// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2023 PCSX2 Dev Team // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0+ #include "common/Threading.h" #include "common/TraceLog.h" #include "common/Assertions.h" #include "common/RedtapeWindows.h" // OutputDebugString using namespace Threading; // thread-local console indentation setting. static thread_local int conlog_Indent(0); // thread-local console color storage. static thread_local ConsoleColors conlog_Color(DefaultConsoleColor); #ifdef __POSIX__ #include <unistd.h> static FILE* stdout_fp = stdout; static bool checkSupportsColor() { if (!isatty(fileno(stdout_fp))) return false; char* term = getenv("TERM"); if (!term || (0 == strcmp(term, "dumb"))) return false; return true; // Probably supports color } static bool supports_color = checkSupportsColor(); void Console_SetStdout(FILE* fp) { stdout_fp = fp; } #endif // This function re-assigns the console log writer(s) to the specified target. It makes sure // to flush any contents from the buffered console log (which typically accumulates due to // log suspension during log file/window re-init operations) into the new log. // // Important! Only Assert and Null console loggers are allowed during C++ startup init (when // the program or DLL first loads). Other log targets rely on the static buffer and a // threaded mutex lock, which are only valid after C++ initialization has finished. void Console_SetActiveHandler(const IConsoleWriter& writer, FILE* flushfp) { pxAssertMsg( (writer.WriteRaw != NULL) && (writer.DoWriteLn != NULL) && (writer.Newline != NULL) && (writer.SetTitle != NULL) && (writer.DoSetColor != NULL), "Invalid IConsoleWriter object! All function pointer interfaces must be implemented."); Console = writer; DevConWriter = writer; #ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG DbgCon = writer; #endif } // Writes text to the Visual Studio Output window (Microsoft Windows only). // On all other platforms this pipes to Stdout instead. static void MSW_OutputDebugString(const char* text) { #ifdef _WIN32 static bool hasDebugger = IsDebuggerPresent(); if (hasDebugger) OutputDebugStringA(text); #else fputs(text, stdout_fp); fflush(stdout_fp); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConsoleNull // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ConsoleNull_SetTitle(const char* title) {} static void ConsoleNull_DoSetColor(ConsoleColors color) {} static void ConsoleNull_Newline() {} static void ConsoleNull_DoWrite(const char* fmt) {} static void ConsoleNull_DoWriteLn(const char* fmt) {} const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Null = { ConsoleNull_DoWrite, ConsoleNull_DoWriteLn, ConsoleNull_DoSetColor, ConsoleNull_DoWrite, ConsoleNull_Newline, ConsoleNull_SetTitle, 0, // instance-level indentation (should always be 0) }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Console_Stdout // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__POSIX__) static __fi const char* GetLinuxConsoleColor(ConsoleColors color) { switch (color) { case Color_Black: case Color_StrongBlack: return "\033[30m\033[1m"; case Color_Red: return "\033[31m"; case Color_StrongRed: return "\033[31m\033[1m"; case Color_Green: return "\033[32m"; case Color_StrongGreen: return "\033[32m\033[1m"; case Color_Yellow: return "\033[33m"; case Color_StrongYellow: return "\033[33m\033[1m"; case Color_Blue: return "\033[34m"; case Color_StrongBlue: return "\033[34m\033[1m"; // No orange, so use magenta. case Color_Orange: case Color_Magenta: return "\033[35m"; case Color_StrongOrange: case Color_StrongMagenta: return "\033[35m\033[1m"; case Color_Cyan: return "\033[36m"; case Color_StrongCyan: return "\033[36m\033[1m"; // Use 'white' instead of grey. case Color_Gray: case Color_White: return "\033[37m"; case Color_StrongGray: case Color_StrongWhite: return "\033[37m\033[1m"; // On some other value being passed, clear any formatting. case Color_Default: default: return "\033[0m"; } } #endif // One possible default write action at startup and shutdown is to use the stdout. static void ConsoleStdout_DoWrite(const char* fmt) { MSW_OutputDebugString(fmt); } // Default write action at startup and shutdown is to use the stdout. static void ConsoleStdout_DoWriteLn(const char* fmt) { MSW_OutputDebugString(fmt); MSW_OutputDebugString("\n"); } static void ConsoleStdout_Newline() { MSW_OutputDebugString("\n"); } static