# --------------------------------------------- # PCSX2 Game Database! # --------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------- # Credits # --------------------------------------------- # Game Data (serials, titles, and region info) is # based on the information found at: # https://web.archive.org/web/20141105075540/http://sonyindex.com/, # https://serialstation.com, # https://psxdatacenter.com, # http://redump.org/ # # Additional Games and Data by PCSX2 team # --------------------------------------------- # Notes # --------------------------------------------- # For basics on the YAML syntax, see here - https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/YAMLSyntax.html # # For gamefixes/roundmodes/clampmodes, PCSX2 will use the current user # settings if the game database does not explicitly change the values. # --------------------------------------------- # Usage # --------------------------------------------- # For comprehensive usage examples / explanations, see the following documentation: # https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/blob/master/pcsx2/Docs/GameIndex.md # --------------------------------------------- # -- Game List # --------------------------------------------- ALCH-00001: name: 片神名〜喪われた因果律〜 name-sort: かたかむな うしなわれたいんがりつ name-en: "Katakamuna - Ushinawareta Ingaritsu [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00003: name: ショコラ 〜maid cafe curio〜 限定版 name-sort: しょこら maid cafe curio [げんていばん] name-en: "Chocolat Maid Cafe Curio [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00005: name: はるのあしおと -Step of Spring- パクパクパック name-en: "Haru no Ashioto - Step of Spring [Paku Paku Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00007: name: パルフェ Chocolat Second Style 限定版 name-sort: ぱるふぇ Chocolat Second Style [げんていばん] name-en: "Parfait - Chocolat Second Style [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00008: name: ARIA The NATURAL 〜遠い記憶のミラージュ〜 限定版 name-sort: ありあ ざ なちゅらる とおいきおくのみらーじゅ name-en: "Aria - The Natural - Tooi Yume no Mirage [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00009: name: ひぐらしのなく頃に祭 初回限定版 name-sort: ひぐらしのなくころにまつり しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00010: name: この青空に約束を 〜melody of the sun and sea〜 限定版 name-sort: このあおぞらにやくそくを melody of the sun and sea [げんていばん] name-en: "Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo - Melody of the Sun and Sea [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00011: name: "Pure×Cure Re:covery 恋と救急セット" name-sort: "ぴゅあきゅあ りかばりー こいときゅうきゅうせっと" name-en: "Pure x Cure RE-Covery [Koi no Kyuukyuu Set]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00014: name: ARIA The ORIGINATION 〜蒼い惑星のエルシエロ〜 限定版 name-sort: ありあ じ おりじねーしょん あおいほしののえるしえろ [げんていばん] name-en: "Aria - The Origination ~Aoi Hoshi no El Cielo~ [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00015: name: Sugar+Spice! 〜あの子のステキな何もかも〜 初回限定版 name-sort: しゅがーすぱいす あのこのすてきななにもかも しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Sugar+Spice! - Anoko no Suteki na Nanimokamo [First Press Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00016: name: 恋する乙女と守護の楯 -The shield of AIGIS- 限定版 name-sort: こいするおとめとしゅごのたて The shield of AIGIS [げんていばん] name-en: "Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate - The Shield of Aigis [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00017: name: トリガーハート エグゼリカ エンハンスド ねんどろいど スペシャルセット 初回限定版同梱 name-sort: とりがーはーと えぐぜりか えんはんすど ねんどろいど すぺしゃるせっと しょかいげんていばんどうこん name-en: "Triggerheart Exelica Enhanced [Nendroid Super Set]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00021: name: セキレイ 〜未来からのおくりもの〜 幾久しく!スペシャルパック name-sort: せきれい みらいからのおくりもの いくひさしく すぺしゃるぱっく name-en: "Sekirei - Mirai Kara no Okurimono [Special Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00027: name: スズノネセブン!〜Rebirth Knot〜 限定版 name-sort: すずのねせぶん Rebirth Knot [げんていばん] name-en: "Suzunone Seven - Rebirth Knot [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-00028: name: 花と乙女に祝福を 〜春風の贈り物〜 聖ルピナスBOX name-sort: はなとおとめにしゅくふくを はるかぜのおくりもの せいんとるぴなすBOX name-en: "Hana to Otome ni Shukufuku wo - Harukaze no Okurimono [Saint Box]" region: "NTSC-J" ALCH-0004: name: デュエルセイヴァー ディスティニー メサイアボックス name-sort: でゅえるせいゔぁー でぃすてぃにー めさいあぼっくす name-en: "Duel Savior Destiny [Messiah Box]" region: "NTSC-J" CPCS-01005: name: ガンサバイバー4 バイオハザード ヒーローズ ネバー ダイ WITH ガンコン2 name-sort: がんさばいばー4 ばいおはざーど ひーろーず ねばー だい WITH がんこん2 name-en: "Gun Survivor 4 - BioHazard - Heroes Never Die [with GunCon2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes character offset with flashlight and blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes flame-like bleeding. CPCS-01020: name: モンスターハンター2 DXハンターボックス name-sort: もんすたーはんたー2 [DXはんたーぼっくす] name-en: "Monster Hunter 2 [DX Hunters Box]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. GUST-00009: name: マナケミア 〜学園の錬金術師たち〜 プレミアムボックス name-sort: まなけみあ がくえんのれんきんじゅつしたち ぷれみあむぼっくす name-en: "Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes jump issue. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical lines in FMV. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misalignment of textures in the Pause Menu. PAPX-90201: name: ファンタビジョン 体験版 name-sort: ふぁんたびじょん たいけんばん name-en: "Fantavision [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90202: name: I.Q REMIX+ 体験版 name-sort: あいきゅー りみっくすぷらす たいけんばん name-en: "I.Q Remix+ [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90203: name: "Gran Turismo 2000 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90204: name: "TVDJ" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90205: name: "Dark Cloud" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. PAPX-90206: name: "Blood - The Last Vampire" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90207: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec - Autobacs Gentei Replay Theater" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90208: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec - Replay Theater" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90209: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec - Netz Toyota - Replay Theater Disc" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90210: name: "Yappa RPG desho." region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90211: name: "Extermination" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90212: name: "Boku to Maou" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90213: name: "Phase Paradox" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90215: name: "Ka [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. PAPX-90216: name: "Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90218: name: "SkyGunner" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90220: name: "Surveillance - Kanshisha" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90222: name: ジャック×ダクスター 旧世界の遺産 体験版 name-sort: じゃっくだくすたー きゅうせかいのいさん [たいけんばん] name-en: "Jak x Daxter - Kyuu Sekai no Isan [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. PAPX-90223: name: ジャック×ダクスター 旧世界の遺産 体験版 name-sort: じゃっくだくすたー きゅうせかいのいさん たいけんばん name-en: "Jak x Daxter - Kyuu Sekai no Isan [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. PAPX-90224: name: "Sidewinder F" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90225: name: "Legaia - Duel Saga - Special Disc" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90226: name: "Otostaz" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90228: name: "Otostaz" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90229: name: "XIゴ 目からウロコ体験版" name-sort: "さいご めからうろこたいけんばん" name-en: "Xi-go [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90230: name: "Arc the Lad - Seirei no Tasogare - Premiere Disc" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 PAPX-90231: name: 怪盗 スライ・クーパー 体験版 name-sort: かいとう すらいくーぱー たいけんばん name-en: "Kaitou Sly Cooper [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90232: name: "Chain Dive" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90233: name: "Bakusou Mountain Bikers" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90234: name: 塊魂 体験版 name-sort: かたまりだましい たいけんばん name-en: "Katamari Damacy [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. PAPX-90235: name: "XIII" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90236: name: みんな大好き塊魂 体験版 name-sort: みんなだいすきかたまりだましい たいけんばん name-en: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90330: name: "サルゲッチュ2 ウッキーウッキーディスク" name-sort: さるげっちゅ2 うっきーうっきーでぃすく name-en: "Saru! Get You! 2 - Ukki Ukki Disc" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. PAPX-90501: name: "Dark Cloud" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. PAPX-90502: name: "THE 山手線 〜Train Simulator Real 体験版" name-sort: THE やまのてせん Train Simulator Real [たいけんばん] name-en: "Yamanote-sen - Train Simulator Real [Trial], The" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90503: name: "PoPoLoCrois - Hajimari no Bouken [Fan Gentei Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90504: name: "GRAN TURISMO Concept AIRTREK TURBO Special Edition 体験版" name-sort: "ぐらんつーりすも こんせぷと えあとれっくたーぼ すぺしゃるえでぃしょん たいけんばん" name-en: "Gran Turismo Concept - Airtrek Turbo Special Edition [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90505: name: "2002 Natsu no Osusume Soft Otameshi Disc" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90506: name: "Dark Chronicle [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. PAPX-90507: name: "Official Disc 2003" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90508: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - Lupo Cup Training Version" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90511: name: "Siren [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90512: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - Toyota Prius [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90514: name: "Fuyu no Osusume Soft Otameshi Disc" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90515: name: "Fuyu no Osusume Soft Otameshi Disc 2003-2004" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90516: name: "Jak and Daxter II [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. PAPX-90517: name: "Prince of Persia - Jikan no Suna [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. PAPX-90519: name: どこでもいっしょ トロといっぱい 体験版 name-sort: どこでもいっしょ とろといっぱい たいけんばん name-en: "Dokodemo Issyo - Toro to Ippai [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90521: name: "Waga Ryuu o Miyo - Pride of the Dragon Peace" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90522: name: "Genji" region: "NTSC-J" PAPX-90523: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - オンライン実験バージョン" name-sort: "ぐらんつーりすも4 - おんらいんじっけんばーじょん" name-en: "Gran Turismo 4 - Online Test Version" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PAPX-90524: name: "Wild Arms - The Vth Vanguard" region: "NTSC-J" PBGP-0061: name: "Suika A.S+ Eternal Name [First Press Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" PBGP-0063: name: "Saishuu Shiken Kujira - Alive [First Press Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" PBGP-0065: name: "D.C. Da Capo The Origin [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces sprite artifacts like in the menu. PBPX-95201: name: "ユーティリティディスク Version 1.00" name-sort: "ゆーてぃりてぃでぃすく Version 1.00" name-en: "Utility Disc Version 1.00" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95202: name: "ユーティリティディスク Version 1.01" name-sort: "ゆーてぃりてぃでぃすく Version 1.01" name-en: "Utility Disc Version 1.01" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95203: name: "ユーティリティディスク Version 1.01" name-sort: "ゆーてぃりてぃでぃすく Version 1.01" name-en: "Utility Disc Version 1.01" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95204: name: "PlayStation 2 - Demo Disc 2000" region: "PAL-M5" PBPX-95205: name: "PlayStation 2 - Demo Disc 2000" region: "PAL-M5" PBPX-95206: name: "DVDプレーヤー Version 2.01" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 2.01" name-en: "DVD Player Version 2.01" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95207: name: "DVDプレーヤー Version 2.10" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 2.10" name-en: "DVD Player Version 2.10" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95208: name: "DVD Player Version 2.10" region: "PAL-M8" PBPX-95209: name: "DVD Player Version 2.10" region: "PAL-A" PBPX-95210: name: "DVD Player Version 2.10" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95211: name: "HDD ユーティリティディスク Version 1.00" name-sort: "HDD ゆーてぃりてぃでぃすく Version 1.00" name-en: "HDD Utility Disc Version 1.00" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95216: name: "HDD Utility Disc Version 1.00 [Beta]" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95218: name: "DVD Player Version 2.12" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95219: name: "DVD Player Version 2.14" region: "PAL-E" PBPX-95220: name: "DVD Player Version 2.14" region: "PAL-M7" PBPX-95221: name: "DVDプレーヤー Version 2.12" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 2.12" name-en: "DVD Player Version 2.12" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95222: name: "DVDプレーヤー Version 2.14" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 2.14" name-en: "DVD Player Version 2.14" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95223: name: "DVD Player Version 2.14" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95224: name: "DVDプレーヤー Version 2.16" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 2.16" name-en: "DVD Player Version 2.16" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95228: name: "DVDプレーヤー Version 3.00" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 3.00" name-en: "DVD Player Version 3.00" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95237: name: "HDD Utility Disc" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95239: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v3.0" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95242: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v3.0" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95245: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v1.0" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95246: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v3.5 - Broadband Only" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95247: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v3.5 - Broadband Only" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95248: name: "Online Start-Up Disc 4.0 - Broadband Only" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95250: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v1.0" region: "NTSC-Unk" PBPX-95251: name: "Online Start-Up Disc 4.0 - Broadband Only" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95501: name: "PS2 Linux Beta Release 1" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95502: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PBPX-95503: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec [PS2 Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: - "PBPX-95503" - "SCUS-97102" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PBPX-95506: name: "PlayStation 2 - Demo Disc 2001" region: "PAL-M5" patches: default: content: |- // 7ACF7E03 comment=You must enable the EETimingHack when playing the WRC demo to avoids random hangs. comment=You must change the EE Clamping mode to Full when playing the Klonoa 2 demo to avoids misplaced objects. comment=You must change the VU0 Clamping mode to extra + sign when playing the Klonoa 2 demo to fixes reflections issues. PBPX-95507: name: "Linux (for PlayStation 2) Release 1.0 (Disc 1) (Runtime Environment)" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95508: name: "Linux (for PlayStation 2) Release 1.0 (Disc 2) (Software Packages)" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95509: name: "Linux (for PlayStation 2) Release 1.0 (Disc 1) (Runtime Environment)" region: "PAL-E" PBPX-95510: name: "Linux (for PlayStation 2) Release 1.0 (Disc 2) (Software Packages)" region: "PAL-E" PBPX-95514: name: "PlayStation 2 - Demo Disc 2002" region: "PAL-M5" PBPX-95516: name: "Ratchet & Clank - [Trial Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Hydrodisplacer behaviour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 PBPX-95517: name: "Network Adapter Start-Up Disc" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95519: name: "Network Adaptor Start-Up Disc v2.0" region: "NTSC-U" PBPX-95520: name: "PlayStation 2 - Demo Disc 2002" region: "PAL-M5" PBPX-95522: name: "Kidou Senshi Z Gundam - A.E.U.G. vs. Titans" region: "NTSC-J" PBPX-95523: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - Prologue [PlayStation 2 Racing Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. PBPX-95524: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - Prologue [PlayStation 2 Racing Pack]" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. PBPX-95525: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "NTSC-J-K" PBPX-95601: name: "Gran Turismo 4 [PlayStation 2 Racing Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" PCPX-96301: name: I.Q REMIX+ 体験版 name-sort: あいきゅー りみっくすぷらす たいけんばん name-en: "I.Q Remix+ [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96302: name: "Fantavision 体験版" name-sort: "ふぁんたびじょん たいけんばん" name-en: "Fantavision [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96303: name: "6-gatsu Hatsubai Title Promotion Disc (Aconcagua - Boku no Natsuyasumi - TVDJ)" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96304: name: "Scandal" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96305: name: "プレプレPLUS 004 2000 June (Disc 2)" name-sort: "ぷれぷれぷらす 004 2000 June (Disc 2)" name-en: "Play-Pre Plus 004 - 2000 June (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96306: name: "Bikkuri Mouse" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96309: name: "Gran Turismo 3 Netz Toyota Demo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PCPX-96310: name: "X-treme Racing SSX" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96311: name: "Gran Turismo 3 Trial Disk Volume 1" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PCPX-96312: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec - Autobacs Tentou Shiyuu Disc" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PCPX-96314: name: "The Sky Odyssey" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes runway line thickness on minimap. PCPX-96315: name: "Phase Paradox" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96316: name: "Phase Paradox" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96317: name: "Ka [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. PCPX-96318: name: リモココロン たいけんばん name-sort: りもこころん たいけんばん name-en: "Rimococoron [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96319: name: "Piposaru 2001 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96320: name: "PaRappa the Rapper 2 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes missing floor texture. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes fog effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes misaligment depth of field effect. PCPX-96321: name: "SkyGunner [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96322: name: "ICO 体験版" name-sort: "いこ [たいけんばん]" name-en: "Ico [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. PCPX-96323: name: "Toro to Kyuujitsu" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96324: name: "Dual Hearts [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96328: name: "3タイトルスペシャルディスク「サルゲッチュ2・ポポロクロイス-はじまりの冒険-・ぼくのなつやすみ2」" name-sort: "3たいとるすぺしゃるでぃすく さるげっちゅ2 ぽぽぽくろいす はじまりのぼうけん ぼくのなつやすみ2" name-en: "3 Title Special Disc (Saru! Get You! 2 - PoPoLoCrois: Hajimari no Bouken - Boku no Natsuyasumi 2)" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96330: name: "Arc the Lad - Seirei no Tasogare - Premiere Disc" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 PCPX-96554: name: "Games of Our Style - Tokyo Game Show 2003 Disc" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96603: name: "Dark Cloud" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. PCPX-96605: name: "MiruMiru 2000-nen 12-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96606: name: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 0 - 2001 February" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96607: name: "2000-2001 Winter Lineup" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96608: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 1-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96609: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec - Tentou Shiyuu Disc Vol. 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PCPX-96610: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 2-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96611: name: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 1 - 2001 April" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96612: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 3-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96613: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 4-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96614: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 5-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96615: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 6-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96616: name: "PurePure 2 Volume 2" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96617: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 8-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96618: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 7-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96619: name: "Genshi no Kotoba" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96620: name: 見る見る 2001年9月度受注号 name-sort: みるみる 2001ねん9がつどじゅちゅうごう name-en: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 9-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96621: name: "MiruMiru 2001-nen 10-gatsudo Juchuugou" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96622: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.3" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.3" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 3 - 2001 December" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96624: name: "Gran Turismo Concept - 2001 Tokyo" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96625: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.4" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.4" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 4 - 2002 April" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96626: name: "PlayStation Index (DVD-ROM-ban) - PlayStation 2 Official Soft Catalog 2002 April" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96627: name: "2002 Natsu no Osusume Soft Otameshi Disc" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96628: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.5" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.5" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 5 - 2002 August" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96629: name: "Fuyu no Osusume Soft Otameshi Disc 2002" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96630: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.6" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.6" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 6 - 2002 December" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96631: name: "声出していこー。 体験版" name-sort: こえだしていこー たいけんばん name-en: "Koedashite Ikou. [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96632: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.7" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.7" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 7 - 2003 April" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96633: name: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 7 - 2003 April - CM Collection" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96634: name: "Gran Turismo - Subaru Driving Simulator Version" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96635: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.8" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.8" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 8 - 2003 August" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96636: name: "Siren [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96638: name: "EyeToy - Play" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96639: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.9" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.9" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 9 - 2003 December" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96641: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.10" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.10" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 10 - 2004 April" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96646: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.11" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.11" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 11 - 2004 August" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96649: name: "Gran Turismo 4 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PCPX-96653: name: "Ratchet & Clank 3" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. PCPX-96655: name: "プレプレ2 VOLUME.12" name-sort: "ぷれぷれ2 VOLUME.12" name-en: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 12 - 2004 December" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96656: name: "Play-Pre 2 Volume 12 - 2004 December - PSP Movie Collection & CM Collection" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-96657: name: サルゲッチュ3 店頭用体験版 name-sort: さるげっちゅ3 てんとうようたいけんばん name-en: "Saru! Get You! 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. PCPX-96660: name: "Tourist Trophy [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in TT Mode menu caused by the moving tooltips. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. PCPX-98017: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Giri Giri Ginga no Giga Battle [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. PCPX-98041: name: "Saru! Get You! Million Monkeys" region: "NTSC-J" PCPX-98042: name: "Minna no Tennis [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. PDPX-99109: name: "DVD Player Version 3.04" name-sort: "DVDぷれーやー Version 3.04" name-en: "DVD Player Version 3.04" region: "NTSC-J" PKP2-00702: name: "Pandora - Kimi no Namae o Boku ha Shiru [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical and horizontal lines in FMV. PUPX-93033: name: "PlayStation Seizou Kensa-you Disc 3 CD-ROM US-ban Ver1.1" region: "NTSC-U" SCAJ-10001: name: "Makai Senki Disgaea" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-10003: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Doki! Shinkyoku Darake no Haru Matsuri" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-10004: name: "Time Crisis 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-10006: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Appare Sandaime" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-10007: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Waku Waku Anime Matsuri" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-10008: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Atsumare! Matsuri da!! Yondaime" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-10009: name: "Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol.1 - Strikers 1-2" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes part II intro screen. SCAJ-10010: name: "Mahjong Party - Play Mahjong with Swimsuit Beauty" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 SCAJ-10011: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Go! Go! Godaime" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-10012: name: "Taiko Drum Master" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-10013: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Tobikkiri! Anime Special" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-10014: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Wai Wai Happy! Rokudaime" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-10015: name: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Doka! to Oomori Nanadaime" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-20001: name: "Ratchet & Clank" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20002: name: "Gallop Racer 6 - Revolution" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20003: name: "Warrior in Argus" region: "NTSC-J" SCAJ-20004: name: ".hack Outbreak Part 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SCAJ-20005: name: "Guilty Gear XX" region: "NTSC-J" SCAJ-20006: name: "Gunbarl Collection with Time Crisis" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20007: name: "Xi[sai] Go" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20008: name: "V-Rally 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes fog and make lights on cars work again. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and penetration of objects. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. SCAJ-20009: name: "Herdy Gerdy" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20010: name: "Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu - Otoko Hanamichi Yume Roman" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes inside RT shuffling. getSkipCount: "GSC_BigMuthaTruckers" SCAJ-20011: name: "Armored Core 3 - Silent Line" region: "NTSC-HK" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20011" - "SCPS-55014" - "SLPS-25112" - "SLPS-25169" - "SLPS-73417" - "SLPS-73420" SCAJ-20012: name: "Venus & Braves" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SCAJ-20013: name: "MotoGP 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes lines at the edges of the HUD. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20014: name: "Time Splitter" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20015: name: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20016: name: "Warrior of Argus" region: "NTSC-C-E" SCAJ-20017: name: "Sly Cooper" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20018: name: "This is Football 2003" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20019: name: "Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20020: name: "Drag-on Dragoon" region: "NTSC-C-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Characters are visible in-game. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned white lines. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes missing HUD. SCAJ-20021: name: "Metal Slug 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Stops excessive VRAM usage with preloading on. SCAJ-20022: name: "Super Robot Wars - Alpha 2nd" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20023: name: "Soul Calibur II" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-20024: name: ".hack Quarantine Part 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SCAJ-20025: name: "Grand Prix Challenge" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack SCAJ-20026: name: "Generation of Chaos 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20027: name: "Tenchu 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20028: name: "Tales of Destiny 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20029: name: "R-Type Final" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 SCAJ-20032: name: "Ka 2 - Let's Go Hawaiian" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20033: name: "Guilty Gear XX #Reload" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20034: name: "Summon Night 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20035: name: "Dead to Rights" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes sky lighting. SCAJ-20037: name: "Monster Farm 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Corrects shadow misalignment. SCAJ-20038: name: "Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20039: name: "Sidewinder V" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20040: name: "The King of Fighters 2001" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2001, The" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20041: name: "Energy Airforce - Aim Strike!" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects post-processing effect on jet exhausts. SCAJ-20043: name: "ChainDive" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20044: name: "Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lava effect. SCAJ-20045: name: "Shadow Tower Abyss" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20046: name: "Siren" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCAJ-20047: name: "Time Crisis 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SCAJ-20048: name: "R - Racing Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-20050: name: "Fatal Frame II - Crimson Butterfly" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20052: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Gagaga! Ginga no Commando-ssu" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20052" - "SCAJ-20001" SCAJ-20055: name: "Battle Gear 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Stops car from falling through track. SCAJ-20056: name: "Bujingai" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20057: name: "Front Mission 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes mech shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCAJ-20058: name: "Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20059: name: "Minna no Golf 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20060: name: "Time Crisis 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SCAJ-20061: name: "Seven Samurai 20XX" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20062: name: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes FMVs to be visible. SCAJ-20063: name: "Popolocrois - The Law of the Moon" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20064: name: "Nebula - Echo Night" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20065: name: "EyeToy - Play [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20066: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - Prologue" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. SCAJ-20067: name: "GunGrave O.D." region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20068: name: "Final Fantasy X-2 International" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SCAJ-20069: name: "Gallop Racer - Lucky 7" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20070: name: "Star Ocean 3 [Director's Cut]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. SCAJ-20072: name: "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture and lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes most vertical lines and lighting misalignment. getSkipCount: "GSC_GiTS" SCAJ-20073: name: "Jak and Daxter II" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCAJ-20074: name: "The King of Fighters 2002" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2002, The" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20075: name: "Dragon Quest V - Bride of the Sky" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20076: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SCAJ-20077: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SCAJ-20078: name: "Kuon" region: "NTSC-Unk" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Sugoroku mini-game. speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # This option enabled brings about 15% more FPS when I tested it, *your experience may differ. mtvu: 0 # For some reason this games halves the internal game FPS with this option. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes red cracklines on walls. SCAJ-20079: name: "Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-Unk" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SCAJ-20080: name: "Kaena" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20081: name: "Xenosaga Freaks" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20082: name: "GunGrave OD" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20083: name: "Bakuso! Mountain Bikers" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20084: name: "MLB '04" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20085: name: "Sakurazaka Shouboutai" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20086: name: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SCAJ-20087: name: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SCAJ-20088: name: "Yu Zi - Qiang Jiu Shui Tang Da Zuo Zhan" region: "NTSC-C" SCAJ-20089: name: "Athens 2004" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20090: name: "Gacha Mecha Stadium - Saru Battle" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects fullscreen bloom misalignment. SCAJ-20092: name: "Samurai Spirits Zero" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20093: name: "Tenchu Kurenai" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20094: name: "Minna no Golf 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20095: name: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SCAJ-20096: name: "Guilty Gear Isuka" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20097: name: "EyeToy - FuriFuri Dance Tengoku" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20098: name: "EyeToy - Oosawagi! Ukkiiuki Game Tenkomori!!" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20099: name: "Ico" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCAJ-20100: name: "Tenchu Kurenai" region: "NTSC-C-J" SCAJ-20101: name: "EyeToy - Saru" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20102: name: "Tales of Symphonia" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesofSymphonia" SCAJ-20104: name: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-20105: name: "Armored Core - Nine breaker" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. SCAJ-20107: name: "Bakufuu Slash! Kizna Arashi" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20108: name: "Arc the Lad - Generation" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20109: name: "Ratchet & Clank 3 - Up your Arsenal" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20109" - "SCAJ-20052" - "SCAJ-20001" SCAJ-20110: name: "Dragon Quest VIII - Sora to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SCAJ-20111: name: "Crash Bandicoot 5" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad Geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20112: name: "Tales of Rebirth" region: "NTSC-Unk" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes graphical corruptions. SCAJ-20113: name: "Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20114: name: "Tsukiyo ni Saraba" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20115: name: "Yoshitsune Eiyuuden" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20116: name: "Death by Degrees - Tekken - Nina Williams" region: "NTSC-C-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SCAJ-20117: name: "Fu-un Bakumatsu-den" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20118: name: "Radiata Stories" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes incorrect model position. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical bars. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment bloom effects. SCAJ-20119: name: "Gladiator - Road to Freedom" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes sun background on the windows when selecting your 'race'. SCAJ-20120: name: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20120" - "SLPM-65795" - "SLPM-66373" - "SCAJ-20095" - "SLPM-65597" - "SLPM-66372" SCAJ-20121: name: "Armored Core - Formula Front" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken shadow caused by HPO 1. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCAJ-20122: name: "Swords of Destiny" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20123: name: "Wild ARMs - The 4th Detonator" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20123" - "SCPS-15091" - "SCPS-15092" - "SCPS-19313" - "SCPS-19322" - "SCPS-19323" - "SCAJ-30002" - "SCPS-17002" - "SCPS-19251" - "SCPS-19253" SCAJ-20124: name: "Romancing Saga - Minstrel Song" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20125: name: "Tekken 5" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCAJ-20126: name: "Tekken 5" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCAJ-20127: name: "EyeToy - Play 2 [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20128: name: "EyeToy - Play 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20129: name: "Ponkotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SCAJ-20130: name: "Namco x Capcom" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20131: name: "namCollection - Namco 50th Anniversary" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20132: name: "Drag-on Dragoon 2 - Fuuin no Aka, Haitoku no Kuro" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes wrong color on some characters and breakable objects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting characters. mergeSprite: 1 # Align sprite fixes FMVs but not garbage in-game, so needs merge sprite instead. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SCAJ-20133: name: "Kagero 2 - Dark Illusion" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20134: name: "Genji" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20135: name: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-Unk" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20135" - "SLPS-25467" - "SLPS-73241" - "SCAJ-20079" - "SLPS-25360" - "SLPS-73210" - "SLPS-73240" SCAJ-20136: name: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCAJ-20137: name: "Musashiden II - Blademaster" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbled character animation. SCAJ-20138: name: "Ape Escape 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCAJ-20139: name: "Zero - Shisei no Koe" # Fatal Frame - Rei - Irezumi no Sei region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces blurriness. SCAJ-20140: name: "Bleach - Erabareshi Tamashi" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20141: name: "Grandia III" region: "NTSC-J" SCAJ-20143: name: "Armored Core - Last Raven" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SCAJ-20144: name: "Zhuo Hou La 3" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCAJ-20145: name: "Tales of Legendia" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes garbage textures presumably from texture cache issue. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesOfLegendia" SCAJ-20146: name: "Wang Da Yu Ju Xiang" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20146" - "SCAJ-20196" - "SCAJ-20099" - "SCPS-11003" - "SCPS-19103" - "SCPS-19151" - "SCPS-55001" SCAJ-20147: name: "Heavy Metal Thunder" region: "NTSC-J" SCAJ-20148: name: "Tokyo Bus Guide 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20149: name: "Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20150: name: "Critical Velocity" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20151: name: "MotoGP 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20152: name: "Urban Reign" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Mitigates bounciness of vertical shaking but better fix with EE cyclerate +1. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes corruption. getSkipCount: "GSC_UrbanReign" SCAJ-20153: name: "Code Age Commanders" region: "NTSC-J" SCAJ-20154: name: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SCAJ-20155: name: "Yoshitsune Eiyuuden Shura - The Story of Hero Yoshitsune Shura" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20156: name: "Gallop Racer 8 - Live Horse Racing" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20157: name: "Ratchet & Clank 4th - GiriGiri Gingano Giga-battle" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCAJ-20158: name: "Ikusa Gami" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SCAJ-20159: name: "Soul Calibur III" region: "NTSC-C" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SCAJ-20160: name: "Yoshitsuneki" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20161: name: "Siren 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in-game. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes some missing effects. SCAJ-20162: name: "Rogue Galaxy" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. SCAJ-20163: name: "Tales of the Abyss" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post lighting. SCAJ-20164: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SCAJ-20165: name: "Bleach - Hanatareshi Yabou" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20166: name: "Front Mission 5 - Scars of the War" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness but no fix for font or other artifacts possible with round sprite. SCAJ-20167: name: "Siren 2" region: "NTSC-C-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in-game. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes some missing effects. SCAJ-20168: name: "Rule of Rose" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes Black FMV's. SCAJ-20169: name: "Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20170: name: "Tourist Trophy" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in TT Mode menu caused by the moving tooltips. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCAJ-20171: name: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kioku Tachi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2" SCAJ-20172: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20173: name: "Ace Combat Zero - The Belkan War" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20173" - "SLPS-25629" - "SLPS-73250" - "SLPS-25052" - "SLPS-73205" - "SLPS-73410" - "SCAJ-20104" - "SCAJ-20136" - "SLPS-25418" - "SLPS-73218" SCAJ-20175: name: "Dragon Quest - Shounen Yangus to Fushigi no Dungeon" region: "NTSC-J" SCAJ-20176: name: "Curious George" region: "NTSC-HK" SCAJ-20177: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SCAJ-20178: name: "Ape Escape - Million Monkeys" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 SCAJ-20179: name: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows (probably texture cache issue). roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. SCAJ-20180: name: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows (probably texture cache issue). roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. SCAJ-20181: name: "Minna no Tennis" region: "NTSC-Unk" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. SCAJ-20182: name: "Tales of Destiny" region: "NTSC-Unk" gameFixes: - FpuMulHack SCAJ-20183: name: "Wild ARMs - The Vth Vanguard" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes sepia-tone flashback sequences. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCAJ-20184: name: "Seiken Densetsu 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20185: name: "Super Robot Taisen - Original Generations" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20188: name: "Final Fantasy XII - International - Zodiac Job System" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20190: name: "God of War II" region: "NTSC-Unk" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCAJ-20191: name: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations Gaiden [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20192: name: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations Gaiden" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20193: name: "Tales of Destiny [Director's Cut] [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-C-J" gameFixes: - FpuMulHack SCAJ-20194: name: "Minna no Golf 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCAJ-20195: name: "Ape Escape 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-C" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCAJ-20196: name: "Wang Da Yu Ju Xiang [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20146" - "SCAJ-20196" - "SCAJ-20099" - "SCPS-11003" - "SCPS-19103" - "SCPS-19151" - "SCPS-55001" SCAJ-20197: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SCAJ-20198: name: "Everybody's Tennis [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-20199: name: "Tekken 5 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCAJ-25002: name: "Shinobi" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-25004: name: "Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-25008: name: "Initial D - Special Stage" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-25012: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SCAJ-25026: name: "Kunoichi Shinobi" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SCAJ-25034: name: "Sakura Taisen Monogatari" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-25037: name: "Astro Boy Atom" region: "NTSC-Unk" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes character behaviour. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes flame bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SCAJ-25045: name: "Sakura Taisen V - Episode 0" region: "NTSC-Unk" SCAJ-25047: name: "Dororo" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SCAJ-30001: name: "Xenosaga - Episode I - Der Wille zur Macht [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCAJ-30002: name: "Wild ARMs - Alter Code F" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCAJ-30003: name: "Siren" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCAJ-30004: name: "Kan Wo Long Xian Shen Wei" region: "NTSC-C" SCAJ-30005: name: "Gacha Mecha Stadium - Saru Battle" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects fullscreen bloom misalignment. SCAJ-30006: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 3 # Using chop for both normal+div fixes crash in B5 license test. eeDivRoundMode: 3 # See above. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" SCAJ-30007: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 3 # Using chop for both normal+div fixes crash in B5 license test. eeDivRoundMode: 3 # See above. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCAJ-30008: name: "Gran Turismo 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-C" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 3 # Using chop for both normal+div fixes crash in B5 license test. eeDivRoundMode: 3 # See above. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" SCAJ-30010: name: "God of War" region: "NTSC-E" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCAJ-30011: name: "God of War II" region: "NTSC-E" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCCS-40001: name: 捉猴啦 2 name-sort: "Zhuo Hou La 2" name-en: "Ape Escape 2" region: "NTSC-C" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCCS-40002: name: 恶魔猎人2 (Disc 1) name-sort: "'Emo Lieren 2 Disc 1" name-en: "Devil May Cry 2 - Disc 1" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40003: name: 恶魔猎人2 (Disc 2) name-sort: "'Emo Lieren 2 Disc 2" name-en: "Devil May Cry 2 - Disc 2" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40004: name: XIGO 最后的骰子 name-sort: "XIGO Zuihou de Touzi" name-en: "XIGO - Zuihou de Touzi" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40005: name: ICO 古堡迷踪 name-sort: "ICO Gubao Mizong" name-en: "Ico" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCCS-40006: name: 真·三国無双2 name-sort: "Zhen Sanguo Wushuang 2" name-en: "Zhen Sanguo Wushuang 2" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40007: name: 亚克传承 精灵之黄昏 name-sort: "Yake Chuancheng Jingling Zhi Huanghun" name-en: "Arc the Lad - Seirei no Tasogare" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCCS-40009: name: 龙珠二世 name-sort: "Longzhu Ershi" name-en: "Dragon Ball Z 2" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40010: name: 超级泡泡龙 2 name-sort: "Chaoji Paopaolong 2" name-en: "Super Puzzle Bobble 2" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40011: name: 机战佣兵2 name-sort: "Jizhan Yongbing 2" name-en: "Armored Core 2 - Another Age" region: "NTSC-C" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. SCCS-40012: name: 格斗擂台4 进化版 name-sort: "Gedou Leitai 4 Jinhuaban" name-en: "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40014: name: 实况足球 胜利十一人7 国际版 name-sort: "Shikuang Zuqiu Shengli Shiyi Ren 7 Guojiban" name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 - International" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40015: name: "薇欧蕾特的工房 〜古拉姆那特的炼金术士2〜" name-sort: "Weiouleite De Gongfang Gulamunate De Lianjinshushi 2" name-en: "Viorate no Atelier - Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi 2" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40016: name: 比波猴百斗派对 name-sort: "Bibohou Baidou Paidui" name-en: "Ape Escape - Pumped & Primed" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects fullscreen bloom misalignment. SCCS-40017: name: 爱淘儿 name-sort: "AiTaoer" name-en: "EyeToy - Play" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 SCCS-40018: name: 比波猴@爱淘儿 一起欢聚比波猴乐园吧! name-sort: "Bibohou Aitaoer Yiqi Huanju Bibohou Leyuan Ba!" name-en: "Saru EyeToy - Oosawagi! Ukkiuki Game Tenkomori!!" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 SCCS-40019: name: "Formula One 04" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-40022: name: 实况足球 胜利十一人8 亚洲冠军联赛 name-sort: "Shikuang Zuqiu Shengli Shiyi Ren 8 Yazhou Guanjunliansai" name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 - Asia Championship" region: "NTSC-C" compat: 5 SCCS-60001: name: 樱花大战 炽热之血 name-sort: "Yinghua Dazhan Chire Zhi Xue" name-en: "Sakura Taisen - Atsuki Chishio Ni" region: "NTSC-C" SCCS-60002: name: 跑车浪漫旅 4 name-sort: "Paoche Langmanlu 4" name-en: "Gran Turismo 4 [Review Copy]" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCED-50041: name: "Tekken Tag Tournament [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCED-50065: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 1" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50066: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 2" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50067: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 3" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50133: name: "PS2 Bonus Demo Jan 2001" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50140: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 5" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50141: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 6" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50142: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 7" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50143: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 8" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50144: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 9" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50145: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 10" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50146: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 11" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50147: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 12" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50148: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 13" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50149: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 14" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50150: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 15" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50151: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 16" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50152: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 17" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50153: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 18" # Australian region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50154: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 19" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50161: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 1 - Special Edition - Buyers Guide" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50162: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 2 - Special Edition - A-Z of PS2" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50163: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 3 - Special Edition - Players Guide" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50164: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 4 - Special Edition - Yearbook 2001" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50254: name: "Official Review of the 2000 FIA Formula 1 World Championship [Formula One 2001 Bonus Disc]" region: "PAL-Unk" SCED-50286: name: "Red Faction [Demo]" region: "PAL-Unk" SCED-50313: name: "Formula One 2001 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCED-50381: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 8" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50404: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 10" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50449: name: "This is Football 2002 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M6" SCED-50450: name: "Le Monde des Bleus 2002 [Demo]" region: "PAL-F" SCED-50460: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 11" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50463: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 11" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50506: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 12" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50520: name: "World Rally Championship [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes crash when using the Subaru. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fix in-game Freeze. SCED-50543: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 12" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50569: name: "Play PlayStation 2 Demo Disc playable demos and videos Sept - Oct - Nov 2001" region: "PAL-E" SCED-50593: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 13" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50594: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 13" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-50610: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 14" # Australian region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50614: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy [Demo]" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCED-50615: name: "Official Demo Disc 1 - Retail Edition November 01" region: "PAL-E" SCED-50622: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 14" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50633: name: "Gravity Sucks" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50642: name: "Final Fantasy X [Demo] [Final Fantasy VI PS1 - Bonus Disc]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCED-50660: name: "Dropship - United Peace Force" region: "PAL-A" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes corrupted textures. mtvu: 0 # Fixes corrupted textures. SCED-50675: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 16" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50685: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 15" region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50697: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 17" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50698: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 18" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50699: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 20" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50700: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 21" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50701: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 22" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50708: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 15" region: "PAL-S" SCED-50732: name: "Official Demo Disc Retail Edition February 02" region: "PAL-F" SCED-50733: name: "Play PlayStation 2 Demo Disc playable demos and videos Jan - Feb 2002" region: "PAL-E" SCED-50734: name: "PS2 Bonus Demo Jan 2002" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50736: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 16" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-50742: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 21" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50743: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 20" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50744: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 22" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50745: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 23" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50746: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 24" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50747: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 25" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50748: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 26" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50749: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 27" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50750: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 28" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50761: name: "Sega Cubed Demo" region: "PAL-E" SCED-50768: name: "Wipeout Fusion" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: PCRTCOffsets: 1 # Fixes viewport shaking. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCED-50780: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 1" region: "PAL-G" SCED-50781: name: "Destruction Derby Arenas [Beta]" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes tyre textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow position. SCED-50783: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 6 - Special Edition - Awards 2002" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50784: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 5 - Special Edition - Action Heroes" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50785: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 7 - Special Edition - Sports Games" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50786: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 8 - Special Edition - Racing Games" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50811: name: "Selector Demo 01" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50825: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 18" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50844: name: "Ico [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCED-50907: name: "Final Fantasy X [Bonus Disc - Beyond Final Fantasy]" region: "PAL-Unk" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCED-50916: name: "Ratchet & Clank [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCED-50932: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50945: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 20" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50989: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 21" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-50990: name: "Frequency [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51016: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 22-23" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51075: name: "Ratchet & Clank [Regular Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Hydrodisplacer behaviour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCED-51111: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 08-02" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51120: name: "Tekken 4 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCED-51140: name: "PS2 Bonus Demo 03" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51146: name: "Selector Demo 03" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51147: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 24" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51148: name: "PlayStation Experience [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51161: name: "Das Offizielle PlayStation 2 Magazin - Special Edition 2" region: "PAL-G" SCED-51163: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 23" region: "PAL-S" SCED-51165: name: "This Is Football 2003" region: "PAL-M7" SCED-51166: name: "Le Monde des Bleus 2003 - Un Nouveau Défi" region: "PAL-F" SCED-51173: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 09/02" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51185: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 24" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51187: name: "SCEE Catalogue Video" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51262: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 25" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51269: name: "Selector Demo 04" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51278: name: "SCEE Catalogue Video 3+" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51279: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 25" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51280: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Greatest Hits Volume 9 - Special Edition - Buyers Guide" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51304: name: "WRC II Extreme - Peugeot Special Demo" region: "PAL-F" SCED-51305: name: "WRC II Extreme [Press Kit]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture misalignment. SCED-51314: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51319: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 27" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51321: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 26" region: "PAL-S" SCED-51351: name: "The Getaway [Demo]" name-sort: "Getaway, The [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCED-51352: name: "Gran Turismo - Nissan Micra Edition [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCED-51359: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 27" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51366: name: "Ape Escape 2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCED-51375: name: "Germany Special Issue 3" region: "PAL-G" SCED-51376: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 28" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51384: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 29" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51389: name: "Best PS2 Games Ever 10" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51405: name: "Space Channel 5 - Part 2 Special Demo" region: "PAL-A" SCED-51406: name: "The Mark of Kri" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51411: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 02/03" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51432: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 29" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51440: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 29" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51444: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK - Crime Special" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51452: name: "Sly Raccoon" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51454: name: "Tango - Game On Demo Disc 1" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51457: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 30" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51483: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 30" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51484: name: "Primal" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS. eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures on the doors. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS. SCED-51485: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 30" # Australian region: "PAL-E" SCED-51486: name: "Bonus Demo 4" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51489: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 30" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51491: name: "Primal + The Mark of Kri" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51505: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 11 - The World's Best PS2 Games Ever" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51506: name: "Primal + The Mark of Kri + War of the Monsters" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51512: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 2003/01" region: "PAL-G" SCED-51529: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 31" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51530: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 32" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51531: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 33" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51532: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 34" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51533: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 35" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51534: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 36" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51535: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 40" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51536: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 41" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51537: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 37" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51538: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 38" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51539: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 42" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51540: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 39" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51541: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 12 - PlayStation 2 Blockbusters!" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51542: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 13 - Girls! Motors! Guns! War! Monsters!" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51543: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 14 - The Hit Squad" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51544: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 15 - Summer Blockbusters!" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51545: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 16 - Buyers Guide" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51546: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 17 - The Best Games of 2003!" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51549: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 2003/02" region: "PAL-G" SCED-51551: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 2003/03" region: "PAL-G" SCED-51552: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 30" region: "PAL-S" SCED-51556: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 31" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51558: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 32" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51559: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 33" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51560: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 34" # French region: "PAL-F" SCED-51561: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 35" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51563: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 37" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51565: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 40" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51566: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 31" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51567: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 32" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51568: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 33" # German region: "PAL-E-G" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS (Primal). clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS (Primal). SCED-51569: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 34" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51570: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 35" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51571: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 36" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51572: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 37" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51573: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 38" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51575: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 40" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51591: name: "PlayStation 2 Official Demo Disc Edition Pour Revendeurs #5" region: "PAL-F" SCED-51596: name: "Selector Demo 06" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51597: name: "Selector Demo 7" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51598: name: "Selector Demo 08" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51601: name: "Shinobi" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51632: name: "WRC II Extreme [Special Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture misalignment. SCED-51643: name: "Tango - Game On Demo Disc 2" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51644: name: "Tango - Game On Demo Disc 3" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51652: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 04/03" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51656: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 32" region: "PAL-S" SCED-51657: name: "Official PlayStation Magazine Demo 33" region: "PAL-P" compat: 5 patches: 90C0E5F1: content: |- comment=Must enable FPU Negative Div Hack gamefix for Dakar 2 Demo SCED-51669: name: "MotoGP 3" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes lines at the edges of the HUD. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCED-51677: name: "My Street" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. SCED-51683: name: "Selector Demo 05" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51692: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCED-51700: name: "Jak II - Renegade [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCED-51728: name: "EverQuest - Online Adventures [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51752: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 06/03" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51760: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 34" region: "PAL-S" SCED-51779: name: "EyeToy - Play" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51836: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 07/03" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51880: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 08/03" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51894: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 09/03" region: "PAL-I" SCED-51899: name: "PlayStation Experience [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51905: name: "Amplitude" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51922: name: "Ghosthunter [Demo]" region: "PAL-M6" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes sporadic white triangle SPS. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCED-51935: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 38" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51936: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 12/2003" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-51937: name: "Das Offizielle PlayStation 2 Magazin 13/2003 - Uncut Edition" region: "PAL-G" SCED-51938: name: "PlayStation Experience [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-51940: name: "Bonus Demo 5" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51941: name: "Bonus Demo 5" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-51962: name: "Nordic Fall 2003 Demo" region: "PAL-SC" SCED-52037: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 39" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52049: name: "Dog's Life [Demo]" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes double image. SCED-52051: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 43" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52052: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 44" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52053: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 40" region: "PAL-PT" SCED-52054: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 40" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52057: name: "Official PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 40" region: "PAL-IT" SCED-52068: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 41" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52069: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 42" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52076: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 49" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-52080: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 53" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52081: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 41" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52082: name: "Das Offizielle PlayStation 2 Magazin 02/2004 - Uncut Edition" region: "PAL-G" SCED-52083: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 43" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52085: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 45" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52087: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 47" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52088: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 48" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52089: name: "Das Offizielle PlayStation 2 Magazin 09/2004" region: "PAL-G" SCED-52090: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 50" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52091: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 51" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52092: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 52" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52094: name: "G-Con 2 Competition Demo" region: "PAL-G" SCED-52098: name: "Destruction Derby Arenas" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes tire textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow position. SCED-52119: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 01/2004" region: "PAL-G" SCED-52120: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 55" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-52137: name: "WRC 3 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SCED-52141: name: "WRC 3 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SCED-52147: name: "EyeToy - Christmas Wishi Washi" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52158: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 41" region: "PAL-S" SCED-52160: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 45" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52161: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 46" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52162: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 47" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52163: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 48" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52164: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 49" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52165: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 50" # United Kingdom region: "PAL-E" SCED-52166: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 51" # United Kingdom region: "PAL-E" SCED-52167: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 52" # United Kingdom region: "PAL-E" SCED-52168: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 53" # United Kingdom region: "PAL-E" SCED-52169: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 54" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52170: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 55" # United Kingdom region: "PAL-E" SCED-52177: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 41" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52183: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Platinum Speciale 2003" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52185: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 41" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52186: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 01/04 Demo" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52193: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 18 - Hot 100" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52194: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-UK Special Edition 19 - 2004 Classics Hitlist" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52196: name: "Official PS2 Magazine Demo 22 Special Ed - It's Here" # United Kingdom region: "PAL-E" SCED-52225: name: "PlayStation 2 Christmas Special 2003" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52260: name: "Forbidden Siren [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCED-52261: name: "Jet Li - Rise to Honor [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52270: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 42" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52271: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 42" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52272: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia Demo 02/04" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52273: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 42" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52311: name: "I-Ninja" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52354: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 43" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52355: name: "Military Multi Demo" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52377: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 44" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52390: name: "Bonus Demo 6" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS for Formula One 2003. SCED-52391: name: "Bonus Demo 6" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS for Formula One 2003. SCED-52423: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament 2" region: "PAL-A" SCED-52436: name: "Bonus Demo 7" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCED-52437: name: "Bonus Demo 7" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52442: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 45" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52443: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 05/04" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52452: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 45" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52455: name: "Gran Turismo Special Edition 2004 Geneva Version" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. SCED-52461: name: "SingStar [Press Kit]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52491: name: "Athens 2004" region: "PAL-M6" SCED-52497: name: "This Is Football 2004" region: "PAL-M4" SCED-52549: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 47" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52578: name: "Gran Turismo 4 BMW 1 Series Virtual Drive Dealership [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCED-52580: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 06/04" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52618: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament 2" region: "PAL-A" SCED-52619: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 48" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52681: name: "Gran Turismo 4 BMW 1 Series Virtual Drive [Demo]" region: "PAL-M11" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCED-52687: name: "Formula One 04 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M11" SCED-52723: name: "DJ - Decks & FX [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52728: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 49" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52759: name: "Killzone [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCED-52785: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 50" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52786: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 51" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52795: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Speciale di Corso" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52796: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 50" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52818: name: "EyeToy - Chat [Light]" region: "PAL-M11" SCED-52841: name: "Jackie Chan Adventures" region: "PAL-M7" SCED-52846: name: "Killzone [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCED-52847: name: "Ratchet & Clank 3 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCED-52848: name: "Ratchet & Clank 3 + Sly 2 - Band of Thieves" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52855: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 09/04" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52869: name: "WRC 4 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. patches: default: content: |- author=kozarovv // Proper patch for WRC 4. CRC independent. // I wrote a small runtime that moves unpacker higher right after emulator boot. // Seems little bit extensive, but there is no way to make it smaller. // Solves TLB miss errors which prevented the game from booting. patch=0,EE,0040000c,bytes,5400c73c6000053c100084241000a524000086780000a67cfbff871400000000f5ff170800000000 patch=0,EE,005fffd4,bytes,6000043c00701c3c0070063c0000073c0008842400009c278000c6240010e7240c00180820e8c700 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow highlighting on cars. SCED-52880: name: "WRC 4 - The Official Game of the FIA World Rally Championship [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. patches: default: content: |- author=kozarovv // Proper patch for WRC 4. CRC independent. // I wrote a small runtime that moves unpacker higher right after emulator boot. // Seems little bit extensive, but there is no way to make it smaller. // Solves TLB miss errors which prevented the game from booting. patch=0,EE,0040000c,bytes,5400c73c6000053c100084241000a524000086780000a67cfbff871400000000f5ff170800000000 patch=0,EE,005fffd4,bytes,6000043c00701c3c0070063c0000073c0008842400009c278000c6240010e7240c00180820e8c700 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow highlighting on cars. SCED-52899: name: "Killzone [Bonus Disc]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCED-52932: name: "Bonus Demo 8" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52933: name: "Bonus Demo 8" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52935: name: "SingStar Party [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-52938: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 52" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52945: name: "WRC 4 - The Official Game of the FIA World Rally Championship [Ford Fiesta Sports Edition Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. patches: default: content: |- author=kozarovv // Proper patch for WRC 4. CRC independent. // I wrote a small runtime that moves unpacker higher right after emulator boot. // Seems little bit extensive, but there is no way to make it smaller. // Solves TLB miss errors which prevented the game from booting. patch=0,EE,0040000c,bytes,5400c73c6000053c100084241000a524000086780000a67cfbff871400000000f5ff170800000000 patch=0,EE,005fffd4,bytes,6000043c00701c3c0070063c0000073c0008842400009c278000c6240010e7240c00180820e8c700 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow highlighting on cars. SCED-52946: name: "The Getaway - Black Monday [Demo]" name-sort: "Getaway, The - Black Monday [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines on screen edges. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCED-52952: name: "Jak 3 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes holes in face geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCED-52969: name: "EyeToy - Play 2" region: "PAL-M12" SCED-52970: name: "SCEE Hits Demo" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52981: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 11/04" region: "PAL-I" SCED-52990: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 53" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52991: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 53" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-52996: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Spécial Noël 2004" region: "PAL-F" SCED-52997: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Sonderausgabe 2004/3" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53018: name: "Bonus Demo 8 (Geu)" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53043: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Speciale Platinum Italia" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53056: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 54" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-53067: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 54" region: "PAL-S" SCED-53068: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 54" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53070: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo 2005/01 Ita" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53081: name: "Ace Combat - Squadron Leader [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCED-53115: name: "Ace Combat - Squadron Leader [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCED-53116: name: "Bonus Demo 9 (You)" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53117: name: "Bonus Demo 9 (Old)" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53122: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 56" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53123: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 55" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53132: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 56" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53159: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 57" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-53160: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 57" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53161: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 58" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53162: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 59" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53163: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 60" region: "PAL-M12" SCED-53164: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 61" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53165: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 62" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53166: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 63" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53167: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 64" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53168: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 65" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53169: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 66" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53170: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 67" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53171: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 68" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53175: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 40" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53176: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 56" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53177: name: "EyeToy Special Demo" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53206: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 58" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53207: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 59" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53208: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 60" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53209: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 61" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53210: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 62" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53211: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 63" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53212: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 64" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53213: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 65" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53214: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 66" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53215: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 67" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53216: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 68" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53217: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 69" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-53225: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 58" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53228: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 57" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53288: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 58" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53289: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 59" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53290: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 60" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53291: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 61" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53292: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 62" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53293: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 63" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53294: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 10/2005 - Italian Demo" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53298: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 2005/01" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53316: name: "SingStar Pop [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53325: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 58" # Spanish/Portuguese region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53348: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 58" # French region: "PAL-F" SCED-53349: name: "Roland Garros Virtual Tour" region: "PAL-F" SCED-53431: name: "God of War [Demo]" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCED-53447: name: "Formula One 05 [Press Kit Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53448: name: "Formula One 05 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53513: name: "Bonus Demo 10" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53514: name: "Bonus Demo 10" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53515: name: "Bonus Demo 10" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53516: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italian Demo 61 07/05" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53522: name: "EyeToy - Kinetic" region: "PAL-M7" SCED-53538: name: "Tekken 5 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCED-53611: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine - German Kids Special" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53613: name: "EyeToy - Play 3 + SpyToy" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53622: name: "24 - The Game [Demo]" region: "PAL-M9" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes mini-map HUD. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes pause menu backgrounds. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects proportions of fonts and pause-screen lines, adjusts display closer to software. SCED-53660: name: "Jak X & Ratchet Gladiator [Demo]" region: "PAL" SCED-53662: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special 2/2005" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53674: name: "Soul Calibur III [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SCED-53679: name: "Fire It Up Lads [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" patches: default: content: |- comment=- WRC Rally needs XGKick fix enabled SCED-53684: name: "SingStar '80s [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53733: name: "Genji Special Demo" region: "PAL-E" SCED-53792: name: "EyeToy - Antigrav + SpyToy Demo" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53798: name: "Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia Kids Special 2005 Demo" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53802: name: "Sly 3 - Honour Among Thieves [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCED-53854: name: "Official PS2 Magazine French Christmas Special" # French region: "PAL-F" SCED-53905: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Italia Special Sport Demo" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53916: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 67" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53932: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 67" # Spanish region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53933: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 01/2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53938: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special 3/2005" region: "PAL-G" SCED-53939: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 67" # Australian region: "PAL-E" SCED-53946: name: "Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Special Platinum 2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53947: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia Demo Speciale Horror" region: "PAL-I" SCED-53962: name: "Shadow of the Colossus [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes Water with Trilinear. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes Water with Mipmap (Full). halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. SCED-53978: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 69" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-53990: name: "Shadow of the Colossus + Ico" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54001: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 69" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54024: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 70" region: "PAL-M5" patches: default: content: |- comment=- Castlevania needs VU clamping none and EEclamping extra. SCED-54036: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 69-70" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54037: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 70" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54043: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 71" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54044: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 72" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54045: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 73" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54046: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 74" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54047: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 75" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54048: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 76" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54049: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 77" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54050: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 71" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54051: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 72" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54052: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 73" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54053: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 74" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54054: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 75" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54055: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 76" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54056: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 77" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54057: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 78" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54058: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 79" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54059: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 80" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54069: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia Special Racing" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54070: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 71" # Spanish/Portuguese region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54079: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 71" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54088: name: "Roland Garros Virtual Tour '06" region: "PAL-F" SCED-54090: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 03/2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54099: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 71" # Australian region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54101: name: "Bonus Demo 11" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54102: name: "Bonus Demo 11" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54105: name: "Bonus Demo 11" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54134: name: "EyeToy - Play Sports" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54144: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 72" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54149: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 04/2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54176: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 73" # BeNeLux region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54180: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 05/2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54192: name: "AFL Premiership 2006" region: "PAL-A" SCED-54202: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 74" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54207: name: "Formula One 06 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SCED-54208: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 06/2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54238: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCED-54314: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 07-2006" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54338: name: "Bonus Demo 11" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54345: name: "Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party" region: "PAL-M14" SCED-54363: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-M4" SCED-54397: name: "Bonus Demo 12 (You)" region: "PAL-E" SCED-54398: name: "Bonus Demo 12m (Old)" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54399: name: "Bonus Demo 12" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54403: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 78" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54404: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 79" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54405: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 80" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54406: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 81" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54407: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 82" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54408: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 83" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54409: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 84" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54410: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 85" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54411: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 86" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54412: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 87" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54413: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 88" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54414: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 89" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54415: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 90" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54416: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 91" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54417: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 92" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54418: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 93" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54480: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 78" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54481: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 79" # French region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54495: name: "EyeToy - Kinetic Combat" region: "PAL-E" SCED-54523: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia Speciale Kids" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54543: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Special Cinema" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54558: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Winter 2006" region: "PAL-G" SCED-54567: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 80" # Spanish/Portuguese region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54602: name: "Magazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia Speciale Wrestling" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54603: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 81" region: "PAL-S-P" SCED-54605: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 81" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-54640: name: "PlayStation 2 Magazine Ufficiale Italia Presenta - Speciale Sport" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54642: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 82" # German region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54680: name: "God of War II [Demo]" region: "PAL-M6" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCED-54682: name: "UPS2 Speciale Platinum 2007" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-54692: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 83" # German region: "PAL-E-G" SCED-54693: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Germany Special Edition 2007-1" region: "PAL-G" SCED-54730: name: "Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Speciale Racing 2007" region: "PAL-I" SCED-54758: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 84" # German region: "PAL-G" SCED-54808: name: "Buzz! Junior - RoboJam + Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party" region: "PAL-M14" SCED-55113: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 94" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55114: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 95" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55115: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 96" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55116: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 97" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55117: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 98" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55118: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 99" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55119: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 100" region: "PAL-M5" SCED-55120: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 101" region: "PAL-NL" SCED-55432: name: "Buzz! Junior - Ace Racers [Demo]" region: "PAL-M15" SCES-50000: name: "Ridge Racer V" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes texture rendering in the intro. gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes title screen and some intro post processing alignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes ui and hud alignment. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Lots of CLUTs in large textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes car textures. SCES-50001: name: "Tekken Tag Tournament" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCES-50002: name: "FantaVision" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50003: name: "Dead or Alive 2 - Hardcore" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 patches: 7A51F86E: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull and kozarovv // Fixes game hanging on boot. patch=0,EE,002b4c44,word,24060000 SCES-50004: name: "Formula One 2001" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCES-50005: name: "Wipeout Fusion" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: PCRTCOffsets: 1 # Fixes viewport shaking. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-50006: name: "Drakan - The Ancients' Gates" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50009: name: "Wild Wild Racing" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-50034: name: "MotoGP" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50105: name: "Sky Odyssey" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes runway line thickness on minimap. SCES-50139: name: "World Rally Championship" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes crash when using the Subaru. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fix in-game Freeze. SCES-50240: name: "Extermination" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Black FMV. SCES-50241: name: "The Bouncer" name-sort: "Bouncer, The" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SCES-50244: name: "This is Football 2002" region: "PAL-M6" SCES-50245: name: "Le Monde des Bleus 2002" region: "PAL-F" SCES-50246: name: "AirBlade" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50293: name: "ATV Offroad - All Terrain Vehicle" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50294: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCES-50295: name: "Dark Cloud" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. SCES-50300: name: "Time Crisis 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50354: name: "Klonoa 2 - Lunatea's Veil" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Objects appear in wrong places without it. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes water reflection and object glow. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes shadows, object and enemy colours, platform transitions. SCES-50360: name: "Twisted Metal - Black" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50361: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-50408: name: "PaRappa the Rapper 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes missing floor texture. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes fog effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes misaligment depth of field effect. SCES-50409: name: "MotoGP 2" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50410: name: "Ace Combat - Distant Thunder" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering and edge of screen issues in 16:9 mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes missing sun sprite. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 0 # Needed for above. SCES-50411: name: "Vampire Night" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50459: name: "Dropship - United Peace Force" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 2 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes corrupted textures. mtvu: 0 # Fixes corrupted textures. SCES-50490: name: "Final Fantasy X" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCES-50491: name: "Final Fantasy X" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCES-50492: name: "Final Fantasy X" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCES-50493: name: "Final Fantasy X" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCES-50494: name: "Final Fantasy X" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SCES-50499: name: "Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 patches: 7FEDF999: content: |- author=PSI // Ecco has an evil race condition: one of its custom IOP modules resets CDVDMAN while it's loading a module from disc. // The race condition is resolved by making the EE slower. This gives enough time for CDVDMAN to reset itself before // the EE sends a request to load a module. // Alternatively, this patch swaps the load order of the modules. patch=1,EE,201018d8,extended,24040007 patch=1,EE,201018e4,extended,24040006 SCES-50500: name: "Headhunter" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50501: name: "Rez" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50522: name: "Disney's Peter Pan - Adventures in Neverland" region: "PAL-E-S" compat: 5 SCES-50526: name: "Peter Pan" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50531: name: "Peter Pan - Legenden om Onskeoen" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-50595: name: "Monsters Inc. - Scare Island" region: "PAL-E" SCES-50596: name: "Monsters Inc." region: "PAL-D" SCES-50597: name: "Monsters en Co - Schrik Eiland" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-50598: name: "Monsterit Oy" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-50599: name: "Monstres & Cie - L'ile de l'épouvante" region: "PAL-F" SCES-50600: name: "Die Monster AG - Schreckens-Insel" region: "PAL-G" SCES-50601: name: "Monster & Co - L'Isola dello Spavento" region: "PAL-I" SCES-50602: name: "Monsterbedriften - Skrekkøya" region: "PAL-NO" SCES-50603: name: "Monstruos, S.A. - Isla de los sustos" region: "PAL-S" SCES-50604: name: "Monsters, Inc - Skrämmarön" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-50605: name: "Monstros e Companhia - Ilha Assustadora" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-50611: name: "Space Channel 5" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50612: name: "Space Channel 5 - Part 2" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50614: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-50759: name: "Virtua Fighter 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50760: name: "Ico" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCES-50781: name: "Destruction Derby Arenas [Beta, Promo, & Full Retail]" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes tyre textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow position. SCES-50791: name: "Frequency" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50810: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50850: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCES-50858: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCES-50858" - "SCES-50294" SCES-50878: name: "Tekken 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCES-50885: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. patches: "09B3AD4D": content: |- // Fixes COP2 CFC2 timing. patch=1,EE,0027dbc4,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027dbd4,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027dc10,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027dc20,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027dd90,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027dda0,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027dddc,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027ddec,word,4BC109FF SCES-50887: name: "Alpine Racer 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-50888: name: "Pac-Man World 2" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hanging in Butane Pain, Ghost Bayou, Pinky's Revenge and Clyde in the Caldera levels. SCES-50889: name: "Ninja Assault" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes intro captions not displaying. SCES-50916: name: "Ratchet & Clank" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-50917: name: "Sly Raccoon" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-50928: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs [Beta & Full Release]" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCES-50934: name: "WRC II Extreme" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture misalignment. SCES-50935: name: "WRC II Extreme" region: "PAL-Unk" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture misalignment. SCES-50956: name: "Ferrari F355 Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes text alignment. SCES-50957: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "PAL-NL-I" SCES-50959: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "PAL-P-S" SCES-50960: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 SCES-50966: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "PAL-E-SW" SCES-50967: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SCES-50968: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 SCES-50969: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SCES-50970: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "PAL-I" SCES-50971: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 SCES-50982: name: "MotoGP 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes lines at the edges of the HUD. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-50987: name: "Resident Evil - Outbreak" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-51003: name: "Network Access Disc" region: "PAL-E" SCES-51004: name: "Formula One 2002" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCES-51039: name: "This is Football 2003" region: "PAL-M7" SCES-51040: name: "Le Monde des Bleus 2003" region: "PAL-F" SCES-51041: name: "This is Football 2003" region: "PAL-BE" SCES-51102: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCES-51103: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCES-51104: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCES-51105: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCES-51135: name: "Primal" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS. eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures on the doors. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS. SCES-51159: name: "The Getaway" name-sort: "Getaway, The" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCES-51164: name: "The Mark of Kri" name-sort: "Mark of Kri, The" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-51176: name: "Disney's Treasure Planet" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS when the solar surfer's engines are inactive. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang before going ingame. SCES-51177: name: "Disney's Treasure Planet" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS when the solar surfer's engines are inactive. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang before going ingame. SCES-51179: name: "This is Football 2003" region: "PAL-E" SCES-51190: name: "Dark Chronicle" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-51224: name: "War of the Monsters" region: "PAL-E" SCES-51248: name: "Dog's Life" region: "PAL-M11" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes double image. SCES-51407: name: "Exclusive PlayStation 2 Summer Sample Disc" region: "PAL-A" SCES-51426: name: "The Getaway" name-sort: "Getaway, The" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCES-51428: name: "Shinobi" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-51463: name: "Ghosthunter" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes sporadic white triangle SPS. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-51480: name: "Twisted Metal - Black - Online" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-51513: name: "EyeToy - Play" region: "PAL-M11" SCES-51533: name: "God of War" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCES-51578: name: "Network Access Disc [v1.03 - v6.00]" region: "PAL-M7" SCES-51592: name: "Formula One 2003" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad polys. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. SCES-51593: name: "Hardware Online Arena [Beta, Promo & Full Release]" region: "PAL-M4" patches: "81797E77": content: |- comment=Reduces chance of game hanging going in-game comment=caused by VU0 integer register being set twice causing bad COP2 timing comment=Game will require EE Cycle Rate -1 to fix hangs completely patch=1,EE,002c5e50,word,8000033c patch=1,EE,002c5f40,word,8000033c SCES-51607: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Locked & Loaded" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes DMA errors. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 dynaPatches: - pattern: - { offset: 0x0, value: 0x0280202d } - { offset: 0x4, value: 0x3c0140d0 } - { offset: 0x8, value: 0x44810800 } - { offset: 0x10, value: 0x46000836 } replacement: - { offset: 0x4, value: 0x3c013f80 } memcardFilters: # Reads Ratchet 1 data. - "SCES-51607" - "SCES-50916" SCES-51608: name: "Jak II - Renegade" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCES-51610: name: "This is Football 2004 [Red Devils 2004]" region: "PAL-BE" SCES-51611: name: "This is Football 2004" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-51612: name: "This is Football 5" region: "PAL-E-N" SCES-51613: name: "This is Football 2004" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-51614: name: "Monde des Bleus 2004, Le - Nouvelle Generation" region: "PAL-F" SCES-51618: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCES-51635: name: "Brave - The Search for Spirit Dancer" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting/shadows. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes sun flickering. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun through objects. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. SCES-51648: name: "Everquest - Online Adventures" region: "PAL-E-I" SCES-51677: name: "My Street" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. SCES-51684: name: "WRC 3" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SCES-51685: name: "Primal" region: "PAL-E-R" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS. eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures on the doors. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS. SCES-51706: name: "Amplitude" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-51719: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCES-51719" - "SCES-52438" - "SCES-50294" SCES-51725: name: "Everquest Online Adventures" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 4 SCES-51844: name: "Time Crisis 3" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SCES-51895: name: "EyeToy - Groove" region: "PAL-M11" SCES-51904: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCES-51910: name: "Arc - Twilight of the Spirits" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-51920: name: "Forbidden Siren" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-51971: name: "Jet Li - Rise to Honor" region: "PAL-E" SCES-51977: name: "Hardware Online Arena" region: "PAL-E" SCES-51979: name: "Destruction Derby Arenas" region: "PAL-M6" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes tire textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow position. SCES-52004: name: "Killzone" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCES-52033: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights going through walls. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes light flicker. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects light position. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random hangs. patches: 27E54B37: content: |- author=refraction // Cop2 problems. patch=0,EE,003953F8,word,48438000 patch=0,EE,003735FC,word,4B06521B author=YukiXXL // Speed Correction (25 FPS) patch=1,EE,00175E1C,extended,00000019 SCES-52042: name: "Formula One 2004" region: "PAL-M6" SCES-52065: name: "Flipnic" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-52099: name: "I-Ninja" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-52124: name: "kill.switch" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes menu text flickering. SCES-52137: name: "WRC 3 - The Official Game of the FIA World Rally Championship" region: "PAL-M8" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SCES-52154: name: "EyeToy - Chat" region: "PAL-M11" SCES-52155: name: "Eredita, L'" region: "PAL-I" SCES-52156: name: "Ghosthunter - Hunter on the spectres" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes sporadic white triangle SPS. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-52268: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-E" SCES-52299: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-S" SCES-52306: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCES-52327: name: "Forbidden Siren" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-52328: name: "Forbidden Siren" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-52329: name: "Forbidden Siren" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-52330: name: "Forbidden Siren - Viviendo la Pesadilla" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCES-52389: name: "WRC 4" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. patches: default: content: |- author=kozarovv // Proper patch for WRC 4. CRC independent. // I wrote a small runtime that moves unpacker higher right after emulator boot. // Seems little bit extensive, but there is no way to make it smaller. // Solves TLB miss errors which prevented the game from booting. patch=0,EE,0040000c,bytes,5400c73c6000053c100084241000a524000086780000a67cfbff871400000000f5ff170800000000 patch=0,EE,005fffd4,bytes,6000043c00701c3c0070063c0000073c0008842400009c278000c6240010e7240c00180820e8c700 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow highlighting on cars. SCES-52405: name: "DJ - Decks & FX - House Edition" region: "PAL-M9" compat: 5 SCES-52410: name: "Athens 2004" region: "PAL-M6" SCES-52411: name: "Athens 2004 [Platinum]" region: "PAL-M6" SCES-52412: name: "Jackie Chan Adventures" region: "PAL-M7" SCES-52423: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament 2" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-52424: name: "Ace Combat - Squadron Leader" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. patches: 1D54FEA9: content: |- patch=0,EE,001A3154,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,001A3158,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,001A3164,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,001A3168,word,4B0C682C SCES-52425: name: "This is Football 2004" region: "PAL-A" SCES-52426: name: "This is Football 2005" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-52427: name: "This is Football 2005" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-52429: name: "This is Football 2005" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-52430: name: "Le Monde des Bleus 2005" region: "PAL-F" SCES-52431: name: "This is Football 2005" region: "PAL-A-E" SCES-52432: name: "This is Football 2005" region: "PAL-BE" SCES-52438: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - Prologue" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCES-51719" - "SCES-52438" - "SCES-50294" # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. SCES-52456: name: "Ratchet & Clank 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: # Reads Ratchet 1 & 2 data. - "SCES-52456" - "SCES-51607" - "SCES-50916" SCES-52460: name: "Jak 3" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes holes in face geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCES-52529: name: "Sly 2 - Band of Thieves" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCES-52530: name: "Crisis Zone" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Grassmarket district boss model. SCES-52564: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-F" SCES-52565: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-G" SCES-52566: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-I" SCES-52582: name: "Everybody's Golf" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-52586: name: "Death by Degrees" region: "PAL-E-S" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SCES-52596: name: "This is Football 2005" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-52677: name: "Network Access Disc & Hardware - Online Arena" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # Fixes not rendered most of the screen. SCES-52684: name: "WRC 3 - The Official Game of the FIA World Rally Championship" region: "PAL-A" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SCES-52748: name: "EyeToy - Play 2" region: "PAL-M12" compat: 5 SCES-52756: name: "DJ - Decks & FX - Claudio Coccoluto Edition" region: "PAL-I" SCES-52758: name: "The Getaway - Black Monday" name-sort: "Getaway, The - Black Monday" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines on screen edges. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCES-52762: name: "DJ Decks & FX" region: "PAL-F" SCES-52763: name: "DJ Decks & FX Vol.1" region: "PAL-G" SCES-52764: name: "DJ - Decks & FX - Live Session" region: "PAL-S" SCES-52826: name: "SingStar Party" region: "PAL-E" SCES-52827: name: "SingStar Party" region: "PAL-I" SCES-52828: name: "SingStar NRJ Music Tour" region: "PAL-F" SCES-52829: name: "SingStar Party" region: "PAL-G" SCES-52830: name: "SingStar Party" region: "PAL-S" SCES-52883: name: "EyeToy - Kinetic" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 SCES-52892: name: "MotoGP 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-52893: name: "Killzone" region: "PAL-E-GR-R" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCES-52930: name: "EyeToy - Monkey Mania" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-52948: name: "The Getaway - Black Monday" name-sort: "Getaway, The - Black Monday" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines on screen edges. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCES-53033: name: "Formula One 2005" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 SCES-53053: name: "Death by Degrees" region: "PAL-F-I" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SCES-53054: name: "Death by Degrees" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SCES-53055: name: "Eyetoy - Antigrav" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-53133: name: "God of War" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCES-53178: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53179: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "PAL-F" SCES-53180: name: "SingStar - The Dome" region: "PAL-G" SCES-53181: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-I" SCES-53182: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "PAL-S" SCES-53183: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53184: name: "SingStar Norske Hits" region: "PAL-NO" SCES-53185: name: "SingStar Svenska Hits" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-53202: name: "Tekken 5" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCES-53247: name: "WRC Rally Evolved" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes rare bug causing player to respawn when starting the race or during certain car crashes. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. patches: CBBC2E7F: content: |- // https://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-WRC-Rally-Evolved-run-problem?pid=617145#pid617145 // Fix "Branch 19e00047 in delay slot" which causes extreme slowdowns // when you crash your car or interact with physics objects patch=1,EE,003CC894,word,00000000 SCES-53285: name: "Ratchet - Gladiator" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCES-53286: name: "Jak X - Combat Racing" region: "PAL-M7" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. memcardFilters: # Reads Ratchet Gladiator data. - "SCES-53286" - "SCES-53285" SCES-53300: name: "SOCOM 3 - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left. SCES-53304: name: "Buzz! The Music Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53305: name: "Buzz! The Music Quiz" region: "PAL-M4" SCES-53307: name: "Buzz! The Music Quiz" region: "PAL-SC" SCES-53308: name: "Buzz! The Music Quiz" region: "PAL-P-S" SCES-53310: name: "Roland Garros 2005" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SCES-53312: name: "Soul Calibur III" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SCES-53315: name: "EyeToy - Play 3" region: "PAL-M12" SCES-53323: name: "SingStar Pop World" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53326: name: "Shadow of the Colossus" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes Water with Trilinear. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes Water with Mipmap (Full). halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCES-53326" - "SCES-50760" SCES-53328: name: "Genji" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SCES-53347: name: "SpyToy" region: "PAL-M11" SCES-53358: name: "24 - The Game" region: "PAL-M9" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes mini-map HUD. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes pause menu backgrounds. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects proportions of fonts and pause-screen lines, adjusts display closer to software. SCES-53372: name: "Tourist Trophy - The Real Riding Simulator" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in TT Mode menu caused by the moving tooltips. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCES-53397: name: "SingStar Pop - World Events Code" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-53409: name: "Sly 3 - Honour Among Thieves" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCES-53422: name: "Stuart Little 3 - Big Photo Adventure" region: "PAL-M9" SCES-53449: name: "AFL Premiership 2005" region: "PAL-A" SCES-53450: name: "Gaelic Games - Football" region: "PAL-E-GA" SCES-53565: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-53602: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53603: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-F" SCES-53604: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-G" SCES-53605: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-I" SCES-53606: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-S" SCES-53607: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-53609: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-53610: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-53642: name: "Ape Escape 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCES-53663: name: "Buzz! The Music Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-53669: name: "Buzz! The Music Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53680: name: "WRC avec Sébastien Loeb" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. patches: 79BAD675: content: |- author=By Prafull // Nopping a branch in delay slot instruction causing very bad performances // in the playground mode when using physics (such as moving barrels etc..). patch=1,EE,003d2394,word,00000000 SCES-53688: name: "Urban Reign" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Mitigates bounciness of vertical shaking but better fix with EE cyclerate +1. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes corruption. getSkipCount: "GSC_UrbanReign" SCES-53795: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-53851: name: "Forbidden Siren 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in-game. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes some missing effects. patches: default: content: |- // CRC C040B6AB, Unknown comment=Swapping a COP2 op into place to make the flags work without delays. patch=0,EE,002E2B44,word,48449000 patch=0,EE,002E2B4C,word,4BC949FF SCES-53879: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53880: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53881: name: "Buzz! Le Grand Quiz" region: "PAL-F" SCES-53882: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes freezes. SCES-53883: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes freezes. SCES-53884: name: "Buzz! El GRAN Reto" region: "PAL-S" compat: 2 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes freezes. SCES-53889: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53890: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-E" SCES-53891: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-G" SCES-53893: name: "SingStar Rocks! [Promo]" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-53894: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-HR" SCES-53895: name: "SingStar Rocks! [Promo]" region: "PAL-S" SCES-53897: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-F" SCES-53898: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-I" SCES-53925: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SCES-53926: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-SC" SCES-53927: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-53929: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-P" SCES-53931: name: "Shinobido - Way of the Ninja" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes hang going in to the gardens. SCES-53950: name: "F1 '06" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 SCES-53960: name: "B-Boy" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-54025: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "PAL-IR" SCES-54041: name: "Ace Combat - The Belkan War" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. memcardFilters: # Reads AC4 and 5 saves for bonus unlockables. - "SCES-54041" - "SCES-50410" - "SCES-52424" patches: 194C9F38: content: |- // Fixes collision/missile hit issues. patch=0,EE,00131EB4,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,00131EB8,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,00131EC4,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,00131EC8,word,4B0C682C SCES-54068: name: "AFL Premiership 2006" region: "PAL-A" SCES-54071: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-54073: name: "Buzz! The Big Quiz" region: "PAL-R" SCES-54077: name: "SingStar top.it" region: "PAL-I" SCES-54078: name: "SingStar Norsk på Norsk" region: "PAL-NO" SCES-54094: name: "EyeToy - Play Sports" region: "PAL-M15" SCES-54128: name: "Deutsch Rock-Pop" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54129: name: "SingStar La Edad de Oro del Pop Español" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54131: name: "SingStar Anthems" region: "PAL-E" compat: 3 SCES-54145: name: "Lemmings" region: "PAL-M10" compat: 5 SCES-54148: name: "Eyetoy Kinetic Combat" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-54191: name: "SingStar Legends [Promo]" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54197: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "PAL-F" SCES-54198: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54206: name: "God of War II" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCES-54219: name: "Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party" region: "PAL-M7" SCES-54220: name: "Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party" region: "PAL-M8" SCES-54257: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54258: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54259: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54260: name: "Buzz! Le Quiz du Sport" region: "PAL-F" SCES-54261: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-I" SCES-54262: name: "Buzz! - El Gran Concurso de Deportes" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54263: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-P" SCES-54264: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54265: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-54266: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-SC" SCES-54267: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-54268: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-54269: name: "Buzz! The Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-54325: name: "SingStar Legendat" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-54329: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "PAL-I" SCES-54330: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54353: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "PAL-D" SCES-54370: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54371: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54372: name: "SingStar Pop Hits - 40 Principales" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54373: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-SC" # Scandinavian (Danish,Norwegian,Finnish) SCES-54374: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-F" SCES-54375: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-P" SCES-54477: name: "SOCOM - US Navy Seals - Combined Assault" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left but stuff in front can lower or increase opacity. SCES-54496: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54497: name: "Buzz! Le Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-F" SCES-54498: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-I" SCES-54499: name: "Buzz! Das Mega-Quiz" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54500: name: "Buzz! El Mega Concurso" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54501: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-A" SCES-54503: name: "Buzz! Megavisa" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-54504: name: "Buzz! O Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-P" SCES-54505: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-54507: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-54524: name: "Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party" region: "PAL-SW" # Austria + Switzerland SCES-54526: name: "The Big! Sports Quiz" region: "PAL-M" SCES-54535: name: "Everybody's Tennis" region: "PAL-M11" SCES-54538: name: "Eyetoy - Play Astro Zoo" region: "PAL-M15" SCES-54552: name: "Rogue Galaxy" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. patches: CBB4B383: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fixes Vedan Myna area out of bounds glitch. patch=1,EE,00124898,word,3442fffe SCES-54556: name: "The Big! Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54570: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54571: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54572: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54573: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-SC" SCES-54574: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-F" SCES-54575: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-P" SCES-54576: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-54597: name: "SingStar Rock Ballads" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54598: name: "SingStar - Svenska Hits Schlager" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-54599: name: "SingStar '90s" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54600: name: "SingStar - Die Toten Hosen" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54601: name: "SingStar - Après-Ski Party" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54613: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54625: name: "Buzz! Junior - Monster Rumble" region: "PAL-M7" SCES-54637: name: "Gaelic Games - Hurling" region: "PAL-E-GA" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes offset bloom. SCES-54638: name: "Gaelic Games - Football 2" region: "PAL-E-GA" SCES-54639: name: "AFL Premiership 2007" region: "PAL-A" SCES-54641: name: "SingStar - Après-Ski Party 2" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54676: name: "Buzz! Junior - RoboJam" region: "PAL-M7" SCES-54688: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 4" region: "PAL-M12" SCES-54689: name: "Buzz! The Maha Quiz" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-54690: name: "Buzz! Mega Quiz" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-54701: name: "Buzz! Junior - RoboJam" region: "PAL-M8" SCES-54703: name: "Buzz! Junior - Monster Rumble" region: "PAL-M9" SCES-54704: name: "Monsterspass" region: "PAL-M" SCES-54741: name: "SingStar Deutsch Rock-Pop Vol. 2" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54748: name: "WipEout Pulse" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-54749: name: "Buzz! Junior - Dino Den" region: "PAL-M8" SCES-54750: name: "Buzz! Junior - Dino Den" region: "PAL-M8" SCES-54760: name: "SingStar R&B" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54761: name: "SingStar R&B" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54762: name: "SingStar R&B" region: "PAL-G" SCES-54764: name: "SingStar Pop Hits 2" region: "PAL-F" SCES-54765: name: "SingStar R&B" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-54768: name: "SingStar Latino" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54769: name: "SingStar Latino" region: "PAL-P" SCES-54773: name: "SingStar Pop Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54794: name: "Syphon Filter - Dark Mirror" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 SCES-54823: name: "SingStar Bollywood" region: "PAL-E" SCES-54844: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCES-54845: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCES-54848: name: "Buzz! Hollywood" region: "PAL-P-S" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCES-54851: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCES-54852: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCES-54854: name: "Buzz! Hollywood Quiz" region: "PAL-NL-E-FR" SCES-54856: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz" region: "PAL-P" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCES-54869: name: "SingStar Italian Party" region: "PAL-I" SCES-54909: name: "SingStar '90s" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54910: name: "SingStar Rock Ballads" region: "PAL-S" SCES-54924: name: "NBA 08" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-54941: name: "Buzz! The Schools Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55019: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Size Matters" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCES-55038: name: "EyeToy Play - Hero" region: "PAL-M15" SCES-55056: name: "SingStar Summer Party" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55057: name: "SingStar Summer Party" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55058: name: "SingStar Summer Party" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55059: name: "SingStar Italian Greatest Hits" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55060: name: "SingStar Summer Party" region: "PAL-D" SCES-55061: name: "SingStar Wakacyjna Impreza!" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-55062: name: "SingStar Pop Hits 3" region: "PAL-F" SCES-55077: name: "SingStar Party Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55083: name: "EyeToy Play - PomPom Party" region: "PAL-M15" SCES-55093: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55094: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-55095: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-P-S" SCES-55096: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-SC" SCES-55097: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-55098: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-M3" SCES-55100: name: "Buzz! The Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-A" SCES-55107: name: "Buzz! Pop Quiz" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-55127: name: "SingStar Summer Party" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-55128: name: "SingStar Summer Party" region: "PAL-P" SCES-55158: name: "SingStar Pop Hits 4" region: "PAL-F" SCES-55159: name: "SingStar Amped" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55160: name: "SingStar Hottest Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55173: name: "SingStar Operación Triunfo" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55176: name: "SingStar Amped" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55177: name: "SingStar SuomiRock" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-55178: name: "SingStar Boy Bands vs Girl Bands" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55179: name: "SingStar Schlager" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55181: name: "SingStar Italian Party 2" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55182: name: "SingStar Clásicos" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55183: name: "SingStar Turkish Party [Promo]" region: "PAL-TU" SCES-55210: name: "Buzz! Junior - Ace Racers" region: "PAL-M6" SCES-55211: name: "Buzz! Junior - Ace Racers" region: "PAL-M8" SCES-55213: name: "Buzz! Escuela de Talentos" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55241: name: "SingStar Russian Hit" region: "PAL-R" SCES-55255: name: "SingStar Singalong with Disney" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55256: name: "SingStar canciones Disney" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55257: name: "SingStar - Chansons Magiques de Disney" region: "PAL-F" SCES-55258: name: "SingStar Best of Disney" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55259: name: "SingStar Canções Disney" region: "PAL-P" SCES-55260: name: "SingStar e la Magia Disney" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55261: name: "SingStar Sjung med Disney" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-55262: name: "SingStar Syng med Disney" region: "PAL-D" SCES-55360: name: "SingStar Singalong with Disney" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55361: name: "SingStar Boy Bands vs Girl Bands" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55362: name: "SingStar Hottest Hits" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55385: name: "Buzz! Brain of the UK" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55386: name: "Buzz! Le Plus Malin des Francais" region: "PAL-F" SCES-55387: name: "Buzz! Deutschlands Superquiz" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55388: name: "Buzz! Brain of Spain-Portugal" region: "PAL-M2" SCES-55389: name: "Buzz! Il Quizzone Nazionale" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55401: name: "SingStar Zingt met Disney" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-55419: name: "Buzz! Brain of Oz" region: "PAL-A" SCES-55420: name: "Buzz! De Slimste van Nederland" region: "PAL-BE" SCES-55421: name: "Buzz! Brain of Switzerland" region: "PAL-M" SCES-55423: name: "Buzz! Brain of the World" region: "PAL-D-E-NW" SCES-55424: name: "Buzz! Brain of the World" region: "PAL-Unk" SCES-55425: name: "Buzz! Brain of the World" region: "PAL-SC" SCES-55435: name: "SingStar ABBA" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55436: name: "SingStar ABBA" region: "PAL-F" SCES-55437: name: "SingStar ABBA" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55438: name: "SingStar ABBA" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55439: name: "SingStar ABBA" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55453: name: "SingStar Queen" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55454: name: "SingStar Queen" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55455: name: "SingStar Queen" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55464: name: "Hanuman - Boy Warrior" region: "PAL-E-HI" compat: 5 SCES-55478: name: "SingStar Afrikaanse Treffers" region: "PAL-AF" SCES-55485: name: "SingStar Queen" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55489: name: "SingStar Mallorca Party" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55496: name: "Secret Agent Clank" region: "PAL-M12" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SCES-55497: name: "Medical and Engineering Joint Entrance Quiz" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-55510: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Lost Frontier" region: "PAL-M12" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes object glow. roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow definition. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smoothes out shadow textures. SCES-55513: name: "SingStar Polskie Hity" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-55514: name: "SingStar Studio 100" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-55515: name: "SingStar Morangos com Açúcar" region: "PAL-P" SCES-55521: name: "SingStar SuomiPop" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-55527: name: "SingStar Pop 2009" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55535: name: "Desi Adda - Games of India" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SCES-55538: name: "SingStar" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55540: name: "SingStar Mecano" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55549: name: "SingStar MoTown [Promo]" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55551: name: "SingStar MoTown" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55552: name: "SingStar MoTown" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55553: name: "SingStar MoTown" region: "PAL-NL" SCES-55554: name: "SingStar Take That" region: "PAL-M5" SCES-55557: name: "SingStar Take That" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55564: name: "SingStar Made in Germany" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55566: name: "SingStar Miliki" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55567: name: "SingStar The Wiggles" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55568: name: "SingStar Svenska Stjärnor" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-55570: name: "SingStar Chartbreaker" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55571: name: "Ghostbusters" region: "PAL-M6" SCES-55573: name: "MotorStorm - Arctic Edge" region: "PAL-M14" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad polys in menu. SCES-55590: name: "SingStar Store Drømme" region: "PAL-D" SCES-55591: name: "Street Cricket Champions" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-55594: name: "SingStar Vasco" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55606: name: "SingStar Die größten Solokünstler" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55611: name: "SingStar Chart Hits" region: "PAL-E" SCES-55612: name: "SingStar SuomiHitIt" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-55616: name: "SingStar Polskie Hity 2" region: "PAL-PL" SCES-55617: name: "SingStar Fussballhits" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55618: name: "SingStar Kent" region: "PAL-SW" SCES-55619: name: "SingStar Portugal Hits" region: "PAL-P" SCES-55621: name: "SingStar Patito Feo" region: "PAL-S" SCES-55640: name: "SingStar Cantautori Italiani" region: "PAL-I" SCES-55641: name: "SingStar Après-Ski Party 2" region: "PAL-G" SCES-55649: name: "Cart Kings" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-55650: name: "SingStar SuomiSuosikit" region: "PAL-FI" SCES-55661: name: "RA.ONE - The Game" region: "PAL-IN" compat: 5 SCES-55662: name: "Chandragupta - Warrior Prince" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-55663: name: "Street Cricket Champions 2" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-55670: name: "Don 2 - The Game" region: "PAL-IN" SCES-82034: name: "Xenosaga II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 1]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SLES-82034" SCES-82035: name: "Xenosaga II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 2]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SLES-82034" - "SCES-82034" SCKA-10001: name: "Gangcheol Gigap Sadan - Online Battlefield" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-10005: name: "EyeToy - Edukids" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-10006: name: "Come on Baby" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-10007: name: "EyeToy - Tales" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-10008: name: "Come on Baby" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-14001: name: "Gangcheol Gigap Sadan - Online Battlefield" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20001: name: "XI Go" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20002: name: "Time Crisis II" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20003: name: "War of the Monsters" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20004: name: "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20005: name: "Let's Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20006: name: "Argus-ui Jeonsa" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20007: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCKA-20008: name: "Tales of Destiny 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20009: name: "R-Type Final" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20010: name: "Jak II" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCKA-20011: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 SCKA-20012: name: "Arc the Lad - Jeongryeongui Hwanghon" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20013: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20014: name: "Dark Cloud 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCKA-20015: name: "Time Crisis 3" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SCKA-20016: name: "Soul Calibur II" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCKA-20017: name: "EyeToy - Play" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20018: name: "The Getaway" name-sort: "Getaway, The" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCKA-20019: name: "Siren" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCKA-20020: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCKA-20022: name: "Gran Turismo 4 Prologue" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. SCKA-20023: name: "Fatal Frame II" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20024: name: "EyeToy - Groove" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20025: name: "Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SCKA-20026: name: "Gungrave O.D." region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20027: name: "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture and lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes most vertical lines and lighting misalignment. getSkipCount: "GSC_GiTS" SCKA-20028: name: "Ico [PlayStation2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCKA-20029: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2002 Tokyo-Seoul [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCKA-20030: name: "Sly Cooper - Jeonseolui Bibeobseoreul Chajaseo" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20031: name: "Athens 2004" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20032: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Virus" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights going through walls. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes light flicker. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects light position. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random hangs. patches: 3676E74C: content: |- author=refraction // Cop2 problems. patch=1,EE,00398898,word,48438000 //4b06521b patch=1,EE,0039889c,word,4b06521b //48438000 SCKA-20033: name: "Smash Court Professional Tournament 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20034: name: "Time Crisis 3 [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SCKA-20035: name: "Hot Shots Golf 3 [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20036: name: "EyeToy - Monkey Mania" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20037: name: "Ratchet & Clank 3" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: - "SCKA-20037" - "SCKA-20011" SCKA-20038: name: "Time Crisis - Crisis Zone" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Grassmarket district boss model. SCKA-20039: name: "Tekken Nina Williams In Death By Degree" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SCKA-20040: name: "Jak 3" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes holes in face geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCKA-20041: name: "EyeToy - Play 2" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20042: name: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCKA-20043: name: "Magna Carta" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20044: name: "Sly 2 - Band of Thieves" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCKA-20045: name: "Tekken 4" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCKA-20046: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Going Commando" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 SCKA-20047: name: "Armored Core - Nine Breaker" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCKA-20047" - "SLKA-25201" - "SLKA-25202" SCKA-20048: name: "Killzone" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCKA-20049: name: "Tekken 5" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCKA-20050: name: "Tales of Legendia" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesOfLegendia" SCKA-20051: name: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. memcardFilters: - "SCKA-20051" - "SCKA-20025" SCKA-20052: name: "Genji" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20053: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCKA-20054: name: "Tales of Destiny 2 [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20055: name: "Mystic Nights" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20056: name: "LuluRara - Powered by Zillerner [with USB microphone]" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20057: name: "Minna no Golf 4 - Everybody's Golf" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20058: name: "Bumpy Trot" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SCKA-20059: name: "Soul Calibur III" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SCKA-20060: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Gonggu Jeonsa Wigi Ilbal" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCKA-20061: name: "Wanda to Kyozou" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCKA-20061" - "SCPS-15097" - "SCPS-19320" - "SCKA-20028" - "SCPS-56001" SCKA-20062: name: "Ape Escape 3" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCKA-20063: name: "Sly 3 - Honor Among Thieves" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCKA-20064: name: "SOCOM 3 - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left. SCKA-20065: name: "Urban Reign" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Mitigates bounciness of vertical shaking but better fix with EE cyclerate +1. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes corruption. getSkipCount: "GSC_UrbanReign" SCKA-20066: name: "EyeToy - Play 3" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20067: name: "Stuart Little 3 - Big Photo Adventure" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20068: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20069: name: "Siren 2" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in-game. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes some missing effects. SCKA-20070: name: "Ace Combat Zero - The Belkan War" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. patches: 2799A4E5: content: |- // Fixes collision/missle hit issues. patch=0,EE,00131ebc,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,00131ec0,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,00131ecc,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,00131ed0,word,4B0C682C SCKA-20071: name: "MLB '06 - The Show" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20072: name: "LuluRara 2 [with USB microphone]" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20073: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20074: name: "Sly Cooper 2 - Goedo Brothers Daejakjeon!" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCKA-20075: name: "Dark Cloud 2" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCKA-20078: name: "Killzone [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCKA-20079: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SCKA-20081: name: "Tekken 5 [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SCKA-20082: name: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War [PlayStation 2 Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCKA-20084: name: "Monster House" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20085: name: "Minna no Tennis" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. SCKA-20086: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. SCKA-20087: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SCKA-20086" SCKA-20089: name: "BioHazard 4" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCKA-20090: name: "God Hand" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Depth of field effect aligned properly if CRC hack is off + Shifts buildings correctly. SCKA-20091: name: "MLB 07 - The Show" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20092: name: "K-1 World Grand Prix 2006" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 9 # Game requires AdaptiveBFF de-interlacing when auto. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes grey fighters problem. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes black flickering. SCKA-20093: name: "Ratatouille" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SCKA-20094: name: "Okami" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment issues but the game is just bad for upscaling. SCKA-20095: name: "Okami" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment issues but the game is just bad for upscaling. SCKA-20096: name: "Barnyard" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix text and post blur. mipmap: 2 # Base mip level isn't always used. autoFlush: 2 # Needed for recursive mipmap rendering. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SCKA-20097: name: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20098: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SCKA-20099: name: "Persona 3" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SCKA-20100: name: "Tales of Destiny" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - FpuMulHack SCKA-20101: name: "Seiken Densetsu 4" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20104: name: "Genji" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20105: name: "Everybody's Golf 4" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20106: name: "Wander to Kyozou" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20107: name: "Odin Sphere" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20108: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Gonggu Jeonsa Wigi Ilbal" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCKA-20109: name: "Persona 3 FES [Independent Starting Version]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SCKA-20109" - "SCKA-20099" SCKA-20111: name: "Sly Cooper 3 - Choehu-ui Daedo" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCKA-20112: name: "Persona 3 FES" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20114: name: "Obscure II - The Aftermath" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For stripes on FMVs and crashes on scenes. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes Lock picking pin. SCKA-20115: name: "Cyber Troopers - Virtual-On Marz" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20117: name: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations Gaiden" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20118: name: "Disgaea - Hour of Darkness" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20119: name: "Tales of Destiny - Director's Cut" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - FpuMulHack SCKA-20120: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Size Matters" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20124: name: "Piposarugetchu 3" # Ape Escape 3 region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20125: name: "Katamari Damacy [Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SCKA-20126: name: "Persona 3 FES" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-20127: name: "Zero" # Project Zero region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20128: name: "Zero - Akai Chou" # Project Zero 2 Crimson Butterfly region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20129: name: "Tales of Legendia" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesOfLegendia" SCKA-20130: name: "Minna no Tennis" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. SCKA-20131: name: "Super Robot Taisen Z" region: "NTSC-J-K" SCKA-20132: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCKA-20133: name: "Ace Combat Zero - The Belkan War" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. SCKA-20134: name: "Drag-on Dragoon 2" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20135: name: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SCKA-20136: name: "Super Robot Taisen Z - Special Disc" region: "NTSC-J-K" SCKA-20137: name: "Evangelion - Jo" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20138: name: "Final Fantasy XII [Ultimate Hits International Zodiac Job System]" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20139: name: "SD Gundam - G Generation Wars" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20140: name: "MLB 10 - The Show" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20141: name: "Persona 4" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20142: name: "MLB 11 - The Show" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-20171: name: "Let's Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-24004: name: "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-24007: name: "Let's Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-24008: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCKA-24012: name: "EyeToy - Groove" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-30001: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCKA-30002: name: "God of War" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCKA-30003: name: "God of War - Yeonghonui Banyeokja" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCKA-30004: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCKA-30005: name: "Rogue Galaxy" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-30006: name: "God of War 2" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCKA-30007: name: "God of War 2 [Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCKA-90002: name: "Jeolche Jeolmyeong Dosi" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-90003: name: "XI5 - Aqui Ohyeongje" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-90004: name: "Sly Cooper - Jeonseolui Bibeobseoreul Chajaseo" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-90009: name: "R-Type Final" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-90010: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-K" SCKA-90011: name: "Arc the Lad - Jeongryeongui Hwanghon - Premiere Disc" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCKA-90016: name: "Goehon - Gulryeora! Wangjanim!" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SCPM-85101: name: "McDonald's Original Happy Disc" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes metal textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPM-85301: name: "Gran Turismo Concept - Copen Special Edition [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPM-85302: name: "Minna no Golf Online" region: "NTSC-J" SCPM-85303: name: "SpeSaru Disc 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SCPM-85304: name: "Gran Turismo 4 - First Preview" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPN-60101: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.10 [Prerelease] [Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60103: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.10 [Prerelease] [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60110: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.10 (Prerelease) (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60111: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.10 [Prerelease] [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60130: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.20" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60140: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.30" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60150: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.31" region: "NTSC-J" SCPN-60160: name: "PlayStation BB Navigator - Version 0.32" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11001: name: I.Q REMIX+ name-sort: あいきゅー りみっくすぷらす name-en: "I.Q Remix+" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11002: name: FANTAVISION name-sort: ふぁんたびじょん name-en: "Fantavision" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11003: name: ICO region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCPS-11004: name: びっくりマウス name-sort: びっくりまうす name-en: "Bikkuri Mouse" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11005: name: 探しに行こうよ name-sort: さがしにいこうよ name-en: "Sagashi ni Ikouyo - Go to Find It!" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11006: name: SKY GUNNER name-sort: SKY GUNNER name-en: "Sky Gunner" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11007: name: tsugunai 〜つぐない〜 name-sort: つぐない name-en: "Tsugunai" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11008: name: ボクと魔王 name-sort: ぼくとまおう name-en: "Boku to Maou" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Depth of field blur is incorrect without it. SCPS-11009: name: 蚊 name-sort: か name-en: "Ka" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCPS-11010: name: 夜明けのマリコ パフォーマンスパック name-sort: よあけのまりこ ぱふぉーまんすぱっく name-en: "Yoake no Mariko [with Microphone]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11011: name: Check-i-TV name-sort: ちぇきってぃーびー name-en: "Check-i-TV" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11012: name: リモココロン name-sort: りもこころん name-en: "Rimococoron" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11013: name: ブラボーミュージック name-sort: ぶらぼーみゅーじっく name-en: "Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11014: name: ピポサル2001 name-sort: ぴぽさる2001 name-en: "Pipo Saru 2001" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11015: name: Check-i-TV きょうから「チェキッ」パック name-sort: ちぇきってぃーびー きょうからちぇきっぱっく name-en: "Check-i-TV [Kyou kara Check It Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11016: name: 正義の味方 name-sort: せいぎのみかた name-en: "Seigi no Mikata" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11017: name: ブラボーミュージック Christmas Edition name-sort: ぶらぼーみゅーじっく Christmas Edition name-en: "Bravo Music - Christmas Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11018: name: 夜明けのマリコ name-sort: よあけのまりこ name-en: "Yoake no Mariko" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11019: name: ブラボーミュージック 超名曲盤(限定版) name-sort: ぶらぼーみゅーじっく ちょうめいきょくばん [げんていばん] name-en: "Bravo Music - Chou-Meikyokuban [Genteiban]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-11023" - "SCPS-11019" - "SCPS-11020" SCPS-11020: name: "Otostaz [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11021: name: 夜明けのマリコ 2ndAct パフォーマンスパック name-sort: よあけのまりこ 2ndAct ぱふぉーまんすぱっく name-en: "Yoake no Mariko 2nd Act" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11022: name: 夜明けのマリコ 2ndAct name-sort: よあけのまりこ 2ndAct name-en: "Yoake no Mariko 2nd Act" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11023: name: ブラボーミュージック 超名曲盤 name-sort: ぶらぼーみゅーじっく ちょうめいきょくばん name-en: "Bravo Music - Chou-Meikyokuban" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-11023" - "SCPS-11019" - "SCPS-11020" SCPS-11024: name: オトスタツ name-sort: おとすたつ name-en: "Otostaz" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11025: name: スペースフィッシャーメン name-sort: すぺーすふぃっしゃーめん name-en: "Space Fisherman" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS and bad textures. SCPS-11026: name: ガチャろく name-sort: がちゃろく name-en: "Gacharoku" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes hash cache exploding. SCPS-11027: name: MAWAZA name-en: "Mawaza" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11028: name: Let’s ブラボーミュージック name-sort: れっつぶらぼーみゅーじっく name-en: "Let's Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11029: name: しばいみち マイク同梱版 name-sort: しばいみち まいくどうこんばん name-en: "Shibai Muchi" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11030: name: しばいみち name-sort: しばいみち name-en: "Shibai Muchi [with Microphone]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11031: name: くまうた name-sort: くまうた name-en: "Kumauta" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-11032: name: ビブリップル name-sort: びぶりっぷる name-en: "Vib-Ripple" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11033: name: モジブリボン name-sort: もじぶりぼん name-en: "Mojib-Ribbon" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-11034: name: ガチャろく2 〜今度は世界一周よ!!〜 name-sort: がちゃろく2 こんどはせかいいっしゅうよ!! name-en: "Gacharoku 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15001: name: スキャンダル name-sort: すきゃんだる name-en: "Scandal" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes graphical corruption. SCPS-15002: name: TVDJ〜ティービィーディージェー〜 name-sort: てぃーびぃーでぃーじぇー name-en: "TV DJ" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15003: name: The Sky Odyssey name-sort: The Sky Odyssey name-en: "Sky Odyssey" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes runway line thickness on minimap. SCPS-15004: name: ダーククラウド name-sort: だーくくらうど name-en: "Dark Cloud" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. SCPS-15005: name: PHASE PARADOX name-sort: PHASE PARADOX name-en: "Phase Paradox" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15006: name: ポポロクロイス〜はじまりの冒険〜 プレミアムボックス name-sort: ぽぽろくろいす はじまりのぼうけん ぷれみあむぼっくす name-en: "Popolocrois Story 3 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15007: name: BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE (上巻) name-sort: BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE (じょうかん) name-en: "Blood - The Last Vampire - Vol.1 Joukan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15008: name: BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE (下巻) name-sort: BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE (げかん) name-en: "Blood - The Last Vampire - Vol.2 Gekan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15009: name: グランツーリスモ3 A-spec name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも3 A-spec name-en: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-15010: name: グランツーリスモ コンセプト 2001 TOKYO name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも こんせぷと 2001 TOKYO name-en: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2001 Tokyo" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15011: name: EXTERMINATION name-sort: EXTERMINATION name-en: "Extermination" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Black FMV. SCPS-15012: name: サーヴィランス 監視者 name-sort: さーゔぃらんす かんししゃ name-en: "Surveillance" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15013: name: ポイニーポイン name-sort: ぽいにーぽいん name-en: "Poinie's Poin" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Prevents ingame flicker due to large clears/copies. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes text corruption. SCPS-15014: name: げんしのことば name-sort: げんしのことば name-en: "Genshi no Kotoba" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15015: name: トロと休日 name-sort: とろときゅうじつ name-en: "Toro to Kyuujitsu" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15016: name: みんなのGOLF 3 name-sort: みんなのごるふ3 name-en: "Minna no Golf 3" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15017: name: パラッパラッパー2 name-sort: ぱらっぱらっぱー2 name-en: "PaRappa the Rapper 2" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes missing floor texture. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes fog effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes misaligment depth of field effect. SCPS-15018: name: THE 山手線 〜Train Simulator Real name-sort: THE やまのてせん Train Simulator Real name-en: "Train Simulator Real, The Yamanote Sen" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15019: name: Formula One 2001 name-sort: Formula One 2001 name-en: "Formula One 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCPS-15020: name: レガイア デュエルサーガ name-sort: れがいあ でゅえるさーが name-en: "Legaia 2 - Duel Saga" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. SCPS-15021: name: ジャック×ダクスター 旧世界の遺産 name-sort: じゃっくだくすたー きゅうせかいのいさん name-en: "Jak x Daxter - Kyuusekai no Isan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-15022: name: デュアルハーツ name-sort: でゅあるはーつ name-en: "Dual Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15023: name: ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード プレミアムボックス name-sort: わいるどあーむず あどゔぁんすどさーど [ぷれみあむぼっくす] name-en: "Wild ARMs - Advanced 3rd" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCPS-15024: name: ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード name-sort: わいるどあーむず あどゔぁんすどさーど name-en: "Wild ARMs - Advanced 3rd" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCPS-15025: name: サルゲッチュ2 name-sort: さるげっちゅ2 name-en: "Saru Get You 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. patches: "FE0A6AB6": content: |- // Fixes COP2 CFC2 timing. patch=1,EE,00275f44,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,00275f54,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,00275f90,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,00275fa0,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,00276110,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,00276120,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027615c,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027616c,word,4BC109FF SCPS-15026: name: ぼくのなつやすみ2 海の冒険篇 name-sort: ぼくのなつやすみ2 うみのぼうけんへん name-en: "Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 - Umi no Bouken-hen" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes menu text. SCPS-15027: name: ポポロクロイス〜はじまりの冒険〜 通常版 [初回生産] name-sort: ぽぽろくろいす はじまりのぼうけん [しょかいせいさん] name-en: "PoPoLoCrois - Hajimari no Bouken [Limited]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15028: name: ポポロクロイス〜はじまりの冒険〜 name-sort: ぽぽろくろいす はじまりのぼうけん name-en: "PoPoLoCrois - Hajimari no Bouken" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15029: name: XIゴ name-sort: さいご name-en: "Xi-go" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15030: name: ふたりのFANTAVISION name-sort: ふたりのふぁんたびじょん name-en: "Futari no Fantavision" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15031: name: THE 京浜急行 〜Train Simulator Real〜 (限定版) name-sort: THE けいひんきゅうこう Train Simulator Real [げんていばん] name-en: "Keihin Kyuukou - Train Simulator Real [Limited Edition], The" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Increases performance due to massive hash cache size. SCPS-15032: name: Formula One 2002 name-sort: Formula One 2002 name-en: "Formula One 2002" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCPS-15033: name: ダーククロニクル name-sort: だーくくろにくる name-en: "Dark Chronicle" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-15034: name: This Is Football サッカー世界戦記 2003 name-sort: This Is Football さっかーせかいせんき 2003 name-en: "This is Football 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15035: name: THE 京浜急行 〜Train Simulator Real name-sort: THE けいひんきゅうこう 〜Train Simulator Real name-en: "Keihin Kyuukou - Train Simulator Real, The" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Increases performance due to massive hash cache size. SCPS-15036: name: 怪盗 スライ・クーパー name-sort: かいとう すらいくーぱー name-en: "Kaitou Sly Cooper" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15037: name: ラチェット&クランク name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく name-en: "Ratchet & Clank" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-15038: name: OPERATOR’S SIDE マイク同梱版 name-sort: おぺれーたーずさいど [まいくどうこんばん] name-en: "Operator's Side" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCPS-15039: name: OPERATOR’S SIDE 通常版 name-sort: おぺれーたーずさいど name-en: "Operator's Side" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCPS-15040: name: アークザラッド 精霊の黄昏 プレミアムBOX name-sort: あーくざらっど せいれいのたそがれ [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-15041: name: アークザラッド 精霊の黄昏 name-sort: あーくざらっど せいれいのたそがれ name-en: "Arc the Lad - Seirei no Koukon" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-15042: name: デカボイス マイク同梱版 name-sort: でかぼいす まいくどうこんばん name-en: "Deka Voice [with Microphone]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15043: name: デカボイス name-sort: でかぼいす name-en: "Deka Voice" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SCPS-15044: name: "SOCOM: U.S. NAVY SEALs" name-en: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCPS-15045: name: 蚊2 レッツゴーハワイ name-sort: か2 れっつごーはわい name-en: "Ka 2 - Let's Go Hawaiian" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15046: name: HUNGRY GHOSTS name-sort: HUNGRY GHOSTS name-en: "Hungry Ghosts" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15047: name: どこでもいっしょ 私なえほん name-sort: どこでもいっしょ わたしなえほん name-en: "Dokodemo Issyo - Watashi na Ehon" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15049: name: みんなのGOLF オンライン name-sort: みんなのごるふおんらいん name-en: "Minna no Golf Online" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15050: name: フリップニック name-sort: ふりっぷにっく name-en: "Flipnic" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15051: name: MLB2003 name-sort: MLB2003 name-en: "MLB 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15052: name: SAINTS(セインツ) 聖なる魔物 name-sort: せいんつ せいなるまもの name-en: "Saints - Seinaru Mamono" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS. eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures on the doors. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS. SCPS-15053: name: SIREN name-sort: さいれん name-en: "Siren" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-15054: name: CHAINDIVE name-sort: CHAINDIVE name-en: "ChainDive" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15055: name: グランツーリスモ4 “プロローグ”版 name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも4 ぷろろーぐばん name-en: "Gran Turismo 4 - Prologue" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. SCPS-15056: name: ラチェット&クランク2 ガガガ!銀河のコマンドーっす name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく2 ががが!ぎんがのこまんどーっす name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15056" - "SCPS-15037" SCPS-15057: name: ジャック×ダクスター2 name-sort: じゃっくだくすたー2 name-en: "Jak and Daxter II" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCPS-15058: name: Arc The Lad GENERATION name-sort: あーくざらっど GENERATION name-en: "Arc the Lad - Generation" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-15059: name: みんなのGOLF 4 name-sort: みんなのごるふ4 name-en: "Minna no Golf 4" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-15060: name: 幸福操作官 name-sort: こうふくそうさかん name-en: "Koufuku Sousakan" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15061: name: "アイトーイ プレイ" name-sort: あいとーい ぷれい name-en: "EyeToy - Play [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15062: name: 爆走マウンテンバイカーズ name-sort: ばくそうまうんてんばいかーず name-en: "Bakuso! Mountain Bikers" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-15063: name: ポポロクロイス 月の掟の冒険 name-sort: ぽぽろくろいす つきのおきてのぼうけん name-en: "Popolocrois - The Law of the Moon" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15064: name: 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX name-sort: こうかくきどうたい STAND ALONE COMPLEX name-en: "Koukaku Kidoutai - Stand Alone Complex" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 patches: A5768F53: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid macflag bad stuff. // Solves door problems, possibly other issues later on. patch=0,EE,0010BC88,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0010BC8C,word,4BEC682C patch=0,EE,0010BC94,word,4B8D617D patch=0,EE,0010BC98,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,0012A2A8,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012A2AC,word,4BEC682C patch=0,EE,0012A2B4,word,4B8D617D patch=0,EE,0012A2B8,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,0012A5D0,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012A5D4,word,4BEC682C patch=0,EE,0012A5DC,word,4B8D617D patch=0,EE,0012A5E0,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,0012AA4C,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012AA50,word,4BEC682C patch=0,EE,0012AA54,word,4B8D617D patch=0,EE,0012AA58,word,4A6D617C patch=0,EE,0012AA5C,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,00163F38,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,00163F3C,word,4BEC682C patch=0,EE,00163F44,word,4B8D617D patch=0,EE,00163F48,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,001AEB14,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,001AEB18,word,4BEC682C patch=0,EE,001AEB1C,word,4BED617D patch=0,EE,001AEB24,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,001BD468,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BD474,word,4A5DEF40 patch=0,EE,001BD684,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BD690,word,4A5DEF40 patch=0,EE,001BDA24,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BDA30,word,4A5DEF40 patch=0,EE,001BDFE8,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BDFF4,word,4A5DEF40 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_GiTS" SCPS-15065: name: "SOCOM II: U.S. NAVY SEALs" name-en: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCPS-15066: name: プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ 〜時間の砂〜 name-sort: ぷりんす おぶ ぺるしゃ じかんのすな name-en: "Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SCPS-15067: name: どこでもいっしょ トロと流れ星 name-sort: どこでもいっしょ とろとながれぼし name-en: "Dokodemo Issyo - Toro to Nagare Boshi" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15068: name: MLB 2004 name-sort: MLB 2004 name-en: "MLB 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15069: name: うお 7つの水の伝説のヌシ name-sort: うお 7つのみずのでんせつのぬし name-en: "Fish - Legend of Seven Waters and Gods" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15070: name: "EyeToy:Play [ソフト単品]" name-sort: "あいとーい ぷれい [そふとたんぴん]" name-en: "EyeToy - Play [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15071: name: みんなのGOLF オンライン“PlayStation BB Unit”パック〜オンラインはじめてパック〜 name-sort: みんなのごるふおんらいん [“PlayStation BB Unit”ぱっく おんらいんはじめてぱっく] name-en: "Minna no Golf Online" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15072: name: ガチャメカスタジアム サルバト〜レ name-sort: がちゃめかすたじあむ さるばとーれ name-en: "Gacha Mecha Stadium - Saru Battle" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects fullscreen bloom misalignment. SCPS-15073: name: アイトーイ フリフリダンス天国(EyeToyカメラ同梱版) name-sort: あいとーい ふりふりだんすてんごく あいとーいかめらどうこんばん name-en: "EyeToy - Groove [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15074: name: ATHENS 2004 name-sort: ATHENS 2004 name-en: "Olympic Summer Games - Athens 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15075: name: DJbox プレミアムキット name-sort: DJbox ぷれみあむきっと name-en: "DJ Box [Premium Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15076: name: アイトーイ フリフリダンス天国 name-sort: あいとーい ふりふりだんすてんごく name-en: "EyeToy - HuriHuri Dance" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15077: name: サルアイトーイ 大騒ぎ!ウッキウキゲームてんこもりっ!! EyeToy USBカメラ同梱版 name-sort: さるあいとーい おおさわぎ!うっきうきげーむてんこもりっ!! あいとーいUSBかめらどうこんばん name-en: "EyeToy - Uki Uki Panic [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15078: name: サルアイトーイ 大騒ぎ!ウッキウキゲームてんこもりっ!! name-sort: さるあいとーい おおさわぎ!うっきうきげーむてんこもりっ!! name-en: "EyeToy - Uki Uki Panic [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15079: name: 爆封スラッシュ! キズナ 嵐 EyeToyカメラ同梱版 name-sort: ばくふうすらっしゅ! きずな あらし あいとーいかめらどうこんばん name-en: "Bakufuu Slash! Kizna Arashi [EyeToy Camera Doukonban]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15080: name: 我が竜を見よ name-sort: わがりゅうをみよ name-en: "Waga Ryuomiyo - Pride of the Dragon Peace" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15081: name: どこでもいっしょ トロといっぱい name-sort: どこでもいっしょ とろといっぱい name-en: "Dokodemo Issyo - Toro to Ippai" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15082: name: DJbox(ソフト単品) name-sort: DJbox name-en: "DJ Box" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15083: name: Formula One 2004 name-sort: Formula One 2004 name-en: "Formula One 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15084: name: ラチェット&クランク3 突撃!ガラクチック★レンジャーズ name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく3 とつげき!がらくちっくれんじゃーず name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 3" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15084" - "SCPS-15056" - "SCPS-15037" SCPS-15085: name: 絢爛舞踏祭 name-sort: けんらんぶとうさい name-en: "Kenran Butousai" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # Fixes missing graphics. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. SCPS-15086: name: 爆封スラッシュ! キズナ 嵐 name-sort: ばくふうすらっしゅ! きずな あらし name-en: "Bakufuu Slash! Kizna Arashi [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15087: name: BLEACH 〜選ばれし魂〜 name-sort: ぶりーち えらばれしたましい name-en: "Bleach - Erabareshi Tamashii" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15088: name: ぼくらのかぞく name-sort: ぼくらのかぞく name-en: "Bokura no Kazoku - My Family Growing Up in the 21st Century" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15089: name: アイトーイ プレイ2 [“PlayStation 2”専用 EyeToy USBカメラ同梱版] name-sort: あいとーい ぷれい2 PlayStation 2せんよう あいとーいUSBかめらどうこんばん name-en: "EyeToy - Play 2 [With Camera]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15090: name: 怪盗スライ・クーパー2 name-sort: かいとうすらいくーぱー2 name-en: "Kaitou Sly Cooper 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCPS-15091: name: ワイルドアームズ ザ フォースデトネイター 初回生産版 name-sort: わいるどあーむず ざ ふぉーすでとねいたー [しょかいせいさんばん] name-en: "Wild ARMs - The 4th Detonator" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20123" - "SCPS-15091" - "SCPS-15092" - "SCPS-19313" - "SCPS-19322" - "SCPS-19323" - "SCAJ-30002" - "SCPS-17002" - "SCPS-19251" - "SCPS-19253" SCPS-15092: name: ワイルドアームズ ザ フォースデトネイター name-sort: わいるどあーむず ざ ふぉーすでとねいたー name-en: "Wild ARMs - The 4th Detonator" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20123" - "SCPS-15091" - "SCPS-15092" - "SCPS-19313" - "SCPS-19322" - "SCPS-19323" - "SCAJ-30002" - "SCPS-17002" - "SCPS-19251" - "SCPS-19253" SCPS-15093: name: RULE of ROSE name-sort: るーる おぶ ろーず name-en: "Rule of Rose" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes Black FMV's. SCPS-15094: name: アイトーイ プレイ2 name-sort: あいとーい ぷれい2 name-en: "EyeToy - Play 2 [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15095: name: GENJI name-sort: GENJI name-en: "Genji - Dawn of the Samurai" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15096: name: サルゲッチュ3 name-sort: さるげっちゅ3 name-en: "Saru Get You! 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCPS-15097: name: ワンダと巨像 name-sort: わんだときょぞう name-en: "Wanda to Kyozou" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20146" - "SCAJ-20196" - "SCAJ-20099" - "SCPS-11003" - "SCPS-19103" - "SCPS-19151" - "SCPS-55001" SCPS-15098: name: Formula One 2005 name-sort: Formula One 2005 name-en: "Formula One 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15099: name: ラチェット&クランク4th ギリギリ銀河のギガバトル (Special Gift Package) name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく4th ぎりぎりぎんがのぎがばとる [Special Gift Package] name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 4th - GiriGiri Ginga no Giga Battle" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCPS-15100: name: ラチェット&クランク4th ギリギリ銀河のギガバトル name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく4th ぎりぎりぎんがのぎがばとる name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 4th - GiriGiri Ginga no Giga Battle" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCPS-15101: name: BLEACH 〜放たれし野望〜 name-sort: ぶりーち はなたれしやぼう name-en: "Bleach - Hanatareshi Yabou" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15102: name: ローグギャラクシー name-sort: ろーぐぎゃらくしー name-en: "Rogue Galaxy" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. SCPS-15103: name: ガンパレード・オーケストラ 白の章 〜青森ペンギン伝説〜(限定版) name-sort: がんぱれーど おーけすとら しろのしょう あおもりぺんぎんでんせつ [げんていばん] name-en: "Gunparade Orchestra - Shiro no Shou - Aomori Penguin Densetsu [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15103" - "SCPS-15104" SCPS-15104: name: ガンパレード・オーケストラ 白の章 〜青森ペンギン伝説〜 name-sort: がんぱれーど おーけすとら しろのしょう あおもりぺんぎんでんせつ name-en: "Gunparade Orchestra - Shiro no Shou - Aomori Penguin Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15103" - "SCPS-15104" SCPS-15105: name: ツーリスト・トロフィー name-sort: つーりすととろふぃー name-en: "Tourist Trophy - The Real Riding Simulator" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in TT Mode menu caused by the moving tooltips. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-15106: name: SIREN2 name-sort: さいれん2 name-en: "Siren 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in-game. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes some missing effects. patches: 626552EB: content: |- comment=Swapping a COP2 op into place to make the flags work without delays. patch=0,EE,0013AB64,word,48449000 patch=0,EE,0013AB6C,word,4BC949FF SCPS-15107: name: ガンパレード・オーケストラ 緑の章 〜狼と彼の少年〜 限定版 name-sort: がんぱれーど おーけすとら みどりのしょう おおかみとかのしょうねん [げんていばん] name-en: "Gunparade Orchestra - Midori no Shou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15103" - "SCPS-15104" - "SCPS-15107" - "SCPS-15108" SCPS-15108: name: ガンパレード・オーケストラ 緑の章 〜狼と彼の少年〜 name-sort: がんぱれーど おーけすとら みどりのしょう おおかみとかのしょうねん name-en: "Gunparade Orchestra - Midori no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15103" - "SCPS-15104" - "SCPS-15107" - "SCPS-15108" SCPS-15109: name: ガンパレード・オーケストラ 青の章 〜光の海から手紙を送ります〜 限定版 name-sort: がんぱれーど おーけすとら あおのしょう ひかりのうみからてがみをおくります [げんていばん] name-en: "Gunparade Orchestra - Ao no Shou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15103" - "SCPS-15104" - "SCPS-15107" - "SCPS-15108" - "SCPS-15109" - "SCPS-15110" SCPS-15110: name: ガンパレード・オーケストラ 青の章 〜光の海から手紙を送ります〜 name-sort: がんぱれーど おーけすとら あおのしょう ひかりのうみからてがみをおくります name-en: "Gunparade Orchestra - Ao no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fix font gap and some texture. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-15103" - "SCPS-15104" - "SCPS-15107" - "SCPS-15108" - "SCPS-15109" - "SCPS-15110" SCPS-15111: name: ブレイブ ストーリー ワタルの冒険 name-sort: ぶれいぶ すとーりー わたるのぼうけん name-en: "Brave Story - Wataru no Bouken" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15112: name: BLOOD+ 〜双翼のバトル輪舞曲〜 name-sort: BLOOD+ そうよくのばとるろんど name-en: "Blood+ - Souyoku no Battle Rondo" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15113: name: みんなのテニス name-sort: みんなのてにす name-en: "Minna no Tennis" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. SCPS-15114: name: 機甲装兵アーモダイン name-sort: きこうそうへいあーもだいん name-en: "Kikou Souhei Armodyne" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SCPS-15115: name: サルゲッチュ ミリオンモンキーズ name-sort: さるげっちゅ みりおんもんきーず name-en: "Saru Get You - Million Monkeys" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15116: name: BLEACH 〜ブレイド・バトラーズ〜 name-sort: ぶりーち ぶれいど ばとらーず name-en: "Bleach - Blade Battlers" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SCPS-15117: name: Formula One 2006 name-sort: Formula One 2006 name-en: "Formula One 2006" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-15118: name: ワイルドアームズ ザ フィフスヴァンガード(WILD ARMS the Vth Vanguard) name-sort: わいるどあーむず ざ ふぃふすゔぁんがーど name-en: "Wild ARMs - The Vth Vanguard" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes sepia-tone flashback sequences. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCPS-15119: name: BLEACH 〜ブレイド・バトラーズ2nd〜 name-sort: ぶりーち ぶれいど ばとらーず2nd name-en: "Bleach - Blade Battlers 2nd" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Special moves "Bankai" hang otherwise. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes removed bloom. SCPS-15120: name: ラチェット&クランク5 激突!ドデカ銀河のミリミリ軍団 name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく5 げきとつ!どでかぎんがのみりみりぐんだん name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 5 Gekitotsu! Dodeka Ginga no Mirimiri Gundan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-17001: name: グランツーリスモ4 name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも4 name-en: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 3 # Using chop for both normal+div fixes crash in B5 license test. eeDivRoundMode: 3 # See above. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" SCPS-17002: name: "ワイルドアームズ アルターコード:F" name-sort: "わいるどあーむず あるたーこーど:F" name-en: "Wild ARMs - Alter Code:F" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCPS-17008: name: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (8inch) name-sort: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (8inch) name-en: "Nike - Gran Turismo [Limited Edition - 8 inch]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-17009: name: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (9inch) name-sort: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (9inch) name-en: "Nike - Gran Turismo [Limited Edition - 9 inch]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-17010: name: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (10inch) name-sort: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (10inch) name-en: "Nike - Gran Turismo [Limited Edition - 10 inch]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-17011: name: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (11inch) name-sort: NIKE/ GRAN TURISMO Limited Edition (11inch) name-en: "Nike - Gran Turismo [Limited Edition - 11 inch]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-17013: name: ローグギャラクシー ディレクターズカット name-sort: ろーぐぎゃらくしー でぃれくたーずかっと name-en: "Rogue Galaxy [Director's Cut]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. patches: CDEE4B19: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fixes Vedan Myna out of bounds glitch. patch=1,EE,00124898,word,3442fffe SCPS-17501: name: "Linux (for PlayStation 2) - Release 1.0 (Disc 1) (Runtime Environment)" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-17502: name: "Linux (for PlayStation 2) - Release 1.0 (Disc 2) (Software Packages)" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19101: name: 蚊 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: か PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ka [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCPS-19102: name: ボクと魔王 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくとまおう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Boku to Maou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Depth of field blur is incorrect without it. SCPS-19103: name: ICO PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: いこ [PlayStation 2 the Best] name-en: "ICO [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCPS-19104: name: ピポサル2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぴぽさる2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Pipo Saru 2001 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19105: name: ブラボーミュージック PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぶらぼーみゅーじっく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bravo Music [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19151: name: ICO PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: いこ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "ICO [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCPS-19152: name: "Saru Get You! 