AboutDialog About PCSX2 A PCSX2-ről SCM Version SCM= Source Code Management SCM verzió-azonosító <html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>A PCSX2 egy ingyenes és nyílt forráskódú PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulátor. Célja a PS2 hardver emulálása MIPS CPU interpreterek és recompilerek kombinációjával, valamint egy virtuális géppel, ami a hardverállapotot és a PS2 memóriatartalmat menedzseli. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy PS2 játékokkal játszhass PC-n, számos ezzel járó előnnyel és további extrával.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 and PS2 are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This application is not affiliated in any way with Sony Interactive Entertainment.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 és a PS2 a Sony Interactive Entertainment regisztrált márkanevei. Ennek az alkalmazásnak nincs semmi köze a Sony Interactive Entertainment-nek.</p></body></html> Website Kezdőlap Support Forums Közösségi fórum GitHub Repository GitHub repó License Licenc AchievementLoginDialog RetroAchievements Login Window title RetroAchievements bejelentkezés RetroAchievements Login Header text RetroAchievements bejelentkezés Please enter user name and password for retroachievements.org below. Your password will not be saved in PCSX2, an access token will be generated and used instead. Kérlek, írd be felhasználónevedet és jelszavadat a retroachievements.org-hoz. A jelszavad nem lesz elmentve a PCSX2-be, hanem egy hozzáférési kulcsot lesz létrehozva és felhasználva helyette. User Name: Felhasználónév: Password: Jelszó: Ready... Kész... &Login &Bejelentkezés Logging in... Belépés... Login Error Bejelentkezési hiba Login failed. Please check your username and password, and try again. Sikertelen bejelentkezés. Kérem ellenőrizze a felhasználónevét és jelszavát. Login failed. A bejelentkezés nem sikerült. AchievementSettingsWidget Global Settings Globális beállítások Enable Achievements Trófeák bekapcsolása Show Challenge Indicators Kihívásjelző megjelenítése Enable RA's Rich Presence This "Rich Presence" is not Discord's, but rather RetroAchivements own system. Mutasd RA-n mivel játszok Enable Hardcore Mode Hardcore mód bekapcsolása Enable Leaderboards Ranglisták bekapcsolása Test Unofficial Achievements Nemhivatalos trófeák kipróbálása Enable Test Mode Teszt mód bekapcsolása Enable Sound Effects Hangeffektek bekapcsolása Show Notifications Értesítések mutatása Account Fiók Login... Bejelentkezés... View Profile... Profil megtekintése... Game Info Játék információk <html><head/><body><p align="justify">PCSX2 uses RetroAchievements as an achievement database and for tracking progress. To use achievements, please sign up for an account at <a href="https://retroachievements.org/">retroachievements.org</a>.</p><p align="justify">To view the achievement list in-game, press the hotkey for <span style=" font-weight:600;">Open Pause Menu</span> and select <span style=" font-weight:600;">Achievements</span> from the menu.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="justify">A PCSX2 a RetroAchievements adatbázisára támaszkodik a játékokban való haladásod követéséhez. A trófeák bekapcsolásához készítened kell a <a href="https://retroachievements.org/">retroachievements.org</a> oldalon egy fiókot.</p><p align="justify">A megszerzett trófeáidat a <span style=" font-weight:600;">Szünet menü</span> előhívásával megtekintheted játék közben is, a <span style=" font-weight:600;">Trófeák</span> menüpont kiválasztásával.</p></body></html> Unchecked Nincs bejelölve When enabled and logged in, PCSX2 will scan for achievements on game load. Ha be van jelölve (és be vagy jelentkezve), a PCSX2 össze fogja gyűjteni az adott játékhoz tartozó trófeákat a játék betöltése során. When enabled, PCSX2 will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server. Ha be van jelölve, a PCSX2 úgy fog tenni mintha nem lenne egy trófeád sem, és nem fogja megkérni a szervert hogy bármelyiket megszerzettnek jelölje soha. When enabled, PCSX2 will list achievements from unofficial sets. Please note that these achievements are not tracked by RetroAchievements, so they unlock every time. Ha be van jelölve, a PCSX2 mutatni fog nemhivatalos trófeákat is. Fontos, hogy ezeket a RetroAchievements rendszere nem tartja számon, így ha meg is szerzed őket, nem mentődnek el. When enabled, rich presence information will be collected and sent to the RetroAchievements servers where supported. Ha be van jelölve, az aktuálisan játszott játék információja el lesz küldve a RetroAchievements szerverei számára. "Challenge" mode for achievements, including leaderboard tracking. Disables save state, cheats, and slowdown functions. "Nehezített" mód a trófeák megszerzésére, külön ranglistán vezetve. Kikapcsolja az állapotmentéseket, a patcheket, és a játéksebesség-manipulációt. Checked Ellenőrzött Enables tracking and submission of leaderboards in supported games. If leaderboards are disabled, you will still be able to view the leaderboard and scores, but no scores will be uploaded. Bekapcsolja a ranglistákon megjelenést a támogatott játékoknál. Ha kikapcsolod, a ranglistákat, és a pontszámokat rajtuk, továbbra is meg tudod majd nézni, de a saját pontszámaid nem fognak rájuk felkerülni. Displays popup messages on events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions. Értesítés megjelenítése ha trófeát érsz el vagy ha ranglistára kerülsz. Plays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions. Hangeffekt játszása ha trófeát érsz el vagy ha ranglistára kerülsz. Shows icons in the lower-right corner of the screen when a challenge/primed achievement is active. Ikon megjelenítése a képernyő jobb alsó sarkában ha egy különleges trófea épp megszerezhető. Reset System Rendszer visszaállítás Hardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now? A hardcore mód a (virtuális) gép újraindításáig nem lesz bekapcsolva. Újraindítasz most? Username: %1 Login token generated on %2. Variable %1 is an username, variable %2 is a timestamp. Felhasználónév: %1 Bejelentkezési kulcs létrehozva ekkor: %2. Logout Kijelentkezés Not Logged In. Nincs bejelentkezve. Achievements (Hardcore Mode) (Hardcore mód) You have earned {0} of {1} achievements, and {2} of {3} points. Az elért trófeáid száma {0}/{1}, a pontjaid száma {2}/{3}. This game has no achievements. Ehhez a játékhoz nem készítettek még trófeákat. Leaderboard submission is enabled. Ranglistára kerülés bekapcsolva. Failed to read executable from disc. Achievements disabled. Az alkalmazás fájljának beolvasása sikertelen. Trófeák kikapcsolva. AdvancedSettingsWidget Use Global Setting [%1] Globális beállítások használata [%1] Rounding Mode Kerekítési mód Chop / Zero (Default) Levágás / nulla felé (alapértelmezés) Clamping Mode Clampelési mód Normal (Default) Szokásos (alapértelmezett) Enable Recompiler Újrafordító használata Checked Ellenőrzött Performs just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to x86. JIT-stílusú bináris újrafordítást végez 64-bites MIPS-IV gépi kódról natív kódra. Wait Loop Detection Wait loop: When the game makes the CPU do nothing (loop/spin) while it waits for something to happen (usually an interrupt). Tevékeny várakozás detektálása Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. Visszafogott mértékű extra teljesítményt nyújt pár játék esetén, problémák okozása nélkül. Enable Cache (Slow) Bufferelés bekapcsolása (lassú) Unchecked Nincs bejelölve Interpreter only, provided for diagnostic. Kizárólag az értelmező módhoz elérhető, diagnosztikai célokra. INTC Spin Detection INTC = Name of a PS2 register, leave as-is. "spin" = to make a cpu (or gpu) actively do nothing while you wait for something. Like spinning in a circle, you're moving but not actually going anywhere. INTC-s tevékeny várakozás detektálása Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. Jelentős extra teljesítményt nyújt pár játék esetén, szinte semmilyen problémát nem okoz. Enable Fast Memory Access Gyors memória-hozzáférés bekapcsolása Uses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access. "Backpatching" = To edit previously generated code to change what it does (in this case, we generate direct memory accesses, then backpatch them to jump to a fancier handler function when we realize they need the fancier handler function) Backpatching használatával elkerüli a regiszterek kiürítését minden memória-hozzáférés során. Pause On TLB Miss Szünet TLB miss esetén Pauses the virtual machine when a TLB miss occurs, instead of ignoring it and continuing. Note that the VM will pause after the end of the block, not on the instruction which caused the exception. Refer to the console to see the address where the invalid access occurred. A VM szüneteltetése ha TLB miss történik a végrehajtás folytatása helyett. Fontos, hogy a VM az adott blokk végén fog megállni, nem az eseményt kiváltó utasításon. Az érintett utasítás címének megismeréséhez nézd meg a konzolkimenetet. VU0 Rounding Mode VU0 kerekítési mód VU1 Rounding Mode VU1 kerekítési mód VU0 Clamping Mode VU0 clampelési mód VU1 Clamping Mode VU1 clampelési mód Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode) VU0 = Vector Unit 0. One of the PS2's processors. VU0: újrafordító mód (microVU) Enables VU0 Recompiler. Újrafordító használata VU0 koprocesszor kódokhoz. Enable VU1 Recompiler VU1 = Vector Unit 1. One of the PS2's processors. VU1: újrafordító mód Enables VU1 Recompiler. Újrafordító használata VU1 koprocesszor kódokhoz. mVU Flag Hack mVU = PCSX2's recompiler for VU (Vector Unit) code (full name: microVU) mVU flag hack Good speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors. Jelentős extra teljesítményt nyújt széleskörű kompatibilitással, de néha grafikai hibákat okozhat. Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to x86. JIT-stílusú bináris újrafordítást végez 32-bites MIPS-IV gépi kódról natív kódra. Enable Game Fixes Játékjavítások engedélyezése Automatically loads and applies fixes to known problematic games on game start. Indításkor a szükséges javítások automatikus betöltése és alkalmazása a közismerten problémás játékokhoz. Enable Compatibility Patches Kompatibilitási patchek engedélyezése Automatically loads and applies compatibility patches to known problematic games. Indításkor minden elérhető kompatibilitást javító patch automatikus betöltése és alkalmazása a közismerten problémás játékokhoz. AdvancedSystemSettingsWidget Changing these options may cause games to become non-functional. Modify at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will not provide support for configurations with these settings changed. Ezeknek a beállításoknak a módosítása eltörhet bizonyos játékokat. Csak saját felelősségre állítsd át őket; a PCSX2 csapata nem fog támogatást nyújtani a számodra, ha ezeket a beállításokat módosítod. EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV) Emotion Engine = Commercial name of one of PS2's processors. Leave as-is unless there's an official name (like for Japanese). EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV) Rounding Mode: Rounding refers here to the mathematical term. Kerekítési mód: Nearest Legközelebbi Negative Negatív Positive Pozitív Chop / Zero (Default) Levágás / nulla felé (alapértelmezés) Clamping Mode: Clamping: Forcing out of bounds things in bounds by changing them to the closest possible value. In this case, this refers to clamping large PS2 floating point values (which map to infinity or NaN in PCs' IEEE754 floats) to non-infinite ones. Clampelési mód: None Nincs Normal (Default) Szokásos (alapértelmezett) None ClampMode Nincs clampelés Extra + Preserve Sign Sign: refers here to the mathematical meaning (plus/minus). Extra + Sign megtartása Full Tele Wait Loop Detection Tevékeny várakozás detektálása Enable Recompiler Újrafordító használata Enable Fast Memory Access Gyors memória-hozzáférés bekapcsolása Enable Cache (Slow) Bufferelés bekapcsolása (lassú) INTC Spin Detection INTC-s tevékeny várakozás detektálása Pause On TLB Miss Szünet TLB miss esetén Vector Units (VU) Vector Unit/VU: refers to two of PS2's processors. Do not translate the full text or do so as a comment. Leave the acronym as-is. Vector Units (VU) VU1 Rounding Mode: VU1 kerekítési mód: mVU Flag Hack mVU flag hack Enable VU1 Recompiler VU1: újrafordító mód Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode) VU0: újrafordító mód (microVU) Extra Extra VU0 Clamping Mode: VU0 clampelési mód: VU0 Rounding Mode: VU0 kerekítési mód: VU1 Clamping Mode: VU1 clampelési mód: I/O Processor (IOP, MIPS-I) I/O koprocesszor (IOP, MIPS-I) Game Settings Játékbeállítások Enable Game Fixes Játékjavítások engedélyezése Enable Compatibility Patches Kompatibilitási patchek engedélyezése Frame Rate Control Képfrissítési-ráta vezérlés hz hz=Hertz, as in the measuring unit. Shown after the corresponding number. Those languages who'd need to remove the space or do something in between should do so. hz PAL Frame Rate: PAL képfrissítési gyakoriság: NTSC Frame Rate: NTSC képfrissítési gyakoriság: PINE Settings PINE beállítások Slot: Port: Enable Engedélyezés AudioSettingsWidget Timestretch Settings Hangnyújtási beállítások Sequence Length: Szekvenciahossz: 30 30 Seekwindow Size: Megfigyelési ablak: 20 20 Overlap: Átfedés: 10 10 Restore Defaults Alapértelmezések visszaállítása Volume Hangerő 100% 100% Mixing Settings Hangkeverési beállítások Synchronization: Szinkronizáció: TimeStretch (Recommended) Hangnyújtás (ajánlott) Async Mix (Breaks some games!) Aszinkron hangkeverés (eltör pár játékot!) None (Audio can skip.) Semmilyen (a hang kieshet néha) Expansion: Leképezés: Stereo (None, Default) Sztereó (nincs, alapértelmezés) Quadrafonic Kvadrofon Surround 5.1 Térbeli (5.1) Surround 7.1 Térbeli (7.1) ProLogic Level: ProLogic is a Dolby brand. Leave the name as-is unless there is an official translation for your language. ProLogic szint: None (Default) Ki (alapértelmezés) ProLogic Decoding (basic) ProLogic is a Dolby brand. Leave the name as-is unless there is an official translation for your language. ProLogic dekódolás (alapvető) ProLogic II Decoding (gigaherz) ProLogic II is a Dolby brand. Leave the name as-is unless there is an official translation for your language. gigaherz is the nickname of one of PCSX2's developers. Leave as-is. ProLogic II dekódolás (gigaherz-féle) Target Latency: Cél késleltetés: 60 ms 60 ms Output Settings Kimenet beállítások Output Module: Kimeneti modul: Output Latency: Kimeneti késleltetés: 20 ms 20 ms Minimal Minimális Output Backend: Kimeneti backend: Maximum Latency: Maximum késleltetés: Output Device: Kimeneti eszköz: Cubeb (Cross-platform) Cubeb (többplatformos) ms Measuring unit that will appear after the number selected in its option. Adapt the space depending on your language's rules. ms Synchronization Szinkronizáció When running outside of 100% speed, adjusts the tempo on audio instead of dropping frames. Produces much nicer fast-forward/slowdown audio. 100% játéksebesség alatt/felett modulálja a hangkimenet tempóját ahelyett hogy hagyná hogy kiessen bármennyi jel. Ennek köszönhetően megszűnik a ropogás/szaggatás, cserébe a különböző hangok viszont lassabban vagy gyorsabban kerülnek visszajátszásra. Expansion Leképezés Determines how the stereo output from the emulated system is upmixed into a greater number of the output speakers. Meghatározza hogy az emulált rendszer natív sztereó hangkimenete milyen csatorna-konfigurációra lesz felkeverve. Output Module Cubeb is an audio engine name. Leave as-is. Kimeneti modul Selects the library to be used for audio output. Meghatározza milyen alkalmazáskönyvtár lesz a hangok kiadására használva. Output Backend Kimeneti backend Default Alapértelmezett When the sound output module supports multiple audio backends, determines the API to be used for audio output to the system. Meghatározza, hogy a kiválasztott hangkimeneti modul milyen oprendszerbeli API-t használjon a kimenő jel hangszórók felé továbbítására. Output Device Kimeneti eszköz Determines which audio device to output the sound to. Meghatározza melyik audió eszköz felé legyen a hangkimenet küldve. Target Latency Cél késleltetés Determines the buffer size which the time stretcher will try to keep filled. It effectively selects the average latency, as audio will be stretched/shrunk to keep the buffer size within check. Meghatározza a hangnyújtás funkció számára rendelkezésre álló maximális időkeretet. Effektíve ugyanaz mint az átlagos késleltetés, mivel a cél ennek a buffernek a határain belül maradás. Output Latency Kimeneti késleltetés Determines the latency from the buffer to the host audio output. This can be set lower than the target latency to reduce audio delay. Meghatározza a késleltetést a hangnyújtási buffer és a gazdarendszer audiókimenete között. Kisebbre lehet állítani a cél késleltetésnél, ha minimalizálni szeretnéd a hang késleltetését. Sequence Length Szekvenciahossz 30 ms 30 ms Seek Window Size Seek Window: the region of samples (window) the audio stretching algorithm is allowed to search. Megfigyelési ablak Overlap Átfedés 10 ms 10 ms Pre-applies a volume modifier to the game's audio output before forwarding it to your computer. Módosítja a hangerőt mielőtt továbbküldené az operációs rendszer felé. Use Global Setting [%1] Globális beállítás használata [%1] %1% Variable value that indicates a percentage. Preserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter % (and/or any possible spaces) to your language's ruleset. %1% N/A Preserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter ms (and/or any possible spaces in between) to your language's ruleset. N/A %1 ms %1 ms Average Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms output) Átlagos késleltetés: %1 ms (%2 ms bufferelve + %3 ms kimeneti) Average Latency: %1 ms (minimum output latency unknown) Átlagos késleltetés: %1 ms (minimum kimeneti késleltetés ismeretlen) AutoUpdaterDialog Automatic Updater Automata frissítő Update Available Frissítés elérhető Current Version: Jelenlegi verzió: New Version: Új verzió: Download and Install... Letöltés és telepítés... Skip This Update Frissítés kihagyása Remind Me Later Emlékeztess később Updater Error Frissítési hiba <h2>Changes:</h2> <h2>Változtatások:</h2> <h2>Save State Warning</h2><p>Installing this update will make your save states <b>incompatible</b>. Please ensure you have saved your games to a Memory Card before installing this update or you will lose progress.