/* LilyPad - Pad plugin for PS2 Emulator * Copyright (C) 2002-2014 PCSX2 Dev Team/ChickenLiver * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Found- ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with PCSX2. If not, see . */ #include "Global.h" // For escape timer, so as not to break GSDX+DX9. #include #include "resource.h" #include "InputManager.h" #include "Config.h" #define PADdefs #include "DeviceEnumerator.h" #include "WndProcEater.h" #include "KeyboardQueue.h" #include "svnrev.h" #include "DualShock3.h" #include "HidDevice.h" #define WMA_FORCE_UPDATE (WM_APP + 0x537) #define FORCE_UPDATE_WPARAM ((WPARAM)0x74328943) #define FORCE_UPDATE_LPARAM ((LPARAM)0x89437437) // LilyPad version. #define VERSION ((0<<8) | 11 | (0<<24)) HINSTANCE hInst; HWND hWnd; HWND hWndTop; WndProcEater hWndGSProc; WndProcEater hWndTopProc; // ButtonProc is used mostly by the Config panel for eating the procedures of the // button with keyboard focus. WndProcEater hWndButtonProc; // Keeps the various sources for Update polling (PADpoll, PADupdate, etc) from wreaking // havoc on each other... CRITICAL_SECTION updateLock; // Used to toggle mouse listening. u8 miceEnabled; // 2 when both pads are initialized, 1 for one pad, etc. int openCount = 0; int activeWindow = 0; int windowThreadId = 0; int updateQueued = 0; int bufSize = 0; unsigned char outBuf[50]; unsigned char inBuf[50]; // windowThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, 0); #define MODE_DIGITAL 0x41 #define MODE_ANALOG 0x73 #define MODE_DS2_NATIVE 0x79 int IsWindowMaximized (HWND hWnd) { RECT rect; if (GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect)) { POINT p; p.x = rect.left; p.y = rect.top; MONITORINFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.cbSize = sizeof(info); HMONITOR hMonitor; if ((hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(p, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY)) && GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &info) && memcmp(&info.rcMonitor, &rect, sizeof(rect)) == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } void DEBUG_TEXT_OUT(const char *text) { if (config.debug) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA("logs\\padLog.txt", FILE_APPEND_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD junk; WriteFile(hFile, text, strlen(text), &junk, 0); CloseHandle(hFile);; } } } void DEBUG_NEW_SET() { if (config.debug && bufSize>1) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA("logs\\padLog.txt", FILE_APPEND_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int i; char temp[1500]; char *end = temp; sprintf(end, "%02X (%02X) ", inBuf[0], inBuf[1]); end += 8; for (i=2; i 0). u8 enabled; } pads[2][4]; // Active slots for each port. int slots[2]; // Which ports we're running on. int portInitialized[2]; // Force value to be from 0 to 255. u8 Cap (int i) { if (i<0) return 0; if (i>255) return 255; return (u8) i; } inline void ReleaseModifierKeys() { QueueKeyEvent(VK_SHIFT, KEYRELEASE); QueueKeyEvent(VK_MENU, KEYRELEASE); QueueKeyEvent(VK_CONTROL, KEYRELEASE); } // RefreshEnabledDevices() enables everything that can potentially // be bound to, as well as the "Ignore keyboard" device. // // This enables everything that input should be read from while the // emulator is running. Takes into account mouse and focus state // and which devices have bindings for enabled pads. Releases // keyboards if window is not focused. Releases game devices if // background monitoring is not checked. // And releases games if not focused and config.background is not set. void UpdateEnabledDevices(int updateList = 0) { // Enable all devices I might want. Can ignore the rest. RefreshEnabledDevices(updateList); // Figure out which pads I'm getting input for. for (int port = 0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot = 0; slot<4; slot++) { if (slot && !config.multitap[port]) { pads[port][slot].enabled = 0; } else { pads[port][slot].enabled = pads[port][slot].initialized && config.padConfigs[port][slot].type != DisabledPad; } } } for (int i=0; inumDevices; i++) { Device *dev = dm->devices[i]; if (!dev->enabled) continue; if (!dev->attached) { dm->DisableDevice(i); continue; } // Disable ignore keyboard if don't have focus or there are no keys to ignore. if (dev->api == IGNORE_KEYBOARD) { if ((!config.vistaVolume && (config.keyboardApi == NO_API || !dev->pads[0][0].numBindings)) || !activeWindow) { dm->DisableDevice(i); } continue; } // Keep for PCSX2 keyboard shotcuts, unless unfocused. if (dev->type == KEYBOARD) { if (!activeWindow) dm->DisableDevice(i); } // Keep for cursor hiding consistency, unless unfocused. // miceEnabled tracks state of mouse enable/disable button, not if mouse API is set to disabled. else if (dev->type == MOUSE) { if (!miceEnabled || !activeWindow) dm->DisableDevice(i); } else if (!activeWindow && !config.background) dm->DisableDevice(i); else { int numActiveBindings = 0; for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { if (pads[port][slot].enabled) { numActiveBindings += dev->pads[port][slot].numBindings + dev->pads[port][slot].numFFBindings; } } } if (!numActiveBindings) dm->DisableDevice(i); } } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD fdwReason, void* lpvReserved) { hInst = hInstance; if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { InitializeCriticalSection( &updateLock ); DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); } else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { while (openCount) PADclose(); PADshutdown(); UninitHid(); UninitLibUsb(); DeleteCriticalSection( &updateLock ); } return 1; } void AddForce(ButtonSum *sum, u8 cmd, int delta = 255) { if (!delta) return; if (cmd<0x14) { sum->buttons[cmd-0x10] += delta; } // D-pad. Command numbering is based on ordering of digital values. else if (cmd < 0x18) { if (cmd == 0x14) { sum->sticks[0].vert -= delta; } else if (cmd == 0x15) { sum->sticks[0].horiz += delta; } else if (cmd == 0x16) { sum->sticks[0].vert += delta; } else if (cmd == 0x17) { sum->sticks[0].horiz -= delta; } } else if (cmd < 0x20) { sum->buttons[cmd-0x10-4] += delta; } // Left stick. else if (cmd < 0x24) { if (cmd == 32) { sum->sticks[2].vert -= delta; } else if (cmd == 33) { sum->sticks[2].horiz += delta; } else if (cmd == 34) { sum->sticks[2].vert += delta; } else if (cmd == 35) { sum->sticks[2].horiz -= delta; } } // Right stick. else if (cmd < 0x28) { if (cmd == 36) { sum->sticks[1].vert -= delta; } else if (cmd == 37) { sum->sticks[1].horiz += delta; } else if (cmd == 38) { sum->sticks[1].vert += delta; } else if (cmd == 39) { sum->sticks[1].horiz -= delta; } } } void ProcessButtonBinding(Binding *b, ButtonSum *sum, int value) { if (value < b->deadZone || !value) return; if ( config.turboKeyHack == 1 ){ // send a tabulator keypress to emulator //printf("%x\n", b->command); if ( b->command == 0x11 ){ // L3 button static unsigned int LastCheck = 0; unsigned int t = timeGetTime(); if (t - LastCheck < 300 ) return; QueueKeyEvent(VK_TAB, KEYPRESS); LastCheck = t; } } int sensitivity = b->sensitivity; if (sensitivity < 0) { sensitivity = -sensitivity; value = (1<<16)-value; } if (value < 0) return; /* Note: Value ranges of FULLY_DOWN, and sensitivity of * BASE_SENSITIVITY corresponds to an axis/button being exactly fully down. * Math in next line takes care of those two conditions, rounding as necessary. * Done using __int64s because overflows will occur when * sensitivity > BASE_SENSITIVITY and/or value > FULLY_DOWN. Latter only happens * for relative axis. */ int force = (int)((((sensitivity*(255*(__int64)value)) + BASE_SENSITIVITY/2)/BASE_SENSITIVITY + FULLY_DOWN/2)/FULLY_DOWN); AddForce(sum, b->command, force); } // Restricts d-pad/analog stick values to be from -255 to 255 and button values to be from 0 to 255. // With D-pad in DS2 native mode, the negative and positive ranges are both independently from 0 to 255, // which is why I use 9 bits of all sticks. For left and right sticks, I have to remove a bit before sending. void CapSum(ButtonSum *sum) { int i; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { int div = max(abs(sum->sticks[i].horiz), abs(sum->sticks[i].vert)); if (div > 255) { sum->sticks[i].horiz = sum->sticks[i].horiz * 255 / div; sum->sticks[i].vert = sum->sticks[i].vert * 255 / div; } } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { sum->buttons[i] = Cap(sum->buttons[i]); } } // Counter similar to stateUpdated for each pad, except used for PADkeyEvent instead. // Only matters when GS thread updates is disabled (Just like summed pad values // for pads beyond the first slot). // Values, in order, correspond to PADkeyEvent, PADupdate(0), PADupdate(1), and // WndProc(WMA_FORCE_UPDATE). Last is always 0. char padReadKeyUpdated[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; #define LOCK_DIRECTION 2 #define LOCK_BUTTONS 4 #define LOCK_BOTH 1 struct EnterScopedSection { CRITICAL_SECTION& m_cs; EnterScopedSection( CRITICAL_SECTION& cs ) : m_cs( cs ) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_cs ); } ~EnterScopedSection() { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_cs ); } }; void Update(unsigned int port, unsigned int slot) { char *stateUpdated; if (port < 2) { stateUpdated = &pads[port][slot].stateUpdated; } else if (port < 6) { stateUpdated = padReadKeyUpdated+port-2; } else return; if (*stateUpdated > 0) { stateUpdated[0] --; return; } // Lock prior to timecheck code to avoid pesky race conditions. EnterScopedSection padlock( updateLock ); static