversionDisable Depth ConversionDisable Safe FeaturesThis option disables multiple safe features.This option disables game-specific render fixes.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.Disable Partial InvalidationRemoves texture cache entries when there is any intersection, rather than only the intersected areas.Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Read Targets When ClosingFlushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down.Estimate Texture RegionAttempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).GPU-palettkonverteringOppskaleringsfikserAdjusts vertices relative to upscaling.Native ScalingAttempt to do rescaling at native resolution.Round SpriteAdjusts sprite coordinates.Bilinear UpscaleCan smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.Adjusts target texture offsets.Align SpriteFixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in some games.Merge SpriteReplaces multiple post-processing sprites with a larger single sprite.Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.Unscaled Palette Texture DrawsCan fix some broken effects which rely on pixel perfect precision.Tekstur-utskiftningLoad TexturesLoads replacement textures where available and user-provided.Asynchronous Texture LoadingLoads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.Precache ReplacementsPreloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.Replacements DirectoryMapperTexture DumpingDump TexturesDump MipmapsIncludes mipmaps when dumping textures.Dump FMV TexturesAllows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.Post-ProcessingFXAAEnables FXAA post-processing shader.Contrast Adaptive SharpeningEnables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.CAS SharpnessDetermines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.FiltreShade BoostEnables brightness/contrast/saturation adjustment.Shade Boost BrightnessAdjusts brightness. 50 is normal.Shade Boost ContrastAdjusts contrast. 50 is normal.Shade Boost SaturationAdjusts saturation. 50 is normal.TV-skyggeleggereAvansertSkip Presenting Duplicate FramesExtended Upscaling MultipliersDisplays additional, very high upscaling multipliers dependent on GPU capability.Hardware Download ModeChanges synchronization behavior for GS downloads.Tillat eksklusiv fullskjermOverrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.Override Texture BarriersForces texture barrier functionality to the specified value.GS Dump CompressionSets the compression algorithm for GS dumps.Disable Framebuffer FetchPrevents the usage of framebuffer fetch when supported by host GPU.Disable Shader CachePrevents the loading and saving of shaders/pipelines to disk.Disable Vertex Shader ExpandFalls back to the CPU for expanding sprites/lines.Changes when SPU samples are generated relative to system emulation.%dmsSettings and OperationsCreates a new memory card file or folder.Simulates a larger memory card by filtering saves only to the current game.If not set, this card will be considered unplugged.The selected memory card image will be used for this slot.Enable/Disable the Player LED on DualSense controllers.TriggerToggles the macro when the button is pressed, instead of held.SavestateCompression MethodSets the compression algorithm for savestate.Compression LevelSets the compression level for savestate.Version: %s{:%H:%M}Slot {}1.25x Native (~450px)1.5x Native (~540px)1.75x Native (~630px)2x Native (~720px/HD)2.5x Native (~900px/HD+)3x Native (~1080px/FHD)3.5x Native (~1260px)4x Native (~1440px/QHD)5x Native (~1800px/QHD+)6x Native (~2160px/4K UHD)7x Native (~2520px)8x Native (~2880px/5K UHD)9x Native (~3240px)10x Native (~3600px/6K UHD)11x Native (~3960px)12x Native (~4320px/8K UHD)WebPAggressiveDeflate64ZstandardLZMA2Low (Fast)Medium (Recommended)Very High (Slow, Not Recommended)Change SelectionSelectParent DirectoryEnter ValueAboutToggle FullscreenNavigateLoad Global StateChange PageReturn To GameSelect StateSelect GameChange ViewLaunch OptionsCreate Save State BackupsShow PCSX2 VersionShow Input Recording StatusShow Video Capture StatusShow Frame TimesShow Hardware InfoOpprett minnekortOppsettStart GameLaunch a game from a file, disc, or starts the console without any disc inserted.Changes settings for the application.Return to desktop mode, or exit the application.BackReturn to the previous menu.Exit PCSX2Completely exits the application, returning you to your desktop.Desktop ModeExits Big Picture mode, returning to the desktop interface.Resets all configuration to defaults (including bindings).Replaces these settings with a previously saved input profile.Stores the current settings to an input profile.InndatakilderThe SDL input source supports most controllers.Provides vibration and LED control support over Bluetooth.Allow SDL to use raw access to input devices.The XInput source provides support for XBox 360/XBox One/XBox Series controllers.MultitapEnables an additional three controller slots. Not supported in all games.Attempts to map the selected port to a chosen controller.Determines how much pressure is simulated when macro is active.Determines the pressure required to activate the macro.Toggle every %d framesClears all bindings for this USB controller.DatalagringsstederVis avanserte innstillingerChanging these options may cause games to become non-functional. Modify at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will not provide support for configurations with these settings changed.LoggføringSystem ConsoleWrites log messages to the system console (console window/standard output).FilloggingWrites log messages to emulog.txt.Detaljert loggføringWrites dev log messages to log sinks.Log TimestampsWrites timestamps alongside log messages.EE ConsoleWrites debug messages from the game's EE code to the console.IOP ConsoleWrites debug messages from the game's IOP code to the console.CDVD Verbose ReadsLogs disc reads from games.Emotion EngineAvrundingsmodusDetermines how the results of floating-point operations are rounded. Some games need specific settings.Division Rounding ModeDetermines how the results of floating-point division is rounded. Some games need specific settings.KlemmingsmodusDetermines how out-of-range floating point numbers are handled. Some games need specific settings.Enable EE RecompilerPerforms just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to native code.Enable EE CacheEnables simulation of the EE's cache. Slow.Aktiver INTC-spinneoppdagelseHuge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects.Aktiver venteløkkeoppdagelseModerate speedup for some games, with no known side effects.Enable Fast Memory AccessUses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access.VektorenheterVU0 Rounding ModeVU0 Clamping ModeVU1 Rounding ModeVU1 Clamping ModeEnable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)Ny vektor enhet rekompilert med forbedret kompatibilitet. Anbefalt.Enable VU1 RecompilerEnable VU Flag OptimizationGood speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors.I/O-prosessorEnable IOP RecompilerPerforms just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to native code.GrafikkUse Debug DeviceInnstillingerNo cheats are available for this game.JuksekoderNo patches are available for this game.SpillpatcherActivating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.SpillkorrigeringerGame fixes should not be modified unless you are aware of what each option does and the implications of doing so.FPU Multiply HackFor Tales of Destiny.Preload TLB HackNeeded for some games with complex FMV rendering.Skip MPEG HackSkips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.OPH Flag HackEE Timing HackInstant DMA HackKnown to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.VU Add HackFull VU0 SynchronizationForces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.VU Overflow HackTo check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).Last inn tilstandMakes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance.Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang.Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache.Skru av rendringsfikserPreload Frame DataTexture Inside RTWhen enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.Halvpiksel-forskyvningTexture Offset XTexture Offset YDumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.Skips displaying frames that don't change in 25/30fps games. Can improve speed, but increase input lag/make frame pacing worse.Enables API-level validation of graphics commands.Bruk programvare-rendrer for FMV-erTo avoid TLB miss on Goemon.General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.Emuler GIF FIFOCorrect but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.DMA Busy HackDelay VIF1 StallsEmuler VIF FIFOSimulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.VU I Bit HackAvoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.VU-synkroniseringRun behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.VU XGKick SyncForce Blit Internal FPS DetectionLagre tilstandenLoad Resume StateA resume save state created at %s was found.