</p> <h2>Állapotmentésekkel kapcsolatos figyelmeztetés</h2><p>Ez a frissítés a jelenlegi állapotmentéseidet <b>használhatatlanná</b> fogja tenni. Győződj meg róla, hogy a játékállásaidat memóriakártyára is lementetted mielőtt frissítenél, különben elveszhetnek.</p> <h2>Settings Warning</h2><p>Installing this update will reset your program configuration. Please note that you will have to reconfigure your settings after this update.</p> <h2>Beállításokkal kapcsolatos figyelmeztetés</h2><p>Ez a frissítés alaphelyzetbe fogja állítani az összes beállítást. Kérünk tartsd figyelemben, hogy a beállításaidat újra alkalmaznod kell majd frissítés után.</p> Savestate Warning Savestate Warning <h1>WARNING</h1><p style='font-size:12pt;'>Installing this update will make your <b>save states incompatible</b>, <i>be sure to save any progress to your memory cards before proceeding</i>.</p><p>Do you wish to continue?</p> <h1>WARNING</h1><p style='font-size:12pt;'>Installing this update will make your <b>save states incompatible</b>, <i>be sure to save any progress to your memory cards before proceeding</i>.</p><p>Do you wish to continue?</p> Downloading %1... Letöltés... (%1) Cancel Mégse No updates are currently available. Please try again later. Nincs elérhető frissítés. Kérünk próbáld később. Current Version: %1 (%2) Jelenlegi verzió: %1 (%2) New Version: %1 (%2) Új verzió: %1 (%2) Loading... Betöltés... BIOSSettingsWidget BIOS Directory BIOS mappa PCSX2 will search for BIOS images in this directory. A PCSX2 ebbe a mappába fogja keresni a BIOS fájlokat. Browse... Tallózás... Reset Visszaállítás BIOS Selection BIOS választó Open in Explorer... Megnyitás a Fájlkezelőben... Refresh List Lista frissítése Filename Fájlnév Version Verzió Options and Patches További lehetőségek Fast Boot Gyorsindítás Fast Forward Boot Indítás előretekerés Checked Bejelölve Patches the BIOS to skip the console's boot animation. Megpatcheli a BIOS-t, hogy a konzol boot animációja át legyen ugorva. Unchecked Nincs bejelölve Removes emulation speed throttle until the game starts to reduce startup time. Kikapcsolja a sebességlimitert amíg be nem indul a játék, a folyamat felgyorsítása érdekében. BreakpointDialog Create / Modify Breakpoint Töréspont hozzáadása / módosítása Type Típus Execute Végrehajtási Memory Memória Address Cím 0 0 Read Read Write Write Change Change Size Size 1 1 Condition Condition Log Log Enable Enable Error Error Invalid address "%1" Invalid address "%1" Invalid condition "%1" Invalid condition "%1" Invalid size "%1" Invalid size "%1" BreakpointModel Execute Execute No Condition No Condition -- -- Enabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Read Read Write(C) (C) = changes, as in "look for changes". Write(C) Write Write TYPE Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. TYPE OFFSET Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. OFFSET SIZE / LABEL Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. SIZE / LABEL INSTRUCTION Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. INSTRUCTION CONDITION Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. CONDITION HITS Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. HITS ENABLED Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed. ENABLED CDVD Game disc location is on a removable drive, performance issues such as jittering and freezing may occur. Game disc location is on a removable drive, performance issues such as jittering and freezing may occur. Saving CDVD block dump to '{}'. Saving CDVD block dump to '{}'. Audio Audio Mode 1 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 2 Unknown Unknown ColorPickerButton Select LED Color Select LED Color ControllerBindingWidget Virtual Controller Type Virtual Controller Type Bindings Bindings Settings Settings Macros Macros Automatic Mapping Automatic Mapping Clear Mapping Clear Mapping Controller Port %1 Controller Port %1 No devices available No devices available Clear Bindings Binding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this). Clear Bindings Are you sure you want to clear all bindings for this controller? This action cannot be undone. Binding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this). Are you sure you want to clear all bindings for this controller? This action cannot be undone. Automatic Binding Automatic Binding No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping. No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping. ControllerBindingWidget_DualShock2 D-Pad Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. D-Pad Down Down Left Left Up Up Right Right Left Analog Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Left Analog Large Motor Large Motor L2 Leave this button name as-is. L2 R2 Leave this button name as-is. R2 L1 Leave this button name as-is. L1 R1 Leave this button name as-is. R1 Start Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely. Start Select Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely. Select Face Buttons Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Műveletgombok Cross Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Kereszt Square Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Négyzet Triangle Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Háromszög Circle Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Kör Right Analog Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Jobb analóg kar Small Motor Kis motor L3 Leave this button name as-is. L3 R3 Leave this button name as-is. R3 Pressure Modifier Nyomáserősség-módosító Analog Analog ControllerBindingWidget_Guitar Form Form Yellow Yellow PushButton PushButton Start Start Red Red Green Green Orange Orange Select Select Strum Up Strum Up Strum Down Strum Down Blue Blue Whammy Bar Whammy Bar Tilt Tilt ControllerCustomSettingsWidget Restore Default Settings Alapértelmezett beállítások visszaállítása Browse... Tallózás... Select File Fájl kiválasztása ControllerGlobalSettingsWidget SDL Input Source SDL bemenetforrás The SDL input source supports most controllers, and provides advanced functionality for DualShock 4 / DualSense pads in Bluetooth mode (Vibration / LED Control). Az SDL bemenetforrás kompatibilis a szinte minden játékvezérlővel, és extra funkcionalitást biztosít DualShock 4 és DualSense használatakor Bluetooth módban (rezgés és fénysáv vezérlés). Enable SDL Input Source SDL bemenetforrás használata DualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced Mode DualShock 4 / DualSense extrák bekapcsolása XInput Source XInput bemenetforrás Enable XInput Input Source XInput bemenetforrás használata DInput Source DInput bemenetforrás The DInput source provides support for legacy controllers which do not support XInput. Accessing these controllers via SDL instead is recommended, but DirectInput can be used if they are not compatible with SDL. A DInput bemenetforrás elavult, XInputot nem támogató, játékvezérlők használatához ajánlott. Érdemes először SDL-en át kipróbálni őket, de ha a működésük úgy nem megfelelő, ez a mód alkalmas lehet a feladatra. Enable DInput Input Source DInput bemenetforrás használata Profile Settings Profilspecifikus beállítások When this option is enabled, hotkeys can be set in this input profile, and will be used instead of the global hotkeys. By default, hotkeys are always shared between all profiles. Ha ez a beállítás engedélyezve van, akkor a játékvezérlők gombhozzárendelései mellett a gyorsbillentyűk is felülbírálhatóak lesznek a profilban. Alapból ez nem lenne lehetséges, ezt kikapcsolva a gyorsbillentyűk profilokon átívelőek. Use Per-Profile Hotkeys Profilspecifikus gyorsbillentyűk használata Controller LED Settings Fénysáv beállítások Enable SDL Raw Input SDL 'raw' bemenetforrás használata The XInput source provides support for Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox Series controllers, and third party controllers which implement the XInput protocol. Az XInput bemenetforrás támogatást nyújt az Xbox 360, Xbox One és Xbox Series konzolok játékvezérlőihez, és minden egyéb játékvezérlőhöz ami implementálja az XInput protokollt. Controller Multitap Játékvezérlő multitap The multitap enables up to 8 controllers to be connected to the console. Each multitap provides 4 ports. Multitap is not supported by all games. A multitap funkció lehetővé teszi akár 8 játékvezérlő egyidejű csatlakoztatását a konzolhoz. Mindegyik multitap 4 portot biztosít. A multitap funkciót nem minden játék támogatja. Multitap on Console Port 1 Multitap a konzol első csatlakozóján Multitap on Console Port 2 Multitap a konzol második csatlakozóján Mouse/Pointer Source Egér és mutató bemenetforrás PCSX2 allows you to use your mouse to simulate analog stick movement. A PCSX2 lehetővé teszi, hogy az egérmozgatásodat az analóg karokhoz rendeld. Settings... Beállítások... Enable Mouse Mapping Egérmozgatás hozzárendelésének bekapcsolása Detected Devices Észlelt eszközök ControllerLEDSettingsDialog Controller LED Settings Fénysáv beállítások SDL-0 LED SDL-0 LED SDL-1 LED SDL-1 LED SDL-2 LED SDL-2 LED SDL-3 LED SDL-3 LED ControllerMacroEditWidget Binds/Buttons Hozzárendelések Select the buttons which you want to trigger with this macro. All buttons are activated concurrently. Válaszd ki azokat a gombokat, amiket le szeretnél nyomni ezzel a makróval. Minden kiválasztott gomb egyszerre lesz lenyomva. Pressure Nyomás For buttons which are pressure sensitive, this slider controls how much force will be simulated when the macro is active. For buttons which are pressure sensitive, this slider controls how much force will be simulated when the macro is active. 100% 100% Trigger Trigger Select the trigger to activate this macro. This can be a single button, or combination of buttons (chord). Shift-click for multiple triggers. Select the trigger to activate this macro. This can be a single button, or combination of buttons (chord). Shift-click for multiple triggers. Deadzone: Deadzone: Frequency Frequency Macro will toggle every N frames. Macro will toggle every N frames. Set... Set... Not Configured Not Configured %1% %1% Set Frequency Set Frequency Frequency: Frequency: Macro will not repeat. Macro will not repeat. Macro will toggle buttons every %1 frames. Macro will toggle buttons every %1 frames. ControllerMacroWidget Controller Port %1 Macros Controller Port %1 Macros Macro %1 %2 This is the full text that appears in each option of the 16 available macros, and reads like this: Macro 1 Not Configured/Buttons configured Macro %1 %2 ControllerMouseSettingsDialog Mouse Mapping Settings Mouse Mapping Settings Y Speed Y Speed 10 10 X Speed X Speed <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Mouse Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping a mouse to the emulated controller.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Mouse Mapping Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior when mapping a mouse to the emulated controller.</p></body></html> Inertia Inertia X Dead Zone X Dead Zone Y Dead Zone Y Dead Zone ControllerSettingsDialog PCSX2 Controller Settings PCSX2 Controller Settings Editing Profile: Editing Profile: New Profile New Profile Load Profile Load Profile Delete Profile Delete Profile Restore Defaults Restore Defaults Create Input Profile Create Input Profile Custom input profiles are used to override the Shared input profile for specific games. To apply a custom input profile to a game, go to its Game Properties, then change the 'Input Profile' on the Summary tab. Enter the name for the new input profile: Custom input profiles are used to override the Shared input profile for specific games. To apply a custom input profile to a game, go to its Game Properties, then change the 'Input Profile' on the Summary tab. Enter the name for the new input profile: Error Error A profile with the name '%1' already exists. A profile with the name '%1' already exists. Do you want to copy all bindings from the currently-selected profile to the new profile? Selecting No will create a completely empty profile. Do you want to copy all bindings from the currently-selected profile to the new profile? Selecting No will create a completely empty profile. Failed to save the new profile to '%1'. Failed to save the new profile to '%1'. Load Input Profile Load Input Profile Are you sure you want to load the input profile named '%1'? All current global bindings will be removed, and the profile bindings loaded. You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to load the input profile named '%1'? All current global bindings will be removed, and the profile bindings loaded. You cannot undo this action. Delete Input Profile Delete Input Profile Are you sure you want to delete the input profile named '%1'? You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to delete the input profile named '%1'? You cannot undo this action. Failed to delete '%1'. Failed to delete '%1'. Are you sure you want to restore the default controller configuration? All shared bindings and configuration will be lost, but your input profiles will remain. You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to restore the default controller configuration? All shared bindings and configuration will be lost, but your input profiles will remain. You cannot undo this action. Global Settings Global Settings Controller Port %1%2 %3 Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual. Controller Port %1%2 %3 Controller Port %1 %2 Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual. Controller Port %1 %2 USB Port %1 %2 USB Port %1 %2 Hotkeys Hotkeys Shared "Shared" refers here to the shared input profile. Shared The input profile named '%1' cannot be found. The input profile named '%1' cannot be found. CoverDownloadDialog Download Covers Download Covers PCSX2 can automatically download covers for games which do not currently have a cover set. We do not host any cover images, the user must provide their own source for images. PCSX2 can automatically download covers for games which do not currently have a cover set. We do not host any cover images, the user must provide their own source for images. <html><head/><body><p>In the box below, specify the URLs to download covers from, with one template URL per line. The following variables are available:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> Title of the game.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> Name component of the game's filename.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> Serial of the game.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Example:</span> https://www.example-not-a-real-domain.com/covers/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Az alábbi szövegdobozban URL mintákat helyezhetsz el, amiket a program feldolgoz és a létrejövő címekről a borítókat beszerzi. A következő változók érhetőek el:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> az adott játék neve.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> az adott játék fájlnevének név része.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> az adott játék sorozatszáma.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Példa:</span> https://www.pelda-nem-egy-igazi-domain.com/boritok/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html> By default, the downloaded covers will be saved with the game's title. If this is not desired, you can check the "Use Serial File Names" box below. Using serials instead of game titles will prevent conflicts when multiple regions of the same game are used. Alapból a letöltött borítók a játékok neveivel lesznek elmentve. Ha nem így szeretnéd, rendelkezésdre áll egy "Sorozatszám alapú fájlnevek" opció is. Ha sorozatszám alapján mented el őket, akkor ha több régióból is megvan egy játék, nem lesz ütközés. Use Serial File Names Sorozatszám alapú fájlnevek Waiting to start... Várakozás az indításra... Start Indítás Close Bezár Download complete. Letöltés befejezve. Stop Leállítás CpuWidget Registers Regiszterek Functions Függvények Refresh Újratöltés Filter Szűrőkifejezés Memory Search Memória-kereső End Vége Value Érték Start Eleje Type Típus 1 Byte (8 bits) 1 bájt (8 bit) 2 Bytes (16 bits) 2 bájt (16 bit) 4 Bytes (32 bits) 4 bájt (32 bit) 8 Bytes (64 bits) 8 bájt (64 bit) Float Float Double Double String String Array of byte Array of byte Hex Hex Search Keresés Memory Memória Breakpoints Töréspontok Threads Szálak Active Call Stack Jelenlegi hívási lánc Breakpoint List Context Menu Töréspontlista helyi menüje New Új Edit Szerkesztés Copy Másolás Delete Törlés Thread List Context Menu Szállista helyi menüje Demangle Symbols "Demangling" is the opposite of "Name mangling", which is a process where a compiler takes function names and combines them with other characteristics of the function (e.g. what types of data it accepts) to ensure they stay unique even when multiple functions exist with the same name (but different inputs / const-ness). See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling#C++ Névroncsolás visszafejtése Copy Function Name Függvénynév másolása Copy Function Address Függvény címének másolása Go to in Disassembly Ugrás ide a disassemblerben Go to in Memory View Ugrás ide a memória böngészőben Stack List Context Menu Veremlista helyi menüje Debugger Debugger Invalid start address Érvénytelen kezdőcím Invalid end address Érvénytelen végcím Start address can't be equal to or greater than the end address A kezdőcím nem lehet egyenlő vagy nagyobb a végcímnél. Invalid search value Érvénytelen keresési érték. Value is larger than type Az érték nagyobb mint amennyit a típus megenged. DEV9DnsHostDialog Network DNS Hosts Import/Export Network DNS Hosts Import/Export Select Hosts Select Hosts OK OK Cancel Cancel Selected Selected Name Name Url Url Address Address Enabled Enabled DEV9SettingsWidget Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Device: Ethernet Device: Ethernet Device Type: Ethernet Device Type: Intercept DHCP Intercept DHCP Enabled Enabled Enabled InterceptDHCP Enabled Subnet Mask: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Gateway Address: Auto Auto Intercept DHCP: Intercept DHCP: PS2 Address: PS2 Address: DNS1 Address: DNS1 Address: DNS2 Address: DNS2 Address: Internal DNS Internal DNS Add Add Delete Delete Export Export Import Import Per game Per game Internal DNS can be selected using the DNS1/2 dropdowns, or by setting them to Internal DNS can be selected using the DNS1/2 dropdowns, or by setting them to Enabled InternalDNSTable Enabled Hard Disk Drive Hard Disk Drive HDD File: HDD File: 40 40 120 120 HDD Size (GiB): HDD Size (GiB): Enabled HDD Enabled Browse Tallózás Create Image Lemezkép létrehozása PCAP Bridged PCAP bridged PCAP Switched PCAP switched TAP TAP Sockets