unsigned int LastCheck = 0; unsigned int t = timeGetTime(); if (t - LastCheck < 15 || !openCount) return; if (windowThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { if (stateUpdated[0] < 0) { if (!updateQueued) { updateQueued = 1; PostMessage(hWnd, WMA_FORCE_UPDATE, FORCE_UPDATE_WPARAM, FORCE_UPDATE_LPARAM); } } else { stateUpdated[0] --; } return; } LastCheck = t; int i; ButtonSum s[2][4]; u8 lockStateChanged[2][4]; memset(lockStateChanged, 0, sizeof(lockStateChanged)); for (i=0; i<8; i++) { s[i&1][i>>1] = pads[i&1][i>>1].lockedSum; } InitInfo info = { 0, 0, hWndTop, &hWndGSProc }; dm->Update(&info); static int turbo = 0; turbo++; for (i=0; inumDevices; i++) { Device *dev = dm->devices[i]; // Skip both disabled devices and inactive enabled devices. // Shouldn't be any of the latter, in general, but just in case... if (!dev->active) continue; for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { if (config.padConfigs[port][slot].type == DisabledPad || !pads[port][slot].initialized) continue; for (int j=0; jpads[port][slot].numBindings; j++) { Binding *b = dev->pads[port][slot].bindings+j; int cmd = b->command; int state = dev->virtualControlState[b->controlIndex]; if (!(turbo & b->turbo)) { if (cmd > 0x0F && cmd != 0x28) { ProcessButtonBinding(b, &s[port][slot], state); } else if ((state>>15) && !(dev->oldVirtualControlState[b->controlIndex]>>15)) { if (cmd == 0x0F) { miceEnabled = !miceEnabled; UpdateEnabledDevices(); } else if (cmd == 0x0C) { lockStateChanged[port][slot] |= LOCK_BUTTONS; } else if (cmd == 0x0E) { lockStateChanged[port][slot] |= LOCK_DIRECTION; } else if (cmd == 0x0D) { lockStateChanged[port][slot] |= LOCK_BOTH; } else if (cmd == 0x28) { if (!pads[port][slot].modeLock) { if (pads[port][slot].mode != MODE_DIGITAL) pads[port][slot].mode = MODE_DIGITAL; else pads[port][slot].mode = MODE_ANALOG; } } } } } } } } dm->PostRead(); { for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { for (int motor=0; motor<2; motor++) { // TODO: Probably be better to send all of these at once. if (pads[port][slot].nextVibrate[motor] | pads[port][slot].currentVibrate[motor]) { pads[port][slot].currentVibrate[motor] = pads[port][slot].nextVibrate[motor]; dm->SetEffect(port,slot, motor, pads[port][slot].nextVibrate[motor]); } } } } for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { pads[port][slot].stateUpdated = 1; if (config.padConfigs[port][slot].type == DisabledPad || !pads[port][slot].initialized) continue; if (config.padConfigs[port][slot].type == GuitarPad) { if (!config.GH2) { s[port][slot].sticks[1].vert = -s[port][slot].sticks[1].vert; } // GH2 hack. else if (config.GH2) { const unsigned int oldIdList[5] = {ID_R2, ID_CIRCLE, ID_TRIANGLE, ID_CROSS, ID_SQUARE}; const unsigned int idList[5] = {ID_L2, ID_L1, ID_R1, ID_R2, ID_CROSS}; int values[5]; int i; for (i=0; i<5; i++) { int id = oldIdList[i] - 0x1104; values[i] = s[port][slot].buttons[id]; s[port][slot].buttons[id] = 0; } s[port][slot].buttons[ID_TRIANGLE-0x1104] = values[1]; for (i=0; i<5; i++) { int id = idList[i] - 0x1104; s[port][slot].buttons[id] = values[i]; } if (abs(s[port][slot].sticks[0].vert) <= 48) { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { unsigned int id = idList[i] - 0x1104; if (pads[port][slot].sum.buttons[id] < s[port][slot].buttons[id]) { s[port][slot].buttons[id] = pads[port][slot].sum.buttons[id]; } } } else if (abs(pads[port][slot].sum.sticks[0].vert) <= 48) { for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { unsigned int id = idList[i] - 0x1104; if (pads[port][slot].sum.buttons[id]) { s[port][slot].buttons[id] = 0; } } } } } if (pads[port][slot].mode == 0x41) { for (int i=1; i<=2; i++) { if (abs(s[port][slot].sticks[i].horiz) >= 100) s[port][slot].sticks[0].horiz += s[port][slot].sticks[i].horiz; if (abs(s[port][slot].sticks[i].vert) >= 100) s[port][slot].sticks[0].vert += s[port][slot].sticks[i].vert; } } CapSum(&s[port][slot]); if (lockStateChanged[port][slot]) { if (lockStateChanged[port][slot] & LOCK_BOTH) { if (pads[port][slot].lockedState != (LOCK_DIRECTION | LOCK_BUTTONS)) { // Enable the one that's not enabled. lockStateChanged[port][slot] ^= pads[port][slot].lockedState^(LOCK_DIRECTION | LOCK_BUTTONS); } else { // Disable both lockStateChanged[port][slot] ^= LOCK_DIRECTION | LOCK_BUTTONS; } } if (lockStateChanged[port][slot] & LOCK_DIRECTION) { if (pads[port][slot].lockedState & LOCK_DIRECTION) { memset(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.sticks, 0, sizeof(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.sticks)); } else { memcpy(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.sticks, s[port][slot].sticks, sizeof(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.sticks)); } pads[port][slot].lockedState ^= LOCK_DIRECTION; } if (lockStateChanged[port][slot] & LOCK_BUTTONS) { if (pads[port][slot].lockedState & LOCK_BUTTONS) { memset(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.buttons, 0, sizeof(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.buttons)); } else { memcpy(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.buttons, s[port][slot].buttons, sizeof(pads[port][slot].lockedSum.buttons)); } pads[port][slot].lockedState ^= LOCK_BUTTONS; } for (i=0; i>1].sum = s[i&1][i>>1]; } padReadKeyUpdated[0] = padReadKeyUpdated[1] = padReadKeyUpdated[2] = 1; if( stateUpdated[0] > 0 ) --stateUpdated[0]; } void CALLBACK PADupdate(int port) { Update(port+3, 0); } inline void SetVibrate(int port, int slot, int motor, u8 val) { pads[port][slot].nextVibrate[motor] = val; } u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibType(void) { ps2e = 1; return PS2E_LT_PAD; } u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type) { ps2e = 1; if (type == PS2E_LT_PAD) return (PS2E_PAD_VERSION<<16) | VERSION; return 0; } // Used in about and config screens. void GetNameAndVersionString(wchar_t *out) { #ifdef NO_CRT wsprintfW(out, L"LilyPad %i.%i.%i", (VERSION>>8)&0xFF, VERSION&0xFF, (VERSION>>24)&0xFF); #elif defined(PCSX2_DEBUG) wsprintfW(out, L"LilyPad Debug %i.%i.%i (%lld)", (VERSION>>8)&0xFF, VERSION&0xFF, (VERSION>>24)&0xFF, SVN_REV); #else wsprintfW(out, L"LilyPad %i.%i.%i (%lld)", (VERSION>>8)&0xFF, VERSION&0xFF, (VERSION>>24)&0xFF, SVN_REV); #endif } char* CALLBACK PSEgetLibName() { #ifdef NO_CRT return "LilyPad"; #elif defined(PCSX2_DEBUG) static char version[50]; sprintf(version, "LilyPad Debug (%lld)", SVN_REV); return version; #else static char version[50]; sprintf(version, "LilyPad (%lld)", SVN_REV); return version; #endif } char* CALLBACK PS2EgetLibName(void) { ps2e = 1; return PSEgetLibName(); } //void CALLBACK PADgsDriverInfo(GSdriverInfo *info) { // info=info; //} void CALLBACK PADshutdown() { DEBUG_TEXT_OUT("LilyPad shutdown.\n\n"); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) pads[i&1][i>>1].initialized = 0; portInitialized[0] = portInitialized[1] = 0; UnloadConfigs(); } inline void StopVibrate() { for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { SetVibrate(i&1, i>>1, 0, 0); SetVibrate(i&1, i>>1, 1, 0); } } inline void ResetVibrate(int port, int slot) { SetVibrate(port, slot, 0, 0); SetVibrate(port, slot, 1, 0); ((int*)(pads[port][slot].vibrate))[0] = 0xFFFFFF5A; ((int*)(pads[port][slot].vibrate))[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; } void ResetPad(int port, int slot) { // Lines before memset currently don't do anything useful, // but allow this function to be called at any time. // Need to backup, so can be called at any point. u8 enabled = pads[port][slot].enabled; // Currently should never do anything. SetVibrate(port, slot, 0, 0); SetVibrate(port, slot, 1, 0); memset(&pads[port][slot], 0, sizeof(pads[0][0])); pads[port][slot].mode = MODE_DIGITAL; pads[port][slot].umask[0] = pads[port][slot].umask[1] = 0xFF; // Sets up vibrate variable. ResetVibrate(port, slot); if (config.padConfigs[port][slot].autoAnalog && !ps2e) { pads[port][slot].mode = MODE_ANALOG; } pads[port][slot].initialized = 1; pads[port][slot].enabled = enabled; } struct QueryInfo { u8 port; u8 slot; u8 lastByte; u8 currentCommand; u8 numBytes; u8 queryDone; u8 response[42]; } query = {0,0,0,0, 0,0xFF, 0xF3}; int saveStateIndex = 0; s32 CALLBACK PADinit(u32 flags) { // Note: Won't load settings if already loaded. if (LoadSettings() < 0) { return -1; } int port = (flags & 3); if (port == 3) { if (PADinit(1) == -1) return -1; return PADinit(2); } #ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG int tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG ); tmpFlag |= _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; _CrtSetDbgFlag( tmpFlag ); #endif port --; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { ResetPad(port, i); } slots[port] = 0; portInitialized[port] = 1; query.lastByte = 1; query.numBytes = 0; ClearKeyQueue(); // Just in case, when resuming emulation. ReleaseModifierKeys(); DEBUG_TEXT_OUT("LilyPad initialized\n\n"); return 0; } // Note to self: Has to be a define for the sizeof() to work right. // Note to self 2: All are the same size, anyways, except for longer full DS2 response // and shorter digital mode response. #define SET_RESULT(a) { \ memcpy(query.response+2, a, sizeof(a)); \ query.numBytes = 2+sizeof(a); \ } #define SET_FINAL_RESULT(a) { \ memcpy(query.response+2, a, sizeof(a));\ query.numBytes = 2+sizeof(a); \ query.queryDone = 1; \ } static const u8 ConfigExit[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //static const u8 ConfigExit[7] = {0x5A, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; static const