Do you want to load this save and continue?Region: Kompatibilitet: Ingen spill er valgtSearch DirectoriesAdds a new directory to the game search list.Skanner undermapperSkanner ikke undermapperList SettingsSets which view the game list will open to.Determines which field the game list will be sorted by.Reverses the game list sort order from the default (usually ascending to descending).OmslagsinnstillingerDownloads covers from a user-specified URL template.HandlingerSelects where anisotropic filtering is utilized when rendering textures.Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.Identifies any new files added to the game directories.Forces a full rescan of all games previously identified.Last ned omslagOm PCSX2PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.PlayStation 2 and PS2 are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This application is not affiliated in any way with Sony Interactive Entertainment.When enabled and logged in, PCSX2 will scan for achievements on startup."Challenge" mode for achievements, including leaderboard tracking. Disables save state, cheats, and slowdown functions.Displays popup messages on events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Plays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.Shows icons in the lower-right corner of the screen when a challenge/primed achievement is active.When enabled, PCSX2 will list achievements from unofficial sets. These achievements are not tracked by RetroAchievements.When enabled, PCSX2 will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server.ErrorPauses the emulator when a controller with bindings is disconnected.Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffixEnable CDVD PrecachingLoads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine.Vertical Sync (VSync)Sync to Host Refresh RateUse Host VSync TimingDisables PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses host vsync instead.Disable Mailbox PresentationForces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.Audio ControlControls the volume of the audio played on the host.Fast Forward VolumeControls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.Mute All SoundPrevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.Backend SettingsAudio BackendThe audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host.ExpansionDetermines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games.SynchronizationBuffer SizeDetermines the amount of audio buffered before being pulled by the host API.Output LatencyDetermines how much latency there is between the audio being picked up by the host API, and played through speakers.Minimal Output LatencyWhen enabled, the minimum supported output latency will be used for the host API.Thread PinningForce Even Sprite PositionDisplays popup messages when starting, submitting, or failing a leaderboard challenge.When enabled, each session will behave as if no achievements have been unlocked.KontoLogs out of RetroAchievements.Logs in to RetroAchievements.Nåværende spillAn error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
{}An error occurred while saving game settings:
{}{} is not a valid disc image.Automatic mapping completed for {}.Automatic mapping failed for {}.Game settings initialized with global settings for '{}'.Game settings have been cleared for '{}'.{} (Nåværende){} (Mappe)Failed to load '{}'.Input profile '{}' loaded.Input profile '{}' saved.Failed to save input profile '{}'.Port {} Controller TypeSelect Macro {} BindsPort {} DevicePort {} Subtype{} unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.{} unlabelled patch codes found but not enabled.Denne økten: {}All Time: {}Save Slot {0}Lagret {}{} does not exist.{} slettet.Failed to delete {}.File: {}CRC: {:08X}Time Played: {}Last Played: {}Size: {:.2f} MBVenstre: Topp: Right: Bunn: SammendragGrensesnittinnstillingerBIOS-innstillingerEmulator InstillingerGrafikkinnstillingerInnstillinger for lydMinnekort InstillingerKontroller InstillingerHurtigtastinnstillingerPrestasjon InstillingerMappeinnstillingerAvanserte innstillingerPatcherJuksekoder2% [1 FPS (NTSC) / 1 FPS (PAL)]10% [6 FPS (NTSC) / 5 FPS (PAL)]25% [15 FPS (NTSC) / 12 FPS (PAL)]50% [30 FPS (NTSC) / 25 FPS (PAL)]75% [45 FPS (NTSC) / 37 FPS (PAL)]90% [54 FPS (NTSC) / 45 FPS (PAL)]100% [60 FPS (NTSC) / 50 FPS (PAL)]110% [66 FPS (NTSC) / 55 FPS (PAL)]120% [72 FPS (NTSC) / 60 FPS (PAL)]150% [90 FPS (NTSC) / 75 FPS (PAL)]175% [105 FPS (NTSC) / 87 FPS (PAL)]200% [120 FPS (NTSC) / 100 FPS (PAL)]300% [180 FPS (NTSC) / 150 FPS (PAL)]400% [240 FPS (NTSC) / 200 FPS (PAL)]500% [300 FPS (NTSC) / 250 FPS (PAL)]1000% [600 FPS (NTSC) / 500 FPS (PAL)]50% fart60% fart75% fart100% fart (Standard)130% fart180% fart300% fartNormal (standard)Mild underklokkingModerat underklokkingMaksimal underklokkingSkrudd av0 Frames (Hard Sync)1 Frame2 Frames3 FramesIngenEkstra + bevar tegnFullEkstraAutomatisk (standard)Direct3D 11Direct3D 12OpenGLVulkanMetalProgramvareNullAvBilinear (Smooth)Bilinear (Sharp)Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)Bob (Top Field First)Bob (Bottom Field First)Blend (Top Field First, Half FPS)Blend (Bottom Field First, Half FPS)Adaptive (Top Field First)Adaptive (Bottom Field First)Standard (PS2)NærmestBilineær (tvunget)Bilinear (PS2)Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)Av (ingen)Trilineær (PS2)Trilineær (tvunget)SkalertIkke skalert (standard)MinimumGrunnleggende (anbefales)MiddelsHøyFull (tregt)Maksimum (veldig tregt)Av (standard)2x4x8x16xDelvisFull (Hash Cache)TvangsdeaktivertTvangsaktivertNøyaktig (anbefalt)Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)Disabled (Ignore Transfers)SkjermoppløsninInternal Resolution (Aspect Uncorrected)Load/Save StateWARNING: Memory Card BusyCannot show details for games which were not scanned in the game list.Pause On Controller DisconnectionUse Save State SelectorSDL DualSense Player LEDPress To ToggleDødsoneFull oppstartAchievement NotificationsLeaderboard NotificationsEnable In-Game OverlaysEncore ModeTilskuermodusPNG-Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU.Removes the current card from the slot.Determines the frequency at which the macro will toggle the buttons on and off (aka auto fire).{} FramesNo DeinterlacingForce 32bitJPEG0 (skrudd av)1 (64 Max Width)2 (128 Max Width)3 (192 Max Width)4 (256 Max Width)5 (320 Max Width)6 (384 Max Width)7 (448 Max Width)8 (512 Max Width)9 (576 Max Width)10 (640 Max Width)Sprites OnlySprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/Triangles1 (normal)2 (aggressiv)Inside TargetMerge TargetsNormal (Vertex)Spesiell (tekstur)Spesiell (tekstur – aggressiv)Align To NativeHalvForce BilinearForce NearestDisabled (Default)Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (All Primitives)Ingen (standard)Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)Scanline FilterDiagonal FilterTriangular FilterWave FilterLottes CRT4xRGSSNxAGSSUkomprimertLZMA (xz)Zstandard (zst)PS2 (8MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (64MB)PS1NegativPositivChop/Zero (Default)SpillrutenettSpill-listeGame List SettingsTypeSerialTittelFiltittelCRCTid spiltNyligst spiltStørrelseVelg diskbildeSelect Disc DriveStart filStart BIOSStart diskAvsluttSet Input BindingRegionCompatibility RatingStiDiskens filbaneVelg disk-filbaneKopier innstillingerTøm innstillingerInhibit ScreensaverEnable Discord PresencePause On StartPause On Focus LossPause On MenuBekreft avslutningSave State On ShutdownUse Light ThemeStart FullscreenDouble-Click Toggles FullscreenHide Cursor In FullscreenOSD-skalaShow MessagesShow SpeedShow FPSShow CPU UsageShow GPU UsageShow ResolutionShow GS StatisticsShow Status IndicatorsShow SettingsShow InputsWarn About Unsafe SettingsTilbakestill innstillingerChange Search DirectoryRask oppstartUtdatavolumMemory Card DirectoryFolder Memory Card FilterOpprettAvbrytLast inn profilLagre profilEnable SDL Input SourceSDL DualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced ModeSDL Raw InputEnable XInput Input SourceEnable Console Port 1 MultitapEnable Console Port 2 MultitapKontrollerport {}{}Kontrollerport {}KontrollertypeAutomatisk kartleggingController Port {}{} MacrosController Port {} MacrosMacro Button {}KnapperFrekvensPressureController Port {}{} SettingsController Port {} SettingsUSB-port {}EnhetstypeDevice Subtype{}-tastebindingerTøm bindinger{}-innstillingerCache DirectoryCovers DirectorySnapshots DirectorySave States DirectoryGame Settings DirectoryInput Profile DirectoryCheats DirectoryPatches DirectoryTexture Replacements DirectoryVideo Dumping DirectoryFortsett spillSkru av/på bildefrekvensgrenseSpillegenskaperBragderSave ScreenshotSwitch To Software RendererSwitch To Hardware RendererBytt diskLukk spilletExit Without SavingBack To Pause MenuExit And Save StateLeaderboardsSlett lagrefilLukk menyDelete StateStandard oppstartTilbakestill spilletidLegg til søkemappeÅpne i filutforskerDisable Subdirectory ScanningEnable Subdirectory ScanningRemove From ListStandardvisningSorter etterSort ReversedScan For New GamesRescan All GamesNettstedSupportforumGitHub-kodelagerLisensLukkRAIntegration is being used instead of the built-in achievements implementation.Enable AchievementsHardcore-modusLydeffekterTest Unofficial AchievementsBrukernavn: {}Login token generated on {}Logg utIkke påloggetLogg innSpill: {0} ({1})Rich presence inactive or unsupported.Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.Card EnabledKortnavnLøs ut kortetGSConfigured upscale multiplier {}x is above your GPU's supported multiplier of {}x.Kunne ikke åpnes på nytt, gjenoppretter gammel konfigurasjon.Failed to create render device. This may be due to your GPU not supporting the chosen renderer ({}), or because your graphics drivers need to be updated.Failed to change window after update. The log may contain more information.Oppskaleringsmultiplikator satt til {}x.Saving screenshot to '{}'.Saved screenshot to '{}'.Kunne ikke lagre skjermbilde til '{}'.Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering.CAS er ikke tilgjengelig. Grafikkdriveren støtter ikke den nødvendige funksjonaliteten.with no compressionwith LZMA compressionwith Zstandard compressionLagrer {0} GS-dump {1} til '{2}'single framemulti-frameFailed to render/download screenshot.Saved GS dump to '{}'.Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling.Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures.Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects.Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow.Your system has the "OpenCL, OpenGL, and Vulkan Compatibility Pack" installed.
This Vulkan driver crashes PCSX2 on some GPUs.
To use the Vulkan renderer, you should remove this app package.The Vulkan renderer was automatically selected, but no compatible devices were found.
You should update all graphics drivers in your system, including any integrated GPUs
to use the Vulkan renderer.Switching to Software Renderer...Switching to Hardware Renderer...Failed to create D3D device: 0x{:08X}. A GPU which supports Direct3D Feature Level 10.0 is required.The Direct3D renderer is running at feature level 10.0. This is an UNSUPPORTED configuration.
Do not request support, please upgrade your hardware/drivers first.GSCaptureFailed to load FFmpegYou may be missing one or more files, or are using the incorrect version. This build of PCSX2 requires:
libavcodec: {}
libavformat: {}
libavutil: {}
libswscale: {}
libswresample: {}
Please see our official documentation for more information.capturing audio and videocapturing videocapturing audioStarting {} to '{}'.Stopped {} to '{}'.Aborted {} due to encoding error in '{}'.GSDeviceOGLOpenGL renderer is not supported. Only OpenGL {}.{}
was foundGSDeviceVKYour GPU does not support the required Vulkan features.GameCheatSettingsWidgetActivating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats.Aktiver JuksNavnUtviklereBeskrivelseSearch...Aktiver AlleDeaktiver alleAll CRCsLast inn juksekoder på nyttShow Cheats For All CRCsCheckedToggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.%1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.GameDatabase{0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}.
Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}.
You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve
graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements.Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied:No tracks provided.Hash {} is not in database.Data track number does not match data track in database.Track {0} with hash {1} is not found in database.
Track {0} with hash {1} is for a different game ({2}).
Track {0} with hash {1} does not match database track.