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCPS-19153: name: ピポサル2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぴぽさる2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Pipo Saru 2001 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19201: name: パラッパラッパー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぱらっぱらっぱー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "PaRappa the Rapper 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes missing floor texture. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes fog effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes misaligment depth of field effect. SCPS-19202: name: EXTERMINATION PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: EXTERMINATION PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Extermination [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Black FMV. SCPS-19203: name: ダーククラウド PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: だーくくらうど PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dark Cloud [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. SCPS-19204: name: レガイア デュエルサーガ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: れがいあ でゅえるさーが PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Legaia - Duel Saga [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19205: name: ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: わいるどあーむず あどゔぁんすどさーど PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Wild ARMs - Advanced 3rd [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCPS-19206: name: サルゲッチュ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さるげっちゅ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ape Escape 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCPS-19207: name: ポポロクロイス〜はじまりの冒険〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぽぽろくろいす はじまりのぼうけん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Popolocrois - Hajimari no Bouken [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19208: name: グランツーリスモ Concept2001 TOKYO PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも Concept2001 TOKYO PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2001 Tokyo [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19209: name: ぼくのなつやすみ2 海の冒険篇 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくのなつやすみ2 うみのぼうけんへん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Boku no Summer Vacation 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19210: name: ジャック×ダクスター PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: じゃっくだくすたー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Jak x Daxter - Kyuusekai no Isan [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-19211: name: ラチェット&クランク PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-19213: name: Operator’s Side USBマイク同梱版 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: おぺれーたーずさいど [USBまいくどうこんばん] PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Operator's Side [PlayStation 2 the Best] [with Microphone]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCPS-19214: name: Operator’s Side PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: おぺれーたーずさいど PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Operator's Side [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCPS-19215: name: ダーククロニクル PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: だーくくろにくる PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dark Chronicle [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-19251: name: "ワイルドアームズ アルターコード:F PlayStation 2 the Best" name-sort: "わいるどあーむず あるたーこーど:F [PlayStation 2 the Best]" name-en: "Wild ARMs - Alter Code:F [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. SCPS-19252: name: グランツーリスモ4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gran Turismo 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" SCPS-19253: name: "ワイルドアームズ アルターコード:F PlayStation 2 the Best" name-sort: わいるどあーむず あるたーこーど:F PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Wild ARMs - Alter Code F [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. SCPS-19254: name: "Rogue Galaxy [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. SCPS-19301: name: みんなのGOLF 4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: みんなのごるふ4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Minna no Golf 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-19302: name: ラチェット&クランク2 ガガガ!銀河のコマンドーっす PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく2 ががが!ぎんがのこまんどーっす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 SCPS-19303: name: ぼくのなつやすみ2 海の冒険篇 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくのなつやすみ2 うみのぼうけんへん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes menu text. SCPS-19304: name: グランツーリスモ4 “プロローグ版” PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぐらんつーりすも4 ぷろろーぐばん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gran Turismo 4 - Prologue [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20066" - "SCAJ-30006" - "SCAJ-30007" - "SCAJ-30008" - "SCPS-15055" - "SCPS-17001" - "SCPS-19252" - "SCPS-19304" - "SCPS-15009" - "SCPS-55007" # vuClampMode = 2 Text in GT mode works. SCPS-19305: name: SIREN PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さいれん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Siren [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-19306: name: ダーククロニクル PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: だーくくろにくる PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dark Chronicle [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-19307: name: ポポロクロイス〜はじまりの冒険〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぽぽろくろいす はじまりのぼうけん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Popolocrois - The First Adventure [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19308: name: サルゲッチュ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さるげっちゅ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Saru Get You 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCPS-19309: name: ラチェット&クランク3 突撃!ガラクチック★レンジャーズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく3 とつげき!がらくちっくれんじゃーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 3 - Up Your Arsenal [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCPS-19310: name: ラチェット&クランク PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-19311: name: サルゲッチュ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さるげっちゅ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Saru Get You 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCPS-19312: name: SIREN PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さいれん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Siren [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-19313: name: ワイルドアームズ ザ フォースデトネイター PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: わいるどあーむず ざ ふぉーすでとねいたー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Wild ARMs - The 4th Detonator [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20123" - "SCPS-15091" - "SCPS-15092" - "SCPS-19313" - "SCPS-19322" - "SCPS-19323" - "SCAJ-30002" - "SCPS-17002" - "SCPS-19251" - "SCPS-19253" SCPS-19315: name: "EyeToy - Play [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19316: name: ラチェット&クランク PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-19317: name: ラチェット&クランク2 ガガガ!銀河のコマンドーっす PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく2 ががが!ぎんがのこまんどーっす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20001" - "SCPS-15037" - "SCPS-19211" - "SCPS-19310" - "SCPS-19316" SCPS-19318: name: GENJI PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: GENJI PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Genji - Dawn of the Samurai [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19319: name: みんなのGOLF 4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: みんなのごるふ4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Minna no Golf 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-19320: name: ワンダと巨像 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: わんだときょぞう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Wanda to Kyozou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20146" - "SCAJ-20196" - "SCAJ-20099" - "SCPS-11003" - "SCPS-19103" - "SCPS-19151" - "SCPS-55001" SCPS-19321: name: ラチェット&クランク4th ギリギリ銀河のギガバトル PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく4th ぎりぎりぎんがのぎがばとる PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 4th - GiriGiri Ginga no Giga Battle [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCPS-19322: name: ワイルドアームズ ザ フォースデトネイター PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: わいるどあーむず ざ ふぉーすでとねいたー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Wild ARMs - The 4th Detonator [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20123" - "SCPS-15091" - "SCPS-15092" - "SCPS-19313" - "SCPS-19322" - "SCPS-19323" - "SCAJ-30002" - "SCPS-17002" - "SCPS-19251" - "SCPS-19253" SCPS-19323: name: ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: わいるどあーむず あどゔぁんすどさーど PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Wild ARMs - The 4th Detonator [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20123" - "SCPS-15091" - "SCPS-15092" - "SCPS-19313" - "SCPS-19322" - "SCPS-19323" - "SCAJ-30002" - "SCPS-17002" - "SCPS-19251" - "SCPS-19253" SCPS-19324: name: ツーリスト・トロフィー PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: つーりすととろふぃー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tourist Trophy - The Real Riding Simulator [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in TT Mode menu caused by the moving tooltips. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-19325: name: サルゲッチュ ミリオンモンキーズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さるげっちゅ みりおんもんきーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ape Escape - Million Monkeys [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19326: name: SIREN2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さいれん2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Siren 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in-game. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes some missing effects. SCPS-19327: name: サルゲッチュ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さるげっちゅ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ape Escape 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCPS-19328: name: ラチェット&クランク4th ギリギリ銀河のギガバトル PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: らちぇっとあんどくらんく4th ぎりぎりぎんがのぎがばとる PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ratchet & Clank 4th - GiriGiri Ginga no Giga Battle [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCPS-19329: name: BLEACH 〜ブレイド・バトラーズ〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぶりーち ぶれいど ばとらーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bleach - Blade Battlers [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Special moves "Bankai" hang otherwise. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes removed bloom. SCPS-19330: name: BLEACH 〜放たれし野望〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぶりーち はなたれしやぼう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bleach - Hanatareshi Yabou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19331: name: BLEACH 〜選ばれし魂〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぶりーち えらばれしたましい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bleach - Selected Soul [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19332: name: みんなのテニス PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: みんなのてにす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Minna no Tennis [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. SCPS-19333: name: ワイルドアームズ ザ フィフスヴァンガード PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: わいるどあーむず ざ ふぃふすゔぁんがーど [PlayStation 2 the Best] name-en: "Wild ARMs - The Vth Vanguard [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-19335: name: "Wanda to Kyozou [PlayStation 2 the Best Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. SCPS-51001: name: "MotoGP 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51004: name: "Bravo Music" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51005: name: "Samurai" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SCPS-51006: name: "Alpine Racer 3" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51008: name: "Wave Rally" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes water reflection. SCPS-51009: name: "Underwater Unit" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51010: name: "Shikigami no Shiro" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51011: name: "Raging Bless - Gouma Mokushiroku" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 7 # Fixes blurriness. SCPS-51012: name: "Gigantic Drive" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes DOF effect. SCPS-51013: name: "Torneko's Adventure 3" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51014: name: "Ninja Assault" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes intro captions not displaying. SCPS-51015: name: "Super Puzzle Bobble 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-51016: name: "Space Fishermen" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS and bad textures. SCPS-55001: name: "ICO" name-sort: "いこ" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # FMV is cut off to the upper left. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCPS-55002: name: "Zero" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. SCPS-55003: name: "Vampire Night" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55004: name: "Jak x Daxter - Kyuu Sekai no Isan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. SCPS-55005: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2001 Tokyo" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55006: name: "Wild ARMs - Advanced 3rd" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCPS-55007: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-55008: name: "Thunderstrike" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55010: name: "Grandia Xtreme" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55011: name: "Dual Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55012: name: "Grandia II" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical Lines in FMV. SCPS-55013: name: "Soul Reaver 2 - Legacy of Kain" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SCPS-55014: name: "Armored Core 3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces garbage on the UI whilst upscaling. SCPS-55015: name: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-55016: name: "Jet de Go! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55017: name: "Tekken 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 SCPS-55018: name: "Kingdom of Scribbling" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55019: name: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. SCPS-55020: name: "Kengo 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55021: name: "Super Robot Wars Impact" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55022: name: "Surveillance" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55023: name: "Otostaz" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55024: name: "Armored Core 2 - Another Age" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55024" - "SLPS-25007" - "SLPS-25040" - "SLPS-73403" - "SLPS-73411" SCPS-55025: name: "Eve of Extinction" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55026: name: "Gundam Giren's Ambition" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55027: name: "Runabout 3 - Neo Age" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55028: name: "Popolocrois - Hajimari no Bouken" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55029: name: ".hack Infection Part 1" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SCPS-55030: name: "First Step Victorious Boxers [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55031: name: "Ghost Vibration" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55032: name: "Fantavision - For You and Me" region: "NTSC-C" SCPS-55035: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SCPS-55038: name: "Pac-Man World 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hanging in Butane Pain, Ghost Bayou, Pinky's Revenge and Clyde in the Caldera levels. SCPS-55040: name: "G-Breaker 2 - Doumei no Hangeki" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55041: name: "Memories Off" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55042: name: ".hack Mutation Part 2" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SCPS-55043: name: "Fatal Frame" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. patches: 339A0B8C: content: |- author=WeirdBeardGame, TellowKrinkle, CheeseyBurrito. // Wraps sceVu0ScaleVector in if statement to prevent bad divide by zero behaviour. patch=1,EE,0011f0cc,word,46156032 patch=1,EE,0011f0d0,word,45010002 SCPS-55044: name: "Energy Airforce" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55045: name: "Poinie's Poin" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Prevents ingame flicker due to large clears/copies gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes text corruption. SCPS-55046: name: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55047: name: "Formula One 2002" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCPS-55048: name: "Dark Chronicle" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-55049: name: "The King of Fighters 2000" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2000, The" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55050: name: "Tales of Destiny 2" region: "NTSC-J" SCPS-55901: name: "Xenosaga Episode I - Der Wille zur Macht" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. patches: A3D63039: content: |- // Repeatedly decrements JPEG quality until the generated save file thumbnail is // within the 4 KB limit. Replaces the game's previous escape mechanism, which // was simply to exit the game completely. comment=Save Point Crash Prevention author=pandubz, PSI, turtleli patch=1,EE,00285f44,word,24130064 patch=1,EE,00285f48,word,8f85ab00 patch=1,EE,00285f4c,word,26640000 patch=1,EE,00285f50,word,0c0935a8 patch=1,EE,00285f54,word,00b02821 patch=1,EE,00285f58,word,28421001 patch=1,EE,00285f5c,word,1040fffa patch=1,EE,00285f60,word,2673ffff patch=1,EE,00285f64,word,00000000 SCPS-55902: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-55903: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-56001: name: "Ico" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCPS-56002: name: "Tekken Tag Tournament" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SCPS-56003: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCPS-56004: name: "Otostaz" region: "NTSC-K" SCPS-56005: name: "Gran Turismo - Concept 2002 Tokyo-Seoul" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-56006: name: "Tekken 4" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 SCPS-56007: name: "Hot Shots Golf 3" region: "NTSC-K" SCPS-56008: name: "Fatal Frame" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. patches: 339A0B8C: content: |- author=WeirdBeardGame, TellowKrinkle, CheeseyBurrito. // Wraps sceVu0ScaleVector in if statement to prevent bad divide by zero behaviour. patch=1,EE,0011f3ac,word,46156032 patch=1,EE,0011f3b0,word,45010002 SCPS-56009: name: "Smash Court Pro Tournament" region: "NTSC-K" SCPS-56010: name: "Downhill Racer" region: "NTSC-K" SCPS-56011: name: "U - Underwater Unit" region: "NTSC-K" SCPS-56012: name: "Jeolche Jeolmyeong Dosi" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-56013: name: "This is Football 2003" region: "NTSC-K" SCPS-56014: name: "Gungrave" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SCPS-56015: name: "Ninja Assault" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes intro captions not displaying. SCPS-56016: name: "Axel Impact - The Extreme Racing" # DT Racer region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects shadows (Currently still broken even with this). mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, matches sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCPS-72001: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCPS-72002: name: "Minna no Golf 3" region: "NTSC-J" SCUS-10380: name: "LEGO Batman - The Videogame" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. HPO Normal required if not using CLUT Renderer. SCUS-21052: name: "Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc." region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-21295: name: "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland Collector's Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SCUS-21494: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon Collector's Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCUS-90174: name: "Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 [PlayStation 2 Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SCUS-90682: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-94346: name: "SingStar Latino" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-94677: name: "989 Sports 2003 Demo Disc" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97095: name: "Network Adaptor Start-Up Disc v2.0" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97097: name: "Network Adapter Start-Up Disc" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97101: name: "Twisted Metal - Black" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97102: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97104: name: "ATV Offroad Fury" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97105: name: "Fantavision" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97106: name: "NFL GameDay 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97107: name: "NCAA GameBreaker 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97108: name: "Cool Boarders 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97109: name: "NCAA Final Four 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97110: name: "NHL FaceOff 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97111: name: "Dark Cloud" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. SCUS-97112: name: "Extermination" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Black FMV. SCUS-97113: name: "Ico" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCUS-97114: name: "NBA ShootOut 2001" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken player rendering and skin flashing. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, needed for player textures and court textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97115: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97116: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.01" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97117: name: "PlayStation 2 Demo Disc Version 2.1 [Need for Speed - Underground]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SCUS-97118: name: "NFL GameDay 2001 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97121: name: "PlayStation Underground 4.4 [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97122: name: "ATV Offroad Fury [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97123: name: "Disney's Monsters Inc." region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97124: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97125: name: "Frequency" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97126: name: "PlayStation 2 Demo Disc Version 2.2" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97127: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.02" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97128: name: "Drakan - The Ancients' Gates" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97129: name: "Okage - Shadow King" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Depth of field blur is incorrect without it. SCUS-97130: name: "Hot Shots Golf 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97131: name: "NFL GameDay 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97132: name: "Kinetica" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. SCUS-97133: name: "The Getaway" name-sort: "Getaway, The" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCUS-97134: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCUS-97136: name: "NCAA Final Four 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97140: name: "The Mark of Kri" name-sort: "Mark of Kri, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: DBD09DD4: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch // Pair of vsubs with associated cfc2s. patch=0,EE,002EA424,word,48468801 patch=0,EE,002EA434,word,4BC311AC // Bunch of vclips without enough cycles before reading the clip flag. patch=0,EE,00329110,word,48489000 patch=0,EE,00329124,word,4BDAD1FF patch=0,EE,0032916C,word,48459000 patch=0,EE,00329180,word,4BDAD1FF patch=0,EE,003291DC,word,48459000 patch=0,EE,003291F0,word,4BDAD1FF patch=0,EE,0032924C,word,48459000 patch=0,EE,00329260,word,4BDAD1FF patch=0,EE,003292BC,word,48459000 patch=0,EE,003292D0,word,4BDAD1FF patch=0,EE,0032940C,word,48459000 patch=0,EE,00329420,word,4BDAD1FF SCUS-97142: name: "Primal - Civilization Is Only Skin Deep" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS. eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures on the doors. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS. SCUS-97144: name: "PlayStation Underground 5.1" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97145: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97146: name: "Disney's Treasure Planet" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS when the solar surfer's engines are inactive. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang before going ingame. SCUS-97147: name: "Cool Boarders 2001 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97149: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Summer 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97150: name: "Formula One 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack SCUS-97152: name: "Dark Cloud [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes mipmapping. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Distance is less blurry, game has reduced LOD so it will still look blurry. SCUS-97153: name: "Vans Warped Tour '01 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97155: name: "PlayStation 2 Demo Disc Version 2.3" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97156: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.03" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97157: name: "Frequency [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97158: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 049" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97159: name: "Ico [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Otherwise freezes in various spots, check full intro. vuClampMode: 1 # Otherwise camera does not focus correctly on main character. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes effect misalignment. moveHandler: "MV_Ico" # Fixes depth buffer post-processing. SCUS-97160: name: "Extermination [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Black FMV. SCUS-97161: name: "Kinetica [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. SCUS-97163: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Winter 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97164: name: "Twisted Metal Black [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97165: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 051" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97166: name: "PlayStation Underground Holiday 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97167: name: "PaRappa the Rapper 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes missing floor texture. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes fog effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes misaligment depth of field effect. SCUS-97169: name: "Drakan - The Ancients' Gates [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97170: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy [Cingular Wireless Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97171: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy [PS Underground Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97172: name: "World Tour Soccer 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97173: name: "Jet X2O" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97174: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.04" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97175: name: "NCAA Final Four 2002 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97176: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 053" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97177: name: "Downhill Domination" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97178: name: "NFL GameDay 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97179: name: "Twisted Metal Black" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97181: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 055" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97182: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 056" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97183: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 057" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97184: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 058" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97185: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 059" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97186: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 060" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97187: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 061" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97188: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 062" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97189: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 063" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97190: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 064" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97191: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 065" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97192: name: "World Tour Soccer 2002 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97194: name: "NFL GameDay 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97195: name: "Twisted Metal Black - Online" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97196: name: "Twisted Metal Black - Online [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97197: name: "War of the Monsters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97198: name: "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97199: name: "Ratchet & Clank" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97200: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.05" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97201: name: "The Mark of Kri" name-sort: "Mark of Kri, The" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97203: name: "Wild ARMs 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCUS-97204: name: "NCAA Final Four 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97205: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCUS-97206: name: "PlayStation Underground Jampack Summer 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97208: name: "Hot Shots Golf 3 & PaRappa the Rapper 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes noodles on Parappa 2. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97209: name: "Ratchet & Clank [E3 Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97210: name: "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97211: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97212: name: "My Street" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. SCUS-97213: name: "Dark Cloud 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97214: name: "NCAA GameBreaker 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97216: name: "PlayStation Underground Summer Sampler" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97217: name: "NBA Shootout 2003" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes an issue with loading screens which cause the game to return on the Bios. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken player rendering and skin flashing. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, needed for player textures and court textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97218: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.06" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97219: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec - Nissan 350Z Edition" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97219" - "SCUS-97102" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97220: name: "NHL FaceOff 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97222: name: "Mark of Kri [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97223: name: "NFL GameDay 2003 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97224: name: "Wild ARMs 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SCUS-97225: name: "Primal [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes SPS. eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures on the doors. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fix other SPS. SCUS-97226: name: "NCAA GameBreaker 2003 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97227: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.07" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97229: name: "Dark Cloud 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes textbox. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes lines in geometry. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97230: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCUS-97231: name: "Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97232: name: "Getaway [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCUS-97233: name: "World Tour Soccer 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97234: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Winter 2002 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97235: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Winter 2002 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97236: name: "World Tour Soccer 2003 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97238: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97239: name: "Jet X2O [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97240: name: "Ratchet & Clank [EB Games Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Hydrodisplacer behaviour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97241: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 066" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97242: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 067" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97243: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 068" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97244: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 069" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97245: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 070" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97246: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 071" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97247: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 072" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97248: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 073" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97249: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 074" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97250: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 075" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97251: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 076" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97252: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 077" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97253: name: "NBA Shootout 2003 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes an issue with loading screens which cause the game to return on the Bios. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken player rendering and skin flashing. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, needed for player textures and court textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97256: name: "MLB 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97257: name: "MLB 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97258: name: "Amplitude" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97259: name: "NHL FaceOff 2003 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97260: name: "War of the Monsters [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97261: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.08" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97262: name: "Amplitude [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97263: name: "My Street [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. SCUS-97264: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights going through walls. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes light flicker. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects light position. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random hangs. patches: D5605611: content: |- author=refraction // Cop2 problems. patch=0,EE,003735F8,word,48438000 patch=0,EE,003735FC,word,4B06521B SCUS-97265: name: "Jak II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97266: name: "Final Fantasy XI [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97268: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97268" - "SCUS-97199" SCUS-97269: name: "Final Fantasy XI [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97270: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.09" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97271: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Online [Beta Version] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97272: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Online [Beta Version] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97273: name: "Jak II [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97274: name: "Jak II [Video Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. SCUS-97275: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCUS-97276: name: "NFL GameDay 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97277: name: "NCAA GameBreaker 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97278: name: "NCAA Final Four 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97279: name: "Jet Li - Rise to Honor" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97280: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Summer 2003 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97281: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Summer 2003 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97282: name: "Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes on screen garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97292: name: "Amplitude [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97312: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Winter 2003 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97313: name: "Jampack Demo Disc - Winter 2003 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97315: name: "NCAA GameBreaker 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97316: name: "Sly 2 - Band of Thieves" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97317: name: "NFL GameDay 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97318: name: "NBA ShootOut 2004" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken player rendering and skin flashing. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, needed for player textures and court textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97319: name: "EyeToy - Play" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97321: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.10" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97322: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 SCUS-97323: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando [Retail Employees Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 SCUS-97324: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.11" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97325: name: "NBA Shootout 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken player rendering and skin flashing. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, needed for player textures and court textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97326: name: "MLB 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97327: name: "MLB 2005 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97328: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: # Allows car imports from GT3 or something. - "SCUS-97328" - "SCUS-97436" - "SCUS-97102" - "SCUS-97219" - "SCUS-97512" SCUS-97329: name: "Downhill Domination [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97330: name: "Jak 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes holes in face geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97331: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 078" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97332: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 079" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97333: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 080" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97334: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 081" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97335: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 082" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97336: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 083" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97337: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 084" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97338: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 085" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97339: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 086" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97340: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 087" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97341: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 088" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97342: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 089" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97345: name: "EyeToy - Groove" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97347: name: "MLB 2006" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97348: name: "NBA '06" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97353: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Up Your Arsenal" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97353" - "SCUS-97268" - "SCUS-97199" SCUS-97355: name: "Siren" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97356: name: "Network Adapter Start-Up Disc Ver.2.5" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97357: name: "Online Start-Up Disc 4.0" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97362: name: "Syphon Filter - Dark Mirror" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 SCUS-97365: name: "World Tour Soccer 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97366: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs [Public Beta v1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCUS-97367: name: "Neopets - The Darkest Faerie" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes player freezes. SCUS-97368: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCUS-97369: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97370: name: "NCAA Final Four 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97372: name: "Jet Li-Rise to Honor [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97373: name: "989 Sports 2004 Demo Disc" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97374: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando & Jak II [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97377: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights going through walls. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes light flicker. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects light position. SCUS-97378: name: "EyeToy and EyeToy Play [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97379: name: "Athens 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97380: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Online [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97381: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando [GameStop Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 SCUS-97382: name: "NBA Shootout 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken player rendering and skin flashing. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, needed for player textures and court textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97383: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc 2.12" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97384: name: "Gran Turismo Special Edition 2004 Toyota [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97392: name: "NBA '06 featuring The Life Vol.1 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97394: name: "Welcome to the World of Online Gaming for Your PlayStation 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97395: name: "HDD Utility Disc Version 1.10" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97396: name: "World Tour Soccer 2005 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97397: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97398: name: "Siren [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps between menu options. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes sky rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97399: name: "God of War" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCUS-97400: name: "EyeToy - Groove" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97401: name: "Hot Shots Golf FORE!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97402: name: "Killzone" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCUS-97403: name: "Athens 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97405: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Increases FPS drastically. SCUS-97406: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.10 - Summer 2004 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97407: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q2-Q3 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97408: name: "The Getaway - Black Monday" name-sort: "Getaway, The - Black Monday" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines on screen edges. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCUS-97409: name: "Gretzky NHL 2005" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fix ingame hang. SCUS-97410: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.10 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97411: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Up Your Arsenal [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCUS-97412: name: "Jak 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes holes in face geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97413: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Up Your Arsenal [Public Beta v1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCUS-97414: name: "EyeToy - AntiGrav" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97415: name: "Sly 2 - Band of Thieves [E3 Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97416: name: "Rise of the Kasai" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97417: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.11 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97418: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.11 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97419: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.12 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97420: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.12 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97421: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q4-2004 - Q1-2005" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97422: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q1-Q2 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97423: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q2-Q3 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97424: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q3-Q4 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97425: name: "Online Start-Up Disc v3.0" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97427: name: "Hot Shots Golf FORE! [Online Public Beta]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97428: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q3-Q4 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97429: name: "Jak X - Combat Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97429" - "SCUS-97465" SCUS-97430: name: "Hot Shots Golf FORE! [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97431: name: "Killzone Public Beta V1.0" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCUS-97432: name: "Killzone [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCUS-97436: name: "Gran Turismo 4 [Online Public Beta]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97328" - "SCUS-97436" - "SCUS-97102" - "SCUS-97219" - "SCUS-97512" SCUS-97437: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Increases FPS drastically. SCUS-97438: name: "EyeToy - Antigrav [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97440: name: "Jak and Daxter Trilogy [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97441: name: "Getaway The - Black Monday [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines on screen edges. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SCUS-97442: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 090" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97443: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 091" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97444: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 092" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97445: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 093" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97446: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 094" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97447: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 095" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97448: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 096" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97449: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 097" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97450: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 098" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97451: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 099" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97452: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 100" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97453: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 101" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97454: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 102" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97455: name: "PlayStation Underground Holiday 2004 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97456: name: "PlayStation Underground Holiday 2004 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97457: name: "Sly 2 - Band of Thieves [Retail Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97460: name: "MLB 2006 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97462: name: "Rise of the Kasai [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97463: name: "World Tour Soccer 2006" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97464: name: "Sly 3 - Honor Among Thieves" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97465: name: "Ratchet - Deadlocked" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCUS-97466: name: "Gretzky NHL '06" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97467: name: "God of War [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SCUS-97468: name: "EyeToy - Play 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97469: name: "Neopets - The Darkest Faerie [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97471: name: "Genji - Dawn of the Samurai" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97472: name: "Shadow of the Colossus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes Water with Trilinear. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes Water with Mipmap (Full). halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97472" - "SCUS-97113" SCUS-97473: name: "World Tour Soccer 2006 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97474: name: "SOCOM 3 - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left. patches: 75ED4282: content: |- author=CK1 // Remove the need of the VIF FIFO. // Solve a massive slowdown when looking at the sun when ingame. patch=1,EE,0019eb40,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,0019eb4c,word,00000000 SCUS-97475: name: "SOCOM 3 - U.S. Navy SEALs [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left. patches: 314F0905: content: |- author=CK1 // Remove the need of the VIF FIFO. // Solve a massive slowdown when looking at the sun when ingame. patch=1,EE,0019DC8C,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,0019DC80,word,00000000 SCUS-97478: name: "EyeToy - Kinetic" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97479: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97481: name: "God of War II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCUS-97482: name: "God of War II - The Colossus Battle [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SCUS-97483: name: "Gran Turismo 4 MX-5 Edition [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97484: name: "Sly 3 - Honor Among Thieves [E3 Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97485: name: "Ratchet - Deadlocked [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCUS-97486: name: "Jak X - Combat Racing [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. SCUS-97487: name: "Ratchet - Deadlocked [Public Beta v.1]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents world geometry and some models from vanishing when pausing or opening vendor. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. SCUS-97488: name: "Jak X - Combat Racing [Public Beta v.1]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. SCUS-97489: name: "SOCOM 3 - U.S. Navy SEALs [Public Beta v.1]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left. SCUS-97490: name: "Rogue Galaxy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. patches: 0643F90C: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fixes Vedan Myna out of bounds glitch. patch=1,EE,00124898,word,3442fffe SCUS-97491: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.13 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97492: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.13 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97493: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.14 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97494: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.14 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97495: name: "EyeToy - Play 2 [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97497: name: "EyeToy - Kinetic [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97498: name: "EyeToy - Play 3" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97500: name: "MLB '06 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97501: name: "Ape Escape 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCUS-97502: name: "Tourist Trophy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in TT Mode menu caused by the moving tooltips. gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97503: name: "MLB '06 - The Show [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97504: name: "Genji - Dawn of the Samurai [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97505: name: "Shadow of the Colossus [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes Water with Trilinear. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes Water with Mipmap (Full). halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignments and borders on side. SCUS-97506: name: "Gretzky NHL '06 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97507: name: "EyeToy [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97509: name: "Jak II [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97510: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 2 [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97511: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. SCUS-97512: name: "Gran Turismo 3 - A-Spec [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97512" - "SCUS-97102" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97513: name: "Ratchet & Clank 2 - Going Commando [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 autoFlush: 2 memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97513" - "SCUS-97199" SCUS-97514: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 3 [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Increases FPS drastically. SCUS-97515: name: "Hot Shots Golf FORE! [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97516: name: "Jak 3 [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes holes in face geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. SCUS-97517: name: "Killzone [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SCUS-97518: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Up Your Arsenal [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: - "SCUS-97518" - "SCUS-97513" - "SCUS-97268" - "SCUS-97199" SCUS-97519: name: "Sly 2 - Band of Thieves [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97520: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights going through walls. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes light flicker. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects light position. SCUS-97523: name: "EyeToy - Operation Spy!" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97527: name: "Sly 3 - Honor Among Thieves [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game engine issue with bombs and ladders. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bugged camera. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes chromatic effect. SCUS-97528: name: "PlayStation Underground Demo Disc - Holiday 2005 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97529: name: "PlayStation Underground Demo Disc - Holiday 2005 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97530: name: "ESA Foundation Compilation Set" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97531: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 103" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97532: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 104" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97533: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 105" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97534: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 106" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97535: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 107" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97536: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 108" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97537: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 109" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97538: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 110" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97539: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 111" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97540: name: "Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Demo Disc 112" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97544: name: "NBA '07 featuring The Life Vol.2" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes glitching crowd. SCUS-97545: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Combined Assault" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left but stuff in front can lower or increase opacity. patches: D7CFDCCF: content: |- author=Prafull //Fix Slowdown when looking at sun (all Patches) patch=1,EE,0019f480,word,00000000 SCUS-97548: name: "Ape Escape 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black background in the pause menu. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes corruption in cutscenes and brightens the image. SCUS-97553: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 4" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97554: name: "NBA '07 featuring The Life Vol.2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes glitching crowd. SCUS-97555: name: "Jak and Daxter Complete Trilogy [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes character and water textures. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SCUS-97556: name: "MLB '07 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97557: name: "Kiosk Demo Disc Q2-Q3 2006" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97558: name: "Jak and Daxter - The Lost Frontier" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes object glow. roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow definition. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smoothes out shadow textures. SCUS-97560: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Combined Assault [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left but stuff in front can lower or increase opacity. SCUS-97563: name: "Gran Turismo 4" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Text in GT mode works. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes weird edge shadows and depth bleed which happens on the edge as well. getSkipCount: "GSC_PolyphonyDigitalGames" # Fixes post processing. SCUS-97564: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.15 [T-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97565: name: "Jampack Demo Disc Vol.15 [M-Rated]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97568: name: "MLB '07 - The Show [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97571: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97572: name: "Rogue Galaxy [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fix glow effects from lamps. roundSprite: 1 # Fix mini-map and field menu. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures especially on water. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents UI and subtitles from disappearing. SCUS-97574: name: "Jak X - Combat Racing [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. SCUS-97579: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 4 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97580: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97582: name: "Kiosk Disc 2.23" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97583: name: "MLB '08 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97584: name: "Syphon Filter - Logan's Shadow" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 preloadFrameData: 1 SCUS-97589: name: "NBA '08 featuring The Life Vol.3" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97590: name: "SingStar Rocks!" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97591: name: "SingStar Pop" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97592: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97594: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz [Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCUS-97596: name: "Buzz! Junior Jungle Party" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97597: name: "Buzz! Jr. RoboJam [Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97600: name: "EyeToy" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97601: name: "Buzz! The Mega Quiz [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97602: name: "Buzz! Jr. Jungle Party [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97610: name: "Hot Shots Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes the display of scores and text ingame. SCUS-97611: name: "SingStar Amped" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97612: name: "SingStar Amped" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97615: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Size Matters" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97616: name: "SingStar 80's" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97618: name: "SingStar 80's" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97619: name: "Hot Shots Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97620: name: "Syphon Filter - Dark Mirror [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 SCUS-97621: name: "Twisted Metal - Head-On [Extra Twisted Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes smoke effects. gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes black doors on vehicles. patches: 3DC2FE45: content: |- author=refraction // COP2 rearrangement. RSQRT directly followed by DIV and a few ops using Q causes issues // Fixes fire effects patch=1,EE,00237eb0,word,4b000060 patch=1,EE,00237ec0,word,4a0203bd patch=1,EE,002461d8,word,4bf4b33c patch=1,EE,002461dc,word,4b806d9c patch=1,EE,002461e0,word,4bc069fc patch=1,EE,002461e4,word,4a54c3bc SCUS-97622: name: "SingStar '80s" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97623: name: "Secret Agent Clank" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SCUS-97625: name: "NBA 09 - The Inside" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97626: name: "SingStar '90s" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97627: name: "SingStar Pop Volume 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97633: name: "Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes long delays between questions. SCUS-97634: name: "Buzz! Jr. RoboJam [Game Only]" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97636: name: "SingStar '90s" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97640: name: "SingStar Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97642: name: "SingStar ABBA" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97643: name: "SingStar Queen" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97644: name: "MLB '09 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97649: name: "SingStar Pop Vol. 2" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97650: name: "SingStar Country" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97651: name: "SingStar Country" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SCUS-97653: name: "MLB '10 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97654: name: "MotorStorm - Arctic Edge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad polys in menu. SCUS-97657: name: "MLB 11 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SCUS-97660: name: "SingStar Latino" region: "NTSC-U" SCUS-97859: name: "SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes bad shadows. SCUS-97869: name: "Amplitude P.O.D. [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLAJ-25002: name: "Shinobi" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25003: name: "Unlimited Saga" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25004: name: "Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25005: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 - International" region: "NTSC-HK" SLAJ-25006: name: "Virtual Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25007: name: "NBA 2K3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25008: name: "Initial D - Special Stage" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25011: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25012: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLAJ-25014: name: "Cyber Troopers - Virtual-On Marz" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25015: name: "Enter the Matrix" region: "NTSC-T" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes various VIF errors. SLAJ-25016: name: "Sangokushi Senki 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25017: name: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" region: "NTSC-HK" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLAJ-25018: name: "Shutokou Battle 01" region: "NTSC-HK" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Improves visual clarity whilst upscaling. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces graphics garbage on UI whilst upscaling. SLAJ-25019: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" region: "NTSC-C" SLAJ-25023: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25026: name: "Kunoichi Shinobi" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SLAJ-25027: name: "Sonic Heroes" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25028: name: "The Sims - Bustin' Out" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, font and others. SLAJ-25030: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "NTSC-C" SLAJ-25031: name: "Kunoichi - Shinobu" region: "NTSC-C-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SLAJ-25033: name: "Puyo Puyo Fever" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25034: name: "Sakura Taisen - Mysterious Paris" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25035: name: "Sengoku Musou" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25036: name: "Zhen Sanguo Wushuang 2" region: "NTSC-C" SLAJ-25037: name: "Astro Boy Atom" region: "NTSC-Unk" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes character behaviour. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes flame bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLAJ-25039: name: "Beni no Umi 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25040: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Empires" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25041: name: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLAJ-25042: name: "Virtua Fighter - Cyber Generation" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25045: name: "Yinghua Dazhan V Episode 0 - Huangye de Shaonu Wushi" region: "NTSC-C-J" SLAJ-25046: name: "NBA Live 2005" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLAJ-25047: name: "Dororo" region: "NTSC-C-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLAJ-25048: name: "Sengoku Musou Moushouden" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25049: name: "Kengo 3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25051: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Third Age" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age" region: "NTSC-C" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLAJ-25052: name: "The Urbz - Sims in the City" name-sort: "Urbz, The - Sims in the City" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLAJ-25053: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLAJ-25055: name: "Def Jam - Fight for N.Y." region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25056: name: "Shining Tears" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25057: name: "Kessen III" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25058: name: "GoldenEye - Rogue Agent" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25059: name: "NBA Street V3" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25060: name: "Project Altered Beast" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25063: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25064: name: "MVP Baseball 2005" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLAJ-25066: name: "Burnout Revenge - Battle Racing Ignited" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25066" - "SLPM-66108" - "SLPM-66652" - "SLPM-65719" - "SLPM-65958" - "SLPM-66962" - "SLAJ-25053" - "SLPM-66204" SLAJ-25068: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLAJ-25072: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLAJ-25073: name: "Resident Evil 4" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLAJ-25075: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted [Black Edition]" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25075" - "SLPM-66232" - "SLPM-66562" - "SLPM-65766" - "SLPM-66051" - "SLPM-66960" SLAJ-25076: name: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLAJ-25077: name: "Sengoku Musou 2" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps to alleviate misaligned text. memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25077" - "SLPM-66307" - "SLPM-74247" - "SLAJ-25035" - "SLPM-65517" - "SLPM-74212" - "SLPM-74235" - "SLAJ-25048" - "SLPM-65718" - "SLPM-74224" - "SLPM-74249" SLAJ-25078: name: "Black" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLAJ-25079: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25080: name: "The Godfather" name-sort: "Godfather, The" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLAJ-25081: name: "FIFA World Cup - Germany 2006" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLAJ-25084: name: "Sengoku Musou 2 - Empires" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25087: name: "NBA Live '07" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLAJ-25088: name: "FIFA Soccer 2007" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLAJ-25091: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLAJ-25092: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25093: name: "Sangoku Musou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25094: name: "Burnout Dominator" region: "NTSC-Unk" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLAJ-25095: name: "Medal of Honor - Vanguard" region: "NTSC-HK" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes occasional vertical lines. SLAJ-25096: name: "Musou Orochi" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-25099: name: "NBA Live '08" region: "NTSC-Unk" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLAJ-25103: name: "Musou Orochi - Maou Sairin" region: "NTSC-J" SLAJ-25104: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (Disc 1)" region: "NTSC-J" SLAJ-25105: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SLAJ-25111: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009" region: "NTSC-J" SLAJ-25114: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010" region: "NTSC-J" SLAJ-25115: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-35001: name: "Sakura Wars" region: "NTSC-Unk" SLAJ-35003: name: "Sakura Taisen - Atsuki Chishio Ni" region: "NTSC-C" SLAJ-35007: name: "Zhen San Guo Wu Shuang 5 Special" region: "NTSC-T" SLED-50117: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [Demo] [Zone of the Enders Bonus Disc]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLED-50286: name: "Red Faction [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50359: name: "Devil May Cry [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes out of place polys (COP2). gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLED-50439: name: "MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50478: name: "WWF Smackdown! - Just Bring It [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50484: name: "Rayman M [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50488: name: "Spy Hunter [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes loading hang. SLED-50489: name: "Stuntman [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLED-50587: name: "Top Gun - Combat Zones [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50617: name: "Burnout [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50762: name: "Maximo [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50884: name: "TimeSplitters 2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes texture slight misalignment. SLED-50895: name: "Medal of Honor - Frontline [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-50904: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-50980: name: "Gitaroo Man" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51012: name: "Stuntman [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLED-51047: name: "Red Faction II" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51048: name: "Red Faction II" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51062: name: "Fireblade [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-51074: name: "Aggressive Inline" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51091: name: "Summoner 2" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51127: name: "MX SuperFly" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51178: name: "TOCA Race Driver" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51186: name: "Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SLED-51211: name: "Burnout 2 - Point of Impact [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns bloom effect a little bit better when upscaled. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Reduces color banding of the sun glare. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Bright lights in cars. SLED-51212: name: "V-Rally 3" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes fog and make lights on cars work again. SLED-51225: name: "Rayman 3 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-51264: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51281: name: "Haven - Call of the King [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLED-51338: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51342: name: "FIFA Soccer 2003 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLED-51364: name: "ATV - Quad Power Racing 2" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dither patterns. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-51380: name: "Zone of the Enders - The 2nd Runner [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes cut-off text. SLED-51472: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51645: name: "Def Jam - Vendetta [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-51651: name: "Starsky & Hutch" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-51676: name: "Warhammer 40,000 - Fire Warrior [Demo]" region: "PAL" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted graphics. SLED-51807: name: "Summer Heat Beach Volleyball" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51832: name: "Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy" region: "PAL-F" SLED-51901: name: "Soul Calibur II [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLED-51902: name: "True Crime - Streets of L.A." region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes licences. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes double image. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating buildings. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SLED-51921: name: "Final Fantasy X-2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLED-51961: name: "Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLED-51962: name: "Nordic Fall 2003 Demo" region: "PAL-SC" SLED-51975: name: "Need for Speed - Underground [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes image alignment. SLED-51987: name: "Kya - Dark Lineage" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51992: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 3" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-51993: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 3" region: "PAL-I" SLED-51994: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 3" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-52014: name: "XIII [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-52031: name: "Beyond Good & Evil [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with water in some places. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes the shape of shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes water rendering. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment, needs this harsh offset for autoflush. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes shield rendering. SLED-52304: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-52325: name: "Downhill Domination" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-52326: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLED-52375: name: "Fight Night 2004 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-52441: name: "Transformers [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLED-52473: name: "Transformers - Optimus Prime [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLED-52474: name: "Transformers - Red Alert [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLED-52476: name: "UEFA Euro 2004 - Portugal [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SLED-52485: name: "Alias [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes lights penetrating objects. autoFlush: 2 # Helps with the light penetration problem. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes light glows. SLED-52488: name: "The Suffering [Demo]" name-sort: "Suffering, The [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # Fixes SPS. SLED-52506: name: "Mashed - Drive to Survive [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SLED-52574: name: "Crash Twinsanity & Spyro - A Hero's Tail [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLED-52597: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLED-52736: name: "Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLED-52851: name: "TOCA Race Driver 2" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-52852: name: "Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Removes occasional SPS where the head goes into nightmare fuel. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces ghosting even more. SLED-52873: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 4" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-52875: name: "Sega Superstars [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-52879: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 4" region: "PAL-I" SLED-52890: name: "FIFA 2005 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M7" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLED-52891: name: "Rocky Legends" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-52899: name: "Killzone [Bonus Disc]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLED-52929: name: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLED-52979: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLED-53066: name: "TimeSplitters - Future Perfect" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of distant objects. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes HUD blending. SLED-53083: name: "Monster Hunter [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLED-53097: name: "Worms 4 - Mayhem [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLED-53109: name: "Juiced [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLED-53137: name: "Stolen" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53198: name: "Rugby 2005" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53327: name: "Cold Winter [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow graphics. SLED-53330: name: "Enthusia - Professional Racing [Demo]" region: "PAL" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLED-53359: name: "LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53365: name: "Brian Lara International Cricket 2005" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53440: name: "Area 51" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects, needs Special otherwise lights flicker. SLED-53442: name: "Crash Tag Team Racing [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes constant recompilation problems. gsHWFixes: PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLED-53445: name: "The Incredible Hulk - Ultimate Destruction [Demo]" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The - Ultimate Destruction [Demo]" region: "PAL-M3" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes occasional post process flickering. gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes lines in certain effects when upscaled. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-53512: name: "Burnout Revenge [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLED-53537: name: "187 - Ride or Die [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Softens bloom on objects and cars. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on objects and cars. SLED-53543: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53591: name: "Fahrenheit [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-53619: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Lockdown" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53625: name: "SSX On Tour" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-53627: name: "The Suffering - Ties that Bind" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53637: name: "Burnout Revenge [Demo]" region: "PAL-M2" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLED-53650: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). SLED-53664: name: "FIFA 06 - Demo Pre-Release Version" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53673: name: "007 - From Russia with Love [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center upscaling line during explosions. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting. SLED-53681: name: "007 - From Russia with Love & Need for Speed Most Wanted & SSX On Tour [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles on 007. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting in 007. SLED-53711: name: "Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood" region: "PAL-A" SLED-53719: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 5 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-53723: name: "Peter Jackson's King Kong [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLED-53731: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLED-53732: name: "Spartan - Total Warrior [Demo]" region: "PAL" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbage textures flashing on the character model. SLED-53745: name: "Total Overdose [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SLED-53770: name: "The Sims 2 [Demo]" name-sort: "Sims 2, The [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-53845: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo [Demo]" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLED-53888: name: "TOCA Race Driver 3 + V8 Supercars Australia 3" region: "PAL-A" SLED-53937: name: "Black [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLED-53951: name: "Honda Demo [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-53953: name: "FIFA Street 2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruptions. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes corrupted graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken icons on HUD. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLED-53954: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLED-53977: name: "Dragon Quest - The Journey of the Cursed King" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-53980: name: "Urban Chaos - Riot Response [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes edge garbage and thin lines. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights at native resolution. SLED-53983: name: "Fight Night Round 3 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruption. SLED-54022: name: "Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes distant characters and models. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes multiple lighting effects from lights, computers, cave walls and more. SLED-54032: name: "Sonic Riders [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLED-54035: name: "Play the Best Demos from Atari [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SLED-54103: name: "FIFA World Cup Germany 2006" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-54312: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLED-54315: name: "LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLED-54327: name: "FIFA '07" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-54328: name: "NBA Live 07 [Demo]" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLED-54401: name: "Destroy All Humans 2 [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLED-54445: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6 [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" SLED-54509: name: "Guitar Hero II [Demo]" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLED-54925: name: "FIFA '08" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-55022: name: "PES 2008 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-Unk" SLED-55602: name: "PES 2010 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50003: name: "Swap Magic DVD Disc v2.0" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50009: name: "Wild Wild Racing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50010: name: "Ready 2 Rumble - Round 2" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50011: name: "FIFA 2001" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50012: name: "FIFA 2001" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50013: name: "FIFA 2001" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50014: name: "FIFA 2001" region: "PAL-GR" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50015: name: "FIFA 2001" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50016: name: "FIFA 2001" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50017: name: "F1 Championship Season 2000" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes graphical issues. SLES-50018: name: "Kessen" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50019: name: "Kessen" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50020: name: "Kessen" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50021: name: "Madden NFL 2001" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50022: name: "NBA Live 2001" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50023: name: "NBA Live 2001" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50024: name: "NBA Live 2001" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50025: name: "NBA 2001" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50026: name: "NBA 2001" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50027: name: "NHL 2001" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50028: name: "NHL 2001" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50029: name: "NHL 2001" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50030: name: "SSX" region: "PAL-M3" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanishing into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting. SLES-50031: name: "X-Squad" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50032: name: "Theme Park World" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50033: name: "Swing Away Golf" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50035: name: "Winter X-games Snowboarding" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50036: name: "ESPN International Track & Field" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes call stack overflow and blue screen ingame. SLES-50037: name: "Silent Scope" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50038: name: "Gradius III & IV" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50039: name: "International Superstar Soccer" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-50042: name: "Disney's Dinosaur" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50043: name: "Disney's Dinosaur" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50044: name: "Rayman Revolution" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game hanging in the "Clark running away" ingame cutscene. SLES-50045: name: "Disney's Jungle Book - Groove Party" region: "PAL-M12" SLES-50046: name: "F1 Racing Championship" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 2 SLES-50047: name: "F1 Racing Championship" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50048: name: "Donald Duck - Quack Attack" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 patches: F34ECBDC: content: |- author=refraction comment=fixes lighting problems due to COP2 instruction order. patch=1,EE,0032FD44,word,4BE09DDC patch=1,EE,0032FD48,word,4A0303BD patch=1,EE,0032FD60,word,4B000120 patch=1,EE,0032FD64,word,4A0903BD patch=1,EE,0032FD7C,word,4B0002A0 patch=1,EE,0032FD80,word,4A6403BC patch=1,EE,0032FD98,word,4BE0095C patch=1,EE,0032FD9C,word,4A6A03BC patch=1,EE,0032FDB4,word,4BE03ADC patch=1,EE,0032FDB8,word,4A0F03BD patch=1,EE,0032FDD0,word,4B000420 patch=1,EE,0032FDD4,word,4A1503BD patch=1,EE,0032FDEC,word,4B0005A0 patch=1,EE,0032FDF0,word,4A7003BC patch=1,EE,0032FE08,word,4BE06C5C patch=1,EE,0032FE0C,word,4A7603BC SLES-50050: name: "Evergrace" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50051: name: "Eternal Ring" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes FPU errors causing instant death in Limestone Cave. gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes graphics issues. SLES-50052: name: "Pool Master" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50053: name: "Aqua Aqua - Wetrix 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50054: name: "Midnight Club - Street Racing" region: "PAL-E" memcardFilters: # Reads Smuggler's Run for bonus unlockable. - "SLES-50054" - "SLES-50055" SLES-50055: name: "Smuggler's Run" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50056: name: "Surfing H3O" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50057: name: "Dynasty Warriors 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50058: name: "Dynasty Warriors 2" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50059: name: "Dynasty Warriors 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50060: name: "International Superstar Soccer" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50061: name: "Smuggler's Run" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-50062: name: "Orphen - Scion of Sorcery" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50064: name: "Stunt GP" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-50068: name: "Top Gear Daredevil" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50069: name: "Top Gear Daredevil" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50071: name: "Midnight Club - Street Racing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 3 memcardFilters: # Reads Smuggler's Run for bonus unlockable. - "SLES-50071" - "SLES-50061" SLES-50072: name: "Street Fighter EX3" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SFEX3" SLES-50073: name: "Driving Emotion Type-S" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font misalignment when upscaling. SLES-50074: name: "Unreal Tournament" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50075: name: "ESPN NBA 2Night" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50076: name: "Super Bust-A-Move" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50077: name: "RC Revenge Pro" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50078: name: "TimeSplitters" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50079: name: "Armored Core 2" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes texture corruption. SLES-50080: name: "NBA Hoopz" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50106: name: "Fur Fighters - Viggo's Revenge" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50107: name: "Legends of Wrestling" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50109: name: "7 Blades" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50110: name: "Ephemeral Fantasia" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50111: name: "Zone of the Enders" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLES-50112: name: "Shadow of Memories" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50113: name: "Ring of Red" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-50114: name: "Kengo - Master of Bushido" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50115: name: "Tokyo Xtreme Racer" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50118: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50119: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50120: name: "Rumble Racing" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50121: name: "Rumble Racing" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50126: name: "Quake III - Revolution" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-50127: name: "Quake III - Revolution" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-50128: name: "Knockout Kings 2001" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing arena, fighters and other missing graphics. SLES-50129: name: "Knockout Kings 2001" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing arena, fighters and other missing graphics. SLES-50130: name: "Knockout Kings 2001" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing arena, fighters and other missing graphics. SLES-50131: name: "Le Mans 24 Hours" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50132: name: "MX Rider" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50134: name: "Oni" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 patches: 22E85E68: content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Rearrange PCR write and BC0F instruction patch=0,EE,001CEF78,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,001CEF7C,word,ac430000 SLES-50136: name: "Robot Warlords" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Reduces HC size. SLES-50137: name: "Robot Warlords" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Reduces HC size. SLES-50138: name: "Robot Warlords" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Reduces HC size. SLES-50155: name: "Operation Winback" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLES-50158: name: "Gungriffon Blaze" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50159: name: "Gungriffon Blaze" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50160: name: "Gungriffon Blaze" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50165: name: "Star Wars - Starfighter" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50166: name: "Star Wars - Starfighter" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50167: name: "Star Wars - Starfighter" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50168: name: "Star Wars - Starfighter" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50169: name: "Star Wars - Starfighter" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50170: name: "World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50171: name: "ESPN National Hockey Night" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50176: name: "Oni" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 patches: F77639F1: content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Rearrange PCR write and BC0F instruction patch=0,EE,001CEF78,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,001CEF7C,word,ac430000 SLES-50177: name: "Oni" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 patches: 32629F36: content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Rearrange PCR write and BC0F instruction patch=0,EE,001CEF78,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,001CEF7C,word,ac430000 SLES-50178: name: "Oni" region: "PAL-I" patches: 172B6971: content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Rearrange PCR write and BC0F instruction patch=0,EE,001CEF78,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,001CEF7C,word,ac430000 SLES-50179: name: "Oni" region: "PAL-S" patches: 20F419E9: content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Rearrange PCR write and BC0F instruction patch=0,EE,001CEF78,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,001CEF7C,word,ac430000 SLES-50182: name: "MTV Music Generator 2" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-50183: name: "Wacky Races" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50185: name: "Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50186: name: "Heroes of Might and Magic" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50187: name: "Warriors of Might and Magic" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50191: name: "Army Men - Green Rogue" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50192: name: "Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50193: name: "Silpheed - The Lost Planet" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50194: name: "4x4 Evo" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50195: name: "UEFA Challenge" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-50196: name: "Soul Reaver 2 - Legacy of Kain" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-50201: name: "Evil Twin - Cyprien's Chronicles" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes texture mipmapping. SLES-50202: name: "DNA - Dark Native Apostle" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50203: name: "Bloody Roar 3" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50204: name: "Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50205: name: "Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50206: name: "Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50207: name: "Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50208: name: "Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50209: name: "Jeremy McGrath Supercross World" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50210: name: "XG3 - Extreme-G Racing" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50211: name: "Gauntlet - Dark Legacy" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 5 # Corrects lighting to match software. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50212: name: "Paris-Dakar Rally" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50213: name: "NFL Quarterback Club 2002" region: "PAL-E" patches: F64D1146: content: |- // Fix freezes caused by sceipusync. patch=1,EE,0026918c,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,002690d4,word,00000000 SLES-50214: name: "18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50215: name: "Crazy Taxi" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes credits screen. SLES-50217: name: "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2" region: "PAL-E-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes noisy bumpy textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping SLES-50218: name: "All-Star Baseball 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50219: name: "NBA Street" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-50220: name: "EA Sports Rugby" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50221: name: "Conflict Zone" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50224: name: "Kuri Kuri Mix" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Prevents broken textures and graphics. SLES-50225: name: "Escape from Monkey Island" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50226: name: "Escape from Monkey Island" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50227: name: "Flucht von Monkey Island" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-50228: name: "Fuga da Monkey Island" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50229: name: "Fuga de Monkey Island, La" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50230: name: "Lotus Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes gaps in menu. SLES-50231: name: "International League Soccer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50232: name: "Off-Road Wide Open" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50233: name: "Army Men - Air Attack - Blade's Revenge" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50243: name: "David Beckham Soccer" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: -2 # Fixes FMV playback. SLES-50247: name: "Onimusha - Warlords" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes flashing FMVs (Req EE cycle rate 50% for them to run). gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: -3 # Fixes FMV playback. SLES-50248: name: "MDK 2 - Armageddon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50252: name: "Penny Racers" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 patches: FBE2613D: content: |- // Avoid stack corruption, fix TLB misses. patch=1,EE,00174538,word,27BDFF00 patch=1,EE,00174680,word,27BD0100 // Skip Vsync on WcCard::CommandWait loop. // Before removing this patch, check initial loading with unformatted memory card. patch=1,EE,0017CED0,word,00000000 SLES-50253: name: "Modern Groove - Ministry of Sound Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50259: name: "Flintstones - Viva Rock Vegas" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50260: name: "Hidden Invasion" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50261: name: "Sky Surfer" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50262: name: "World Destruction League - War Jets" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50263: name: "Portal Runner" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50264: name: "Playmobil - Hype - The Time Quest" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 patches: B911D61B: content: |- // patches __kernel_cosf function to show text and boxes // due to the rounding being slightly off. // It looks worse than it is, it's just moving a block down // so I can fit in an extra instruction author=Refraction patch=1,EE,0011ede8,word,34210001 patch=1,EE,0011edec,word,44811800 patch=1,EE,0011edf0,word,46003002 patch=1,EE,0011edf4,word,46020841 patch=1,EE,0011edf8,word,46010001 patch=1,EE,0011edfc,word,03e00008 patch=1,EE,0011ee00,word,46001801 patch=1,EE,0011ee04,word,3c023f48 patch=1,EE,0011ee08,word,0044102a patch=1,EE,0011ee0c,word,10400003 patch=1,EE,0011ee10,word,3c02ff00 patch=1,EE,0011ee18,word,3c023e90 SLES-50265: name: "Playmobil - Hype - The Time Quest" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 patches: 3D2A2448: content: |- // patches __kernel_cosf function to show text and boxes // due to the rounding being slightly off. // It looks worse than it is, it's just moving a block down // so I can fit in an extra instruction author=Refraction patch=1,EE,0011ede8,word,34210001 patch=1,EE,0011edec,word,44811800 patch=1,EE,0011edf0,word,46003002 patch=1,EE,0011edf4,word,46020841 patch=1,EE,0011edf8,word,46010001 patch=1,EE,0011edfc,word,03e00008 patch=1,EE,0011ee00,word,46001801 patch=1,EE,0011ee04,word,3c023f48 patch=1,EE,0011ee08,word,0044102a patch=1,EE,0011ee0c,word,10400003 patch=1,EE,0011ee10,word,3c02ff00 patch=1,EE,0011ee18,word,3c023e90 SLES-50266: name: "Playmobil - Hype - The Time Quest" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 patches: F668693E: content: |- // patches __kernel_cosf function to show text and boxes // due to the rounding being slightly off. // It looks worse than it is, it's just moving a block down // so I can fit in an extra instruction author=Refraction patch=1,EE,0011ede8,word,34210001 patch=1,EE,0011edec,word,44811800 patch=1,EE,0011edf0,word,46003002 patch=1,EE,0011edf4,word,46020841 patch=1,EE,0011edf8,word,46010001 patch=1,EE,0011edfc,word,03e00008 patch=1,EE,0011ee00,word,46001801 patch=1,EE,0011ee04,word,3c023f48 patch=1,EE,0011ee08,word,0044102a patch=1,EE,0011ee0c,word,10400003 patch=1,EE,0011ee10,word,3c02ff00 patch=1,EE,0011ee18,word,3c023e90 SLES-50267: name: "CART Fury Championship Racing" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 2547FF67: content: |- author=Nachbrenner // Skip SuperSync__Fi. patch=0,EE,00100eb0,word,03e00008 patch=0,EE,00100eb4,word,24020001 SLES-50268: name: "Spy Hunter" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes loading hang. SLES-50273: name: "Legion - The Legend of Excalibur" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Reduces black ground textures. textureInsideRT: 1 # Helps fix black textures. SLES-50274: name: "Arctic Thunder" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50275: name: "EA Sports Rugby" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50276: name: "The Gift" name-sort: "Gift, The" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50277: name: "Red Faction" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50278: name: "Red Faction" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50279: name: "Red Faction" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-50280: name: "Victorious Boxers" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50282: name: "Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size when moving. SLES-50283: name: "WTA Tour Tennis" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50284: name: "Silent Scope 2" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50285: name: "Police 24-7" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50288: name: "Stuntman" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLES-50296: name: "Gift" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 SLES-50297: name: "Gift" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50298: name: "Gift" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50299: name: "Gift" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50306: name: "Resident Evil - CODE Veronica X" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50310: name: "Freak Out" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50314: name: "Giants - Citizen Kabuto" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50325: name: "Max Payne" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crashes. SLES-50326: name: "Max Payne" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crashes. SLES-50330: name: "Grand Theft Auto III" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50335: name: "Rune - Viking Warlord" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50336: name: "Rune - Viking Warlord" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50337: name: "Rune - Viking Warlord" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50338: name: "Rune - Viking Warlord" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50339: name: "Rune - Viking Warlord" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50341: name: "Smuggler's Run 2 - Hostile Territory" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50350: name: "Disney's Tarzan - Freeride" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned shadows. SLES-50351: name: "Lake Masters EX" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50355: name: "Batman - Vengeance" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes video speed. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting on Batman SLES-50356: name: "Salt Lake 2002" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes flickering and missing textures. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes graphical corruption. SLES-50358: name: "Devil May Cry" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLES-50362: name: "Jonny Moseley Mad Trix" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes missing FMVs. SLES-50364: name: "City Crisis" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50366: name: "Star Wars - Racer Revenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50371: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLES-50372: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLES-50373: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLES-50374: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "PAL-I" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLES-50375: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "PAL-S" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLES-50382: name: "Silent Hill 2" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLES-50383: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLES-50384: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLES-50385: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLES-50386: name: "Crash Bandicoot - The Wrath of Cortex" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLES-50390: name: "Driven" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50395: name: "World Championship Snooker 2002" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50396: name: "Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-50397: name: "Prisoner of War" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50398: name: "UEFA Champions League" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50400: name: "Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50401: name: "Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50402: name: "Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50412: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50419: name: "Supercar Street Challenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50420: name: "Supercar Street Challenge" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50421: name: "Supercar Street Challenge" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50422: name: "Madden NFL 2002" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50423: name: "F1 2001" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLES-50424: name: "Cricket 2002" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes AI behaviour. SLES-50425: name: "NHL 2002" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50426: name: "NHL 2002" region: "PAL-CZ-F" SLES-50427: name: "NHL 2002" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50428: name: "MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50429: name: "Alex Ferguson Player Manager 2002" region: "PAL-E" compat: 3 SLES-50430: name: "ESPN X-Games Skateboarding" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50431: name: "F1 2001" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLES-50432: name: "Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50433: name: "GoDai - Elemental Force" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50434: name: "Army Men - Real Time Strategy" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50435: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50436: name: "Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50437: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50438: name: "Motor Mayhem" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50443: name: "LEGO Racers 2" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes top left corner rendering. SLES-50444: name: "Portal Runner" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50445: name: "Burnout" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50446: name: "Shadow Man - 2econd Coming" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes cutscene freezes. speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes SPS. mtvu: 0 SLES-50447: name: "All-Star Baseball 2003 featuring Derek Jeter" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50451: name: "NHL Hitz 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50457: name: "Rayman M" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50460: name: "Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 11" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50462: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-50464: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50465: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-BE" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50466: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50467: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50468: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50469: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-GR" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50470: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50471: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-50472: name: "GTC Africa" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50477: name: "WWF Smackdown! - Just Bring It" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50479: name: "Turok Evolution" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes underwater levels. SLES-50480: name: "Aggressive Inline" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50481: name: "Vexx" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes geometry alignment, removing lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes underwater rendering. SLES-50484: name: "Rayman M" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50486: name: "Splashdown" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50487: name: "Space Race" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-50495: name: "Who Wants to be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50496: name: "Qui veut gagner des millions – Seconde Edition" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50497: name: "Wer wird Millionaer 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50498: name: "Grandia II" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical Lines in FMV. SLES-50503: name: "Weakest Link" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50504: name: "Half-Life" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50505: name: "Half-Life" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-50506: name: "Half-Life" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50507: name: "Half-Life" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 SLES-50508: name: "Half-Life" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50509: name: "Half-Life" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50510: name: "The Mummy Returns" name-sort: "Mummy Returns, The" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-50511: name: "G-Surfers" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50512: name: "Bass Strike" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50533: name: "Sunny Garcia Surfing" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50534: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50535: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50536: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50537: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50538: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50539: name: "007 - Agent Under Fire" region: "PAL-M6" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes corrupt textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting SLES-50540: name: "Simpsons Road Rage" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50541: name: "Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50544: name: "Jet Ion GP" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50545: name: "SSX Tricky" region: "PAL-M3" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanish into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLES-50546: name: "LMA Manager 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50547: name: "Roger Lemerre - La Selection des Champions 2002" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50548: name: "BDFL Manager 2002" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50549: name: "Football Manager Campionato 2002" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50550: name: "Manager de Liga 2002" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50551: name: "Tetris Worlds" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50552: name: "Jet Ski Riders" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50553: name: "Project Eden" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted graphics. SLES-50554: name: "Thunderhawk - Operation Phoenix" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50556: name: "New York Race" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50557: name: "Polaroid Pete" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50558: name: "DSF Fussball Manager 2002" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50559: name: "Guy Roux Manager 2002" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50562: name: "Super Bust-A-Move 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50568: name: "Top Gun - Combat Zones" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50570: name: "Tour de France, Le" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 SLES-50572: name: "Robot Wars - Arenas of Destruction" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50575: name: "Dark Summit" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50578: name: "Kessen II" region: "PAL-E" patches: 9FAC4FF3: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, rearranging. patch=0,EE,00170F20,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,00170F24,word,4BE521AC patch=0,EE,00170F28,word,30848000 patch=0,EE,00170F2C,word,4BE72B3C SLES-50579: name: "Kessen II" region: "PAL-F" patches: FD4E2837: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, rearranging. patch=0,EE,00171190,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,00171194,word,4BE521AC patch=0,EE,00171198,word,30848000 patch=0,EE,0017119c,word,4BE72B3C SLES-50580: name: "Kessen II" region: "PAL-G" patches: 33611180: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, rearranging. patch=0,EE,001710e0,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,001710e4,word,4BE521AC patch=0,EE,001710e8,word,30848000 patch=0,EE,001710ec,word,4BE72B3C SLES-50584: name: "G1 Jockey" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50586: name: "ESPN Winter Sports 2002" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50589: name: "Worms Blast" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50590: name: "Music Maker" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-50591: name: "Guilty Gear X" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50592: name: "The Operative - No One Lives Forever" name-sort: "Operative, The - No One Lives Forever" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending and also needs Full Blending to fix the lighting. SLES-50606: name: "State of Emergency" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50608: name: "Shadow Man - 2econd Coming" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes cutscene freezes. speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes SPS. mtvu: 0 SLES-50613: name: "Woody Woodpecker" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50619: name: "Jonny Moseley Mad Trix" region: "PAL-F-G" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes missing FMVs. SLES-50620: name: "Jonny Moseley Mad Trix" region: "PAL-I-S" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes missing FMVs. SLES-50628: name: "Simpsons Road Rage" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50630: name: "Dragon Rage" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50631: name: "Dragon Rage" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-50632: name: "Dragon Rage" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-50636: name: "Centre Court - Hard Hitter" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves ground texture rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50637: name: "Pro Rally 2002" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50638: name: "High Heat Major League Baseball 2003" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50639: name: "Everblue" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50640: name: "Salt Lake 2002" region: "PAL-M4" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes flickering and missing textures. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes graphical corruption. SLES-50641: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50643: name: "Shifters" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-50644: name: "Shifters" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50645: name: "Shifters" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-50647: name: "Casper - Spirit Dimensions" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50649: name: "Taz Wanted" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50650: name: "Resident Evil Gun Survivor 2 - Code Veronica" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50652: name: "Iron Eagle Max" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50653: name: "Gitaroo Man" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. patches: default: content: |- author=boringhexi // fix stage 4 flashing triangles patch=0,EE,00102dd0,word,00000000 SLES-50654: name: "Dune, Frank Herbert's" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50661: name: "Atlantis III - The New World" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-50662: name: "The Shadow of Zorro" name-sort: "Shadow of Zorro, The" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes texture mipmapping. SLES-50670: name: "ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50672: name: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus. SLES-50677: name: "Shadow Hearts" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes invisible characters in various scenes. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Post and transition effects. SLES-50679: name: "Tenchu 3 - Wrath of Heaven" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50680: name: "Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50683: name: "Sled Storm" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing polygons at the bottom of the screen. SLES-50684: name: "Medal of Honor - Frontline" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-50686: name: "Iron Aces 2 - Birds of Prey" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50703: name: "Maximo" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50704: name: "GoDai - Elemental Force" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 SLES-50705: name: "GoDai - Elemental Force" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-50706: name: "Army Men - RTS" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50709: name: "Le Maillon Fable" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50710: name: "Dr. Muto" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50711: name: "Red Card Football" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50712: name: "NHL Hitz 20-03" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50713: name: "Freaky Flyers" region: "PAL-E" patches: 6E62DE7B: content: |- author=Prafull // Fix hanging problem & SPS. // Snow effect has to be removed for this fix (needs accurate emulation). // Fixed by rearranging COP2 instructions. patch=1,EE,00214aec,word,00000000 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes broken FMVs. SLES-50714: name: "Defender" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes bad UI positioning. SLES-50715: name: "Gravity Games Bike Street - Vertical Dirt" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50716: name: "Fireblade" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50717: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes blue font artifacts. SLES-50720: name: "FMX - Freestyle Metal X" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50721: name: "Pryzm Chapter One - Dark Unicorn" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50722: name: "Premier Manager 2002-2003" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50723: name: "TOCA Race Driver" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting. SLES-50725: name: "V-Rally 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes fog and make lights on cars work again. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and penetration of objects. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. SLES-50726: name: "Myst III - Exile" region: "PAL-M6" patches: 9E159E95: content: |- // Waits for IPU command to finish. // Replaces wait loop that had a very short wait period. patch=0,EE,001f02A0,word,3C021000 patch=0,EE,001f02A4,word,34422010 patch=0,EE,001f02A8,word,8c430000 patch=0,EE,001f02B8,word,0460FFFA gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Speeds up IPU DMA's SLES-50727: name: "Knockout Kings 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50728: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes the inverted legs. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50729: name: "Tiger Woods USA Tour 2002" region: "PAL-A" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes the inverted legs. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50730: name: "VIP" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50731: name: "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes intro audio desync. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # White textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line and blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50735: name: "Jade Cocoon 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50738: name: "Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50739: name: "Soldier of Fortune - Gold Edition" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50751: name: "Herdy Gerdy" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50752: name: "Pro Tennis WTA Tour" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50753: name: "Freekstyle" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50754: name: "Simpsons Skateboarding" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50755: name: "Simpsons Skateboarding" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50757: name: "Atlantis III" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-50758: name: "Eve of Extinction" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50763: name: "Rally Championship" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-50765: name: "Music Maker" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50767: name: "V8 Supercars Australia - Race Driver" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting. SLES-50768: name: "Rally Championship" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-50769: name: "Mr. Moskeeto" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-50770: name: "Mad Maestro!" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50771: name: "Blood Omen 2 - The Legacy of Kain" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes pathing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes glitching textures. SLES-50772: name: "Blood Omen 2 - The Legacy of Kain" region: "PAL-M3" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes pathing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes glitching textures. SLES-50773: name: "Donald Duck Phantomias Platyrhynchos Kineticus" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50776: name: "Slam Tennis" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes tennis net & signage. SLES-50777: name: "Battle Engine Aquila" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing graphics. SLES-50778: name: "TD Overdrive - The Brotherhood of Speed" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. patches: AE9EB9A0: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fix initial loading by looping for some time on EE side. That allow IOP proceed requests correctly. patch=1,EE,E0022430,extended,00308C68 patch=1,EE,20308C68,extended,0803fff7 patch=1,EE,20308C6C,extended,240f2000 patch=1,EE,200fffdc,double,55eeffff0000702d patch=1,EE,200fffe4,double,0c0c243025ce0004 patch=1,EE,200fffec,double,080c231c00000000 SLES-50779: name: "ESPN NBA 2Night 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50787: name: "International Superstar Soccer 2" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-50788: name: "Frogger - The Great Quest" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50789: name: "Men in Black II - Alien Escape" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. SLES-50790: name: "International Superstar Soccer 2002" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50793: name: "Grand Theft Auto III" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50794: name: "Sven-Goran Eriksson's World Manager 2002" region: "PAL-E" compat: 4 SLES-50795: name: "Superman - Shadow of Apokolips" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50796: name: "2002 FIFA World Cup" region: "PAL-E-SW" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50797: name: "Coupe du Monde FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50798: name: "FIFA Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2002" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50799: name: "Mondiali FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50800: name: "Mundial FIFA 2002" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50801: name: "FIFA World Cup 2002" region: "PAL-GR" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50802: name: "Knockout Kings 2002" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50803: name: "Knockout Kings 2002" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50804: name: "Deus Ex" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in HUD and text boxes. SLES-50805: name: "Deus Ex" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in HUD and text boxes. SLES-50806: name: "Deus Ex" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in HUD and text boxes. SLES-50807: name: "Deus Ex" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in HUD and text boxes. SLES-50808: name: "Deus Ex" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in HUD and text boxes. SLES-50809: name: "Next Generation Tennis" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50812: name: "Spider-Man" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares. mipmap: 2 # Fixes texture flickering during movement. trilinearFiltering: 1 gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes lens flares going through objects. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures. SLES-50813: name: "Spider-Man" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares. mipmap: 2 # Fixes texture flickering during movement. trilinearFiltering: 1 gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes lens flares going through objects. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures. SLES-50814: name: "Spider-Man" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares. mipmap: 2 # Fixes texture flickering during movement. trilinearFiltering: 1 gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes lens flares going through objects. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures. compat: 5 SLES-50815: name: "Blood Omen 2 - The Legacy of Kain" region: "PAL-G" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes pathing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes glitching textures. SLES-50816: name: "DTM Race Driver" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting. SLES-50818: name: "Pro Race Driver" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting. SLES-50820: name: "Micro Machines" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50821: name: "Project Zero" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. patches: "22E91837": content: |- author=WeirdBeardGame, TellowKrinkle, CheeseyBurrito. // Wraps sceVu0ScaleVector in if statement to prevent bad divide by zero behaviour. patch=1,EE,0011f3b4,word,46156032 patch=1,EE,0011f3b8,word,45010002 SLES-50822: name: "Shadow Hearts" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes invisible characters in various scenes. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Post and transition effects. SLES-50826: name: "Star Wars - Clone Wars" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50827: name: "Star Wars - Clone Wars" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50828: name: "Star Wars - Clone Wars" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50829: name: "Star Wars - La Guerra dei Cloni" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50830: name: "Star Wars - Las Guerras Clon" region: "PAL-S" SLES-50831: name: "Star Wars - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes randomly invalid textures. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLES-50832: name: "Star Wars - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes randomly invalid textures. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLES-50833: name: "Star Wars - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes randomly invalid textures. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLES-50834: name: "Star Wars - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-I" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes randomly invalid textures. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLES-50835: name: "Star Wars - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes randomly invalid textures. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLES-50836: name: "Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For texture flicker. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 SLES-50837: name: "Indiana Jones et le Tombeau de L'Empereur" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For texture flicker. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 SLES-50838: name: "Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For texture flicker. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 SLES-50839: name: "Indiana Jones e la Tomba dell'Imperatore" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For texture flicker. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 SLES-50840: name: "Indiana Jones y la Tumba del Emperador" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For texture flicker. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 SLES-50841: name: "Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50842: name: "Downforce" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50843: name: "Crashed" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50845: name: "Medal of Honor - En Première Ligne" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50846: name: "Medal of Honor - Frontline" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50848: name: "Speed Kings" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes graphical corruption. patches: 4C133D9D: content: |- author=Prafull // Fixes hang before going ingame. // Needed due to lack of VIF FIFO in PCSX2. patch=1,EE,0022ee34,word,00000000 SLES-50849: name: "Urban Freestyle Soccer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50850: name: "ATV - Quad Power Racing 2" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dither patterns. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-50852: name: "Sven-Goran Eriksson's World Challenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50853: name: "Marcel DeSaily Pro Football" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50854: name: "WM Nationalspieler" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50855: name: "Mundial 2002 Challenge" region: "PAL-P" SLES-50859: name: "Commandos 2 - Men of Courage" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50860: name: "Commandos 2 - Men of Courage" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50861: name: "Top Angler" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50862: name: "Street Hoops" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50870: name: "Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50871: name: "Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50872: name: "Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50873: name: "Reign of Fire" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50874: name: "F1 2002" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLES-50875: name: "F1 2002" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLES-50876: name: "Driv3r" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Aligns and corrects shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes car textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Alleviates text and sky rendering issues. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes car and bike exhaust smoke rendering. SLES-50877: name: "TimeSplitters 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes texture slight misalignment. SLES-50879: name: "Paris-Dakar 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes sky being shown over the 3D. SLES-50880: name: "BMX XXX" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50882: name: "Mary-Kate and Ashley - Sweet 16 - Licensed to Drive" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random crashes in mini games. SLES-50886: name: "TransWorld Surf" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50891: name: "Legaia 2 - Duel Saga" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. SLES-50892: name: "Lethal Skies Elite Pilot - Team SW" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50897: name: "Super Trucks" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes starting position. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Gets rid of fog line. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in FMVs. SLES-50898: name: "X-Men - The Next Dimension" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50899: name: "X-Men - The Next Dimension" region: "PAL-G" SLES-50900: name: "X-Men - The Next Dimension" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50901: name: "Conflict - Desert Storm" region: "PAL-I" SLES-50902: name: "Conflict - Desert Storm" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50903: name: "MegaRace 3 - Nanotech Disaster" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50905: name: "Armored Core 2 - Another Age" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. # Save import option was removed from PAL release. SLES-50906: name: "Master Rally" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50908: name: "Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50914: name: "International Cue Club" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50919: name: "Akira Psycho Ball" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50920: name: "King's Field IV" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible lava, there is another issue that needs skipdraw 1 for blurry font but it removes much brightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes sky and lava when upscaling. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. patches: 401F4726: content: |- comment=Patch by Wgarvin // Fixes (black voids) central tower level loading. // Issue: Some doors leading to some areas appeared as black voids that you can walk into. patch=1,EE,001BCC4C,word,46150036 SLES-50921: name: "Way of the Samurai" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SLES-50922: name: "The Terminator - Dawn of Fate" name-sort: "Terminator, The - Dawn of Fate" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50927: name: "Commandos 2 - Men of Courage" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50930: name: "Dino Stalker" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLES-50932: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50933: name: "eJay Clubworld" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50935: name: "Circus Maximus - Chariot Wars" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50936: name: "Endgame" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50937: name: "LEGO Football Mania" region: "PAL-M8" SLES-50939: name: "USA Racer" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-50946: name: "Britney's Dance Beat" region: "PAL-UK" SLES-50947: name: "Britney's Dance Beat" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50948: name: "Britney's Dance Beat" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50953: name: "Air Ranger - Rescue Helicopter" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes graphics. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes ground graphics. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes ground graphics. SLES-50954: name: "Tokyo Road Race" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50955: name: "London Racer 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50958: name: "Warhammer 40,000 - Fire Warrior" region: "PAL-M4" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted graphics. SLES-50963: name: "Riding Spirits" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50964: name: "Antz Extreme Racing" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50965: name: "Spider-Man" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares. mipmap: 2 # Fixes texture flickering during movement. trilinearFiltering: 1 gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes lens flares going through objects. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures. SLES-50972: name: "Barbarian" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50974: name: "Zapper - One Wicked Cricket!" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-50975: name: "The Thing" name-sort: "Thing, The" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50976: name: "Das Ding" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-50978: name: "Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-50981: name: "RC Sports Copter Challenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50984: name: "Gumball 3000" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Stops crashing and terrible speeds. SLES-50985: name: "Gumball 3000" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Stops crashing and terrible speeds. SLES-50986: name: "Twin Caliber" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-50987: name: "The Scorpion King - Rise of an Akkadian" name-sort: "Scorpion King, The - Rise of an Akkadian" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50988: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Fellowship of the Ring" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50992: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-50994: name: "Paris-Marseille Racing II" region: "PAL-F" SLES-50995: name: "Fireblade" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-50997: name: "Rally Fusion - Race of Champions" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-50998: name: "Xtreme Express - World Grand Prix" region: "PAL-E" SLES-50999: name: "UFC Throwdown" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51009: name: "Autobahn Raser IV" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51011: name: "Knight Rider - The Game" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes brake lights. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes graphical issues. SLES-51013: name: "Blade II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51014: name: "Blade II" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51017: name: "Scooby-Doo! and The Night of 100 Frights" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51018: name: "Scooby-Doo! and The Night of 100 Frights" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51019: name: "Scooby-Doo! and The Night of 100 Frights" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51022: name: "Virtual Racer - Jaques Villeneuve" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-51023: name: "LMA Manager 2003" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51024: name: "Roger Lemerre - La Sélection des Champions 2003" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51025: name: "BDFL Manager 2003" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51026: name: "Football Manager Campionato 2003" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51027: name: "Manager de Liga 2003" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51038: name: "MX Superfly featuring Ricky Carmichael" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51042: name: "Disney Golf" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes random game crashing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass rendering to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51043: name: "Spyro - Enter the Dragonfly" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes gem reflections. SLES-51044: name: "Burnout 2 - Point of Impact" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns bloom effect a little bit better when upscaled. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Reduces color banding of the sun glare. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Bright lights in cars. SLES-51045: name: "Legends of Wrestling II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51046: name: "State of Emergency" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51053: name: "Tom & Jerry's War of the Wiskers" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51054: name: "Midnight Club 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and tree textures to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: ACB1989A: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,0036E5C4,word,00000000 SLES-51055: name: "Go Go Golf" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves brightness on terrain textures. SLES-51056: name: "Fighting Fury" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang at menu. SLES-51057: name: "Hard Hitter 2" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves ground texture rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51058: name: "Maken Shao - Demon Sword" region: "PAL-E" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 SLES-51060: name: "Butt-Ugly Martians - Zoom or Doom!" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. SLES-51061: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51063: name: "Hot Wheels - Velocity X - Maximum Justice" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes the fog line. SLES-51064: name: "Gladius" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51065: name: "Gladius" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51066: name: "Gladius" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51069: name: "RTX - Red Rock" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51070: name: "RTX Red Rock" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51071: name: "RTX - Red Rock" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-51072: name: "RTX - Red Rock" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51073: name: "RTX Red Rock" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51076: name: "Club Football - Liverpool FC" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51077: name: "Club Football - Real Madrid" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51078: name: "Club Football - FC Barcelona" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51079: name: "Club Football - Ajax Amsterdam" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51080: name: "Club Football - AC Milan" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51081: name: "Club Football - Juventus" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51082: name: "Club Football - Hamburger SV" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51083: name: "Club Football - Borussia Dortmund" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51084: name: "Club Football - FC Bayern München" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51085: name: "Club Football - Aston Villa" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51086: name: "Club Football - Chelsea FC" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51087: name: "Club Football - Leeds United" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51088: name: "Club Football - Rangers FC" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51089: name: "Club Football - Arsenal" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51090: name: "Club Football - Manchester United" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51093: name: "Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51094: name: "Club Football - FC Internazionale" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51095: name: "Dino Stalker" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLES-51096: name: "Dino Stalker" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLES-51100: name: "Club Football - Liverpool FC" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51101: name: "Eggo Mania" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 patches: 30B27954: content: |- //SFX/Background Music Fix. author=kr_ps2 patch=1,EE,0011836C,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,00118374,word,00000000 SLES-51107: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51108: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51109: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51110: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51113: name: "Zone of the Enders - The 2nd Runner Special Edition" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes cut-off text. SLES-51114: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51117: name: "Colin McRae Rally 3" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the sun flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes the sun flare. SLES-51118: name: "Wizardry - Tales of the Forsaken Land" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51124: name: "Turok Evolution" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes underwater levels. SLES-51125: name: "Sega Soccer Slam" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang SLES-51126: name: "Whirl Tour" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51128: name: "Total Immersion Racing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-51130: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51131: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4" region: "PAL-F" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51132: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4" region: "PAL-G" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51133: name: "Red Faction II" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-51134: name: "Powerpuff Girls - Relish Rampage" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes hangs in certain locations like building under construction. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes color saturation. SLES-51141: name: "Summoner 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51142: name: "Summoner 2" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-51143: name: "Summoner 2" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51144: name: "Shox - Rally Reinvented" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51145: name: "Monopoly Party" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes missing game board. SLES-51150: name: "Scrabble Interactive - 2003 Edition" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes missing UI and game elements. SLES-51151: name: "NHL 2003" region: "PAL-M6" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing geometry. SLES-51153: name: "LEGO Island - Extreme Stunts" region: "PAL-M8" SLES-51154: name: "Madden NFL 2003" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51156: name: "Silent Hill 2 - Director's Cut" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLES-51157: name: "Silent Scope 3" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51160: name: "Sub Rebellion" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51162: name: "Metropolismania" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51168: name: "AFL Live 2003" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51174: name: "Marvel vs. Capcom 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51180: name: "Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51181: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51182: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51188: name: "Rocket Power - Beach Bandits" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51189: name: "MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51191: name: "Auto Modellista" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51192: name: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" region: "PAL-E" compat: 3 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51193: name: "Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51194: name: "Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51195: name: "Harry Potter y la Cámara Secreta" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51196: name: "Harry Potter e La Camera dei Secreti" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51197: name: "FIFA 2003" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Improves field textures. SLES-51198: name: "NBA Live 2003" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLES-51199: name: "4x4 Evo 2" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51200: name: "Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51201: name: "Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51202: name: "Wreckless - The Yakuza Missions" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51203: name: "Enter the Matrix" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes various VIF errors. SLES-51208: name: "Rocky" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # Fixes boxers not appearing/disappearing. gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes freezes. SLES-51209: name: "Haven - Call of the King" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-51214: name: "Harry Potter og Hemmelighedernes Kammer" region: "PAL-D" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51215: name: "Harry Potter og Mysteriekammeret" region: "PAL-NO" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51216: name: "Harry Potter ja Salaisuuksien Kammio" region: "PAL-FI" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51217: name: "Harry Potter och Hemligheternas Kammare" region: "PAL-SW" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51218: name: "Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer" region: "PAL-NL" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51219: name: "Harry Potter ea Camara dos Segredos" region: "PAL-P" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. texturePreloading: 0 # Performs better on certain areas like mid-game in and around the castle as the hash goes easily to 200 MB. SLES-51220: name: "TY the Tasmanian Tiger" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51222: name: "Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51223: name: "Runabout 3 - Neo Age" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51226: name: "Twin Caliber" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51227: name: "Tomb Raider - Angel of Darkness" region: "PAL-M10" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lava effect. patches: default: content: |- // 54AD76D7 author=Prafull // Fix ingame SPS by interchanging vclipw.xyz vf5, vf5w with cfc2. patch=1,EE,001db3a0,word,48489000 patch=1,EE,001db3a4,word,4bc529ff SLES-51229: name: "Virtua Cop - Elite Edition" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51230: name: "Minority Report - Everybody Runs" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes light bloom intensity. SLES-51232: name: "Virtua Tennis 2" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black models on certain games in World Tour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51233: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. SLES-51235: name: "Raging Blades" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 7 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-51236: name: "Gungrave" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51244: name: "XIII" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51247: name: "Inspector Gadget - Mad Robots Invasion" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-51249: name: "Castleween" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51250: name: "Shox - Rally Reinvented" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51251: name: "Shox - Rally Reinvented" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51252: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLES-51253: name: "Seigneur des Anneaux - Les Deux Tours" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLES-51254: name: "Herr der Ringe, Der - Die Zwei Türme" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLES-51255: name: "Signore Degli Anelli, Il - Le Due Torri" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLES-51256: name: "Señor de Los Anillos, El - Las Dos Torres" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLES-51257: name: "The Sims" name-sort: "Sims, The" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 3 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-51258: name: "007 - Nightfire" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes polygon clipping in driving missions. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog lines in the distance. SLES-51260: name: "007 - Nightfire" region: "PAL-G-S" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes polygon clipping in driving missions. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog lines in the distance. SLES-51265: name: "Dynasty Warriors Tactics" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51266: name: "Dynasty Tactics" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51267: name: "Dynasty Tactics" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51271: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Federation vs. Zeon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51272: name: "Wakeboarding Unleashed" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes water rendering. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS while ingame. SLES-51273: name: "Wakeboarding Unleashed" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes water rendering. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS while ingame. SLES-51275: name: "Summoner 2" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51282: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51283: name: "WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51284: name: "Contra - Shattered Soldier" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51285: name: "Spongebob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51286: name: "X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun penetration. SLES-51287: name: "X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun penetration. SLES-51289: name: "Gunfighter 2 - Legend of Jesse James" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flickering textures. - EETimingHack # Further required to stop flickering. SLES-51290: name: "Sword of the Samurai" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51292: name: "Savage Skies" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 patches: 9FCCACB5: content: |- author=PSI // The game allocates a VIF DMA buffer on the stack and sends it, returns from the function, then calls another function to wait for the transfer to end. // The second function causes stack corruption as it allocates over the buffer, which is still transferring data. // This works on real hardware due to the data cache - the transfer will remain safe in main memory, and the stack corruption only happens in cache. // This patch inserts a bc0f instruction right after the transfer starts, forcing the game to wait for the transfer to end ASAP. patch=0,EE,00164974,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,00164978,word,00000000 patch=0,EE,0016497c,word,03e00008 patch=0,EE,00164980,word,27bd0030 SLES-51294: name: "XIII" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-51296: name: "Grand Prix Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack SLES-51298: name: "Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51300: name: "Nickelodeon Jimmy Neutron - Der mutige Erfinder" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51301: name: "SOS - The Final Escape" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51302: name: "Bomberman Kart" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-51303: name: "LEGO Dome Racers" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes black screen in races. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes shadow rendering. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. SLES-51307: name: "Wild ARMs 3" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SLES-51308: name: "Reel Fishing 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51311: name: "Rugrats Royal Ransom" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51312: name: "Rugrats Royal Ransom" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51313: name: "Activision Anthology" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51315: name: "The Great Escape" name-sort: "Great Escape, The" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51316: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51317: name: "Minority Report - Le Futur vous Rattrape" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes light bloom intensity. SLES-51318: name: "Minority Report - Everybody Runs" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes light bloom intensity. SLES-51322: name: "Robotech Battlecry" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51333: name: "Dark Angel" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51339: name: "NFL 2K3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51340: name: "NBA 2K3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51341: name: "NHL 2K3" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes icerink color. SLES-51343: name: "Galerians - Ash" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 1AE08CF5: content: |- author=kozarovv // Floats workaround to make HW GSDX mode working. // There is still overflow on GS, but this time GSDX can handle it just fine in HW mode. patch=1,EE,001e7130,word,3c017e00 patch=1,EE,001e7138,word,44812800 patch=1,EE,001e7150,word,44813000 patch=1,EE,001e7160,word,44813800 patch=1,EE,001e7170,word,44810000 SLES-51344: name: "Guilty Gear X2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51345: name: "Run Like Hell" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 945301BE: content: |- comment=Swapping a COP2 op into place to make the flags work without delays patch=0,EE,001D4534,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,001D4544,word,4B07FA0B patch=0,EE,001D4720,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,001D4730,word,4B07FA0B SLES-51347: name: "Die Hard - Vendetta" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51348: name: "Die Hard - Vendetta" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51349: name: "Evolution Skateboarding" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51350: name: "Ben Hur - Blood of Braves" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51354: name: "Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLES-51355: name: "Big Mutha Truckers" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes inside RT shuffling. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_BigMuthaTruckers" SLES-51356: name: "Road Trip Adventure" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLES-51357: name: "G1 Jockey 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51358: name: "Mystic Heroes" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51360: name: "The Simpsons Skateboarding" name-sort: "Simpsons Skateboarding, The" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51361: name: "The Simpsons Skateboarding" name-sort: "Simpsons Skateboarding, The" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51362: name: "The Simpsons Skateboarding" name-sort: "Simpsons Skateboarding, The" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51363: name: "Music 3000" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51365: name: "BMX XXX" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51371: name: "Pride FC" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51372: name: "Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. SLES-51374: name: "RoboCop" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51377: name: "Taxi 3" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51381: name: "Everblue 2" region: "PAL-E" patches: 00C584CB: content: |- author=kozarovv // Rearrange COP2 ops to fix DIV Q timings patch=1,EE,00230b68,word,4b0c211c patch=1,EE,00230b6c,word,4be503bc patch=1,EE,00230b84,word,4bc0295c patch=1,EE,00230b88,word,4be603bc patch=1,EE,00230ba0,word,4bc0319c patch=1,EE,00230ba4,word,4be703bc patch=1,EE,00230bbc,word,4bc039dc patch=1,EE,00230bc0,word,4be803bc patch=1,EE,00230bd8,word,4bc0421c patch=1,EE,00230bdc,word,4be903bc patch=1,EE,00230bf4,word,4bc04a5c patch=1,EE,00230bf8,word,4bea03bc patch=1,EE,00230c10,word,4bc0529c patch=1,EE,00230c14,word,4beb03bc SLES-51382: name: "Shrek - Super Party" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51383: name: "Beach King Stunt Racer" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51385: name: "Rugrats Rescate Real" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51387: name: "World Racing" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51388: name: "Sega Bass Fishing Duel" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51390: name: "FightBox" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes missing 3D. SLES-51391: name: "RTL Skispringen 2003" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-51392: name: "Evolution Snowboarding" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 patches: C24C7FE3: content: |- author=Goatman13 // Fix issues caused by PSS video playback. // Extend stack to avoid sending bad data to VIF1. // Required due to lack of data cache emulation. patch=1,EE,00122E60,word,27BDFD00 patch=1,EE,001231C4,word,27BD0300 SLES-51393: name: "Syberia" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51397: name: "IndyCar Series" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51398: name: "World Championship Snooker 2003" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51399: name: "Armored Core 3" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces garbage on the UI whilst upscaling. SLES-51400: name: "Tenchu - Wrath of Heaven" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51401: name: "Tenchu - Wrath of Heaven" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51402: name: "Tenchu - Wrath of Heaven" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-51403: name: "Tenchu - Wrath of Heaven" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51409: name: "Frogger Beyond" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51418: name: "Fisherman's Challenge" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-51423: name: "Club Football - Celtic FC" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51425: name: "Fatman & Slim" # Beta region: "PAL-E" SLES-51433: name: "Ghost Vibration" region: "PAL-E" compat: 4 SLES-51434: name: "Silent Hill 3" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes some lighting/shadow artefacts (most light sources like the Flashlight are unaffected). gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes blackscreen when FMV. memcardFilters: - "SLES-51434" - "SLES-50382" - "SLES-51156" SLES-51435: name: "International Superstar Soccer 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51436: name: "Chessmaster 9000" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51439: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes blue font artifacts. SLES-51441: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3 - Extreme Legends" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51442: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51443: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51445: name: "Rygar - The Legendary Adventure" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51448: name: "Resident Evil - Dead Aim" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes character offset with flashlight and blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes flame-like bleeding. SLES-51449: name: "Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Operation Resurrection" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51450: name: "Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Opération Résurrection" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51451: name: "Whiteout" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51456: name: "LMA Manager 2004" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51458: name: "BDFL Manager 2004" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51459: name: "Roger Lemerre - La Sélection des Champions 2004" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51460: name: "Football Manager 2004" region: "PAL-I" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes 3D rendering. SLES-51461: name: "Manager de Liga 2004" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51462: name: "Shrek Super Party" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51466: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51467: name: "Freedom Fighters" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51468: name: "Freedom Fighters" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51469: name: "Freedom Fighters" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51470: name: "Freedom Fighters" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51471: name: "Freedom Fighters" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51473: name: "Kya - Dark Lineage" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes smoke effects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misalignment and depth line. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun going through objects. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing sun and sky. SLES-51474: name: "BloodRayne" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51476: name: "Mystic Heroes" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51477: name: "Mystic Heroes" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51479: name: "Def Jam Vendetta" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51481: name: "NBA Street Vol. 2" region: "PAL-E-F" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing environment with microVU. SLES-51482: name: "Downtown Run" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 3 SLES-51488: name: "Tour de France, Le - Centenary Edition" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51492: name: "Pro Beach Soccer" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51493: name: "Mr. Golf" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51495: name: "SX Superstar" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51496: name: "Breath of Fire - Dragon Quarter" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51503: name: "Ace Lightning" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51504: name: "Chessmaster" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51507: name: "Futurama" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: readTCOnClose: 1 # Fixes render to target getting lost on state/switch. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51508: name: "The Hulk" name-sort: "Hulk, The" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51509: name: "World of Outlaws - Sprint Cars" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SLES-51510: name: "Dancing Stage MegaMix" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51511: name: "Crash Nitro Kart" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLES-51522: name: "Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Operation Resurrection" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51523: name: "Conflict - Desert Storm II" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes seizure inducing FMVs. SLES-51525: name: "Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size when moving. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD garbage. SLES-51526: name: "Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size when moving. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD garbage. SLES-51541: name: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas" region: "PAL-Unk" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLES-51547: name: "Next Generation Tennis 2003" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS menus. gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS in game. SLES-51548: name: "X-Men 2 - Wolverine's Revenge" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun penetration. SLES-51553: name: "Chaos Legion" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in item menu. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow shadow of legions. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes green vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes vertical lines and some font artifacts but not completely fixed. SLES-51554: name: "Cell Damage Overdrive" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51555: name: "Play It Pinball" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51557: name: "Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-51579: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Duelists of the Roses" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Provides text shadow definition. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects some font artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Corrects some more font artifacts a little. SLES-51580: name: "London Racer World Challenge" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51581: name: "Dead to Rights" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes sky lighting. SLES-51584: name: "F1 Career Challenge" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLES-51588: name: "Evil Dead - A Fistful of Boomstick [with Bonus DVD Movie]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51589: name: "Resident Evil - Outbreak" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51590: name: "Cabela's Big Game Hunter" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51594: name: "Disney's Piglet's Big Game" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51595: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51600: name: "WWE Crush Hour" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51602: name: "All-Star Baseball 2004 featuring Derek Jeter" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51603: name: "Seek & Destroy" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51605: name: "Motorsiege - Warriors of Prime Time" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51606: name: "Unlimited Saga" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51615: name: "The King of Route 66" name-sort: "King of Route 66, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51616: name: "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51617: name: "Starsky & Hutch" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51618: name: "Starsky & Hutch" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51619: name: "Clock Tower 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51620: name: "Black and Bruised" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51621: name: "Dirt Track Devils" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51622: name: "Maxxed Out Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51623: name: "The Sniper 2" name-sort: "Sniper 2, The" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51624: name: "Eternal Quest" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes missing blue lines on the characters in dark areas. SLES-51625: name: "Ultimate Mindgames" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51629: name: "International Pool Championship" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51630: name: "Play It Chess Challenger" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51633: name: "Racing Simulation 3" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51636: name: "XGRA - Extreme G Racing Association" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51645: name: "Def Jam - Vendetta [Demo]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51646: name: "Energy Airforce" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51647: name: "Energy Airforce" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51649: name: "Judge Dredd - Dredd vs. Death" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51650: name: "Judge Dredd - Dredd vs. Death" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-51653: name: "Mace Griffin - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51654: name: "Mace Griffin - Bounty Hunter" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51658: name: "Piglet's Big Game" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51659: name: "Piglet's Big Game" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51660: name: "Risk - Global Domination" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51661: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51662: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51663: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51664: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51665: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51666: name: "Piglet - El Gran Juego de Disney" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51667: name: "Piglet's Big Game" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51668: name: "Piglet's Big Game" region: "PAL-NL" SLES-51670: name: "Alter Echo" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes side borders. SLES-51671: name: "Alter Echo" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes side borders. SLES-51675: name: "Psyvariar - Complete Edition" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51678: name: "Super Farm" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51680: name: "Splashdown 2 - Rides Gone Wild" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51681: name: "Splashdown 2 - Rides Gone Wild" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51682: name: "Headhunter - Redemption" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-51686: name: "Pitfall - The Lost Expedition" region: "PAL-E" compat: 4 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-51687: name: "Pitfall - The Lost Expedition" region: "PAL-F" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-51688: name: "Pitfall - The Lost Expedition" region: "PAL-G" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-51689: name: "Pitfall - The Lost Expedition" region: "PAL-I" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-51690: name: "Pitfall - The Lost Expedition" region: "PAL-S" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-51693: name: "The Suffering" name-sort: "Suffering, The" region: "PAL-E-F-G" SLES-51696: name: "Dragon's Lair 3D - Special Edition" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang before going ingame. SLES-51697: name: "SSX 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51698: name: "Mobile Light Force 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51699: name: "Virtua Fighter - 10th Anniversary Edition" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51702: name: "Battlestar Galactica" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51704: name: "XII Stag" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51705: name: "Ford Racing 2" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing sun. SLES-51707: name: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51708: name: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51709: name: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51710: name: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51711: name: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "PAL-S" SLES-51712: name: "Snowboard Racer 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51713: name: "Bust-A-Bloc" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51714: name: "BCV - Battle Construction Vehicles" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51715: name: "The Seed - War Zone" name-sort: "Seed, The - War Zone" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51716: name: "A-Train 6" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51717: name: "Boxing Champions" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes graphical issues. SLES-51718: name: "League Series Baseball 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51720: name: "Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invalid VU size spam and likely SPS. SLES-51721: name: "Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invalid VU size spam and likely SPS. SLES-51723: name: "The Hobbit" name-sort: "Hobbit, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51731: name: "Bust-A-Block" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-51732: name: "EA Sports Rugby 2004" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51733: name: "EA SPORTS RUGBY 2004" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51735: name: "Perfect Ace - Pro Tournament Tennis" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51741: name: "1945 I-II - The Arcade Games" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes part II into screen. SLES-51746: name: "Space Invaders - Invasion Day" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51749: name: "Mark Davis Pro Bass Challenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51750: name: "Charlie's Angels" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps blur. SLES-51752: name: "Tony Hawks Underground" region: "PAL-Unk" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51753: name: "True Crime - Streets of L.A." region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes licences. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes double image. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating buildings. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SLES-51754: name: "True Crime - Streets of L.A." region: "PAL-M5" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes licences. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes double image. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating buildings. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SLES-51755: name: "Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51756: name: "Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes hang on final boss. SLES-51757: name: "Dancing Stage Fever" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51758: name: "Metal Arms - Glitch in the System" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes SPS. SLES-51759: name: "Maximo vs. Army of Zin" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around environmental objects. SLES-51761: name: "The Italian Job - L.A. Heist" name-sort: "Italian Job, The - L.A. Heist" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51765: name: "Volleyball Xciting" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51766: name: "Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps glow misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps glow misalignment. SLES-51772: name: "Bad Boys II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51778: name: "Summer Heat Beach Volleyball" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51782: name: "Fire Warrior" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-51783: name: "Starsky & Hutch" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51785: name: "Cool Shot" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51787: name: "Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-51792: name: "Aliens Versus Predator - Extinction" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51794: name: "Looney Toons - Back in Action" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51797: name: "Madden NFL 2004" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51798: name: "NHL 2004" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes black void in ice. SLES-51799: name: "Soul Calibur II" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-51800: name: "Smash Cars" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51806: name: "Evil Dead - A Fistful of Boomstick" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51812: name: "Homerun" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51813: name: "European Tennis Pro" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51814: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51815: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-51816: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-51817: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-51818: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "PAL-I" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-51819: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-51820: name: "Sniper Elite" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes sky bloom. SLES-51821: name: "Alias" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes lights penetrating objects. autoFlush: 2 # Helps with the light penetration problem. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes light glows. SLES-51822: name: "Alias" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes lights penetrating objects. autoFlush: 2 # Helps with the light penetration problem. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes light glows. SLES-51823: name: "Hunter - The Reckoning Wayward" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51824: name: "Colin McRae Rally '04" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and tree textures to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51825: name: "Pop Idol" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51826: name: "AFL Live 2004" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51827: name: "Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance" region: "PAL-E-FR" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps glow misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps glow misalignment. SLES-51828: name: "Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps glow misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps glow misalignment. SLES-51831: name: "Sphinx and The Cursed Mummy" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51833: name: "Premier Manager 2003-2004" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51834: name: "Premier Manager 2003-2004" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51838: name: "Astérix & Obélix XXL" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51839: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51840: name: "NHL Hitz Pro" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51841: name: "Spy Hunter 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51842: name: "Road Kill" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51843: name: "Worms 3D" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 patches: default: content: |- comment=You need to set the EE cycle speed to -1 to be able to load the game. SLES-51845: name: "Barbie Horse Adventures - Wild Horse Rescue" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51846: name: "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51848: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51850: name: "Basketball Xciting" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51851: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground" region: "PAL-F" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51852: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51853: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground" region: "PAL-F" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51854: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground" region: "PAL-S" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-51855: name: "Tank Elite" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51856: name: "Monster Attack" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves distant textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smooths high frequency textures on distant ground. SLES-51859: name: "Billiards Xciting" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51860: name: "Tennis Court Smash" region: "PAL-E" compat: 3 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad Geometry. SLES-51861: name: "Bowling Xciting" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51862: name: "Bass Master Fishing" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes flickering FMVs. SLES-51863: name: "Maze Action" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51864: name: "Police Chase Down" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51865: name: "Heartbeat Boxing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51867: name: "Dynasty Tactics 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51868: name: "Dynasty Tactics 2" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51869: name: "Dynasty Tactics 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51870: name: "Disney/Pixar Buscando a Nemo" region: "PAL-FI-S" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51871: name: "Disney/Pixar Findet Nemo" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51872: name: "Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51873: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51874: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51875: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "PAL-G" SLES-51876: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51877: name: "Bloody Roar 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51879: name: "Hot Wheels World Race" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51881: name: "Mercedes Bens World Racing" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-51883: name: "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51885: name: "Mega Man X7" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For camera issues in some scenes. SLES-51886: name: "Lethal Skies II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51887: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51888: name: "RTL Ski Jumping 2004" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-51890: name: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Chaos Bleeds" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-51893: name: "Naval Ops - Warship Gunner" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51896: name: "Attheraces Presents Gallop Racer" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Improves lighting, maximum blending is needed for full accuracy. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51897: name: "The Simpsons - Hit & Run" name-sort: "Simpsons, The - Hit & Run" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Lens flare appears even when behind objects. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51903: name: "AFL Live 2004 - Aussie Rules Football" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51906: name: "Rolling" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51907: name: "Disney/Pixar Alla Ricerca di Nemo" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51908: name: "Van Helsing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51911: name: "Gadget Racers" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51912: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 3" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-51913: name: "Onimusha Blade Warrior" region: "PAL-M3" memcardFilters: - "SLES-51913" - "SLES-51914" SLES-51914: name: "Onimusha 3 - Demon Siege" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Makes sure enemies appear correctly. memcardFilters: - "SLES-51913" - "SLES-51914" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes various lines / reduces bars on right edge. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes textureless graphics ingame. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Gets rid of center vertical line when upscaling. SLES-51915: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 3" region: "PAL-I" SLES-51916: name: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes FMVs to be visible. SLES-51917: name: "Beyond Good and Evil" region: "PAL-M6" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with water in some places. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes the shape of shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes water rendering. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment, needs this harsh offset for autoflush. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes shield rendering. SLES-51918: name: "Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-51924: name: "World War Zero - Ironstorm" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51925: name: "Splashdown 2 - Rides Gone Wild" region: "PAL-A" SLES-51926: name: "Outlaw Golf" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51927: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51930: name: "Road Rage 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51931: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51932: name: "The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius - Jet Fusion" name-sort: "Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, The - Boy Genius - Jet Fusion" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51933: name: "Gregory Horror Show" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-51934: name: "Curse - The Eye of Isis" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-51946: name: "Robin Hood - Defender of the Crown" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 SLES-51947: name: "ESPN NFL 2K4" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51948: name: "ESPN NHL Hockey 2K4" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51949: name: "NBA 2K4" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51950: name: "Sonic Heroes" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51951: name: "Puyo Pop Fever" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-51952: name: "R-Type Final" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-51953: name: "FIFA 2004" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-51954: name: "Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes rainbow coloured graphics. eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes bullet holes. SLES-51956: name: "Bionicle" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes heat blur layer. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51957: name: "Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines" region: "PAL-F" SLES-51958: name: "Whiplash" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-51959: name: "Football Generation" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51960: name: "Disney/Pixar À Procura de Nemo" region: "PAL-P" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51961: name: "Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time" # Pre-order Demo region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-51963: name: "FIFA 2004" region: "PAL-F-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-51964: name: "FIFA 2004" region: "PAL-P-S" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLES-51966: name: "Bombastic" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-51967: name: "Need for Speed - Underground" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes image alignment. SLES-51968: name: "SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51970: name: "Spongebob Schwammkopf - Schlacht um Bikini Bottom" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51972: name: "NBA Jam 2004" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-51973: name: "War Chess" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51974: name: "XS Junior League Soccer" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: -1 # Fixes FMV playback. SLES-51976: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Jungle Storm" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51978: name: "Baphomets Fluch - Der Schlafende Drache" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-51980: name: "TT Superbikes" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51981: name: "ShellShock - Nam '67" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes slight blur. SLES-51982: name: "ShellShock - Nam '67" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes slight blur. SLES-51986: name: "Backyard Wrestling - Don't Try This At Home" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51989: name: "Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. SLES-51991: name: "Dance UK" region: "PAL-E" SLES-51996: name: "International Snooker Championship" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51997: name: "SWAT - Global Strike Team" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For grey screen ingame. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-51998: name: "Kao the Kangaroo - Round 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-51999: name: "GrooveRider Slot Car Thunder" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52001: name: "Mission Impossible - Operation Surma" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52002: name: "Rogue Ops" region: "PAL-M6" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes hang on opening memory card screen. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52005: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLES-52008: name: "NBA Live 2004" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLES-52011: name: "Tak and The Power of Juju" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52015: name: "Chevaliers de Baphomet, Les - Le Manuscrit de Voynich" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52017: name: "The Lord of the Rings - Return of the King" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - Return of the King" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52018: name: "Herr der Ringe, Der - Die Rückkehr des Königs" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52019: name: "Seigneur des Anneaux, Le - Le Retour du roi" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52020: name: "Señor de Los Anillos, El - El Retorno del Rey" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52021: name: "Signore degli Anelli, Il - Il Ritorno del Re" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52022: name: "Total Club Manager 2004" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes 3D rendering. SLES-52023: name: "Manhunt" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps with light occlusion problems when upscaling. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes light occlusion draws which mistakenly get all drawn at once, so wrong texture data is picked. SLES-52025: name: "NFL Street" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLES-52026: name: "Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. SLES-52028: name: "Junior Sports Basketball" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52034: name: "The Cat in the Hat" name-sort: "Cat in the Hat, The" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SLES-52036: name: "WWE SmackDown! - Here Comes the Pain!" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52038: name: "Terminator 3 - Rebellion der Maschinen" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52039: name: "Terminator 3 - Rise Of The Machines" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52041: name: "Detonator" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52043: name: "MX Unleashed Migrated" region: "PAL-E" patches: DBA1250E: content: |- author=refraction (ported by Prafull) comment=fixes COP2 instruction order to resolve SPS patch=1,EE,001Cb778,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001CB77C,word,4BDBD9FF SLES-52044: name: "Crescent Suzuki Racing - Superbikes and Super Sidecars" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52045: name: "GT-R 400" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad Geometry. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus and misaligned text. SLES-52046: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLES-52047: name: "The Sims - Bustin' Out" name-sort: "Sims, The - Bustin' Out" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, font and others. SLES-52048: name: "The Sims - Bustin' Out" name-sort: "Sims, The - Bustin' Out" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, font and others. SLES-52055: name: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-52056: name: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" region: "PAL-M11" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-52058: name: "Groove Rider - Slot Car Racing" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52060: name: "Fame Academy" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52061: name: "Star Academy" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52062: name: "Pop Star Academy" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52063: name: "Alarm for Cobra 11" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-52065: name: "Flipnic" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52095: name: "Gradius V" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52096: name: "Firefighter F.D. 18" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52097: name: "SWAT - Global Strike Force" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For grey screen ingame. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52100: name: "NRL Rugby League" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52101: name: "Wrath Unleashed" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes flashing and some models still very broken in hardware mode. SLES-52102: name: "Hugo Bukkazoom!" region: "PAL-M12" SLES-52103: name: "Tak & Le Pouvoir de Juju" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 SLES-52104: name: "Tak and the Power of JuJu" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-52106: name: "Cabela's Dangerous Hunts" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52107: name: "Dance Europe" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-52108: name: "Underworld - The Eternal War" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52109: name: "Underworld - The Eternal War" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52111: name: "Mojo!" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-52116: name: "Sitting Ducks" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-52117: name: "Go Go Copter" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52118: name: "Castlevania" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLES-52122: name: "Crime Life - Gang Wars" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52123: name: "EA Sports Cricket 2004" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52124: name: "kill.switch" region: "PAL-Unk" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes menu text flickering. SLES-52125: name: "Agassi Tennis Generation" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52132: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLES-52133: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLES-52134: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "PAL-I" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLES-52135: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLES-52136: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLES-52143: name: "Carmen Sandiego - The Secret of the Stolen Drums" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes upscaled shadows and improves performance. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes player shadow. SLES-52149: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom on light sources. SLES-52150: name: "Legacy of Kain - Defiance" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-52151: name: "Terminator 3 - Le Macchine Ribelli" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52152: name: "Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52153: name: "Driv3r" region: "PAL-E-S" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Aligns and corrects shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes car textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Alleviates text and sky rendering issues. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes car and bike exhaust smoke rendering. SLES-52155: name: "EyeToy - L'Eredita" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52159: name: "Myth Makers Super Kart GP" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52171: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52172: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52173: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52174: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52175: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52178: name: "Casino Challenge" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52179: name: "Kaan Barbarian Blade" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52187: name: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLES-52188: name: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLES-52190: name: "RPM Tuning" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 roundSprite: 2 # Aligns bloom effect wildArmsHack: 1 # Aligns bloom effect SLES-52202: name: "Downhill Domination" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52203: name: "Armored Core 3 - Silent Line" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SLES-51399" - "SLES-52203" SLES-52204: name: "UFC Sudden Impact" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52209: name: "Star Trek - Shattered Universe" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52214: name: "Disney's The Haunted Mansion" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52216: name: "Disney's The Haunted Mansion" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52219: name: "Corvette" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # Increases FPS drastically. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Reduces ghosting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52230: name: "Muppets Party Cruise" region: "PAL-E-F" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Fixes some hanging throughout the game. SLES-52237: name: ".hack Infection Part 1" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. memcardFilters: - "SLES-52237" - "SLES-52467" - "SLES-52468" - "SLES-52469" SLES-52238: name: "Nightshade" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SLES-52240: name: "International Pool Championship" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52241: name: "Myth Makers - Orbs of Doom" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52242: name: "Dalmatians 3" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-52243: name: "Dinosaur Adventure" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52244: name: "Legend of Herkules" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-52246: name: "Pool Paradise" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52247: name: "The Hobbit" name-sort: "Hobbit, The" region: "PAL-R" SLES-52249: name: "Premier Manager 2003-2004" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52256: name: "Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne" region: "PAL-E-S" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes rainbow coloured graphics. eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes bullet holes. SLES-52257: name: "P.T.O. IV - Pacific Theater of Operations IV" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52258: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52259: name: "Outlaw Volleyball" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52265: name: "Energy Airforce - Aim Strike!" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects post-processing effect on jet exhausts. SLES-52266: name: "Energy Airforce - Aim Strike!" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects post-processing effect on jet exhausts. SLES-52267: name: "Energy Airforce - Aim Strike!" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects post-processing effect on jet exhausts. SLES-52275: name: "Way of the Samurai 2" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-52276: name: "187 - Ride or Die" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Softens bloom on objects and cars. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on objects and cars. SLES-52277: name: "Riding Spirits 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52278: name: "Mafia" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack patches: A8ECA67A: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging before Molotov Party. patch=1,EE,003e2bb4,word,00000000 // Fixes crash in The priest mission. patch=1,EE,0016f04c,word,1000000d SLES-52279: name: "Mafia" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack patches: B1744B0F: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging before Molotov Party. patch=1,EE,003e2454,word,00000000 // Fixes crash in The priest mission. patch=1,EE,0016f04c,word,1000000d SLES-52280: name: "Mafia" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - EETimingHack patches: E185C725: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging before Molotov Party. patch=1,EE,003e23d4,word,00000000 // Fixes crash in The priest mission. patch=1,EE,0016f04c,word,1000000d SLES-52281: name: "Mafia" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - EETimingHack patches: B5FFA1E9: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging before Molotov Party. patch=1,EE,003e25c4,word,00000000 // Fixes crash in The priest mission. patch=1,EE,0016f04c,word,1000000d SLES-52282: name: "Mafia" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - EETimingHack patches: B67F4F9E: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging before Molotov Party. patch=1,EE,003e25f4,word,00000000 // Fixes crash in The priest mission. patch=1,EE,0016f04c,word,1000000d SLES-52283: name: "Terminator 3 - The Redemption" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes environment lights visible through player model. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes depth line and misaligned bloom. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes incorrect bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52284: name: "Deadly Skies III" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52286: name: "Tak y el Poder Juju" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 SLES-52287: name: "Tak and The Power of JuJu" region: "PAL-I" compat: 5 SLES-52288: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52289: name: "MTX Mototrax" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes glitchy graphics ingame. SLES-52290: name: "MTX Mototrax" region: "PAL-F" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes glitchy graphics ingame. SLES-52291: name: "Countryside Bears" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52292: name: "Disney's Mighty Mulan" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52293: name: "Disney's Son of the Lion King" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52294: name: "The Toys Room" name-sort: "Toys Room, The" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52295: name: "Master Chess" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52298: name: "IndyCar Series 2005" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52308: name: "Karaoke Stage" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52309: name: "R - Racing" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52310: name: "Energy Airforce" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52312: name: "World Championship Rugby" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-52313: name: "Space Invaders Anniversary" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52314: name: "Hugo - Bukkazoom" region: "PAL-R" SLES-52322: name: "Drakengard" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Characters are visible in-game. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned white lines. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes missing HUD. SLES-52323: name: "Richard Burns Rally" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52325: name: "Champions of Norrath - Realms of EverQuest" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLES-52326: name: "Spawn - Armageddon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52336: name: "Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes rainbow coloured graphics. eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes bullet holes. SLES-52337: name: "Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne" region: "PAL-E-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes rainbow coloured graphics. eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes bullet holes. SLES-52338: name: "Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne" region: "PAL-E-I" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes rainbow coloured graphics. eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes bullet holes. SLES-52339: name: "Crash 'n Burn" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52340: name: "Rollercoaster World" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52341: name: "X-Files - Resist or Serve" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52342: name: "Worms - Forts Under Siege" region: "PAL-E-F" compat: 5 SLES-52343: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52346: name: "Retro Classics - 8 Arcade Classics from Yesteryears" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52348: name: "Seven Samurai 20XX" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52349: name: "International Golf Pro" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52350: name: "International Golf Pro" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52358: name: "Glass Rose" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52362: name: "Bad Boys II" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52363: name: "Bad Boys II" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52366: name: "America's 10 Most Wanted" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52367: name: "America's 10 Most Wanted" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52368: name: "AFL Live - Premiership Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52369: name: "Empires of Atlantis" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52370: name: "The Mouse Police" name-sort: "Mouse Police, The" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-52371: name: "Animal Soccer World" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52372: name: "Spider-Man 2" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the position of the shadow and makes it not blocky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes shadows. gpuPaletteConversion: 0 # Stops potential crashes from too many palette textures. mipmap: 2 # Building textures align more closely with SW mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52373: name: "Champions of Norrath" region: "PAL-E-S" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLES-52374: name: "Fight Night 2004" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52378: name: "Euro Rally Champion" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52379: name: "Shrek 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52380: name: "Shrek 2" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52381: name: "Shrek 2" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52382: name: "Shrek 2" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52383: name: "Shrek 2" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52384: name: "Project Zero 2 - Crimson Butterfly" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52385: name: "England International Football" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52386: name: "World Championship Snooker 2004" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52387: name: "Spy Hunter 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52388: name: "Transformers [Special Edition]" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLES-52392: name: "Combat Elite - WWII Paratroopers [Preview]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLES-52393: name: "Pinball Fun" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS and console spam (The Tennis). SLES-52394: name: "UFEA Euro 2004" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes disappearing ball and black box issues. SLES-52395: name: "UFEA Euro 2004" region: "PAL-F-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes disappearing ball and black box issues. SLES-52396: name: "Euro 2004" region: "PAL-P-S" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes disappearing ball and black box issues. SLES-52397: name: "Euro 2004" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes disappearing ball and black box issues. SLES-52398: name: "Euro 2004" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes disappearing ball and black box issues. SLES-52402: name: "Perfect Ace 2 - The Championships" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52403: name: "Formula Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52404: name: "MTV Music Generator 3" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52413: name: "Malice" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52418: name: "Power Drome" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 patches: 52085DF1: content: |- // Game takes advantage of the VU's extended float range. // This limits it so x86 can handle it. author=refraction and PSI comment=VU float patch patch=1,EE,0037A680,word,7e7fffff patch=1,EE,0037A688,word,fe7fffff SLES-52423: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament 2" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-52433: name: "Goblin Commander - Unleash The Horde" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52439: name: "The Suffering" name-sort: "Suffering, The" region: "PAL-E-I-S" compat: 5 SLES-52440: name: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLES-52444: name: "Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52445: name: "Silent Hill 4 - The Room" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes invisible wall in front of the door leading to East 3F in the 2nd visit of Apartment world preventing Eileen's Nurse Outfit. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset shadow from player character. SLES-52446: name: "Mashed" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52447: name: "Spider-Man 2" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the position of the shadow and makes it not blocky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes shadows. gpuPaletteConversion: 0 # Stops potential crashes from too many palette textures. mipmap: 2 # Building textures align more closely with SW mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52448: name: "Knights of the Temple" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52449: name: "Kidz Sports Basketball" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52450: name: "Serious Sam - Next Encounter" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-52451: name: "Conan" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLES-52457: name: "Shrek 2" region: "PAL-SW" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52458: name: "Disgaea - Hour of Darkness" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52459: name: "Autobahn Raser - Das Spiel zum Film" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52466: name: "Ribbit King" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52467: name: ".hack Mutation Part 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLES-52237" - "SLES-52467" - "SLES-52468" - "SLES-52469" SLES-52468: name: ".hack Quarantine Part 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLES-52237" - "SLES-52467" - "SLES-52468" - "SLES-52469" SLES-52469: name: ".hack Outbreak Part 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLES-52237" - "SLES-52467" - "SLES-52468" - "SLES-52469" SLES-52471: name: "Naval Ops - Commander" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52472: name: "Project Minerva" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52477: name: "Vegas Casino II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52478: name: "Red Dead Revolver" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52479: name: "Samurai Jack - The Shadow of Aku" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52480: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Duelists of the Roses" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Provides text shadow definition. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects some font artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Corrects some more font artifacts a little. SLES-52481: name: "Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Challenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52482: name: "Steel Dragon EX" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes hashcache exploding. SLES-52483: name: "World Championship Pool 2004" region: "PAL-UM3" SLES-52486: name: "Astro Boy" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes character behaviour. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes flame bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLES-52490: name: "Dance UK - Extra Trax" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52493: name: "Spider-Man 2" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the position of the shadow and makes it not blocky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes shadows. gpuPaletteConversion: 0 # Stops potential crashes from too many palette textures. mipmap: 2 # Building textures align more closely with SW mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52495: name: "Bujingai - Swordmaster" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52504: name: "Trivial Pursuit Unhinged" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52505: name: "Spy Fiction" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52507: name: "Def Jam - Fight for New York" region: "PAL-E-F" compat: 5 SLES-52508: name: "Obscure" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52509: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52510: name: "Neo Contra" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 6 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. SLES-52511: name: "Headhunter - Redemption" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52512: name: "Headhunter - Redemption" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52515: name: "Ultimate Casino" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52516: name: "World Fighting" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52517: name: "Radio Helicopter" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52518: name: "Motorbike King" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing textures. SLES-52519: name: "Pink Pong" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52520: name: "Volleyball Challenge" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52521: name: "Adibou & Les Voleurs d'Energie" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-52523: name: "Cocoto Platform Jumper" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52525: name: "Mouse Trophy" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52527: name: "Harry Potter og Fangen fra Azkaban" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLES-52531: name: "The Suffering" name-sort: "Suffering, The" region: "PAL-G" speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # Fixes SPS. SLES-52532: name: "Aces of War" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52533: name: "Zoo Puzzle" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52534: name: "Crimson Tears" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment bloom effects. # deinterlace: 6 # Game requires blend tff de-interlacing when auto for 'fixing' shimmer on character models and more flickering or half weaved, though the game suffers from the field order. SLES-52535: name: "Rumble Roses" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52536: name: "Shark Tale" region: "PAL-E" compat: 2 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-52537: name: "Shark Tale" region: "PAL-M3" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-52539: name: "Shark Tale" region: "PAL-I" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-52541: name: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLES-52542: name: "All Music Dance!" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52544: name: "Trivial Pursuit Unhinged" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52545: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on certain characters and objects on certain levels. SLES-52546: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on certain characters and objects on certain levels. SLES-52547: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on certain characters and objects on certain levels. SLES-52551: name: "Samurai Warriors" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52552: name: "Samurai Warriors" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52553: name: "Samurai Warriors" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52554: name: "Samurai Warriors" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52555: name: "Samurai Warriors" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52556: name: "Crimson Sea 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52557: name: "Crimson Sea 2" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52558: name: "Crimson Sea 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52559: name: "FIFA 2005" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLES-52560: name: "FIFA 2005" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLES-52561: name: "FIFA 2005" region: "PAL-P-S" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLES-52562: name: "FIFA 2005" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLES-52563: name: "FIFA Football 2005" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLES-52567: name: "Catwoman" region: "PAL-M7" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes bloom. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes ghosting. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for offset RTs/textures for post-processing. SLES-52568: name: "Crash Twinsanity" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52569: name: "Spyro - A Hero's Tail" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects that streak on-screen, causes occasional trash shadows at places. SLES-52570: name: "Area 51" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects, needs Special otherwise lights flicker. SLES-52571: name: "Pacific Air Warriors 2 - Dogfight" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52572: name: "Operation Air Assault" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52573: name: "Conflict - Global Storm" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes abnormal character behaviour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52576: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52579: name: "Legends of Wrestling - Showdown" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52581: name: "Madden NFL 2005" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52584: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLES-52585: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown" region: "PAL-F-G-I" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLES-52587: name: "Army Men - Sarge's War" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52588: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLES-52589: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLES-52590: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLES-52591: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Empires" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52592: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Empires" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52593: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Empires" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52594: name: "U-Move SuperSports" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52598: name: "Dancing Stage Fusion" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52599: name: "Metal Slug 3" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Stops excessive VRAM usage with preloading on. SLES-52600: name: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" region: "PAL-PL" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLES-52601: name: "Ex Zeus" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52602: name: "GT Racers" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52603: name: "Room Zoom - Race for Impact" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52605: name: "The Polar Express" name-sort: "Polar Express, The" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bottom left and right corner garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52616: name: "Video Poker & Blackjack" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52617: name: "Stock Car Speedway" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52620: name: "Guncom 2" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-52621: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground 2" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-52622: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground 2" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-52624: name: "X-Men Legends" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52625: name: "X-Men Legends" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52628: name: "NBA Ballers" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes transparency issues. SLES-52630: name: "Conflict - Vietnam" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. SLES-52631: name: "Digimon Rumble Arena 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes menu options freaking out. SLES-52636: name: "Colin McRae Rally 2005" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes incorrect colors. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines such as in FMVs. SLES-52637: name: "TOCA Racer Driver 2" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-52638: name: "DTM Race Driver 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52639: name: "V8 Supercars 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52640: name: "Dance-UK XL" region: "PAL-UK" SLES-52641: name: "Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude [Uncut]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52642: name: "Leisure Suit Larry - Magna cum Laude" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52643: name: "Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52644: name: "Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52645: name: "Leisure Suit Larry - Magna cum Laude" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52646: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52647: name: "Club Football 2005 - Manchester United" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52648: name: "Club Football 2005 - Borussia Dortmund" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52649: name: "Club Football 2005 - Olympique de Marseille" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52650: name: "Club Football 2005 - Juventus" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52651: name: "Club Football 2005 - FC Barcelona" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52652: name: "Club Football 2005 - Liverpool FC" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52653: name: "Club Football 2005 - Liverpool FC" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52654: name: "Club Football 2005 - Real Madrid" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52655: name: "Club Football 2005 - FC Bayern München" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52656: name: "Club Football 2005 - AC Milan" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52657: name: "Club Football 2005 - Arsenal" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52658: name: "Club Football 2005 - Hamburger SV" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52659: name: "Club Football 2005 - Paris Saint-Germain" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52660: name: "Club Football 2005 - FC Internazionale" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52661: name: "Club Football 2005 - Ajax Amsterdam" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52662: name: "Club Football 2005 - Newcastle United" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52663: name: "Club Football 2005 - Chelsea FC" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52664: name: "Club Football 2005 - Rangers FC" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52665: name: "Club Football 2005 - Celtic FC" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52666: name: "Club Football 2005 - Tottenham Hotspur" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52667: name: "Club Football 2005 - Birmingham City" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52668: name: "Club Football 2005 - Aston Villa" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52669: name: "Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Removes occasional SPS where the head goes into nightmare fuel. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces ghosting even more. SLES-52670: name: "Second Sight" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52671: name: "Ghost Master - The Gravenville Chronicles" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52673: name: "NHL 2005" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52674: name: "Fussball Manager 2005" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes 3D rendering. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52675: name: "Hugo Cannon Cruise" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-52676: name: "Hugo Cannon Cruise" region: "PAL-R" SLES-52678: name: "Viewtiful Joe" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52680: name: "Intellivision Lives - The History of Video Gaming" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52684: name: "Cyclone Circus - Power Sail Racing" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-52685: name: "The Polar Express" name-sort: "Polar Express, The" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bottom left and right corner garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-52686: name: "Backyard Wrestling 2 - There Goes the Neighborhood" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52693: name: "LMA Manager 2005" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52694: name: "BDFL Manager 2005" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52695: name: "Roger Lemerre - La Selection des Champions" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52696: name: "Football Manager Campionato 2005" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52697: name: "Manager de Liga 2005" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52698: name: "Manchester United Manager 2005" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52700: name: "The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies" name-sort: "Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, The - Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smoothes out shadow textures. SLES-52701: name: "Future Tactics - The Uprising" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52702: name: "Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Removes blurriness and artifacting at sides, esspecialy helps 3D11. SLES-52703: name: "Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Removes blurriness and artifacting at sides, esspecialy helps 3D11. SLES-52705: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deception" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52706: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deception" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52707: name: "Monster Hunter" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLES-52709: name: "TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - Bush Rescue" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes visible lines in water textures. SLES-52710: name: "McFarlane's Evil Prophecy" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52711: name: "Titeuf Mega Compet" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes corrupted textures. patches: "958E5086": content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Game has a bug in it, where it's supposed to wait for the GS transfers/drawing to finish // in order to reverse the FIFO to download data from the GS, but they got the condition backwards // so their code was waiting for it to NOT finish. Lucky it even worked on a PS2. patch=1,EE,001c83a4,word,1462fffa SLES-52713: name: "NBA Live 2005" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-52714: name: "Board Games Gallery" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52716: name: "The Energy Thieves" name-sort: "Energy Thieves, The" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52717: name: "Brian Lara International Cricket 2005" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52718: name: "Fight Club" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52719: name: "Under the Skin" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52720: name: "Ford Racing 3" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52722: name: "Kidz Sports Ice Hockey" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52725: name: "Need for Speed - Underground 2" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLES-52726: name: "NBA Live 2005" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-52727: name: "NBA Live 2005" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-52729: name: "Animaniacs - The Great Edgar Hunt" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52730: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52731: name: "One Piece - Round the Land!" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52733: name: "Driven to Destruction" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52734: name: "Worms Forts - Under Siege" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52737: name: "Obscure" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52738: name: "Obscure" region: "PAL-F-I" compat: 5 SLES-52741: name: "The Red Star [Beta]" name-sort: "Red Star, The [Beta]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52745: name: "Hugo - Cannon Cruise" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52746: name: "Hugo - Cannon Cruise" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-52747: name: "The Dukes of Hazzard - The Return of General Lee" name-sort: "Dukes of Hazzard, The - The Return of General Lee" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLES-52749: name: "Habitrail - Hamster Ball" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52750: name: "Monster Trux Extreme" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52751: name: "Offroad Extreme!" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52752: name: "Playboy - The Mansion" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52753: name: "FlatOut" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52754: name: "FlatOut" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52755: name: "Blood Will Tell - Tezuka Osamu's Dororo" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLES-52760: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 4" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-52761: name: "Rocky - Legends" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes background FMV flicker. SLES-52766: name: "Godzilla - Save The Earth" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52767: name: "Hugo - Cannon Cruise" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52768: name: "Commandos - Strike Force" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-52773: name: "Pool Shark 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52774: name: "Sprint Car Challenge" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 2 SLES-52776: name: "Junior Board Games" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52778: name: "The Arcade" name-sort: "Arcade, The" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-52779: name: "Poker Masters" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-52781: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52782: name: "Call of Duty - Finest Hour" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves shimmering of terrain, matches SW. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 0BC05D02: content: |- // Fixes COP2 CFC2 timing. patch=1,EE,001AB900,word,48488800 patch=1,EE,001AB904,word,4A252942 SLES-52783: name: "Call of Duty - Finest Hour" region: "PAL-F-S-I" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves shimmering of terrain, matches SW. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 30AE5279: content: |- // Avoids bad COP2 errors due to the instant nature of the PCSX2's COP2 handling. patch=1,EE,001ab900,word,48488800 patch=1,EE,001ab904,word,4A252942 SLES-52784: name: "Call of Duty - Finest Hour" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves shimmering of terrain, matches SW. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 0BC05D02: content: |- // Avoids bad COP2 errors due to the instant nature of the PCSX2's COP2 handling. patch=1,EE,001ab900,word,48488800 patch=1,EE,001ab904,word,4A252942 SLES-52798: name: "Vietcong - Purple Haze" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52799: name: "Vietcong - Purple Haze" region: "PAL-E-I" SLES-52800: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 4" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52801: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Third Age" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52802: name: "Seigneur des anneaux, Le - Le Tiers Âge" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52803: name: "Herr der Ringe, Der - Das dritte Zeitalter" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52804: name: "Signore degli Anelli, Il - La Terza Era" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52805: name: "Señor de Los Anillos, El - La Tercera Edad" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52807: name: "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to collect items. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. SLES-52808: name: "Désastreuses Aventures des orphelins Baudelaire, Les" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to collect items. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. SLES-52809: name: "Lemony Snicket - Schauriger Schlamassel" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to collect items. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. SLES-52810: name: "Lemony Snicket Una Serie Di Sfortunati Eventi" region: "PAL-I" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to collect items. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. SLES-52811: name: "Get on da Mic" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52812: name: "Disney/Pixar The Incredibles" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52813: name: "The Incredibles" name-sort: "Incredibles, The" region: "PAL-NL-F" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52814: name: "The Incredibles" name-sort: "Incredibles, The" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52815: name: "Disney/Pixar The Incredibles" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52816: name: "Increíbles, Los" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52820: name: "The Incredibles" name-sort: "Incredibles, The" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52821: name: "The Incredibles" name-sort: "Incredibles, The" region: "PAL-P" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52822: name: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-52824: name: "Furry Tales" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-52825: name: "Serie de Catastróficas Desdichas de Lemony Snicket, Una" region: "PAL-S" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to collect items. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. SLES-52831: name: "Syberia 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52832: name: "Mega Man X - Command Mission" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes the trophies. SLES-52834: name: "Sega Superstars Eyetoy Bundle" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-52835: name: "The Mummy" name-sort: "Mummy, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-52836: name: "Knight Rider 2" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-52843: name: "Garfield" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-52844: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52845: name: "Gadget and the Gadgetinis" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-52852: name: "Capcom Fighting Jam" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-52853: name: "Miami Vice" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-52854: name: "Capcom Fighting Jam" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52856: name: "10 Most Wanted" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52857: name: "The Fairly OddParents - Shadow Showdown" name-sort: "Fairly OddParents, The - Shadow Showdown" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52858: name: "Cocoto Kart Racer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52859: name: "Project - Snowblind" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes the post processing positioning. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLES-52861: name: "King Arthur" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52863: name: "Pinball Hall of Fame" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-52864: name: "MX World Tour" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52867: name: "Spindrive Ping Pong" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52868: name: "Viewtiful Joe 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52871: name: "Xtreme Speed" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52872: name: "Constantine" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Resolves dumpster not being able to be climbed from front in level 2. SLES-52874: name: "Dark Wind [with Gametrak]" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52876: name: "King of Fighters 2000-2001" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52877: name: "Haunting Ground" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. Normal Vertex works better, but causes some lights to disappear. roundSprite: 1 # Further reduces blurriness. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smooths out fire textures. beforeDraw: "OI_HauntingGround" # Fix bloom. SLES-52882: name: "Stolen" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Improves performance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. SLES-52884: name: "Duel Masters" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52885: name: "Sega Superstars" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52886: name: "Power Rangers Dino Thunder" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52887: name: "Power Rangers Dino Thunder" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52888: name: "Brothers In Arms - Road to Hill 30" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness, there are still ghosting issues for like lighting poles. SLES-52889: name: "Disney's Winnie the Pooh Rumbly Tumbly Adventure" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloomlike-offsets. SLES-52894: name: "The Bard's Tale" name-sort: "Bard's Tale, The" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLES-52895: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - The Movie" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52896: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - The Movie" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52897: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob - Il Film" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52898: name: "King of Fighters - Maximum Impact" region: "PAL-E-JP" SLES-52900: name: "Rapala Pro Fishing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52902: name: "Arcade Classics Volume 1" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52906: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - Movin' with Friends" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52907: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - Movin' with Friends" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52908: name: "The Urbz - Sims in the City" name-sort: "Urbz, The - Sims in the City" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLES-52909: name: "UEFA Champions League 2004-2005" region: "PAL-E-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes graphical corruption. SLES-52910: name: "UEFA Champions League 2005" region: "PAL-F-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes graphical corruption. SLES-52911: name: "UEFA Champions League 2005" region: "PAL-I-S" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes graphical corruption. SLES-52912: name: "UEFA Champions League 2005" region: "PAL-E-DU" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes graphical corruption. SLES-52913: name: "Suikoden IV" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black squares in water. SLES-52915: name: "Shark Tale" region: "PAL-SW" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-52917: name: "Scaler" region: "PAL-E-F" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLES-52918: name: "Scaler" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLES-52919: name: "NRL Rugby League 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52920: name: "Alarm for Cobra 11 - Vol. II" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-52921: name: "Rogue Trooper" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-52922: name: "EyeToy - Disney Move" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52927: name: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLES-52931: name: "Legend of Kay" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes broken polygons on trees. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glitchy black rectangles. SLES-52934: name: "Guilty Gear Isuka [Preview]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52939: name: "Airborne Troops - Countdown to D-Day" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52940: name: "S.L.A.I. Steel Lancer Arena International" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes double image and aligns glow effects. SLES-52941: name: "Gungrave - Overdose" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-52942: name: "Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition" region: "PAL-M5" patches: EBE1972D: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction and Prafull // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,D0525A1C,extended,00000800 patch=1,EE,20525A1C,extended,00000000 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_MidnightClub3" SLES-52943: name: "ESPN NFL 2K5" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 7D5403E1: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fixes random hangs. patch=1,EE,0043c930,word,00000000 SLES-52944: name: "Robotech - Invasion" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52949: name: "Arcade Action - 30 Games" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52950: name: "Shadow of Rome" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLES-52951: name: "Phantom Brave" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52954: name: "WWII - Tank Battles" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52955: name: "Deadly Strike" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52956: name: "Action Girlz Racing" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52957: name: "Urban Extreme" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52958: name: "Premier Manager 2004-2005" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52959: name: "Premier Manager 2004-2005" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52960: name: "Premier Manager 2004-2005" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52961: name: "Premier Manager 2004-2005" region: "PAL-I" SLES-52963: name: "Cold Winter" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow graphics. SLES-52964: name: "NanoBreaker" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52965: name: "Outlaw Golf 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-52966: name: "ESPN NHL 2K5" region: "PAL-E" patches: EC301155: content: |- author=Prafull comment=Patched by Prafull // Avoid hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,003e4018,word,00000000 SLES-52967: name: "Guilty Gear X2 Reloaded" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-52968: name: "Burnout 2 - Point of Impact" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns bloom effect a little bit better when upscaled. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Reduces color banding of the sun glare. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Bright lights in cars. SLES-52973: name: "Ski Racing 2005" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52974: name: "GoldenEye - Rogue Agent" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-52975: name: "GoldenEye - Au Service du Mal" region: "PAL-F" SLES-52976: name: "GoldenEye - Rogue Agent" region: "PAL-G" SLES-52977: name: "GoldenEye - Agente Corrupto" region: "PAL-S" SLES-52978: name: "La Pucelle Tactics" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52980: name: "Big Mutha Truckers 2 - Truck Me Harder" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-52982: name: "NFL Street 2" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLES-52983: name: "Fitness Fun" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52984: name: "Panzer Front Ausf B" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52985: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Der Film" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52986: name: "Nickelodeon Bob Esponja - La Película" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-52988: name: "Mega Man X8" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. deinterlace: 6 # Game requires blend tff de-interlacing when auto for 'fixing' subtitles flickering or half weaved. memcardFilters: # Reads Command Mission save for bonus boss. - "SLES-52988" - "SLES-52832" SLES-52989: name: "Blowout" region: "PAL-E" SLES-52993: name: "TimeSplitters - Future Perfect" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of distant objects. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes HUD blending. SLES-52998: name: "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Two games unlock by having a Sonic Heroes save. - "SLES-52998" - "SLES-51950" SLES-52999: name: "RC Toy Machines" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53000: name: "Crazy Golf" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53001: name: "NBA Street 3" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53002: name: "Samurai Warriors Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53003: name: "Samurai Warriors Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53004: name: "Samurai Warriors Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53005: name: "Monster Trux - Off-Road Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53006: name: "Hamster Heroes" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53007: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lights especially in NVGs. SLES-53008: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLES-53009: name: "Dance Factory" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53011: name: "Gallop Racer 2" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53012: name: "Tenchu - Fatal Shadows" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53013: name: "Tenchu - Fatal Shadows" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53014: name: "Tenchu - Fatal Shadows" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53015: name: "Tenchu - Fatal Shadows" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53016: name: "Tenchu - Fatal Shadows" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 SLES-53017: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53020: name: "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture and lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes most vertical lines and lighting misalignment. getSkipCount: "GSC_GiTS" patches: BF6F101F: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid macflag bad stuff. // Solves door problems, possibly other issues later on (nobody ever got that far :P). patch=0,EE,0010BC88,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0010BC8C,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,0010BC90,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,0010BC98,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,0012B2CC,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012B2D0,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,0012B2D4,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,0012B2DC,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,0012B5F4,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012B5F8,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,0012B5FC,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,0012B604,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,001B0B5C,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,001B0B68,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,001BF5FC,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BF60C,word,4a0002ff patch=0,EE,001BFBB8,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BFBC8,word,4a0002ff patch=0,EE,001BF818,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BF828,word,4a0002ff patch=0,EE,001C017C,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001C018C,word,4a0002ff SLES-53021: name: "Gunbird - Special Edition" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53022: name: "ESPN NBA 2K5" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SkipMPEGHack # Fixes videos. patches: CA37B42E: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,0034DA98,word,00000000 SLES-53023: name: "RTL Ski Jump 2005" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-53024: name: "Altered Beast" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53025: name: "Red Ninja - End of Honor" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53026: name: "Red Ninja - End of Honor" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53027: name: "Championship Manager 5" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53028: name: "Hitman - Blood Money" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLES-53029: name: "Hitman - Blood Money" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLES-53030: name: "Hitman - Blood Money" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLES-53031: name: "Hitman - Blood Money" region: "PAL-I" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLES-53032: name: "Hitman - Blood Money" region: "PAL-S" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLES-53035: name: "Masters of the Universe - He-Man - Defender of Greyskull" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53036: name: "Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53037: name: "Super Monkey Ball Deluxe" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes object balls never stopping in the Monkey Billiards DX minigame. SLES-53038: name: "Devil May Cry 3 - Dante's Awakening" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLES-53039: name: "Champions - Return to Arms" # aka "Champions of Norrath 2" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus HUD and in game. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes erroneous line in menus. memcardFilters: # Allows import of characters from first game. - "SLES-53039" - "SLES-52325" SLES-53041: name: "RTL Ski Alpine 2005" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-53044: name: "Juiced" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLES-53045: name: "Street Racing Syndicate" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53046: name: "Counter Terrorist Special Forces - Fire for Effect" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes smoke particles. SLES-53047: name: "The Punisher" name-sort: "Punisher, The" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and sizing like the letter c. SLES-53049: name: "The Punisher" name-sort: "Punisher, The" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and sizing like the letter c. SLES-53052: name: "Robots" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53058: name: "Ricky Ponting International Cricket" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-53059: name: "Samurai Shodown V" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53060: name: "Astérix & Obélix XXL 2 - Mission - Las Vegum" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53061: name: "Atari Anthology" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53062: name: "Yu Yu Hakusho - Dark Tournament" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53064: name: "FIFA Street" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 SLES-53065: name: "SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53073: name: "Michigan - Report from Hell" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 patches: DCD7104E: content: |- comment=Rearranging code to avoid reading vf30 before VU0 program finish. // Fixes falling through the floor in library. patch=1,EE,0015d1f8,word,48481001 patch=1,EE,0015d204,word,f85e0000 patch=1,EE,0015d208,word,c7a1003c patch=1,EE,0015d61c,word,48481001 patch=1,EE,0015d628,word,f85e0000 patch=1,EE,0015d62c,word,c7a2004c SLES-53074: name: "Soccer Life" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53075: name: "Area 51" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects, needs Special otherwise lights flicker. SLES-53076: name: "Triggerman" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53078: name: "Spy vs. Spy" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-53079: name: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-53080: name: "Extreme Sprint 3010" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53082: name: "World Championship Snooker 2005" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53084: name: "Fight Night Round 2" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53087: name: "TOCA Race Driver 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLES-53088: name: "DTM Race Driver 3" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLES-53089: name: "V8 Supercars Australia 3" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLES-53090: name: "Circuit Blasters" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53091: name: "Predator - Concrete Jungle" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53092: name: "Motocross Mania 3" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-53093: name: "Cold Winter" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow graphics. SLES-53094: name: "Rugby 2005" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53095: name: "Rugby 2005" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53096: name: "Worms 4 - Mayhem" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLES-53098: name: "Conspiracy - Weapons of Mass Destruction" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes stretched/spikey textures. SLES-53099: name: "Pilot Down - Behind Enemy Lines" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Game has weird DMA handling (possible cache things?). roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes shadow rendering. speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Improves speed by a moderate amount. SLES-53100: name: "Scooby-Doo! Unmasked" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53104: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Lockdown" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53106: name: "MX vs. ATV Unleashed" region: "PAL-E" patches: D7AE31F4: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid clip flag resonse. Fixes SPS. patch=1,EE,001B0138,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001B013C,word,4BDBD9FF SLES-53107: name: "Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53108: name: "American Chopper" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53114: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLES-53119: name: "Kessen III" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53120: name: "Kessen III" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53121: name: "Kessen III" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-53124: name: "Project Snowblind" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes the post processing positioning. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLES-53125: name: "Enthusia - Professional Racing" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Corrects crazy car AI and prevents crash. vuClampMode: 3 # Stops freezing at race start. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLES-53127: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Melee" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53129: name: "Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 SLES-53130: name: "World Championship Poker" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53131: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior" region: "PAL-E" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLES-53138: name: "Outlaw Volleyball Remixed" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53139: name: "Alien Hominid" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-53140: name: "Choro Q" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53141: name: "X-Treme Quads" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53142: name: "Doomsday Racers" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53143: name: "Fantastic Four" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53144: name: "4 Fantastiques, Les" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53145: name: "Fantastic Four" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53146: name: "I Fantastici Quattro" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53147: name: "4 Fantásticos, Los" region: "PAL-S" SLES-53148: name: "Fruitfall" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53149: name: "LMA Manager 2005" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-53150: name: "10 Pin - Champions Alley" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53151: name: "Juiced" region: "PAL-I" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLES-53152: name: "Mashed Fully Loaded" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53154: name: "The Bard's Tale" name-sort: "Bard's Tale, The" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLES-53155: name: "Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-53156: name: "Star Wars - Episode III - La Revanche des Sith" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-53157: name: "Star Wars - Episode III - Die Rache der Sith" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-53158: name: "Cold Fear" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53172: name: "Strike Force Bowling" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53173: name: "Truck Racing 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53174: name: "Golden Age of Racing" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-53175: name: "Top Spin" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53186: name: "International Super Karts" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53189: name: "Maniac Mole" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53190: name: "Girl Zone" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53191: name: "Kaido Racer" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLES-53192: name: "The Nightmare Before Christmas - Tim Burton's" name-sort: "Nightmare Before Christmas, The - Tim Burton's" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights. SLES-53193: name: "Puzzle Party" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53194: name: "LEGO Star Wars" region: "PAL-M7" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad coordinate spam. SLES-53195: name: "The Punisher" name-sort: "Punisher, The" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and sizing like the letter c. SLES-53196: name: "Destroy All Humans!" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLES-53197: name: "Destroy All Humans!" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLES-53199: name: "25 to Life" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53200: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. SLES-53201: name: "Saint Seiya Chapter Sanctuary" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53203: name: "The Punisher" name-sort: "Punisher, The" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and sizing like the letter c. SLES-53218: name: "Dancing Stage MAX" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53219: name: "Winx Club" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53221: name: "L'Entraineur 5 - Saison 04-05" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53222: name: "Scudetto 5" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53223: name: "Championship Manager 5" region: "PAL-P" SLES-53224: name: "Championship Manager 5" region: "PAL-S" SLES-53225: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLES-53226: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "PAL-F-G" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLES-53227: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "PAL-M3" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLES-53231: name: "Le Avventure di Lupin III - Il Tesoro del Re Stregone" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53233: name: "Assault Suits Valken" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53234: name: "Samurai Western" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes line across the middle of the screen and offset blur. SLES-53235: name: "Syberia II" region: "PAL-R" compat: 5 SLES-53236: name: "Buzzrod Fishing Fantasy" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53237: name: "Fire Heroes" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53238: name: "Premier Manager 2005-2006" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53242: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "PAL-P" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLES-53246: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "PAL-S" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLES-53280: name: "7 Sins" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53281: name: "Fantastic Four" region: "PAL-NL" SLES-53282: name: "Harvest Fishing" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53284: name: "Guilty Gear Isuka" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53287: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lights especially in NVGs. SLES-53296: name: "Ford Mustang - The Legend Lives" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-53297: name: "7 Sins" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53299: name: "Delta Force - Black Hawk Down" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes sky bloom. SLES-53300: name: "SOCOM 3 - U.S. Navy SEALs" region: "PAL-Unk" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS ingame and prevents flickering or invisible characters. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Mitigates grayer text font in bottom left. SLES-53301: name: "Bomberman Hardball" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53303: name: "RTL Ski Jumping 2006" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-53309: name: "Transformers [Director's Cut]" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLES-53311: name: "Graffiti Kingdom" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53314: name: "Melbourne Cup Challenge" region: "PAL-A" SLES-53317: name: "Black Market Bowling" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53318: name: "Crazy Golf - World Tour" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53319: name: "Resident Evil Outbreak - File #2" region: "PAL-M5" memcardFilters: # Reads and writes to Outbreak File #1. - "SLES-53319" - "SCES-50987" - "SLES-51589" SLES-53320: name: "S.C.A.R. - Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53321: name: "The X Factor Sing" name-sort: "X Factor Sing, The" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53322: name: "Obscure" region: "PAL-R" SLES-53332: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53333: name: "Medal of Honor - Les Faucons de Guerre" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53334: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53335: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53336: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53338: name: "Victorious Boxers 2 - Fighting Spirit" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53339: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53340: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53341: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-53342: name: "EA Sports Cricket 2005" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53343: name: "City Soccer Challenge" region: "PAL-A" SLES-53344: name: "Guerrilla Strike" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53345: name: "Shadow of Ganymede" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53346: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 3 [Collector's Edition]" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53350: name: "Sonic Gems Collection" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Prevents only backgrounds from appearing in Sonic R's multiplayer modes. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 2 # Fixes CLUT colour in Sonic Fighters. memcardFilters: # Vectorman unlocks by having a Mega Collection or Heroes save. - "SLES-53350" - "SLES-52998" - "SLES-51950" SLES-53351: name: "SSX On Tour" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLES-53353: name: "Shounen Jump's Shaman King - Power of Spirit" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53354: name: "Superbike GP" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53355: name: "Obliterate" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53356: name: "Colosseum - Road to Freedom" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes sun background on the windows when selecting your 'race'. SLES-53357: name: "21 Card Games" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53360: name: "Alarm for Cobra 11 Vol.2 - Hot Pursuit" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53361: name: "Stealth Force - The War on Terror" region: "PAL-E-S" SLES-53362: name: "Alpine Skiing 2005" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-53363: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Lucifer's Call" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes commands not being visible. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53364: name: "7 Sins" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53366: name: "Killer7" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53367: name: "Dodgeball" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53368: name: "Splatter Master" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53369: name: "Twenty-2 Party" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53370: name: "Real World Golf [with Gametrak]" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53371: name: "Real World Golf [with Gametrak]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53373: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "PAL-NL" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLES-53374: name: "X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53377: name: "X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-53380: name: "Metal Slug 4" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53381: name: "King of Fighters 2002" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53382: name: "King of Fighters 2003" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53383: name: "Metal Slug 5" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53386: name: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes offset bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53387: name: "Batman Begins" region: "PAL-M7" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53388: name: "Rhythmic Star!" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53390: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes Spider-Man's eye texture colour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 SLES-53391: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes Spider-Man's eye texture colour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 SLES-53393: name: "Spartan - Total Warrior" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbage textures flashing on the character model. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing post processing. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns post processing. SLES-53396: name: "Spartan - Total Warrior" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbage textures flashing on the character model. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing post processing. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns post processing. SLES-53398: name: "Zombie Zone" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53399: name: "Yakuza Fury" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53400: name: "Shogun's Blade" region: "PAL-A" SLES-53401: name: "Iron Sea" region: "PAL-A" SLES-53402: name: "Taxi Rider" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes road markings. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smooths the texture transitions. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Positive rounding fixes distant white models. vu1RoundMode: 2 # Positive rounding fixes close white models. SLES-53403: name: "Demolition Girl" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53404: name: "Deep Water" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53405: name: "Digimon World 4" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53406: name: "Party Girls" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53407: name: "Street Boyz" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53408: name: "Fighting Angels" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53411: name: "Kuon" region: "PAL-M3" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Sugoroku mini-game. speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # This option enabled brings about 15% more FPS when I tested it, *your experience may differ. mtvu: 0 # For some reason this games halves the internal game FPS with this option. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes red cracklines on walls. SLES-53413: name: "Rebel Raiders - Operation Nighthawk" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53414: name: "Echo Night - Beyond" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53415: name: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53416: name: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53417: name: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53418: name: "Tak - The Great JuJu Challenge" region: "PAL-A" compat: 5 SLES-53419: name: "LA Rush" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLES-53420: name: "Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure" region: "PAL-PL" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloomlike-offsets. SLES-53424: name: "Dead to Rights 2" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53430: name: "The Incredible Hulk - Ultimate Destruction" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The - Ultimate Destruction" region: "PAL-M4" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes occasional post process flickering. gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes lines in certain effects when upscaled. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53433: name: "NHL '06" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53434: name: "WWI - Red Baron" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53435: name: "SAS Anti-Terror Force" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53436: name: "EyeToy - YetiSports Arctic Adventures" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53438: name: "Taito Legends" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53439: name: "Crash Tag Team Racing" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes constant recompilation problems. gsHWFixes: PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes the look of screen effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects the alignment of screen effects. SLES-53441: name: "Heroes of the Pacific" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53443: name: "The Warriors" name-sort: "Warriors, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53444: name: "Panzer Elite Action - Fields of Glory" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Partly fixes SPS still needs EE+3. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-53446: name: "Arcade USA" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53452: name: "Trixie in Toyland" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53457: name: "Evil Dead - Regeneration" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53458: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53459: name: "Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53461: name: "Sega Classics Collection" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white vehicle previews in MonacoGP. SLES-53462: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLES-53463: name: "NHL '06" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53464: name: "The Great British Football Quiz" name-sort: "Great British Football Quiz, The" region: "PAL-UK" SLES-53465: name: "Maxi Quiz du Foot Français" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53466: name: "Il Grande Quiz sul Calcio Italiano" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53468: name: "Family Boardgames" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53470: name: "De Grote Nederlandse Voetbalquiz" region: "PAL-NL" SLES-53471: name: "LMA Manager 2006" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53473: name: "The Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer" name-sort: "Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-53474: name: "The Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer" name-sort: "Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-53480: name: "Harvest Moon - A Wonderful Life [Special Edition]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53481: name: "10.000 Bullets" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53483: name: "Magna Carta - Tears of Blood" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53484: name: "Eagle Eye Golf" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53485: name: "Car Racing Challenge" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes distant car textures. SLES-53487: name: "Forty 4 Party" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53488: name: "Puzzlemaniacs" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53489: name: "Paparazzi" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53490: name: "Outlaw Tennis" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53491: name: "Karaoke Stage 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53492: name: "Total Overdose" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53494: name: "Spongebob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, PANTS!" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53495: name: "Nickelodeon Bob L'éponge - Silence on Tourne!" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53496: name: "Spongebob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, PANTS!" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53497: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Film ab!" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53498: name: "Nickelodeon Bob Esponja - ¡Luces, Cámara, Esponja!" region: "PAL-S" SLES-53499: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - Licht uit, Camera aan!" region: "PAL-NL" SLES-53500: name: "Nickelodeon Svampbob Fyrkant - Tystnad, Tagning, Tvättsvamp!" region: "PAL-SW" SLES-53501: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront II" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53502: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront II" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53503: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront II" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53504: name: "Agent Hugo" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-53505: name: "Beat Down - Fists of Vengeance" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53506: name: "Burnout Revenge" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" memcardFilters: - "SLES-53506" - "SLES-53507" - "SLES-52584" - "SLES-52585" - "SLES-53510" SLES-53507: name: "Burnout Revenge" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" memcardFilters: - "SLES-53506" - "SLES-53507" - "SLES-52584" - "SLES-52585" - "SLES-53510" SLES-53508: name: "Ultimate Pro-Pinball" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53509: name: "Hello Kitty - Roller Rescue" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53510: name: "Madden NFL 2006" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53518: name: "Castle Shikigami II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53521: name: "Musashi - Samurai Legend" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53523: name: "Gun" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures and crashes. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken light and shadow rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures and water textures and reflections. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes misaligned bloom and character shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom intensity and alignment. SLES-53524: name: "Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53525: name: "Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53526: name: "The Suffering - Ties that Bind" name-sort: "Suffering, The - Ties that Bind" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes debris and blending on lower part of screen during monster transformation. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLES-53526" - "SLES-53527" - "SLES-53528" - "SLES-53626" - "SLES-51693" - "SLES-52439" - "SLES-52531" SLES-53527: name: "The Suffering - Ties that Bind" name-sort: "Suffering, The - Ties that Bind" region: "PAL-E-I-S" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes debris and blending on lower part of screen during monster transformation. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLES-53526" - "SLES-53527" - "SLES-53528" - "SLES-53626" - "SLES-51693" - "SLES-52439" - "SLES-52531" SLES-53528: name: "The Suffering - Ties that Bind" name-sort: "Suffering, The - Ties that Bind" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes debris and blending on lower part of screen during monster transformation. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLES-53526" - "SLES-53527" - "SLES-53528" - "SLES-53626" - "SLES-51693" - "SLES-52439" - "SLES-52531" SLES-53529: name: "FIFA '06" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-53530: name: "FIFA '06" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-53531: name: "FIFA '06" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-53532: name: "FIFA '06" region: "PAL-P-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-53533: name: "FIFA '06" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-53534: name: "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Improves post-processing rendering. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. SLES-53535: name: "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Improves post-processing rendering. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. SLES-53536: name: "London Racer - Police Madness" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53539: name: "Fahrenheit" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Slight lighting misalignment. patches: default: content: |- author=atomic83github // This is a game bug trigger by a timing issue. // The game have an internal crash reporting system // which rely on a debug server connected to the console. // When the game do an error, it expects the debug server to be connected // to send the crash dump. // But that never happen on PCSX2 as the debug server is not present. // Thus, the game will enter in an infinite loop at the asylum level. // This only happen when certain conditions are meet in the game. // This patch makes the game to exit the loop by cancelling the debug reporting. patch=0,EE,001c5958,word,00000000 // QDT::KCOM::COM_SERVICE::RetrieveComHandle patch=0,EE,001c5b6c,word,00000000 // QDT::KCOM::COM_SERVICE::RetrieveComHandle patch=0,EE,001c5d24,word,00000000 // QDT::KCOM::COM_SERVICE::RetrieveComHandle // The game have no frame pacing system in place. // This causes a massive slowdown in loading screens. // Thankfully, this can be patched out. patch=0,EE,002097b8,word,00000000 // QDT::KCORE::RENDER_CONTEXT::DoSwapStuff(void)+0x1a4 SLES-53540: name: "Fahrenheit" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Slight lighting misalignment. patches: default: content: |- author=atomic83github // This is a game bug trigger by a timing issue. // The game have an internal crash reporting system // which rely on a debug server connected to the console. // When the game do an error, it expects the debug server to be connected // to send the crash dump. // But that never happen on PCSX2 as the debug server is not present. // Thus, the game will enter in an infinite loop at the asylum level. // This only happen when certain conditions are meet in the game. // This patch makes the game to exit the loop by cancelling the debug reporting. patch=0,EE,001c5958,word,00000000 // QDT::KCOM::COM_SERVICE::RetrieveComHandle patch=0,EE,001c5b6c,word,00000000 // QDT::KCOM::COM_SERVICE::RetrieveComHandle patch=0,EE,001c5d24,word,00000000 // QDT::KCOM::COM_SERVICE::RetrieveComHandle // The game have no frame pacing system in place. // This causes a massive slowdown in loading screens. // Thankfully, this can be patched out. patch=0,EE,002097b8,word,00000000 // QDT::KCORE::RENDER_CONTEXT::DoSwapStuff(void)+0x1a4 SLES-53541: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53542: name: "Shadow the Hedgehog" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves smoke rendering. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53544: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 5" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-53545: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 5" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53546: name: "NBA Live 2006" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53547: name: "NBA Live '06" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53548: name: "Yokushin - Giga Wing Generations" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53551: name: "SSX On Tour" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53552: name: "SSX On Tour" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53553: name: "007 - From Russia with Love" region: "PAL-M7" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center upscaling line during explosions. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting. SLES-53556: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLES-53557: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: # Reads Underground 2 save for extra money. - "SLES-53557" - "SLES-53558" - "SLES-53559" - "SLES-53857" - "SLES-52725" SLES-53558: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLES-53557" - "SLES-53558" - "SLES-53559" - "SLES-53857" - "SLES-52725" SLES-53559: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "PAL-M7" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLES-53557" - "SLES-53558" - "SLES-53559" - "SLES-53857" - "SLES-52725" SLES-53560: name: "Sonic Riders" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves track and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53561: name: "Canis Canem Edit" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to take the bottle in the trophy case in Chapter 2: Hattrick vs Galloway. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes door transitions. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces ghosting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53563: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends Unite!" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLES-53564: name: "Darkwatch" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blood vision bloom SLES-53566: name: "London Taxi - Rush Hour" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53569: name: "Mini Desktop Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53570: name: "Ninjabread Man" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53571: name: "Anubis II" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53572: name: "Rig Racer 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 4 SLES-53574: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53575: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53576: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53577: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53578: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-Unk" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53579: name: "One Piece - Grand Battle" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53580: name: "NBA Live '06" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53581: name: "NBA Live 06" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53582: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-SW" SLES-53583: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53585: name: "Marvel Nemesis - Rise of the Imperfects" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 3 SLES-53587: name: "Garfield - Saving Arlene" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53592: name: "Zombie Attack" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53594: name: "Living World Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53595: name: "Wild Water Adrenaline featuring Salomon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53596: name: "The Ultimate Film Quiz" name-sort: "Ultimate Film Quiz, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53597: name: "The Ultimate Sports Quiz" name-sort: "Ultimate Sports Quiz, The" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53598: name: "The Ultimate Trivia Quiz" name-sort: "Ultimate Trivia Quiz, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53599: name: "The Ultimate Music Quiz" name-sort: "Ultimate Music Quiz, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53600: name: "The Ultimate World Cup Quiz" name-sort: "Ultimate World Cup Quiz, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-53601: name: "International Cue Club 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53614: name: "Classic British Motor Racing" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53616: name: "True Crime - New York City" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS on highway. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes scene switching in intro. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes numberplates and ensures above targets are valid. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in some post-effects. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53617: name: "True Crime - New York City" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS on highway. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes scene switching in intro. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes numberplates and ensures above targets are valid. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in some post-effects. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53618: name: "True Crime - New York City" region: "PAL-S" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS on highway. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes scene switching in intro. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes numberplates and ensures above targets are valid. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in some post-effects. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53621: name: "Wallace & Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment/bloom when upscaling. SLES-53623: name: "SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53624: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53626: name: "The Suffering - Ties that Bind" name-sort: "Suffering, The - Ties that Bind" region: "PAL-E-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes debris and blending on lower part of screen during monster transformation. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLES-53526" - "SLES-53527" - "SLES-53528" - "SLES-53626" - "SLES-51693" - "SLES-52439" - "SLES-52531" SLES-53632: name: "Dance - UK XL Party" region: "PAL-UK" SLES-53633: name: "Dance - UK XL Lite" region: "PAL-UK" SLES-53634: name: "Nicktoons Unite!" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLES-53635: name: "NASCAR '06 - Total Team Control" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto because shaking otherwise. SLES-53636: name: "TY the Tasmanian Tiger 3 - Night of the Quinkan" region: "PAL-A" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes story mission to make it completable. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes visible lines in water textures. SLES-53638: name: "Ski Racing 2006" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53639: name: "Ford Street Racing" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53640: name: "Das Große deutsche Fußball-Quiz" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53641: name: "Destroy All Humans!" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLES-53644: name: "Gene Troopers" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53645: name: "Knights of the Temple II" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53646: name: "World Racing 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53647: name: "Gun" region: "PAL-G" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures and crashes. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken light and shadow rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures and water textures and reflections. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes misaligned bloom and character shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom intensity and alignment. SLES-53651: name: "WWII - Soldier" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53652: name: "Daemon Summoner" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53653: name: "WWII - Battle over Europe" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53654: name: "London Racer - Destruction Madness" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-53656: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers" region: "PAL-M4" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLES-53657: name: "DreamWorks Shrek - SuperSlam" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. SLES-53658: name: "Disney/Pixar The Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLES-53659: name: "Brothers In Arms - Earned in Blood" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-53661: name: "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53666: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53667: name: "Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53668: name: "Micro Machines V4" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-53672: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man [Limited]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes Fixes Spider-Man's eye texture colour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 SLES-53676: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53677: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53682: name: "James Pond - Codename - RoboCod" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53683: name: "Kiddies Party Pack" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53685: name: "Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 SLES-53686: name: "NHL 2K6" region: "PAL-M3" patches: 98EC4D86: content: |- author=Prafull comment=Patched by Prafull // Avoid hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,00433150,word,00000000 SLES-53687: name: "NBA 2K6" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 04808D11: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,00441ff8,word,00000000 SLES-53689: name: "World Poker Tour 2K6" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53690: name: "Makai Kingdom - Chronicles of the Sacred Tome" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53695: name: "Tak - The Great Juju Challenge" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 SLES-53696: name: "Zathura" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53697: name: "Dora the Explorer" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53698: name: "Ford vs. Chevy" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53699: name: "Swords of Destiny" region: "PAL-E-F-S" compat: 5 SLES-53701: name: "Super Monkey Ball Adventure" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes texture normals. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53702: name: "Resident Evil 4" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-53703: name: "King Kong, Peter Jackson's - The Official Game of the Movie" region: "PAL-M10" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLES-53704: name: "King Kong, Peter Jackson's - The Official Game of the Movie" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLES-53705: name: "King Kong, Peter Jackson's - The Official Game of the Movie" region: "PAL-PL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLES-53706: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53707: name: "Chroniken von Narnia, Die - Der König von Narnia" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53708: name: "Cronache di Narnia, Le - Il Leone, La Strega e L'Armadio" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53709: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "PAL-NL-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53710: name: "Crónicas de Narnia, Las - El León, La Bruja y El Armario" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53712: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53713: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "PAL-PL" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53715: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLES-53716: name: "Without Warning" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53717: name: "Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition Remix" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 208183AF: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,D0529074,extended,00000800 patch=1,EE,20529074,extended,00000000 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_MidnightClub3" SLES-53718: name: "The Sims 2" name-sort: "Sims 2, The" region: "PAL-M10" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53722: name: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One [Collector's Edition]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53724: name: "World Series of Poker" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53725: name: "Astérix & Obélix XXL 2 - Mission - Las Vegum" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53726: name: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-53727: name: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" region: "PAL-M7" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-53728: name: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-53729: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLES-53730: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLES-53734: name: "50 Cent - Bulletproof" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Removes chromatic effect when upscaling also works with halfpixeloffset Special Texture. SLES-53736: name: "Billy the Wizard - Rocket Broomstick Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53738: name: "Disney's Chicken Little" region: "PAL-NL-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53739: name: "Disney's Chicken Little" region: "PAL-F-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 compat: 5 SLES-53740: name: "Disney's Himmel und Huhn" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53741: name: "Chicken Little - Цыплёнок Цыпа" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53743: name: "Disney's Lilla Kycklingen" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53744: name: "Disney's Chicken Little" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53746: name: "Superman Returns" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLES-53747: name: "Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy - The Misadventure" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLES-53748: name: "Quest for Sleeping Beauty" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-53749: name: "Cabela's Outdoor Adventures" region: "PAL-A" SLES-53751: name: "DreamWorks Shrek - SuperSlam" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. SLES-53752: name: "DreamWorks Shrek - SuperSlam" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. SLES-53753: name: "Test Drive Unlimited" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-53754: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 3" region: "PAL-M6" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Increases FPS drastically. SLES-53755: name: "Castlevania - Curse of Darkness" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with microVU. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing blade. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes to be bigger. memcardFilters: # Reads Lament of Innocence save for easter egg. - "SLES-53755" - "SLES-52118" SLES-53756: name: "Resident Evil 4" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-53758: name: "Sniper Elite [Pre-Production]" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes sky bloom. SLES-53759: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLES-53760: name: "Rugby Challenge 2006" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53761: name: "Friends - The One with All the Trivia" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53763: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes building and ground colours. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53764: name: "Atelier Iris - Eternal Mana" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53765: name: "Stella Deus - The Gate of Eternity" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53767: name: "Magna Carta - Les Larmes de Sang" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53768: name: "The Sword of Etheria" name-sort: "Sword of Etheria, The" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on sun. SLES-53769: name: "Suikoden Tactics" region: "PAL-M5" memcardFilters: - "SLES-53769" - "SLES-52913" SLES-53772: name: "Air Raid 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53773: name: "Cartoon Kingdom" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53775: name: "Reservoir Dogs" region: "PAL-M4" gameFixes: - EETimingHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-53777: name: "Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-53778: name: "Jacked" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53779: name: "American Chopper 2 - Full Throttle" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53793: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 5 [Demo]" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53794: name: "Drakengard 2" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes wrong color on some characters and breakable objects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting characters. mergeSprite: 1 # Align sprite fixes FMVs but not garbage in-game, so needs merge sprite instead. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SLES-53796: name: "FIFA Street 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruptions. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes corrupted graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken icons on HUD. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53797: name: "FIFA Street 2" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruptions. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes corrupted graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken icons on HUD. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-53799: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLES-53800: name: "Rampage - Total Destruction" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53803: name: "Friends - Das Trivia Game" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53804: name: "Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53805: name: "Cocoto Funfair" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes the cursor not being visible. SLES-53809: name: "K-1 Premium Dynamite!!" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white fighters. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes black flickering. patches: B6F9C8D3: content: |- comment=Fixes black screen in hardware mode. patch=1,EE,0030a420,word,0000948c patch=1,EE,0030a448,word,0000948c SLES-53810: name: "Sensible Soccer 2006" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53812: name: "Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation - V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E. [Promo]" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53813: name: "Friends - Celui qui Repond a Toutes les Questions" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53819: name: "Armored Core - Nine Breaker" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLES-53819" - "SLES-82036" - "SLES-82037" SLES-53820: name: "Armored Core - Last Raven" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SLES-53821: name: "Radio Helicopter II" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53824: name: "Trapt" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53825: name: "Project Zero 3 - The Tormented" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-53826: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53827: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53828: name: "We Love Katamari" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLES-53829: name: "Raiden III" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53830: name: "Psychonauts" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLES-53831: name: "BloodRayne 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53832: name: "BloodRayne 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53846: name: "Soccer Life II" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53847: name: "Street Golfer" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53848: name: "Flow - Urban Dance Uprising" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53849: name: "Astérix & Obélix XXL 2 - Mission - Las Vegum" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-53850: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Mutant Nightmare" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53852: name: "Taito Legends 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53853: name: "Final Fight - Streetwise" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53855: name: "Heracles - Battle with the Gods" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53857: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted [Black Edition]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLES-53557" - "SLES-53558" - "SLES-53559" - "SLES-53857" - "SLES-52725" SLES-53860: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLES-53861: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLES-53862: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLES-53863: name: "Pool Paradise - International Edition" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53866: name: "Over the Hedge" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-53867: name: "Ski Alpin 2006" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS. SLES-53869: name: "Crazy Frog Racer" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-53870: name: "Devil Kings" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLES-53871: name: "Tengai" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53872: name: "Samurai Aces" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53873: name: "Sol Divide" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53874: name: "Dragon Blaze" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53877: name: "Premier Manager 2006-2007" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-53885: name: "Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2" region: "PAL-A" SLES-53886: name: "Black" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" patches: ADDFF505: content: |- author=refraction // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,0037EBD4,word,4b000460 patch=1,EE,0037EBD8,word,4af103bc patch=1,EE,0037EBF0,word,4a800460 patch=1,EE,0037EBF4,word,4b7103bc SLES-53899: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer Management" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53900: name: "Kaido Racer 2" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes black lines when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLES-53901: name: "Torino 2006" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # For SPS with microVU. SLES-53902: name: "Leaderboard Golf" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53903: name: "Franklin the Turtle" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-53904: name: "DT Racer" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes black artifacts on tracks gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects shadows (Currently still broken even with this). mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, matches sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53906: name: "50 Cent - Bulletproof" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Removes chromatic effect when upscaling also works with halfpixeloffset Special Texture. SLES-53908: name: "Tomb Raider - Legend" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes distant characters and models. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes multiple lighting effects from lights, computers, cave walls and more. SLES-53909: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers" region: "PAL-G" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLES-53910: name: "Agent Hugo" region: "PAL-R" SLES-53911: name: "Rugby 06" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53912: name: "Rugby 06" region: "PAL-F" SLES-53913: name: "The Plan" name-sort: "Plan, The" region: "PAL-F-I" SLES-53914: name: "Plan, Th3" region: "PAL-S" SLES-53915: name: "Space War Attack" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53917: name: "G1 Jockey 4" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53920: name: "Speed Machines 3" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53921: name: "Chemist Tycoon" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53922: name: "Carwash Tycoon" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53923: name: "London Cab Challenge" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53924: name: "Combat Ace" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53934: name: "G-Force" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53935: name: "Dynamite 100" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53936: name: "Snow Rider" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53940: name: "Smarties Meltdown" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53945: name: "Championship Manager 2006" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53948: name: "Winter Sports" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53949: name: "Magna Carta - Lacrime di Sangue" region: "PAL-I" SLES-53952: name: "Cue Academy - Snooker, Pool, Billiards" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53955: name: "Friends - The One with All the Trivia" region: "PAL-NL" SLES-53956: name: "Aeon Flux" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53957: name: "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes black screen when prompted to load from memory card. SLES-53958: name: "Noble Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53959: name: "Pac-Man World 3" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53961: name: "Rock'N'Roll Adventures" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53963: name: "Downhill Slalom" region: "PAL-E" SLES-53964: name: "Homura" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53965: name: "The Plan" name-sort: "Plan, The" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 SLES-53966: name: "Taito Legends" region: "PAL-G" SLES-53967: name: "The Godfather" name-sort: "Godfather, The" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLES-53968: name: "Parrain, Le" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLES-53969: name: "Pate, Der" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLES-53970: name: "Padrino, Il" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLES-53971: name: "Padrino, El" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLES-53972: name: "Stock Car Crash" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-53974: name: "Dragon Quest VIII - Journey of the Cursed King" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-53976: name: "Evolution GT" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53979: name: "Torrente 3 - El Protector" region: "PAL-S" SLES-53982: name: "Fight Night Round 3" region: "PAL-E-F" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruption. SLES-53984: name: "Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown" region: "PAL-M6" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes occasional SPS on moving around, jumping and falling. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. patches: 2EC49E65: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv // Intro screen freeze fix. patch=1,EE,002FF3F0,word,27BDFEE0 patch=1,EE,002FF42C,word,27BD0120 SLES-53986: name: "gang del bosco, La" region: "PAL-I" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-53987: name: "Vecinos Invasores" region: "PAL-S" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-53988: name: "Over the Hedge" region: "PAL-E-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-53989: name: "Over the Hedge" region: "PAL-NL" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-53991: name: "Urban Chaos - Riot Response" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes edge garbage and thin lines. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights at native resolution. SLES-53994: name: "50 Cent - Bulletproof" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Removes chromatic effect when upscaling also works with halfpixeloffset Special Texture. SLES-53995: name: "World Championship Poker 2 featuring Howard Lederer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-53996: name: "Army Men - Major Malfunction" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-53998: name: "OutRun 2006 - Coast 2 Coast" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned + font artifacts. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-53999: name: "The King of Fighters - Neo Wave" name-sort: "King of Fighters, The - Neo Wave" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54002: name: "FlatOut 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLES-54003: name: "FlatOut 2" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLES-54004: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-NL-P" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54006: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54007: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54010: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54011: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-SW" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54012: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54013: name: "World Snooker Championship 2007" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54015: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: B36778F5: content: |- author=refraction ported by jordanthetoast // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,00203df8,word,484e9000 patch=1,EE,00203dfc,word,4bdbd9ff SLES-54016: name: "AND 1 Streetball" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54018: name: "Jackpot Madness" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54021: name: "Ruff Trigger - The Vanocore Conspiracy" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game engine errors when going ingame. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Bring back blooming scattering like in software mode. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment like volcano lighting. patches: B02C81E5: content: |- // Fixes random hangs when going ingame. patch=1,EE,001128e0,word,00000000 SLES-54023: name: "The Bible Game" name-sort: "Bible Game, The" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54027: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines" region: "PAL-M3" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLES-54030: name: "Black" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" patches: CAA04879: content: |- author=refraction // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,0037EB54,word,4b000460 patch=1,EE,0037EB58,word,4af103bc patch=1,EE,0037EB70,word,4a800460 patch=1,EE,0037EB74,word,4b7103bc SLES-54031: name: "The Da Vinci Code" name-sort: "Da Vinci Code, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54033: name: "Search and Destroy" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54060: name: "Fruit Machine Mania" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54061: name: "FIFA World Cup - Germany '06" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54062: name: "FIFA World Cup - Germany '06" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54063: name: "FIFA World Cup 2006" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54064: name: "FIFA World Cup 2006" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54066: name: "X-Men - The Official Game" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54074: name: "Speedboat GP" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54075: name: "ProStroke Golf - World Tour 2007" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54080: name: "World Super Police" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game hanging at mission 1. SLES-54081: name: "FIFA World Cup 2006" region: "PAL-PL" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54083: name: "Pirates of the Caribbean - The Legend of Jack Sparrow" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54084: name: "PowerShot Pinball" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-54085: name: "Street Fighter Alpha Anthology" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes squares around sprites when upscaling. SLES-54087: name: "Suikoden V" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54089: name: "State of Emergency 2" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54092: name: "State of Emergency 2" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54093: name: "Guitar Hero" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes cut-off numbers and restores missing whitespace inside combo meter. SLES-54095: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Empires" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54096: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Empires" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54097: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Empires" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54106: name: "Kidz Sports - Ice Hockey" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54107: name: "Kidz Sports - Basketball" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54108: name: "Habitrail - Hamster Ball" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54109: name: "Off-Road Extreme! [Special Edition]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54110: name: "Monster Trux Arenas [Special Edition]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54111: name: "PDC World Championship Darts" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54112: name: "Myth Makers - Orbs of Doom" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54113: name: "Myth Makers - Super Kart GP" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54114: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLES-54115: name: "Delta Force - Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Missing text. SLES-54116: name: "Operation Winback 2 - Project Poseidon" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54117: name: "Torrente 3 - The Protector" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54118: name: "The Da Vinci Code" name-sort: "Da Vinci Code, The" region: "PAL-E-DU" SLES-54120: name: "The Snow Queen Quest" name-sort: "Snow Queen Quest, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54122: name: "Robin Hood 2 - The Siege" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes PATH3 Masking timing, not enough on its own. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Corrects timing of PATH3 further. SLES-54123: name: "Marvel - Ultimate Alliance" region: "PAL-E-I" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes triangle holes in geometry. SLES-54124: name: "The Quest for Aladdin's Treasure" name-sort: "Quest for Aladdin's Treasure, The" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54125: name: "Robin Hood's Quest" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54126: name: "Family Guy - The Video Game" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54130: name: "Spy Hunter - Nowhere to Run" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54131: name: "SingStar Anthems" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54132: name: "Guitar Hero" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes cut-off numbers and restores missing whitespace inside combo meter. SLES-54135: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Removes blur due to misaligned fullscreen effect. SLES-54136: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories" region: "PAL-E-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Removes blur due to misaligned fullscreen effect. SLES-54137: name: "Just Cause" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Helps clean up water trilinearFiltering: 1 # Helps clean up water recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # High blending accuracy fixes notoriously broken water. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-54138: name: "Steambot Chronicles" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLES-54139: name: "Earache - Extreme Metal Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54140: name: "Playwize Poker & Casino" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54143: name: "Hard Rock Casino" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54146: name: "Crusty Demons" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54147: name: "Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown" region: "PAL-R" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes occasional SPS on moving around, jumping and falling. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. patches: D9920B66: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv // Intro screen freeze fix. patch=1,EE,002FFAD8,word,27BDFEE0 patch=1,EE,002FFB14,word,27BD0120 SLES-54150: name: "Bionicle Heroes" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. SLES-54151: name: "Let's Make a Soccer Team!" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Makes the game to correctly register left and right Dpad button input. memcardFilters: # Enables import of players from completed career saves. - "SLES-54151" - "SLES-54153" SLES-54152: name: "The Ant Bully" name-sort: "Ant Bully, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54153: name: "Virtua Pro Football" region: "PAL-M5" memcardFilters: # Enables import of teams. - "SLES-54153" - "SLES-54151" SLES-54154: name: "D-Unit Drift Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54155: name: "Drag Racer USA" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54156: name: "Mortal Kombat - Armageddon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54157: name: "SnoCross 2 featuring Blair Morgan" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54158: name: "Hummer Badlands" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54159: name: "Eragon" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes post processing misalignment. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. SLES-54160: name: "Eragon" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes post processing misalignment. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. SLES-54161: name: "Super Dragon Ball Z" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54162: name: "Saint Seiya - The Hades" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-54163: name: "Naruto - Ultimate Ninja" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54164: name: "Dragon Ball Z Budokai - Tenkaichi 2" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLES-54165: name: "One Piece - Grand Adventure" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes character outlines, shadow misaligment and more. SLES-54166: name: "Call of Duty 3" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crash going ingame. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misplacement. SLES-54167: name: "Call of Duty 3" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crash going ingame. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misplacement. SLES-54168: name: "Call of Duty 3" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crash going ingame. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misplacement. SLES-54169: name: "Aeon Flux" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54170: name: "Jaws Unleashed" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes GS packet errors (and potential crash). SLES-54171: name: "Yakuza" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLES-54172: name: "Garfield 2 - Tale of Two Kitties" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 SLES-54173: name: "Over The Hedge" region: "PAL-SW" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLES-54174: name: "ZooCube" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54178: name: "The Ant Bully" name-sort: "Ant Bully, The" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-54179: name: "Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-54181: name: "Gottlieb Pinball Classics" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54182: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours" region: "PAL-M4" gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54183: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54184: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours" region: "PAL-R" gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54185: name: "Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54186: name: "Devil May Cry 3 - Dante's Awakening [Special Edition]" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLES-54187: name: "Real World Golf 2007" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54188: name: "Nickelodeon Avatar - The Legend of Aang" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54193: name: "Carol Vorderman's Sudoku" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54194: name: "Carol Vorderman's Sudoku" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54195: name: "Turbo Trucks" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54199: name: "Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Party Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54200: name: "Just Cause" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Helps clean up water trilinearFiltering: 1 # Helps clean up water recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # High blending accuracy fixes notoriously broken water. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-54203: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54204: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" region: "PAL-I-PL" SLES-54205: name: "WWI - Aces of the Sky" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54209: name: "The Sopranos - Road to Respect" name-sort: "Sopranos, The - Road to Respect" region: "PAL-E-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but doesn't fully fix it. SLES-54210: name: "NBA 2K7" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 04808D11: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,0044f0f8,word,00000000 SLES-54211: name: "NHL 2K7" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 1AD6EFD1: content: |- author=Prafull comment=Patched by Prafull // Avoid hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,004412a8,word,00000000 SLES-54212: name: "Agent Hugo - RoboRumble" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54213: name: "Black Buccaneer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54215: name: "Monster House" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-54216: name: "Monster House" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54217: name: "Monster House" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54218: name: "Rule of Rose" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes Black FMV's. SLES-54221: name: "LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: # Allows import of characters from Lego Star Wars 1. - "SLES-54221" - "SLES-53194" SLES-54222: name: "SuperBikes Riding Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54223: name: "NASCAR '07" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54224: name: "Australian Idol Sing" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54225: name: "LMA Manager 2007" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54230: name: "Brian Lara International Cricket 2007" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes dark stage rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves stadium crowd to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes garbage menus. SLES-54231: name: "Ricky Ponting International Cricket 2007" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes dark stage rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves stadium crowd to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes garbage menus. SLES-54232: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLES-54233: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLES-54234: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLES-54235: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLES-54237: name: "Pirates of the Caribbean - The Legend of Jack Sparrow" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54239: name: "Wild ARMs 4" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SLES-54240: name: "FIFA '07" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54241: name: "FIFA '07" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54243: name: "FIFA '07" region: "PAL-P-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54244: name: "FIFA '07" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54245: name: "NHL '07" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54246: name: "FIFA '07" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54248: name: "Madden NFL '07" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54250: name: "NBA Live '07" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-54251: name: "NBA Live 07" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-54252: name: "NBA Live '07" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-54253: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54254: name: "Evolution GT" region: "PAL-PL" SLES-54255: name: "The King of Fighters - Maximum Impact 2" name-sort: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54256: name: "WWII - Battle Over the Pacific" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54271: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54305: name: "Demon Chaos" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SLES-54306: name: "Cartoon Network Racing" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-54307: name: "Rayman - Raving Rabbids" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-54308: name: "Phantasy Star Universe" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving (especially Chapter 7 boss). SLES-54309: name: "Strawberry Shortcake - The Sweet Dreams Game" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54310: name: "Open Season" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54311: name: "Noddy and The Magic Book" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54313: name: "Legend of the Dragon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54316: name: "Open Season - Rebelles de la Foret" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54317: name: "Ghost Rider" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes alignment on fire effects. SLES-54319: name: "Biker Mice from Mars" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. SLES-54320: name: "Championship Manager 2007" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54321: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLES-54322: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon" region: "PAL-M8" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLES-54323: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon" region: "PAL-I-S" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLES-54324: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon" region: "PAL-R" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLES-54326: name: "Raceway - Drag Stock Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54331: name: "Street Dance" region: "PAL-M8" SLES-54332: name: "Dance Fest" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54333: name: "Sega MegaDrive Collection" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54335: name: "Steambot Chronicles" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLES-54336: name: "Lumines Plus" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54339: name: "Realm of the Dead" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54340: name: "Samurai Warriors 2" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps to alleviate misaligned text. memcardFilters: # Reads Samurai Warriors and Samurai Warriors Xtreme Legends saves for unlockables. - "SLES-54340" - "SLES-52551" - "SLES-52552" - "SLES-52553" - "SLES-52554" - "SLES-52555" - "SLES-53002" - "SLES-53003" - "SLES-53004" SLES-54341: name: "Dancing Stage SuperNOVA" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54342: name: "Bratz - Forever Diamondz" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-54343: name: "Bratz - Forever Diamondz" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54344: name: "Bratz - Forever Diamondz" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54346: name: "Heatseeker" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54347: name: "The Sims 2 - Pets" name-sort: "Sims 2, The - Pets" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. SLES-54348: name: "Superman Returns" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLES-54349: name: "Superman Returns" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLES-54350: name: "Superman Returns" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLES-54351: name: "Superman Returns" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLES-54354: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54355: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54356: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54357: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54358: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "PAL-S" compat: 5 SLES-54359: name: "The Legend of Spyro - A New Beginning" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - A New Beginning" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting on mushrooms + others. patches: 0EE5646B: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv and refraction // Fixes HUD and menu display. patch=1,EE,001849b8,word,00000000 SLES-54360: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54361: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54362: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" region: "PAL-S" SLES-54364: name: "Curious George" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-54365: name: "AMF Xtreme Bowling 2006" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54366: name: "David Douillet Judo" region: "PAL-NL-F" SLES-54368: name: "RTL Ski Jumping 2007" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54370: name: "Alpine Ski Racing" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54372: name: "RTL Biathlon 2007" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54374: name: "RTL Wintergames 2007" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54376: name: "Barnyard" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix text and post blur. mipmap: 2 # Base mip level isn't always used. autoFlush: 2 # Needed for recursive mipmap rendering. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SLES-54377: name: "Barnyard" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix text and post blur. mipmap: 2 # Base mip level isn't always used. autoFlush: 2 # Needed for recursive mipmap rendering. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SLES-54378: name: "Barnyard" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix text and post blur. mipmap: 2 # Base mip level isn't always used. autoFlush: 2 # Needed for recursive mipmap rendering. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SLES-54379: name: "NFL Street 3" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLES-54380: name: "Babe" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54381: name: "Dr. Dolittle" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54382: name: "Jumanji" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-54383: name: "Casper and The Ghostly Trio" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54384: name: "Destroy All Humans 2 - Make War not Love" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLES-54385: name: "Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Flickering in FMV. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts for health and other sprites. texturePreloading: 0 # Improves performance and prevents it disabling itself regardless. SLES-54388: name: "Kim Possible - What's the Switch" region: "PAL-M3" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes extreme EE and VU usage. SLES-54389: name: "Tony Hawk's Project 8" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invalid VU size spam and likely SPS. SLES-54390: name: "Tony Hawk's Project 8" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invalid VU size spam and likely SPS. SLES-54393: name: "Pippa Funnell - Take the Reins" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54394: name: "Family Guy - The Video Game" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54395: name: "NeoGeo Battle Coliseum" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54396: name: "Cricket 07" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54400: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-54402: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Collector's Edition]" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car colour and reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-54410: name: "Monster Trux Arenas - Special Edition" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-54420: name: "Arthur and the Minimoys" region: "PAL-M7" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLES-54421: name: "Happy Feet" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54423: name: "Justice League Heroes" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes ingame SPS for the capes. SLES-54424: name: "Dr. Dolittle" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-54425: name: "Babe" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-54426: name: "Casper and The Ghostly Trio" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-54427: name: "Jumanji" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54430: name: "Teen Titans" region: "PAL-E-F" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLES-54431: name: "Teen Titans" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLES-54432: name: "Mercury Meltdown Remix" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54433: name: "Dr. Dolittle" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54434: name: "Babe" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54435: name: "Babe" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54436: name: "Jumanji" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54437: name: "King of Fighters XI" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54439: name: "Okami" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment issues but the game is just bad for upscaling. SLES-54440: name: "GT-R Touring" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54441: name: "Hawk Kawasaki Racing" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. SLES-54442: name: "Guitar Hero II" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLES-54443: name: "Made Man" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes Textures flicker when shooting. SLES-54444: name: "Made Man" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes Textures flicker when shooting. SLES-54447: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54448: name: "World Series of Poker - Tournament of Champions" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54449: name: "Chicken Little - Ace in Action" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54450: name: "Chicken Little - Aventures Intergalactiques" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54451: name: "Himmel und Huhn - Ace in Action" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54452: name: "Disney Chicken Little - As en Acción" region: "PAL-S" SLES-54453: name: "Chicken Little - Asso Spaziale!" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54454: name: "Disgaea 2 - Cursed Memories" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54455: name: "Thrillville" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54456: name: "Beverly Hills Cop" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 SLES-54458: name: "Party Carnival" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54459: name: "All-Star Fighters" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54460: name: "Dragon Sisters" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54461: name: "Zombie Hunters" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes characters clothing. SLES-54462: name: "Zombie Virus" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54463: name: "Sprint Cars - Road to Knoxville" region: "PAL-A" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes flickering textures on cars. patches: DFBAE612: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Rearrange COP2 instructions to fix bad mac flag stuff. Fixes ingame physics. patch=1,EE,002657d0,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,002657d4,word,309000E0 patch=1,EE,002657dc,word,4BF0116C patch=1,EE,002657e4,word,00908024 patch=1,EE,002657e8,word,4A0002FF patch=1,EE,002657ec,word,4BF019AC patch=1,EE,00265800,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00265804,word,309000E0 patch=1,EE,00265808,word,4BE2896C patch=1,EE,0026580c,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00265810,word,4BE389AC patch=1,EE,00265814,word,4A0002FF patch=1,EE,00265818,word,4A0002FF SLES-54464: name: "Global Defence Force" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Lessens the bloom misalignment but still an issue. SLES-54465: name: "CSI - 3 Dimensions of Murder" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54466: name: "Test Drive Unlimited" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-54467: name: "Final Armada" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54468: name: "Crazy Chicken X" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54469: name: "Home Alone" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-54471: name: "Captain Scarlet" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54472: name: "Home Alone" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54473: name: "The Flintstones - Bedrock Racing" name-sort: "Flintstones, The - Bedrock Racing" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-54474: name: "Curious George" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54475: name: "Darwin" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54476: name: "Buccaneer" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54478: name: "TMNT" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54483: name: "The Fast and the Furious" name-sort: "Fast and the Furious, The" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes car reflections. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes bluriness. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bluriness. SLES-54485: name: "Cinderella" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54486: name: "Xiaolin Showdown" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: PCRTCOffsets: 1 # Stops screen shaking. SLES-54487: name: "Tokobot Plus - Mysteries of the Karakuri" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54488: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54489: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54490: name: "God Hand" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Depth of field effect aligned properly + Shifts buildings correctly. SLES-54492: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Collector's Edition]" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLES-54493: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Collector's Edition]" region: "PAL-F-G" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLES-54494: name: "Little Britain - The Video Game" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54508: name: "National Geographic - Safari Adventures Africa" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54510: name: "Disney's Meet the Robinsons" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54511: name: "UEFA Champions League 2006-2007" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54512: name: "UEFA Champions League 2006-2007" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-54513: name: "UEFA Champions League 2006-2007" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-54516: name: "Thrillville" region: "PAL-F-G" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54517: name: "Thrillville" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54518: name: "Clumsy Shumsy" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54519: name: "Ford Street Racing XR Edition" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54520: name: "Agent Hugo - RoboRumble" region: "PAL-PL" SLES-54521: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob and Friends - Battle for Volcano Island" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes texture corruptions. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLES-54522: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob and Friends - Battle for Volcano Island" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes texture corruptions. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SLES-54527: name: "Flushed Away" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54532: name: "Home Alone" region: "PAL-PL-P" SLES-54534: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours [Collector's Edition]" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54536: name: "Big Idea's VeggieTales - LarryBoy and the Bad Apple" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54537: name: "K.O. King" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54540: name: "Hawk Superbike Racing" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. SLES-54541: name: "Xena - Warrior Princess" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-54542: name: "Xena - Warrior Princess" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54544: name: "Gun Club" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54545: name: "Maxxed Out Racing Nitro" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes car colours. SLES-54546: name: "Horsez" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54547: name: "World Championship Poker featuring Howard Lederer - All In" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54548: name: "Cocoto Fishing Master" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 7 # Fixes blurriness. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blur. SLES-54549: name: "Crazy Frog Racer 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes black fade effects and some overlays texts in the menus. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 deinterlace: 9 # Fixes disorderly interlacing lines. SLES-54550: name: "White Van Racer" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes DMA timeout errors. SLES-54551: name: "Premier Manager 2006-2007" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54553: name: "Shrek - Smash 'n Crash Racing" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54554: name: "Star Trek - Encounters" region: "PAL-M3" compat: 5 SLES-54555: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga 2" region: "PAL-E" memcardFilters: # Reads data from DDS1. - "SLES-54555" - "SLES-53458" SLES-54559: name: "Free Running" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. patches: D6A0A3EF: content: |- author=Prafull // Fix character falling through floor. // Fixed by rearranging COP2 instructions. // Bad syncro between COP2 and VU0 (bottleneck for PCSX2). patch=1,EE,001b1d1c,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,001b1d20,word,4be228ec patch=1,EE,001b1d24,word,4a0002ff patch=1,EE,001b1d28,word,4a0002ff patch=1,EE,001de5c0,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,001de5c4,word,4be3696c patch=1,EE,001de5c8,word,4a0002ff patch=1,EE,001de5cc,word,4a0002ff SLES-54560: name: "Alpine Ski Racing 2007 - Bode Miller vs. Hermann Maier" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54561: name: "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54563: name: "Super Fruit Fall" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54566: name: "Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54568: name: "Covert Command" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54569: name: "Zombie Hunters 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Needed to remove part of red box. roundSprite: 2 # Fully remove red box when upscaling . gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes blank textures. SLES-54579: name: "The Flintstones - Bedrock Racing" name-sort: "Flintstones, The - Bedrock Racing" region: "PAL-PL-P" SLES-54581: name: "The Red Star" name-sort: "Red Star, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54582: name: "International Tennis Pro" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54583: name: "Surf's Up" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54584: name: "Pac-Man Rally" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad geometry. SLES-54586: name: "Ar tonelico - Melody of Elemia" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLES-54587: name: "Raw Danger" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54588: name: "Brunswick Pro Bowling" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54589: name: "Global Defence Force Tactics" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54590: name: "Hard Knock High" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54591: name: "Special Forces" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54592: name: "Pétanque Pro" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54593: name: "Space Rebellion" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54596: name: "Heatseeker" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54604: name: "¡Qué pasa Neng! El videojuego" region: "PAL-S" SLES-54606: name: "Harley-Davidson - Race to the Rally" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54607: name: "MTV Pimp My Ride" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns bloom as best it can be. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54608: name: "Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54611: name: "TT Superbikes - Real Road Racing Championship" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54612: name: "Captain Scarlet" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54614: name: "Lucinda Green's Equestrian Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54615: name: "Code of the Samurai" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54616: name: "Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes edge depth bleeding during power attacks and misaligned bloom. SLES-54617: name: "Action Man A.T.O.M. - Alpha Teens on Machines" region: "PAL-M9" SLES-54619: name: "Pinocchio" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54620: name: "Snow White & the 7 Clever Boys" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54622: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned effect when in-game Trails option is turned on. SLES-54623: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned effect when in-game Trails option is turned on. SLES-54624: name: "Samurai Warriors 2 - Empires" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54626: name: "American Tail, An" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54627: name: "Burnout Dominator" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLES-54628: name: "Skate Attack [Promo]" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54629: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken effect rendering. SLES-54630: name: "Chi Vuol Essere Milionario - Party Edition" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54631: name: "Harley-Davidson - Race to the Rally" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54632: name: "MTV Pimp My Ride" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns bloom as best it can be. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54633: name: "Premier Manager 08" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54634: name: "Top Trumps Adventures Vol. 1 - Horror & Predators" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54635: name: "Top Trumps Adventures Vol. 2 - Dogs & Dinosaurs" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54641: name: "International Cricket Captain III" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54644: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLES-54645: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLES-54646: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLES-54647: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "PAL-I" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLES-54648: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLES-54653: name: "Freak Out - Extreme Freeride" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54655: name: "Cabela's African Safari" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54656: name: "EyeToy - Bob the Builder" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54657: name: "Charlotte's Web" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54658: name: "Star Wars - The Force Unleashed" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes player shadow definition and color banding. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes player shadow. patches: 87109051: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fix for graphical issues, QTE events, subtitles, health bar. // Patch replace values passed to FPU to workaround x86 rounding issues. patch=1,EE,0017cb84,word,3464fff0 patch=1,EE,0017cb90,word,3463fffc SLES-54659: name: "Star Wars - The Force Unleashed" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes player shadow definition and color banding. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes player shadow. patches: DAF2145C: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fix for graphical issues, QTE events, subtitles, health bar. // Patch replace values passed to FPU to workaround x86 rounding issues. patch=1,EE,0017cb84,word,3464fff0 patch=1,EE,0017cb90,word,3463fffc SLES-54663: name: "Jackass - The Game" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. SLES-54664: name: "Top Gun" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54665: name: "Paddington Bear" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54666: name: "Mr. Bean" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 SLES-54668: name: "Thomas & Friends - A Day at the Races" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54669: name: "Lassie" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54670: name: "Wacky Races - Mad Motors" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54671: name: "Johnny Bravo Date-O-Rama" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54672: name: "Casper's Scare School" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-54674: name: "Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Anniversary" region: "PAL-M10" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. SLES-54675: name: "Street Warrior" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54677: name: "Metal Slug - Anthology" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54679: name: "Metal Slug - Anthology" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54681: name: "Burnout Dominator" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLES-54683: name: "Medal of Honor - Vanguard" region: "PAL-M9" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes occasional vertical lines. SLES-54684: name: "Peter Pan" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54685: name: "Hansel and Gretel" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54686: name: "Impossible Mission" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54687: name: "Spectral vs. Generation" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54694: name: "K-1 World GP" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54695: name: "Azur & Asmar" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54700: name: "SXR - Snow X Racing" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54705: name: "SBK-07 - Superbike World Championship" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54708: name: "The History Channel - Great Battles of Rome" name-sort: "History Channel, The - Great Battles of Rome" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54711: name: "Shadow Hearts - From the New World" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and reduces text box artifacts. SLES-54712: name: "Action Man A.T.O.M. - Alpha Teens on Machines" region: "PAL-PL" SLES-54713: name: "Pajeczyna Charlotty" region: "PAL-PL" SLES-54714: name: "Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-54715: name: "Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLES-54716: name: "Skateboard Madness - Xtreme Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54717: name: "Power Volleyball" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54719: name: "Charlotte's Web" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54720: name: "The Shield - The Game" name-sort: "Shield - The Game, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54723: name: "Spider-Man 3" region: "PAL-E" compat: 4 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes idle camera behaviour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. SLES-54724: name: "Spider-Man 3" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes idle camera behaviour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. SLES-54725: name: "Kirikou and the Wild Beasts" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54726: name: "Go Kart Rally" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54727: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces bloom but fixes blurriness around models + Recommended to use Shadeboost brightness 80. SLES-54728: name: "Mountain Bike Adrenaline featuring Salomon" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54731: name: "King of Clubs" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54733: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54734: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-F" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54735: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54736: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-SC" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54737: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-R" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54738: name: "Thunderbirds" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54744: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-P-CR" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54745: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-I" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54746: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54747: name: "Disney/Pixar Ratatouille" region: "PAL-P-S" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLES-54755: name: "Transformers - The Game" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out texture transitions. SLES-54756: name: "Transformers - The Game" region: "PAL-F-S" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out texture transitions. SLES-54757: name: "Transformers - The Game" region: "PAL-G-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out texture transitions. SLES-54767: name: "Sniper Assault" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54770: name: "DreamWorks Shrek the Third" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes black zones. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes objects spawning. SLES-54771: name: "DreamWorks Shrek the Third" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes black zones. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes objects spawning. SLES-54772: name: "Monster Eggs" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54774: name: "DreamWorks Shrek the Third" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes black zones. region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes objects spawning. SLES-54776: name: "Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer" region: "PAL-E-I" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes edge depth bleeding during power attacks and misaligned bloom. SLES-54778: name: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-54779: name: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-54780: name: "Harry Potter og Føniksordenen" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-54781: name: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLES-54782: name: "Obscure 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For stripes on FMVs and crashes on scenes. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes Lock picking pin. SLES-54784: name: "Xyanide - Resurrection" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54786: name: "Heracles - Chariot Racing" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-54788: name: "Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Zombie Ninja Pro-Am" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadows. SLES-54789: name: "Beta Bloc" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54790: name: "Art of Fighting Anthology" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54792: name: "World Wrestling Championship" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54793: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54795: name: "Falling Stars" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54803: name: "They Came from the Skies" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54804: name: "Operation Air Assault 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54805: name: "Wer Wird Millionar - Party Edition" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54806: name: "Thrillville - Off the Rails" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54807: name: "Thrillville - Off the Rails" region: "PAL-F" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54809: name: "Charlotte's Web" region: "PAL-A" SLES-54810: name: "Rugby 08" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54811: name: "Rugby 08" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54812: name: "Madden NFL 08" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54813: name: "NASCAR 08" region: "PAL-A-E" gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto. SLES-54814: name: "Dead Eye Jim" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54815: name: "The Legend of Spyro - The Eternal Night" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting on mushrooms + others. patches: 8AE9536D: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv and refraction // Fixes HUD and menu display. patch=1,EE,00173c38,word,00000000 SLES-54816: name: "The Legend of Spyro - The Eternal Night" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night" region: "PAL-R" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting on mushrooms + others. patches: C95F0198: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv and refraction // Fixes HUD and menu display. patch=1,EE,00173bb8,word,00000000 SLES-54817: name: "Garfield - Lasagna World Tour" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54818: name: "Super PickUps" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54819: name: "Manhunt 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Manhunt2" SLES-54820: name: "Stuntman Ignition" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment. SLES-54822: name: "Atelier Iris 3 - Grand Phantasm" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLES-54825: name: "Bob the Builder" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54826: name: "Surf's Up" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54833: name: "Caveman Rock" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54834: name: "Juiced 2" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54835: name: "Power Rangers - Super Legends" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54836: name: "Disney High School Musical - Sing It!" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54837: name: "Disney Princess - Enchanted Journey" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54838: name: "Donkey Xote" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54839: name: "Mambo" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54840: name: "Nickelodeon Avatar - The Legend of Aang - The Burning Earth" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54841: name: "Crash of the Titans" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54842: name: "Crash of the Titans" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54843: name: "Crash of the Titans" region: "PAL-R" SLES-54845: name: "Warriors Orochi" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-54859: name: "Guitar Hero - Rocks The 80's" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLES-54860: name: "Guitar Hero - Rocks The 80's" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLES-54861: name: "Thomas & Friends - A Day at the Races" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-54863: name: "Thomas & Friends - A Day at the Races" region: "PAL-M2" SLES-54864: name: "Legend of Camelot" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54865: name: "Crabby Adventure" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54866: name: "Games Galaxy 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54867: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08" region: "PAL-E-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54870: name: "FIFA '08" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54871: name: "FIFA '08" region: "PAL-F-G-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54872: name: "FIFA '08" region: "PAL-P-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54873: name: "FIFA '08" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54874: name: "FIFA '08" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-54875: name: "Warriors Orochi" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54876: name: "Warriors Orochi" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54877: name: "Warriors Orochi" region: "PAL-G" SLES-54878: name: "Naruto - Ultimate Ninja 2" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 0 # Fixes glow effects. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes rare SPS. SLES-54879: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54880: name: "NBA 2K8" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54881: name: "NHL 2K8" region: "PAL-M5" patches: F2027778: content: |- author=Prafull comment=Patched by Prafull // Avoid hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,004323b8,word,00000000 SLES-54882: name: "Gecko Blaster" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54883: name: "Alone in the Dark" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game hanging at boot. SLES-54884: name: "Alone in the Dark" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game hanging at boot. SLES-54885: name: "Moto X Maniac" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54886: name: "Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques" region: "PAL-F" SLES-54887: name: "Thrillville - Verrückte Achterbahn" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54888: name: "Pro Biker 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54889: name: "SWAT Siege" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54890: name: "Clever Kids - Dino Land" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54891: name: "Clever Kids - Pony World" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-54892: name: "Phantasy Star Universe - Ambition of the Illuminus" region: "PAL-M3" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving. SLES-54893: name: "NHL 08" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54895: name: "NBA Live 08" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-54896: name: "NBA Live 08" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-54897: name: "GrimGrimoire" region: "PAL-E-JP" compat: 5 SLES-54898: name: "Metropolismania 2" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54899: name: "EyeToy - Bob the Builder" region: "PAL-M5" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes black screen. SLES-54900: name: "EyeToy - Bob the Builder" region: "PAL-E-I" SLES-54901: name: "Spider-Man - Friend or Foe" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54903: name: "The Sims 2 - Castaway" name-sort: "Sims 2, The - Castaway" region: "PAL-M13" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Removes horizontal and vertical lines on the ground, trees and the sky. SLES-54904: name: "The Simpsons Game" name-sort: "Simpsons Game, The" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects misaligned cel shading. roundSprite: 1 # Further corrects misaligned cel shading. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54905: name: "The Simpsons Game" name-sort: "Simpsons Game, The" region: "PAL-F" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects misaligned cel shading. roundSprite: 1 # Further corrects misaligned cel shading. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54906: name: "The Simpsons Game" name-sort: "Simpsons Game, The" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects misaligned cel shading. roundSprite: 1 # Further corrects misaligned cel shading. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-54913: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2008" region: "PAL-E-S" compat: 5 SLES-54914: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2008" region: "PAL-I-P" SLES-54915: name: "Sonic Riders - Zero Gravity" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes light bloom. SLES-54917: name: "Agent Hugo - Lemoon Twist" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-54918: name: "Agent Hugo - Lemoon Twist" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-54919: name: "Agent Hugo - Lemoon Twist" region: "PAL-R" SLES-54923: name: "EyeToy - Bob the Builder" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54926: name: "Realplay Pool" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54927: name: "Realplay Golf" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54929: name: "Realplay Racing" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54930: name: "Realplay Puzzlesphere" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54931: name: "Looney Tunes - ACME Arsenal" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom positioning. SLES-54933: name: "NBA Live 08" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-54937: name: "RTL Biathlon 2008" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54938: name: "RTL Biathlon 2008" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54939: name: "RTL Winter Sports 2008 - The Ultimate Challenge" region: "PAL-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54940: name: "RTL Winter Sports 2008 - The Ultimate Challenge" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54942: name: "Disney Princess - Enchanted Journey" region: "PAL-F-G-I" SLES-54943: name: "Disney Princess - Enchanted Journey" region: "PAL-D-N" SLES-54944: name: "Disney Princess - Enchanted Journey" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-54945: name: "Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLES-54946: name: "Sega Superstars Tennis" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes post bloom alignment. SLES-54947: name: "Dogz" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-54948: name: "Dogz" region: "PAL-M9" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-54949: name: "Catz" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-54950: name: "Catz" region: "PAL-M9" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLES-54951: name: "Ben 10 - Protector of Earth" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54952: name: "Ben 10 - Protector of Earth" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54953: name: "Totally Spies! Totally Party" region: "PAL-M6" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE+3 to be fully fixed. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-54955: name: "Finkles World" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54956: name: "Wacky Zoo GP" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54957: name: "Cheggers Party Quiz" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54958: name: "Alan Hansen's Sports Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54959: name: "MotoGP 07" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54960: name: "Godzilla - Unleashed" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54961: name: "World series of poker 2008" region: "PAL-E" SLES-54962: name: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLES-54963: name: "Tony Hawk's Proving Ground" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-54964: name: "Tony Hawk's Proving Ground" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-54971: name: "Hot Wheels - Beat That!" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLES-54972: name: "Wild Arms 5" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes sepia-tone flashback sequences. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SLES-54973: name: "Avventure di Lupin III, Le - Lupin la Morte, Zenigata l'Amore" region: "PAL-I" SLES-54974: name: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLES-54975: name: "George Of The Jungle" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-54981: name: "Bob the Builder - Festival of Fun" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-54982: name: "Bob the Builder - Festival of Fun" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54983: name: "Postman Pat" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54984: name: "The Water Horse - Legend of the Deep" name-sort: "Water Horse, The - Legend of the Deep" region: "PAL-M11" SLES-54985: name: "Thomas & Friends - A Day at the Races" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-54986: name: "Bratz - The Movie" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of bloom and shadows. SLES-54987: name: "Bratz - The Movie" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-54988: name: "Bratz - The Movie" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of bloom and shadows. SLES-54989: name: "Bratz - The Movie" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of bloom and shadows. SLES-54990: name: "Nicktoons - Attack of the Toybots" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes garbage textures in the distance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLES-54991: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob and Friends - Attack of the Toybots" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes garbage textures in the distance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLES-54992: name: "PDC World Championship Darts 2008" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights not appearing. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes lights going through darts players. SLES-54994: name: "Pippa Funnell - Ranch Rescue" region: "PAL-M11" compat: 5 SLES-54995: name: "Puzzle Quest - Challenge of the Warlords" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-54996: name: "The Golden Compass" name-sort: "Golden Compass, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-54997: name: "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Flickery textures. SLES-54998: name: "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" region: "PAL-F" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Flickery textures. SLES-54999: name: "Mercenaries 2 - Inferno di Fuoco" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Flickery textures. SLES-55000: name: "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Flickery textures. SLES-55001: name: "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Flickery textures. SLES-55002: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLES-55003: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLES-55004: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLES-55005: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "PAL-M8" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLES-55006: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLES-55007: name: "Boogie" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour. SLES-55008: name: "Riding Star 3" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55010: name: "Thrillville - Fuori dai Binari" region: "PAL-I" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55011: name: "Thrillville - Fuera de Control" region: "PAL-S" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55012: name: "The Golden Compass" name-sort: "Golden Compass, The" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55013: name: "Iridium Runners" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game engine errors when going ingame. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes light/bloom positioning. patches: 304497e5: content: |- // Fixes random hangs when going ingame. patch=1,EE,002242e0,word,00000000 SLES-55015: name: "Barbie as the Island Princess" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55016: name: "DreamWorks Bee Movie Game" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes hive color. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bloom on sunlight. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55017: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Tag Force Evolution" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55018: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLES-55019: name: "Ratchet & Clank - Size Matters" region: "PAL-M13" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55020: name: "Die Simpsons - Das Spiel" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects misaligned cel shading. roundSprite: 1 # Further corrects misaligned cel shading. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55021: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2008" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55023: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2008" region: "PAL-I" SLES-55024: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-55025: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - Mater-National Championship" region: "PAL-E-A" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55026: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - Mater-National Championship" region: "PAL-F-DU" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55027: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - Hook International" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55028: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - La Coppa Internazionale di Carl Attrezzi" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55029: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - La Copa Internacional de Mate" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55030: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - Mater-National Championship" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55031: name: "DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLES-55032: name: "Off Road" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55034: name: "Asterix at the Olympic Games" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55035: name: "Asterix at the Olympic Games" region: "PAL-E-A" SLES-55039: name: "Rock Band" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55040: name: "Telly Addicts" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55041: name: "Fire Pro Wrestling Returns" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55042: name: "Garfield - Lasagna World Tour" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55043: name: "Garfield - Lasagna World Tour" region: "PAL-F-DU" SLES-55044: name: "Premier Manager 09" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55046: name: "Sea Monsters - A Prehistoric Adventure" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55047: name: "Ocean Commander" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55048: name: "Star Trek - Conquest" region: "PAL-E-G" SLES-55049: name: "Toy Golf Extreme" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Stops ball falling through tables. SLES-55050: name: "MX vs. ATV - Untamed" region: "PAL-E" patches: 74912B29: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid clip flag response. Fixes SPS. patch=1,EE,001a9c08,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001a9c0c,word,4BDBD9FF SLES-55051: name: "MX vs. ATV Extrême Limite" region: "PAL-F" patches: 590C682E: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid clip flag response. Fixes SPS. patch=1,EE,001a9c08,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001a9c0c,word,4BDBD9FF SLES-55052: name: "Alvin and the Chipmunks" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55053: name: "Jetix - Puzzle Buzzle" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-55055: name: "Stealth Force 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55064: name: "Luxor - Pharaoh's Challenge" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55069: name: "7 Wonders of the Ancient World" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55074: name: "Casper's Scare School" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-55075: name: "Speed Racer - The Videogame" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55076: name: "Saint & Sinner" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55078: name: "Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights" region: "PAL-PL" SLES-55079: name: "CID the Dummy" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55080: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis" region: "PAL-A" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-55081: name: "Jackass - The Game" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. SLES-55082: name: "Urban Constructor" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55088: name: "Ultimate Board Game Collection" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55090: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles 2" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Fixes game freezing. SLES-55091: name: "Hoppie" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55102: name: "The History Channel - Battle for the Pacific" name-sort: "History Channel, The - Battle for the Pacific" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55103: name: "Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2008" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55104: name: "UEFA Euro 2008 - Austria-Switzerland" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55105: name: "UEFA Euro 2008 - Austria-Switzerland" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55106: name: "UEFA Euro 2008 - Austria-Switzerland" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55108: name: "Samurai Warriors 2 - Xtreme Legends" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55109: name: "The Spiderwick Chronicles" name-sort: "Spiderwick Chronicles, The" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu0RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invisible wall collision in bedroom. SLES-55110: name: "Odin Sphere" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55111: name: "Nick Jr. Go Diego Go! Safari Rescue" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55112: name: "Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Mermaids" region: "PAL-A" SLES-55122: name: "Moorhuhn Fun Kart 2008" region: "PAL-M4" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes falling through ground. SLES-55123: name: "Legend of Sayuki" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55125: name: "Top Trumps - Doctor Who" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55126: name: "Artlist Collection - The Dog Island" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes certains font colors. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes almost all vertical lines. SLES-55129: name: "Jumper - Griffin's Story" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55131: name: "Roller Coaster Funfare" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55132: name: "Iron Chef" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55133: name: "LEGO Indiana Jones - The Original Adventure" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Corrects bloom misalignment. SLES-55134: name: "Monster Jam" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55135: name: "LEGO Batman - The VideoGame" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. HPO Normal required if not using CLUT Renderer. SLES-55136: name: "Let's Ride! Silver Buckle Stables" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55138: name: "Nickelodeon El Tigre - The Adventures of Manny Rivera" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes garbage textures in the distance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLES-55143: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian" region: "PAL-G-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but on normal vertex is less ghosting but causes corruption at the sides. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes title-screen bloom and church windows on new game and other locations. SLES-55144: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but on normal vertex is less ghosting but causes corruption at the sides. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes title-screen bloom and church windows on new game and other locations. SLES-55145: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian" region: "PAL-F-DU" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but on normal vertex is less ghosting but causes corruption at the sides. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes title-screen bloom and church windows on new game and other locations. SLES-55146: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian" region: "PAL-UK" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but on normal vertex is less ghosting but causes corruption at the sides. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes title-screen bloom and church windows on new game and other locations. SLES-55147: name: "Silent Hill - Origins" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes black textures and flashlight circle not working. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes grey text. SLES-55148: name: "SBK 08 - Superbike World Championship" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55150: name: "TNA Impact" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLES-55152: name: "Skyscraper" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55163: name: "The Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - Dawn of the Dragon" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting and bloom misalignment. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Rainbow spots if alone applied but needs cpuCLUTrender to look like software mode. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Blue horizontal lines on it's own but needs cpuSpriteRenderBW to look like software mode. SLES-55165: name: "The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" name-sort: "Mummy, The - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55166: name: "Bob O Construtor - Festival do Divertimento" region: "PAL-P" SLES-55167: name: "Soul Nomad & the World Eaters" region: "PAL-E-J" SLES-55168: name: "Paard & Pony - Topruiter" region: "PAL-NL" SLES-55169: name: "Monster Lab" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes black with rainbow screen. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes HC size and eliminates most texture uploads. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset bloom. SLES-55170: name: "Margot's Word Brain" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55172: name: "Code Lyoko - Quest for Infinity" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 9 # Game requires adaptive bff de-interlacing instead of auto for the UI at native. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting effects. SLES-55174: name: "NHL 08" region: "PAL-R" SLES-55184: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-A" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55185: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-UK" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55186: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-S-P" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55187: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-F-G" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55188: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-G" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55189: name: "Nick Jr. Go Diego Go! Safari Rescue" region: "PAL-E-F" SLES-55190: name: "Steam Express" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55191: name: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith" region: "PAL-E" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLES-55192: name: "Steam Express" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55193: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-R" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55194: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-SC" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55195: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-GR-I" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55196: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "PAL-PL-CR" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55197: name: "Dancing Stage SuperNOVA 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55198: name: "Iron Man" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55199: name: "NASCAR 09" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto. SLES-55200: name: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith" region: "PAL-M4" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLES-55201: name: "Riding Star" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55202: name: "Riding Star" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55203: name: "My Horse & Me 2" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-55204: name: "Crash - Mind Over Mutant" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55205: name: "Crash - Mind Over Mutant" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55206: name: "Crash - Mind Over Mutant" region: "PAL-R" SLES-55207: name: "Alone in the Dark" region: "PAL-M4" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game hanging at boot. SLES-55208: name: "The Incredible Hulk" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The" region: "PAL-E-F-G" SLES-55209: name: "Monopoly" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Needed to render the board and lights correctly. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns the 1/4th of the game that does upscale because the game is silly. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the game's stupid rendering but it's still awful. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55214: name: "Disney Hannah Montana - Spotlight World Tour" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55215: name: "Growlanser - Heritage of War" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: moveHandler: "MV_Growlanser" # Fixes precomputed depth buffer. SLES-55216: name: "Baroque" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting of characters. SLES-55218: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55219: name: "Hasbro Family Game Night" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures on battleships model. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55220: name: "Summer Athletics" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55227: name: "The Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - Dawn of the Dragon" region: "PAL-SC" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting and bloom misalignment. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Rainbow spots if alone applied but needs cpuCLUTrender to look like software mode. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Blue horizontal lines on it's own but needs cpuSpriteRenderBW to look like software mode. SLES-55231: name: "Fatal Fury - Battle Archives Volume 1" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55232: name: "SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55233: name: "World Heroes Anthology" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55234: name: "DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda" region: "PAL-SW" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLES-55235: name: "DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLES-55236: name: "DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda" region: "PAL-G-S" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLES-55237: name: "Naruto - Ultimate Ninja 3" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes invisible QTE button prompts and overbright in some scenes. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. SLES-55238: name: "Madden NFL 09" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55239: name: "Hasbro Family Game Night" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures on battleships model. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55240: name: "Pipe Mania" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55242: name: "Yakuza 2" region: "PAL-E" memcardFilters: # Allows import of Yakuza 1 data. - "SLES-55242" - "SLES-54171" SLES-55243: name: "FIFA '09" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55244: name: "FIFA '09" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55245: name: "FIFA '09" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55246: name: "FIFA '09" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55247: name: "FIFA '09" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55248: name: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting and vertical lines. SLES-55249: name: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" region: "PAL-M10" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting and vertical lines. patches: CA5F8BC1: content: |- // Avoids bad COP2 errors due to the instant nature of the PCSX2's COP2 handling. patch=1,EE,0034829c,word,4B000460 patch=1,EE,003482a0,word,4AF103BC patch=1,EE,003482b8,word,4A800460 patch=1,EE,003482bc,word,4B7103BC SLES-55250: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009" region: "PAL-A" SLES-55251: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55252: name: "NHL 2K9" region: "PAL-M5" patches: 5D981DF2: content: |- author=Prafull comment=Patched by Prafull // Avoid hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,00430d38,word,00000000 SLES-55253: name: "NBA 2K9" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55254: name: "The Incredible Hulk" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55263: name: "Nickelodeon Avatar - The Legend of Aang - Into the Inferno" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-55264: name: "Nickelodeon Avatar - The Legend of Aang - Into the Inferno" region: "PAL-A" SLES-55265: name: "The Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - Dawn of the Dragon" region: "PAL-R-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting and bloom misalignment. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Rainbow spots if alone applied but needs cpuCLUTrender to look like software mode. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Blue horizontal lines on it's own but needs cpuSpriteRenderBW to look like software mode. SLES-55266: name: "MotoGP 08" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55271: name: "Spongebob SquarePants Featuring Nicktoons - Globs of Doom" region: "PAL-E-F" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes graphical errors video. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55272: name: "Spongebob SquarePants Featuring Nicktoons - Globs of Doom" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes graphical errors video. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55274: name: "Diabolik - The Original Sin" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55275: name: "Jeep Thrills" region: "PAL-M5" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLES-55276: name: "Jello" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55278: name: "Monopoly" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Needed to render the board and lights correctly. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns the 1/4th of the game that does upscale because the game is silly. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the game's stupid rendering but it's still awful. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55280: name: "King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55281: name: "Nickelodeon Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Snow Princess" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55284: name: "Nickelodeon Go Diego Go! Great Dinosaur Rescue" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55288: name: "Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Mermaids" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55289: name: "Nick Jr. Go Diego Go! Safari Rescue" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55292: name: "Samurai Shodown Anthology" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55293: name: "Disney Hannah Montana - Spotlight World Tour" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55294: name: "Ferrari Challenge - Trofeo Pirelli" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lack of bloom intensity. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom and rainbow garbage at edges. SLES-55295: name: "Score International Baja 1000 - World Championship Off Road Racing" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55328: name: "The Millennium European Paintball Series - Championship Paintball 2009" name-sort: "Millennium European Paintball Series, The - Championship Paintball 2009" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55329: name: "Shrek's Carnival Craze" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55330: name: "Secret Service" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55331: name: "Cabela's Dangerous Adventures" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55332: name: "Monster Jam - Urban Assault" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55334: name: "NBA Live 09" region: "PAL-E-I-A" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-55335: name: "NBA Live 09" region: "PAL-E-G" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-55336: name: "NBA Live 09" region: "PAL-F" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-55337: name: "NBA Live 09" region: "PAL-S" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-55338: name: "NHL 09" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55339: name: "NHL 09" region: "PAL-G" SLES-55340: name: "Space Chimps" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55341: name: "Hasbro Family Game Night" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures on battleships model. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55342: name: "Hasbro Family Game Night" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures on battleships model. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55343: name: "Tube Mania" region: "PAL-F" SLES-55344: name: "Rock Band - Song Back 1" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55345: name: "007 - Quantum of Solace" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55346: name: "Rugby League 2 - World Cup Edition" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55347: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Infinite World" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55348: name: "Space Chimps" region: "PAL-A" SLES-55349: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLES-55350: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLES-55351: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "PAL-I-S" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLES-55352: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "PAL-SC" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLES-55353: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLES-55354: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLES-55354" - "SLES-55018" SLES-55355: name: "Guitar Hero - World Tour" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Corrects note board position. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues ingame. SLES-55356: name: "Bratz - Girlz Really Rock" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55357: name: "Bratz - Girlz Really Rock" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55358: name: "Bratz - Girlz Really Rock" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55359: name: "Bratz - Girlz Really Rock" region: "PAL-A" SLES-55364: name: "Agent Hugo - Hula Holiday" region: "PAL-SC" SLES-55365: name: "Agent Hugo - Hula Holiday" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-55366: name: "Agent Hugo - Hula Holiday" region: "PAL-R" SLES-55367: name: "Call of Duty - World at War - Final Fronts" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and depth lines. SLES-55369: name: "Call of Duty - World at War - Final Fronts" region: "PAL-G" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and depth lines. SLES-55371: name: "Barbie Horse Adventures - Riding Camp" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55372: name: "Spiderman - Web of Shadows" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Connect hits, able to summon... etc... SLES-55373: name: "The King of Fighters Collection - The Orochi Saga" name-sort: "King of Fighters Collection, The - The Orochi Saga" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55374: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar 2 - Escape 2 Africa" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-55375: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar 2 - Escape 2 Africa" region: "PAL-R" SLES-55376: name: "Nickelodeon Tak and the Guardians of Gross" region: "PAL-E-G" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-55378: name: "RTL Biathlon 2009" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS in game. SLES-55379: name: "RTL Biathlon 2009" region: "PAL-E-G" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS in game. SLES-55380: name: "Sonic Unleashed" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_SonicUnleashed" SLES-55382: name: "Warriors Orochi 2" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 SLES-55383: name: "Warriors Orochi 2" region: "PAL-F" SLES-55384: name: "Warriors Orochi 2" region: "PAL-G" SLES-55390: name: "DreamWorks Madagaskar 2" region: "PAL-SW" SLES-55392: name: "Disney Sing It!" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55393: name: "Disney Sing It!" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55394: name: "Disney TH!NK Fast" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55395: name: "Disney TH!NK Fast" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55396: name: "Disney Sing It - High School Musical 3 - Senior Year" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55397: name: "Disney Sing It - High School Musical 3 - Senior Year" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55398: name: "Disney High School Musical 3 - Senior Year Dance!" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55402: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons - Globs of Doom" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes graphical errors video. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55404: name: "Nickelodeon The Naked Brothers Band - The Video Game" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55405: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2009" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55406: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2009" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55408: name: "RTL Biathlon 2009" region: "PAL-E-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-55409: name: "TT SuperBikes - Legends" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55411: name: "RTL Winter Sports 2009 - The Next Challenge" region: "PAL-E-F" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLES-55415: name: "Disney TH!NK Fast" region: "PAL-I-S" SLES-55418: name: "Tube Mania" region: "PAL-F-DU" SLES-55421: name: "Buzz! Brain of Switzerland" region: "PAL-SWI" SLES-55428: name: "Disney Bolt" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55429: name: "Disney Bolt" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55430: name: "Disney Bolt" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55431: name: "Disney Bolt" region: "PAL-R" SLES-55433: name: "Disney TH!NK Fast" region: "PAL-R" SLES-55434: name: "Disney Sing It" region: "PAL-E-R" SLES-55440: name: "Ben 10 - Alien Force" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55442: name: "Tomb Raider - Underworld" region: "PAL-M8" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. SLES-55443: name: "Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes jump issue. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misalignment of textures in the Pause Menu. SLES-55444: name: "Ar tonelico II - Melody of Metafalica" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes "Fall through floor" bug when approaching chests. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes textboxes and character portraits. beforeDraw: "OI_ArTonelico2" SLES-55448: name: "Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-55450: name: "PES 2009 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-I" SLES-55451: name: "Rock Band 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55452: name: "Rock Band 2" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55453: name: "SingStar Queen" region: "PAL-Unk" SLES-55457: name: "AC-DC LIVE - Rock Band" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55458: name: "Rock Band - Song Pack 2" region: "PAL-M5" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes broken rendering. SLES-55459: name: "Jelly Belly - Ballistic Beans" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55460: name: "Trivial Pursuit" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55461: name: "Dance Party Pop Hits" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55462: name: "Dance Party Club Hits" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55465: name: "Real Madrid - The Game" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55467: name: "Trivial Pursuit" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55468: name: "Nickelodeon Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Snow Princess" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55470: name: "Coraline" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55472: name: "Guitar Hero - Metalica" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLES-55474: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fix flickering floor during cutscenes in school. SLES-55476: name: "Scooby-Doo! First Frights" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes AI pathing. SLES-55479: name: "Truck Racer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55480: name: "Kart Racer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55481: name: "Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja 4" region: "PAL-E-F" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLES-55482: name: "Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja 4" region: "PAL-G-I-S" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLES-55483: name: "Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55486: name: "DreamWorks Monsters vs. Aliens" region: "PAL-M7" SLES-55487: name: "Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs" region: "PAL-M6" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-55492: name: "SBK 09 - Superbike World Championship" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55493: name: "Marvel - Ultimate Alliance 2" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55494: name: "X-Men Origins - Wolverine" region: "PAL-E-F" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Flickering objects, sound loop. SLES-55495: name: "X-Men Origins - Wolverine" region: "PAL-M3" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Flickering objects, sound loop. SLES-55496: name: "Secret Agent Clank" region: "PAL-Unk" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55499: name: "Disney G-Force" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misaligment. SLES-55500: name: "Disney G-Force" region: "PAL-G-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misaligment. SLES-55502: name: "Миссия Дарвина" region: "PAL-R" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misaligment. SLES-55509: name: "Music Maker - Rockstar" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 SLES-55511: name: "MTV Pimp My Ride - Street Racing" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns bloom as best it can be. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55512: name: "Sengoku Anthology" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55516: name: "L'Era Glaciale 3 - L'Alba dei Dinosauri" region: "PAL-I" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLES-55517: name: "Trivial Pursuit" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55518: name: "Guitar Hero - Van Halen" region: "PAL-A" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes icons. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. SLES-55520: name: "Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes soft shadows. patches: 9E36E023: content: |- //Patched by kozarrov //Fix Pause menu, some hud parts, etc. patch=1,EE,0016ee38,word,3464fff0 patch=1,EE,0016ee58,word,3464fffc SLES-55522: name: "Disney/Pixar Up" region: "PAL-E" SLES-55523: name: "Disney/Pixar Up" region: "PAL-S" SLES-55524: name: "Disney/Pixar Up" region: "PAL-F-DU" SLES-55525: name: "Disney/Pixar Oben" region: "PAL-G" SLES-55526: name: "Disney/Pixar Psila ston Ourano" region: "PAL-GR" SLES-55528: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10" region: "PAL-A" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55529: name: "Germany's Next Topmodel" region: "PAL-G" SLES-55531: name: "Disney/Pixar Up" region: "PAL-I" SLES-55532: name: "Aliens in the Attic" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55533: name: "Guitar Hero 5" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS and VU size spam. SLES-55536: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - Race-O-Rama" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55537: name: "G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra" region: "PAL-M8" SLES-55542: name: "Disney Sing It - Pop Hits" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55544: name: "Guitar Hero - Greatest Hits" region: "PAL-M5" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. SLES-55545: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55546: name: "The Secret Saturdays - Beasts of the 5th Sun" name-sort: "Secret Saturdays, The - Beasts of the 5th Sun" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55565: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Smash-Up" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55569: name: "Silent Hill - Shattered Memories" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing graphics. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLES-55572: name: "Marvel Super Hero Squad" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. SLES-55573: name: "MotorStorm - Arctic Edge" region: "PAL-M14" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad polys in menu. SLES-55574: name: "The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn's Quest" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - Aragorn's Quest" region: "PAL-M6" SLES-55576: name: "NBA 2K10" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55577: name: "DJ Hero" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55578: name: "Band Hero" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes character shadow misalignment. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes icons. SLES-55579: name: "Bakugan - Battle Brawlers" region: "PAL-M7" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes black textures in conjunction with VU0 clamping set to none. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 0 # Fixes black textures and SPS. gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto for the (starter) FMVs. SLES-55581: name: "FIFA 10" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55582: name: "FIFA 10" region: "PAL-F-G" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55583: name: "FIFA 10" region: "PAL-SC" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55584: name: "FIFA 10" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55585: name: "FIFA 10" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLES-55587: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2010" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55588: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2010" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55589: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2010" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55592: name: "Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 4 SLES-55593: name: "Astro Boy - The Video Game" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55597: name: "Hugo - Magic in the Trollwoods" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55598: name: "Hugo - Magic in the Trollwoods" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55599: name: "Galileo Mystery - Die Krone des Midas" region: "PAL-G" SLES-55604: name: "PES 2010 - Pro Evolution Soccer [Demo]" region: "PAL-M10" SLES-55605: name: "Naruto Shippuuden - Ultimate Ninja 5" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLES-55609: name: "Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55610: name: "Springdale" region: "PAL-SC" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55622: name: "Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3" region: "PAL-M6" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55623: name: "Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3" region: "PAL-R" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLES-55625: name: "Despicable Me - The Game" region: "PAL-M9" SLES-55628: name: "Disney Sing It - Party Hits" region: "PAL-M3" SLES-55635: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-55636: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2011" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55637: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2011" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55638: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2011" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55639: name: "Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55642: name: "FIFA 11" region: "PAL-M4" compat: 5 SLES-55643: name: "FIFA 11" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55644: name: "FIFA 11" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55645: name: "NBA 2K11" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55648: name: "WWE All-Stars" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ring textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLES-55652: name: "FIFA 12" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55653: name: "FIFA 12" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55654: name: "FIFA 12" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55656: name: "PES 2012 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55657: name: "PES 2012 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55658: name: "PES 2012 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55659: name: "NBA 2K12" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55664: name: "FIFA 13" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-55665: name: "FIFA 13" region: "PAL-M4" SLES-55666: name: "PES 2013 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55667: name: "PES 2013 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55668: name: "PES 2013 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-GR-I" SLES-55669: name: "PES 2013 - Pro Evolution Soccer" region: "PAL-P-S" SLES-55671: name: "FIFA 14 [LEGACY EDITION]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes stadium banners and improves performance. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-55672: name: "FIFA 14" region: "PAL-M4" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes stadium banners and improves performance. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLES-55673: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2014" region: "PAL-M5" SLES-55674: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2014" region: "PAL-F-G" SLES-55675: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2014" region: "PAL-G-I" SLES-55676: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2014" region: "PAL-P-S" SLES-82001: name: "Summoner" region: "PAL-E" SLES-82003: name: "Summoner" region: "PAL-F" SLES-82005: name: "Summoner" region: "PAL-G" compat: 5 SLES-82009: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes depth of field blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLES-82010: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2, Document of" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes corrupted or missing menu fonts. SLES-82011: name: "Devil May Cry 2 [Dante Disc]" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 SLES-82012: name: "Devil May Cry 2 [Lucia Disc]" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLES-82011" SLES-82013: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "PAL-E-F" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurry characters. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82018: name: "Cy Girls [Ice Disc]" region: "PAL-E-F-S" SLES-82019: name: "Cy Girls [Aska Disc]" region: "PAL-E-F-S" memcardFilters: - "SLES-82018" SLES-82020: name: "Cy Girls [Disc 1]" region: "PAL-E-G-I" SLES-82021: name: "Cy Girls [Disc 2]" region: "PAL-E-G-I" memcardFilters: - "SLES-82020" SLES-82024: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurry characters. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82026: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurry characters. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82028: name: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. SLES-82029: name: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82028" SLES-82030: name: "Shadow Hearts - Covenant [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. SLES-82031: name: "Shadow Hearts - Covenant [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82030" SLES-82032: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurry characters. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82034: name: "Xenosaga Episode II [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82034" - "SCES-82034" SLES-82035: name: "Xenosaga Episode II [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "PAL-M3" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82034" - "SCES-82034" SLES-82036: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 1]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82036" - "SLES-82037" SLES-82037: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 2]" region: "PAL-M5" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82036" - "SLES-82037" SLES-82038: name: "Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. SLES-82039: name: "Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82038" SLES-82042: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "PAL-E-F" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82043: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "PAL-E-F" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82042" SLES-82044: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82045: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82044" SLES-82046: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82047: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82046" SLES-82048: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLES-82049: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82048" SLES-82050: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "PAL-E-F" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82042" SLES-82051: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "PAL-I" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82044" SLES-82052: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "PAL-G" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82046" SLES-82053: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "PAL-S" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLES-82048" SLKA-15001: name: "Barbarian" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15002: name: "Space Raiders" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15003: name: "Siksin-ui Seong II" # Shikigami no Shiro II region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15004: name: "Gunbird - Premium Package" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15005: name: "Strikers 1945 I-II" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes part II intro screen. SLKA-15006: name: "Knight Rider - The Game" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes brake lights. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes graphical issues. SLKA-15007: name: "GrowLanser2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack SLKA-15008: name: "Choro Q HG 2" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLKA-15009: name: "Hudson Selection Vol. 4 - Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15011: name: "XII Stag" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15013: name: "Grand Slam 2003 Tennis" # Hard Hitter 2 region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves ground texture rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-15015: name: "Ichigeki Sacchuu!! HoiHoi-San" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15016: name: "Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15018: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes target loss issue. SLKA-15019: name: "F1 Career Challenge" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLKA-15020: name: "Aliens Versus Predator - Extinction" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15021: name: "Growlanser 3 - The Dual Darkness" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack SLKA-15022: name: "Speed Kings" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15023: name: "Assault Suits Valken" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15025: name: "Space Invaders Anniversary" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15028: name: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 6 - Love - Upper!" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15029: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 37 - The Shooting - Double Shienryu" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15030: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 5 - The Block Kuzushi Hyper" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15031: name: "Princess Maker" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15032: name: "Gradius V" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-15033: name: "Princess Maker 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15034: name: "Kinnikuman Generations" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15035: name: "Saiyuuki Reload Gunlock" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15037: name: "Tengai Premium Package" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15041: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 55 - The Catfight: Joneko Densetsu" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15042: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 63 - Mogitate Mizugi! Onna Mamire no: The Suiei Taikai" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15043: name: "Super Puzzle Bobble Collection Vol 1" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15044: name: "Super Puzzle Bobble Collection Vol 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15045: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 61 - The OneeChambara" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15051: name: "Yokushin - GigaWing Generations" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15054: name: "Simple 2000 Series - The Daemiin" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15055: name: "Raiden III" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15056: name: "Taito Legends" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15058: name: "The Terra Defence Force 2" name-sort: "Terra Defence Force, The 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-15060: name: "Raiden III" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25001: name: "Silent Hill 2" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLKA-25002: name: "Energy Airforce" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25003: name: "Herdy Gerdy" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25004: name: "007 - Nightfire" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog lines in the distance. SLKA-25006: name: "Twin Caliber" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25007: name: "Spy Fiction" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25009: name: "Kengo 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25010: name: "Super Battle Bongsin" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25011: name: "Reign of Fire" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25012: name: "Devil May Cry 2 Dante" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25013: name: "Devil May Cry 2 Lucia" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25012" SLKA-25014: name: "Evolution Snowboarding" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25015: name: "Evolution Skateboarding" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25018: name: "Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25020: name: "TimeSplitters 2" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes texture slight misalignment. SLKA-25021: name: "Shinobi" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25024: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25025: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 - International" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25026: name: "Chaos Legion" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in item menu. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow shadow of legions. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes green vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes vertical lines and some font artifacts but not completely fixed. SLKA-25027: name: "NBA Street Vol. 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25028: name: "Mission - Impossible - Operation Surma" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25029: name: "MVP Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing environment. SLKA-25030: name: "WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25031: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25032: name: "Enter the Matrix" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes various VIF errors. SLKA-25033: name: "Gregory Horror Show" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 1 SLKA-25034: name: "Real Bass Fishing - Top Angler" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25035: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Lost War Chronicles" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25038: name: "Gun Survivor 4 - BioHazard - Heroes Never Die" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes character offset with flashlight and blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes flame-like bleeding. SLKA-25039: name: "Burnout 2 - Point of Impact" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns bloom effect a little bit better when upscaled. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Reduces color banding of the sun glare. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Bright lights in cars. SLKA-25041: name: "Armored Core 3 - Silent Line" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25041" - "SLPM-67524" SLKA-25042: name: "Tamamayu Monogatari 2 Horobi no Mushi" # Jade Cocoon 2 region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25043: name: "Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25044: name: "Robotech - Battlecry" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25045: name: "The King of Fighters 2000" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2000, The" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25046: name: "Dragon Ball Z" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. SLKA-25047: name: "Shin Combat Choro Q" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25048: name: "Makai Senki Disgaea" # Disgaea - Hour of Darkness region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25049: name: "Metal Slug 3" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Stops excessive VRAM usage with preloading on. SLKA-25050: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25051: name: "Clock Tower 3" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25052: name: "Air Ranger 2 - Rescue Helicopter" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25053: name: "Def Jam - Vendetta" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25054: name: "Grand Prix Challenge" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25055: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assasin" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25056: name: "Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25057: name: "All-Star Baseball 2004 featuring Derek Jeter" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25059: name: "Pride FC - Fighting Championships" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25060: name: "I.Q Remix+" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25061: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25062: name: "Dragon Ball Z 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25063: name: "Kaido Battle" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLKA-25064: name: "Tenchu 3 Wrath of Heaven" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25065: name: "Silent Hill 3" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes some lighting/shadow artefacts (most light sources like the Flashlight are unaffected). gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes blackscreen when FMV. SLKA-25066: name: "Zone of the Enders - The 2nd Runner SE" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25067: name: "Unlimited Saga" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25070: name: "Guilty Gear XX Reload - The Midnight Carnival" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25071: name: "Tantei Jinguji Saburo 8 Innocent Black" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25072: name: "Maximo vs. Army of Zin" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around environmental objects. SLKA-25073: name: "Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lava effect. SLKA-25076: name: "Jin Yeosin Jeonsaeng III - Nocturne" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25077: name: "Culdcept II - Expansion" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25078: name: "Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25080: name: ".hack//감염확대 Vol.1" name-sort: ".hack Infection Part 1" name-en: ".hack//Infection Part 1" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. SLKA-25081: name: "SD Gundam G Generation Neo" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25082: name: "Castlevania" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLKA-25084: name: "Shutokou Battle 01" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Improves visual clarity whilst upscaling. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces graphics garbage on UI whilst upscaling. SLKA-25085: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 3 - Maengjangjeon" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25086: name: "NBA Live 2004" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLKA-25087: name: "FIFA Soccer 2004" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLKA-25088: name: "Sangokushi Senki 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25090: name: "Starsky & Hutch" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25091: name: "Bansug Yeongung vs. 3D" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25092: name: "Onimusha Buraiden" region: "NTSC-K" memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25092" - "SLKA-25093" SLKA-25093: name: "Onimusha 3 Demon Siege" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Makes sure enemies appear correctly. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25092" - "SLKA-25093" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes various lines / reduces bars on right edge. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes textureless graphics ingame. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Gets rid of center vertical line when upscaling. SLKA-25095: name: "Madden NFL 2004" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25097: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25098: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25099: name: "The Urbz - Sims in the City" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLKA-25100: name: "Breath of Fire V - Dragon Quarter" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25102: name: "Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25103: name: "Neon Genesis Evangelion 2" # Shin Seiki Evangelion 2 - Evangelions region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25105: name: "XIII" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25107: name: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes FMVs to be visible. SLKA-25108: name: "Eve Burst Error Plus" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25109: name: "Shirachuu Tankenbu" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25110: name: "NBA Live 2005" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLKA-25111: name: "The King of Fighters 2001" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2001, The" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25112: name: "The King of Fighters 2001" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2001, The" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25113: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25114: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 2 - Maengjangjeon" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25115: name: "Rockman X7" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For camera issues in some scenes. gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes black screens. SLKA-25116: name: "WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25117: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25118: name: "SSX 3" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25120: name: "Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLKA-25121: name: "Vexx" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes geometry alignment, removing lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes underwater rendering. SLKA-25122: name: "Sonic Heroes" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25123: name: "Taishou Mononoke Ibunroku" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25125: name: "SNK vs. Capcom - Chaos" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25128: name: "Sangokushi IX" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25129: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLKA-25130: name: "Bloody Roar 4" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25131: name: "Project Altered Beast" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25132: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam Encounters in Space" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25133: name: "AirForce - Delta Strike" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25134: name: "NBA Street V3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25135: name: "Kunoichi" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SLKA-25136: name: "Need for Speed - Underground" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLKA-25137: name: "The Sims - Bustin' Out" name-sort: "Sims, The - Bustin' Out" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, font and others. SLKA-25138: name: ".hack//악성변이 Vol.2" name-sort: ".hack Mutation Part 2" name-en: ".hack//Mutation Part 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25139: name: "Fu-un Shinsengumi" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25140: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25142: name: "Tak and the Power of Juju" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25143: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4" # Dynasty Warriors 4 region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25144: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLKA-25145: name: ".hack//침식오염 Vol.3" name-sort: ".hack Outbreak Part 3" name-en: ".hack//Outbreak Part 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25146: name: "Kaido Battle 2 - Chain Reaction" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLKA-25148: name: "MVP Baseball 2004" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25149: name: "Silent Hill 4 - The Room" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes invisible wall in front of the door leading to East 3F in the 2nd visit of Apartment world preventing Eileen's Nurse Outfit. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset shadow from player character. SLKA-25150: name: "Bujingai" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25152: name: "Hajime no Ippo All-Stars" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25153: name: "Winning Eleven 10 - Liveware Edition" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25154: name: "Seven Samurai 20XX" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25155: name: "Crimson Sea 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25156: name: "Medal of Honor - Vanguard" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes occasional vertical lines. SLKA-25158: name: "Shining Force EXA" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25159: name: "Astro Boy" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes character behaviour. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes flame bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLKA-25160: name: "Jin Yeosin Jeonsaeng III - Nocturne Maniax" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25161: name: "Aqua Kids" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25165: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Seed Destiny - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II Plus" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes target loss issue. SLKA-25166: name: "Sengoku Musou" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25167: name: "The King of Fighters XI" name-sort: "King of Fighters XI, The" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25168: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25169: name: "UEFA Euro 2004 - Portugal" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25170: name: "SD Gundam G Generation Seed" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25171: name: "Guon" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Sugoroku mini-game. speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # This option enabled brings about 15% more FPS when I tested it, *your experience may differ. mtvu: 0 # For some reason this games halves the internal game FPS with this option. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes red cracklines on walls. SLKA-25172: name: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLKA-25173: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25174: name: ".hack//절대포위 Vol.4" name-sort: ".hack Quarantine Part 4" name-en: ".hack//Quarantine Part 4" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25175: name: "Transformers" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLKA-25176: name: "Pump It Up - Exceed" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25180: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom on light sources. SLKA-25181: name: "Energy Airforce Aim Strike" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects post-processing effect on jet exhausts. SLKA-25182: name: "Hajime no Ippo2 Victorious Road" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25183: name: "Street Fighter - Anniversary Collection" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25185: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLKA-25186: name: "The King of Fighters - Maximum Impact [Limited Edition]" name-sort: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25187: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 3 - Empires" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25188: name: "Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25192: name: "Need for Speed - Underground" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLKA-25193: name: "Gwimuja 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25196: name: "Driv3r" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Aligns and corrects shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes car textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Alleviates text and sky rendering issues. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes car and bike exhaust smoke rendering. SLKA-25198: name: "Tenchu Kurenai" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25199: name: "Geomho 3" # Kengo 3 region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25200: name: "SSX 3 [PlayStation 2 - Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25201: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25201" - "SLKA-25202" SLKA-25202: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25201" - "SLKA-25202" SLKA-25203: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25204: name: "Showdown - Legends of Wrestling" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25205: name: "Dragon Ball Z 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25206: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLKA-25207: name: "Sakura Taisen V - Episode 0 - Samurai Girl of Wild" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25208: name: "From TV Animation - One Piece - Round the Land!" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25209: name: "FIFA 2005" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLKA-25210: name: "Summer Heat Beach Volleyball" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25211: name: "King of Fighters - Maximum Impact" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25212: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25213: name: "Berserk" # Berserk - Cheonnyeonjegug-ui mae pyeon Seongmajeongiui Jan region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Partially fixes HUD elements. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur around objects and enemies. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLKA-25214: name: "Final Fantasy X - International [PlayStation 2 - Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes character flickering caused by EE clamp full. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLKA-25215: name: "Shining Wind" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - DMABusyHack SLKA-25216: #serial used on printed labels only, internal serial is always SLPM-67508 name: "Gitaroo-Man [BigHit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. SLKA-25217: name: "Shining Tears" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25218: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLKA-25219: name: "Monster Hunter G" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLKA-25220: name: "Viewtiful Joe - A New Hope" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25221: name: "Busin 0 - Wizardry Alternative Neo" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects blur effects in menus. roundSprite: 2 # Aligns some text/graphics when upscaling. SLKA-25222: name: "Rockman X8" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLKA-25223: name: "K.League - Winning Eleven 8 - Asia Championship" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25224: name: "Detective Saburo Jinguji 9 - Kind of Blue" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25225: name: "Dororo" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLKA-25226: name: "The Incredibles" name-sort: "Incredibles, The" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLKA-25227: name: "Neo Contra" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. SLKA-25228: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25230: name: "Def Jam - Fight for NY" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25232: name: "Naruto Narutimett Hero International" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25233: name: "Sonic - Mega Collection Plus" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25234: name: "Rumble Roses" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25235: name: "FIFA Street" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25237: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Third Age" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLKA-25240: name: "WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25241: name: "Need for Speed - Underground 2" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLKA-25242: name: "Fight Night Round 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25243: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLKA-25244: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25245: name: "Spongebob SquarePants - Movin' With Friends" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25246: name: "The Bard's Tale" name-sort: "Bard's Tale, The" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLKA-25247: name: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25249: name: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim [with Guide Book]" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLKA-25250: name: "GoldenEye - Rogue Agent" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25251: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLKA-25252: name: "Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Removes occasional SPS where the head goes into nightmare fuel. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces ghosting even more. SLKA-25254: name: "Digimon Rumble Arena 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes menu options freaking out. SLKA-25255: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25257: name: "Fu-un Bakumatsu Den" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25258: name: "The Story of the Hero Yoshitsune" name-sort: "Story of the Hero Yoshitsune, The" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25259: name: "Swords of Destiny" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25260: name: "Burnout Dominator" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25261: name: "Tsukiyo ni Saraba" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25262: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25263: name: "NanoBreaker" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25264: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLKA-25265: name: "Devil May Cry 3" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLKA-25266: name: "Sangokushi IX [PlayStation 2 - Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25268: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam vs. Z-Gundam" # Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gundam vs Z Gundam region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25270: name: "Armored Core - Formula Front" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken shadow caused by HPO 1. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLKA-25271: name: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLKA-25272: name: "Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25274: name: "Princess Maker 4" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25275: name: "The King of Fighters 2002-2003" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2002-2003, The" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25276: name: "The King of Fighters 2003" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2003, The" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25277: name: "Brothers In Arms - Road to Hill 30" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness, there are still ghosting issues for like lighting poles. SLKA-25278: name: "MVP Baseball 2005" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25279: name: "Hello Kitty - Rescue Mission" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25280: name: "Ryu ga Gotoku 2 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-K" memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25280" - "SLKA-25342" SLKA-25281: name: "Ryu ga Gotoku 2 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-K" memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25280" - "SLKA-25342" SLKA-25282: name: "MX vs. ATV Unleashed" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25283: name: "Juiced" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLKA-25284: name: "Sakura Taisen 3" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 1 SLKA-25287: name: "Metal Slug 4 & 5" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25288: name: "Metal Slug 5" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25289: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25290: name: "Super Monkey Ball Deluxe" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes object balls never stopping in the Monkey Billiards DX minigame. SLKA-25291: name: "Chains of Power" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on sun. SLKA-25292: name: "Batman Begins" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLKA-25296: name: "Inuyasha - Feudal Combat" # Inuyasha - Ougi Ranbu region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25297: name: "Taito Memories - Joukan [Special Package]" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLKA-25298: name: "Winning Eleven 9" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25299: name: "From TV Animation - One Piece - Grand Battle! Combat Rush" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25300: name: "Digital Devil Saga [Special Package]" region: "NTSC-J-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLKA-25301: name: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25301" - "SLKA-25300" SLKA-25303: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLKA-25304: name: "Burnout Revenge" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLKA-25305: name: "Taito Memories - Gekan" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25306: name: "Evil Dead - Regeneration" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25307: name: "Dragon Ball Z Sparking" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLKA-25308: name: "Sonic Gems Collection" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25309: name: "Indigo Prophecy" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25310: name: "Musou Orochi" region: "NTSC-J" SLKA-25311: name: "Marvel Nemesis - Rise of the Imperfects" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25313: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces bloom but fixes blurriness around models + Recommended to use Shadeboost brightness 80. SLKA-25314: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T." region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes target loss issue. SLKA-25315: name: "NBA Live 06" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLKA-25316: name: "Disney/Pixar Mr. Incredible - Kyouteki Underminer Toujou" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25317: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 [PlayStation 2 - Big Hit Series]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25318: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25319: name: "Spongebob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, PANTS" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25320: name: "Ikusa Gami" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SLKA-25321: name: "K.League - Winning Eleven 9 - Asia Championship" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25322: name: "Guilty Gear XX - Slash" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25323: name: "FIFA '06" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLKA-25325: name: "SSX On Tour" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25327: name: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLKA-25328: name: "Castlevania - Curse of Darkness" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with microVU. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing blade. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes to be bigger. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25328" - "SLKA-25082" SLKA-25329: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4 - Maengjangjeon" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLKA-25330: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Spikes all over the place otherwise. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes light shinging through objects. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes light shining through objects. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLKA-25331: name: "Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25332: name: "Guilty Gear XX Slash - The Midnight Carnival" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25333: name: "Metal Slug Complete" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25334: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). SLKA-25335: name: "Shadow the Hedgehog" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves smoke rendering. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25337: name: "Peter Jackson's King Kong - The Official Game of the Movie" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLKA-25338: name: "The Godfather" name-sort: "Godfather, The" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLKA-25339: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25340: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25341: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLKA-25342: name: "Ryu ga Gotoku" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLKA-25343: name: "Thrillville - Off the Rails" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25344: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes building and ground colours. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25345: name: "Disney's Chicken Little" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25346: name: "Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLKA-25349: name: "Jacked" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25351: name: "One Piece Pirates Carnival" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25352: name: "Full Metal Alchemist - Dream Carnival" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25353: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Limited Edition] [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLKA-25354: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Limited Edition] [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25353" SLKA-25355: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Limited Edition] [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLKA-25353" SLKA-25358: name: "Sonic Riders" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves track and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-25359: name: "Winning Eleven 9 - Liveware Edition" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25360: name: "Samurai Champloo" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25361: name: "Keroro Gunsou MeroMero Battle Royale Z" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible text. SLKA-25362: name: "Sega Rally 2006" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes rainbow textures. SLKA-25363: name: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLKA-25364: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Climax U.C." region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25365: name: "WWE Smack Down Vs RAW 2008" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25366: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles 2" # Naruto: Konoha Spirits!!" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Fixes game freezing. SLKA-25367: name: "Superman Returns" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLKA-25368: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLKA-25371: name: "Arangjeon - Breakblow" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25372: name: "Black" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLKA-25373: name: "Fight Night Round 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25374: name: "FIFA Street 2" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruptions. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes corrupted graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken icons on HUD. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLKA-25375: name: "Transformers - The Game" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out texture transitions. SLKA-25377: name: "OutRun 2006 - Coast 2 Coast" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned + font artifacts. SLKA-25378: name: "FIFA World Cup Germany 2006" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25379: name: "Jeonguk Mussang 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25380: name: "WinBack 2 - Project Poseidon" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25381: name: "Winning Eleven 10" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25382: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25384: name: "Blazing Souls" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25385: name: "Spider-Man 3" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes idle camera behaviour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. SLKA-25388: name: "One Piece - Grand Adventure" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes character outlines, shadow misaligment and more. SLKA-25389: name: "Shinobido Imashime" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Otherwise freezes in some spot. SLKA-25390: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25391: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 3 - Empires" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25393: name: "Metal Slug 6" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25394: name: "The King of Fighters - Maximum Impact 2" name-sort: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25395: name: "NBA Live 07" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25396: name: "FIFA '07" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLKA-25397: name: "Dragon Ball Z Sparking NEO" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLKA-25398: name: "Jeonguk Mussang 2 - Empires" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25399: name: "The Sims 2 - Pets" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. SLKA-25401: name: "FlatOut 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLKA-25402: name: "Devil May Cry 3" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLKA-25404: name: "NBA Live 08" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25405: name: "GrimGrimoire" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLKA-25406: name: "The King of Fighters - Maximum Impact - Regulation A" name-sort: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact - Regulation A" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25407: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Sparkling! Meteor" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLKA-25408: name: "FIFA '08" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25409: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLKA-25410: name: "BioHazard 4" # Resident Evil 4 region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLKA-25411: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLKA-25412: name: "Sengoku Basara 2 - Heroes" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25413: name: "SD Gundam G - Generation Spirits" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25414: name: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLKA-25417: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25422: name: "Silent Hill - Origins" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes black textures and flashlight circle not working. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes grey text. SLKA-25423: name: "Sega Rally 2006" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes rainbow textures. SLKA-25424: name: "SNK Arcade Classics Vol.1" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25425: name: "Shining Tears" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25427: name: "Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25428: name: "Sonic Riders" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25429: name: "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25430: name: "Ryuu ga Gotoku" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25431: name: "Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Innocent Black" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25432: name: "The King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match" name-sort: "King of Fighters '98, The - Ultimate Match" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25433: name: "Samurai Spirits - 6beonui Seungbu" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25434: name: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLKA-25435: name: "Sengoku Basara X" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLKA-25436: name: "DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLKA-25437: name: "Street Fighter Anniversary Collection" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25438: name: "Taito Memories II - Joukan" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25439: name: "Taito Memories II - Gekan" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25441: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 - Gundam Meisters" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLKA-25442: name: "007 - Quantum of Solace" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25443: name: "Musou Orochi Maou Sairin" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-25444: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Infinite World" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLKA-25446: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLKA-25447: name: "FIFA '09" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLKA-25448: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25449: name: "Call of Duty - World at War - Final Fronts" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and depth lines. SLKA-25450: name: "Jikkyou Powerful Major League 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25451: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25452: name: "Viewtiful Joe - A New Hope" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25453: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25454: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25455: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25456: name: "Jikkyou Powerful Major League 2009" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25457: name: "The King of Fighters 2002 - Unlimited Match" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2002, The - Unlimited Match" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25458: name: "The King of Fighters Collection - The Orochi Saga" name-sort: "King of Fighters Collection, The - The Orochi Saga" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25459: name: "Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. SLKA-25463: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25464: name: "FIFA 10" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25465: name: "Silent Hill - Shattered Memories" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25466: name: "Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress + Premium Best [Disc 1 of 2 - Empress Disc]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25467: name: "Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress + Premium Best [Disc 2 of 2 - Premium Best Disc]" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25468: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25470: name: "Zone of the Enders - The 2nd Runner - Special Edition" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25471: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLKA-25472: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLKA-25475: name: "FIFA 11" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25477: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25478: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-25480: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-29012: name: "TimeSplitters 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-29017: name: "SSX Tricky" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanish into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLKA-29027: name: "NBA Live 2004" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-35001: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes depth of field blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLKA-35003: name: "Sakura Taisen - Atsuki Chishioni" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLKA-35004: name: "Sakura Wars 5 So Long My Love" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SakuraWarsSoLongMyLove" SLKA-35005: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 5 - Special" region: "NTSC-K" SLKA-90502: name: "SSX 3" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLKA-90503: name: "Need for Speed - Underground" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLPM-20391: name: "Saiyuki Gunlock" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-20436: name: "Sakigake!! Otokojuku" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-55002: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55003: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted [EASY 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). SLPM-55004: name: "Burnout Revenge (EASY 1980)" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-55005: name: マナケミア2 〜おちた学園と錬金術士たち〜 name-sort: まなけみあ2 おちたがくえんとれんきんじゅつしたち name-en: "Mana Khemia 2 - Ochita Gakuen to Renkinjutsushi Tachi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes missing graphical effects. SLPM-55006: name: "Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka - Parallel" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55008: name: 戦国BASARA X name-sort: せんごくばさら X name-en: "Sengoku Basara X" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-55009: name: "L no Kisetsu 2 - Invisible Memories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55010: name: "LoveDrops" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55012: name: "Ppoi! Hito Natsu no Keiken!?" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55013: name: "Sorayume" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55014: name: ARIA The ORIGINATION 〜蒼い惑星のエルシエロ〜 name-sort: ありあ じ おりじねーしょん あおいほしののえるしえろ name-en: "Aria - The Origination - Aoi Hoshi no El Cielo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55015: name: "Yotsunoha - A Journey of Sincerity [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55016: name: "Yotsunoha - A Journey of Sincerity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55017: name: "Taito Memories II - Joukan [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-55018: name: "Taito Memories II - Gekan [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-55019: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLPM-55020: name: "Kingdom Hearts II - Final Mix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55021: name: "Kingdom Hearts - Re -Chain of Memories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55022: name: ファイナルファンタジーXII [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー12 [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Final Fantasy XII [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55023: name: ドラゴンクエスト&ファイナルファンタジー in いただきストリートSpecial name-sort: どらごんくえすと&ふぁいなるふぁんたじー in いただきすとりーとSpecial name-en: "Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55024: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球15 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう15 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 15" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55028: name: "Secret Game - Killer Queen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55029: name: "Galaxy Angel II - Zettai Ryouiki no Tobira" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55031: name: "Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Battle da yo! Hannin Shuugou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55032: name: "Piyo-tan - Oyashiki Sennyuu Daisakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55033: name: Jリーグウイニングイレブン 2008 クラブチャンピオンシップ name-sort: Jりーぐういにんぐいれぶん 2008 くらぶちゃんぴおんしっぷ name-en: "J. League Winning Eleven 2008 - Club Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55034: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat [EASY 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLPM-55035: name: "Fight Night Round 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55036: name: "Burnout Dominator (EASY 1980)" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-55037: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault [EASY 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-55038: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Removes blur due to misaligned fullscreen effect. SLPM-55039: name: "Soukoku no Kusabi - Hiiro no Kakera 3 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55040: name: "Soukoku no Kusabi - Hiiro no Kakera 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55041: name: "Kanokon Esuii" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55042: name: "Suika A.S+ Eternal Name - Sweet So Sweet [Best Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55044: name: "Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Wonder World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55046: name: "TOCA Race Driver 3 - The Ultimate Racing Simulator [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLPM-55047: name: Sugar+Spice! 〜あの子のステキな何もかも〜 name-sort: しゅがーすぱいす あのこのすてきななにもかも name-en: "Sugar+Spice! - Anoko no Suteki na Nanimokamo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55048: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55051: name: "Will o' Wisp - Easter no Kiseki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55052: name: "Triggerheart Exelica Enhanced" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55053: name: "Shi no Homura" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55054: name: "Kanuchi - Shiroki Tsubasa no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55055: name: "Kanuchi - Shiroki Tsubasa no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55056: name: "Wrestle Angels Survivor 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: -2 # Fixes FMV playback. SLPM-55057: name: "Hakushaku to Yousei - Yume to Kizuna ni Omoi o Hasete" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55058: name: "Wrestle Angels Survivor 2" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: -2 # Fixes FMV playback. SLPM-55059: name: "Kanuchi - Shiroki Tsubasa no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55060: name: "D.Gray-man - Sousha no Shikaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55061: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [EA-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLPM-55062: name: 実況パワフルメジャーリーグ3 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるめじゃーりーぐ3 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Major League 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55063: name: 薄桜鬼 新選組奇譚 限定版 name-sort: はくおうき しんせんぐみきたん [げんていばん] name-en: "Hakuouki - Shinsengumi Kitan [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55064: name: 薄桜鬼 新選組奇譚 name-sort: はくおうき しんせんぐみきたん name-en: "Hakuouki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55065: name: 神代學園幻光録 クル・ヌ・ギ・ア name-sort: かみよりがくえんげんこうろく くる・ぬ・ぎ・あ name-en: "Kamiyo Gakuen Makorouku Kurunugia" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 938DF440: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00131A64,word,10000003 SLPM-55067: name: "Koi-hime Musou - Doki Otome Darake no Sangokushi Engi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55069: name: "Saishuu Shiken Kujira - Alive [Sweet So Sweet]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55070: name: "Yumemi Hakusho - Second Dream [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55071: name: "Yumemi Hakusho - Second Dream" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55072: name: "G1 Jockey 4 2008" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55076: name: "Medal of Honor - Vanguard" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes occasional vertical lines. SLPM-55077: name: SSX3 [EASY 1980] name-sort: SSX3 [EASY 1980] name-en: "SSX 3 [EASY 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-55079: name: "Scarlet - Nichijou no Kyoukaisen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55080: name: "Drag-on Dragoon [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Characters are visible in-game. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned white lines. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes missing HUD. SLPM-55081: name: ドラッグオンドラグーン2 〜封印の紅 背徳の黒〜 name-sort: どらっぐおんどらぐーん2 ふういんのあか はいとくのくろ name-en: "Drag-on Dragoon 2 - Fuuin no Aka, Haitoku no Kuro [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes wrong color on some characters and breakable objects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting characters. mergeSprite: 1 # Align sprite fixes FMVs but not garbage in-game, so needs merge sprite instead. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SLPM-55082: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (Disc 1)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55083: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55086: name: "Ever17 The Out of Infinity [Renai Game Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55087: name: "Remember11 The Age of Infinity [Renai Game Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55088: name: "Never7 The Age of Infinity [Renai Game Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55089: name: "Naxat Soft Reach Mania Vol. 1 - CR Galaxy Angel" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55090: name: "DanceDanceRevolution X" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55092: name: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLPM-55093: name: "Galaxy Angel II - Mugen Kairou no Kagi (Disc 1)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55094: name: "Galaxy Angel II - Mugen Kairou no Kagi (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55095: name: "Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica - The Black - Episode 1 & 2 CS Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55096: name: THUNDERFORCE VI name-sort: THUNDERFORCE VI name-en: "ThunderForce VI" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-55097: name: "NBA Live 09" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-55098: name: "Koi suru Otome to Shugo no Tate - The Shield of AIGIS" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55101: name: "Memories Off Duet - 1st and 2nd Stories [Renai Game Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55102: name: "Pia Carrot he Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_PointListPalette" SLPM-55103: name: "Monochrome Factor - Cross Road" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55104: name: "Real Rode" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55106: name: "Arcana Heart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55108: name: フェイト/アンリミテッドコード name-sort: ふぇいと/あんりみてっどこーど name-en: "Fate - Unlimited Codes" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes bow porjectile trajectories. SLPM-55109: name: "Major League Baseball 2K8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55110: name: マーセナリーズ2 ワールド イン フレームス name-sort: まーせなりーず2 わーるど いん ふれーむす name-en: "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55112: name: "Sangokushi 11 with Power-Up Kit" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55113: name: "WinBack 2 - Project Poseidon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55114: name: マナケミア2 〜おちた学園と錬金術士たち〜 [ガストベストプライス] name-sort: まなけみあ2 おちたがくえんとれんきんじゅつしたち [がすとべすとぷらいす] name-en: "Mana Khemia 2 - Ochita Gakuen to Renkinjutsushi Tachi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes missing graphical effects. SLPM-55115: name: "Dokapon Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55117: name: "Beatmania IIDX 15 - DJ Troopers" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55118: name: ギャラクシーエンジェルII 永劫回帰の刻 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇるII えいごうかいきのこく [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Galaxy Angel II - Eigou Kaiki no Koku [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces misaligned lighting and other effects. SLPM-55119: name: ギャラクシーエンジェルII 永劫回帰の刻 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇるII えいごうかいきのこく [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Galaxy Angel II - Eigou Kaiki no Koku [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-55118" SLPM-55120: name: 不確定世界の探偵紳士 〜悪行双麻の事件ファイル〜 初回限定版 name-sort: ふかくていせかいのたんていしんし 〜あくぎょうそうあさのじけんふぁいる〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Fukakutei Sekai no Tantei Shinshi - Akugyou Souma no Jiken File [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55121: name: 不確定世界の探偵紳士 〜悪行双麻の事件ファイル〜 name-sort: ふかくていせかいのたんていしんし 〜あくぎょうそうあさのじけんふぁいる〜 name-en: "Fukakutei Sekai no Tantei Shinshi - Akugyou Souma no Jiken File" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55122: name: ガンダム無双2 name-sort: がんだむむそう2 name-en: "Gundam Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55125: name: "Hakarena Heart - Kimi ga Tame ni Kagayaki o" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55127: name: ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーカバー name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーかばー name-en: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLPM-55128: name: "Rugby 08" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55130: name: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 5 - Kanzenban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55131: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン2009 name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん2009 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55132: name: "Kira Kira - Rock 'N' Roll Show" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55134: name: "FIFA '09 - World Class Soccer" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLPM-55135: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned effect when in-game Trails option is turned on. SLPM-55136: name: "Clear - Atarashii Kaze no Fuku Oka de" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55137: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Yume no Ukihashi Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55138: name: 遙かなる時空の中で 夢浮橋 Special name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで ゆめのうきはし Special name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Yume no Ukihashi Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55139: name: "Drift Nights - Juiced 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55140: name: "Silent Hill 4 - The Room [Konami Dendou Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes invisible wall in front of the door leading to East 3F in the 2nd visit of Apartment world preventing Eileen's Nurse Outfit. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset shadow from player character. SLPM-55141: name: "Destroy All Humans! [THQ Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLPM-55143: name: "Biohazard - Code - Veronica - Kanzenban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55144: name: "NBA Live 08" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-55145: name: "Akudaikan 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55146: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球2009 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう2009 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2009" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55147: name: すっごい! アルカナハート2 name-sort: すっごい! あるかなはーと2 name-en: "Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55148: name: 007 / 慰めの報酬 name-sort: 007 / なぐさめのほうしゅう name-en: "007 - Nagusame no Houshuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55149: name: "Loveroot Zero - Kiss Kiss Labyrinth" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55150: name: "Winning Post World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55151: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLPM-55152: name: "Slotter Up Core 11 - Kyojin no Hoshi IV - Seishun Gunzou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55153: name: "Tsuyokiss 2 Gakki - Swift Love [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55154: name: "Tsuyokiss 2 Gakki - Swift Love" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55155: name: 実況パワフルメジャーリーグ2009 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるめじゃーりーぐ2009 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Major League 2009" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55156: name: "D.C.I.F. - Da Capo Innocent Finale" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55157: name: "Sangokushi X" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55158: name: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55159: name: "Hyakko - Yorozuya Jikenbo!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55160: name: "Kanuchi - Kuroki Tsubasa no Shou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55161: name: "Kanuchi - Kuroki Tsubasa no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55162: name: "Myself; Yourself - Sorezore no Finale [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55163: name: "Myself; Yourself - Sorezore no Finale" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55164: name: "Myself; Yourself [Yeti Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55165: name: "Aoishiro [SuperLite 2000 Adventure]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55166: name: "Kazeiro Surf [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55167: name: "Kazeiro Surf" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55168: name: "Arcobaleno! [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55169: name: "Arcobaleno!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55170: name: スキップ・ビート name-sort: すきっぷ・びーと name-en: "Skip Beat!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55173: name: "Strike Witches - Anata to Dekiru Koto [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55174: name: "Strike Witches - Anata to Dekiru Koto - A Little Peaceful Days" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55175: name: "Under the Moon - Crescent" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55176: name: "Wand of Fortune [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55177: name: "Wand of Fortune" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55182: name: Jリーグ ウイニングイレブン2009 クラブチャンピオンシップ name-sort: Jりーぐ ういにんぐいれぶん2009 くらぶちゃんぴおんしっぷ name-en: "J. League Winning Eleven 2009 - Club Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55183: name: "Melty Blood - Actress Again" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55184: name: メルティブラッド アクトレスアゲイン name-sort: めるてぃぶらっど あくとれすあげいん name-en: "Melty Blood - Actress Again" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-55185: name: "Sweet Honey Coming [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55186: name: "Sweet Honey Coming" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55187: name: "Canvas 3 - Tanshoku no Pastel" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55188: name: "Rosario to Vampire Capu 2 - Koi to Yume no Rapsodia [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55189: name: "Rosario to Vampire Capu 2 - Koi to Yume no Rapsodia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55190: name: "L2 - Love x Loop" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55191: name: L2 Love×Loop name-sort: L2 Love×Loop name-en: "L2 - Love x Loop" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 9F9DCD8A: content: |- author=PSI, kozarovv // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,001B4828,word,10000008 SLPM-55192: name: "Nuga-Cel! Nurture Garment Celebration" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55193: name: "Nuga-Cel! Nurture Garment Celebration" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55194: name: "Luxury & Beauty - Lucian Bee's - Resurrection Supernova" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55195: name: "Princess Lover! Eternal Love for My Lady" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55197: name: "Memories Off 6 - Next Relation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55200: name: "Touka Gettan - Koufuu no Ryouou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55201: name: "Shirogane no Soleil - Contract to the Future - Mirai he no Keiyaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55202: name: "Shuumatsu Shoujo Gensou Alicematic Apocalypse [Russel Games Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55203: name: "Little Busters! Converted Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55205: name: "S.Y.K Shinsetsu Saiyuuki [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55206: name: "S.Y.K Shinsetsu Saiyuuki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55207: name: 薄桜鬼 随想録 限定版 name-sort: はくおうき ずいそうろく [げんていばん] name-en: "Hakuouki - Zuisouroku [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55208: name: 薄桜鬼 随想録 name-sort: はくおうき ずいそうろく name-en: "Hakuouki - Zuisouroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55209: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55210: name: ファイナルファンタジーXII インターナショナル ゾディアックジョブシステム [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー12 いんたーなしょなる ぞでぃあっくじょぶしすてむ [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55211: name: "Pachislot Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55212: name: "Jigoku Shoujo Mioyosuga [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55213: name: "Jigoku Shoujo Mioyosuga" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55214: name: "Hiiro no Kakera - Shin Tamayori-hime Denshou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55215: name: "Hiiro no Kakera - Shin Tamayori-hime Denshou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55216: name: "Hiiro no Kakera - Tamayori-hime Kitan [Aizou-ban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55217: name: "Shin Hisui no Shizuku - Hiiro no Kakera 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55218: name: "Sengoku-hime - Senran ni Mau Otome-tachi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55219: name: "Osouji Sentai Clean Keeper H [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Fixes poor performance. SLPM-55220: name: "Osouji Sentai Clean Keeper H" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Fixes poor performance. SLPM-55221: name: "Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress + Premium Best [Disc 1 of 2 - Empress Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55222: name: "Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress + Premium Best [Disc 2 of 2 - Premium Best Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55223: name: "NadePro!! Kisama mo Seiyuu Yatte Miro!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55226: name: FIFA10 ワールドクラスサッカー name-sort: FIFA10 わーるどくらすさっかー name-en: "FIFA 10 - World Class Soccer" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLPM-55227: name: "Sekirei - Mirai kara no Okurimono" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55228: name: "Slotter Up Mania 11 - 2027 vs. 2027 II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55229: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI ヴァナ・ディール コレクション2 name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 ゔぁな・でぃーる これくしょん2 name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Vana'diel Collection 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55231: name: "Silent Hill - Shattered Memories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55233: name: "Kin'iro no Corda" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55234: name: "Zill O'll Infinite" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55236: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (Disc 1) (Subsistence)" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-55237: name: "Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55239: name: "Death Connection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55240: name: "ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two. [Shokai Gentei Tokubetsu Doukonban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55241: name: "ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55242: name: "Gundam Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55243: name: スズノネセブン!〜Rebirth Knot〜 name-sort: すずのねせぶん Rebirth Knot name-en: "Suzunone Seven - Rebirth Knot" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55244: name: EA:SY!1980ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーカバー name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーかばー [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "Need for Speed - Undercover [Ea-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLPM-55245: name: ひまわり -Pebble in the Sky- name-sort: ひまわり -Pebble in the Sky- name-en: "Himawari - Pebble in the Sky" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55246: name: "Wand of Fortune - Mirai he no Prologue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55247: name: "S.Y.K Renshouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55248: name: "Kin'iro no Corda 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55250: name: "Warship Gunner 2 - Kurogane no Houkou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55251: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 太閤立志伝V name-sort: たいこうりっしでんV [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55252: name: プロ野球スピリッツ2010 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ2010 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2010" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55253: name: "Winning Post World 2010" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55255: name: "Clover no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Wonder World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55256: name: "Luxury & Beauty - Lucian Bee's - Justice Yellow" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55257: name: "Luxury & Beauty - Lucian Bee's - Evil Violet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55258: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン2010蒼き侍の挑戦 name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん2010あおきさむらいのちょうせん name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 - Aoki Samurai no Chousen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55259: name: "Desert Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55262: name: Jリーグウイニングイレブン2010クラブチャンピオンシップ name-sort: Jりーぐういにんぐいれぶん2010くらぶちゃんぴおんしっぷ name-en: "J.League Winning Eleven 2010 - Club Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55263: name: 花と乙女に祝福を 〜春風の贈り物〜 name-sort: はなとおとめにしゅくふくを はるかぜのおくりもの name-en: "Hana to Otome ni Shukufuku o - Harukaze no Okurimono [St. Lupinus Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55264: name: "Moujuutsukai to Oujisama [Limited Edition - Twin Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55266: name: "Scared Rider Xechs" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55267: name: "Natsuzora no Monologue [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55268: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin with Power-Up Kit [Koei Tecmo the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55269: name: "Pandora - Kimi no Namae o Boku ha Shiru" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical and horizontal lines in FMV. SLPM-55270: name: "Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica - After School" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55271: name: EA:SY!1980 FIFA10 ワールドクラスサッカー name-sort: FIFA10 わーるどくらすさっかー [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "FIFA 10 - World Class Soccer [Ea -SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLPM-55273: name: 薄桜鬼 黎明録 name-sort: はくおうき れいめいろく name-en: "Hakuouki - Reimeiroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55274: name: "Uragiri ha Boku no Namae o Shitteiru - Tasogare ni Ochita Inori" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55275: name: "Slotter Up Core 12 - Ping Pong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55276: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン 2011 name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん 2011 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55277: name: "Sengoku-hime 2 - En - Hyakka, Senran Tatsukaze no Gotoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55280: name: Palais de Reine/パレドゥレーヌ ベスト版 name-sort: ぱれどぅれーぬ べすとばん name-en: "King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55281: name: "Clock Zero - Shuuen no Ichibyou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55282: name: "Armen Noir" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55283: name: 薄桜鬼 黎明録 限定版 name-sort: はくおうき れいめいろく [げんていばん] name-en: "Hakuouki - Reimeiroku [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55285: name: クリムゾン・エンパイア name-sort: くりむぞん えんぱいあ name-en: "Crimson Empire" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55287: name: "Moujuutsukai to Oujisama - Snow Bride" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55288: name: "Shin Koihime Musou - Otome Ryouran - Sangokushi Engi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55289: name: "Sangoku Rensenki - Otome no Heihou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55290: name: "Scared Rider Xechs - Stardust Lovers" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55291: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55292: name: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas [Rockstar Classics]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLPM-55293: name: "Grand Theft Auto III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55294: name: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-55298: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI アドゥリンの魔境 name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 あどぅりんのまきょう name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Adoulin no Makyou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60101: name: "0 Story [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes removed bloom in FMV. SLPM-60102: name: "From Software First Previews" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60104: name: "Konami PlayStation 2 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60105: name: "Street Fighter EX3 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SFEX3" SLPM-60106: name: "Koei PlayStation 2 Line-Up" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60107: name: "Golf Paradise" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60109: name: "Ridge Racer V [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes texture rendering in the intro. gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes title screen and some intro post processing alignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes ui and hud alignment. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Lots of CLUTs in large textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes car textures. SLPM-60112: name: "Hresvelgr" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60113: name: "Sorcerous Stabber Orphen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60114: name: "Magical Sports - 2000 Koushien [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60115: name: "Super Puzzle Bobble" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60116: name: "Magical Sports Go Go Golf [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves brightness on terrain textures. SLPM-60117: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60118: name: "Surfroid - Densetsu no Surfer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60119: name: "Cross Fire [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-60120: name: "Greatest Striker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60121: name: "Gungriffon Blaze & Silpheed - The Lost Planet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60122: name: "Ring of Red [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-60123: name: "Gekikuukan Pro Baseball - The End of the Century 1999 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60124: name: "Shadow Hearts II [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60125: name: "G1 Jockey 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60126: name: "Hajime no Ippo - Victorious Boxers [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60127: name: "Kurikuri Mix [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Prevents broken textures and graphics. SLPM-60128: name: "Sidewinder Max" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60129: name: "Lake Masters EX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60130: name: "Truck Kyousoukyoku - Ai to Kanashimi no Rodeo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60132: name: "Shutokou Battle 0" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60133: name: "Zeonic Front - Kidou Senshi Gundam 0079" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60134: name: "Technictix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60135: name: "Shadow of Memories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60136: name: "Bloody Roar 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60138: name: "Klonoa 2 - Lunatea's Veil [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Objects appear in wrong places without it. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes water reflection and object glow. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes shadows, object and enemy colours, platform transitions. SLPM-60140: name: "Lilie no Atelier - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60141: name: "Golful Golf" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60142: name: "Densha de Go! 3 - Tsuukin-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60143: name: "Tekkouki Mikazuki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60145: name: "Shadow Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Post and transition effects. SLPM-60146: name: "Tetsu One - Densha de Battle!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60147: name: "Bokujou Monogatari 3 - Heart ni Hi o Tsukete" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60148: name: "Yanya! Caballista featuring Gawoo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60149: name: "Ace Combat 04 - Shattered Skies [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering and edge of screen issues in 16:9 mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes missing sun sprite. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 0 # Needed for above. SLPM-60150: name: "Tamamayu Monogatari 2 - Horobi no Mushi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60152: name: "NBA Street" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60153: name: "Garakuta Meisaku Gekijou - Rakugaki Oukoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60154: name: "Touge 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60157: name: "BuileBaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60158: name: "Hippa Linda" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60159: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D47" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60162: name: "Guilty Gear X Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60165: name: "Maximo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60166: name: "Jet de Go! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60167: name: "Zero [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. SLPM-60169: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60171: name: "Soul Reaver 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60172: name: "Itadaki Street 3 - Okuman Chouja ni Shiteageru" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60174: name: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-60175: name: "Wangan Midnight [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60176: name: "U - Underwater Unit" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60177: name: "Kengou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60178: name: "Nihon Daihyou Senshu ni Narou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60179: name: "Densha de Go! Ryojou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60180: name: "Disney Golf Classics [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes random game crashing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass rendering to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-60181: name: "Street Golfer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60182: name: "Zoku Segare Ijiri - Henchin Tama Segare" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60183: name: "Energy Airforce [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60184: name: "Gungrave" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60188: name: "Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60189: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D54" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60190: name: "Ultraman - Fighting Evolution 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60192: name: "Shinobi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60193: name: "Guilty Gear XX - The Midnight Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60194: name: "Kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60195: name: "Kaido Battle - Nikko, Haruna, Rokko, Hakone [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-60197: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60198: name: "MotoGP 3 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes lines at the edges of the HUD. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-60199: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D58" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60200: name: "Anubis - Zone of the Enders" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60202: name: "R-Type Final" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60204: name: "Initial D - Special Stage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60205: name: "Initial D - Special Stage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60206: name: "Shutokou Battle 01 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Improves visual clarity whilst upscaling. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces graphics garbage on UI whilst upscaling. SLPM-60207: name: "Rockman X7" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For camera issues in some scenes. gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes black screens. SLPM-60208: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60209: name: "Real Sports Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60211: name: "Bujingai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60212: name: "Makai Eiyuuki Maximo - Machine Monster no Yabou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60213: name: "Katamari Damacy [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLPM-60214: name: "Shadow Hearts II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60215: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D63" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60216: name: "R - Racing Evolution [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-60217: name: "Time Crisis 3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SLPM-60218: name: "Gungrave O.D." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60219: name: "Shadow Hearts II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60220: name: "Hajime no Ippo 2 - Victorious Road" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60225: name: "Fuuun Shinsengumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60226: name: "Shadow Hearts II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60228: name: "Kaido Battle 2 - Chain Reaction [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-60237: name: "Densha de Go! Final" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60239: name: "Katamari Damacy [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay problems. SLPM-60240: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D67" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60241: name: "Sakurazaka Shouboutai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60242: name: "Virtua Fighter - Cyber Generation - Judgment Six no Yabou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60243: name: "Full House Kiss [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60245: name: "Virtua Fighter - Cyber Generation - Judgment Six no Yabou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60246: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-60247: name: "Gradius V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60248: name: "Dororo [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLPM-60250: name: "Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLPM-60251: name: "Devil May Cry 3 [Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLPM-60252: name: "Futakoi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60253: name: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kioku-tachi [Trial Type-B]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2" SLPM-60254: name: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kioku-tachi [Trial Type-A]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2" SLPM-60255: name: "Ponkotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLPM-60256: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D73" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60257: name: "Death by Degrees" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SLPM-60258: name: "The Typing of the Dead - Zombie Panic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60259: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Premium Disc" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60260: name: "D1 Professional Drift Grand Prix Series [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black void. SLPM-60262: name: "10th Anniversary Memorial Save Data [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60263: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D78" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60264: name: "Shadow Hearts - From the New World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60265: name: "10th Anniversary PlayStation & PlayStation 2 All-Soft Catalogue Special SaveData Collection [PS2 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60266: name: "Ponkotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLPM-60267: name: "Garouden Breakblow [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60268: name: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLPM-60270: name: "D1 Professional Drift Grand Prix Series 2005 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black screen. SLPM-60271: name: "D1 Professional Drift Grand Prix Series 2005 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black screen. SLPM-60272: name: "Urban Reign [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Mitigates bounciness of vertical shaking but better fix with EE cyclerate +1. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes corruption. getSkipCount: "GSC_UrbanReign" SLPM-60273: name: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kioku-tachi [Trial B]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes some shading/shadows. getSkipCount: "GSC_ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2" SLPM-60274: name: "Full House Kiss 2 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60275: name: "Dengeki PS2 - PlayStation 2 Save Data Collection 2006" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60277: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Special Edition [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60278: name: "Wrestle Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60279: name: "Kamen Rider Kabuto" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes garbage corruptions on the bottom of the screen. SLPM-60280: name: "Dengeki PS2 - PlayStation 2 Save Data Collection 2007" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60281: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D94" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60282: name: "Lucky Star - RAvish Romance [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60283: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D95" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-60284: name: "Dengeki PS2 - PlayStation 2 Save Data Collection 2008" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61001: name: "Onimusha [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. SLPM-61002: name: "Dengeki PlayStation D40 - Konami Fan Book" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61004: name: "Shadow of Memories / Zone of the Enders - Z.O.E - Tentou Houei-you Movie-ban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61007: name: "Maken Shao [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 SLPM-61008: name: "Devil May Cry [Trial Edition Ver 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-61009: name: "Silent Hill 2 (Red Ribbon) [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLPM-61010: name: "Devil May Cry [Trial Edition Ver 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-61011: name: "Silent Hill 2 (Black Ribbon) [Video Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLPM-61012: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D46" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61013: name: "Time Crisis 2 & Vampire Night" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61018: name: "Abarenbou Princess [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61019: name: "Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba - Dream Classic - 2001 Autumn" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61020: name: "Gun Survivor 2 - Biohazard - Code - Veronica" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61022: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D48 - Konami Fan Book" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61023: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D49" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61024: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D50" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61025: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61026: name: "Gun Survivor 3 - Dino Crisis" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLPM-61027: name: "Prismix - PlayStation 2 Sen'you Music Visual Soft - Demo Disc Vol. 1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61028: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D51" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61029: name: "Shin Combat Choro Q" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61030: name: "Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Ougon no Kaze [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes text box opacity. SLPM-61031: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D52" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61032: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D53" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61033: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D55" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61034: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D56" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61035: name: "Anubis - Zone of the Enders [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61036: name: "Argus no Senshi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61037: name: "Devil May Cry 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61038: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D57" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61039: name: "Gun Survivor 4 - BioHazard - Heroes Never Die [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes character offset with flashlight and blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes flame-like bleeding. SLPM-61041: name: "Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61042: name: "The Baseball 2003 - Battle Ball Park Sengen - Perfect Play Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61043: name: "Devil May Cry 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61044: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D59" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61046: name: "Dennou Senki - Virtual-On Marz [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-61048: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D60" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61050: name: "Hanjuku Hero tai 3D" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61051: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D61" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61052: name: "Gekitou Pro Yakyuu - Mizushima Shinji All Stars vs. Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61053: name: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 10" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61054: name: "Sidewinder V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61055: name: "Gregory Horror Show - Soul Collector" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61056: name: "NHK Tensai Bit-kun - Glamon Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61058: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D62" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61059: name: "Kunoichi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61060: name: "Busin 0 - Wizardry Alternative Neo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61062: name: "Castlevania [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLPM-61065: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D64" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61066: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D65" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61067: name: "Gako Zouryuu - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes FMVs to be visible. SLPM-61070: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D66" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61072: name: "Puyo Puyo Fever" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61073: name: "Galaxy Angel - Moonlit Lovers" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61074: name: "Konjiki no Gashbell!! Yuujou Tag Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61076: name: "Panzer Front Ausf.B" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61077: name: "Sega Ages 2500 Taikenban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61079: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D68" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61080: name: "Ultraman" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61081: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D69" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61082: name: "TV Magazine Ultraman Special Disc" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61083: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D70" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61084: name: "Meiwaku Seijin - Panic Maker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61086: name: "Kengou 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61087: name: "Fullmetal Alchemist 2 - Curse of the Crimson Elixir [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61089: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D72" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61090: name: "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights. SLPM-61091: name: "Berserk - Millennium Falcon-hen - Seima Senki no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Partially fixes HUD elements. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur around objects and enemies. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLPM-61092: name: "Driv3r [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Aligns and corrects shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes car textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Alleviates text and sky rendering issues. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes car and bike exhaust smoke rendering. SLPM-61093: name: "Ultraman - Fighting Evolution 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61094: name: "Viewtiful Joe 2 - Black Film no Nazo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61095: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D74" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61096: name: "Fuuun Bakumatsuden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61097: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D75" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61098: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 6 - WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61100: name: "Juuouki - Project Altered Beast" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61101: name: "Shinsengumi Gunrouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61102: name: "Tsukiyo ni Saraba" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61103: name: "Kessen III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61104: name: "Samurai Western - Katsugeki Samurai-dou" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes line across the middle of the screen and offset blur. SLPM-61105: name: "Hajime no Ippo All Stars" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61106: name: "Rumble Roses" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61107: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D76" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61109: name: "Shadow of Rome [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLPM-61110: name: "Enthusia - Professional Racing [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Corrects crazy car AI and prevents crash. vuClampMode: 3 # Stops freezing at race start. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLPM-61111: name: "Dragon Ball Z 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61112: name: "Tensei - Swords of Destiny" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61113: name: "Dengeki PlayStation D77" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61114: name: "Shadow of Rome [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLPM-61115: name: "Racing Battle - C1 Grand Prix [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-61116: name: "Bouken-ou Beet - Darkness Century" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61117: name: "Musashiden II - Blademaster [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbled character animation. SLPM-61118: name: "Armored Core - Last Raven [Famitsu Special Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SLPM-61119: name: "Armored Core - Last Raven [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SLPM-61120: name: "Drag-on Dragoon 2 - Fuuin no Aka, Haitoku no Kuro [Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes wrong color on some characters and breakable objects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting characters. mergeSprite: 1 # Align sprite fixes FMVs but not garbage in-game, so needs merge sprite instead. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SLPM-61121: name: "Kaido - Touge no Densetsu [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-61122: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D81" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61123: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Ninden [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces bloom but fixes blurriness around models + Recommended to use Shadeboost brightness 80. SLPM-61124: name: "Ookami - Fude-hajime no Maki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61125: name: "Tokyo Game Show Bandai Namco Booth Distribution Disc 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61126: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D84" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61127: name: "FlatOut [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61129: name: "Famitsu PS2 Special Disc - Capcom Game Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61130: name: "Ikusa Gami [Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SLPM-61131: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D85" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61132: name: "Ikusa Gami [Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SLPM-61133: name: "Soul Calibur III [Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SLPM-61134: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61135: name: "Naruto - Narutimett Hero 3 [Trial Version]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes invisible QTE button prompts and overbright in some scenes. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. SLPM-61137: name: "Sega Rally 2006" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes rainbow textures. SLPM-61138: name: "Akumajou Dracula - Yami no Juin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61139: name: "Puyo Puyo Fever 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61140: name: "Ryuu ga Gotoku [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLPM-61141: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D87" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61142: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams / Ookami" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61144: name: "Ninkyouden - Toseinin Ichidaiki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61146: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D90" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61147: name: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Demo]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows (probably texture cache issue). roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. SLPM-61148: name: "Growlanser V - Generations [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: moveHandler: "MV_Growlanser" # Fixes precomputed depth buffer. SLPM-61149: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D91" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61150: name: "Kinnikuman - Muscle Grand Prix Max" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61152: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Sparking! Neo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61153: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D92" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61154: name: "Ryuu ga Gotoku 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61155: name: "Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes distant characters and models. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes multiple lighting effects from lights, computers, cave walls and more. SLPM-61156: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D93" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61157: name: "Naruto Shippuuden - Narutimate Accel [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLPM-61158: name: "Saint Seiya - Meiou Hades Juunikyuu-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61161: name: "God of War II - The End Begins [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SLPM-61162: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Sparking! Meteor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61163: name: "Seaman 2 - Pekin Genjin Ikusei Kit" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-61164: name: "Dengeki PS2 PlayStation D96" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62001: name: ドラムマニア name-sort: どらむまにあ name-en: "Drum Mania" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62002: name: 実況ワールドサッカー2000 name-sort: じっきょうわーるどさっかー2000 name-en: "Live World Soccer 2000" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62003: name: "Mahjong Taikai III - Millennium League" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62004: name: 麻雀やろうぜ!2 name-sort: まーじゃんやろうぜ!2 name-en: "Mahjong Yarouze! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62005: name: 真・三國無双 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62006: name: 永世名人IV name-sort: えいせいめいじん4 name-en: "Eisei Meijin 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62007: name: グラディウスIII&IV 復活の神話 name-sort: ぐらでぃうす3&4 ふっかつのしんわ name-en: "Gradius III & IV" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62008: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球7 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう7 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62009: name: がんばれ!ニッポン!オリンピック2000 name-sort: がんばれ!にっぽん!おりんぴっく2000 name-en: "Ganbare Nippon Olympics 2000" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62010: name: 三國志VII name-sort: さんごくし7 name-en: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62011: name: 実況G1ステイブル name-sort: じっきょうG1すていぶる name-en: "Jikkyou G1 Stable" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62012: name: キーボードマニア name-sort: きーぼーどまにあ name-en: "KeyboardMania" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62013: name: RING OF RED name-sort: RING OF RED name-en: "Ring of Red" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-62015: name: シルフィード ザ・ロストプラネット name-sort: しるふぃーど ざ・ろすとぷらねっと name-en: "Silpheed - The Lost Planet" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62016: name: スーパーパズルボブル name-sort: すーぱーぱずるぼぶる name-en: "Super Bust-A-Move" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62019: name: "Winning Post 4 Maximum" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62020: name: "G1 Jockey 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62021: name: アンジェリーク トロワ プレミアムBOX name-sort: あんじぇりーく とろわ [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Angelique Trois [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62022: name: アンジェリーク トロワ name-sort: あんじぇりーく とろわ name-en: "Angelique Trois" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62023: name: WIN BACK name-sort: WIN BACK name-en: "Winback" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLPM-62025: name: Printfan with POPegg name-sort: Printfan with POPegg name-en: "PrintFan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62026: name: サイレントスコープ name-sort: さいれんとすこーぷ name-en: "Silent Scope" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62027: name: スノーボード ヘヴン name-sort: すのーぼーど へゔん name-en: "Snowboard Heaven" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. # tex in rt makes videos semi appear in hardware but they are flashy and broken. SLPM-62028: name: グレイテストストライカー name-sort: ぐれいてすとすとらいかー name-en: "Greatest Striker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62029: name: ダンスサミット2001 バスト・ア・ムーブ name-sort: だんすさみっと2001 ばすと・あ・むーぶ name-en: "Bust A Move - Dance Summit 2001" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS drastically and reduces HC size massively. SLPM-62030: name: "Mahjong Sengen - Saken de Ron!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62031: name: Primal Image FOR PRINTER name-sort: Primal Image FOR PRINTER name-en: "Primal Image for Printer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62032: name: ESPN NBA 2Night name-sort: ESPN NBA 2Night name-en: "ESPN NBA 2Night" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62034: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球7 決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう7 けっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 7 Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62035: name: いくぜ!温泉卓球!! name-sort: いくぜ!おんせんたっきゅう!! name-en: "Iku ze! Onsen Takkyuu!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62036: name: 超高速リバーシ name-sort: ちょうこうそくりばーし name-en: "Chou Kousoku Reversi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62037: name: "Chou Kousoku Igo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62038: name: "Chou Kousoku Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62039: name: "Chou Kousoku Shougi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62040: name: 実況ワールドサッカー2000 ファイナルエディション name-sort: じっきょうわーるどさっかー2000 ふぁいなるえでぃしょん name-en: "Jikkyou World Soccer 2000 - Final Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62041: name: ESPN National Hockey Night name-sort: ESPN National Hockey Night name-en: "ESPN National Hockey Night" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62042: name: "Kurogane no Houkou - Warship Commander" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62043: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY 初体験版 name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど2 さんずおぶりばてぃ [はつたいけんばん] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-62044: name: RCリベンジPro name-sort: RCりべんじPro name-en: "RC Revenge Pro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62045: name: 実況Jリーグパーフェクトストライカー3 name-sort: じっきょうJりーぐぱーふぇくとすとらいかー3 name-en: "Jikkou J. League Perfect Striker 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62046: name: WTA Tour tennis name-sort: WTA Tour tennis name-en: "WTA Tennis Tour USA" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62047: name: エンドネシア name-sort: えんどねしあ name-en: "Endonesia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62048: name: バトルギア2 name-sort: ばとるぎあ2 name-en: "Battle Gear 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62049: name: 電車でGO!3 通勤編 name-sort: でんしゃでごー3 つうきんへん name-en: "Densha de Go! 3 - Tsuukin-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62050: name: "Densha de Go! Shinkansen - San'you Shinkansen-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62051: name: ヤンヤ カバジスタ〜featuring Gawoo〜 name-sort: やんや かばじすた〜featuring Gawoo〜 name-en: "Yanya Caballista - featuring Gawoo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62052: name: beatmania打打打!! name-sort: びーとまにあだだだ!! name-en: "Beatmania Da Da Da!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62053: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン5 name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん5 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62054: name: 永世名人V name-sort: えいせいめいじんV name-en: "Eternity Master V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62055: name: BLOODY ROAR 3 name-sort: BLOODY ROAR 3 name-en: "Bloody Roar 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62056: name: Dark Native Apostle D.N.A. name-sort: Dark Native Apostle D.N.A. name-en: "DNA - Dark Native Apostle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62058: name: "Winning Post 4 Maximum 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62059: name: "G1 Jockey 2 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62060: name: Winning Post 4 MAXIMUM 2001 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと4 MAXIMUM 2001 name-en: "Winning Post 4 Maximum 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Improves ground textures to match sw renderer. SLPM-62061: name: "G1 Jockey 2 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62062: name: ギタルマンワン name-sort: ぎたるまんわん name-en: "Gitaroo Man One" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. SLPM-62063: name: グラディウスIII&IV〜復活の神話〜 コナミ ザ・ベスト name-sort: ぐらでぃうす3&4 ふっかつのしんわ こなみ ざ・べすと name-en: "Gradius III & IV [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62065: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 1 - The Table Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62067: name: HUNTER×HUNTER 龍派の祭壇 name-sort: はんたーはんたー りゅうはのさいだん name-en: "Hunter X Hunter - Ryumyaku no Saidan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62068: name: EGBROWSER name-sort: EGBROWSER name-en: "EGBrowser" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62069: name: ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2002 name-sort: ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2002 name-en: "All-Star Baseball 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62070: name: うちゅ〜じんってなぁに? name-sort: うちゅーじんってなぁに? name-en: "Uchu-Jintte Naani?" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62071: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球8 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう8 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62072: name: HorseBreaker name-sort: HorseBreaker name-en: "Horse Breaker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62073: name: タムタムパラダイス name-sort: たむたむぱらだいす name-en: "Tam Tam Paradise" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62074: name: "Honkakuteki Pachinko Jikki Kouryaku Series - Milky Bar & Killer Queen - Eikyuu Hozon-ban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62075: name: 実況ワールドサッカー2001 name-sort: じっきょうわーるどさっかー2001 name-en: "Live World Soccer 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62076: name: AGE OF EMPIRES II THE AGE OF KINGS name-sort: AGE OF EMPIRES II THE AGE OF KINGS name-en: "Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size when moving. SLPM-62077: name: マエストロムジークII 同梱版 name-sort: まえすとろむじーくII どうこんばん name-en: "Maestro Music 2, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62078: name: マエストロムジークII name-sort: まえすとろむじーく2 name-en: "Maestro Music 2, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62079: name: "Se-Pa 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62081: name: EVERBLUE name-sort: EVERBLUE name-en: "Ever Blue" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62082: name: プロ野球 JAPAN2001 name-sort: ぷろやきゅう JAPAN2001 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Japan 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62084: name: ESPN XGames skateboarding name-sort: ESPN XGames skateboarding name-en: "ESPN X-Games Skateboarding" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62085: name: "Silent Scope 2 - Innocent Sweeper" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62086: name: "PlayOnline Beta Edition - PlayOnline Viewer Beta Version & Tetra Master Beta Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62087: name: 峠3 name-sort: とうげ3 name-en: "Touge 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62088: name: Jリーグ ウイニングイレブン5 name-sort: Jりーぐ ういにんぐいれぶん5 name-en: "J-League Winning Eleven 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62091: name: RING OF RED コナミ ザ・ベスト name-sort: RING OF RED こなみ ざ・べすと name-en: "Ring of Red [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-62092: name: エクストリームG3 name-sort: えくすとりーむG3 name-en: "XG3 Extreme G Racing" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62093: name: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 1 - Love - Smash!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62094: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.2 THE パーティーゲーム name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.2 THE ぱーてぃーげーむ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 2 - The Party Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62095: name: FLYING CIRCUS プロポ型コントローラ同梱版 name-sort: FLYING CIRCUS ぷろぽがたこんとろーらどうこんばん name-en: "Flying Circus [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62096: name: FLYING CIRCUS name-sort: FLYING CIRCUS name-en: "Flying Circus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62097: name: ザ・警察官 新宿24時 name-sort: ざ けいさつかん しんじゅく24じ name-en: "Keisatsukan, The - Shinjuku 24-ji" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62098: name: BUSIN 〜Wizardry Alternative〜 name-sort: BUSIN 〜Wizardry Alternative〜 name-en: "Busin - Wizardry Alternative" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62099: name: "Nihon Sumou Kyoukai Kounin - Nihon Oozumou - Kakutou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62100: name: Rez SPECIAL PACKAGE name-sort: れず SPECIAL PACKAGE name-en: "Rez [Special Package]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62101: name: Rez name-sort: れず name-en: "Rez" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62102: name: CRAZY TAXI name-sort: くれいじーたくしー name-en: "Crazy Taxi" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes credits screen. SLPM-62103: name: "EX Okuman Chouja Game - The Money Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62104: name: チョロQ HG2 name-sort: ちょろQ HG2 name-en: "Choro Q HG 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLPM-62105: name: "Taikou Risshiden IV" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62107: name: グローランサーIII 萌え萌えラッキーパック name-sort: ぐろーらんさー3 もえもえらっきーぱっく name-en: "Growlanser 3 - The Duel Darkness" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62108: name: グローランサーIII name-sort: ぐろーらんさー3 name-en: "Growlanser 3 - The Duel Darkness" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62109: name: ひっぱリンダ name-sort: ひっぱりんだ name-en: "Hippa Linda" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62111: name: "EGBrowser" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62112: name: いただきストリート3 億万長者にしてあげる! 〜家庭教師付き!〜 name-sort: いただきすとりーと3 おくまんちょうじゃにしてあげる! かていきょうしつき name-en: "Itadaki Street 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62113: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン5 ファイナルエヴォリューション name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん5 ふぁいなるえゔぉりゅーしょん name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 5 - Final Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62114: name: "クラッシュ・バンディクー4 さくれつ!魔神パワー" name-sort: "くらっしゅばんでぃくー4 さくれつ まじんぱわー" name-en: "Crash Bandicoot 4 - Sakuretsu! Majin Power" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLPM-62115: name: "EX Jinsei Game [Doukonban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62116: name: "EX Jinsei Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62117: name: 桃太郎電鉄X〜九州編もあるばい〜 name-sort: ももたろうでんてつばってん きゅうしゅうへんもあるばい name-en: "Momotaro Train X" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62118: name: ボンバーマンカート name-sort: ぼんばーまんかーと name-en: "Bomberman Kart" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62119: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球8 決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう8 けっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8 Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62120: name: 実況Jリーグパーフェクトストライカー4 name-sort: じっきょうJりーぐぱーふぇくとすとらいかー4 name-en: "Jikkyou World Soccer 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62121: name: ESPN NBA 2night 2002 name-sort: ESPN NBA 2night 2002 name-en: "ESPN NBA 2Night 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62122: name: ヘルミーナとクルス name-sort: へるみーなとくるす name-en: "Hermina to Culus - Lilie no Atelier Mou Hitotsu no Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62123: name: Winning Post5 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと5 name-en: "Winning Post 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62124: name: READY 2 RUMBLE BOXING ROUND 2 name-sort: READY 2 RUMBLE BOXING ROUND 2 name-en: "Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62125: name: Gauntlet Dark Legacy name-sort: Gauntlet Dark Legacy name-en: "Gauntlet - Dark Legacy" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 5 # Corrects lighting to match software. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62126: name: "Hyper Sports 2002 Winter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62127: name: マキシモ name-sort: まきしも name-en: "Maximo" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62128: name: LE MANS 24 HOURS name-sort: LE MANS 24 HOURS name-en: "Le Mans 24 Hours" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62129: name: CLIMAX TENNIS name-sort: CLIMAX TENNIS name-en: "Climax Tennis" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62130: name: Virtua Fighter 4 name-sort: Virtua Fighter 4 name-en: "Virtua Fighter 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62131: name: 三國志VIII name-sort: さんごくし8 name-en: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62132: name: インターネットオセロ オセロワールド24 name-sort: いんたーねっとおせろ おせろわーるど24 name-en: "Internet Othello - Othello World 24" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62133: name: BLOODY ROAR3 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: BLOODY ROAR3 はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Bloody Roar 3 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62134: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI β Version name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 β Version name-en: "Final Fantasy XI [Beta Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62135: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI β Version name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 β Version name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Online" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62136: name: "NetFront for Delta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62137: name: サイヴァリア コンプリートエディション スペシャルサウンドボックス name-sort: さいゔぁりあ こんぷりーとえでぃしょん すぺしゃるさうんどぼっくす name-en: "Psyvariar Complete Edition [Special Sound Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62138: name: サイヴァリア コンプリートエディション スペシャルキャプチャーボックス name-sort: さいゔぁりあ こんぷりーとえでぃしょん すぺしゃるきゃぷちゃーぼっくす name-en: "Psyvariar Complete Edition [Special Capture Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62139: name: サイヴァリア コンプリートエディション name-sort: さいゔぁりあ こんぷりーとえでぃしょん name-en: "Psyvariar Complete Edition" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62140: name: "Cyber Jansou - Toufuusou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62141: name: "Eisei Meijin VI - Tsuushin Shougi Club" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62142: name: 鉄1 〜電車でバトル!〜 WORLD GRAND PRIX name-sort: てつわん でんしゃでばとる WORLD GRAND PRIX name-en: "Tetsu-one Densha de Battle World Grand Prix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62143: name: 箱庭鉄道〜ブルートレイン・特急編〜 name-sort: はこにわてつどう ぶるーとれいん とっきゅうへん name-en: "Hakoniwa Tetsudou - Blue Train Express" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62144: name: "Super Bust-A-Move" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62145: name: "Teitoku no Ketsudan IV" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62146: name: "Chou Kousoku Mahjong Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62147: name: BASS STRIKE〜バス ストライク〜 name-sort: BASS STRIKE ばす すとらいく name-en: "Bass Strike" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62148: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Ranseiki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62150: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 3 - The Bass Fishing" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes flickering FMVs. SLPM-62151: name: 実況GIステイブル2 name-sort: じっきょうGIすていぶる2 name-en: "Live GI Stable 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62153: name: まげるつけるはしーる俺☆デットヒート name-sort: まげるつけるはしーるおれ でっとひーと name-en: "Racing Construction - Mareru Tsukeru Hahiiru Ore - Dead Heat" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62154: name: DDRMAX 〜DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX〜 name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょんMAX 〜DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX〜 name-en: "DDRMAX ~DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX~" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62155: name: THE BASEBALL 2002 バトルボールパーク宣言 name-sort: THE BASEBALL 2002 ばとるぼーるぱーくせんげん name-en: "Baseball 2002, The - Battle Ball Park Sengen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62156: name: "Saikyou no Igo 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62157: name: ビルバク name-sort: びるばく name-en: "Buile Baku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62158: name: "Virtua Fighter 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62159: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン6 name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん6 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62160: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 4 - The Double Mahjong Puzzle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62161: name: GENERATION OF CHAOS NEXT (限定版) name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 2 うしなわれしきずな [げんていばん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos - Next [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62163: name: "WinBack" region: "NTSC-C-E-J" SLPM-62164: name: GENERATION OF CHAOS NEXT ~失われし絆~(通常版) name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 2 うしなわれしきずな name-en: "Generation of Chaos - Next" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62165: name: 式神の城 name-sort: しきがみのしろ name-en: "Shikigami no Shiro [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62168: name: ディズニーゴルフ クラシック name-sort: でぃずにーごるふ くらしっく name-en: "Disney Golf Classics" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes random game crashing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass rendering to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62169: name: 実況ワールドサッカー2002 name-sort: じっきょうわーるどさっかー2002 name-en: "Live World Soccer 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62170: name: "Internet Mahjong - Toufuusou de Asobou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62171: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.5 THEブロックくずしHYPER name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.5 THEぶろっくくずしHYPER name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 5 - The Block Kuzushi Hyper" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62172: name: "Internet Shougi - Shougi Doujou 24" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62174: name: "Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 3 - The Chess" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62175: name: beatmania打打打!!THE BEST打 name-sort: びーとまにあだだだ!!THE BESTだ name-en: "Beatmania Da Da Da!! THE BEST Da" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62176: name: EGBROWSER BB name-sort: EGBROWSER BB name-en: "EGBrowser BB" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62177: name: 空戦 KADOKAWA THE Best name-sort: くうせん KADOKAWA THE Best name-en: "Kuusen [Kadokawa The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62178: name: "Internet Igo - Heisei Kiin 24" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62179: name: "Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 2 - The Igo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62180: name: SIMPLE2000本格思考シリーズVol.1 THE 将棋〜森田和郎の将棋指南〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000ほんかくしこうしりーずVol.1 THE しょうぎ もりたかずおのしょうぎしなん name-en: "Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 1 - The Shogi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62181: name: "Street Golfer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62182: name: TOP GUN エース オブ ザ スカイ name-sort: TOP GUN えーす おぶ ざ すかい name-en: "Top Gun - Ace of the Sky" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62183: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62184: name: "Sangokushi VIII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62185: name: "San Goku Shi VII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62186: name: ゲットバッカーズ奪還屋 奪われた無限城 name-sort: げっとばっかーずだっかんや うばわれたむげんじょう name-en: "Get Backers - The Stolen City of Infinite" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62188: name: "Crazy Bump's - Kattobi Car Battle!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62190: name: ハイヒートメジャーリーグベースボール 2003 name-sort: はいひーとめじゃーりーぐべーすぼーる 2003 name-en: "High Heat - Major League Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62192: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球9 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう9 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62193: name: 実況Jリーグパーフェクトストライカー5 name-sort: じっきょうJりーぐぱーふぇくとすとらいかー5 name-en: "J League Perfect Striker 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62194: name: "Nihon Sumou Kyoukai Kounin - Nihon Oozumou - Gekitou Honbasho-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62195: name: "大ぐるぐる温泉" name-sort: "だいぐるぐるおんせん" name-en: "Dai Guru Guru Onsen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62196: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 6 - The Snowboard" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62197: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.7 THEボクシング〜REAL FIST FIGHTER〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.7 THEぼくしんぐ〜REAL FIST FIGHTER〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 7 - The Boxing - Real Fist Fighter" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes graphical issues. SLPM-62198: name: SIMPLE2000本格思考シリーズVol.4 THE 麻雀 name-sort: しんぷる2000ほんかくしこうしりーずVol.4 THE まーじゃん name-en: "Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 4 - The Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62199: name: ドラゴンクエスト・キャラクターズ トルネコの大冒険3 〜不思議のダンジョン〜 name-sort: どらごんくえすと きゃらくたーず とるねこのだいぼうけん3 ふしぎのだんじょん name-en: "Dragon Quest Characters - Toruneko no Daibouken 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62200: name: "Horse Breaker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62201: name: "Winback" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLPM-62202: name: "Winning Post 4 Maximum 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Improves ground textures to match sw renderer. SLPM-62203: name: "Dog of Bay" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted textures. SLPM-62204: name: LEGO RACERS 2 name-sort: LEGO RACERS 2 name-en: "LEGO Racers 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes top left corner rendering. SLPM-62205: name: VIRTUA COP Re-Birth name-sort: VIRTUA COP Re-Birth name-en: "Virtua Cop Re-Birth" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62206: name: グローランサーII <アトラスベストコレクション> name-sort: ぐろーらんさー2 <あとらすべすとこれくしょん> name-en: "Growlanser 2 [Atlus The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62207: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.9 THE恋愛アドベンチャー 〜BITTERSWEET FOOLS〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.9 THEれんあいあどべんちゃー 〜BITTERSWEET FOOLS〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 9 - The Renai Adventure - Bittersweet Fools" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62208: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou Online" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62209: name: ギガンティック ドライブ name-sort: ぎがんてぃっく どらいぶ name-en: "Gigantic Drive" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes DOF effect. SLPM-62211: name: 18WHEELER name-sort: 18WHEELER name-en: "18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62212: name: クリティカルバレット 7th TARGET name-sort: くりてぃかるばれっと 7th TARGET name-en: "Critical Bullet - 7th Target" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62213: name: UFC2 TAPOUT name-sort: UFC2 TAPOUT name-en: "Ultimate Fighting Championship 2 - Tap-Out" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62214: name: EVER BLUE2 name-sort: EVER BLUE2 name-en: "Ever Blue 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62215: name: "Virtua Cop Re-Birth" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62216: name: EVER BLUE [カプコレ] name-sort: EVER BLUE [かぷこれ] name-en: "Ever Blue [CapKore The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62217: name: Jリーグウイニングイレブン6 name-sort: Jりーぐういにんぐいれぶん6 name-en: "J League Winning Eleven 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62218: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.10 THEテーブルゲーム 世界編 〜チェス・バックギャモン・ダイヤモンド・軍人将棋 etc〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.10 THEてーぶるげーむ せかいへん ちぇす ばっくぎゃもん だいやもんど ぐんじんしょうぎ etc name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 10 - The Table Game Sekai-Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62219: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.8 THEテニス name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.8 THEてにす name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 8 - The Tennis" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS and console spam. SLPM-62220: name: "Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku - Gigazone - The Meteor Strike" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62221: name: Winning Post5 MAXIMUM 2002 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと5 MAXIMUM 2002 name-en: "Winning Post 5 Maximum 2002" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Improves ground textures to match sw renderer. SLPM-62223: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.11 THEオフロードバギー name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.11 THEおふろーどばぎー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 11 - The Off-Road Buggy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62224: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.3 最速!族車キング〜仏恥義理伝説〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.3 さいそく ぞくしゃきんぐ ぶっちぎりでんせつ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 3 - Saisoku! Zokusha King - Bucchigiri Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62225: name: 信長の野望 嵐世記withパワーアップキット name-sort: のぶながのやぼう らんせいきwithぱわーあっぷきっと name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou Arashi Seiki [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62227: name: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM2 New Age of Heroes name-sort: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM2 New Age of Heroes name-en: "Marvel vs. Capcom 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62228: name: シルフィード・ザ・ロストプラネット [カプコレ] name-sort: しるふぃーど・ざ・ろすとぷらねっと [かぷこれ] name-en: "Silpheed - The Lost Planet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62229: name: スーパーパズルボブル 2 name-sort: すーぱーぱずるぼぶる 2 name-en: "Super Puzzle Bobble 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62230: name: SILENT SCOPE 3 name-sort: SILENT SCOPE 3 name-en: "Silent Scope 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62231: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 12 - The Quiz 20000" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62232: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.15 THEラグビー name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.15 THEらぐびー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 15 - The Rugby" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62233: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.4 裏技イカサ麻雀街 〜兄ィさん、つかんじまったようだね〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.4 うらわざいかさまーじゃんがい にぃさん つかんじまったようだね name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 4 - Urawaza Ikasa Mahjong Machi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62234: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.13 女の子のためのTHE恋愛アドベンチャー〜硝子の森〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.13 おんなのこのためのTHEれんあいあどべんちゃー がらすのもり name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 13 - Onna no Ko no Tame no - The Renai Adventure - Garasu no Mori" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62235: name: GetBass Battle name-sort: GetBass Battle name-en: "GetBass Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62236: name: PowerSmash 2 name-sort: PowerSmash 2 name-en: "Power Smash 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black models on certain games in World Tour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62237: name: 学園都市ヴァラノワール(限定版) name-sort: がくえんとし ゔぁらのわーる [げんていばん] name-en: "Gakuen Toshi Vara Noir [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62238: name: 学園都市ヴァラノワール name-sort: がくえんとしゔぁらのわーる name-en: "Gakuen Toshi Vara Noir" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62239: name: Supercar Street Challenge name-sort: Supercar Street Challenge name-en: "Supercar Street Challenge" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62240: name: "The Sims" region: "NTSC-C" SLPM-62241: name: "Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. SLPM-62242: name: 撞球 ビリヤードマスター2 name-sort: どうきゅう びりやーどますたー2 name-en: "Doukyu Billiards [LowPrice Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62244: name: チョロQHG3 name-sort: ちょろQHG3 name-en: "Choro Q HG 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62245: name: 遊星からの物体X episode II name-sort: ゆうせいからのぶったいX episode II name-en: "Yuusei kara no Buttai X - Episode II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62247: name: 真魂斗羅 name-sort: しんこんとら name-en: "Shin Contra" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62248: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.5 ラブ★マージャン! name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.5 らぶまーじゃん! name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 5 - Love - Mahjong!" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. SLPM-62249: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ ハローキティVol.1 スターライト★パズル〜いそがしキューブ★どっすんフワワ(ハート) 〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず はろーきてぃVol.1 すたーらいとぱずる いそがしきゅーぶどっすんふわわ(はーと) 〜 name-en: "Hello Kitty Star Light - Isogasi Cube" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62250: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ ハローキティVol.2 みんなですごろく〜不思議な世界の仲良しすごろく〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず はろーきてぃVol.2 みんなですごろく〜ふしぎなせかいのなかよしすごろく〜 name-en: "Hello Kitty Star Light - Minna de Sugoroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62251: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.14 THEビリヤード name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.14 THEびりやーど name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 14 - The Billiard" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62252: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.17 THE推理〜新たなる20の事件簿〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.17 THEすいり あらたなる20のじけんぼ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 17 - The Suiri-Aratanaru 20 no Jikenbo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62253: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.16 THEスナイパー2 〜悪夢の銃弾〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.16 THEすないぱー2 〜あくむのじゅうだん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 16 - The Sniper" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62254: name: 歸らずの森 name-sort: かえらずのもり name-en: "Kaerazu no Mori" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62255: name: NBA STARTING FIVE name-sort: NBA STARTING FIVE name-en: "NBA Starting Five" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62256: name: SUPER TRUCKS name-sort: SUPER TRUCKS name-en: "Super Trucks" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes starting position. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Gets rid of fog line. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in FMVs. SLPM-62257: name: RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP name-sort: RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP name-en: "Rally Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62258: name: GTC AFRICA name-sort: GTC AFRICA name-en: "GTC Africa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62259: name: "Dejikame Album - Kuraemon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62260: name: 犬とあそぼう dogstation(マイク同梱版) name-sort: いぬとあそぼう dog station [まいくどうこんばん] name-en: "DogStation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62261: name: 犬とあそぼう dogstation(ソフト単体版) name-sort: いぬとあそぼう dog station name-en: "DogStation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62262: name: "G1 Jockey 2 [Koei the best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62263: name: スノーボードヘヴン [カプコレ] name-sort: すのーぼーどへゔん [かぷこれ] name-en: "Snowboard Heaven" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. # tex in rt makes videos semi appear in hardware but they are flashy and broken. SLPM-62264: name: "Shin Contra" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62265: name: "Power Smash 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black models on certain games in World Tour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62266: name: 桃太郎電鉄11 ブラックボンビー出現の巻 name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ11 ぶらっくぼんびーしゅつげんのまき name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu XI" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62268: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン6 ファイナルエヴォリューション name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん6 ふぁいなるえゔぉりゅーしょん name-en: "Winning Eleven 6 - Final Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62269: name: アカギ〜闇に降り立った天才〜 name-sort: あかぎ〜やみにおりたったてんさい〜 name-en: "Akagi - Yami ni Oritatta Tensai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62270: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.19 THE恋愛シミュレーション〜私におまカフェ〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.19 THEれんあいしみゅれーしょん わたしにおまかふぇ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 19 - The Love Simulation - The Coffee Shop" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62271: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.20 THEダンジョンRPG忍〜魔物の棲む城〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.20 THEだんじょんRPGにん まもののすむしろ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 20 - The Dungeon RPG Nin" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes missing blue lines on the characters in dark areas. SLPM-62272: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.18 THEパーティーすごろく name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.18 THEぱーてぃーすごろく name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 18 - The Party Sugoroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62273: name: 牌神3 name-sort: はいしん3 name-en: "Mai-Shin 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62274: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球9 決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう9 けっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 9 Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62275: name: SPACE RAIDERS name-sort: SPACE RAIDERS name-en: "Space Raiders" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62276: name: GetBackers奪還屋 奪還だヨ!全員集合!! name-sort: GetBackersだっかんや だっかんだよ!ぜんいんしゅうごう!! name-en: "Get Backers - All Members Gather" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62277: name: ジーワンジョッキー3 name-sort: じーわんじょっきー3 name-en: "G1 Jockey 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62278: name: HUNTER×HUNTER 龍派の祭壇 コナミ ザ ベスト name-sort: はんたーはんたー りゅうはのさいだん こなみ ざ べすと name-en: "Hunter x Hunter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62279: name: ジーワンジョッキー3&ウイニングポスト5 マキシマム2002 プレミアムパック name-sort: じーわんじょっきー3&ういにんぐぽすと5 まきしまむ2002 ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "G1 Jockey 3 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62280: name: "Winning Post 5 Maximum 2002 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62281: name: "US Open 2002 - A USTA Event" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62282: name: SILENT SCOPE2 INNOCENT SWEEPER コナミ ザ・ベスト name-sort: SILENT SCOPE2 INNOCENT SWEEPER こなみ ざ・べすと name-en: "Silent Scope 2 - Innocent Sweeper" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62283: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutenroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62284: name: ヨーロピアンゲームコレクション name-sort: よーろぴあんげーむこれくしょん name-en: "Europe Games Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62285: name: わくわくバレー2 name-sort: わくわくばれー2 name-en: "Waku Waku Volley 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62286: name: モンスターバス name-sort: もんすたーばす name-en: "Monster Bass" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62287: name: ファイヤープロレスリングZ 闘辞苑 同梱BOX name-sort: ふぁいやーぷろれすりんぐZ とうじえん どうこんBOX name-en: "Fire Pro Wrestling Z [with Toujien BOX]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes bad ring/UI textures. SLPM-62288: name: ポップンミュージック ベストヒッツ! name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく べすとひっつ! name-en: "Pop'n music Best Hits!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62290: name: TV蔵衛門 name-sort: TVくらえもん name-en: "TV Kuraemon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62291: name: ボンバーマンランド2 ゲーム史上最大のテーマパーク name-sort: ぼんばーまんらんど2 げーむしじょうさいだいのてーまぱーく name-en: "Bomberman Land 2 - Game Shijou Saidai no Theme Park" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62292: name: Warrior Blade - ラスタン VS バーバリアン編 - name-sort: Warrior Blade らすたん VS ばーばりあんへん name-en: "Warrior Blade - Rastan vs. Barbarian" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62293: name: "Magical Pachinko Cotton - Pachinko Jikki Simulation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62294: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.21 THE美少女シミュレーションRPG 〜MoonLightTale〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.21 THEびしょうじょしみゅれーしょんRPG 〜MoonLightTale〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 21 - The Moonlight Tale RPG" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62295: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.22 THE通勤電車運転士 〜電車でGO!3通勤編〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.22 THEつうきんでんしゃうんてんし 〜でんしゃでごー3つうきんへん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 22 - The Tsuukin Densha Untenshi - Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukin Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62296: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.6 ラブ★アッパー! name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.6 らぶあっぱー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 6 - Love Upper!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62297: name: 彩京べすと いくぜ!温泉卓球 name-sort: いくぜ!おんせんたっきゅう [さいきょうべすと] name-en: "Got To Do! Hot Spring Table Tennis [Psikyo Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62298: name: プチコプター name-sort: ぷちこぷたー name-en: "Petit Copter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62299: name: "Winback [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLPM-62300: name: "Horse Breaker [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62301: name: エアロビクスレボリューション name-sort: えあろびくすれぼりゅーしょん name-en: "Aerobics Revolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62302: name: "Eisei Meijin 7 - Tsuushin Shougi Club" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62305: name: SuperLite 2000テーブル オセロ name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000てーぶる おせろ name-en: "Othello [SuperLite 2000]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62306: name: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 2 - Shougi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62307: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.26 THEピンボール×3 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.26 THEぴんぼーる×3 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 26 - The Pinball X 3" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS and console spam. SLPM-62308: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.24 THEボウリングHYPER name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.24 THEぼうりんぐHYPER name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 24 - The Bowling" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62309: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.25 THE 免許取得シミュレーション name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.25 THE めんきょしゅとくしみゅれーしょん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 25 - The Menkyo Shutoku Simulation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62310: name: 蒼天龍 THE ARCADE name-sort: そうてんりゅう THE ARCADE name-en: "Souten Ryuu - The Arcade" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62312: name: "Saikyou no Igo 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62313: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.23 THE パズルコレクション2000問 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.23 THE ぱずるこれくしょん2000もん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 23 - The Puzzle Collection 2000-mon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62314: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.7 最強!白バイキング〜SECURITY POLICE〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.7 さいきょう!しろばいきんぐ SECURITY POLICE name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 7 - Saikyou! Shiro Biking Security Police" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62315: name: プチコプター ラジコンプロポ型コントローラセット name-sort: ぷちこぷたー らじこんぷろぽがたこんとろーらせっと name-en: "Puchi Copter [with Controller]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62316: name: SuperLite 2000テーブル 麻雀 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000てーぶる まーじゃん name-en: "Table Mahjong [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62317: name: SuperLite 2000囲碁 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000いご name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 3 - Igo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62318: name: トゥエルブスタッグ name-sort: とぅえるぶすたっぐ name-en: "XII Stag" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62319: name: 三國志VIII with パワーアップキット name-sort: さんごくし8 with ぱわーあっぷきっと name-en: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62320: name: "2003-nen Kaimaku - Ganbare Kyuukai-ou - Iwayuru Pro Yakyuu desu ne" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62321: name: ロボコップ〜新たなる危機〜 name-sort: ろぼこっぷ あらたなるきき name-en: "Robocop" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62322: name: ザ・コンビニ3 〜あの町を独占せよ〜 name-sort: ざ こんびに3 あのまちをどくせんせよ name-en: "Conveni 3, The - Ano Machi o Dokusen seyo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62323: name: "AI Shougi 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62324: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.8 激闘!迷路キング name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.8 げきとう!めいろきんぐ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 8 - Gekitou! Meiro King" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62325: name: ハイヒートメジャーリーグベースボール 2003 [THE BEST タカラモノ] name-sort: はいひーとめじゃーりーぐべーすぼーる 2003 [THE BEST たからもの] name-en: "High Heat Major League Baseball 2003 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62326: name: G-taste麻雀 フィギュア同梱スペシャル版 name-sort: じーていすとまーじゃん ふぃぎゅあどうこんすぺしゃるばん name-en: "G-Taste Mahjong [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62327: name: G-taste麻雀 name-sort: じーていすとまーじゃん name-en: "G-Taste Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62328: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.27 THEプロ野球 〜2003ペナントレース〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.27 THEぷろやきゅう 2003ぺなんとれーす name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 27 - The Pro Yakyuu 2003 Pennant Race" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62329: name: "AI Igo 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62330: name: "AI Mahjong 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62331: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 & Moushouden Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62332: name: "PlayOnline Viewer - Tetra Master & Janhourou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62333: name: "PlayOnline Viewer - Tetra Master & Janhourou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62334: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.29 THE恋愛ボードゲーム 〜青春18ラヂオ〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.29 THEれんあいぼーどげーむ せいしゅん18らじお name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 29 - The Renai Board Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62335: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.28 THE武士道〜辻斬一代〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.28 THEぶしどう つじぎりいちだい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 28 - The Bushido - Tsujigiri Ichi-dai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62336: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.44 THE はじめてのRPG〜伝説の継承者〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.44 THE はじめてのRPG でんせつのけいしょうしゃ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 44 - The Hajimete no RPG - Densetsu no Keishousha" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62337: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.30 THEストリートバスケ 3ON3 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.30 THEすとりーとばすけ 3ON3 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 30 - The Basketball - 3-on-3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62338: name: 石倉昇九段の囲碁講座 入門編 name-sort: いしくらのぼるきゅうだんのいごこうざ にゅうもんへん name-en: "Ishikura Noboru no Igo Kouza" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62339: name: 機甲兵団J-PHOENIX2 序章編 name-sort: きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす2 じょしょうへん name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix 2 - Joshou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62340: name: リプルのたまご name-sort: りぷるのたまご name-en: "Apprentice Magician" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62341: name: 不思議の国のアリス name-sort: ふしぎのくにのありす name-en: "Fushigi no Kuni no Alice" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62342: name: ファイヤープロレスリングZ name-sort: ふぁいやーぷろれすりんぐZ name-en: "Fire Pro Wrestling Z" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes bad ring/UI textures. SLPM-62343: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.34 THE恋愛ホラーアドベンチャー〜漂流少女〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.34 THEれんあいほらーあどべんちゃー〜ひょうりゅうしょうじょ〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 34 - The Renai Horror Adventure - Hyouryuu Shoujo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62344: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.31 THE地球防衛軍 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.31 THEちきゅうぼうえいぐん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 31 - The Chikyuu Boueigun" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves distant textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smooths high frequency textures on distant ground. SLPM-62345: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.32 THE戦車 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.32 THEせんしゃ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 32 - The Sensha" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62346: name: "Keiei Simulation - Jurassic Park [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLPM-62348: name: THE MECHSMITH [IFコレクション] name-sort: THE MECHSMITH [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Mechsmith, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62349: name: WELCOME TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN(TM) name-sort: WELCOME TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN(TM) name-en: "Welcome to Universal Studios Japan" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes being unable to move. SLPM-62350: name: ハドソンセレクションVOL.2 スターソルジャー name-sort: はどそんせれくしょんVOL.2 すたーそるじゃー name-en: "Hudson Selection Vol.2 - Star Soldier" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62352: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 40 - The Touyou Sandai Senjutsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62353: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.33 THEジェットコースター name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.33 THEじぇっとこーすたー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 33 - The Jet Coaster - Yuuenchi Otsukkurou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62354: name: SPACE INVADERS ANNIVERSARY name-sort: SPACE INVADERS ANNIVERSARY name-en: "Space Invaders 25th Anniversary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62355: name: チョロQHG2 [THE BEST タカラモノ] name-sort: ちょろQHG2 [THE BEST たからもの] name-en: "Choro Q HG 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLPM-62356: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン7 name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん7 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62357: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit! Original Anime Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62358: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit! Original Anime Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62359: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit! Original Anime Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62360: name: "Chou Aniki - Seinaru Protein Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62361: name: "Shin Contra" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62362: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.1 PHANTASY STAR(ファンタシースター) generation1限定 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.1 ふぁんたしーすたー generation1げんてい name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.01 - Phantasy Star Generation 1" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62364: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.2 モナコGP name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.2 もなこGP name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.02 - Monaco GP" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white vehicle previews. SLPM-62365: name: カルディナル アーク 〜混沌の封札〜 name-sort: かるでぃなる あーく こんとんのふうさつ name-en: "Cardinal Arc - Konton no Fuusatsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62366: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.3 ファンタジーゾーン name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.3 ふぁんたじーぞーん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.03 - Fantasy Zone" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62367: name: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.01 - Phantasy Star [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62368: name: "Koei Sangokushi Special Save Data-shuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62369: name: カラオケレボリューション(J-POPベストVol.1) name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん(J-POPべすとVol.1) name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62370: name: SuperLite 2000シューティング PSYVARIAR 〜MIDIUM UNIT〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しゅーてぃんぐ PSYVARIAR 〜MIDIUM UNIT〜 name-en: "Psyvariar Medium Unit [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62371: name: SuperLite 2000シューティング PSYVARIAR 〜RIVISION〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しゅーてぃんぐ PSYVARIAR 〜RIVISION〜 name-en: "Psyvariar Revision [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62372: name: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 7 - Oekaki Puzzle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62373: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.35 THEヘリコプター name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.35 THEへりこぷたー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 35 - The Helicopter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62374: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.12 ストリートゴルファー name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.12 すとりーとごるふぁー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 12 - Street Golfer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62375: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.36 THE娘育成シミュレーション name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.36 THEむすめいくせいしみゅれーしょん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 36 - The Musume Ikusei Simulation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62376: name: GetBackers奪還屋 奪還だョ!全員集合! [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: GetBackersだっかんや だっかんだよ!ぜんいんしゅうごう!! [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Get Backers - All Members Gather [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62377: name: GetBackers奪還屋 奪われた無限城 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: GetBackersだっかんや うばわれたむげんじょう [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Get Backers Dakkanoku - Ubawareta Mugenshiro [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62378: name: 爆走コンボイ伝説 〜男花道アメリカ浪漫〜 name-sort: ばくそうこんぼいでんせつ おとこはなみちあめりかろまん name-en: "Bakusou Convoy Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes inside RT shuffling. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_BigMuthaTruckers" SLPM-62379: name: カラオケレボリューション (J-POPベストVol.2) name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとVol.2 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62380: name: カラオケレボリューション (J-POPベストVol.3) name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとVol.3 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62381: name: カラオケレボリューション (J-POPベストVol.4) name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとVol.4 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62382: name: カラオケレボリューション Love & Ballad name-sort: カラオケレボリューション Love & Ballad name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Love & Ballad" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62383: name: カラオケレボリューション ナイトセレクション 2003 name-sort: カラオケレボリューション ナイトセレクション 2003 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Night Selection 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62384: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.4 スペースハリアー name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.4 すぺーすはりあー name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.04 - Space Harrier" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62385: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.5 ゴールデンアックス name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.5 ごーるでんあっくす name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.05 - Golden Axe" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62386: name: "Ishikura Noboru Kudan no Igo Kouza - Chuukyuu-hen - Jitsuryoku 5-kyuu o Mezasu Hito e" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62387: name: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 12 - Sudoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62388: name: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 9 - NumCro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62389: name: SuperLite 2000釣り ビッグバス 〜バス釣り完全攻略〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000つり びっぐばす ばすづりかんぜんこうりゃく name-en: "Big Bass - Bass Tsuri Kanzen Kouryaku [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62390: name: 一撃殺虫!!ホイホイさん 限定版 name-sort: いちげきさっちゅう!!ほいほいさん [げんていばん] name-en: "Ichigeki Sacchuu! HoiHoi-san [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62391: name: 一撃殺虫!!ホイホイさん name-sort: いちげきさっちゅう!!ほいほいさん name-en: "Ichigeki Sacchuu! HoiHoi-san" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62392: name: ジーワンジョッキー3 2003 name-sort: じーわんじょっきー3 2003 name-en: "G1 Jockey 3 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62393: name: "G1 Jockey 3 2003 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62394: name: Power Smash 2 SEGA THE BEST 2800 name-sort: Power Smash 2 SEGA THE BEST 2800 name-en: "Power Smash 2 [Sega The Best - 2800 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black models on certain games in World Tour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62395: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.37 THEシューティング 〜ダブル紫炎龍〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.37 THEしゅーてぃんぐ だぶるしえんりゅう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 37 - The Shooting - Double Shienryu" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes hashcache from exploding. SLPM-62396: name: "Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 6 - The Card" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62397: name: SIMPLE2000本格思考シリーズVol.5 THE棋力検定〜楽しく学べる囲碁入門〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000ほんかくしこうしりーずVol.5 THEきりょくけんてい たのしくまなべるいごにゅうもん name-en: "Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 5 - Kiryoku Kentei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62398: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 39 - The Boku no Machizukuri - Machi-ing Maker++" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62399: name: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 13 - Kyousou! Tansha King" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62400: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.12 ぷよぷよ通 パーフェクト・セット name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.12 ぷよぷよつう ぱーふぇくと せっと name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.12 - Puyo Puyo Tsu Perfect Set" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62401: name: デスクリムゾンOX+ name-sort: ですくりむぞんOX+ name-en: "Death Crimson OX+" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62403: name: 超兄貴 〜聖なるプロテイン伝説〜 name-sort: ちょうあにき せいなるぷろていんでんせつ name-en: "Chou Aniki - Seinaru Protein Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62404: name: ハドソンセレクションVOL.1 キュービックロードランナー name-sort: はどそんせれくしょんVOL.1 きゅーびっくろーどらんなー name-en: "Hudson Selection Vol.1 - Cubic Lode Runner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62405: name: "Taikou Risshiden IV" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62406: name: 鋼鉄の咆哮 〜ウォーシップコマンダー〜 KOEI The BEST name-sort: くろがねのほうこう うぉーしっぷこまんだー KOEI The BEST name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou - Warship Commander [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62407: name: 高橋尚子とマラソンしようよ! name-sort: たかはししょうことまらそんしようよ! name-en: "Takahashi Naoko no Marathon Shiyou yo!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing text. SLPM-62408: name: ハリー・ポッター クィディッチ ワールドカップ name-sort: はりーぽったー くぃでぃっち わーるどかっぷ name-en: "Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62409: name: ウィザードリィ エンパイアIII 〜覇王の系譜〜 name-sort: うぃざーどりぃ えんぱいあ3 はおうのけいふ name-en: "Wizardry Empire III - Ancestry of the Emperor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62410: name: サイレントスコープ3 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: さいれんとすこーぷ3 [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Silent Scope 3 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62411: name: "Buggy Grand Prix - Kattobi! Daisakusen" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62412: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.41 THEバレーボール name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.41 THEばれーぼーる name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 41 - The Volleyball" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62413: name: 空戦 II name-sort: くうせん II name-en: "Kuusen 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62414: name: カラオケレボリューション Dreams & Memories name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん Dreams & Memories name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Dreams & Memories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62415: name: コーエー定番シリーズ ジーワン ジョッキー2 name-sort: じーわん じょっきー2 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "G1 Jockey 2 [Koei Teiban Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62416: name: 桃太郎電鉄12 西日本編もありまっせー! name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ12 にしにほんへんもありまっせー! name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu XII - West Japan Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62417: name: 魁!!クロマティ高校 これはひょっとしてゲームなのか? name-sort: さきがけ!!くろまてぃこうこう これはひょっとしてげーむなのか? name-en: "Sakigake!! Cromatier High School - Kore ha Hyottoshite Game Nanoka! Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62418: name: ハドソンセレクションVOL.3 PC原人 name-sort: はどそんせれくしょんVOL.3 PCげんじん name-en: "Hudson Selection Vol.3 - PC Genjin" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62419: name: "Yuusei kara no Buttai X - Episode II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62420: name: "Sangokushi VIII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62421: name: "Ishikura Noboru Kudan no Igo Kouza - Joukyuu-hen Mezase, Jitsuryoku Shodan!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62422: name: ハドソンセレクションVOL.4 高橋名人の冒険島 name-sort: はどそんせれくしょんVOL.4 たかはしめいじんのぼうけんじま name-en: "Hudson Selection Vol.4 - Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62423: name: SuperLite 2000 パズル テトリス KIWAMEMICHI name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 ぱずる てとりす KIWAMEMICHI name-en: "Tetris Kiwamemichi [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62424: name: すくすく犬福 name-sort: すくすくいぬふく name-en: "Sukusuku Inufuku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62425: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.7 コラムス name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.7 こらむす name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.07 - Columns" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62426: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.42 異種格闘技 〜ボクシングVSキックVS空手VSプロレスVS柔術VS・・・〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.42 いしゅかくとうぎ ぼくしんぐVSきっくVSからてVSぷろれすVSじゅうじゅつVS・・・ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 42 - The Ishu Kakutou Waza" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62427: name: Dance Dance Revolution パーティーコレクション name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょん ぱーてぃーこれくしょん name-en: "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62428: name: 極 麻雀 DXII The 4th MONDO21Cup Competition name-sort: きわめ まーじゃん DXII The 4th MONDO21Cup Competition name-en: "Kiwame Mahjong DXII - The 4th Mondo 21 Cup Competition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62429: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.15 ラブ★ピンポン name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.15 らぶぴんぽん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 15 - Love - Ping Pong!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62430: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.43 THE裁判 〜新米司法官 桃田 司の10の裁判ファイル name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.43 THEさいばん 〜しんまいしほうかん ももた つかさの10のさいばんふぁいる name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 43 - The Saiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62431: name: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 14 - Topai! Dramatic Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62432: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.11 北斗の拳 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.11 ほくとのけん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.11 - Hokuto no Ken" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62433: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.6 イチニのタントアールとボナンザブラザーズ。 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.6 いちにのたんとあーるとぼなんざぶらざーず name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.06 - Bonanza Brothers" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62435: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit! 2 - Original Anime Game" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-62437: name: すいすい Sweet 〜あまい恋のみつけ方〜 name-sort: すいすい すいーと あまいこいのみつけかた name-en: "Sui Sui Sweet - Amai Koi no Mitsuke-kata" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62438: name: グローランサーコレクション name-sort: ぐろーらんさーこれくしょん name-en: "Growlanser Collection - The Dual Darkness" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62439: name: "Growlanser Collection - The Sense of Justice" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62440: name: グローランサーIII [Atlus Best Collection] name-sort: ぐろーらんさー3 [Atlus Best Collection] name-en: "Growlanser III [Atlus The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPM-62442: name: ようこそ ひつじ村 name-sort: ようこそ ひつじむら name-en: "Youkoso Hitsuji-Mura" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62443: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.8 V.R. バーチャレーシング name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.8 V.R. ばーちゃれーしんぐ name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.08 - Virtua Racing" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62444: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.15 デカスリート・コレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.15 でかすりーと・これくしょん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.15 - Decathlete Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62445: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.9 ゲイングランド name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.9 げいんぐらんど name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.09 - Gain Ground" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62446: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.10 アフターバーナーII name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.10 あふたーばーなーII name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.10 - Afterburner II" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62447: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.13 アウトラン name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.13 あうとらん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.13 - Outrun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62448: name: SuperLite 2000パズル クロスワード name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000ぱずる くろすわーど name-en: "Crossword [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62449: name: トムとジェリー ヒゲヒゲだいせんそう name-sort: とむとじぇりー ひげひげだいせんそう name-en: "Tom & Jerry - War of the Whiskers" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-62450: name: カラオケレボリューション 〜アニメソングコレクション〜 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん あにめそんぐこれくしょん name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Anime Song Selection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62451: name: カラオケレボリューション J-POPベストvol.5 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとvol.5 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62453: name: 彩京べすと G-taste麻雀 name-sort: じーていすとまーじゃん [さいきょうべすと] name-en: "G-Taste Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62454: name: カラオケレボリューション J-POPベストvol.6 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとvol.6 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62455: name: カラオケレボリューション J-POPベストvol.7 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとvol.7 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62456: name: カラオケレボリューション J-POPベストvol.8 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとvol.8 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62457: name: カラオケレボリューション 〜Snow & Party〜 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん Snow & Party name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Snow & Party" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62458: name: 第三帝国興亡記 name-sort: だいさんていこくこうぼうき name-en: "Daisan Teikoku Koubouki - Aufstieg und Fall des dritten Reiches" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62459: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.16 戦国VS現代 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.16 せんごくVSげんだい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 16 - Sengoku vs. Gendai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62460: name: SuperLite2000 シミュレーション 箱庭鉄道 〜ブルートレイン・特急編〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 しみゅれーしょん はこにわてつどう ぶるーとれいんとっきゅうへん name-en: "Kakoniwa Tetsudou - Blue Train Tokkyuuhen [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62461: name: 式神の城II(通常版) name-sort: しきがみのしろ2 name-en: "Shikigami no Shiro II" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62462: name: グラディウスV name-sort: ぐらでぃうす5 name-en: "Gradius V" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62463: name: ループシーケンサー ミュージックジェネレーター name-sort: るーぷしーけんさー みゅーじっくじぇねれーたー name-en: "Loop Sequencer - Music Generator" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62464: name: pop’n対戦ぱずるだまONLINE name-sort: ぽっぷんたいせんぱずるだまONLINE name-en: "pop'n Taisen Pazurudama Online" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62465: name: LE MANS 24 HOURS SEGA THE BEST 2800 name-sort: LE MANS 24 HOURS SEGA THE BEST 2800 name-en: "LeMans 24 Hours [Sega The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62466: name: SuperLite 2000パズル ZOOO name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000ぱずる ZOOO name-en: "Zooo [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62467: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.18 ラブ★エアロビ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.18 らぶえあろび name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 18 - Love - Aerobics" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62468: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.17 対戦!