Socketek Manual Manuális Internal Belső Use Global Setting [%1] Globális beállítás használata [%1] Name Elnevezés Url URL Address Hálózati cím Hosts File Hosts fájl ini (*.ini) ini (*.ini) DNS Hosts DNS hosztok Exported Successfully Az exportálás sikeres. Failed to open file A fájl megnyitása sikertelen No Hosts in file Nincs hoszt a fájlban Imported Successfully Az importálás sikeres. Per Game Host list Játékspecifikus DNS hosztlista Copy global settings? Lemásolod a globális beállításokat? Delete per game host list? Biztosan törlöd a játékspecifikus DNS hosztlistát? HDD Image File HDD lemezkép-fájl HDD (*.raw) HDD (*.raw) Overwrite File? Felülírod a fájlt? HDD image "%1" already exists? Do you want to overwrite? A megadott HDD lemezkép (%1) már létezik. Felülírod? HDD Creator HDD lemezkép-készítő HDD image created HDD lemezkép elkészítve Use Global Globális haszn. Override Felülbírálás DebugSettingsWidget GS GS Draw Dumping Draw dumpolás Dump GS Draws GS draw-ok dumpolása Save RT RT mentése Save Frame Képkocka mentése Save Texture Textúra mentése Save Depth Mélységinfó mentése Start Draw Number: Első draw szám: Draw Dump Count: Dumpolandó drawok száma: Hardware Dump Directory: Hardveres dumpok könyvtára: Software Dump Directory: Szoftveres dumpok könyvtára: Browse... Tallózás... Open... Megnyitás... DebuggerWindow PCSX2 Debugger PCSX2 Debugger Run Futtatás Step Into Lépj bele Step Over Lépd át Step Out Lépj vissza Pause Szünet DisassemblyWidget Disassembly Disassembly Copy Address Copy Address Copy Instruction Hex Copy Instruction Hex Copy Instruction Text Copy Instruction Text Assemble new Instruction(s) Assemble new Instruction(s) NOP Instruction(s) NOP Instruction(s) Run to Cursor Run to Cursor Jump to Cursor Jump to Cursor Toggle Breakpoint Toggle Breakpoint Follow Branch Follow Branch Go to Address Go to Address Go to in Memory View Go to in Memory View Add Function Add Function Rename Function Rename Function Remove Function Remove Function Assemble Error Assemble Error Unable to change assembly while core is running Unable to change assembly while core is running Assemble Instruction Assemble Instruction Go to address Go to address Go to address error Go to address error Invalid address Invalid address Add Function Error Add Function Error A function entry point already exists here. Consider renaming instead. A function entry point already exists here. Consider renaming instead. Function will be (0x%1) instructions long. Enter function name Function will be (0x%1) instructions long. Enter function name Function name Function name Rename Function Error Rename Function Error Function name cannot be nothing. Function name cannot be nothing. No function / symbol is currently selected. No function / symbol is currently selected. %1 NOT VALID ADDRESS %1 NOT VALID ADDRESS EmptyGameListWidget <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">No games in supported formats were found.</span></p><p>Please add a directory with games to begin.</p><p>Game dumps in the following formats will be scanned and listed:</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">No games in supported formats were found.</span></p><p>Please add a directory with games to begin.</p><p>Game dumps in the following formats will be scanned and listed:</p></body></html> Add Game Directory... Add Game Directory... Scan For New Games Scan For New Games EmuThread %1x%2 %1x%2 Game: %1 FPS Game: %1 FPS Video: %1 FPS (%2%) Video: %1 FPS (%2%) Game ID: %1 Game Title: %2 Achievements: %5 (%6) Game ID: %1 Game Title: %2 Achievements: %5 (%6) %n points %n points %n points Rich presence inactive or unsupported. Rich presence inactive or unsupported. Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available. Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available. EmulationSettingsWidget Speed Control Speed Control Normal Speed: Normal Speed: Enable Speed Limiter Enable Speed Limiter System Settings System Settings Enable Instant VU1 Enable Instant VU1 Enable Cheats Enable Cheats Slow-Motion Speed: Slow-Motion Speed: Fast-Forward Speed: Fast-Forward Speed: Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU) Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU) Enable Host Filesystem Enable Host Filesystem Enable Fast CDVD Enable Fast CDVD EE Cycle Skipping: EE Cycle Skipping: Disabled Kikapcsolva Mild Underclock Mild Underclock Moderate Underclock Moderate Underclock Maximum Underclock Maximum Underclock EE Cycle Rate: EE Cycle Rate: 50% (Underclock) 50% (Underclock) 60% (Underclock) 60% (Underclock) 75% (Underclock) 75% (Underclock) 100% (Normal Speed) 100% (Normal Speed) 130% (Overclock) 130% (Overclock) 180% (Overclock) 180% (Overclock) 300% (Overclock) 300% (Overclock) Affinity Control: Affinity Control: EE > VU > GS EE > VU > GS EE > GS > VU EE > GS > VU VU > EE > GS VU > EE > GS VU > GS > EE VU > GS > EE GS > EE > VU GS > EE > VU GS > VU > EE GS > VU > EE Frame Pacing / Latency Control Frame Pacing / Latency Control frames This string will appear next to the amount of frames selected, in a dropdown box. frames Maximum Frame Latency: Maximum Frame Latency: Optimal Frame Pacing Optimal Frame Pacing Scale To Host Refresh Rate Scale To Host Refresh Rate Use Global Setting [%1] Use Global Setting [%1] Normal Speed Normal Speed Sets the target emulation speed. It is not guaranteed that this speed will be reached, and if not, the emulator will run as fast as it can manage. Sets the target emulation speed. It is not guaranteed that this speed will be reached, and if not, the emulator will run as fast as it can manage. User Preference User Preference Speed Limiter Speed Limiter Checked Bejelölve Limits the emulation to the appropriate framerate for the currently running game. Limits the emulation to the appropriate framerate for the currently running game. Higher values may increase internal framerate in games, but will increase CPU requirements substantially. Lower values will reduce the CPU load allowing lightweight games to run full speed on weaker CPUs. Higher values may increase internal framerate in games, but will increase CPU requirements substantially. Lower values will reduce the CPU load allowing lightweight games to run full speed on weaker CPUs. Makes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance. SOTC = Shadow of the Colossus. A game's title, should not be translated unless an official translation exists. Makes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance. Affinity Control Affinity Control Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors. Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors. Unchecked Nincs bejelölve Fast disc access, less loading times. Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with this. Fast disc access, less loading times. Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with this. Automatically loads and applies cheats on game start. Automatically loads and applies cheats on game start. Allows games and homebrew to access files / folders directly on the host computer. Allows games and homebrew to access files / folders directly on the host computer. Fast-Forward Speed The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:" Fast-Forward Speed Sets the fast-forward speed. This speed will be used when the fast-forward hotkey is pressed/toggled. Sets the fast-forward speed. This speed will be used when the fast-forward hotkey is pressed/toggled. Slow-Motion Speed The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:" Slow-Motion Speed Sets the slow-motion speed. This speed will be used when the slow-motion hotkey is pressed/toggled. Sets the slow-motion speed. This speed will be used when the slow-motion hotkey is pressed/toggled. EE Cycle Rate EE Cycle Rate EE Cycle Skip EE Cycle Skip Sets the priority for specific threads in a specific order ignoring the system scheduler. May help CPUs with big (P) and little (E) cores (e.g. Intel 12th or newer generation CPUs from Intel or other vendors such as AMD). P-Core = Performance Core, E-Core = Efficiency Core. See if Intel has official translations for these terms. Sets the priority for specific threads in a specific order ignoring the system scheduler. May help CPUs with big (P) and little (E) cores (e.g. Intel 12th or newer generation CPUs from Intel or other vendors such as AMD). Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU1) Enable Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU1) Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang. Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang. Sets the VSync queue size to 0, making every frame be completed and presented by the GS before input is polled and the next frame begins. Using this setting can reduce input lag at the cost of measurably higher CPU and GPU requirements. Sets the VSync queue size to 0, making every frame be completed and presented by the GS before input is polled and the next frame begins. Using this setting can reduce input lag at the cost of measurably higher CPU and GPU requirements. Maximum Frame Latency Maximum Frame Latency 2 Frames 2 Frames Sets the maximum number of frames that can be queued up to the GS, before the CPU thread will wait for one of them to complete before continuing. Higher values can assist with smoothing out irregular frame times, but add additional input lag. Sets the maximum number of frames that can be queued up to the GS, before the CPU thread will wait for one of them to complete before continuing. Higher values can assist with smoothing out irregular frame times, but add additional input lag. Adjusts the emulation speed so the console's refresh rate matches the host's refresh rate when both VSync and Audio Resampling settings are enabled. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%. Scale To Host Refresh Rate will not take effect if the console's refresh rate is too far from the host's refresh rate. Users with variable refresh rate displays should disable this option. Adjusts the emulation speed so the console's refresh rate matches the host's refresh rate when both VSync and Audio Resampling settings are enabled. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%. Scale To Host Refresh Rate will not take effect if the console's refresh rate is too far from the host's refresh rate. Users with variable refresh rate displays should disable this option. Use Global Setting [%1%] Use Global Setting [%1%] %1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)] %1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)] Unlimited Every case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed. Unlimited Custom Every case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed. Custom Custom [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)] Custom [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)] Custom Speed Custom Speed Enter Custom Speed Enter Custom Speed FolderSettingsWidget Cache Directory Cache Directory Browse... Browse... Open... Open... Reset Reset Used for storing shaders, game list, and achievement data. Used for storing shaders, game list, and achievement data. Cheats Directory Cheats Directory Used for storing .pnach files containing game cheats. Used for storing .pnach files containing game cheats. Covers Directory Covers Directory Used for storing covers in the game grid/Big Picture UIs. Used for storing covers in the game grid/Big Picture UIs. Snapshots Directory Snapshots Directory Used for screenshots and saving GS dumps. Used for screenshots and saving GS dumps. Save States Directory Save States Directory Used for storing save states. Used for storing save states. GS Failed to reopen, restoring old configuration. Failed to reopen, restoring old configuration. Upscale multiplier set to {}x. Upscale multiplier set to {}x. Saving screenshot to '{}'. Saving screenshot to '{}'. Saved screenshot to '{}'. Saved screenshot to '{}'. Failed to save screenshot to '{}'. Failed to save screenshot to '{}'. Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering. Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering. CAS is not available, your graphics driver does not support the required functionality. CAS is not available, your graphics driver does not support the required functionality. Saving {0} GS dump {1} to '{2}' Saving {0} GS dump {1} to '{2}' Failed to render/download screenshot. Failed to render/download screenshot. Saved GS dump to '{}'. Saved GS dump to '{}'. Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling. Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling. Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures. Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures. Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects. Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects. Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow. Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow. GameCheatSettingsWidget Activating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats. Activating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats. Enable Cheats Enable Cheats Name Name Author Author Description Description Enable All Enable All Disable All Disable All Reload Cheats Reload Cheats %1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate. %1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate. GameDatabase {0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}. Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}. You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements. {0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}. Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}. You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements. Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied: Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied: No tracks provided. No tracks provided. Hash {} is not in database. Hash {} is not in database. Data track number does not match data track in database. Data track number does not match data track in database. Track {} with hash {} is not found in database. Track {} with hash {} is not found in database. Track {} with hash {} is for a different game ({}). Track {} with hash {} is for a different game ({}). Track {} with hash {} does not match database track.. Track {} with hash {} does not match database track.. GameFixSettingsWidget Game Fixes (NOT recommended to change globally) Game Fixes (NOT recommended to change globally) FPU Negative Divide Hack (For Gundam Games) FPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nNegative Divide: mathematical term.\nGundam: a multimedia franchise name. Leave as-is or use an official translation. FPU Negative Divide Hack (For Gundam Games) FPU Multiply Hack (For Tales of Destiny) FPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nMultiply: mathematical term.\nTales of Destiny: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation. FPU Multiply Hack (For Tales of Destiny) Use Software Renderer For FMVs FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language. Use Software Renderer For FMVs Skip MPEG Hack (Skips Videos/FMVs) MPEG: video codec, leave as-is. FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language. Skip MPEG Hack (Skips Videos/FMVs) Preload TLB Hack (For Goemon) TLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer. Leave as-is. Goemon: name of a character from the series with his name. Leave as-is or use an official translation. Preload TLB Hack (For Goemon) EE Timing Hack (General Purpose Timing Hack) EE: Emotion Engine. Leave as-is. EE Timing Hack (General Purpose Timing Hack) Instant DMA Hack (Good for cache emulation problems) DMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is. Instant DMA Hack (Good for cache emulation problems) OPH Flag Hack (For Bleach Blade Battlers) OPH: Name of a flag (Output PatH) in the GIF_STAT register in the EE. Leave as-is.\nBleach Blade Battles: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation. OPH Flag Hack (For Bleach Blade Battlers) Emulate GIF FIFO (Correct But Slower) GIF = GS (Graphics Synthesizer, the GPU) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is. Emulate GIF FIFO (Correct But Slower) DMA Busy Hack (Deny Writes When Busy) DMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is. DMA Busy Hack (Deny Writes When Busy) Delay VIF1 Stalls (For SOCOM 2 HUD/Spy Hunter) VIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is. SOCOM 2 and Spy Hunter: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.\nHUD = Heads-Up Display. The games' interfaces. Delay VIF1 Stalls (For SOCOM 2 HUD/Spy Hunter) Emulate VIF FIFO (Correct But Slower) VIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is. Emulate VIF FIFO (Correct But Slower) Full VU0 Synchronization (Correct But Slower) VU0 = VU (Vector Unit) 0. Leave as-is. Full VU0 Synchronization (Correct But Slower) VU I Bit Hack (For Scarface The World is Yours/Crash Tag Team Racing) VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nI Bit = A bit referred as I, not as 1.\nScarface The World is Yours and Crash Tag Team Racing: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation. VU I Bit Hack (For Scarface The World is Yours/Crash Tag Team Racing) VU Add Hack (For Tri-Ace Games) VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nTri-Ace: a game development company name. Leave as-is. VU Add Hack (For Tri-Ace Games) VU Overflow Hack (Superman Returns) VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nSuperman Returns: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation. VU Overflow Hack (Superman Returns) VU Sync (Run Behind, M-Bit games) VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nRun Behind: watch out for misleading capitalization for non-English: this refers to making the VUs run behind (delayed relative to) the EE.\nM-Bit: a bitflag in VU instructions that tells VU0 to synchronize with the EE. M-Bit Game: A game that uses instructions with the M-Bit enabled (unofficial PCSX2 name). VU Sync (Run Behind, M-Bit games) VU XGKick Sync (Correct But Slower) VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nXGKick: the name of one of the VU's instructions. Leave as-is. VU XGKick Sync (Correct But Slower) Force Blit Internal FPS Detection (When auto-detection fails) Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit This option tells PCSX2 to estimate internal FPS by detecting blits (image copies) onto visible display memory. Force Blit Internal FPS Detection (When auto-detection fails) GameListModel Type Type Code Code Title Title File Title File Title CRC CRC Time Played Time Played Last Played Last Played Size Size Region Region Compatibility Compatibility GameListSettingsWidget Search Directories (will be scanned for games) Search Directories (will be scanned for games) Add Add Remove Remove Search Directory Search Directory Scan Recursively Scan Recursively Excluded Paths (will not be scanned) Excluded Paths (will not be scanned) Scan For New Games Scan For New Games Rescan All Games Rescan All Games Open Directory... Open Directory... Select Search Directory Select Search Directory Scan Recursively? Scan Recursively? Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively? Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories. Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively? Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories. Select Path Select Path GameListWidget Game List Game List Game Grid Game Grid Show Titles Show Titles All Types All Types All Regions All Regions Search... Search... GamePatchDetailsWidget Patch Title Patch Title Enabled Enabled <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Author: </span>Patch Author</p><p>Description would go here</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Author: </span>Patch Author</p><p>Description would go here</p></body></html> <strong>Author: </strong>%1<br>%2 <strong>Author: </strong>%1<br>%2 Unknown Unknown No description provided. No description provided. GamePatchSettingsWidget Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches. Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches. Reload Patches Reload Patches There are no patches available for this game. There are no patches available for this game. GameSummaryWidget Title: Title: Path: Path: Serial: Serial: CRC: CRC: Type: Type: PS2 Disc PS2 Lemez PS1 Disc PS1 Lemez ELF (PS2 Executable) ELF (PS2 Executable) Region: Region: NTSC-B (Brazil) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-B (Brazília) NTSC-C (China) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-C (Kína) NTSC-HK (Hong Kong) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-HK (Hong Kong) NTSC-J (Japan) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-J (Japán) NTSC-K (Korea) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-K (Korea) NTSC-T (Taiwan) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-T (Tajvan) NTSC-U (US) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. NTSC-U (US) Other Egyéb PAL-A (Australia) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-A (Ausztrália) PAL-AF (South Africa) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-AF (Dél-Afrika) PAL-AU (Austria) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-AU (Ausztria) PAL-BE (Belgium) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-BE (Belgium) PAL-E (Europe/Australia) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-E (Európa/Ausztrália) PAL-F (France) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-F (Franciaország) PAL-FI (Finland) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-FI (Finnország) PAL-G (Germany) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-G (Németország) PAL-GR (Greece) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-GR (Görögország) PAL-I (Italy) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-I (Olaszország) PAL-IN (India) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-IN (India) PAL-M (Europe/Australia) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-M (Európa/Ausztrália) PAL-NL (Netherlands) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-NL (Hollandia) PAL-NO (Norway) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-NO (Norvégia) PAL-P (Portugal) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-P (Portugália) PAL-PL (Poland) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-PL (Poland) PAL-R (Russia) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-R (Oroszország) PAL-S (Spain) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-S (Spanyolország) PAL-SC (Scandinavia) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-SC (Skandinávia) PAL-SW (Sweden) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-SW (Svédország) PAL-SWI (Switzerland) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-SWI (Svájc) PAL-UK (United Kingdom) Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name. PAL-UK (Egyesült-Királyság) Compatibility: Kompatibilitás: Unknown Ismeretlen Not Bootable Nem indítható Reaches Intro Eléri a főcímet Reaches Menu Eléri a főmenűt In-Game Játékban Playable Játszható Perfect Tökéletes Input Profile: Input Profile: Shared Refers to the shared settings profile. Shared Disc Path: Disc Path: Browse... Browse... Clear Clear Verify Verify Search on Redump.org... Search on Redump.org... Select Disc Path Select Disc Path Game is not a CD/DVD. Game is not a CD/DVD. Track list unavailable while virtual machine is running. Track list unavailable while virtual machine is running. # # Mode Mode Start Start Sectors Sectors Size Size MD5 MD5 Status Status %1 %1 <not computed> <not computed> Error Error Cannot verify image while a game is running. Cannot verify image while a game is running. One or more tracks is missing. One or more tracks is missing. Verified as %1 [%2] (Version %3). Verified as %1 [%2] (Version %3). Verified as %1 [%2]. Verified as %1 [%2]. GraphicsSettingsWidget Renderer: Renderer: Adapter: Adapter: Display Display Fullscreen Mode: Fullscreen Mode: Aspect Ratio: Aspect Ratio: Fit to Window / Fullscreen Fit to Window / Fullscreen Auto Standard (4:3 Interlaced / 3:2 Progressive) Auto Standard (4:3 Interlaced / 3:2 Progressive) Standard (4:3) Standard (4:3) Widescreen (16:9) Widescreen (16:9) FMV Aspect Ratio: FMV Aspect Ratio: Off (Default) Off (Default) Automatic (Default) Automatic (Default) None (Interlaced, also used by Progressive) None (Interlaced, also used by Progressive) Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth) Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion. Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth) Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth) Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion. Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth) Bob (Top Field First, Full Frames) Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down. Bob (Top Field First, Full Frames) Bob (Bottom Field First, Full Frames) Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down. Bob (Bottom Field First, Full Frames) Blend (Top Field First, Merge 2 Fields) Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English. Blend (Top Field First, Merge 2 Fields) Blend (Bottom Field First, Merge 2 Fields) Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English. Blend (Bottom Field First, Merge 2 Fields) Adaptive (Top Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave) Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated. Adaptive (Top Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave) Adaptive (Bottom Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave) Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated. Adaptive (Bottom Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave) Bilinear Filtering: Bilinear Filtering: None None Bilinear (Smooth) Smooth: Refers to the texture clarity. Bilinear (Smooth) Bilinear (Sharp) Sharp: Refers to the texture clarity. Bilinear (Sharp) Vertical Stretch: Vertical Stretch: % Percentage sign that shows next to a value. You might want to add a space before if your language requires it. ---------- Percentage sign that will appear next to a number. Add a space or whatever is needed before depending on your language. % Crop: Crop: Left: Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary. Left: px px Top: Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary. Top: Right: Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary. Right: Bottom: Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary. Bottom: Screen Offsets Screen Offsets VSync VSync Show Overscan Show Overscan Enable Widescreen Patches Enable Widescreen Patches Enable No-Interlacing Patches Enable No-Interlacing Patches Anti-Blur Anti-Blur Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Disable Interlace Offset Disable Interlace Offset Screenshot Size: Screenshot Size: Screen Resolution Screen Resolution Internal Resolution Internal Resolution Internal Resolution (Aspect Uncorrected) Internal Resolution (Aspect Uncorrected) PNG PNG JPEG JPEG Quality: Quality: Rendering Rendering Internal Resolution: Internal Resolution: Mipmapping: Mipmapping: Off Off Basic (Generated Mipmaps) Basic (Generated Mipmaps) Full (PS2 Mipmaps) Full (PS2 Mipmaps) Texture Filtering: Texture Filtering: Nearest Nearest Bilinear (Forced) Bilinear (Forced) Bilinear (PS2) Bilinear (PS2) Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite) Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite) Trilinear Filtering: Trilinear Filtering: Off (None) Off (None) Trilinear (PS2) Trilinear (PS2) Trilinear (Forced) Trilinear (Forced) Anisotropic Filtering: Anisotropic Filtering: Dithering: Dithering: Scaled Scaled Unscaled (Default) Unscaled (Default) Blending Accuracy: Blending Accuracy: Minimum Minimum Basic (Recommended) Basic (Recommended) Medium Medium High High Full (Slow) Full (Slow) Maximum (Very Slow) Maximum (Very Slow) Texture Preloading: Texture Preloading: Partial Részleges Full (Hash Cache) Full (Hash Cache) GPU Palette Conversion GPU Palette Conversion Manual Hardware Renderer Fixes Manual Hardware Renderer Fixes Spin GPU During Readbacks Spin GPU During Readbacks Spin CPU During Readbacks Spin CPU During Readbacks Extra Rendering Threads: Extra Rendering Threads: threads threads Mipmapping Mipmapping Auto Flush Auto Flush Hardware Fixes Hardware Fixes Half Screen Fix: Half Screen Fix: Force Disabled Force Disabled Force Enabled Force Enabled CPU Sprite Render Size: CPU Sprite Render Size: 0 (Disabled) 0 (Disabled) 0 (Disabled) 1 (64 Max Width) 1 (64 Max Width) 2 (128 Max Width) 2 (128 Max Width) 3 (192 Max Width) 3 (192 Max Width) 4 (256 Max Width) 4 (256 Max Width) 5 (320 Max Width) 5 (320 Max Width) 6 (384 Max Width) 6 (384 Max Width) 7 (448 Max Width) 7 (448 Max Width) 8 (512 Max Width) 8 (512 Max Width) 9 (576 Max Width) 9 (576 Max Width) 10 (640 Max Width) 10 (640 Max Width) Skipdraw Range: Skipdraw Range: Frame Buffer Conversion Frame Buffer Conversion Disable Depth Emulation Disable Depth Emulation Disable Safe Features Disable Safe Features Preload Frame Data Preload Frame Data Texture Inside RT Texture Inside RT 1 (Normal) 1 (Normal) 2 (Aggressive) 2 (Aggressive) Software CLUT Render: Software CLUT Render: GPU Target CLUT: CLUT: Color Look Up Table, often referred to as a palette in non-PS2 things. GPU Target CLUT: GPU handling of when a game uses data from a render target as a CLUT. GPU Target CLUT: Disabled (Default) Disabled (Default) Enabled (Exact Match) Enabled (Exact Match) Enabled (Check Inside Target) Enabled (Check Inside Target) Upscaling Fixes Upscaling Fixes Half Pixel Offset: Half Pixel Offset: Normal (Vertex) Normal (Vertex) Special (Texture) Special (Texture) Special (Texture - Aggressive) Special (Texture - Aggressive) Round Sprite: Round Sprite: Half Half Full Full Texture Offsets: Texture Offsets: X: X: Y: Y: Merge Sprite Merge Sprite Align Sprite Align Sprite Deinterlacing: Deinterlacing: Sprites Only Sprites Only Sprites/Triangles Sprites/Triangles Blended Sprites/Triangles Blended Sprites/Triangles Auto Flush: Auto Flush: Enabled (Sprites Only) Enabled (Sprites Only) Enabled (All Primitives) Enabled (All Primitives) Texture Inside RT: Texture Inside RT: Inside Target Inside Target Merge Targets Merge Targets Disable Partial Source Invalidation Disable Partial Source Invalidation Target Partial Invalidation Target Partial Invalidation Read Targets When Closing Read Targets When Closing Estimate Texture Region Estimate Texture Region Disable Render Fixes Disable Render Fixes Unscaled Palette Texture Draws Unscaled Palette Texture Draws Wild Arms Hack Wild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation. Wild Arms Hack Bilinear Dirty Upscale: Bilinear Dirty Upscale: Force Bilinear Force Bilinear Force Nearest Force Nearest Texture Replacement Texture Replacement Search Directory Search Directory Browse... Browse... Open... Open... Reset Reset PCSX2 will dump and load texture replacements from this directory. PCSX2 will dump and load texture replacements from this directory. Options Options Dump Textures Dump Textures Dump Mipmaps Dump Mipmaps Dump FMV Textures Dump FMV Textures Async Texture Loading Async Texture Loading Load Textures Load Textures Precache Textures Precache Textures Post-Processing Post-Processing Sharpening/Anti-Aliasing Sharpening/Anti-Aliasing Contrast Adaptive Sharpening: You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfx Contrast Adaptive Sharpening: None (Default) None (Default) Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution) Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution) Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution) Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution) Sharpness: Sharpness: FXAA FXAA Filters Filters TV Shader: TV Shader: Scanline Filter Scanline Filter Diagonal Filter Diagonal Filter Triangular Filter Triangular Filter Wave Filter Wave Filter Lottes CRT Lottes = Timothy Lottes, the creator of the shader filter. Leave as-is. CRT= Cathode Ray Tube, an old type of television technology. Lottes CRT 4xRGSS downsampling (4x Rotated Grid SuperSampling) 4xRGSS downsampling (4x Rotated Grid SuperSampling) NxAGSS downsampling (Nx Automatic Grid SuperSampling) NxAGSS downsampling (Nx Automatic Grid SuperSampling) Shade Boost Shade Boost Brightness: Brightness: Contrast: Contrast: Saturation Saturation OSD OSD On-Screen Display On-Screen Display OSD Scale: OSD Scale: Show Indicators Show Indicators Show Resolution Show Resolution Show Inputs Show Inputs Show GPU Usage Show GPU Usage Show Settings Show Settings Show FPS Show FPS Disable Shader Cache Disable Shader Cache Disable Vertex Shader Expand Disable Vertex Shader Expand Show Statistics Show Statistics Show CPU Usage Show CPU Usage Warn About Unsafe Settings Warn About Unsafe Settings Show Frame Times Show Frame Times Recording Recording Video Dumping Directory Video Dumping Directory Capture Setup Capture Setup Container: Container: Codec: Codec: Extra Arguments Extra Arguments Capture Audio Capture Audio Resolution: Resolution: x x Auto Auto Capture Video Capture Video Advanced Advanced here refers to the advanced graphics options. Advanced Advanced Options Advanced Options Hardware Download Mode: Hardware Download Mode: Accurate (Recommended) Accurate (Recommended) Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread) Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread) Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic) Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic) Disabled (Ignore Transfers) Disabled (Ignore Transfers) GS Dump Compression: GS Dump Compression: Uncompressed Uncompressed LZMA (xz) LZMA (xz) Zstandard (zst) Zstandard (zst) Skip Presenting Duplicate Frames Skip Presenting Duplicate Frames Use Blit Swap Chain Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit \nSwap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal. ---------- Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit Swap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal. Use Blit Swap Chain Disable Threaded Presentation Disable Threaded Presentation Bitrate: Bitrate: kbps Unit that will appear next to a number. Alter the space or whatever is needed before the text depending on your language. kbps Allow Exclusive Fullscreen: Allow Exclusive Fullscreen: Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Allowed Debugging Options Debugging Options Override Texture Barriers: Override Texture Barriers: Use Debug Device Use Debug Device Disable Dual Source Blending Disable Dual Source Blending Show Speed Percentages Show Speed Percentages Disable Framebuffer Fetch Disable Framebuffer Fetch Direct3D 11 Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is. Direct3D 11 Direct3D 12 Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is. Direct3D 12 OpenGL Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is. OpenGL Vulkan Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is. Vulkan Metal Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is. Metal Software Graphics backend/engine type (refers to emulating the GS in software, on the CPU). Translate accordingly. Software Null Null here means that this is a graphics backend that will show nothing. Null 2x 2x 4x 4x 8x 8x 16x 16x Use Global Setting [%1] Use Global Setting [%1] Unchecked Nincs bejelölve Automatically loads and applies widescreen patches on game start. Can cause issues. Automatically loads and applies widescreen patches on game start. Can cause issues. Automatically loads and applies no-interlacing patches on game start. Can cause issues. Automatically loads and applies no-interlacing patches on game start. Can cause issues. Disables interlacing offset which may reduce blurring in some situations. Disables interlacing offset which may reduce blurring in some situations. Bilinear Filtering Bilinear Filtering Enables bilinear post processing filter. Smooths the overall picture as it is displayed on the screen. Corrects positioning between pixels. Enables bilinear post processing filter. Smooths the overall picture as it is displayed on the screen. Corrects positioning between pixels. Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests. Useful for some games such as WipEout Fusion for its screen shake effect, but can make the picture blurry. PCRTC: Programmable CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller. Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests. Useful for some games such as WipEout Fusion for its screen shake effect, but can make the picture blurry. Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen. Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen. FMV Aspect Ratio FMV Aspect Ratio Overrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio. Overrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio. Control the texture's trilinear filtering of the emulation. Control the texture's trilinear filtering of the emulation. Control the accuracy level of the GS blending unit emulation.<br> The higher the setting, the more blending is emulated in the shader accurately, and the higher the speed penalty will be.<br> Do note that Direct3D's blending is reduced in capability compared to OpenGL/Vulkan. Control the accuracy level of the GS blending unit emulation.