GameFixSettingsWidgetGame FixesFPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nMultiply: mathematical term.\nTales of Destiny: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.FPU Multiply HackMPEG: video codec, leave as-is. FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.Skip MPEG HackTLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer. Leave as-is. Goemon: name of a character from the series with his name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Preload TLB HackEE: Emotion Engine. Leave as-is.EE Timing HackDMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.Instant DMA HackOPH: Name of a flag (Output PatH) in the GIF_STAT register in the EE. Leave as-is.\nBleach Blade Battles: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.OPH Flag HackGIF = GS (Graphics Synthesizer, the GPU) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.Emuler GIF FIFODMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.DMA Busy HackVIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is. SOCOM 2 and Spy Hunter: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.\nHUD = Heads-Up Display. The games' interfaces.Delay VIF1 StallsVIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.Emuler VIF FIFOVU0 = VU (Vector Unit) 0. Leave as-is.Full VU0 SynchronizationVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nI Bit = A bit referred as I, not as 1.\nScarface The World is Yours and Crash Tag Team Racing: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.VU I Bit HackVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nTri-Ace: a game development company name. Leave as-is.VU Add HackVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nSuperman Returns: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.VU Overflow HackVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nRun Behind: watch out for misleading capitalization for non-English: this refers to making the VUs run behind (delayed relative to) the EE.\nM-Bit: a bitflag in VU instructions that tells VU0 to synchronize with the EE. M-Bit Game: A game that uses instructions with the M-Bit enabled (unofficial PCSX2 name).VU-synkroniseringVU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nXGKick: the name of one of the VU's instructions. Leave as-is.VU XGKick SyncBlit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit This option tells PCSX2 to estimate internal FPS by detecting blits (image copies) onto visible display memory.Force Blit Internal FPS DetectionFMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.Bruk programvare-rendrer for FMV-erUncheckedFor Tales of Destiny.To avoid TLB miss on Goemon.Needed for some games with complex FMV rendering.Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.Known to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.Correct but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.Avoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.Forces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.Run behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.To check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.GameListPS2 DiscPS1 DiscELFOtherUnknownNothingIntroMenuIn-GamePlayablePerfectScanning directory {} (recursively)...Scanning directory {}...Skanner {} ...AldriI dagI går{}h {}m{}h {}m {}s{}m {}s{}s%n hours%n hours%n minutes%n minutesDownloading cover for {0} [{1}]...GameListModelTypeKodeTittelFiltittelCRCTid spiltSist SpiltStørrelseRegionKompatibilitetGameListSettingsWidgetSpillskanningSøk etter mapper (vil bli skannet for spill)Legg til...FjernSøk i mappeSkann rekursivtEkskluderte stier (vil ikke bli skannet)Mappe…Fil …Søk etter nye spillSkann alle spill på nyttSkjermForetrekk engelske titlerUncheckedFor games with both a title in the game's native language and one in English, prefer the English title.Åpne Mappe...Velg søkemappeSkann rekursivt?Vil du skanne mappen "%1" rekursivt?
Rekursiv skanning tar lengre tid, men identifiserer filer i underkataloger.Velg filVelg mappeGameListWidgetSpilllisteSpill rutenettVis titlerAlle typerAlle regionerSøk...GamePatchDetailsWidgetPatch tittelAktivert<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Forfatter: </span>Patch Forfatter</p><p>Beskrivelse går her</p></body></html><strong>Forfatter: </strong>%1<br>%2UkjentIngen beskrivelse oppgitt.GamePatchSettingsWidgetAktivering av spillpatcher kan føre til uforutsigbar oppførsel, krasj, softlocks eller ødelagte lagrede spill. Bruk oppdateringer på eget ansvar, PCSX2-teamet vil ikke gi support til brukere som har aktivert spillpatcher.Any patches bundled with PCSX2 for this game will be disabled since you have unlabeled patches loaded.<html><head/><body><p>Widescreen patches are currently <span style=" font-weight:600;">ENABLED</span> globally.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>No-Interlacing patches are currently <span style=" font-weight:600;">ENABLED</span> globally.</p></body></html>All CRCsLast inn patcher på nyttShow Patches For All CRCsCheckedToggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.Det er ingen patcher tilgjengelig for dette spillet.GameSummaryWidgetTittel:Clear the line to restore the original title...GjenopprettName for use in sorting (e.g. "XXX, The" for a game called "The XXX")Sorting Title:Engelsk tittel:Filbane:Serienummer:Check WikiCRC:Type:PS2 platePS1 plateELF (Kjørbar PS2-fil)Region:Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-B (Brasil)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-C (Kina)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-HK (Hong Kong)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-J (Japan)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-K (Korea)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-T (Taiwan)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.NTSC-U (USA)AnnetLeave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-A (Australia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-AF (Sør-Afrika)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-AU (Østerrike)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-BE (Belgia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-E (Europa/Australia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-F (Frankrike)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-FI (Finland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-G (Tyskland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-GR (Hellas)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-I (Italia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-IN (India)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-M (Europa/Australia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-NL (Nederland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-NO (Norge)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-P (Portugal)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-PL (Polen)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-R (Russland)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-S (Spania)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SC (Skandinavia)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SW (Sverige)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-SWI (Sveits)Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.PAL-UK (Storbritannia)Kompatibilitet:Inndataprofil:Refers to the shared settings profile.DeltDiskens filbane:Bla gjennom...TømVerifiserSearch on Redump.org...First arg is a GameList compat; second is a string with space followed by star rating OR empty if Unknown compat%0%1First arg is filled-in stars for game compatibility; second is empty stars; should be swapped for RTL languages %0%1Velg disk-filbane:Spillet er ikke en CD/DVD.Track list unavailable while virtual machine is running.#ModusStartSektorerStørrelseMD5Status%1<not computed>FeilCannot verify image while a game is running.One or more tracks is missing.Verified as %1 [%2] (Version %3).Verified as %1 [%2].GlobalVariableTreeWidgetunknown functionGraphicsSettingsWidgetGjengiver:Adapter:SkjermFullskjermmodus:Visningsforhold:Tilpass til vindu / FullskjermAuto standard (4:3 sammenflettet / 3:2 progressiv)Standard (4:3)Widescreen (16:9)FMV Aspect Ratio Override:Av (Standard)Automatisk (Standard)Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.Veving (toppfelt først, sagtann)Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.Veving (nedre felt først, sagtann)Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.Bob (toppfelt først, fulle bilder)Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.Bob (nedre felt først, fulle bilder)Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.Bland (toppfelt først, slå sammen 2 felt)Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.Bland (nedre felt først, slå sammen 2 felt)Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.Adaptiv (toppfelt først, ligner på Bob + Veving)Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.Adaptiv (nedre felt først, ligner på Bob + Veving)Bilineær filtrering:IngenSmooth: Refers to the texture clarity.Bilineær (jevn)Sharp: Refers to the texture clarity.Bilineær (skarp)Vertikal strekking:Percentage sign that shows next to a value. You might want to add a space before if your language requires it.
Percentage sign that will appear next to a number. Add a space or whatever is needed before depending on your language.%Beskjær:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Venstre:pxWarning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Topp:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Høyre:Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.Bunn:Skjerm forskyvningerVis overskannAnti-uskarphetCtrl+SDeaktiver sammenflettingsforskyvningSkjermbilde størrelse:SkjermoppløsningIntern oppløsningPNGJPEGKvalitet:GjengivelseIntern oppløsning:AvTekstur filtrering:NærmesteBilineær (tvunget)Bilineær (PS2)Bilineær (tvunget, ekskluderer spriter)Trilineær filtrering:Av (Ingen)Trilineær (PS2)Trilineær (tvunget)Anisotropisk filtrering:Dithering:SkalertUskalert (standard)Blandingsnøyaktighet:MinimumGrunnleggende (Anbefalt)MediumHøyFull (Sakte)Maksimum (veldig sakte)Teksturforhåndsinnlasting:DelvisFull (Hash Cache)Software Rendering Threads:Skip Draw Range:Disable Depth ConversionGPU-palettkonverteringManuelle maskinvare-renderingsfikserSpin GPU During ReadbacksSpin CPU During Readbacks tråderMipmappingAuto FlushMaskinvarefikserTvangsdeaktivertTvangsaktivertCPU Sprite Render Size:0 (Disabled)0 (skrudd av)1 (64 Maks Bredde)2 (128 Maks Bredde)3 (192 Maks Bredde)4 (256 Maks Bredde)5 (320 Maks Bredde)6 (384 Maks Bredde)7 (448 Maks Bredde)8 (512 Maks Bredde)9 (576 Maks Bredde)10 (640 Maks Bredde)Disable Safe FeaturesPreload Frame DataTexture Inside RT1 (normal)2 (Aggressiv)Software CLUT Render:CLUT: Color Look Up Table, often referred to as a palette in non-PS2 things. GPU Target CLUT: GPU handling of when a game uses data from a render target as a CLUT.GPU Target CLUT:Skrudd av (Standard)Skrudd på (Nøyaktig samsvar)Enabled (Check Inside Target)OppskaleringsfikserHalf Pixel Offset:Normal (Vertex)Spesiell (tekstur)Spesiell (tekstur – aggressiv)Round Sprite:HalvFullTeksturforskyvninger:X:Y:Merge SpriteAlign SpriteAvfletting:No DeinterlacingWindow Resolution (Aspect Corrected)Internal Resolution (Aspect Corrected)Internal Resolution (No Aspect Correction)WebPForce 32bitSprites OnlySprites/TrianglesBlended Sprites/TrianglesAuto Flush:Enabled (Sprites Only)Enabled (All Primitives)Texture Inside RT:Inside TargetMerge TargetsDisable Partial Source InvalidationRead Targets When ClosingEstimate Texture RegionSkru av rendringsfikserAlign To NativeUnscaled Palette Texture DrawsBilinear Dirty Upscale:Force BilinearForce NearestTekstur-erstattingSøk i mappeBla gjennom...