#include "Global.h" #define EATPROC_NO_UPDATE_WHILE_UPDATING_DEVICES 1 /* Need this to let window be subclassed multiple times but still clean up nicely. */ enum ExtraWndProcResult { CONTINUE_BLISSFULLY, // Calls ReleaseExtraProc without messing up order. CONTINUE_BLISSFULLY_AND_RELEASE_PROC, USE_DEFAULT_WND_PROC, NO_WND_PROC }; typedef ExtraWndProcResult (*ExtraWndProc)(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *out); int EatWndProc(HWND hWnd, ExtraWndProc proc, DWORD flags); void ReleaseExtraProc(ExtraWndProc proc); void ReleaseEatenProc();