<br> The higher the setting, the more blending is emulated in the shader accurately, and the higher the speed penalty will be.<br> Do note that Direct3D's blending is reduced in capability compared to OpenGL/Vulkan. Software CLUT Render Software CLUT Render This option disables game-specific render fixes. This option disables game-specific render fixes. By default, the texture cache handles partial invalidations. Unfortunately it is very costly to compute CPU wise. This hack replaces the partial invalidation with a complete deletion of the texture to reduce the CPU load. It helps with the Snowblind engine games. By default, the texture cache handles partial invalidations. Unfortunately it is very costly to compute CPU wise. This hack replaces the partial invalidation with a complete deletion of the texture to reduce the CPU load. It helps with the Snowblind engine games. Framebuffer Conversion Framebuffer Conversion Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU. Helps Harry Potter and Stuntman games. It has a big impact on performance. Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU. Helps Harry Potter and Stuntman games. It has a big impact on performance. Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately. Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately. Disabled Disabled Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer. Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer. Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down. Can prevent lost visuals when saving state or switching renderers, but can also cause graphical corruption. Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down. Can prevent lost visuals when saving state or switching renderers, but can also cause graphical corruption. Allows partial invalidation of render targets, which can fix graphical errors in some games. Texture Inside Render Target automatically enables this option. Allows partial invalidation of render targets, which can fix graphical errors in some games. Texture Inside Render Target automatically enables this option. Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games). Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games). Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. Namco: a game publisher and development company. Leave the name as-is. Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur: game names. Leave as-is or use official translations. Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%. Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%. Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion. Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion. Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging. Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging. Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom left corner of the display. Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom left corner of the display. Displays a graph showing the average frametimes. Displays a graph showing the average frametimes. Allow Exclusive Fullscreen Allow Exclusive Fullscreen Overrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency. Overrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency. Checked Bejelölve Enables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry. Enables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry. Enable this option to match PCSX2's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (eg. running at non-100% speed). Enable this option to match PCSX2's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (eg. running at non-100% speed). Integer Scaling Integer Scaling Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games. Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games. Aspect Ratio Aspect Ratio Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era. Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era. Deinterlacing Deinterlacing Screenshot Size Screenshot Size Determines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size. Determines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size. Screenshot Format Screenshot Format Selects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail. Selects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail. Screenshot Quality Screenshot Quality 50% 50% Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed. Higher values preserve more detail for JPEG, and reduce file size for PNG. Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed. Higher values preserve more detail for JPEG, and reduce file size for PNG. 100% 100% Vertical Stretch Vertical Stretch Stretches (&lt; 100%) or squashes (&gt; 100%) the vertical component of the display. Stretches (&lt; 100%) or squashes (&gt; 100%) the vertical component of the display. Fullscreen Mode Fullscreen Mode Borderless Fullscreen Borderless Fullscreen Chooses the fullscreen resolution and frequency. Chooses the fullscreen resolution and frequency. Left Left 0px 0px Changes the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display. Changes the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display. Top Top Changes the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display. Changes the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display. Right Right Changes the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display. Changes the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display. Bottom Bottom Changes the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display. Changes the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display. Native (PS2) (Default) Native (PS2) (Default) Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered. Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered. Control the accuracy level of the mipmapping emulation. Control the accuracy level of the mipmapping emulation. Texture Filtering Texture Filtering Control the texture filtering of the emulation. Control the texture filtering of the emulation. Trilinear Filtering Trilinear Filtering Anisotropic Filtering Anisotropic Filtering Reduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles. Reduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles. Dithering Dithering Reduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect. Reduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect. Blending Accuracy Blending Accuracy Texture Preloading Texture Preloading Uploads entire textures at once instead of small pieces, avoiding redundant uploads when possible. Improves performance in most games, but can make a small selection slower. Uploads entire textures at once instead of small pieces, avoiding redundant uploads when possible. Improves performance in most games, but can make a small selection slower. When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU. When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU. Enabling this option gives you the ability to change the renderer and upscaling fixes to your games. However IF you have ENABLED this, you WILL DISABLE AUTOMATIC SETTINGS and you can re-enable automatic settings by unchecking this option. Enabling this option gives you the ability to change the renderer and upscaling fixes to your games. However IF you have ENABLED this, you WILL DISABLE AUTOMATIC SETTINGS and you can re-enable automatic settings by unchecking this option. Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance but with a significant increase in power usage. Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance but with a significant increase in power usage. Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance but with a significant increase in power usage. Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance but with a significant increase in power usage. Extra Rendering Threads Extra Rendering Threads 2 threads 2 threads Number of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). If you have 4 threads on your CPU pick 2 or 3. You can calculate how to get the best performance (amount of CPU threads - 2). 7+ threads will not give much more performance and could perhaps even lower it. Number of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). If you have 4 threads on your CPU pick 2 or 3. You can calculate how to get the best performance (amount of CPU threads - 2). 7+ threads will not give much more performance and could perhaps even lower it. Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture. Fixes some processing effects such as the shadows in the Jak series and radiosity in GTA:SA. Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture. Fixes some processing effects such as the shadows in the Jak series and radiosity in GTA:SA. Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly. Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly. Half Screen Fix Half Screen Fix Control the half-screen fix detection on texture shuffling. Control the half-screen fix detection on texture shuffling. CPU Sprite Renderer Size CPU Sprite Renderer Size Skipdraw Range Start Skipdraw Range Start 0 0 Completely skips drawing surfaces from the surface in the left box up to the surface specified in the box on the right. Completely skips drawing surfaces from the surface in the left box up to the surface specified in the box on the right. Skipdraw Range End Skipdraw Range End Disable the support of Depth buffer in the texture cache. It can help to increase speed but it will likely create various glitches. Disable the support of Depth buffer in the texture cache. It can help to increase speed but it will likely create various glitches. This option disables multiple safe features. Disables accurate Unscale Point and Line rendering which can help Xenosaga games. Disables accurate GS Memory Clearing to be done on the CPU, and let the GPU handle it, which can help Kingdom Hearts games. This option disables multiple safe features. Disables accurate Unscale Point and Line rendering which can help Xenosaga games. Disables accurate GS Memory Clearing to be done on the CPU, and let the GPU handle it, which can help Kingdom Hearts games. Half Pixel Offset Half Pixel Offset Might fix some misaligned fog, bloom, or blend effect. Might fix some misaligned fog, bloom, or blend effect. Round Sprite Round Sprite Corrects the sampling of 2D sprite textures when upscaling. Fixes lines in sprites of games like Ar tonelico when upscaling. Half option is for flat sprites, Full is for all sprites. Corrects the sampling of 2D sprite textures when upscaling. Fixes lines in sprites of games like Ar tonelico when upscaling. Half option is for flat sprites, Full is for all sprites. Texture Offsets X Texture Offsets X Offset for the ST/UV texture coordinates. Fixes some odd texture issues and might fix some post processing alignment too. ST and UV are different types of texture coordinates, like XY would be spatial coordinates. Offset for the ST/UV texture coordinates. Fixes some odd texture issues and might fix some post processing alignment too. Texture Offsets Y Texture Offsets Y Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games. Wild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation. Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games. Bilinear Upscale Bilinear Upscale Can smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare. Can smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare. Replaces post-processing multiple paving sprites by a single fat sprite. It reduces various upscaling lines. Replaces post-processing multiple paving sprites by a single fat sprite. It reduces various upscaling lines. Contrast Adaptive Sharpening You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfx Contrast Adaptive Sharpening Sharpness Sharpness Enables saturation, contrast, and brightness to be adjusted. Values of brightness, saturation, and contrast are at default 50. Enables saturation, contrast, and brightness to be adjusted. Values of brightness, saturation, and contrast are at default 50. Applies the FXAA anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the visual quality of games. Applies the FXAA anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the visual quality of games. Brightness Brightness 50 50 Contrast Contrast TV Shader TV Shader Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set. Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set. OSD Scale OSD Scale Show OSD Messages Show OSD Messages Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc. Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc. Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display. Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display. Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage. Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage. Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display. Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display. Shows host's CPU utilization. Shows host's CPU utilization. Shows host's GPU utilization. Shows host's GPU utilization. Shows counters for internal graphical utilization, useful for debugging. Shows counters for internal graphical utilization, useful for debugging. Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games. Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games. Enable Extra Arguments Enable Extra Arguments Leave It Blank Leave It Blank Parameters passed to selected video codec.<br> You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.<br> For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast" Parameters passed to selected video codec.<br> You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.<br> For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast" Override Texture Barriers Override Texture Barriers GS Dump Compression GS Dump Compression Change the compression algorithm used when creating a GS dump. Change the compression algorithm used when creating a GS dump. Uses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems. Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit Uses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems. Detects when idle frames are being presented in 25/30fps games, and skips presenting those frames. The frame is still rendered, it just means the GPU has more time to complete it (this is NOT frame skipping). Can smooth our frame time fluctuations when the CPU/GPU are near maximum utilization, but makes frame pacing more inconsistent and can increase input lag. Detects when idle frames are being presented in 25/30fps games, and skips presenting those frames. The frame is still rendered, it just means the GPU has more time to complete it (this is NOT frame skipping). Can smooth our frame time fluctuations when the CPU/GPU are near maximum utilization, but makes frame pacing more inconsistent and can increase input lag. Presents frames on the main GS thread instead of a worker thread. Used for debugging frametime issues. Could reduce chance of missing a frame or reduce tearing at the expense of more erratic frame times. Only applies to the Vulkan renderer. Presents frames on the main GS thread instead of a worker thread. Used for debugging frametime issues. Could reduce chance of missing a frame or reduce tearing at the expense of more erratic frame times. Only applies to the Vulkan renderer. GS Download Mode GS Download Mode Accurate Accurate Skips synchronizing with the GS thread and host GPU for GS downloads. Can result in a large speed boost on slower systems, at the cost of many broken graphical effects. If games are broken and you have this option enabled, please disable it first. Skips synchronizing with the GS thread and host GPU for GS downloads. Can result in a large speed boost on slower systems, at the cost of many broken graphical effects. If games are broken and you have this option enabled, please disable it first. Default This string refers to a default codec, whether it's an audio codec or a video codec. Default (Default) (Default) Hotkeys Graphics Graphics Save Screenshot Save Screenshot Toggle Video Capture Toggle Video Capture Save Single Frame GS Dump Save Single Frame GS Dump Save Multi Frame GS Dump Save Multi Frame GS Dump Toggle Software Rendering Toggle Software Rendering Increase Upscale Multiplier Increase Upscale Multiplier Decrease Upscale Multiplier Decrease Upscale Multiplier Cycle Aspect Ratio Cycle Aspect Ratio Aspect ratio set to '{}'. Aspect ratio set to '{}'. Cycle Hardware Mipmapping Cycle Hardware Mipmapping Hardware mipmapping set to '{}'. Hardware mipmapping set to '{}'. Cycle Deinterlace Mode Cycle Deinterlace Mode Deinterlace mode set to '{}'. Deinterlace mode set to '{}'. Toggle Texture Dumping Toggle Texture Dumping Texture dumping is now enabled. Texture dumping is now enabled. Texture dumping is now disabled. Texture dumping is now disabled. Toggle Texture Replacements Toggle Texture Replacements Texture replacements are now enabled. Texture replacements are now enabled. Texture replacements are now disabled. Texture replacements are now disabled. Reload Texture Replacements Reload Texture Replacements Texture replacements are not enabled. Texture replacements are not enabled. Reloading texture replacements... Reloading texture replacements... Target speed set to {:.0f}%. Target speed set to {:.0f}%. Volume: Muted Volume: Muted Volume: {}% Volume: {}% Save slot {} selected (last save: {}). Save slot {} selected (last save: {}). Save slot {} selected (no save yet). Save slot {} selected (no save yet). No save state found in slot {}. No save state found in slot {}. System System Open Pause Menu Open Pause Menu Open Achievements List Open Achievements List Open Leaderboards List Open Leaderboards List Toggle Pause Toggle Pause Toggle Fullscreen Toggle Fullscreen Toggle Frame Limit Toggle Frame Limit Toggle Turbo / Fast Forward Toggle Turbo / Fast Forward Toggle Slow Motion Toggle Slow Motion Turbo / Fast Forward (Hold) Turbo / Fast Forward (Hold) Increase Target Speed Increase Target Speed Decrease Target Speed Decrease Target Speed Increase Volume Increase Volume Decrease Volume Decrease Volume Toggle Mute Toggle Mute Frame Advance Frame Advance Shut Down Virtual Machine Shut Down Virtual Machine Reset Virtual Machine Reset Virtual Machine Toggle Input Recording Mode Toggle Input Recording Mode Save States Save States Select Previous Save Slot Select Previous Save Slot Select Next Save Slot Select Next Save Slot Save State To Selected Slot Save State To Selected Slot Load State From Selected Slot Load State From Selected Slot Save State To Slot 1 Save State To Slot 1 Load State From Slot 1 Load State