Åpne...TilbakestillPCSX2 dumper og laster inn teksturerstatninger fra denne mappen.InnstillingerDump teksturerDump MipmapsDump FMV teksturerLast teksturerNative (10:7)Apply Widescreen PatchesApply No-Interlacing PatchesNative ScalingNormalAggressiveForce Even Sprite PositionPrecache teksturerEtterbehandlingSkarphet/Anti-AliasingYou might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfxKontrasttilpasset skjerping:Ingen (Standard)Skjerping (intern oppløsning)Skjerpe og endre størrelse (visningsoppløsning)Skarphet:FXAAFiltreTV Shader:Skannelinje filterDiagonalt filterTriangulært filterBølgefilterLottes = Timothy Lottes, the creator of the shader filter. Leave as-is. CRT= Cathode Ray Tube, an old type of television technology.Lottes CRT4xRGSS downsampling (4x Rotated Grid SuperSampling)NxAGSS downsampling (Nx Automatic Grid SuperSampling)Shade BoostLysstyrke:Kontrast:FargemetningOSDSkjerm på-skjermOSD-skala:Vis indikatorerVis oppløsningVis inndataVis GPU-brukVis innstillingerVis BildefrekvensMailbox Presentation: a type of graphics-rendering technique that has not been exposed to the public that often, so chances are you will need to keep the word mailbox in English. It does not have anything to do with postal mailboxes or email inboxes/outboxes.Disable Mailbox PresentationExtended Upscaling MultipliersDeaktiver Shader bufferDeaktiver Vertex Shader UtvidVis statistikkAsynchronous Texture LoadingFargemetning:Vis CPU-brukAdvar om utrygge innstillingerOpptakMappe for videodumpingOpptaksoppsettOSD Messages Position:Left (Default)OSD Performance Position:Right (Default)Show Frame TimesShow PCSX2 VersionShow Hardware InfoShow Input Recording StatusShow Video Capture StatusShow VPScaptureContainer:Kodeks:Extra ArgumenterTa opp lydFormat:Oppløsning:xAutoVideoopptakAdvanced here refers to the advanced graphics options.AvansertAvanserte InnstillingerNedlastingsmodus for maskinvare:Nøyaktig (anbefalt)Deaktiver tilbakelesing (synkroniser GS-tråden)Usynkronisert (ikke-deterministisk)Deaktivert (Ignorer Overføringer)GS Dump kompresjon:UkomprimertLZMA (xz)Zstandard (zst)Hopp over eksisterende duplikatbilderBlit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit \nSwap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit
Swap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.Bruk Blit Swap ChainBitrate:Unit that will appear next to a number. Alter the space or whatever is needed before the text depending on your language. kb/sTillat eksklusiv fullskjerm:Ikke tillatUnntakFeilsøkingsalternativerOverstyre teksturbarrierer:Bruk Debug-EnhetVis HastighetsprosentDeaktiver bildebufferhentingGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.Direct3D 11Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.Direct3D 12Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.OpenGLGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.VulkanGraphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.MetalGraphics backend/engine type (refers to emulating the GS in software, on the CPU). Translate accordingly.ProgramvareNull here means that this is a graphics backend that will show nothing.Null2x4 x8 x16 xBruk Globale Innstillinger [%1]UavmerketEnable Widescreen PatchesAutomatically loads and applies widescreen patches on game start. Can cause issues.Enable No-Interlacing PatchesAutomatically loads and applies no-interlacing patches on game start. Can cause issues.Deaktiverer forskyvning av sammenfletting, noe som kan redusere uskarphet i enkelte situasjoner.Bilineær filtreringAktiverer bilineært etterbehandlingsfilter. Jevner ut hele bildet etter hvert som det vises på skjermen. Korrigerer plasseringen mellom piksler.PCRTC: Programmable CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller.Aktiverer PCRTC forskyvninger som posisjonerer skjermen slik spillet krever. Nyttig for enkelte spill, for eksempel WipEout Fusion, på grunn av risteeffekten. Dette kan gjøre bildet uskarpt.Aktiverer muligheten til å vise overskanningsområdet på spill som tegner mer enn det sikre området på skjermen.FMV Aspect Ratio OverrideDetermines the deinterlacing method to be used on the interlaced screen of the emulated console. Automatic should be able to correctly deinterlace most games, but if you see visibly shaky graphics, try one of the available options.Kontroller nøyaktighetsnivået for emuleringen av GS-blandingsenheten.<br> Jo høyere innstilling, desto mer nøyaktig emuleres blanding i shaderen, og desto høyere blir hastighetsreduksjonen.<br> Vær oppmerksom på at Direct3Ds blanding er redusert i forhold til OpenGL/Vulkan.Software Rendering ThreadsCPU Sprite Render SizeProgramvare CLUT gjengiverTry to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it on the GPU with special handling.Dette alternativet deaktiverer spillspesifikke gjengivelsesfikser.By default, the texture cache handles partial invalidations. Unfortunately it is very costly to compute CPU wise. This hack replaces the partial invalidation with a complete deletion of the texture to reduce the CPU load. It helps with the Snowblind engine games.Rammebuffer-konverteringConvert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU. Helps Harry Potter and Stuntman games. It has a big impact on performance.DeaktivertOverrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio. If disabled, the FMV Aspect Ratio will match the same value as the general Aspect Ratio setting.Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly. Mipmapping uses progressively lower resolution variants of textures at progressively further distances to reduce processing load and avoid visual artifacts.Changes what filtering algorithm is used to map textures to surfaces.<br> Nearest: Makes no attempt to blend colors.<br> Bilinear (Forced): Will blend colors together to remove harsh edges between different colored pixels even if the game told the PS2 not to.<br> Bilinear (PS2): Will apply filtering to all surfaces that a game instructs the PS2 to filter.<br> Bilinear (Forced Excluding Sprites): Will apply filtering to all surfaces, even if the game told the PS2 not to, except sprites.Reduces blurriness of large textures applied to small, steeply angled surfaces by sampling colors from the two nearest Mipmaps. Requires Mipmapping to be 'on'.<br> Off: Disables the feature.<br> Trilinear (PS2): Applies Trilinear filtering to all surfaces that a game instructs the PS2 to.<br> Trilinear (Forced): Applies Trilinear filtering to all surfaces, even if the game told the PS2 not to.Reduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Force 32bit: Treat all draws as if they were 32bit to avoid banding and dithering.Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.Number of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). 2 to 4 threads is recommended, any more than that is likely to be slower instead of faster.Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache. Will likely create various glitches and is only useful for debugging.Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down. Can prevent lost visuals when saving state or switching renderers, but can also cause graphical corruption.Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).Namco: a game publisher and development company. Leave the name as-is. Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur: game names. Leave as-is or use official translations.Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.Dumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.Includes mipmaps when dumping textures.Allows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.Loads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.Loads replacement textures where available and user-provided.Preloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.Enables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.Determines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.Adjusts brightness. 50 is normal.Adjusts contrast. 50 is normal.Adjusts saturation. 50 is normal.Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%.OSD Messages PositionOSD Statistics PositionShows a variety of on-screen performance data points as selected by the user.Shows the vsync rate of the emulator in the top-right corner of the display.Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion.Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging.Displays a graph showing the average frametimes.Shows the current system hardware information on the OSD.Video CodecSelects which Video Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>Video FormatSelects which Video Format to be used for Video Capture. If by chance the codec does not support the format, the first format available will be used. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>Videobitfrekvens6000 kb/sSets the video bitrate to be used. Larger bitrate generally yields better video quality at the cost of larger resulting file size.Automatic ResolutionWhen checked, the video capture resolution will follows the internal resolution of the running game.<br><br><b>Be careful when using this setting especially when you are upscaling, as higher internal resolution (above 4x) can results in very large video capture and can cause system overload.</b>Enable Extra Video ArgumentsAllows you to pass arguments to the selected video codec.Extra Video ArgumentsAudio CodecSelects which Audio Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>LydbitfrekvensEnable Extra Audio ArgumentsAllows you to pass arguments to the selected audio codec.Extra Audio ArgumentsTillat eksklusiv fullskjermOverrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency.1.25x Native (~450px)1.5x Native (~540px)1.75x Native (~630px)2x Native (~720px/HD)2.5x Native (~900px/HD+)3x Native (~1080px/FHD)3.5x Native (~1260px)4x Native (~1440px/QHD)5x Native (~1800px/QHD+)6x Native (~2160px/4K UHD)7x Native (~2520px)8x Native (~2880px/5K UHD)9x Native (~3240px)10x Native (~3600px/6K UHD)11x Native (~3960px)12x Native (~4320px/8K UHD)13x Native (~4680px)14x Native (~5040px)15x Native (~5400px)16x Native (~5760px)17x Native (~6120px)18x Native (~6480px/12K UHD)19x Native (~6840px)20x Native (~7200px)21x Native (~7560px)22x Native (~7920px)23x Native (~8280px)24x Native (~8640px/16K UHD)25x Native (~9000px)%1x NativeAvkryssetEnables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.Integer ScalingAdds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.VisningsaspektAuto-standard (4:3/3:2 progressiv)Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era.AvflettingSkjermbilde størrelseDetermines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size.Skjermbilde-formatSelects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail.Skjermbilde kvalitet50%Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed. Higher values preserve more detail for JPEG, and reduce file size for PNG.100%Vertikal strekkingStretches (< 100%) or squashes (> 100%) the vertical component of the display.Modus for fullskjermKantløs fullskjermVelger oppløsning og frekvens på fullskjerm.Venstre0pxChanges the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display.ØverstChanges the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display.HøyreChanges the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display.BunnChanges the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display.Standard (PS2)Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered.TeksturfiltreringTrilineær filtreringAnisotropisk filtreringReduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles.DitheringBlending AccuracyTeksturforhåndsinnlastingUploads entire textures at once instead of small pieces, avoiding redundant uploads when possible. Improves performance in most games, but can make a small selection slower.When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.Enabling this option gives you the ability to change the renderer and upscaling fixes to your games. However IF you have ENABLED this, you WILL DISABLE AUTOMATIC SETTINGS and you can re-enable automatic settings by unchecking this option.2 tråderForce a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture. Fixes some processing effects such as the shadows in the Jak series and radiosity in GTA:SA.Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly.The maximum target memory width that will allow the CPU Sprite Renderer to activate on.Tries to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it in software, instead of on the GPU.GPU Target CLUTSkipdraw rekkevidde start0Tegning av flater fra flaten i boksen til venstre til flaten som er angitt i boksen til høyre, hoppes helt over.Skipdraw rekkevidde sluttDette alternativet deaktiverer flere trygge funksjoner. Deaktiverer nøyaktig punkt og linjegjengivelse uten skalering, noe som kan hjelpe Xenosaga-spill. Deaktiverer nøyaktig GS Memory Clearing som gjøres på CPU-en, og lar GPU-en håndtere det, noe som kan hjelpe Kingdom Hearts-spill.Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.Halv pikselforskyvningKan kanskje fikse feiljustert tåke-, bloom- eller blandingseffekt.Rund SpriteKorrigerer samplingen av 2D-sprite-teksturer ved oppskalering. Fikser linjer i sprites i spill som Ar tonelico ved oppskalering. Alternativet Halv er for flate sprites, Full er for alle sprites.Teksturforskyvninger XST and UV are different types of texture coordinates, like XY would be spatial coordinates.Forskyvning for ST/UV-teksturkoordinatene. Løser noen merkelige teksturproblemer og kan også fikse noen justeringer i etterbehandlingen.Teksturforskyvninger YWild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation.Senker GS-presisjonen for å unngå mellomrom mellom piksler ved oppskalering. Fikser teksten på Wild Arms-spill.Bilineær oppskaleringKan jevne ut teksturer på grunn av bilineær filtrering ved oppskalering. F.eks. solblending i spillet Modig.Erstatter etterbehandling av flere "paving sprites" med én enkelt fet sprite. Dette reduserer oppskaleringslinjer.Force palette texture draws to render at native resolution.You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfxKontrasttilpasset skjerpingSkarphetGjør det mulig å justere metning, kontrast og lysstyrke. Verdiene for lysstyrke, metning og kontrast er som standard 50.Bruker FXAA anti-aliasing algoritmen for å forbedre den visuelle kvaliteten på spillene.Lysstyrke50KontrastTV ShaderBruker en shader som gjenskaper de visuelle effektene til ulike typer fjernsyn.OSD-skalaViser meldinger på skjermen når hendelser inntreffer, for eksempel når lagringstilstander opprettes/lastes inn, skjermbilder tas osv.Viser spillets interne bildefrekvens øverst til høyre på skjermen.Viser systemets gjeldende emuleringshastighet øverst til høyre i på skjermen i prosent.Viser spillets oppløsning øverst til høyre på skjermen.Viser vertens CPU-utnyttelse.Viser vertens GPU-utnyttelse.Viser tellere for intern grafisk bruk, nyttig for feilsøking.Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.Shows the current PCSX2 version on the top-right corner of the display.Shows the currently active video capture status.Shows the currently active input recording status.Viser advarsler når innstillinger er aktivert som kan ødelegge spill.La det stå tomtParameters passed to the selected video codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast"Sets the audio bitrate to be used.160 kb/sParameters passed to the selected audio codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "compression_level = 4 : joint_stereo = 1"GS Dump kompresjonEndre komprimeringsalgoritmen som brukes når du oppretter en GS-dump.Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blitBruker en blit-presentasjonsmodell i stedet for flipping ved bruk av Direct3D 11-rendereren. Dette gir vanligvis lavere ytelse, men kan være nødvendig for enkelte strømmeapplikasjoner eller for å frigjøre bildefrekvenser på enkelte systemer.Detects when idle frames are being presented in 25/30fps games, and skips presenting those frames. The frame is still rendered, it just means the GPU has more time to complete it (this is NOT frame skipping). Can smooth out frame time fluctuations when the CPU/GPU are near maximum utilization, but makes frame pacing more inconsistent and can increase input lag.Displays additional, very high upscaling multipliers dependent on GPU capability.Enable Debug DeviceEnables API-level validation of graphics commands.GS nedlastingsmodusNøyaktigHopp over synkronisering med GS-tråden og verts-GPUen for GS-nedlastinger. Kan gi en stor hastighetsøkning på tregere systemer, men på bekostning av mange ødelagte grafiske effekter. Hvis spill er ødelagt og du har dette alternativet aktivert, bør du deaktivere det først.This string refers to a default codec, whether it's an audio codec or a video codec.StandardForces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.GraphicsSettingsWidget::GraphicsSettingsWidgetThis string refers to a default pixel formatDefaultHotkeysGrafikkLagre skjermdumpSlå av/på videoopptakLagre enkeltramme GS-dumpLagre GS-dump med flere bilderVeksle programvare gjengivelseØke multiplikatoren for oppskaleringRedusere multiplikatoren for oppskaleringToggle On-Screen DisplayVeksle størrelsesforholdVisningsforhold satt til '{}'.Toggle Hardware MipmappingHardware mipmapping is now enabled.Hardware mipmapping is now disabled.Cycle Deinterlace ModeAutomaticOffWeave (Top Field First)Weave (Bottom Field First)Bob (Top Field First)Bob (Bottom Field First)Blend (Top Field First)Blend (Bottom Field First)Adaptive (Top Field First)Adaptive (Bottom Field First)Deinterlace mode set to '{}'.Toggle Texture DumpingTexture dumping is now enabled.Texture dumping is now disabled.Toggle Texture ReplacementsTexture replacements are now enabled.Texture replacements are now disabled.Reload Texture ReplacementsTexture replacements are not enabled.Reloading texture replacements...Target speed set to {:.0f}%.Volum: DempetVolum: {}%No save state found in slot {}.SystemÅpne pausemenyOpen Achievements ListOpen Leaderboards ListSkru av/på pauseSkru av/på fullskjemSkru av/på bildefrekvensgrenseSkru av/på turbo / fort filmSkru av/på sakte filmTurbo / Fast Forward (Hold)Øk målhastighetenReduser målhastighetenØk volumSenk volumSkru av/på lyddempingFrame AdvanceShut Down Virtual MachineTilbakestill virtuell maskinToggle Input Recording ModeSave StatesSelect Previous Save SlotSelect Next Save SlotSave State To Selected SlotLoad State From Selected SlotSave State and Select Next SlotSelect Next Slot and Save StateSave State To Slot 1Load State From Slot 1Save State To Slot 2Load State From Slot 2Save State To Slot 3Load State From Slot 3Save State To Slot 4Load State From Slot 4Save State To Slot 5Last tilstand fra spor 5Lagre tilstand til spor 6Last tilstand fra spor 6Lagre tilstand til spor 7Last tilstand fra spor 7Lagre tilstand til spor 8Last tilstand fra spor 8Lagre tilstand til spor 9Last tilstand fra spor 9Lagre tilstand til spor 10Last tilstand fra spor 10Save slot {0} selected ({1}).ImGuiOverlays{} Recording Input{} ReplayingInput Recording Active: {}Frame: {}/{} ({})Undo Count: {}Saved at {0:%H:%M} on {0:%a} {0:%Y/%m/%d}.Save state selector is unavailable without a valid game serial.Last innLagreVelg forrigeVelg nesteClose MenuSave Slot {0}No save present in this slot.no save yetInputBindingDialogRediger bindingerBindinger for Kontroller0/KnappSirkelFølsomhet:100%Deadzone:Legg til bindingFjern bindingTøm bindingerBindinger for %1 %2LukkTrykk knapp/akse... [%1]%1%InputBindingWidget
Left click to assign a new button
Shift + left click for additional bindings
Right click to clear bindingIngen bindinger er registrert%n bindinger%n bindingerTrykk knapp/akse... [%1]InputRecordingStarted new input recordingSavestate load failed for input recordingSavestate load failed for input recording, unsupported version?Replaying input recordingInput recording stoppedUnable to stop input recordingCongratulations, you've been playing for far too long and thus have reached the limit of input recording! Stopping recording now...InputRecordingControlsRecord Mode EnabledReplay Mode EnabledInputRecordingViewerInngangsopptaksviserFilRedigerVisÅpneLukk%1 %2%1%1 [%2]Venstre analogHøyre analogKryssKvadratTrekantSirkelL1R1L3R2D-pad nedL3R3VelgStartD-pad høyreD-pad oppD-pad venstreFiler for inngangsopptak (*.p2m2)Opening Recording FailedFailed to open file: %1InputVibrationBindingWidgetFeilIngen enheter med vibrasjonsmotorer ble oppdaget.Velg vibrasjonsmotor for %1.InterfaceSettingsWidgetOppførselPause ved tap av fokusHemme skjermsparerPause ved startBekreft avslutningAktiver Discord Rich PresencePause On Controller DisconnectionSpillvisningStart FullskjermDobbeltklikk for å aktivere fullskjermGjengi til separat vinduSkjul hovedvinduet under kjøringDeaktivere endring av vindusstørrelseSkjul markøren i fullskjermInnstillingerSpråk:Tema:Automatisk oppdateringsverktøyOppdateringskanal:Nåværende versjon:Aktiver automatisk oppdateringskontrollSe etter oppdateringer...InnebygdIgnore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Classic WindowsIgnore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Dark Fusion (Grå) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Dark Fusion (Blå) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Grey Matter (Gray) [Dark]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Untouched Lagoon (Grå-grønn/Blå) [Lys]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Baby Pastel (Rosa) [Lys]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Pizza Time! (Brunaktig/Kremhvit) [Lys]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.PCSX2 (Hvit/Blå) [Light]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Scarlet Devil (Rød/Lilla) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Violet Angel (Blå/Lilla) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Cobalt Sky (Blå) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Ruby (Svart/Rød) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Sapphire (Svart/Blå) [Mørk]Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.Emerald (Black/Green) [Dark]"Custom.qss" must be kept as-is.Custom.qss [Slipp i PCSX2-mappen]AvmerketSøker automatisk etter oppdateringer i programmet ved oppstart. Oppdateringer kan utsettes til senere eller hoppes over helt.Variable %1 shows the version number and variable %2 shows a timestamp.%1 (%2)Forhindrer at skjermspareren aktiveres og at verten går i dvale mens emuleringen kjører.Bestemmer om det skal vises en melding for å bekrefte at den virtuelle maskinen slås av når du trykker på hurtigtasten.Pauses the emulator when a controller with bindings is disconnected.Allows switching in and out of fullscreen mode by double-clicking the game window.Hindrer hovedvinduets størrelse fra å endres.UncheckedFusjon [Lys/Mørk]Setter emulatoren på pause når et spill startes opp.Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back.Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.Renders the game to a separate window, instead of the main window. If unchecked, the game will display over the top of the game list.Hides the main window (with the game list) when a game is running, requires Render To Separate Window to be enabled.Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile in Discord.Systemspråk [standard]LogWindowLog Window - %1 [%2]Log Window&Fjern&Lagre...L&ukk&InnstillingerLog To &System ConsoleLog To &Debug ConsoleLog To &FileAttach To &Main WindowShow &TimestampsVelg loggfilLog Files (*.txt)FeilFailed to open file for writing.Log was written to %1.
