/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Gregory hainaut * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma once #include "GSDevice.h" #include "GSTextureOGL.h" #include "GSdx.h" #include "GSVertexArrayOGL.h" #include "GSUniformBufferOGL.h" #include "GSShaderOGL.h" #include "GLState.h" // A couple of flag to determine the blending behavior #define BLEND_A_MAX (0x100) // Impossible blending uses coeff bigger than 1 #define BLEND_C_CLR (0x200) // Clear color blending (use directly the destination color as blending factor) #define BLEND_NO_BAR (0x400) // don't require texture barrier for the blending (because the RT is not used) #define BLEND_ACCU (0x800) // Allow to use a mix of SW and HW blending to keep the best of the 2 worlds #ifdef ENABLE_OGL_DEBUG_MEM_BW extern uint64 g_real_texture_upload_byte; extern uint64 g_vertex_upload_byte; #endif class GSDepthStencilOGL { bool m_depth_enable; GLenum m_depth_func; bool m_depth_mask; // Note front face and back might be split but it seems they have same parameter configuration bool m_stencil_enable; GLenum m_stencil_func; GLenum m_stencil_spass_dpass_op; public: GSDepthStencilOGL() : m_depth_enable(false) , m_depth_func(GL_ALWAYS) , m_depth_mask(0) , m_stencil_enable(false) , m_stencil_func(0) , m_stencil_spass_dpass_op(GL_KEEP) { } void EnableDepth() { m_depth_enable = true; } void EnableStencil() { m_stencil_enable = true; } void SetDepth(GLenum func, bool mask) { m_depth_func = func; m_depth_mask = mask; } void SetStencil(GLenum func, GLenum pass) { m_stencil_func = func; m_stencil_spass_dpass_op = pass; } void SetupDepth() { if (GLState::depth != m_depth_enable) { GLState::depth = m_depth_enable; if (m_depth_enable) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); else glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } if (m_depth_enable) { if (GLState::depth_func != m_depth_func) { GLState::depth_func = m_depth_func; glDepthFunc(m_depth_func); } if (GLState::depth_mask != m_depth_mask) { GLState::depth_mask = m_depth_mask; glDepthMask((GLboolean)m_depth_mask); } } } void SetupStencil() { if (GLState::stencil != m_stencil_enable) { GLState::stencil = m_stencil_enable; if (m_stencil_enable) glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); else glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } if (m_stencil_enable) { // Note: here the mask control which bitplane is considered by the operation if (GLState::stencil_func != m_stencil_func) { GLState::stencil_func = m_stencil_func; glStencilFunc(m_stencil_func, 1, 1); } if (GLState::stencil_pass != m_stencil_spass_dpass_op) { GLState::stencil_pass = m_stencil_spass_dpass_op; glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, m_stencil_spass_dpass_op); } } } bool IsMaskEnable() { return m_depth_mask != GL_FALSE; } }; class GSDeviceOGL final : public GSDevice { public: __aligned(struct, 32) VSConstantBuffer { GSVector4 Vertex_Scale_Offset; GSVector4 TextureScale; VSConstantBuffer() { Vertex_Scale_Offset = GSVector4::zero(); TextureScale = GSVector4::zero(); } __forceinline bool Update(const VSConstantBuffer* cb) { GSVector4i* a = (GSVector4i*)this; GSVector4i* b = (GSVector4i*)cb; if(!((a[0] == b[0]) & (a[1] == b[1])).alltrue()) { a[0] = b[0]; a[1] = b[1]; return true; } return false; } }; struct VSSelector { union { struct { uint32 wildhack:1; uint32 bppz:2; uint32 _free:29; }; uint32 key; }; operator uint32() {return key;} VSSelector() : key(0) {} VSSelector(uint32 k) : key(k) {} }; struct GSSelector { union { struct { uint32 sprite:1; uint32 point:1; uint32 _free:30; }; uint32 key; }; operator uint32() {return key;} GSSelector() : key(0) {} GSSelector(uint32 k) : key(k) {} }; __aligned(struct, 32) PSConstantBuffer { GSVector4 FogColor_AREF; GSVector4 WH; GSVector4 TA_Af; GSVector4i MskFix; GSVector4i FbMask; GSVector4 HalfTexel; GSVector4 MinMax; GSVector4 TC_OH_TS; PSConstantBuffer() { FogColor_AREF = GSVector4::zero(); HalfTexel = GSVector4::zero(); WH = GSVector4::zero(); MinMax = GSVector4::zero(); MskFix = GSVector4i::zero(); TC_OH_TS = GSVector4::zero(); FbMask = GSVector4i::zero(); } __forceinline bool Update(const PSConstantBuffer* cb) { GSVector4i* a = (GSVector4i*)this; GSVector4i* b = (GSVector4i*)cb; // if WH matches both HalfTexel and TC_OH_TS do too // MinMax depends on WH and MskFix so no need to check it too if(!((a[0] == b[0]) & (a[1] == b[1]) & (a[2] == b[2]) & (a[3] == b[3]) & (a[4] == b[4])).alltrue()) { // Note previous check uses SSE already, a plain copy will be faster than any memcpy a[0] = b[0]; a[1] = b[1]; a[2] = b[2]; a[3] = b[3]; a[4] = b[4]; a[5] = b[5]; return true; } return false; } }; struct PSSelector { // Performance note: there are too many shader combinations // It might hurt the performance due to frequent toggling worse it could consume // a lots of memory. union { struct { // *** Word 1 // Format uint32 tex_fmt:4; uint32 dfmt:2; // Alpha extension/Correction uint32 aem:1; uint32 fba:1; // Fog uint32 fog:1; // Flat/goround shading uint32 iip:1; // Pixel test uint32 date:3; uint32 atst:3; // Color sampling uint32 fst:1; // Investigate to do it on the VS uint32 tfx:3; uint32 tcc:1; uint32 wms:2; uint32 wmt:2; uint32 ltf:1; // Shuffle and fbmask effect uint32 shuffle:1; uint32 read_ba:1; uint32 write_rg:1; uint32 fbmask:1; uint32 _free1:2; // *** Word 2 // Blend and Colclip uint32 blend_a:2; uint32 blend_b:2; uint32 blend_c:2; uint32 blend_d:2; uint32 clr1:1; // useful? uint32 pabe:1; uint32 hdr:1; uint32 colclip:1; // Hack uint32 tcoffsethack:1; uint32 _free2:19; }; uint64 key; }; // FIXME is the & useful ? operator uint64() {return key;} PSSelector() : key(0) {} }; struct PSSamplerSelector { union { struct { uint32 tau:1; uint32 tav:1; uint32 ltf:1; uint32 aniso:1; uint32 _free:28; }; uint32 key; }; operator uint32() {return key;} PSSamplerSelector() : key(0) {} PSSamplerSelector(uint32 k) : key(k) {} }; struct OMDepthStencilSelector { union { struct { uint32 ztst:2; uint32 zwe:1; uint32 date:1; uint32 _free:28; }; uint32 key; }; // FIXME is the & useful ? operator uint32() {return key;} OMDepthStencilSelector() : key(0) {} OMDepthStencilSelector(uint32 k) : key(k) {} }; struct OMColorMaskSelector { union { struct { uint32 wr:1; uint32 wg:1; uint32 wb:1; uint32 wa:1; uint32 _free:28; }; struct { uint32 wrgba:4; }; uint32 key; }; // FIXME is the & useful ? operator uint32() {return key & 0xf;} OMColorMaskSelector() : key(0xF) {} OMColorMaskSelector(uint32 c) { wrgba = c; } }; struct OGLBlend {uint16 bogus, op, src, dst;}; static const OGLBlend m_blendMapOGL[3*3*3*3 + 1]; static const int m_NO_BLEND; static const int m_MERGE_BLEND; static int s_n; private: uint32 m_msaa; // Level of Msaa static bool m_debug_gl_call; static FILE* m_debug_gl_file; GSWnd* m_window; GLuint m_fbo; // frame buffer container GLuint m_fbo_read; // frame buffer container only for reading GSVertexBufferStateOGL* m_va;// state of the vertex buffer/array struct { GLuint ps[2]; // program object GSUniformBufferOGL* cb; // uniform buffer object } m_merge_obj; struct { GLuint ps[4]; // program object GSUniformBufferOGL* cb; // uniform buffer object } m_interlace; struct { GLuint vs; // program object GLuint ps[18]; // program object GLuint ln; // sampler object GLuint pt; // sampler object GSDepthStencilOGL* dss; GSDepthStencilOGL* dss_write; GSUniformBufferOGL* cb; } m_convert; struct { GLuint ps; GSUniformBufferOGL *cb; } m_fxaa; struct { GLuint ps; GSUniformBufferOGL* cb; } m_shaderfx; struct { GSDepthStencilOGL* dss; GSTexture* t; } m_date; struct { GLuint ps; GSUniformBufferOGL *cb; } m_shadeboost; GLuint m_vs[1<<3]; GLuint m_gs[1<<2]; GLuint m_ps_ss[1<<4]; GSDepthStencilOGL* m_om_dss[1<<4]; hash_map<uint64, GLuint > m_ps; GLuint m_apitrace; GLuint m_palette_ss; GSUniformBufferOGL* m_vs_cb; GSUniformBufferOGL* m_ps_cb; VSConstantBuffer m_vs_cb_cache; PSConstantBuffer m_ps_cb_cache; GSTexture* CreateSurface(int type, int w, int h, bool msaa, int format); GSTexture* FetchSurface(int type, int w, int h, bool msaa, int format); void DoMerge(GSTexture* sTex[2], GSVector4* sRect, GSTexture* dTex, GSVector4* dRect, bool slbg, bool mmod, const GSVector4& c) final; void DoInterlace(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex, int