From Slot 1 Save State To Slot 2 Save State To Slot 2 Load State From Slot 2 Load State From Slot 2 Save State To Slot 3 Save State To Slot 3 Load State From Slot 3 Load State From Slot 3 Save State To Slot 4 Save State To Slot 4 Load State From Slot 4 Load State From Slot 4 Save State To Slot 5 Save State To Slot 5 Load State From Slot 5 Load State From Slot 5 Save State To Slot 6 Save State To Slot 6 Load State From Slot 6 Load State From Slot 6 Save State To Slot 7 Save State To Slot 7 Load State From Slot 7 Load State From Slot 7 Save State To Slot 8 Save State To Slot 8 Load State From Slot 8 Load State From Slot 8 Save State To Slot 9 Save State To Slot 9 Load State From Slot 9 Load State From Slot 9 Save State To Slot 10 Save State To Slot 10 Load State From Slot 10 Load State From Slot 10 InputBindingDialog Edit Bindings Edit Bindings Bindings for Controller0/ButtonCircle Bindings for Controller0/ButtonCircle Sensitivity: Sensitivity: 100% 100% Deadzone: Deadzone: Add Binding Add Binding Remove Binding Remove Binding Clear Bindings Clear Bindings Bindings for %1 %2 Bindings for %1 %2 Close Close Push Button/Axis... [%1] Push Button/Axis... [%1] %1% %1% InputBindingWidget Left click to assign a new button Shift + left click for additional bindings Left click to assign a new button Shift + left click for additional bindings Right click to clear binding Right click to clear binding No bindings registered No bindings registered %n bindings %n bindings %n bindings Push Button/Axis... [%1] Push Button/Axis... [%1] InputRecordingViewer Input Recording Viewer Input Recording Viewer File File Edit Edit View View Open Open Close Close %1 %2 %1 %2 %1 %1 %1 [%2] %1 [%2] Input Recording Files (*.p2m2) Input Recording Files (*.p2m2) InputVibrationBindingWidget Error Error No devices with vibration motors were detected. No devices with vibration motors were detected. Select vibration motor for %1. Select vibration motor for %1. InterfaceSettingsWidget Behaviour Behaviour Pause On Focus Loss Pause On Focus Loss Inhibit Screensaver Inhibit Screensaver Save State On Shutdown Save State On Shutdown Pause On Start Pause On Start Confirm Shutdown Confirm Shutdown Create Save State Backups Create Save State Backups Enable Discord Presence Enable Discord Presence Enable Per-Game Settings Enable Per-Game Settings Game Display Game Display Start Fullscreen Start Fullscreen Double-Click Toggles Fullscreen Double-Click Toggles Fullscreen Render To Separate Window Render To Separate Window Hide Main Window When Running Hide Main Window When Running Disable Window Resizing Disable Window Resizing Hide Cursor In Fullscreen Hide Cursor In Fullscreen Preferences Preferences Language: Language: Theme: Theme: Automatic Updater Automatic Updater Update Channel: Update Channel: Current Version: Current Version: Enable Automatic Update Check Enable Automatic Update Check Check for Updates... Check for Updates... Native Native Dark Fusion (Gray) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Dark Fusion (Gray) [Dark] Dark Fusion (Blue) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Dark Fusion (Blue) [Dark] Untouched Lagoon (Grayish Green/-Blue ) [Light] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Untouched Lagoon (Grayish Green/-Blue ) [Light] Baby Pastel (Pink) [Light] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Baby Pastel (Pink) [Light] Pizza Time! (Brown-ish/Creamy White) [Light] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Pizza Time! (Brown-ish/Creamy White) [Light] PCSX2 (White/Blue) [Light] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. PCSX2 (White/Blue) [Light] Scarlet Devil (Red/Purple) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Scarlet Devil (Red/Purple) [Dark] Violet Angel (Blue/Purple) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Violet Angel (Blue/Purple) [Dark] Cobalt Sky (Blue) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Cobalt Sky (Blue) [Dark] Ruby (Black/Red) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Ruby (Black/Red) [Dark] Sapphire (Black/Blue) [Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Sapphire (Black/Blue) [Dark] Custom.qss [Drop in PCSX2 Folder] "Custom.qss" must be kept as-is. Custom.qss [Drop in PCSX2 Folder] Checked Bejelölve Automatically checks for updates to the program on startup. Updates can be deferred until later or skipped entirely. Automatically checks for updates to the program on startup. Updates can be deferred until later or skipped entirely. %1 (%2) Variable %1 shows the version number and variable %2 shows a timestamp. %1 (%2) Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running. Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running. Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the virtual machine when the hotkey is pressed. Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the virtual machine when the hotkey is pressed. Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time. Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time. When enabled, custom per-game settings will be applied. Disable to always use the global configuration. When enabled, custom per-game settings will be applied. Disable to always use the global configuration. Allows switching in and out of fullscreen mode by double-clicking the game window. Allows switching in and out of fullscreen mode by double-clicking the game window. Prevents the main window from being resized. Prevents the main window from being resized. Unchecked Nincs bejelölve Fusion [Light/Dark] Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated. Fusion [Light/Dark] Pauses the emulator when a game is started. Pauses the emulator when a game is started. Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back. Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back. Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffix. Do not translate the ".backup" extension. Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffix. Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started. Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started. Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode. Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode. Renders the game to a separate window, instead of the main window. If unchecked, the game will display over the top of the game list. Renders the game to a separate window, instead of the main window. If unchecked, the game will display over the top of the game list. Hides the main window (with the game list) when a game is running, requires Render To Separate Window to be enabled. Hides the main window (with the game list) when a game is running, requires Render To Separate Window to be enabled. Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile in Discord. Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile in Discord. System Language [Default] System Language [Default] MAC_APPLICATION_MENU Services Services Hide %1 Hide %1 Hide Others Hide Others Show All Show All Preferences... Preferences... Quit %1 Quit %1 About %1 About %1 MainWindow PCSX2 PCSX2 &System &System Change Disc Change Disc Load State Load State Save State Save State S&ettings S&ettings &Help &Help &Debug &Debug Switch Renderer Switch Renderer &View &View &Window Size &Window Size &Tools &Tools Input Recording Input Recording Toolbar Toolbar Start &File... Start &File... Start &Disc... Start &Disc... Start &BIOS Start &BIOS &Scan For New Games &Scan For New Games &Rescan All Games &Rescan All Games Shut &Down Shut &Down Shut Down &Without Saving Shut Down &Without Saving &Reset &Reset &Pause &Pause E&xit E&xit &BIOS &BIOS Emulation Emulation &Controllers &Controllers &Hotkeys &Hotkeys &Graphics &Graphics A&chievements A&chievements &Post-Processing Settings... &Post-Processing Settings... Fullscreen Fullscreen Resolution Scale Resolution Scale &GitHub Repository... &GitHub Repository... Support &Forums... Support &Forums... &Discord Server... &Discord Server... Check for &Updates... Check for &Updates... About &Qt... About &Qt... &About PCSX2... &About PCSX2... Fullscreen In Toolbar Fullscreen Change Disc... In Toolbar Change Disc... &Audio &Audio Game List Game List Interface Interface Add Game Directory... Add Game Directory... &Settings &Settings From File... From File... From Device... From Device... From Game List... From Game List... Remove Disc Remove Disc Global State Global State &Screenshot &Screenshot Start File In Toolbar Start File Start Disc In Toolbar Start Disc Start BIOS In Toolbar Start BIOS Shut Down In Toolbar Shut Down Reset In Toolbar Reset Pause In Toolbar Pause Load State In Toolbar Load State Save State In Toolbar Save State Controllers In Toolbar Controllers Settings In Toolbar Settings Screenshot In Toolbar Screenshot &Memory Cards &Memory Cards &Network && HDD &Network && HDD &Folders &Folders &Toolbar &Toolbar Lock Toolbar Lock Toolbar &Status Bar &Status Bar Verbose Status Verbose Status Game &List Game &List System &Display This grayed-out at first option will become available while there is a game emulated and the game list is displayed over the actual emulation, to let users display the system emulation once more. System &Display Game &Properties Game &Properties Game &Grid Game &Grid Show Titles (Grid View) Show Titles (Grid View) Zoom &In (Grid View) Zoom &In (Grid View) Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom &Out (Grid View) Zoom &Out (Grid View) Ctrl+- Ctrl+- Refresh &Covers (Grid View) Refresh &Covers (Grid View) Open Memory Card Directory... Open Memory Card Directory... Open Data Directory... Open Data Directory... Toggle Software Rendering Toggle Software Rendering Open Debugger Open Debugger Reload Cheats/Patches Reload Cheats/Patches Enable System Console Enable System Console Enable Verbose Logging Enable Verbose Logging Enable EE Console Logging Enable EE Console Logging Enable IOP Console Logging Enable IOP Console Logging Save Single Frame GS Dump Save Single Frame GS Dump New This section refers to the Input Recording submenu. New Play This section refers to the Input Recording submenu. Play Stop This section refers to the Input Recording submenu. Stop Settings This section refers to the Input Recording submenu. Settings Input Recording Logs Input Recording Logs Controller Logs Controller Logs Enable &File Logging Enable &File Logging Enable CDVD Read Logging Enable CDVD Read Logging Save CDVD Block Dump Save CDVD Block Dump Enable Log Timestamps Enable Log Timestamps Start Big Picture Mode Start Big Picture Mode Big Picture In Toolbar Big Picture Cover Downloader... Cover Downloader... Show Advanced Settings Show Advanced Settings Recording Viewer Recording Viewer Video Capture Video Capture Internal Resolution Internal Resolution %1x Scale %1x Scale Select location to save block dump: Select location to save block dump: Do not show again Do not show again Changing advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting. The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own. Are you sure you want to continue? Changing advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting. The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own. Are you sure you want to continue? %1 Files (*.%2) %1 Files (*.%2) Confirm Shutdown Confirm Shutdown Are you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine? Are you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine? Save State For Resume Save State For Resume Error Error You must select a disc to change discs. You must select a disc to change discs. Properties... Properties... Open Containing Directory... Refers to the directory where a game is contained. Open Containing Directory... Set Cover Image... Set Cover Image... Exclude From List Exclude From List Reset Play Time Reset Play Time Default Boot Default Boot Fast Boot Fast Boot Full Boot Full Boot Boot and Debug Boot and Debug Add Search Directory... Add Search Directory... Start File Start File Start Disc Start Disc Select Disc Image Select Disc Image Updater Error Updater Error <p>Sorry, you are trying to update a PCSX2 version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please download from the link below:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p> <p>Sorry, you are trying to update a PCSX2 version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please download from the link below:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p> Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform. Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform. Input Recording Files (*.p2m2) Input Recording Files (*.p2m2) Paused Paused Load State Failed Load State Failed Cannot load a save state without a running VM. Cannot load a save state without a running VM. Failed to get window info from widget Failed to get window info from widget All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump) All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump) All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump) All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump) Game Properties Game Properties Game properties is unavailable for the current game. Game properties is unavailable for the current game. Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it. Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it. Select disc drive: Select disc drive: This save state does not exist. This save state does not exist. Select Cover Image Select Cover Image All Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) All Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) Cover Already Exists Cover Already Exists A cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it? A cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it? Copy Error Copy Error Failed to remove existing cover '%1' Failed to remove existing cover '%1' Failed to copy '%1' to '%2' Failed to copy '%1' to '%2' Confirm Reset Confirm Reset Are you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'? This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'? This action cannot be undone. Load Resume State Load Resume State A resume save state was found for this game, saved at: %1. Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot? A resume save state was found for this game, saved at: %1. Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot? Fresh Boot Fresh Boot Delete And Boot Delete And Boot Failed to delete save state file '%1'. Failed to delete save state file '%1'. Load State File... Load State File... Load From File... Load From File... Select Save State File Select Save State File Save States (*.p2s) Save States (*.p2s) Delete Save States... Delete Save States... Undo Load State Undo Load State Resume (%2) Resume (%2) Load Slot %1 (%2) Load Slot %1 (%2) Delete Save States Delete Save States Are you sure you want to delete all save states for %1? The saves will not be recoverable. Are you sure you want to delete all save states for %1? The saves will not be recoverable. %1 save states deleted. %1 save states deleted. Save To File... Save To File... Empty Empty Save Slot %1 (%2) Save Slot %1 (%2) Confirm Disc Change Confirm Disc Change Do you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)? Do you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)? Swap Disc Swap Disc Reset Reset MemoryCard Memory Card '{}' was saved to storage. Memory Card '{}' was saved to storage. Memory Cards reinserted. Memory Cards reinserted. Force ejecting all Memory Cards. Reinserting in 1 second. Force ejecting all Memory Cards. Reinserting in 1 second. Memory card in port {} / slot {} reinserted Memory card in port {} / slot {} reinserted MemoryCardConvertDialog Convert Memory Card Convert Memory Card Conversion Type Conversion Type 8 MB File 8 MB File 16 MB File 16 MB File 32 MB File 32 MB File 64 MB File 64 MB File Folder Folder <center><strong>Note:</strong> Converting a Memory Card creates a <strong>COPY</strong> of your existing Memory Card. It does <strong">NOT delete, modify, or replace</strong> your existing Memory Card.</center> <center><strong>Note:</strong> Converting a Memory Card creates a <strong>COPY</strong> of your existing Memory Card. It does <strong">NOT delete, modify, or replace</strong> your existing Memory Card.</center> Progress Progress Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card. Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card. A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity. A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity. 2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues. 2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues. 4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues. 4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues. 8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues. 8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues. Convert Memory Card Failed MemoryCardType should be left as-is. Convert Memory Card Failed Invalid MemoryCardType Invalid MemoryCardType Conversion Complete Conversion Complete Memory Card "%1" converted to "%2" Memory Card "%1" converted to "%2" Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less. Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less. Cannot Convert Memory Card Cannot Convert Memory Card 2x larger as a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues. 2x larger as a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues. MemoryCardCreateDialog Create Memory Card Create Memory Card <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Create Memory Card</span><br />Enter the name of the Memory Card you wish to create, and choose a size. We recommend either using 8MB Memory Cards, or folder Memory Cards for best compatibility.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Create Memory Card</span><br />Enter the name of the Memory Card you wish to create, and choose a size. We recommend either using 8MB Memory Cards, or folder Memory Cards for best compatibility.</p></body></html> Memory Card Name: Memory Card Name: 8 MB [Most Compatible] 8 MB [Most Compatible] This is the standard Sony-provisioned size, and is supported by all games and BIOS versions. This is the standard Sony-provisioned size, and is supported by all games and BIOS versions. 16 MB 16 MB A typical size for third-party Memory Cards which should work with most games. A typical size for third-party Memory Cards which should work with most games. 