MAC_APPLICATION_MENUTjenesterSkjul %1Skjul andreVis alleInnstillinger ...Avslutt %1Om %1MainWindowPCSX2&SystemBytt diskLast inn tilstand&Innstillinger&Hjelp&Problemløsing&Vis&VindusstørrelseVerk&tøyVerktøylinjeStart &fil …Start &BIOS&Skann etter nye spill&Skann alle spill på nyttSkru &avSkru av &uten å lagre&Tilbakestill&PauseA&vslutt&BIOS&Kontrollere&Hurtigtaster&Grafikk&Post-Processing Settings...Oppløsningsskalering&GitHub-kodelager ...Brukerstøtte&forumer ...&Discord-tjener ...Se etter &oppdateringer ...Om &Qt...&Om PCSX2 ...In ToolbarFullskjermIn ToolbarBytt disk ...&LydGlobal State&SkjermbildeIn ToolbarStart fil&Change Disc&Load StateSa&ve StateSetti&ngs&Switch Renderer&Input RecordingStart D&isc...In ToolbarStart diskIn ToolbarStart BIOSIn ToolbarSkru avIn ToolbarTilbakestillIn ToolbarPauseIn ToolbarLast inn tilstandIn ToolbarLagre tilstanden&EmulationIn ToolbarKontrollereAchie&vements&Fullscreen&InterfaceAdd Game &Directory...In ToolbarInnstillinger&From File...From &Device...From &Game List...&Remove DiscIn ToolbarSkjermklipp&Minnekort&Nettverk && HDD&Mapper&VerktøylinjeShow Titl&es (Grid View)&Open Data Directory...&Toggle Software Rendering&Open Debugger&Reload Cheats/PatchesE&nable System ConsoleEnable &Debug ConsoleEnable &Log WindowEnable &Verbose LoggingEnable EE Console &LoggingEnable &IOP Console LoggingSave Single Frame &GS DumpThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.&NewThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.&PlayThis section refers to the Input Recording submenu.&Stop&Controller Logs&Input Recording LogsEnable &CDVD Read LoggingSave CDVD &Block Dump&Enable Log TimestampsStart Big Picture &Mode&Cover Downloader...&Show Advanced Settings&Recording Viewer&Video Capture&Edit Cheats...Edit &Patches...&StatuslinjeSpill-&listeLoc&k Toolbar&Verbose StatusThis grayed-out at first option will become available while there is a game emulated and the game list is displayed over the actual emulation, to let users display the system emulation once more.System&visningSpill&egenskaperSpill&rutenettForstørr (Rutenettvisning)Ctrl++Forminsk (Rutenettvisning)Ctrl+-Oppfrisk &omslag (Rutenettvisning)Åpne minnekortmappe ...Input Recording LogsEnable &File LoggingStart Storbilde-modusIn ToolbarStorbildeVis avanserte innstillingerVideoopptakIntern oppløsning%1x SkalaSelect location to save block dump:Ikke vis igjenChanging advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting.
The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own.
Are you sure you want to continue?%1 filer (*.%2)WARNING: Memory Card BusyBekreft avslutningAre you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine?Save State For ResumeFeilDu må velge en disk for å kunne bytte disker.Egenskaper...Bestem omslagsbilde ...Ekskluder fra listenTilbakestill spilletidCheck Wiki PageStandard oppstartHurtig OppstartFull OppstartStart opp og feilsøkLegg til søkemappe ...Start filStart diskVelg diskbildeFeil hos oppdateringsverktøy<p>Sorry, you are trying to update a PCSX2 version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please download from the link below:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p>Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform.Bekreft filopprettingThe pnach file '%1' does not currently exist. Do you want to create it?Failed to create '%1'.Theme ChangeChanging the theme will close the debugger window. Any unsaved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?Input Recording FailedFailed to create file: {}Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)Input Playback FailedFailed to open file: {}PausetLoad State FailedCannot load a save state without a running VM.The new ELF cannot be loaded without resetting the virtual machine. Do you want to reset the virtual machine now?Cannot change from game to GS dump without shutting down first.Failed to get window info from widgetStop Big Picture ModeIn ToolbarExit Big PictureSpillegenskaperSpillegenskaper er utilgjengelige for det nåværende spillet.Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.Velg diskstasjon:This save state does not exist.Velg omslagsbildeOmslaget finnes alleredeA cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?Feil ved kopieringFailed to remove existing cover '%1'Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'Failed to remove '%1'Bekreft tilbakestillingAll Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.webp)You must select a different file to the current cover image.Are you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'?
This action cannot be undone.Load Resume StateA resume save state was found for this game, saved at:
Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot?Oppfrisket oppstartSlett og start oppFailed to delete save state file '%1'.Load State File...Last inn fra fil ...Select Save State FileSave States (*.p2s)Delete Save States...All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump)All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump)WARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now <b>WILL IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD.</b> It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.<br><br>Do you wish to shutdown anyways and <b>IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?</b>Save States (*.p2s *.p2s.backup)Undo Load StateFortsett (%2)Last inn spor %1 (%2)Delete Save StatesAre you sure you want to delete all save states for %1?
The saves will not be recoverable.%1 save states deleted.Lagre til fil …Tomt innholdLagreplass %1 (%2)Bekreft diskskifteØnsker du å skifte disker eller å starte opp fra en ny fil (via systemomstart)?Bytt diskTilbakestillManglende skrifttypefilThe font file '%1' is required for the On-Screen Display and Big Picture Mode to show messages in your language.<br><br>Do you want to download this file now? These files are usually less than 10 megabytes in size.<br><br><strong>If you do not download this file, on-screen messages will not be readable.</strong>Downloading FilesMemoryCardMemory Card Creation FailedCould not create the memory card:
{}Memory Card Read FailedUnable to access memory card:
Another instance of PCSX2 may be using this memory card or the memory card is stored in a write-protected folder.
Close any other instances of PCSX2, or restart your computer.
Memory Card '{}' was saved to storage.Failed to create memory card. The error was:
{}Minnekort ble satt inn igjen.Force ejecting all Memory Cards. Reinserting in 1 second.The virtual console hasn't saved to your memory card for quite some time. Savestates should not be used in place of in-game saves.MemoryCardConvertDialogKonverter minnekortKonverteringstype8 MB Fil16 MB Fil32 MB Fil64 MB FilMappe<center><strong>Note:</strong> Converting a Memory Card creates a <strong>COPY</strong> of your existing Memory Card. It does <strong>NOT delete, modify, or replace</strong> your existing Memory Card.</center>FremdriftUses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.Et standard 8 MB minnekort. Mest kompatibelt, men med minst kapasitet.2× større enn et standard minnekort. Kan ha noen kompatibilitetsproblemer.4× større enn et standard minnekort. Vil sannsynligvis ha kompatibilitetsproblemer.8× større enn et standard minnekort. Vil sannsynligvis ha kompatibilitetsproblemer.MemoryCardType should be left as-is.Konvertering av minnekort mislyktesUgyldig minnekorttypeKonvertering fullførtMemory Card "%1" converted to "%2"Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less.Kan ikke konvertere minnekortThere was an error when accessing the memory card directory. Error message: %0MemoryCardCreateDialogOpprett minnekort<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Create Memory Card</span><br />Enter the name of the Memory Card you wish to create, and choose a size. We recommend either using 8MB Memory Cards, or folder Memory Cards for best compatibility.</p></body></html>Minnekortets navn:8 MB [mest kompatibelt]Dette er Sonys standardstørrelse, og støttes av alle spill og BIOS-versjoner.16 MBA typical size for third-party Memory Cards which should work with most games.32 MB64 MBLow compatibility warning: yes, it's very big, but may not work with many games.Mappe [anbefalt]Store Memory Card contents in the host filesystem instead of a file.128 KB (PS1)This is the standard Sony-provisioned size PS1 Memory Card, and only compatible with PS1 games.Bruk NTFS-komprimeringNTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable. Typically compresses Memory Cards (highly recommended).Failed to create the Memory Card, because the name '%1' contains one or more invalid characters.Failed to create the Memory Card, because another card with the name '%1' already exists.Failed to create the Memory Card, the log may contain more information.Minnekortet '%1' er opprettet.MemoryCardListWidgetJaNeiMemoryCardSettingsWidgetMemory Card SlotsMinnekortMappe:Bla gjennom...Åpne...TilbakestillNavnTypeFormatertSist endretLast inn på nyttOpprettEndre navnKonverterSlettInnstillingerBehandle automatisk lagrefiler basert på det pågående spilletChecked(Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves.Bytt minnekortLøs ut minnekortFeilSlett minnekortGi minnekortet nytt navnNavn på nytt kortDet nye navnet er ugyldig, det må slutte med .ps2Det nye navnet er ugyldig, et kort med dette navnet finnes allerede.Slot %1This Memory Card cannot be recognized or is not a valid file type.Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'?
This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card.Mislyktes i å slette minnekortet. Loggen kan ha mer informasjon.Mislyktes i å gi nytt navn til minnekortet. Loggen kan ha mer informasjon.Use for Slot %1Both slots must have a card selected to swap.PS2 (8MB)PS2 (16MB)PS2 (32MB)PS2 (64MB)PS1 (128KB)UkjentPS2 (Mappe)MemoryCardSlotWidget%1 [%2]Ignore Crowdin's warning for [Missing], the text should be translated.%1 [Mangler]MemorySearchWidgetValueType1 Byte (8 bits)2 Bytes (16 bits)4 Bytes (32 bits)8 Bytes (64 bits)FloatDoubleStringArray of byteHexSearchFilter SearchEqualsNot EqualsGreater ThanGreater Than Or EqualLess ThanLess Than Or EqualComparisonStartEndSearch Results List Context MenuCopy AddressGo to in DisassemblyAdd to Saved Memory AddressesRemove ResultDebuggerInvalid start addressInvalid end addressStart address can't be equal to or greater than the end addressInvalid search valueValue is larger than typeThis search comparison can only be used with filter searches.%0 results foundSearching...IncreasedIncreased ByDecreasedDecreased ByChangedChanged ByNot ChangedMemoryViewWidgetMinneKopier adresseGo to in DisassemblyGå til adresseShow as Little EndianVis som 1 byteVis som 2 byteVis som 4 byteVis som 8 byteAdd to Saved Memory AddressesKopier ByteKopier segmentKopier TegnLim innGo To In Memory ViewCannot Go ToNewFunctionDialogNo existing function found.No next symbol found.Size is invalid.Size is not a multiple of 4.A function already exists at that address.Cannot create symbol source.Cannot create symbol.Cannot Create FunctionNewGlobalVariableDialogCannot create symbol source.Cannot create symbol.Cannot Create Global VariableNewInputRecordingDlgNew Input RecordingVelg opptakstypeIndicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded from the moment the emulation boots on/starts.Slå påIndicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded when an accompanying save state is saved.Lagre tilstanden<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html>Velg filbaneBla gjennomEnter Author NameInput Recording Files (*.p2m2)Velg en filNewLocalVariableDialogInvalid function.Cannot determine stack frame size of selected function.Cannot create symbol source.Cannot create symbol.Cannot Create Local VariableNewParameterVariableDialogInvalid function.Invalid storage type.Cannot determine stack frame size of selected function.Cannot create symbol source.Cannot create symbol.Cannot Create Parameter VariableNewSymbolDialogDialogNameAddressRegisterStack Pointer OffsetSizeCustomExisting FunctionsShrink to avoid overlapsDo not modifyTypeFunctionGlobalStackFill existing function (%1 bytes)Fill existing function (none found)Fill space (%1 bytes)Fill space (no next symbol)Fill existing functionFill spaceName is empty.Address is not valid.Address is not aligned.PadD-pad OppD-pad HøyreD-pad NedD-pad VenstreTrekantSirkelKryssFirkantVelgStartL1 (venstre bumper)L2 (venstre trigger)R1 (høyre bumper)R2 (høyre trigger)L3 (venstre styrepinneknapp)R3 (høyre styrepinneknapp)Analog vekslingApply PressureVenstre styrepinne oppVenstre styrepinne høyreVenstre styrepinne nedVenstre styrepinne venstreHøyre styrepinne oppHøyre styrepinne høyreHøyre styrepinne nedHøyre styrepinne venstreLarge (Low Frequency) MotorSmall (High Frequency) MotorIkke invertertInverter venstre/høyreInverter opp/nedInverter venstre/høyre + opp/nedInverter venstre styrepinneInverts the direction of the left analog stick.Inverter høyre styrepinneInverts the direction of the right analog stick.Analog dødvinkelSets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the stick movement which will be ignored.%.0f%%Button/Trigger DeadzoneSets the deadzone for activating buttons/triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger which will be ignored.Pressure Modifier AmountAnalog light is now on for port {0} / slot {1}Analog light is now off for port {0} / slot {1}Analog SensitivitySets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 130% and 140% is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.Large Motor Vibration ScaleIncreases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game.Small Motor Vibration ScaleIncreases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game.Sets the pressure when the modifier button is held.Ikke tilkobletDualShock 2Glider oppGlider nedGrønn knappRød knappGul knappBlå knappOransje knappWhammy-flappLøft oppWhammy-flippens dødsoneSets the whammy bar deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2.Whammy-flippens følsomhetSets the whammy bar axis scaling factor.GitarController port {0}, slot {1} has a {2} connected, but the save state has a {3}.