爆弾ポイポイ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.17 たいせん!ばくだんぽいぽい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 17 - Taisen! Bakudan Poi Poi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62469: name: GUNBIRD 1&2 name-sort: GUNBIRD 1&2 name-en: "Gunbird 1&2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62470: name: "Teitoku no Ketsudan IV with Power Up Kit" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-62145" - "SLPM-62470" - "SLPM-62518" SLPM-62471: name: SuperLite 2000テーブル UNO name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000てーぶる UNO name-en: "Uno [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62472: name: ダイエット チャンネル name-sort: だいえっと ちゃんねる name-en: "Diet Channel" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62473: name: 信長の野望 嵐世紀 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: のぶながのやぼう らんせいき [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Ranseiki [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62474: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.46 THE 漢字クイズ〜チャレンジ!漢字検定〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.46 THE かんじくいず〜ちゃれんじ!かんじけんてい〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 46 - The Kanji Quiz - Challenge! Kanji Kentei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62475: name: 桃太郎電鉄11 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ11 はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu XI [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62476: name: GetBackers奪還屋 裏新宿最強バトル name-sort: GetBackersだっかんや うらしんじゅくさいきょうばとる name-en: "Get Backers Dakkanoku - Ura Shinjuku Saikyou Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62477: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.47 THE 合戦 関が原 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.47 THE かっせん せきがはら name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 47 - The Kassen Sekigahara" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62478: name: ボンバーマンランドシリーズ ボンバーマンカートDX name-sort: ぼんばーまんらんどしりーず ぼんばーまんかーとDX name-en: "Bomberman Kart DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62479: name: カラオケレボリューション J-POPベストVol.9 name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん J-POPべすとVol.9 name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - J-Pop Vol.9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62480: name: 対戦ホットギミック コスプレ雀 スペシャル版 name-sort: たいせんほっとぎみっく こすぷれじゃん すぺしゃるばん name-en: "Hot Gimmick Cosplay Mahjong [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62481: name: SuperLite2000 スポーツ わくわくバレー2 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 すぽーつ わくわくばれー2 name-en: "Waku Waku Volleyball 2 [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62482: name: パチスロ闘魂伝承 猪木祭 アントニオ猪木という名のパチスロ機 アントニオ猪木自身がパチスロ機 name-sort: ぱちすろとうこんでんしょう いのきまつり あんとにおいのきというなのぱちすろき あんとにおいのきじしんがぱちすろき name-en: "Pachinko Slot Tokodensho - Inoki Festival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62483: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.48 THE タクシー 〜運転手は君だ〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.48 THE たくしー うんてんしゅはきみだ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 48 - The Taxi - Untenshu ha Kimi da" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes road markings. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smooths the texture transitions. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Positive rounding fixes distant white models. vu1RoundMode: 2 # Positive rounding fixes close white models. SLPM-62484: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.50 THE 大美人 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.50 THE だいびじん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 50 - The Daibijin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62485: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.49 THE ドッヂボール 〜World Champion Dodge Baller〜〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.49 THE どっぢぼーる 〜World Champion Dodge Baller〜〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 49 - The World Champ Dodge Baller" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62486: name: 超最速!族車キングBU〜仏恥義理伝説2〜 name-sort: ちょうさいそく ぞくしゃきんぐBU ぶっちぎりでんせつ2 name-en: "Chou Saisoku! Zokusha King B.U. [Simple Series DX]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes car colours. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes white shadows. SLPM-62487: name: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 19 - Hanafuda" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62488: name: 対戦ホットギミック コスプレ雀 name-sort: たいせんほっとぎみっく こすぷれじゃん name-en: "Hot Gimmick Cosplay Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62489: name: 吉野家 name-sort: よしのや name-en: "Yoshinoya" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62490: name: 「ドラゴンクエストVIII」プレミアム映像ディスク name-sort: どらごんくえすと8 ぷれみあむえいぞうでぃすく name-en: "Dragon Quest VIII [Premium Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-62491: name: ロックマン パワーバトルファイターズ name-sort: ろっくまん ぱわーばとるふぁいたーず name-en: "RockMan Power Battle Fighters" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes whole screen grid artifacts. SLPM-62492: name: カラオケレボリューション キッズソングセレクション name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん きっずそんぐせれくしょん name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Kids Song Selection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62493: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.54 THE 大海獣 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.54 THE だいかいじゅう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 54 - The Daikiju" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62494: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.55 THE キャットファイト name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.55 THE きゃっとふぁいと name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 55 - The Cat Fight" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62495: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.53 THE カメラ小僧 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.53 THE かめらこぞう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 53 - The Camera Kozo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62496: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.52 THE 地球侵略群〜スペースレイダース〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.52 THE ちきゅうしんりゃくぐん すぺーすれいだーす name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 52 - The Space Raiders" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62497: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.51 THE 戦艦 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.51 THE せんかん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 51 - The Senkan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62498: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 & Moushouden Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62499: name: 勝負師伝説 哲也 DIGEST name-sort: ぎゃんぶらーでんせつ てつや DIGEST name-en: "Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya Digest" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62500: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.14 エイリアンシンドローム name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.14 えいりあんしんどろーむ name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.14 - Alien Syndrome" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62501: name: 重装機兵ヴァルケン name-sort: じゅうそうきへいゔぁるけん name-en: "Juusou Kihei Valken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62502: name: 信長戦記 name-sort: のぶながせんき name-en: "Nobunaga Senki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62503: name: BOMBERMAN BATTLES name-sort: BOMBERMAN BATTLES name-en: "Bomberman Battles" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62504: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.56 THE サバイバルゲーム name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.56 THE さばいばるげーむ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 56 - The Survival Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62505: name: 福原愛の卓球一直線 name-sort: ふくはらあいのたっきゅういっちょくせん name-en: "Fukuhara Love Ping Pong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62506: name: ヴァンパイアパニック 限定版 name-sort: ゔぁんぱいあぱにっく [げんていばん] name-en: "Vampire Panic" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62508: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.57 THE プロ野球2004 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.57 THE ぷろやきゅう2004 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 57 - The Pro Yakyuu 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62509: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.58 THE 外科医 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.58 THE げかい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 58 - The Gekai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62510: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.60 THE 特撮変身ヒーロー name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.60 THE とくさつへんしんひーろー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 60 - The Tokusatsu Henshin Hero" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62511: name: ヴィクトリー・ウイングス 〜ゼロ・パイロット シリーズ〜 name-sort: ゔぃくとりー・ういんぐす ぜろ ぱいろっと しりーず name-en: "Victory Wings - Zero Pilot Series" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62512: name: 経営シミュレーション ジュラシック・パーク [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: けいえいしみゅれーしょん じゅらしっく・ぱーく [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Keiei Simulation - Jurassic Park [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLPM-62513: name: EA BEST HITS ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 name-sort: はりーぽったーとひみつのへや [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. SLPM-62514: name: EA BEST HITS シムピープル 〜お茶の間劇場〜 name-sort: しむぴーぷる おちゃのまげきじょう [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Sim People [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62515: name: 彩京シューティングコレクション Vol.1 STRIKERS1945 I&II name-sort: さいきょうしゅーてぃんぐこれくしょん Vol.1 STRIKERS1945 I&II name-en: "Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol.1 - Strikers 1945 1-2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes part II intro screen. SLPM-62516: name: レッツプレイスポーツ! name-sort: れっつぷれいすぽーつ! name-en: "EyeToy Sports - Let's Play Sports!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62517: name: WinningPost 5 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと5 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Winning Post 5 [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62518: name: 提督の決断IV [KOEI The Best] name-sort: ていとくのけつだん4 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Teitoku no Ketsudan IV [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62519: name: 三國志VIII [KOEI The Best] name-sort: さんごくし8 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Sangokushi VIII [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62520: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutenroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62521: name: 極麻雀DXII-The 4th MONDO21Cup Competition Athena Best Collection Vol.2 name-sort: きわめまーじゃんDXII-The 4th MONDO21Cup Competition Athena Best Collection Vol.2 name-en: "Kiwame Mahjong DXII - The 4th Mondo 21 Cup Competition [Athena Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62523: name: "Shikigami no Shiro [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62524: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.59 THE 宇宙人と話そう!〜うちゅ〜じんってなぁに?〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.59 THE うちゅうじんとはなそう! うちゅーじんってなぁに? name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 59 - The Uchyujin to Hanasou!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62525: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.61 THE お姉チャンバラ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.61 THE おねえちゃんばら name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 61 - The OneeChanBara" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62526: name: ジャイアントロボ THE ANIMATION 地球が静止する日 name-sort: じゃいあんとろぼ THE ANIMATION ちきゅうがせいしするひ name-en: "Giant Robo - The Animation - Chikyuu ga Seishi suru Hi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes blackscreen. SLPM-62528: name: カラオケレボリューション ファミリーパック name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん ふぁみりーぱっく name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Kazoku Idol Sengen [with Microphone]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62529: name: カラオケレボリューション☆家族アイドル化宣言☆ name-sort: からおけれぼりゅーしょん かぞくあいどるかせんげん name-en: "Karaoke Revolution - Kazoku Idol Sengen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62530: name: グラディウスIII&IV〜復活の神話〜(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ぐらでぃうす3&4 ふっかつのしんわ [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Gradius III & IV [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62531: name: 麻雀やろうぜ!2(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: まーじゃんやろうぜ!2 [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Mahjong Yarouze! 2 [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62532: name: イースIII 〜ワンダラーズ フロム イース〜 name-sort: いーす3 わんだらーず ふろむ いーす name-en: "Ys III - Wanderers from Ys [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62533: name: "Usagi - Yasei no Touhai - The Arcade - Yamashiro Mahjong-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62534: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.63 もぎたて水着!女まみれの THE 水泳大会 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.63 もぎたてみずぎ!おんなまみれの THE すいえいたいかい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 63 - Mogitate Mizugi! Onna Mamire no The Suieitaikai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62536: name: ジーワンジョッキー3 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: じーわんじょっきー3 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "G1 Jockey 3 [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62537: name: EA BEST HITS スター・ウォーズ スターファイター name-sort: すたーうぉーず すたーふぁいたー [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Star Wars - Starfighter [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62538: name: 強襲機甲部隊〜攻撃ヘリコプター戦記〜 name-sort: きょうしゅうきこうぶたい こうげきへりこぷたーせんき name-en: "Kyoushuu Kidou Butai - Kougeki Helicopter Senki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62539: name: SuperLite 2000 テーブル めざせ! チェスチャンピオン name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 てーぶる めざせ! ちぇすちゃんぴおん name-en: "Chess Champion [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62540: name: SuperLite 2000シリーズ めざせ!スーパーハスラー name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しりーず めざせ!すーぱーはすらー name-en: "Super Husaru [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62541: name: SuperLite 2000 スポーツ めざせ! スーパーボウラー name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 すぽーつ めざせ! すーぱーぼうらー name-en: "Super Bowling [Superlite 2000 Series Sports]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62542: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.20 ラブ★マージャン!2 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.20 らぶまーじゃん!2 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 20 - The Love Mahjong 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62543: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.65 THE キョンシーパニック name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.65 THE きょんしーぱにっく name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 65 - The Kyonshi Panic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62544: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.19 アカギ〜闇に降り立った天才〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.19 あかぎ〜やみにおりたったてんさい〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 19 - Akagi Yama ni Oritattatensai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62545: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.64 THE スプラッターアクション name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.64 THE すぷらったーあくしょん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 64 - Splatter Action" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62546: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志VII name-sort: さんごくし7 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Sangokushi VII [Koei Collection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62547: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.16 バーチャファイター2 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.16 ばーちゃふぁいたー2 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.16 - Virtua Fighter 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-62548: name: SuperLite 2000パズル 平成博徒伝 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000ぱずる へいせいばくとでん name-en: "Heisei Bakutoden [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62549: name: JALECO the BEST おとなのギャル雀 〜きみにハネ満!〜 name-sort: JALECO the BEST おとなのぎゃるじゃん 〜きみにはねまん!〜 name-en: "Otona no Gal Jan - Kimi ni Hane Man [Jaleco the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62550: name: ウィザードリィ エンパイアIII 〜覇王の系譜〜 Good Price [限定版] name-sort: うぃざーどりぃ えんぱいあ3 〜はおうのけいふ〜 Good Price [げんていばん] name-en: "Wizardry Empire III - Ancestry of the Emperor [Good Price - Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62551: name: ウィザードリィ エンパイアIII 〜覇王の系譜〜 Good Price name-sort: うぃざーどりぃ えんぱいあ3 〜はおうのけいふ〜 Good Price name-en: "Wizardry Empire III - Ancestry of the Emperor [Good Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62552: name: スーパー上海2005 name-sort: すーぱーしゃんはい2005 name-en: "Super Shanghai 2005" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 patches: default: content: |- // Sets CD Read command to blocking to prevent CDVD Reset collision on boot comment=patch by kr_ps2 patch=1,IOP,000760B0,word,24040001 SLPM-62553: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.17 PHANTASY STAR generation:2 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.17 PHANTASY STAR generation:2 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.17 - Phantasy Star Generation 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62554: name: セガ スーパースターズ“EyeToy”カメラ同梱版 name-sort: せが すーぱーすたーず あいとーいかめらどうこんばん name-en: "EyeToy - Sega Superstars [with Camera]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62555: name: 桃太郎電鉄USA name-sort: ももたろうでんてつUSA name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu USA" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62556: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.66 THE パーティー右脳クイズ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.66 THE ぱーてぃーうのうくいず name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 66 - The Party Unou Quiz" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62557: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.67 THE 推理 〜そして誰もいなくなった〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.67 THE すいり 〜そしてだれもいなくなった〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 67 - The Suiri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62558: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.21 喧嘩上等!ヤンキー番長 〜昭和99年の伝説〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.21 けんかじょうとう!やんきーばんちょう 〜しょうわ99ねんのでんせつ〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 21 - Kenka Joutou! Yankee Banchou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62559: name: セガ スーパースターズ name-sort: せが すーぱーすたーず name-en: "Sega Superstars" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62560: name: グローランサーIV Return name-sort: ぐろーらんさー4 Return name-en: "Growlanser IV - Return" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62562: name: サイヴァリア2 アルティメット・ファイナル name-sort: さいゔぁりあ2 あるてぃめっと・ふぁいなる name-en: "Psyvariar 2 - Ultimate Final" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62563: name: 彩京シューティングコレクション Vol.2 戦国エース&戦国ブレード name-sort: さいきょうしゅーてぃんぐこれくしょん Vol.2 せんごくえーす&せんごくぶれーど name-en: "Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol.2 - Sengoku Ace & Sengoku Blade" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62564: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.68 THE 逃走ハイウェイ〜名古屋-東京〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.68 THE とうそうはいうぇい〜なごや-とうきょう〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 68 - The Tousou Highway - Nagoya - Tokyo" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes distant car textures. SLPM-62565: name: ボボボーボ・ボーボボ 集まれ!!体感ボーボボ [カメラ同梱] name-sort: ぼぼぼーぼ・ぼーぼぼ あつまれ!!たいかんぼーぼぼ [かめらどうこん] name-en: "Boboboubo Boubobo - Atsumare!! Taikan Boubobo [Doukonban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62566: name: THE TYPING OF THE DEAD ZOMBIE PANIC name-sort: THE TYPING OF THE DEAD ZOMBIE PANIC name-en: "Typing of the Dead - Zombie Panic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62567: name: コーエー定番シリーズ WIN BACK name-sort: WIN BACK [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Winback [Koei Best Series]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLPM-62568: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 真・三國無双 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62569: name: PC原人 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: PCげんじん はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "PC Genjin [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62570: name: 高橋名人の冒険島 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: たかはしめいじんのぼうけんじま はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Takahashi Meijin no Adventure Island [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62571: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメット Vol.22 THE スタイリッシュ麻雀〜兎-野性の闘牌-&兎-野性の闘牌 THE ARCADE- ダブルパック〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっと Vol.22 THE すたいりっしゅまーじゃん うさぎ やせいのとうはい うさぎ やせいのとうはい THE ARCADE だぶるぱっく name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 22 - Stylish Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62572: name: ボボボーボ・ボーボボ 集まれ!!体感ボーボボ name-sort: ぼぼぼーぼ ぼーぼぼ あつまれ たいかんぼーぼぼ name-en: "Boboboubo Boubobo - Atsumare!! Taikan Boubobo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62573: name: "Kessen III - Enjoy Disc" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62574: name: 勝負師伝説 哲也 DIGEST Athena Best Collection Vol.3 name-sort: ぎゃんぶらーでんせつ てつや DIGEST Athena Best Collection Vol.3 name-en: "Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya Digest [Athena Best Collection Vol.3]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62576: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62577: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! 北斗の拳 Plus name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう ほくとのけん Plus name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62578: name: バズロッド 〜フィッシングファンタジー name-sort: ばずろっど ふぃっしんぐふぁんたじー name-en: "Buzz Rod Fishing Fantasy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62579: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.74 女の子専用 THE 王子様とロマンス 〜リプルのたまご〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.74 おんなのこせんよう THE おうじさまとろまんす 〜りぷるのたまご〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 74 - Onna no Ko Senyou - The Oujisama to Romance - Ripuru no Tamago" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62580: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.69 THE ボードゲームコレクション name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.69 THE ぼーどげーむこれくしょん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 69 - The Board Game Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62581: name: K-1 PREMIUM 2004 Dynamite!! name-sort: K-1 PREMIUM 2004 Dynamite!! name-en: "K-1 Premium 2004 Dynamite!!" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white fighters. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes black flickering. patches: 0A1042EE: content: |- comment=Fixes black screen in hardware mode. patch=1,EE,00301de0,word,0000948c patch=1,EE,00301e08,word,0000948c SLPM-62582: name: スロッターUPコア6 爆炎打! 巨人の星II name-sort: すろったーUPこあ6 ばくえんだ! きょじんのほし2 name-en: "Slotter-Up Core 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62583: name: キュービックロードランナー ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: きゅーびっくろーどらんなー はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Hudson Selection Vol.1 - Cubic Lode Runner [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62584: name: スターソルジャー ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: すたーそるじゃー はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Hudson Selection Vol.2 - Star Soldier [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62585: name: 魁!クロマティ高校 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: さきがけ!くろまてぃこうこう はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Sakigake! Cromartie High School [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62586: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.70 THE 鑑識官 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.70 THE かんしきかん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 70 - Kanshikikan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62588: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.73 THE 西遊闘猿伝 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.73 THE さいゆうとうえんでん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 73 - The Saiyuu Touenden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62589: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.72 THE 任侠 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.72 THE にんきょう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 72 - Ninkyou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62590: name: ジーワンジョッキー3 2005年度版 プレミアムパック name-sort: じーわんじょっきー3 2005ねんどばん ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "G1 Jockey 3 - 2005 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62591: name: ジーワンジョッキー3 2005年度版 name-sort: じーわんじょっきー3 2005ねんどばん name-en: "G1 Jockey 3 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62593: name: 彩京シューティングコレクション Vol.3 ソルディバイド&ドラゴンブレイズ name-sort: さいきょうしゅーてぃんぐこれくしょん Vol.3 そるでぃばいど&どらごんぶれいず name-en: "Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol.3 - Sol Divide & Dragon Blaze" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62594: name: 彩京べすと 対戦ホットギミック コスプレ雀 name-sort: たいせんほっとぎみっく こすぷれじゃん [さいきょうべすと] name-en: "Battle Hot Gimmick Cosplay Mahjong [Psikyo Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62595: name: チョロQ HG3 THE BEST タカラモノ name-sort: ちょろQ HG3 THE BEST たからもの name-en: "Choro Q HG 3 [Takara The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62596: name: EX億万長者ゲーム THE BEST タカラモノ name-sort: EXおくまんちょうじゃげーむ THE BEST たからもの name-en: "EX Okuman Chouja Game [Takara The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62597: name: 学園ヘヴン おかわりっ! name-sort: がくえんへゔん おかわりっ! name-en: "Gakuen Heaven - Okawari!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62598: name: "Sakura Taisen V - Saraba Itoshiki Hito yo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62599: name: ボンバーマンカートDX ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: ぼんばーまんかーとDX はどそん ざ べすと name-en: "Bomberman Kart DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62600: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.75 THE 特ダネ 〜日本全国スクープ列島〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.75 THE とくだね にほんぜんこくすくーぷれっとう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 75 - The Tokudane" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62601: name: ザ・コンビニ3 〜あの町を独占せよ〜 HAMSTER the Best name-sort: ざ こんびに3 あのまちをどくせんせよ HAMSTER the Best name-en: "Conveni 3, The [Hamster The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62602: name: 翼神 ギガウイングジェネレーションズ name-sort: よくしん ぎがういんぐじぇねれーしょんず name-en: "Yokushin - GigaWing Generations" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62603: name: ウィザードリィサマナー name-sort: うぃざーどりぃさまなー name-en: "Wizardry Summoner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62604: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.76 THE 話そう英語の旅 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.76 THE はなそうえいごのたび name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 76 - The Hanasou Eigo no Tabi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62605: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.77 THE 話そう韓国語の旅 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.77 THE はなそうかんこくごのたび name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 77 - The Hanasou Kankokugo no Tabi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62606: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.19 ファイティングバイパーズ name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.19 ふぁいてぃんぐばいぱーず name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.19 - Fighting Vipers" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-62607: name: "Shikigami no Shiro III [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62608: name: SuperLite 2000 アクション 吉野家 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 あくしょん よしのや name-en: "Yoshinoya [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62609: name: MYCOM BEST 麻雀覇王 段級バトル name-sort: まーじゃんはおう だんきゅうばとる [MYCOM BEST] name-en: "Majhong Haoh - Shinken Battle [Mycom The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62610: name: 最強 東大将棋 スペシャルII name-sort: さいきょう とうだいしょうぎ すぺしゃるII name-en: "Saikyou Toudai Shogi Supesharu II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62611: name: 対戦ホットギミック アクセス雀 スペシャル版 name-sort: たいせんほっとぎみっく あくせすじゃん すぺしゃるばん name-en: "Taisen Hot Gimmick Axes Jong [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62612: name: 対戦ホットギミック アクセス雀 name-sort: たいせんほっとぎみっく あくせすじゃん name-en: "Taisen Hot Gimmick Axes Jong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62613: name: TOUGH DARK FIGHT name-sort: TOUGH DARK FIGHT name-en: "Tough Dark Fight" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62614: name: コーエー定番シリーズ ホースブレーカー name-sort: ほーすぶれーかー [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Horse Breaker [Koei Teiban Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62615: name: スロッターUPマニア6 沖の熱風! パイオニアスペシャルII name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ6 おきのねっぷう! ぱいおにあすぺしゃるII name-en: "Slotter Up Mania 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62616: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.25 超最速!族車キングBUのBU 〜仏恥義理伝説2改〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.25 ちょうさいそく!ぞくしゃきんぐBUのBU ぶっちぎりでんせつ2 かい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 25 - Chou-Saisoku! Zokusha King BU no BU" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62617: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 79 - Akko ni Omakase! The Party Quiz" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62618: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.78 THE 宇宙大戦争 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.78 THE うちゅうだいせんそう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 78 - The Uchuu Daisensou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62619: name: "Shoujo Yoshitsune-jong - Benkei no Naki Dokoro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62620: name: パチスロ ウイニングポスト name-sort: ぱちすろ ういにんぐぽすと name-en: "Pachi-Slot Winning Post" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62621: name: グラディウスV [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: ぐらでぃうす5 [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Gradius V [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62622: name: スロッターUPコア7 激闘打!ストリートファイターII name-sort: すろったーUPこあ7 げきとうだ!すとりーとふぁいたー2 name-en: "Slotter Up Core 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62623: name: エレメンタルジェレイド-纏え、翠風の剣- name-sort: えれめんたるじぇれいど まとえ すいふうのつるぎ name-en: "Elemental Gerad" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 9 # Game requires AdaptiveBFF de-interlacing when auto. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes chocolate coloured characters. patches: B99379B7: content: |- // Fixes game not working in hardware mode comment=Patch by refraction and Kojin patch=1,EE,0053B740,word,00009400 patch=1,EE,0053B768,word,00009400 SLPM-62624: name: プチコプター2 name-sort: ぷちこぷたー2 name-en: "Petit Copter 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62625: name: 鬼浜爆走愚連隊 激闘編 name-sort: おにはまばくそうぐれんたい げきとうへん name-en: "Onihama Bakusou Gurentai Gekitou Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62626: name: オレたちゲーセン族 その1 スクランブル name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく その1 すくらんぶる name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.01 - Scramble" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62627: name: オレたちゲーセン族 その2 クレイジー・クライマー name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく その2 くれいじー・くらいまー name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.02 - Crazy Climber" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62628: name: オレたちゲーセン族 その3 空手道 name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく その3 からてどう name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.03 - Karate Michi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62629: name: 麻雀覇王 バトルロイヤル name-sort: まーじゃんはおう ばとるろいやる name-en: "Mahjong Haoh - Battle Royal" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62630: name: すくすく犬福 HAMSTER the Best name-sort: すくすくいぬふく HAMSTER the Best name-en: "Sukusuku Inufuku [Hamster The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62631: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.3 THE パズルコレクション2,000問 & THE 東洋三大占術〜風水・姓名判断・易占〜 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.3 THE ぱずるこれくしょん2,000もん & THE とうようさんだいうらないじゅつ〜ふうすい・せいめいはんだん・えきうらない〜 [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 3 - The Puzzle Collection 2000 Toi & The Touyou Sandai Senjitsu Fusui, Seimeidanhan, Ekisen [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62632: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.3 THE パズルコレクション2,000問 & THE 東洋三大占術〜風水・姓名判断・易占〜 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.3 THE ぱずるこれくしょん2,000もん & THE とうようさんだいうらないじゅつ〜ふうすい・せいめいはんだん・えきうらない〜 [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 3 - The Puzzle Collection 2000 Toi & The Touyou Sandai Senjitsu Fusui, Seimeidanhan, Ekisen [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62633: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.2 THE バスフィッシング & THE ボウリングHYPER [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.2 THE ばすふぃっしんぐ & THE ぼうりんぐHYPER [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 2 - The Bass Fishing & The Bowling Hyper [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62634: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.2 THE バスフィッシング & THE ボウリングHYPER [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.2 THE ばすふぃっしんぐ & THE ぼうりんぐHYPER [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 2 - The Bass Fishing & The Bowling Hyper [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62635: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.26 ラブ★スマッシュ!5.1 〜テニスロボの反乱〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.26 らぶすまっしゅ!5.1 〜てにすろぼのはんらん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 26 - Love - Smash! 5.1 - Tennis Robo no Gyakushuu" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad Geometry. SLPM-62636: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.1 THE テニス & THE スノーボード [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.1 THE てにす & THE すのーぼーど [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 1 - The Tennis & The Snowboard [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS and console spam (The Tennis). SLPM-62637: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.1 THE テニス & THE スノーボード [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.1 THE てにす & THE すのーぼーど [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 1 - The Tennis & The Snowboard [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62638: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.80 THE お姉チャンプルゥ 〜THE姉チャン特別編〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.80 THE おねえちゃんぷるぅ 〜THEねえちゃんとくべつへん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 80 - The OneeChanPuruu" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes characters clothing. SLPM-62639: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 麻雀大会III ミレニアムリーグ name-sort: まーじゃんたいかいIII みれにあむりーぐ [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Mahjong Taikai III - Millennium League [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62640: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 太閤立志伝IV name-sort: たいこうりっしでん4 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Taikou Risshiden IV [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62641: name: 三國志VIII with パワーアップキット [KOEI The BEST] name-sort: さんごくし8 with ぱわーあっぷきっと [KOEI The BEST] name-en: "Sangokushi VIII [with Power-Up Kit] [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62642: name: 信長の野望・嵐世記 with パワーアップキット [KOEI The BEST] name-sort: のぶながのやぼう らんせいき with ぱわーあっぷきっと [KOEI The BEST] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Ranseiki [with Power-Up Kit] [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62643: name: ボンバーマンランド3 name-sort: ぼんばーまんらんど3 name-en: "Bomberman Land 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62644: name: オレたちゲーセン族 その4 タイムパイロット name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく その4 たいむぱいろっと name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.04 - Time Pilot" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62645: name: オレたちゲーセン族 その5 ムーンクレスタ name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく その5 むーんくれすた name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.05 - Moon Cresta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62646: name: オレたちゲーセン族 その6 ソニックウィングス name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく その6 そにっくうぃんぐす name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.06 - Sonic Wings" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62648: name: K-1 WORLD MAX 2005 〜世界王者への道〜 name-sort: K-1 WORLD MAX 2005 〜せかいおうじゃへのみち〜 name-en: "K-1 World Max 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62649: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.85 世界名作劇場クイズ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.85 せかいめいさくげきじょうくいず name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 88 - The Sekai Meisaku Gekijou Quiz" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62650: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.82 THE カンフー name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.82 THE かんふー name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 82 - The Kung-fu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62651: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.83 THE 昆虫採集 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.83 THE こんちゅうさいしゅう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 83 - The Konchuu Saishuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62652: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.81 THE 地球防衛軍2 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.81 THE ちきゅうぼうえいぐん2 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 81 - The Chikyuu Boueigun 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Lessens the bloom misalignment but still an issue. SLPM-62653: name: "Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol.1 - Strikers 1945 1-2 [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes part II intro screen. SLPM-62655: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.11 北斗の拳 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.11 ほくとのけん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.11 - Hokuto no Ken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62656: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.12 ぷよぷよ通 パーフェクト・セット name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.12 ぷよぷよつう ぱーふぇくと・せっと name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.12 - Puyo Puyo Perfect Set" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62658: name: "Kyoushuu Kidou Butai - Kougeki Helicopter Senki [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62660: name: オレたちゲーセン族 スーパーバレーボール name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく すーぱーばれーぼーる name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.09 - Super Volleyball" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62661: name: オレたちゲーセン族 テラクレスタ name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく てらくれすた name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Terra Cresta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62662: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.5 THE シューティング〜ダブル紫炎龍〜 & THE ヘリコプター [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.5 THE しゅーてぃんぐ〜だぶるしえんりゅう〜 & THE へりこぷたー [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 5 - The Shooting & The Helicopter [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62663: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.5 THE シューティング〜ダブル紫炎龍〜 & THE ヘリコプター [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.5 THE しゅーてぃんぐ〜だぶるしえんりゅう〜 & THE へりこぷたー [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 5 - The Shooting & The Helicopter [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62664: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.4 THE 武士道 〜辻斬り一代〜 & THE スナイパー2 〜悪夢の銃弾〜 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.4 THE ぶしどう 〜つじぎりいちだい〜 & THE すないぱー2 〜あくむのじゅうだん〜 [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 4 - The Bushidou & The Sniper 2 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62665: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ 2in1 Vol.4 THE 武士道 〜辻斬り一代〜 & THE スナイパー2 〜悪夢の銃弾〜 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず 2in1 Vol.4 THE ぶしどう 〜つじぎりいちだい〜 & THE すないぱー2 〜あくむのじゅうだん〜 [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Simple 2000 Series 2-in-1 Vol. 4 - The Bushidou & The Sniper 2 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62666: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.1 PHANTASY STAR generation:1 通常版 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.1 PHANTASY STAR generation:1 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.01 - Phantasy Star Generation 1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62668: name: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.03 - Fantasy Zone" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62669: name: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 4 - Space Harrier" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62670: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.5 ゴールデンアックス name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.5 ごーるでんあっくす name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.05 - Golden Axe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62671: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.6 イチニのタントアールとボナンザブラザーズ。 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.6 いちにのたんとあーるとぼなんざぶらざーず name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.06 - Bonanza Bros. & Tant-R" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62672: name: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 7 - Columns" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62675: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.13 アウトラン name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.13 あうとらん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.13 - Outrun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62677: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.15 デカスリート・コレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.15 でかすりーと・これくしょん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.15 - Decathlete Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62678: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 鋼鉄の咆哮 〜ウォーシップコマンダー〜 name-sort: くろがねのほうこう 〜うぉーしっぷこまんだー〜 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou - Warship Commander [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62679: name: リラックマ 〜おじゃましてます2週間〜 初回限定ぬいぐるみパック name-sort: りらっくま 〜おじゃましてます2しゅうかん〜 しょかいげんていぬいぐるみぱっく name-en: "Relakuma - Ojama Shitemasu 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62680: name: リラックマ 〜おじゃましてます2週間〜 name-sort: りらっくま 〜おじゃましてます2しゅうかん〜 name-en: "Relakuma - Ojama Shitemasu 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62681: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 信長の野望・嵐世記 name-sort: のぶながのやぼう らんせいき [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Ranseiki [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62682: name: スロッターUPコア8 極炎打! 巨人の星 III name-sort: すろったーUPこあ8 きょくえんだ! きょじんのほし III name-en: "Slotter Up Core 8 - Giant's Star III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62683: name: MYCOM BEST 麻雀覇王 大会バトル name-sort: まーじゃんはおう たいかいばとる [MYCOM BEST] name-en: "Mahjong Taikai Battle [Mycom The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62684: name: MYCOM BEST 東大将棋 定跡道場 完結編 name-sort: とうだいしょうぎ じょうせきどうじょう かんけつへん [MYCOM BEST] name-en: "Toudai Shogi - Jouseki Dojo Kanketsuhen [Mycom The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62685: name: HOMURA name-sort: HOMURA name-en: "Homura" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62686: name: "Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol.2 - Sengoku Ace & Sengoku Blade [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62687: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.24 ラストブロンクス-東京番外地- name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.24 らすとぶろんくす-とうきょうばんがいち- name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.24 - Last Bronx" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-62689: name: ラングリッサーIII name-sort: らんぐりっさーIII name-en: "Langrisser III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62690: name: 雷電III name-sort: らいでんIII name-en: "Raiden III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62691: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.20 スペースハリアーII 〜スペースハリアーコンプリートコレクション〜 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.20 すぺーすはりあーII 〜すぺーすはりあーこんぷりーとこれくしょん〜 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.20 - Space Harrier Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62692: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.21 SDI & カルテット 〜SEGA SYSTEM 16 COLLECTION〜 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.21 SDI & かるてっと 〜SEGA SYSTEM 16 COLLECTION〜 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.21 - SDI & Quartet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62693: name: スロッターUPマニア7 最新最強!パイオニアMAX name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ7 さいしんさいきょう!ぱいおにあMAX name-en: "Slotter Up Mania 7 - Saishin Saikyou Pioneer MAX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62694: name: スロッターUPマニア8 閃光告知!ジャグラースペシャルII name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ8 せんこうこくち!じゃぐらーすぺしゃるII name-en: "Slotter Up Mania 8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62695: name: オレたちゲーセン族 バーガータイム name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく ばーがーたいむ name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Burger Time" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62696: name: オレたちゲーセン族 イー・アル・カンフー name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく いーあるかんふー name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Yie Ar Kung-fu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62697: name: IFコレクション ジェネレーション オブ カオス ネクスト 〜失われし絆〜 name-sort: じぇねれーしょん おぶ かおす 2 うしなわれしきずな [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos Next [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62698: name: アルティメット プロ ピンボール name-sort: あるてぃめっと ぷろ ぴんぼーる name-en: "Ultimate Pro Pinball" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62699: name: IFコレクション カルディナル アーク 〜混沌の封札〜 name-sort: かるでぃなる あーく こんとんのふうさつ [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Neverland Card War Cardinal Arc - Konton no Fuusatsu [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62700: name: セレクション プリンセスメーカー [BEST HIT] name-sort: せれくしょん ぷりんせすめーかー [BEST HIT] name-en: "Princess Maker [Best Hit Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62701: name: セレクション プリンセスメーカー2 [BEST HIT] name-sort: せれくしょん ぷりんせすめーかー2 [BEST HIT] name-en: "Princess Maker 2 [Best Hit Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62702: name: 桃太郎電鉄15 五大ボンビー登場!の巻 name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ15 ごだいぼんびーとうじょう!のまき name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu 15" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62703: name: SEGA RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP [「セガラリー2007」同梱用] name-sort: SEGA RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP [「せがらりー2007」どうこんよう] name-en: "Sega Rally Championship '95" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-62704: name: オレたちゲーセン族 クォース name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく くぉーす name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.10 - Quarth" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62705: name: オレたちゲーセン族 熱血高校ドッジボール部 name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく ねっけつこうこうどっじぼーるぶ name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62706: name: オレたちゲーセン族 熱血硬派くにおくん name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく ねっけつこうはくにおくん name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62707: name: オレたちゲーセン族 ラビオ レプス name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく らびお れぷす name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Rabio Lepus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62708: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.22 アドバンスト大戦略 -ドイツ電撃作戦- name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.22 あどばんすとだいせんりゃく -どいつでんげきさくせん- name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.22 - Advanced Daisenryaku - Doitsu Dengeki Sakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62709: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.23 セガ メモリアルセレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.23 せが めもりあるせれくしょん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.23 - Sega Memorial Selection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62710: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志VIII name-sort: さんごくし8 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "San Goku Shi VIII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62711: name: SuperLite 2000 ようこそ ひつじ村 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 ようこそ ひつじむら name-en: "Welcome to Sheep Village [Superlite 2000]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62712: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.25 ガンスターヒーローズ 〜トレジャーボックス〜 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.25 がんすたーひーろーず 〜とれじゃーぼっくす〜 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.25 - Gunstar Heroes - Treasure Box" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62713: name: "Yokushin - Giga Wing Generations [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62714: name: 真・三國無双シリーズコレクション 上巻 name-sort: しんさんごくむそうしりーずこれくしょん じょうかん name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou Series Collection Joukan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62715: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou Series Collection Joukan Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62717: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.26 ダイナマイト刑事 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.26 だいなまいとけいじ name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.26 - Dynamite Deka" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62718: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.27 パンツァードラグーン name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.27 ぱんつぁーどらぐーん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.27 - Panzer Dragoon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62719: name: パチスロ 信長の野望 天下創世 name-sort: ぱちすろ のぶながのやぼう てんかそうせい name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Souyo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62720: name: "Wizardry Summoner [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62721: name: 一撃殺虫!!ホイホイさん コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: いちげきさっちゅう!!ほいほいさん こなみ・ざ・べすと name-en: "Ichigeki Sacchuu! HoiHoi-san [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62722: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! 俺の空 name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! おれのそら name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Ore no Sora" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62724: name: ザ・コンビニ4 〜あの町を占拠せよ〜 name-sort: ざ こんびに4 あのまちをせんきょせよ name-en: "Conveni 4, The - Ano Machi o Dokusen seyo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62725: name: 麻雀覇王 段級バトルII name-sort: まーじゃんはおう だんきゅうばとるII name-en: "Mahjong Hoah - Shinken Battle II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62726: name: シューティング ラブ。 〜TRIZEAL〜 name-sort: しゅーてぃんぐ らぶ TRIZEAL name-en: "Shooting Love - Trizeal" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62727: name: スペクトラル VS ジェネレーション name-sort: すぺくとらる VS じぇねれーしょん name-en: "Spectral vs. Generation" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62728: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 & Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Moushouden Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62729: name: オレたちゲーセン族 悪魔城ドラキュラ name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく あくまじょうどらきゅら name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.15 - Akumajou Dracula" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with microVU. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing blade. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes to be bigger. SLPM-62730: name: オレたちゲーセン族 魂斗羅 name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく こんとら name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.16 - Contra" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62731: name: オレたちゲーセン族 プーヤン name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく ぷーやん name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.17 - Pooyan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62733: name: ガーフィールド アーリーンを救え! name-sort: がーふぃーるど あーりーんをすくえ! name-en: "Garfield - Saving Arlene" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62736: name: DORART VALUE スロッターUPマニア 超沖スロ!パイオニア name-sort: DORART VALUE すろったーUPまにあ ちょうおきすろ!ぱいおにあ name-en: "Slotter Up Mania [Dorart Value Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62737: name: EA BEST HITS ラリーショックス&フリークスタイル モトクロス name-sort: らりーしょっくす&ふりーくすたいる もとくろす [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Rally Shox & Freestyle Motorcross [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62738: name: "Freekstyle Motocross" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62739: name: パチスロ完全攻略 スロ原人・鬼浜爆走愚連隊激闘編 name-sort: ぱちすろかんぜんこうりゃく すろげんじん おにはまばくそうぐれんたいげきとうへん name-en: "Suro Genjin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62740: name: 最強将棋 激指スペシャル name-sort: さいきょうしょうぎ げきさしすぺしゃる name-en: "Saikyo Shogi Gekisashi Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62742: name: "Wizardry Gaiden - Sentou no Kangoku - Prisoners of the Battles" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62743: name: 学園ヘヴン おかわりっ! ベスト版 name-sort: がくえんへゔん おかわりっ! べすとばん name-en: "School Heaven Okawari [The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62744: name: オレたちゲーセン族 サンダークロス name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく さんだーくろす name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono - Thunder Cross" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62745: name: オレたちゲーセン族 トリオ・ザ・パンチ name-sort: おれたちげーせんぞく とりお ざ ぱんち name-en: "Oretachi Geasen Zoku Sono Vol.19 - Trio the Punch" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62746: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.28 テトリスコレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.28 てとりすこれくしょん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.28 - Tetris Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62747: name: コーエー定番シリーズ ジーワン ジョッキー3 name-sort: じーわん じょっきー3 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "G1 Jockey 3 [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62748: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 信長の野望・嵐世記 with パワーアップキット name-sort: のぶながのやぼう らんせいき with ぱわーあっぷきっと [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Renseiki [with Power-Up Kit] [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62749: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! ミスターマジックネオ name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! みすたーまじっくねお name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Mister Magic Neo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62750: name: 桃太郎電鉄16 北海道大移動!の巻 name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ16 ほっかいどうだいいどう!のまき name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu 16" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62751: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou Series Collection Gekan Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62752: name: スロッターUPコア9 ジャグ極めたり!ファイナルジャグラー name-sort: すろったーUPこあ9 じゃぐきわめたり!ふぁいなるじゃぐらー name-en: "Slotter Up Core 9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62753: name: HOMURA TAITO BEST name-sort: HOMURA TAITO BEST name-en: "Homura [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62754: name: ぷよぷよ! name-sort: ぷよぷよ! name-en: "Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62755: name: MYCOM BEST 麻雀覇王 真剣バトル name-sort: まーじゃんはおう しんけんばとる [MYCOM BEST] name-en: "Mahjong Haoh - Shinken Battle [Mycom The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62756: name: MYCOM BEST 最強 東大将棋6 name-sort: さいきょう とうだいしょうぎ6 [MYCOM BEST] name-en: "Saikyou Toudai Shogi 6 [Mycom The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62757: name: EX億万長者ゲーム アトラスベストコレクション name-sort: EXおくまんちょうじゃげーむ あとらすべすとこれくしょん name-en: "EX Okuman Chouja Game [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62758: name: RIVER RIDE ADVENTURE featuring SALOMON (リバーライドアドベンチャー フィーチャリングサロモン) name-sort: RIVER RIDE ADVENTURE featuring SALOMON (りばーらいどあどべんちゃー ふぃーちゃりんぐさろもん) name-en: "River Ride Adventure featuring Salomon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62759: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 信長の野望 蒼天録 name-sort: のぶながのやぼう そうてんろく [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutenroku [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62760: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.29 モンスターワールド コンプリートコレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.29 もんすたーわーるど こんぷりーとこれくしょん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Vol.29 - Monster World Complete Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62761: name: チョロQ HG2 アトラスベストコレクション name-sort: ちょろQ HG2 あとらすべすとこれくしょん name-en: "Choro Q HG 2 [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLPM-62762: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志VIII withパワーアップキット name-sort: さんごくし8 withぱわーあっぷきっと [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Sangokushi VIII [with Power-Up Kit] [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62763: name: ボンバーマンランド3 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: ぼんばーまんらんど3 はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Bomberman Land 3 [Hudson Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62764: name: リラックマ〜おじゃましてます2週間〜 [ベスト版] name-sort: りらっくま〜おじゃましてます2しゅうかん〜 [べすとばん] name-en: "Ojama Shitemasu 2 Shuukan [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62766: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.30 ギャラクシーフォースII 〜スペシャルエクステンデッドエディション〜 name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.30 ぎゃらくしーふぉーすII 〜すぺしゃるえくすてんでっどえでぃしょん〜 name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Vol.30 - Galaxy Force II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62767: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.31 電脳戦機バーチャロン name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.31 でんのうせんきばーちゃろん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Vol.31 - Dennou Senki Virtual On" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes white shadows. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-62768: name: "Sengoku Musou 2 & Sengoku Musou 2 - Empires Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62769: name: "Quiz & Variety - Suku Suku Inufuku 2 - Motto Suku Suku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62770: name: バレーボール ワールドカップ 〜ヴィーナスエボリューション〜 name-sort: ばれーぼーる わーるどかっぷ 〜ゔぃーなすえぼりゅーしょん〜 name-en: "Volleyball World Cup - Venus Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62771: name: チョロQ HG3 Atlus Best Collection name-sort: ちょろQ HG3 Atlus Best Collection name-en: "Choro Q HG 3 [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62772: name: マイコミBEST 麻雀覇王バトルロイヤル name-sort: まーじゃんはおうばとるろいやる [まいこみBEST] name-en: "Mahjong Haoh - Battle Royal [Mycom Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62773: name: スロッターUPマニア9 アツ沖だぜ!めんそーれ-30&めんそーれ2-30 name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ9 あつおきだぜ めんそーれ 30&めんそーれ2 30 name-en: "Slotter Up Mania 9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62774: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! Selection 〜サラリーマン金太郎・スロッター金太郎・俺の空〜 name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! Selection 〜さらりーまんきんたろう・すろったーきんたろう・おれのそら〜 name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Selection - Salaryman Kintarou - Slotter Kintarou - Ore no Sora" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62775: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.32 ファンタシースター コンプリートコレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.32 ふぁんたしーすたー こんぷりーとこれくしょん name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Vol.32 - Phantasy Star Complete Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62777: name: "Harukaze P. S. - Plus Situation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62778: name: スロッターUPマニア10 パイオニアスペシャル3 name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ10 ぱいおにあすぺしゃる3 name-en: "Slotter Up Mania 10 - Pioneer Special 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62779: name: ぷよぷよ! スペシャルプライス name-sort: ぷよぷよ! すぺしゃるぷらいす name-en: "Puyo Puyo! [Special Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62780: name: SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.33 ファンタジーゾーンコンプリートコレクション name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500しりーず Vol.33 ふぁんたじーぞーんこんぷりーとこれくしょん name-en: "Fantasy Zone Complete Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-62781: name: "Mahjong Sangokushi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62784: name: "Kao no nai Tsuki Select Story" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-62785: name: "Saikyou Shougi - Gekisashi Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-64501: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64502: name: "Winback" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLPM-64504: name: "Maximo" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64507: name: "Wave Rally" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes water reflection. SLPM-64509: name: "Crash Bandicoot - Return of the Demon King [English Dub Edition]" # Wrath of Cortex region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLPM-64510: name: "International Superstar Soccer 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64512: name: "Super Puzzle Bobble" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64513: name: "Crash Bandicoot - Mawangui Buwhal" # Wrath of Cortex region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLPM-64514: name: "Legends of Wrestling" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64517: name: "Freekstyle Motocross" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64519: name: "Woody Woodpecker" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64521: name: "Raging Bless - Hangma Muksirok" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 7 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-64522: name: "La Pucelle" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLPM-64523: name: "Marvel Vs Capcom 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64524: name: "Rally Shox" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-64525: name: "Guilty Gear X Plus 'By Your Side'" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLPM-64527: name: "Way of the Samurai" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SLPM-64528: name: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. SLPM-64532: name: "Digital Holmes" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64533: name: "F1 2002" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLPM-64534: name: "Psyvariar - Complete Edition" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64535: name: "High Heat Major League Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64537: name: "Dark Angel - Vampire Apocalypse" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64539: name: "UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship 2 - Tapout" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64540: name: "The Sims" name-sort: "Sims, The" region: "NTSC-K" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLPM-64544: name: "Tetsu 1 - Densha de Battle! World Grand Prix" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64549: name: "Siksin-ui Seong" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64550: name: "Super Puzzle Bobble 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64551: name: "Jin Hondura" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-64552: name: "Silent Scope 3" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-65001: name: 決戦 name-sort: けっせん name-en: "Kessen" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65002: name: ラブストーリー [ディスク1/2] name-sort: らぶすとーりー [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "0 Story [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes removed bloom in FMV. SLPM-65003: name: ラブストーリー [ディスク2/2] name-sort: らぶすとーりー [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "0 Story [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes removed bloom in FMV. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65002" SLPM-65004: name: ライゼリート 〜エフェメラルファンタジア〜 name-sort: らいぜりーと えふぇめらるふぁんたじあ name-en: "Reiselied - Ephemeral Fantasia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65005: name: オレが監督だ! 〜激闘ペナントレース〜 name-sort: おれがかんとくだ! げきとうぺなんとれーす name-en: "I am the Coach" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65006: name: ビートマニアII DX 3rdStyle name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 3rd style name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 3rd style" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65007: name: "Roadsters Trophy 2000" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65008: name: 7 BLADES name-sort: 7 BLADES name-en: "7 Blades" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65009: name: ESPN XGames Snowboarding name-sort: ESPN XGames Snowboarding name-en: "ESPN X-Games Snowboarding" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65010: name: 鬼武者 name-sort: おにむしゃ name-en: "Onimusha" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. SLPM-65011: name: ギターフリークス3rd MIX&ドラムマニア2nd MIX name-sort: ぎたーふりーくす3rd MIX&どらむまにあ2nd MIX name-en: "GUITAR FREAKS 3rd MIX & drummania 2nd MIX" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65012: name: ギタルマン name-sort: ぎたるまん name-en: "Gitaroo Man" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65012" - "SLPM-62062" #Gitaroo Man One bonus save data patches: default: content: |- author=boringhexi // fix stage 4 flashing triangles patch=0,EE,00104140,word,00000000 SLPM-65013: name: シャドウ オブ メモリーズ name-sort: しゃどう おぶ めもりーず name-en: "Shadow of Memories" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65014: name: 冒険時代活劇 ゴエモン name-sort: ぼうけんじだいかつげき ごえもん name-en: "Bouken Jidai Katsugeki - Goemon" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - GoemonTlbHack SLPM-65015: name: 決戦II name-sort: けっせんII name-en: "Kessen 2" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 7C012435: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, rearranging. patch=0,EE,0016ae90,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0016ae94,word,4BE521AC patch=0,EE,0016ae98,word,30848000 patch=0,EE,0016ae9c,word,4BE72B3C SLPM-65016: name: Love Songs アイドルがクラスメ〜ト 限定版 name-sort: Love Songs あいどるがくらすめーと [げんていばん] name-en: "Love Songs [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65017: name: Love Songs アイドルがクラスメ〜ト name-sort: Love Songs あいどるがくらすめーと name-en: "Love Songs - Idol is my Classmate" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65018: name: Z.O.E プレミアムパッケージ name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず ぷれみあむぱっけーじ name-en: "Z.O.E. - Zone of the Enders [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-65019: name: Z.O.E name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず name-en: "Z.O.E. - Zone of the Enders" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-65020: name: パラパラパラダイス name-sort: ぱらぱらぱらだいす name-en: "ParaParaParadise" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65021: name: スーパーギャルデリックアワー name-sort: すーぱーぎゃるでりっくあわー name-en: "Super Galdelic Hour" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65022: name: バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ 完全版 name-sort: ばいおはざーど こーど べろにか かんぜんばん name-en: "BioHazard - Code Veronica - Perfect Version" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65023: name: "Devil May Cry [Trial] [BioHazard - Code Veronica - Perfect Version - Bonus Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-65024: name: バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ 完全版 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ばいおはざーど こーど べろにか かんぜんばん [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "BioHazard - 5th Anniversary Package - Nightmare Returns [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65025: name: バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ 完全版 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ばいおはざーど こーど:べろにか かんぜんばん [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "BioHazard - 5th Anniversary Package - Nightmare Returns [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65026: name: beatmania IIDX 4th style -new songs collection- name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 4th style -new songs collection- name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 4th style -new songs collection-" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65027: name: "Anime Eikaiwa - 15 Shounen Hyouryuuki - Hitomi no Naka no Shounen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65028: name: "Anime Eikaiwa - Tottoi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65029: name: "Anime Eikaiwa - Tondemo Nezumi Daikatsuyaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65030: name: "Kessen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65031: name: "Kessen 2" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 7C012435: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, rearranging. patch=0,EE,0016ae90,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0016ae94,word,4BE521AC patch=0,EE,0016ae98,word,30848000 patch=0,EE,0016ae9c,word,4BE72B3C SLPM-65032: name: 東京バス案内 今日から君も運転手 name-sort: とうきょうばすがいど きょうからきみもうんてんしゅ name-en: "Tokyo Bus Guide" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65033: name: 機甲兵団 J-PHOENIX name-sort: きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20075" - "SLPM-65033" - "SLPM-65117" SLPM-65034: name: 北方謙三 三国志 name-sort: きたがたけんぞう さんごくし name-en: "Sangokushi North Winds" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65035: name: "Kitakata Kenzou Sangokushi (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65037: name: "Angelique Trois - Aizouban [Shokai Gentei Package]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65038: name: Devil May Cry name-sort: Devil May Cry name-en: "Devil May Cry" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-65039: name: 電車でGO!新幹線 山陽新幹線編 name-sort: でんしゃでごーしんかんせん さんようしんかんせんへん name-en: "Densha de Go! Shinkansen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65040: name: ザ・フィアー [ディスク1/4] name-sort: ざ ふぃあー [でぃすく1/4] name-en: "Fear, The [Disc 1 of 4]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65040" - "SLPM-65041" - "SLPM-65042" - "SLPM-65043" SLPM-65041: name: ザ・フィアー [ディスク2/4] name-sort: ざ ふぃあー [でぃすく2/4] name-en: "Fear, The [Disc 2 of 4]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65040" - "SLPM-65041" - "SLPM-65042" - "SLPM-65043" SLPM-65042: name: ザ・フィアー [ディスク3/4] name-sort: ざ ふぃあー [でぃすく3/4] name-en: "Fear, The [Disc 3of 4]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65040" - "SLPM-65041" - "SLPM-65042" - "SLPM-65043" SLPM-65043: name: ザ・フィアー [ディスク4/4] name-sort: ざ ふぃあー [でぃすく4/4] name-en: "Fear, The [Disc 4 of 4]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65040" - "SLPM-65041" - "SLPM-65042" - "SLPM-65043" SLPM-65044: name: 愛蔵版 アンジェリークトロワ name-sort: あいぞうばん あんじぇりーくとろわ name-en: "Aizouban Angelique Trois [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65046: name: "Gofungo no Sekai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65047: name: CAPCOM VS. SNK 2 MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 name-sort: CAPCOM VS. SNK 2 MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 name-en: "Capcom vs. SNK 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65048: name: "Kinniku Banzuke - Muscle Wars 21" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65049: name: beatmania IIDX 5th style -new songs collection- name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 5th style -new songs collection- name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 5th style -new songs collection-" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65050: name: 遊戯王 真デュエルモンスターズII 継承されし記憶 name-sort: ゆうぎおう までゅえるもんすたーずII けいしょうされしきおく name-en: "Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters 2" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Provides text shadow definition. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects some font artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Corrects some more font artifacts a little. SLPM-65051: name: サイレントヒル2 name-sort: さいれんとひる2 name-en: "Silent Hill 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLPM-65052: name: ギタドラ!ギターフリークス4thMIX&ドラムマニア3rdMIX name-sort: ぎたどら!ぎたーふりーくす4thMIX&どらむまにあ3rdMIX name-en: "GUITAR FREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65053: name: 真・三國無双2 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう2 name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65054: name: 暴れん坊プリンセス name-sort: あばれんぼうぷりんせす name-en: "Abarenbou Princess" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65056: name: オレが監督だ!Volume.2 〜激闘ペナントレース〜 name-sort: おれがかんとくだ!Volume.2 〜げきとうぺなんとれーす〜 name-en: "Orega Kantoku da Vol.2 - Getitou Pennant Race" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65057: name: 7 BLADES コナミ ザ・ベスト name-sort: 7 BLADES こなみ ざ・べすと name-en: "7 Blades" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65059: name: ガンサバイバー2 バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ WITH ガンコン2 name-sort: がんさばいばー2 ばいおはざーど こーど:べろにか WITH がんこん2 name-en: "BioHazard Gun Survivor 2 - CODE - Veronica [with Guncon]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65060: name: ガンサバイバー2 バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ name-sort: がんさばいばー2 ばいおはざーど こーど:べろにか name-en: "BioHazard Gun Survivor 2 - CODE - Veronica" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65061: name: アドベンチャー オブ 東京ディズニーシー 〜失われた宝石の秘密 name-sort: あどべんちゃー おぶ とうきょうでぃずにーしー 〜うしなわれたほうせきのひみつ name-en: "Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea - Ushinawareta Houseki no Himitsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65065: name: 魔術師オーフェン KADOKAWA THE Best name-sort: まじゅつしおーふぇん KADOKAWA THE Best name-en: "Sorcerous Stabber Orphen [Kadokawa The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65066: name: 冒険時代活劇 ゴエモン コナミ ザ・ベスト name-sort: ぼうけんじだいかつげき ごえもん こなみ ざ・べすと name-en: "Bouken Jidai Katsugeki Goemon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65070: name: シャドウ オブ メモリーズ コナミ ザ・ベスト name-sort: しゃどう おぶ めもりーず こなみ ざ・べすと name-en: "Shadow of Memories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65071: name: ゼロヨンチャンプシリーズ ドリフトチャンプ name-sort: ぜろよんちゃんぷしりーず どりふとちゃんぷ name-en: "Zero 4 Champ Series - Drift Champ" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 8449FFE1: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fixes the hang at start of chapter 2. patch=1,EE,002a140c,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,002a120c,word,00000000 SLPM-65072: name: ESPN winter Xgames Snowboarding 2002 name-sort: ESPN winter Xgames Snowboarding 2002 name-en: "ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65073: name: 幻想水滸伝 III(初回生産分:特殊仕様) name-sort: げんそうすいこでん3 [しょかいせいさんぶん:とくしゅしよう] name-en: "Gensou Suikoden III" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: # This looks like a mess because it includes all serials for Suikoden 3, Suikoden 2, Suikogaiden 1, and Suikogaiden 2. A lot of these probably aren't actually required but it's not really hurting anything to have them here. - "SLPM-65073" - "SLPM-65074" - "SLPM-65305" - "SLPM-65694" - "SLPM-86168" - "SLPM-86389" - "SLPM-87100" - "SLPM-86637" - "SLPM-86883" - "SLPM-87261" - "SLPM-86663" - "SLPM-86953" - "SLPM-87262" SLPM-65074: name: 幻想水滸伝III name-sort: げんそうすいこでん3 name-en: "Gensou Suikoden III" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65073" - "SLPM-65074" - "SLPM-65305" - "SLPM-65694" - "SLPM-86168" - "SLPM-86389" - "SLPM-87100" - "SLPM-86637" - "SLPM-86883" - "SLPM-87261" - "SLPM-86663" - "SLPM-86953" - "SLPM-87262" SLPM-65075: name: K-1 WORLD GP 2001 name-sort: K-1 WORLD GP 2001 name-en: "K-1 World Grand Prix 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65076: name: 機動戦士ガンダム 連邦vs.ジオン DX name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ れんぽうvs.じおん DX name-en: "Gundam - Federation vs. Zeon DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65077: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY PREMIUM PACKAGE name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど2 さんずおぶりばてぃ PREMIUM PACKAGE name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [Premium Package]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65078" - "SLPM-65077" SLPM-65078: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど2 さんずおぶりばてぃ name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65078" - "SLPM-65077" SLPM-65080: name: ときめきメモリアル3 〜約束のあの場所で〜 name-sort: ときめきめもりある3 〜やくそくのあのばしょで〜 name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes character portraits. SLPM-65081: name: "Grandia II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65082: name: グランディア エクストリーム リミテッドボックス name-sort: ぐらんでぃあ えくすとりーむ りみてっどぼっくす name-en: "Grandia Xtreme [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65083: name: 封神演義2 name-sort: ほうしんえんぎ2 name-en: "Houshin Engi 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65085: name: "Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65086: name: “A” VISUAL MIX [ディスク1/2] name-sort: A VISUAL MIX [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Visual Mix - Ayumi Hamasaki Dome Tour 2001 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25071" - "SLPS-25072" - "SLPM-65086" - "SLPM-65087" SLPM-65087: name: “A” VISUAL MIX [ディスク2/2] name-sort: A VISUAL MIX [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Visual Mix - Ayumi Hamasaki Dome Tour 2001 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25071" - "SLPS-25072" - "SLPM-65086" - "SLPM-65087" SLPM-65089: name: グランディア エクストリーム name-sort: ぐらんでぃあ えくすとりーむ name-en: "Grandia Xtreme" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65090: name: SPY HUNTER name-sort: SPY HUNTER name-en: "Spy Hunter" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes loading hang. SLPM-65091: name: 遙かなる時空の中で2 プレミアムBOX name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで2 [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65092: name: 遙かなる時空の中で2 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで2 name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65093: name: 三國志戦記 name-sort: さんごくしせんき name-en: "Sangokushi Senki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65094: name: "KEYBOARDMANIA II 2ndMIX & 3rdMIX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65095: name: スペースチャンネル5 name-sort: すぺーすちゃんねる5 name-en: "Space Channel 5" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65096: name: スペースチャンネル5 パート2 name-sort: すぺーすちゃんねる5 ぱーと2 name-en: "Space Channel 5 - Part 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65097: name: ガラクタ名作劇場 ラクガキ王国 name-sort: がらくためいさくげきじょう らくがきおうこく name-en: "Galacta Meisaku Gekijou - Rakugaki Oukouku" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65098: name: サイレントヒル2 最期の詩 name-sort: さいれんとひる2 さいごのうた name-en: "Silent Hill 2 - Saigo no Uta" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLPM-65100: name: 鬼武者2 [初回生産限定版] name-sort: おにむしゃ2 [しょかいせいさんげんていばん] name-en: "Onimusha 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65101: name: 鬼武者2 name-sort: おにむしゃ2 name-en: "Onimusha 2" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65100" SLPM-65104: name: "SSX Tricky" region: "NTSC-C" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanish into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLPM-65105: name: 新コンバットチョロQ name-sort: しんこんばっとちょろQ name-en: "Shin Combat Choro Q" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65107: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.2 エディット・レーシング name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.2 えでぃっと・れーしんぐ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 2 - Edit Racing" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65108: name: ジェットでGO!2 name-sort: じぇっとでGO!2 name-en: "Jet de Go! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65109: name: サカつく2002 J.LEAGUE プロサッカークラブをつくろう! name-sort: さかつく2002 J.LEAGUE ぷろさっかーくらぶをつくろう! name-en: "J-League Sakatsuku 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65110: name: ROOMMANIA#203 name-sort: るーまにあ#203 name-en: "Roommania #203" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65111: name: NFL2K2 name-sort: NFL2K2 name-en: "NFL 2K2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65113: name: Splashdown name-sort: Splashdown name-en: "Splashdown" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65115: name: ファイナルファンタジーX インターナショナル name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10 いんたーなしょなる name-en: "Final Fantasy X International" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes character flickering caused by EE clamp full. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-65116: name: リリーのアトリエ プラス 〜ザールブルグの錬金術士3〜 name-sort: りりーのあとりえ ぷらす 〜ざーるぶるぐのれんきんじゅつし3〜 name-en: "Lilie no Atelier Plus - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65117: name: ザ・ベスト・タカラモノ 機甲兵団 J-PHOENIX name-sort: ざ・べすと・たからもの きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix [Takara The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20075" - "SLPM-65033" - "SLPM-65117" SLPM-65118: name: ときめきメモリアル2 ミュージックビデオクリップ サーカスで逢いましょう name-sort: ときめきめもりある2 みゅーじっくびでおくりっぷ さーかすであいましょう name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial 2 - Video Clips" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65119: name: SHINE 〜言葉を紡いで〜 限定版 name-sort: SHINE 〜ことばをつむいで〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "Shine - Spinning World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65120: name: SHINE 〜言葉を紡いで〜 name-sort: SHINE 〜ことばをつむいで〜 name-en: "Shine - Spinning World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65121: name: SWITCH name-sort: SWITCH name-en: "Switch" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65122: name: 機甲兵団 J-PHOENIX BURST TACTICS LIMITED EDITION name-sort: きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす BURST TACTICS LIMITED EDITION name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix Burst Tactics [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20075" - "SLPM-65033" - "SLPM-65117" - "SLPM-65122" - "SLPM-65123" SLPM-65123: name: 機甲兵団 J-PHOENIX BURST TACTICS name-sort: きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす BURST TACTICS name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix Burst Tactics" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20075" - "SLPM-65033" - "SLPM-65117" - "SLPM-65122" - "SLPM-65123" SLPM-65124: name: auto modellista name-sort: おーともでりすた name-en: "Auto Modellista" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65125: name: 夏色の砂時計(初回限定生産版) name-sort: なついろのすなどけい [しょかいげんていせいさんばん] name-en: "Natsuiro no Sunadokei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65126: name: ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 初回生産版 name-sort: ときめきめもりある がーるずさいど しょかいせいさんばん name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65130: name: ドラマティックサッカーゲーム 日本代表選手になろう! name-sort: どらまてぃっくさっかーげーむ にほんだいひょうせんしゅになろう! name-en: "Dramatic Soccer Game - Becoming a National Team Member" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65131: name: ユーディーのアトリエ 〜グラムナートの錬金術士〜 name-sort: ゆーでぃーのあとりえ ぐらむなーとのれんきんじゅつし name-en: "Judie no Atelier - Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65132: name: ウォリアーズ オブ マイト アンド マジック name-sort: うぉりあーず おぶ まいと あんど まじっく name-en: "Warriors of Might and Magic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65133: name: 此花2 〜届かないレクイエム〜 name-sort: このはな2 とどかないれくいえむ name-en: "Konohana 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65134: name: RED CARD レッド・カード name-sort: れっどかーど name-en: "Red Card" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65135: name: NBA2K2 name-sort: NBA2K2 name-en: "NBA 2K2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65136: name: "Natsu-iro no Sunadokei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65137: name: All-Star Baseball 2003 name-sort: All-Star Baseball 2003 name-en: "All-Star Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65139: name: GUN SURVIVOR3 DINO CRISIS name-sort: GUN SURVIVOR3 DINO CRISIS name-en: "Gun Survivor 3 - Dino Crisis" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLPM-65140: name: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の旋風 name-sort: じょじょのきみょうなぼうけん おうごんのかぜ name-en: "Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Ougon no Kaze" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes text box opacity. SLPM-65141: name: 続せがれいじり 変珍たませがれ name-sort: ぞくせがれいじり へんちんたませがれ name-en: "Tsuzuse Gareijiri" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65142: name: ジ・アニメスーパーリミックス 巨人の星 name-sort: じ・あにめすーぱーりみっくす きょじんのほし name-en: "Anime Super Remix, The - Kyojin no Hoshi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65143: name: ジ・アニメスーパーリミックス あしたのジョー2 name-sort: じ・あにめすーぱーりみっくす あしたのじょー2 name-en: "Anime Super Remix, The - Ashita no Joe 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65144: name: 魔剣爻 アトラス・ベストコレクション name-sort: まけんしゃお あとらす・べすとこれくしょん name-en: "Maken Shao" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 SLPM-65145: name: "Tokimeki Memorial - Girl's Side" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65146: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65148: name: 電車でGO!〜旅情編〜 name-sort: でんしゃでごー りょじょうへん name-en: "Densha de Go! Ryojou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65149: name: "Choro Q HG" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65150: name: aero dancing 4 new generation name-sort: aero dancing 4 new generation name-en: "Aero Dancing 4 - New Generation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65151: name: "Akudaikan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65152: name: GUNGRAVE 特別限定版 name-sort: GUNGRAVE とくべつげんていばん name-en: "GunGrave [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65153: name: GUNGRAVE name-sort: GUNGRAVE name-en: "GunGrave" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65154: name: 君が望む永遠 〜Rumbling hearts〜 (初回限定版) name-sort: きみがのぞむえいえん Rumbling hearts しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Rumbling Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65155: name: 君が望む永遠 〜Rumbling hearts〜 name-sort: きみがのぞむえいえん Rumbling hearts name-en: "Rumbling Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65156: name: beatmania IIDX 6th style -new songs collection- name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 6th style -new songs collection- name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 6th style -new songs collection-" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65158: name: RS〜ライディング スピリッツ〜 name-sort: らいでぃんぐ すぴりっつ name-en: "Riding Spirits" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65159: name: "Angelique Trois - Aizouban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65160: #serial used on printed labels only, internal serial is always SLPM-65012 name: "Gitaroo Man [Koei Summer Chance 2002]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. SLPM-65161: name: "Aero Dancing 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65162: name: "San Guo Zhi Zhan Ji" region: "NTSC-C" SLPM-65163: name: "Zhen San Guo Wu Shuang 2" region: "NTSC-T" patches: 397F3835: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check after running another vsub op which is irrelevant, rearranging patch=0,EE,00276170,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0027617c,word,4BE521AC SLPM-65164: name: PROJECT MINERVA 限定版 name-sort: ぷろじぇくと みねるゔぁ [げんていばん] name-en: "Project Minerva [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65165: name: PROJECT MINERVA name-sort: ぷろじぇくと みねるゔぁ name-en: "Project Minerva" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65166: name: "Ultimate Fighting Championship 2 - Tap-Out" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65167: name: PRIDE name-sort: PRIDE name-en: "Pride" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65168: name: "Medal of Honor - Frontline" region: "NTSC-C" SLPM-65169: name: COMBATQUEEN name-sort: COMBATQUEEN name-en: "Combat Queen" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65170: name: 真・三國無双2 猛将伝 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう2 もうしょうでん name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65171: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65172: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65173: name: 探偵 神宮寺三郎 Innocent Black name-sort: たんてい じんぐうじさぶろう Innocent Black name-en: "Innocent Black" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65174: name: BRITNEY’S DANCE BEAT name-sort: BRITNEY’S DANCE BEAT name-en: "Britney's Dance Beat" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65176: name: キング オブ コロシアム(赤) 新日本×全日本×パンクラスディスク name-sort: きんぐ おぶ ころしあむ(あか) しんにほん ぜんにほん ぱんくらすでぃすく name-en: "King of Colosseum - Red" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes hang on opening. SLPM-65177: name: エナジーエアフォース name-sort: えなじーえあふぉーす name-en: "Energy Airforce" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65178: name: Ferrari F355 challenge name-sort: Ferrari F355 challenge name-en: "Ferrari F355 Challenge" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes text alignment. SLPM-65179: name: カルドセプト セカンド エキスパンション name-sort: かるどせぷと せかんど えきすぱんしょん name-en: "Culdcept 2 - Expansion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65180: name: THE BASEBALL2003 バトルボールパーク宣言 パーフェクトプレープロ野球 name-sort: THE BASEBALL2003 ばとるぼーるぱーくせんげん ぱーふぇくとぷれーぷろやきゅう name-en: "Baseball 2003, The - Battle Ball Park Sengen - Perfect Play Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65181: name: "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2" region: "NTSC-C" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # White textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-65183: name: auto modellista モデムパック バージョン name-sort: おーともでりすた もでむぱっく ばーじょん name-en: "Auto Modellista" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65184: name: THE DOCUMENT OF METAL GEAR SOLID 2 name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど2 [どきゅめんと] name-en: "Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, The" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes corrupted or missing menu fonts. SLPM-65185: name: "Ferrari F355 Challenge" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes text alignment. SLPM-65186: name: Thread Colors(スレッドカラーズ)〜さよならの向こう側〜 [限定生産初回BOX] name-sort: すれっどからーず さよならのむこうがわ [げんていせいさんしょかいBOX] name-en: "Thread Colors [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65187: name: Thread Colors(スレッドカラーズ)〜さよならの向こう側〜 [量産型ふつう版] name-sort: すれっどからーず さよならのむこうがわ [りょうさんがたふつうばん] name-en: "Thread Colors [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65190: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65191: name: V-RALLY3 name-sort: V-RALLY3 name-en: "V-Rally 3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes fog and make lights on cars work again. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and penetration of objects. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. SLPM-65192: name: "NBA Live 2003" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLPM-65193: name: "FIFA Soccer 2003" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLPM-65196: name: ブレス オブ ファイア V ドラゴンクォーター name-sort: ぶれす おぶ ふぁいあ5 どらごんくぉーたー name-en: "Breath of Fire V - Dragon Quarter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65197: name: 信長の野望 Online name-sort: のぶながのやぼう おんらいん name-en: "Nobunaga's Ambition Online" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65198: name: "Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65199: name: 機甲兵団J-PHOENIX コバルト小隊篇 name-sort: きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす こばるとしょうたいへん name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix Cobalt Shoutai-hen" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20075" - "SLPM-65033" - "SLPM-65117" - "SLPM-65122" - "SLPM-65123" - "SLPM-65199" SLPM-65200: name: Shinobi name-sort: Shinobi name-en: "Shinobi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65201: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on menu. SLPM-65202: name: K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2002 name-sort: K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2002 name-en: "K-1 World Grand Prix 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65203: name: ファントム-PHANTOM OF INFERNO- [初回限定版] name-sort: ふぁんとむ PHANTOM OF INFERNO しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Phantom of Inferno [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65204: name: ファントム-PHANTOM OF INFERNO- name-sort: ふぁんとむ PHANTOM OF INFERNO name-en: "Phantom of Inferno" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65205: name: スパイダーマン name-sort: すぱいだーまん name-en: "Spider-Man" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares. mipmap: 2 # Fixes texture flickering during movement. trilinearFiltering: 1 gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes lens flares going through objects. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures. SLPM-65206: name: キング オブ コロシアム(緑) 〜ノア×ZERO-ONE ディスク〜 name-sort: きんぐ おぶ ころしあむ(みどり) 〜のあ×ZERO-ONE でぃすく〜 name-en: "King of Colosseum - Green" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes hang on opening. SLPM-65207: name: 超・バトル封神 name-sort: ちょう・ばとるほうしん name-en: "Chou Battle Houshin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65208: name: ポップンミュージック7 name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく7 name-en: "Pop'n music 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65209: name: スターオーシャン Till the End of Time name-sort: すたーおーしゃん Till the End of Time name-en: "Star Ocean 3 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. patches: BEC32D49: content: |- author=kr_ps2 //Patch custom CDVDMAN to behave like normal one, properly synced. //Increase stack so iReferEventFlagStatus does not corrupt $ra. patch=1,IOP,0002511C,word,27BDFFA0 patch=1,IOP,0002524C,word,27BD0060 //Save a0 patch=1,IOP,00025150,word,AFA40040 patch=1,IOP,0002523C,word,8FA40040 //Patch out PowerOff checks. patch=1,IOP,000251A0,word,00000000 patch=1,IOP,000251A4,word,00000000 patch=1,IOP,000251A8,word,00000000 patch=1,IOP,000251AC,word,00000000 patch=1,IOP,000251B0,word,00000000 //Execute removed iReferEventFlagStatus patch=1,IOP,000251B4,word,3C040003 //lui a0,0x0003 patch=1,IOP,000251B8,word,8C84D368 //lw a0,-0x2C98(a0) patch=1,IOP,000251BC,word,0C00AFD3 //jal pos_0002BF4C iReferEventFlagStatus patch=1,IOP,000251C0,word,27A50018 //addiu $a1, $sp, 0x18 patch=1,IOP,000251C4,word,8FA20024 //lw $v0, 0x24($sp) patch=1,IOP,000251C8,word,30420020 //andi $v0, 0x20 patch=1,IOP,000251CC,word,1440001A //bnez v0,pos_00025238 patch=1,IOP,000251D0,word,00000000 //nop //Check event flags. //Clear flag if needed. patch=1,IOP,000251D4,word,8FA40040 //lw $a0, 0x40($sp) patch=1,IOP,000251D8,word,90820001 //lbu $v0, 1($a0) patch=1,IOP,000251DC,word,14400016 //bnez $v0, 0x5c patch=1,IOP,000251E0,word,24020001 //addiu $v0, $zero, 1 patch=1,IOP,000251E4,word,08009480 //j 0x25200 patch=1,IOP,000251E8,word,AC8200BC //nop //Force jump to execute iReferEventFlagStatus patch=1,IOP,00025198,word,0800946D SLPM-65210: name: 超・バトル封神&封神演義2 プレミアムパック name-sort: ちょう・ばとるほうしん&ほうしんえんぎ2 ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "Chou Battle Houshin [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65211: name: "Houshin Engi 2 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65212: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes white shiny weapons. SLPM-65213: name: Evolution Skateboarding name-sort: Evolution Skateboarding name-en: "Evolution Skateboarding" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65215: name: 超・バトル封神&真・三國無双2 猛将伝 プレミアムパック name-sort: ちょう・ばとるほうしん&しんさんごくむそう2 もうしょうでん ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "Chou Battle Houshin - Bundle #2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65217: name: "Seaman - Kindan no Pet - Kanzenban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65218: name: ボンバーマンジェッターズ name-sort: ぼんばーまんじぇったーず name-en: "Bomberman Jetters" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65219: name: はっぴーぶりーでぃんぐ 〜Cheerful Party〜 初回限定版 name-sort: はっぴーぶりーでぃんぐ 〜Cheerful Party〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Cheerful Party" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65220: name: はっぴーぶりーでぃんぐ 〜Cheerful Party〜 name-sort: はっぴーぶりーでぃんぐ 〜Cheerful Party〜 name-en: "Cheerful Party" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65221: name: クロックタワー3 name-sort: くろっくたわー3 name-en: "Clock Tower 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65222: name: 遊戯王真デュエルマスターズ II 継承されし記憶 コナミ ザ ベスト name-sort: ゆうぎおうしんでゅえるますたーず II けいしょうされしきおく こなみ ざ べすと name-en: "Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Provides text shadow definition. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects some font artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Corrects some more font artifacts a little. SLPM-65223: name: トライアングル・アゲイン name-sort: とらいあんぐるあげいん name-en: "Triangle Again" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65224: name: NFL 2K3 name-sort: NFL 2K3 name-en: "NFL 2K3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65226: name: SAVAGE SKIES name-sort: SAVAGE SKIES name-en: "Savage Skies" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 6911C604: content: |- author=PSI, 5ch // The game allocates a VIF DMA buffer on the stack and sends it, returns from the function, then calls another function to wait for the transfer to end. // The second function causes stack corruption as it allocates over the buffer, which is still transferring data. // This works on real hardware due to the data cache - the transfer will remain safe in main memory, and the stack corruption only happens in cache. // This patch inserts a bc0f instruction right after the transfer starts, forcing the game to wait for the transfer to end ASAP. patch=0,EE,00163128,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,0016312c,word,00000000 patch=0,EE,00163130,word,03e00008 patch=0,EE,00163134,word,27bd0030 SLPM-65227: name: J.LEAGUE プロサッカークラブをつくろう!3 name-sort: Jりーぐ ぷろさっかーくらぶをつくろう!3 name-en: "J-League Pro Soccer Club - Tsukurou! 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65228: name: 大正もののけ異聞録 name-sort: たいしょうもののけいぶんろく name-en: "Taisho Mononoke Ibunroku" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65229: name: 突撃!アーミーマン 史上最小の作戦 name-sort: とつげき!あーみーまん しじょうさいしょうのさくせん name-en: "Totsugeki! Army Men - Shijou Saishou no Sakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65230: name: ときめきメモリアル3 約束のあの場所で(コナミ・ザ・ベスト) name-sort: ときめきめもりある3 やくそくのあのばしょで こなみ ざ べすと name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial 3 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65231: name: EVOLUTION SNOWBOARDING name-sort: EVOLUTION SNOWBOARDING name-en: "Evolution Snowboarding" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 patches: F96A2390: content: |- author=Goatman13 // Fix issues caused by PSS video playback. // Extend stack to avoid sending bad data to VIF1. // Required due to lack of data cache emulation. patch=1,EE,00122780,word,27BDFD00 patch=1,EE,00122AE8,word,27BD0300 SLPM-65232: name: Devil May Cry 2 name-sort: Devil May Cry 2 name-en: "Devil May Cry 2 [Dante Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65233: name: "Devil May Cry 2 [Lucia Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65232" SLPM-65234: name: 爆走デコトラ伝説 〜男花道夢浪漫〜 name-sort: ばくそうでことらでんせつ おとこはなみちゆめろまん name-en: "Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu - Otoko Hanamichi Yume Roman" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes inside RT shuffling. getSkipCount: "GSC_BigMuthaTruckers" SLPM-65235: name: ニュールーマニア ポロリ青春 name-sort: にゅーるーまにあ ぽろりせいしゅん name-en: "New Roommania - Porori Seishun" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65236: name: ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず あぬびす name-en: "Anubis - Zone of the Enders" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65237: name: ZONE OF THE ENDERS PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Z.O.E. - Zone of the Enders [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-65238: name: エンジェリック・コンサート スペシャルボックス name-sort: えんじぇりっく こんさーと [すぺしゃるぼっくす] name-en: "Angelic Concert [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65239: name: エンジェリック・コンサート name-sort: えんじぇりっく こんさーと name-en: "Angelic Concert" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65240: name: "Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65241: name: 真・女神転生 III-NOCTURNE デラックスパック name-sort: しんめがみてんせい3-NOCTURNE でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65242: name: 真・女神転生 III-NOCTURNE name-sort: しんめがみてんせい3-NOCTURNE name-en: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65243: name: 電車でGO!プロフェッショナル2 name-sort: でんしゃでごーぷろふぇっしょなる2 name-en: "Densha de Go! Professional 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65244: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ ゴーストリコン name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず ごーすとりこん name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65245: name: ガンサバイバー4 バイオハザード ヒーローズ ネバーダイ name-sort: がんさばいばー4 ばいおはざーど ひーろーず ねばーだい name-en: "BioHazard Gun Survivor 4 - Heroes Never Die" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes character offset with flashlight and blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes flame-like bleeding. SLPM-65246: name: 街道バトル 〜日光・榛名・六甲・箱根〜 name-sort: かいどうばとる にっこう はるな ろっこう はこね name-en: "Kaido Battle - Nikko, Haruna, Rokko, Hakone" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-65247: name: 三國志戦記2 name-sort: さんごくしせんき2 name-en: "Sangokushi Senki 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65248: name: 真・三國無双3 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65249: name: CHAOS LEGION name-sort: CHAOS LEGION name-en: "Chaos Legion" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in item menu. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow shadow of legions. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes green vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes vertical lines and some font artifacts but not completely fixed. SLPM-65250: name: "Kattobi! Golf" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65254: name: ギャラクシーエンジェル name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇる name-en: "Galaxy Angel" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65255: name: ちょびっツ 〜ちぃだけのヒト〜 name-sort: ちょびっつ ちぃだけのひと name-en: "Chobits - Chii dake no Hito" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces font artifacts. SLPM-65256: name: ファーストKiss☆物語(ストーリーズ) スペシャルCD同梱版 name-sort: ふぁーすときすすとーりーず すぺしゃるCDどうこんばん name-en: "First Kiss Story 1&2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65257: name: サイレントヒル3 name-sort: さいれんとひる3 name-en: "Silent Hill 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes some lighting/shadow artefacts (most light sources like the Flashlight are unaffected). gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes blackscreen when FMV. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65257" - "SLPM-65622" - "SLPM-66018" - "SLPM-65051" - "SLPM-65098" - "SLPM-65341" - "SLPM-65631" SLPM-65259: name: 真・女神転生 III-NOCTURNE TSUTAYAオリジナルバージョン name-sort: しんめがみてんせい3-NOCTURNE TSUTAYAおりじなるばーじょん name-en: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne TSUTAYA Original Version" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65260: name: 凱歌の号砲 name-sort: がいかのごうほう name-en: "Gaika no Gouhou - Air Land Force" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65261: name: "TBS All-Star Kansha-sai Vol .1 - Chou Gouka! Quiz Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65262: name: ボボボーボ・ボーボボ ハジけ祭 name-sort: ぼぼぼーぼ・ぼーぼぼ はじけまつり name-en: "Boboboubo Boubobo - Hajike Matsuri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65263: name: コーエーメガパック 真・三國無双2&真・三國無双2 猛将伝 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: こーえーめがぱっく しんさんごくむそう2&しんさんごくむそう2 もうしょうでん [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 & Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Moushouden [Koei Mega Pack] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65264: name: コーエーメガパック 真・三國無双2&真・三國無双2 猛将伝 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: こーえーめがぱっく しんさんごくむそう2&しんさんごくむそう2 もうしょうでん [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 & Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Moushouden [Koei Mega Pack] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65266: name: ドラッグ オン ドラグーン name-sort: どらっぐ おん どらぐーん name-en: "Drag-on Dragoon" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Characters are visible in-game. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned white lines. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes missing HUD. SLPM-65267: name: 鋼鉄の咆哮2 WARSHIP GUNNER name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2 WARSHIP GUNNER name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Gunner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65268: name: 頭文字D Special Stage name-sort: いにしゃるD Special Stage name-en: "Initial D - Special Stage" region: "NTSC-J" patches: A62EBC2C: content: |- author=refraction // Fixes bad clip flag COP2 ordering. patch=1,EE,0017D88C,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D890,word,4BC319FF patch=1,EE,0017D8B8,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D8BC,word,4BC421FF patch=1,EE,0017D8E8,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D8EC,word,4BC529FF patch=1,EE,0017D918,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D91C,word,4BC631FF patch=1,EE,0017D948,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D94C,word,4BC739FF patch=1,EE,0017D978,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D97C,word,4BC841FF patch=1,EE,0017D9A8,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D9AC,word,4BC949FF patch=1,EE,0017D9D8,word,48439000 patch=1,EE,0017D9DC,word,4BCA51FF SLPM-65269: name: NBA 2K3 name-sort: NBA 2K3 name-en: "NBA 2K3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65270: name: バーチャファイター4 エボリューション name-sort: ばーちゃふぁいたー4 えぼりゅーしょん name-en: "Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65271: name: OVER THE MONOCHROME RAINBOW featuring SHOGO HAMADA name-sort: OVER THE MONOCHROME RAINBOW featuring SHOGO HAMADA name-en: "Over the Monochrome Rainbow featuring Shogo Hamada" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65272: name: "Kyuuketsu-hime Yui - Sen'yashou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65273: name: トライアングルアゲイン2 name-sort: とらいあんぐるあげいん2 name-en: "Triangle Again 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65274: name: 最終兵器彼女 限定版 name-sort: さいしゅうへいきかのじょ [げんていばん] name-en: "Saishuu Heiki Kanojo [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65275: name: 最終兵器彼女 name-sort: さいしゅうへいきかのじょ name-en: "Saishuu Heiki Kanojo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65276: name: GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE name-sort: GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE name-en: "Grand Prix Challenge" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack SLPM-65277: name: DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょんMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix name-en: "DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65278: name: GENERATION OF CHAOS 3 ~時の封印~ (限定版) name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 3 ときのふういん [げんていばん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos 3 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65279: name: GENERATION OF CHAOS 3 時の封印 name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 3 ときのふういん name-en: "Generation of Chaos 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65280: name: グリーングリーン 〜鐘の音ダイナミック〜 [デラックスパック] name-sort: ぐりーんぐりーん かねのおとだいなみっく でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Green Green - Sound of the Ring Dynamic [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65281: name: グリーングリーン 〜鐘の音ダイナミック〜 [通常版] name-sort: ぐりーんぐりーん かねのおとだいなみっく name-en: "Green Green - Sound of the Ring Dynamic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65282: name: グリーングリーン 〜鐘の音ロマンティック〜 [デラックスパック] name-sort: ぐりーんぐりーん かねのおとろまんてぃっく でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Green Green - Sound of the Ring Romantic [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65283: name: グリーングリーン 〜鐘の音ロマンティック〜 [通常版] name-sort: ぐりーんぐりーん かねのおとろまんてぃっく name-en: "Green Green - Sound of the Ring Romantic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65284: name: WRC II〜EXTREME〜 name-sort: WRC II〜EXTREME〜 name-en: "WRC II Extreme" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture misalignment. SLPM-65285: name: ラブひな ごーじゃす 〜チラっとハプニング!!〜 初回限定版 name-sort: らぶひな ごーじゃす 〜ちらっとはぷにんぐ!!〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Love Hina Gorgeous [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65286: name: アウトモデリスタ U.S.-tuned name-sort: あうともでりすた U.S.-tuned name-en: "Auto Modellista - US Tuned" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65287: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI ジラートの幻影 拡張データディスク name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 じらーとのげんえい かくちょうでーたでぃすく name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Girade no Genei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65288: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI ジラートの幻影 オールインワンパック2003 [プレイオンライン] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 じらーとのげんえい おーるいんわんぱっく2003 [ぷれいおんらいん] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Girade no Genei [All-in-One Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65289: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI エントリーディスク [プレイオンライン] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 えんとりーでぃすく [ぷれいおんらいん] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI [Entry Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65290: name: マージ 〜あの時の遠い約束を〜 初回限定版 name-sort: まーじ 〜あのときのとおいやくそくを〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Merge Marginal [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65291: name: マージ 〜あの時の遠い約束を〜 name-sort: まーじ 〜あのときのとおいやくそくを〜 name-en: "Merge Marginal" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65292: name: "Love Hina Gorgeous - Chiratto Happening!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65294: name: カフェ・リトルウィッシュ 〜魔法のレシピ〜 初回限定版 name-sort: かふぇ・りとるうぃっしゅ 〜まほうのれしぴ〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Cafe Little Wish - Mahou no Recipe [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65295: name: カフェ・リトルウィッシュ 〜魔法のレシピ〜 name-sort: かふぇ りとるうぃっしゅ まほうのれしぴ name-en: "Cafe Little Wish - Mahou no Recipe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65296: name: F〜ファナティック〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: F〜ふぁなてぃっく〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "F - Fanatic [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65297: name: F〜ファナティック〜 name-sort: F〜ふぁなてぃっく〜 name-en: "F - Fanatic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65298: name: Winning Post5 MAXIMAM 2003 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと5 MAXIMAM 2003 name-en: "Winning Post 5 Maximum 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65299: name: 此花3 〜偽りの影の向こうに〜 name-sort: このはな3 いつわりのかげのむこうに name-en: "Konohana 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65300: name: オールスター・プロレスリングIII name-sort: おーるすたー ぷろれすりんぐIII name-en: "All-Star Pro Wrestling III" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65301: name: とらかぷっ!だーっしゅ!!でらっくすぱっく name-sort: とらかぷっ だーっしゅ でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Torakapuu! Dash [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65302: name: とらかぷっ!だーっしゅ!! name-sort: とらかぷっ だーっしゅ name-en: "Torakapuu! Dash" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65303: name: 電脳戦機バーチャロン マーズ name-sort: でんのうせんきばーちゃろん まーず name-en: "Dennou Senki - Virtual-On Marz" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-65305: name: 幻想水滸伝 III KONAMI THE BEST name-sort: げんそうすいこでん III KONAMI THE BEST name-en: "Gensou Suikoden 3" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65073" - "SLPM-65074" - "SLPM-65305" - "SLPM-65694" - "SLPM-86168" - "SLPM-86389" - "SLPM-87100" - "SLPM-86637" - "SLPM-86883" - "SLPM-87261" - "SLPM-86663" - "SLPM-86953" - "SLPM-87262" SLPM-65306: name: SAKURA〜雪月華〜 初回限定版 name-sort: さくら せつげっか しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Sakura - Yuki Gekka [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65307: name: SAKURA〜雪月華〜 name-sort: さくら せつげっか name-en: "Sakura - Yuki Gekka" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65308: name: 首都高バトル01 name-sort: しゅとこうばとる01 name-en: "Shutokou Battle 01" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Improves visual clarity whilst upscaling. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces graphics garbage on UI whilst upscaling. SLPM-65309: name: "Splashdown [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65310: name: The Mark of KRI name-sort: まーく おぶ くりぃ name-en: "Mark of Kri, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65311: name: ヴィオラートのアトリエ 〜グラムナートの錬金術士2〜 name-sort: ゔぃおらーとのあとりえ ぐらむなーとのれんきんじゅつし2 name-en: "Violet no Atelier - Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Aligns text boxes. SLPM-65313: name: ファーストKiss☆物語 name-sort: ふぁーすと きす すとーりーず name-en: "First Kiss Story 1&2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65314: name: 7大ふろくつき!半熟英雄 対 3D 特大号 name-sort: 7だいふろくつき!はんじゅくひーろー たい 3D とくだいごう name-en: "Hanjuku Hero VS 3-D [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65315: name: 半熟英雄 対 3D name-sort: はんじゅくひーろー たい 3D name-en: "Hanjuku Hero VS 3-D" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65316: name: ポップンミュージック8 name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく8 name-en: "Pop'n music 8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65317: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球10 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう10 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 10" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65318: name: 勝負師伝説 哲也2 玄人頂上決戦 name-sort: ぎゃんぶらーでんせつ てつや2 くろうとちょうじょうけっせん name-en: "Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65319: name: EVE burst error PLUS 限定版 DVD-BOX name-sort: EVE burst error PLUS [げんていばん] DVD-BOX name-en: "Eve Burst Error Plus [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65320: name: EVE burst error PLUS name-sort: EVE burst error PLUS name-en: "Eve Burst Error Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65321: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit! 初回SP限定版 name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit! しょかいSPげんていばん name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65322: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit! (Btype) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit! (Btype) name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! - B-Type" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65323: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit! (Ctype) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit! (Ctype) name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! - C-Type" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65324: name: グレゴリーホラーショー ソウルコレクター name-sort: ぐれごりーほらーしょー そうるこれくたー name-en: "Gregory Horror Show - Soul Collector" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65325: name: レスキューヘリ エアレンジャー2 低価格版 name-sort: れすきゅーへり えあれんじゃー2 ていかかくばん name-en: "Air Ranger 2 - Rescue Helicopter [Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65326: name: チョロQHG4 name-sort: ちょろQHG4 name-en: "Choro Q HG 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65327: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit! name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit! name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65328: name: 白中探検部 name-sort: しろちゅうたんけんぶ name-en: "Shirachuu Tankenbu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65329: name: 魔界転生 name-sort: まかいてんせい name-en: "Makai Tensei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65330: name: 悪代官2〜妄想伝〜 name-sort: あくだいかん2 もうそうでん name-en: "Akudaikan 2 - Mousouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65331: name: ロックマンX7 name-sort: ろっくまんえっくす7 name-en: "Rockman X7" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For camera issues in some scenes. gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes Fixes black screens. SLPM-65332: name: まほろまてぃっく 萌っと≠きらきらメイドさん。 限定版 name-sort: まほろまてぃっく もえっときらきらめいどさん [げんていばん] name-en: "Mahoromatic Automatic Maiden [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65333: name: まほろまてぃっく 萌っと≠きらきらメイドさん。 name-sort: まほろまてぃっく もえっときらきらめいどさん name-en: "Mahoromatic Automatic Maiden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65334: name: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 綾波育成計画 with アスカ補完計画 name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん あやなみいくせいけいかく with あすかほかんけいかく name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Ayanami Ikusei Keikaku with Asuka Hokan Keikaku" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65335: name: 激闘プロ野球 水島新司オールスターズ VS プロ野球 name-sort: げきとうぷろやきゅう みずしましんじおーるすたーず VS ぷろやきゅう name-en: "Gekitou Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65336: name: K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX THE BEAST ATTACK! name-sort: K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX THE BEAST ATTACK! name-en: "K-1 World Grand Prix - The Beast Attack!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLPM-65337: name: ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 異聞妖怪奇譚 name-sort: げげげのきたろう いぶんようかいきたん name-en: "Gegege no Kitaro - Ibun Youkaikitan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65338: name: 十二国記 紅蓮の標 黄塵の路 name-sort: じゅうにこくき ぐれんのしるべ こうじんのみち name-en: "Juunikoku-ki - Guren no Shirube Koejin no Michi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65339: name: 悪代官 [グローバル ザ ベスト] name-sort: あくだいかん [ぐろーばる ざ べすと] name-en: "Akudaikan [Global The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65340: name: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 綾波育成計画 Withアスカ補完計画 name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん あやなみいくせいけいかく Withあすかほかんけいかく name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Ayanami Ikusai Keikaku with Asuka Hokan Keikaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65341: name: サイレントヒル2 最期の詩 [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: さいれんとひる2 さいごのうた [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Silent Hill 2 - Saigo no Uta [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLPM-65342: name: 恐怖新聞【平成版】〜怪奇!心霊ファイル〜 name-sort: きょうふしんぶん へいせいばん かいき!しんれいふぁいる name-en: "Kyoufu Shinbun (Heisei) Kaiki! Shinrei File" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65343: name: 機甲兵団 J-PHOENIX2 name-sort: きこうへいだん じぇいふぇにっくす2 name-en: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix 2" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-62339" - "SLPM-65343" SLPM-65344: name: プロジェクト・ミネルヴァ・プロフェッショナル name-sort: ぷろじぇくと みねるゔぁ ぷろふぇっしょなる name-en: "Project Minerva - Professional" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65345: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.9 爆走マンハッタン name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.9 ばくそうまんはったん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 9 - Bakusou! Manhattan - Runabout 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65346: name: WinningPost 6 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと6 name-en: "Winning Post 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65347: name: ビストロ・きゅーぴっと2 特別版 name-sort: びすとろ・きゅーぴっと2 とくべつばん name-en: "Bistro Cupid 2 [Tokubetsu-ban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65348: name: ビストロ・きゅーぴっと2 通常版 name-sort: びすとろ・きゅーぴっと2 name-en: "Bistro Cupid 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65349: name: SuperLite 2000シミュレーション 東京バス案内〜今日から君も運転手〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しみゅれーしょん とうきょうばすがいど きょうからきみもうんてんしゅ name-en: "Tokyo Bus Guide [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65350: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.11 ワンダバスタイル〜突撃!みっくす生JUICE〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.11 わんだばすたいる とつげき!みっくすなまじゅーす name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 11 - Wandaba Style - Totsugeki! Mix Ki Juice" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65352: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ アルティメットVol.10 ラブ★ソングス♪ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず あるてぃめっとVol.10 らぶそんぐす name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 10 - Love - Songs" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65353: name: SuperLite 2000アドベンチャー 此花2〜届かないレクイエム〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000あどべんちゃー このはな2〜とどかないれくいえむ〜 name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series Vol. 6 - Konohana 2 - Todokanai Requiem" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65354: name: "Sangokushi Senki 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65355: name: "Natsuiro Komachi - Ichijitsu Senka" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65356: name: 夏色小町【一日千夏】 [通常版] name-sort: なついろこまち いちじつせんか name-en: "Natsuiro Komachi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65357: name: バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ 完全版 [カプコレ] name-sort: ばいおはざーど こーど:べろにか かんぜんばん [かぷこれ] name-en: "BioHazard - Code Veronica - Perfect Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65358: name: Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょん EXTREME name-en: "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65359: name: ユーディーのアトリエ 〜グラムナート の錬金術士〜 [ガストベストプライス] name-sort: ゆーでぃーのあとりえ 〜ぐらむなーとのれんきんじゅつし〜 [がすとべすとぷらいす] name-en: "Judie no Atelier - Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi [Gust Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65361: name: ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS SPECIAL EDITION [限定版] name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず あぬびす SPECIAL EDITION [げんていばん] name-en: "Anubis - Zone of the Enders Special Edition [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65362: name: NHK 天才ビットくん グラモンバトル name-sort: えぬえいちけい てんさいびっとくん ぐらもんばとる name-en: "NHK Tensai Bit-Kun - Guramon Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65363: name: "Shoujo Yoshitsune-den" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65364: name: 少女義経伝 [通常版] name-sort: しょうじょよしつねでん name-en: "Shoujo Yoshitsune-den" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65365: name: ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: ときめきめもりある がーるずさいど [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial - Girl's Side [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65366: name: DEAR BOYS Fast Break! name-sort: DEAR BOYS Fast Break! name-en: "Dear Boys - Fast Break!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65367: name: 魔界英雄記マキシモ 〜マシンモンスターの野望〜 name-sort: まかいえいゆうきまきしも ましんもんすたーのやぼう name-en: "Makai Eiyuuki Maximo - Machine Monster no Yabou" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around environmental objects. SLPM-65368: name: D・N・ANGEL TV Animation Series 〜紅の翼〜 name-sort: D・N・ANGEL TV Animation Series くれないのつばさ name-en: "D.N. Angel - TV Animation Series" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65369: name: "TBS All Star Kanshasai 2003 Aki - Chou Gouka! Quiz Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65370: name: テニスの王子様 SWEAT&TEARS 2 name-sort: てにすのおうじさま SWEAT&TEARS 2 name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Sweat & Tears 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65371: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Sweat & Tears 2 - Seishun Gakuen Teikyuusai '03 - Perfect Live" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65372: name: サッカー監督采配シミュレーション FORMATION FINAL name-sort: さっかーかんとくさいはいしみゅれーしょん FORMATION FINAL name-en: "Soccer Kantoku Saihai Simulation - Formation Final" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65373: name: 玻璃の薔薇 (ガラスノバラ) name-sort: がらすのばら name-en: "Glass Rose" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65374: name: エナジーエアフォース エイムストライク name-sort: えなじーえあふぉーす えいむすとらいく! name-en: "Energy Airforce - Aim Strike!" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes hanging while going ingame. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects post-processing effect on jet exhausts. SLPM-65375: name: 真・三國無双3 プレミアムパック(真・三國無双3&真・三國無双3 猛将伝) name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 ぷれみあむぱっく(しんさんごくむそう3&しんさんごくむそう3 もうしょうでん) name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65376: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65377: name: 真・三國無双3 猛将伝 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 もうしょうでん name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65378: name: BUSIN 0 Wizardry Alternative NEO name-sort: BUSIN 0 Wizardry Alternative NEO name-en: "Busin 0 - Wizardry Alternative Neo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects blur effects in menus. roundSprite: 2 # Aligns some text/graphics when upscaling. SLPM-65379: name: THE BASEBALL2003 バトルボールパーク宣言 パーフェクト プレープロ野球 秋季号 name-sort: THE BASEBALL2003 ばとるぼーるぱーくせんげん ぱーふぇくと ぷれーぷろやきゅう しゅうきごう name-en: "Baseball 2003, The - Battle Ball Park Sengen - Perfect Play Pro Yakyuu - Shuukigou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65380: name: 侍道2 〜WAY OF THE SAMURAI 2〜 name-sort: さむらいどう2 WAY OF THE SAMURAI 2 name-en: "Samurai Dou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65381: name: きまぐれストロベリーカフェ name-sort: きまぐれすとろべりーかふぇ name-en: "Kimagure Strawberry Cafe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65382: name: Grand Theft Auto III name-sort: Grand Theft Auto III name-en: "Grand Theft Auto III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65383: name: GROWLANSER IV 〜Wayfarer of the time〜 [デラックスパック] name-sort: GROWLANSER IV Wayfarer of the time でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Growlanser IV - Wayfarer of the Time [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65384: name: ドリームミックスTV ワールドファイターズ name-sort: どりーむみっくすTV わーるどふぁいたーず name-en: "Dream Mix TV World Fighters" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65385: name: "Winning Post 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65386: name: Train Simulator 御堂筋線 name-sort: Train Simulator みどうすじせん name-en: "Train Simulator - Midosuji Line" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65387: name: aero dancing 4 new generation SEGA THE BEST 2800 name-sort: aero dancing 4 new generation SEGA THE BEST 2800 name-en: "Aero Dancing 4 - New Generation [Sega The Best 2800]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65388: name: Lost Passage 〜失われた一節〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: Lost Passage うしなわれたいっせつ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Lost Passage [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65389: name: Lost Passage 〜失われた一節〜 [通常版] name-sort: Lost Passage うしなわれたいっせつ name-en: "Lost Passage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65390: name: 新紀幻想 スペクトラル ソウルズ 限定版 name-sort: しんきげんそう すぺくとらる そうるず [げんていばん] name-en: "Shinki Gensou - Spectral Souls [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65391: name: 新紀幻想 スペクトラル ソウルズ name-sort: しんきげんそう すぺくとらる そうるず name-en: "Shinki Gensou - Spectral Souls" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65392: name: 彼女の伝説、僕の石版〜アリミリオンの剣とともに〜 name-sort: かのじょのでんせつ ぼくのせきばん ありみりおんのけんとともに name-en: "Kanojo no Densetsu - Boku no Sekiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65393: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.39 漢のためのバイブル THE 友情アドベンチャー 〜炎多留・魂〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.39 おとこのためのばいぶる THE ゆうじょうあどべんちゃー ほたる そうる name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 38 - The Yuujou Adventure - Hotaru Soul" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65394: name: ラブ★スマッシュ!5〜テニスロボの反乱〜 name-sort: らぶすまっしゅ!5〜てにすろぼのはんらん〜 name-en: "Love Smash! 5" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad Geometry. SLPM-65395: name: デ・ジ・キャラット ファンタジー エクセレント プレミアム版 name-sort: でじきゃらっと ふぁんたじー えくせれんと ぷれみあむばん name-en: "Digi-Charat Fantasy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65396: name: "Di Gi Charat Fantasy Excellent" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65397: name: テニスの王子様 〜Kiss of Prince〜 Ice version name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Kiss of Prince Ice version name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Kiss of Prince - Ice Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65398: name: テニスの王子様 〜Kiss of Prince〜 Flame version name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Kiss of Prince Flame version name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Kiss of Prince - Flame Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65399: name: D.C.P.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 プラスシチュエーション DXパック name-sort: だかーぽ ぷらすしちゅえーしょん DXぱっく name-en: "D.C.P.S. [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65400: name: D.C.P.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 プラスシチュエーション name-sort: だかーぽ ぷらすしちゅえーしょん name-en: "D.C.P.S." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65401: name: 天外魔境II MANJI MARU name-sort: てんがいまきょう2 MANJI MARU name-en: "Tengai Makyou II - Manji Maru" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65402: name: "Tengai Makyou II - Manji Maru" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65403: name: "Sangokushi Senki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65404: name: 北へ。〜Diamond Dust〜 name-sort: きたへ Diamond Dust name-en: "Kita he - Diamond Dust" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65405: name: 超時空要塞マクロス name-sort: ちょうじくうようさいまくろす name-en: "Chou Jikuu Yousai Macross" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. SLPM-65406: name: キャッスルヴァニア 限定版 name-sort: きゃっするゔぁにあ [げんていばん] name-en: "Castlevania [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLPM-65407: name: トランスフォーマー name-sort: とらんすふぉーまー name-en: "Transformers Tatakai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65408: name: GROWLANSER IV 〜Wayfarer of thetime〜 name-sort: GROWLANSER IV Wayfarer of thetime name-en: "Growlanser IV - Wayfarer of the Time" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65409: name: レスキューヘリ エアレンジャー2 plus name-sort: れすきゅーへり えあれんじゃー2 plus name-en: "Air Ranger 2 Plus - Rescue Helicopter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65410: name: ゲッタウェイ (the Getaway) name-sort: げったうぇい name-en: "Getaway, The" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SLPM-65411: name: 鬼武者 無頼伝 name-sort: おにむしゃ ぶらいでん name-en: "Onimusha Buraiden" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65411" - "SLPM-65413" SLPM-65412: name: 怪獣大激戦 War of the Monsters name-sort: かいじゅうだいげきせん War of the Monsters name-en: "War of the Monsters" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65413: name: 鬼武者3 name-sort: おにむしゃ3 name-en: "Onimusha 3" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Makes sure enemies appear correctly. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65411" - "SLPM-65413" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes various lines / reduces bars on right edge. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes textureless graphics ingame. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Gets rid of center vertical line when upscaling. SLPM-65414: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.45 THE 恋と涙と、追憶と・・・。〜スレッドカラーズ さよならの向こう側〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.45 THE こいとなみだと ついおくと すれっどからーず さよならのむこうがわ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 45 - The Koi to Namida to, Tsuioku to..." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65415: name: "EX Jinsei Game II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65416: name: PRIDE GP 2003 name-sort: PRIDE GP 2003 name-en: "Pride Grand Prix 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65417: name: Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX 2003 マット・ホフマン プロBMX name-sort: まっとほふまん ぷろ BMX 2003 name-en: "Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65418: name: Kelly Slater’s Pro Surfer 2003 ケリー・スレーター プロサーファー name-sort: けりーすれーたー ぷろさーふぁー 2003 name-en: "Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65419: name: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2003 トニー・ホーク プロスケーター name-sort: とにーほーく ぷろすけーたー 2003 name-en: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2003" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLPM-65420: name: ダビつく3 ダービー馬をつくろう! name-sort: だびつく3 だーびーばをつくろう! name-en: "Dabitsuku 3 - Let's Become a Derby Owner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65421: name: Ever17〜the out of infinity〜 PREMIUM EDITION name-sort: Ever17〜the out of infinity〜 PREMIUM EDITION name-en: "Ever 17 - Out of Infinity [Premium Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65422: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ スプリンターセル name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず すぷりんたーせる name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65423: name: 三國志IX name-sort: さんごくし9 name-en: "Sangokushi IX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65424: name: モエかん 〜もえっ娘島へようこそ〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: もえかん もえっこしまへようこそ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Moekko Company [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65425: name: モエかん 〜もえっ娘島へようこそ〜 [通常版] name-sort: もえかん もえっこしまへようこそ name-en: "Moekko Company" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65426: name: プロ野球チームをつくろう!2003 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうちーむをつくろう2003 name-en: "Pro Baseball Team Tsukuro! 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65427: name: RSII 〜ライディングスピリッツ2〜 name-sort: RSII らいでぃんぐすぴりっつ2 name-en: "Riding Spirits 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65428: name: バイオハザード アウトブレイク name-sort: ばいおはざーど あうとぶれいく name-en: "BioHazard Outbreak" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65429: name: GALAXY ANGEL Moonlit Lovers 初回限定版 [ファーストパッケージ] name-sort: GALAXY ANGEL Moonlit Lovers しょかいげんていばん [ふぁーすとぱっけーじ] name-en: "Galaxy Angel - Moonlit Lovers" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65431: name: ソニック ヒーローズ name-sort: そにっく ひーろーず name-en: "Sonic Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65432: name: Jリーグウイニングイレブンタクティクス name-sort: Jりーぐういにんぐいれぶんたくてぃくす name-en: "J-League Winning Eleven Tactics" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65433: name: K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2003 name-sort: K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2003 name-en: "K-1 World Grand Prix 2003" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLPM-65434: name: バトルギア3 name-sort: ばとるぎあ3 name-en: "Battle Gear 3" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Stops car from falling through track. SLPM-65435: name: 北へ。〜Diamond Dust〜 name-sort: きたへ Diamond Dust name-en: "Kita he - Diamond Dust" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65436: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65437: name: "Kessen II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65438: name: スターオーシャン Till the End of Time ディレクターズカット [ディスク1/2] name-sort: すたーおーしゃん Till the End of Time でぃれくたーずかっと [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Star Ocean 3 [Director's Cut] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack # Fixes ELF decryption. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. SLPM-65439: name: スターオーシャン Till the End of Time ディレクターズカット [ディスク2/2] name-sort: すたーおーしゃん Till the End of Time でぃれくたーずかっと [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Star Ocean 3 [Director's Cut] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack # Fixes ELF decryption. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65438" SLPM-65441: name: あしたのジョー 〜まっ白に燃え尽きろ!〜 name-sort: あしたのじょー まっしろにもえつきろ! name-en: "Ashita no Joe - Masshiro ni Moe Tsukiro!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65442: name: ターミネーター3 -Rise of the machines- name-sort: たーみねーたー3 -Rise of the machines- name-en: "Terminator 3, The - Rise of the Machines" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65443: name: フロントミッション フォース name-sort: ふろんとみっしょん ふぉーす name-en: "Front Mission 4" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes mech shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-65444: name: キャッスルヴァニア name-sort: きゃっするゔぁにあ name-en: "Castlevania" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLPM-65445: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球10 超決定版 2003メモリアル name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう10 ちょうけっていばん 2003めもりある name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 10 Chou Ketteiban - 2003 Memorial" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65446: name: 007 エブリシング オア ナッシング name-sort: 007 えぶりしんぐ おあ なっしんぐ name-en: "007 - Everything or Nothing" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLPM-65447: name: Kunoichi-忍- name-sort: Kunoichi name-en: "Kunoichi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SLPM-65448: name: カンブリアンQTS 〜化石になっても〜 name-sort: かんぶりあんQTS 〜かせきになっても〜 name-en: "Cambrian QTS - Kaseki ni Natte mo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65449: name: SSX3 name-sort: SSX3 name-en: "SSX 3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65450: name: 探偵学園Q 〜奇翁館の殺意〜 [初回生産分] name-sort: たんていがくえんQ 〜きおきなかんのさつい〜 [しょかいせいさんぶん] name-en: "Tantei Gakuen Q - Kiokan no Satsui [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65451: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit!2 初回SP限定版 name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit!2 しょかいSPげんていばん name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! 2 [Shokai SP Genteiban A-Type]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-65452: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit! 2 [Shokai SP Genteiban B-Type]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-65453: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Smash Hit! 2 [Shokai SP Genteiban C-Type]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-65454: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit!2 name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit!2 name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! 2 [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-65455: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutenroku [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65456: name: ナースウィッチ小麦ちゃん マジカルて [初回限定版] name-sort: なーすうぃっちこむぎちゃん まじかるて しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Magical Nurse Witch Komugi-chan [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65457: name: ナースウィッチ小麦ちゃん マジカルて [通常版] name-sort: なーすうぃっちこむぎちゃん まじかるて name-en: "Magical Nurse Witch Komugi-chan [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65458: name: 鋼鉄の咆哮2 ウォーシップコマンダー name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2 うぉーしっぷこまんだー name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Commander" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65459: name: 武刃街 -BUJINGAI- name-sort: ぶじんがい name-en: "Bujingai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65460: name: コンフリクト デルタ 湾岸戦争1991 name-sort: こんふりくと でるた わんがんせんそう1991 name-en: "Conflict Delta - Wangan War 1991" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65461: name: 探偵学園Q〜奇翁館の殺意〜 name-sort: たんていがくえんQ〜きおきなかんのさつい〜 name-en: "Tantei Gakuen Q - Kioukan no Satsui" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65462: name: 真・女神転生III-NOCTURNE マニアクス name-sort: しんめがみてんせい3-NOCTURNE まにあくす name-en: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne Maniax" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65463: name: ROCKY name-sort: ROCKY name-en: "Rocky" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # Fixes boxers not appearing/disappearing. gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes freezes. SLPM-65464: name: Wind-a breath of heart- name-sort: Wind-a breath of heart- name-en: "Wind - A Breath of Heart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65465: name: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 name-sort: はりーぽったーとけんじゃのいし name-en: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-65466: name: 黄泉がえり 〜リフレイン〜 name-sort: よみがえり 〜りふれいん〜 name-en: "Yomigaeri - Refrain" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65468: name: ルームメイト・麻美 D-Collection name-sort: るーむめいと・あさみ D-Collection name-en: "Roommate Asami - D-Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65469: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65470: name: FIREFIGHTER F.D.18 name-sort: FIREFIGHTER F.D.18 name-en: "Firefighter F.D. 18" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65471: name: ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーグラウンド name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーぐらうんど name-en: "Need for Speed - Underground" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLPM-65472: name: TrainSimulator+電車でGO! 東京急行編 name-sort: TrainSimulator+でんしゃでごー とうきょうきゅうこうへん name-en: "Train Simulator & Densha de Go! Tokyo Kyuukouhen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65473: name: 鋼の錬金術師 翔べない天使 name-sort: はがねのれんきんじゅつし とべないてんし name-en: "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi - Tobenai Tenshi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65474: name: 鋼鉄の咆哮2 プレミアムパック(ウォーシップコマンダー&WARSHIP GUNNER) name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2 ぷれみあむぱっく(うぉーしっぷこまんだー&WARSHIP GUNNER) name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Commander [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65477: name: 紅の海2 〜Crimson Sea〜 name-sort: くれないのうみ2 〜Crimson Sea〜 name-en: "Crimson Sea 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65478: name: ファイナルファンタジーX-2 インターナショナル+ラストミッション name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10-2 いんたーなしょなる+らすとみっしょん name-en: "Final Fantasy X-2 International" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-65479: name: ザ・シムズ name-sort: ざ・しむず name-en: "Sims, The - Bustin' Out" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, font and others. SLPM-65480: name: michigan(ミシガン) name-sort: みしがん name-en: "Michigan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65481: name: After...〜忘れえぬ絆〜 初回限定版 name-sort: After...〜わすれえぬきずな〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "After... Wasureenu Kizuna [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65482: name: After...〜忘れえぬ絆〜 通常版 name-sort: After...〜わすれえぬきずな〜 name-en: "After... [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65483: name: シークレット・ウェポン・オーバー・ノルマンディ name-sort: しーくれっと・うぇぽん・おーばー・のるまんでぃ name-en: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65484: name: wordimagesoundplay name-sort: wordimagesoundplay name-en: "WISP - Word Image Sound Play" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65486: name: AIRFORCE DELTA BLUE WING KNIGHTS name-sort: AIRFORCE DELTA BLUE WING KNIGHTS name-en: "Airforce Delta - Blue Wing Knights" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65488: name: Grand Theft Auto:Vice City name-sort: Grand Theft Auto:Vice City name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65489: name: ワークジャム ベストコレクション vol.1 探偵 神宮寺三郎 Innocent Black name-sort: わーくじゃむ べすとこれくしょん vol.1 たんてい じんぐうじさぶろう Innocent Black name-en: "Tantei Jingiji Saburo - Innocent Black [WorkJam Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65490: name: 機神咆吼デモンベイン DXパック name-sort: ざんまたいせいでもんべいん DXぱっく name-en: "Sanma Nisai Deus Mechanica - Demon Bane [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65491: name: 機神咆吼デモンベイン name-sort: ざんまたいせいでもんべいん name-en: "Sanma Nisai Deus Mechanica - Demon Bane" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65492: name: GUNGRAVE O.D. name-sort: GUNGRAVE O.D. name-en: "GunGrave O.D." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65493: name: ふらせら Hurrah!Sailor 初回限定版 name-sort: ふらせら Hurrah!Sailor しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Hurrah! Sailor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65494: name: 風雲 新撰組 name-sort: ふううん しんせんぐみ name-en: "Fuuun Shinsengumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65495: name: モンスターハンター name-sort: もんすたーはんたー name-en: "Monster Hunter" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. memcardFilters: - "BISLPM-65286NET" - "BWNETCNF" - "SLPM-65495" SLPM-65496: name: ハイパーストリートファイターII アニバーサリー エディション name-sort: はいぱーすとりーとふぁいたー2 あにばーさりー えでぃしょん name-en: "Hyper Street Fighter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65497: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン7 インターナショナル プレミアムパッケージ supported by アディダス name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん7 いんたーなしょなる ぷれみあむぱっけーじ supported by あでぃだす name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 - International [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65498: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン7 インターナショナル name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん7 いんたーなしょなる name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 - International" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65499: name: BLOODY ROAR4 name-sort: BLOODY ROAR4 name-en: "Bloody Roar 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65500: name: ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS SPECIAL EDITION [通常版] name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず あぬびす SPECIAL EDITION name-en: "Anubis - Zone of the Enders Special Edition [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65501: name: フロッガーレスキュー name-sort: ふろっがーれすきゅー name-en: "Frogger Rescue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65502: name: GUNGRAVE レッドベストセレクション name-sort: GUNGRAVE れっどべすとせれくしょん name-en: "GunGrave [Red Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65503: name: ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/王の帰還 name-sort: ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ/おうのきかん name-en: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65504: name: COOL GIRL 初回限定版 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: COOL GIRL しょかいげんていばん [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Cool Girl [Limited Edition] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65504" - "SLPM-65505" - "SLPM-65506" - "SLPM-65742" SLPM-65505: name: COOL GIRL 初回限定版 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: COOL GIRL しょかいげんていばん [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Cool Girl [Limited Edition] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65504" - "SLPM-65505" - "SLPM-65506" - "SLPM-65742" SLPM-65506: name: COOL GIRL name-sort: COOL GIRL name-en: "Cool Girl" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65504" - "SLPM-65505" - "SLPM-65506" - "SLPM-65742" SLPM-65507: name: "Cool Girl (Disc 2) (Aska Side)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65508: name: ポップンミュージック9 name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく9 name-en: "Pop'n music 9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65509: name: テニスの王子様 Love of Prince Sweet name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Love of Prince Sweet name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Love of Prince - Sweet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65510: name: テニスの王子様 Love of Prince Bitter name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Love of Prince Bitter name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Love of Prince - Bitter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65512: name: Angel’s Feather [限定版] name-sort: えんじぇるずふぇざー [げんていばん] name-en: "Angel's Feather [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65513: name: Angel’s Feather [通常版] name-sort: えんじぇるずふぇざー name-en: "Angel's Feather [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65514: name: 街道バトル2 CHAIN REACTION name-sort: かいどうばとる2 CHAIN REACTION name-en: "Kaido Battle 2 - Chain Reaction" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-65515: name: サクラ大戦物語 〜ミステリアス巴里〜 name-sort: さくらたいせんものがたり 〜みすてりあすぱり〜 name-en: "Sakura Taisen - Mysterious Paris" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65517: name: 戦国無双 name-sort: せんごくむそう name-en: "Sengoku Musou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65518: name: らいむいろ戦奇譚☆純 DXパック name-sort: らいむいろせんきたん じゅん DXぱっく name-en: "Raimuiro Senkitan Jun [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65519: name: らいむいろ戦奇譚☆純 name-sort: らいむいろせんきたん じゅん name-en: "Raimuiro Senkitan Jun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65520: name: てんたま2wins [限定版] name-sort: てんたま2wins [げんていばん] name-en: "Tentama 2 Wins [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65521: name: てんたま2wins [通常版] name-sort: てんたま2wins name-en: "Tentama 2 Wins [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65522: name: 爆笑!! 人生回道 NOVAうさぎが見てるぞ!! name-sort: ばくしょう!! じんせいかいどう NOVAうさぎがみているぞ!! name-en: "Bakushou!! Jinsei Kaidou - Nova Usagi ga Miteru zo!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65523: name: ふらせら Hurrah!Sailor 通常版 name-sort: ふらせら Hurrah!Sailor name-en: "Hurrah! Sailor [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65524: name: オレンジポケット -リュート- 初回限定版 name-sort: おれんじぽけっと -りゅーと- しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Orange Pocket - Root [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65525: name: オレンジポケット -リュート- name-sort: おれんじぽけっと -りゅーと- name-en: "Orange Pocket - Root" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65526: name: どろろ name-sort: どろろ name-en: "Dororo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLPM-65527: name: FIFAトータルフットボール name-sort: FIFAとーたるふっとぼーる name-en: "FIFA Total Football" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65529: name: ミッション:インポッシブル -オペレーション・サルマ- name-sort: みっしょん いんぽっしぶる おぺれーしょん さるま name-en: "Mission Impossible - Operation Surma" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65530: name: J.LEAGUE プロサッカークラブをつくろう!’04 name-sort: Jりーぐ ぷろさっかーくらぶをつくろう!’04 name-en: "J-League Pro Soccer Club - Tsukuku 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65531: name: サクラ大戦V EPISODE 0 〜荒野のサムライ娘〜 name-sort: さくらたいせんV EPISODE 0 〜こうやのさむらいむすめ〜 name-en: "Sakura Taisen V - Episode 0" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65532: name: ぷよぷよフィーバー name-sort: ぷよぷよふぃーばー name-en: "Puyo Puyo Fever" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65533: name: ピューと吹く!ジャガー 明日のジャンプ [初回限定版] name-sort: ぴゅーとふく!じゃがー あしたのじゃんぷ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar Ashita no Japan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65534: name: ローグオプス name-sort: ろーぐおぷす name-en: "Rogue Ops" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes hang on opening memory card screen. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65535: name: おしえて! ぽぽたん name-sort: おしえて! ぽぽたん name-en: "Oshiete! Popotan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65536: name: "Houshin Engi 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65537: name: 超・バトル封神 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: ちょう・ばとるほうしん [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Chou Battle Houshin [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65538: name: EA BEST HITS 007 ナイトファイア name-sort: 007 ないとふぁいあ [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "007 - Nightfire [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes polygon clipping in driving missions. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog lines in the distance. SLPM-65539: name: アタリホットシリーズ V-RALLY3 name-sort: あたりほっとしりーず V-RALLY3 name-en: "V-Rally 3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes fog and make lights on cars work again. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and penetration of objects. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. SLPM-65540: name: ギャラクシーエンジェル Moonlit Lovers name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇる Moonlit Lovers name-en: "Galaxy Angel - Moonlit Lovers [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65541: name: 愛蔵版 アンジェリーク トロワ [KOEI The Best] name-sort: あいぞうばん あんじぇりーく とろわ [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Angelique Trois - Aizouhen [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65542: name: 零式艦上戦闘記 name-sort: れいしきかんじょうせんとうき name-en: "Zero Shikikan Josentoki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65543: name: プロ野球スピリッツ 2004 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ 2004 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65545: name: 十六夜れんか 〜かみふるさと〜 name-sort: じゅうろくやれんか 〜かみふるさと〜 name-en: "Juurokuya Renka - Kami Furusato" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65546: name: CROSS+CHANNEL 〜To all people〜 [限定版] name-sort: CROSS+CHANNEL 〜To all people〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "Cross Channel - To All People [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65547: name: CROSS+CHANNEL 〜To all people〜 name-sort: CROSS+CHANNEL 〜To all people〜 name-en: "Cross Channel - To All People" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65548: name: フリーダム・ファイターズ name-sort: ふりーだむふぁいたーず name-en: "Freedom Fighters" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65549: name: Remember 11 〜the age of infinity〜 [限定版] name-sort: Remember 11 the age of infinity [げんていばん] name-en: "Remember 11 - The Age of Infinity [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65550: name: Remember 11 〜the age of infinity〜 [通常版] name-sort: Remember 11 the age of infinity name-en: "Remember 11 - The Age of Infinity [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65551: name: ASTRO BOY 鉄腕アトム name-sort: あすとろぼーい てつわんあとむ name-en: "Astro Boy Atom" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes character behaviour. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes flame bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLPM-65552: name: メタルウルフREV 初回限定版 name-sort: めたるうるふREV しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Metal Wolf Rev [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65553: name: メタルウルフREV 通常版 name-sort: めたるうるふREV name-en: "Metal Wolf Rev [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65554: name: コロッケ!〜バン王の危機を救え〜 name-sort: ころっけ! ばんおうのききをすくえ name-en: "Croket! Ban-King no Kiki o Sukue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65555: name: ドラゴンクエストV 天空の花嫁 name-sort: どらごんくえすと5 てんくうのはなよめ name-en: "Dragon Quest V - Bride of the Sky" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65556: name: 信長の野望 天下創世 name-sort: のぶながのやぼう てんかそうせい name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Sousei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65557: name: ステディ×スタディ [限定版] name-sort: すてでぃ×すたでぃ [げんていばん] name-en: "Steady X Study [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65558: name: ステディ×スタディ name-sort: すてでぃ×すたでぃ name-en: "Steady X Study" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65559: name: てのひらをたいように 〜永久の絆〜(初回限定版) name-sort: てのひらをたいように 〜えいきゅうのきずな〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Tenohira wo Taiyou ni [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65560: name: てのひらをたいように 〜永久の絆〜 name-sort: てのひらをたいように 〜えいきゅうのきずな〜 name-en: "Tenohira wo Taiyou ni" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65561: name: 真・三國無双3 スーパープレミアムBOX name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 すーぱーぷれみあむBOX name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 [Super Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65564: name: 真・三國無双3 Empires&猛将伝 プレミアムBOX name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 えんぱいあーず&もうしょうでん [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65565: name: 真・三國無双3 Empires name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 えんぱいあーず name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65566: name: 金色のコルダ プレミアムBOX name-sort: きんいろのこるだ [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "La Corda d'Oro [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65567: name: 金色のコルダ name-sort: きんいろのこるだ name-en: "Corda D'Oro, La" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65569: name: 北へ。Diamond Dust + Kiss is Beginning name-sort: きたへ Diamond Dust + Kiss is Beginning name-en: "Kita he - Diamond Dust + Kiss is Beginning" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65570: name: フロッガー(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ふろっがー [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Frogger [Konami Palace Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65571: name: 新天魔界 GENERATION OF CHAOS 4 限定版 name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 4 [げんていばん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos 4 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65572: name: 新天魔界 GENERATION OF CHAOS 4 name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 4 name-en: "Generation of Chaos 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65573: name: Spike the Best WRC II 〜EXTREME〜 name-sort: WRC II 〜EXTREME〜 [Spike The Best] name-en: "WRC II Extreme [Spike The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture misalignment. SLPM-65574: name: サイレントヒル4 THE ROOM name-sort: さいれんとひる4 THE ROOM name-en: "Silent Hill 4 - The Room" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes invisible wall in front of the door leading to East 3F in the 2nd visit of Apartment world preventing Eileen's Nurse Outfit. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset shadow from player character. SLPM-65575: name: クリムゾン・ティアーズ name-sort: くりむぞん・てぃあーず name-en: "Crimson Tears" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment bloom effects. # deinterlace: 6 # Game requires blend tff de-interlacing when auto for 'fixing' shimmer on character models and more flickering or half weaved, though the game suffers from the field order. SLPM-65576: name: 探偵 神宮寺三郎 KIND OF BLUE name-sort: たんてい じんぐうじさぶろう KIND OF BLUE name-en: "Tantei Jinguuji Saburou - Kind of Blue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65579: name: 放課後のLove Beat name-sort: ほうかごのLove Beat name-en: "Houkago no Love Beat" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65580: name: クラッシュ・バンディクー 爆走!ニトロカート name-sort: くらっしゅばんでぃくー ばくそう!にとろかーと name-en: "Crash Bandicoot - Bakuso! Nitro Kart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65581: name: ホーンテッドマンション name-sort: ほーんてっどまんしょん name-en: "Haunted Mansion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65582: name: Winning Post6 MAXIMUM 2004 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと6 MAXIMUM 2004 name-en: "Winning Post 6 Maximum 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65583: name: WRC3 name-sort: WRC3 name-en: "WRC 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLPM-65584: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65585: name: Princess Holiday〜転がるりんご亭千夜一夜〜 name-sort: Princess Holiday ころがるりんごていせんやいちや name-en: "Princess Holiday" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65586: name: オンラインプロレスリング name-sort: おんらいんぷろれすりんぐ name-en: "Online Pro Wrestling" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65587: name: EA SPORTS ファイトナイト 2004 name-sort: EA SPORTS ふぁいとないと 2004 name-en: "Fight Night 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65588: name: カラフルBOX 〜to LOVE〜(限定版) name-sort: からふるBOX to LOVE [げんていばん] name-en: "Colorful Box - To Love [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65589: name: カラフルBOX 〜to LOVE〜(通常版) name-sort: からふるBOX to LOVE name-en: "Colorful Box - To Love [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65590: name: 電車でGO! -FINAL- name-sort: でんしゃでごー -FINAL- name-en: "Densha de Go! Final" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65591: name: ロスト・アヤ・ソフィア [限定版] name-sort: ろすと あや そふぃあ [げんていばん] name-en: "Lost Aya Sophia [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65592: name: ロスト・アヤ・ソフィア name-sort: ろすと あや そふぃあ name-en: "Lost Aya Sophia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65593: name: beatmania IIDX 7th style name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 7th style name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 7th style" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65594: name: イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ name-sort: いりすのあとりえ えたーなるまな name-en: "Iris no Atelier - Eternal Mana" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65595: name: 勝負師伝説 哲也2 玄人頂上決戦 name-sort: ぎゃんぶらーでんせつ てつや2 くろうとちょうじょうけっせん name-en: "Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya 2 [Athena Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65596: name: 十二国記 赫々たる王道紅緑の羽化 name-sort: じゅうにこくき かくかくたるおうどうこうりょくのうか name-en: "Juuni Kuniki - Kakukaku Taru Ou Michi Beni Midori no Uka" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65597: name: DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA〜アバタール・チューナー〜 name-sort: でじたる でびる さーが あばたーるちゅーなー name-en: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-65598: name: 転生學園 幻蒼録 name-sort: てんしょうがくえん げんそうろく name-en: "Tenshou Gakuen Kensousoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65599: name: 幻想水滸伝IV 限定版 name-sort: げんそうすいこでん4 [げんていばん] name-en: "Gensou Suikoden 4 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65600: name: 幻想水滸伝IV name-sort: げんそうすいこでん4 name-en: "Gensou Suikoden 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65601: name: SuperLite 2000思い出にかわる君〜Memories Off〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000おもいでにかわるきみ Memories Off name-en: "Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi - Memories Off [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65602: name: キングオブコロシアム II name-sort: きんぐおぶころしあむ 2 name-en: "King of Colosseum 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65603: name: ラン・ライク・ヘル name-sort: らん らいく へる name-en: "Run Like Hell" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65604: name: アニメバトル 烈火の炎 FINAL BURNING <初回生産限定仕様> name-sort: あにめばとる れっかのほのお FINAL BURNING [しょかいせいさんげんていしよう] name-en: "Anime Battle - Rekka no Honoo - Flame of Recca - Final Burning" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65607: name: 3LDK 〜幸せになろうよ〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: 3LDK しあわせになろうよ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "3LDK - Shiawase ni Narou yo [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65608: name: 3LDK 〜幸せになろうよ〜 name-sort: 3LDK しあわせになろうよ name-en: "3LDK - Shiawase ni Narou yo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65609: name: メモリーズ・オフ〜それから〜 限定版 name-sort: めもりーず おふ それから [げんていばん] name-en: "Memories Off... - Sorekara [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65610: name: メモリーズ・オフ〜それから〜 通常版 name-sort: めもりーず おふ それから name-en: "Memories Off... - Sorekara [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65611: name: PIZZICATO POLKA 〜縁鎖現夜〜 name-sort: PIZZICATO POLKA えんさげんや name-en: "Pizzicato Polka" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65612: name: ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人 name-sort: はりーぽったーとあずかばんのしゅうじん name-en: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLPM-65613: name: 遊戯王 カプセルモンスターコロシアム name-sort: ゆうぎおう かぷせるもんすたーころしあむ name-en: "Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65614: name: EA BEST HITS ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーグラウンド name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーぐらうんど [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Need for Speed - Underground J" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLPM-65615: name: ドカポンDX -わたる世界はオニだらけ- name-sort: どかぽんDX -わたるせかいはおにだらけ- name-en: "Dokapon DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65616: name: 十二国記-紅蓮の標 黄塵の路- [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: じゅうにこくき ぐれんのしるべ こうじんのみち- [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Juunikoku-ki - Guren no Shirube Koujin no Michi [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65617: name: 冒険時代活劇ゴエモン(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ぼうけんじだいかつげきごえもん [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Bouken Jidai Katsugeki Goemon [Konami Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65618: name: ベルセルク 体験版 name-sort: べるせるく たいけんばん name-en: "Berserk [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Partially fixes HUD elements. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur around objects and enemies. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLPM-65619: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ ゴーストリコン ジャングルストーム name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず ごーすとりこん じゃんぐるすとーむ name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Jungle Storm" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65620: name: 悪代官2〜妄想伝〜 [グローバル ザ・ベスト] name-sort: あくだいかん2〜もうそうでん〜 [ぐろーばる ざ・べすと] name-en: "Akudaikan 2 - Mousouden [Global The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65621: name: ストリートファイター III 3rd STRIKE name-sort: すとりーとふぁいたー 3 3rd STRIKE name-en: "Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65622: name: サイレントヒル3 [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: さいれんとひる3 [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Silent Hill 3 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes some lighting/shadow artefacts (most light sources like the Flashlight are unaffected). gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes blackscreen when FMV. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65257" - "SLPM-65622" - "SLPM-66018" - "SLPM-65051" - "SLPM-65098" - "SLPM-65341" - "SLPM-65631" SLPM-65623: name: 探偵学園Q奇翁館の殺意 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: たんていがくえんQきおうかんのさつい [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Tantei Gakuen Q - Kiokan no Satsui [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65624: name: DEAR BOYS Fast Break!(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: DEAR BOYS Fast Break! [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Dear Boys Fast Break! [Konami Palace Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65625: name: あしたのジョー〜まっ白に燃え尽きろ!〜 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: あしたのじょー まっしろにもえつきろ! [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Ashita no Joe - Masshiro ni Moetsukuru [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65626: name: 恐怖新聞【平成版】〜怪奇!心霊ファイル〜 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: きょうふしんぶん へいせいばん かいき!しんれいふぁいる [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Kyoufu Shinbun (Heisei-Han) Kaiki! Shinrei File [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65627: name: ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 異聞妖怪奇譚 コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: げげげのきたろう いぶんようかいきたん こなみ・ざ・べすと name-en: "Gegege no Kitarou [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65628: name: SuperLite 2000 アドベンチャー此花パック〜3つの事件簿〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 あどべんちゃーこのはなぱっく 3つのじけんぼ name-en: "Konohana Pack Vol.21 - 3-tsu no Jikenbo [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65629: name: カッパの飼い方 -How to breed kappas- name-sort: かっぱのかいかた How to breed kappas name-en: "Kappa no Kai-Kata - How to Breed Kappas" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65630: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球11 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう11 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 11" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65631: name: サイレントヒル2 最後の詩(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: さいれんとひる2 さいごのうた [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Silent Hill 2 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLPM-65632: name: バーチャファイターサイバージェネレーション 〜ジャッジメントシックスの野望〜 name-sort: ばーちゃふぁいたーさいばーじぇねれーしょん 〜じゃっじめんとしっくすのやぼう〜 name-en: "Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation - Ambition of the Judgement Six" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65633: name: アイラブベースボール プロ野球をこよなく愛する人達へ name-sort: あいらぶべーすぼーる ぷろやきゅうをこよなくあいするひとたちへ name-en: "I Love Baseball - Pro Yakyuu wo Koyonaku Aisuru Hito Tachi e" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65634: name: 夏少女 Promised Summer name-sort: なつしょうじょ Promised Summer name-en: "Summer Girl - Promised Summer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65635: name: 爆炎覚醒 ネバーランド戦記ZERO name-sort: ばくえんかくせい ねばーらんどせんきZERO name-en: "Bakuen Kakusei Neverland Senki Zero" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65636: name: 三國志戦記2 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: さんごくしせんき2 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Sangokushi Senki 2 [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65637: name: ラクガキ王国2 〜魔王城の戦い〜 name-sort: らくがきおうこく2 〜まおうじょうのたたかい〜 name-en: "Rakugaki Oukoku 2 - Maoh jou no Tatakai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65638: name: フルハウスキス name-sort: ふるはうすきす name-en: "Full House Kiss" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65639: name: パティシエなにゃんこ 〜初恋はいちご味〜 限定版 name-sort: ぱてぃしえなにゃんこ 〜はつこいはいちごあじ〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "Patissier na Nyanko [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65640: name: パティシエなにゃんこ 〜初恋はいちご味〜 name-sort: ぱてぃしえなにゃんこ 〜はつこいはいちごあじ〜 name-en: "Patissier na Nyanko" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65641: name: うたう♪タンブリング・ダイス 〜私たち3人、あ・げ・る〜 name-sort: うたうたんぶりんぐだいす わたしたち3にんあげる name-en: "Utau - Tumbling Dice" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65642: name: めいわく星人 パニックメーカー name-sort: めいわくせいじん ぱにっくめーかー name-en: "Meiwaku Seijin Panic Maker" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65643: name: ロックマンX コマンドミッション name-sort: ろっくまんえっくす こまんどみっしょん name-en: "RockMan X - Command Mission" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes the trophies. SLPM-65644: name: ギルティギア イスカ name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いすか name-en: "Guilty Gear Isuka" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65646: name: "Komorebi no Namikimichi - Utsurikawaru Kisetsu no Naka de" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65647: name: 遊戯王真デュエルモンスターズ II 継承されし記憶(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ゆうぎおうしんでゅえるもんすたーず II けいしょうされしきおく [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Provides text shadow definition. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects some font artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Corrects some more font artifacts a little. SLPM-65648: name: EA BEST HITS メダルオブオナー 史上最大の作戦 name-sort: めだるおぶおなー しじょうさいだいのさくせん [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Medal of Honor - Frontline [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65649: name: EA BEST HITS NBAストリート2 ダンク天国 name-sort: NBAすとりーと2 だんくてんごく [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "NBA Street Vol. 2 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65650: name: EA BEST HITS ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 name-sort: はりーぽったーとけんじゃのいし [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-65651: name: 九龍妖魔學園紀 [デラックスパック] name-sort: くうろんようまがくえんき でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Kowloon Youma Gakuenki [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65652: name: 九龍妖魔學園紀 name-sort: くうろんようまがくえんき name-en: "Kowloon Youma Gakuenki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65653: name: Darling Special Backlash 〜恋のエキゾースト・ヒート〜 name-sort: Darling Special Backlash こいのえきぞーすと ひーと name-en: "Darling Special Backlash - Koi no Exhaust Heat" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65654: name: 解決!オサバキーナ name-sort: かいけつ!おさばきーな name-en: "Kaiketsu! Osabakiina" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65655: name: ファインディング・ニモ YUKE’S the BEST name-sort: ふぁいんでぃんぐ にも YUKE’S the BEST name-en: "Finding Nemo [Yuke's The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65657: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン8 name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん8 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65660: name: "Shirachuu Tankenbu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65661: name: "Densha de Go! Professional 2 [Taito Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65662: name: "Spider-Man 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the position of the shadow and makes it not blocky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes shadows. gpuPaletteConversion: 0 # Stops potential crashes from too many palette textures. mipmap: 2 # Building textures align more closely with SW mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65663: name: ツヴァイ!! name-sort: つゔぁい!! name-en: "Zwei!!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-65664: name: SuperLite 2000 恋愛アドベンチャー Memories Off Duet name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 れんあいあどべんちゃー Memories Off Duet name-en: "Memories Off... Duet [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65665: name: ブラッドレイン name-sort: ぶらっどれいん name-en: "BloodRayne" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65666: name: EA BEST HITS NBAライブ2004 name-sort: NBAらいぶ2004 [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "NBA Live 2004 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLPM-65668: name: スペクトラルフォース ラジカルエレメンツ 限定版 name-sort: すぺくとらるふぉーす らじかるえれめんつ [げんていばん] name-en: "Spectral Force - Radical Elements [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65669: name: スペクトラルフォース ラジカルエレメンツ name-sort: すぺくとらるふぉーす らじかるえれめんつ name-en: "Spectral Force - Radical Elements" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65670: name: アクアキッズ name-sort: あくあきっず name-en: "Aqua Kids" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65671: name: W 〜ウィッシュ〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: うぃっしゅ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "W - Wish [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65672: name: W 〜ウィッシュ〜 name-sort: W 〜うぃっしゅ〜 name-en: "W - Wish" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65673: name: "Sangokushi IX [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65674: name: 太閤立志伝V name-sort: たいこうりっしでんV name-en: "Taikou Risshiden V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65675: name: ふぁいなる・アプローチ (初回限定版) name-sort: ふぁいなる あぷろーち しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Final Approach [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65676: name: ふぁいなる・アプローチ (通常版) name-sort: ふぁいなる あぷろーち name-en: "Final Approach" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65677: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit! [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit! [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65678: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit!2 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit!2 [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Smash Hit! 2 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-65679: name: テニスの王子様 SWEAT&TEARS 2 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: てにすのおうじさま SWEAT&TEARS 2 [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Sweat 2 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65680: name: テニスの王子様 最強チームを結成せよ! name-sort: てにすのおうじさま さいきょうちーむをけっせいせよ! name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Make the Strongest Team" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65681: name: Monochrome(モノクローム) 初回限定版 name-sort: ものくろーむ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Monochrome [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65682: name: Monochrome (モノクローム) name-sort: ものくろーむ name-en: "Monochrome" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65683: name: ヴィオラートのアトリエ〜グラムナートの錬金術士2〜 [ガストベストプライス] name-sort: ゔぃおらーとのあとりえ ぐらむなーとのれんきんじゅつし2 [がすとべすとぷらいす] name-en: "Violet no Atelier - Gramnad no Renkinjutsushi [Gust Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Aligns text boxes. SLPM-65684: name: マイネリーベ 優美なる記憶 name-sort: まいねりーべ ゆうびなるきおく name-en: "Meine Liebe - Yuubinaru Kioku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65685: name: Stella Deus(ステラデウス) name-sort: すてらでうす name-en: "Stella Deus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65686: name: ベルセルク 千年帝国の鷹篇 聖魔戦記の章 限定版 name-sort: べるせるく みれにあむ ふぁるこんへん せいませんきのしょう [げんていばん] name-en: "Berserk - Millennium Falcon-hen - Seima Senki no Shou [Branded Box]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Partially fixes HUD elements. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur around objects and enemies. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLPM-65687: name: スター・ウォーズ バトルフロント name-sort: すたーうぉーず ばとるふろんと name-en: "Star Wars - Battlefront" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on certain characters and objects on certain levels. SLPM-65688: name: ベルセルク 千年帝国の鷹篇 聖魔戦記の章 通常版 name-sort: べるせるく みれにあむ・ふぁるこんへん せいませんきのしょう name-en: "Berserk - Millennium Falcon-hen - Seima Senki no Shou [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Partially fixes HUD elements. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur around objects and enemies. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLPM-65689: name: SuperLite 2000 恋愛アドベンチャー Never7〜the end of infinity〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 れんあいあどべんちゃー Never7〜the end of infinity〜 name-en: "Never 7 - The End of Infinity [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65690: name: 此花4〜闇を祓う祈り〜 name-sort: このはな4〜やみをはらういのり〜 name-en: "Konohana 4 - Yami wo Harau Inori" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65691: name: SuperLite 2000 恋愛アドベンチャー Ever17 〜the out of infinity〜 Premium Edition name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 れんあいあどべんちゃー Ever17 〜the out of infinity〜 Premium Edition name-en: "Ever 17 - Out of Infinity [SuperLite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65692: name: バイオハザード アウトブレイク FILE 2 name-sort: ばいおはざーど あうとぶれいく FILE 2 name-en: "BioHazard Outbreak - File #2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65692" - "SLPM-65428" - "SLPM-74201" SLPM-65693: name: ときめきメモリアル3〜約束のあの場所で〜(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ときめきめもりある3 やくそくのあのばしょで [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial 3 [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65694: name: 幻想水滸伝III(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: げんそうすいこでん3 [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Gensou Suikoden 3 [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65073" - "SLPM-65074" - "SLPM-65305" - "SLPM-65694" - "SLPM-86168" - "SLPM-86389" - "SLPM-87100" - "SLPM-86637" - "SLPM-86883" - "SLPM-87261" - "SLPM-86663" - "SLPM-86953" - "SLPM-87262" SLPM-65695: name: ハードラック name-sort: はーどらっく name-en: "Hard Luck - Return of the Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65696: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.62 THE スーパーパズルボブルDX name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.62 THE すーぱーぱずるぼぶるDX name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 62 - The Super Puzzle Bubble DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65697: name: シュレック2 name-sort: しゅれっく2 name-en: "Shrek 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65698: name: LoveSongs♪ADV 双葉理保14歳〜夏〜 name-sort: LoveSongs あどべんちゃー ふたばりほ14さい なつ name-en: "Love Songs - ADV Futaba Riho 14-sai Natsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65699: name: ビューティフルジョー 新たなる希望 name-sort: びゅーてぃふるじょー あらたなるきぼう name-en: "Viewtiful Joe - Aratanaru Kibo" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65700: name: 剣豪3 name-sort: けんごう3 name-en: "Kengo 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65701: name: ゴーストハンター name-sort: ごーすとはんたー name-en: "Ghost Hunter" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes sporadic white triangle SPS. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65702: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志戦記 name-sort: さんごくしせんき [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Sangokushi Senki [Koei Collection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65703: name: Double Reaction! PLUS name-sort: Double Reaction! PLUS name-en: "Double Reaction Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65704: name: スタンダード大戦略 電撃戦 name-sort: すたんだーどだいせんりゃく でんげきせん name-en: "Standard Daisenryaku Dengekisen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65705: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI プロマシアの呪縛 拡張データディスク name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 ぷろましあのじゅばく かくちょうでーたでぃすく name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Chains of Promathia [Expansion Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65706: name: プレイオンライン/ファイナルファンタジーXI オールインワンパック2004 name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 おーるいんわんぱっく2004 [ぷれいおんらいん] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Chains of Promathia [All-in-One Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65708: name: 鋼の錬金術師2 赤きエリクシルの悪魔 初回限定版 name-sort: はがねのれんきんじゅつし2 あかきえりくしるのあくま しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi - Akaki Elixir no Akuma" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65710: name: Apocripha/0 通常版 name-sort: Apocripha/0 name-en: "Apocripha-0 [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65714: name: アンジェリーク エトワール プレミアムBOX name-sort: あんじぇりーくえとわーる [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Angelique Etoile [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65715: name: アンジェリーク エトワール name-sort: あんじぇりーく えとわーる name-en: "Angelique Etoile" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65716: name: 凱歌の号砲 エアランドフォース [KOEI The Best] name-sort: がいかのごうほう えあらんどふぉーす [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Gaika no Gouhou - Air Land Force [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65717: name: 月は東に日は西に-Operation Sanctuary- name-sort: つきはひがしにひはにしに-Operation Sanctuary- name-en: "Tsuki ha Higashi ni Ha ha Nishi ni - Operation Sanctuary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65718: name: 戦国無双 猛将伝 name-sort: せんごくむそう もうしょうでん name-en: "Sengoku Musou Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65719: name: バーンアウト3:テイクダウン name-sort: ばーんあうと3:ていくだうん name-en: "Burnout 3 - Takedown" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-65720: name: 真・三國無双2 猛将伝 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: しんさんごくむそう2 もうしょうでん [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Moushouden [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65721: name: プロ野球スピリッツ 2004 クライマックス name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ 2004 くらいまっくす name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2004 Climax" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65722: name: Airforce Delta 〜Blue Wing Knights〜 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: Airforce Delta 〜Blue Wing Knights〜 [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Airforce Delta - Blue Wing Knights [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65723: name: ヴァン・ヘルシング name-sort: ゔぁん へるしんぐ name-en: "Van Helsing" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65724: name: チョロQワークス name-sort: ちょろQわーくす name-en: "Choro Q Works" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65725: name: EA BEST HITS 007エブリシング オア ナッシング name-sort: 007えぶりしんぐ おあ なっしんぐ [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "007 - Everything or Nothing [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLPM-65726: name: EA BEST HITS スター・ウォーズ ジャンゴ・フェット name-sort: すたーうぉーず じゃんご ふぇっと [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Star Wars - Jango Fett [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLPM-65727: name: EA BEST HITS ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/王の帰還 name-sort: ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ おうのきかん [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65728: name: ホビットの冒険 ロード オブ ザ リング はじまりの物語 name-sort: ほびっとのぼうけん ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ はじまりのものがたり name-en: "Hobbit, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65729: name: トゥルークライム -STREETS OF L.A.- name-sort: とぅるーくらいむ STREETS OF L.A. name-en: "True Crime - Streets of L.A." region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes licences. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes double image. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating buildings. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SLPM-65730: name: ロックマンX8 name-sort: ろっくまんえっくす8 name-en: "Rockman X8" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Flickering and wrong textures in FMV. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65730" - "SLPM-65643" SLPM-65731: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ レインボーシックス3 name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず れいんぼーしっくす3 name-en: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65732: name: アカイイト name-sort: あかいいと name-en: "Akai Ito" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65734: name: 北へ。Diamond Dust ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: きたへ Diamond Dust はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Kita he - Diamond Dust [Hudson The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65735: name: 蒼のままで・・・・・・ 限定版 name-sort: あおのままで [げんていばん] name-en: "Ao no Mamade [Treasure Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65736: name: 蒼のままで・・・・・・ name-sort: あおのままで name-en: "Ao no Mamade" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65737: name: 召しませ浪漫茶房 name-sort: めしませろまんさぼう name-en: "Meshimase Roman Sabou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65738: name: LoveSongs♪ADV(アドベンチャー)『双葉理保 19歳〜冬〜』 name-sort: LoveSongs あどべんちゃー ふたばりほ 19さい ふゆ name-en: "Love Songs Adv - Futaba Riho 19 Sai Winter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65739: name: ティム・バートン ナイトメアー・ビフォア・クリスマス ブギーの逆襲 name-sort: てぃむばーとん ないとめあー びふぉあ くりすます ぶぎーのぎゃくしゅう name-en: "Nightmare Before Christmas" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights. SLPM-65740: name: Jリーグ ウイニングイレブン8 〜Asia Championship〜 name-sort: Jりーぐ ういにんぐいれぶん8 〜Asia Championship〜 name-en: "J-League Winning Eleven 8 - Asia Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65741: name: DRIV3R name-sort: どらいばー3 name-en: "Driv3r" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Aligns and corrects shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes car textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Alleviates text and sky rendering issues. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes car and bike exhaust smoke rendering. SLPM-65742: name: COOL GIRL [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: COOL GIRL [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Cool Girl [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65504" - "SLPM-65505" - "SLPM-65506" - "SLPM-65742" SLPM-65743: name: "Cool Girl (Disc 2) (Aska Side)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65744: name: ファイアーファイター F.D.18 [コナミ ザ ベスト] name-sort: ふぁいあーふぁいたー F.D.18 [こなみ ざ べすと] name-en: "Firefighter F.D. 18 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65745: name: ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ときめきめもりある がーるずさいど [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial - Girl's Side [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65746: name: FIFAトータルフットボール2 name-sort: FIFAとーたるふっとぼーる2 name-en: "FIFA Total Football 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes broken rendering. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65747: name: 鋼の錬金術師2 赤きエリクシルの悪魔 name-sort: はがねのれんきんじゅつし2 あかきえりくしるのあくま name-en: "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi 2 - Akaki Elixir no Akuma" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65748: name: ZOIDS STRUGGLE name-sort: ZOIDS STRUGGLE name-en: "Zoids Struggle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65749: name: ZOIDSインフィニティ フューザーズ name-sort: ぞいどいんふぃにてぃ ふゅーざーず name-en: "Zoids Infinity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65750: name: ドカポン・ザ・ワールド name-sort: どかぽん ざ わーるど name-en: "Dokapon the World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65751: name: 水月 〜迷心〜 name-sort: すいげつ 〜まよいごころ〜 name-en: "Suigetsu Mayoi-Gokoro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65752: name: NEO CONTORA name-sort: NEO CONTORA name-en: "Neo Contra" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. SLPM-65753: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 決戦 name-sort: けっせん [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Kessen [Koei Collection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65754: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY コナミ殿堂セレクション name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど2 さんずおぶりばてぃ [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-65755: name: サムライウエスタン 活劇侍道 name-sort: さむらいうえすたん かつげきさむらいどう name-en: "Samurai Western - Katsugeki Samurai-dou" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes line across the middle of the screen and offset blur. SLPM-65756: name: テニスの王子様 RUSH&DREAM! name-sort: てにすのおうじさま RUSH&DREAM! name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Rush & Dream" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65757: name: EA BEST HITS メダル オブ オナー ライジングサン name-sort: めだる おぶ おなー らいじんぐさん [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65758: name: ソニック メガコレクション プラス name-sort: そにっく めがこれくしょん ぷらす name-en: "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65758" - "SLAJ-25027" - "SLPM-65431" SLPM-65759: name: Mr.インクレディブル name-sort: みすたーいんくれでぃぶる name-en: "Mr. Incredible" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLPM-65760: name: Grand Theft Auto III カプコレ name-sort: Grand Theft Auto III かぷこれ name-en: "Grand Theft Auto III [Capcom The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65761: name: 高速機動隊 〜World Super Police〜 name-sort: こうそくきどうたい World Super Police name-en: "World Super Police" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game hanging at mission 1. SLPM-65762: name: 片神名〜喪われた因果律〜 name-sort: かたかむな うしなわれたいんがりつ name-en: "Katakamuna" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65763: name: ゴールデンアイ ダーク・エージェント name-sort: ごーるでんあい だーく・えーじぇんと name-en: "007 Goldeneye - Rogue Agent" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65764: name: メンアットワーク!3 愛と青春のハンター学園 初回限定版 name-sort: めんあっとわーく!3 あいとせいしゅんのはんたーがくえん しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Men at Work! 3 [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65765: name: メンアットワーク!3 愛と青春のハンター学園 name-sort: めんあっとわーく!3 あいとせいしゅんのはんたーがくえん name-en: "Men at Work! 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65766: name: ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーグラウンド2 name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーぐらうんど2 name-en: "Need for Speed - Underground 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLPM-65767: name: NBA STARTINGFIVE 2005 name-sort: NBA STARTINGFIVE 2005 name-en: "NBA Starting Five 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65768: name: beatmania IIDX 8th style name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 8th style name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 8th style" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65769: name: pop’n music コントローラセット name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく [こんとろーらせっと] name-en: "Pop'n music 10 [Controller Set]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65770: name: ポップンミュージック10 name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく10 name-en: "Pop'n music 10" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65771: name: ナチュラル2 -DUO- 桜色の季節 DXパック name-sort: なちゅらる2 -DUO- さくらいろのきせつ DXぱっく name-en: "Natural 2 Duo - Sakurairo no Kisetsu [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65772: name: ナチュラル2 −DUO− 桜色の季節 name-sort: なちゅらる2 -DUO- さくらいろのきせつ name-en: "Natural 2 Duo - Sakurairo no Kisetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65773: name: シャイニング・ティアーズ name-sort: しゃいにんぐ・てぃあーず name-en: "Shining Tears" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65775: name: DDR Festival Dance Dance Revolution name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょん Festival Dance Dance Revolution name-en: "DDR Festival Dance Dance Revolution" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65776: name: 天空断罪 スケルターヘブン 限定版 name-sort: てんくうだんざい すけるたーへぶん [げんていばん] name-en: "Tenkuu Danzai - Skelter Heaven [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65777: name: 天空断罪 スケルターヘブン name-sort: てんくうだんざい すけるたーへぶん name-en: "Tenkuu Danzai - Skelter Heaven" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65778: name: SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.18 ドラゴンフォース name-sort: SEGA AGES 2500 しりーず Vol.18 どらごんふぉーす name-en: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.18 - Dragon Force" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65779: name: エキサイティングプロレス5 YUKE’s the Best name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす5 YUKE’s the Best name-en: "Exciting Pro Wrestling 5 [Yuke's the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65780: name: "Kessen III [Treasure Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65781: name: 決戦III name-sort: けっせん3 name-en: "Kessen III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65783: name: 信長の野望 Online 〜飛龍の章〜 name-sort: のぶながのやぼう おんらいん ひりゅうのしょう name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou Online - Tappi no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65785: name: なついろ〜星屑のメモリー〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: なついろ ほしくずのめもりー しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Natsuiro - Hoshikuzu no Memory [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65786: name: なついろ〜星屑のメモリー〜 name-sort: なついろ ほしくずのめもりー name-en: "Natsuiro - Hoshikuzu no Memory" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65787: name: NBAライブ2005 name-sort: NBAらいぶ2005 name-en: "NBA Live 2005" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-65788: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン8 ライヴウエアエヴォリューション name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん8 らいゔうえあえゔぉりゅーしょん name-en: "Winning Eleven 8 - Liveware Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65789: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SNAKE EATER PREMIUM PACKAGE name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 すねーくいーたー [PREMIUM PACKAGE] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-65790: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SNAKE EATER name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 すねーくいーたー name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-65791: name: S.L.A.I -STEEL LANCER ARENA INTERNATIONAL- name-sort: S.L.A.I -STEEL LANCER ARENA INTERNATIONAL- name-en: "S.L.A.I. - Steel Lancer Arena International" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes double image and aligns glow effects. SLPM-65793: name: EA BEST HITS SSX3 name-sort: SSX3 [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "SSX 3 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65794: name: カプコン ファイティング ジャム name-sort: かぷこん ふぁいてぃんぐ じゃむ name-en: "Capcom Fighting Jam" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65795: name: DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA(デジタル・デビル・サーガ) 〜アバタール・チューナー2〜 name-sort: でじたるでびるさーが あばたーるちゅーなー2 name-en: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20120" - "SLPM-65795" - "SLPM-66373" - "SCAJ-20095" - "SLPM-65597" - "SLPM-66372" SLPM-65796: name: 獣王記 -PROJECT ALTERED BEAST- name-sort: じゅうおうき -PROJECT ALTERED BEAST- name-en: "Project Altered Beast" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65797: name: ドラゴンクエスト&ファイナルファンタジー in いただきストリートSpecial name-sort: どらごんくえすと&ふぁいなるふぁんたじー in いただきすとりーとSpecial name-en: "Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65798: name: マッデン NFL スーパーボウル 2005 name-sort: まっでん NFL すーぱーぼうる 2005 name-en: "Madden NFL Superbowl 2005" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65799: name: NEW人生ゲーム name-sort: NEWじんせいげーむ name-en: "New Jinsei Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65800: name: ラジアータ ストーリーズ name-sort: らじあーた すとーりーず name-en: "Radiata Stories" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes incorrect model position. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical bars. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment bloom effects. SLPM-65801: name: クラッシュ・バンディクー5 え〜っクラッシュとコルテックスの野望?!? name-sort: くらっしゅばんでぃくー5 えーっくらっしゅとこるてっくすのやぼう?!? name-en: "Crash Bandicoot 5 - Eh Crash to Cortex no Yabou?!?" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65802: name: EA BEST HITS DEF JAM VENDETTA name-sort: DEF JAM VENDETTA [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Def Jam - Vendetta [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65803: name: EA BEST HITS フリーダム・ファイターズ name-sort: ふりーだむ・ふぁいたーず [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Freedom Fighters [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65804: name: EUROPEAN CLUB SOCCER Winning Eleven Tactics ヨーロピアンクラブサッカーウイニングイレブンタクティクス name-sort: EUROPEAN CLUB SOCCER Winning Eleven Tactics よーろぴあんくらぶさっかーういにんぐいれぶんたくてぃくす name-en: "European Club Soccer - Winning Eleven Tactics" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65805: name: ゴジラ怪獣大乱闘 〜地球最終決戦〜 name-sort: ごじらかいじゅうだいらんとう 〜ちきゅうさいしゅうけっせん〜 name-en: "Gojira Monster Fighter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65806: name: VM JAPAN(ブイエムジャパン) name-sort: ぶいえむじゃぱん name-en: "VM Japan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65807: name: ザ・アーブズ シムズ・イン・ザ・シティ name-sort: ざ あーぶず しむず いん ざ してぃ name-en: "Urbz, The - Sims in the City" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLPM-65808: name: ダビつく4 ダービー馬をつくろう! name-sort: だびつく4 だーびーばをつくろう! name-en: "Derby Tsuku 4 - Derby Uma o Tsukurou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65809: name: NANO BREAKER name-sort: NANO BREAKER name-en: "NanoBreaker" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65810: name: "Densha de Go! Ryojou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65811: name: "Zero Shikikan Josentoki [Taito Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65812: name: 爆笑!!人生回道 NOVAうさぎが見てるぞ!! TAITO BEST name-sort: ばくしょう!!