u8 noclue[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5A}; static u8 queryMaskMode[7] = {0x5A, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5A}; //static const u8 DSNonNativeMode[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; static const u8 setMode[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; // DS2 static const u8 queryModelDS2[7] = {0x5A, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00}; // DS1 static const u8 queryModelDS1[7] = {0x5A, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00}; static const u8 queryAct[2][7] = {{0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A}, {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x14}}; static const u8 queryComb[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}; static const u8 queryMode[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; static const u8 setNativeMode[7] = {0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5A}; // Implements a couple of the hacks that affect whatever top-level window // the GS viewport belongs to (title, screensaver) ExtraWndProcResult TitleHackWndProc(HWND hWndTop, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *output) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_SETTEXT: if (config.saveStateTitle) { wchar_t text[200]; int len; if (IsWindowUnicode(hWndTop)) { len = wcslen((wchar_t*) lParam); if (len < sizeof(text)/sizeof(wchar_t)) wcscpy(text, (wchar_t*) lParam); } else { len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*) lParam, -1, text, sizeof(text)/sizeof(wchar_t)); } if (len > 0 && len < 150 && !wcsstr(text, L" | State(Lilypad) ")) { wsprintfW(text+len, L" | State(Lilypad) %i", saveStateIndex); SetWindowText(hWndTop, text); return NO_WND_PROC; } } break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if ((wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE || wParam == SC_MONITORPOWER) && config.disableScreenSaver) return NO_WND_PROC; break; default: break; } return CONTINUE_BLISSFULLY; } // responsible for monitoring device addition/removal, focus changes, and viewport closures. ExtraWndProcResult StatusWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *output) { switch (uMsg) { case WMA_FORCE_UPDATE: if (wParam == FORCE_UPDATE_WPARAM && lParam == FORCE_UPDATE_LPARAM) { if (updateQueued) { updateQueued = 0; Update(5, 0); } return NO_WND_PROC; } case WM_DEVICECHANGE: if (wParam == DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED) { UpdateEnabledDevices(1); } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: // Release any buttons PCSX2 may think are down when // losing/gaining focus. if (!wParam) { ReleaseModifierKeys(); } activeWindow = (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE); UpdateEnabledDevices(); break; case WM_CLOSE: if (config.closeHacks & 1) { QueueKeyEvent(VK_ESCAPE, KEYPRESS); return NO_WND_PROC; } else if (config.closeHacks & 2) { ExitProcess(0); return NO_WND_PROC; } break; case WM_DESTROY: QueueKeyEvent(VK_ESCAPE, KEYPRESS); break; default: break; } return CONTINUE_BLISSFULLY; } // All that's needed to force hiding the cursor in the proper thread. // Could have a special case elsewhere, but this make sure it's called // only once, rather than repeatedly. ExtraWndProcResult HideCursorProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *output) { ShowCursor(0); return CONTINUE_BLISSFULLY_AND_RELEASE_PROC; } char restoreFullScreen = 0; DWORD WINAPI MaximizeWindowThreadProc(void *lpParameter) { Sleep(100); keybd_event(VK_LMENU, MapVirtualKey(VK_LMENU, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC), 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_RETURN, MapVirtualKey(VK_RETURN, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC), 0, 0); Sleep(10); keybd_event(VK_RETURN, MapVirtualKey(VK_RETURN, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); keybd_event(VK_LMENU, MapVirtualKey(VK_LMENU, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); return 0; } void CALLBACK PADconfigure() { if (openCount) { return; } Configure(); } DWORD WINAPI RenameWindowThreadProc(void *lpParameter) { wchar_t newTitle[200]; if (hWndTop) { int len = GetWindowTextW(hWndTop, newTitle, 200); if (len > 0 && len < 199) { wchar_t *end; if (end = wcsstr(newTitle, L" | State ")) *end = 0; SetWindowTextW(hWndTop, newTitle); } } return 0; } void SaveStateChanged() { if (config.saveStateTitle) { // GSDX only checks its window's message queue at certain points or something, so // have to do this in another thread to prevent deadlock. HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, RenameWindowThreadProc, 0, 0, 0); if (hThread) CloseHandle(hThread); } } s32 CALLBACK PADopen(void *pDsp) { if (openCount++) return 0; DEBUG_TEXT_OUT("LilyPad opened\n\n"); miceEnabled = !config.mouseUnfocus; if (!hWnd) { if (IsWindow((HWND)pDsp)) { hWnd = (HWND) pDsp; } else if (pDsp && !IsBadReadPtr(pDsp, 4) && IsWindow(*(HWND*) pDsp)) { hWnd = *(HWND*) pDsp; } else { openCount = 0; MessageBoxA(GetActiveWindow(), "Invalid Window handle passed to LilyPad.