shader, bool linear, float yoffset = 0) final; void DoFXAA(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex) final; void DoShadeBoost(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex) final; void DoExternalFX(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex) final; void OMAttachRt(GSTextureOGL* rt = NULL); void OMAttachDs(GSTextureOGL* ds = NULL); void OMSetFBO(GLuint fbo); public: GSShaderOGL* m_shader; GSDeviceOGL(); virtual ~GSDeviceOGL(); static void CheckDebugLog(); // Used by OpenGL, so the same calling convention is required. static void APIENTRY DebugOutputToFile(GLenum gl_source, GLenum gl_type, GLuint id, GLenum gl_severity, GLsizei gl_length, const GLchar *gl_message, const void* userParam); bool HasStencil() { return true; } bool HasDepth32() { return true; } bool Create(GSWnd* wnd); bool Reset(int w, int h); void Flip(); void SetVSync(bool enable); void DrawPrimitive() final; void DrawPrimitive(int offset, int count); void DrawIndexedPrimitive() final; void DrawIndexedPrimitive(int offset, int count) final; inline void BeforeDraw(); inline void AfterDraw(); void ClearRenderTarget(GSTexture* t, const GSVector4& c) final; void ClearRenderTarget(GSTexture* t, uint32 c) final; void ClearRenderTarget_i(GSTexture* t, int32 c); void ClearDepth(GSTexture* t, float c) final; void ClearStencil(GSTexture* t, uint8 c) final; GSTexture* CreateRenderTarget(int w, int h, bool msaa, int format = 0) final; GSTexture* CreateDepthStencil(int w, int h, bool msaa, int format = 0) final; GSTexture* CreateTexture(int w, int h, int format = 0) final; GSTexture* CreateOffscreen(int w, int h, int format = 0) final; void InitPrimDateTexture(GSTexture* rt); void RecycleDateTexture(); GSTexture* CopyOffscreen(GSTexture* src, const GSVector4& sRect, int w, int h, int format = 0, int ps_shader = 0) final; void CopyRect(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex, const GSVector4i& r) final; void CopyRectConv(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex, const GSVector4i& r, bool at_origin); void StretchRect(GSTexture* sTex, const GSVector4& sRect, GSTexture* dTex, const GSVector4& dRect, int shader = 0, bool linear = true) final; void StretchRect(GSTexture* sTex, const GSVector4& sRect, GSTexture* dTex, const GSVector4& dRect, GLuint ps, bool linear = true); void StretchRect(GSTexture* sTex, const GSVector4& sRect, GSTexture* dTex, const GSVector4& dRect, GLuint ps, int bs, bool linear = true); void SetupDATE(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, const GSVertexPT1* vertices, bool datm); void BeginScene() final {} void EndScene() final; void IASetPrimitiveTopology(GLenum topology); void IASetVertexBuffer(const void* vertices, size_t count); void IASetIndexBuffer(const void* index, size_t count); void PSSetShaderResource(int i, GSTexture* sr) final; void PSSetShaderResources(GSTexture* sr0, GSTexture* sr1) final; void PSSetSamplerState(GLuint ss); void OMSetDepthStencilState(GSDepthStencilOGL* dss); void OMSetBlendState(uint8 blend_index = 0, uint8 blend_factor = 0, bool is_blend_constant = false); void OMSetRenderTargets(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, const GSVector4i* scissor = NULL) final; void OMSetColorMaskState(OMColorMaskSelector sel = OMColorMaskSelector()); void CreateTextureFX(); GLuint CompileVS(VSSelector sel, int logz); GLuint CompileGS(GSSelector sel); GLuint CompilePS(PSSelector sel); GLuint CreateSampler(bool bilinear, bool tau, bool tav, bool aniso = false); GLuint CreateSampler(PSSamplerSelector sel); GSDepthStencilOGL* CreateDepthStencil(OMDepthStencilSelector dssel); void SelfShaderTest(); void SetupIA(const void* vertex, int vertex_count, const uint32* index, int index_count, int prim); void SetupVS(VSSelector sel); void SetupGS(GSSelector sel); void SetupPS(PSSelector sel); void SetupCB(const VSConstantBuffer* vs_cb, const PSConstantBuffer* ps_cb); void SetupSampler(PSSamplerSelector ssel); void SetupOM(OMDepthStencilSelector dssel); GLuint GetSamplerID(PSSamplerSelector ssel); GLuint GetPaletteSamplerID(); void Barrier(GLbitfield b); };