@startuml participant User as user participant Github as github participant "Create Release WF" as create participant "Build WFs" as build participant "Finalize Release WF" as finalize participant Discord as discord ==Nightly Release== user -> github : New Commit on master (from PR, or directly) ...waiting for commit push event to fire... github -> create : Push a new git tag, patch incrementing latest Version alt from-pr? case create -> create : Use links to the PR as a description else was a commit create -> create : Use Commit Message as Description end create -> create : Generate release notes create -> github : Create new draft release, associated with tag and with the notes note right Draft releases are not public facing, only those with write access can see them! end note ...waiting for push tag event to fire... loop for all build workflows github -> build : Build the tag commit build -> build : .exe will use the git tag for it's title and such build -> build : Upload the generated artifact to the associated release alt all-artifacts-uploaded? case build -> github : Publish the release user -> github : Can now download the artifacts on the published release end note right This is the only area where an eventual consistency issue is apparent It is because GitHub does not fire events for when draft releases are edited This is glossed over in the initial impl and can be improved and be made eventually consistent as well end note ...waiting for release publish event to fire... github -> finalize : Announce the Release finalize -> github : Gather all asset links, and format message embed. finalize -> discord : Announce new build via a WebHook ...waiting for announcement... user -> discord : Can download artifacts from links via the discord @enduml