じんせいかいどう NOVAうさぎがみてるぞ!! TAITO BEST name-en: "Bakushou! Jinsei Kaimichi [Taito Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65813: name: 風雲 幕末伝 name-sort: ふううん ばくまつでん name-en: "Fu-un Bakumatsu Den" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65815: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ スプリンターセル パンドラトゥモロー name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず すぷりんたーせる ぱんどらとぅもろー name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom on light sources. SLPM-65816: name: 真・爆走デコトラ伝説 〜天下統一頂上決戦〜 name-sort: しん・ばくそうでことらでんせつ てんかとういつちょうじょうけっせん name-en: "Shin Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65817: name: テニスの王子様 Love of Prince Sweet(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Love of Prince Sweet [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Love of Prince Sweet [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65818: name: テニスの王子様 Love of Prince Bitter(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Love of Prince Bitter [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Love of Prince Bitter [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65819: name: テニスの王子様 Kiss of Prince ICE(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Kiss of Prince ICE [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Kiss of Prince - Ice Version [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65820: name: テニスの王子様 Kiss of Prince FLAME(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Kiss of Prince FLAME [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Kiss of Prince - Flame Version [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65821: name: 新世紀勇者大戦 name-sort: しんせいきゆうしゃたいせん name-en: "Shinseiki Yuusha Taisen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65822: name: いちご100% ストロベリーダイアリー name-sort: いちご100ぱーせんと すとろべりーだいありー name-en: "Ichigo 100% Strawberry Diary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65823: name: 新選組群狼伝 name-sort: しんせんぐみぐんろうでん name-en: "Shinsengumi Gunrou-den" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65824: name: ビューティフルジョー2 ブラックフィルムの謎 name-sort: びゅーてぃふるじょー2 ぶらっくふぃるむのなぞ name-en: "Viewtiful Joe 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65825: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球11 超決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう11 ちょうけっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 11 Chou Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65826: name: ツキヨニサラバ name-sort: つきよにさらば name-en: "Tsukiyo ni Saraba" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65828: name: AngelWish 君の笑顔にチュッ! name-sort: えんぜるうぃっしゅ きみのえがおにちゅっ name-en: "Angel Wish - Kimi no Egao ni Chu!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65829: name: イース -ナピシュテムの匣- 限定版 name-sort: いーす なぴしゅてむのはこ [げんていばん] name-en: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-65830: name: イース -ナピシュテムの匣- 初回生産版 name-sort: いーす なぴしゅてむのはこ しょかいせいさんばん name-en: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-65831: name: ハローキティのピコピコ大作戦! name-sort: はろーきてぃのぴこぴこだいさくせん! name-en: "Hello Kitty no PikoPiko Daisakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65832: name: IZUMO コンプリート name-sort: いずも こんぷりーと name-en: "Izumo Complete" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65833: name: 遙かなる時空の中で2 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで2 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2 [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65834: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65835: name: 幕末恋華・新選組 name-sort: ばくまつれんか しんせんぐみ name-en: "Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65836: name: イース ナピシュテムの匣 name-sort: いーす なぴしゅてむのはこ name-en: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-65837: name: Terminator 3:The Redemption name-sort: Terminator 3:The Redemption name-en: "Terminator 3 - Redemption" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes environment lights visible through player model. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes depth line and misaligned bloom. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes incorrect bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65838: name: 半熟銀河弁当 半熟英雄4 〜7人の半熟英雄〜 [限定版] name-sort: はんじゅくぎんがべんとう はんじゅくひーろー4 7にんのはんじゅくひーろー [げんていばん] name-en: "Hanjuku Hero 4 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes clipping sprites. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-65839: name: 半熟英雄4 〜7人の半熟英雄〜 name-sort: はんじゅくひーろー4 7にんのはんじゅくひーろー name-en: "Hanjuku Hero 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes clipping sprites. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-65840: name: ウィザードリィ エクス 〜前線の学府〜 name-sort: うぃざーどりぃ えくす ぜんせんのがくふ name-en: "Wizardry X - Zensen no Gakufu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65841: name: みずいろ ベスト版 name-sort: みずいろ べすとばん name-en: "Mizuiro [Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65842: name: Kanon ベスト版 name-sort: かのん べすとばん name-en: "Kanon [Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65843: name: 120円の春 name-sort: 120えんのはる name-en: "120 Yen no Haru" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes CLUT generation. SLPM-65844: name: AIR ベスト版 name-sort: えあー べすとばん name-en: "Air [Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65845: name: Baldur’s Gate DARK ALLIANCE II name-sort: Baldur’s Gate DARK ALLIANCE II name-en: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLPM-65846: name: ロード・オブ・ザ・リング 中つ国第三紀 name-sort: ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ なかつくにだいさんき name-en: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLPM-65847: name: 空色の風琴 〜Remix〜 初回限定版 name-sort: そらいろのおるがん Remix しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Soriaro no Organ Remix [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65848: name: 空色の風琴 〜Remix〜 name-sort: そらいろのおるがん Remix name-en: "Soriaro no Organ Remix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65850: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 [Triple Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65852: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65853: name: プロ野球チームをつくろう!3 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうちーむをつくろう!3 name-en: "Let's Make a Baseball Team 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65854: name: レッド・デッド・リボルバー name-sort: れっど・でっど・りぼるばー name-en: "Red Dead Revolver" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-65855: name: GIRLSブラボー Romance15’s DXパック name-sort: GIRLSぶらぼー Romance15’s DXぱっく name-en: "Girls Bravo - Romance 15's [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65856: name: GIRLSブラボー Romance15’s name-sort: GIRLSぶらぼー Romance15’s name-en: "Girls Bravo - Romance 15's" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65857: name: メモリーズオフ アフターレイン vol.1 折鶴 SPECIAL EDITION name-sort: めもりーずおふ あふたーれいん vol.1 おりづる SPECIAL EDITION name-en: "Memories Off - After Rain Vol.1 [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65858: name: メモリーズオフ アフターレイン Vol.1 折鶴 name-sort: めもりーずおふ あふたーれいん Vol.1 おりづる name-en: "Memories Off - After Rain Vol.1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65859: name: "Junrui Sosa - Kan Pony - Eirian vs. Seirian" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65860: name: 新紀幻想 スペクトラルソウルズ II 限定版 name-sort: しんきげんそう すぺくとらるそうるず II [げんていばん] name-en: "Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls II [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65861: name: 新紀幻想 スペクトラルソウルズ II name-sort: しんきげんそう すぺくとらるそうるず II name-en: "Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65862: name: ぴゅあぴゅあ 耳としっぽのものがたり name-sort: ぴゅあぴゅあ みみとしっぽのものがたり name-en: "Pyua Pyua Mimi Toshippono Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65863: name: D1グランプリ name-sort: D1ぐらんぷり name-en: "D1 Grand Prix Series - Professional Drift" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black void. SLPM-65864: name: 信長の野望・天下創世 with パワーアップキット name-sort: のぶながのやぼう てんかそうせい with ぱわーあっぷきっと name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Sousei [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65866: name: 何処へ行くの、あの日 〜光る明日へ…〜 name-sort: どこへいくの あのひ ひかるあしたへ name-en: "Doko he Iku no, Anohi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65867: name: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 鋼鉄のガールフレンド2nd name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん こうてつのがーるふれんど2nd name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65868: name: METAL SAGA 〜砂塵の鎖〜 name-sort: めたるさーが さじんのくさり name-en: "Metal Saga - Chain of Cloud" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes combat interface. SLPM-65869: name: モンスターハンターG name-sort: もんすたーはんたーG name-en: "Monster Hunter G" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. memcardFilters: - "BISLPM-65286NET" - "BWNETCNF" - "SLPM-65495" - "SLPM-65869" SLPM-65870: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 1時間目 お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い!〜優等生版 name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま 1じかんめ おこちゃませんせいはまほうつかい ゆうとうせいばん name-en: "Magic Teacher Negima - Honor Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65871: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 1時間目 お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い!〜特待生版 name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま 1じかんめ おこちゃませんせいはまほうつかい とくたいせいばん name-en: "Magic Teacher Negima - Scholarship Version" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65872: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズUltimate Vol.24 魔界転生 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずあるてぃめっと Vol.24 まかいてんせい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 24 - Makai Tenshou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65873: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズUltimate Vol.23 プロジェクト・ミネルヴァ プロフェッショナル name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずあるてぃめっと Vol.23 ぷろじぇくと みねるゔぁ ぷろふぇっしょなる name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 23 - Project Minerva Professional" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65874: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.71 THE ファンタジー恋愛アドベンチャー〜彼女の伝説、僕の石版〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.71 THE ふぁんたじーれんあいあどべんちゃー かのじょのでんせつ ぼくのせきばん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 71 - The Fantasy Renai Adventure - Kanojo no Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65875: name: グローランサーIV 〜 Wayfarer of the time 〜 [Atlus Best Collection] name-sort: ぐろーらんさー4 〜 Wayfarer of the time 〜 [Atlus Best Collection] name-en: "Growlanser IV - Wayfarer of the Time [Atlus The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65876: name: BUSIN 0 Wizardry Alternative NEO [Atlus Best Collection] name-sort: BUSIN 0 Wizardry Alternative NEO [Atlus Best Collection] name-en: "Busin 0 - Wizardry Alternative Neo [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Corrects blur effects in menus. roundSprite: 2 # Aligns some text/graphics when upscaling. SLPM-65878: name: ギャラクシーエンジェル Eternal Lovers スタンダードパッケージ name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇる Eternal Lovers すたんだーどぱっけーじ name-en: "Galaxy Angel - Eternal Lovers" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65879: name: ラブひな ご〜じゃす チラッとハプニング(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: らぶひな ごーじゃす ちらっとはぷにんぐ [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Love Hina Gorgeous [Konami Dendou Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65880: name: Devil May Cry 3 name-sort: Devil May Cry 3 name-en: "Devil May Cry 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLPM-65881: name: エキサイティングプロレス6 SMACKDOWN! Vs RAW name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす6 SMACKDOWN! Vs RAW name-en: "Exciting Professional Wrestling 6 - SmackDown vs. Raw" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65882: name: デュエル・マスターズ 〜邪封超龍転生〜 name-sort: でゅえるますたーず ばーす おぶ すーぱーどらごん name-en: "Duel Masters" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65883: name: シャドウ・オブ・ローマ name-sort: しゃどう・おぶ・ろーま name-en: "Shadow of Rome" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLPM-65884: name: リモートコントロールダンディSF name-sort: りもーとこんとろーるだんでぃSF name-en: "Remote Control Dandy SF" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65885: name: RUMBLE ROSES name-sort: らんぶるろーず name-en: "Rumble Roses" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65886: name: ガイザード・レボリューション 〜 僕らは想いを身に纏う 〜 name-sort: がいざーど・れぼりゅーしょん ぼくらはおもいをみにまとう name-en: "Guisard Revolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65887: name: Like Life an hour name-sort: Like Life an hour name-en: "Like Life an Hour" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65888: name: ドラゴンクエストVIII 空と海と大地と呪われし姫君 name-sort: どらごんくえすと8 そらとうみとだいちとのろわれしひめぎみ name-en: "Dragon Quest VIII" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. SLPM-65889: name: 家族計画〜心の絆〜 name-sort: かぞくけいかく こころのきずな name-en: "Kazoku Keikaku - Kokoro no Kizuna" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken colors. SLPM-65890: name: 真・三國無双4 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65891: name: 三國志X name-sort: さんごくし10 name-en: "Sangokushi X" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65892: name: Zill O’ll 〜infinite〜 name-sort: じるおーる 〜infinite〜 name-en: "Zill O'll Infinite" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65893: name: Winning Post 6 Maximum 2005 プレミアムパック name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと6 Maximum 2005 ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "Winning Post 6 Maximum 2005 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65894: name: WinningPost6 2005年度版 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと6 2005ねんどばん name-en: "Winning Post 6 2005 Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65895: name: "Tsuki ha Kirisaku [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65896: name: 月は切り裂く〜探偵 相楽恭一郎〜 name-sort: つきはきりさく たんてい さがらきょういちろう〜 name-en: "Tsuki ha Kirisaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65897: name: レーシングバトル -C1 GRAND PRIX- name-sort: れーしんぐばとる -C1 GRAND PRIX- name-en: "Racing Battle - C1 Grand Prix" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-65898: name: キャッスルファンタジア エレンシア戦記 DXパック name-sort: きゃっするふぁんたじあ えれんしあせんき DXぱっく name-en: "Castle Fantasia [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65899: name: キャッスルファンタジア エレンシア戦記 name-sort: きゃっするふぁんたじあ えれんしあせんき name-en: "Castle Fantasia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65900: name: サクラ大戦3 〜巴里は燃えているか〜初回プレス版 name-sort: さくらたいせん3 ぱりはもえているか しょかいぷれすばん name-en: "Sakura Taisen 3 - Remake" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 2 SLPM-65901: name: シャーク・テイル name-sort: しゃーく・ている name-en: "Shark Tale" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLPM-65902: name: メモリーズオフ アフターレイン vol.2 想演 SPECIAL EDITION name-sort: めもりーずおふ あふたーれいん vol.2 そうえん SPECIAL EDITION name-en: "Memories Off - After Rain Vol.2 Souen [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65903: name: メモリーズオフ アフターレイン Vol.2 想演 name-sort: めもりーずおふ あふたーれいん Vol.2 そうえん name-en: "Memories Off - After Rain Vol.2 Souen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65904: name: バルドフォース エグゼ name-sort: ばるどふぉーす えぐぜ name-en: "Baldr Force EXE" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65906: name: サクラ大戦3 〜巴里は燃えているか〜 name-sort: さくらたいせん3 ぱりはもえているか name-en: "Sakura Taisen 3 - Remake" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65907: name: DEF JAM FIGHT FOR NY name-sort: DEF JAM FIGHT FOR NY name-en: "Def Jam Fight for NY" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65908: name: シャイニング・フォース ネオ name-sort: しゃいにんぐ・ふぉーす ねお name-en: "Shining Force Neo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65909: name: スーパーモンキーボール デラックス name-sort: すーぱーもんきーぼーる でらっくす name-en: "Super Monkey Ball Deluxe" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes object balls never stopping in the Monkey Billiards DX minigame. SLPM-65910: name: カフェ・リンドバーグ -summer season-(Sweet Box 版) name-sort: かふぇ りんどばーぐ summer season [Sweet Box ばん] name-en: "Cafe Lindbergh - Summer Season [Sweet Box Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65911: name: カフェ・リンドバーグ −summer season-(通常版) name-sort: かふぇ りんどばーぐ summer season name-en: "Cafe Lindbergh - Summer Season [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65912: name: ボボボーボ・ボーボボ ハジけ祭 ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: ぼぼぼーぼ ぼーぼぼ はじけまつり [はどそん・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Boboboubo Boubobo [Hudson the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65913: name: DEMENTO name-sort: DEMENTO name-en: "Demento" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. Normal Vertex works better, but causes some lights to disappear. roundSprite: 1 # Further reduces blurriness. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smooths out fire textures. beforeDraw: "OI_HauntingGround" # Fix bloom. SLPM-65914: name: NANA name-sort: NANA name-en: "Nana" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65915: name: Fallout BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL name-sort: Fallout BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL name-en: "Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size when moving. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD garbage. SLPM-65916: name: 遙かなる時空の中で 〜八葉抄〜 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで 〜はちようしょう〜 name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Hachiyou-shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65917: name: トランスフォーマー [THE BEST タカラモノ] name-sort: とらんすふぉーまー [THE BEST たからもの] name-en: "Transformers Tatakai [The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65918: name: Dear My Friend 〜Love like powdery snow〜 name-sort: Dear My Friend 〜Love like powdery snow〜 name-en: "Dear My Love - Love Like Powdery Snow" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65919: name: THE RUMBLE FISH(ザ・ランブルフィッシュ) name-sort: ざ らんぶるふぃっしゅ name-en: "Rumble Fish, The" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65920: name: Romancing SaGa −Minstrel Song− name-sort: Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- name-en: "Romancing SaGa - Minstrel Song" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65921: name: Piaキャロットへようこそ!!3 [ベスト版] name-sort: ぴあきゃろっとへようこそ!!3 [べすとばん] name-en: "Pia Carrot he Youkoso!! 3 [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65922: name: あいかぎ 〜ぬくもりとひだまりの中で〜 [ベスト版] name-sort: あいかぎ ぬくもりとひだまりのなかで [べすとばん] name-en: "Aikagi [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65923: name: Canvas 〜セピア色のモチーフ〜 [ベスト版] name-sort: Canvas 〜せぴあいろのもちーふ〜 [べすとばん] name-en: "Canvas [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65924: name: この晴れた空の下で [数量限定版] name-sort: このはれたそらのしたで [すうりょうげんていばん] name-en: "Kono Haretasora no Shita de [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65925: name: この晴れた空の下で name-sort: このはれたそらのしたで name-en: "Kono Haretasora no Shita de" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65926: name: イースIV 〜Mask of the Sun -a new theory〜 name-sort: いーす4 〜Mask of the Sun -a new theory〜 name-en: "Ys IV - Mask of the Sun - A New Theory" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes camera going off screen. SLPM-65927: name: DEMON STONE デーモンストーン name-sort: でーもんすとーん name-en: "Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Removes occasional SPS where the head goes into nightmare fuel. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces ghosting even more. SLPM-65928: name: SuperLite 2000 バラエティ メモオフみっくす name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 ばらえてぃ めもおふみっくす name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Memories Off Mix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65929: name: プロ野球スピリッツ 2 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ 2 name-en: "Pro Baseball Spirits 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65930: name: EVE burst error PLUS ゲームビレッジ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: EVE burst error PLUS げーむびれっじ・ざ・べすと name-en: "EVE - Burst Error Plus [GameBridge The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65931: name: 新紀幻想スペクトラルソウルズ [IFコレクション] name-sort: しんきげんそうすぺくとらるそうるず [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Shinseiki Genso - Spectral Souls [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65932: name: 戦闘国家・改 NEW OPERATIONS name-sort: せんとうこっかかい NEW OPERATIONS name-en: "Sento Country Kai - New Operation [with Bonus DVD]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65934: name: メイプルカラーズ 〜決戦は学園祭〜 name-sort: めいぷるからーず けっせんはがくえんさい name-en: "Maple Colors" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65935: name: プリンセスメーカー4 コレクターズエディション name-sort: ぷりんせすめーかー4 これくたーずえでぃしょん name-en: "Princess Maker 4 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65936: name: プリンセスメーカー4 name-sort: ぷりんせすめーかー4 name-en: "Princess Maker 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65937: name: 星界の戦旗 name-sort: せいかいのせんき name-en: "Seikai no Senki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65938: name: メモリーズオフ アフターレイン vol.3 卒業 SPECIAL EDITION name-sort: めもりーずおふ あふたーれいん vol.3 そつぎょう SPECIAL EDITION name-en: "Memories Off - After Rain Vol.3 [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65939: name: メモリーズオフ アフターレイン Vol.3 卒業 name-sort: めもりーずおふ あふたーれいん Vol.3 そつぎょう name-en: "Memories Off - After Rain Vol.3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65940: name: マビノ×スタイル 初回限定版 name-sort: まびのすたいる しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Mabino x Style [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65941: name: マビノ×スタイル name-sort: まびのすたいる name-en: "Mabino x Style" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65942: name: MERCENARIES(マーセナリーズ) name-sort: まーせなりーず name-en: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLPM-65943: name: Angel’s Feather −黒の残影− name-sort: えんじぇるずふぇざー くろのざんえい name-en: "Angel's Feather" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65944: name: ワークジャム ベストコレクション Vol.2 探偵 神宮寺三郎 KIND OF BLUE name-sort: わーくじゃむ べすとこれくしょん Vol.2 たんてい じんぐうじさぶろう KIND OF BLUE name-en: "Detective Saburou Jinguiji 9 - Kind of Blue [Workjam Best Collection - Vol.2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65945: name: 紅忍 〜血河の舞〜 name-sort: れっどにんじゃ けっかのまい name-en: "Red Ninja - End of Honor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65946: name: beatmania IIDX 9th style name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 9th style name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 9th style" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65947: name: Killer7(キラー7) name-sort: きらー7 name-en: "Killer7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65948: name: ENTHUSIA PROFESSIONAL RACING name-sort: ENTHUSIA PROFESSIONAL RACING name-en: "Enthusia Professional Racing" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes Freezing at the start of the race. vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes Freezing at the start of the race. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLPM-65949: name: Get Ride!アムドライバー 〜相克の真実〜 name-sort: Get Ride!あむどらいばー そうこくのしんじつ name-en: "Get Ride! AM Driver - The Truth of Xiangke" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65950: name: GANTZ name-sort: がんつ name-en: "Gantz - The Game" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65951: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ ゴーストリコン2 name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず ごーすとりこん2 name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65952: name: 天外魔境III NAMIDA name-sort: てんがいまきょう3 NAMIDA name-en: "Tengai Makyou III - Namida" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65953: name: プレイオンライン / ファイナルファンタジーXI エントリーディスク2005 name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 えんとりーでぃすく2005 [ぷれいおんらいん] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI [Entry Disc 2005]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65954: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ ゴーストリコン [ユービーアイベスト] name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず ごーすとりこん [ゆーびーあいべすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon [Ubisoft Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65955: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ スプリンターセル [ユービーアイソフトベスト] name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず すぷりんたーせる [ゆーびーあいそふとべすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell [Ubisoft Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65957: name: 遙かなる時空の中で 〜八葉抄〜プレミアムBOX name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで はちようしょう [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Hachiyou-shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65958: name: EA BEST HITS バーンアウト3:テイクダウン name-sort: ばーんあうと3:ていくだうん [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Burnout 3 - Takedown [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-65959: name: スタンダード大戦略 失われた勝利 name-sort: すたんだーどだいせんりゃく うしなわれたしょうり name-en: "Standard Daisenryaku - Ushinawareta Shouri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65960: name: North Wind 〜永遠の約束〜 初回限定版 name-sort: North Wind 〜えいえんのやくそく〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "North Wind Promise Forever [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65961: name: North Wind 〜永遠の約束〜 name-sort: North Wind 〜えいえんのやくそく〜 name-en: "North Wind Promise Forever" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65962: name: ホームメイド 〜終の館〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: ほーむめいど ついのやかた しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Home Maid - Owari no Tachi [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65963: name: ホームメイド 〜終の館〜 name-sort: ほーむめいど ついのやかた name-en: "Home Maid - Owari no Tachi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65964: name: まじかる☆ている 〜ちっちゃな魔法使い〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: まじかるている ちっちゃなまほうつかい しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Magical Tale - Chitchana Mahoutsukai [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65965: name: まじかる☆ている 〜ちっちゃな魔法使い〜 name-sort: まじかるている ちっちゃなまほうつかい name-en: "Magical Tale - Chitchana Mahoutsukai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65966: name: スペクトラルフォース クロニクル 10周年記念BOX name-sort: すぺくとらるふぉーす くろにくる 10しゅうねんきねんBOX name-en: "Spectral Force Chronicle [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65967: name: スペクトラルフォース クロニクル name-sort: すぺくとらるふぉーす くろにくる name-en: "Spectral Force Chronicle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65968: name: らぶドル 〜Lovely Idol〜 初回限定版 name-sort: らぶどる 〜Lovely Idol〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Lovely Doll - Lovely Idol [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65969: name: らぶドル 〜Lovely Idol〜 name-sort: らぶどる 〜Lovely Idol〜 name-en: "Lovely Doll - Lovely Idol" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65970: name: カッパの飼い方 -How to breed kappas-(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: かっぱのかいかた -How to breed kappas- [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Kappa no Kai-Kata - How to Breed Kappas [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65971: name: そして僕らは、・・・and he said name-sort: そしてぼくらは and he said name-en: "Soshite Bokura wa... and He Said" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65972: name: CONSTANTINE name-sort: CONSTANTINE name-en: "Constantine" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Resolves dumpster not being able to be climbed from front in level 2. SLPM-65973: name: 未来少年コナン name-sort: みらいしょうねんこなん name-en: "Mirai Shounen Conan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65974: name: 喧嘩番長 [初回生産版] name-sort: けんかばんちょう [しょかいせいさんばん] name-en: "Kenka Banchou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65975: name: WRC4 name-sort: WRC4 name-en: "WRC 4" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. patches: default: content: |- author=kozarovv // Proper patch for WRC 4. CRC independent. // I wrote a small runtime that moves unpacker higher right after emulator boot. // Seems little bit extensive, but there is no way to make it smaller. // Solves TLB miss errors which prevented the game from booting. patch=0,EE,0040000c,bytes,5400c73c6000053c100084241000a524000086780000a67cfbff871400000000f5ff170800000000 patch=0,EE,005fffd4,bytes,6000043c00701c3c0070063c0000073c0008842400009c278000c6240010e7240c00180820e8c700 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow highlighting on cars. SLPM-65976: name: グランディアIII [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぐらんでぃあIII [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Grandia III [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65977: name: グランディアIII [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぐらんでぃあIII [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Grandia III [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65976" SLPM-65978: name: 鋼鉄の咆哮2 ウォーシップガンナー [KOEI THE BEST] name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2 うぉーしっぷがんなー [KOEI THE BEST] name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Gunner [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65980: name: ドリームミックスTV ワールドファイターズ ハドソン・ザ・ベスト name-sort: どりーむみっくすTV わーるどふぁいたーず はどそん・ざ・べすと name-en: "Dream Mix TV World Fighters [Hudson the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65981: name: FRONT MISSION ONLINE(フロントミッション オンライン) name-sort: ふろんとみっしょん おんらいん name-en: "Front Mission Online" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65982: name: 東京バス案内2 name-sort: とうきょうばすがいど2 name-en: "Tokyo Bus Guide 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-65984: name: Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas name-sort: ぐらんどせふとおーと さんあんどれあす name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLPM-65985: name: イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ2 name-sort: いりすのあとりえ えたーなるまな2 name-en: "Iris no Atelier - Eternal Mana 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts for health and other sprites. texturePreloading: 0 # Improves performance and prevents it disabling itself regardless. SLPM-65986: name: Quartett!〜THE STAGE OF LOVE〜(初回限定版) name-sort: Quartett!〜THE STAGE OF LOVE〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Quartett! The Stage of Love [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65987: name: Quartett!〜THE STAGE OF LOVE〜(通常版) name-sort: Quartett!〜THE STAGE OF LOVE〜 name-en: "Quartett! The Stage of Love [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65988: name: 少女義経伝・弐 〜刻を超える契り〜 [特別版] name-sort: しょうじょよしつねでん2 ときをこえるちぎり [とくべつばん] name-en: "Shoujo Yoshitsune Den 2 [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65989: name: 少女義経伝・弐 〜刻を超える契り〜 name-sort: しょうじょよしつねでん2 ときをこえるちぎり name-en: "Shoujo Yoshitsune Den 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65990: name: NEO CONTRA(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: NEO CONTRA [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Neo Contra [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. SLPM-65991: name: ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS SPECIAL EDITION(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: ぞーん おぶ えんだーず あぬびす SPECIAL EDITION [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Anubis - Zone of the Enders Special Edition [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65994: name: SuperLite 2000 アドベンチャー Remember11 -the age of infinity- name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 あどべんちゃー Remember11 -the age of infinity- name-en: "Remember 11 - The Age of Infinity [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65995: name: ドッグズライフ name-sort: どっぐずらいふ name-en: "Dog's Life" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes double image. SLPM-65996: name: 破滅のマルス 限定版 name-sort: はめつのまるす [げんていばん] name-en: "Hametsu no Mars [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65997: name: 破滅のマルス name-sort: はめつのまるす name-en: "Hametsu no Mars" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-65998: name: ヴァンパイア ダークストーカーズ コレクション name-sort: ゔぁんぱいあ だーくすとーかーず これくしょん name-en: "Vampire Darkstalkers Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes squares around sprites when upscaling. SLPM-65999: name: ドラッグ オン ドラグーン2 -封印の紅、背徳の黒- name-sort: どらっぐ おん どらぐーん2 ふういんのあか はいとくのくろ name-en: "Drag-on Dragoon 2 - Fuuin no Aka, Haitoku no Kuro" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes wrong color on some characters and breakable objects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting characters. mergeSprite: 1 # Align sprite fixes FMVs but not garbage in-game, so needs merge sprite instead. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SLPM-66000: name: コンフリクトデルタII 〜湾岸戦争1991〜 name-sort: こんふりくとでるたII わんがんせんそう1991 name-en: "Conflict Delta II - Gulf War 1991" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes seizure inducing FMVs. SLPM-66001: name: ショコラ 〜maid cafe curio〜 name-sort: しょこら maid cafe curio name-en: "Chocolat - Maid Cafe Curio" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66002: name: プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ ケンシ ノ ココロ name-sort: ぷりんす おぶ ぺるしゃ けんし の こころ name-en: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLPM-66003: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Hachiyou-shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66004: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66005: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66006: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 愛蔵版 アンジェリークトロワ name-sort: あいぞうばん あんじぇりーくとろわ [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Angelique Trois - Aizouhen [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66007: name: ZOIDS TACTICS ゾイドタクティクス name-sort: ZOIDS TACTICS ぞいどたくてぃくす name-en: "Zoids Tactics" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66008: name: 武蔵伝II ブレイドマスター name-sort: むさしでんII ぶれいどますたー name-en: "Musashiden II - Blademaster" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66009: name: ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン9 name-sort: わーるどさっかー ういにんぐいれぶん9 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 - Bonus Pack" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66010: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit!(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit! [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Smash-Hit! [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66011: name: テニスの王子様 Smash Hit!2(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま Smash Hit!2 [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Smash-Hit! 2 [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes screen shake when upscaling. SLPM-66012: name: テニスの王子様SWEAT&TEARS 2(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさまSWEAT&TEARS 2 [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Sweat & Tears 2 [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66013: name: テニスの王子様最強チームを結成せよ!(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさまさいきょうちーむをけっせいせよ! [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Form the Strongest Team [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66014: name: テニスの王子様 RUSH&DREAM!(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: てにすのおうじさま RUSH&DREAM! [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Rush & Dream [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66015: name: SuperLite 2000 アドベンチャー 藍より青し name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 あどべんちゃー あいよりあおし name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Ever 17 - The Out of Infinity [Premium Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66016: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法!鬼武者3 name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう!おにむしゃ3 name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Onimusha 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66017: name: "Firefighter F.D.18" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66018: name: サイレントヒル3(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: さいれんとひる3 [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Silent Hill 3 [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes some lighting/shadow artefacts (most light sources like the Flashlight are unaffected). gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes blackscreen when FMV. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-65257" - "SLPM-65622" - "SLPM-66018" - "SLPM-65051" - "SLPM-65098" - "SLPM-65341" - "SLPM-65631" SLPM-66019: name: STUNTMAN スタントマン name-sort: すたんとまん name-en: "Stuntman" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLPM-66020: name: サイオプス サイキック・オペレーション name-sort: さいおぷす さいきっく・おぺれーしょん name-en: "Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Removes blurriness and artifacting at sides, esspecialy helps 3D11. SLPM-66021: name: NBA ストリート V3 name-sort: NBA すとりーと V3 name-en: "NBA Street V3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66022: name: KAIDO -峠の伝説- name-sort: KAIDO とうげのでんせつ name-en: "Kaido Touge no Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLPM-66023: name: 〜ふしぎ遊戯玄武開伝外伝〜 鏡の巫女 限定版 name-sort: ふしぎゆうぎげんぶかいでんがいでん かがみのみこ [げんていばん] name-en: "Fushigi Yuugi - ShigiYuugi Kurotake Kaiden Gaiden - Kagami no Fujo [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66024: name: 〜ふしぎ遊戯玄武開伝外伝〜 鏡の巫女 name-sort: ふしぎゆうぎげんぶかいでんがいでん かがみのみこ name-en: "Fushigi Yuugi - ShigiYuugi Kurotake Kaiden Gaiden - Kagami no Fujo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66025: name: 新天魔界ジェネレーション オブ カオスIV [IFコレクション] name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 4 [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos IV [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66026: name: 初恋-first kiss- 初回限定版 name-sort: はつこい first kiss しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Hatsukoi - First Kiss [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66027: name: 初恋−first kiss− name-sort: はつこい first kiss name-en: "Hatsukoi - First Kiss" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66028: name: うるるんクエスト恋遊記 name-sort: うるるんくえすとこいゆうき name-en: "Ururun Quest" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66029: name: リアライズ -Panorama Luminary- name-sort: りあらいず -Panorama Luminary- name-en: "Realize - Panorama Luminary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66030: name: ヘビーメタルサンダー name-sort: へびーめたるさんだー name-en: "Heavy Metal Thunder" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66031: name: ファンタシー スター ユニバース (Phantasy Star Universe) name-sort: ふぁんたしーすたーゆにばーす name-en: "Phantasy Star Universe" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving (especially Chapter 7 boss). SLPM-66032: name: サイレントヒル4 [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: さいれんとひる4 [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Silent Hill 4 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes invisible wall in front of the door leading to East 3F in the 2nd visit of Apartment world preventing Eileen's Nurse Outfit. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset shadow from player character. SLPM-66033: name: OZ -オズ- name-sort: おず name-en: "Oz" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on sun. SLPM-66034: name: Grand Theft Auto:Vice City カプコレ name-sort: ぐらんどせふとおーと ばいすしてぃ かぷこれ name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66035: name: 喧嘩番長 name-sort: けんかばんちょう name-en: "Kenka Banchou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66038: name: ジオラマ戦線異状なし 〜スターリングラードへの道〜 name-sort: じおらませんせんいじょうなし すたーりんぐらーどへのみち name-en: "Georama Sensen Ijou Nashi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66039: name: SuperLite 2000シリーズ Memories Off 〜それから〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しりーず Memories Off それから name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Memories Off... Sorekara" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66040: name: 江戸もの name-sort: えどもの name-en: "Edo Mono" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66041: name: 少女義経伝 WellMADE THE BEST name-sort: しょうじょよしつねでん WellMADE THE BEST name-en: "Shoujo Yoshitsune Den [WellMADE The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66042: name: ブラザー イン アームズ ロードトゥヒルサーティー name-sort: ぶらざー いん あーむず ろーどとぅひるさーてぃー name-en: "Brothers In Arms - Road to Hill 30" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness, there are still ghosting issues for like lighting poles. SLPM-66043: name: レーシングゲーム「注意!!!」 name-sort: れーしんぐげーむ「ちゅうい!!!」 name-en: "Racing Game - Chuui!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66044: name: MVPベースボール2005 name-sort: MVPべーすぼーる2005 name-en: "MVP Baseball 2005" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66045: name: My Merry May with be name-sort: My Merry May with be name-en: "My Merry May with be" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66046: name: スター・ウォーズ エピソード3 シスの復讐 name-sort: すたーうぉーず えぴそーど3 しすのふくしゅう name-en: "Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLPM-66047: name: FIFA ストリート name-sort: FIFA すとりーと name-en: "FIFA Street" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66049: name: D.C.P.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 プラスシチュエーション KADOKAWA THE Best name-sort: だかーぽ ぷらすしちゅえーしょん KADOKAWA THE Best name-en: "D.C.P.S. - Da Capo Plus Situation [Kadokawa the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66050: name: 第三帝国興亡記 II name-sort: だいさんていこくこうぼうき II name-en: "Daisan Teikoku Koubouki II - Aufstieg und Fall des Dritten Reich" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66051: name: EA BEST HITS ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーグラウンド2 車道 name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーぐらうんど2 しゃどう [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Need for Speed Underground 2 [EA Best Hits] - SHA_DO" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLPM-66052: name: 巫女舞 〜永遠の想い〜 name-sort: みこまい えいえんのおもい name-en: "Miko Mai - Eien no Omoi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66053: name: アスミック得だねシリーズ ドカポンDX -わたる世界はオニだらけ- name-sort: どかぽんDX わたるせかいはおにだらけ [あすみっくとくだねしりーず] name-en: "Dokapon DX [Asmik Ace Best Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66054: name: 新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス V(ファイブ) 限定版 name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 5 [げんていばん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos 5 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66055: name: 新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオス V(ファイブ) name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 5 name-en: "Generation of Chaos 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66056: name: 虫姫さま name-sort: むしひめさま name-en: "Mushihimesama" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66057: name: タイトーメモリーズ 上巻 name-sort: たいとーめもりーず じょうかん name-en: "Taito Memories - Joukan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66058: name: 戦国BASARA name-sort: せんごくばさら name-en: "Sengoku Basara" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66059: name: ロボッツ name-sort: ろぼっつ name-en: "Robots" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66060: name: 亡国のイージス2035 〜ウォーシップガンナー〜 name-sort: ぼうこくのいーじす2035 うぉーしっぷがんなー name-en: "Boukoku no Aegis 2035 - Warship Gunner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66061: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球12 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう12 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 12" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66062: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 2時間目 戦う乙女たち! 麻帆良大運動会SP! 金メダル版 name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま! 2じかんめ たたかうおとめたち! まほらだいうんどうかいSP! きんめだるばん name-en: "Mahou Sensei Negima! Gold Medal" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66063: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 2時間目 戦う乙女たち! 麻帆良大運動会SP! 銀メダル版 name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま! 2じかんめ たたかうおとめたち! まほらだいうんどうかいSP! ぎんめだるばん name-en: "Mahou Sensei Negima! Silver Medal" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66064: name: "Tough - Dark Fight" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66065: name: ポップンミュージック11 name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく11 name-en: "Pop'n music 11" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66066: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66067: name: "Crash Bandicoot - Bakusou! Nitro Kart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66068: name: リチャード・バーンズ ラリー name-sort: りちゃーど・ばーんず らりー name-en: "Richard Burns Rally" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66069: name: 式神の城 七夜月幻想曲 name-sort: しきがみのしろ ななよづきげんそうきょく name-en: "Shikigami no Shiro - Nanayozuki Gensoukyoku" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66070: name: シャドウハーツ フロム・ザ・ニュー・ワールド PREMIUM BOX name-sort: しゃどうはーつ ふろむ・ざ・にゅー・わーるど PREMIUM BOX name-en: "Shadow Hearts - From the New World [PREMIUM BOX]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and reduces text box artifacts. SLPM-66071: name: シャドウハーツ フロム・ザ・ニュー・ワールド name-sort: しゃどうはーつ ふろむ・ざ・にゅー・わーるど name-en: "Shadow Hearts - From the New World" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and reduces text box artifacts. SLPM-66072: name: ファイトナイト ラウンド2 name-sort: ふぁいとないと らうんど2 name-en: "Fight Night Round 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66073: name: 鋼の錬金術師3 −神を継ぐ少女− name-sort: はがねのれんきんじゅつし3 -かみをつぐしょうじょ- name-en: "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi 3 - Kami o Tsugu Shoujo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66074: name: ソニック ジェムズ コレクション name-sort: そにっく じぇむず これくしょん name-en: "Sonic Gems Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Prevents only backgrounds from appearing in Sonic R's multiplayer modes. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 2 # Fixes CLUT colour in Sonic Fighters. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66074" - "SLPM-65758" - "SLAJ-25027" - "SLPM-65431" SLPM-66075: name: "Bass Landing 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66076: name: "Meine Liebe - Yuubinaru kioku [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66077: name: K-1 WORLD MAX 2005 〜世界王者への道〜 name-sort: K-1 WORLD MAX 2005 せかいおうじゃへのみち name-en: "K-1 World Max 2005" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white fighters. patches: 08E3C435: content: |- comment=Fixes black screen in hardware mode. patch=1,EE,003dfe60,word,0000948c patch=1,EE,003dfe88,word,0000948c SLPM-66078: name: White Princess the second 〜やはり一途にイってもそうじゃなくてもOKなご都合主義学園アドベンチャー〜 name-sort: White Princess the second やはりいちずにいってもそうじゃなくてもOKなごつごうしゅぎがくえんあどべんちゃー name-en: "White Princess the Second" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66079: name: "Medal of Honor - Europe Kyoushuu" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66080: name: GENERATION OF CHAOSIII 〜時の封印〜 [IFコレクション] name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 3 ときのふういん [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos 3 [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66081: name: イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ Gust Best Price name-sort: いりすのあとりえ えたーなるまな Gust Best Price name-en: "Iris no Atelier - Eternal Mana [Gust Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66082: name: ファイプロ・リターンズ name-sort: ふぁいぷろ りたーんず name-en: "Fire Pro Wrestling Returns" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66083: name: ラムネ〜ガラスびんに映る海〜 初回限定版 name-sort: らむね がらすびんにうつるうみ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Ramune - Garasu-Bin ni Utsuru Umi [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_PointListPalette" SLPM-66084: name: ラムネ〜ガラスびんに映る海〜 name-sort: らむね がらすびんにうつるうみ name-en: "Ramune - Garasu-Bin ni Utsuru Umi" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_PointListPalette" SLPM-66085: name: Rumble Roses [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: Rumble Roses [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Rumble Roses [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66086: name: 極上生徒会 name-sort: ごくじょうせいとかい name-en: "Gokujou Seitokai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66087: name: Winning Post 7 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと7 name-en: "Winning Post 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66088: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 84 - The Boku ni Oma-Cafe - Kimagure Strawberry Cafe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66089: name: 3年B組金八先生 伝説の教壇に立て! 完全版 name-sort: 3ねんBぐみきんぱちせんせい でんせつのきょうだんにたて かんぜんばん name-en: "3-nen B-gumi Kinpachi Sensei - Densetsu no Kyoudan ni Tate! Kanzenban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66090: name: クラッシュ・バンディクー がっちゃんこワールド name-sort: くらっしゅばんでぃくー がっちゃんこわーるど name-en: "Crash Bandicoot - Gacchanko World" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes the look of screen effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects the alignment of screen effects. SLPM-66091: name: 忍道 戒 name-sort: しのびどう いましめ name-en: "Shinobido Imashime" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes hang going in to the gardens. SLPM-66092: name: タイトーメモリーズ 下巻 name-sort: たいとーめもりーず げかん name-en: "Taito Memories Gekan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66093: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 決戦II name-sort: けっせんII [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Kessen II [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66094: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 真・三國無双2 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう2 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66095: name: "Chou Battle Houshin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66096: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 真・三國無双2猛将伝 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう2もうしょうでん [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 - Moushouden [Koei Selection Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66097: name: Broccoli Best Quality 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 綾波育成計画withアスカ補完計画 name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん あやなみいくせいけいかくwithあすかほかんけいかく [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Ayanami Ikusai Keikaku with Asuka Hokan Keikaku [Broccoli Best Quality]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66098: name: トゥルークライム -STREETS OF L.A.- [カプコレ] name-sort: とぅるーくらいむ STREETS OF L.A. [かぷこれ] name-en: "True Crime - Streets of L.A. [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes licences. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes double image. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating buildings. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SLPM-66099: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Izayoiki [Premium Box-Triple Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66100: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 十六夜記 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 いざよいき name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66101: name: 真・三國無双4 猛将伝 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 もうしょうでん name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLPM-66102: name: "Zwei!! [Taito the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-66103: name: WRC3 [スパイク ザ ベスト] name-sort: WRC3 [すぱいく ざ べすと] name-en: "WRC 3 [Spike the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Correct misaligned font, better aligns car shadow. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLPM-66104: name: ぷよぷよフィーバー2 [チュー!] name-sort: ぷよぷよふぃーばー2 name-en: "Puyo Puyo Fever 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66105: name: RHAPSODIA ラプソディア name-sort: RHAPSODIA らぷそでぃあ name-en: "Rhapsodia" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: # This is the JP Suikoden Tactics. - "SLPM-66105" - "SLPM-66594" - "SLPM-65599" - "SLPM-65600" SLPM-66106: name: 星の降る刻 限定版 name-sort: ほしのふるとき [げんていばん] name-en: "Hoshi no Furu Toki [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66107: name: 星の降る刻 name-sort: ほしのふるとき name-en: "Hoshi no Furu Toki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66108: name: バーンアウト リベンジ name-sort: ばーんあうと りべんじ name-en: "Burnout Revenge" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25066" - "SLPM-66108" - "SLPM-66652" - "SLPM-65719" - "SLPM-65958" - "SLPM-66962" - "SLAJ-25053" - "SLPM-66204" SLPM-66109: name: コード・エイジ コマンダーズ 〜継ぐ者 継がれる者〜 name-sort: こーど えいじ こまんだーず つぐもの つがれるもの name-en: "Code Age Commanders - Tsugumono Tsugarerumono" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66110: name: ふしぎの海のナディア コレクターズエディション name-sort: ふしぎのうみのなでぃあ これくたーずえでぃしょん name-en: "Fushigi no Umi no Nadia - Inherit the Blue Water [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66111: name: "Fushigi no Umi no Nadia - Dennou Battle - Miss Nautilus Contest" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66112: name: ふしぎの海のナディア 通常版 name-sort: ふしぎのうみのなでぃあ name-en: "Fushigi no Umi no Nadia - Inherit the Blue Water [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66113: name: 必殺裏稼業 name-sort: ひっさつうらかぎょう name-en: "Hissatsu Ura-Kagyou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66114: name: 水の旋律 [初回限定版] name-sort: みずのせんりつ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Mizu no Senritsu [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66115: name: 水の旋律 [通常版] name-sort: みずのせんりつ name-en: "Mizu no Senritsu [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66116: name: EA BEST HITS NBA ライブ 2005 name-sort: NBA らいぶ 2005 [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "NBA Live 2005 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66117: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [ヘッドセット同梱版] [ディスク1/3] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [へっどせっとどうこんばん] [でぃすく1/3] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [with Headset] [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-66118: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [ヘッドセット同梱版] [ディスク2/3] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [へっどせっとどうこんばん] [でぃすく2/3] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [with Headset] [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-66119: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [ヘッドセット同梱版] [ディスク2/3] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [へっどせっとどうこんばん] [でぃすく2/3] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [with Headset] [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-66121: name: "Spider-Man 2 [Taito Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the position of the shadow and makes it not blocky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes shadows. gpuPaletteConversion: 0 # Stops potential crashes from too many palette textures. mipmap: 2 # Building textures align more closely with SW mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66122: name: キングダム ハーツ [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: きんぐだむ はーつ [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Kingdom Hearts [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66123: name: キングダム ハーツ -ファイナル ミックス- [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: きんぐだむ はーつ ふぁいなる みっくす [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66124: name: ファイナルファンタジーX [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10 [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Final Fantasy X [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-66125: name: ファイナルファンタジーX-2 [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10-2 [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Final Fantasy X-2 [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-66127: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Izayoiki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66128: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66129: name: "GUILTY GEAR XX #RELOAD" name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす しゃーぷりろーど name-en: "Guilty Gear XX #Reload" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66130: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ スプリンターセル カオスセオリー name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず すぷりんたーせる かおすせおりー name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lights especially in NVGs. SLPM-66131: name: ティム・バートン ナイトメアー・ビフォア・クリスマス ブギーの逆襲 プレミアムパック name-sort: てぃむばーとん ないとめあー びふぉあ くりすます ぶぎーのぎゃくしゅう ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights. SLPM-66132: name: GLADIATOR ROAD TO FREEDOM REMIX name-sort: GLADIATOR ROAD TO FREEDOM REMIX name-en: "Gladiator - Road to Freedom - Remix" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes sun background on the windows when selecting your 'race'. SLPM-66133: name: "Shuffle! On the Stage [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66134: name: シャッフル!オン・ザ・ステージ name-sort: しゃっふる おん ざ すてーじ name-en: "Shuffle! On the Stage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66135: name: WORLD TANK MUSEUM for GAME ワールド タンク ミュージアム フォー ゲーム name-sort: WORLD TANK MUSEUM for GAME わーるど たんく みゅーじあむ ふぉー げーむ name-en: "World Tank Museum For Game - Toubu Sensen Success" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66136: name: SuperLite2000 アカイイト name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 あかいいと name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Vol. 34 - Akai Ito" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66137: name: CloverHeart’s ベスト版 name-sort: CloverHeart’s べすとばん name-en: "Clover Heart's - Looking for Happiness [The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes transparancy. SLPM-66138: name: DESIRE ベスト版 name-sort: DESIRE べすとばん name-en: "Desire [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66139: name: デュエルセイヴァー ディスティニー name-sort: でゅえるせいゔぁー でぃすてぃにー name-en: "Duel Savior Destiny" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_PointListPalette" SLPM-66140: name: アトリエ マリー+エリー ザールブルグの錬金術士1・2 name-sort: あとりえ まりーえりー ざーるぶるぐのれんきんじゅつし1 2 name-en: "Atelier Marie + Elie - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1 & 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the sprites on textbox and characters. SLPM-66141: name: 魔探偵ロキRAGNAROK 魔妖画〜失われた微笑〜 name-sort: またんていろきらぐなろく まようが うしなわれたほほえみ name-en: "Matantei Loki Ragnarok - Mayouga Ushinawareta Hohoemi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66142: name: リバース ムーン 限定版 name-sort: りばーす むーん [げんていばん] name-en: "Rebirth Moon [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66143: name: リバース ムーン name-sort: りばーす むーん name-en: "Rebirth Moon" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 1B139735: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,0023B0C8,word,10000003 SLPM-66144: name: D1グランプリ 2005 name-sort: D1ぐらんぷり 2005 name-en: "D1 Grand Prix 2005" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black screen. SLPM-66145: name: EA BEST HITS ゴールデンアイ ダークエージェント name-sort: ごーるでんあい だーくえーじぇんと [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "GoldenEye - Rogue Agent [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66146: name: Memories Off #5th とぎれたフィルム 初回限定版 name-sort: Memories Off #5th とぎれたふぃるむ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Memories Off #5 - Togireta Film [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66147: name: Memories Off #5th とぎれたフィルム name-sort: Memories Off #5th とぎれたふぃるむ name-en: "Memories Off #5 - Togireta Film" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66148: name: EA BEST HITS スターウォーズ バトルフロント name-sort: すたーうぉーず ばとるふろんと [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Star Wars - Battlefront [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on certain characters and objects on certain levels. SLPM-66149: name: しろがねの鳥籠 限定版 name-sort: しろがねのとりかご [げんていばん] name-en: "Shirogane no Torikago [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66150: name: しろがねの鳥籠 通常版 name-sort: しろがねのとりかご name-en: "Shirogane no Torikago [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66151: name: KILLZONE name-sort: KILLZONE name-en: "Killzone" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-66152: name: こんねこ 〜Keep a memory green〜 初回限定版 name-sort: こんねこ 〜Keep a memory green〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Konneko - Keep a Memory Green [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66153: name: こんねこ 〜Keep a memory green〜 name-sort: こんねこ 〜Keep a memory green〜 name-en: "Konneko - Keep a Memory Green" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66155: name: アニメバトル 烈火の炎 FINAL BURNING(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: あにめばとる れっかのほのお FINAL BURNING [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Flame of Recca - Final Burning [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66156: name: メルヘヴン ARM FIGHT DREAM name-sort: めるへゔん ARM FIGHT DREAM name-en: "Marheaven Arm Fight Dream" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66157: name: ルーンプリンセス 初回限定版 name-sort: るーんぷりんせす しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Rune Princess [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66158: name: ルーンプリンセス name-sort: るーんぷりんせす name-en: "Rune Princess" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66159: name: コール オブ デューティー:ファイネスト アワー name-sort: こーる おぶ でゅーてぃー:ふぁいねすと あわー name-en: "Call of Duty - Final Hour" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLPM-66160: name: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition name-sort: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition name-en: "Devil May Cry 3 [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLPM-66161: name: "Kokoro no Tobira" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66163: name: 風雨来記2 name-sort: ふううらいき2 name-en: "Fuuraiki 2" region: "NTSC-J" patches: FDF6D8C2: content: |- author=Prafull // Skip sceipusync // Fixes hang before going ingame patch=1,EE,002324dc,word,00000000 SLPM-66164: name: 魔砲使い黒姫 name-sort: まほうつかいくろひめ name-en: "Mahou Tsukai Kurohime" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66165: name: 乙女はお姉さまに恋してる name-sort: おとめはおねえさまにこいしてる name-en: "Otome ha Oneesama ni Koi Shiteru" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66166: name: シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ name-sort: しゃどう・ざ・へっじほっぐ name-en: "Shadow the Hedgehog" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves smoke rendering. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66167: name: "God of War" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SLPM-66168: name: 龍が如く name-sort: りゅうがごとく name-en: "Ryu Ga Gotoku" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLPM-66169: name: J.LEAGUE Winning Eleven 9 Asia Championship name-sort: J.LEAGUE Winning Eleven 9 Asia Championship name-en: "J-League Winning Eleven 9 - Asia Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66170: name: 幻想水滸伝V 限定版 name-sort: げんそうすいこでんV [げんていばん] name-en: "Gensou Suikoden V [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66171: name: NBAライブ06 name-sort: NBAらいぶ06 name-en: "NBA Live '06" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66172: name: "Sangokushi IX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66175: name: 悪魔城ドラキュラ 闇の呪印 name-sort: あくまじょうどらきゅら やみのじゅいん name-en: "Akumajo Dracula - Yami no Juin" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with microVU. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing blade. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes to be bigger. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66175" - "SLPM-66668" - "SLPM-65406" - "SLPM-65444" - "SLPM-66325" SLPM-66176: name: カオスフィールド ニューオーダー name-sort: かおすふぃーるど にゅーおーだー name-en: "Chaos Field - New Order" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66177: name: THE MATRIX:PATH of NEO マトリックス:パス・オブ・ネオ name-sort: THE MATRIX:PATH of NEO まとりっくす:ぱす・おぶ・ねお name-en: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLPM-66178: name: ポップンミュージック 7 [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく 7 [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Pop'n music 7 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66179: name: ポップンミュージック 8 コナミザベスト name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく 8 こなみざ・べすと name-en: "Pop'n music 8 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66180: name: beatmania IIDX 10th style name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 10th style name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 10th style" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66181: name: BEAT DOWN name-sort: BEAT DOWN name-en: "Beat Down - Fists of Vengeance" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66182: name: この晴れた空の下で Good Price name-sort: このはれたそらのしたで Good Price name-en: "Kono Haretasora no Shita de [Good Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66183: name: ゲッタウェイ ブラックマンデー(The Getaway Black Monday) name-sort: げったうぇい ぶらっくまんでー name-en: "Getaway, The - Black Monday" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines on screen edges. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SLPM-66184: name: 戦神 -いくさがみ- name-sort: いくさがみ name-en: "Ikusa Gami" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SLPM-66185: name: ゲームになったよ!ドクロちゃん〜健康診断大作戦〜 限定版 name-sort: げーむになったよ!どくろちゃん けんこうしんだんだいさくせん [げんていばん] name-en: "Game ni Nattayo! Dokuro-chan [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 169099FC: content: |- author=PSI, kozarovv // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00156608,word,10000003 SLPM-66186: name: ゲームになったよ!ドクロちゃん〜健康診断大作戦〜 name-sort: げーむになったよ どくろちゃん けんこうしんだんだいさくせん name-en: "Game ni Nattayo! Dokuro-chan" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 169099FC: content: |- author=PSI, kozarovv // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00156608,word,10000003 SLPM-66187: name: エキサイティングプロレス6 YUKE’s the Best name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす6 YUKE’s the Best name-en: "Exciting Pro Wrestling 6 - SmackDown vs. RAW [Yuke's the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66188: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66189: name: SSX On Tour name-sort: SSX On Tour name-en: "SSX On Tour" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66190: name: スター・ウォーズ バトルフロントII name-sort: すたーうぉーず ばとるふろんとII name-en: "Star Wars - Battlefront II" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66191: name: タイガー・ウッズ PGA TOUR 06 name-sort: たいがー・うっず PGA TOUR 06 name-en: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66192: name: IZUMO2 猛き剣の閃記 name-sort: いずも2 たけきつるぎのせんき name-en: "Izumo 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66193: name: Fahrenheit ファーレンハイト name-sort: Fahrenheit ふぁーれんはいと name-en: "Fahrenheit" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Slight lighting misalignment. SLPM-66194: name: おとなのギャル雀2 〜恋して倍満!〜 name-sort: おとなのぎゃるじゃん2 〜こいしてばいまん!〜 name-en: "Otona no Gal Jan 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66195: name: SuperLite 2000シリーズ モノクローム name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しりーず ものくろーむ name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Love Adventure Monochrome" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66196: name: Sentimental Prelude ベスト版 name-sort: Sentimental Prelude べすとばん name-en: "Sentimental Prelude [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66197: name: ゴジラ怪獣大乱闘 地球最終決戦 name-sort: ごじらかいじゅうだいらんとう ちきゅうさいしゅうけっせん name-en: "Godzilla Kaijuu Dairansen - Chikyuu Saishuu Kessen [Atari Hot Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66201: name: フレンズ 〜青春の輝き〜 ベスト版 name-sort: ふれんず 〜せいしゅんのかがやき〜 べすとばん name-en: "Seishun no Kagayaki [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66202: name: フラグメンツ・ブルー スペシャルエディション name-sort: ふらぐめんつ・ぶるー すぺしゃるえでぃしょん name-en: "Fragments Blue [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66203: name: フラグメンツ・ブルー [通常版] name-sort: ふらぐめんつ・ぶるー name-en: "Fragments Blue [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66204: name: MADDEN NFL 06 name-sort: MADDEN NFL 06 name-en: "Madden NFL '06" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66205: name: FRONT MISSION 5 〜Scars of the War〜 name-sort: FRONT MISSION 5 〜Scars of the War〜 name-en: "Front Mission 5 - Scars of the War" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness but no fix for font or other artifacts possible with round sprite. SLPM-66206: name: バトルフィールド2 モダンコンバット name-sort: ばとるふぃーるど2 もだんこんばっと name-en: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLPM-66207: name: どろろ SEGA THE BEST name-sort: どろろ SEGA THE BEST name-en: "Dororo [Sega the Best 2800]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLPM-66208: name: サクラ大戦V EPISODE 0 〜荒野のサムライ娘〜 SEGA THE BEST name-sort: さくらたいせんV EPISODE 0 〜こうやのさむらいむすめ〜 SEGA THE BEST name-en: "Sakura Taisen V - Episode 0 - Samurai Girl of Wild [Sega the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66209: name: ポップンミュージック 9 [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく 9 [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Pop'n music 9 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66210: name: ポップンミュージック 10 [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく 10 [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Pop'n music 10 [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66211: name: PETER JACKSON’S キング・コング オフィシャル ゲーム オブ ザ ムービー name-sort: PETER JACKSON’S きんぐ・こんぐ おふぃしゃる げーむ おぶ ざ むーびー name-en: "King Kong, Peter Jackson's - The Official Game of the Movie" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLPM-66212: name: セガラリー2006 name-sort: せがらりー2006 name-en: "Sega Rally 2006" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes rainbow textures. SLPM-66213: name: バイオハザード4 name-sort: ばいおはざーど4 name-en: "BioHazard 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-66214: name: WHITE CLARITY 〜And The tears became you.〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: ほわいと くらりてぃー 〜And The tears became you.〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "White Clarity - And, the Tears Became You [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66215: name: WHITE CLARITY 〜And The tears became you.〜 name-sort: WHITE CLARITY And The tears became you. name-en: "White Clarity - And, the Tears Became You" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66217: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球 12 決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう 12 けっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 12 Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66218: name: アイシールド21 〜アメフトやろうぜ!Ya-!Ha-!〜 name-sort: あいしーるど21 あめふとやろうぜYa-!Ha-! name-en: "Eyeshield 21 Amefoot Yarouze! Ya-!Ha-!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66219: name: テニスの王子様 〜学園祭の王子様〜 name-sort: てにすのおうじさま 〜がくえんさいのおうじさま〜 name-en: "Tennis no Oji-Sama - Gakuensai no Oji-Sama" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66220: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [初回生産版] [ディスク1/3] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [しょかいせいさんばん] [でぃすく1/3] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [First Print Limited Edition] [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66117" SLPM-66221: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [初回生産版] [ディスク2/3] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [しょかいせいさんばん] [でぃすく2/3] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [First Print Limited Edition] [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66117" SLPM-66222: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [初回生産版] [ディスク3/3] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [しょかいせいさんばん] [でぃすく3/3] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [First Print Limited Edition] [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66117" SLPM-66223: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [ディスク1/2] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66117" SLPM-66224: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE [ディスク2/2] name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど3 さぶしすたんす [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66117" SLPM-66225: name: D.C.F.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 フォーシーズンズ DXパック name-sort: だかーぽ ふぉーしーずんず [DXぱっく] name-en: "Da Capo Four Seasons [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66226: name: D.C.F.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 フォーシーズンズ name-sort: だかーぽ ふぉーしーずんず name-en: "Da Capo Four Seasons" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66227: name: ジーワンジョッキー 4 & WinningPost 7 ツインパック name-sort: じーわんじょっきー 4 & WinningPost 7 ついんぱっく name-en: "G1 Jockey 4 + Winning Post 7 [Twin Pack] [G1 Jockey 4 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66228: name: ウイニングポスト7 [ジーワンジョッキー4&ウイニングポストツインパック用] name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと7 [じーわんじょっきー4&ういにんぐぽすとついんぱっくよう] name-en: "G1 Jockey 4 + Winning Post 7 [Twin Pack] [Winning Post 7 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66229: name: ジーワンジョッキー 4 name-sort: じーわんじょっきー 4 name-en: "G1 Jockey 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66231: name: カルタグラ 〜魂の苦悩〜 name-sort: かるたぐら たましいのくのう name-en: "Cartagra - Tamashii no Kunou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66232: name: ニード・フォー・スピード モスト・ウォンテッド name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど もすと うぉんてっど name-en: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25075" - "SLPM-66232" - "SLPM-66562" - "SLPM-65766" - "SLPM-66051" - "SLPM-66960" SLPM-66233: name: キングダム ハーツII name-sort: きんぐだむ はーつII name-en: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLPM-66234: name: ウィザードリィ エクス 〜前線の学府〜 ワンダープライス name-sort: うぃざーどりぃ えくす ぜんせんのがくふ [わんだーぷらいす] name-en: "Wizardry X - Zensen no Gakufu [Wonder Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66235: name: サイキックフォース COMPLETE name-sort: さいきっくふぉーす COMPLETE name-en: "Psychic Force Complete" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66237: name: 乙女的恋革命★ラブレボ!!ラブレボックス name-sort: おとめてきこいかくめい らぶれぼ!! [らぶれぼっくす] name-en: "Otometeki Koi Kakumei Rabu Rebo!! [Love Revo Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66238: name: 乙女的恋革命★ラブレボ!! name-sort: おとめてきこいかくめい らぶれぼ!! name-en: "Otometeki Koi Kakumei Rabu Rebo!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66239: name: レッスルエンジェルス SURVIVOR name-sort: れっするえんじぇるす SURVIVOR name-en: "Wrestle Angels Survivor" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66239" - "SLPM-66927" SLPM-66240: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! アラジン2エボリューション name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! あらじん2えぼりゅーしょん name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Aladdin 2 Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66241: name: 実戦パチンコ必勝法! CR 北斗の拳 name-sort: じっせんぱちんこひっしょうほう! CR ほくとのけん name-en: "Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou! CR Hokuto no Ken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66242: name: Dance Dance Revolution Strike name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょん Strike name-en: "Dance Dance Revolution Strike" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66243: name: ギャラクシーエンジェルII 〜絶対領域の扉〜 通常版 name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇるII ぜったいりょういきのとびら name-en: "Galaxy Angel II [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces misaligned lighting and other effects. SLPM-66244: name: ダービー馬をつくろう!5 name-sort: だーびーばをつくろう!5 name-en: "Derby Tsuku 5 - Derby Uma o Tsukurou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66245: name: ジュエルスオーシャン Star of Sierra Leone name-sort: じゅえるすおーしゃん Star of Sierra Leone name-en: "Jewels Ocean - Star of Sierra Leone" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66246: name: デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ対超力兵団 name-sort: でびるさまなー くずのはらいどうたいちょうりきへいだん name-en: "Devil Summoner - Kuzunoha Raidou tai Chouriki Heidan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken effect rendering. SLPM-66247: name: マイネリーベII 〜誇りと正義と愛〜 name-sort: まいねりーべII ほこりとせいぎとあい name-en: "Meine Liebe II - Hokori to Seigi to Ai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66248: name: Mr.インクレディブル 〜強敵アンダーマイナー登場〜 name-sort: みすたーいんくれでぃぶる きょうてきあんだーまいなーとうじょう name-en: "Mr. Incredible - Kyouteki Underminer Toujou" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLPM-66249: name: グローランサーV ジェネレーションズ 初回限定生産版 name-sort: ぐろーらんさーV じぇねれーしょんず しょかいげんていせいさんばん name-en: "Growlanser V - Generations [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: moveHandler: "MV_Growlanser" # Fixes precomputed depth buffer. SLPM-66250: name: アトラスベストコレクション チョロQHG4 name-sort: あとらすべすとこれくしょん ちょろQHG4 name-en: "Choro Q HG 4 [Takara Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66251: name: EX人生ゲームII [アトラスベストコレクション] name-sort: EXじんせいげーむII [あとらすべすとこれくしょん] name-en: "EX Jinsei Game II [Takara Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66252: name: "Star Wars - Episode III - Sith no Fukushuu" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLPM-66253: name: ふぁいなりすと 初回限定版 name-sort: ふぁいなりすと しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Finalist [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66254: name: ふぁいなりすと 通常版 name-sort: ふぁいなりすと name-en: "Finalist [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66255: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン 9 ボーナスパック name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん 9 ぼーなすぱっく name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 [Bonus Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66256: name: "Nana" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66257: name: ENTHUSIA PROFESSIONAL RACING コナミ殿堂セレクション name-sort: ENTHUSIA PROFESSIONAL RACING こなみでんどうせれくしょん name-en: "Enthusia - Professional Racing" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Corrects crazy car AI and prevents crash. vuClampMode: 3 # Stops freezing at race start. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLPM-66258: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 1時間目 お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い! [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま! 1じかんめ おこちゃませんせいはまほうつかい! [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Magic Teacher Negima - Honor Version [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66259: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 2時間目 戦う乙女たち!麻帆良大運動会SP! コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま! 2じかんめ たたかうおとめたち!まほらだいうんどうかいSP! [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Mahou Sensei Negima! Silver Medal [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66260: name: リモートコントロールダンディSF [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: りもーとこんとろーるだんでぃSF [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Remote Control Dandy SF [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66261: name: OZ -オズ- [コナミ・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: おず [こなみ・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Oz [Konami The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on sun. SLPM-66262: name: トム・クランシーシリーズ レインボーシックス3 [ユービーアイソフトベスト] name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず れいんぼーしっくす3 [ゆーびーあいそふとべすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 [Ubisoft The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66263: name: フル スペクトラム ウォリアー name-sort: ふる すぺくとらむ うぉりあー name-en: "Full Spectrum Warrior" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLPM-66264: name: Canvas2 〜虹色のスケッチ〜 [DXパック] name-sort: Canvas2 〜にじいろのすけっち〜 [DXぱっく] name-en: "Canvas 2 - Nijiiro no Sketch [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66265: name: Canvas2 〜虹色のスケッチ〜 [通常版] name-sort: Canvas2 〜にじいろのすけっち〜 name-en: "Canvas 2 - Nijiiro no Sketch [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66266: name: 鋼鉄の咆哮2 ウォーシップコマンダー [KOEI The Best] name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2 うぉーしっぷこまんだー [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Commander [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66267: name: 太閤立志伝V [KOEI The Best] name-sort: たいこうりっしでんV [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Taikou Risshiden V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66268: name: エキサイティングプロレス7 SMACKDOWN! VS. RAW 2006 name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす7 SMACKDOWN! VS. RAW 2006 name-en: "Smackdown! vs. Raw 2006 - Exciting Pro Wrestling 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66269: name: ブレイジング ソウルズ 限定版 name-sort: ぶれいじんぐ そうるず [げんていばん] name-en: "Blazing Souls [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66270: name: ブレイジング ソウルズ 通常版 name-sort: ぶれいじんぐ そうるず name-en: "Blazing Souls [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66271: name: ダージュ・オブ・ケルベロス -ファイナルファンタジーVII- name-sort: だーじゅ おぶ けるべろす ふぁいなるふぁんたじー7 name-en: "Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66272: name: I/O name-sort: あいおー name-en: "I-O" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66273: name: SuperLite 2000 Memories Off AfterRain Vol.1 〜折鶴〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 Memories Off AfterRain Vol.1 〜おりづる〜 name-en: "Memories Off After Rain Vol.1 - Ensou [Superlite 2000]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66274: name: 任侠伝 渡世人一代記 name-sort: にんきょうでん とせいにんいちだいき name-en: "Ninkyouden Toseinin Ichidaiki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66275: name: 新 鬼武者 DAWN OF DREAMS [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しん おにむしゃ DAWN OF DREAMS [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. SLPM-66276: name: 新 鬼武者 DAWN OF DREAMS [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しん おにむしゃ DAWN OF DREAMS [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66275" SLPM-66277: name: Juiced〜チューンドカー伝説〜 name-sort: Juiced ちゅーんどかーでんせつ name-en: "Juiced" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLPM-66278: name: 新・豪血寺一族 -煩悩解放- name-sort: しん ごうけつじいちぞく ぼんのうかいほう name-en: "Shin Gouketuji Ichizoku - Bonnou Kaihou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66279: name: 信長の野望・革新 name-sort: のぶながのやぼう かくしん name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66280: name: モンスターハンター2(dos) name-sort: もんすたーはんたー2 # 2 is pronounced "dos", but keep it for correct sorting name-en: "Monster Hunter 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. memcardFilters: - "BISLPM-65286NET" - "BWNETCNF" - "SLPM-65495" - "SLPM-65869" - "SLPM-66280" SLPM-66281: name: ソニックライダーズ name-sort: そにっくらいだーず name-en: "Sonic Riders" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves track and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66282: name: SuperLite 2000 Memories Off AfterRain Vol.2 〜想演〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 Memories Off AfterRain Vol.2 〜そうえん〜 name-en: "Memories Off After Rain Vol.2 - Souen [Superlite 2000]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66283: name: SuperLite 2000 Memories Off AfterRain Vol.3 〜卒業〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 Memories Off AfterRain Vol.3 〜そつぎょう〜 name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Memories Off After Rain Vol.3 - Graduation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66284: name: Dessert Love -Sweet Plus- name-sort: Dessert Love -Sweet Plus- name-en: "Dessert Love - Sweet Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66285: name: プリンセスコンチェルト [通常版] name-sort: ぷりんせすこんちぇると name-en: "Princess Concerto [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66286: name: 幻想水滸伝V name-sort: げんそうすいこでんV name-en: "Gensou Suikoden V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66287: name: 戦国BASARA カプコレ name-sort: せんごくばさら かぷこれ name-en: "Sengoku Basara" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66288: name: フルハウスキス2 name-sort: ふるはうすきす2 name-en: "Full House Kiss 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66289: name: BLACK CAT 〜機械仕掛けの天使〜 name-sort: BLACK CAT 〜きかいしかけのてんし〜 name-en: "Black Cat - Kikai-jikake no Tenshi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66290: name: Broccoli Best Quality ギャラクシーエンジェル name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇる [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Galaxy Angel [The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66291: name: 天下人 name-sort: てんかびと name-en: "Tenka-bito" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66292: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! ウルトラマン倶楽部ST name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! うるとらまんくらぶST name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Ultraman Club ST" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66293: name: 学園アリス 〜きらきら★メモリーキッス〜 name-sort: がくえんありす きらきらめもりーきっす name-en: "Gakuen Alice - KiraKira Memory Kiss" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Reduces vertical line issue in textbox. SLPM-66294: name: 卒業 2nd Generation name-sort: そつぎょう 2nd Generation name-en: "Sotsugyou 2nd Generation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66295: name: 闇夜にささやく 〜探偵 相楽恭一郎〜 限定版 name-sort: やみよにささやく 〜たんてい さがらきょういちろう〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "Yamiyo ni Sasayaku - Tantei Sagara Kyouichirou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 23A9A026: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00156888,word,10000003 SLPM-66296: name: 闇夜にささやく 〜探偵 相楽恭一郎〜 通常版 name-sort: やみよにささやく 〜たんてい さがらきょういちろう〜 name-en: "Yamiyo ni Sasayaku - Tantei Sagara Kyouichirou [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 23A9A026: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00156888,word,10000003 SLPM-66297: name: セパレイトハーツ 限定版 name-sort: せぱれいとはーつ [げんていばん] name-en: "Separate Hearts [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66298: name: セパレイトハーツ 通常版 name-sort: せぱれいとはーつ name-en: "Separate Hearts [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66299: name: 零式艦上戦闘記 弐 name-sort: れいしきかんじょうせんとうき2 name-en: "Reishiki Kanjou Sentouki 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66300: name: ウィザードリィエクス2 〜無限の学徒〜 name-sort: うぃざーどりぃえくす2 〜むげんのがくと〜 name-en: "Wizardry Xth - Mugen no Gakuto" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66301: name: 鋳薔薇 name-sort: いばら name-en: "Ibara" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66302: name: CLANNAD name-sort: くらなど name-en: "Clannad" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes colours. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes transparancy. SLPM-66303: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66304: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66305: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66306: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66307: name: 戦国無双2 name-sort: せんごくむそう2 name-en: "Sengoku Musou 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps to alleviate misaligned text. memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25077" - "SLPM-55122" - "SLPM-66307" - "SLPM-74247" - "SLAJ-25035" - "SLPM-65517" - "SLPM-74212" - "SLPM-74235" - "SLAJ-25048" - "SLPM-65718" - "SLPM-74224" - "SLPM-74249" SLPM-66308: name: 遙かなる時空の中で プレミアムBOXコンプリート name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで [ぷれみあむBOXこんぷりーと] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Premium Boxset" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66312: name: "Saishuu Heiki Kanojo [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66313: name: ギターフリークスV & ドラムマニアV name-sort: ぎたーふりーくすV & どらむまにあV name-en: "GuitarFreaksV & DrumManiaV" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66314: name: ポップンミュージック12 いろは name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく12 いろは name-en: "Pop'n music 12 Iroha" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66315: name: Broccoli Best Quality 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 鋼鉄のガールフレンド2nd name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん こうてつのがーるふれんど2nd [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd [Broccoli Best Quality]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66316: name: プロサッカークラブをつくろう!ヨーロッパチャンピオンシップ name-sort: ぷろさっかーくらぶをつくろう!よーろっぱちゃんぴおんしっぷ name-en: "Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! Europe Championship" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Makes the game to correctly register left and right Dpad button input. memcardFilters: # Enables import of players from completed career saves. - "SLPM-66316" - "SLPM-66324" - "SLPM-66442" SLPM-66317: name: カプコン クラシックス コレクション name-sort: かぷこん くらしっくす これくしょん name-en: "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66318: name: はるのあしおと -Step of Spring- name-sort: はるのあしおと Step of Spring name-en: "Haru no Ashioto - Step of Spring" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66319: name: 新コンバットチョロQ アトラス・ベストコレクション name-sort: しんこんばっとちょろQ [あとらす べすとこれくしょん] name-en: "New Choro Q [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66320: name: ファイナルファンタジーXII name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー12 name-en: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66321: name: ウォーシップガンナー2 〜鋼鉄の咆哮〜 name-sort: うぉーしっぷがんなー2 くろがねのほうこう name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou - Warship Gunner 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66322: name: 007 ロシアより愛をこめて name-sort: 007 ろしあよりあいをこめて name-en: "007 - Russia yori Ai o Komete" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center upscaling line during explosions. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting. SLPM-66323: name: φなる・あぷろーち [プリンセスソフトコレクション] name-sort: ふぁいなる あぷろーち [ぷりんせすそふとこれくしょん] name-en: "Final Approach [Princess Software Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66324: name: ワールドフットボール クライマックス 日本代表パッケージ name-sort: わーるどふっとぼーる くらいまっくす にほんだいひょうぱっけーじ name-en: "World Football Climax" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: # SLPM-66316 enables import of teams. - "SLPM-66324" - "SLPM-66316" - "SLPM-66442" SLPM-66325: name: キャッスルヴァニア(コナミ殿堂セレクション) name-sort: きゃっするゔぁにあ [こなみでんどうせれくしょん] name-en: "Castlevania [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLPM-66326: name: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66327: name: ウォレスとグルミット野菜畑で大ピンチ! name-sort: うぉれすとぐるみっとやさいはたけでだいぴんち! name-en: "Wallace & Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment/bloom when upscaling. SLPM-66328: name: Call of Duty 2 Big Red One name-sort: Call of Duty 2 Big Red One name-en: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66329: name: 魔法先生ネギま! 課外授業 乙女のドキドキ・ビーチサイド name-sort: まほうせんせいねぎま! かがいじゅぎょう おとめのどきどき びーちさいど name-en: "Mahou Sensei Negima! Kagai Jugyou" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes rendering problems. SLPM-66330: name: ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 2nd Kiss 初回生産版 name-sort: ときめきめもりある がーるずさいど 2nd Kiss [しょかいせいさんばん] name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial - Girl's Side - 2nd Kiss" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66331: name: 高円寺女子サッカー 1st stage限定版 name-sort: こうえんじじょしさっかー [1st stageげんていばん] name-en: "Kouenji Onago Soccer [1st Stage Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66332: name: 高円寺女子サッカー 通常版 name-sort: こうえんじじょしさっかー name-en: "Kouenji Onago Soccer [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66333: name: GUILTY GEAR XX SLASH (ギルティギア イグゼクス スラッシュ) name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす すらっしゅ name-en: "Guilty Gear XX Slash" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66334: name: Spike the Best WRC4 name-sort: WRC4 [Spike the Best] name-en: "WRC 4 [Spike the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. patches: default: content: |- author=kozarovv // Proper patch for WRC 4. CRC independent. // I wrote a small runtime that moves unpacker higher right after emulator boot. // Seems little bit extensive, but there is no way to make it smaller. // Solves TLB miss errors which prevented the game from booting. patch=0,EE,0040000c,bytes,5400c73c6000053c100084241000a524000086780000a67cfbff871400000000f5ff170800000000 patch=0,EE,005fffd4,bytes,6000043c00701c3c0070063c0000073c0008842400009c278000c6240010e7240c00180820e8c700 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow highlighting on cars. SLPM-66335: name: "Ichigo 100 Percent Strawberry Diary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66336: name: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 鋼鉄のガールフレンド<特別編> name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん こうてつのがーるふれんど [とくべつへん] name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66337: name: イブ〜ニュージェネレーション〜 DXパック name-sort: いぶ にゅーじぇねれーしょん DXぱっく name-en: "EVE New Generation [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66338: name: イブ〜ニュージェネレーション〜 name-sort: いぶ にゅーじぇねれーしょん name-en: "EVE New Generation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66339: name: ネオ アンジェリーク プレミアムBOX name-sort: ねお あんじぇりーく [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Neo Angelique [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66340: name: ネオ アンジェリーク name-sort: ねお あんじぇりーく name-en: "Neo Angelique" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66341: name: 雀・三國無双 name-sort: じゃんさんごくむそう name-en: "Jan Sangoku Musou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66342: name: WinningPost7 MAXIMUM 2006 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと7 MAXIMUM 2006 name-en: "Winning Post 7 Maximum 2006" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66343: name: 真・三國無双4 Empires name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 えんぱいあーず name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66344: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Unmei no Labyrinth [Triple Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66345: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66346: name: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Izayoiki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66347: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 運命の迷宮 プレミアムBOX name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 うんめいのめいきゅう [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Unmei no Meikyuu [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66348: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 運命の迷宮 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 うんめいのめいきゅう name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Unmei no Meikyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66349: name: スペクトラルフォース クロニクル [IFコレクション] name-sort: すぺくとらるふぉーす くろにくる [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Spectral Force Chronicle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66350: name: "Spectral vs. Generation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66351: name: そしてこの宇宙にきらめく君の詩 name-sort: そしてこのうちゅうにきらめくきみのうた name-en: "Soshite Kono Uchuu ni Kirameku Kimi no Uta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66352: name: Memories Off〜それから〜Again 限定版 name-sort: Memories Off〜それから〜Again [げんていばん] name-en: "Memories Off - Sorekara Again [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66353: name: Memories Off〜それから〜Again 通常版 name-sort: Memories Off〜それから〜Again name-en: "Memories Off - Sorekara Again [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66354: name: BLACK name-sort: BLACK name-en: "Black" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" patches: B3A9F9ED: content: |- author=refraction // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,0037ECD4,word,4b000460 patch=1,EE,0037ECD8,word,4af103bc patch=1,EE,0037ECF0,word,4a800460 patch=1,EE,0037ECF4,word,4b7103bc SLPM-66355: name: "Rakugaki Oukoku 2 - Maou-jou no Tatakai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66356: name: "Baldr Force EXE [Alchemist Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66357: name: "Rozen Maiden - Duellwalzer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66358: name: 忍道 匠 name-sort: しのびどう たくみ name-en: "Shinobido Takumi" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crash after main menu. SLPM-66359: name: 六ツ星きらり〜ほしふるみやこ〜 name-sort: むつぼしきらり ほしふるみやこ name-en: "Mutsu-boshi Kirari - Hoshifuru Miyako" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66360: name: イースV 〜Lost Kefin,Kingdom of Sand〜 name-sort: いーすV 〜Lost Kefin,Kingdom of Sand〜 name-en: "Ys V - Lost Kefin - Kingdom of Sand" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66361: name: SuperLite 2000 此花4 〜闇を祓う祈り〜 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 このはな4 〜やみをはらういのり〜 name-en: "Konohana 4 - Yami wo Harau Inori [Superlite 2000]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66363: name: ドラゴンクエスト 少年ヤンガスと不思議のダンジョン name-sort: どらごんくえすと しょうねんやんがすとふしぎのだんじょん name-en: "Dragon Quest - Shoenen Yangus to Fushigi no Dungeon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66364: name: プロ野球スピリッツ3 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ3 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66368: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66369: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66371: name: Train Simulator+電車でGO!東京急行編ベスト name-sort: Train Simulator+でんしゃでごーとうきょうきゅうこうへんべすと name-en: "Train Simulator & Densha de Go! Tokyo Kyuukouhen [Ongakukan Pocket Books]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66372: name: DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA 〜アバタール・チューナー〜 [ATLUS BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: でじたるでびるさーが あばたーるちゅーなー2 [ATLUS BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPM-66373: name: DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA 〜アバタール・チューナー2〜 [ATLUS BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: でじたるでびるさーが あばたーるちゅーなー2 [ATLUS BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Digital Devil Saga - Avatar Tuner 2 [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20120" - "SLPM-65795" - "SLPM-66373" - "SCAJ-20095" - "SLPM-65597" - "SLPM-66372" SLPM-66374: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン10 name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん10 name-en: "World Soccer Winning Eleven 10" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66375: name: 大神 name-sort: おおかみ name-en: "Okami" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment issues but the game is just bad for upscaling. SLPM-66376: name: きみスタ〜きみとスタディ〜BGMコレクションパッケージ name-sort: きみすた きみとすたでぃ BGMこれくしょんぱっけーじ name-en: "KimiStu - Kimi to Study [BGM Collection Package]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66377: name: きみスタ〜きみとスタディ〜 通常パッケージ name-sort: きみすた きみとすたでぃ つうじょうぱっけーじ name-en: "KimiStu - Kimi to Study" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66378: name: ガーフィールド アーリーンを救え! name-sort: がーふぃーるど あーりーんをすくえ! name-en: "Garfield - Saving Arleene" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66379: name: 機神咆哮デモンベイン KADOKAWA The Best name-sort: きしんほうこうでもんべいん KADOKAWA The Best name-en: "Kishin Houkou Demon Bane [Kadokawa The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66380: name: 蜜×蜜ドロップス LOVE×LOVE HONEY LIFE [限定版] name-sort: みつみつどろっぷす LOVE×LOVE HONEY LIFE [げんていばん] name-en: "Mitsu x Mitsu Drops - Love x Love Honey Life [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66381: name: 蜜×蜜ドロップス LOVE×LOVE HONEY LIFE [通常版] name-sort: みつみつどろっぷす LOVE×LOVE HONEY LIFE name-en: "Mitsu x Mitsu Drops - Love x Love Honey Life [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: A37C886C: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00157318,word,10000003 SLPM-66382: name: アスミック得だねシリーズ 転生學園幻蒼録 name-sort: てんしょうがくえんげんそうろく [あすみっくとくだねしりーず] name-en: "Tenshou Gakuen Gensouroku [Tokudane Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66383: name: 夏夢夜話<2800コレクション> name-sort: なつゆめやわ<2800これくしょん> name-en: "Natsuyume Yobanashi [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66384: name: Iris<2800コレクション> name-sort: Iris<2800これくしょん> name-en: "Iris [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66385: name: 想いのかけら-Close to-<2800コレクション> name-sort: おもいのかけら-Close to-<2800これくしょん> name-en: "Omoi no Kakera - Close to [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66386: name: 2006 FIFA ワールドカップ ドイツ大会 name-sort: 2006 FIFA わーるどかっぷ どいつたいかい name-en: "FIFA World Cup - Germany 2006" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66387: name: Spike the Best 真・爆走デコトラ伝説 〜天下統一頂上決戦〜 name-sort: しん・ばくそうでことらでんせつてんかとういつちょうじょうけっせん [Spike The Best] name-en: "Shin Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu [Spike the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66388: name: Spike the Best ファイプロ・リターンズ name-sort: ふぁいぷろ りたーんず [Spike The Best] name-en: "Fire Pro Wrestling Returns [Spike The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66390: name: 薔薇ノ木ニ薔薇ノ花咲ク -Das Versprechen- name-sort: ばらのきにばらのはなさく -Das Versprechen- name-en: "Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku - Das Versprechen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66391: name: プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ 二つの魂 name-sort: ぷりんす おぶ ぺるしゃ ふたつのたましい name-en: "Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLPM-66393: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI オールインワンパック2006 [プレイオンライン] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 おーるいんわんぱっく2006 [ぷれいおんらいん] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - All-in-One Pack 2006" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66394: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI アトルガンの秘宝 拡張データディスク name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 あとるがんのひほう かくちょうでーたでぃすく name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Aht Urhgan no Hihou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66395: name: 炎の宅配便 name-sort: ほのおのたくはいびん name-en: "Honoo no Takkyubin" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66396: name: 転生八犬士封魔録 name-sort: てんせいはっけんしふうまろく name-en: "Tensei Hakken Fuumoroku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66398: name: パルフェ Chocolat Second Style name-sort: ぱるふぇ Chocolat Second Style name-en: "Parufu - Chocolat Second Brew" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66399: name: SAMURAI 7 限定版 name-sort: SAMURAI 7 [げんていばん] name-en: "Samurai 7 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 836F4606: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00157F78,word,10000003 SLPM-66400: name: SAMURAI 7 通常版 name-sort: SAMURAI 7 name-en: "Samurai 7 [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 836F4606: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00157F78,word,10000003 SLPM-66401: name: レッスルキングダム name-sort: れっするきんぐだむ name-en: "Wrestle Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-66402: name: タイトーメモリーズ 上巻 TAITO BEST name-sort: たいとーめもりーず じょうかん [TAITO BEST] name-en: "Taito Memories - Joukan [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66403: name: "TT Superbikes - Real Road Racing" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66404: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes Spider-Man's eye texture colour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 SLPM-66405: name: ラジルギ・プレシャス name-sort: らじるぎ ぷれしゃす name-en: "Radirgy Precious" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66406: name: 桜華 〜心輝かせる桜〜 name-sort: さくらはな こころかがやかせるさくら name-en: "Sakura Hana" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66407: name: つよきす 〜Mighty Heart〜 完全生産限定版 name-sort: つよきす 〜Mighty Heart〜 かんぜんせいさんげんていばん name-en: "Mighty Heart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66408: name: つよきす 〜Mighty Heart〜 通常版 name-sort: つよきす 〜Mighty Heart〜 name-en: "Tsuyo Kiss - Mighty Heart [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66409: name: ストリートファイターZERO ファイターズ ジェネレーション name-sort: すとりーとふぁいたーZERO ふぁいたーず じぇねれーしょん name-en: "Street Fighter Zero - Fighters Generation" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes squares around sprites when upscaling. SLPM-66410: name: ブラザー イン アームズ 名誉の代償 name-sort: ぶらざー いん あーむず めいよのだいしょう name-en: "Brothers In Arms - Meiyo no Daishou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66412: name: ピチカートポルカ 〜縁鎖現夜〜 <2800コレクション> name-sort: ぴちかーとぽるか 〜えんさげんや〜 <2800これくしょん> name-en: "Pizzicato Polka - Suisei Genya [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66413: name: CROSS+CHANNEL 〜To all people〜 <2800コレクション> name-sort: CROSS+CHANNEL 〜To all people〜 <2800これくしょん> name-en: "Cross+Channel - To All People [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66414: name: "Colorful Box - To Love" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66415: name: ミステリート 〜八十神かおるの事件ファイル〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: みすてりーと やそがみかおるのじけんふぁいる しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Mystereet [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66416: name: ミステリート 〜八十神かおるの事件ファイル〜 name-sort: みすてりーと やそがみかおるのじけんふぁいる name-en: "Mystereet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66417: name: 実況パワフルメジャーリーグ name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるめじゃーりーぐ name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Major League" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66418: name: グローランサーV ジェネレーションズ 通常版 name-sort: ぐろーらんさーV じぇねれーしょんず name-en: "Growlanser V - Generations [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: moveHandler: "MV_Growlanser" # Fixes precomputed depth buffer. SLPM-66419: name: ヴァルキリープロファイル2 -シルメリア- name-sort: ゔぁるきりーぷろふぁいる2 しるめりあ name-en: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLPM-66420: name: フロントミッション4 [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふろんとみっしょん4 [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Front Mission 4 [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes mech shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-66421: name: フロントミッション5 〜Scars of the War〜 [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふろんとみっしょん5 〜Scars of the War〜 [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Front Mission 5 - Scars of the War [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness but no fix for font or other artifacts possible with round sprite. SLPM-66422: name: Romancing SaGa −Minstrel Song− [Ultimate Hits] name-sort: Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- [Ultimate Hits] name-en: "Romancing Saga - Minstrel Song [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66424: name: "La Corda D'oro [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66425: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutenroku with Power-Up Kit" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66426: name: beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 11 IIDX RED name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66427: name: フル スペクトラム ウォリアー2 テンハンマーズ name-sort: ふる すぺくとらむ うぉりあー2 てんはんまーず name-en: "Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLPM-66429: name: CTSF テロ対策特殊部隊 ネメシスの襲来 name-sort: CTSF てろたいさくとくしゅぶたい ねめしすのしゅうらい name-en: "Special Forces - Fire for Effect" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes smoke particles. SLPM-66430: name: デストロイ オール ヒューマンズ! name-sort: ですとろい おーる ひゅーまんず! name-en: "Destroy All Humans!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLPM-66431: name: WINBACK 2 Project Poseidon name-sort: WINBACK 2 Project Poseidon name-en: "WinBack 2 - Project Poseidon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66432: name: 魂響(たまゆら)〜御霊送りの詩〜 初回限定版 name-sort: たまゆら みたまおくりのうた しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Tamayura [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66433: name: 魂響(たまゆら)〜御霊送りの詩〜 name-sort: たまゆら みたまおくりのうた name-en: "Tamayura" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66434: name: Festa!!HYPER GIRLS PARTY 限定版 name-sort: Festa!!HYPER GIRLS PARTY [げんていばん] name-en: "Festa!! Hyper Girls Party [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66435: name: Festa!!HYPER GIRLS PARTY 通常版 name-sort: Festa!!HYPER GIRLS PARTY name-en: "Festa!! Hyper Girls Party [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66436: name: イリスのアトリエ グランファンタズム name-sort: いりすのあとりえ ぐらんふぁんたずむ name-en: "Iris no Atelier - Grand Fantasm" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLPM-66437: name: Soul Link EXTENSION name-sort: Soul Link EXTENSION name-en: "Soul Link Extension" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66438: name: メルティブラッド アクトカデンツァ name-sort: めるてぃぶらっど あくとかでんつぁ name-en: "Melty Blood - Act Cadenza" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes non-working game (BSOD/crash otherwise). SLPM-66439: name: 保健室へようこそ (初回限定版) name-sort: ほけんしつへようこそ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Hokenshitsu he Youkoso [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66440: name: 保健室へようこそ (通常版) name-sort: ほけんしつへようこそ name-en: "Hokenshitsu he Youkoso [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66441: name: 大奥記 name-sort: おおおくき name-en: "Oookuki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66442: name: ワールド フットボール クライマックス name-sort: わーるど ふっとぼーる くらいまっくす name-en: "World Football Climax" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: # SLPM-66316 enables import of teams. - "SLPM-66442" - "SLPM-66316" - "SLPM-66324" SLPM-66443: name: FIFAストリート2 name-sort: FIFAすとりーと2 name-en: "FIFA Street 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruptions. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes corrupted graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken icons on HUD. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66444: name: スパルタン 〜古代ギリシャ英雄伝〜 name-sort: すぱるたん こだいぎりしゃえいゆうでん name-en: "Spartan - Kodai Greece Eiyuuden" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbage textures flashing on the character model. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing post processing. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns post processing. SLPM-66445: name: ペルソナ3 name-sort: ぺるそな3 name-en: "Persona 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLPM-66446: name: ビートダウン カプコレ name-sort: びーとだうん かぷこれ name-en: "Beat Down - Fists of Vengeance [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66447: name: 戦国BASARA2 name-sort: せんごくばさら2 name-en: "Sengoku Basara 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLPM-66448: name: We Are* 限定版 name-sort: We Are* [げんていばん] name-en: "We Are [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66449: name: We Are* 通常版 name-sort: We Are* name-en: "We Are [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66450: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球13 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう13 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66451: name: メジャーリーグベースボール 2K6 name-sort: めじゃーりーぐべーすぼーる 2K6 name-en: "Major League Baseball 2K6" region: "NTSC-J" patches: F0393708: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,0035d8b8,word,00000000 SLPM-66452: name: かまいたちの夜×3 三日月島事件の真相 name-sort: かまいたちのよる3 みかづきじまじけんのしんそう name-en: "Kamaitachi no Yoru 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66453: name: 緋色の欠片 限定版 name-sort: ひいろのかけら [げんていばん] name-en: "Hiiro no Kakera [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 1E65AEEF: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00160478,word,10000003 SLPM-66454: name: 緋色の欠片 name-sort: ひいろのかけら name-en: "Hiiro no Kakera - Tamayori-hime Kitan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66455: name: スペクトラルフォース ラジカルエレメンツ [IFコレクション] name-sort: すぺくとらるふぉーす らじかるえれめんつ [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Spectral Force - Radical Elements [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66456: name: あそびにいくヨ! 〜ちきゅうぴんちのこんやくせんげん〜 限定版 name-sort: あそびにいくよ! ちきゅうぴんちのこんやくせんげん [げんていばん] name-en: "Asobi ni Iku yo! Chikyuu Pinch no Kon'yaku Sengen [Genteiban]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 87FFC318: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,001579D8,word,10000003 SLPM-66457: name: あそびにいくヨ! 〜ちきゅうぴんちのこんやくせんげん〜 name-sort: あそびにいくよ! ちきゅうぴんちのこんやくせんげん name-en: "Asobi ni Iku yo! Chikyuu Pinch no Kon'yaku Sengen" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 87FFC318: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,001579D8,word,10000003 SLPM-66458: name: 風雨来記 name-sort: ふううらいき name-en: "Fuuraiki" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 37CA944E: content: |- author=Prafull // Skip sceipusync // Fixes hang before going ingame patch=1,EE,0023122c,word,00000000 SLPM-66459: name: ゼロパイロット・零 name-sort: ぜろぱいろっと ぜろ name-en: "Zero Pilot - Zero" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66460: name: _summer## name-sort: あんだーばーさまー だぶるしゃーぷ name-en: "_summer ##" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66461: name: ゴーストリコン アドバンス ウォーファイター name-sort: ごーすとりこん あどばんす うぉーふぁいたー name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes building and ground colours. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66462: name: カーズ name-sort: かーず name-en: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66463: name: EA BEST HITS デフジャム・ファイト・フォー・NY name-sort: でふじゃむ・ふぁいと・ふぉー・NY [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Def Jam - Fight for NY [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66464: name: EA BEST HITS MVP ベースボール2005 name-sort: MVP べーすぼーる2005 [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "MVP Baseball 2005 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66465: name: EA BEST HITS マーセナリーズ name-sort: まーせなりーず [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLPM-66467: name: ゲーセンUSA ミッドウェイアーケードトレジャーズ name-sort: げーせんUSA みっどうぇいあーけーどとれじゃーず name-en: "Midway Arcade Treasures - The Game Center of USA" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66468: name: AREA-51 name-sort: AREA-51 name-en: "Area 51" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects, needs Special otherwise lights flicker. SLPM-66469: name: 「ラブ★コン 〜パンチDEコント〜」限定版 name-sort: らぶこん ぱんちでこんと [げんていばん] name-en: "Love-Com - Punch de Court [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66470: name: 「ラブ★コン 〜パンチDEコント〜」通常版 name-sort: らぶこん ぱんちでこんと name-en: "Love-Com - Punch de Court [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66471: name: 花帰葬 name-sort: はなきそう name-en: "Hanakisou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66472: name: planetarian 〜ちいさなほしのゆめ〜 name-sort: ぷらねたりあん ちいさなほしのゆめ name-en: "Planetarian - The Reverie of a Little Planet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66473: name: トゥルー・クライム 〜ニューヨークシティ〜 name-sort: とぅるー くらいむ にゅーよーくしてぃ name-en: "True Crime - New York City" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS on highway. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes scene switching in intro. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes numberplates and ensures above targets are valid. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in some post-effects. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66474: name: オーディンスフィア name-sort: おーでぃんすふぃあ name-en: "Odin Sphere" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66475: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! 北斗の拳SE name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! ほくとのけんSE name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Special Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66476: name: 実戦パチンコ必勝法! CR サラリーマン金太郎 name-sort: じっせんぱちんこひっしょうほう! CR さらりーまんきんたろう name-en: "Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou! CR Salaryman Kintarou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66477: name: 神業 name-sort: かみわざ name-en: "Kamiwaza" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66478: name: スターオーシャン Till the End of Time ディレクターズカット [ディスク1/2] [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: すたーおーしゃん Till the End of Time でぃれくたーずかっと [でぃすく1/2] [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time [Ultimate Hits] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. SLPM-66479: name: スターオーシャン Till the End of Time ディレクターズカット [ディスク2/2] [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: すたーおーしゃん Till the End of Time でぃれくたーずかっと [でぃすく2/2] [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time [Ultimate Hits] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66478" SLPM-66480: name: ドラゴンクエスト V 天空の花嫁 [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: どらごんくえすと5 てんくうのはなよめ [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Dragon Quest V - Bride of the Sky [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66481: name: ドラゴンクエスト VIII 空と海と大地と呪われし姫君 [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: どらごんくえすと8 そらとうみとだいちとのろわれしひめぎみ [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Dragon Quest VIII [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-66482: name: ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 2nd Kiss リピート生産版 name-sort: ときめきめもりある がーるずさいど 2nd Kiss りぴーとせいさんばん name-en: "Tokimeki Memorial - Girl's Side 2nd Kiss" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66483: name: "Mushihimesama [Taito Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66484: name: GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE SILVER name-sort: GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE SILVER name-en: "GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE SILVER" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66485: name: ステート・オブ・エマージェンシー リベンジ name-sort: すてーと おぶ えまーじぇんしー りべんじ name-en: "State of Emergency - Revenge" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66486: name: てんたま-1st Sunny Sideー <2800コレクション> name-sort: てんたま-1st Sunny Sideー <2800これくしょん> name-en: "Tentama - 1st Sunny Side [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66487: name: てんたま2wins <2800コレクション> name-sort: てんたま2wins <2800これくしょん> name-en: "Tentama 2 - Wins [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66488: name: My Merry May with be <2800コレクション> name-sort: My Merry May with be <2800これくしょん> name-en: "My Merry May With Be [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66489: name: マビノ×スタイル <2800コレクション> name-sort: まびのすたいる <2800これくしょん> name-en: "Mabino x Style [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66491: name: あやかしびと -幻妖異聞録- [通常版] name-sort: あやかしびと げんよういぶんろく name-en: "Ayakashi-bito - Gen'you Ibunroku [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes rendering. SLPM-66492: name: COMMANDOS STRIKE FORCE(コマンドス ストライク・フォース) name-sort: こまんどす すとらいく・ふぉーす name-en: "Commandos Strike Force" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLPM-66493: name: 新天魔界 ジェネレーション オブ カオスV [IFコレクション] name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす 5 [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Shinten Makai - Generation of Chaos V [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66494: name: 女子高生 GAME’S-HIGH! 限定版 name-sort: じょしこうせい GAME’S-HIGH! [げんていばん] name-en: "Joshikousei Game's High! [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66495: name: 女子高生 GAME’S-HIGH! name-sort: じょしこうせい GAME’S-HIGH! name-en: "Joshikousei Game's High!" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 9FEA4A95: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00149F18,word,10000003 SLPM-66496: name: ユービーアイソフト ベスト トム・クランシーシリーズ スプリンターセル カオスセオリー name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず すぷりんたーせる かおすせおりー [ゆーびーあいそふと べすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lights especially in NVGs. SLPM-66497: name: アイスエイジ2 name-sort: あいすえいじ2 name-en: "Ice Age 2" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 33DB9037: content: |- // Intro screen freeze fix. patch=1,EE,002e91e8,word,27bdfee0 //27bdff70 patch=1,EE,002e9224,word,27bd0120 //27bd0090 SLPM-66498: name: TOCA RACE DRIVER 2 ULTIMATE RACING SIMULATOR name-sort: TOCA RACE DRIVER 2 ULTIMATE RACING SIMULATOR name-en: "TOCA Race Driver 2 - Ultimate Racing Simulator" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. SLPM-66499: name: 神様家族 応援願望 name-sort: かみさまかぞく おうえんがんぼう name-en: "Kamisama Kazoku - Ouen Ganbou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66500: name: Like Life an hour ベスト版 name-sort: Like Life an hour べすとばん name-en: "Like Life an Hour [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66501: name: 鬼武者 MEGA HITS! name-sort: おにむしゃ MEGA HITS! name-en: "Onimusha [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. SLPM-66502: name: Devil May Cry MEGA HITS! name-sort: Devil May Cry MEGA HITS! name-en: "Devil May Cry [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-66503: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY MEGA HITS! name-sort: めたるぎあそりっど2 さんずおぶりばてぃ [MEGA HITS!] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - DMABusyHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-66504: name: 鬼武者2 MEGA HITS! name-sort: おにむしゃ2 MEGA HITS! name-en: "Onimusha 2 [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66505: name: 真・三國無双2 MEGA HITS! name-sort: しんさんごくむそう2 MEGA HITS! name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 2 [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66506: name: 機動戦士ガンダム 連邦VS.ジオンDX MEGA HITS! name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ れんぽうVS.じおんDX MEGA HITS! name-en: "Gundam - Federation vs. Zeon DX [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66507: name: 乙女の事情 (初回限定版) name-sort: おとめのじじょう しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Otome no Jijou [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66508: name: 乙女の事情 (通常版) name-sort: おとめのじじょう name-en: "Otome no Jijou [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66509: name: ラグビー06 name-sort: らぐびー06 name-en: "Rugby '06" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66510: name: NHL 06 name-sort: NHL 06 name-en: "NHL '06" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66511: name: 九龍妖魔學園紀 再装填 (re:charge) name-sort: くうろんようまがくえんき りちゃーじ name-en: "Kyuuryuu Youma Gakuenki Re-charge" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66512: name: Fate/stay night[Realta Nua] extra edition name-sort: ふぇいと すていないと れあるたぬあ extra edition name-en: "Fate-stay Night - Realta Nua [Extra Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66513: name: Fate/stay night[Realta Nua] name-sort: ふぇいと すていないと れあるたぬあ name-en: "Fate-stay Night - Realta Nua" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66514: name: EA BEST HITS メダル オブ オナー ヨーロッパ強襲 name-sort: めだる おぶ おなー よーろっぱきょうしゅう [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Medal of Honor - European Assault [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66515: name: EA BEST HITS スター・ウォーズ エピソード3 シスの復讐 name-sort: すたーうぉーず えぴそーど3 しすのふくしゅう [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Star Wars - Episode III - Sith no Fukushuu [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLPM-66516: name: EA BEST HITS ザ・シムズ&ザ・アーブズ シムズ・イン・ザ・シティ name-sort: ざ・しむず&ざ・あーぶず しむず・いん・ざ・してぃ [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Sims, The & The Urbz - Sims in the City [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLPM-66517: name: "The Urbz - Sims in the City" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLPM-66518: name: 帝国千戦記 ベスト版 name-sort: ていこくせんせんき べすとばん name-en: "Teikoku Sensenki [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66519: name: 学園ヘヴン BOY’S LOVE SCRAMBLE! ベスト版 name-sort: がくえんへゔん BOY’S LOVE SCRAMBLE! べすとばん name-en: "Gakuen Heaven - Boy's Love Scramble! [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66520: name: バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ 完全版 プレミアムパック name-sort: ばいおはざーど こーど:べろにか かんぜんばん ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "BioHazard - Code Veronica [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66521: name: タイトーメモリーズ 下巻 TAITO BEST name-sort: たいとーめもりーず げかん TAITO BEST name-en: "Taito Memories Vol.2 [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66522: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 真・三國無双3 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 [KOEI Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66523: name: 三國志IX with パワーアップキット [KOEI The Best] name-sort: さんごくし9 with ぱわーあっぷきっと [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Sangokushi IX [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66524: name: アンジェリーク エトワール [KOEI The Best] name-sort: あんじぇりーく えとわーる [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Angelique Etoile [Koei Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66525: name: Zill O’ll 〜infinite〜 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: じるおーる 〜infinite〜 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Zill O'll Infinite [Koei The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66526: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 凱歌の号砲 エアランドフォース name-sort: がいかのごうほう えあらんどふぉーす [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Gaika no Gouhou - Air Land Force [KOEI Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66527: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志戦記2 name-sort: さんごくしせんき2 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Sangokushi Senki 2 [KOEI Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66528: name: 信長の野望・天下創世 with パワーアップキット [KOEI The Best] name-sort: のぶながのやぼう てんかそうせい with ぱわーあっぷきっと [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Sousei [with Power Up Kit] [KOEI the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66529: name: 亡国のイージス 2035 〜ウォーシップガンナー〜 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: ぼうこくのいーじす 2035 〜うぉーしっぷがんなー〜 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Boukoku no Aegis 2035 - Warship Gunner [KOEI the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66530: name: Gift -prism- 通常版 name-sort: Gift -prism- name-en: "Gift Prism [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66531: name: 水の旋律2〜緋の記憶〜 限定版 name-sort: みずのせんりつ2 ひのきおく [げんていばん] name-en: "Mizu no Senritsu 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66532: name: 水の旋律2〜緋の記憶〜 name-sort: みずのせんりつ2 ひのきおく name-en: "Mizu no Senritsu 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66533: name: ポップンミュージック13 カーニバル name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく13 かーにばる name-en: "Pop'n music 13 Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66534: name: 龍刻 Ryu-Koku 限定版 name-sort: りゅうこく [げんていばん] name-en: "Ryu Koku [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66535: name: 龍刻 Ryu-Koku 通常版 name-sort: りゅうこく name-en: "Ryu Koku [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66536: name: ARIA The NATURAL 〜遠い記憶のミラージュ〜 name-sort: ありあ ざ なちゅらる とおいきおくのみらーじゅ name-en: "Aria - The Natural - Tooi Yume no Mirage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66537: name: ガスト ベスト プライス イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ2 name-sort: いりすのあとりえ えたーなるまな2 [がすと べすと ぷらいす] name-en: "Iris no Atelier - Eternal Mana 2 [Gust Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Horizontal lines in FMV. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts for health and other sprites. texturePreloading: 0 # Improves performance and prevents it disabling itself regardless. SLPM-66538: name: ジーワン ジョッキー4 2006 name-sort: じーわん じょっきー4 2006 name-en: "G1 Jockey 4 2006" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66539: name: 信長の野望Online 破天の章 name-sort: のぶながのやぼうOnline やぶてんのしょう name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou Online - Haten no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66542: name: 戦国無双2 Empires name-sort: せんごくむそう2 えんぱいあーず name-en: "Sengoku Musou 2 Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66543: name: Yo-Jin-Bo 〜運命のフロイデ〜 name-sort: ようじんぼう うんめいのふろいで name-en: "Youjinbou - Unmei no Freud" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66544: name: 世界ノ全テ 〜two of us〜 name-sort: せかいのすべて 〜two of us〜 name-en: "Sekai no Subete - Two of Us" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66548: name: 遙かなる時空の中で 舞一夜 通常版 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで まいひとよ name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Maihitoyo [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66549: name: 三國志11 name-sort: さんごくし11 name-en: "Sangokushi XI" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66550: name: GOD HAND(ゴッドハンド) name-sort: ごっどはんど name-en: "God Hand" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Depth of field effect aligned properly + Shifts buildings correctly. SLPM-66551: name: APPLESEED EX(アップルシード エクス) name-sort: あっぷるしーど えくす name-en: "Appleseed EX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66552: name: ネバーランド研究史 name-sort: ねばーらんどけんきゅうし name-en: "Neverland Reportage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66553: name: カオス ウォーズ name-sort: かおす うぉーず name-en: "Chaos Wars" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66554: name: インタールード [ベスト版] name-sort: いんたーるーど [べすとばん] name-en: "Interlude [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66555: name: SuperLite2000シリーズ 東京バス案内2 name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000しりーず とうきょうばすがいど2 name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Tokyo Bus Guide 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66556: name: Spike the Best 忍道 戒 name-sort: しのびどう いましめ [Spike the Best] name-en: "Shinobido Imashime [Spike The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes hang going in to the gardens. SLPM-66557: name: EA BEST HITS FIFAストリート name-sort: FIFAすとりーと [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "FIFA Street [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66558: name: "トゥームレイダー: レジェンド" name-sort: とぅーむれいだー:れじぇんど name-en: "Tomb Raider - Legend" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes distant characters and models. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes multiple lighting effects from lights, computers, cave walls and more. SLPM-66559: name: コーエー定番シリーズ Winning Post6 name-sort: Winning Post6 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Winning Post 6 [KOEI Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66560: name: 三國志X [KOEI The Best] name-sort: さんごくし10 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Sangokushi X [KOEI The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66561: name: EA BEST HITS NBAライブ 06 name-sort: NBAらいぶ 06 [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "NBA Live '06 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66562: name: EA BEST HITS ニード・フォー・スピード モスト・ウォンテッド name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど もすと うぉんてっど [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25075" - "SLPM-66232" - "SLPM-66562" - "SLPM-65766" - "SLPM-66051" - "SLPM-66960" SLPM-66563: name: 水の旋律<2800コレクション> name-sort: みずのせんりつ<2800これくしょん> name-en: "Mizu no Senritsu [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66564: name: REC☆ドキドキ声優パラダイス☆ 限定版 name-sort: REC どきどきせいゆうぱらだいす [げんていばん] name-en: "REC - DokiDoki Seiyuu Paradise [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66565: name: REC☆ドキドキ声優パラダイス☆ 通常版 name-sort: REC どきどきせいゆうぱらだいす name-en: "REC - DokiDoki Seiyuu Paradise [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 17E04DE7: content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,001BAA28,word,10000003 SLPM-66566: name: 転生學園月光録 name-sort: てんしょうがくえんげっこうろく name-en: "Tenshou Gakuen Gekkou Hasumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66567: name: ドライバー パラレルラインズ name-sort: どらいばー ぱられるらいんず name-en: "Driver - Parallel Lines" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLPM-66568: name: ユービーアイソフト ベスト ブラザー イン アームズ ロード トゥ ヒル サーティ name-sort: ぶらざー いん あーむず ろーど とぅ ひる さーてぃ [ゆーびーあいそふと べすと] name-en: "Brothers In Arms - Road to Hill 30 [Ubisoft Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness, there are still ghosting issues for like lighting poles. SLPM-66569: name: シークレット・オブ・エヴァンゲリオン 通常版 name-sort: しーくれっと おぶ えゔぁんげりおん name-en: "Secret of Evangelion [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces artifacts like vertical lines in main menu but there are many other artifacts still. SLPM-66570: name: I”s Pure(アイズピュア) name-sort: あいずぴゅあ name-en: "I's Pure" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66571: name: SuperLite2000 恋愛アドベンチャー Memories Off #5 とぎれたフィルム name-sort: すーぱーらいと2000 れんあいあどべんちゃー Memories Off #5 とぎれたふぃるむ name-en: "Memories Off #5 - Togireta [Superlite 2000 Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66572: name: レゴ スター・ウォーズII name-sort: れご すたーうぉーずII name-en: "LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66572" - "SLPS-20423" SLPM-66573: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 鋼鉄の咆哮2ウォーシップガンナー name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2うぉーしっぷがんなー [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Gunner [KOEI Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66574: name: 名探偵エヴァンゲリオン name-sort: めいたんていえゔぁんげりおん name-en: "Meitantei Evangelion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66575: name: GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 name-sort: GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 name-en: "GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66576: name: 聖剣伝説4 name-sort: せいけんでんせつ4 name-en: "Seiken Densetsu 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66577: name: GLADIATOR ROAD TO FREEDOM REMIX アーティン ベスト name-sort: GLADIATOR ROAD TO FREEDOM REMIX [あーてぃん べすと] name-en: "Gladiator - Road to Freedom [Special Remix] [Ertain the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes sun background on the windows when selecting your 'race'. SLPM-66578: name: "真・三國無双3 Empires(真・三國無双シリーズコレクション 下巻 同梱用)" name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 えんぱいあーず [しんさんごくむそうしりーずこれくしょん げかん どうこんよう] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66579: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66580: name: "真・三國無双4 猛将伝(真・三國無双シリーズコレクション 下巻 同梱用)" name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 もうしょうでん [しんさんごくむそうしりーずこれくしょん げかん どうこんよう] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66581: name: "真・三國無双4 Empires(真・三國無双シリーズコレクション 下巻 同梱用)" name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 えんぱいあーず [しんさんごくむそうしりーずこれくしょん げかん どうこんよう] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66582: name: 仔羊捕獲ケーカク! スイートボーイズライフ 初回限定版 name-sort: こひつじほかくけーかく! すいーとぼーいずらいふ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku! Sweet Boys Life [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 9466CBA1: content: |- author=PSI, kozarovv // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,0014A148,word,10000003 SLPM-66583: name: 仔羊捕獲ケーカク! スイートボーイズライフ 通常版 name-sort: こひつじほかくけーかく! すいーとぼーいずらいふ name-en: "Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku! Sweet Boys Life [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66584: name: 夜明け前より瑠璃色な 〜Brighter than dawning blue〜 name-sort: よあけまえよりるりいろな Brighter than dawning blue name-en: "Yoake Yori Ruriiro na - Brighter than Dawning Blue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66585: name: エルヴァンディアストーリー name-sort: えるゔぁんでぃあすとーりー name-en: "Elvandia Story" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black overlay ingame during dialog. vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes black overlay ingame during dialog. SLPM-66586: name: カルタグラ 〜魂の苦悩〜<2800コレクション> name-sort: かるたぐら 〜たましいのくのう〜<2800これくしょん> name-en: "Karutagura - Tamashii no Kunou [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66587: name: 水月 〜迷心〜<2800コレクション> name-sort: すいげつ 〜まよいごころ〜<2800これくしょん> name-en: "Karutagura - Tamashii no Kunou [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66588: name: White Princess the second<2800コレクション> name-sort: White Princess the second<2800これくしょん> name-en: "White Princess the Second [2800 Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66589: name: NBAライブ 07 name-sort: NBAらいぶ 07 name-en: "NBA Live '07" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66590: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球13 決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう13 けっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66591: name: FLATOUT 2 GTR(がんばれ!とびだせ!レーシング!!) name-sort: FLATOUT 2 がんばれ!とびだせ!れーしんぐ!! name-en: "FlatOut 2 GTR" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLPM-66592: name: ネギま!?3時間目〜恋と魔法と世界樹伝説!〜 演劇版 name-sort: ねぎま!?3じかんめ こいとまほうとせかいじゅでんせつ! えんげきばん name-en: "Negima! 3-Jikanme [Theater Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66593: name: ネギま!?3時間目〜恋と魔法と世界樹伝説!〜 ライブ版 name-sort: ねぎま!?3じかんめ こいとまほうとせかいじゅでんせつ! らいぶばん name-en: "Negima! 3-Jikanme [Live Version]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66594: name: RHAPSODIA ラプソディア コナミ ザ ベスト name-sort: RHAPSODIA らぷそでぃあ こなみ ざ べすと name-en: "Rhapsodia [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66105" - "SLPM-66594" - "SLPM-65599" - "SLPM-65600" SLPM-66595: name: Jリーグ ウイニングイレブン 10+欧州リーグ ’06 -’07 name-sort: Jりーぐ ういにんぐいれぶん 10+おうしゅうりーぐ ’06-’07 name-en: "J-League Winning Eleven 10 - Europa League '06-'07" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66596: name: テニスの王子様 学園祭の王子様 コナミザベスト name-sort: てにすのおうじさま がくえんさいのおうじさま こなみざ・べすと name-en: "Prince of Tennis - Gakuensai no Oji-sama [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66597: name: "Ya to Hime Zankiko - Tsurugi no Maki [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66598: name: 夜刀姫斬鬼行 -剣の巻- name-sort: やとひめざんきこう けんのまき name-en: "Yatohime Zankikou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66600: name: MADDEN NFL 07 name-sort: MADDEN NFL 07 name-en: "Madden NFL '07" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66601: name: EA BEST HITS SSX on tour name-sort: SSX on tour [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "SSX On Tour [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66602: name: 龍が如く 2 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: りゅうがごとく2 [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Ryu ga Gotoku 2 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66602" - "SLPM-74301" - "SLPM-66168" - "SLPM-74234" - "SLPM-74253" SLPM-66603: name: 龍が如く 2 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: りゅうがごとく2 [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Ryu ga Gotoku 2 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66602" - "SLPM-74301" - "SLPM-66168" - "SLPM-74234" - "SLPM-74253" SLPM-66604: name: Broccoli Best Quality ギャラクシーエンジェル Moonlit Lovers name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇる Moonlit Lovers [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Galaxy Angel - Moonlit Lovers [Banpresido the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66605: name: キャッスルファンタジア アリハト戦記 name-sort: きゃっするふぁんたじあ ありはとせんき name-en: "Castle Fantasia - Arihato Senki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66606: name: ホワイトブレス〜絆〜 限定版 name-sort: ほわいとぶれす〜きずな〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "White Breath - Kizuna [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66607: name: ホワイトブレス〜絆〜 通常版 name-sort: ほわいとぶれす〜きずな〜 name-en: "White Breath - Kizuna [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66608: name: テニスの王子様 ドキドキサバイバル 山麓のMystic name-sort: てにすのおうじさま どきどきさばいばる さんろくのみすてぃっく name-en: "Prince of Tennis - DokiDoki Survival - Sanroku no Mystic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66609: name: Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA name-sort: だんすだんすれぼりゅーしょん SuperNOVA name-en: "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66610: name: テニスの王子様 ドキドキサバイバル 海辺のSecret name-sort: てにすのおうじさま どきどきさばいばる うみべのSecret name-en: "Prince of Tennis - DokiDoki Survival - Umibe no Secret" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66611: name: 智代アフター 〜It’s a Wonderful Life〜 CS Edition name-sort: ともよあふたー 〜It’s a Wonderful Life〜 CS Edition name-en: "Tomoyo After - It's Wonderful Life [CS Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes Colours. SLPM-66612: name: すくぅ〜る らぶっ!〜恋と希望のメトロノーム〜 初回限定版 name-sort: すくぅーる らぶっ! こいときぼうのめとろのーむ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "School Love [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66613: name: EA BEST HITS メダル オブ オナー 史上最大の作戦&メダル オブ オナー ライジングサン name-sort: めだる おぶ おなー しじょうさいだいのさくせん&めだる おぶ おなー らいじんぐさん [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun & Frontline [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66615: name: EA BEST HITS 007 ナイト ファイア&007 エブリシング オア ナッシング name-sort: 007 ないと ふぁいあ&007 えぶりしんぐ おあ なっしんぐ [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "007 - Nightfire [EA Best Hits Dual Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66616: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing [EA Best Hits Dual Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLPM-66617: name: ニード・フォー・スピード カーボン name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど かーぼん name-en: "Need for Speed - Carbon" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLPM-66618: name: 夢見師 (初回限定版) name-sort: ゆめみし しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Yumemishi [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66619: name: 夢見師 (通常版) name-sort: ゆめみし name-en: "Yumemishi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66620: name: ひぐらしのなく頃に祭 name-sort: ひぐらしのなくころにまつり name-en: "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66621: name: beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 12 HAPPY SKY name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66622: name: ユービーアイソフト ベスト トム・クランシーシリーズ ゴーストリコン2 name-sort: とむくらんしーしりーず ごーすとりこん2 [ゆーびーあいそふと べすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 [Ubisoft Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66623: name: アスミック得だねシリーズ ドカポン・ザ・ワールド name-sort: どかぽん・ざ・わーるど [あすみっくとくだねしりーず] name-en: "Dokapon the World [Asmik Tokudane Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66624: name: つよきす〜Mighy Heart〜(プリンセスソフトコレクション) name-sort: つよきす〜Mighy Heart〜 [ぷりんせすそふとこれくしょん] name-en: "Tsuyo Kiss - Mighty Heart [Princess Soft Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66625: name: とらぶるふぉうちゅん COMPANY★はぴCURE [初回限定版] name-sort: とらぶるふぉうちゅん COMPANY はぴCURE しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Trouble Fortune Company - HapiCure [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66626: name: とらぶるふぉうちゅん COMPANY★はぴCURE [通常版] name-sort: とらぶるふぉうちゅん COMPANY はぴCURE name-en: "Trouble Fortune Company - HapiCure" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66627: name: WWE 2007 SmackDown(R) vs Raw(R) name-sort: WWE 2007 SmackDown(R) vs Raw(R) name-en: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66628: name: OutRun2 SP(アウトラン2 スペシャルツアーズ) [初回限定版] name-sort: あうとらん2 すぺしゃるつあーず しょかいげんていばん name-en: "OutRun 2 SP [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned + font artifacts. SLPM-66629: name: ダージュ・オブ・ケルベロス -ファイナルファンタジーVII- インターナショナル [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: だーじゅ・おぶ・けるべろす ふぁいなるふぁんたじー7 いんたーなしょなる [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII International" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66630: name: メルヘヴン ARM FIGHT DREAM コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: めるへゔん ARM FIGHT DREAM こなみ・ざ・べすと name-en: "Melheaven - Arm Fight Dream [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66631: name: 極上生徒会 コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: ごくじょうせいとかい こなみ・ざ・べすと name-en: "Gokujou Seitokai [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66632: name: 喧嘩番長2 〜FULLTHROTTLE〜(フルスロットル) name-sort: けんかばんちょう2 ふるすろっとる name-en: "Kenka Banchou 2 - Full Throttle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66633: name: 少女魔法学リトルウィッチロマネスク 〜アリアとカヤと黒の塔〜 name-sort: しょうじょまほうがくりとるうぃっちろまねすく ありあとかやとくろのとう name-en: "Shoujo Mahou Gaku Little Witch Romanesque" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66634: name: デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ対超力兵団 アトラスベストコレクション name-sort: でびるさまなー くずのはらいどうたいちょうりきへいだん あとらすべすとこれくしょん name-en: "Devil Summoner - Kuzunoha Raidou tai Chouriki Heidan [Atlus Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken effect rendering. SLPM-66635: name: Wind -a breath of heart- アルケベスト版 name-sort: Wind -a breath of heart- あるけべすとばん name-en: "Wind - A Breath of Heart [Alchemist Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66636: name: ハイパーストリートファイターII アニバーサリーエディション カプコレ name-sort: はいぱーすとりーとふぁいたー2 あにばーさりーえでぃしょん かぷこれ name-en: "Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66637: name: ヴァンパイア ダークストーカーズ コレクション カプコレ name-sort: ゔぁんぱいあ だーくすとーかーず これくしょん かぷこれ name-en: "Vampire Darkstalkers Collection [Capcom the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes squares around sprites when upscaling. SLPM-66638: name: デメント カプコレ name-sort: でめんと かぷこれ name-en: "Demento [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. Normal Vertex works better, but causes some lights to disappear. roundSprite: 1 # Further reduces blurriness. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smooths out fire textures. beforeDraw: "OI_HauntingGround" # Fix bloom. SLPM-66639: name: ストリートファイターIII 3rd STRIKE Fight for the future カプコレ name-sort: すとりーとふぁいたー3 3rd STRIKE Fight for the future かぷこれ name-en: "Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike [Capcom the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66640: name: フルハウスキス カプコレ name-sort: ふるはうすきす かぷこれ name-en: "Full House Kiss [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66641: name: すくぅ〜る らぶっ!〜恋と希望のメトロノーム〜 name-sort: すくぅーる らぶっ! こいときぼうのめとろのーむ name-en: "School Love" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66642: name: テニスの王子様 CARD HUNTER 初回限定版 name-sort: てにすのおうじさま CARD HUNTER しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Prince of Tennis, The - Card Hunter [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66643: name: "OutRun 2 SP" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned + font artifacts. SLPM-66644: name: J.LEAGUE プロサッカークラブをつくろう!5 name-sort: Jりーぐ ぷろさっかーくらぶをつくろう!5 name-en: "J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66645: name: バイオニクル ヒーローズ name-sort: ばいおにくる ひーろーず name-en: "Bionicle Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. SLPM-66646: name: シャイニング・フォース イクサ name-sort: しゃいにんぐ・ふぉーす いくさ name-en: "Shining Force EXA" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66649: name: "Taito Memories II - Joukan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66651: name: EA BEST HITS バトルフィールド2 モダンコンバット name-sort: ばとるふぃーるど2 もだんこんばっと [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLPM-66652: name: EA BEST HITS バーンアウト リベンジ name-sort: ばーんあうと りべんじ [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Burnout Revenge [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25066" - "SLPM-66108" - "SLPM-66652" - "SLPM-65719" - "SLPM-65958" - "SLPM-66962" - "SLAJ-25053" - "SLPM-66204" SLPM-66653: name: 悪代官3 name-sort: あくだいかん3 name-en: "Akudaikan 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66654: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 遙かなる時空の中で2 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで2 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2 [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66655: name: KOEI The Best 遙かなる時空の中で 〜八葉抄〜 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで 〜はちようしょう〜 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Hachiyou-shou [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66656: name: ウォーシップガンナー2 〜鋼鉄の咆哮〜 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: うぉーしっぷがんなー2 〜くろがねのほうこう〜 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Warship Gunner 2 - Change of Direction [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66657: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 真・三國無双3 猛将伝 name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 もうしょうでん [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Moushouden [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66658: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 真・三國無双3 Empires name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 えんぱいあーず [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Empires [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66659: name: そしてこの宇宙にきらめく君の詩 XXX name-sort: そしてこのうちゅうにきらめくきみのうた XXX name-en: "Soshite Kono Uchuu ni Kirameku Kimi no Uta XXX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66660: name: 北斗の拳 〜審判の双蒼星 拳豪列伝〜 name-sort: ほくとのけん しんぱんのそうそうせい けんごうれつでん name-en: "Hokuto no Ken" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66661: name: Dessert Love -Sweet Plus- Best Collection name-sort: Dessert Love -Sweet Plus- Best Collection name-en: "Dessert Love - Sweet Plus [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66662: name: THE DOG ISLAND ひとつの花の物語 name-sort: THE DOG ISLAND ひとつのはなのものがたり name-en: "Dog Island, The - Hitotsu no Hana no Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes certains font colors. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes almost all vertical lines. SLPM-66663: name: PHANTASY STAR UNIVERSE イルミナスの野望 name-sort: ふぁんたしーすたーゆにばーす いるみなすのやぼう name-en: "Phantasy Star Universe - Ambition of the Illuminus" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving. SLPM-66664: name: フルハウスキス2 カプコレ name-sort: ふるはうすきす2 かぷこれ name-en: "Full House Kiss 2 [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66667: name: マイネリーベII 〜誇りと正義と愛〜 コナミ殿堂セレクション name-sort: まいねりーべ2 ほこりとせいぎとあい こなみでんどうせれくしょん name-en: "Meine Liebe II [Konami Palace Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66668: name: 悪魔城ドラキュラ 闇の呪印 コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: あくまじょうどらきゅら やみのじゅいん こなみ・ざ・べすと name-en: "Akumajo Dracula - Yami no Juin [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with microVU. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing blade. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes to be bigger. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66175" - "SLPM-66668" - "SLPM-65406" - "SLPM-65444" - "SLPM-66325" SLPM-66669: name: テニスの王子様 CARD HUNTER name-sort: てにすのおうじさま CARD HUNTER name-en: "Prince of Tennis, The - Card Hunter [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66670: name: STELLA DEUS アトラスベストコレクション name-sort: STELLA DEUS あとらすべすとこれくしょん name-en: "Stella Deus [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66671: name: シャイニング・ウィンド name-sort: しゃいにんぐ・うぃんど name-en: "Shining Wind" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - DMABusyHack SLPM-66672: name: スプリンターセル 二重スパイ name-sort: すぷりんたーせる にじゅうすぱい name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66673: name: プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ ケンシ ノ ココロ [ユービーアイソフトベスト] name-sort: ぷりんす おぶ ぺるしゃ けんし の こころ [ゆーびーあいそふとべすと] name-en: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within [Ubisoft the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLPM-66674: name: タイガー・ウッズ PGA TOUR(R)07 name-sort: たいがー・うっず PGA TOUR(R)07 name-en: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66675: name: KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX+ 通常版 name-sort: KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX+ name-en: "Kingdom Hearts II - Final Mix +" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Reads Re:Chain data and vice-versa. - "SLPM-66675" - "SLPM-66676" SLPM-66676: name: "Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain of Memories" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes double image. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66675" - "SLPM-66676" SLPM-66677: name: ファイナルファンタジーX インターナショナル [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10 いんたーなしょなる [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Final Fantasy X - International [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes character flickering caused by EE clamp full. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-66678: name: ファイナルファンタジーX-2 インターナショナル+ラストミッション [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10-2 いんたーなしょなる+らすとみっしょん [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Final Fantasy X-2 - International + Last Mission [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-66679: name: デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ 対 アバドン王 Plus name-sort: でびるさまなー くずのはらいどう たい あばどんおう Plus name-en: "Devil Summoner - Kuzunoha Raidou tai Abaddon Ou [Plus]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66679" - "SLPM-66683" - "SLPM-66246" - "SLPM-66634" SLPM-66681: name: 真・女神転生III-NOCTURNE マニアクス クロニクルエディション name-sort: しんめがみてんせい3-NOCTURNE まにあくす くろにくるえでぃしょん name-en: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne Maniax Chronicle Edition" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66683: name: デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ 対 アバドン王 初回生産版 name-sort: でびるさまなー くずのはらいどう たい あばどんおう しょかいせいさんばん name-en: "Devil Summoner - Kuzunoha Raidou tai Abaddon Ou" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66679" - "SLPM-66683" - "SLPM-66246" - "SLPM-66634" SLPM-66685: name: シーマン2 〜北京原人育成キット〜 name-sort: しーまん2 ぺきんげんじんいくせいきっと name-en: "Seaman 2 - Peking Genjin Ikusei Kit" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 2 SLPM-66686: name: GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE GOLD name-sort: GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE GOLD name-en: "GuitarFreaks & DrumMania MASTERPIECE GOLD" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66687: name: 緋色の欠片 〜あの空の下で〜 name-sort: ひいろのかけら あのそらのしたで name-en: "Hiiro no Kakera - Ano Sora no Shita de" region: "NTSC-J" patches: "8365E603": content: |- author=PSI, Jelta // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,001D1ED8,word,10000003 SLPM-66688: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 KOEI The Best name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66689: name: ペルソナ3フェス [アペンドディスク版] name-sort: ぺるそな3ふぇす [あぺんどでぃすくばん] name-en: "Persona 3 FES [Append Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66445" - "SLPM-66689" - "SLPM-66690" SLPM-66690: name: ペルソナ3フェス name-sort: ぺるそな3ふぇす name-en: "Persona 3 FES [Independent Starting Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66445" - "SLPM-66689" - "SLPM-66690" SLPM-66691: name: 戦国BASARA2 カプコレ name-sort: せんごくばさら2 かぷこれ name-en: "Sengoku Basara 2 [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLPM-66692: name: セレクション 星界の戦旗 [BEST HIT] name-sort: せれくしょん せいかいのせんき [BEST HIT] name-en: "Seikai no Senki [Best Hit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66693: name: セレクション プリンセスメーカー4 [BEST HIT] name-sort: せれくしょん ぷりんせすめーかー4 [BEST HIT] name-en: "Princess Maker 4 [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66694: name: スポンジ・ボブ name-sort: すぽんじ・ぼぶ name-en: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLPM-66695: name: この青空に約束を 〜melody of the sun and sea〜 name-sort: このあおぞらにやくそくを 〜melody of the sun and sea〜 name-en: "Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o - Melody of the Sun and Sea" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66696: name: Memories Off 〜それからagain〜 name-sort: Memories Off 〜それからagain〜 name-en: "SuperLite 2000 Series - Memories Off - Sorekara Again" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66697: name: ティム・バートン ナイトメアー・ビフォア・クリスマス ブギーの逆襲 カプコレ name-sort: てぃむ・ばーとん ないとめあー・びふぉあ・くりすます ぶぎーのぎゃくしゅう かぷこれ name-en: "Nightmare Before Christmas, The [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights. SLPM-66698: name: 史上最強の弟子ケンイチ 激闘!ラグナレク八拳豪 name-sort: しじょうさいきょうのでしけんいち げきとう!らぐなれくはちけんごう name-en: "Shijou Saikyou no Teishi - Kenichi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66699: name: "Kin'iro no Corda 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66700: name: 金色のコルダ2 name-sort: きんいろのこるだ2 name-en: "Kin'iro no Corda 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66701: name: 三國志11 withパワーアップキット name-sort: さんごくし11 withぱわーあっぷきっと name-en: "Sangokushi XI [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66702: name: Winning Post 7 MAXIMUM2007 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと7 MAXIMUM2007 name-en: "Winning Post 7 Maximum 2007" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66703: name: レーシングゲーム「注意!!!!」 コナミ・ザ・ベスト name-sort: れーしんぐげーむ「ちゅうい!!!!」 こなみ・ざ・べすと name-en: "Racing Game - Chuui!!!! [Konami the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66704: name: ネギま!? どりーむたくてぃっく 夢見る乙女はプリンセス 舞姫版 name-sort: ねぎま!? どりーむたくてぃっく ゆめみるおとめはぷりんせす まいひめばん name-en: "Negima! Dream Tactic Yumemiru Otome Princess [Maihime Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66705: name: ネギま!? どりーむたくてぃっく 夢見る乙女はプリンセス 歌姫版 name-sort: ねぎま!? どりーむたくてぃっく ゆめみるおとめはぷりんせす うたひめばん name-en: "Negima! Dream Tactic Yumemiru Otome Princess [Utahime Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66707: name: "Yukinko Daisenpuu - Sayuki to Koyuki no Hie Hie Daisoudou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66708: name: ブラザー イン アームズ 名誉の代償 [ユービーアイソフトベスト] name-sort: ぶらざー いん あーむず めいよのだいしょう [ゆーびーあいそふとべすと] name-en: "Brothers In Arms - Earned In Blood [Ubisoft Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-66709: name: エンジェル・プロファイル name-sort: えんじぇる ぷろふぁいる name-en: "Angel Profile" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66710: name: ゴッドファーザー name-sort: ごっどふぁーざー name-en: "Godfather, The" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLPM-66712: name: "Rozen Maiden - Geppetto Garden [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_RozenMaidenGebetGarden" SLPM-66713: name: "Taito Memories II - Gekan" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66714: name: レッスルキングダム2 プロレスリング世界大戦 name-sort: れっするきんぐだむ2 ぷろれすりんぐせかいたいせん name-en: "Wrestle Kingdom 2 - Pro Wrestling Sekai Taisen" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLPM-66715: name: 新紀幻想 スペクトラル ソウルズ II [IFコレクション] name-sort: しんきげんそう すぺくとらる そうるず II [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls II [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66716: name: グローランサーVI name-sort: ぐろーらんさーVI name-en: "Growlanser VI" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: moveHandler: "MV_Growlanser" # Fixes precomputed depth buffer. SLPM-66717: name: スタンダード大戦略 電撃戦 [SEGA THE BEST] name-sort: すたんだーどだいせんりゃく でんげきせん [SEGA THE BEST] name-en: "Standard Daisenryaku - Dengekisen [Sega the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66718: name: スタンダード大戦略 失われた勝利 [SEGA THE BEST] name-sort: すたんだーどだいせんりゃく うしなわれたしょうり [SEGA THE BEST] name-en: "Sutandādo Daisenryaku - Ushinawareta Shoeri [Sega the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66719: name: 天下人 [SEGA THE BEST] name-sort: てんかびと [SEGA THE BEST] name-en: "Tenka-bito [Sega the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66720: name: GUILTY GEAR XX SLASH(ギルティギア イグゼクス スラッシュ) [SEGA THE BEST] name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす すらっしゅ [SEGA THE BEST] name-en: "Guilty Gear XX #Slash [Sega the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66721: name: 無双OROCHI name-sort: むそうOROCHI name-en: "Musou Orochi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66722: name: 実戦パチンコ必勝法!CRアラジンデスティニーEX name-sort: じっせんぱちんこひっしょうほう!CRあらじんですてぃにーEX name-en: "Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou! CR Aladdin Destiny EX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66723: name: ゾイドインフィニティフューザーズ トミコレベスト name-sort: ぞいどいんふぃにてぃふゅーざーず とみこれべすと name-en: "Zoids Infinity Fuzors [Tomy Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66724: name: ゾイドタクティクス トミコレベスト name-sort: ぞいどたくてぃくす とみこれべすと name-en: "Zoids Tactics [Tomy Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66725: name: ゾイドストラグル トミコレベスト name-sort: ぞいどすとらぐる とみこれべすと name-en: "Zoids Struggle [Tomy Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66726: name: お嬢様組曲 -Sweet Concert- [通常版] name-sort: おじょうさまくみきょく Sweet Concert name-en: "Ojousama Kumikyoku - Sweet Concert" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66727: name: らぶ☆どろ〜LoveDrops〜 name-sort: らぶ どろ LoveDrops name-en: "Love Doro - Love Drops" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66728: name: プロ野球スピリッツ4 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ4 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66729: name: 少年陰陽師 翼よいま、天へ還れ DXパック name-sort: しょうねんおんみょうじ つばさよいま てんへかえれ DXぱっく name-en: "Shounen Onmyouji - Tsubasa yo Ima, Ten he Kaere [Deluxe Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66730: name: 少年陰陽師 翼よいま、天へ還れ 通常版 name-sort: しょうねんおんみょうじ つばさよいま てんへかえれ name-en: "Shounen Onmyouji - Tsubasa yo Ima, Ten he Kaere" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66731: name: BLACK THE BEST name-sort: BLACK THE BEST name-en: "Black [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-66732: name: 許嫁(いいなずけ) [初回限定版] name-sort: いいなずけ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Iinazuke [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66733: name: 許嫁(いいなずけ) [通常版] name-sort: いいなずけ name-en: "Iinazuke" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66734: name: きると〜貴方と紡ぐ夢と恋のドレス〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: きると あなたとつむぐゆめとこいのどれす しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Kiruto - Anata to Tsumugu Yume to Koi no Dress [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66735: name: きると〜貴方と紡ぐ夢と恋のドレス〜 [通常版] name-sort: きると あなたとつむぐゆめとこいのどれす name-en: "Kiruto - Anata to Tsumugu Yume to Koi no Dress" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66736: name: ローグ ハーツ ダンジョン name-sort: ろーぐ はーつ だんじょん name-en: "Rogue Hearts Dungeon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66737: name: 桜蘭高校ホスト部 限定版 name-sort: おうらんこうこうほすとぶ [げんていばん] name-en: "Ouran Koukou Host Club [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 3BE2C709: content: |- author=PSI, Prafull // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00189e88,word,10000003 SLPM-66738: name: 桜蘭高校ホスト部 name-sort: おうらんこうこうほすとぶ name-en: "Ouran Koukou Host Club" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 3BE2C709: content: |- author=PSI, Prafull // Game does weird stack manipulation, causing data sent to the IOP to be corrupted unless EE data cache is enabled. // This patch skips over the stack code, allowing the game to boot. patch=1,EE,00189e88,word,10000003 SLPM-66739: name: バーンアウト ドミネーター name-sort: ばーんあうと どみねーたー name-en: "Burnout Dominator" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-66740: name: 戦闘国家・改・レジェンド [DX版] name-sort: せんとうこっか・かい・れじぇんど [DXばん] name-en: "Sentou Kokka Kai - Legend [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66741: name: 戦闘国家・改・レジェンド [通常版] name-sort: せんとうこっか かい れじぇんど name-en: "Sentou Kokka Kai - Legend" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66742: name: ポップンミュージック14 FEVER! name-sort: ぽっぷんみゅーじっく14 FEVER! name-en: "Pop'n music 14 FEVER!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66743: name: 神曲奏界ポリフォニカ name-sort: しんきょくそうかいぽりふぉにか name-en: "Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66744: name: Killer7 カプコレ name-sort: Killer7 [かぷこれ] name-en: "Killer7 [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66745: name: シャドウ・オブ・ローマ カプコレ name-sort: しゃどう おぶ ろーま [かぷこれ] name-en: "Shadow of Rome [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLPM-66746: name: GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE(ギルティギア イグゼクス アクセントコア) name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす あくせんとこあ name-en: "Guilty Gear XX - Accent Core" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66747: name: バロック name-sort: ばろっく name-en: "Baroque" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting of characters. SLPM-66748: name: マナケミア 〜学園の錬金術師たち〜 name-sort: まなけみあ がくえんのれんきんじゅつしたち name-en: "Mana-Khemia - Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi Tachi" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes jump issue. gameFixes: - DMABusyHack - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical lines in FMV. SLPM-66749: name: ウィザードリィエクス2 〜無限の学徒〜 ワンダープライス name-sort: うぃざーどりぃえくす2 むげんのがくと わんだーぷらいす name-en: "Wizardry X 2 - Mugen no Gakuto [Wonder Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66750: name: ファイナルファンタジーXII インターナショナル ゾディアックジョブシステム name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー12 いんたーなしょなる ぞでぃあっくじょぶしすてむ name-en: "Final Fantasy XII International - Zodiac Job System [with Bonus DVD]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66751: name: まほろばStories [通常版] name-sort: まほろばStories name-en: "Mahoroba Stories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66752: name: メダル オブ オナー ヴァンガード name-sort: めだる おぶ おなー ゔぁんがーど name-en: "Medal of Honor - Vanguard" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes occasional vertical lines. SLPM-66753: name: 月面兎兵器ミーナ -ふたつのPROJECT M- [限定版] name-sort: げつめんとへいきみーな -ふたつのPROJECT M- [げんていばん] name-en: "Getsumento Heiki Mina - Futatsu no Project M [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66754: name: 月面兎兵器ミーナ -ふたつのPROJECT M- [通常版] name-sort: げつめんとへいきみーな -ふたつのPROJECT M- name-en: "Getsumento Heiki Mina - Futatsu no Project M" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66755: name: 魔女っ娘ア・ラ・モードII〜魔法と剣のストラグル〜 [通常版] name-sort: まじょっこあらもーど2 まほうとけんのすとらぐる name-en: "Majo-musume - A La Mode II" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes bad colour rendering. SLPM-66756: name: Que〜エンシェントリーフの妖精〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: Que〜えんしぇんとりーふのようせい〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Que - Ancient Leaf no Yousei [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66757: name: Que〜エンシェントリーフの妖精〜 [通常版] name-sort: Que〜えんしぇんとりーふのようせい〜 name-en: "Que - Ancient Leaf no Yousei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66758: name: ネオ アンジェリーク [KOEI The Best] name-sort: ねお あんじぇりーく [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Neo Angelique [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66759: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 十六夜記 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 いざよいき [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Izayoiki [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66760: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 信長の野望・蒼天録 with パワーアップキット name-sort: のぶながのやぼう そうてんろく with ぱわーあっぷきっと [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutenroku [with Power-Up Kit] [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66761: name: Panic Palette [限定版] name-sort: Panic Palette [げんていばん] name-en: "Panic Palette [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66762: name: Panic Palette [通常版] name-sort: Panic Palette name-en: "Panic Palette" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66763: name: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン バトルオーケストラ [通常版] name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん ばとるおーけすとら name-en: "Neon Genesis Evangelion - Battle Orchestra" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66764: name: IZUMO零 〜横濱あやかし絵巻〜 name-sort: いずもぜろ 〜よこはまあやかしえまき〜 name-en: "Izumo Zero" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66765: name: 十次元立方体サイファー ゲーム・オブ・サバイバル [初回限定版] name-sort: じゅうじげんりっぽうたいさいふぁー げーむ・おぶ・さばいばる しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Juujigen Rippoutai Sypher - Game of Survival [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66766: name: 十次元立方体サイファー ゲーム・オブ・サバイバル [通常版] name-sort: じゅうじげんりっぽうたいさいふぁー げーむ・おぶ・さばいばる name-en: "Juujigen Ripoutai Sypher - Game of Survival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66767: name: アーバンカオス name-sort: あーばんかおす name-en: "Urban Chaos - Riot Response" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes edge garbage and thin lines. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights at native resolution. SLPM-66768: name: MISSINGPARTS sideA nice price! name-sort: MISSINGPARTS sideA nice price! name-en: "Missing Parts - The Tantei Stories - Side A [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66769: name: MISSINGPARTS sideB nice price! name-sort: MISSINGPARTS sideB nice price! name-en: "Missing Parts - The Tantei Stories - Side B [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66770: name: 久遠の絆 再臨詔 nice price! name-sort: くおんのきずな さいりんしょう nice price! name-en: "Kuon no Kizuna - Sairinshou [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66771: name: 電車でGO!山陽新幹線編 [エターナルヒッツ] name-sort: でんしゃでごーさんようしんかんせんへん [えたーなるひっつ] name-en: "Densha de Go! Sanyo Shinkansen [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66772: name: 電車でGO!FINAL [エターナルヒッツ] name-sort: でんしゃでごーFINAL [えたーなるひっつ] name-en: "Densha de Go! Final [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66773: name: ジェットでGO!2 [エターナルヒッツ] name-sort: じぇっとでGO!2 [えたーなるひっつ] name-en: "Jet de Go! 2 [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66774: name: エナジーエアーフォース [エターナルヒッツ] name-sort: えなじーえあーふぉーす [えたーなるひっつ] name-en: "Energy Airforce - AimStrike! [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66775: name: タイトーメモリーズ 上巻 [エターナルヒッツ] name-sort: たいとーめもりーず じょうかん [えたーなるひっつ] name-en: "Taito Memories - Joukan [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66776: name: タイトーメモリーズ 下巻 [エターナルヒッツ] name-sort: たいとーめもりーず げかん [えたーなるひっつ] name-en: "Taito Memories Gekan [Eternal Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. SLPM-66777: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球14 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう14 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66778: name: Broccoli Best Quality ギャラクシーエンジェル Moonlit Lovers name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇる Eternal Lovers [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Galaxy Angel - Eternal Lovers [Broccoli The Best Quality]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66779: name: ギャラクシーエンジェルII 無限回廊の鍵【通常版】 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇるII むげんかいろうのかぎ [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Galaxy Angel II - Mugen Kairou no Kagi [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces misaligned lighting and other effects. SLPM-66780: name: ギャラクシーエンジェルII 無限回廊の鍵【通常版】 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぎゃらくしーえんじぇるII むげんかいろうのかぎ [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Galaxy Angel II - Mugen Kairou no Kagi [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces misaligned lighting and other effects. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66779" SLPM-66781: name: ドラゴンクエスト 少年ヤンガスと不思議のダンジョン [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: どらごんくえすと しょうねんやんがすとふしぎのだんじょん [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Dragon Quest - Shounen Yangus to Fushigi no Dungeon [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66782: name: ヴァルキリープロファイル2シルメリア [アルティメットヒッツ] name-sort: ゔぁるきりーぷろふぁいる2しるめりあ [あるてぃめっとひっつ] name-en: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria [Ultimate Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLPM-66783: name: アイドル雀士 スーチーパイIV 「完全限定版・コレクターズエディション」 name-sort: あいどるじゃんし すーちーぱい4 [かんぜんげんていばん・これくたーずえでぃしょん] name-en: "Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 4 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66784: name: "Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai III Remix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66785: name: アイドル雀士 スーチーパイIV [通常版] name-sort: あいどるじゃんし すーちーぱい4 name-en: "Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66786: name: Broccoli Best Quality gift -prism- Sweets So Sweet name-sort: gift -prism- Sweets So Sweet [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Gift - Prism [Broccoli Best Quality]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66787: name: 水夏A.S+ Eternal Name 通常版 name-sort: すいかA.S+ Eternal Name name-en: "Suika A.S+ Eternal Name" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66788: name: Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas ベストプライス name-sort: Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas べすとぷらいす name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLPM-66789: name: Grand Theft Auto III ベストプライス name-sort: ぐらんどせふとおーと3 べすとぷらいす name-en: "Grand Theft Auto III [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66790: name: Grand Theft Auto:Vice City ベストプライス name-sort: ぐらんどせふとおーと ばいすしてぃ べすとぷらいす name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66791: name: Memories Off ♯5 アンコール [通常版] name-sort: Memories Off ♯5 あんこーる name-en: "Memories Off #5 Encore" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66792: name: METAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY [ディスク1/2] name-sort: METAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [20th Anniversary Edition] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-66793: name: METAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY [ディスク2/2] name-sort: METAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [20th Anniversary Edition] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-66794: name: MERAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SNAKE EATER name-sort: MERAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SNAKE EATER name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater [20th Anniversary Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-66795: name: "Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66796: name: METAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID COLLECTION name-sort: METAL GEAR 20th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR SOLID COLLECTION name-en: "Metal Gear Solid - 20th Anniversary Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66797: name: "The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66798: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (Disc 1) (Subsistence)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66800: name: パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン/ワールド・エンド name-sort: ぱいれーつ・おぶ・かりびあん/わーるど・えんど name-en: "Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66801: name: IZUMO コンプリート ベスト版 name-sort: いずも こんぷりーと べすとばん name-en: "Izumo Complete [GN Software Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66802: name: 木漏れ日の並木道 〜移り変わる季節の中で〜 ベスト版 name-sort: こもれびのなみきみち 〜うつりかわるきせつのなかで〜 べすとばん name-en: "Kimore Hi no Namiki Michi [GN Software Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66803: name: 死角探偵 空の世界〜Thousand Dreams〜 name-sort: しかくたんてい そらのせかい〜Thousand Dreams〜 name-en: "Shikaku Tantei - Sora no Sekai - Thousand Dreams" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66804: name: カラフルアクアリウム〜My Little Mermaid〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: からふるあくありうむ〜My Little Mermaid〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Colorful Aquarium - My Little Mermaid [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66805: name: カラフルアクアリウム〜My Little Mermaid〜 [通常版] name-sort: からふるあくありうむ〜My Little Mermaid〜 name-en: "Colorful Aquarium - My Little Mermaid" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66806: name: シャッフル!オン・ザ・ステージ KADOKAWA The BEST name-sort: しゃっふる!おん・ざ・すてーじ KADOKAWA The BEST name-en: "Shuffle! On the Stage [Kadokawa the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66807: name: レミーのおいしいレストラン name-sort: れみーのおいしいれすとらん name-en: "Disney/Pixar Remy no Oishii Restaurant" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLPM-66808: name: ゴーストリコン アドバンスウォーファイター [ユービーアイソフトベスト] name-sort: ごーすとりこん あどばんすうぉーふぁいたー [ゆーびーあいそふとべすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter [Ubisoft the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes building and ground colours. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66809: name: 最終試験くじら−Alive− name-sort: さいしゅうしけんくじら-Alive- name-en: "Saishu Shiken Kujira - Alive" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66810: name: J.League Winning Eleven 2007 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP name-sort: J.League Winning Eleven 2007 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP name-en: "J.League Winning Eleven 2007 Club Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66811: name: Winning Post 7 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと7 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Winning Post 7 [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66812: name: ジーワンジョッキー4 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: じーわんじょっきー4 [KOEI The Best] name-en: "G1 Jockey 4 [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66813: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志IX name-sort: さんごくし9 [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Sangokushi IX [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66814: name: Pure×Cure Re:covery name-sort: Pure×Cure Re:covery name-en: "Pure x Cure Re-covery" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66815: name: バルドバレット イクリブリアム name-sort: ばるどばれっと いくりぶりあむ name-en: "Baldr Bullet - Equilibrium" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66816: name: Chanter〜キミの歌がとどいたら#〜 name-sort: Chanter きみのうたがとどいたら name-en: "Chanter - Kimi no Uta ga Todoitara#" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66817: name: Palais de Reine name-sort: Palais de Reine name-en: "Palais de Reine" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66818: name: クイズ&バラエティ すくすく犬福2 〜もっとすくすく〜 name-sort: くいず&ばらえてぃ すくすくいぬふく2 もっとすくすく name-en: "Quiz & Variety SukuSuku Inufuku 2 - Motto SukuSuku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66819: name: ビートダウン Best Price name-sort: びーとだうん Best Price name-en: "Beat Down - Fists of Vengeance [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66820: name: 実戦パチンコ必勝法! CRサクラ大戦 name-sort: じっせんぱちんこひっしょうほう! CRさくらたいせん name-en: "Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou! CR Sakura Taisen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66821: name: "Sengoku Musou 2 Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66822: name: GuitarFreaks & DrumMania V3 name-sort: GuitarFreaks & DrumMania V3 name-en: "GuitarFreaks & DrumMania V3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66823: name: 高レート裏麻雀列伝 むこうぶち 〜御無礼、終了ですね〜 name-sort: こうれーとうらまーじゃんれつでん むこうぶち ごぶれいしゅうりょうですね name-en: "Kou Rate Ura Mahjong Retsuden Mukoubuchi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66824: name: 翡翠の雫 〜緋色の欠片2〜 [限定版] name-sort: ひすいのしずく 〜ひいろのかけら2〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "Hisui no Shizuku - Hiiro no Kakera 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66825: name: 翡翠の雫 〜緋色の欠片2〜 name-sort: ひすいのしずく 〜ひいろのかけら2〜 name-en: "Hisui no Shizuku - Hiiro no Kakera 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66826: name: 妖鬼姫伝 〜あやかし幻灯話〜 [限定版] name-sort: ようきひでん 〜あやかしげんとうばなし〜 [げんていばん] name-en: "Youki Hime Den [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66827: name: 妖鬼姫伝 〜あやかし幻灯話〜 [通常版] name-sort: ようきひでん 〜あやかしげんとうばなし〜 name-en: "Youki Hime Den" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66828: name: beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD name-sort: びーとまにあ つーでぃーえっくす 13 DistorteD name-en: "Beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66829: name: メジャーリーグベースボール 2K7 name-sort: めじゃーりーぐべーすぼーる 2K7 name-en: "Major League Baseball 2K7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66830: name: ルイスと未来泥棒 name-sort: るいすとみらいどろぼう name-en: "Disney's Lewis to Mirai Dorobou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66832: name: "Tennis no Oujisama - Doki Doki Survival - Umibe no Secret" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66834: name: "Kin'iro no Corda 2 Encore" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66835: name: 金色のコルダ2 アンコール [通常版] name-sort: きんいろのこるだ2 あんこーる name-en: "Kiniro no Corda 2 Anchor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66836: name: EA SPORTS ラグビー08 name-sort: EA SPORTS らぐびー08 name-en: "EA Sports Rugby '08" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66837: name: マッデン NFL 08 name-sort: まっでん NFL 08 name-en: "Madden NFL '08" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-66838: name: ファンタスティックフォーチュン2☆☆☆(トリプルスター) BEST HIT セレクション name-sort: ふぁんたすてぃっくふぉーちゅん2とりぷるすたー BEST HIT せれくしょん name-en: "Fantastic Fortune 2 - Triple Star [Best Hit Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66839: name: We Are* BEST HIT セレクション name-sort: We Are* BEST HIT せれくしょん] name-en: "We Are [Best Hit Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66840: name: 水の旋律2〜緋の記憶〜 BEST HIT セレクション name-sort: みずのせんりつ2 ひのきおく [BEST HIT せれくしょん] name-en: "Mizu no Senritsu 2 [Best Hit Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66841: name: ウィル・オ・ウィスプ 限定版 name-sort: うぃる お うぃすぷ [げんていばん] name-en: "Will O' Wisp [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66842: name: ウィル・オ・ウィスプ name-sort: うぃる お うぃすぷ name-en: "Will O' Wisp" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66843: name: ジェネレーション オブ カオス ディザイア name-sort: じぇねれーしょん おぶ かおす でぃざいあ name-en: "Generations of Chaos - Desire" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66844: name: 悠久ノ桜 [限定版] name-sort: ゆうきゅうのさくら [げんていばん] name-en: "Yuukyuu no Sakura [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66845: name: 悠久ノ桜 [通常版] name-sort: ゆうきゅうのさくら name-en: "Yuukyuu no Sakura" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66846: name: プリズム・アーク -AWAKE- name-sort: ぷりずむ・あーく -AWAKE- name-en: "Prism Ark - Awake" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66847: name: アラビアンズ・ロスト〜The engagement on desert〜 name-sort: あらびあんず ろすと The engagement on desert name-en: "Arabians Lost - The Engagement on Desert" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66848: name: 戦国BASARA2 英雄外伝(HEROES) name-sort: せんごくばさら2 HEROES name-en: "Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66849: name: イリスのアトリエ グランファンタズム [ガストベストプライス] name-sort: いりすのあとりえ ぐらんふぁんたずむ [がすとべすとぷらいす] name-en: "Iris no Atelier - Grand Fantasm [Gust Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLPM-66850: name: アルカナハート name-sort: あるかなはーと name-en: "Arcana Heart" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66851: name: Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City Stories name-sort: Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City Stories name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Removes blur due to misaligned fullscreen effect. SLPM-66852: name: カプコン クラシックス コレクション Best Price name-sort: かぷこん くらしっくす これくしょん [Best Price] name-en: "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66853: name: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の旋風 Best Price name-sort: じょじょのきみょうなぼうけん おうごんのせんぷう [Best Price] name-en: "Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken - Ougon no Kaze [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes text box opacity. SLPM-66854: name: ストリートファイターゼロ ファイターズ ジェネレーション Best Price name-sort: すとりーとふぁいたーぜろ ふぁいたーず じぇねれーしょん Best Price name-en: "Street Fighter Zero - Fighters Generation [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes squares around sprites when upscaling. SLPM-66855: name: 咎狗の血 True Blood Limited Edition name-sort: とがいぬのち True Blood Limited Edition name-en: "Togainu no Chi - True Blood [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66856: name: 咎狗の血 True Blood name-sort: とがいぬのち True Blood name-en: "Togainu no Chi - True Blood" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66857: name: いつか、届く、あの空に。 〜陽の道と緋の昏と〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: いつかとどくあのそらに ようのみちとひのたそがれと しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66858: name: いつか、届く、あの空に。 〜陽の道と緋の昏と〜 [通常版] name-sort: いつかとどくあのそらに ようのみちとひのたそがれと name-en: "Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66859: name: 戦国BASARA Best Price name-sort: せんごくばさら Best Price name-en: "Sengoku Basara [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66860: name: 熱帯低気圧少女 [初回限定版] name-sort: ねったいていきあつしょうじょ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Nettai Teikiatsu Shoujo [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66861: name: 熱帯低気圧少女 [通常版] name-sort: ねったいていきあつしょうじょ name-en: "Nettai Teikiatsu Shoujo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66862: name: あやかしびとー幻妖異聞録ー [BestSelection] name-sort: あやかしびと げんよういぶんろく [BestSelection] name-en: "Ayakashi Bito [Best Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66863: name: WWE2008 SmackDown vs Raw name-sort: WWE2008 SmackDown vs Raw name-en: "WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66864: name: ウミショー name-sort: うみしょー name-en: "Umisho" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned line distortian when in QTE. SLPM-66865: name: 戦国BASARA2 name-sort: せんごくばさら2 name-en: "Sengoku Basara 2 [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLPM-66866: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! 北斗の拳2 乱世覇王伝 天覇の章 name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! ほくとのけん2 らんせいはおうでん てんはのしょう name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66867: name: MotoGP 07 name-sort: MotoGP 07 name-en: "MotoGP '07" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66868: name: スプリンターセル 二重スパイ [ユービーアイソフトベスト] name-sort: すぷりんたーせる にじゅうすぱい [ゆーびーあいそふとべすと] name-en: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent [Ubisoft the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66869: name: EA BEST HITS ニード・フォー・スピード カーボン name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど かーぼん [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "Need for Speed - Carbon [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLPM-66870: name: 星色のおくりもの [初回スペシャル限定版] name-sort: ほしいろのおくりもの [しょかいすぺしゃるげんていばん] name-en: "Kuri no Okurimono [First Print Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66871: name: 召喚少女-ElementalGirl Calling- [DXパック] name-sort: しょうかんしょうじょ ElementalGirl Calling [DXぱっく] name-en: "Shoukan Shoujo - Elemental Girl Calling [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66872: name: 召喚少女-ElementalGirl Calling- [通常版] name-sort: しょうかんしょうじょ ElementalGirl Calling name-en: "Shoukan Shoujo - Elemental Girl Calling" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66873: name: らき☆すた 〜陵桜学園 桜藤祭〜 DXパック name-sort: らきすた りょうおうがくえん おうとうさい DXぱっく name-en: "Lucky Star [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66874: name: らき☆すた 〜陵桜学園 桜藤祭〜 name-sort: らきすた りょうおうがくえん おうとうさい name-en: "Lucky Star" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66875: name: 実況パワフルメジャーリーグ2 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるめじゃーりーぐ2 name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Major League 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66876: name: IZUMO2 -猛き剣の戦記- ベスト版 name-sort: いずも2 もうきけんのせんき べすとばん name-en: "Izumo 2 [GN Software Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66877: name: _summer## ベスト版 name-sort: あんだーばーさまーだぶるしゃーぷ [べすとばん] name-en: "_summer ## [GNsoftware Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66878: name: ドカポンキングダム name-sort: どかぽんきんぐだむ name-en: "Dokapon Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66879: name: StarTRain -your past makes your future- [初回限定版] name-sort: StarTRain -your past makes your future- しょかいげんていばん name-en: "StarTRain - Your Past Makes Your Future [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66880: name: StarTRain -your past makes your future- [通常版] name-sort: StarTRain -your past makes your future- name-en: "StarTRain - Your Past Makes Your Future" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66881: name: TOCA RACE DRIVER™ 3 THE ULTIMATE RACING SIMULATOR name-sort: TOCA RACE DRIVER™ 3 THE ULTIMATE RACING SIMULATOR name-en: "TOCA Race Driver 3 - The Ultimate Racing Simulator" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLPM-66882: name: はかれなはーと 〜君がために輝きを〜 [限定版・サントラボイスCD付] name-sort: はかれなはーと きみがためにかがやきを [げんていばん さんとらぼいすCDつき] name-en: "Hakarena Heart [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66883: name: はかれなはーと 〜君がために輝きを〜 name-sort: はかれなはーと きみがためにかがやきを name-en: "Hakarena Heart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66884: name: NBA LIVE 08 name-sort: NBA LIVE 08 name-en: "NBA Live '08" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66885: name: ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン2008 name-sort: わーるどさっかーういにんぐいれぶん2008 name-en: "Winning Eleven 2008" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66886: name: ハリー・ポッターと不死鳥の騎士団 name-sort: はりーぽったーとふしちょうのきしだん name-en: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPM-66887: name: 遙かなる時空の中で3 運命の迷宮 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで3 うんめいのめいきゅう [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 - Unmei no Meikyuu [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66888: name: ジーワン ジョッキー4 2007 name-sort: じーわん じょっきー4 2007 name-en: "G1 Jockey 4 - 2007" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66889: name: ぷりサガ〜プリンセスをさがせ〜 初回限定版 name-sort: ぷりさが ぷりんせすをさがせ [しょかいげんていばん] name-en: "Puri-Saga! Princess o Sagase! [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66890: name: ぷりサガ〜プリンセスをさがせ〜 name-sort: ぷりさが ぷりんせすをさがせ name-en: "Puri-Saga! Princess o Sagase!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66891: name: Myself;Yourself [初回限定版] name-sort: まいせるふ ゆあせるふ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Myself, Yourself [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66892: name: Myself;Yourself name-sort: まいせるふ ゆあせるふ name-en: "Myself, Yourself" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66893: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI ヴァナ・ディール コレクション [プレイオンライン] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 ゔぁな・でぃーる これくしょん [ぷれいおんらいん] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Vana'diel Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66894: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI アルタナの神兵 拡張データディスク name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 あるたなのかみへい かくちょうでーたでぃすく name-en: "Final Fantasy XI - Wings of the Goddess" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66895: name: マネーすごろく カブコロ name-sort: まねーすごろく かぶころ name-en: "Manea Sugoroku - Kabukuro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66896: name: Piaキャロットへようこそ!!G.O. 〜サマーフェア〜 name-sort: ぴあきゃろっとへようこそ!! G.O. さまーふぇあ name-en: "Pia Carrot he Youkoso!! G.O. Summer Fair" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66897: name: XYANIDE:ザイナイド name-sort: ざいないど name-en: "Xyanide" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post lighting. SLPM-66898: name: スペクトラルジーン [限定版] name-sort: すぺくとらるじーん [げんていばん] name-en: "Spectral Gene [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66899: name: スペクトラルジーン name-sort: すぺくとらるじーん name-en: "Spectral Gene" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66900: name: 星色のおくりもの name-sort: ほしいろのおくりもの name-en: "Hoshi Iro no Okurimono" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66901: name: 12RIVEN - the Ψcliminal of integral - name-en: "12Riven - The Psi-Climinal of Integral" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66902: name: ディズニープリンセス 魔法の世界へ name-sort: でぃずにーぷりんせす まほうのせかいへ name-en: "Disney Princess - Enchanted Journey" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66903: name: ジーワン ジョッキー4 2007 & Winning Post7 2007 プレミアムパック name-sort: じーわん じょっきー4 2007 & ういにんぐぽすと7 2007 ぷれみあむぱっく name-en: "G1 Jockey 4 - 2007 [with Winning Post 7 Maximum 2007 - Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66904: name: "Winning Post 7 Maximum 2007 [with G1 Jockey 4 - 2007 - Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66905: name: D.C. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 the Origin name-sort: だかーぽ the Origin name-en: "D.C. Da Capo The Origin" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces sprite artifacts like in the menu. SLPM-66906: name: アスミック得だねシリーズ 転生學園月光録 name-sort: てんしょうがくえんげっこうろく [あすみっくとくだねしりーず] name-en: "Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku [Tokudane Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66907: name: 許婚 [プリンセスソフト・コレクション] name-sort: いいなずけ [ぷりんせすそふと・これくしょん] name-en: "Iinazuke [Princess Soft Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66908: name: IZUMO2 学園狂想曲 ダブルタクト name-sort: いずも2 がくえんきょうそうきょく だぶるたくと name-en: "Izumo 2 - Gakuen Kyousoukyoku - Double Tact" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66909: name: 神曲奏界ポリフォニカ 3&4話完結編 name-sort: しんきょくそうかいぽりふぉにか 3&4わかんけつへん name-en: "Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Episode 3&4 Kanketsuhen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66910: name: スタントマン:イグニッション name-sort: すたんとまん:いぐにっしょん name-en: "Stuntman - Ignition" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment. SLPM-66911: name: ふぁいなりすと [プリンセスソフト・コレクション] name-sort: ふぁいなりすと [ぷりんせすそふと・これくしょん] name-en: "Finalist [Princess Soft Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66912: name: ひぐらしのなく頃に祭 カケラ遊び アペンド版 name-sort: ひぐらしのなくころにまつり かけらあそび あぺんどばん name-en: "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri - Kakera Asobi [Append Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66913: name: ひぐらしのなく頃に祭 カケラ遊び name-sort: ひぐらしのなくころにまつり かけらあそび name-en: "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri - Kakera Asobi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66914: name: 放課後は白銀の調べ name-sort: ほうかごははくぎんのしらべ name-en: "Houkago ha Hakugin no Shirabe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66915: name: 遊戯王GX タッグフォース エヴォリューション name-sort: ゆうぎおうGX たっぐふぉーす えゔぉりゅーしょん name-en: "Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX - Tag Force Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66916: name: 実況パワフルプロ野球14決定版 name-sort: じっきょうぱわふるぷろやきゅう14けっていばん name-en: "Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14 Ketteiban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66917: name: Grand Theft Auto:Vice City Stories name-sort: ぐらんどせふとおーと ばいすしてぃ すとーりーず name-en: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned effect when in-game Trails option is turned on. SLPM-66918: name: プリンセスメーカー5 name-sort: ぷりんせすめーかー5 name-en: "Princess Maker 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66919: name: 吸血奇譚 ムーンタイズ name-sort: きゅうけつきたん むーんたいず name-en: "Kyuuketsu Kitan Moonties" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_PointListPalette" SLPM-66920: name: ほしフル〜星の降る街〜 name-sort: ほしふる ほしのふるまち name-en: "Hoshi Furu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66921: name: H2Oプラス name-sort: H2Oぷらす name-en: "H2O" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66922: name: D.C.II P.S. 〜ダ・カーポII〜 プラスシチュエーション DXパック name-sort: だかーぽ2 ぷらすしちゅえーしょん DXぱっく name-en: "D.C.II P.S. - Da Capo II - Plus Situation [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66923: name: D.C.II P.S. 〜ダ・カーポII〜 プラスシチュエーション DXパック [ディスク2] name-sort: だかーぽ2 ぷらすしちゅえーしょん DXぱっく name-en: "D.C.II P.S. - Da Capo II - Plus Situation [DX Pack] [ディスク2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66924: name: D.C.II P.S. 〜ダ・カーポII〜 プラスシチュエーション name-sort: だかーぽ2 ぷらすしちゅえーしょん name-en: "D.C.II P.S. - Da Capo II - Plus Situation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66925: name: D.C.II P.S. 〜ダ・カーポII〜 プラスシチュエーション [ディスク2] name-sort: だかーぽ2 ぷらすしちゅえーしょん name-en: "D.C.II P.S. - Da Capo II - Plus Situation [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66926: name: NiGHTS into Dreams... name-sort: NiGHTS into Dreams... name-en: "NiGHTS into Dreams..." region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66927: name: レッスルエンジェルス SURVIVOR Good Price name-sort: れっするえんじぇるす SURVIVOR Good Price name-en: "Wrestle Angels Survivor [Good Price]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66239" - "SLPM-66927" SLPM-66928: name: "Your Memories Off Girls Style" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66929: name: エルミナージュ 〜闇の巫女と神々の指輪〜 name-sort: えるみなーじゅ やみのみことかみがみのゆびわ name-en: "Elminage - Yami no Fujo to Kamigami no Yubiwa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66930: name: "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66931: name: ドリフトナイツ:Juiced2 name-sort: どりふとないつ:Juiced2 name-en: "Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66932: name: ニード・フォー・スピード プロストリート name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど ぷろすとりーと name-en: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLPM-66933: name: 君が主で執事が俺で〜お仕え日記〜 初回限定版 name-sort: きみがあるじでしつじがおれで おつかえにっき しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de - Oshie Nikki [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66934: name: 君が主で執事が俺で〜お仕え日記〜 name-sort: きみがあるじでしつじがおれで おつかえにっき name-en: "Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de - Oshie Nikki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66935: name: true tears〜トゥルーティアーズ〜 name-sort: とぅるーてぃあーず name-en: "true tears" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66936: name: ナイトウィザード The VIDEO GAME 〜Denial of the World〜 name-sort: ないとうぃざーど The VIDEO GAME 〜Denial of the World〜 name-en: "Night Wizard - The Video Game - Denial of the World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66937: name: 雀・三國無双 [KOEI The Best] name-sort: じゃんさんごくむそう [KOEI The Best] name-en: "Jan Sangoku Musou [Koei the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66938: name: コーエー定番シリーズ アンジェリークエトワール name-sort: あんじぇりーくえとわーる [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Angelique Etoile [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66939: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 亡国のイージス2035 〜ウォーシップガンナー〜 name-sort: ぼうこくのいーじす2035 うぉーしっぷがんなー [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Boukoku no Aegis 2035 - Warship Gunner [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66940: name: ガンダム無双Special name-sort: がんだむむそうSpecial name-en: "Gundam Musou Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66941: name: 北斗の拳 審判の双蒼星 拳豪列伝 SEGA THE BEST name-sort: ほくとのけん しんぱんのそうそうせい けんごうれつでん SEGA THE BEST name-en: "Hokuto no Ken [Sega the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66942: name: Φ(ふぁい)なる・あぷろーち 2 〜1st priority〜 <初回限定版> name-sort: ふぁいなる・あぷろーち2 〜1st priority〜 <しょかいげんていばん> name-en: "Final Approach 2 - 1st Priority [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66943: name: Φ(ふぁい)なる・あぷろーち 2 〜1st priority〜 name-sort: ふぁいなる・あぷろーち2 〜1st priority〜 name-en: "Final Approach 2 - 1st Priority" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66944: name: プティフール 限定版 name-sort: ぷてぃふーる [げんていばん] name-en: "Petit Four [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66945: name: プティフール name-sort: ぷてぃふーる name-en: "Petit Four" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66946: name: EA BEST HITS NBAライブ 07 name-sort: NBAらいぶ 07 [EA BEST HITS] name-en: "NBA Live '07 [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPM-66947: name: 信長の野望・革新 with パワーアップキット name-sort: のぶながのやぼう かくしん with ぱわーあっぷきっと name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin [with Power-Up Kit]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66948: name: 信長の野望・革新 with パワーアップキット & 三國志11 with パワーアップキット ツインパック name-sort: のぶながのやぼう かくしん with ぱわーあっぷきっと & さんごくし11 with ぱわーあっぷきっと ついんぱっく name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin [with Power-Up Kit and Sangokushi XI]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66950: name: ウイニングポスト7 マキシマム2008 name-sort: ういにんぐぽすと7 まきしまむ2008 name-en: "Winning Post 7 Maximum 2008" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66951: name: 遙かなる時空の中で4 プレミアムBOX name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで4 [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66952: name: 遙かなる時空の中で4 name-sort: はるかなるときのなかで4 name-en: "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66953: name: 無双OROCHI 魔王再臨 name-sort: むそうOROCHI まおうさいりん name-en: "Musou Orochi - Maou Sairin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66954: name: 信長の野望 Online 争覇の章 name-sort: のぶながのやぼう おんらいん そうはのしょう name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Online - Souha no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66956: name: ネオ アンジェリーク フルボイス name-sort: ねお あんじぇりーく ふるぼいす name-en: "Neo Angelique - Full Voice" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66957: name: Broccoli Best Quality 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン バトルオーケストラ name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん ばとるおーけすとら [Broccoli Best Quality] name-en: "Neon Genesis Evangelion - Battle Orchestra [Broccoli Best Quality]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66958: name: アオイシロ 初回限定版 name-sort: あおいしろ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Aoi Shiro [Genteiban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66959: name: アオイシロ name-sort: あおいしろ name-en: "Aoishiro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66960: name: EA:SY!1980 ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーグラウンド 2 車道 name-sort: にーど ふぉー すぴーど あんだーぐらうんど 2 しゃどう [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "Need for Speed - Underground 2 [EA-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLPM-66961: name: EA:SY!1980 BLACK name-sort: BLACK [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "Black [EA-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-66962: name: EA:SY!1980 バーンアウト 3 テイクダウン name-sort: ばーんあうと 3 ていくだうん [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "Burnout 3 - Takedown [EA-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLPM-66963: name: EA:SY!1980 MEDAL OF HONOR 史上最大の作戦 name-sort: MEDAL OF HONOR しじょうさいだいのさくせん [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "Medal of Honor - Frontline [EA-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66964: name: GUILTY GEAR XX Λ CORE PLUS アペンド版 name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす あくせんと こあ ぷらす あぺんどばん name-en: "Guilty Gear XX - Accent Core Plus [Append Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66965: name: GUILTY GEAR XX Λ CORE PLUS name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす あくせんと こあ ぷらす name-en: "Guilty Gear XX - Accent Core Plus" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66966: name: EA:SY!1980 ゴッドファーザー name-sort: ごっどふぁーざー [EA:SY!1980] name-en: "Godfather, The [EA-SY! 1980]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLPM-66967: name: ARIA the NATURAL 〜遠い記憶のミラージュ〜 アルケベスト name-sort: ありあ ざ なちゅらる とおいきおくのみらーじゅ あるけべすと name-en: "Aria - The Natural - Tooi Yume no Mirage [Alchemist Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66968: name: ACQUIRE THE BEST 神業 name-sort: かみわざ [ACQUIRE THE BEST] name-en: "Kamiwaza [Acquire the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66969: name: ほしがりエンプーサ name-sort: ほしがりえんぷーさ name-en: "Hoshigari Empusa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66970: name: プロ野球スピリッツ5 name-sort: ぷろやきゅうすぴりっつ5 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66971: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 三國志IX with パワーアップキット name-sort: さんごくし9 with ぱわーあっぷきっと [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Sangokushi IX [with Power-Up Kit] [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66972: name: コーエー定番シリーズ 鋼鉄の咆哮2 ウォーシップコマンダー name-sort: くろがねのほうこう2 うぉーしっぷこまんだー [こーえーていばんしりーず] name-en: "Kurogane no Houkou 2 - Warship Commander [Koei Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66973: name: プリンセスナイトメア name-sort: ぷりんせすないとめあ name-en: "Princess Nightmare" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66974: name: スロッターUPコア10 マッハGoGoGo 2 name-sort: すろったーUPこあ10 まっはGoGoGo 2 name-en: "Slotter Up Core 10 - Mach GoGoGo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66975: name: "Edel Blume [Genteiban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66976: name: "Edel Blume" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66977: name: 神曲奏界ポリフォニカ 0〜4話フルパック name-sort: しんきょくそうかいぽりふぉにか 0〜4わふるぱっく name-en: "Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Story 0-4 Full Pack" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66978: name: ペルソナ4 name-sort: ぺるそな4 name-en: "Persona 4 [Konami-style Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-66980: name: "Gin no Eclipse" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66981: name: "CLANNAD 新版" name-sort: "くらなど しんばん" name-en: "Clannad [New Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66982: name: "AIR ベスト版" name-sort: "えあー べすとばん" name-en: "AIR [Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66984: name: "Gakuen Heaven - Boy's Love Scramble!