/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/univ/notebook.h // Purpose: universal version of wxNotebook // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 01.02.01 // Copyright: (c) 2001 SciTech Software, Inc. (www.scitechsoft.com) // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_UNIV_NOTEBOOK_H_ #define _WX_UNIV_NOTEBOOK_H_ #include "wx/arrstr.h" class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxSpinButton; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the actions supported by this control // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // change the page: to the next/previous/given one #define wxACTION_NOTEBOOK_NEXT wxT("nexttab") #define wxACTION_NOTEBOOK_PREV wxT("prevtab") #define wxACTION_NOTEBOOK_GOTO wxT("gototab") // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNotebook // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxNotebook : public wxNotebookBase { public: // ctors and such // -------------- wxNotebook() { Init(); } wxNotebook(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxNotebookNameStr) { Init(); (void)Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, name); } // quasi ctor bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxNotebookNameStr); // dtor virtual ~wxNotebook(); // implement wxNotebookBase pure virtuals // -------------------------------------- virtual int SetSelection(size_t nPage) { return DoSetSelection(nPage, SetSelection_SendEvent); } // changes selected page without sending events int ChangeSelection(size_t nPage) { return DoSetSelection(nPage); } virtual bool SetPageText(size_t nPage, const wxString& strText); virtual wxString GetPageText(size_t nPage) const; virtual int GetPageImage(size_t nPage) const; virtual bool SetPageImage(size_t nPage, int nImage); virtual void SetPageSize(const wxSize& size); virtual void SetPadding(const wxSize& padding); virtual void SetTabSize(const wxSize& sz); virtual wxSize CalcSizeFromPage(const wxSize& sizePage) const; virtual bool DeleteAllPages(); virtual bool InsertPage(size_t nPage, wxNotebookPage *pPage, const wxString& strText, bool bSelect = false, int imageId = NO_IMAGE); // style tests // ----------- // return true if all tabs have the same width bool FixedSizeTabs() const { return HasFlag(wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH); } // return wxTOP/wxBOTTOM/wxRIGHT/wxLEFT wxDirection GetTabOrientation() const; // return true if the notebook has tabs at the sidesand not at the top (or // bottom) as usual bool IsVertical() const; // hit testing // ----------- virtual int HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long *flags = NULL) const; // input handling // -------------- virtual bool PerformAction(const wxControlAction& action, long numArg = 0l, const wxString& strArg = wxEmptyString); static wxInputHandler *GetStdInputHandler(wxInputHandler *handlerDef); virtual wxInputHandler *DoGetStdInputHandler(wxInputHandler *handlerDef) { return GetStdInputHandler(handlerDef); } // refresh the currently selected tab void RefreshCurrent(); protected: virtual wxNotebookPage *DoRemovePage(size_t nPage); // drawing virtual void DoDraw(wxControlRenderer *renderer); void DoDrawTab(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n); // resizing virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height); virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO); int DoSetSelection(size_t nPage, int flags = 0); // common part of all ctors void Init(); // resize the tab to fit its title (and icon if any) void ResizeTab(int page); // recalculate the geometry of the notebook completely void Relayout(); // is the spin button currently shown? bool HasSpinBtn() const; // calculate last (fully) visible tab: updates m_lastVisible void CalcLastVisibleTab(); // show or hide the spin control for tabs scrolling depending on whether it // is needed or not void UpdateSpinBtn(); // position the spin button void PositionSpinBtn(); // refresh the given tab only void RefreshTab(int page, bool forceSelected = false); // refresh all tabs void RefreshAllTabs(); // get the tab rect (inefficient, don't use this in a loop) wxRect GetTabRect(int page) const; // get the rectangle containing all tabs wxRect GetAllTabsRect() const; // get the part occupied by the tabs - slightly smaller than // GetAllTabsRect() because the tabs may be indented from it wxRect GetTabsPart() const; // calculate the tab size (without padding) wxSize CalcTabSize(int page) const; // get the (cached) size of a tab void GetTabSize(int page, wxCoord *w, wxCoord *h) const; // get the (cached) width of the tab wxCoord GetTabWidth(int page) const { return FixedSizeTabs() ? m_widthMax : m_widths[page]; } // return true if the tab has an associated image bool HasImage(int page) const { return HasImageList() && m_images[page] != -1; } // get the part of the notebook reserved for the pages (slightly larger // than GetPageRect() as we draw a border and leave marginin between) wxRect GetPagePart() const; // get the page rect in our client coords wxRect GetPageRect() const; // get our client size from the page size wxSize GetSizeForPage(const wxSize& size) const; // scroll the tabs so that the first page shown becomes the given one void ScrollTo(size_t page); // scroll the tabs so that the first page shown becomes the given one void ScrollLastTo(size_t page); // the pages titles wxArrayString m_titles; // the spin button to change the pages wxSpinButton *m_spinbtn; // the offset of the first page shown (may be changed with m_spinbtn) wxCoord m_offset; // the first and last currently visible tabs: the name is not completely // accurate as m_lastVisible is, in fact, the first tab which is *not* // visible: so the visible tabs are those with indexes such that // m_firstVisible <= n < m_lastVisible size_t m_firstVisible, m_lastVisible; // the last fully visible item, usually just m_lastVisible - 1 but may be // different from it size_t m_lastFullyVisible; // the height of tabs in a normal notebook or the width of tabs in a // notebook with tabs on a side wxCoord m_heightTab; // the biggest height (or width) of a notebook tab (used only if // FixedSizeTabs()) or -1 if not calculated yet wxCoord m_widthMax; // the cached widths (or heights) of tabs wxArrayInt m_widths; // the icon indices wxArrayInt m_images; // the accel indexes for labels wxArrayInt m_accels; // the padding wxSize m_sizePad; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxNotebook) }; #endif // _WX_UNIV_NOTEBOOK_H_