void ConsoleStdout_DoSetColor(ConsoleColors color) { #if defined(__POSIX__) if (!supports_color) return; fprintf(stdout_fp, "\033[0m%s", GetLinuxConsoleColor(color)); fflush(stdout_fp); #endif } static void ConsoleStdout_SetTitle(const char* title) { #if defined(__POSIX__) if (supports_color) fputs("\033]0;", stdout_fp); fputs(title, stdout_fp); if (supports_color) fputs("\007", stdout_fp); #endif } const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Stdout = { ConsoleStdout_DoWrite, // Writes without newlines go to buffer to avoid error log spam. ConsoleStdout_DoWriteLn, ConsoleStdout_DoSetColor, ConsoleNull_DoWrite, // writes from re-piped stdout are ignored here, lest we create infinite loop hell >_< ConsoleStdout_Newline, ConsoleStdout_SetTitle, 0, // instance-level indentation (should always be 0) }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConsoleAssert // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ConsoleAssert_DoWrite(const char* fmt) { pxFailRel("Console class has not been initialized"); } static void ConsoleAssert_DoWriteLn(const char* fmt) { pxFailRel("Console class has not been initialized"); } const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Assert = { ConsoleAssert_DoWrite, ConsoleAssert_DoWriteLn, ConsoleNull_DoSetColor, ConsoleNull_DoWrite, ConsoleNull_Newline, ConsoleNull_SetTitle, 0, // instance-level indentation (should always be 0) }; // ===================================================================================================== // IConsoleWriter (implementations) // ===================================================================================================== // (all non-virtual members that do common work and then pass the result through DoWrite // or DoWriteLn) // Parameters: // glob_indent - this parameter is used to specify a global indentation setting. It is used by // WriteLn function, but defaults to 0 for Warning and Error calls. Local indentation always // applies to all writes. std::string IConsoleWriter::_addIndentation(const std::string& src, int glob_indent = 0) const { const int indent = glob_indent + _imm_indentation; std::string indentStr; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) indentStr += '\t'; std::string result; result.reserve(src.length() + 16 * indent); result.append(indentStr); result.append(src); std::string::size_type pos = result.find('\n'); while (pos != std::string::npos) { result.insert(pos + 1, indentStr); pos = result.find('\n', pos + 1); } return result; } // Sets the indentation to be applied to all WriteLn's. The indentation is added to the // primary write, and to any newlines specified within the write. Note that this applies // to calls to WriteLn *only* -- calls to Write bypass the indentation parser. const IConsoleWriter& IConsoleWriter::SetIndent(int tabcount) const { conlog_Indent += tabcount; pxAssert(conlog_Indent >= 0); return *this; } IConsoleWriter IConsoleWriter::Indent(int tabcount) const { IConsoleWriter retval = *this; retval._imm_indentation = tabcount; return retval; } // Changes the active console color. // This color will be unset by calls to colored text methods // such as ErrorMsg and Notice. const IConsoleWriter& IConsoleWriter::SetColor(ConsoleColors color) const { // Ignore current color requests since, well, the current color is already set. ;) if (color == Color_Current) return *this; pxAssertMsg((color > Color_Current) && (color < ConsoleColors_Count), "Invalid ConsoleColor specified."); if (conlog_Color != color) DoSetColor(conlog_Color = color); return *this; } ConsoleColors IConsoleWriter::GetColor() const { return conlog_Color; } // Restores the console color to default (usually black, or low-intensity white if the console uses a black background) const IConsoleWriter& IConsoleWriter::ClearColor() const { if (conlog_Color != DefaultConsoleColor) DoSetColor(conlog_Color = DefaultConsoleColor); return *this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ASCII/UTF8 (char*) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IConsoleWriter::FormatV(const char* fmt, va_list args) const { // TODO: Make this less rubbish if ((_imm_indentation + conlog_Indent) > 0) { DoWriteLn(_addIndentation(StringUtil::StdStringFromFormatV(fmt, args), conlog_Indent).c_str()); } else { DoWriteLn(StringUtil::StdStringFromFormatV(fmt, args).c_str()); } return false; } bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn(const char* fmt, ...) const { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); FormatV(fmt, args); va_end(args); return false; } bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn(ConsoleColors color, const char* fmt, ...) const { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ConsoleColorScope cs(color); FormatV(fmt, args); va_end(args); return false; } bool IConsoleWriter::Error(const char* fmt, ...) const { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ConsoleColorScope cs(Color_StrongRed); FormatV(fmt, args); va_end(args); return false; } bool IConsoleWriter::Warning(const char* fmt, ...) const { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ConsoleColorScope cs(Color_StrongOrange); FormatV(fmt, args); va_end(args); return false; } bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn(ConsoleColors color, const std::string& str) const { ConsoleColorScope cs(color); return WriteLn(str); } bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn(const std::string& str) const { // TODO: Make this less rubbish if ((_imm_indentation + conlog_Indent) > 0) { DoWriteLn(_addIndentation(str, conlog_Indent).c_str()); } else { DoWriteLn(str.c_str()); } return false; } bool IConsoleWriter::Error(const std::string& str) const { return WriteLn(Color_StrongRed, str); } bool IConsoleWriter::Warning(const std::string& str) const { return WriteLn(Color_StrongOrange, str); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConsoleColorScope / ConsoleIndentScope // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConsoleColorScope::ConsoleColorScope(ConsoleColors newcolor) { m_IsScoped = false; m_newcolor = newcolor; EnterScope(); } ConsoleColorScope::~ConsoleColorScope() { LeaveScope(); } void ConsoleColorScope::EnterScope() { if (!m_IsScoped) { m_old_color = Console.GetColor(); Console.SetColor(m_newcolor); m_IsScoped = true; } } void ConsoleColorScope::LeaveScope() { m_IsScoped = m_IsScoped && (Console.SetColor(m_old_color), false); } ConsoleIndentScope::ConsoleIndentScope(int tabs) { m_IsScoped = false; m_amount = tabs; EnterScope(); } ConsoleIndentScope::~ConsoleIndentScope() { LeaveScope(); } void ConsoleIndentScope::EnterScope() { m_IsScoped = m_IsScoped || (Console.SetIndent(m_amount), true); } void ConsoleIndentScope::LeaveScope() { m_IsScoped = m_IsScoped && (Console.SetIndent(-m_amount), false); } ConsoleAttrScope::ConsoleAttrScope(ConsoleColors newcolor, int indent) { m_old_color = Console.GetColor(); Console.SetIndent(m_tabsize = indent); Console.SetColor(newcolor); } ConsoleAttrScope::~ConsoleAttrScope() { Console.SetColor(m_old_color); Console.SetIndent(-m_tabsize); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default Writer for C++ init / startup: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Currently all build types default to Stdout, which is very functional on Linux but not // always so useful on Windows (which itself lacks a proper stdout console without using // platform specific code). Under windows Stdout will attempt to write to the IDE Debug // console, if one is available (such as running pcsx2 via MSVC). If not available, then // the log message will pretty much be lost into the ether. // #define _DefaultWriter_ ConsoleWriter_Stdout IConsoleWriter Console = _DefaultWriter_; IConsoleWriter DevConWriter = _DefaultWriter_; bool DevConWriterEnabled = false; #ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG IConsoleWriter DbgConWriter = _DefaultWriter_; #endif NullConsoleWriter NullCon = {}; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConsoleLogSource (implementations) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writes to the console using the specified color. This overrides the default color setting // for this log. bool ConsoleLogSource::WriteV(ConsoleColors color, const char* fmt, va_list list) const { ConsoleColorScope cs(color); Console.WriteLn(StringUtil::StdStringFromFormatV(fmt, list)); return false; } // Writes to the console using the source's default color. Note that the source's default // color will always be used, thus ConsoleColorScope() will not be effectual unless the // console's default color is Color_Default. bool ConsoleLogSource::WriteV(const char* fmt, va_list list) const { WriteV(DefaultColor, fmt, list); return false; }