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66987: name: 九龍妖魔学園紀 再装填(re:charge) アトラスベストコレクション name-sort: くうろんようまがくえんき りちゃーじ [あとらすべすとこれくしょん] name-en: "Kowloon Youma Gakuen Ki [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66988: name: "Memories Off 6 - T-Wave" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66989: name: キャッスルファンタジア アリハト戦記 ベスト版 name-sort: きゃっするふぁんたじあ ありはとせんき べすとばん name-en: "Castle Fantasia - Arihato Senki [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66990: name: 魔女っ娘ア・ラ・モードII 〜魔法と剣のストラグル〜 ベスト版 name-sort: まじょっこあらもーど2 まほうとけんのすとらぐる べすとばん name-en: "Majo-kko A La Mode II [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_PointListPalette" SLPM-66991: name: 風雨来記 nice price! name-sort: ふううらいき nice price! name-en: "Fuuuraiki [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66992: name: 風雨来記2 nice price! name-sort: ふううらいき2 nice price! name-en: "Fuuuraiki 2 [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66993: name: リムランナーズ nice price! name-sort: りむらんなーず nice price! name-en: "Rim Runners [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66994: name: マナケミア 〜学園の錬金術士たち〜 [ガストベストプライス] name-sort: まなけみあ 〜がくえんのれんきんじゅつしたち〜 [がすとべすとぷらいす] name-en: "Mana-Khemia - Gakuen no Renkinjutsu Shitachi [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes jump issue. gameFixes: - DMABusyHack - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical lines in FMV. SLPM-66995: name: "Beatmania IIDX 14 - Gold" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66996: name: 終末少女幻想アリスマチック 〜Apocalypse〜 初回限定版 name-sort: しゅうまつしょうじょげんそうありすまちっく 〜Apocalypse〜 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Shuumatsu Shoujo Gensou Alicematic Apocalypse [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66997: name: 終末少女幻想アリスマチック 〜Apocalypse〜 name-sort: しゅうまつしょうじょげんそうありすまちっく 〜Apocalypse〜 name-en: "Shuumatsu Shoujo Gensou Alicematic Apocalypse" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66998: name: ふしぎ遊戯 朱雀異聞 限定版 name-sort: ふしぎゆうぎ すざくいぶん [げんていばん] name-en: "Fushigi Yuugi - Suzaku Ibun [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-66999: name: ふしぎ遊戯 朱雀異聞 name-sort: ふしぎゆうぎ すざくいぶん name-en: "Fushigi Yuugi - Suzaku Ibun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67000: name: ふしぎ遊戯 玄武開伝 外伝 鏡の巫女 [IFコレクション] name-sort: ふしぎゆうぎ げんぶひらきでん がいでん きょうのみこ [あいであふぁくとりーこれくしょん] name-en: "Fushigi Yuugi - ShigiYuugi Kurotake Kaiden Gaiden - Kagami no Fujo [Idea Factory Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67001: name: "Wonder Zone" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67002: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SUBSTANCE name-sort: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SUBSTANCE name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes depth of field blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-67003: name: サクラ大戦 〜熱き血潮に〜 name-sort: さくらたいせん 〜あつきちしおに〜 name-en: "Sakura Taisen - Atsuki Chishio ni" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Removes blur from the image. SLPM-67004: name: メダル オブ オナー ライジングサン name-sort: めだる おぶ おなー らいじんぐさん name-en: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67005: name: ロード・オブ・ザ・リング / 王の帰還 name-sort: ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ / おうのきかん name-en: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers [EA Best Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLPM-67006: name: Train Simulator 九州新幹線 name-sort: Train Simulator きゅうしゅうしんかんせん name-en: "Train Simulator - Kyushu Shinkansen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67007: name: Train Simulator 京成・都営浅草・京急線 name-sort: Train Simulator けいせい・とえいあさくさ・けいきゅうせん name-en: "Train Simulator - Keisei Toei Asakusa Keikyu Line" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67008: name: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SUBSTANCE コナミ殿堂セレクション name-sort: METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SUBSTANCE こなみでんどうせれくしょん name-en: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance [Konami Dendou Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes depth of field blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-67009: name: サクラ大戦V 〜さらば愛しき人よ〜 name-sort: さくらたいせんV 〜さらばいとしきひとよ〜 name-en: "Sakura Taisen V - Saraba Itoshiki Hito Yo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67010: name: ゴッド・オブ・ウォー name-sort: ごっど・おぶ・うぉー name-en: "God of War" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SLPM-67011: name: ゴッド・オブ・ウォー カプコレ name-sort: ごっど・おぶ・うぉー かぷこれ name-en: "God of War [CapKore]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SLPM-67012: name: ゴッド・オブ・ウォー Best Price! name-sort: ごっど・おぶ・うぉー Best Price! name-en: "God of War [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines and minor ghosting. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun going through walls. SLPM-67013: name: ゴッド・オブ・ウォー II 終焉への序曲 name-sort: ごっど・おぶ・うぉー II しゅうえんへのじょきょく name-en: "God of War II - The End Begins" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SLPM-67014: name: "Sengoku Musou 2 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67015: name: School Days L×H name-sort: School Days L×H name-en: "School Days LxH" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-67017: name: "God of War II - The End Begins [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes enemies attacks turning into squares. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes water vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes chromatic effect. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SLPM-67502: name: "Devil May Cry" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-67503: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLPM-67504: name: "SSX Tricky" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanish into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLPM-67505: name: "007 - Agent Under Fire" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes corrupt textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting SLPM-67506: name: "Thunder Strike - Operation Phoenix" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67507: name: "Onimusha - Warlords" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. SLPM-67508: name: "Gitaroo Man" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. patches: default: content: |- author=boringhexi // fix stage 4 flashing triangles patch=0,EE,00102d40,word,00000000 SLPM-67512: name: "2002 FIFA World Cup" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-67513: name: "Final Fantasy X International" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes character flickering caused by EE clamp full. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPM-67514: name: "Kessen" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67515: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-67516: name: "Soul Reaver 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67517: name: "Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67518: name: "Onimusha 2 Samurai's Destiny" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67519: name: "Rayman 2 Revolution" region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game hanging in the "Clark running away" ingame cutscene. SLPM-67520: name: "Disney's Tarzan - Untamed" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned shadows. SLPM-67521: name: "E.O.E. - Eve of Extinction" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67522: name: "Sangokushi Senki" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67523: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67524: name: "Armored Core 3" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces garbage on the UI whilst upscaling. SLPM-67525: name: "Medal of Honor - Frontline" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67526: name: "Ghost Vibration" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67527: name: "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes intro audio desync. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # White textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line and blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-67528: name: "Hajime no Ippo - Victorious Boxers [Championship Edition]" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67529: name: "Gun Survivor 3 Dino Crisis" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLPM-67530: name: "NHL 2003" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67531: name: "Kessen 2" region: "NTSC-K" patches: 46CFF455: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, also Q reading errors rearranging. patch=1,EE,001966BC,word,4BC0109C patch=1,EE,001966C0,word,4BC018DC patch=1,EE,001966C4,word,4A6803BE patch=1,EE,001964F4,word,4BC0109C patch=1,EE,001964F8,word,4BC018DC patch=1,EE,001964FC,word,4A6803BE patch=1,EE,00166CD0,word,48438800 patch=1,EE,00166CDC,word,4BE521AC SLPM-67533: name: "Men in Black II - Alien Escape" region: "NTSC-K" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. SLPM-67535: name: "Memories Off" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67536: name: "Bongsin Yeonui 2" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67537: name: "FIFA 2003" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLPM-67538: name: "Sidewinder F" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67540: name: "Auto Modellista" region: "NTSC-K" compat: 5 SLPM-67541: name: "NBA Live 2003" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67543: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "NTSC-K" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLPM-67545: name: "Project Minerva" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67546: name: "Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" region: "NTSC-K" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLPM-67550: name: "Jin Samguk Mussang 2 - Maengjangjeon" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-67552: name: "Tomak - Save the Earth Again [Complete Edition]" region: "NTSC-K" SLPM-68003: name: "Formula Suzuki Hayabusa Time Attack" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68005: name: "Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya [Demo - Coca Cola Original Version]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. SLPM-68007: name: "Karaoke Revolution-you Mic Doukon Online Otameshi Disc" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68008: name: "Virtua Fighter - 10th Anniversary Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68012: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 & Moushouden Saikyou Data" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68014: name: "Newtype Gundam Game Special Disc" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68016: name: ダージュ・オブ・ケルベロス -ファイナルファンタジーVII- name-sort: だーじゅ・おぶ・けるべろす ふぁいなるふぁんたじー7 name-en: "Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII Beta Version" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-68017: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Saikyou Save Data]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66275" SLPM-68018: name: "Virtua Fighter - 10th Anniversary Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68019: name: "Naruto Shippuuden - Narutimate Accel 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLPM-68020: name: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi - Uchuu-hatsu! Full CG - Odoru SOS-dan (Chou Eizou-ban)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68501: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68502: name: "Zeonic Front - Kidou Senshi Gundam 0079" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68503: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [Shareholder Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-68504: name: "Tokimeki Memorial 3 - Special Sound Track" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68505: name: "Gensou Suikoden III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68509: name: "Initial D - Special Stage" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68513: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2 V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68514: name: "Front Mission Online" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68516: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater [Shareholder Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLPM-68519: name: "Enthusia Professional Racing - Subaru Impreza WRX STI" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Corrects crazy car AI and prevents crash. vuClampMode: 3 # Stops freezing at race start. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLPM-68520: name: "Armored Core - Last Raven [Monthly Champion magazine Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SLPM-68521: name: ".hack frägment [Senkou Release-ban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68523: name: "Phantasy Star Universe (Premiere Disc)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68524: name: "Metal Gear Online" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-68525: name: "Keshikyun Puzzle - Atori Mahiro vs. Saitou Hajime vs. Noel vs. Hakkai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-69001: name: "PictureParadise Club" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-69002: name: "NetFront" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-69004: name: "EGBrowser Light for I-O Data Device, Inc." region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-69006: name: "PictureParadise Club Vol. 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74001: name: ガングリフォンブレイズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: がんぐりふぉんぶれいず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gungriffon Blaze [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74002: name: 真・三國無双 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんさんごくむそう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74003: name: クラッシュ・バンディクー4 さくれつ!魔神パワー PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: くらっしゅばんでぃくー4 さくれつ!まじんぱわー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Crash Bandicoot 4 - Sakuretsu! Majin Power [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLPM-74004: name: マキシモ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: まきしも PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Maximo - Ghosts to Glory [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74005: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74006: name: Rez PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: れず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Rez [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74007: name: BUSIN〜Wizardry Alternative〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: BUSIN〜Wizardry Alternative〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Busin - Wizardry Alternative [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74044: name: "Space Channel 5 - Part 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74101: name: ボンバーマンランド2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼんばーまんらんど2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bomberman Land 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74102: name: 桃太郎電鉄12 西日本編もありまっせー! PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ12 にしにほんへんもありまっせー! PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu 12 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74103: name: 桃太郎電鉄USA PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ももたろうでんてつUSA PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu USA [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74104: name: 桃太郎電鉄15 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ももたろうでんてつ15 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Momotarou Dentetsu 15 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74105: name: "Momotarou Dentetsu 16 - Hokkaido Daiidou no Maki!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74201: name: バイオハザード アウトブレイク PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ばいおはざーど あうとぶれいく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "BioHazard Outbreak [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74202: name: 風雲 新撰組 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ふううん しんせんぐみ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fuuun Shinsengumi [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74204: name: 首都高バトル 01 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しゅとこうばとる 01 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shutokou Battle 01 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Improves visual clarity whilst upscaling. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces graphics garbage on UI whilst upscaling. SLPM-74205: name: 真・女神転生 III - NOCTURNE PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんめがみてんせい3 - NOCTURNE PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Megami Tensei III - Nocturne [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-74206: name: 鬼武者 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: おにむしゃ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Onimusha [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. SLPM-74208: name: 天外魔境II MANJI MARU PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てんがいまきょう2 MANJI MARU PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tengai Makyou 2 - Manjimaru [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74209: name: 侍道2 決闘版 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さむらいどう2 けっとうばん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Samurai Michi 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74210: name: ぷよぷよフィーバー お買い得版 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぷよぷよふぃーばー おかいどくばん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Puyo Puyo Fever [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74211: name: 首都高バトル 0 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しゅとこうばとる 0 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shutokou Battle 0 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPM-74212: name: "Sengoku Musou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74213: name: "Gensou Suikoden IV" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74214: name: "Densha de Go! Final" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74215: name: 真・三國無双3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74217: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74218: name: シャイニング・ティアーズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しゃいにんぐ・てぃあーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shining Tears [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74219: name: 真・三國無双3Empires PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんさんごくむそう3 えんぱいあーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 3 - Empires [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74220: name: 剣豪3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: けんごう3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kengo 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74221: name: 喧嘩番長 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: けんかばんちょう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kenka Banchou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74222: name: 侍〜完全版〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さむらい かんぜんばん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Samurai Kanzenban [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SLPM-74223: name: "Kessen III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74224: name: "Sengoku Musou Moushouden [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74225: name: 信長の野望・天下創世 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: のぶながのやぼう てんかそうせい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Sousei [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74226: name: METAL SAGA 〜砂塵の鎖〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: めたるさーが さじんのくさり PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Metal Saga - Sajin no Kusari [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes combat interface. SLPM-74227: name: 戦神-いくさがみ- PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: いくさがみ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ikusa Gami [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes black screen on boot. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and bloom. SLPM-74228: name: 風雲幕末伝 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ふううんばくまつでん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fuuun Bakumatsu-den [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74229: name: "BioHazard 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-74230: name: Devil May Cry PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: Devil May Cry PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Devil May Cry [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLPM-74231: name: 決戦III PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: けっせん3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kessen III [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74232: name: 新鬼武者 DAWN OF DREAMS PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんおにむしゃ DAWN OF DREAMS PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Wrong white textures in FMV. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66275" SLPM-74233: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [PlayStation 2 the Best][Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-74232" SLPM-74234: name: 龍が如く PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: りゅうがごとく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ryu Ga Gotoku [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLPM-74235: name: 戦国無双 PlayStation 2 the Best(価格改定版) name-sort: せんごくむそう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Sengoku Musou [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74236: name: 真・三國無双4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74237: name: NEW人生ゲーム PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: NEWじんせいげーむ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "New Jinsei Game [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74238: name: 幻想水滸伝V PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: げんそうすいこでんV PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gensou Suikoden V [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74239: name: 大神 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: おおかみ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Okami [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment issues but the game is just bad for upscaling. SLPM-74240: name: 天外魔境III NAMIDA PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てんがいまきょう3 NAMIDA PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tengai Makyou III - Namida [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74241: name: GOD HAND PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: GOD HAND PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "God Hand [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Depth of field effect aligned properly + Shifts buildings correctly. SLPM-74242: name: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Devil May Cry 3 [Special Edition] [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLPM-74243: name: トゥルー・クライム〜ニューヨークシティ〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: とぅるー くらいむ にゅーよーくしてぃ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "True Crime - New York City [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS on highway. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes scene switching in intro. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes numberplates and ensures above targets are valid. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in some post-effects. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-74244: name: ファンタシー スター ユニバース PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ふぁんたしーすたーゆにばーす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Phantasy Star Universe [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving (especially Chapter 7 boss). SLPM-74245: name: モンスターハンター2(dos) PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: もんすたーはんたー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Monster Hunter 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLPM-74246: name: CAPCOM VS.SNK 2 MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: CAPCOM VS.SNK 2 MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Millionaire Fighting 2001 [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74247: name: 戦国無双2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: せんごくむそう2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Sengoku Musou 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps to alleviate misaligned text. memcardFilters: - "SLAJ-25077" - "SLPM-66307" - "SLPM-74247" - "SLAJ-25035" - "SLPM-65517" - "SLPM-74212" - "SLPM-74235" - "SLAJ-25048" - "SLPM-65718" - "SLPM-74224" - "SLPM-74249" SLPM-74248: name: モンスターハンターG PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: もんすたーはんたーG PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Monster Hunter G [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLPM-74249: name: 戦国無双 猛将伝 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: せんごくむそう もうしょうでん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Sengoku Musou Moushouden [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74250: name: 真・三國無双4 猛将伝 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんさんごくむそう4 もうしょうでん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 Moushouden [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLPM-74251: name: 新鬼武者 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんおにむしゃ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66275" SLPM-74252: name: "Shin Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLPM-74251" SLPM-74253: name: 龍が如く PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: りゅうがごとく PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ryu ga Gotoku [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74254: name: EX人生ゲームII PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: EXじんせいげーむII PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "EX Jinsei Game II [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74255: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-74256: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-74257: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (Disc 1) (Subsistence)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74258: name: "Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74259: name: オーディンスフィア PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: おーでぃんすふぃあ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Odin Sphere [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74260: name: "Shining Force EXA" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74261: name: "Shining Wind [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - DMABusyHack SLPM-74262: name: "Biohazard 4" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-74263: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Sousei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74264: name: "Sengoku Basara 2 - Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74265: name: 信長の野望・革新 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: のぶながのやぼう かくしん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74266: name: "Sengoku Musou 2 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74267: name: "Gundam Musou Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74268: name: "Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74269: name: "Ryuu ga Gotoku" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLPM-74270: name: Fate/stay night[Realta Nua] PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ふぇいと すていないと れあるたぬあ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fate-stay Night - Realta Nua [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74273: name: "New Jinsei Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74274: name: "EX Jinsei Game II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74275: name: "Sengoku Basara 2 - Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74276: name: ガンダム無双2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: がんだむむそう2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Sangoku Musou 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74277: name: ペルソナ3フェス PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぺるそな3ふぇす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Persona 3 FES [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-74278: name: ペルソナ4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぺるそな4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Persona 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74279: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Moushouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74281: name: "Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74282: name: "Musou Orochi - Maou Sairin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74283: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74284: name: "Sengoku Musou 2 - Empires" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74286: name: 真・三國無双5 Special PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しんさんごくむそう5 Special PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74287: name: "Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74288: name: "BioHazard 4" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLPM-74301: name: 龍が如く2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: りゅうがごとく2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ryu ga Gotoku 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPM-66602" - "SLPM-74301" - "SLPM-66168" - "SLPM-74234" - "SLPM-74253" SLPM-74401: name: "Kessen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74402: name: CAPCOM VS. SNK2 MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: CAPCOM VS. SNK2 MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Capcom vs. SNK 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74403: name: "Densha de Go! Shinkansen [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74404: name: スペースチャンネル5 Part2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: すぺーすちゃんねる5 Part2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Space Channel 5 - Part 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74405: name: 侍〜完全版〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さむらい かんぜんばん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Samurai Complete Edition [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SLPM-74406: name: WRC〜ワールド・ラリー・チャンピオンシップ〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: WRC〜わーるど・らりー・ちゃんぴおんしっぷ〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "World Rally Championship [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes crash when using the Subaru. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS while ingame. SLPM-74407: name: "Jet de Go! 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74408: name: "Rakugaki Kingdom [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74409: name: ガンサバイバー2 バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: がんさばいばー2 ばいおはざーど こーど:べろにか PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gun Survivor 2 - BioHazard Code - Veronica [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74410: name: ブレス オブ ファイアV ドラゴン クォーター PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぶれす おぶ ふぁいあV どらごん くぉーたー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Breath of Fire V - Dragon Quarter [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74411: name: カルドセプト セカンド エキスパンション PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: かるどせぷと せかんど えきすぱんしょん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Culdcept II - Expansion [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74412: name: 剣豪2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: けんごう2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kengo 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74414: name: "Energy Airforce" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74415: name: Shinobi PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: Shinobi PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shinobi [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74416: name: "Clock Tower 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74420: name: 頭文字D Special Stage PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: いにしゃるD Special Stage PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Initial D - Special Stage [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPM-74421: name: 電脳戦機バーチャロン マーズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: でんのうせんきばーちゃろん まーず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dennou Senki - Virtual-On Marz [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes CLUT colours. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLPM-74901: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes depth of field blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLPM-83770: name: ペルソナ3フェス [アペンドディスク版] name-sort: ぺるそな3ふぇす [あぺんどでぃすくばん] name-en: "Persona 3 FES [Append Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPM-84075: name: "Anubis Zone of Enders Special Edition [Konami Dendou Selection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-12345: name: "RoboCop" region: "NTSC-U" SLPS-20000: name: "AH-64D Apache" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20001: name: リッジレーサーV name-sort: りっじれーさーV name-en: "Ridge Racer V" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes texture rendering in the intro. gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes title screen and some intro post processing alignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes ui and hud alignment. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Lots of CLUTs in large textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes car textures. SLPS-20002: name: 撞球 ビリヤードマスター2 name-sort: どうきゅう びりやーどますたー2 name-en: "Doukyu Billiards" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20003: name: ストリートファイターEX3 name-sort: すとりーとふぁいたーEX3 name-en: "Street Fighter EX3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SFEX3" SLPS-20004: name: "Kakinoki Shougi IV" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20005: name: EXビリヤード name-sort: EXびりやーど name-en: "EX Billiards" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20006: name: A列車で行こう6 name-sort: Aれっしゃでいこう6 name-en: "A-Train 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20007: name: DRIVING EMOTION TYPE-S name-sort: DRIVING EMOTION TYPE-S name-en: "Driving Emotion Type-S" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing geometry. gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Garbage in FMVs. - VUSyncHack # Fixes missing geometry. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font misalignment when upscaling. SLPS-20008: name: "Morita Shougi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20009: name: ゴルフパラダイス name-sort: ごるふぱらだいす name-en: "Golf Paradise" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20010: name: 劇空間プロ野球 AT THE END OF THE CENTURY 1999 name-sort: げきくうかんぷろやきゅう AT THE END OF THE CENTURY 1999 name-en: "Pro Baseball Gekikuukan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20011: name: アメリカン・アーケード name-sort: あめりかん・あーけーど name-en: "American Arcade" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20012: name: スカイサーファー name-sort: すかいさーふぁー name-en: "Sky Surfer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20013: name: Primal Image vol.1 name-sort: Primal Image vol.1 name-en: "Primal Image Vol.01" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20015: name: 鉄拳タッグトーナメント name-sort: てっけんたっぐとーなめんと name-en: "Tekken Tag Tournament" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20016: name: ドリームオーディション name-sort: どりーむおーでぃしょん name-en: "Dream Audition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20017: name: ストリート麻雀トランス 麻神2 name-sort: すとりーとまーじゃんとらんす あさしん2 name-en: "Street Mahjong Trance 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20018: name: ステッピングセレクション [ディスク1/2] name-sort: すてっぴんぐせれくしょん [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Stepping Selection [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20018" - "SLPS-20019" SLPS-20019: name: ステッピングセレクション [ディスク2/2] name-sort: すてっぴんぐせれくしょん [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Stepping Selection [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20018" - "SLPS-20019" SLPS-20020: name: FIFA SOCCER WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP name-sort: FIFA SOCCER WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP name-en: "FIFA 2000 World Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20021: name: ワイルドワイルドレーシング name-sort: わいるどわいるどれーしんぐ name-en: "Wild Wild Racing" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20022: name: オールスター・プロレスリング name-sort: おーるすたー・ぷろれすりんぐ name-en: "All-Star Pro Wrestling" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20023: name: クロスファイア name-sort: くろすふぁいあ name-en: "Cross Fire" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20024: name: フレースヴェルグ name-sort: ふれーすゔぇるぐ name-en: "Hresvelgr" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20025: name: エクストリーム・レーシング SSX name-sort: えくすとりーむ・れーしんぐ SSX name-en: "SSX - Snowboard Supercross" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanishing into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting. SLPS-20027: name: AQUAQUA name-sort: AQUAQUA name-en: "Aquaqua" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20028: name: GAME SELECT5 和 name-sort: GAME SELECT5 わ name-en: "Game Select 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20029: name: サーフロイド〜伝説のサーファー〜 name-sort: さーふろいど〜でんせつのさーふぁー〜 name-en: "Surfroid" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20030: name: "Shanghai - The Four Elements" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20031: name: メックスミス・ランディム name-sort: めっくすみす・らんでぃむ name-en: "Mechsmith, The - Run-Dim" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20033: name: GUNGRIFFON BLAZE name-sort: GUNGRIFFON BLAZE name-en: "Gungriffon Blaze" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20034: name: Velvet File name-sort: Velvet File name-en: "Velvet File" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Reduces HC size. SLPS-20035: name: プロ麻雀 極 NEXT name-sort: ぷろまーじゃん きわめ NEXT name-en: "Pro Mahjong Kiwame Next" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SkipMPEGHack # Fixes black screen. SLPS-20036: name: マジカルスポーツ 2000甲子園 name-sort: まじかるすぽーつ 2000こうしえん name-en: "Magical Sports - 2000 Koushien" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20037: name: マジカルスポーツ GoGoGolf name-sort: まじかるすぽーつ GoGoGolf name-en: "Magical Sports - Go Go Golf" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves brightness on terrain textures. SLPS-20038: name: グラップラー刃牙 name-sort: ぐらっぷらーはきば name-en: "Grappler Baki - Baki Saidai no Tournament" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang at menu. SLPS-20039: name: "Ide Yousuke no Mahjong Kazoku 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20040: name: MotoGP name-sort: MotoGP name-en: "MotoGP" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20041: name: 麻雀悟空 大聖 name-sort: まーじゃんごくう たいせい name-en: "Mahjong Goku Taisei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20042: name: F1 Racing Championship name-sort: F1 Racing Championship name-en: "F1 Racing Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20043: name: レイクマスターズEX name-sort: れいくますたーずEX name-en: "Lake Masters Fishing EX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20044: name: F1チャンピオンシップ シーズン2000 name-sort: F1ちゃんぴおんしっぷ しーずん2000 name-en: "F1 Championship Season 2000" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes graphical issues. SLPS-20045: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Juuou [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20046: name: "Kuusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20047: name: 東大将棋 四間飛車道場 name-sort: とうだいしょうぎ しけんびしゃどうじょう name-en: "Toudai Shogi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20048: name: テーマパーク2001 name-sort: てーまぱーく2001 name-en: "Sim Theme Park" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20050: name: Happy! Happy!! Boarders name-sort: Happy! Happy!! Boarders name-en: "Happy! Happy!! Boarders in Hokkaidou Rusutsu Resort" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. SLPS-20051: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV 炎の爆笑軍団 name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV えんのばくしょうぐんだん name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20052: name: Global Folktale name-sort: Global Folktale name-en: "Global Folktale" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20053: name: 天使のプレゼント マール王国物語 限定版 name-sort: てんしのぷれぜんと まーるおうこくものがたり [げんていばん] name-en: "Tenshi no Present - Māru Oukoku Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20054: name: FIFA2001 ワールドチャンピオンシップ name-sort: FIFA2001 わーるどちゃんぴおんしっぷ name-en: "FIFA World Championship 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLPS-20055: name: テクニクティクス name-sort: てくにくてぃくす name-en: "Technictix" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20056: name: "Colorio - Hagaki Print" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20057: name: DOG OF BAY name-sort: DOG OF BAY name-en: "Dog of Bay" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted textures. SLPS-20058: name: 剣豪 name-sort: けんごう name-en: "Kengo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20059: name: フレースヴェルグ インターナショナルエディション name-sort: ふれーすゔぇるぐ いんたーなしょなるえでぃしょん name-en: "Hresvelgr [International Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20060: name: ドリームオーディション2 name-sort: どりーむおーでぃしょん2 name-en: "Dream Audition 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20061: name: "Mamimune - Mogacho no Print Hour" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20062: name: トラック狂走曲 〜愛と哀しみのロデオ〜 name-sort: とらっくきょうそうきょく 〜あいとかなしみのろでお〜 name-en: "Truck Kyousoukyoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20064: name: トップギア・デアデビル name-sort: とっぷぎあ・であでびる name-en: "Top Gear Daredevil" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20065: name: MADDEN NFL スーパーボウル 2001 name-sort: MADDEN NFL すーぱーぼうる 2001 name-en: "Madden NFL 2001" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20066: name: 天使のプレゼント マール王国物語 name-sort: てんしのぷれぜんと まーるおうこくものがたり name-en: "Rhapsody 3 - Tenshi no Present - The Marl Kingdom Stories" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20067: name: CRAZY BUMP’S かっとびカーバトル! name-sort: CRAZY BUMP’S かっとびかーばとる! name-en: "Crazy Bumps" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20068: name: MIDNIGHT CLUB〜STREET RACING〜 name-sort: MIDNIGHT CLUB〜STREET RACING〜 name-en: "Midnight Club - Street Racing" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20068" - "SLPS-20067" SLPS-20070: name: "Disney's Donald Duck - Rescue Daisakusen!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20071: name: GAME SELECT 5 洋 name-sort: GAME SELECT 5 よう name-en: "Game Select 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20072: name: リアルロボットレジメント name-sort: りあるろぼっとれじめんと name-en: "Real Robots Regiment" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20073: name: NBAライブ2001 name-sort: NBAらいぶ2001 name-en: "NBA Live 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20074: name: "Kousoku Tanigawa Shougi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20075: name: "Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix - Joshou-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20077: name: "Pilot ni Narou! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20078: name: シムピープル お茶の間劇場 name-sort: しむぴーぷる おちゃのまげきじょう name-en: "Sim People" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20080: name: "Typing Namidabashi - Ashita no Joe Touda" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20081: name: "Typing Namidabashi - Ashita no Joe Touda" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20082: name: 最強 東大将棋3 name-sort: さいきょう とうだいしょうぎ3 name-en: "Saikyou Toudai Shogi 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20083: name: レスキューヘリ エアレンジャー name-sort: れすきゅーへり えあれんじゃー name-en: "Air Ranger Rescue Helicopter" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes graphics. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes ground graphics. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes ground graphics. SLPS-20084: name: BASIC STUDIO パワフルゲーム工房 [ディスク1/2] name-sort: BASIC STUDIO ぱわふるげーむこうぼう [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Basic Studio [Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20084" - "SLPS-20085" SLPS-20085: name: BASIC STUDIO パワフルゲーム工房 [ディスク2/2] name-sort: BASIC STUDIO ぱわふるげーむこうぼう [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Basic Studio [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-20084" - "SLPS-20085" SLPS-20086: name: GENERATION OF CHAOS 限定版 name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす [げんていばん] name-en: "Generation of Chaos [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20087: name: GENERATION OF CHAOS 通常版 name-sort: じぇねれーしょんおぶかおす name-en: "Generation of Chaos" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20089: name: "Gun-Heats" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20091: name: 激写ボーイ2 〜特ダネ王国ニッポン〜 name-sort: げきしゃぼーい2 〜とくだねおうこくにっぽん〜 name-en: "Gekisha Boy 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20092: name: タイガー・ウッズ PGA TOUR 2001 name-sort: たいがー・うっず PGA TOUR 2001 name-en: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20093: name: "Super Mic-chan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20094: name: TVware情報革命シリーズ 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン タイピング-E計画 name-sort: TVwareじょうほうかくめいしりーず しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん たいぴんぐ-Eけいかく name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelion - Typing Project-E [TVware Information Revolution Series]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20095: name: ノックアウトキング2001 name-sort: のっくあうときんぐ2001 name-en: "Knockout Kings 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing arena, fighters and other missing graphics. SLPS-20096: name: "Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20097: name: マジカルスポーツ 甲子園 name-sort: まじかるすぽーつ こうしえん name-en: "Magical Sports - Koshien" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20098: name: マジカルスポーツ Hard Hitter name-sort: まじかるすぽーつ Hard Hitter name-en: "Magical Sports - Hard Hitter" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves ground texture rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20099: name: "Dream Audition 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20100: name: 鉄1 〜電車でバトル〜 name-sort: てつ1 〜でんしゃでばとる〜 name-en: "Tetsu-One Train Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20101: name: CITY CRISIS name-sort: CITY CRISIS name-en: "City Crisis" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20102: name: 三洋パチンコパラダイス6 〜ギンパニ大水族館〜 name-sort: さんようぱちんこぱらだいす6 〜ぎんぱにだいすいぞくかん〜 name-en: "Pachinko Paradise 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20103: name: レイクマスターズEX Super name-sort: れいくますたーずEX Super name-en: "Lake Masters EX Super" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20104: name: 牧場物語3 ハートに火をつけて name-sort: ぼくじょうものがたり3 はーとにひをつけて name-en: "Bokujou Monogatari 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20105: name: グローランサーII デラックスパック name-sort: ぐろーらんさー2 でらっくすぱっく name-en: "Growlanser II - The Sense of Justice [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPS-20106: name: グローランサーII name-sort: ぐろーらんさー2 name-en: "Growlanser II - The Sense of Justice" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 SLPS-20107: name: "NBA Street" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20108: name: QUAKE III REVOLUTION name-sort: QUAKE III REVOLUTION name-en: "Quake III - Revolution" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLPS-20109: name: スターウォーズ スターファイター name-sort: すたーうぉーず すたーふぁいたー name-en: "Starwars Star Fighter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20110: name: "Mezase! Meimon Yakyuubu 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20111: name: マジカルスポーツ 2001プロ野球 name-sort: まじかるすぽーつ 2001ぷろやきゅう name-en: "Magical Sports - Pro Baseball 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20112: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV2 天才バカボン name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV2 てんさいばかぼん name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station v2.0" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20113: name: タイムクライシス2+ガンコン2 name-sort: たいむくらいしす2+がんこん2 name-en: "Time Crisis II [with Guncon 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20114: name: "TVware Jouhou Kakumei Series - Katei no Igaku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20115: name: "Gendai Yougo no Kiso Chishiki 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20116: name: "TVware Jouhou Kakumei Series - Nihongo Daijiten" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20117: name: "Taikyoku Mahjong - Net de Ron!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20120: name: F1 2001 name-sort: F1 2001 name-en: "F1 2001" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLPS-20121: name: Kanon name-sort: Kanon name-en: "Kanon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20122: name: タイムクライシス2 name-sort: たいむくらいしす2 name-en: "Time Crisis II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20123: name: "Initial D - Takahashi Ryousuke no Typing Saisoku Riron" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20125: name: 上海フォーエレメント [super value 2800] name-sort: しゃんはいふぉーえれめんと [super value 2800] name-en: "Shanghai - The Four Elements [Super Value 2800]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20127: name: "Chou! Rakushii Internet Tomodachi Nowa [Type-OS]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20128: name: マールDEジグソー 限定版 name-sort: まーるDEじぐそー [げんていばん] name-en: "Toshiyuki Morikawa Private Collection - Puppet Princess of Marl's Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20129: name: マールDEジグソー name-sort: まーるDEじぐそー name-en: "Marl de Jigsaw" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20130: name: 新ベストプレープロ野球 name-sort: しんべすとぷれーぷろやきゅう name-en: "New Best Play Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20131: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Juuou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20132: name: 鄭問之三國誌 name-sort: ちぇんうぇんのさんごくし name-en: "Chenuen no San Goku Shi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20133: name: "Pro Mahjong Kiwame Next" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20134: name: "Mahjong Haou - Jansou Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20135: name: "Pai Chenjan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20136: name: ギルティギア ゼクス プラス DXパック name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ ぜくす ぷらす DXぱっく name-en: "Guilty Gear X Plus [DX Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20137: name: ギルティギア ゼクス プラス name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ ぜくす ぷらす name-en: "Guilty Gear X Plus" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20138: name: "Digital Holmes" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20139: name: オールスター・プロレスリングII name-sort: おーるすたー・ぷろれすりんぐII name-en: "All Star Pro-Wrestling II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20140: name: "Dream Audition SuperHit Disc 1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20141: name: "Dream Audition SuperHit Disc 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20143: name: RPGツクール5 name-sort: RPGつくーる5 name-en: "RPG Tsukuru 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20144: name: シード name-sort: しーど name-en: "Seed, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20145: name: "TVware Jouhou Kakumei Series - Pro Atlas for TV - Shutoken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20146: name: "TVware Jouhou Kakumei Series - Pro Atlas for TV - Kinki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20147: name: "TVware Jouhou Kakumei Series - Pro Atlas for TV - Toukai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20149: name: "Chou! Rakushii Internet Tomodachi Nowa [Broadband]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20150: name: AKIRA PSYCHO BALL(アキラ サイコボール) name-sort: あきら さいこぼーる name-en: "Akira Psycho Ball" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20151: name: "Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20152: name: "Stunt GP" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20155: name: "MotoGP 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20157: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin - CR Nettou Power Pro-kun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20158: name: "Yamasa Digi World 2 LCD Edition - Time Cross, Qlogos, Trigger Zone" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20159: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20160: name: "Disney's Tarzan - Freeride" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned shadows. SLPS-20161: name: 最強 東大将棋スペシャル name-sort: さいきょう とうだいしょうぎすぺしゃる name-en: "Saikyou Toudai Shogi Special" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20162: name: タイピング剣豪 六三四の剣(キーボード同梱版) name-sort: たいぴんぐけんごう ろくさんよんのけん(きーぼーどどうこんばん) name-en: "Typing Kengo 634 [with Keyboard]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20163: name: タイピング剣豪 六三四の剣 name-sort: たいぴんぐけんごう ろくさんよんのけん name-en: "Typing Kengo 634" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20164: name: "Plarail - Yume ga Ippai! Plarail de Ikou!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20165: name: ラ・ピュセル 光の聖女伝説 限定版 name-sort: ら・ぴゅせる ひかりのせいじょでんせつ [げんていばん] name-en: "La Pucelle - Hikari no Seijo Densetsu [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20167: name: ラ・ピュセル 光の聖女伝説 name-sort: ら・ぴゅせる ひかりのせいじょでんせつ name-en: "La Pucelle - Hikari no Seijo Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20168: name: "NHL 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20169: name: "Chou! Rakushii Internet Tomodachi Nowa [Type-PG]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20170: name: "Wave Rally" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes water reflection. SLPS-20171: name: スマッシュコート プロトーナメント name-sort: すまっしゅこーと ぷろとーなめんと name-en: "Smash Court Tennis Pro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20172: name: "Koushien - Konpeki no Sora" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20173: name: "Magical Sports - Hard Hitter 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves ground texture rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20174: name: "Typing Renai Hakusho - Boys Be... [with Keyboard]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20175: name: タイピング恋愛白書 BOYS BE・・・ name-sort: たいぴんぐれんあいはくしょ BOYS BE・・・ name-en: "Typing Renai Hakusho - Boys Be..." region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20177: name: マイホームをつくろう! name-sort: まいほーむをつくろう! name-en: "Make Your Dream Home" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20178: name: 侍〜SAMURAI〜 name-sort: さむらい〜SAMURAI〜 name-en: "Samurai" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SLPS-20181: name: "Alpine Racer 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20182: name: "Real Bass Fishing - Top Angler" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20183: name: "Motto Golful Golf" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20184: name: "Eikan ha Kimi ni 2002 - Koushien no Kodou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20185: name: 湾岸ミッドナイト name-sort: わんがんみっどないと name-en: "Wangan Midnight" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20186: name: "Pachinko de Asobou! Fever Dodeka Saurus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20187: name: BLACK/MATRIX2 name-sort: BLACK/MATRIX2 name-en: "Black-Matrix II" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20190: name: "Netsu Chu! Pro Yakyuu 2002" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 78E100AD: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang before ingame patch=1,EE,001022c0,word,00000000 SLPS-20191: name: "Knockout Kings 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20192: name: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station V3 - Shutsudou! Miniskirt Police" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20193: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Sammy's Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20194: name: U underwater unit name-sort: U underwater unit name-en: "Underwater Unit" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20195: name: "World Fantasista" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - FullVU0SyncHack # Fixes SPS. SLPS-20196: name: 月の光 〜沈める鐘の殺人〜 name-sort: つきのひかり 〜しずめるかねのさつじん〜 name-en: "Akagawa Jirou - Tsuki no Hikari - Shizumeru Kane no Satsujin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20197: name: "Surfing Air Show with RatBoy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20198: name: RAGINGBLESS 〜降魔黙示録〜 name-sort: RAGINGBLESS 〜ごうまもくしろく〜 name-en: "Raging Bless" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 7 # Fixes blurriness. SLPS-20199: name: F1 2002 name-sort: F1 2002 name-en: "F1 2002" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLPS-20200: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Final Fantasy XI [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20202: name: コロボール2002 name-sort: ころぼーる2002 name-en: "Coloball 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20203: name: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 7 - Edokko Gen-san" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20204: name: "Magical Sports 2001 Koushien" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20207: name: "兎 〜野生の闘牌〜" name-sort: "うさぎ やせいのとうはい" name-en: "Usagi - Yasei no Touhai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20208: name: ボクは小さい name-sort: ぼくはちいさい name-en: "Boku ha Chiisai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20209: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Aladdin A [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20211: name: "Yamasa Digi World 3 - Time Park, King Pulsar, Cyber Dragon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20212: name: "Neppachi Gold - CR Monster Mansion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20213: name: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station V4 - Drumtic Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20214: name: 3D格闘ツクール2 name-sort: 3Dかくとうつくーる2 name-en: "3D Kakutou Tkool 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20215: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Aladdin A" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20216: name: "Air Ranger - Rescue Helicopter" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes graphics. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes ground graphics. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes ground graphics. SLPS-20217: name: "Hokka Hoka Sentou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20218: name: ニンジャアサルト name-sort: にんじゃあさると name-en: "Ninja Assault" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes intro captions not displaying. SLPS-20219: name: エッグマニア つかんで!まわして!どっすんぱず〜る!! name-sort: えっぐまにあ つかんで!まわして!どっすんぱずーる!! name-en: "Tsukande! Mawashite! Dossun Pazuru Egg Mania" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 2A925A22: content: |- //SFX/Background Music Fix. author=kr_ps2 patch=1,EE,0011836C,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,00118374,word,00000000 SLPS-20220: name: "Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 7 [Disc 1][Ekishou Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20221: name: 太鼓の達人 タタコンでドドンがドン [※タタコン同梱セット] name-sort: たいこのたつじん たたこんでどどんがどん [たたこんどうこんせっと] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Tatacon de Dodon ga Don [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20222: name: いなか暮らし 南の島の物語 name-sort: いなかぐらし みなみのしまのものがたり name-en: "Inaka Gurashi - Minami no Shima no Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20223: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20224: name: "Mahjong Haou - Dankyuu Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20225: name: "Toudai Shougi - Shiken Bisha Doujou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20226: name: 山佐DigiワールドSP DX name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSP DX name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP DX - Neo Planett XX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20227: name: 山佐DigiワールドSP name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSP name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP DX - Neo Planett XX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20228: name: "Daisenryaku 1941 - Gyakuten no Taiheiyou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20229: name: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station V5 - PinkLady" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20230: name: チュウリップ name-sort: ちゅうりっぷ name-en: "Chulip" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20231: name: "Freekstyle Motocross" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20233: name: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station V6 - Yume no Chou Tokkyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20234: name: ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 name-sort: はりーぽったーとひみつのへや name-en: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. SLPS-20237: name: "Saikyou Toudai Shougi 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20238: name: "Train Kit for A Ressha de Ikou 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20239: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Moujuuou S [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20240: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Moujuuou S" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20241: name: 上海 三国牌闘儀 name-sort: しゃんはい さんごくはいとうぎ name-en: "Shanghai Sangoku Hai Tougi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20242: name: "Tomak - Save the Earth - Love Story" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20243: name: NewPrice GoGoGolf name-sort: GoGoGolf [NewPrice] name-en: "Go Go Golf [NewPrice]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves brightness on terrain textures. SLPS-20244: name: "Magical Sports - 2000 Koushien [NewPrice]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20245: name: LOWRIDER 〜Round The World〜 name-sort: LOWRIDER 〜Round The World〜 name-en: "Low Rider" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20246: name: "Rally Shox" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20247: name: "Lotus Challenge" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20248: name: "Downforce" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20250: name: 魔界戦記 ディスガイア (限定版) name-sort: まかいせんき でぃすがいあ [げんていばん] name-en: "Makai Senki Disgaea [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20251: name: 魔界戦記 ディスガイア (通常版) name-sort: まかいせんき でぃすがいあ name-en: "Makai Senki Disgaea" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20253: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 2 - CR Jurassic Park" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20255: name: "Million God" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20256: name: COOL SHOT 夕川景子のプロフェッショナルビリヤード name-sort: COOL SHOT ゆうかわけいこのぷろふぇっしょなるびりやーど name-en: "Cool Shot - Professional Billiards by Yuukawa Keiko" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20257: name: "Yamasa Digi World 4 DX - Penguin Paradise, Crazy Shaman R, Zakzak Senryoubako R, Destroyer XX, King Pulsar" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20258: name: 山佐Digiワールド4 name-sort: やまさでじわーるど4 name-en: "Yamasa Digi World 4 - Penguin Paradise, Crazy Shaman R, Zakzak Senryoubako R, Destroyer XX, King Pulsar" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20259: name: ことばのパズル もじぴったん name-sort: ことばのぱずる もじぴったん name-en: "Kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20260: name: 魁!! クロマティ高校 name-sort: さきがけ!! くろまてぃこうこう name-en: "Sakigake!! Kuromati Koukou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20261: name: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 8 - Shin Umi Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20262: name: SLOT!PRO DX 不二子2 name-sort: SLOT!PRO DX ふじこ2 name-en: "Slot! Pro DX - Fujiko 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20263: name: J.LEAGUE TACTICS MANAGER name-sort: J.LEAGUE TACTICS MANAGER name-en: "J.League Tactics Manager - Realtime Soccer Simulation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20264: name: "Usagi - Yasei no Touhai - The Arcade" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20265: name: FEVER7 SANKYO公式パチンコシミュレーション name-sort: FEVER7 さんきょうこうしきぱちんこしみゅれーしょん name-en: "Fever 7" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20266: name: "Baskelian" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20267: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Salaryman Kintarou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20268: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Salaryman Kintarou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20272: name: 太鼓の達人 ドキッ!新曲だらけの春祭り name-sort: たいこのたつじん どきっ!しんきょくだらけのはるまつり name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Doki! Shinkyoku Darake no Haru Matsuri" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20273: name: 熱チュー!プロ野球2003 name-sort: ねっちゅー!ぷろやきゅう2003 name-en: "Necchu! Pro Yakyuu 2003" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 34FB1FB7: content: |- author=Prafull // Fixes game hanging before going ingame. patch=1,EE,001023d0,word,00000000 SLPS-20274: name: "Eikan ha Kimi ni 2002 - Koushien no Kodou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20275: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 3 - CR P-Man & CR Yawara Kids Kyoku-hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20276: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 4 - CR Hissatsu Shigotonin - Gekitou-hen (Disc 1)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20277: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 4 - CR Hissatsu Shigotonin - Gekitou-hen (Disc 2)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20278: name: "Slotter Up Mania - Chou Oki-Slot! Pioneer Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20279: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV7 天才バカボン2 name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV7 てんさいばかぼん2 name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station v7 - Tensai Bakabon 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20280: name: 魔法のパンプキン 〜アンとグレッグの大冒険〜 name-sort: まほうのぱんぷきん 〜あんとぐれっぐのだいぼうけん〜 name-en: "Mahou no Pumpkin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20281: name: モノポリー 〜めざせっ!!大富豪人生!!〜 name-sort: ものぽりー 〜めざせっ!!だいふごうじんせい!!〜 name-en: "Monopoly - Mezase!! Daifugou Jinsei!!" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes missing game board. SLPS-20282: name: 太鼓の達人 タタコンでドドンがドン [ソフト単品] name-sort: たいこのたつじん たたこんでどどんがどん [そふとたんぴん] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Tatacon de Dodon ga Don" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20283: name: "Chulip" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20284: name: マールDEジグソー 〜日本一ソフトウェア the Best〜 name-sort: まーるDEじぐそー [にっぽんいちそふとうぇあ the Best] name-en: "Marl de Jigsaw" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20285: name: スロッターUPコア 炎打!巨人の星 name-sort: すろったーUPこあ えんだ!きょじんのほし name-en: "Slotter Up Core" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20286: name: "Slotter Up Core 2 Gouda Minami no Teiou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20287: name: 焼肉奉行 ボンファイア! name-sort: やきにくぶぎょう ぼんふぁいあ! name-en: "Yakiniku Bugyou Bonfire!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20288: name: 最強 東大将棋2003 name-sort: さいきょう とうだいしょうぎ2003 name-en: "Saikyoe Toedai Shoegi 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20289: name: 山佐DigiワールドSP海一番R name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSPうみいちばんR name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP - Umi Ichiban R" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20291: name: FISH EYES 3〜記憶の破片たち〜 name-sort: FISH EYES 3 きおくのかけらたち name-en: "Fish Eyes 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20292: name: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Savanna Park DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20293: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法!サバンナパーク name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう!さばんなぱーく name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Savanna Park" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20294: name: 花火職人になろう2 name-sort: はなびしょくにんになろう2 name-en: "Hanabi Shokunin Ninarou 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20295: name: "F1 Career Challenge" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLPS-20296: name: プロ野球シミュレーション ダグアウト’03-the TURNING POINT- name-sort: ぷろやきゅうしみゅれーしょん だぐあうと’03-the TURNING POINT- name-en: "Dugout '03 - The Turning Point" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20298: name: "Fever 8 - Sankyo Koushiki Pachinko Simulation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20299: name: BLACK/MATRIX II ベスト版 name-sort: BLACK/MATRIX II べすとばん name-en: "Black Matrix 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20300: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど name-en: "Mobile Suit - Gundam Seed" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20301: name: ガチンコプロ野球 name-sort: がちんこぷろやきゅう name-en: "Gachinko Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20302: name: "Gokuraku-jong Premium" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20303: name: いなか暮らし〜南の島の物語 ベストコレクション name-sort: いなかぐらし みなみのしまのものがたり べすとこれくしょん name-en: "Inaka Gurashi - Minami no Shima no Monogatari [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20304: name: "Boku ha Chiisai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20305: name: REAL SPORTS プロ野球 name-sort: REAL SPORTS ぷろやきゅう name-en: "Real Sports Pro Yakyuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20306: name: "Slotter Up Mania 2 - Kokuchi no Kyoku! Juggler Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20307: name: "Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20308: name: "Hanabi Hyakkei [Tokutenban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20309: name: "Hanabi Hyakkei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20310: name: "Mahjong Hiryuu Densetsu - Tenpai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20311: name: プリモプエル おしゃべりは〜とな〜 コプエルマイク同梱版 name-sort: ぷりもぷえる おしゃべりはーとなー こぷえるまいくどうこんばん name-en: "Primopuel - Oshaberi Heartner [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20312: name: プリモプエル おしゃべりは〜とな〜 name-sort: ぷりもぷえる おしゃべりはーとなー name-en: "Primopuel - Oshaberi Heartner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20313: name: "Mahjong Haou - Taikai Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20314: name: "Gold X" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20315: name: "Yamasa Digi World SP - Neo Magic Pulsar XX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20316: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV8 忍者ハットリくん name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV8 にんじゃはっとりくん name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station v8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20317: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法!キングキャメル name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう!きんぐきゃめる name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! King Camel" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20318: name: "3D Kakutou Tkool 2 [ebKore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20320: name: 太鼓の達人 あっぱれ三代目 太鼓型専用コントローラ『タタコン』同梱版 name-sort: たいこのたつじん あっぱれさんだいめ たいこがたせんようこんとろーら『たたこん』どうこんばん name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Appare Sandaime [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20321: name: 太鼓の達人 あっぱれ三代目 name-sort: たいこのたつじん あっぱれさんだいめ name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Appare Sandaime" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20322: name: 熱チュー!プロ野球2003 秋のナイター祭り name-sort: ねっちゅー!ぷろやきゅう2003 あきのないたーまつり name-en: "Necchu! Pro Yakyuu 2003 - Aki no Night Matsuri" region: "NTSC-J" patches: D3DAF7F4: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang before ingame patch=1,EE,00102398,word,00000000 SLPS-20323: name: ポチッとにゃー name-sort: ぽちっとにゃー name-en: "Pochi to Nyaa" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20324: name: "Daisenryaku 1941 - Gyakuten no Taiheiyou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20326: name: "Shougi World Champion - Gekisashi 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20327: name: "Mahjong Haou - Jansou Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20328: name: おとなのギャル雀 きみにハネ満!〜 name-sort: おとなのぎゃるじゃん きみにはねまん!〜 name-en: "Otona no Gal Jan - Kimi ni Hane Man" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20329: name: 仮面ライダー555 name-sort: かめんらいだー555 name-en: "Kamen Rider 555" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20330: name: 太鼓の達人 わくわくアニメ祭り name-sort: たいこのたつじん わくわくあにめまつり name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Waku Waku Anime Matsuri" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20331: name: FEVER9 SANKYO公式パチンコシミュレーション name-sort: FEVER9 さんきょうこうしきぱちんこしみゅれーしょん name-en: "Fever 9 - Sankyo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20332: name: "Saikyou Toudai Shougi 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20333: name: TAISEN (1) 将棋 name-sort: たいせん (1) しょうぎ name-en: "Taisen 1 - Shogi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20334: name: TAISEN (2) 囲碁 name-sort: たいせん (2) いご name-en: "Taisen 2 - Go" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20335: name: TAISEN (3) 麻雀 name-sort: たいせん (3) まーじゃん name-en: "Taisen 3 - Mahjong" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20336: name: TAISEN (4) ソルジャー 〜企業戦士将棋〜 name-sort: たいせん (4) そるじゃー きぎょうせんししょうぎ name-en: "Taisen 4 - Soldier" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20337: name: スロッターUPコアα 祝虎!優勝パネル!新化!巨人の星 name-sort: すろったーUPこああるふぁ しゅくとら!ゆうしょうぱねる!しんか!きょじんのほし name-en: "Slotter UP - Core Alpha" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20338: name: "Slotter Up Mania 3 - Densetsu Fukkatsu! New Pegasus Special" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20339: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! Sammy Collection2 DX name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! Sammy Collection2 DX name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Sammy's Collection 2 DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20340: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! Sammy Collection2 name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! Sammy Collection2 name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Sammy's Collection 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20343: name: ネットでボンバーマン name-sort: ねっとでぼんばーまん name-en: "Net de Bomberman" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20344: name: ファントム・ブレイブ(限定版) name-sort: ふぁんとむ ぶれいぶ [げんていばん] name-en: "Phantom Brave [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20345: name: ファントム・ブレイブ(通常版) name-sort: ふぁんとむ ぶれいぶ name-en: "Phantom Brave" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20347: name: 最強 東大将棋2004 name-sort: さいきょう とうだいしょうぎ2004 name-en: "Saikyou Toudai Shogi 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20349: name: まーじゃんパーティー アイドルと麻雀勝負 name-sort: まーじゃんぱーてぃー あいどるとまーじゃんしょうぶ name-en: "Mahjong Party - Duel with The Idol" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20350: name: サッカーライフ! name-sort: さっかーらいふ! name-en: "Soccer Life! We are Challengers to Europe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20351: name: スロッターUPマニア4 南国の香!スーパーハナハナ&シオマール&オアーゼ name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ4 なんごくのかおり!すーぱーはなはな&しおまーる&おあーぜ name-en: "Slotter UP - Mania 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20352: name: 好きなものは好きだからしょうがない!! -FIRST LIMIT&TARGET†NIGHTS- Sukisyo! Episode #01+#02 name-sort: すきなものはすきだからしょうがない!! -FIRST LIMIT&TARGET†NIGHTS- Sukisyo! Episode #01+#02 name-en: "Sukisyo - First Limit & Target Nights" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20353: name: "Suki na Mono ha Suki dakara Shou ga Nai!! First Limit & Target Nights - Sukishou! Episode #01+#02 (Disc 2) (Target Nights - Sukishou! Episode #02)" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20354: name: 山佐Digiワールド3 [ベストオブベスト] name-sort: やまさでじわーるど3 [べすとおぶべすと] name-en: "Yamasa Digi World 3 [Best of Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20355: name: 山佐DigiワールドSPネオプラネットXX [ベストオブベスト] name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSPねおぷらねっとXX [べすとおぶべすと] name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP - Neo Planett XX [Best of Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20356: name: 山佐Digiワールド4 [ベストオブベスト] name-sort: やまさでじわーるど4 [べすとおぶべすと] name-en: "Yamasa Digi World 4 [Best of Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20357: name: 山佐DigiワールドSP 海一番R [ベストオブベスト] name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSP うみいちばんR [べすとおぶべすと] name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP - Umi Ichiban R [Best of Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20361: name: プリンセスメーカー name-sort: ぷりんせすめーかー name-en: "Princess Maker - Refine" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20362: name: かいけつゾロリ めざせ!いたずらキング EyeToy USBカメラ同梱版 name-sort: かいけつぞろり めざせ!いたずらきんぐ あいとーいUSBかめらどうこんばん name-en: "Kaiketsu Zorro Mezase! Itazura King [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20364: name: 世界最強銀星囲碁5 name-sort: せかいさいきょうぎんせいいご5 name-en: "Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20365: name: 最強銀星将棋4 name-sort: さいきょうぎんせいしょうぎ4 name-en: "RockMan Collection [Special Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20366: name: CR仮面ライダー パチってちょんまげ達人5 name-sort: CRかめんらいだー ぱちってちょんまげたつじん5 name-en: "CR Kamen Rider Pachi-Slot Expert 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20367: name: カレーハウスCoCo壱番屋 今日も元気だ!カレーがうまい!! name-sort: かれーはうすここいちばんや きょうもげんきだ!かれーがうまい!! name-en: "Curry House CoCo Ichiban'ya - Kyou mo Genki da! Curry ga Umai!!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20368: name: かいけつゾロリ めざせ!いたずらキング [単品版] name-sort: かいけつぞろり めざせ!いたずらきんぐ [たんぴんばん] name-en: "Kaiketsu Zorro Mezase! Itazura King" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20369: name: キン肉マン ジェネレーションズ name-sort: きんにくまん じぇねれーしょんず name-en: "Kinnikuman Generations" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20370: name: スロッターUPコア3 愉打! ドロンジョにおまかせ name-sort: すろったーUPこあ3 ゆだ! どろんじょにおまかせ name-en: "Slotter Up Core 3 - Doronjo ni Omakase!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20371: name: 麻雀覇王 真剣バトル name-sort: まーじゃんはおう しんけんばとる name-en: "Mahjong Haou Shinken Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20372: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! 北斗の拳 DXパック name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! ほくとのけん DXぱっく name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20373: name: 実戦パチスロ必勝法! 北斗の拳 name-sort: じっせんぱちすろひっしょうほう! ほくとのけん name-en: "Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20374: name: フットボールキングダム トライアルエディション name-sort: ふっとぼーるきんぐだむ とらいあるえでぃしょん name-en: "Football Kingdom - Trial Edition" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20375: name: 三洋パチンコパラダイス10 〜源さん おかえりっ!〜 name-sort: さんようぱちんこぱらだいす10 げんさん おかえりっ! name-en: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 10 - Gen-san Okaeri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20376: name: 大都技研公式パチスロシミュレーター 吉宗 name-sort: だいとぎけんこうしきぱちすろしみゅれーたー よしむね name-en: "Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator Yoshimune" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20377: name: FISH EYES 3 〜記憶の破片たち〜 Best Collection name-sort: FISH EYES 3 〜きおくのかけらたち〜 Best Collection name-en: "Fish Eyes 3 [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20378: name: スロッターUPコア4 ガチスロ! トンちゃんの実戦 パチスロオレ主義!! name-sort: すろったーUPこあ4 がちすろ! とんちゃんのじっせん ぱちすろおれしゅぎ!! name-en: "Slotter UP - Core 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20379: name: ARTDINK BEST CHOICE 栄冠は君に2004〜甲子園の鼓動〜 name-sort: ARTDINK BEST CHOICE えいかんはきみに2004 こうしえんのこどう name-en: "Eikan ha Kimi ni 2004 - Koushien no Kodou [Artdink Best Choice]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20380: name: 神魂合体ゴーダンナー!! name-sort: しんこんがったいごーだんなー!! name-en: "Shinkon Gattai Godannar!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20381: name: モンキーターンV name-sort: もんきーたーんV name-en: "Monkey Turn V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20382: name: 太鼓の達人 あつまれ!祭りだ!!四代目 タタコン同梱セット name-sort: たいこのたつじん あつまれ!まつりだ!!よんだいめ たたこんどうこんせっと name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Atsumare! Matsuri da!! Yondaime [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20383: name: 太鼓の達人 あつまれ!祭りだ!!四代目 name-sort: たいこのたつじん あつまれ!まつりだ!!よんだいめ name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Atsumare! Matsuri da!! Yondaime" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20384: name: 流行り神 警視庁怪異事件ファイル (初回限定版) name-sort: はやりがみ けいしちょうかいいじけんふぁいる [しょかいげんていばん] name-en: "Hayarigami - Keishichou Kaii Jiken File" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20386: name: バリュー2000シリーズ 囲碁4 name-sort: ばりゅー2000しりーず いご4 name-en: "Value 2000 Series - Igo 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20387: name: バリュー2000シリーズ 将棋4 name-sort: ばりゅー2000しりーず しょうぎ4 name-en: "Value 2000 Series - Shogi 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20388: name: CRぱちんこイエローキャブ パチってちょんまげ達人6 name-sort: CRぱちんこいえろーきゃぶ ぱちってちょんまげたつじん6 name-en: "CR Pachinko Yellow Cab - Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20389: name: MYCOM BEST 最強東大将棋5 name-sort: さいきょうとうだいしょうぎ5 [MYCOM BEST] name-en: "Saikyou Toudai Shogi 5 [Mycom Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20391: name: 最遊記RELOAD GUNLOCK name-sort: さいゆうきRELOAD GUNLOCK name-en: "Saiyuki Gunlock" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20392: name: 東大将棋 定跡道場 完結編 name-sort: とうだいしょうぎ じょうせきどうじょう かんけつへん name-en: "Toudai Shogi - Jouseki Dojo Kanketsuhen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20393: name: プリンセスメーカー2 name-sort: ぷりんせすめーかー2 name-en: "Princess Maker 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20394: name: 好きなものは好きだからしょうがない!! -RAIN- Sukisyo! Episode #03 name-sort: すきなものはすきだからしょうがない!! -RAIN- Sukisyo! Episode #03 name-en: "Suki na Mono ha Sukida Rashouganai + White Flower + Sukisyo!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20396: name: スロッターUPマニア5 爽快激打!マッハGoGoGo&だるま猫 name-sort: すろったーUPまにあ5 そうかいげきだ!まっはごーごーごー&だるまねこ name-en: "Slotter UP - Mania 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20397: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 7 - CR Pachinko Dokaben" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20398: name: ラ・ピュセル 光の聖女伝説 2周目はじめました。 name-sort: ら ぴゅせる ひかりのせいじょでんせつ 2しゅうめはじめました name-en: "La Pucelle - Hikari no Seijo Densetsu - 2-shuume Hajimemashita" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20399: name: 太鼓の達人 ゴー!ゴー!五代目 [タタコン同梱セット] name-sort: たいこのたつじん ごー!ごー!ごだいめ [たたこんどうこんせっと] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Go! Go! Godaime [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20400: name: 太鼓の達人 ゴー!ゴー!五代目 [ソフト単品] name-sort: たいこのたつじん ごー!ごー!ごだいめ [そふとたんぴん] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Go! Go! Godaime" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20401: name: テクモ ヒットパレード name-sort: てくも ひっとぱれーど name-en: "Tecmo Hit Parade" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20402: name: 仮面ライダー剣(ブレイド) name-sort: かめんらいだーぶれいど name-en: "Kamen Rider Blade" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20403: name: 上海〜三国牌闘儀〜 [super value 2800] name-sort: しゃんはい さんこくはいとうぎ [super value 2800] name-en: "Shanghai - Sangoku Hai Tougi [Super Value 2800]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20404: name: "Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 2 - Juujika, Deka Dan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20405: name: スロッターUPコア5 ルパン大好き!主役は銭形 name-sort: すろったーUPこあ5 るぱんだいすき!しゅやくはぜにがた name-en: "Slotter UP - Core 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20406: name: C@M-STATION カム・ステーション 同梱版 [“EyeToy”カメラ&USBヘッドセット同梱版] name-sort: かむすてーしょん どうこんばん [あいとーいかめら&USBへっどせっとどうこんばん] name-en: "Cam-Station [with EyeToy & USB Headset]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20407: name: 麻雀三国志 name-sort: まーじゃんさんごくし name-en: "Mahjong Sangokushi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20408: name: カードキャプターさくら 「さくらちゃんとあそぼ!」 name-sort: かーどきゃぷたーさくら さくらちゃんとあそぼ! name-en: "Card Captor Sakura - Sakura-Chan to Asobo!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20409: name: ファントム・キングダム [初回限定版] name-sort: ふぁんとむ・きんぐだむ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Phantom Kingdom [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20410: name: ファントム・キングダム name-sort: ふぁんとむ きんぐだむ name-en: "Phantom Kingdom [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20411: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV9 おそ松くん name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV9 おそまつくん name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station v9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20412: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV10 レレレにおまかせ name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV10 れれれにおまかせ name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station v10" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20413: name: 太鼓の達人 TAIKO DRUM MASTERS [タタコン同梱] name-sort: たいこのたつじん TAIKO DRUM MASTERS [たたこんどうこん] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Taiko Drum Master [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20414: name: 太鼓の達人 TAIKO DRUM MASTER name-sort: たいこのたつじん TAIKO DRUM MASTER name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Taiko Drum Master" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20416: name: 陰陽大戦記 白虎演舞 [“EyeToy”カメラ同梱版] name-sort: おんみょうたいせんき びゃっこえんぶ [あいとーいかめらどうこんばん] name-en: "Onmyou Taisenki - Byakko Enbu [with EyeToy]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20417: name: 陰陽大戦記 白虎演舞 name-sort: おんみょうたいせんき びゃっこえんぶ name-en: "Onmyou Taisenki - Byakko Enbu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20418: name: C@M-STATION カム・ステーション name-sort: かむすてーしょん name-en: "Cam-Station" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20419: name: "Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 3 - Rio de Carnival, Juujika 600-shiki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20420: name: ウルトラマンネクサス name-sort: うるとらまんねくさす name-en: "Ultraman Nexus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20421: name: 世界最強銀星囲碁6 name-sort: せかいさいきょうぎんせいいご6 name-en: "Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20422: name: 流行り神 Revenge 警視庁怪異事件ファイル name-sort: はやりがみ Revenge けいしちょうかいいじけんふぁいる name-en: "Hayarigami Revenge" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20423: name: レゴ スター・ウォーズ name-sort: れご すたーうぉーず name-en: "LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad coordinate spam. SLPS-20424: name: 太鼓の達人 とびっきり!アニメスペシャル [「タタコン」同梱版] name-sort: たいこのたつじん とびっきり!あにめすぺしゃる [「たたこん」どうこんばん] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Tobikkiri! Anime Special [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20425: name: 太鼓の達人 とびっきり!アニメスペシャル [ソフト単品] name-sort: たいこのたつじん とびっきり!あにめすぺしゃる [そふとたんぴん] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Tobikkiri! Anime Special" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20426: name: マダガスカル name-sort: まだかすかる name-en: "Madagascar" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLPS-20427: name: "Pachi-Slot Club Collection - Pachi-Slot da yo Koumon-chama" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20428: name: モンキーターンV BANDAI THE BEST name-sort: もんきーたーんV BANDAI THE BEST name-en: "Monkey Turn V [Bandai the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20429: name: 必殺パチスロエヴォリューション 忍者ハットリくんV name-sort: ひっさつぱちすろえゔぉりゅーしょん にんじゃはっとりくんV name-en: "Hissatsu Pachislot Ninja Hattori Kun V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20430: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.91 THE ALL★STAR格闘祭 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.91 THE おーるすたーかくとうさい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 91 - The All-Star Kakutou" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes cell shade like effect. SLPS-20431: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.86 THE 免許取得シミュレーション 〜改正道路交通法対応版〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.86 THE めんきょしゅとくしみゅれーしょん 〜かいせいどうろこうつうほうたいおうばん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 86 - The Menkyo Shutoku Simulation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20436: name: 魁!!男塾 name-sort: さきがけ!!おとこじゅく name-en: "Sakigake!! Otokojuku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20439: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.79 アッコにおまかせ! THE パーティークイズ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.79 あっこにおまかせ! THE ぱーてぃーくいず name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 79 - The Party Quiz - Akko ni Omakase" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20440: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.88 THE ミニ美女警官 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.88 THE みにびじょけいかん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 88 - The Mini Bijo Keikan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20441: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.87 THE 戦娘 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.87 THE なでしこ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 87 - The Nadesiko" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20442: name: 大都技研公式パチスロシミュレーター 押忍!番長 name-sort: だいとぎけんこうしきぱちすろしみゅれーたー おす!ばんちょう name-en: "Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator Banchou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20443: name: ブロックス倶楽部 withバンピートロット name-sort: ぶろっくすくらぶ withばんぴーとろっと name-en: "Blokus Club with Bumpy Trot" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes water reflections. SLPS-20444: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.90 THE お姉チャンバラ2 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.90 THE おねえちゃんばら2 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 90 - The OneeChanBara 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Needed to remove part of red box. roundSprite: 2 # Fully remove red box when upscaling . gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes blank textures. SLPS-20445: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.28 闘走!喧嘩グランプリ 〜Drive to Survive〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.28 とうそう!けんかぐらんぷり 〜Drive to Survive〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 28 - Tousou! Kenka Grand Prix - Drive to Survive" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20446: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.89 THE パーティーゲーム2 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.89 THE ぱーてぃーげーむ2 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 89 - The Party Game 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20447: name: 仮面ライダーヒビキ [初回生産版] name-sort: かめんらいだーひびき [しょかいせいさんばん] name-en: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20448: name: "Kamen Rider Hibiki - Taiko no Tatsujin Special Version [Trial]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20450: name: 太鼓の達人 わいわいハッピー!六代目 タタコン同梱版 name-sort: たいこのたつじん わいわいはっぴー!ろくだいめ たたこんどうこんばん name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Wai Wai Happy! Rokudaime [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20451: name: 太鼓の達人 わいわいハッピー!六代目 name-sort: たいこのたつじん わいわいはっぴー!ろくだいめ name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Wai Wai Happy! Rokudaime" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20452: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.30 降臨!族車ゴッド〜仏恥義理★愛羅武勇〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.30 こうりん!ぞくしゃごっど ぶっちぎりあいらぶゆう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 30 - Kourin! Zokusha Goddo!" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes car colours. SLPS-20453: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.29 K-1 PREMIUM 2005 Dynamite!! name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.29 K-1 PREMIUM 2005 Dynamite!! name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 29 - K-1 Premium 2005 Dynamite!!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white fighters. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes black flickering. patches: 602B7A48: content: |- comment=Fixes black screen in hardware mode. patch=1,EE,00336a20,word,0000948c patch=1,EE,00336a48,word,0000948c SLPS-20454: name: SIMPLE2000 Vol.93 THE 右脳ドリル name-sort: しんぷる2000 Vol.93 THE うのうどりる name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 93 - The Unou Drill" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20455: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.94 THE 赤ちゃんぴおん〜COME ON BABY〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.94 THE あかちゃんぴおん〜COME ON BABY〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 94 - The Aka-Champion - Come on Baby" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20456: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.95 THE ゾンビV.S.救急車 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.95 THE ぞんびV.S.きゅうきゅうしゃ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 95 - The Zombie vs. Kyuukyuusha" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20457: name: 必殺パチスロエヴォリューション2 おそ松くん name-sort: ひっさつぱちすろえゔぉりゅーしょん2 おそまつくん name-en: "Hissatsu Pachislo Evolution 2 - Osomatsu-Kun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20458: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.96 THE 海賊 〜ガイコツいっぱいれーつ!〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.96 THE かいぞく 〜がいこついっぱいれーつ!〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 96 - The Kaizoku - Gaikotsu Ippaire~tsu!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20459: name: 山佐DigiワールドSP 燃えよ!功夫淑女 name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSP もえよ!かんふーれでぃ name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP - Isao Lady" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20460: name: 楽勝!パチスロ宣言4 真モグモグ風林火山・リオデカーニバル name-sort: らくしょう!ぱちすろせんげん4 しんもぐもぐふうりんかざん りおでかーにばる name-en: "Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20461: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.99 THE 原始人 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.99 THE げんしじん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 99 - The Genshijin" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20462: name: 黄金騎士 牙狼[限定版] name-sort: おうごんきし がろう [げんていばん] name-en: "Ougon Kishi Garo [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20463: name: 黄金騎士 牙狼[通常版] name-sort: おうごんきし がろう つうじょうばん name-en: "Ougon Kishi Garo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20464: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.105 THE メイド服と機関銃 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.105 THE めいどふくときかんじゅう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 105 - The Maid-Fuku to Kikanjuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20465: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.100 THE 男たちの機銃砲座 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.100 THE おとこたちのきじゅうほうざ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 100 - The Otoko Tachi no Kijuu Houza" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20466: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.101 THE お姉チャンポン 〜THE 姉チャン2 特別編〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.101 THE おねえちゃんぽん 〜THE ねえちゃん2 とくべつへん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 101 - The OneeChanpon - OneeChan 2 Special Edition" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Needed to remove part of red box. roundSprite: 2 # Fully remove red box when upscaling . gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes blank textures. SLPS-20467: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.102 THE歩兵〜戦場の犬たち〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.102 THEほへい〜せんじょうのいぬたち〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 102 - The Hohei - Senjou no Inutachi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20468: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.106 THEブロックくずしクエスト 〜DragonKingdom〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.106 THEぶろっくくずしくえすと 〜DragonKingdom〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 106 - The Block Kuzushi Quest - Dragon Kingdom" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20469: name: 街ingメーカー2 〜続・ぼくの街づくり〜 name-sort: まちingめーかー2 〜ぞく ぼくのまちづくり〜 name-en: "Matching Maker 2 - Zoku Boku no Machi-zukuri" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-20470: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.103 THE地球防衛軍タクティクス name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.103 THEちきゅうぼうえいぐんたくてぃくす name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 103 - The Chikyuu Boueigun Tactics" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20471: name: "Chulip [Super Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20472: name: 大都技研公式パチスロシミュレーター 秘宝伝 name-sort: だいとぎけんこうしきぱちすろしみゅれーたー ひほうでん name-en: "Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator - Hihouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20473: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.104 THE ロボットつくろうぜっ! 〜激闘!ロボットファイト〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.104 THE ろぼっとつくろうぜっ! 〜げきとう!ろぼっとふぁいと〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 104 - The Robot Tsuku Rouze! - Gekitou! Robot Fight" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20474: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.107 THE 炎の格闘番長 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.107 THE ほのおのかくとうばんちょう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 107 - The Honoo no Kakutou Banchou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20475: name: 山佐DigiワールドSP ジャイアントパルサー name-sort: やまさでじわーるどSP じゃいあんとぱるさー name-en: "Yamasa Digi World SP - Giant Pulsar" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20476: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.108 THE 日本特殊部隊 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.108 THE にっぽんとくしゅぶたい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 108 - The Nippon Tokushubutai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20477: name: FISH EYES 3 〜記憶の破片たち〜 Super Best Collection name-sort: FISH EYES 3 〜きおくのかけらたち〜 Super Best Collection name-en: "Fish Eyes 3 [Super Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20478: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.109 THEタクシー2 〜運転手はやっぱり君だ!〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.109 THEたくしー2 〜うんてんしゅはやっぱりきみだ!〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 109 - The Taxi 2 - Untenshu ha Yappari Kimi da!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20479: name: 速読マスター name-sort: そくどくますたー name-en: "Sokudoku Master" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20480: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.110 THE逃亡プリズナー 〜ロスシティ 真実への10時間〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.110 THEとうぼうぷりずなー 〜ろすしてぃ しんじつへの10じかん〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 110 - The Toubou Prisoner" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20481: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.112 THE逃走ハイウェイ2 〜ROAD WARRIOR 2050〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.112 THEとうそうはいうぇい2 〜ROAD WARRIOR 2050〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 112 - The Tousou Highway 2 - Road Warrior 2050" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20482: name: 3D麻雀+雀牌取り name-sort: 3Dまーじゃん+じゃんぱいとり name-en: "3D Mahjong + Janpai Tori" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20483: name: 仮面ライダーカブト name-sort: かめんらいだーかぶと name-en: "Kamen Rider Kabuto" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes garbage corruptions on the bottom of the screen. SLPS-20484: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ UltimateVol.34 魁!!男塾 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず UltimateVol.34 さきがけ!!おとこじゅく name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 34 - Sakigake!! Otokojuku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20485: name: 太鼓の達人 ドカッ!と大盛り七代目(タタコン同梱) name-sort: たいこのたつじん どかっ!とおおもりななだいめ [たたこんどうこん] name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Doka! to Oomori Nanadaime [with Tatacon]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20486: name: 太鼓の達人 ドカッ!と大盛り七代目(ソフト単体) name-sort: たいこのたつじん どかっ!とおおもりななだいめ name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Doka! to Oomori Nanadaime" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-20487: name: パチスロキング! 科学忍者隊ガッチャマン name-sort: ぱちすろきんぐ! かがくにんじゃたいがっちゃまん name-en: "Pachi-Slot King! Kagaku Ninja-Tai Gatchaman" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20488: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.113 THE大量地獄 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.113 THEたいりょうじごく name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 113 - The Tairyou Jigoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20489: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.114 THE女岡っピチ捕物帳 〜お春ちゃんGOGOGO!〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.114 THEおんなおかっぴちとりものちょう 〜おはるちゃんGOGOGO!〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 114 - The Onna Okappichi Torimonochou - Oharu-chan GoGoGo!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_Simple2000Vol114" SLPS-20490: name: パチスロ倶楽部コレクション アイムジャグラーEX〜ジャグラーセレクション〜 name-sort: ぱちすろくらぶこれくしょん あいむじゃぐらーEX じゃぐらーせれくしょん name-en: "Pachi-Slot Club Collection - IM Juggler EX - Juggler Selection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20491: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.118 THE落武者 〜怒獲武サムライ登場〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.118 THEおちむしゃ どえむさむらいとうじょう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 118 - The Ochimusha - Doemu Samurai Toujou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20492: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.115 THEルームシェアという生活。 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.115 THEるーむしぇあというせいかつ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 115 - The Roomshare to Iu Seikatsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20493: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.116 THE ネコ村の人々 〜パグ代官の悪行三昧〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.116 THE ねこむらのひとびと ぱぐだいかんのあくぎょうさんまい name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 116 - The Neko-Mura no Ninnin - Pagu Daikan no Akugyou Sanmai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-20494: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズVol.117 THE 零戦 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーずVol.117 THE ぜろせん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 117 - The Zerosen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20496: name: 大都技研公式パチスロシミュレーター シェイクII name-sort: だいとぎけんこうしきぱちすろしみゅれーたー しぇいくII name-en: "Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator - Shake II" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20497: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.119 THE サバイバルゲーム2 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.119 THE さばいばるげーむ2 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 119 - The Survival Game 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20499: name: いなか暮らし 南の島の物語 Super Best Collection name-sort: いなかぐらし みなみのしまのものがたり Super Best Collection name-en: "Inaka Gurashi - Minami no Shima no Monogatari [Super Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20500: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.120 THE 最後の日本兵〜美しき国土奪還作戦〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.120 THE さいごのにほんへい うつくしきこくどだっかんさくせん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 120 - The Saigo no Nihon hei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20501: name: 流行り神2 警視庁怪異事件ファイル name-sort: はやりがみ2 けいしちょうかいいじけんふぁいる name-en: "Hayarigami 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20502: name: ゼロの使い魔 ファンタジー・フォース name-sort: ぜろのつかいま ふぁんたじーふぉーす name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima - Fantasy Force" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20503: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.121 THE ぼくの街づくり2 〜街ingメーカー2.1〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.121 THE ぼくのまちづくり2 〜まちingめーかー2.1〜 name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 121 - The Boku no Machi-zukuri 2 - Machi-ing Maker 2.1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20504: name: 大都技研公式パチスロシュミレーター 新・吉宗 name-sort: だいとぎけんこうしきぱちすろしゅみれーたー しん よしむね name-en: "Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator - Shin Yoshimune" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20505: name: "FIVB Volleyball World Cup - Venus Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20506: name: "Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator - 24 - Twenty Four" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20507: name: "Zero no Tsukaima - Fantasy Force 2nd Impact" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20509: name: "Hachi-One Diver" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-20510: name: "Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo Kouza" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25001: name: ETERNAL RING name-sort: ETERNAL RING name-en: "Eternal Ring" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes FPU errors causing instant death in Limestone Cave. gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes raphics issues. SLPS-25002: name: DEAD OR ALIVE 2 name-sort: でっど おあ あらいぶ2 name-en: "Dead or Alive 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 patches: 7894BA09: content: |- // Change TLSNDDRV RPC to blocking, better would be to move the wait to the top of the function. patch=0,EE,00290408,word,24060000 //patch=0,EE,0029055C,word,10000013 // I tried to write a comment explaining this then realised the futility. //patch=0,EE,0028FE78,word,FFB300E0 //patch=0,EE,0028FE7C,word,3C130058 //patch=0,EE,0028FE80,word,0C0CD678 //patch=0,EE,0028FE84,word,266457C0 //patch=0,EE,0028FE88,word,1440FFFD //patch=0,EE,0028FE8C,word,32224000 //patch=0,EE,0028FE90,word,1040000E //patch=0,EE,0028FE94,word,FFB400F0 //patch=0,EE,0028FE98,word,3402C020 //patch=0,EE,0028FE9C,word,322BFFF0 //patch=0,EE,0028FEA0,word,1162000B //patch=0,EE,0028FEA4,word,3C140058 //patch=0,EE,0028FEA8,word,00000000 SLPS-25003: name: EVERGRACE name-sort: EVERGRACE name-en: "Evergrace" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes hanging before going in-game. SLPS-25004: name: 建設重機喧嘩バトル ぶちギレ金剛!! name-sort: けんせつじゅうきけんかばとる ぶちぎれこんごう!! name-en: "Kensetsu Juuki Kenka Battle - Buchigire Kongou!!" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25005: name: ロックンメガステージ name-sort: ろっくんめがすてーじ name-en: "Rock'n Mega Stage" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25006: name: 栄冠は君に 甲子園への道 name-sort: えいかんはきみに こうしえんへのみち name-en: "Koushien Baseball" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25007: name: アーマード・コア 2 name-sort: あーまーどこあ 2 name-en: "Armored Core 2" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes texture corruption. SLPS-25008: name: 魔術士オーフェン name-sort: まじゅつしおーふぇん name-en: "Sorcerous Stabber Orphen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25009: name: G-SAVIOUR name-sort: G-SAVIOUR name-en: "G-Saviour" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25010: name: UNiSON name-sort: UNiSON name-en: "Unison" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25011: name: サンライズ英雄譚R name-sort: さんらいずえいゆうたんR name-en: "Sunrise Eiyuutan R" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25012: name: はじめの一歩 VICTORIOUS BOXERS name-sort: はじめのいっぽ VICTORIOUS BOXERS name-en: "Victorious Boxers" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25013: name: くりクリミックス name-sort: くりくりみっくす name-en: "Kurikuri Mix" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Prevents broken textures and graphics. SLPS-25014: name: チョロQ HG チョロQジェニーハイグレードBOX name-sort: ちょろQ HG ちょろQじぇにーはいぐれーどBOX name-en: "Choro Q HG [Jenny Hi-Grade Box]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 6F9C4D7C: content: |- // Avoid stack corruption, fix TLB misses. patch=1,EE,00172950,word,27BDFF00 patch=1,EE,00172A8C,word,27BD0100 // Skip Vsync on WcCard::CommandWait loop. // Before removing this patch, check initial loading with unformatted memory card. patch=1,EE,0017B2A8,word,00000000 SLPS-25015: name: チョロQ HG name-sort: ちょろQ HG name-en: "Choro Q HG" region: "NTSC-J" patches: 6F9C4D7C: content: |- // Avoid stack corruption, fix TLB misses. patch=1,EE,00172950,word,27BDFF00 patch=1,EE,00172A8C,word,27BD0100 // Skip Vsync on WcCard::CommandWait loop. // Before removing this patch, check initial loading with unformatted memory card. patch=1,EE,0017B2A8,word,00000000 SLPS-25016: name: Neo ATLAS 3 name-sort: Neo ATLAS 3 name-en: "Neo Atlas 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25017: name: A列車で行こう2001 name-sort: Aれっしゃでいこう2001 name-en: "A Ressha de Ikou 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25018: name: サイドワインダーMAX name-sort: さいどわいんだーMAX name-en: "Sidewinder Max" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25020: name: 機動戦士ガンダム name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25021: name: "Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba - Dream Classic 2001 Spring" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25022: name: COOL BOARDERS CODE ALIEN name-sort: COOL BOARDERS CODE ALIEN name-en: "Cool Boarders - Code Alien" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25023: name: バウンサー name-sort: ばうんさー name-en: "Bouncer, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25024: name: "Disney's Dinosaur" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25025: name: 7(セブン)〜モールモースの騎兵隊〜 name-sort: せぶん もーるもーすのきへいたい name-en: "7 (Seven) - Molmorth no Kiheitai" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Correct graphics after changing scene. SLPS-25026: name: DOA2 HARD・CORE name-sort: でっどおああらいぶ2 はーどこあ name-en: "DOA 2 - Hardcore" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 patches: 82C02240: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull and kozarovv // Fixes game hanging on boot. patch=1,EE,002B666C,word,24060000 SLPS-25027: name: "Golf Paradise DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25028: name: 首都高バトル0 name-sort: しゅとこうばとる0 name-en: "Shutokou Battle 0" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25029: name: レイマン レボリューション! name-sort: れいまん れぼりゅーしょん! name-en: "Rayman 2 Revolution" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game hanging in the "Clark running away" ingame cutscene. SLPS-25030: name: ルナティックドーン テンペスト name-sort: るなてぃっくどーん てんぺすと name-en: "Lunatic Dawn - Tempest" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25031: name: "Might and Magic - Day of the Destroyer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25032: name: ゴルフルGOLF name-sort: ごるふるごるふ name-en: "Golful Golf" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25033: name: 風のクロノア2〜世界が望んだ忘れもの〜 name-sort: かぜのくろのあ2 せかいがのぞんだわすれもの name-en: "Kaze no Klonoa 2 - Sekai ga Nozonda Wasuremono" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Objects appear in wrong places without it. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes water reflection and object glow. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes shadows, object and enemy colours, platform transitions. SLPS-25034: name: 花と太陽と雨と name-sort: はなとたいようとあめと name-en: "Flower, Sun and Rain" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes some of the many graphical issues. SLPS-25035: name: モンスターファーム name-sort: もんすたーふぁーむ name-en: "Monster Farm 3" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS in game. SLPS-25036: name: ギャロップレーサー5 name-sort: ぎゃろっぷれーさー5 name-en: "Gallop Racer 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25037: name: Velvet File Plus name-sort: Velvet File Plus name-en: "Velvet File Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25038: name: トゥルーラブストーリー3 name-sort: とぅるーらぶすとーりー3 name-en: "True Love Story 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25039: name: MissingBlue 初回限定版 name-sort: MissingBlue しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Missing Blue [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25040: name: アーマード・コア 2 アナザーエイジ name-sort: あーまーどこあ 2 あなざーえいじ name-en: "Armored Core 2 - Another Age" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55024" - "SLPS-25007" - "SLPS-25040" - "SLPS-73403" - "SLPS-73411" SLPS-25041: name: シャドウハーツ name-sort: しゃどうはーつ name-en: "Shadow Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes invisible characters in various scenes. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Post and transition effects. SLPS-25042: name: 魔剣爻 -MAKEN SHAO-(初回限定版) name-sort: まけんしゃお [しょかいげんていばん] name-en: "Maken Shao [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 SLPS-25043: name: 魔剣爻 -MAKEN SHAO- name-sort: まけんしゃお -MAKEN SHAO- name-en: "Maken Shao" region: "NTSC-J" speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 SLPS-25044: name: エヴァーグレイスII name-sort: えゔぁーぐれいすII name-en: "Evergrace 2" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes textures and flickering such as the wall and sky. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes black lines in character sprites. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes shimmering noisy textures trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes shimmering noisy textures SLPS-25045: name: リリーのアトリエ 〜ザールブルグの錬金術士3〜 name-sort: りりーのあとりえ ざーるぶるぐのれんきんじゅつし3 name-en: "Lilie no Atelier - Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25046: name: ゴルフナビゲーター Vol.1 name-sort: ごるふなびげーたー Vol.1 name-en: "Golf Navigator Vol.1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25047: name: ゴルフナビゲーター Vol.2 name-sort: ごるふなびげーたー Vol.2 name-en: "Golf Navigator Vol.2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25048: name: ZEONIC FRONT 機動戦士ガンダム0079 name-sort: ZEONIC FRONT きどうせんしがんだむ0079 name-en: "Zeonic Front - Kidou Senshi Gundam 0079" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25050: name: ファイナルファンタジーX name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10 name-en: "Final Fantasy X" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPS-25051: name: MissingBlue name-sort: MissingBlue name-en: "Missing Blue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25052: name: エースコンバット04 シャッタードスカイ name-sort: えーすこんばっと04 しゃったーどすかい name-en: "Ace Combat 04 - Shattered Skies" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering and edge of screen issues in 16:9 mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes missing sun sprite. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 0 # Needed for above. SLPS-25053: name: 栄冠は君に 甲子園の覇者 name-sort: えいかんはきみに こうしえんのはしゃ name-en: "Eikan ha Kimi ni - Koushien no Hasha" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25054: name: 玉繭物語2〜滅びの蟲〜 name-sort: たままゆものがたり2 ほろびのむし name-en: "Tamamayu Story 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25055: name: ゴルフナビゲーター Vol.3 name-sort: ごるふなびげーたー Vol.3 name-en: "Golf Navigator Vol.3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25056: name: "I Golf Navigator Vol. 4 - Taiheiyou Club - Gotenba Courseshioka Golf Club" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25057: name: キングスフィールドIV name-sort: きんぐすふぃーるど4 name-en: "King's Field IV" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible lava, there is another issue that needs skipdraw 1 for blurry font but it removes much brightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes sky and lava when upscaling. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. patches: 04C3765E: content: |- comment=Patch by Wgarvin // Fixes (black voids) central tower level loading. // Issue: Some doors leading to some areas appeared as black voids that you can walk into. patch=1,EE,001BE37C,word,46150036 SLPS-25059: name: 機甲武装Gブレーカー レジェンド オブ クラウディア name-sort: きこうぶそうGぶれーかー れじぇんど おぶ くらうでぃあ name-en: "G-Breaker - Legend of Cloudia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25060: name: 機動戦士ガンダム めぐりあい宇宙 [限定版] name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ めぐりあいうちゅう [げんていばん] name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Meguriai Sora [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25061: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam - Ver. 1.5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25062: name: 機動戦士ガンダム めぐりあい宇宙 [DVD同梱版] name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ めぐりあいうちゅう [DVDどうこんばん] name-en: "Kidou Senshi Gundam - Meguriai Sora" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25064: name: シーマン 〜禁断のペット〜 ガゼー博士の実験島(シーマイクコントローラ同梱版) name-sort: しーまん きんだんのぺっと がぜーはかせのじっけんとう(しーまいくこんとろーらどうこんばん) name-en: "Sea-Man" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25065: name: "Kindan no Pet - Seaman - Gassé Hakase no Jikken-tou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25067: name: "TVware Jouhou Kakumei Series - Pro Atlas for TV - Zenkokuban" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25068: name: "Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba - Dream Classic - 2001 Autumn" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25069: name: FIFA 2002 ロード・トゥ・FIFAワールドカップ name-sort: FIFA 2002 ろーど とぅ FIFAわーるどかっぷ name-en: "FIFA 2002 - Road to World Cup" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLPS-25070: name: サンライズ英雄譚2 name-sort: さんらいずえいゆうたん2 name-en: "Tales of the Sunrise Heroes 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25071: name: “A” VISUAL MIX [ディスク1/2] name-sort: A VISUAL MIX [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Visual Mix - Ayumi Hamasaki Dome Tour 2001 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25071" - "SLPS-25072" - "SLPM-65086" - "SLPM-65087" SLPS-25072: name: “A” VISUAL MIX [ディスク2/2] name-sort: A VISUAL MIX [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Visual Mix - Ayumi Hamasaki Dome Tour 2001 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25071" - "SLPS-25072" - "SLPM-65086" - "SLPM-65087" SLPS-25073: name: "Cinema Surfing - Youga Taizen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25074: name: 零 〜zero〜 name-sort: ぜろ name-en: "Project Zero" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. patches: 9883194E: content: |- author=WeirdBeardGame, TellowKrinkle, CheeseyBurrito. // Wraps sceVu0ScaleVector in if statement to prevent bad divide by zero behaviour. patch=1,EE,0011de3c,word,46156032 patch=1,EE,0011de40,word,45010002 SLPS-25075: name: サイドワインダーF+FLIGHT FORCE 同梱パック name-sort: さいどわいんだーF+FLIGHT FORCE どうこんぱっく name-en: "Sidewinder F" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25076: name: サイドワインダーF name-sort: さいどわいんだーF name-en: "Sidewinder F" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25077: name: ヴァンパイアナイト name-sort: ゔぁんぱいあないと name-en: "Vampire Night" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25078: name: SSX TRICKY name-sort: SSX TRICKY name-en: "SSX Tricky" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanish into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLPS-25079: name: MADDEN NFL スーパーボウル 2002 name-sort: MADDEN NFL すーぱーぼうる 2002 name-en: "Madden NFL 2002" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25080: name: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト イスカンダルへの追憶(初回生産限定版) name-sort: うちゅうせんかんやまと いすかんだるへのついおく [しょかいせいさんげんていばん] name-en: "Uchuu Senkan Yamato - Iscandar he no Tsuioku [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25081: name: 最終電車 name-sort: さいしゅうでんしゃ name-en: "Saishuu Densha" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25083: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 3 [Genteiban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25084: name: サンダーストライク:オペレーション フェニックス name-sort: さんだーすとらいく:おぺれーしょん ふぇにっくす name-en: "Thunder Strike - Operation Phoenix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25085: name: ソウルリーバー2 name-sort: そうるりーばー2 name-en: "Soul Reaver 2 - Legacy of Kain" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLPS-25087: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25088: name: ファイナルファンタジーX インターナショナル name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10 いんたーなしょなる name-en: "Final Fantasy X International" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes character flickering caused by EE clamp full. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPS-25089: name: "Salt Lake 2002" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes flickering and missing textures. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes graphical corruption. SLPS-25094: name: リーヴェルファンタジア 〜マリエルと妖精物語〜 name-sort: りーゔぇるふぁんたじあ まりえるとようせいものがたり name-en: "Reveal Fantasia" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes NULL GIFChain hang. SLPS-25095: name: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト イスカンダルへの追憶 name-sort: うちゅうせんかんやまと いすかんだるへのついおく name-en: "Uchuu Senkan Yamato - Iscandar he no Tsuioku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25096: name: ガレリアンズ:アッシュ×リオン コンプリートパック name-sort: がれりあんず:あっしゅ×りおん こんぷりーとぱっく name-en: "Galerians 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25097: name: ヴェルベットファイルPlus name-sort: ゔぇるべっとふぁいるPlus name-en: "Velvet File Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25098: name: レスキューヘリ エアレンジャー2 name-sort: れすきゅーへり えあれんじゃー2 name-en: "Air Ranger 2 - Rescue Helicopter" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25099: name: WRC〜ワールドラリーチャンピオンシップ〜 name-sort: わーるどらりーちゃんぴおんしっぷ name-en: "World Rally Championship" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes crash when using the Subaru. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS while ingame. SLPS-25100: name: 鉄拳4 name-sort: てっけん4 name-en: "Tekken 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-25101: name: "Nichibeikan Pro Yakyuu - Final League" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - FullVU0SyncHack # Fixes SPS. SLPS-25102: name: PROJECT ARMS(プロジェクトアームズ) name-sort: ぷろじぇくとあーむず name-en: "Project Arms" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25103: name: スーパーロボット大戦IMPACT 限定版 name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんIMPACT [げんていばん] name-en: "Super Robot Taisen Impact [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Reduces hash cache size. SLPS-25104: name: スーパーロボット大戦IMPACT name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんIMPACT name-en: "Super Robot Taisen Impact" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Reduces hash cache size. SLPS-25105: name: キングダム ハーツ name-sort: きんぐだむ はーつ name-en: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25106: name: アメリカ横断ウルトラクイズ name-sort: あめりかおうだんうるとらくいず name-en: "America Oudan Ultra Quiz" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25107: name: 剣豪2 name-sort: けんごう2 name-en: "Kengo 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25108: name: RUNABOUT3 neoAGE name-sort: RUNABOUT3 neoAGE name-en: "Runabout 3 - Neo Age" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25110: name: "Project FIFA World Cup - Sorenara Kimi ga Daihyou Kantoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25111: name: 彼岸花 name-sort: ひがんばな name-en: "Higanbana" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25112: name: アーマード・コア 3 name-sort: あーまーどこあ3 name-en: "Armored Core 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces garbage on the UI whilst upscaling. SLPS-25113: name: 絶体絶命都市 name-sort: ぜったいぜつめいとし name-en: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25114: name: 機甲武装Gブレイカー 第三次クラウディア大戦 name-sort: きこうぶそうGぶれいかー だいさんじくらうでぃあたいせん name-en: "G-Breaker - Daisanshi Cloudia Taisen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25115: name: E.O.E 〜崩壊の前夜〜 name-sort: E.O.E ほうかいのぜんや name-en: "EOE - Eve of Extinction - Houkai no Zen'ya" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25117: name: FEVER6 SANKYO公式パチンコシミュレーション name-sort: FEVER6 さんきょうこうしきぱちんこしみゅれーしょん name-en: "Sankyo Fever 6" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25118: name: 2002FIFAワールドカップ name-sort: 2002FIFAわーるどかっぷ name-en: "2002 FIFA World Cup" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25119: name: ガレリアンズ:アッシュ name-sort: がれりあんず あっしゅ name-en: "Galerians 2" region: "NTSC-J" patches: E8E54032: content: |- author=kozarovv, descawed // Floats workaround to make HW GSDX mode working. // There is still overflow on GS, but this time GSDX can handle it just fine in HW mode. patch=1,EE,001da848,word,3c017e00 patch=1,EE,001da850,word,44812800 patch=1,EE,001da868,word,44813000 patch=1,EE,001da878,word,44813800 patch=1,EE,001da888,word,44810000 SLPS-25120: name: 機動戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 ジオン独立戦争記 name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ ぎれんのやぼう じおんどくりつせんそうき name-en: "Gundam Gihren's Ambition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25121: name: .hack//感染拡大 Vol.1 name-sort: どっとはっく かんせんかくだい Vol.1 name-en: ".hack//Infection Part 1" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-25122: name: 機動戦士ガンダム戦記 LIMITED BOX [限定版] name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむせんき LIMITED BOX [げんていばん] name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Lost War Chronicles [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25123: name: 機動戦士ガンダム戦記 name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむせんき name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Lost War Chronicles" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25124: name: 機甲武装Gブレイカー2 同盟の反撃 name-sort: きこうぶそうGぶれいかー2 どうめいのはんげき name-en: "G-Breaker 2 - Doumei no Hangeki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25125: name: 実名実況競馬ドリームクラシック2002 name-sort: じつめいじっきょうけいばどりーむくらしっく2002 name-en: "Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba - Dream Classic 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25127: name: AIR name-sort: えあー name-en: "Air" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25128: name: "Victorious Boxer - Championship Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25129: name: はじめの一歩 VICTORIOUS BOXERS 〜CHAMPIONSHIP VERSION〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: はじめのいっぽ VICTORIOUS BOXERS CHAMPIONSHIP VERSION PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Victorious Boxers - Championship Edition [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25130: name: ルームメイト・麻美-おくさまは女子高生- name-sort: るーむめいとあさみ おくさまはじょしこうせい name-en: "Roommate Asami - Okusama ha Joshikousei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25131: name: ゴーストヴァイブレーション name-sort: ごーすとゔぁいぶれーしょん name-en: "Ghost Vibration" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25132: name: "Kamaitachi no Yoru 2 - Kangoku-jima no Warabe-uta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25135: name: かまいたちの夜2〜監獄島のわらべ唄〜 name-sort: かまいたちのよる2 かんごくじまのわらべうた name-en: "Kamaitachi no Yoru 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25136: name: 久遠の絆 再臨詔 name-sort: くおんのきずな さいりんしょう name-en: "Kuon no Kizuna Sairin Mikotonori" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25138: name: Ever17〜the out of infinity〜 [限定版] name-sort: Ever17 the out of infinity [げんていばん] name-en: "Ever 17 - The Out of Infinity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25139: name: Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance [限定版] name-sort: Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance [げんていばん] name-en: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus. SLPS-25140: name: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus. SLPS-25141: name: パックマンワールド2 name-sort: ぱっくまんわーるど2 name-en: "Pac-Man World 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hanging in Butane Pain, Ghost Bayou, Pinky's Revenge and Clyde in the Caldera levels. SLPS-25142: name: タイガー・ウッズ PGA TOUR 2002 name-sort: たいがーうっず PGA TOUR 2002 name-en: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes the inverted legs. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25143: name: .hack//悪性変異 Vol.2 name-sort: どっとはっく あくせいへんい Vol.2 name-en: ".hack//Mutation Part 2" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-25144: name: メモリアルソング name-sort: めもりあるそんぐ name-en: "Memorial Song" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25145: name: フーリガン〜君のなかの勇気〜 [限定版] name-sort: ふーりがん きみのなかのゆうき [げんていばん] name-en: "Hooligan [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25146: name: フーリガン〜君のなかの勇気〜 name-sort: ふーりがん きみのなかのゆうき name-en: "Hooligan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25147: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on menu. SLPS-25148: name: "パネルクイズ アタック25" name-sort: "ぱねるくいず あたっく25" name-en: "Panel Quiz Attack 25" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25149: name: Ever17〜the out of infinity〜 name-sort: Ever17 the out of infinity name-en: "Ever 17 - The Out of Infinity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25150: name: Only you リベルクルス ドラマCD付き name-sort: Only you りべるくるす どらまCDつき name-en: "Only You" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25151: name: メダル・オブ・オナー 史上最大の作戦 name-sort: めだる おぶ おなー しじょうさいだいのさくせん name-en: "Medal of Honor - Shijou Saidai no Sakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25153: name: "Disney's Lilo and Stitch - Stitch no Daibouken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25154: name: 花と太陽と雨と Victor the Best name-sort: はなとたいようとあめと Victor the Best name-en: "Flower, Sun and Rain [Victor The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes some of the many graphical issues. SLPS-25155: name: ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 2 name-sort: うるとらまん Fighting Evolution 2 name-en: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25156: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ2000 name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず2000 name-en: "King of Fighters 2000, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25157: name: "Madden NFL Super Bowl 2003" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25158: name: .hack//侵食汚染 Vol.3 name-sort: どっとはっく しんしょくおせん Vol.3 name-en: ".hack//Outbreak Part 3" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-25159: name: テクニクビート name-sort: てくにくびーと name-en: "Technic Beat" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25160: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI 2002 SPECIAL ART BOX name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 2002 SPECIAL ART BOX name-en: "Final Fantasy XI 2002 [Special Art Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25161: name: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト 暗黒星団帝国の逆襲 [初回生産限定] name-sort: うちゅうせんかんやまと あんこくせいだんていこくのぎゃくしゅう [しょかいせいさんげんてい] name-en: "Uchuu Senkan Yamato - Ankoku Seidan Teikoku no Gyakushuu [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25162: name: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト 暗黒星団帝国の逆襲 name-sort: うちゅうせんかんやまと あんこくせいだんていこくのぎゃくしゅう name-en: "Uchuu Senkan Yamato - Ankoku Seidan Teikoku no Gyakushuu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25164: name: 宇宙戦艦ヤマト 二重銀河の崩壊 name-sort: うちゅうせんかんやまと にじゅうぎんがのほうかい name-en: "Uchuu Senkan Yamato - Nijuu Ginga no Houkai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25165: name: ガンバリコレクション プラス タイムクライシス with ガンコン2 name-sort: がんばりこれくしょん ぷらす たいむくらいしす with がんこん2 name-en: "Gunvari Collection + Time Crisis" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25166: name: 金鉱脈探査シミュレーション インゴット79 name-sort: きんこうみゃくたんさしみゅれーしょん いんごっと79 name-en: "Kinkoumyaku Tansa Simulation - Ingot 79" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25167: name: "Triple Play 2002" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25168: name: "NBA Live 2003" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25169: name: ARMORED CORE3 Silent Line name-sort: あーまーどこあ3 さいれんとらいん name-en: "Armored Core 3 - Silent Line" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20011" - "SCPS-55014" - "SLPS-25112" - "SLPS-25169" - "SLPS-73417" - "SLPS-73420" SLPS-25170: name: SDガンダム GGENERATION-NEO name-sort: SDがんだむ GGENERATION-NEO name-en: "SD Gundam G Generation Neo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25171: name: ルパン三世 魔術王の遺産 name-sort: るぱんさんせい まじゅつおうのいさん name-en: "Lupin III - Majutsu no Isan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25172: name: テイルズ オブ デスティニー2 name-sort: ているず おぶ ですてぃにー2 name-en: "Tales of Destiny 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25173: name: "Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi - Memories Off" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25174: name: ドラゴンボールZ name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ name-en: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25175: name: "A Ressha de Ikou 2001" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25176: name: "Neo Atlas III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25177: name: Gallop Racer 6 -Revolution- name-sort: Gallop Racer 6 -Revolution- name-en: "Gallop Racer 6 - Revolution" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Improves lighting, maximum blending is needed for full accuracy. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25178: name: アルゴスの戦士 name-sort: あるごすのせんし name-en: "Argus no Senshi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25179: name: FIFA2003ヨーロッパサッカー name-sort: FIFA2003よーろっぱさっかー name-en: "FIFA 2003" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Improves field textures. SLPS-25181: name: ガンバリコレクション プラス タイムクライシス(ソフト単品) name-sort: がんばりこれくしょん ぷらす たいむくらいしす name-en: "Gunvari Collection & Time Crisis" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25182: name: アイドル雀士R 雀ぐる★プロジェクト [限定版] name-sort: あいどるじゃんしR じゃんぐるぷろじぇくと [げんていばん] name-en: "Idol Janshi R - Jan-Guru Project [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25183: name: アイドル雀士R 雀ぐる★プロジェクト name-sort: あいどるじゃんしR じゃんぐるぷろじぇくと name-en: "Idol Janshi R - Jan-Guru Project" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25184: name: ギルティギア イグゼクス name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす name-en: "Guilty Gear XX - The Midnight Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25185: name: アンリミテッド:サガ リミテッドエディション name-sort: あんりみてっど:さが りみてっどえでぃしょん name-en: "Unlimited SaGa [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25186: name: 機動新撰組 萌えよ剣 name-sort: きどうしんせんぐみ もえよけん name-en: "Kidou Shinsengumi - Moe yo Ken" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25187: name: "Panel Quiz Attack 25" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25188: name: "Erde - Nezu no Ki no Shita de" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25189: name: "Toukon Inoki-michi - Puzzle de Daaa!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25190: name: スイートレガシー 〜ボクと彼女の名もないお菓子〜 name-sort: すいーとれがしー ぼくとかのじょのなもないおかし name-en: "Sweet Legacy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25191: name: みずいろ name-sort: みずいろ name-en: "Mizuiro Light Blue" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25192: name: My Merry May 初回限定版 name-sort: My Merry May しょかいげんていばん name-en: "My Merry May" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25193: name: My Merry May name-sort: My Merry May name-en: "My Merry May" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25194: name: "Herdy Gerdy" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25195: name: ヴィーナス&ブレイブス 〜魔女と女神と滅びの予言〜 プレミアムボックス name-sort: ゔぃーなす&ぶれいぶす まじょとめがみとほろびのよげん ぷれみあむぼっくす name-en: "Venus & Braves [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPS-25196: name: ヴィーナス&ブレイブス 〜魔女と女神と滅びの予言〜 name-sort: ゔぃーなす&ぶれいぶす まじょとめがみとほろびのよげん name-en: "Venus & Braves" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPS-25197: name: キングダム ハーツ -ファイナルミックス- プラチナ リミテッド name-sort: きんぐだむ はーつ -ふぁいなるみっくす- ぷらちな りみてっど name-en: "Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes picture artifacts. SLPS-25198: name: キングダム ハーツ -ファイナル ミックス- name-sort: きんぐだむ はーつ -ふぁいなる みっくす- name-en: "Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes picture artifacts. SLPS-25199: name: アンリミテッド:サガ(通常版) name-sort: あんりみてっど:さが name-en: "Unlimited Saga" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25200: name: ファイナルファンタジーXI name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー11 name-en: "Final Fantasy XI" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 3 SLPS-25201: name: リーヴェルファンタジア マリエルと妖精物語 name-sort: りーゔぇるふぁんたじあ まりえるとようせいものがたり name-en: "Reveal Fantasia" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes NULL GIFChain hang. SLPS-25202: name: .hack//絶対包囲 Vol.4 name-sort: どっとはっく ぜったいほうい Vol.4 name-en: ".hack//Quarantine Part 4" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-25203: name: "007 - Nightfire" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog lines in the distance. SLPS-25204: name: MotoGP3 name-sort: MotoGP3 name-en: "MotoGP3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes lines at the edges of the HUD. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25205: name: イース I・II エターナルストーリー [特別限定版] name-sort: いーす I・II えたーなるすとーりー [とくべつげんていばん] name-en: "Ys I-II - Eternal Story [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25206: name: イース I・II エターナルストーリー name-sort: いーす I・II えたーなるすとーりー name-en: "Ys I-II - Eternal Story" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25207: name: "TimeSplitter - Jikuu no Shinryakusha" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes texture slight misalignment. SLPS-25209: name: メタルスラッグ3 name-sort: めたるすらっぐ3 name-en: "Metal Slug 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Stops excessive VRAM usage with preloading on. SLPS-25210: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25212: name: 機動戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 ジオン独立戦争記 攻略指令書 name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ ぎれんのやぼう じおんどくりつせんそうき こうりゃくしれいしょ name-en: "Giren no Yabou - Zeon Dokuritsu Sensouden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25213: name: バスランディング3 name-sort: ばすらんでぃんぐ3 name-en: "Bass Landing 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25214: name: ガーディアン エンジェル name-sort: がーでぃあん えんじぇる name-en: "Guardian Angel" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25215: name: Iris 初回限定版 name-sort: Iris しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Iris [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25216: name: Iris name-sort: Iris name-en: "Iris" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25217: name: SHADOW TOWER ABYSS (シャドウタワー アビス) name-sort: しゃどうたわー あびす name-en: "Shadow Tower Abyss" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25219: name: カナリア〜この想いを歌に乗せて〜 name-sort: かなりあ このおもいをうたにのせて name-en: "Canary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25220: name: エリュシオン〜永遠のサンクチュアリ〜 name-sort: えりゅしおん えいえんのさんくちゅあり name-en: "Elysion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25221: name: Piaキャロットへようこそ!!3〜round summer〜(初回限定版) name-sort: ぴあきゃろっとへようこそ!!3 round summer しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Welcome to Pia Carrot!! 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25223: name: Canvas〜セピア色のモチーフ〜 name-sort: Canvas せぴあいろのもちーふ name-en: "Canvas - Sepia-iro no Motif" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25224: name: 藍より青し 初回限定版 name-sort: あいよりあおし しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Ai yori Aoshi [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25225: name: 藍より青し name-sort: あいよりあおし name-en: "Ai Yori Aoshi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25226: name: メモリーズオフ デュエット〜1st & 2ndストーリーズ〜 name-sort: めもりーずおふ でゅえっと 1st & 2ndすとーりーず name-en: "Memories Off - Duet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25227: name: 第2次スーパーロボット大戦α [限定版] name-sort: だい2じすーぱーろぼっとたいせんあるふぁ [げんていばん] name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Alpha 2nd [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25228: name: 第2次スーパーロボット大戦α name-sort: だい2じすーぱーろぼっとたいせんあるふぁ name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Alpha 2nd" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25230: name: ソウルキャリバー II name-sort: そうるきゃりばー II name-en: "Soul Calibur II" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-25231: name: ミストIII:エグザイル name-sort: みすとIII えぐざいる name-en: "Myst III - Exile" region: "NTSC-J" patches: D7CCA373: content: |- // Waits for IPU command to finish. // Replaces wait loop that had a very short wait period. patch=0,EE,001F0490,word,3C021000 patch=0,EE,001F0494,word,34422010 patch=0,EE,001F0498,word,8c430000 patch=0,EE,001F04A8,word,0460FFFA SLPS-25233: name: 怒首領蜂 大往生 name-sort: いかしゅりょうはち だいおうじょう name-en: "Do DonPachi Daioujou" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25234: name: 天誅 参 name-sort: てんちゅう3 name-en: "Tenchu 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25235: name: ゆめりあ name-sort: ゆめりあ name-en: "Yumeria" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes double image. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPS-25236: name: ファンタスティックフォーチュン2 name-sort: ふぁんたすてぃっくふぉーちゅん2 name-en: "Fantastic Fortune 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25237: name: Only you リベルクルス name-sort: Only you りべるくるす name-en: "Only You" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25238: name: My Merry May be name-sort: My Merry May be name-en: "My Merry Maybe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25240: name: MEGUMI / モーショングラビアシリーズ(仮) name-sort: MEGUMI もーしょんぐらびあしりーず(かり) name-en: "Motion Gravure Series - Megumi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25241: name: 森ひろこ / モーショングラビアシリーズ(仮) name-sort: もりひろこ もーしょんぐらびあしりーず(かり) name-en: "Motion Gravure Series - Hiroko Mori" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25242: name: 北川友美 / モーショングラビアシリーズ(仮) name-sort: きたがわともみ もーしょんぐらびあしりーず(かり) name-en: "Motion Gravure Series - Tomomi Kitagawa" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25243: name: 根本はるみ / モーショングラビアシリーズ(仮) name-sort: ねもとはるみ もーしょんぐらびあしりーず(かり) name-en: "Motion Gravure Series - Harumi Nemoto" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25244: name: MAX PAYNE name-sort: MAX PAYNE name-en: "Max Payne" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crashes. SLPS-25245: name: True Love Story Summer Days,and yet... トゥルーラブストーリー サマーデイズ アンド イエット... name-sort: True Love Story Summer Days,and yet... とぅるーらぶすとーりー さまーでいず あんど いえっと... name-en: "True Love Story - Summer Days and Yet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25246: name: トゥームレイダー 美しき逃亡者 name-sort: とぅーむれいだー うつくしきとうぼうしゃ name-en: "Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lava effect. SLPS-25247: name: R-TYPE FINAL name-sort: R-TYPE FINAL name-en: "R-Type Final" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25248: name: キノの旅 -the Beautiful World- name-sort: きののたび the Beautiful World name-en: "Kino no Tabi - The Beautiful World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25249: name: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 9 - Shin Umi Okawari!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25250: name: ファイナルファンタジーX-2 name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10-2 name-en: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPS-25251: name: MVPベースボール 2003 name-sort: MVPべーすぼーる 2003 name-en: "MVP Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing environment. SLPS-25252: name: スターウォーズ ジャンゴフェット name-sort: すたーうぉーず じゃんごふぇっと name-en: "Star Wars - Jango Fett" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLPS-25253: name: "Mezamashi TV - 10th Anniversary - Kyou no Wanko" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25254: name: ENTER THE MATRIX name-sort: ENTER THE MATRIX name-en: "Enter the Matrix" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes various VIF errors. SLPS-25255: name: サイドワインダー V フライトBOX [特別限定版] name-sort: さいどわいんだー V ふらいとBOX [とくべつげんていばん] name-en: "Sidewinder V [Premium Flight Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25256: name: Never7 〜the end of infinity〜 name-sort: Never7 the end of infinity name-en: "Never 7 - The End of Infinity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25257: name: 想いのかけら 〜Close to 〜 name-sort: おもいのかけら Close to name-en: "Close To" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25258: name: ヴァーチャルビュー R.C.T エイゾープレイ name-sort: ゔぁーちゃるびゅー R.C.T えいぞーぷれい name-en: "Virtual View - R.C.T. Video Play" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25259: name: ヴァーチャル・ビュー 根本はるみ エイゾープレイ name-sort: ゔぁーちゃるびゅー ねもとはるみ えいぞーぷれい name-en: "Virtual View - Nemoto Harumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25260: name: ヴァーチャル・ビュー MEGUMI エイゾープレイ name-sort: ゔぁーちゃるびゅー MEGUMI えいぞーぷれい name-en: "Virtual View - Megumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25261: name: GUILTY GEAR XX #RELOAD 〜THE MIDNIGHT CARNIVAL〜 name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす しゃーぷりろーど THE MIDNIGHT CARNIVAL name-en: "Guilty Gear XX #Reload - The Midnight Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25262: name: プライベートナース -まりあ- name-sort: ぷらいべーとなーす まりあ name-en: "Private Nurse Maria" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25263: name: モンスターファーム4 name-sort: もんすたーふぁーむ4 name-en: "Monster Farm 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Corrects shadow misalignment. SLPS-25264: name: ラーゼフォン 蒼穹幻想曲 PLUSCULUS name-sort: らーぜふぉん そうきゅうげんそうきょく PLUSCULUS name-en: "RAhXEPhON - Soukyuu Gensoukyoku [Plusculus]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes floating chairs. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes DOF effect. SLPS-25265: name: ラーゼフォン 蒼穹幻想曲 [通常版] name-sort: らーぜふぉん そうきゅうげんそうきょく name-en: "RAhXEPhON - Soukyuu Gensoukyoku [Standard Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes floating chairs. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes DOF effect. SLPS-25266: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ 2001 name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず 2001 name-en: "King of Fighters 2001, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25267: name: サモンナイト3 name-sort: さもんないと3 name-en: "Summon Night 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25268: name: "Dead to Rights" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes sky lighting. SLPS-25269: name: "Hitman - Silent Assassin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25270: name: サンライズ ワールド ウォー from サンライズ英雄譚 name-sort: さんらいず わーるど うぉー from さんらいずえいゆうたん name-en: "Sunrise World War" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25271: name: サイドワインダー V name-sort: さいどわいんだーV name-en: "Sidewinder V" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25272: name: HULK name-sort: HULK name-en: "Hulk, The" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25274: name: あいかぎ 〜ぬくもりとひだまりの中で〜 name-sort: あいかぎ ぬくもりとひだまりのなかで name-en: "Aikagi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25275: name: Def Jam Vendetta name-sort: Def Jam Vendetta name-en: "Def Jam - Vendetta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25276: name: 夏夢夜話 name-sort: なつゆめやわ name-en: "Natsu Yume Ya Wa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25278: name: メモオフみっくす name-sort: めもおふみっくす name-en: "Memories Off - Mix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25279: name: 冒険少年クラブ画報 name-sort: ぼうけんしょうねんくらぶがほう name-en: "Bouken Shounen Club Gahou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25281: name: "True Love Story 3 [Enterbrain collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25282: name: 学園ヘヴン BOY’S LOVE SCRAMBLE! name-sort: がくえんへゔん BOY’S LOVE SCRAMBLE! name-en: "School Heaven - Boy's Love Scramble!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25283: name: INTERLUDE name-sort: INTERLUDE name-en: "Interlude" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25287: name: はじめの一歩2 VICTORIOUS ROAD name-sort: はじめのいっぽ2 VICTORIOUS ROAD name-en: "Victorious Boxers 2 - Ippo's Road to Glory" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25288: name: D→A:BLACK 初回限定版 name-sort: D→A:BLACK しょかいげんていばん name-en: "D-A - Black [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25289: name: タイムクライシス3 [ガンコン2同梱] name-sort: たいむくらいしす3 [がんこん2どうこん] name-en: "Time Crisis 3 [with G-Con 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SLPS-25290: name: タイムクライシス3 [ソフト単品] name-sort: たいむくらいしす3 [そふとたんぴん] name-en: "Time Crisis 3" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SLPS-25291: name: バルダーズゲート・ダークアライアンス [PCCWジャパン・ザ・ベスト] name-sort: ばるだーずげーと だーくあらいあんす [PCCWじゃぱん・ざ・べすと] name-en: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance [PCCW The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLPS-25292: name: D→A:BLACK name-sort: D→A:BLACK name-en: "D-A - Black" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25293: name: NARUTO -ナルト- ナルティメットヒーロー name-sort: なると なるてぃめっとひーろー name-en: "Naruto - Narutimett Hero" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25294: name: 宇宙のステルヴィア name-sort: うちゅうのすてるゔぃあ name-en: "Uchuu no Stellvia" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25295: name: Kaena name-sort: けいな name-en: "Kaena" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For black textures on characters. SLPS-25296: name: スーパーロボット大戦 Scramble Commander name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせん Scramble Commander name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Scramble Commander" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25297: name: EA BEST HITS NBAライブ2004 name-sort: NBAらいぶ2004 name-en: "NBA Live 2004" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLPS-25298: name: てんたま -1st Sunny Side- name-sort: てんたま -1st Sunny Side- name-en: "Tentama 1st - Sunny Side" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25299: name: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン2 name-sort: しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん2 name-en: "Shinseiki Evangelions 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25300: name: R:RACING EVOLUTION name-sort: R:RACING EVOLUTION name-en: "R - Racing Evolution" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-25301: name: ミッシングパーツ sideA the TANTEI stories name-sort: みっしんぐぱーつ sideA the TANTEI stories name-en: "Missing Parts - The Tantei Stories - Side A" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25302: name: 仮面ライダー 正義の系譜 name-sort: かめんらいだー せいぎのけいふ name-en: "Kamen Rider - Seigi no Keifu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25303: name: 零〜紅い蝶〜 name-sort: ぜろ あかいちょう name-en: "Zero - Crimson Butterfly" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25304: name: ビーストサップ name-sort: びーすとさっぷ name-en: "Beast Sapp" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25305: name: 機動戦士Zガンダム エゥーゴVS.ティターンズ name-sort: きどうせんしZがんだむ えぅーごVS.てぃたーんず name-en: "Mobile Suit Z Gundam - AEUG vs. Titans" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25307: name: 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ The Road To THE INFINITY name-sort: しんせいきGPXさいばーふぉーみゅら The Road To THE INFINITY name-en: "New Century GPX Cyber Formula - Road to the Infinity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25308: name: クラウチングタイガー・ヒドゥンドラゴン name-sort: くらうちんぐたいがー ひどぅんどらごん name-en: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes FMVs to be visible. SLPS-25309: name: エキサイティングプロレス4 YUKE’S the Best name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす4 YUKE’S the Best name-en: "Exciting Pro Wrestling 4 [Yuke's The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25310: name: ファインディング・ニモ name-sort: ふぁいんでぃんぐ にも name-en: "Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25311: name: SPY FICTION name-sort: SPY FICTION name-en: "Spy Fiction" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25312: name: ZERO PIROT 〜孤空の奇蹟〜 name-sort: ZERO PIROT こくうのきせき name-en: "Zero Pilot - The Miracle in Lonely Air" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25313: name: SEVEN SAMURAI 20XX name-sort: SEVEN SAMURAI 20XX name-en: "Seven Samurai 20XX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25314: name: NEBULA -ECHO NIGHT- name-sort: NEBULA -ECHO NIGHT- name-en: "Nebula - Echo Night" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25315: name: ワンピース グランドバトル!3 name-sort: わんぴーす ぐらんどばとる!3 name-en: "One Piece - Grand Battle 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25316: name: SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS name-sort: SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS name-en: "SNK vs. Capcom Chaos" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25317: name: シャドウハーツ II DXパック [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しゃどうはーつ II DXぱっく [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Shadow Hearts 2 [Deluxe Pack] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. SLPS-25318: name: シャドウハーツ II DXパック [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しゃどうはーつ II DXぱっく [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Shadow Hearts 2 [Deluxe Pack] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25317" SLPS-25319: name: ケロケロキング スーパーDX name-sort: けろけろきんぐ すーぱーDX name-en: "Kero Kero King DX Plus" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25320: name: 犬夜叉 呪詛の仮面 name-sort: いぬやしゃ じゅそのかめん name-en: "InuYasha - Juso no Kamen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25321: name: ダービースタリオン 04 name-sort: だーびーすたりおん 04 name-en: "Derby Stallion 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25323: name: 兎 -野性の闘牌-山城麻雀篇 name-sort: うさぎ -やせいのとうはい-やましろまーじゃんへん name-en: "Usagi - Yasei no Touhai - Yamashiro Mahjong-Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25324: name: 西風の狂詩曲(ラプソディ) [初回限定版] name-sort: にしかぜのらぷそでぃ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Rhapsody of Zephyr, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25326: name: エキサイティングプロレス5 name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす5 name-en: "WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain - Exciting Pro Wrestling 5 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25327: name: エキサイティングプロレス5 name-sort: えきさいてぃんぐぷろれす5 name-en: "WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain - Exciting Pro Wrestling 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25329: name: 九怨 -kuon- name-sort: くおん name-en: "Kuon" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Sugoroku mini-game. speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # This option enabled brings about 15% more FPS when I tested it, *your experience may differ. mtvu: 0 # For some reason this games halves the internal game FPS with this option. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes red cracklines on walls. SLPS-25330: name: ドラゴンボールZ2 name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ2 name-en: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25332: name: SNOW [初回限定版] name-sort: SNOW しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Snow [First Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes transparancy. SLPS-25333: name: ギャロップレーサー ラッキー7 name-sort: ぎゃろっぷれーさー らっきー7 name-en: "Gallop Racer Lucky 7" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25334: name: シャドウハーツ II [通常版] [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しゃどうはーつ II [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Shadow Hearts 2 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. SLPS-25335: name: シャドウハーツ II [通常版] [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しゃどうはーつ II [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Shadow Hearts 2 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25334" SLPS-25336: name: バスランディング3 [サミーベスト] [つりコン2+ 同梱版] name-sort: ばすらんでぃんぐ3 [さみーべすと] [つりこん2 どうこんばん] name-en: "Bass Landing 3 [with TsuriCon2+] [Sammy Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25337: name: バスランディング3 [サミーベスト] name-sort: ばすらんでぃんぐ3 [さみーべすと] name-en: "Bass Landing 3 [Sammy Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25338: name: アーマード・コア ネクサス [DISC 1] name-sort: あーまーどこあ ねくさす [DISC 1] name-en: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SLPS-25339: name: アーマード・コア ネクサス [DISC 2] name-sort: あーまーどこあ ねくさす [DISC 2] name-en: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SLPS-25340: name: ミッシングパーツ sideB the TANTEI stories name-sort: みっしんぐぱーつ sideB the TANTEI stories name-en: "Missing Parts - Side B" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25341: name: バックヤードレスリング name-sort: ばっくやーどれすりんぐ name-en: "Backyard Wrestling - Don't Try This at Home" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25342: name: SNOW name-sort: SNOW name-en: "Snow" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes transparancy. SLPS-25343: name: ガンスリンガー・ガール Volume.I name-sort: がんすりんがー がーる Volume.I name-en: "Gunslinger Girl Vol.1" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25344: name: 最遊記RELOAD name-sort: さいゆうきRELOAD name-en: "Saiyuki Reload" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25345: name: スーパーロボット大戦MX name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんMX name-en: "Super Robot Wars MX" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25346: name: サムライスピリッツ零 name-sort: さむらいすぴりっつぜろ name-en: "Samurai Spirits Zero" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25347: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 name-en: "King of Fighters 2002, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25348: name: こころの扉 初回限定版 コレクターズエディション name-sort: こころのとびら しょかいげんていばん これくたーずえでぃしょん name-en: "Kokoro no Tobira [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25349: name: こころの扉 name-sort: こころのとびら name-en: "Kokoro no Tobira" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25350: name: 熱チュー!プロ野球2004 name-sort: ねっちゅー!ぷろやきゅう2004 name-en: "Necchu! Pro Baseball 2004" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25351: name: BURNOUT2:POINT OF IMPACT name-sort: BURNOUT2:POINT OF IMPACT name-en: "Burnout 2 - Point of Impact" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns bloom effect a little bit better when upscaled. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Reduces color banding of the sun glare. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Bright lights in cars. SLPS-25352: name: エスプガルーダ name-sort: えすぷがるーだ name-en: "Espgaluda" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. SLPS-25353: name: ゼノサーガ フリークス name-sort: ぜのさーが ふりーくす name-en: "Xenosaga Freaks" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25354: name: PANZER FRONT Ausf.B name-sort: PANZER FRONT Ausf.B name-en: "Panzer Frony - Ausf. B" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25355: name: UFC2004 name-sort: UFC2004 name-en: "UFC 2004 - Ultimate Fighting Championship" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25356: name: ブロークン・ソード〜眠れる竜の伝説〜 name-sort: ぶろーくん そーど ねむれるりゅうのでんせつ name-en: "Broken Sword - Nenereru Ryuu no Densetsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25357: name: 3年B組金八先生 伝説の教壇に立て! name-sort: 3ねんBぐみきんぱちせんせい でんせつのきょうだんにたて! name-en: "3-nen B-gumi Kinpachi Sensei - Densetsu no Kyoudan ni Tate!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25358: name: 金色のガッシュベル!! 友情タッグバトル name-sort: こんじきのがっしゅべる!! ゆうじょうたっぐばとる name-en: "Gold Gasho Bell! - Friendship Tag Battle" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25359: name: シャーマンキング ふんばりスピリッツ name-sort: しゃーまんきんぐ ふんばりすぴりっつ name-en: "Shaman King Funbari Spirits" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25360: name: 塊魂 name-sort: かたまりだましい name-en: "Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLPS-25361: name: スマッシュコートプロトーナメント2 name-sort: すまっしゅこーとぷろとーなめんと2 name-en: "Smash Court Professional Tournament 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25362: name: 鉄人28号 name-sort: てつじん28ごう name-en: "Tetsujin 28 Go" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25363: name: 桜坂消防隊 name-sort: さくらざかしょうぼうたい name-en: "Sakurazaka Shouboutai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25364: name: ウルトラマン name-sort: うるとらまん name-en: "Ultraman" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25365: name: ベストプライス MissingBlue name-sort: べすとぷらいす MissingBlue name-en: "Missing Blue [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25366: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードII [善悪の彼岸] プレミアムボックス [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど2 ぜんあくのひがん ぷれみあむぼっくす [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Premium Box] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SLPS-25367: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードII[善悪の彼岸] プレミアムボックス [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど2 ぜんあくのひがん ぷれみあむぼっくす [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Premium Box] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SLPS-25368: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードII[善悪の彼岸] [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど2 ぜんあくのひがん [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: # Allows import of Xenosaga I, Xenosaga I Reloaded, and Xenosaga Freaks data. - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SLPS-25369: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードII[善悪の彼岸] [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど2 ぜんあくのひがん [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SLPS-25370: name: SPAWN 運命の鎖 name-sort: SPAWN うんめいのくさり name-en: "Spawn - Armageddon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25371: name: DearS 初回限定版 name-sort: DearS しょかいげんていばん name-en: "DearS [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25372: name: DearS name-sort: DearS name-en: "DearS" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25373: name: ガンスリンガー・ガール Volume.II name-sort: がんすりんがー がーる Volume.II name-en: "Gunslinger Girl Vol.2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25374: name: 大脱走 THE GREAT ESCAPE name-sort: だいだっそう THE GREAT ESCAPE name-en: "Great Escape, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25375: name: XIII[サーティーン]大統領を殺した男 name-sort: さーてぃーん だいとうりょうをころしたおとこ name-en: "XIII" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25376: name: メタルスラッグ4 name-sort: めたるすらっぐ4 name-en: "Metal Slug 4" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25377: name: ザ・ナイトメア・オブ・ドルアーガ 不思議のダンジョン name-sort: ざ ないとめあ おぶ どるあーが ふしぎのだんじょん name-en: "Nightmare of Druaga, The - Fushigi no Dungeon" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25378: name: 東京魔人學園外法帖血風録(初回限定版) name-sort: とうきょうまじんがくえんげほうちょうけっぷうろく [しょかいげんていばん] name-en: "Tokyo Majin Gakuen - Kaihoujyou Kefurokou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25379: name: 東京魔人學園外法帖血風録 name-sort: とうきょうまじんがくえんげほうちょうけっぷうろく name-en: "Tokyo Majin Gakuen - Kaihoujyou Kefurokou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25381: name: 学園ヘヴン BOY’S LOVE SCRAMBLE! name-sort: がくえんへゔん ぼーいずらぶすくらんぶる! name-en: "Gakuen Heaven - Boy's Love Scramble! Type B" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25382: name: ONE PIECE ランドランド! name-sort: ONE PIECE らんどらんど! name-en: "One Piece - Land Land" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25383: name: デジモンバトルクロニクル name-sort: でじもんばとるくろにくる name-en: "Digimon Battle Chronicle" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes impossible menu selection issue. SLPS-25384: name: 天誅 紅 name-sort: てんちゅう くれない name-en: "Tenchu Kurenai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25385: name: フレンズ 〜青春の輝き〜 name-sort: ふれんず せいしゅんのかがやき name-en: "Friends Seishun no Kagayaki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25386: name: KOFマキシマムインパクト name-sort: KOFまきしまむいんぱくと name-en: "KOF - Maximum Impact" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25387: name: True Love StorySummer Days,and yet... [エンターブレインコレクション] name-sort: True Love StorySummer Days,and yet... [えんたーぶれいんこれくしょん] name-en: "True Love Story - Summer Days, and Yet..." region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25388: name: ガンスリンガー・ガール Volume.III name-sort: がんすりんがー がーる Volume.III name-en: "Gunslinger Girl Vol.3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25389: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED 終わらない明日へ name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど おわらないあしたへ name-en: "Gundam Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25390: name: クローバーハーツ ルッキングフォーハピネス(初回限定版) name-sort: くろーばーはーつ るっきんぐふぉーはぴねす しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Clover Heart's - Looking for Happiness [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes transparancy. SLPS-25391: name: クローバーハーツ ルッキングフォーハピネス(通常版) name-sort: くろーばーはーつ るっきんぐふぉーはぴねす name-en: "Clover Heart's - Looking for Happiness" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes transparancy. SLPS-25392: name: DESIRE name-sort: DESIRE name-en: "Desire" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25393: name: Rim Runners name-sort: Rim Runners name-en: "Rim Runners" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25394: name: Another Century’s Episode name-sort: Another Century’s Episode name-en: "Another Century's Episode" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25395: name: センチメンタルプレリュード name-sort: せんちめんたるぷれりゅーど name-en: "Sentimental Prelude" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25396: name: ファンタスティックフォーチュン2 ☆☆☆(トリプルスター) name-sort: ふぁんたすてぃっくふぉーちゅん2 とりぷるすたー name-en: "Fantastic Fortune 2 - Triple Star" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25397: name: シンドバットアドベンチャーは榎本加奈子でどうですか [特典版] name-sort: しんどばっとあどべんちゃーはえのもとかなこでどうですか [とくてんばん] name-en: "Golden Voyage - Sinbad Adventure" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25398: name: NARUTO-ナルト-ナルティメットヒーロー2 name-sort: なると なるてぃめっとひーろー2 name-en: "Naruto - Narutimett Hero 2" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 0 # Fixes glow effects. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes rare SPS. SLPS-25399: name: ケロロ軍曹 メロメロバトルロイヤル name-sort: けろろぐんそう めろめろばとるろいやる name-en: "Keroro Gunsou - Mero Mero Battle Royale" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible text. SLPS-25400: name: テイルズ オブ シンフォニア name-sort: ているず おぶ しんふぉにあ name-en: "Tales of Symphonia" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesofSymphonia" SLPS-25401: name: マグナカルタ name-sort: まぐなかるた name-en: "Magna Carta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25402: name: 鋼の錬金術師 ドリームカーニバル name-sort: はがねのれんきんじゅつし どりーむかーにばる name-en: "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi - Dream Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25403: name: ヒットマン:サイレントアサシン アイドスベスト name-sort: ひっとまん さいれんとあさしん あいどすべすと name-en: "Hitman - Silent Assassin [Eidos The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25404: name: RPGツクール name-sort: RPGつくーる name-en: "RPG Maker 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25405: name: 東京魔人學園外法帖血風録 Best Collection name-sort: とうきょうまじんがくえんげほうちょうけっぷうろく Best Collection name-en: "Tokyo Majin Gakuen - Kaihoujyou Kefurokou [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25406: name: ヒットマン:コントラクト name-sort: ひっとまん こんとらくと name-en: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLPS-25407: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2003 name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2003 name-en: "King of Fighters 2003, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25408: name: アーマード・コア ナインブレイカー name-sort: あーまーどこあ ないんぶれいかー name-en: "Armored Core - Nine Breaker" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25408" - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SLPS-25409: name: 双恋—フタコイ— 初回限定版 name-sort: ふたこい しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Futakoi [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25410: name: 双恋—フタコイ— name-sort: ふたこい name-en: "Futakoi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25411: name: ToHeart & ToHeart2 限定デラックスパック name-sort: とぅはーと & とぅはーと2 げんていでらっくすぱっく name-en: "To Heart 2 [Deluxe Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25412: name: "ToHeart" name-sort: "とぅはーと" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25413: name: ToHeart2 初回限定版 name-sort: とぅはーと2 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "ToHeart 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25414: name: ToHeart2 name-sort: とぅはーと2 name-en: "ToHeart 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25415: name: ちゅ〜かな雀士 てんほー牌娘 コレクターズエディション name-sort: ちゅーかなじゃんし てんほーぱいにゃん これくたーずえでぃしょん name-en: "Chuuka na Janshi - Tenhoo Painyan [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25416: name: ちゅ〜かな雀士 てんほー牌娘 [通常版] name-sort: ちゅーかなじゃんし てんほーぱいにゃん name-en: "Chuuka na Janshi - Tenhoo Painyan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25417: name: eb!コレ PANZER FRONT Ausf.B name-sort: eb!これ PANZER FRONT Ausf.B name-en: "Panzer Front Ausf.B [Enterbrain Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25418: name: エースコンバット5 ジ・アンサング・ウォー name-sort: えーすこんばっと5 じ あんさんぐ うぉー name-en: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. patches: 86089F31: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 instructions that use old results patch=0,EE,001A3B6C,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,001A3B70,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,001A3B7C,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,001A3B80,word,4B0C682C SLPS-25419: name: 機動戦士ガンダム ガンダムvs.Zガンダム name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ がんだむvs.Zがんだむ name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam vs. Z-Gundam" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25420: name: "Sinbad Adventure ha Enomoto Kanako de Dou desu ka" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25421: name: 牧場物語 Oh!ワンダフルライフ [初回版] name-sort: ぼくじょうものがたり Oh わんだふるらいふ [しょかいばん] name-en: "Bokujou Monogatari - Oh! Wonderful Life [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" patches: D2F0DC73: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fix hang at shipping shed. patch=1,EE,002bd36c,word,00000000 SLPS-25422: name: デス バイ ディグリーズ 鉄拳:ニーナ ウィリアムズ name-sort: です ばい でぃぐりーず てっけん にーな うぃりあむず name-en: "Death by Degrees - Tekken - Nina Williams" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SLPS-25423: name: 怪盗アプリコット 完全版 [限定版] name-sort: かいとうあぷりこっと かんぜんばん [げんていばん] name-en: "Kaitou Apricot - Complete Edition [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25424: name: 怪盗アプリコット 完全版 name-sort: かいとうあぷりこっと かんぜんばん name-en: "Kaitou Apricot - Complete Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25425: name: SDガンダムフォース 大決戦!次元海賊デ・スカール name-sort: SDがんだむふぉーす だいけっせん じげんかいぞくですかーる name-en: "SD Gundam Force Daikessen!" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Needed for SPS on some characters. SLPS-25426: name: 名探偵コナン 大英帝国の遺産 name-sort: めいたんていこなん だいえいていこくのいさん name-en: "Detective Conan - Inheritance of Britain" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25427: name: レジェンズ 激闘!サーガバトル name-sort: れじぇんず げきとう さーがばとる name-en: "Legions Gekitou! Saga Battle" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25428: name: メタルスラッグ3 [SNK Best Collection] name-sort: めたるすらっぐ3 [SNK Best Collection] name-en: "Metal Slug 3 [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Stops excessive VRAM usage with preloading on. SLPS-25429: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2000 [SNK Best Collection] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2000 [SNK Best Collection] name-en: "King of Fighters 2000, The [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25430: name: ルパン三世 コロンブスの遺産は朱に染まる name-sort: るぱんさんせい ころんぶすのいさんはしゅにそまる name-en: "Lupin III - Columbus no Isan ha Akenisomaru" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes game softlock after prison level. SLPS-25431: name: "Bokujou Monogatari - Oh! Wonderful Life" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25432: name: 魔女っ娘ア・ラ・モード 唱えて、恋の魔法! [初回限定版] name-sort: まじょっこあらもーど となえて こいのまほう! しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Majo-kko A La Mode [Magical Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25433: name: 帝国千戦記 [初回限定版] name-sort: ていこくせんせんき しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Teikoku Sensenki [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25434: name: 西風の狂詩曲〜The Rhapsody of Zephyr〜 Best Collection name-sort: にしかぜのらぷそでぃ Best Collection name-en: "Rhapsody of Zephyr, The [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25435: name: 魔女っ娘ア・ラ・モード 唱えて、恋の魔法! name-sort: まじょっこあらもーど となえて こいのまほう name-en: "Majo-kko A La Mode" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25436: name: 帝国千戦記 name-sort: ていこくせんせんき name-en: "Teikoku Sensenki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25437: name: D→A:WHITE 初回限定版 name-sort: D→A:WHITE しょかいげんていばん name-en: "D A - White" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25438: name: D→A:WHITE name-sort: D→A:WHITE name-en: "D A - White [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25439: name: はじめの一歩 ALL☆STARS name-sort: はじめのいっぽ おーるすたーず name-en: "Hajime no Ippo - All-Stars" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25440: name: 金色のガッシュベル!! 激闘!最強の魔物達 name-sort: こんじきのがっしゅべる げきとう さいきょうのまものたち name-en: "Gold Gashbell!! Gekitou! Saikyou no Mamonotachi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25441: name: ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution3 name-sort: うるとらまん Fighting Evolution3 name-en: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25443: name: 川のぬし釣り ワンダフルジャーニー name-sort: かわのぬしつり わんだふるじゃーにー name-en: "Kawa no Nushi Tsuri - Wonderful Journey" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25444: name: Cherry blossom 〜チェリーブロッサム〜 name-sort: Cherry blossom ちぇりーぶろっさむ name-en: "Cherry Blossom" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25445: name: 影牢II -Dark illusion- name-sort: かげろうII -Dark illusion- name-en: "Kagero II - Dark Illusion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25447: name: トップをねらえ! name-sort: とっぷをねらえ name-en: "Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25448: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 94 RE-BOUT [スペシャル限定版] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 94 RE-BOUT [すぺしゃるげんていばん] name-en: "King of Fighters '94, The - Rebout [Special Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25449: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 94 RE-BOUT name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 94 RE-BOUT name-en: "King of Fighters '94, The - Rebout" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25450: name: テイルズ オブ リバース name-sort: ているず おぶ りばーす name-en: "Tales of Rebirth" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes graphical corruptions. SLPS-25451: name: 花と太陽と雨と Super Best Collection name-sort: はなとたいようとあめと Super Best Collection name-en: "Hana to Taiyou to Ame to [Super Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes some of the many graphical issues. SLPS-25452: name: キノの旅 -the Beautiful World- 電撃SP name-sort: きののたび the Beautiful World でんげきSP name-en: "Kino no Tabi - The Beautiful World [MediaWorks Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25453: name: デジモンワールドX name-sort: でじもんわーるどX name-en: "Digimon World X" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25454: name: 義経英雄伝 name-sort: よしつねえいゆうでん name-en: "Yoshitsune Eiyuuden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25455: name: 三洋パチンコパラダイス11〜新海とさらば銀玉の狼〜 name-sort: さんようぱちんこぱらだいす11 しんかいとさらばぎんだまのおおかみ name-en: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 11" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25456: name: GLADIATOR ROAD TO FREEDOM name-sort: GLADIATOR ROAD TO FREEDOM name-en: "Gladiator - Road to Freedom" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes sun background on the windows when selecting your 'race'. SLPS-25457: name: ポンコツ浪漫大活劇バンピートロット name-sort: ぽんこつろまんだいかつげきばんぴーとろっと name-en: "Ponkotsu Roeman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLPS-25458: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2001 [SNK Best Collection] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2001 [SNK Best Collection] name-en: "King of Fighters 2001, The [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25459: name: 天星 ソード オブ デスティニー name-sort: てんせい そーど おぶ ですてぃにー name-en: "Sword of Destiny" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25460: name: ドラゴンボールZ3 name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ3 name-en: "Dragon Ball Z 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25461: name: アーマード・コア フォーミュラフロント name-sort: あーまーどこあ ふぉーみゅらふろんと name-en: "Armored Core - Formula Front" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken shadow caused by HPO 1. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLPS-25462: name: アーマード・コア ラストレイヴン name-sort: あーまーどこあ らすとれいゔん name-en: "Armored Core - Last Raven" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" - "SLPS-25408" - "SLPS-25462" - "SLPS-73247" SLPS-25463: name: マイホームをつくろう2!匠 name-sort: まいほーむをつくろう2 たくみ name-en: "My Home o Tsukurou 2! Takumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25464: name: 大戦略VII エクシード name-sort: だいせんりゃく7 えくしーど name-en: "Daisenryaku VII Exceed" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25465: name: あずみ name-sort: あずみ name-en: "Azumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25466: name: 永遠のアセリア -この大地の果てで- 初回限定版 name-sort: えいえんのあせりあ このだいちのはてで しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Eternal Aselia - The Spirit of Eternity Sword [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25467: name: みんな大好き塊魂 name-sort: みんなだいすきかたまりだましい name-en: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20135" - "SLPS-25467" - "SLPS-73241" - "SCAJ-20079" - "SLPS-25360" - "SLPS-73210" - "SLPS-73240" SLPS-25468: name: 永遠のアセリア −この大地の果てで− name-sort: えいえんのあせりあ このだいちのはてで name-en: "Eternal Aselia - The Spirit of Eternity Sword" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25469: name: ベースボールライブ2005 name-sort: べーすぼーるらいぶ2005 name-en: "Baseball Live 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25470: name: 冒険王ビィト ダークネスセンチュリー name-sort: ぼうけんおうびぃと だーくねすせんちゅりー name-en: "Bouken-ou Beet - Darkness Century" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25471: name: 学校をつくろう Happy Days!! name-sort: がっこうをつくろう Happy Days!! name-en: "Gakkou o Tsukurou - Happy Days!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25472: name: XIII[サーティーン] 大統領を殺した男 Best Collection name-sort: さーてぃーん だいとうりょうをころしたおとこ Best Collection name-en: "XIII [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25473: name: ONE PIECE グラバト!RUSH name-sort: ONE PIECE ぐらばと!RUSH name-en: "One Piece - Grand Battle! Combat Rush" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25474: name: BECK THE GAME name-sort: BECK THE GAME name-en: "Beck - The Game" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25476: name: 聖闘士星矢 -聖域十二宮編- name-sort: せいんとせいや -せいいきじゅうにきゅうへん- name-en: "Saint Seiya Seiiki Juunikyuu Hen" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25478: name: 機動戦士ガンダム 一年戦争 name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ いちねんせんそう name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - One Year War" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25479: name: 金色のガッシュベル!!友情タッグバトル2 name-sort: こんじきのがっしゅべる!!ゆうじょうたっぐばとる2 name-en: "Gold Gashbell - Friendship Tag Battle 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25480: name: ジパング name-sort: じぱんぐ name-en: "ZIPANG" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25481: name: ガッツだ!!森の石松 name-sort: がっつだ もりのいしまつ name-en: "Gattsu!! Mori no Ishimatsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25482: name: 雪語り リニューアル版 name-sort: ゆきがたり りにゅーあるばん name-en: "Yuki Gatari [Renewal Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25483: name: すい〜とし〜ずん name-sort: すいーとしーずん name-en: "Sui-Toshi-Zun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25484: name: SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS [SNK BEST Collection] name-sort: SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS [SNK BEST Collection] name-en: "SNK vs. Capcom Chaos [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25485: name: 機動戦士ガンダムVer.1.5 GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむVer.1.5 GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam Ver.1.5 [Gundam the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25486: name: 機動戦士ガンダム戦記 GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむせんき GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Lost War Chronicles [Gundam the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25487: name: 機動戦士ガンダム めぐりあい宇宙 GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ めぐりあいうちゅう GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Meguriai Sora [Gundam the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25488: name: ジオニックフロント 機動戦士ガンダム0079 GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: じおにっくふろんと きどうせんしがんだむ0079 GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "Zeonic Front - Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 [Gundam the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25489: name: 機動戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 ジオン独立戦争記+攻略指令書 GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ ぎれんのやぼう じおんどくりつせんそうき こうりゃくしれいしょ GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "Ambition of Giren - Zeon Independence War + Direction Book of Capture [Gundam the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25491: name: SDガンダム G GENERATION—NEO GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: SDがんだむ G GENERATION NEO GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "SD Gundam G Generation Neo [Gundam The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25492: name: SDガンダム G GENERATION SEED GUNDAM THE BEST name-sort: SDがんだむ G GENERATION SEED GUNDAM THE BEST name-en: "SD Gundam G Generation - Gundam Seed [Gundam The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25493: name: バックヤードレスリング2 name-sort: ばっくやーどれすりんぐ2 name-en: "Backyard Wrestling 2 - There Goes the Neighborhood" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25494: name: Fragrance Tale 〜フレグランス テイル〜 name-sort: ふれぐらんす ている name-en: "Fragrance Tale" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25495: name: メタルスラッグ5 name-sort: めたるすらっぐ5 name-en: "Metal Slug 5" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25496: name: ティアリングサーガシリーズ ベルウィックサーガ DXパック name-sort: てぃありんぐさーがしりーず べるうぃっくさーが DXぱっく name-en: "Berwick Saga - Tear Ring Saga Series [Deluxe Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25497: name: ティアリングサーガシリーズ ベルウィックサーガ [通常版] name-sort: てぃありんぐさーがしりーず べるうぃっくさーが name-en: "Berwick Saga - Tear Ring Saga Series" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25498: name: 時空冒険記 ゼントリックス name-sort: じくうぼうけんき ぜんとりっくす name-en: "Jikuu Bouken Zentrix" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25499: name: 幽★遊★白書 FOREVER name-sort: ゆうゆうはくしょ FOREVER name-en: "Yu Yu Hakusho Forever" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25500: name: namco 50th ANNIVERSARY ナムコレクション name-sort: namco 50th ANNIVERSARY なむこれくしょん name-en: "namCollection - Namco 50th Anniversary" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25501: name: 陰陽大戦記 覇者の印 name-sort: おんみょうたいせんき はしゃのしるし name-en: "Onmyou Taisenki - Hasha no In" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25502: name: スチームボーイ name-sort: すちーむぼーい name-en: "Steamboy" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25503: name: 幕末浪漫 月華の剣士 1・2 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: ばくまつろまん げっかのけんし 1・2 [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol.2 - Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi 1&2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25504: name: 餓狼 MARK OF THE WOLVES [限定版] [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: がろう MARK OF THE WOLVES [げんていばん] [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Garou - Mark of the Wolves [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25505: name: NAMCO×CAPCOM(ナムコ クロス カプコン) name-sort: なむこ くろす かぷこん name-en: "Namco X Capcom" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25506: name: for Symphony 〜with all one’s heart〜 name-sort: for Symphony with all one’s heart name-en: "For Symphony - With All One's Heart" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25507: name: 舞-HiME 運命の系統樹 DXパック name-sort: まいひめ うんめいのけいとうじゅ DXぱっく name-en: "Mai-Hime [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25508: name: 舞-HiME 運命の系統樹 name-sort: まいひめ うんめいのけいとうじゅ name-en: "Mai-Hime - The Another" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25509: name: 餓狼 MARK OF THE WOLVES [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: がろう MARK OF THE WOLVES [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Garou - Mark of the Wolves" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25510: name: 鉄拳5 name-sort: てっけん5 name-en: "Tekken 5" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SLPS-25511: name: 羅刹 -Alternative- name-sort: らせつ -Alternative- name-en: "Rasetsu Alternative" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25513: name: 蒼い海のトリスティア 〜ナノカ・フランカ発明工房記〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: あおいうみのとりすてぃあ なのか ふらんかはつめいこうぼうき しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Aoi Umi no Tristia - Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25514: name: 蒼い海のトリスティア 〜ナノカ・フランカ発明工房記〜 name-sort: あおいうみのとりすてぃあ なのか ふらんかはつめいこうぼうき name-en: "Aoi Umi no Tristia - Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25515: name: フタコイ オルタナティブ 恋と少女とマシンガン 限定版 name-sort: ふたこい おるたなてぃぶ こいとしょうじょとましんがん [げんていばん] name-en: "Futakoi Alternative [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25516: name: フタコイ オルタナティブ 恋と少女とマシンガン name-sort: ふたこい おるたなてぃぶ こいとしょうじょとましんがん name-en: "Futakoi Alternative" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25517: name: エンジョイゴルフ! name-sort: えんじょいごるふ! name-en: "Enjoy Golf!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25518: name: 犬夜叉 奥義乱舞 name-sort: いぬやしゃ おうぎらんぶ name-en: "InuYasha - Ougi Ranbu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25519: name: 創聖のアクエリオン name-sort: そうせいのあくえりおん name-en: "Sousei no Aquarion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25520: name: ガンダム トゥルーオデッセイ 〜失われしGの伝説〜 name-sort: がんだむ とぅるーおでっせい うしなわれしGのでんせつ name-en: "Gundam True Odyssey" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25521: name: サッカーライフ2 name-sort: さっかーらいふ2 name-en: "Soccer Life 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25522: name: 義経紀 限定版 豪華絢爛BOX name-sort: よしつねき [げんていばん] ごうかけんらんBOX name-en: "Yoshitsuneki [Gouka Kenran Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25523: name: 義経紀 name-sort: よしつねき name-en: "Yoshitsuneki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25525: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS NEOWAVE name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS NEOWAVE name-en: "King of Fighters, The - NeoWave" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25526: name: MEDICAL 91 name-sort: MEDICAL 91 name-en: "Medical 91" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25527: name: .hack//fragment オンライン / オフライン name-sort: どっとはっく fragment おんらいん / おふらいん name-en: ".hack//fragment" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25528: name: サモンナイトエクステーゼ 〜夜明けの翼〜 name-sort: さもんないとえくすてーぜ よあけのつばさ name-en: "Summon Night EX Thesis - Yoake no Tsubasa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25529: name: ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution Rebirth name-sort: うるとらまん Fighting Evolution Rebirth name-en: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution - Rebirth" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_UltramanFightingEvolution" SLPS-25530: name: 餓狼伝 Breakblow name-sort: がろうでん Breakblow name-en: "Garouden Break Blow" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25531: name: SDガンダム GGENERATION SEED name-sort: SDがんだむ GGENERATION SEED name-en: "SD Gundam G Generation - Gundam Seed Edition" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25532: name: クリティカル ベロシティ name-sort: くりてぃかる べろしてぃ name-en: "Critical Velocity" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25533: name: テイルズ オブ レジェンディア name-sort: ているず おぶ れじぇんでぃあ name-en: "Tales of Legendia" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesOfLegendia" SLPS-25534: name: ティンクルスタースプライツーLa Petite Princesse- name-sort: てぃんくるすたーすぷらいつ La Petite Princesse name-en: "Twinkle Star Sprites - La Petite Princesse" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25535: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS -オロチ編- NEOGEO STICK3同梱 [限定版] [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS -おろちへん- NEOGEO STICK3どうこん [げんていばん] [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol.3 - The King of Fighters - Orochi Collection [Special Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25537: name: 第3次スーパーロボット大戦α 〜終焉の銀河へ〜 name-sort: だい3じすーぱーろぼっとたいせんあるふぁ しゅうえんのぎんがへ name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Alpha 3" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25538: name: スーパーロボット大戦α PREMIUM EDITION name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんあるふぁ PREMIUM EDITION name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Alpha [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25539: name: スクールランブル ねる娘は育つ。 DXパック name-sort: すくーるらんぶる ねるこはそだつ DXぱっく name-en: "School Rumble [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25540: name: スクールランブル ねる娘は育つ。 name-sort: すくーるらんぶる ねるこはそだつ name-en: "School Rumble" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25541: name: 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ ROAD TO THE INFINITY 2 name-sort: しんせいきGPXさいばーふぉーみゅら ROAD TO THE INFINITY 2 name-en: "New Century GPX Cyber Formula - Road to the Infinity 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25542: name: NARUTO-ナルト- うずまき忍伝 name-sort: なると うずまきにんでん name-en: "Naruto Uzumaki Ninden" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces bloom but fixes blurriness around models + Recommended to use Shadeboost brightness 80. SLPS-25543: name: 双恋島 恋と水着のサバイバル! name-sort: ふたこいじま こいとみずぎのさばいばる! name-en: "Futakoi - Koi to Mizugi no Survival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25544: name: 零 〜刺青の聲〜 name-sort: ぜろ しせいのこえ name-en: "Fatal Frame - Zero" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25545: name: Fighting For ONE PIECE ファイティング フォー ワンピース name-sort: Fighting For ONE PIECE ふぁいてぃんぐ ふぉー わんぴーす name-en: "Fighting for One Piece" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25546: name: 苺ましまろ 初回限定版 name-sort: いちごましまろ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Ichigo Mashimaro [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25547: name: 苺ましまろ name-sort: いちごましまろ name-en: "Ichigo Mashimaro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25548: name: ぱちんこウルトラセブン パチってちょんまげ達人8 name-sort: ぱちんこうるとらせぶん ぱちってちょんまげたつじん8 name-en: "Pachitte Ultra Seven Chonmage Tatsujin 8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25549: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY 〜GENERATION of C.E.〜 name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど ですてぃにー GENERATION of C.E. name-en: "Gundam Seed Destiny - Generation of C.E." region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25550: name: カウボーイビバップ 追憶の夜曲 [初回生産限定版] name-sort: かうぼーいびばっぷ ついおくのせれなーで [しょかいせいさんげんていばん] name-en: "Cowboy Bebop - Tsuioku no Serenade [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # Fixes HUD going black. SLPS-25551: name: カウボーイビバップ 追憶の夜曲 name-sort: かうぼーいびばっぷ ついおくのせれなーで name-en: "Cowboy Bebop - Tsuioku no Serenade" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # Fixes HUD going black. compat: 5 SLPS-25552: name: 犬夜叉〜呪詛の仮面〜 BANDAI THE BEST name-sort: いぬやしゃ じゅそのかめん BANDAI THE BEST name-en: "Inuyasha - Juuso no Kamen [Bandai the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25553: name: 義経英雄伝 修羅 name-sort: よしつねえいゆうでん しゅら name-en: "Yoshitsune Eiyuuden Shura -The Story of Hero Yoshitsune Shura" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25554: name: エウレカセブン TR1:NEW WAVE name-sort: えうれかせぶん TR1:NEW WAVE name-en: "Eureka Seven TR1 - New Wave" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25556: name: 必殺パチンコステーションV11 CRギャートルズ name-sort: ひっさつぱちんこすてーしょんV11 CRぎゃーとるず name-en: "Hissatsu Pachinko Station V11" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25557: name: アーバンレイン name-sort: あーばんれいん name-en: "Urban Reign" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Mitigates bounciness of vertical shaking but better fix with EE cyclerate +1. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes corruption. getSkipCount: "GSC_UrbanReign" SLPS-25558: name: ネオジオ バトルコロシアム name-sort: ねおじお ばとるころしあむ name-en: "NeoGeo Battle Coliseum" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25559: name: サムライスピリッツ 天下一剣客伝 name-sort: さむらいすぴりっつ てんかいちけんかくでん name-en: "Samurai Spirits - Tenkaichi Kenkakuden" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25560: name: ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ Sparking! name-en: "Dragon Ball Z - Sparking!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLPS-25561: name: MotoGP4 name-sort: MotoGP4 name-en: "MotoGP 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25563: name: "Hitman - Contracts [Eidos Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLPS-25564: name: ギャロップレーサー8 ライヴホースレーシング name-sort: ぎゃろっぷれーさー8 らいゔほーすれーしんぐ name-en: "Gallop Racer 8 - Live Horse Racing" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25565: name: 必勝パチンコ攻略シリーズ Vol.1 CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんここうりゃくしりーず Vol.1 CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko Kouryoku Series Vol.1 - CR Shinseiki Evangelion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25566: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.27 放課後のラブ★ビート♪ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.27 ほうかごのらぶびーと name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 27 - Houkago no Love Beat" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25567: name: ぱちんこ水戸黄門 パチってちょんまげ達人9 name-sort: ぱちんこみとこうもん ぱちってちょんまげたつじん9 name-en: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25568: name: ケロロ軍曹 メロメロバトルロイヤル BANDAI THE BEST name-sort: けろろぐんそう めろめろばとるろいやる BANDAI THE BEST name-en: "Keroro Gunsou - Mero Mero Battle Royale [Bandai The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible text. SLPS-25569: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED 連合vs.Z.A.F.T name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど れんごうvs.Z.A.F.T name-en: "Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T." region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes target loss issue. SLPS-25570: name: キノの旅II name-sort: きののたびII name-en: "Kino no Tabi 2 - The Beautiful World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25571: name: メタルスラッグ4 [SNK Best Collection] name-sort: めたるすらっぐ4 [SNK Best Collection] name-en: "Metal Slug 4 [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25572: name: サムライスピリッツ零 [SNK Best Collection] name-sort: さむらいすぴりっつぜろ [SNK Best Collection] name-en: "Samurai Spirits Zero [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25573: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ 2002 [SNK Best Collection] name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず 2002 [SNK Best Collection] name-en: "King of Fighters 2002, The [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25574: name: パチパラ12 〜大海と夏の思い出〜 name-sort: ぱちぱら12 たいかいとなつのおもいで name-en: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 12" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken minimap. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. SLPS-25575: name: ケロロ軍曹 メロメロバトルロイヤルZ name-sort: けろろぐんそう めろめろばとるろいやるZ name-en: "Keroro Gunsou - Mero Mero Battle Royale Z" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible text. SLPS-25576: name: ワンピース パイレーツカーニバル name-sort: わんぴーす ぱいれーつかーにばる name-en: "One Piece - Pirates Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25577: name: ソウルキャリバーIII name-sort: そうるきゃりばーIII name-en: "Soul Calibur III" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SLPS-25578: name: K-1 WORLD GP 2005 name-sort: K-1 WORLD GP 2005 name-en: "K-1 World Grand Prix 2005" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white fighters. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes black flickering. patches: F8664E20: content: |- comment=Fixes black screen in hardware mode. patch=1,EE,004269f0,word,0000948c patch=1,EE,00426a18,word,0000948c SLPS-25579: name: Little Aid name-sort: Little Aid name-en: "Little Aid" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. SLPS-25580: name: チキン・リトル name-sort: ちきん りとる name-en: "Chicken Little" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25581: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.92 THE 呪いのゲーム name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.92 THE のろいのげーむ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 92 - The Game of a Curse" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25582: name: アストロ球団 決戦!!ビクトリー球団編 name-sort: あすとろきゅうだん けっせん!!びくとりーきゅうだんへん name-en: "Asutoro Kyudan Kessen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25583: name: "One Piece - Pirates Carnival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25584: name: ワンピース パイレーツカーニバル “PlayStation 2”(SCPH-70000シリーズ)専用マルチタップ同梱版 name-sort: わんぴーす ぱいれーつかーにばる “PlayStation 2”(SCPH-70000しりーず)せんようまるちたっぷどうこんばん name-en: "From TV Animation - One Piece - Pirates Carnival [with Multitap for new models]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25585: name: モンスターファーム5 サーカスキャラバン name-sort: もんすたーふぁーむ5 さーかすきゃらばん name-en: "Monster Farm 5 - Circus Caravan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25586: name: テイルズ オブ ジ アビス name-sort: ているず おぶ じ あびす name-en: "Tales of the Abyss" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post lighting. SLPS-25587: name: シュガシュガルーン 恋もおしゃれもピックアップ! name-sort: しゅがしゅがるーん こいもおしゃれもぴっくあっぷ! name-en: "Sugar Sugar Rune - Koi mo Oshare mo Pick-Up" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25588: name: 名探偵コナン 大英帝国の遺産 BANDAI THE BEST name-sort: めいたんていこなん だいえいていこくのいさん BANDAI THE BEST name-en: "Meitantei Conan - Daiei Teikoku no Isan [Bandai The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25589: name: NARUTO-ナルト-ナルティメットヒーロー3 name-sort: なると なるてぃめっとひーろー3 name-en: "Naruto Narutimett Hero 3" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes invisible QTE button prompts and overbright in some scenes. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. SLPS-25590: name: ナムコミュージアム アーケードHITS! name-sort: なむこみゅーじあむ あーけーどHITS! name-en: "Namco Museum Arcade Hits" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25591: name: ラスト・エスコート〜深夜の黒蝶物語〜 name-sort: らすと・えすこーと しんやのくろちょうものがたり name-en: "Last Escort - Shinya no Kokuchou Monogatari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25592: name: サンライズ英雄譚3 name-sort: さんらいずえいゆうたん3 name-en: "Sunrise Eiyuutan 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25593: name: "Hoshigari Empusa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25594: name: "Konjiki no Gashbell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25595: name: "Konjiki no Gashbell!! Go! Go! Mamono Fight!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25596: name: 金色のガッシュベル!!ゴー!ゴー!魔物ファイト!! ソフト単品 name-sort: こんじきのがっしゅべる!!ごー!ごー!まものふぁいと!! そふとたんぴん name-en: "Konjiki no Gashbell! - Go!Go! Mamono Fight" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25597: name: 川のぬし釣り ワンダフルジャーニー Best Collection name-sort: かわのぬしつり わんだふるじゃーにー Best Collection name-en: "Kawa no Nushi Tsuri - Wonderful Journey [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25598: name: 学校をつくろう!!Happy Days Best Collection name-sort: がっこうをつくろう!!Happy Days Best Collection name-en: "Gakkou o Tsukurou - Happy Days!! [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25599: name: 灼眼のシャナ name-sort: しゃくがんのしゃな name-en: "Shakugan no Shana" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25600: name: サムライチャンプルー name-sort: さむらいちゃんぷるー name-en: "Samurai Champloo - Sidetracked" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25601: name: うえきの法則 倒すぜロベルト十団!! name-sort: うえきのほうそく たおすぜろべるとじゅうだん!! name-en: "Ueki no Housoku - Taosu Ze Roberuto Juudan!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25602: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.2 ボンバーパワフル&夢夢ワールドDX name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.2 ぼんばーぱわふる&ゆめゆめわーるどDX name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.2 - Bomber Powerful & Yume Yume World DX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25603: name: 天星 SWORDS OF DESTINY Best Collection name-sort: てんせい SWORDS OF DESTINY Best Collection name-en: "Tensei - Swords of Destiny [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25604: name: アルトネリコ 世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女 name-sort: あるとねりこ せかいのおわりでうたいつづけるしょうじょ name-en: "Ar tonelico - Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLPS-25605: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS -オロチ編-通常版 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS -おろちへん-つうじょうばん [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol.3 - The King of Fighters - Orochi Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25606: name: 絶体絶命都市2 -凍てついた記憶たち- name-sort: ぜったいぜつめいとし2 -いてついたきおくたち- name-en: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kioutachi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2" SLPS-25607: name: 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 初回限定版 name-sort: まかいせんきでぃすがいあ2 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Makai Senki Disgaea 2 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25608: name: 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 name-sort: まかいせんきでぃすがいあ2 name-en: "Makai Senki Disgaea 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25609: name: KOF MAXIMUM IMPACT 2 [初回生産版] name-sort: KOF MAXIMUM IMPACT 2 [しょかいせいさんばん] name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25610: name: 龍虎の拳〜天・地・人〜 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: りゅうこのけん てんちじん [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Ryuuko no Ken - Ten-Chi-Jin [Art of Fighting Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25611: name: Strawberry Panic! [初回限定版] name-sort: すとろべりーぱにっく! [しょかいげんていばん] name-en: "Strawberry Panic [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25612: name: Strawberry Panic! [通常版] name-sort: すとろべりーぱにっく! name-en: "Strawberry Panic" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25613: name: マイホームをつくろう2! 