/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "GSCapture.h" #include "GSPng.h" #include "GSUtil.h" #ifdef _WIN32 class CPinInfo : public PIN_INFO { public: CPinInfo() { pFilter = NULL; } ~CPinInfo() { if (pFilter) pFilter->Release(); } }; class CFilterInfo : public FILTER_INFO { public: CFilterInfo() { pGraph = NULL; } ~CFilterInfo() { if (pGraph) pGraph->Release(); } }; #define BeginEnumFilters(pFilterGraph, pEnumFilters, pBaseFilter) \ {CComPtr<IEnumFilters> pEnumFilters; \ if(pFilterGraph && SUCCEEDED(pFilterGraph->EnumFilters(&pEnumFilters))) \ { \ for(CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pBaseFilter; S_OK == pEnumFilters->Next(1, &pBaseFilter, 0); pBaseFilter = NULL) \ { \ #define EndEnumFilters }}} #define BeginEnumPins(pBaseFilter, pEnumPins, pPin) \ {CComPtr<IEnumPins> pEnumPins; \ if(pBaseFilter && SUCCEEDED(pBaseFilter->EnumPins(&pEnumPins))) \ { \ for(CComPtr<IPin> pPin; S_OK == pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPin, 0); pPin = NULL) \ { \ #define EndEnumPins }}} // // GSSource // interface __declspec(uuid("59C193BB-C520-41F3-BC1D-E245B80A86FA")) IGSSource : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD(DeliverNewSegment)() PURE; STDMETHOD(DeliverFrame)(const void* bits, int pitch, bool rgba) PURE; STDMETHOD(DeliverEOS)() PURE; }; class __declspec(uuid("F8BB6F4F-0965-4ED4-BA74-C6A01E6E6C77")) GSSource : public CBaseFilter, private CCritSec, public IGSSource { GSVector2i m_size; REFERENCE_TIME m_atpf; REFERENCE_TIME m_now; STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) { return riid == __uuidof(IGSSource) ? GetInterface((IGSSource*)this, ppv) : __super::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } class GSSourceOutputPin : public CBaseOutputPin { GSVector2i m_size; std::vector<CMediaType> m_mts; public: GSSourceOutputPin(const GSVector2i& size, REFERENCE_TIME atpf, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT& hr, int colorspace) : CBaseOutputPin("GSSourceOutputPin", pFilter, pLock, &hr, L"Output") , m_size(size) { CMediaType mt; mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video; mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo; VIDEOINFOHEADER vih; memset(&vih, 0, sizeof(vih)); vih.AvgTimePerFrame = atpf; vih.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(vih.bmiHeader); vih.bmiHeader.biWidth = m_size.x; vih.bmiHeader.biHeight = m_size.y; // YUY2 mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; mt.lSampleSize = m_size.x * m_size.y * 2; vih.bmiHeader.biCompression = '2YUY'; vih.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; vih.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16; vih.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = m_size.x * m_size.y * 2; mt.SetFormat((uint8*)&vih, sizeof(vih)); m_mts.push_back(mt); // RGB32 mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; mt.lSampleSize = m_size.x * m_size.y * 4; vih.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; vih.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; vih.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; vih.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = m_size.x * m_size.y * 4; mt.SetFormat((uint8*)&vih, sizeof(vih)); if(colorspace == 1) m_mts.insert(m_mts.begin(), mt); else m_mts.push_back(mt); } HRESULT GSSourceOutputPin::DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator* pAlloc, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES* pProperties) { ASSERT(pAlloc && pProperties); HRESULT hr; pProperties->cBuffers = 1; pProperties->cbBuffer = m_mt.lSampleSize; ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES Actual; if(FAILED(hr = pAlloc->SetProperties(pProperties, &Actual))) { return hr; } if(Actual.cbBuffer < pProperties->cbBuffer) { return E_FAIL; } ASSERT(Actual.cBuffers == pProperties->cBuffers); return S_OK; } HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt) { for(const auto &mt : m_mts) { if(mt.majortype == pmt->majortype && mt.subtype == pmt->subtype) { return S_OK; } } return E_FAIL; } HRESULT GetMediaType(int i, CMediaType* pmt) { CheckPointer(pmt, E_POINTER); if(i < 0) return E_INVALIDARG; if(i > 1) return VFW_S_NO_MORE_ITEMS; *pmt = m_mts[i]; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter* pSender, Quality q) { return E_NOTIMPL; } const CMediaType& CurrentMediaType() { return m_mt; } }; GSSourceOutputPin* m_output; public: GSSource(int w, int h, float fps, IUnknown* pUnk, HRESULT& hr, int colorspace) : CBaseFilter(NAME("GSSource"), pUnk, this, __uuidof(this), &hr) , m_output(NULL) , m_size(w, h) , m_atpf((REFERENCE_TIME)(10000000.0f / fps)) , m_now(0) { m_output = new GSSourceOutputPin(m_size, m_atpf, this, this, hr, colorspace); } virtual ~GSSource() { delete m_output; } DECLARE_IUNKNOWN; int GetPinCount() { return 1; } CBasePin* GetPin(int n) { return n == 0 ? m_output : NULL; } // IGSSource STDMETHODIMP DeliverNewSegment() { m_now = 0; return m_output->DeliverNewSegment(0, _I64_MAX, 1.0); } STDMETHODIMP DeliverFrame(const void* bits, int pitch, bool rgba) { if(!m_output || !m_output->IsConnected()) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } CComPtr<IMediaSample> sample; if(FAILED(m_output->GetDeliveryBuffer(&sample, NULL, NULL, 0))) { return E_FAIL; } REFERENCE_TIME start = m_now; REFERENCE_TIME stop = m_now + m_atpf; sample->SetTime(&start, &stop); sample->SetSyncPoint(TRUE); const CMediaType& mt = m_output->CurrentMediaType(); uint8* src = (uint8*)bits; uint8* dst = NULL; sample->GetPointer(&dst); int w = m_size.x; int h = m_size.y; int srcpitch = pitch; if(mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2) { int dstpitch = ((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mt.Format())->bmiHeader.biWidth * 2; GSVector4 ys(0.257f, 0.504f, 0.098f, 0.0f); GSVector4 us(-0.148f / 2, -0.291f / 2, 0.439f / 2, 0.0f); GSVector4 vs(0.439f / 2, -0.368f / 2, -0.071f / 2, 0.0f); if(!rgba) { ys = ys.zyxw(); us = us.zyxw(); vs = vs.zyxw(); } const GSVector4 offset(16, 128, 16, 128); for(int j = 0; j < h; j++, dst += dstpitch, src += srcpitch) { uint32* s = (uint32*)src; uint16* d = (uint16*)dst; for(int i = 0; i < w; i += 2) { GSVector4 c0 = GSVector4::rgba32(s[i + 0]); GSVector4 c1 = GSVector4::rgba32(s[i + 1]); GSVector4 c2 = c0 + c1; GSVector4 lo = (c0 * ys).hadd(c2 * us); GSVector4 hi = (c1 * ys).hadd(c2 * vs); GSVector4 c = lo.hadd(hi) + offset; *((uint32*)&d[i]) = GSVector4i(c).rgba32(); } } } else if(mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32) { int dstpitch = ((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mt.Format())->bmiHeader.biWidth * 4; dst += dstpitch * (h - 1); dstpitch = -dstpitch; for(int j = 0; j < h; j++, dst += dstpitch, src += srcpitch) { if(rgba) { #if _M_SSE >= 0x301 GSVector4i* s = (GSVector4i*)src; GSVector4i* d = (GSVector4i*)dst; GSVector4i mask(2, 1, 0, 3, 6, 5, 4, 7, 10, 9, 8, 11, 14, 13, 12, 15); for(int i = 0, w4 = w >> 2; i < w4; i++) { d[i] = s[i].shuffle8(mask); } #else GSVector4i* s = (GSVector4i*)src; GSVector4i* d = (GSVector4i*)dst; for(int i = 0, w4 = w >> 2; i < w4; i++) { d[i] = ((s[i] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) | ((s[i] & 0x000000ff) << 16) | (s[i] & 0x0000ff00); } #endif } else { memcpy(dst, src, w * 4); } } } else { return E_FAIL; } if(FAILED(m_output->Deliver(sample))) { return E_FAIL; } m_now = stop; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP DeliverEOS() { return m_output->DeliverEndOfStream(); } }; static IPin* GetFirstPin(IBaseFilter* pBF, PIN_DIRECTION dir) { if(!pBF) return(NULL); BeginEnumPins(pBF, pEP, pPin) { PIN_DIRECTION dir2; pPin->QueryDirection(&dir2); if(dir == dir2) { IPin* pRet = pPin.Detach(); pRet->Release(); return(pRet); } } EndEnumPins return(NULL); } #endif // // GSCapture // GSCapture::GSCapture() : m_capturing(false), m_frame(0) , m_out_dir("/tmp/GSdx_Capture") // FIXME Later add an option { m_out_dir = theApp.GetConfigS("capture_out_dir"); m_threads = theApp.GetConfigI("capture_threads"); #if defined(__unix__) m_compression_level = theApp.GetConfigI("png_compression_level"); #endif } GSCapture::~GSCapture() { EndCapture(); } bool GSCapture::BeginCapture(float fps, GSVector2i recommendedResolution, float aspect) { printf("Recommended resolution: %d x %d, DAR for muxing: %.4f\n", recommendedResolution.x, recommendedResolution.y, aspect); std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_lock); ASSERT(fps != 0); EndCapture(); #ifdef _WIN32 GSCaptureDlg dlg; if(IDOK != dlg.DoModal()) return false; m_size.x = (dlg.m_width + 7) & ~7; m_size.y = (dlg.m_height + 7) & ~7; std::wstring fn{dlg.m_filename.begin(), dlg.m_filename.end()}; // HRESULT hr; CComPtr<ICaptureGraphBuilder2> cgb; CComPtr<IBaseFilter> mux; if(FAILED(hr = m_graph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph)) || FAILED(hr = cgb.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2)) || FAILED(hr = cgb->SetFiltergraph(m_graph)) || FAILED(hr = cgb->SetOutputFileName(&MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi, fn.c_str(), &mux, NULL))) { return false; } m_src = new GSSource(m_size.x, m_size.y, fps, NULL, hr, dlg.m_colorspace); if (dlg.m_enc==0) { if (FAILED(hr = m_graph->AddFilter(m_src, L"Source"))) return false; if (FAILED(hr = m_graph->ConnectDirect(GetFirstPin(m_src, PINDIR_OUTPUT), GetFirstPin(mux, PINDIR_INPUT), NULL))) return false; } else { if(FAILED(hr = m_graph->AddFilter(m_src, L"Source")) || FAILED(hr = m_graph->AddFilter(dlg.m_enc, L"Encoder"))) { return false; } if(FAILED(hr = m_graph->ConnectDirect(GetFirstPin(m_src, PINDIR_OUTPUT), GetFirstPin(dlg.m_enc, PINDIR_INPUT), NULL)) || FAILED(hr = m_graph->ConnectDirect(GetFirstPin(dlg.m_enc, PINDIR_OUTPUT), GetFirstPin(mux, PINDIR_INPUT), NULL))) { return false; } } BeginEnumFilters(m_graph, pEF, pBF) { CFilterInfo fi; pBF->QueryFilterInfo(&fi); std::wstring s{fi.achName}; printf("Filter [%p]: %s\n", pBF.p, std::string{s.begin(), s.end()}.c_str()); BeginEnumPins(pBF, pEP, pPin) { CComPtr<IPin> pPinTo; pPin->ConnectedTo(&pPinTo); CPinInfo pi; pPin->QueryPinInfo(&pi); std::wstring s{pi.achName}; printf("- Pin [%p - %p]: %s (%s)\n", pPin.p, pPinTo.p, std::string{s.begin(), s.end()}.c_str(), pi.dir ? "out" : "in"); } EndEnumPins } EndEnumFilters hr = CComQIPtr<IMediaControl>(m_graph)->Run(); CComQIPtr<IGSSource>(m_src)->DeliverNewSegment(); #elif defined(__unix__) // Note I think it doesn't support multiple depth creation GSmkdir(m_out_dir.c_str()); // Really cheap recording m_frame = 0; // Add option !!! m_size.x = theApp.GetConfigI("CaptureWidth"); m_size.y = theApp.GetConfigI("CaptureHeight"); for(int i = 0; i < m_threads; i++) { m_workers.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GSPng::Worker>(new GSPng::Worker(&GSPng::Process))); } #endif m_capturing = true; return true; } bool GSCapture::DeliverFrame(const void* bits, int pitch, bool rgba) { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_lock); if(bits == NULL || pitch == 0) { ASSERT(0); return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 if(m_src) { CComQIPtr<IGSSource>(m_src)->DeliverFrame(bits, pitch, rgba); return true; } #elif defined(__unix__) std::string out_file = m_out_dir + format("/frame.%010d.png", m_frame); //GSPng::Save(GSPng::RGB_PNG, out_file, (uint8*)bits, m_size.x, m_size.y, pitch, m_compression_level); m_workers[m_frame%m_threads]->Push(std::make_shared<GSPng::Transaction>(GSPng::RGB_PNG, out_file, static_cast<const uint8*>(bits), m_size.x, m_size.y, pitch, m_compression_level)); m_frame++; #endif return false; } bool GSCapture::EndCapture() { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_lock); #ifdef _WIN32 if(m_src) { CComQIPtr<IGSSource>(m_src)->DeliverEOS(); m_src = NULL; } if(m_graph) { CComQIPtr<IMediaControl>(m_graph)->Stop(); m_graph = NULL; } #elif defined(__unix__) m_workers.clear(); m_frame = 0; #endif m_capturing = false; return true; }