32 MB 32 MB 64 MB 64 MB Low compatibility warning: yes, it's very big, but may not work with many games. Low compatibility warning: yes, it's very big, but may not work with many games. Folder [Recommended] Folder [Recommended] Store Memory Card contents in the host filesystem instead of a file. Store Memory Card contents in the host filesystem instead of a file. 128 KB (PS1) 128 KB (PS1) This is the standard Sony-provisioned size PS1 Memory Card, and only compatible with PS1 games. This is the standard Sony-provisioned size PS1 Memory Card, and only compatible with PS1 games. Use NTFS Compression Use NTFS Compression NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable. Typically compresses Memory Cards (highly recommended). NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable. Typically compresses Memory Cards (highly recommended). Failed to create the Memory Card, because the name '%1' contains one or more invalid characters. Failed to create the Memory Card, because the name '%1' contains one or more invalid characters. Failed to create the Memory Card, because another card with the name '%1' already exists. Failed to create the Memory Card, because another card with the name '%1' already exists. Failed to create the Memory Card, the log may contain more information. Failed to create the Memory Card, the log may contain more information. Memory Card '%1' created. Memory Card '%1' created. MemoryCardListWidget Yes Yes No No MemoryCardSettingsWidget Console Ports Console Ports Memory Cards Memory Cards Folder: Folder: Browse... Browse... Open... Open... Reset Reset Name Name Type Type Formatted Formatted Last Modified Last Modified Refresh Refresh Create Create Duplicate Duplicate Rename Rename Convert Convert Delete Delete Settings Settings Automatically manage saves based on running game Automatically manage saves based on running game Auto-eject Memory Cards when loading save states Auto-eject Memory Cards when loading save states Checked Bejelölve (Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves. (Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves. Swap Memory Cards Swap Memory Cards Port %1 Port %1 Eject Memory Card Eject Memory Card Error Error Not yet implemented. Not yet implemented. Delete Memory Card Delete Memory Card Rename Memory Card Rename Memory Card New Card Name New Card Name New name is invalid, it must end with .ps2 New name is invalid, it must end with .ps2 New name is invalid, a card with this name already exists. New name is invalid, a card with this name already exists. Avoids broken Memory Card saves. May not work with some games such as Guitar Hero. Avoids broken Memory Card saves. May not work with some games such as Guitar Hero. This Memory Card is unknown. This Memory Card is unknown. Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'? This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card. Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'? This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card. Failed to delete the Memory Card. The log may have more information. Failed to delete the Memory Card. The log may have more information. Failed to rename Memory Card. The log may contain more information. Failed to rename Memory Card. The log may contain more information. Use for Port %1 Use for Port %1 Both ports must have a card selected to swap. Both ports must have a card selected to swap. PS2 (8MB) PS2 (8MB) PS2 (16MB) PS2 (16MB) PS2 (32MB) PS2 (32MB) PS2 (64MB) PS2 (64MB) PS1 (128KB) PS1 (128KB) Unknown Unknown PS2 (Folder) PS2 (Folder) MemoryCardSlotWidget %1 [%2] %1 [%2] %1 [Missing] Ignore Crowdin's warning for [Missing], the text should be translated. %1 [Missing] MemoryViewWidget Memory Memory Go to in disassembly Go to in disassembly Go to address Go to address Show as 1 byte Show as 1 byte Show as 2 bytes Show as 2 bytes Show as 4 bytes Show as 4 bytes Show as 8 bytes Show as 8 bytes Copy Byte Copy Byte Copy Segment Copy Segment Copy Character Copy Character Paste Paste NewInputRecordingDlg New Input Recording New Input Recording Select Recording Type Select Recording Type Power On Indicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded from the moment the emulation boots on/starts. Power On Save State Indicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded when an accompanying save state is saved. Save State <html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html> Select File Path Select File Path Browse Browse Enter Author Name Enter Author Name Input Recording Files (*.p2m2) Input Recording Files (*.p2m2) Pad D-Pad Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Right D-Pad Right D-Pad Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Left D-Pad Left Triangle Triangle Circle Circle Cross Cross Square Square Select Select Start Start L1 (Left Bumper) L1 (Left Bumper) L2 (Left Trigger) L2 (Left Trigger) R1 (Right Bumper) R1 (Right Bumper) R2 (Right Trigger) R2 (Right Trigger) L3 (Left Stick Button) L3 (Left Stick Button) R3 (Right Stick Button) R3 (Right Stick Button) Analog Toggle Analog Toggle Apply Pressure Apply Pressure Left Stick Up Left Stick Up Left Stick Right Left Stick Right Left Stick Down Left Stick Down Left Stick Left Left Stick Left Right Stick Up Right Stick Up Right Stick Right Right Stick Right Right Stick Down Right Stick Down Right Stick Left Right Stick Left Large (Low Frequency) Motor Large (Low Frequency) Motor Small (High Frequency) Motor Small (High Frequency) Motor Not Inverted Not Inverted Invert Left/Right Invert Left/Right Invert Up/Down Invert Up/Down Invert Left/Right + Up/Down Invert Left/Right + Up/Down Invert Left Stick Invert Left Stick Inverts the direction of the left analog stick. Inverts the direction of the left analog stick. Invert Right Stick Invert Right Stick Inverts the direction of the right analog stick. Inverts the direction of the right analog stick. Analog Deadzone Analog Deadzone Sets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the stick movement which will be ignored. Sets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the stick movement which will be ignored. Sets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 1.30 and 1.40 is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller. Sets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 1.30 and 1.40 is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller. Button/Trigger Deadzone Button/Trigger Deadzone Sets the deadzone for activating buttons/triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger which will be ignored. Sets the deadzone for activating buttons/triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger which will be ignored. Analog light is now {} for port {} / slot {} Analog light is now {} for port {} / slot {} Analog Sensitivity Analog Sensitivity Large Motor Vibration Scale Large Motor Vibration Scale Increases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game. Increases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game. Small Motor Vibration Scale Small Motor Vibration Scale Increases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game. Increases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game. Modifier Pressure Modifier Pressure Sets the pressure when the modifier button is held. Sets the pressure when the modifier button is held. Not Connected Not Connected DualShock 2 DualShock 2 Controller port {}, slot {} has a {} connected, but the save state has a {}. Leaving the original controller type connected, but this may cause issues. Controller port {}, slot {} has a {} connected, but the save state has a {}. Leaving the original controller type connected, but this may cause issues. Strum Up Strum Up Strum Down Strum Down Green Fret Green Fret Red Fret Red Fret Yellow Fret Yellow Fret Blue Fret Blue Fret Orange Fret Orange Fret Whammy Bar Whammy Bar Tilt Up Tilt Up Whammy Bar Deadzone Whammy Bar Deadzone Sets the whammy bar deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2. Sets the whammy bar deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2. Whammy Bar Sensitivity Whammy Bar Sensitivity Sets the whammy bar axis scaling factor. Sets the whammy bar axis scaling factor. Guitar Guitar Patch Failed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available. Failed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available. {} GameDB patches {} GameDB patches {}{} game patches {}{} game patches {}{} cheat patches {}{} cheat patches {} are active. {} are active. No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled. No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled. QObject Failed to open URL Failed to open URL Failed to open URL. The URL was: %1 Failed to open URL. The URL was: %1 HDD Creator HDD Creator Failed to create HDD image Failed to create HDD image Creating HDD file %1 / %2 MiB Creating HDD file %1 / %2 MiB Cancel Cancel QtAsyncProgressThread Error Error Question Question Information Information QtModalProgressCallback PCSX2 PCSX2 Cancel Cancel Error Error Question Question Information Information RegisterWidget Register View Register View View as hex View as hex View as float View as float Copy Top Half Copy Top Half Copy Bottom Half Copy Bottom Half Copy Segment Copy Segment Copy Value Copy Value Change Top Half Change Top Half Change Bottom Half Change Bottom Half Change Segment Change Segment Change Value Change Value Go to in Disassembly Go to in Disassembly Go to in Memory Go to in Memory Change %1 Changing the value in a CPU register (e.g. "Change t0") Change %1 Invalid register value Invalid register value Invalid hexadecimal register value. Invalid hexadecimal register value. Invalid floating-point register value. Invalid floating-point register value. Invalid target address Invalid target address SPU2 Requested audio output device '{}' not found, using default. Requested audio output device '{}' not found, using default. Cubeb (Cross-platform) Cubeb is an audio engine name. Leave as-is. Cubeb (Cross-platform) No Sound (Emulate SPU2 only) No Sound (Emulate SPU2 only) XAudio2 XAudio2 is an audio engine name. Leave as-is. XAudio2 SettingWidgetBinder Reset Reset Default: Default: Select folder for %1 Select folder for %1 SettingsDialog PCSX2 Settings PCSX2 Settings Restore Defaults Restore Defaults Close Close Summary Summary <strong>Summary</strong><hr>This page shows details about the selected game. Changing the Input Profile will set the controller binding scheme for this game to whichever profile is chosen, instead of the default (Shared) configuration. The track list and dump verification can be used to determine if your disc image matches a known good dump. If it does not match, the game may be broken. <strong>Summary</strong><hr>This page shows details about the selected game. Changing the Input Profile will set the controller binding scheme for this game to whichever profile is chosen, instead of the default (Shared) configuration. The track list and dump verification can be used to determine if your disc image matches a known good dump. If it does not match, the game may be broken. Summary is unavailable for files not present in game list. Summary is unavailable for files not present in game list. Interface Interface <strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Game List Game List <strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive. <strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive. BIOS BIOS <strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Emulation Emulation <strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Patches Patches <strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements. <strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements. Cheats Cheats <strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked. <strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked. Game Fixes Game Fixes <strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise. <strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise. Graphics Graphics <strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Audio Audio <strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Memory Cards Memory Cards <strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Network & HDD Network & HDD <strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Folders Folders <strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files. <strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files. Achievements Achievements <strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games. <strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games. RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled. RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled. This PCSX2 build was not compiled with RetroAchievements support. This PCSX2 build was not compiled with RetroAchievements support. Advanced Advanced <strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. <strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information. Debug Debug <strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space. <strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space. Confirm Restore Defaults Confirm Restore Defaults Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost. Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost. Reset UI Settings Reset UI Settings Recommended Value Recommended Value %1 [%2] %1 [%2] Use Global Setting [Enabled] THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Enabled]: the text must be translated. Use Global Setting [Enabled] Use Global Setting [Disabled] THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Disabled]: the text must be translated. Use Global Setting [Disabled] Use Global Setting [%1] Use Global Setting [%1] SetupWizardDialog PCSX2 Setup Wizard PCSX2 Setup Wizard Language Language BIOS Image BIOS Image Game Directories Game Directories Controller Setup Controller Setup Complete Complete <html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Welcome to PCSX2!</span></h1><p>This wizard will help guide you through the configuration steps required to use the application. It is recommended if this is your first time installing PCSX2 that you view the setup guide at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/">https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/</a>.</p><p>By default, PCSX2 will connect to the server at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/">pcsx2.net</a> to check for updates, and if available and confirmed, download update packages from <a href="https://github.com/">github.com</a>. If you do not wish for PCSX2 to make any network connections on startup, you should uncheck the Automatic Updates option now. The Automatic Update setting can be changed later at any time in Interface Settings.</p><p>Please choose a language and theme to begin.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Welcome to PCSX2!</span></h1><p>This wizard will help guide you through the configuration steps required to use the application. It is recommended if this is your first time installing PCSX2 that you view the setup guide at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/">https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/</a>.</p><p>By default, PCSX2 will connect to the server at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/">pcsx2.net</a> to check for updates, and if available and confirmed, download update packages from <a href="https://github.com/">github.com</a>. If you do not wish for PCSX2 to make any network connections on startup, you should uncheck the Automatic Updates option now. The Automatic Update setting can be changed later at any time in Interface Settings.</p><p>Please choose a language and theme to begin.</p></body></html> Language: Language: Theme: Theme: Enable Automatic Updates Enable Automatic Updates <html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.</p><p>For legal reasons, you must obtain a BIOS <strong>from an actual PS2 unit that you own</strong> (borrowing doesn't count).</p><p>Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory shown below, or you can instruct PCSX2 to scan an alternative directory.</p><p>A guide for dumping your BIOS can be found at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/#how-to-dump-your-ps2-bios">pcsx2.net</a>.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.</p><p>For legal reasons, you must obtain a BIOS <strong>from an actual PS2 unit that you own</strong> (borrowing doesn't count).</p><p>Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory shown below, or you can instruct PCSX2 to scan an alternative directory.</p><p>A guide for dumping your BIOS can be found at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/#how-to-dump-your-ps2-bios">pcsx2.net</a>.</p></body></html> BIOS Directory: BIOS Directory: Browse... Browse... Reset Reset Filename Filename Version Version Open in Explorer... Open in Explorer... Refresh List Refresh List <html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 will automatically scan and identify games from the selected directories below, and populate the game list.<br>These games should be dumped from discs you own. Guides for dumping discs can be found at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/#dumping-ps2-discs-via-imgburn">pcsx2.net</a>.</p><p>Supported formats for dumps include:</p><p><ul><li>.bin/.iso (ISO Disc Images)</li><li>.mdf (Media Descriptor File)</li><li>.chd (Compressed Hunks of Data)</li><li>.cso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.gz (Gzip Compressed ISO)</li></ul></p></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 will automatically scan and identify games from the selected directories below, and populate the game list.<br>These games should be dumped from discs you own. Guides for dumping discs can be found at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/#dumping-ps2-discs-via-imgburn">pcsx2.net</a>.</p><p>Supported formats for dumps include:</p><p><ul><li>.bin/.iso (ISO Disc Images)</li><li>.mdf (Media Descriptor File)</li><li>.chd (Compressed Hunks of Data)</li><li>.cso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.gz (Gzip Compressed ISO)</li></ul></p></p></body></html> Search Directories (will be scanned for games) Search Directories (will be scanned for games) Add Add Remove Remove Search Directory Search Directory Scan Recursively Scan Recursively <html><head/><body><p>By default, PCSX2 will map your keyboard to the virtual PS2 controller.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">To use an external controller, you must map it first. </span>On this screen, you can automatically map any controller which is currently connected. If your controller is not currently connected, you can plug it in now.