#!/bin/sh -u # PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs # Copyright (C) 2002-2014 PCSX2 Dev Team # # PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- # ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. # If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #set -e # This terminates the script in case of any error flags="-DCMAKE_BUILD_PO=FALSE" cleanBuild=0 useClang=0 useIcc=0 # 0 => no, 1 => yes, 2 => force yes useCross=2 CoverityBuild=0 cppcheck=0 clangTidy=0 root=$PWD/$(dirname "$0") log="$root/install_log.txt" build="$root/build" coverity_dir="cov-int" coverity_result=pcsx2-coverity.xz if [ "$(uname -s)" = 'Darwin' ]; then ncpu="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" # Get the major Darwin/OSX version. if [ "$(sysctl -n kern.osrelease | cut -d . -f 1)" -lt 13 ]; then echo "This old OSX version is not supported! Build will fail." toolfile=cmake/darwin-compiler-i386-clang.cmake else echo "Using Mavericks build with C++11 support." toolfile=cmake/darwin13-compiler-i386-clang.cmake fi elif [ "$(uname -s)" = 'FreeBSD' ]; then ncpu="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" else ncpu=$(grep -w -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) toolfile=cmake/linux-compiler-i386-multilib.cmake fi if command -v ninja >/dev/null ; then flags="$flags -GNinja" make=ninja else make="make -j$ncpu" fi for ARG in "$@"; do case "$ARG" in --clean ) cleanBuild=1 ;; --clang-tidy ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON"; clangTidy=1 ; useClang=1;; --clang ) useClang=1 ;; --intel ) useIcc=1 ;; --cppcheck ) cppcheck=1 ;; --dev|--devel ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Devel" ; build="$root/build_dev";; --dbg|--debug ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" ; build="$root/build_dbg";; --rel|--release ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" ; build="$root/build_rel";; --prof ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Prof" ; build="$root/build_prof";; --strip ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_BUILD_STRIP=TRUE" ;; --glsl ) flags="$flags -DGLSL_API=TRUE" ;; --egl ) flags="$flags -DEGL_API=TRUE" ;; --sdl12 ) flags="$flags -DSDL2_API=FALSE" ;; --extra ) flags="$flags -DEXTRA_PLUGINS=TRUE" ;; --asan ) flags="$flags -DUSE_ASAN=TRUE" ;; --gtk3 ) flags="$flags -DGTK3_API=TRUE" ;; --lto ) flags="$flags -DUSE_LTO=TRUE" ;; --pgo-optimize ) flags="$flags -DUSE_PGO_OPTIMIZE=TRUE" ;; --pgo-generate ) flags="$flags -DUSE_PGO_GENERATE=TRUE" ;; --no-simd ) flags="$flags -DDISABLE_ADVANCE_SIMD=TRUE" ;; --cross-multilib ) flags="$flags -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$toolfile"; useCross=1; ;; --no-cross-multilib ) useCross=0; ;; --coverity ) CoverityBuild=1; cleanBuild=1; ;; --vtune ) flags="$flags -DUSE_VTUNE=TRUE" ;; -D* ) flags="$flags $ARG" ;; *) echo $ARG # Unknown option echo "** User options **" echo "--dev / --devel : Build PCSX2 as a Development build." echo "--debug : Build PCSX2 as a Debug build." echo "--prof : Build PCSX2 as a Profiler build (release + debug symbol)." echo "--release : Build PCSX2 as a Release build." echo echo "--clean : Do a clean build." echo "--extra : Build all plugins" echo "--no-simd : Only allow sse2" echo echo "** Developer option **" echo "--glsl : Replace CG backend of ZZogl by GLSL" echo "--egl : Replace GLX by EGL (ZZogl/GSdx plugins)" echo "--cross-multilib: Build a 32bit PCSX2 on a 64bit machine using multilib." echo echo "** Distribution Compatibilities **" echo "--sdl12 : Build with SDL1.2 (requires if wx is linked against SDL1.2)" echo echo "** Expert Developer option **" echo "--gtk3 : replace GTK2 by GTK3" echo "--no-cross-multilib: Build a native PCSX2" echo "--clang : Build with Clang/llvm" echo "--intel : Build with ICC (Intel compiler)" echo "--lto : Use Link Time Optimization" echo "--pgo-generate : Executable will generate profiling information when run" echo "--pgo-optimize : Use previously generated profiling information" echo echo "** Quality & Assurance (Please install the external tool) **" echo "--asan : Enable Address sanitizer" echo "--clang-tidy : Do a clang-tidy analysis. Results can be found in build directory" echo "--cppcheck : Do a cppcheck analysis. Results can be found in build directory" echo "--coverity : Do a build for coverity" echo "--vtune : Plug GSdx with VTUNE" exit 1 esac done if [ "$cleanBuild" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Doing a clean build." # allow to keep build as a symlink (for example to a ramdisk) rm -fr "$build"/* fi if [ "$useCross" -eq 2 ] && [ "$(getconf LONG_BIT 2> /dev/null)" != 32 ]; then echo "Forcing cross compilation." flags="$flags -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$toolfile" elif [ "$useCross" -ne 1 ]; then useCross=0 fi # Helper to easily switch wx-config on my system if [ "$useCross" -eq 0 ] && [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && [ -e "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-3.0" ]; then sudo update-alternatives --set wx-config /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-3.0 fi if [ "$useCross" -eq 2 ] && [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && [ -e "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-3.0" ]; then sudo update-alternatives --set wx-config /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-3.0 fi # Workaround for Debian. Cmake failed to find freetype include path if [ "$useCross" -eq 0 ] && [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && [ -e "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/freetype2/ft2build.h" ]; then export GTKMM_BASEPATH=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/freetype2 fi if [ "$useCross" -eq 2 ] && [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && [ -e "/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/freetype2/ft2build.h" ]; then export GTKMM_BASEPATH=/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/freetype2 fi echo "Building pcsx2 with $flags" | tee "$log" # Resolve the symlink otherwise cmake is lost # Besides, it allows 'mkdir' to create the real destination directory if [ -L "$build" ]; then build=$(readlink "$build") fi mkdir -p "$build" # Cmake will generate file inside $CWD. It would be nicer if an option to cmake can be provided. cd "$build" if [ "$useClang" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$useCross" -eq 0 ]; then CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake $flags "$root" 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" else CC="clang -m32" CXX="clang++ -m32" cmake $flags "$root" 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" fi else if [ "$useIcc" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$useCross" -eq 0 ]; then CC="icc" CXX="icpc" cmake $flags "$root" 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" else CC="icc -m32" CXX="icpc -m32" cmake $flags "$root" 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" fi else # Default compiler AKA GCC cmake $flags "$root" 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" fi fi ############################################################ # CPP check build ############################################################ if [ "$cppcheck" -eq 1 ] && command -v cppcheck >/dev/null ; then summary=cpp_check_summary.log rm -f $summary touch $summary define="" for undef in _WINDOWS _M_AMD64 _MSC_VER WIN32 __INTEL_COMPILER __x86_64__ \ __SSE4_1__ __SSSE3__ __SSE__ __AVX2__ __USE_ISOC11 ASAN_WORKAROUND ENABLE_OPENCL ENABLE_OGL_DEBUG \ XBYAK_USE_MMAP_ALLOCATOR MAP_ANONYMOUS MAP_ANON XBYAK_DISABLE_AVX512 do define="$define -U$undef" done check="--enable=warning,style,missingInclude" for d in pcsx2 common plugins/GSdx plugins/spu2\-x plugins/onepad plugins/cdvdGigaherz do flat_d=$(echo $d | sed -e 's@/@_@') log=cpp_check__${flat_d}.log rm -f "$log" cppcheck $check -j $ncpu --platform=unix32 $define "$root/$d" 2>&1 | tee "$log" # Create a small summary (warning it might miss some issues) fgrep -e "(warning)" -e "(error)" -e "(style)" -e "(performance)" -e "(portability)" "$log" >> $summary done exit 0 fi ############################################################ # Clang tidy build ############################################################ if [ "$clangTidy" -eq 1 ] && command -v clang-tidy >/dev/null ; then compile_json=compile_commands.json cpp_list=cpp_file.txt summary=clang_tidy_summary.txt grep '"file"' $compile_json | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/^\s*file\s*:\s*//' | grep -v "aVUzerorec.S" | sort -u > $cpp_list # EXAMPLE # # Modernize loop syntax, fix if old style found. # $ clang-tidy -p build_dev/compile_commands.json plugins/GSdx/GSTextureCache.cpp -checks='modernize-loop-convert' -fix # Check all, tons of output: # $ clang-tidy -p $compile_json $cpp -checks='*' -header-filter='.*' # List of modernize checks: # modernize-loop-convert # modernize-make-unique # modernize-pass-by-value # modernize-redundant-void-arg # modernize-replace-auto-ptr # modernize-shrink-to-fit # modernize-use-auto # modernize-use-default # modernize-use-nullptr # modernize-use-override # Don't check headers, don't check google/llvm coding conventions if command -v parallel >/dev/null ; then # Run clang-tidy in parallel with as many jobs as there are CPUs. parallel -v --keep-order "clang-tidy -p $compile_json -checks='*,-llvm-*,-google-*' {}" else # xargs(1) can also run jobs in parallel with -P, but will mix the # output from the distinct processes together willy-nilly. xargs clang-tidy -p $compile_json -checks='*,-llvm-*,-google-*' fi < $cpp_list > $summary exit 0 fi ############################################################ # Coverity build ############################################################ if [ "$CoverityBuild" -eq 1 ] && command -v cov-build >/dev/null ; then cov-build --dir "$coverity_dir" $make 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" # Warning: $coverity_dir must be the root directory (cd "$build"; tar caf $coverity_result "$coverity_dir") exit 0 fi ############################################################ # Real build ############################################################ $make 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" $make install 2>&1 | tee -a "$log" exit 0