\n" "\n" "Either your emulator or gs plugin is buggy,\n" "Despite the fact the emulator is about to\n" "blame LilyPad for failing to initialize.", "Non-LilyPad Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return -1; } hWndTop = hWnd; while (GetWindowLong (hWndTop, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) hWndTop = GetParent (hWndTop); if (!hWndGSProc.SetWndHandle(hWnd)) { openCount = 0; return -1; } // Implements most hacks, as well as enabling/disabling mouse // capture when focus changes. updateQueued = 0; hWndGSProc.Eat(StatusWndProc, 0); if(hWnd != hWndTop) { if (!hWndTopProc.SetWndHandle(hWndTop)) { openCount = 0; return -1; } hWndTopProc.Eat(TitleHackWndProc, 0); } else hWndGSProc.Eat(TitleHackWndProc, 0); if (config.forceHide) { hWndGSProc.Eat(HideCursorProc, 0); } SaveStateChanged(); windowThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndTop, 0); } if (restoreFullScreen) { if (!IsWindowMaximized(hWndTop)) { HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, MaximizeWindowThreadProc, hWndTop, 0, 0); if (hThread) CloseHandle(hThread); } restoreFullScreen = 0; } for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { memset(&pads[port][slot].sum, 0, sizeof(pads[port][slot].sum)); memset(&pads[port][slot].lockedSum, 0, sizeof(pads[port][slot].lockedSum)); pads[port][slot].lockedState = 0; } } // I'd really rather use this line, but GetActiveWindow() does not have complete specs. // It *seems* to return null when no window from this thread has focus, but the // Microsoft specs seem to imply it returns the window from this thread that would have focus, // if any window did (topmost in this thread?). Which isn't what I want, and doesn't seem // to be what it actually does. // activeWindow = GetActiveWindow() == hWnd; // activeWindow = (GetAncestor(hWnd, GA_ROOT) == GetAncestor(GetForegroundWindow(), GA_ROOT)); activeWindow = 1; UpdateEnabledDevices(); return 0; } void CALLBACK PADclose() { if (openCount && !--openCount) { DEBUG_TEXT_OUT("LilyPad closed\n\n"); updateQueued = 0; hWndGSProc.Release(); hWndTopProc.Release(); dm->ReleaseInput(); hWnd = 0; hWndTop = 0; ClearKeyQueue(); } } u8 CALLBACK PADstartPoll(int port) { DEBUG_NEW_SET(); port--; if ((unsigned int)port <= 1 && pads[port][slots[port]].enabled) { query.queryDone = 0; query.port = port; query.slot = slots[port]; query.numBytes = 2; query.lastByte = 0; DEBUG_IN(port); DEBUG_OUT(0xFF); DEBUG_IN(slots[port]); DEBUG_OUT(pads[port][slots[port]].enabled); return 0xFF; } else { query.queryDone = 1; query.numBytes = 0; query.lastByte = 1; DEBUG_IN(0); DEBUG_OUT(0); DEBUG_IN(port); DEBUG_OUT(0); return 0; } } inline int IsDualshock2(u8 port, u8 slot) { return config.padConfigs[query.port][query.slot].type == Dualshock2Pad || (config.padConfigs[query.port][query.slot].type == GuitarPad && config.GH2); } u8 CALLBACK PADpoll(u8 value) { DEBUG_IN(value); if (query.lastByte+1 >= query.numBytes) { DEBUG_OUT(0); return 0; } if (query.lastByte && query.queryDone) { DEBUG_OUT(query.response[1+query.lastByte]); return query.response[++query.lastByte]; } int i; Pad *pad = &pads[query.port][query.slot]; if (query.lastByte == 0) { query.lastByte++; query.currentCommand = value; switch(value) { // CONFIG_MODE case 0x43: if (pad->config) { // In config mode. Might not actually be leaving it. SET_RESULT(ConfigExit); DEBUG_OUT(0xF3); return 0xF3; } // READ_DATA_AND_VIBRATE case 0x42: query.response[2] = 0x5A; { Update(query.port, query.slot); ButtonSum *sum = &pad->sum; u8 b1 = 0xFF, b2 = 0xFF; for (i = 0; i<4; i++) { b1 -= (sum->buttons[i] > 0) << i; } for (i = 0; i<8; i++) { b2 -= (sum->buttons[i+4] > 0) << i; } if (config.padConfigs[query.port][query.slot].type == GuitarPad && !config.GH2) { sum->sticks[0].horiz = -255; // Not sure about this. Forces wammy to be from 0 to 0x7F. // if (sum->sticks[2].vert > 0) sum->sticks[2].vert = 0; } b1 -= ((sum->sticks[0].vert < 0) << 4); b1 -= ((sum->sticks[0].horiz > 0) << 5); b1 -= ((sum->sticks[0].vert > 0) << 6); b1 -= ((sum->sticks[0].horiz < 0) << 7); query.response[3] = b1; query.response[4] = b2; query.numBytes = 5; if (pad->mode != MODE_DIGITAL) { query.response[5] = Cap((sum->sticks[1].horiz+255)/2); query.response[6] = Cap((sum->sticks[1].vert+255)/2); query.response[7] = Cap((sum->sticks[2].horiz+255)/2); query.response[8] = Cap((sum->sticks[2].vert+255)/2); query.numBytes = 9; if (pad->mode != MODE_ANALOG) { // Good idea? No clue. //query.response[3] &= pad->mask[0]; //query.response[4] &= pad->mask[1]; // Each value is from -255 to 255, so have to use cap to convert // negative values to 0. query.response[9] = Cap(sum->sticks[0].horiz); query.response[10] = Cap(-sum->sticks[0].horiz); query.response[11] = Cap(-sum->sticks[0].vert); query.response[12] = Cap(sum->sticks[0].vert); // No need to cap these, already done int CapSum(). query.response[13] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[8]; query.response[14] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[9]; query.response[15] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[10]; query.response[16] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[11]; query.response[17] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[6]; query.response[18] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[7]; query.response[19] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[4]; query.response[20] = (unsigned char) sum->buttons[5]; query.numBytes = 21; } } } query.lastByte=1; DEBUG_OUT(pad->mode); return pad->mode; // SET_VREF_PARAM case 0x40: SET_FINAL_RESULT(noclue); break; // QUERY_DS2_ANALOG_MODE case 0x41: // Right? Wrong? No clue. if (pad->mode == MODE_DIGITAL) { queryMaskMode[1] = queryMaskMode[2] = queryMaskMode[3] = 0; queryMaskMode[6] = 0x00; } else { queryMaskMode[1] = pad->umask[0]; queryMaskMode[2] = pad->umask[1]; queryMaskMode[3] = 0x03; // Not entirely sure about this. //queryMaskMode[3] = 0x01 | (pad->mode == MODE_DS2_NATIVE)*2; queryMaskMode[6] = 0x5A; } SET_FINAL_RESULT(queryMaskMode); break; // SET_MODE_AND_LOCK case 0x44: SET_RESULT(setMode); ResetVibrate(query.port, query.slot); break; // QUERY_MODEL_AND_MODE case 0x45: if (IsDualshock2(query.port, query.slot)) { SET_FINAL_RESULT(queryModelDS2) } else { SET_FINAL_RESULT(queryModelDS1); } // Not digital mode. query.response[5] = (pad->mode & 0xF) != 1; break; // QUERY_ACT case 0x46: SET_RESULT(queryAct[0]); break; // QUERY_COMB case 0x47: SET_FINAL_RESULT(queryComb); break; // QUERY_MODE case 0x4C: SET_RESULT(queryMode); break; // VIBRATION_TOGGLE case 0x4D: memcpy(query.response+2, pad->vibrate, 7); query.numBytes = 9; ResetVibrate(query.port, query.slot); break; // SET_DS2_NATIVE_MODE case 0x4F: if (IsDualshock2(query.port, query.slot)) { SET_RESULT(setNativeMode); } else { SET_FINAL_RESULT(setNativeMode); } break; default: query.numBytes = 0; query.queryDone = 1; break; } DEBUG_OUT(0xF3); return 0xF3; } else { query.lastByte++; switch (query.currentCommand) { // READ_DATA_AND_VIBRATE case 0x42: if (query.lastByte == pad->vibrateI[0]) { SetVibrate(query.port, query.slot, 1, 255*(0!=value)); } else if (query.lastByte == pad->vibrateI[1]) { SetVibrate(query.port, query.slot, 0, value); } break; // CONFIG_MODE case 0x43: if (query.lastByte == 3) { query.queryDone = 1; pad->config = value; } break; // SET_MODE_AND_LOCK case 0x44: if (query.lastByte == 3 && value < 2) { static const u8 modes[2] = {MODE_DIGITAL, MODE_ANALOG}; pad->mode = modes[value]; } else if (query.lastByte == 4) { if (value == 3) { pad->modeLock = 3; } else { pad->modeLock = 0; if (pad->mode == MODE_DIGITAL && config.padConfigs[query.port][query.slot].autoAnalog && !ps2e) { pad->mode = MODE_ANALOG; } } query.queryDone = 1; } break; // QUERY_ACT case 0x46: if (query.lastByte == 3) { if (value<2) SET_RESULT(queryAct[value]) // bunch of 0's // else SET_RESULT(setMode); query.queryDone = 1; } break; // QUERY_MODE case 0x4C: if (query.lastByte == 3 && value<2) { query.response[6] = 4+value*3; query.queryDone = 1; } // bunch of 0's //else data = setMode; break; // VIBRATION_TOGGLE case 0x4D: if (query.lastByte>=3) { if (value == 0) { pad->vibrateI[0] = (u8)query.lastByte; } else if (value == 1) { pad->vibrateI[1] = (u8)query.lastByte; } pad->vibrate[query.lastByte-2] = value; } break; // SET_DS2_NATIVE_MODE case 0x4F: if (query.lastByte == 3 || query.lastByte == 4) { pad->umask[query.lastByte-3] = value; } else if (query.lastByte == 5) { if (!(value & 1)) { pad->mode = MODE_DIGITAL; } else if (!(value & 2)) { pad->mode = MODE_ANALOG; } else { pad->mode = MODE_DS2_NATIVE; } } break; default: DEBUG_OUT(0); return 0; } DEBUG_OUT(query.response[query.lastByte]); return query.response[query.lastByte]; } } // returns: 1 if supports pad1 // 2 if supports pad2 // 3 if both are supported u32 CALLBACK PADquery() { return 3; } INT_PTR CALLBACK AboutDialogProc(HWND hWndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { wchar_t idString[100]; GetNameAndVersionString(idString); SetDlgItemTextW(hWndDlg, IDC_VERSION, idString); } else if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND && (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL)) { EndDialog(hWndDlg, 0); return 1; } return 0; } void CALLBACK