</p><p>To change controller bindings in more detail, or use multi-tap, open the Settings menu and choose Controllers once you have completed the Setup Wizard.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>By default, PCSX2 will map your keyboard to the virtual PS2 controller.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">To use an external controller, you must map it first. </span>On this screen, you can automatically map any controller which is currently connected. If your controller is not currently connected, you can plug it in now.</p><p>To change controller bindings in more detail, or use multi-tap, open the Settings menu and choose Controllers once you have completed the Setup Wizard.</p></body></html> Controller Port 1 Controller Port 1 Controller Mapped To: Controller Mapped To: Controller Type: Controller Type: Default (Keyboard) Default (Keyboard) Automatic Mapping Automatic Mapping Controller Port 2 Controller Port 2 <html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Setup Complete!</span></h1><p>You are now ready to run games.</p><p>Further options are available under the settings menu. You can also use the Big Picture UI for navigation entirely with a gamepad.</p><p>We hope you enjoy using PCSX2.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Setup Complete!</span></h1><p>You are now ready to run games.</p><p>Further options are available under the settings menu. You can also use the Big Picture UI for navigation entirely with a gamepad.</p><p>We hope you enjoy using PCSX2.</p></body></html> &Back &Back &Next &Next &Cancel &Cancel Warning Warning A BIOS image has not been selected. PCSX2 <strong>will not</strong> be able to run games without a BIOS image.<br><br>Are you sure you wish to continue without selecting a BIOS image? A BIOS image has not been selected. PCSX2 <strong>will not</strong> be able to run games without a BIOS image.<br><br>Are you sure you wish to continue without selecting a BIOS image? No game directories have been selected. You will have to manually open any game dumps you want to play, PCSX2's list will be empty. Are you sure you want to continue? No game directories have been selected. You will have to manually open any game dumps you want to play, PCSX2's list will be empty. Are you sure you want to continue? Cancel Setup Cancel Setup Are you sure you want to cancel PCSX2 setup? Any changes have been saved, and the wizard will run again next time you start PCSX2. Are you sure you want to cancel PCSX2 setup? Any changes have been saved, and the wizard will run again next time you start PCSX2. Open Directory... Open Directory... Select Search Directory Select Search Directory Scan Recursively? Scan Recursively? Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively? Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories. Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively? Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories. Default (None) Default (None) No devices available No devices available Automatic Binding Automatic Binding No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping. No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping. StackModel ENTRY Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. ENTRY LABEL Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. LABEL PC Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing). PC INSTRUCTION Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. INSTRUCTION STACK POINTER Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. STACK POINTER SIZE Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. SIZE ThreadModel INVALID INVALID ID Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. ID PC Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing). PC ENTRY Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. ENTRY PRIORITY Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PRIORITY STATE Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. STATE WAIT TYPE Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. WAIT TYPE BAD Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. BAD RUN Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. RUN READY Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. READY WAIT Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. WAIT SUSPEND Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. SUSPEND WAIT SUSPEND Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. WAIT SUSPEND DORMANT Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger. DORMANT NONE Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. NONE WAKEUP REQUEST Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. WAKEUP REQUEST SEMAPHORE Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. SEMAPHORE SLEEP Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. SLEEP DELAY Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. DELAY EVENTFLAG Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. EVENTFLAG MBOX Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. MBOX VPOOL Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. VPOOL FIXPOOL Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger. FIXPOOL USB Webcam (EyeToy) Webcam (EyeToy) Sony EyeToy Sony EyeToy Konami Capture Eye Konami Capture Eye Device Name Device Name Selects the device to capture images from. Selects the device to capture images from. HID Keyboard HID Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard HID Mouse HID Mouse Pointer Pointer Left Button Left Button Right Button Right Button Middle Button Middle Button BeatMania Da Da Da!! Keyboard BeatMania Da Da Da!! Keyboard GunCon 2 GunCon 2 D-Pad Up D-Pad Up D-Pad Down D-Pad Down D-Pad Left D-Pad Left D-Pad Right D-Pad Right Trigger Trigger Shoot Offscreen Shoot Offscreen Calibration Shot Calibration Shot A A B B C C Select Select Start Start Relative Left Relative Left Relative Right Relative Right Relative Up Relative Up Relative Down Relative Down Sets the crosshair image that this lightgun will use. Setting a crosshair image will disable the system cursor. Sets the crosshair image that this lightgun will use. Setting a crosshair image will disable the system cursor. Cursor Scale Cursor Scale Scales the crosshair image set above. Scales the crosshair image set above. Cursor Color Cursor Color Applys a color to the chosen crosshair images, can be used for multiple players. Specify in HTML/CSS format (e.g. #aabbcc) Applys a color to the chosen crosshair images, can be used for multiple players. Specify in HTML/CSS format (e.g. #aabbcc) Manual Screen Configuration Manual Screen Configuration Forces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available. Forces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available. X Scale (Sensitivity) X Scale (Sensitivity) Scales the position to simulate CRT curvature. Scales the position to simulate CRT curvature. Y Scale (Sensitivity) Y Scale (Sensitivity) Center X Center X Sets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen. Sets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen. Center Y Center Y Sets the vertical center position of the simulated screen. Sets the vertical center position of the simulated screen. Screen Width Screen Width Sets the width of the simulated screen. Sets the width of the simulated screen. Screen Height Screen Height Sets the height of the simulated screen. Sets the height of the simulated screen. Logitech USB Headset Logitech USB Headset Input Device Input Device Selects the device to read audio from. Selects the device to read audio from. Output Device Output Device Selects the device to output audio to. Selects the device to output audio to. Input Latency Input Latency Specifies the latency to the host input device. Specifies the latency to the host input device. Output Latency Output Latency Specifies the latency to the host output device. Specifies the latency to the host output device. USB-Mic: Neither player 1 nor 2 is connected. USB-Mic: Neither player 1 nor 2 is connected. USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream. USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream. Singstar Singstar Player 1 Device Player 1 Device Selects the input for the first player. Selects the input for the first player. Player 2 Device Player 2 Device Selects the input for the second player. Selects the input for the second player. Logitech USB Mic Logitech USB Mic usb-msd: Could not open image file '{}' usb-msd: Could not open image file '{}' Mass Storage Device Mass Storage Device Modification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching. Modification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching. Image Path Image Path Sets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device. Sets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device. Steering Left Steering Left Steering Right Steering Right Throttle Throttle Brake Brake Cross Cross Square Square Circle Circle Triangle Triangle L1 L1 R1 R1 L2 L2 R2 R2 Force Feedback Force Feedback Shift Up / R1 Shift Up / R1 Shift Down / L1 Shift Down / L1 L3 L3 R3 R3 Menu Up Menu Up Menu Down Menu Down X X Y Y Steering Smoothing Steering Smoothing Smooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards. Smooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards. Steering Deadzone Steering Deadzone Steering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels. Steering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels. Steering Damping Steering Damping Applies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs. Applies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs. Wheel Device Wheel Device Driving Force Driving Force Driving Force Pro Driving Force Pro Driving Force Pro (rev11.02) Driving Force Pro (rev11.02) GT Force GT Force Rock Band Drum Kit Rock Band Drum Kit Blue Blue Green Green Red Red Yellow Yellow Orange Orange Buzz Controller Buzz Controller Player 1 Red Player 1 Red Player 1 Blue Player 1 Blue Player 1 Orange Player 1 Orange Player 1 Green Player 1 Green Player 1 Yellow Player 1 Yellow Player 2 Red Player 2 Red Player 2 Blue Player 2 Blue Player 2 Orange Player 2 Orange Player 2 Green Player 2 Green Player 2 Yellow Player 2 Yellow Player 3 Red Player 3 Red Player 3 Blue Player 3 Blue Player 3 Orange Player 3 Orange Player 3 Green Player 3 Green Player 3 Yellow Player 3 Yellow Player 4 Red Player 4 Red Player 4 Blue Player 4 Blue Player 4 Orange Player 4 Orange Player 4 Green Player 4 Green Player 4 Yellow Player 4 Yellow Keyboardmania Keyboardmania C 1 C 1 C# 1 C# 1 D 1 D 1 D# 1 D# 1 E 1 E 1 F 1 F 1 F# 1 F# 1 G 1 G 1 G# 1 G# 1 A 1 A 1 A# 1 A# 1 B 1 B 1 C 2 C 2 C# 2 C# 2 D 2 D 2 D# 2 D# 2 E 2 E 2 F 2 F 2 F# 2 F# 2 G 2 G 2 G# 2 G# 2 A 2 A 2 A# 2 A# 2 B 2 B 2 Wheel Up Wheel Up Wheel Down Wheel Down Sega Seamic Sega Seamic Stick Left Stick Left Stick Right Stick Right Stick Up Stick Up Stick Down Stick Down Z Z L L R R Failed to open '{}' for printing. Failed to open '{}' for printing. Printer saving to '{}'... Printer saving to '{}'... Printer Printer None None Not Connected Not Connected Default Input Device Default Input Device Default Output Device Default Output Device DJ Hero Turntable DJ Hero Turntable Triangle / Euphoria Triangle / Euphoria Crossfader Left Crossfader Left Crossfader Right Crossfader Right Left Turntable Clockwise Left Turntable Clockwise Left Turntable Counterclockwise Left Turntable Counterclockwise Right Turntable Clockwise Right Turntable Clockwise Right Turntable Counterclockwise Right Turntable Counterclockwise Left Turntable Green Left Turntable Green Left Turntable Red Left Turntable Red Left Turntable Blue Left Turntable Blue Right Turntable Green Right Turntable Green Right Turntable Red Right Turntable Red Right Turntable Blue Right Turntable Blue Apply a multiplier to the turntable Apply a multiplier to the turntable Effects Knob Left Effects Knob Left Effects Knob Right Effects Knob Right Turntable Multiplier Turntable Multiplier USBBindingWidget Axes Axes Buttons Buttons USBBindingWidget_DrivingForce Hints Hints To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center. To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center. Force Feedback Force Feedback D-Pad D-Pad Down Down Left Left Up Up Right Right L1 L1 L2 L2 Brake Brake Steering Left Steering Left Steering Right Steering Right Select Select Start Start Face Buttons Face Buttons Circle Circle Cross Cross Triangle Triangle Square Square R1 R1 R2 R2 Accelerator Accelerator USBBindingWidget_GTForce Hints Hints To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center. To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center. Force Feedback Force Feedback X X A A Brake Brake Steering Left Steering Left Steering Right Steering Right Left Paddle Left Paddle Right Paddle Right Paddle Y Y B B Accelerator Accelerator USBBindingWidget_GunCon2 Buttons Buttons A A C C Start Start Select Select B B D-Pad D-Pad Down Down Left Left Up Up Right Right Pointer Setup Pointer Setup <p>By default, GunCon2 will use the mouse pointer. To use the mouse, you <strong>do not</strong> need to configure any bindings apart from the trigger and buttons.</p> <p>If you want to use a controller, or lightgun which simulates a controller instead of a mouse, then you should bind it to Relative Aiming. Otherwise, Relative Aiming should be <strong>left unbound</strong>.</p> <p>By default, GunCon2 will use the mouse pointer. To use the mouse, you <strong>do not</strong> need to configure any bindings apart from the trigger and buttons.</p> <p>If you want to use a controller, or lightgun which simulates a controller instead of a mouse, then you should bind it to Relative Aiming. Otherwise, Relative Aiming should be <strong>left unbound</strong>.</p> Relative Aiming Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term. Relative Aiming Trigger Trigger Shoot Offscreen Shoot Offscreen Calibration Shot Calibration Shot Calibration shot is required to pass the setup screen in some games. Calibration shot is required to pass the setup screen in some games. USBDeviceWidget Device Type Device Type Bindings Bindings Settings Settings Automatic Mapping Automatic Mapping Clear Mapping Clear Mapping USB Port %1 USB Port %1 No devices available No devices available Clear Bindings Clear Bindings Are you sure you want to clear all bindings for this device? This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to clear all bindings for this device? This action cannot be undone. Automatic Binding Automatic Binding No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping. No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping. VMManager Failed to back up old save state {}. Failed to back up old save state {}. Failed to save save state: {}. Failed to save save state: {}. PS2 BIOS ({}) PS2 BIOS ({}) Unknown Game Unknown Game Error Error PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count). Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory (Tools Menu -> Open Data Directory). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions. PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count). Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory (Tools Menu -> Open Data Directory). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions. State saved to slot {}. State saved to slot {}. Failed to save save state to slot {}. Failed to save save state to slot {}. There is no save state in slot {}. There is no save state in slot {}. Loading state from slot {}... Loading state from slot {}... Saving state to slot {}... Saving state to slot {}... Disc removed. Disc removed. Disc changed to '{}'. Disc changed to '{}'. Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image. Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image. Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc. Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc. Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode. Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode. Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games. Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games. Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow. Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow. Audio is using async mix, expect desynchronization in FMVs. Audio is using async mix, expect desynchronization in FMVs. Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering. Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering. Mipmapping is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games. Mipmapping is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games. Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games. Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games. Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games. Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games. Blending is below basic, this may break effects in some games. Blending is below basic, this may break effects in some games. Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games. Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games. EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. VU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. VU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games. Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected. Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected. Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected. Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected. Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games. Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games. Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games. Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games. EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance. EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance. EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance. INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance. INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance. Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance. Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance. mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance. mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance. GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance. GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance. Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance. Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance. Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance. Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance.