/* GSnull * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "GS.h" #include "null/GSnull.h" const unsigned char version = PS2E_GS_VERSION; const unsigned char revision = 0; const unsigned char build = 1; // increase that with each version static char *libraryName = "GSnull Driver"; FILE *gsLog; Config conf; u32 GSKeyEvent = 0; bool GSShift = false, GSAlt = false; string s_strIniPath="inis"; std::string s_strLogPath("logs/"); const char* s_iniFilename = "GSnull.ini"; // Because I haven't bothered to get GSOpen2 working in Windows yet in GSNull. #ifdef __LINUX__ #define USE_GSOPEN2 #endif void (*GSirq)(); EXPORT_C_(u32) PS2EgetLibType() { return PS2E_LT_GS; } EXPORT_C_(char*) PS2EgetLibName() { return libraryName; } EXPORT_C_(u32) PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type) { return (version<<16) | (revision<<8) | build; } bool OpenLog() { bool result = true; #ifdef GS_LOG const std::string LogFile(s_strLogPath + "GSnull.log"); gsLog = fopen(LogFile.c_str(), "w"); if (gsLog != NULL) setvbuf(gsLog, NULL, _IONBF, 0); else { SysMessage("Can't create log file %s\n", LogFile.c_str()); result = false; } GS_LOG("GSnull plugin version %d,%d\n",revision,build); GS_LOG("GS init\n"); #endif return result; } void __Log(char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; if (!conf.Log || gsLog == NULL) return; va_start(list, fmt); vfprintf(gsLog, fmt, list); va_end(list); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSprintf(int timeout, char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char msg[512]; va_start(list, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, list); va_end(list); GS_LOG("GSprintf:%s", msg); printf("GSprintf:%s", msg); } void SysPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char msg[512]; va_start(list, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, list); va_end(list); GS_LOG(msg); printf("GSnull:%s", msg); } // basic funcs EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetSettingsDir(const char* dir) { s_strIniPath = (dir == NULL) ? "inis/" : dir; } EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetLogDir(const char* dir) { // Get the path to the log directory. s_strLogPath = (dir==NULL) ? "logs/" : dir; // Reload the log file after updated the path if (gsLog != NULL) fclose(gsLog); OpenLog(); } EXPORT_C_(s32) GSinit() { LoadConfig(); OpenLog(); SysPrintf("Initializing GSnull\n"); return 0; } EXPORT_C_(void) GSshutdown() { SysPrintf("Shutting down GSnull\n"); GSCloseWindow(); #ifdef GS_LOG if (gsLog) fclose(gsLog); #endif } EXPORT_C_(s32) GSopen(void *pDsp, char *Title, int multithread) { int err = 0; GS_LOG("GS open\n"); //assert( GSirq != NULL ); err = GSOpenWindow(pDsp, Title); SysPrintf("Opening GSnull\n"); return err; } #ifdef USE_GSOPEN2 EXPORT_C_(s32) GSopen2( void *pDsp, u32 flags ) { GS_LOG("GS open2\n"); GSOpenWindow2(pDsp, flags); SysPrintf("Opening GSnull (2)\n"); return 0; } #endif EXPORT_C_(void) GSclose() { SysPrintf("Closing GSnull\n"); // Better to only close the window on Shutdown. All the other plugins // pretty much worked that way, and all old PCSX2 versions expect it as well. //GSCloseWindow(); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSirqCallback(void (*callback)()) { GSirq = callback; } EXPORT_C_(s32) GSfreeze(int mode, freezeData *data) { return 0; } EXPORT_C_(s32) GStest() { SysPrintf("Testing GSnull\n"); return 0; } EXPORT_C_(void) GSvsync(int field) { GSProcessMessages(); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifTransfer1(u32 *pMem, u32 addr) { _GSgifTransfer1(pMem, addr); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifTransfer2(u32 *pMem, u32 size) { _GSgifTransfer2(pMem, size); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifTransfer3(u32 *pMem, u32 size) { _GSgifTransfer3(pMem, size); } // returns the last tag processed (64 bits) EXPORT_C_(void) GSgetLastTag(u64* ptag) { } EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifSoftReset(u32 mask) { SysPrintf("Doing a soft reset of the GS plugin.\n"); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSreadFIFO(u64 *mem) { } EXPORT_C_(void) GSreadFIFO2(u64 *mem, int qwc) { } // extended funcs // GSkeyEvent gets called when there is a keyEvent from the PAD plugin EXPORT_C_(void) GSkeyEvent(keyEvent *ev) { HandleKeyEvent(ev); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSchangeSaveState(int, const char* filename) { } EXPORT_C_(void) GSmakeSnapshot(char *path) { SysPrintf("Taking a snapshot.\n"); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSmakeSnapshot2(char *pathname, int* snapdone, int savejpg) { SysPrintf("Taking a snapshot to %s.\n", pathname); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetBaseMem(void*) { } EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetGameCRC(int crc, int gameoptions) { SysPrintf("Setting the crc to '%x' with 0x%x for options.\n", crc, gameoptions); } // controls frame skipping in the GS, if this routine isn't present, frame skipping won't be done EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetFrameSkip(int frameskip) { SysPrintf("Frameskip set to %d.\n", frameskip); } // if start is 1, starts recording spu2 data, else stops // returns a non zero value if successful // for now, pData is not used EXPORT_C_(int) GSsetupRecording(int start, void* pData) { if (start) SysPrintf("Pretending to record.\n"); else SysPrintf("Pretending to stop recording.\n"); return 1; } EXPORT_C_(void) GSreset() { SysPrintf("Doing a reset of the GS plugin."); } EXPORT_C_(void) GSwriteCSR(u32 value) { } EXPORT_C_(void) GSgetDriverInfo(GSdriverInfo *info) { }