PADabout() { DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUT), 0, AboutDialogProc); } s32 CALLBACK PADtest() { return 0; } keyEvent* CALLBACK PADkeyEvent() { // If running both pads, ignore every other call. So if two keys pressed in same interval... static char eventCount = 0; eventCount++; if (eventCount < openCount) { return 0; } eventCount = 0; Update(2, 0); static char shiftDown = 0; static char altDown = 0; static keyEvent ev; if (!GetQueuedKeyEvent(&ev)) return 0; if ((ev.key == VK_ESCAPE || (int)ev.key == -2) && ev.evt == KEYPRESS && config.escapeFullscreenHack) { static int t; if ((int)ev.key != -2 && IsWindowMaximized(hWndTop)) { t = timeGetTime(); QueueKeyEvent(-2, KEYPRESS); HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, MaximizeWindowThreadProc, 0, 0, 0); if (hThread) CloseHandle(hThread); restoreFullScreen = 1; return 0; } if (ev.key != VK_ESCAPE) { if (timeGetTime() - t < 1000) { QueueKeyEvent(-2, KEYPRESS); return 0; } } ev.key = VK_ESCAPE; } if (ev.key == VK_F2 && ev.evt == KEYPRESS) { saveStateIndex += 1 - 2*shiftDown; saveStateIndex = (saveStateIndex+10)%10; SaveStateChanged(); } // So don't change skip mode on alt-F4. if (ev.key == VK_F4 && altDown) { return 0; } if (ev.key == VK_LSHIFT || ev.key == VK_RSHIFT || ev.key == VK_SHIFT) { ev.key = VK_SHIFT; shiftDown = (ev.evt == KEYPRESS); } else if (ev.key == VK_LCONTROL || ev.key == VK_RCONTROL) { ev.key = VK_CONTROL; } else if (ev.key == VK_LMENU || ev.key == VK_RMENU || ev.key == VK_SHIFT) { ev.key = VK_MENU; altDown = (ev.evt == KEYPRESS); } return &ev; } struct PadPluginFreezeData { char format[8]; // Currently all different versions are incompatible. // May split into major/minor with some compatibility rules. u32 version; // So when loading, know which plugin's settings I'm loading. // Not a big deal. Use a static variable when saving to figure it out. u8 port; // active slot for port u8 slot[2]; PadFreezeData padData[2][4]; QueryInfo query; }; s32 CALLBACK PADfreeze(int mode, freezeData *data) { if (!data) { printf("LilyPad savestate null pointer!\n"); return -1; } if (mode == FREEZE_SIZE) { data->size = sizeof(PadPluginFreezeData); } else if (mode == FREEZE_LOAD) { PadPluginFreezeData &pdata = *(PadPluginFreezeData*)(data->data); StopVibrate(); if (data->size != sizeof(PadPluginFreezeData) || pdata.version != PAD_SAVE_STATE_VERSION || strcmp(pdata.format, "PadMode")) return 0; if( pdata.port >= 2 ) return 0; query = pdata.query; if (pdata.query.slot < 4) { query = pdata.query; } // Tales of the Abyss - pad fix // - restore data for both ports for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { u8 mode = pdata.padData[port][slot].mode; if (mode != MODE_DIGITAL && mode != MODE_ANALOG && mode != MODE_DS2_NATIVE) { break; } // Not sure if the cast is strictly necessary, but feel safest with it there... *(PadFreezeData*)&pads[port][slot] = pdata.padData[port][slot]; } if (pdata.slot[port] < 4) slots[port] = pdata.slot[port]; } } else if (mode == FREEZE_SAVE) { if (data->size != sizeof(PadPluginFreezeData)) return 0; PadPluginFreezeData &pdata = *(PadPluginFreezeData*)(data->data); // Tales of the Abyss - pad fix // - PCSX2 only saves port0 (save #1), then port1 (save #2) memset(&pdata, 0, sizeof(pdata)); strcpy(pdata.format, "PadMode"); pdata.version = PAD_SAVE_STATE_VERSION; pdata.port = 0; pdata.query = query; for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { pdata.padData[port][slot] = pads[port][slot]; } pdata.slot[port] = slots[port]; } } else return -1; return 0; } u32 CALLBACK PADreadPort1 (PadDataS* pads) { PADstartPoll(1); PADpoll(0x42); memcpy(pads, query.response+1, 7); pads->controllerType = pads[0].controllerType>>4; memset (pads+7, 0, sizeof(PadDataS)-7); return 0; } u32 CALLBACK PADreadPort2 (PadDataS* pads) { PADstartPoll(2); PADpoll(0x42); memcpy(pads, query.response+1, 7); pads->controllerType = pads->controllerType>>4; memset (pads+7, 0, sizeof(PadDataS)-7); return 0; } u32 CALLBACK PSEgetLibType() { return 8; } u32 CALLBACK PSEgetLibVersion() { return (VERSION & 0xFFFFFF); } s32 CALLBACK PADqueryMtap(u8 port) { port--; if (port > 1) return 0; return config.multitap[port]; } s32 CALLBACK PADsetSlot(u8 port, u8 slot) { port--; slot--; if (port > 1 || slot > 3) { return 0; } // Even if no pad there, record the slot, as it is the active slot regardless. slots[port] = slot; // First slot always allowed. // return pads[port][slot].enabled | !slot; return 1; } // Little funkiness to handle rounding floating points to ints without the C runtime. // Unfortunately, means I can't use /GL optimization option when NO_CRT is defined. #ifdef NO_CRT extern "C" long _cdecl _ftol(); extern "C" long _cdecl _ftol2_sse() { return _ftol(); } extern "C" long _cdecl _ftol2() { return _ftol(); } #endif