/* ZeroSPU2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 zerofrog * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "zerospu2.h" #include "soundtouch/SoundTouch.h" // VOICE_PROCESSED definitions tSPU_ATTR* VOICE_PROCESSED::GetCtrl() { return &spu2attr(memchannel); } void VOICE_PROCESSED::SetVolume(s32 iProcessRight) { u16 vol = iProcessRight ? pvoice->right.word : pvoice->left.word; if (vol&0x8000) // sweep not working { short sInc=1; // -> sweep up? if (vol&0x2000) sInc=-1; // -> or down? if (vol&0x1000) vol^=0xffff; // -> mmm... phase inverted? have to investigate this vol=((vol&0x7f)+1)/2; // -> sweep: 0..127 -> 0..64 vol+=vol/(2*sInc); // -> HACK: we don't sweep right now, so we just raise/lower the volume by the half! vol*=128; } else // no sweep: { if (vol&0x4000) vol=0x3fff-(vol&0x3fff); // -> mmm... phase inverted? have to investigate this } if ( iProcessRight ) rightvol = vol&0x3fff; else leftvol = vol&0x3fff; bVolChanged = true; } void VOICE_PROCESSED::StartSound() { ADSRX.lVolume=1; // and init some adsr vars ADSRX.State=0; ADSRX.EnvelopeVol=0; if (bReverb && GetCtrl()->reverb) { // setup the reverb effects } pCurr=pStart; // set sample start s_1=0; // init mixing vars s_2=0; iSBPos=28; bNew=false; // init channel flags bStop=false; bOn=true; SB[29]=0; // init our interpolation helpers SB[30]=0; spos=0x10000L; SB[31]=0; } void VOICE_PROCESSED::VoiceChangeFrequency() { iUsedFreq=iActFreq; // -> take it and calc steps sinc=(u32)pvoice->pitch<<4; if (!sinc) sinc=1; // -> freq change in simle imterpolation mode: set flag SB[32]=1; } void VOICE_PROCESSED::InterpolateUp() { if (SB[32]==1) // flag == 1? calc step and set flag... and don't change the value in this pass { const s32 id1=SB[30]-SB[29]; // curr delta to next val const s32 id2=SB[31]-SB[30]; // and next delta to next-next val :) SB[32]=0; if (id1>0) // curr delta positive { if (id2<id1) { SB[28]=id1; SB[32]=2; } else if (id2<(id1<<1)) SB[28]=(id1*sinc)/0x10000L; else SB[28]=(id1*sinc)/0x20000L; } else // curr delta negative { if (id2>id1) { SB[28]=id1; SB[32]=2; } else if (id2>(id1<<1)) SB[28]=(id1*sinc)/0x10000L; else SB[28]=(id1*sinc)/0x20000L; } } else if (SB[32]==2) // flag 1: calc step and set flag... and don't change the value in this pass { SB[32]=0; SB[28]=(SB[28]*sinc)/0x20000L; if (sinc<=0x8000) SB[29]=SB[30]-(SB[28]*((0x10000/sinc)-1)); else SB[29]+=SB[28]; } else // no flags? add bigger val (if possible), calc smaller step, set flag1 SB[29]+=SB[28]; } // // even easier interpolation on downsampling, also no special filter, again just "Pete's common sense" tm // void VOICE_PROCESSED::InterpolateDown() { if (sinc>=0x20000L) // we would skip at least one val? { SB[29]+=(SB[30]-SB[29])/2; // add easy weight if (sinc>=0x30000L) // we would skip even more vals? SB[29]+=(SB[31]-SB[30])/2; // add additional next weight } } void VOICE_PROCESSED::FModChangeFrequency(s32 ns) { s32 NP=pvoice->pitch; NP=((32768L+iFMod[ns])*NP)/32768L; if (NP>0x3fff) NP=0x3fff; if (NP<0x1) NP=0x1; NP = (SAMPLE_RATE * NP) / (4096L); // calc frequency iActFreq=NP; iUsedFreq=NP; sinc=(((NP/10)<<16)/4800); if (!sinc) sinc=1; // freq change in simple interpolation mode SB[32]=1; iFMod[ns]=0; } static void __forceinline GetNoiseValues(s32& VD) { static s32 Seed = 0x41595321; if(Seed&0x100) VD = (s32)((Seed&0xff)<<8); else if (!(Seed&0xffff)) VD = (s32)0x8000; else VD = (s32)0x7fff; #ifdef _WIN32 __asm { MOV eax,Seed ROR eax,5 XOR eax,0x9a MOV ebx,eax ROL eax,2 ADD eax,ebx XOR eax,ebx ROR eax,3 MOV Seed,eax } #else __asm__ ( ".intel_syntax\n" "MOV %%eax,%1\n" "ROR %%eax,5\n" "XOR %%eax,0x9a\n" "MOV %%esi,%%eax\n" "ROL %%eax,2\n" "ADD %%eax,%%esi\n" "XOR %%eax,%%esi\n" "ROR %%eax,3\n" "MOV %0,%%eax\n" ".att_syntax\n" : "=r"(Seed) :"r"(Seed) :"%eax", "%esi" ); #endif } // fixme - noise handler... just produces some noise data // surely wrong... and no noise frequency (spuCtrl&0x3f00) will be used... // and sometimes the noise will be used as fmod modulation... pfff int VOICE_PROCESSED::iGetNoiseVal() { s32 fa; /*if ((dwNoiseVal<<=1)&0x80000000L) { dwNoiseVal^=0x0040001L; fa = ((dwNoiseVal>>2)&0x7fff); fa = -fa; } else fa=(dwNoiseVal>>2)&0x7fff;*/ GetNoiseValues(fa); // mmm... depending on the noise freq we allow bigger/smaller changes to the previous val fa=iOldNoise + ((fa - iOldNoise) / ((0x001f - (GetCtrl()->noiseFreq)) + 1)); clamp16(fa); iOldNoise=fa; SB[29] = fa; // -> store noise val in "current sample" slot return fa; } void VOICE_PROCESSED::StoreInterpolationVal(s32 fa) { if (bFMod==2) // fmod freq channel SB[29]=fa; else { if (!GetCtrl()->spuUnmute) fa=0; // muted? else // else adjust { clamp16(fa); } SB[28] = 0; SB[29] = SB[30]; // -> helpers for simple linear interpolation: delay real val for two slots, and calc the two deltas, for a 'look at the future behaviour' SB[30] = SB[31]; SB[31] = fa; SB[32] = 1; // -> flag: calc new interolation } } s32 VOICE_PROCESSED::iGetInterpolationVal() { s32 fa; if (bFMod==2) return SB[29]; if (sinc<0x10000L) // -> upsampling? InterpolateUp(); // --> interpolate up else InterpolateDown(); // --> else down fa=SB[29]; return fa; } s32 VOICE_PROCESSED::iGetVal() { if (bNoise) return iGetNoiseVal(); else return iGetInterpolationVal(); } void VOICE_PROCESSED::Stop() { }