/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma once #include "GPU.h" #include "GPUDrawingEnvironment.h" #include "GPULocalMemory.h" #include "GPUVertex.h" #include "GSAlignedClass.h" #include "GSUtil.h" #include "GSPerfMon.h" class GPUState : public GSAlignedClass<32> { typedef void (GPUState::*GPUStatusCommandHandler)(GPUReg* r); GPUStatusCommandHandler m_fpGPUStatusCommandHandlers[256]; void SCH_Null(GPUReg* r); void SCH_ResetGPU(GPUReg* r); void SCH_ResetCommandBuffer(GPUReg* r); void SCH_ResetIRQ(GPUReg* r); void SCH_DisplayEnable(GPUReg* r); void SCH_DMASetup(GPUReg* r); void SCH_StartOfDisplayArea(GPUReg* r); void SCH_HorizontalDisplayRange(GPUReg* r); void SCH_VerticalDisplayRange(GPUReg* r); void SCH_DisplayMode(GPUReg* r); void SCH_GPUInfo(GPUReg* r); typedef int (GPUState::*GPUPacketHandler)(GPUReg* r, int size); GPUPacketHandler m_fpGPUPacketHandler[8]; int PH_Command(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Polygon(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Line(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Sprite(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Move(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Write(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Read(GPUReg* r, int size); int PH_Environment(GPUReg* r, int size); class Buffer { public: int bytes; int maxbytes; uint8* buff; int cur; public: Buffer(); ~Buffer(); void Reserve(int size); void Append(const uint8* src, int size); void Remove(int size); void RemoveAll(); }; Buffer m_write; Buffer m_read; void SetPrim(GPUReg* r); void SetCLUT(GPUReg* r); void SetTPAGE(GPUReg* r); protected: int s_n; bool dump_enable = false; void Dump(const string& s, uint32 TP, const GSVector4i& r, int inc = true) { //if(m_perfmon.GetFrame() < 1000) //if((m_env.TWIN.u32 & 0xfffff) == 0) //if(!m_env.STATUS.ME && !m_env.STATUS.MD) if(!dump_enable) return; if(inc) s_n++; //if(s_n < 86) return; int dir = 1; #ifdef DEBUG dir = 2; #endif string path = format("c:\\temp%d\\%04d_%s.bmp", dir, s_n, s.c_str()); m_mem.SaveBMP(path, r, TP, m_env.CLUT.X, m_env.CLUT.Y); } void Dump(const string& s, int inc = true) { Dump(s, 2, GSVector4i(0, 0, 1024, 512), inc); } public: GPUDrawingEnvironment m_env; GPULocalMemory m_mem; GPUVertex m_v; GSPerfMon m_perfmon; uint32 m_status[256]; public: GPUState(); virtual ~GPUState() = default; virtual void Reset(); virtual void Flush(); virtual void FlushPrim() = 0; virtual void ResetPrim() = 0; virtual void VertexKick() = 0; virtual void Invalidate(const GSVector4i& r); void WriteData(const uint8* mem, uint32 size); void ReadData(uint8* mem, uint32 size); void WriteStatus(uint32 status); uint32 ReadStatus(); void Freeze(GPUFreezeData* data); void Defrost(const GPUFreezeData* data); };