Ejecting {3} and replacing it with {2}.Gul (venstre)Gul (høyre)Blå (venstre)Blå (høyre)Hvit (venstre)Hvit (høyre)Grønn (venstre)Grønn (høyre)RødPop'n MusicMotorDial (Left)Dial (Right)Dial DeadzoneSets the dial deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2.Dial SensitivitySets the dial scaling factor.JogconB ButtonA ButtonI ButtonII ButtonL (Left Bumper)R (Right Bumper)Twist (Left)Twist (Right)Twist DeadzoneSets the twist deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2.Twist SensitivitySets the twist scaling factor.NegconPatchFailed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available.OSD Message%n GameDB patches are active.%n GameDB patches are active.OSD Message%n game patches are active.%n game patches are active.OSD Message%n cheat patches are active.%n cheat patches are active.No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled.Pcsx2ConfigDisabled (Noisy)TimeStretch (Recommended)PermissionsDialogCameraPCSX2 uses your camera to emulate an EyeToy camera plugged into the virtual PS2.PermissionsDialogMicrophonePCSX2 uses your microphone to emulate a USB microphone plugged into the virtual PS2.QCoreApplicationInvalid array subscript.No type name provided.Type '%1' not found.QObjectHDD-skaperMislyktes i å lage HDD-avbildningOppretter HDD-fil
%1 / %2 MiBAvbrytQtAsyncProgressThreadFeilSpørsmålInformasjonQtHostRA: Logged in as %1 (%2 pts, softcore: %3 pts). %4 unread messages.ErrorAn error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
{}An error occurred while saving game settings:
{}Controller {} connected.System paused because controller {} was disconnected.Controller {} disconnected.CancelQtModalProgressCallbackPCSX2AvbrytFeilSpørsmålInformasjonRegisterWidgetRegister ViewVis som heksadesimalView as floatCopy Top HalfCopy Bottom HalfCopy SegmentKopier verdiChange Top HalfChange Bottom HalfChange SegmentEndre verdiGo to in DisassemblyGo to in Memory ViewChanging the value in a CPU register (e.g. "Change t0")Endre %1Ugyldig registerverdiInvalid hexadecimal register value.Invalid floating-point register value.Invalid target addressSaveStateThis save state is outdated and is no longer compatible with the current version of PCSX2.
If you have any unsaved progress on this save state, you can download the compatible version (PCSX2 {}) from pcsx2.net, load the save state, and save your progress to the memory card.SavedAddressesModelMEMORY ADDRESSLABELDESCRIPTIONSettingWidgetBinderTilbakestillStandard: Bekreft mappeThe chosen directory does not currently exist:
Do you want to create this directory?FeilFolder path cannot be empty.Velg mappe for %1SettingsDialogTHIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Enabled]: the text must be translated.Bruk global innstilling [Aktivert]THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Disabled]: the text must be translated.Bruk global innstilling [Deaktivert]Bruk global innstilling [%1]SettingsWindowPCSX2-innstillingerGjenopprett standardinnstillingerCopy Global SettingsTøm innstillingerLukk<strong>Summary</strong><hr>This page shows details about the selected game. Changing the Input Profile will set the controller binding scheme for this game to whichever profile is chosen, instead of the default (Shared) configuration. The track list and dump verification can be used to determine if your disc image matches a known good dump. If it does not match, the game may be broken.SammendragSummary is unavailable for files not present in game list.GrensesnittSpill-liste<strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive.BIOSEmuleringPatcher<strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements.Juksekoder<strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked.Spillkorrigeringer<strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise.GrafikkLydMinnekortNettverk og HDDMapper<strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files.Bragder<strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games.RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled.AvansertAre you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any existing preferences will be lost.<strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.<strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.Feilsøking<strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space.Bekreft gjenoppretting av standardinnstillingerTilbakestill UI-innstillingerThe configuration for this game will be replaced by the current global settings.
Any current setting values will be overwritten.
Do you want to continue?Per-game configuration copied from global settings.The configuration for this game will be cleared.
Any current setting values will be lost.
Do you want to continue?Per-game configuration cleared.Anbefalt verdiSetupWizardDialogPCSX2-oppsettsveiviserSpråkBIOS-bildeSpillmapperKontrolleroppsettFullførtSpråk:Tema:Skru på automatiske oppdateringer<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.</p><p>For legal reasons, you must obtain a BIOS <strong>from an actual PS2 unit that you own</strong> (borrowing doesn't count).</p><p>Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory shown below, or you can instruct PCSX2 to scan an alternative directory.</p><p>A guide for dumping your BIOS can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/bios/">here</a>.</p></body></html>BIOS-mappe:Bla gjennom …TilbakestillFilnavnVersjonÅpne BIOS-mappen …Oppfrisk listen<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 will automatically scan and identify games from the selected directories below, and populate the game list.<br>These games should be dumped from discs you own. Guides for dumping discs can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/dumping">here</a>.</p><p>Supported formats for dumps include:</p><p><ul><li>.bin/.iso (ISO Disc Images)</li><li>.mdf (Media Descriptor File)</li><li>.chd (Compressed Hunks of Data)</li><li>.cso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.zso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.gz (Gzip Compressed ISO)</li></ul></p></p></body></html>Search Directories (will be scanned for games)Legg til...FjernSearch DirectoryScan Recursively<html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Welcome to PCSX2!</span></h1><p>This wizard will help guide you through the configuration steps required to use the application. It is recommended if this is your first time installing PCSX2 that you view the setup guide <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/">here</a>.</p><p>By default, PCSX2 will connect to the server at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/">pcsx2.net</a> to check for updates, and if available and confirmed, download update packages from <a href="https://github.com/">github.com</a>. If you do not wish for PCSX2 to make any network connections on startup, you should uncheck the Automatic Updates option now. The Automatic Update setting can be changed later at any time in Interface Settings.</p><p>Please choose a language and theme to begin.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>By default, PCSX2 will map your keyboard to the virtual PS2 controller.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:704;">To use an external controller, you must map it first. </span>On this screen, you can automatically map any controller which is currently connected. If your controller is not currently connected, you can plug it in now.</p><p>To change controller bindings in more detail, or use multi-tap, open the Settings menu and choose Controllers once you have completed the Setup Wizard.</p><p>Guides for configuring controllers can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/post/controllers/"><span style="">here</span></a>.</p></body></html>Kontrollerport 1Kontroller tilordnet til:Kontrollertype:Standard (tastatur)Automatisk kartleggingKontrollerport 2<html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Setup Complete!</span></h1><p>You are now ready to run games.</p><p>Further options are available under the settings menu. You can also use the Big Picture UI for navigation entirely with a gamepad.</p><p>We hope you enjoy using PCSX2.</p></body></html>&Tilbake&Neste&AvbrytAdvarselA BIOS image has not been selected. PCSX2 <strong>will not</strong> be able to run games without a BIOS image.<br><br>Are you sure you wish to continue without selecting a BIOS image?No game directories have been selected. You will have to manually open any game dumps you want to play, PCSX2's list will be empty.
Are you sure you want to continue?&FullførAvbryt oppsettAre you sure you want to cancel PCSX2 setup?
Any changes have been saved, and the wizard will run again next time you start PCSX2.Åpne mappe …Velg søkemappeScan Recursively?Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.Standard (ingen)Ingen enheter er tilgjengeligeAutomatisk bindingNo generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.StackModelWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.ENTRYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.LABELWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).PCWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.INSTRUCTIONWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STACK POINTERWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STØRRELSESymbolTreeModelAliveDeadNameValueLocationSizeTypeLivenessSymbolTreeTypeDelegateSymbol no longer exists.Cannot Change TypeSymbolTreeWidgetFormRefreshFilter+-(unknown source file)(unknown section)(unknown module)Copy NameCopy Mangled NameCopy LocationRename SymbolGo to in DisassemblyGo to in Memory ViewShow Size ColumnGroup by ModuleGroup by SectionGroup by Source FileSort by if type is knownReset childrenChange type temporarilyConfirm DeletionDelete '%1'?Name:Change Type ToType:Cannot Change TypeThat node cannot have a type.ThreadModelUGYLDIGWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.IDWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).PCWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.ENTRYWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.PRIORITETWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.STATEWarning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.WAIT TYPERefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.DÅRLIGRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.RUNRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.KLARRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.VENTRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.SUSPENDRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.WAIT SUSPENDRefers to a Thread State in the Debugger.DORMANTRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.INGENRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.WAKEUP REQUESTRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.SEMAPHORERefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.SLEEPRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.DELAYRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.EVENTFLAGRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.MBOXRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.VPOOLRefers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.FIXPOOLUSBPC-kamera (EyeToy)Sony EyeToyKonami Capture EyeVideo DeviceAudio DeviceAudio LatencySelects the device to capture images from.HID Keyboard (Konami)TastaturHID-musPekerVenstre knappHøyre knappMidtknappGunCon 2D-pad oppD-pad nedD-pad venstreD-pad høyreTriggerShoot OffscreenCalibration ShotABCVelgStartRelative LeftRelative RightRelative UpRelative DownCursor PathSets the crosshair image that this lightgun will use. Setting a crosshair image will disable the system cursor.Cursor ScaleScales the crosshair image set above.%.0f%%Cursor ColorApplies a color to the chosen crosshair images, can be used for multiple players. Specify in HTML/CSS format (e.g. #aabbcc)Manual Screen ConfigurationForces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available.X-skala (følsomhet)Scales the position to simulate CRT curvature.%.2f%%Y-skala (følsomhet)Senter XSets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen.%.0fpxSenter YSets the vertical center position of the simulated screen.SkjermbreddeSets the width of the simulated screen.%dpxSkjermhøydeSets the height of the simulated screen.Logitech USB-headsetInndataenhetSelects the device to read audio from.UtdataenhetSelects the device to output audio to.InndataforsinkelseSpecifies the latency to the host input device.%dmsUtdataforsinkelseSpecifies the latency to the host output device.USB-mikrofon: Verken spiller 1 eller 2 er tilkoblet.USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream.MicrophoneSingstarLogitechKonamiSpiller 1-enhetVelger inndataen til spiller 1.Spiller 2-enhetVelger inndataen til spiller 2.usb-msd: Could not open image file '{}'MasselagringsenhetModification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching.Iomega Zip-100 (Generic)Sony MSAC-US1 (PictureParadise)BilledfilbaneSets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device.Steering LeftSteering RightPedaltrykkBremsKryssFirkantSirkelTrekantL1R1L2R2RistingSkift opp / R1Skift Ned / L1L3R3Meny oppMeny nedXYAvLavMiddelsHøySteering SmoothingSmooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards.%d%%Steering DeadzoneSteering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels.Steering DampingApplies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs.Workaround for Intermittent FFB LossWorks around bugs in some wheels' firmware that result in brief interruptions in force. Leave this disabled unless you need it, as it has negative side effects on many wheels.HjulenhetDriving ForceDriving Force ProDriving Force Pro (rev11.02)GT ForceRock Band-trommesettBlåGrønnRødGulOrangeBuzz-kontrollerSpiller 1 RødSpiller 1 BlåSpiller 1 OrangeSpiller 1 GrønnSpiller 1 GulSpiller 2 RødSpiller 2 BlåSpiller 2 OrangeSpiller 2 GrønnSpiller 2 gulSpiller 3 rødSpiller 3 blåSpiller 3 oransjeSpiller 3 grønnSpiller 3 gulSpiller 4 rødSpiller 4 blåSpiller 4 oransjeSpiller 4 grønnSpiller 4 gulKeyboardManiaC 1C# 1D 1D# 1E 1F 1F# 1G 1G# 1A 1A# 1B 1C 2C# 2D 2D# 2E 2F 2F# 2G 2G# 2A 2A# 2B 2Hjul oppHjul nedSega SeamicStyrepinne venstreStyrepinne høyreStyrepinne oppStyrepinne nedZLRFailed to open '{}' for printing.Printer saving to '{}'...SkriverIngenIkke tilkobletStandard inndataenhetStandard utdataenhetDJ Hero-platespillerTriangle / EuphoriaCrossfader LeftCrossfader RightLeft Turntable ClockwiseLeft Turntable CounterclockwiseRight Turntable ClockwiseRight Turntable CounterclockwiseLeft Turntable GreenLeft Turntable RedLeft Turntable BlueRight Turntable GreenRight Turntable Red Right Turntable BlueApply a multiplier to the turntableEffects Knob LeftEffects Knob RightTurntable MultiplierGametrak DeviceFoot PedalLeft XLeft YLeft ZRight XRight YRight ZInvert X axisInvert Y axisInvert Z axisLimit Z axis [100-4095]- 4095 for original Gametrak controllers
- 1790 for standard gamepads%dRealPlay DeviceRealPlay RacingRealPlay SphereRealPlay GolfRealPlay PoolAccel XAccel YAccel ZTrance Vibrator (Rez)Train ControllerType 2ShinkansenRyojōhenPowerA ButtonB ButtonC ButtonD ButtonAnnounceHornLeft DoorRight DoorCamera ButtonAxes PassthroughPasses through the unprocessed input axis to the game. Enable if you are using a compatible Densha De Go! controller. Disable if you are using any other joystick.USBBindingWidgetAxesKnapperUSBBindingWidget_BuzzPlayer 1RedPushButtonBlueOrangeGreenYellowPlayer 2Player 3Player 4USBBindingWidget_DenshaConFace ButtonsCBDAHintsThis controller is created for the Densha De GO! game franchise, which is about playing the role of a train conductor. The controller mimics controls inside of Japanese trains. The 'Densha Controller Type 2' and 'Zuiki One Handle MasCon' are specific brands of USB train master controller. Both products are only distributed in Japan, so they do not have official non-Japanese names.The Densha Controller Type 2 is a two-handle train master controller with a D-Pad and six buttons. The power axis starts from neutral and has five progressively higher notches of power. The brake axis starts released, and has eight progressively increasing notches plus an Emergency Brake. This controller is compatible with several games and generally maps well to hardware with one or two physical axes with a similar range of notches, such as the modern "Zuiki One Handle MasCon".D-PadDownLeftUpRightPower refers to the train's accelerator which causes the train to increase speed.Power LeverBrake LeverSelectStartUSBBindingWidget_DrivingForceHintTo bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.RistingD-PadNedVenstreOppHøyreL1L2BremsSteering LeftSteering RightVelgStartHovedknapperSirkelKryssTrekantFirkantR1R2AkseleratorUSBBindingWidget_GTForceHintTo bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.RistingXABremsSteering LeftSteering RightLeft PaddleRight PaddleYMrdAkseleratorUSBBindingWidget_GametrakLeft HandX AxisPushButtonLeft=0 / Right=0x3ffY AxisBack=0 / Front=0x3ffZ AxisTop=0 / Bottom=0xfffFoot PedalRight HandUSBBindingWidget_GunCon2KnapperACStartVelgBD-PadNedVenstreOppHøyrePointer Setup<p>By default, GunCon2 will use the mouse pointer. To use the mouse, you <strong>do not</strong> need to configure any bindings apart from the trigger and buttons.</p>
<p>If you want to use a controller, or lightgun which simulates a controller instead of a mouse, then you should bind it to Relative Aiming. Otherwise, Relative Aiming should be <strong>left unbound</strong>.</p>Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.Relative AimingTriggerShoot OffscreenCalibration ShotCalibration shot is required to pass the setup screen in some games.USBBindingWidget_RealPlayD-Pad UpPushButtonD-Pad DownD-Pad LeftD-Pad RightRedGreenYellowBlueAccel XAccel YAccel ZUSBBindingWidget_RyojouhenConHintsRyojōhen refers to a specific edition of the Densha De GO! game franchise, which is about playing the role of a train conductor. The controller mimics controls inside of Japanese trains. For consistency, romanization of 'Ryojōhen' should be kept consistent across western languages, as there is no official translation for this name.The Ryojōhen Controller is a two-handle train master controller with a D-Pad and seven buttons. The power axis starts from neutral and has four progressively higher notches of power. The brake axis is analogue with three regions representing to release brake pressure, hold brakes at the current pressure, or increase brake pressure. Extending this axis to the extreme triggers the Emergency Brake. This controller is designed for use with Densha De GO! Ryojōhen, and is best used with hardware with two axes, one of which can be easily feathered to increase or decrease brake pressure.Door buttons toggle to open or close train doors when this controller is used with Densha De GO! games.Door ButtonsLeftPushButtonRightD-PadDownUpBrake LeverPower refers to the train's accelerator which causes the train to increase speed.Power LeverFace ButtonsSelectStartAnnounce is used in-game to trigger the train conductor to make voice over announcements for an upcoming train stop.AnnounceCamera is used to switch the view point. Original: 視点切替CameraHorn is used to alert people and cars that a train is approaching. Original: 警笛HornUSBBindingWidget_ShinkansenConHintsThis controller is created for a specific edition of the Densha De GO! game franchise, which is about playing the role of a train conductor. The controller mimics controls inside of Japanese trains, in this case bullet trains. The product does not have an official name translation, and it is common to refer to the train type as Shinkansen.The Shinkansen Controller is a two-handle train master controller with a D-Pad and six buttons. The power axis starts from neutral and has thirteen progressively higher notches of power. The brake axis starts released, and has seven progressively increasing notches plus an Emergency Brake. This controller is designed for use with Densha De GO! San'yō Shinkansen-hen, and is best used with hardware with 14 or more notch settings on an axis.Power refers to the train's accelerator which causes the train to increase speed.Power LeverD-PadDownLeftUpRightSelectStartBrake LeverFace ButtonsCBDAUSBBindingWidget_TranceVibratorMotorUSBDeviceWidgetEnhetstypeBindingerInnstillingerAutomatisk kartleggingTøm bindingerUSB-port %1Ingen enheter er tilgjengeligeTøm bindingerAre you sure you want to clear all bindings for this device? This action cannot be undone.Automatisk bindingNo generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.VMManagerFailed to back up old save state {}.Failed to save save state: {}.PS2 BIOS ({})Ukjent spillCDVD precaching was cancelled.CDVD precaching failed: {}FeilPCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.
For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count).
Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory (Tools Menu -> Open Data Directory).
Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions.Resuming stateBoot and DebugFailed to load save stateState saved to slot {}.Failed to save save state to slot {}.Loading stateFailed to load state (Memory card is busy)There is no save state in slot {}.Failed to load state from slot {} (Memory card is busy)Loading state from slot {}...Failed to save state (Memory card is busy)Failed to save state to slot {} (Memory card is busy)Saving state to slot {}...Frame advancingDisken ble fjernet.Disken ble endret til '{}'.Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image.
Error was: {}Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc.
Error was: {}Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games.Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow.Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering.Mipmapping is disabled. This may break rendering in some games.Renderer is not set to Automatic. This may cause performance problems and graphical issues.Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.No Game RunningTrilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games.Blending Accuracy is below Basic, this may break effects in some games.Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games.EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU0 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU1 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.128MB RAM is enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games.EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.Fastmem is not enabled, this will reduce performance.Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance.mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance.GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance.Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance.Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance.Texture dumping is enabled, this will continually dump textures to disk.