匠 Best Collection name-sort: まいほーむをつくろう2! たくみ Best Collection name-en: "My Home o Tsukurou 2! Takumi [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25614: name: 舞-HiME 運命の系統樹 Best Collection name-sort: まいひめ うんめいのけいとうじゅ Best Collection name-en: "Mai-Hime - Unmei no Keitouju [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25615: name: マイホームをつくろう2 充実!簡単設計!! name-sort: まいほーむをつくろう2 じゅうじつ!かんたんせっけい!! name-en: "My Home wo Tsukurou 2! Kantan Sekkei!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25616: name: スキージャンプ・ペア Reloaded name-sort: すきーじゃんぷ ぺあ Reloaded name-en: "Ski Jumping Pairs Reloaded" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25617: name: e’tude prologue 〜揺れ動く心のかたち〜 name-sort: e’tude prologue ゆれうごくこころのかたち name-en: "Etude Prologue - Yureugoku Kokoro no Katachi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25618: name: ベストプライス D→A:BLACK name-sort: D→A:BLACK べすとぷらいす name-en: "D-A - Black [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25619: name: ベストプライス D→A:WHITE name-sort: D→A:WHITE べすとぷらいす name-en: "D-A - White [Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25620: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.3 CRマリリン・モンロー name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.3 CRまりりん・もんろー name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.3 - CR Marilyn Monroe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25621: name: かしまし 〜ガールミーツガール〜「初めての夏物語。」限定版 name-sort: かしまし がーるみーつがーる「はじめてのなつものがたり」げんていばん name-en: "Kashimashi! - Girl Meets Girl [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25622: name: かしまし 〜ガールミーツガール〜「初めての夏物語。」通常版 name-sort: かしまし がーるみーつがーる「はじめてのなつものがたり」つうじょうばん name-en: "Kashimashi! - Girl Meets Girl" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25623: name: Another Century’s Episode 2 name-sort: Another Century’s Episode 2 name-en: "Another Century's Episode 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25624: name: 電撃SP 双恋 / 双恋島 双恋COLLECTION name-sort: でんげきSP ふたこい / ふたこいじま ふたこいCOLLECTION name-en: "Futakoi-Futakoi Island Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25625: name: "Futakoi-jima - Koi to Mizugi no Survival" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25626: name: ナルニア国物語 〜第1章 ライオンと魔女〜 name-sort: なるにあこくものがたり だい1しょう らいおんとまじょ name-en: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLPS-25627: name: 機動戦士ガンダム クライマックスU.C. name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ くらいまっくすU.C. name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C." region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25628: name: IGPX name-sort: IGPX name-en: "IGPX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25629: name: エースコンバット・ゼロ ザ・ベルカン・ウォー name-sort: えーすこんばっと・ぜろ ざ・べるかん・うぉー name-en: "Ace Combat Zero - The Belkan War" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20173" - "SLPS-25629" - "SLPS-73250" - "SLPS-25052" - "SLPS-73205" - "SLPS-73410" - "SCAJ-20104" - "SCAJ-20136" - "SLPS-25418" - "SLPS-73218" patches: A04B52DB: content: |- // Fixes collision/missile hit issues. patch=0,EE,00131e84,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,00131e88,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,00131e94,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,00131e98,word,4B0C682C SLPS-25630: name: プロ野球 熱スタ2006 name-sort: ぷろやきゅう ねつすた2006 name-en: "Pro Yakyuu Netsu Star 2006" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25631: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.98 THE 浪漫茶房 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.98 THE ろまんさぼう name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 98 - Roman Sabou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25632: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.97 THE 恋のエンジン name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.97 THE こいのえんじん name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 97 - The Koi no Engine" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25633: name: フタコイオルタナティブ 恋と少女とマシンガン Best Collection name-sort: ふたこいおるたなてぃぶ こいとしょうじょとましんがん Best Collection name-en: "Futakoi Alternative - Koi to Shoujo to Machinegun [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25634: name: メタルスラッグ5 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: めたるすらっぐ5 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Metal Slug 5 [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25635: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2003 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2003 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "King of Fighters 2003, The [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25636: name: KOF マキシマムインパクト マニアックス name-sort: KOF まきしまむいんぱくと まにあっくす name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact - Maniax" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25638: name: KOF MAXIMUM IMPACT 2 [通常版] name-sort: KOF MAXIMUM IMPACT 2 name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25639: name: ぷらすぷらむ2 name-sort: ぷらすぷらむ2 name-en: "Plus Plum 2 Again" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25640: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードIII [ツァラトゥストラはかく語りき] [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど3 [つぁらとぅすとらはかくかたりき] [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows (probably texture cache issue). roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. memcardFilters: # Allows import of Xenosaga II save data. - "SLPS-25640" - "SLPS-25368" SLPS-25641: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードIII [ツァラトゥストラはかく語りき] [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど3 [つぁらとぅすとらはかくかたりき] [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows (probably texture cache issue). roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25640" - "SLPS-25368" SLPS-25642: name: 超ドラゴンボールZ name-sort: すーぱーどらごんぼーるZ name-en: "Super Dragon Ball Z" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25643: name: キミキス name-sort: きみきす name-en: "Kimikiss" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes textboxes and character portraits. SLPS-25644: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.31 K-1 WORLD MAX 2005 〜世界王者への道〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.31 K-1 WORLD MAX 2005 せかいおうじゃへのみち name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 31 - K-1 World Max 2005" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25645: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.4 CR明日があるさ よしもとワールド name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.4 CRあしたがあるさ よしもとわーるど name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.4 - CR Ashita Gaarusa Yoshimoto World" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes FMV hanging. SLPS-25646: name: エウレカセブン NEW VISION name-sort: えうれかせぶん NEW VISION name-en: "Eureka Seven - New Vision" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25647: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Ultimate Vol.32 あずみ name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Ultimate Vol.32 あずみ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 32 - Azumi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25648: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.5 CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン セカンドインパクト&パチスロ新世紀エヴァンゲリオン name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.5 CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん せかんどいんぱくと&ぱちすろしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.5 - CR Shinseiki Evangelion Second Impact & Pachisuro Shinseiki Evangelion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25649: name: 宇宙刑事魂 name-sort: うちゅうけいじたましい name-en: "Space Sheriff Spirits" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes black stages. SLPS-25650: name: メタルスラッグ name-sort: めたるすらっぐ name-en: "Metal Slug 3D" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25651: name: .hack//G.U. Vol.1 再誕 name-sort: どっとはっく じーゆー Vol.1 さいたん name-en: ".hack//G.U. Vol.1 - Saitan" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" - "SLPS-25651" - "SLPS-25655" - "SLPS-25656" - "SLPS-25756" SLPS-25652: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol. 1 - Saitan [Terminal Disc - The End of the World]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25653: name: クラスターエッジ 君を待つ未来への証 初回限定版 name-sort: くらすたーえっじ きみをまつみらいへのあかし しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Cluster Edge [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25654: name: クラスターエッジ 君を待つ未来への証 name-sort: くらすたーえっじ きみをまつみらいへのあかし name-en: "Cluster Edge - Kimi o Matsu Mirai he no Akashi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25655: name: .hack//G.U. Vol.2 君想フ声 name-sort: どっとはっく じーゆー Vol.2 きみおもふこえ name-en: ".hack//G.U. Vol.2 - Kimi Omou Koe" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" - "SLPS-25651" - "SLPS-25655" - "SLPS-25656" - "SLPS-25756" SLPS-25656: name: .hack//G.U. Vol.3 歩くような速さで name-sort: どっとはっく じーゆー Vol.3 あるくようなはやさで name-en: ".hack//G.U. Vol.3 - Aruku Youna Hayasa de" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" - "SLPS-25651" - "SLPS-25655" - "SLPS-25656" - "SLPS-25756" SLPS-25657: name: 格闘美神 武龍 name-sort: ふぁいちんぐびゅーてぃー うーろん name-en: "Fighting Beauty Wulong" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Helps ghosting. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Helps ghosting when upscaling. SLPS-25658: name: びんちょうタン しあわせ暦 [初回限定版] name-sort: びんちょうたん しあわせごよみ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Binchou-Tan - Shiwase Goyomi [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25659: name: びんちょうタン しあわせ暦 [通常版] name-sort: びんちょうたん しあわせごよみ name-en: "Binchou-Tan - Shiwase Koyomi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25660: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズXI name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーずXI name-en: "King of Fighters XI, The" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25661: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ -ネスツ編- [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず -ねすつへん- [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Nests" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25662: name: 今日からマ王!はじマりの旅 [プレミアムBOX] name-sort: きょうからまおう!はじまりのたび [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Kyo Kara Maoh! The 1st trip of Maoh! [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25663: name: 今日からマ王!はじマりの旅 [通常版] name-sort: きょうからまおう!はじまりのたび name-en: "Kyo Kara Maoh! The 1st trip of Maoh!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25664: name: 餓狼伝説バトルアーカイブズ1 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: がろうでんせつばとるあーかいぶず1 [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "NeoGeo Online Collection - Garou Densetsu Battle Archives Vol.1" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25665: name: ぱちんこ冬のソナタ パチってちょんまげ達人10 name-sort: ぱちんこふゆのそなた ぱちってちょんまげたつじん10 name-en: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 10" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25666: name: "Sakura Zakashobotai [Irem Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25667: name: 大都技研プレミアムパチスロコレクション 吉宗 name-sort: だいとぎけんぷれみあむぱちすろこれくしょん よしむね name-en: "Daito Giken Premium Pachi-Slot Collection - Yoshimune" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25668: name: 鳥篭の向こうがわ name-sort: とりかごのむこうがわ name-en: "Torikago no Mukougawa - The Angles with Strange Wings" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25669: name: スクールランブル二学期 恐怖の(?)夏合宿! 洋館に幽霊現る!? お宝を巡って真っ向勝負!!!の巻 [初回限定版] name-sort: すくーるらんぶるにがっき きょうふの(?)なつがっしゅく! ようかんにゆうれいあらわる!? おたからをめぐってまっこうしょうぶ!!!のまき しょかいげんていばん name-en: "School Rumble 2nd Term [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25670: name: スクールランブル二学期 恐怖の(?)夏合宿! 洋館に幽霊現る!? お宝を巡って真っ向勝負!!!の巻 name-sort: すくーるらんぶるにがっき きょうふの(?)なつがっしゅく! ようかんにゆうれいあらわる!? おたからをめぐってまっこうしょうぶ!!!のまき name-en: "School Rumble 2nd Term" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25671: name: SchoolRumble スクールランブル ねる娘は育つ。Best Collection name-sort: すくーるらんぶる ねるこはそだつ Best Collection name-en: "School Rumble [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25672: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.6 7Cafe〜型式名ボンバーパワフル2〜 name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.6 7Cafe けいしきめいぼんばーぱわふる2 name-en: "7Cafe - Katashiki Mei Bonba Pawafuru 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25673: name: ラスト・エスコート〜黒蝶スペシャルナイト〜 name-sort: らすと・えすこーと くろちょうすぺしゃるないと name-en: "Last Escort - The Black Butterfly Special Night" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25674: name: メタルスラッグ6 name-sort: めたるすらっぐ6 name-en: "Metal Slug 6" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25675: name: バトルスタジアムD.O.N(ディー・オー・エヌ) name-sort: ばとるすたじあむでぃー・おー・えぬ name-en: "Battle Stadium D.O.N" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25676: name: キン肉マン マッスルグランプリ MAX name-sort: きんにくまん まっするぐらんぷり MAX name-en: "Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25677: name: BLOOD+ One Night Kiss name-sort: BLOOD+ One Night Kiss name-en: "Blood+ - One Night Kiss" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25678: name: うたわれるもの 散りゆく者への子守唄(初回限定版) name-sort: うたわれるもの ちりゆくものへのこもりうた しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Utawareru Mono [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25679: name: うたわれるもの 散りゆく者への子守唄(通常版) name-sort: うたわれるもの ちりゆくものへのこもりうた name-en: "Utawareru Mono" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25680: name: 舞ー乙HiME 乙女舞闘史!! [Limited Edition] name-sort: まいおとめ おとめぶとうし!! [Limited Edition] name-en: "Mai-Otome [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25681: name: 舞ー乙HiME 乙女舞闘史!! name-sort: まいおとめ おとめぶとうし!! name-en: "Mai-Otome" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25682: name: パチパラ13〜スーパー海とパチプロ風雲録〜 name-sort: ぱちぱら13 すーぱーうみとぱちぷろふううんろく name-en: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 13" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken minimap. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. SLPS-25683: name: ポンコツ浪漫大活劇バンピートロット [アイレム コレクション] name-sort: ぽんこつろまんだいかつげきばんぴーとろっと [あいれむ これくしょん] name-en: "Ponkotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot [Irem Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLPS-25684: name: マーメイドプリズム(限定版BOX) name-sort: まーめいどぷりずむ [げんていばんBOX] name-en: "Mermaid Prism [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25685: name: るろうに剣心-明治剣客浪漫譚- 炎上!京都輪廻 name-sort: るろうにけんしん めいじけんかくろまんたん えんじょう!きょうとりんね name-en: "Rurouni Kenshin - Enjou! Kyoto Rinne" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25686: name: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ファントムブラッド name-sort: じょじょのきみょうなぼうけん ふぁんとむぶらっど name-en: "Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Phantom Blood" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25687: name: コロボットアドベンチャー name-sort: ころぼっとあどべんちゃー name-en: "Korobotto Adventure" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25688: name: シムーン 異薔薇戦争 封印のリ・マージョン 初回限定版 name-sort: しむーん いばらせんそう ふういんのりまーじょん しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Simoun - Shoubi Sensou - Fuuin no Remersion [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25689: name: シムーン 異薔薇戦争 封印のリ・マージョン 通常版 name-sort: しむーん いばらせんそう ふういんのりまーじょん name-en: "Simoun - Shoubi Sensou - Fuuin no Remersion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25690: name: ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! NEO name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ Sparking! NEO name-en: "Dragon Ball Z - Sparking Neo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLPS-25691: name: キャプテン翼 name-sort: きゃぷてんつばさ name-en: "Captain Tsubasa" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes extreme ghosting. wildArmsHack: 1 # Aligns vertical blurring. SLPS-25693: name: プリンセス・プリンセス 姫たちのアブナい放課後 (初回限定版) name-sort: ぷりんせすぷりんせす ひめたちのあぶないほうかご しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Shinseiki GPX - Road to the Infinity 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25694: name: プリンセス・プリンセス 姫たちのアブナい放課後 (通常版) name-sort: ぷりんせすぷりんせす ひめたちのあぶないほうかご name-en: "Princess Princess" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25695: name: 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ ROAD TO THE INFINITY 3 name-sort: しんせいきGPXさいばーふぉーみゅら ROAD TO THE INFINITY 3 name-en: "New Century GPX Cyber Formula - Road to the Infinity 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25696: name: マーメイドプリズム(通常版) name-sort: まーめいどぷりずむ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 122 - The Ningyo Hime Monogatari - Mermaid Prism" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25697: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.7 CRフィーバー パワフルZERO name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.7 CRふぃーばー ぱわふるZERO name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-PachiSlot Kouryaku Series Vol.7 - CR Fever Powerful Zero" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes FMV hanging. SLPS-25698: name: 餓狼伝説バトルアーカイブズ2 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: がろうでんせつばとるあーかいぶず2 [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Fatal Fury - Battle Archives 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25699: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.8 CR松浦亜弥 name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.8 CRまつうらあや name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.8" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25700: name: 蒼い海のトリスティア 〜ナノカ・フランカ発明工房記〜 The Best Price name-sort: あおいうみのとりすてぃあ なのかふらんかはつめいこうぼうき The Best Price name-en: "Aoi no Tristia [The Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25701: name: ギャロップレーサー インブリード name-sort: ぎゃろっぷれーさー いんぶりーど name-en: "Gallop Racer Inbreed" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25702: name: 雨格子の館 name-sort: あまごうしのやかた name-en: "Amagoushi no Yakata" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25703: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.111 THE いただきライダー 〜お前のバイクは俺のモノ / Jacked〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.111 THE いただきらいだー おまえのばいくはおれのもの / Jacked name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 111 - The Itadaki Raider" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25704: name: サモンナイト4 name-sort: さもんないと4 name-en: "Summon Night 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25705: name: エウレカセブン New Wave Graduation name-sort: えうれかせぶん New Wave Graduation name-en: "Eureka Seven - New Wave Graduation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25706: name: "Eureka Seven - New Vision" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25707: name: "Eureka Seven TR1 - New Wave Graduation" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25708: name: ゼロの使い魔 小悪魔と春風の協奏曲 初回限定版 name-sort: ぜろのつかいま こあくまとはるかぜのこんちぇると しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25709: name: ゼロの使い魔 小悪魔と春風の協奏曲 name-sort: ぜろのつかいま こあくまとはるかぜのこんちぇると name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25710: name: K-1 WORLD GP 2006 name-sort: K-1 WORLD GP 2006 name-en: "K-1 World Grand Prix 2006" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 9 # Game requires AdaptiveBFF de-interlacing when auto. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes grey fighters problem. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes black flickering. patches: A7E5CE23: content: |- // Fixes game not working in hardware mode comment=Patch by refraction and Kojin patch=1,EE,004574B0,word,0000948c patch=1,EE,004574D8,word,0000948c SLPS-25711: name: かしまし 〜ガールミーツガール「初めての夏物語。」Best Collection name-sort: かしまし がーるみーつがーる はじめてのなつものがたり Best Collection name-en: "Kashimashi! Girl Meets Girl [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25712: name: SNK BEST COLLECTION THE KING OF FIGHTERS NEOWAVE name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS NEOWAVE [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "King of Fighters Neowave [SNK the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25713: name: SNK BEST COLLECTION ティンクルスタースプライツーLa Petite Princesse- name-sort: てぃんくるすたーすぷらいつーLa Petite Princesse- [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Twinkle Star Sprites - La Petite Princesse [SNK the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25714: name: NARUTO-ナルト- 木ノ葉スピリッツ!! name-sort: なると このはすぴりっつ!! name-en: "Naruto - Konoha Spirits" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack SLPS-25715: name: テイルズ オブ デスティニー name-sort: ているず おぶ ですてぃにー name-en: "Tales of Destiny" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - FpuMulHack SLPS-25716: name: デジモンセイバーズ アナザーミッション name-sort: でじもんせいばーず あなざーみっしょん name-en: "Digimon Savers - Another Mission" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25717: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ UltimateVol.33 うるるんクエスト恋遊記 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず UltimateVol.33 うるるんくえすとこいゆうき name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 33 - Ururun Quest Koiyuuki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25718: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY 連合vs.Z.A.F.T.II PLUS name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど ですてぃにー れんごうvs.Z.A.F.T.II PLUS name-en: "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II Plus" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fix camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fix target loss issue. patches: F616C207: content: |- comment=Swapping COP2 codes around patch=0,EE,00252824,word,48488000 patch=0,EE,00252828,word,4B040183 SLPS-25719: name: はぴねす!でらっくす 初回限定版 name-sort: はぴねす!でらっくす しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Happiness! Deluxe [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25720: name: はぴねす!でらっくす 通常版 name-sort: はぴねす!でらっくす name-en: "Happiness! Deluxe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25721: name: ひめひび -Princess Days- name-sort: ひめひび -Princess Days- name-en: "HimeHibi - Princess Days" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25722: name: Routes PE [初回限定版] name-sort: Routes PE しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Routes PE [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25723: name: 令嬢探偵〜オフィスラブ事件慕〜 name-sort: れいじょうたんてい おふぃすらぶじけんぼ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 123 - The Office Love Jikenbo - Reijou Tantei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25724: name: ぱちんこ華王 美空ひばり name-sort: ぱちんこかおう みそらひばり name-en: "Pachinko Kaou - Misora Hibari" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25725: name: FROM SOFTWARE 20th ANNIVERSARY『KING’S FIELD -DARK SIDE BOX-』 name-sort: FROM SOFTWARE 20th ANNIVERSARY『KING’S FIELD -DARK SIDE BOX-』 name-en: "King's Field - Dark Side Box" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25726: name: SNKスロットパニック 球児 name-sort: SNKすろっとぱにっく きゅうじ name-en: "SNK Slot Panic Vol.1" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25727: name: Routes PE name-sort: Routes PE name-en: "Routes PE" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25728: name: くじびき アンバランス 会長お願いすま〜っしゅファイト☆ [初回限定版] name-sort: くじびき あんばらんす かいちょうおねがいすまーっしゅふぁいと しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Kujibiki Ambulance [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25729: name: くじびき アンバランス 会長お願いすま〜っしゅファイト☆ [通常版] name-sort: くじびき あんばらんす かいちょうおねがいすまーっしゅふぁいと name-en: "Kujibiki Unbalance" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25730: name: ARMORED CORE -MACHINE SIDE BOX- name-sort: あーまーどこあ [MACHINE SIDE BOX] name-en: "Armored Core - Last Raven [Machine Side Box]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SLPS-25731: name: ARMORED CORE 2 (ARMORED CORE PREMIUM BOX同梱用) name-sort: あーまーどこあ2 name-en: "Armored Core 2" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes texture corruption. SLPS-25732: name: ARMORED CORE 3 (ARMORED CORE PREMIUM BOX同梱用) name-sort: あーまーどこあ3 name-en: "Armored Core 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25733: name: スーパーロボット大戦OG ORIGINAL GENERATIONS name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんOG ORIGINAL GENERATIONS name-en: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25734: name: THE BATTLE OF 幽★遊★白書〜死闘!暗黒武術会〜120% name-sort: THE BATTLE OF ゆうゆうはくしょ しとう あんこくぶじゅつかい 120% name-en: "Battle of Yuu Yuu Hakusho, The - Shitou! Ankoku Bujutsukai - 120% Full Power" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25735: name: ドラゴンシャドウスペル name-sort: どらごんしゃどうすぺる name-en: "Dragon Shadow Spell" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25736: name: サムライスピリッツ天下一剣客伝 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: さむらいすぴりっつてんかいちけんかくでん [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Samurai Spirits - Tenkaichi Kenkakuten [SNK Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25737: name: ネオジオバトルコロシアム [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: ねおじおばとるころしあむ [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Neo Geo Battle Coliseum [SNK Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25738: name: SOUL CRADLE(ソウルクレイドル) 世界を喰らう者 [初回限定版] name-sort: そうるくれいどる せかいをくらうもの しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Soul Cradle Sekai o Kurau Mono [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25739: name: SOUL CRADLE(ソウルクレイドル) 世界を喰らう者 name-sort: そうるくれいどる せかいをくらうもの name-en: "Soul Cradle Sekai o Kurau Mono" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25740: name: ルパン三世 ルパンには死を、銭形には恋を name-sort: るぱんさんせい るぱんにはしを ぜにがたにはこいを name-en: "Lupin III - Lupin ni ha Shi o, Zenigata ni ha Koi o" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25742: name: ああっ女神さまっ [初回限定版] name-sort: ああっめがみさまっ しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Aa Megami-sama [Holy Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25743: name: ああっ女神さまっ [通常版] name-sort: ああっめがみさまっ name-en: "Aa Megami-sama" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25744: name: 聖闘士星矢 冥王ハーデス十二宮編 name-sort: せいんとせいや めいおうはーですじゅうにきゅうへん name-en: "Saint Seiya Meiou Hades Juunikyuu Hen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25745: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ vol.1 CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず vol.1 CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.1 - CR Shinseiki Evangelion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25746: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.9 CRフィーバー キャプテンハーロック name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.9 CRふぃーばー きゃぷてんはーろっく name-en: "CR Fever Captain Harlock" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25747: name: 餓狼伝Breakblow Fist or Twist name-sort: がろうでんBreakblow Fist or Twist name-en: "Garouden Break Blow - Fist or Twist" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25748: name: 蒼い空のネオスフィア〜ナノカ・フランカ発明工房記2〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: あおいそらのねおすふぃあ なのかふらんかはつめいこうぼうき2 しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Aoi Sora no Neosphere - Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki 2 [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25749: name: 蒼い空のネオスフィア〜ナノカ・フランカ発明工房記2〜 [通常版] name-sort: あおいそらのねおすふぃあ なのかふらんかはつめいこうぼうき2 name-en: "Aoi Sora no Neosphere - Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25750: name: スーパーロボット大戦 Scramble Commander the 2nd name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせん Scramble Commander the 2nd name-en: "Super Robot Taisen - Scramble Commander The 2nd" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25751: name: がくえんゆーとぴあ まなびストレート! キラキラ☆ Happy Festa! [初回限定版] name-sort: がくえんゆーとぴあ まなびすとれーと! きらきら Happy Festa! しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Gakuen Utopia - Manabi Straight! KiraKira Happy Festa! [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25752: name: がくえんゆーとぴあ まなびストレート! キラキラ☆ Happy Festa! name-sort: がくえんゆーとぴあ まなびすとれーと! きらきら Happy Festa! name-en: "Gakuen Utopia - Manabi Straight! KiraKira Happy Festa!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25753: name: 電撃SP 苺ましまろ name-sort: でんげきSP いちごましまろ name-en: "Ichigo Mashimaro [Dengeki SP]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25754: name: 電撃SP キノの旅II name-sort: でんげきSP きののたびII name-en: "Kino no Tabi 2 - The Beautiful World [Dengeki SP]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25755: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol. 1 - Saitan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25756: name: .hack//G.U. Vol.1 再誕 Bandai the Best name-sort: どっとはっく じーゆー Vol.1 さいたん [Bandai the Best] name-en: ".hack//G.U. Vol.1 - Saitan [Bandai the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" - "SLPS-25651" - "SLPS-25655" - "SLPS-25656" - "SLPS-25756" SLPS-25757: name: ななついろ★ドロップスPure!! [初回限定版] name-sort: ななついろどろっぷす ぴゅあ!! しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Nanatsu Iro - Drops Pure!! [First Print Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25758: name: ななついろ★ドロップス Pure!! [通常版] name-sort: ななついろどろっぷす ぴゅあ!! name-en: "Nanatsu Iro - Drops Pure!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25759: name: 四八(仮) name-sort: しじゅうはち かっこかり name-en: "Shiju Hachi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25760: name: VitaminX LIMITED EDITION name-sort: VitaminX LIMITED EDITION name-en: "VitaminX [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25761: name: VitaminX name-sort: VitaminX name-en: "VitaminX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25762: name: メタルスラッグ コンプリート name-sort: めたるすらっぐ こんぷりーと name-en: "Metal Slug Complete" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25763: name: 新牧場物語:ピュア イノセントライフ name-sort: しんぼくじょうものがたり:ぴゅあ いのせんとらいふ name-en: "Shin Bokujou Monogatari - Pure Innocent Life" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25764: name: 武装錬金 〜ようこそ パピヨンパークへ〜 name-sort: ぶそうれんきん ようこそ ぱぴよんぱーくへ name-en: "Busou Renkin - Youkoso Papillon Park e" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25765: name: KOF MAXIMUM IMPACT REGULATION“A” name-sort: きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず MAXIMUM IMPACT REGULATION“A” name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact Regulation A" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25766: name: オレンジハニー 僕はキミに恋してる [初回限定版] name-sort: おれんじはにー ぼくはきみにこいしてる しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Orange Honey - Boku ha Kimi ni Koishiteru [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25767: name: オレンジハニー 僕はキミに恋してる [通常版] name-sort: おれんじはにー ぼくはきみにこいしてる name-en: "Orange Honey - Boku ha Kimi ni Koishiteru" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25768: name: NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝 ナルティメットアクセル name-sort: なると しっぷうでん なるてぃめっとあくせる name-en: "Naruto Shippuuden Narutimate Accel" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLPS-25769: name: プロ野球 熱スタ2007 name-sort: ぷろやきゅう ねっすた2007 name-en: "Netsu Chu! Pro Baseball 2007" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25770: name: 楽勝!パチスロ宣言5リオパラダイス name-sort: らくしょう!ぱちすろせんげん5りおぱらだいす name-en: "Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 5" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25771: name: グリムグリモア [初回生産版] name-sort: ぐりむぐりもあ [しょかいせいさんばん] name-en: "Grim Grimoire" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25772: name: グリムグリモア name-sort: ぐりむぐりもあ name-en: "Grim Grimoire" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLPS-25773: name: テイルズ オブ ファンダムVol.2 [ティアバージョン] name-sort: ているず おぶ ふぁんだむVol.2 [てぃあばーじょん] name-en: "Tales of Fandom Vol.2 [Tia Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25774: name: テイルズ オブ ファンダムVol.2 [ルークバージョン] name-sort: ているず おぶ ふぁんだむVol.2 [るーくばーじょん] name-en: "Tales of Fandom Vol.2 [Luke Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25775: name: まじしゃんず・あかでみい name-sort: まじしゃんず あかでみい name-en: "Magician's Academy, The" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25776: name: ぱちんこウルトラマン ぱちってちょんまげ達人12 name-sort: ぱちんこうるとらまん ぱちってちょんまげたつじん12 name-en: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 12" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25777: name: すもももももも 〜地上最強のヨメ〜 継承しましょ!? 恋の花ムコ争奪戦!! [初回限定版] name-sort: すもももももも ちじょうさいきょうのよめ けいしょうしましょ!? こいのはなむこそうだつせん!! しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Sumomomomomo - Chijou Saikyou no Yome [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25778: name: すもももももも 〜地上最強のヨメ〜 継承しましょ!? 恋の花ムコ争奪戦!! [通常版] name-sort: すもももももも ちじょうさいきょうのよめ けいしょうしましょ!? こいのはなむこそうだつせん!! name-en: "Sumomomo Momomo - Chijou Saikyou no Yome - Keishou Shimasho! Koi no Hanamuko Soudatsu-sen!!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25779: name: KOF MAXIMUMIMPACT 2 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず MAXIMUMIMPACT 2 [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Maximum Impact 2 [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25780: name: のだめカンタービレ name-sort: のだめかんたーびれ name-en: "Nodame Cantabile" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25781: name: 風雲 SUPER COMBO [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: ふううん SUPER COMBO [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Fuuun Super Combo" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25782: name: ワールドヒーローズ ゴージャス [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: わーるどひーろーず ごーじゃす [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "World Heroes - Gorgeous" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25783: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ98アルティメットマッチ [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず98あるてぃめっとまっち [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "King of Fighters '98, The - Ultimate Match" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25784: name: Another Century’s Episode 3 THE FINAL name-sort: Another Century’s Episode 3 THE FINAL name-en: "Another Century's Episode 3 - The Final" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Was used to fix game crash, but not sure it's required anymore. SLPS-25786: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.10 CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン〜奇跡の価値は〜 name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.10 CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん きせきのかちは name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko-Pachislot Kouryaku Series Vol.10 - CR Shinseiki Evangelion - Kiseki no kachi Ha" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes FMV hanging. SLPS-25787: name: パチパラ14 〜風と雲とスーパー海IN沖縄〜 name-sort: ぱちぱら14 かぜとくもとすーぱーうみINおきなわ name-en: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 14" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken minimap. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. SLPS-25788: name: メタルスラッグ [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: めたるすらっぐ [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "Metal Slug [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25789: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS XI [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS XI [SNK BEST COLLECTION] name-en: "King of Fighters XI, The [SNK Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25790: name: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST 龍虎の拳 〜天・地・人〜 name-sort: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST りゅうこのけん てんちじん name-en: "Art of Fighting Collection [NeoGeo Online Collection the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25791: name: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST THE KING OF FIGHTERS 〜オロチ編〜 name-sort: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST THE KING OF FIGHTERS おろちへん name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Orochi Collection [NeoGeo Online Collection the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25792: name: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST 幕末浪漫 月華の剣士 1・2 name-sort: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST ばくまつろまん げっかのけんし 1・2 name-en: "Bakumatsu Roman - Last Blade 2-in-1 [NeoGeo Online Collection the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25793: name: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST 餓狼 MARK OF THE WOLVES name-sort: NEOGEO ONLINE COLLECTION THE BEST がろう MARK OF THE WOLVES name-en: "Garou - Mark of the Wolves [NeoGeo Online Collection the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25794: name: クラスターエッジ〜君を待つ未来への証〜 Best Collection name-sort: くらすたーえっじ きみをまつみらいへのあかし Best Collection name-en: "Cluster Edge [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25795: name: スクールランブル二学期 恐怖の(?)夏合宿! 洋館に幽霊現る!?お宝を巡って真っ向勝負!!!の巻 Best Collection name-sort: すくーるらんぶるにがっき きょうふのなつがっしゅく! ようかんにゆうれいあらわる!?おたからをめぐってまっこうしょうぶ!!!のまき Best Collection name-en: "School Rumble - 2nd Term [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25796: name: 俺の下でAGAKE name-sort: おれのしたであがけ name-en: "Ore no Shite Agake" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25797: name: 一騎当千 Shining Dragon [限定爆裂パック] name-sort: いっきとうせん Shining Dragon [げんていばくれつぱっく] name-en: "Ikki Tousen - Shining Dragon [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Aligns bloom effect. SLPS-25798: name: 一騎当千 Shining Dragon [通常版] name-sort: いっきとうせん Shining Dragon name-en: "Ikki Tousen - Shining Dragon" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Aligns bloom effect. SLPS-25799: name: ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 3 バンプレストベスト name-sort: うるとらまん Fighting Evolution 3 [ばんぷれすとべすと] name-en: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 [Banpresto Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25800: name: ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution Rebirth バンプレストベスト name-sort: うるとらまん Fighting Evolution Rebirth [ばんぷれすとべすと] name-en: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution - Rebirth [Banpresto Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_UltramanFightingEvolution" SLPS-25801: name: 今日からマ王! 眞マ国の休日 name-sort: きょうからまおう しんまこくのきゅうじつ name-en: "Kyou Kara Maou! Shin Ma-Koku no Kyuujitsu [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25802: name: 今日からマ王! 眞マ国の休日 name-sort: きょうからまおう しんまこくのきゅうじつ name-en: "Kyou Kara Maou! Shin Ma-Koku no Kyuujitsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25803: name: xxx HOLiC〜四月一日の十六夜草話〜 name-sort: ほりっく わたぬきのいざよいそうわ name-en: "xxxHolic - Shigatsu Tsuitachi no Izayoi Sowa" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25804: name: DEAR My SUN!! 〜ムスコ★育成★狂騒曲〜 [限定版] name-sort: DEAR My SUN!! むすこいくせいきょうそうきょく [げんていばん] name-en: "Dear My Sun [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25806: name: 家庭教師ヒットマン REBORN!ドリームハイパーバトル!死ぬ気の炎と黒き記憶 name-sort: かてきょーひっとまんりぼーん どりーむはいぱーばとる!しぬきのほのおとくろききおく name-en: "Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Dream Hyper Battle" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25807: name: セイント・ビースト 〜螺旋の章〜 [限定版] name-sort: せいんと びーすと らせんのしょう [げんていばん] name-en: "Saint Beast - Rasen no Shou [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25808: name: セイント・ビースト 〜螺旋の章〜 [通常版] name-sort: せいんと びーすと らせんのしょう name-en: "Saint Beast - Rasen no Shou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25809: name: 銀魂 銀さんと一緒!ボクのかぶき町日記 name-sort: ぎんたま ぎんさんといっしょ!ぼくのかぶきちょうちにっき name-en: "Gintama - Gin-san to Issho! Boku no Kabuki-chou Nikki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25810: name: DEAR My SUN!! 〜ムスコ★育成★狂騒曲〜 [通常版] name-sort: DEAR My SUN!! むすこいくせいきょうそうきょく name-en: "Dear My Sun" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25811: name: はぴねす! でらっくす Best Collection name-sort: はぴねす! でらっくす Best Collection name-en: "Happiness! Deluxe [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25812: name: トリノホシ 〜Aerial Planet〜 name-sort: とりのほし Aerial Planet name-en: "Tori no Hoshi - Aerial Planet" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25813: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.11 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン〜まごころを、君に〜 name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.11 しんせいきえゔぁんげりおん まごころをきみに name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko - Pachi-Slot Kouryoku Series Vol.11 - Shinseiki Evangelion - Magokoro o, Kimi ni" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25814: name: 新世紀GPX サイバーフォーミュラ Road To The INFINITY 4 name-sort: しんせいきGPX さいばーふぉーみゅら Road To The INFINITY 4 name-en: "Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula - Road to the Infinity 4" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25815: name: ドラゴンボールZ スパーキング!メテオ name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ すぱーきんぐ めてお name-en: "Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLPS-25816: name: 山佐DigiワールドコラボレーションSP パチスロ リッジレーサー name-sort: やまさでじわーるどこらぼれーしょんSP ぱちすろ りっじれーさー name-en: "Yamasa Digi World Collaboration SP - Pachi-Slot Ridge Racer" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-25817: name: 幕末恋華・花柳剣士伝 雅の玉手箱 name-sort: ばくまつれんか かりゅうけんしでん みやびのたまてばこ name-en: "Bakumatsu Renka - Karyuu Kenshiden [Genteiban]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25818: name: 幕末恋華・花柳剣士伝 name-sort: ばくまつれんか かりゅうけんしでん name-en: "Bakumatsu Renka - Karyuu Kenshiden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25819: name: アルトネリコ2 世界に響く少女たちの創造詩 name-sort: あるとねりこ2 せかいにひびくしょうじょたちのそうぞうし name-en: "Ar tonelico II - Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo-Tachi no Souzoushi" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes "Fall through floor" bug when approaching chests. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes textboxes and character portraits. beforeDraw: "OI_ArTonelico2" SLPS-25820: name: 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! Let’s暗殺!? 狙われた10代目! name-sort: かてきょーひっとまんREBORN! れっつあんさつ!? ねらわれた10だいめ! name-en: "Katekyoo Hitman Reborn!! Let's Ansatsu! Nerawareta 10 Daime!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces font artifacts but characters still have major artifacts. SLPS-25821: name: 涼宮ハルヒの戸惑 超限定版 name-sort: すずみやはるひのとまどい ちょうげんていばん name-en: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25822: name: 涼宮ハルヒの戸惑 name-sort: すずみやはるひのとまどい name-en: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25823: name: スパイダーマン3 name-sort: すぱいだーまん3 name-en: "Spider-Man 3" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes idle camera behaviour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. SLPS-25825: name: ゼロの使い魔 小悪魔と春風の協奏曲 Best Collection name-sort: ぜろのつかいま しょうあくまとはるかぜのきょうそうきょく Best Collection name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25826: name: マイホームをつくろう2 充実!簡単設計!! Best Collection name-sort: まいほーむをつくろう2 じゅうじつ!かんたんせっけい!! Best Collection name-en: "My Home o Tsukurou 2! Easy Design [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25827: name: 装甲騎兵ボトムズ name-sort: そうこうきへいぼとむず name-en: "Soukou Kihei Votoms" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25828: name: ぱちんこ必殺仕事人III パチってちょんまげ達人13 name-sort: ぱちんこひっさつしごとじんIII ぱちってちょんまげたつじん13 name-en: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 13 - Pachinko Hissatsu Shigotonin III" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25829: name: Another Century’s Episode 2 Special Vocal Version name-sort: Another Century’s Episode 2 Special Vocal Version name-en: "Another Century's Episode 2 [Special Vocal Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25830: name: ゼロの使い魔 夢魔が紡ぐ夜風の幻想曲 [限定版] name-sort: ぜろのつかいま むまがつむぐよかぜのげんそうきょく [げんていばん] name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima - Muma ga Tsumugu Yokaze no Gensoukyoku [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25831: name: ゼロの使い魔 夢魔が紡ぐ夜風の幻想曲 [通常版] name-sort: ぜろのつかいま むまがつむぐよかぜのげんそうきょく name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima - Muma ga Tsumugu Yokaze no Gensoukyoku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25832: name: SDガンダム G GENERATION SPIRITS name-sort: SDがんだむ G GENERATION SPIRITS name-en: "SD Gundam G Generation Spirits" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25833: name: SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.122 THE 人魚姫物語〜マーメイドプリズム〜 name-sort: しんぷる2000しりーず Vol.122 THE にんぎょひめものがたり まーめいどぷりずむ name-en: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 122 - The Ningyo Hime Monogatari - Mermaid Prism" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25834: name: トランスフォーマー THE GAME name-sort: とらんすふぉーまー THE GAME name-en: "Transformers - The Game" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out texture transitions. SLPS-25835: name: スーパーロボット大戦OG外伝 [限定版] name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんOGがいでん [げんていばん] name-en: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations Gaiden [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25836: name: スーパーロボット大戦OG外伝 name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんOGがいでん name-en: "Super Robot Taisen OG - Original Generations Gaiden" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25837: name: NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝 ナルティメットアクセル2 name-sort: なると しっぷうでん なるてぃめっとあくせる2 name-en: "Naruto Shippuuden - Narutimate Accel 2" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLPS-25838: name: 太平洋の嵐 〜戦艦大和、暁に出撃す〜 name-sort: たいへいようのあらし せんかんやまと あかつきにしゅつげきす name-en: "Taiheiyou no Arashi - Senkan Yamato, Akatsuki ni Shutsugeki su" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25839: name: サムライスピリッツ 六番勝負 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: さむらいすぴりっつ ろくばんしょうぶ [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Samurai Spirits - Rokuban Shoubu [NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 12]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25840: name: ギターヒーロー3 レジェンド オブ ロック (ギターヒーロー3専用ワイヤレス クレイマー®ストライカー コントローラ同梱セット) name-sort: ぎたーひーろー3 れじぇんど おぶ ろっく (ぎたーひーろー3せんようわいやれす くれいまーすとらいかー こんとろーらどうこんせっと) name-en: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock [with Guitar]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLPS-25841: name: テイルズ オブ デスティニー ディレクターズカット プレミアムBOX name-sort: ているず おぶ ですてぃにー でぃれくたーずかっと [ぷれみあむBOX] name-en: "Tales of Destiny [Director's Cut] [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - FpuMulHack memcardFilters: # Allows import of non-DC Tales of Destiny data. - "SLPS-25841" - "SLPS-25842" - "SLPS-25715" SLPS-25842: name: テイルズ オブ デスティニー ディレクターズカット name-sort: ているず おぶ ですてぃにー でぃれくたーずかっと name-en: "Tales of Destiny [Director's Cut]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gameFixes: - FpuMulHack memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25841" - "SLPS-25842" - "SLPS-25715" SLPS-25843: name: ティル・ナ・ノーグ 〜悠久の仁〜 name-sort: てぃる・な・のーぐ ゆうきゅうのひと name-en: "Tir-Na-Nog" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25844: name: ラスト・エスコート 2 〜深夜の甘い棘〜 Gorgeous版 name-sort: らすと えすこーと 2 しんやのあまいとげ Gorgeousばん name-en: "Last Escort 2 - Shiya no Amai Toge [Gorgeous Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25845: name: ラスト・エスコート 2 〜深夜の甘い棘〜 name-sort: らすと えすこーと 2 しんやのあまいとげ name-en: "Last Escort 2 - Shiya no Amai Toge" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25847: name: 雨格子の館 一柳和、最初の受難 The Best Price name-sort: あめこうしのやかた いちやなぎなごむ さいしょのじゅなん The Best Price name-en: "Amekoushi no Kan [The Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25848: name: 奈落の城 一柳和、2度目の受難 name-sort: ならくのしろ いちやなぎなごむ 2どめのじゅなん name-en: "Naraku no Shiro" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25849: name: サンソフトコレクション [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: さんそふとこれくしょん [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Sunsoft Collection" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25850: name: エビコレ+ キミキス eb!コレ name-sort: えびこれ+ きみきす eb!これ name-en: "KimiKiss [ebKore+]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes textboxes and character portraits. SLPS-25851: name: 絶体絶命都市2-凍てついた記憶たち- [アイレムコレクション] name-sort: ぜったいぜつめいとし2-いてついたきおくたち- [あいれむこれくしょん] name-en: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kioku Tachi [Irem Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2" SLPS-25852: name: パチパラ13 〜スーパー海とパチプロ風雲録〜 [アイレムコレクション] name-sort: ぱちぱら13 すーぱーうみとぱちぷろふううんろく [あいれむこれくしょん] name-en: "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 13 [Irem Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken minimap. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. SLPS-25853: name: パチってちょんまげ達人 14 ぱちんこ仮面ライダー ショッカー全滅大作戦 name-sort: ぱちってちょんまげたつじん 14 ぱちんこかめんらいだー しょっかーぜんめつだいさくせん name-en: "Pachinko Kamen Rider - Shocker Zenmetsu Daisakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25854: name: POISON PINK name-sort: POISON PINK name-en: "Poison Pink" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # In-game background visible. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness when upscaling. SLPS-25855: name: バトル オブ サンライズ name-sort: ばとる おぶ さんらいず name-en: "Battle of Sunrise" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25856: name: "トゥームレイダー: アニバーサリー" name-sort: "とぅーむれいだー: あにばーさりー" name-en: "Tomb Raider - Anniversary" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. SLPS-25858: name: 電撃SP 灼眼のシャナ name-sort: でんげきSP しゃくがんのしゃな name-en: "Dengeki SP - Shakugan no Shana" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25859: name: オレンジハニー 僕はキミに恋してる Best Collection name-sort: おれんじはにー ぼくはきみにこいしてる Best Collection name-en: "Orange Honey - Boku ha Kimi ni Koishiteru [Best Version]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25860: name: コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ LOST COLORS name-sort: こーどぎあす はんぎゃくのるるーしゅ LOST COLORS name-en: "Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch - Lost Colors" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25861: name: CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン〜奇跡の価値は〜 [スペシャルプライス版] name-sort: CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん きせきのかちは [すぺしゃるぷらいすばん] name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko - Pachi-Slot Kouryoku Series Vol.10 [Special Price Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25862: name: CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン〜セカンドインパクト〜 [スペシャルプライス版] name-sort: CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん せかんどいんぱくと [すぺしゃるぷらいすばん] name-en: "Hisshou Pachinko - Pachi-Slot Kouryoku Series Vol.05 - CR Neon Genesis Evangelion Sekandoinpakuto & Pachislot Neon Genesis Evangelion [Special Price Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25863: name: THE BEST 餓狼伝説 バトルアーカイブズ1 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE BEST がろうでんせつ ばとるあーかいぶず1 [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Fatal Fury - Battle Archives 1 [SNK the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25864: name: THE BEST 餓狼伝説バトルアーカイブズ2 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE BEST がろうでんせつばとるあーかいぶず2 [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Fatal Fury - Battle Archives 2 [SNK the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25865: name: THE BEST ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ〜ネスツ編〜 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE BEST ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず ねすつへん [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "King of Fighters, The - Nests [SNK the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25866: name: THE BEST 風雲スーパーコンボ [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE BEST ふううんすーぱーこんぼ [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Fuuun Super Combo [SNK the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25867: name: 花宵ロマネスク 愛と哀しみ−それは君のためのアリア 限定版 name-sort: はなよいろまねすく あいとかなしみ-それはきみのためのありあ [げんていばん] name-en: "Hanayoi Romanesque - Ai to Kanashimi [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25868: name: 花宵ロマネスク 愛と哀しみ−それは君のためのアリア name-sort: はなよいろまねすく あいとかなしみ-それはきみのためのありあ name-en: "Hanayoi Romanesque - Ai to Kanashimi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25869: name: 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズ Vol.12 CR新世紀エヴァンゲリオン〜使徒、再び〜 name-sort: ひっしょうぱちんこぱちすろこうりゃくしりーず Vol.12 CRしんせいきえゔぁんげりおん しと ふたたび name-en: "CR Shinseiki Evangelion - Shito, Futatabi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25871: name: "Drastic Killer" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25872: name: "Daisenryaku - Daitoua Kouboushi - Tora Tora Tora Ware Kishuu ni Seikou Seri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25874: name: "Simple 2000 Series Vol. 123 - The Office Love Jikenbo - Reijou Tantei" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25876: name: "Shin Bokujou Monogatari - Pure - Innocent Life" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25877: name: "Busou Renkin - Youkoso Papillon Park e" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25879: name: Bully (ブリー) name-sort: ぶりー name-en: "Bully" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to take the bottle in the trophy case in Chapter 2: Hattrick vs Galloway. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes door transitions. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces ghosting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25880: name: "True Fortune" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25881: name: キン肉マン マッスルグランプリ2 特盛 name-sort: きんにくまん まっするぐらんぷり2 とくもり name-en: "Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix 2" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25882: name: "Ikki Tousen - Shining Dragon [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Aligns bloom effect. SLPS-25883: name: "Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Nerae! Ring x Vongola Trainers" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces font artifacts but characters still have major artifacts. SLPS-25884: name: "Grimgrimoire [The Best Price]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25885: name: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith on Tour [with Guitar]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. SLPS-25886: name: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith on Tour" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLPS-25887: name: スーパーロボット大戦Z name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんZ name-en: "Super Robot Taisen Z" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25888: name: スター・ウォーズ・フォース・アンリーシュド name-sort: すたー うぉーず ふぉーす あんりーしゅど name-en: "Star Wars - The Force Unleashed" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes player shadow definition and color banding. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes player shadow. patches: CC9BFDE3: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fix for graphical issues, QTE events, subtitles, health bar. // Patch replace values passed to FPU to workaround x86 rounding issues. patch=1,EE,0017d454,word,3464fff0 patch=1,EE,0017d460,word,3463fffc SLPS-25889: name: ギターヒーロー エアロスミス name-sort: ぎたーひーろー えあろすみす name-en: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLPS-25890: name: ギターヒーロー3 レジェンドオブロック name-sort: ぎたーひーろー3 れじぇんどおぶろっく name-en: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLPS-25891: name: "Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu - Cosplay, Hajimemashita" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25892: name: 乃木坂春香の秘密 こすぷれ、はじめました♥ name-sort: のぎざかはるかのひみつ こすぷれ はじめました name-en: "Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu - Cosplay Hajimemashita" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25893: name: "Zero no Tsukaima - Muma ga Tsumugu Yokaze no Fantasy [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25894: name: ああっ女神さまっ Best Collection name-sort: ああっめがみさまっ Best Collection name-en: "Aa Megami-sama [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25896: name: 萌え萌え2次大戦(略)☆デラックス name-sort: もえもえにじたいせん でらっくす name-en: "Moe Moe 2ji Taisen(Ryaku) Deluxe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25897: name: ゼロの使い魔 迷子の終止符と幾千の交響曲 限定版 name-sort: ぜろのつかいま まいごのしゅうしふといくせんのこうきょうきょく [げんていばん] name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima - Maigo no Period to Ikusen no Symphony [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25898: name: ゼロの使い魔 迷子の終止符と幾千の交響曲 name-sort: ぜろのつかいま まいごのしゅうしふといくせんのこうきょうきょく name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima - Maigo no Period to Ikusen no Symphony" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25899: name: "Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!! Let's Ansatsu! Nerawareta 10 Daime! [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces font artifacts but characters still have major artifacts. SLPS-25900: name: "Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 - Gundam Meisters" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLPS-25902: name: "Junjou Romantica - Koi no Doki Doki Daisakusen" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25903: name: "The Magician's Academy [eb! Kore]" name-sort: "Magician's Academy, The [eb! Kore]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25904: name: "Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Kindan no Yami no Delta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25905: name: ドラゴンボールZ インフィニットワールド name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ いんふぃにっとわーるど name-en: "Dragon Ball Z - Infinite World" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25906: name: ADK魂 name-sort: ADKたましい name-en: "ADK Tamashii" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25907: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 15 - Pachinko Fuyu no Sonata 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25908: name: "LEGO Batman - The Videogame" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. HPO Normal required if not using CLUT Renderer. SLPS-25909: name: "Hisshou Pachinko Pachi-Slot Kouryaku Series Vol. 13 - Shin Seiki Evangelion - Yakusoku no Toki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25910: name: "Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Dream Hyper Battle! Shinu Ki no Honoo to Kuroki Kioku" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25911: name: "Hisshou Pachinko Pachi-Slot Kouryaku Series Vol. 11 - Shin Seiki Evangelion - Magokoro o, Kimi ni" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25912: name: "Soul Eater - Battle Resonance" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25914: name: 機動戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 アクシズの脅威V name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ ぎれんのやぼう あくしずのきょういV name-en: "Kidou Senshi Gundam - Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui V" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 SLPS-25915: name: ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ 2002 アンリミテッドマッチ name-sort: ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず 2002 あんりみてっどまっち name-en: "King of Fighters 2002, The - Unlimited Match" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25916: name: "Shinjuku no Ookami" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25917: name: セイクリッドブレイズ name-sort: せいくりっどぶれいず name-en: "Sacred Blaze" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes half screen effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. getSkipCount: "GSC_SacredBlaze" SLPS-25918: name: "Amagami" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes character sprites. SLPS-25919: name: "Sengoku Tenka Touitsu" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25920: name: "Super Robot Taisen Z - Special Disc" region: "NTSC-J-K" SLPS-25921: name: "Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen 6 - Rio 2 Cruising Vanadis" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25922: name: "Vitamin Z [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25923: name: "Vitamin Z" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25924: name: "NBA 2K9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25925: name: "NHL 2K9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25927: name: "TOMB RAIDER: UNDERWORLD" name-sort: "TOMB RAIDER: UNDERWORLD" name-en: "Tomb Raider - Underworld" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. SLPS-25928: name: "Little Anchor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25929: name: "Little Anchor" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25930: name: MLB 2K9 [英語版] name-sort: MLB 2K9 [えいごばん] name-en: "Major League Baseball 2K9" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25931: name: "Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Nerae! Ring x Vongola Trainers [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces font artifacts but characters still have major artifacts. SLPS-25932: name: "Evangelion - Jo" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLPS-25934: name: THE BEST サムライスピリッツ六番勝負 [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE BEST さむらいすぴりっつろくばんしょうぶ [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "Samurai Spirits - Rokuban Shoubu [NeoGeo Online Collection the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25935: name: THE BEST ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ'98 アルティメットマッチ [NEOGEOオンラインコレクション] name-sort: THE BEST ざ きんぐ おぶ ふぁいたーず'98 あるてぃめっとまっち [NEOGEOおんらいんこれくしょん] name-en: "King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, The [NeoGeo Online Collection the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25936: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 11 - Sunsoft Collection" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25937: name: "Metal Slug Complete" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25938: name: "KOF - Maximum Impact Regulation A" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25939: name: "Himehibi - New Princess Days!! Zoku! Nigakki" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25940: name: "Gendai Daisenryaku - Isshoku Sokuhatsu Gunji Balance Houkai" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25941: name: "SD Gundam - G Generation Wars" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25942: name: "Hisshou Pachinko Pachi-Slot Kouryaku Series Vol. 14 - CR Shin Seiki Evangelion - Saigo no Shisha" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25943: name: "Hisshou Pachinko Pachi-Slot Kouryaku Series Vol. 14 - CR Shin Seiki Evangelion - Saigo no Shisha [Gentei Special Box]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25944: name: 仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ name-sort: かめんらいだー くらいまっくすひーろーず name-en: "Kamen Rider Climax Heroes" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-25945: name: "Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend [Best of Spike]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes distant characters and models. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes multiple lighting effects from lights, computers, cave walls and more. SLPS-25947: name: サモンナイトグランテーゼ 滅びの剣と約束の騎士 name-sort: さもんないとぐらんてーぜ ほろびのけんとやくそくのきし name-en: "Summon Night Gran-These - Horobi no Ken to Yakusoku no Kishi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25948: name: ゼロの使い魔 迷子の終止符と幾千の交響曲 Best Collection name-sort: ぜろのつかいま まいごのしゅうしふといくせんのこうきょうきょく Best Collection name-en: "Zero no Tsukaima - Maigo no Period to Ikusen no Symphony [Best Collection]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25950: name: "Bully [Best of Bethesda]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to take the bottle in the trophy case in Chapter 2: Hattrick vs Galloway. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes door transitions. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces ghosting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-25953: name: "Daisenryaku VII - Exceed" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25954: name: "A Taiheiyou no Arashi - Senkan Yamatokatsuki ni Shutsugeki su!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25955: name: "Moe Moe 2-Ji Taisen (Ryaku) 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25956: name: 萌え萌え2次大戦(略)2[chu〜♪] name-sort: もえもえ2じたいせん2 chu name-en: "Moe Moe 2-ji Taisen 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25958: name: "Last Escort - Club Katze" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25959: name: 機動戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 アクシズの脅威V GUNDAM 30th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむ ぎれんのやぼう あくしずのきょういV GUNDAM 30th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION name-en: "Kidou Senshi Gundam - Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui V" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 SLPS-25961: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY 連合 vs. Z.A.F.T. II plus GUNDAM 30th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど ですてぃにー れんごう vs. Z.A.F.T. II plus GUNDAM 30th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION name-en: "Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T." region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes target loss issue. SLPS-25971: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 2 - Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi 1, 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25972: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 3 - The King of Fighters - Orochi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25973: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 7 - The King of Fighters - Nests" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25974: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 8 - Fuuun Super Combo" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25975: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 9 - World Heroes Gorgeous" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25976: name: "NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 10 - The King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25977: name: "Moe Moe 2-Ji Taisen (Ryaku) Deluxe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25978: name: "Shin Master of Monsters Final EX" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25979: name: "Kaeru Batake de Tsukamaete" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25980: name: "Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin 16 - Pachinko Hissatsu Shigotojin III - Matsuri Version" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25981: name: "Daisenryaku - Daitoua Kouboushi - Tora Tora Tora Ware Kishuu ni Seikou Seri" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25982: name: "Tir Na Nog - Yuukyuu no Jin" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25983: name: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH 闘劇ver. name-sort: THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH とうげきver. name-en: "King of Fighters 2002, The - Unlimited Match" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25987: name: "Amagami [EBKore+]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes character sprites. SLPS-25988: name: "Kaeru Batake de Tsukamaete - Natsu Chigira Sansen!" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-25989: name: "Amagami [EBKore+ Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes character sprites. SLPS-29001: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードI 力への意志 プレミアムボックス name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど1 ちからへのいし ぷれみあむぼっくす name-en: "Xenosaga Episode 1 - Der Wille zur Macht [Premium Box]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. patches: A3D63039: content: |- // Repeatedly decrements JPEG quality until the generated save file thumbnail is // within the 4 KB limit. Replaces the game's previous escape mechanism, which // was simply to exit the game completely. comment=Save Point Crash Prevention author=pandubz, PSI, turtleli patch=1,EE,00285f44,word,24130064 patch=1,EE,00285f48,word,8f85ab00 patch=1,EE,00285f4c,word,26640000 patch=1,EE,00285f50,word,0c0935a8 patch=1,EE,00285f54,word,00b02821 patch=1,EE,00285f58,word,28421001 patch=1,EE,00285f5c,word,1040fffa patch=1,EE,00285f60,word,2673ffff patch=1,EE,00285f64,word,00000000 SLPS-29002: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードI 力への意志 name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど1 ちからへのいし name-en: "Xenosaga Episode 1 - Der Wille zur Macht" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. patches: A3D63039: content: |- // Repeatedly decrements JPEG quality until the generated save file thumbnail is // within the 4 KB limit. Replaces the game's previous escape mechanism, which // was simply to exit the game completely. comment=Save Point Crash Prevention author=pandubz, PSI, turtleli patch=1,EE,00285f44,word,24130064 patch=1,EE,00285f48,word,8f85ab00 patch=1,EE,00285f4c,word,26640000 patch=1,EE,00285f50,word,0c0935a8 patch=1,EE,00285f54,word,00b02821 patch=1,EE,00285f58,word,28421001 patch=1,EE,00285f5c,word,1040fffa patch=1,EE,00285f60,word,2673ffff patch=1,EE,00285f64,word,00000000 SLPS-29003: name: ロード・オブ・ザ・リング 二つの塔 限定版 name-sort: ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ ふたつのとう [げんていばん] name-en: "Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers [Collector's Box]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLPS-29004: name: ロード・オブ・ザ・リング 二つの塔 name-sort: ろーど おぶ ざ りんぐ ふたつのとう name-en: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLPS-29005: name: ゼノサーガ エピソード I リローディッド [力への意志] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど I りろーでぃっど [ちからへのいし] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode 1 - Der Wille zur Macht [Reloaded]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPS-71501: name: "Tekken Tag Tournament [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-71502: name: "Ridge Racer V" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-72501: name: ファイナルファンタジーX MEGA HITS! name-sort: ふぁいなるふぁんたじー10 MEGA HITS! name-en: "Final Fantasy X [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLPS-72502: name: テイルズ オブ ディスティニー2 MEGA HITS! name-sort: ているず おぶ でぃすてぃにー2 MEGA HITS! name-en: "Tales of Destiny 2 [Mega Hits]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73001: name: "Pilot ni Narou! 2" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73003: name: 牧場物語3 ハートに火をつけて PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくじょうものがたり3 はーとにひをつけて PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Farms Story 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73004: name: "Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73005: name: ギルティギアゼクスプラス PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ ぜくすぷらす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Guilty Gear X - Plus [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73006: name: タイムクライシス2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: たいむくらいしす2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Time Crisis II [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73007: name: "Kamaitachi no Yoru 2 - Kangoku-jima no Warabe-uta - Special Eizou" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73101: name: ことばのパズル もじぴったん PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ことばのぱずる もじぴったん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73102: name: 牧場物語3 〜ハートに火をつけて PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくじょうものがたり3 はーとにひをつけて PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bokujou Monogatari 3 - Heart ni Hi o Tsukete [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73103: name: 魔界戦記ディスガイア PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: まかいせんきでぃすがいあ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Makai Senki Disgaea [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-73104: name: 鉄拳タッグトーナメント PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てっけんたっぐとーなめんと PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tekken Tag Tournament [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-73105: name: キン肉マン ジェネレーションズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: きんにくまん じぇねれーしょんず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kinnikuman Generations [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73106: name: パイロットになろう!2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぱいろっとになろう2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Pilot Nina Rou! 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73107: name: 太鼓の達人 ゴー!ゴー!五代目 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: たいこのたつじん ごーごーごだいめ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Go! Go! Godaime [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-73108: name: ファントム・ブレイブ 2周目はじめました。 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ふぁんとむ ぶれいぶ 2しゅうめはじめました PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Phantom Brave [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-73109: name: 牧場物語3〜 ハートに火をつけて PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくじょうものがたり3 はーとにひをつけて PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Bokujou Monogatari 3 - Heart ni Hi o Tsukete [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73110: name: 太鼓の達人 あっぱれ三代目 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: たいこのたつじん あっぱれさんだいめ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Appare Sandaime [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73111: name: 太鼓の達人 わくわくアニメ祭り PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: たいこのたつじん わくわくあにめまつり PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Taiko no Tatsujin - Waku Waku Anime Matsuri [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73201: name: 零〜紅い蝶〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜろ あかいちょう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fatal Frame II - Crimson Butterfly [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73202: name: アーマード・コア ネクサス [DISC 1] PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あーまーどこあ ねくさす [DISC 1] PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 1] [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SLPS-73203: name: アーマード・コア ネクサス [DISC 2] PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あーまーどこあ ねくさす [DISC 2] PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 2] [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20076" - "SCAJ-20077" - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" SLPS-73204: name: 絶体絶命都市 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜったいぜつめいとし PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Zettai Zetsumei Toshi [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-73205: name: エースコンバット04 シャッタードスカイ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: えーすこんばっと04 しゃったーどすかい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ace Combat 04 - Shattered Skies [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering and edge of screen issues in 16:9 mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes missing sun sprite. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 0 # Needed for above. SLPS-73206: name: 第2次スーパーロボット大戦α PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: だい2じすーぱーろぼっとたいせんあるふぁ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2nd [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73207: name: ドラゴンボールZ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dragon Ball Z [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. SLPS-73208: name: ドラゴンボールZ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dragon Ball Z 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73209: name: 鉄拳4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てっけん4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tekken 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-73210: name: 塊魂 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: かたまりだましい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Katamari Damacy [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLPS-73211: name: サモンナイト3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さもんないと3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Summon Night 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73212: name: NARUTO -ナルト-ナルティメットヒーロー PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: なると なるてぃめっとひーろー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Naruto Narutimett Hero [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73214: name: シャドウ ハーツ II ディレクターズカット PlayStation 2 the Best [ディスク1/2] name-sort: しゃどう はーつ II でぃれくたーずかっと PlayStation 2 the Best [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Shadow Hearts 2 [Director's Cut] [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. SLPS-73215: name: シャドウ ハーツ II ディレクターズカット PlayStation 2 the Best [ディスク2/2] name-sort: しゃどう はーつ II でぃれくたーずかっと PlayStation 2 the Best [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Shadow Hearts 2 [Director's Cut] [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-73214" SLPS-73216: name: マグナカルタ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: まぐなかるた PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Magna Carta [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73217: name: テイルズ オブ シンフォニア PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ているず おぶ しんふぉにあ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tales of Symphonia [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesofSymphonia" SLPS-73218: name: エースコンバット5 ジ・アンサング・ウォー PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: えーすこんばっと5 じ・あんさんぐ・うぉー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLPS-73219: name: テイルズ オブ ディスティニー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ているず おぶ でぃすてぃにー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tales of Destiny 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73220: name: ウルトラマン PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: うるとらまん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ultraman [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73221: name: NARUTO -ナルト-ナルティメットヒーロー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: なると なるてぃめっとひーろー2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Naruto Narutimett Hero 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 0 # Fixes glow effects. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes rare SPS. SLPS-73222: name: 牧場物語 Oh!ワンダフルライフ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぼくじょうものがたり Oh!わんだふるらいふ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Harvest Moon - A Wonderful Life [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73223: name: 鉄拳5 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てっけん5 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tekken 5 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SLPS-73224: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードII[善悪の彼岸] PlayStation 2 the Best [ディスク1/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど2 ぜんあくのひがん PlayStation 2 the Best [でぃすく1/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SLPS-73225: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードII[善悪の彼岸] PlayStation 2 the Best [ディスク2/2] name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど2 ぜんあくのひがん PlayStation 2 the Best [でぃすく2/2] name-en: "Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-29001" - "SLPS-29002" - "SLPS-29005" - "SLPS-25368" - "SLPS-25353" - "SLPS-73224" SLPS-73226: name: 天誅 紅 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てんちゅう くれない PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tenchu Kurenai [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73227: name: Another Century’s Episode PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: Another Century’s Episode PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Another Century's Episode [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73228: name: "Fuuun Bakumatsuden [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73229: name: ベルウィックサーガ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: べるうぃっくさーが PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "TearRing Saga Series - Berwick Saga [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73230: name: .hack Vol.1×Vol.2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: どっとはっく Vol.1×Vol.2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: ".hack Vol.1 & Vol.2 [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Vol.1 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-73231: name: ".hack Vol.1 & Vol.2 [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Vol.2 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-73232: name: .hack Vol.3×Vol.4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: どっとはっく Vol.3×Vol.4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: ".hack Vol.3 & Vol.4 [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Vol.3 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-73233: name: ".hack Vol.3 & Vol.4 [PlayStation 2 the Best] [Vol.4 Disc]" region: "NTSC-J" memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55029" - "SCPS-55042" - "SCAJ-20004" - "SCAJ-20024" - "SLPS-25121" - "SLPS-25143" - "SLPS-25158" - "SLPS-25202" - "SLPS-73230" - "SLPS-73231" - "SLPS-73232" - "SLPS-73233" SLPS-73234: name: 機動戦士Zガンダム エゥーゴVS.ティターンズ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: きどうせんしZがんだむ えぅーごVS.てぃたーんず PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kidou Senshi Z-Gundam - AEUG vs. Titans [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73235: name: ドラゴンボールZ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: どらごんぼーるZ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Dragon Ball Z 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73236: name: ヴィーナスアンドブレイブス〜魔女と女神と滅びの予言〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ゔぃーなすあんどぶれいぶす まじょとめがみとほろびのよげん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Venus & Braves [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLPS-73237: name: 天誅 参 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てんちゅう3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tenchu San [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73238: name: 第3次スーパーロボット大戦α -終焉の銀河へー PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: だい3じすーぱーろぼっとたいせんあるふぁ -しゅうえんのぎんがへー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Alpha 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73239: name: 幽★遊★白書 FOREVER PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ゆうゆうはくしょ FOREVER PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Yu Yu Hakusho Forever [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73240: name: 塊魂 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: かたまりだましい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Katamari Damacy [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLPS-73241: name: みんな大好き塊魂 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: みんなだいすきかたまりだましい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20135" - "SLPS-25467" - "SLPS-73241" - "SCAJ-20079" - "SLPS-25360" - "SLPS-73210" - "SLPS-73240" SLPS-73242: name: テイルズ オブ レジェンディア PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ているず おぶ れじぇんでぃあ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tales of Legendia [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesOfLegendia" SLPS-73243: name: ナムコ クロス カプコン PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: なむこ くろす かぷこん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Namco X Capcom [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73244: name: R・TYPE FINAL PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: R・TYPE FINAL PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "R-Type Final [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-73245: name: 零 〜刺青の聲〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜろ しせいのこえ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fatal Frame - Zero [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73246: name: ガンダム トゥルーオデッセイ 〜失われしGの伝説〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: がんだむ とぅるーおでっせい うしなわれしGのでんせつ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gundam True Odyssey [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73247: name: ARMORED CORE -LAST RAVEN- PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あーまーどこあ らすとれいゔん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Armored Core - Last Raven [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLPS-25338" - "SLPS-25339" - "SLPS-73202" - "SLPS-73203" - "SLPS-25408" - "SLPS-25462" - "SLPS-73247" SLPS-73248: name: 影牢II -Dark illusion- PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: かげろうII -Dark illusion- PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kagero 2 - Dark Illusion [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73249: name: アルトネリコ 世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あるとねりこ せかいのおわりでうたいつづけるしょうじょ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ar tonelico - Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLPS-73250: name: エースコンバット・ゼロ・ザ・ベルカン・ウォー PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: えーすこんばっと・ぜろ・ざ・べるかん・うぉー PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ace Combat Zero - The Belkan War [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20173" - "SLPS-25629" - "SLPS-73250" - "SLPS-25052" - "SLPS-73205" - "SLPS-73410" - "SCAJ-20104" - "SCAJ-20136" - "SLPS-25418" - "SLPS-73218" SLPS-73251: name: NARUTO-ナルト-ナルティメットヒーロー3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: なると なるてぃめっとひーろー3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Naruto - Narutimett Hero 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes invisible QTE button prompts and overbright in some scenes. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. SLPS-73252: name: テイルズ オブ ジ アビス PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ているず おぶ じ あびす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Tales of the Abyss [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post lighting. SLPS-73253: name: るろうに剣心-明治剣客浪漫譚- 炎上!京都輪廻 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: るろうにけんしん めいじけんかくろまんたん えんじょう きょうとりんね PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Rurouni Kenshin - Enjou! Kyoto Rinne [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73254: name: 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: まかいせんきでぃすがいあ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Makai Senki Disgaea [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes flickering FMV's. SLPS-73255: name: 零〜zero〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜろ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fatal Frame [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. SLPS-73256: name: 零〜紅い蝶〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜろ あかいちょう PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fatal Frame II - Crimson Butterfly [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73257: name: 零〜刺青の聲〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜろ しせいのこえ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Fatal Frame III - The Tormented [PlayStation 2 the Best - Reprint]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces blurriness. SLPS-73258: name: 喧嘩番長2 〜フルスロットル〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: けんかばんちょう2 ふるすろっとる PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kenka Banchou 2 - Full Throttle [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73259: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol. 1 - Saitan" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73263: name: アルトネリコ2 世界に響く少女たちの創造詩 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あるとねりこ2 せかいにひびくしょうじょたちのそうぞうし PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ar tonelico II - Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo-Tachi no Metafalica [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes "Fall through floor" bug when approaching chests. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes textboxes and character portraits. beforeDraw: "OI_ArTonelico2" SLPS-73264: name: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73265: name: "Kagero II - Dark Illusion" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73266: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol. 2 - Kimi Omou Koe" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73267: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol. 3 - Aruku You na Hayasa de" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73269: name: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY 連合VS. Z.A.F.T. II PLUS PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: きどうせんしがんだむしーど ですてぃにー れんごうVS. Z.A.F.T. II PLUS PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T." region: "NTSC-K" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes camera issue. eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes target loss issue. SLPS-73270: name: スーパーロボット大戦Z PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんZ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Super Robot Taisen Z PlayStation 2 the Best" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73401: name: はじめの一歩 VICTORIOUS BOXERS 〜CHAMPIONSHIP VERSION〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: はじめのいっぽ VICTORIOUS BOXERS CHAMPIONSHIP VERSION PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Victorious Boxers - Championship Edition [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73402: name: 首都高バトル0 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しゅとこうばとる0 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Shutokou Battle 0 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-73403: name: アーマード・コア 2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あーまーどこあ2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Armored Core 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes texture corruption. SLPS-73404: name: 風のクロノア2〜世界が望んだ忘れもの〜PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: かぜのくろのあ2 せかいがのぞんだわすれもの PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Klonoa 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Objects appear in wrong places without it. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes water reflection and object glow. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes shadows, object and enemy colours, platform transitions. SLPS-73405: name: 零〜zero〜 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜろ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Zero [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. SLPS-73406: name: DOA2 HARD・CORE PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: でっどおああらいぶ2 はーどこあ PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "DOA 2 - Hardcore [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 SLPS-73407: name: サイドワインダーMAX PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: さいどわいんだーMAX PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Sidewinder MAX [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73408: name: "7 (Seven) - Molmorth no Kiheitai [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73409: name: "Exciting Pro Wres 3" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73410: name: エースコンバット04 シャッタードスカイ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: えーすこんばっと04 しゃったーどすかい PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Ace Combat 04 - Shattered Skies [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering and edge of screen issues in 16:9 mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes missing sun sprite. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 0 # Needed for above. SLPS-73411: name: "Armored Core 2 - Another Age [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. memcardFilters: - "SCPS-55024" - "SLPS-25007" - "SLPS-25040" - "SLPS-73403" - "SLPS-73411" SLPS-73412: name: ヴァンパイアナイト PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ゔぁんぱいあないと PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Vampire Night [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73413: name: "Kamaitachi no Yoru 2 - Kangoku-jima no Warabe-uta" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73415: name: Gallop Racer 6 -Revolution- PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: Gallop Racer 6 -Revolution- PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Gallop Racer 6 - Revolution [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Improves lighting, maximum blending is needed for full accuracy. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLPS-73416: name: スーパーロボット大戦IMPACT PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: すーぱーろぼっとたいせんIMPACT PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Super Robot Wars - Impact [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Reduces hash cache size. SLPS-73417: name: アーマード・コア 3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あーまーどこあ3 PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Armored Core 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces garbage on the UI whilst upscaling. SLPS-73418: name: シャドウハーツ PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: しゃどうはーつ [PlayStation 2 the Best] name-en: "Shadow Hearts [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes invisible characters in various scenes. SLPS-73419: name: ルパン三世 魔術王の遺産 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: るぱんさんせい まじゅつおうのいさん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Lupin III - Majutsu-Ou no Isan [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73420: name: アーマード・コア 3 サイレントライン PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: あーまーどこあ3 さいれんとらいん PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Armored Core 3 - Silent Line [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SCAJ-20011" - "SCPS-55014" - "SLPS-25112" - "SLPS-25169" - "SLPS-73417" - "SLPS-73420" SLPS-73421: name: 天誅 参 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: てんちゅう3 [PlayStation 2 the Best] name-en: "Tenchu 3 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73422: name: ウルトラマン ファイティングエボリューション2 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: うるとらまん ふぁいてぃんぐえぼりゅーしょん2 [PlayStation 2 the Best] name-en: "Ultraman Fighting Evolution 2 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73423: name: モンスターファーム4 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: もんすたーふぁーむ4 [PlayStation 2 the Best] name-en: "Monster Farm 4 [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Corrects shadow misalignment. SLPS-73424: name: GUILTY GEAR XX PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぎるてぃぎあ いぐぜくす PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Guilty Gear XX [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" SLPS-73901: name: ゼノサーガ エピソードI 力への意志 PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: ぜのさーが えぴそーど1 ちからへのいし PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Xenosaga Episode 1 - Der Wille zur Macht [PlayStation 2 the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. patches: A3D63039: content: |- // Repeatedly decrements JPEG quality until the generated save file thumbnail is // within the 4 KB limit. Replaces the game's previous escape mechanism, which // was simply to exit the game completely. comment=Save Point Crash Prevention author=pandubz, PSI, turtleli patch=1,EE,00285f44,word,24130064 patch=1,EE,00285f48,word,8f85ab00 patch=1,EE,00285f4c,word,26640000 patch=1,EE,00285f50,word,0c0935a8 patch=1,EE,00285f54,word,00b02821 patch=1,EE,00285f58,word,28421001 patch=1,EE,00285f5c,word,1040fffa patch=1,EE,00285f60,word,2673ffff patch=1,EE,00285f64,word,00000000 SLUF-20921: name: "ESPN NHL 2K5" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-12345: name: "XIII" region: "PAL-Unk" SLUS-20001: name: "Tekken Tag Tournament" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20002: name: "Ridge Racer V" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes texture rendering in the intro. gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes title screen and some intro post processing alignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes ui and hud alignment. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Lots of CLUTs in large textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes car textures. SLUS-20003: name: "Portal Runner" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20004: name: "Army Men - Air Attack 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20005: name: "World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20006: name: "Warriors of Might and Magic" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20007: name: "World Destruction League - War Jetz" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20008: name: "All-Star Baseball 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20009: name: "Surfing - H30" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20011: name: "Orphen - Scion of Sorcery" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20012: name: "Super Car Street Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20013: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20014: name: "Armored Core 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes texture corruption. SLUS-20015: name: "Eternal Ring" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes FPU errors causing instant death in Limestone Cave. gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes graphics issues. SLUS-20016: name: "Evergrace" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20017: name: "Maximo - Ghosts to Glory" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20018: name: "Onimusha - Warlords" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. SLUS-20021: name: "Kengo - Master of Bushido" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20024: name: "Blood Omen 2 - The Legacy of Kain" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes pathing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes glitching textures. SLUS-20028: name: "The Operative - No One Lives Forever" name-sort: "Operative, The - No One Lives Forever" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending and also needs Full Blending to fix the lighting. SLUS-20029: name: "Top Gear Daredevil" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20032: name: "Real Pool" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20034: name: "Unreal Tournament" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20035: name: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus. SLUS-20037: name: "Run Like Hell - Hunt or Be Hunted" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: F802A575: content: |- comment=Swapping a COP2 op into place to make the flags work without delays patch=0,EE,001D249C,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,001D24AC,word,4B07FA0B patch=0,EE,001D268C,word,4A0002FF patch=0,EE,001D269C,word,4B07FA0B SLUS-20039: name: "Top Gear Dare Devil" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20040: name: "Gradius III & IV" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20041: name: "ESPN International Track & Field" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes call stack overflow and blue screen ingame. SLUS-20042: name: "LEGO Racers 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes top left corner rendering. SLUS-20043: name: "Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20044: name: "Star Wars - Starfighter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20045: name: "The Legend of Alon Dar" name-sort: "Legend of Alon Dar, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20047: name: "Gauntlet - Dark Legacy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 5 # Corrects lighting to match software. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20048: name: "Legion - The Legend of Excalibur" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Reduces black ground textures. textureInsideRT: 1 # Helps fix black textures. SLUS-20049: name: "MLB Slugfest 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20050: name: "NBA Hoopz" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20051: name: "NFL Blitz 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20054: name: "Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20056: name: "Spy Hunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes loading hang. SLUS-20058: name: "MotoGP" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20062: name: "Grand Theft Auto III" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20063: name: "Midnight Club - Street Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Reads Smuggler's Run for bonus unlockable. - "SLUS-20063" - "SLUS-20065" SLUS-20064: name: "Oni" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: FD9CD8FC: content: |- comment=Patch by refraction // Rearrange PCR write and BC0F instruction patch=0,EE,001CF3C8,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,001CF3CC,word,ac430000 SLUS-20065: name: "Smuggler's Run" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20066: name: "Half-Life" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20069: name: "The Bouncer" name-sort: "Bouncer, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20070: name: "Q-Ball Billiards Master" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20071: name: "DOA 2 - Hardcore" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: default: content: |- // 23AF6876 DVD Version. // 51068006 CD Version. comment=Patch by Benji229, Pseudonym, Prafull, kozarovv and refraction // Fixes game hanging on boot. patch=0,EE,002b06ec,word,24060000 SLUS-20072: name: "MX 2002 - featuring Ricky Carmichael" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20073: name: "Red Faction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20074: name: "Summoner" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20075: name: "Disney's Jungle Book - Rhythm & Groove" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20076: name: "Disney's Tarzan - Untamed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned shadows. SLUS-20077: name: "Donald Duck Goin' Quackers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: C573F3A2: content: |- author=refraction comment=fixes lighting problems due to COP2 instruction order. patch=1,EE,0032F5A4,word,4BE09DDC patch=1,EE,0032F5A8,word,4A0303BD patch=1,EE,0032F5C0,word,4B000120 patch=1,EE,0032F5C4,word,4A0903BD patch=1,EE,0032F5DC,word,4B0002A0 patch=1,EE,0032F5E0,word,4A6403BC patch=1,EE,0032F5F8,word,4BE0095C patch=1,EE,0032F5FC,word,4A6A03BC patch=1,EE,0032F614,word,4BE03ADC patch=1,EE,0032F618,word,4A0F03BD patch=1,EE,0032F630,word,4B000420 patch=1,EE,0032F634,word,4A1503BD patch=1,EE,0032F64C,word,4B0005A0 patch=1,EE,0032F650,word,4A7003BC patch=1,EE,0032F668,word,4BE06C5C patch=1,EE,0032F66C,word,4A7603BC SLUS-20078: name: "Silent Scope" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20079: name: "Dynasty Warriors 2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20080: name: "GunGriffon Blaze" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20084: name: "Soldier of Fortune - Gold Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20085: name: "Silpheed Lost Planet" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20086: name: "Commandos 2 - Men of Courage" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20087: name: "Army Men - Green Rogue" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20088: name: "Fur Fighters - Viggo's Revenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20089: name: "ESPN - Winter X Games - Snowboarding" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20090: name: "TimeSplitters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20091: name: "4x4 Evo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20092: name: "Surfing H3O" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20093: name: "Madden NFL 2001" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20094: name: "X Squad" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20095: name: "SSX" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanishing into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting. SLUS-20096: name: "Swing Away Golf" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20097: name: "FIFA Soccer 2001" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLUS-20098: name: "Kessen" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20099: name: "Theme Park Rollercoaster" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20100: name: "NHL 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20101: name: "NASCAR 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20102: name: "NBA Live 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20103: name: "F1 2000 Championship Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes graphical issues. SLUS-20104: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20105: name: "MDK 2 - Armageddon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20108: name: "Wild Wild Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20109: name: "Rune - Viking Warlord" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20111: name: "Deus Ex - The Conspiracy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in HUD and text boxes. SLUS-20112: name: "Star Trek - Shattered Universe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20113: name: "Driving Emotion Type-S" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font misalignment when upscaling. SLUS-20114: name: "The Simpsons - Skateboarding" name-sort: "Simpsons, The - Skateboarding" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20115: name: "Super Bust-A-Move" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20128: name: "ESPN - MLS Extra Time" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20130: name: "Street Fighter EX3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SFEX3" SLUS-20131: name: "Dark Angel - Vampire Apocalypse" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20132: name: "Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20133: name: "High Heat Baseball 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20134: name: "Sky Odyssey" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes runway line thickness on minimap. SLUS-20136: name: "Barbarian" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20138: name: "Rayman 2 - Revolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes game hanging in the "Clark running away" ingame cutscene. SLUS-20139: name: "The Simpsons - Road Rage" name-sort: "Simpsons, The - Road Rage" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20140: name: "NHL Hitz 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLUS-20141: name: "CART Fury - Championship Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 116154AD: content: |- author=Nachbrenner // Skip SuperSync__Fi. patch=0,EE,00100eb0,word,03e00008 patch=0,EE,00100eb4,word,24020001 SLUS-20143: name: "ESPN - NBA 2 Night" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20144: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLUS-20145: name: "Ring of Red" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20146: name: "Shadow of Destiny" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20147: name: "Aliens vs. Predator - Extinction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20148: name: "Zone of the Enders" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves FPS and reduces HC size. SLUS-20149: name: "Tribes - Aerial Assault" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on weapons and metalic surfaces. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-20150: name: "Knockout Kings 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing arena, fighters and other missing graphics. SLUS-20151: name: "Klonoa 2 - Lunatea's Veil" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Objects appear in wrong places without it. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes water reflection and object glow. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes shadows, object and enemy colours, platform transitions. SLUS-20152: name: "Ace Combat 04 - Shattered Skies" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering and edge of screen issues in 16:9 mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes missing sun sprite. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 0 # Needed for above. patches: A32F7CD0: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops // This one seems unintuitive but I can't see how the cycles add up for the maddbc to be the source of the flags. patch=0,EE,0010FFC8,word,48428800 patch=0,EE,0010FFDC,word,4BE83A4B // Same as ace combat 5, these are definite. patch=0,EE,0017C6C4,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0017C6D4,word,4BE4282C patch=0,EE,0017C0C4,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0017C0D4,word,4B0B602C SLUS-20153: name: "RC Revenge Pro" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20154: name: "NFL Quarterback Club 2002" region: "NTSC-U" patches: F3773B92: content: |- // Fix freezes caused by sceipusync. patch=1,EE,0026918c,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,002690d4,word,00000000 SLUS-20158: name: "Heroes of Might and Magic" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20159: name: "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes noisy bumpy textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping SLUS-20160: name: "Winback - Covert Operations" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing 3D polygons when going ingame. SLUS-20162: name: "Aqua Aqua" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20164: name: "Project Eden" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted graphics. SLUS-20165: name: "Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-20166: name: "ESPN - National Hockey Night" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20167: name: "Quake III - Revolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-20168: name: "Triple Play Baseball" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20169: name: "Ephemeral Fantasia" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20170: name: "The Adventures of Cookie & Cream" name-sort: "Adventures of Cookie & Cream, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Prevents broken textures and graphics. SLUS-20171: name: "Motor Mayhem - Vehicular Combat League" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20172: name: "Pryzm - Chapter One - The Dark Unicorn" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20173: name: "Unison - Rebels of Rhythm & Dance" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20174: name: "Rumble Racing" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20175: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Journey to Jaburo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20176: name: "NASCAR Heat 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20177: name: "Test Drive - Off-Road - Wide Open" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20178: name: "Giants - Citizen Kabuto" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20179: name: "The X-Files - Resist or Serve" name-sort: "X-Files, The - Resist or Serve" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20181: name: "Escape from Monkey Island" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20182: name: "Stretch Panic" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20183: name: "Tiny Toon Adventures - Defenders Of The Universe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20184: name: "Resident Evil - CODE Veronica X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20186: name: "Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20187: name: "NBA Street" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20189: name: "Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20190: name: "Monster Rancher 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS in game. SLUS-20191: name: "Defender" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes bad UI positioning. SLUS-20194: name: "Grandia II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical Lines in FMV. SLUS-20195: name: "Dragon Rage" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20196: name: "Soccer America" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20197: name: "Pac-Man Fever" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes game board jittering. vu0RoundMode: 2 # Fixes Gauntlet Golf drawbridges not operating. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20198: name: "FireBlade" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20199: name: "Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20202: name: "Crazy Taxi" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes credits screen. SLUS-20204: name: "Smuggler's Run 2 - Hostile Territory" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20205: name: "Casper Spirit Dimensions" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20206: name: "Army Men - RTS" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20207: name: "Le Mans - 24 Hours" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20208: name: "Sunny Garcia Surfing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20209: name: "Midnight Club II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and tree textures to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: E5F2DF38: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,0036DA34,word,00000000 SLUS-20210: name: "18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20211: name: "Top Gun - Combat Zone" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20212: name: "Bloody Roar 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20213: name: "Test Drive" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. patches: D4A56F59: content: |- author=kozarovv // 2.00 GameVersion. Fix initial loading by looping for some time on EE side. That allows IOP proceed requests correctly. patch=1,EE,E00223a2,extended,00308A30 patch=1,EE,20308a30,extended,0803fff7 patch=1,EE,20308a34,extended,240f2000 patch=1,EE,200fffdc,double,55eeffff0000702d patch=1,EE,200fffe4,double,0c0c23a225ce0004 patch=1,EE,200fffec,double,080c228e00000000 F456F555: content: |- author=kozarovv // 1.00 GameVersion. Fix initial loading by looping for some time on EE side. That allows IOP proceed requests correctly. patch=1,EE,E0022262,extended,00308530 patch=1,EE,20308530,extended,0803fff7 patch=1,EE,20308534,extended,240f2000 patch=1,EE,200fffdc,double,55eeffff0000702d patch=1,EE,200fffe4,double,0c0c226225ce0004 patch=1,EE,200fffec,double,080c214e00000000 SLUS-20214: name: "State of Emergency" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20216: name: "Devil May Cry" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. patches: 79B8A95F: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Rearranges some bad CLIP/CFC2 instructions, not sure what it fixes, but can't be a good thing. // 1da20c *4BD9C9FF vclip vf25xyz, vf25w // 1da210 =48429000 cfc2 v0, ClipFlag patch=1,EE,001DA20C,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,001DA210,word,4BD9C9FF SLUS-20217: name: "Arctic Thunder" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20218: name: "Stunt GP" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20219: name: "Time Crisis II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20220: name: "Dead to Rights" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes sky lighting. SLUS-20221: name: "Vampire Night" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20222: name: "MTV - Music Generator 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-20223: name: "Splashdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20224: name: "Pac-Man World 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hanging in Butane Pain, Ghost Bayou, Pinky's Revenge and Clyde in the Caldera levels. SLUS-20225: name: "Gadget Racers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 03854A28: content: |- // Avoid stack corruption, fix TLB misses. patch=1,EE,00174138,word,27BDFF00 patch=1,EE,00174274,word,27BD0100 // Skip Vsync on WcCard::CommandWait loop. // Before removing this patch, check initial loading with unformatted memory card. patch=1,EE,0017CAC0,word,00000000 SLUS-20226: name: "Batman - Vengeance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes video speed. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting on Batman SLUS-20227: name: "Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20228: name: "Silent Hill 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes FMV hangs. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes menu transparancy and effects. SLUS-20229: name: "Jonny Moseley - Mad Trix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes missing FMVs. SLUS-20230: name: "Max Payne" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crashes. SLUS-20231: name: "Herdy Gerdy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20232: name: "Thunderstrike - Operation Phoenix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20233: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Zeonic Front" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20234: name: "MX Rider" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20235: name: "Superman - Shadow of Apokolips" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20236: name: "Taz Wanted" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20237: name: "ESPN - X Games Skateboarding" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20238: name: "Crash Bandicoot - The Wrath of Cortex" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLUS-20239: name: "Driven" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20240: name: "Conflict Zone - Modern War Strategy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20241: name: "NCAA Football 2002" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20242: name: "Legends of Wrestling" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20243: name: "Silent Scope 2 - Dark Silhouette" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20244: name: "RoboTech BattleCry" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20245: name: "Jeremy McGrath - Supercross World 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20246: name: "Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20247: name: "Tetris Worlds" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20249: name: "Armored Core 2 - Another Age" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Abnormal AI behavior. memcardFilters: # Can import data from regular Armored Core 2. - "SLUS-20249" - "SLUS-20014" SLUS-20250: name: "Stuntman" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLUS-20251: name: "Harvest Moon - Save the Homeland" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20252: name: "UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship - Throwdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20253: name: "The Mummy Returns" name-sort: "Mummy Returns, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20255: name: "Gallop Racer 2001" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20257: name: "Frogger - The Great Quest" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20259: name: "Wizardry - Tale of the Forsaken Land" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20261: name: "ESPN - NBA 2 Night 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20262: name: "Rugby 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20263: name: "Madden NFL 2002" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20264: name: "F1 2001" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLUS-20265: name: "007 - Agent Under Fire" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes corrupt textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting SLUS-20266: name: "NASCAR - Thunder 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20267: name: ".hack Infection Part 1" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" SLUS-20268: name: "Star Wars - Racer Revenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20270: name: "Eve of Extinction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20271: name: "Shifters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20272: name: "Rayman Arena" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20273: name: "Namco Museum" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20274: name: "City Crisis" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20275: name: "Kessen 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 53A803AF: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check just after a vsub which gets in the way, rearranging. patch=0,EE,0016EFB0,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0016EFB4,word,4BE521AC patch=0,EE,0016EFB8,word,30848000 patch=0,EE,0016EFBC,word,4BE72B3C SLUS-20277: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 4A35E19F: content: |- comment=COP2 flag instance patch by refraction // A mac flag check after running another vsub op which is irrelevant, rearranging patch=0,EE,00273230,word,48438800 patch=0,EE,0027323c,word,4BE521AC SLUS-20278: name: "Yanya Caballista - City Skater" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-20279: name: "X-Men - Next Dimension" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20280: name: "FIFA 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLUS-20281: name: "NHL 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20282: name: "Victorious Boxers - Ippo's Road to Glory" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20283: name: "World of Outlaws - Sprint Cars 2002" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - XGKickHack SLUS-20284: name: "Freaky Flyers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 1 # Fixes some bad effects. patches: 9D1BA44D: content: |- author=Prafull // Fix hanging problem & SPS. // Snow effect has to be removed for this fix (and that needs accurate emulation). // Fixed by rearranging COP2 instructions. patch=1,EE,002131bc,word,00000000 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes broken FMVs. SLUS-20285: name: "MotoGP 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20286: name: "Smash Court Tennis - Pro Tournament" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20287: name: "Guilty Gear X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20288: name: "GoDai - Elemental Force" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20291: name: "Big Mutha Truckers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes inside RT shuffling. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_BigMuthaTruckers" SLUS-20292: name: "Tsugunai - Atonement" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20293: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLUS-20294: name: "Gitaroo Man" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes disappearing characters. patches: default: content: |- author=boringhexi // fix stage 4 flashing triangles patch=0,EE,00102db0,word,00000000 SLUS-20296: name: "Kao the Kangaroo - Round 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20297: name: "Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Operation Resurrection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20298: name: "High Heat - Major League Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20299: name: "Street Hoops - King of the Court" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20300: name: "Dark Summit" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20301: name: "Hidden Invasion" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20302: name: "Extreme-G Racing - XG3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20303: name: "NBA Live 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20305: name: "The Simpsons - Road Rage" name-sort: "Simpsons, The - Road Rage" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20306: name: "Contra - Shattered Soldier" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20307: name: "Burnout" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20308: name: "ESPN - NFL Prime Time 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20309: name: "Jade Cocoon 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: CA91718B: content: |- author=refraction and jordanthetoast // Rearrange COP2 codes. patch=1,EE,0020f2c8,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,0020f2cc,word,4BDBD9FF SLUS-20310: name: "Gravity Games Bike - Street Vert. Dirt" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20311: name: "All-Star Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20312: name: "Final Fantasy X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes reverse control and boss in some places. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-20313: name: "Wave Rally" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes water reflection. SLUS-20314: name: "TimeSplitters 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes texture slight misalignment. SLUS-20315: name: "Spyro - Enter the Dragonfly" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes gem reflections. SLUS-20316: name: "WWF SmackDown! - Just Bring It!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20318: name: "King's Field IV - The Ancient City" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible lava, there is another issue that needs skipdraw 1 for blurry font but it removes much brightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes sky and lava when upscaling. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. patches: 36E02E91: content: |- comment=Patch by Wgarvin // Fixes (black voids) central tower level loading. // Issue: Some doors leading to some areas appeared as black voids that you can walk into. patch=1,EE,001BE42C,word,46150036 SLUS-20319: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20320: name: "ESPN - International Winter Sports 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20321: name: "ESPN - Winter X Games - Snowboarding 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20322: name: "NFL 2K2 - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20323: name: "Virtua Fighter 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20324: name: "Paris Dakar Rally" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20325: name: "Bass Strike" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20326: name: "SSX Tricky" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes riders vanish into the floor. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLUS-20327: name: "Aggressive Inline" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20328: name: "Tekken 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20329: name: "Pro Race Driver" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting. SLUS-20330: name: "NBA 2K2 - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20331: name: "Minority Report - Everybody Runs" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes light bleed through objects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes light bloom intensity. SLUS-20332: name: "NCAA March Madness 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20333: name: "Turok - Evolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes underwater levels. SLUS-20334: name: "Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20335: name: "Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20336: name: "Spider-Man - The Movie" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares. mipmap: 2 # Fixes texture flickering during movement. trilinearFiltering: 1 gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes lens flares going through objects. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures. SLUS-20337: name: "X2 - Wolverine's Revenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun penetration. SLUS-20339: name: "Bass Fishing Duel - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20340: name: "RPG Maker II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20341: name: "Woody Woodpecker - Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20342: name: "Top Angler - Real Bass Fishing" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20343: name: "Forever Kingdom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes textures and flickering such as the wall and sky. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes black lines in character sprites. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes shimmering noisy textures trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes shimmering noisy textures SLUS-20344: name: "Rez" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20345: name: "Mike Tyson - Heavyweight Boxing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20346: name: "AirBlade" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20347: name: "Shadow Hearts" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes invisible characters in various scenes. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Post and transition effects. patches: default: content: |- author=refraction // Fixes bad clip flag arrangement patch=1,EE,00249e10,word,48509000 patch=1,EE,00249e14,word,4BDD69FF patch=1,EE,00249e9c,word,48509000 patch=1,EE,00249ea0,word,4BDD69FF SLUS-20348: name: "Monopoly Party" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes missing game board. SLUS-20349: name: "Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20352: name: "Looney Tunes Space Race" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20353: name: "King's Field IV - The Ancient City" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes invisible lava, there is another issue that needs skipdraw 1 for blurry font but it removes much brightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes sky and lava when upscaling. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-20354: name: "Red Card Soccer 2003" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20355: name: "Tom & Jerry - War of the Whiskers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20356: name: "TransWorld Surf" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20357: name: "WTA Tour Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20358: name: "Malice" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20360: name: "Blade II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20361: name: "Rally Fusion - Race of Champions" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20362: name: "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes intro audio desync. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # White textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line and blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20363: name: "Sled Storm" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing polygons at the bottom of the screen. SLUS-20364: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes the inverted legs. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20365: name: "Pirates - Legend of Black Kat" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20366: name: "Triple Play 2002" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20367: name: "Freekstyle" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20368: name: "Medal of Honor - Frontline" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20369: name: "Knockout Kings 2002" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20370: name: "Kingdom Hearts" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20371: name: "The Thing" name-sort: "Thing, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20373: name: "Men in Black II - Alien Escape" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. SLUS-20374: name: "Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20375: name: "Mister Mosquito" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLUS-20376: name: "Mad Maestro!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20377: name: "Metropolismania" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20378: name: "Salt Lake 2002" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes flickering and missing textures. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes graphical corruption. patches: 466D1C13: content: |- author=Prafull // Fix ingame texture problems. // Fixed by rearranging COP2 instructions. patch=1,EE,001af778,word,daa70010 patch=1,EE,001af77c,word,4a000038 patch=1,EE,001af84c,word,daa70010 patch=1,EE,001af850,word,4a000038 SLUS-20379: name: "Dark Angel - James Cameron's" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20380: name: "Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLUS-20381: name: "MX SuperFly" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20382: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Federation vs. Zeon" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20383: name: "Vexx" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes geometry alignment, removing lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes underwater rendering. SLUS-20384: name: "SkyGunner" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20385: name: "WWE Crush Hour" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20386: name: "Lethal Skies - Elite Pilot - Team SW" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20387: name: "Suikoden III" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Allows import of Suikoden II clear data. - "SLUS-20387" - "SLUS-00958" SLUS-20388: name: "Fatal Frame" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines on hidden ghosts. patches: 339A0B8C: content: |- author=WeirdBeardGame, TellowKrinkle, CheeseyBurrito. // Wraps sceVu0ScaleVector in if statement to prevent bad divide by zero behaviour. patch=1,EE,0011f0cc,word,46156032 patch=1,EE,0011f0d0,word,45010002 SLUS-20389: name: "Endgame" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20390: name: "Risk - Global Domination" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20391: name: "The Terminator - Dawn of Fate" name-sort: "Terminator, The - Dawn of Fate" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20392: name: "Antz Extreme Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20393: name: "Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20394: name: "Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: B78EAA30: content: |- author=PSI // Ecco has an evil race condition: one of its custom IOP modules resets CDVDMAN while it's loading a module from disc. // The race condition is resolved by making the EE slower. This gives enough time for CDVDMAN to reset itself before // the EE sends a request to load a module. // Alternatively, this patch swaps the load order of the modules. patch=1,EE,201018d8,extended,24040007 patch=1,EE,201018e4,extended,24040006 SLUS-20395: name: "Global Touring Challenge - Africa" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20397: name: "Tenchu 3 - Wrath of Heaven" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20398: name: "Road Trip" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLUS-20399: name: "MTX Mototrax" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes glitchy graphics ingame. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes sprite ghosting. SLUS-20400: name: "Mission Impossible - Operation Surma" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20402: name: "Britney's Dance Beat" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20403: name: "Evil Dead - A Fistful of Boomstick" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20404: name: "2002 FIFA World Cup" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20405: name: "Downforce" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20406: name: "Pride FC - Fighting Championships" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20407: name: "Way of the Samurai" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Stops crash after intro movie. SLUS-20408: name: "Pitfall - The Lost Expedition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLUS-20409: name: "Total Immersion Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLUS-20412: name: "Hot Wheels - Velocity X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes the fog line. patches: E7273BFA: content: |- comment=COP2 DIV Rearrangement to fix SPS patch=0,EE,0023DB00,word,4BE0A39C patch=0,EE,0023DB04,word,4A6F03BC patch=0,EE,0023DB0C,word,4BE0ABDC patch=0,EE,0023DB10,word,4A7003BC SLUS-20413: name: "Shadow Man - 2econd Coming" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes cutscene freezes. speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes SPS. mtvu: 0 SLUS-20414: name: "Legaia 2 - Duel Saga" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. SLUS-20415: name: "BMX XXX" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20416: name: "Headhunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20417: name: "Grandia Xtreme" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20418: name: "Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes water rendering. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS while ingame. SLUS-20419: name: "World Rally Championship" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes crash when using the Subaru. gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS while ingame. SLUS-20420: name: "Star Wars - Bounty Hunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes randomly invalid textures. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing/grey texture or geometry ingame. SLUS-20421: name: "Battlestar Galactica" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20422: name: "The Hulk" name-sort: "Hulk, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20423: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes blue font artifacts. SLUS-20424: name: "The Scorpion King - Rise of the Akkadian" name-sort: "Scorpion King, The - Rise of the Akkadian" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20425: name: "Spongebob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20428: name: "Fisherman's Bass Club" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes flickering FMVs. SLUS-20429: name: "Riding Spirits" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20430: name: "Savage Skies" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: D195B670: content: |- author=PSI // The game allocates a VIF DMA buffer on the stack and sends it, returns from the function, then calls another function to wait for the transfer to end. // The second function causes stack corruption as it allocates over the buffer, which is still transferring data. // This works on real hardware due to the data cache - the transfer will remain safe in main memory, and the stack corruption only happens in cache. // This patch inserts a bc0f instruction right after the transfer starts, forcing the game to wait for the transfer to end ASAP. patch=0,EE,00161a1c,word,4100ffff patch=0,EE,00161a20,word,00000000 patch=0,EE,00161a24,word,03e00008 patch=0,EE,00161a28,word,27bd0030 SLUS-20431: name: "Wreckless - The Yakuza Missions" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20433: name: "SWAT - Global Strike Team" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For grey screen ingame. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20434: name: "Myst III - Exile" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 75DB04A3: content: |- // Waits for IPU command to finish. // Replaces wait loop that had a very short wait period. patch=0,EE,001f0030,word,3C021000 patch=0,EE,001f0034,word,34422010 patch=0,EE,001f0038,word,8c430000 patch=0,EE,001f0048,word,0460FFFA gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Speeds up IPU DMA's SLUS-20435: name: "Armored Core 3" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces garbage on the UI whilst upscaling. SLUS-20436: name: "Guilty Gear X2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20437: name: "DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20438: name: "NHL Hitz 2003" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20439: name: "Futurama" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: readTCOnClose: 1 # Fixes render to target getting lost on state/switch. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20440: name: "Kya - Dark Lineage" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes smoke effects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misalignment and depth line. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun going through objects. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing sun and sky. SLUS-20441: name: "NASCAR - Dirt to Daytona" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20442: name: "Red Faction II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20443: name: "Rugrats - Royal Ransom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20444: name: "Tankers" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20445: name: "Robot Alchemic Drive - RAD" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes DOF effect. SLUS-20446: name: "Agassi Tennis Generation" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20448: name: "Summoner 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20452: name: "Egg Mania - Eggstreme Madness" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: BA056DDD: content: |- author=kr_ps2 //SFX/Background Music Fix. patch=1,EE,00118394,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,0011839C,word,00000000 SLUS-20453: name: "NCAA College Football 2K3" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20454: name: "Enter the Matrix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes various VIF errors. SLUS-20455: name: "F1 2002" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLUS-20456: name: "Soccer Mania" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20457: name: "NFL 2K3 - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20458: name: "Dr. Muto" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20459: name: "Shinobi" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20460: name: "Super Bust-A-Move 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20461: name: "BloodRayne" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20462: name: "Wipeout Fusion" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: PCRTCOffsets: 1 # Fixes viewport shaking. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20463: name: "Dropship - United Peace Force" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes corrupted textures. mtvu: 0 # Fixes corrupted textures. SLUS-20464: name: "Fugitive Hunter - War on Terror" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLUS-20465: name: "Alter Echo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes side borders. SLUS-20466: name: "Gravenville - Ghost Master" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20467: name: "Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 3BAEBCC3: content: |- author=Prafull // Fix ingame SPS by interchanging vclipw.xyz vf5, vf5w with cfc2. patch=1,EE,001d90e0,word,48489000 patch=1,EE,001d90e4,word,4bc529ff author=Agrippa // Force English - else the game crashes with French or Spanish set // in the BIOS configuration - a gamebug, not an emulator bug. patch=1,EE,0020520C,word,24020001 // 0C0882C8 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lava effect. SLUS-20468: name: "Dynasty Tactics" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20469: name: "Xenosaga - Episode I - Der Wille zur Macht" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Removes puppet lines shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. patches: 6D1276AB: content: |- // Repeatedly decrements JPEG quality until the generated save file thumbnail is // within the 4 KB limit. Replaces the game's previous escape mechanism, which // was simply to exit the game completely. comment=Save Point Crash Prevention author=pandubz, PSI, turtleli patch=1,EE,00289dac,word,24130064 patch=1,EE,00289db0,word,8f85af40 patch=1,EE,00289db4,word,26640000 patch=1,EE,00289db8,word,0c093746 patch=1,EE,00289dbc,word,00b02821 patch=1,EE,00289dc0,word,28421001 patch=1,EE,00289dc4,word,1040fffa patch=1,EE,00289dc8,word,2673ffff patch=1,EE,00289dcc,word,00000000 SLUS-20470: name: "EverQuest - Online Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20471: name: "Rygar - The Legendary Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20472: name: "Micro Machines" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20473: name: "Rocket Power - Beach Bandits" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20474: name: "NFL Blitz 2003" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20475: name: "Dual Hearts" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes flashing FMV. gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 9 # Game looks better with Adaptive BFF. compat: 5 SLUS-20476: name: "NBA 2K3 - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20477: name: "NHL 2K3 - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes icerink color. SLUS-20478: name: "Disney's PK - Out of the Shadows" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20480: name: "Sega Sports Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black models on certain games in World Tour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20482: name: "Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20483: name: "WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20484: name: "Devil May Cry 2 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20485: name: "Dino Stalker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes flashing in some scenes. SLUS-20486: name: "Marvel vs. Capcom 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20487: name: "Mega Man X7" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # For camera issues in some scenes. SLUS-20488: name: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. SLUS-20489: name: "Whirl Tour" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20490: name: "Gladius" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20491: name: "RTX Red Rock" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20492: name: "Ninja Assault" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes intro captions not displaying. SLUS-20493: name: "Gungrave" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20494: name: "Freestyle Metal X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20495: name: "Battle Engine Aquila" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing graphics. SLUS-20496: name: "V-Rally 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes fog and make lights on cars work again. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and penetration of objects. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. SLUS-20497: name: "Burnout 2 - Point of Impact" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom and sun rendering in front of everything. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns bloom effect a little bit better when upscaled. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Reduces color banding of the sun glare. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Bright lights in cars. SLUS-20498: name: "Auto Modellista" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20499: name: "Breath of Fire - Dragon Quarter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20500: name: "Red Dead Revolver" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20502: name: "Colin McRae Rally 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the sun flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes the sun flare. SLUS-20504: name: "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLUS-20505: name: "Mace Griffin - Bounty Hunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20506: name: "Black & Bruised" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20507: name: "Legends of Wrestling II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-20508: name: "Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes texture flicker. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 SLUS-20509: name: "Soccer Slam - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang SLUS-20510: name: "Star Wars - Clone Wars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20511: name: "Hunter - The Reckoning - Wayward" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20513: name: "NBA Starting Five" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20514: name: "Silent Scope 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20515: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Partially fixes battle animation. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Provides text shadow definition. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects some font artifacts. wildArmsHack: 1 # Corrects some more font artifacts a little. SLUS-20516: name: "Shrek - Super Party" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20517: name: "Haven - Call of the King" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20519: name: "Tak and The Power of Juju" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20520: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Fellowship of the Ring" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20521: name: "Mystic Heroes" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20522: name: "The King of Route 66" name-sort: "King of Route 66, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20523: name: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes FMVs to be visible. SLUS-20524: name: "Fighter Maker 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20525: name: "eJay Club World" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20526: name: "RockSteady ~~UNRELEASED~~" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20527: name: "Butt Ugly Martians - Zoom or Doom!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-20528: name: "Zapper - One Wicked Cricket" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20529: name: "Madden NFL 2003" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20530: name: "NCAA Football 2003" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20531: name: "NHL 2003" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing geometry. SLUS-20532: name: "Disney Golf" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes random game crashing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass rendering to match software. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20533: name: "Shox" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20534: name: "Cabela's Big Game Hunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20535: name: "NASCAR Thunder 2003" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix horizontal and vertical lines when racing. deinterlace: 8 # Fixes misdetection of game deinterlace. SLUS-20536: name: "NBA Live 2003" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-20537: name: "Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20538: name: "NCAA Basketball 2K3 - Sega Sports" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20539: name: "Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size when moving. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD garbage. SLUS-20540: name: "Evolution Skateboarding" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20541: name: "NBA Ballers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes transparency issues. SLUS-20543: name: "The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2" name-sort: "Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes corrupted or missing menu fonts. SLUS-20544: name: "Malice" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20545: name: "Zone of the Enders - The 2nd Runner" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20546: name: "Evolution Snowboarding" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: D3F68D3F: content: |- author=Goatman13 // Fix issues caused by PSS video playback. // Extend stack to avoid sending bad data to VIF1. // Required due to lack of data cache emulation. patch=1,EE,00122780,word,27BDFD00 patch=1,EE,00122AE8,word,27BD0300 SLUS-20547: name: "Cubix Robots for Everyone - Showdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20548: name: "Sub Rebellion" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20549: name: "Conflict - Desert Storm" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20550: name: "True Crime - Streets of L.A." region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes licences. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes double image. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating buildings. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. SLUS-20552: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20553: name: "Fisherman's Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20554: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes depth of field blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLUS-20555: name: "Reel Fishing 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20556: name: "Reign of Fire" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20558: name: "Ferrari F355 Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes text alignment. SLUS-20559: name: "Rocky" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # Fixes boxers not appearing/disappearing. gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes freezes. SLUS-20560: name: "Galerians - Ash" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: B506C936: content: |- author=kozarovv // Floats workaround to make HW GSDX mode working. // There is still overflow on GS, but this time GSDX can handle it just fine in HW mode. patch=1,EE,001e12a8,word,3c017e00 patch=1,EE,001e12b0,word,44812800 patch=1,EE,001e12c8,word,44813000 patch=1,EE,001e12d8,word,44813800 patch=1,EE,001e12e8,word,44810000 SLUS-20561: name: "Disaster Report" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20562: name: ".hack Mutation Part 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" SLUS-20563: name: ".hack Outbreak Part 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" SLUS-20564: name: ".hack Quarantine Part 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" SLUS-20565: name: "Champions of Norrath" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLUS-20566: name: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Chaos Bleeds" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20567: name: "P.T.O. IV - Pacific Theater of Operations" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20568: name: "Hard Hitter Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Improves ground texture rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20569: name: "All-Star Baseball 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20570: name: "ATV Quad Power Racing 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dither patterns. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20571: name: "TY the Tasmanian Tiger" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20572: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20573: name: "The Sims" name-sort: "Sims, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLUS-20574: name: "NCAA March Madness 2003" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing textures. SLUS-20575: name: "Island Xtreme Stunts" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20576: name: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting effects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes blurry textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes blurry textures. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. SLUS-20577: name: "Drome Racers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes black screen in races. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes shadow rendering. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. SLUS-20578: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix white shiny weapons. SLUS-20579: name: "007 - Nightfire" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes polygon clipping in driving missions. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog lines in the distance. SLUS-20580: name: "FIFA Soccer 2003" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. SLUS-20582: name: "Street Racing Syndicate" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20584: name: "Speed Kings" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes graphical corruption. patches: C90920FC: content: |- author=Prafull // Fixes hang before going ingame. // Needed due to lack of VIF FIFO in PCSX2. patch=1,EE,0022b4a4,word,00000000 SLUS-20585: name: "The Powerpuff Girls - Relish Rampage" name-sort: "Powerpuff Girls, The - Relish Rampage" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes hangs in certain locations like building under construction. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes color saturation. SLUS-20586: name: "IHRA Drag Racing 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20587: name: "Driv3r" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Aligns and corrects shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures and reduces pop in. trilinearFiltering: 1 cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes janky coloured cars. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes car textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Alleviates text and sky rendering issues. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes car and bike exhaust smoke rendering. SLUS-20588: name: "Activision Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20590: name: "Spy Hunter 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20591: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. SLUS-20592: name: "HyperSonic Xtreme - HSX" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20593: name: "Magic Pengel - The Quest for Color" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20595: name: "Area 51" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting and other effects, needs Special otherwise lights flicker. SLUS-20596: name: "UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship - Sudden Impact" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20597: name: "Warhammer 40K - Fire Warrior" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted graphics. SLUS-20598: name: "Everblue 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: BCE9B7BB: content: |- author=kozarovv // Rearrange COP2 ops to fix DIV Q timings patch=1,EE,00230b68,word,4b0c211c patch=1,EE,00230b6c,word,4be503bc patch=1,EE,00230b84,word,4bc0295c patch=1,EE,00230b88,word,4be603bc patch=1,EE,00230ba0,word,4bc0319c patch=1,EE,00230ba4,word,4be703bc patch=1,EE,00230bbc,word,4bc039dc patch=1,EE,00230bc0,word,4be803bc patch=1,EE,00230bd8,word,4bc0421c patch=1,EE,00230bdc,word,4be903bc patch=1,EE,00230bf4,word,4bc04a5c patch=1,EE,00230bf8,word,4bea03bc patch=1,EE,00230c10,word,4bc0529c patch=1,EE,00230c14,word,4beb03bc SLUS-20599: name: "Whiteout" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20600: name: "SX Superstar" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20601: name: "Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20602: name: "High Heat - Major League Baseball 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20603: name: "Mary-Kate & Ashley - Sweet Sixteen - Licensed to Drive" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random crashes in mini games. SLUS-20604: name: "MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20605: name: "Big Mutha Truckers" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes inside RT shuffling. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_BigMuthaTruckers" SLUS-20606: name: "Bounty Hunter - Seek & Destroy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20607: name: "Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invalid VU size spam and likely SPS. SLUS-20608: name: "Mobile Light Force 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20609: name: "Magix Music Maker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20611: name: "World Series Baseball 2K3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-20613: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20614: name: "Aero Elite - Combat Academy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20615: name: "Fantastic 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20616: name: "Virtua Fighter 4 - Evolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20617: name: "Dynasty Warriors 3 - Xtreme Legends" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20618: name: "MLB Slugfest 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20619: name: "Starsky & Hutch" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20620: name: "Smash Cars" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes random graphical corruption. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20621: name: "Seven Samurai 20XX" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20622: name: "Silent Hill 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes some lighting/shadow artefacts (most light sources like the Flashlight are unaffected). gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes blackscreen when FMV. memcardFilters: # Reads Silent Hill 2 for easter egg. - "SLUS-20622" - "SLUS-20228" SLUS-20623: name: "World Soccer - Winning Eleven 6 International" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20624: name: "The Simpsons - Hit & Run" name-sort: "Simpsons, The - Hit & Run" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Lens flare appears even when behind objects. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20625: name: "MotoGP 3" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes lines at the edges of the HUD. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20626: name: "Deer Hunter" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20627: name: "Devil May Cry 2 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20484" SLUS-20628: name: "Disney's Finding Nemo" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20630: name: "Grand Prix Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack SLUS-20631: name: "NFL Blitz Pro" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20632: name: "Extreme-G Racing Association - XGRA" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20633: name: "Clock Tower 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20634: name: "Summer Heat Beach Volleyball" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20635: name: "Muppets Party Cruise, Jim Henson's" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Fixes some hanging throughout the game. SLUS-20636: name: "The Suffering" name-sort: "Suffering, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20637: name: "Chessmaster" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20638: name: "Backyard Wrestling - Don't Try This at Home" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20639: name: "Def Jam - Vendetta" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20640: name: "Saturday Night Speedway" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20641: name: "IndyCar Series" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20642: name: "Auto Modellista" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20643: name: "Soul Calibur II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20643BD: name: "Namco Transmission Demo Disc v1.03 [Soul Calibur II Pack-In]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20644: name: "Armored Core 3 - Silent Line" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects positioning of reflections on suit's surfaces. memcardFilters: # Can import data from AC3. - "SLUS-20435" - "SLUS-20644" SLUS-20645: name: "Time Crisis 3 [with Guncon]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 0 # Performs much better with no preload. SLUS-20646: name: "Mark Davis Pro Bass Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20647: name: "Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. SLUS-20648: name: "NBA Jam 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20649: name: "Crash Bandicoot - Nitro Kart" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLUS-20650: name: "MVP Baseball 2003" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing environment. SLUS-20651: name: "NBA Street Vol. 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing environment with microVU. SLUS-20652: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20653: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20655: name: "The Hobbit - The Prelude to the Lord of the Rings" name-sort: "Hobbit, The - The Prelude to the Lord of the Rings" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20656: name: "X-Men Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20657: name: "McFarlane's Evil Prophecy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20658: name: "Freedom Fighters - The Battle for Liberty Island" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20659: name: "Piglet's Big Game" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20661: name: "The Fairly OddParents - Breakin' Da Rules" name-sort: "Fairly OddParents, The - Breakin' Da Rules" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20662: name: "Gallop Racer 2003 - A New Breed" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Improves lighting, maximum blending is needed for full accuracy. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20663: name: "Naval Ops - Warship Gunner" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20664: name: "Barbie Horse Adventures - Wild Horse Rescue" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20665: name: "Cabela's Deer Hunt - 2004 Season" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20666: name: "Disgaea - Hour of Darkness" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20668: name: "Transformers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLUS-20669: name: "Resident Evil - Dead Aim" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Shows full image frame. PCRTCOffsets: 1 # Shows full image frame. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes character offset with flashlight and blurriness. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes flame-like bleeding. SLUS-20670: name: "The Great Escape" name-sort: "Great Escape, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20671: name: "Mafia" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gameFixes: - EETimingHack patches: B67F4F9E: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging before Molotov Party. patch=1,EE,003e2bb4,word,00000000 // Fixes crash in The priest mission. patch=1,EE,0016f04c,word,1000000d SLUS-20672: name: "Final Fantasy X-2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes animations. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes brightness and overlapping subtitles. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-20673: name: "Alias" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes lights penetrating objects. autoFlush: 2 # Helps with the light penetration problem. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes light glows. SLUS-20674: name: "Cyber Troopers - Virtual-On Marz" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20675: name: "Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLUS-20676: name: "Lowrider" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20677: name: "XIII" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20678: name: "Unlimited SaGa" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20680: name: "SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20681: name: "Disney's The Haunted Mansion" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20682: name: "K-1 World Grand Prix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes black vertical lines. SLUS-20683: name: "Lupin the 3rd - Treasure of the Sorcerer King" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20684: name: "Whiplash" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-20685: name: "Ape Escape 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves shine on surfaces and lights. mipmap: 2 # Fixes miptrick texture effects. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes miptrick blending. patches: BDD9F5E1: content: |- // Fixes COP2 CFC2 timing. patch=1,EE,0027caf4,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027cb04,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027cb40,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027cb50,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027ccc0,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027ccd0,word,4BC109FF patch=1,EE,0027cd0c,word,48429000 patch=1,EE,0027cd1c,word,4BC109FF SLUS-20686: name: "Splashdown - Rides Gone Wild" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20687: name: "RoadKill" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20688: name: "Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Removes blurriness and artifacting at sides, esspecialy helps 3D11. SLUS-20689: name: "Conflict - Desert Storm 2 - Back to Baghdad" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes seizure inducing FMVs. SLUS-20690: name: "G1 Jockey 3" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20691: name: "NHL Hitz Pro" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20693: name: "F1 Career Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black void when upscaling. SLUS-20694: name: "Onimusha 3 - Demon Siege" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Makes sure enemies appear correctly. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20694" - "SLUS-20710" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes various lines / reduces bars on right edge. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes textureless graphics ingame. bilinearUpscale: 2 # Gets rid of center vertical line when upscaling. SLUS-20695: name: "Chaos Legion" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS in item menu. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow shadow of legions. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes green vertical lines. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes vertical lines and some font artifacts but not completely fixed. SLUS-20696: name: "Nickelodeon Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius - Jet Fusion" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20697: name: "Cy Girls [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20698: name: "SD Gundam Force Showdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Needed for SPS on some characters. SLUS-20699: name: "Cowboy Bebop - Tsuioku no Serenade" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20701: name: "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20702: name: "Monster Rancher 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Corrects shadow misalignment. SLUS-20703: name: "Airforce - Delta Strike" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20704: name: "Backyard Basketball" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20705: name: "I-Ninja" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20706: name: "kill.switch" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes menu text flickering. SLUS-20707: name: "Spawn - Armageddon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20709: name: "Batman - Rise of Sin-Tzu" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes hang on final boss. SLUS-20710: name: "Onimusha - Blade Warriors" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20694" - "SLUS-20710" SLUS-20711: name: "DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20712: name: "Gradius V" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20714: name: "Red Ninja - End of Honor" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20715: name: "Combat Elite - WWII Paratroopers" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLUS-20716: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20718: name: "Sonic Heroes" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20719: name: "NCAA Football 2004" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20719" SLUS-20720: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20721: name: "R - Racing Evolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20722: name: "Maximo vs. Army of Zin" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around environmental objects. SLUS-20723: name: "Robin Hood - Defender of the Crown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-20724: name: "Firefighter F.D. 18" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20725: name: "Call of Duty - Finest Hour" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves shimmering of terrain, matches SW. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 30AE5278: content: |- // Fixes COP2 CFC2 timing. patch=1,EE,001AB900,word,48488800 patch=1,EE,001AB904,word,4A252942 SLUS-20726: name: "ESPN - NBA Basketball" region: "NTSC-U" patches: A13E5DD5: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,003161c0,word,00000000 SLUS-20727: name: "ESPN - NFL Football" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 56920AD1: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fixes random hangs. patch=0,EE,003bb900,word,00000000 SLUS-20728: name: "ESPN - NHL Hockey" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20729: name: "ESPN - College Hoops" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20730: name: "NARC" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes textures. SLUS-20731: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. SLUS-20732: name: "Drakengard" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Characters are visible in-game. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned white lines. PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes missing HUD. SLUS-20733: name: "Castlevania - Lament of Innocence" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes cutscene freezes. SLUS-20734: name: "Frogger's Adventures - The Rescue" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20735: name: "Lethal Skies II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20736: name: "Cabela's Dangerous Hunts" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20737: name: "Hot Wheels - World Race" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20738: name: "Van Helsing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # To enter the main menu. SLUS-20740: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Encounters in Space" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20741: name: "Mojo!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20742: name: "Chulip" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20743: name: "Prince of Persia - Sands of Time" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLUS-20744: name: "EverQuest - Online Adventures - Frontiers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-20745: name: "Shrek 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes blue seam in ground. mipmap: 2 # Partially fixes the sun effects, but the game suffers from depth/blending issues. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20746: name: "Rogue Ops" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes hang on opening memory card screen. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20748: name: "Super Trucks Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes starting position. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Gets rid of fog line. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in FMVs. SLUS-20749: name: "Rugby 2004" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20750: name: "FIFA Soccer 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes broken player textures. memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20750" SLUS-20751: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLUS-20752: name: "Madden NFL 2004" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20752" SLUS-20753: name: "Medal of Honor - Rising Sun" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20754: name: "NASCAR Thunder 2004" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix horizontal and vertical lines when racing. deinterlace: 8 # Fixes misdetection of game deinterlace. memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20754" SLUS-20755: name: "NBA Live 2004" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20755" SLUS-20756: name: "NHL 2004" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20756" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes black void on ice. SLUS-20757: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20757" SLUS-20758: name: "Growlanser Generations [Disc 1 of 2] - Growlanser II - The Sense of Justice" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 03F9C6D1: content: |- author=kozarovv // Growlanser Generations (2 and 3), When game fail at sceCdReadClock due to bad sema/thread state, it will just use 0 as timestamp. // That make issues with next saves, and finally lead to freeze. // Patch force game to use WaitSema instead of PollSema in problematic place, that force thread rescheduling. patch=1,EE,001153DC,word,0C042618 comment=IPU freeze fix patch=0,EE,00109d04,word,00000000 SLUS-20759: name: "Growlanser Generations [Disc 2 of 2] - Growlanser III - The Dual Darkness" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: default: content: |- // CRC 4AD529BB, 4CD3663F author=kozarovv // Growlanser Generations (2 and 3), When game fail at sceCdReadClock due to bad sema/thread state, it will just use 0 as timestamp. // That make issues with next saves, and finally lead to freeze. // Patch force game to use WaitSema instead of PollSema in problematic place, that force thread rescheduling. patch=1,EE,00114CBC,word,0C042618 comment=IPU freeze fix patch=0,EE,00109d04,word,00000000 SLUS-20760: name: "World Championship Pool 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20761: name: "Dynasty Tactics 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20762: name: "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20763: name: "Beyond Good and Evil" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with water in some places. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes the shape of shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes water rendering. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment, needs this harsh offset for autoflush. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes shield rendering. SLUS-20764: name: "Bombastic" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20765: name: "Resident Evil - Outbreak" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20766: name: "Fatal Frame II - Crimson Butterfly" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20767: name: "MX Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 9866FE54: content: |- author=refraction comment=fixes COP2 instruction order to resolve SPS patch=1,EE,001Cb6E8,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001CB6EC,word,4BDBD9FF SLUS-20769: name: "Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20770: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20771: name: "NCAA March Madness 2004" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing textures. memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20771" SLUS-20772: name: "SSX 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow effect in the pause menu before a jump. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20773: name: "Legacy of Kain - Defiance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-20774: name: "Culdcept" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20776: name: "Spider-Man 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes the position of the shadow and makes it not blocky. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes shadows. gpuPaletteConversion: 0 # Stops potential crashes from too many palette textures. mipmap: 2 # Building textures align more closely with SW mode. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20777: name: "Obscure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20779: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20780: name: "R-Type Final" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20781: name: "Karaoke Revolution" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20782: name: "Blood Will Tell" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes dark font to more bright like software mode. SLUS-20784: name: "The Italian Job" name-sort: "Italian Job, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20785: name: "Funkmaster Flex - Digital Hitz Factory" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20786: name: "Metal Arms - Glitch in the System" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Texture flicker. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-20787: name: "WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20788: name: "Ford Racing 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing sun. SLUS-20789: name: "Jeopardy!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20790: name: "Wheel of Fortune" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20791: name: "Trivial Pursuit - Unhinged" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20792: name: "Goblin Commander - Unleash the Horde" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20793: name: "Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps glow misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps glow misalignment. SLUS-20794: name: "ESPN - Major League Baseball" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20795: name: "Bloody Roar 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20796: name: "Monster 4x4 - Masters of Metal" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20797: name: "Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun occlusion. SLUS-20798: name: "Starcraft - Ghost" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20799: name: "Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20800: name: "Taiko Drum Master" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20801: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20803: name: "The Bard's Tale" name-sort: "Bard's Tale, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLUS-20804: name: "Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Removes occasional SPS where the head goes into nightmare fuel. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces ghosting even more. SLUS-20805: name: "Yu Yu Hakusho - Dark Tournament" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20806: name: "Space Channel 5 - Special Edition [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20807: name: "Space Channel 5 - Special Edition [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20809: name: "Godzilla - Save the Earth" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20810: name: "Nightshade" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Kunoichi" SLUS-20811: name: "Need for Speed - Underground" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLUS-20812: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Extreme Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20813: name: "Plague of Darkness" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20814: name: "Max Payne 2 - Fall of Max Payne" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes rainbow coloured graphics. eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes bullet holes. SLUS-20816: name: "American Idol" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20817: name: "Headhunter - Redemption" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-20818: name: "Bionicle" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes heat blur layer. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20820: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Jungle Storm" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20821: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20822: name: "Galactic Wrestling - Featuring Ultimate Muscle - The Kinnikuman Legacy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20823: name: "Robotech - Invasion" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20824: name: "NASCAR Thunder 2004" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix horizontal and vertical lines when racing. deinterlace: 8 # Fixes misdetection of game deinterlace. memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20824" SLUS-20826: name: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLUS-20827: name: "Manhunt" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Helps with light occlusion problems when upscaling. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes light occlusion draws which mistakenly get all drawn at once, so wrong texture data is picked. SLUS-20828: name: "ShellShock - Nam '67" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes slight blur. SLUS-20830: name: "Intellivision Lives!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20831: name: "Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Improves visual clarity whilst upscaling. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces graphics garbage on UI whilst upscaling. SLUS-20833: name: "Mega Man Anniversary Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20834: name: "King of Fighters 2000 & 2001 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20836: name: "Digimon World 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20837: name: "Ribbit King" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20838: name: "All-Star Baseball 2005 featuring Derek Jeter" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20839: name: "King of Fighters 2000 & 2001 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20840: name: "Wrath Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes flashing and some models still very broken in hardware mode. SLUS-20841: name: "NFL Street" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-20842: name: "The Sims - Bustin' Out" name-sort: "Sims, The - Bustin' Out" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes vertical lines, font and others. SLUS-20843: name: "Dead to Rights II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20845: name: "Cold Winter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes rainbow graphics. SLUS-20846: name: "Strike Force Bowling" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20847: name: "La Pucelle - Tactics" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20848: name: "Life Line - Voice Action Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-20849: name: "Carmen Sandiego - The Secret of the Stolen Drums" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes upscaled shadows and improves performance. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes player shadow. SLUS-20850: name: "Blowout" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20851: name: "Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font and HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. patches: 39B574F0: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 instructions that use old results patch=0,EE,001A3B94,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,001A3B98,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,001A3BA4,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,001A3BA8,word,4B0C682C SLUS-20852: name: "The Terminator 3 - The Redemption" name-sort: "Terminator 3, The - The Redemption" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes environment lights visible through player model. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes depth line and misaligned bloom. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes incorrect bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20853: name: "Looney Tunes - Back in Action" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20854: name: "Cy Girls [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20697" SLUS-20855: name: "Destruction Derby Arenas" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes tyre textures. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow position. SLUS-20856: name: "Spy Fiction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20857: name: "Fight Club" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20858: name: "Corvette" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # Increases FPS drastically. mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Reduces ghosting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20859: name: "Future Tactics - The Uprising" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20860: name: "Nightmare Before Christmas, Tim Burton's The - Oogie's Revenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights. SLUS-20861: name: "MTV Music Generator 3 - This is the Remix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20862: name: "BloodRayne 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20863: name: "Winning Eleven 7 World Soccer - International" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20864: name: "The Punisher" name-sort: "Punisher, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and sizing like the letter c. SLUS-20865: name: "Backyard Baseball" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: # Reads Backyard Basketball for bonus unlockable. - "SLUS-20865" - "SLUS-20704" SLUS-20866: name: "Asterix & Obelix - Kick Buttix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20867: name: "Astro Boy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes character behaviour. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes flame bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLUS-20868: name: "MVP Baseball 2004" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20868" SLUS-20869: name: "Judge Dredd - Dredd vs. Death" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20870: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes wrong texture colour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 SLUS-20871: name: "Naval Ops - Commander" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20872: name: "Juiced" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLUS-20873: name: "Silent Hill 4 - The Room" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes invisible wall in front of the door leading to East 3F in the 2nd visit of Apartment world preventing Eileen's Nurse Outfit. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset shadow from player character. SLUS-20874: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Sagas" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20875: name: "Predator - Concrete Jungle" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20876: name: "Backyard Football 2006" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20877: name: "Crimson Sea 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20878: name: "Samurai Warriors" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20879: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20880: name: "The Fairly OddParents - Shadow Showdown" name-sort: "Fairly OddParents, The - Shadow Showdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20881: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deception" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20882: name: "Hitman - Contracts" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes missing light cones curtains and certain effects. SLUS-20883: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20884: name: "Spyro - A Hero's Tail" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects that streak on-screen, causes occasional trash shadows at places. SLUS-20885: name: "The Red Star" name-sort: "Red Star, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20886: name: "Sitting Ducks" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. SLUS-20887: name: "The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron - Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies" name-sort: "Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, The - Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 1 # Needed for above. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smoothes out shadow textures. SLUS-20888: name: "Front Mission 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes mech shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-20889: name: "MLB Slugfest - Loaded" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20890: name: "Rocky - Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes background FMV flicker. SLUS-20891: name: "Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom and ghosting in certain areas. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes door transition vertical lines and mini-map artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes missing battle effects. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20488" SLUS-20892: name: "Xenosaga - Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: # Allows import of Xenosaga I data. - "SLUS-20469" - "SLUS-20892" SLUS-20893: name: "Way of the Samurai 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20894: name: "Worms 3D" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: default: content: |- comment=You need to set the EE cycle speed to -1 to be able to load the game. SLUS-20895: name: "Bujingai - The Forsaken City" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20896: name: "Monster Hunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLUS-20897: name: "Swords of Yi" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20898: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflections on certain characters and objects on certain levels. SLUS-20899: name: "Samurai Jack - The Shadow of Aku" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20901: name: "FlatOut" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20902: name: "Shadow of Rome" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLUS-20903: name: "Mega Man X - Command Mission" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes the trophies. SLUS-20904: name: "SpongeBob SquarePants - The Movie" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLUS-20905: name: "The Incredibles" name-sort: "Incredibles, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLUS-20906: name: "Fight Night 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "PSCD10088" # Enables EA Sports BIO. - "SLUS-20906" SLUS-20907: name: "Serious Sam - Next Encounter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20908: name: "Guilty Gear Isuka" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20909: name: "Crash Twinsanity" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20910: name: "Test Drive - Eve of Destruction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20911: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Nocturne" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20912: name: "Superbikes TT" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20913: name: "Inuyasha - The Secret of The Cursed Mask" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20914: name: "Ribbit King Plus! (Bonus Disc)" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20915: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLUS-20916: name: "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20917: name: "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20917" - "SLUS-20718" SLUS-20918: name: "Super Monkey Ball Deluxe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes object balls never stopping in the Monkey Billiards DX minigame. SLUS-20919: name: "ESPN - NFL 2K5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 42F9D5AF: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fixes random hangs. patch=1,EE,0041c680,word,00000000 SLUS-20920: name: "ESPN - NBA 2K5" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 903C7BC5: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,003bc800,word,00000000 SLUS-20921: name: "ESPN - NHL 2K5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 9B6E69EC: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,003ed218,word,00000000 SLUS-20922: name: "ESPN - College Hoops 2K5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 patches: 2B54D3E5: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at loading. patch=1,EE,003bcc08,word,00000000 SLUS-20923: name: "KOF - Maximum Impact" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20924: name: "Duel Masters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20925: name: "Shark Tale" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLUS-20926: name: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes right side of the screen from garbage textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Aligns mirror reflections, removes some bloom-related ghosting. SLUS-20927: name: "Time Crisis - Crisis Zone" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 2 # Fixes Grassmarket district boss model. SLUS-20928: name: "Echo Night - Beyond" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20929: name: "Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Improves clarity of the UI when upscaling. SLUS-20930: name: "Choro Q" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20931: name: "Trigger Man" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20932: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLUS-20933: name: "Smash Court Pro Tournament Tennis 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20934: name: "Death by Degrees" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes FMV lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams" SLUS-20935: name: "IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20936: name: "UEFA Euro 2004" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20937: name: "Wild ARMs - Alter Code F" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SLUS-20938: name: "Dynasty Warriors 4 - Empires" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20939: name: "Viewtiful Joe 2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20940: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20941: name: "The Incredible Hulk - Ultimate Destruction" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The - Ultimate Destruction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes occasional post process flickering. gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes lines in certain effects when upscaled. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20942: name: "Robots" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20943: name: "Heroes of the Pacific" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20944: name: "Power Rangers - Dino Thunder" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20945: name: "Destroy All Humans!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLUS-20946: name: "Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLUS-20947: name: "WinBack 2 - Project Poseidon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20948: name: "Crimson Tears" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes blurriness. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment bloom effects. SLUS-20949: name: "Street Fighter Anniversary Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20950: name: "Capcom Fighting Evolution" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20951: name: "Viewtiful Joe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20952: name: "Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20953: name: "Shaman King - Power of Spirit" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20954: name: "Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20955: name: "Phantom Brave" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20956: name: "Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20957: name: "Scaler" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLUS-20958: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom on light sources. SLUS-20959: name: "The Dukes of Hazzard - Return of the General Lee" name-sort: "Dukes of Hazzard, The - Return of the General Lee" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLUS-20960: name: "Mega Man X8" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. deinterlace: 6 # Game requires blend tff de-interlacing when auto for 'fixing' subtitles flickering or half weaved. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20960" - "SLUS-20903" SLUS-20961: name: "Neo Contra" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 6 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Reduces FPU calculation errors. SLUS-20962: name: "Castle of Shikigami 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20963: name: "Final Fantasy XII" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20964: name: "Devil May Cry 3 - Dante's Awakening" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLUS-20965: name: "Tony Hawk's Underground 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLUS-20966: name: "State of Emergency 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-20967: name: "Enthusia Professional Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Corrects crazy car AI and prevents crash. vuClampMode: 3 # Stops freezing at race start. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes reflections. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes upscale lines in FMVs. SLUS-20968: name: "Karaoke Revolution Volume 2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20969: name: "S.L.A.I. - Steel Lancer Arena International - Phantom Crash" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes double image and aligns glow effects. SLUS-20970: name: "Rumble Roses" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20971: name: "Metal Slug 4 & 5 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20972: name: "Samurai Shodown V" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20973: name: "Champions - Return to Arms" # aka "Champions of Norrath 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus HUD and in game. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes erroneous line in menus. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20973" - "SLUS-20565" SLUS-20974: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20975: name: "One Piece - Grand Battle" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20976: name: "Ford Racing 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-20977: name: "Virtua Quest" # aka "Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20978: name: "Power Drome" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 patches: 42E15DEF: content: |- // Game takes advantage of the VU's extended float range. // This limits it so x86 can handle it. author=refraction and PSI comment=VU float patch patch=1,EE,00373040,word,7e7fffff patch=1,EE,00373048,word,fe7fffff SLUS-20979: name: "Suikoden IV" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes black squares in water. SLUS-20980: name: "Ys - The Ark of Napishtim" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLUS-20981: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20982: name: "Bad Boys - Miami Takedown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20983: name: "Musashi Samurai Legend" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20984: name: "Resident Evil Outbreak - File #2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20984" - "SLUS-20765" SLUS-20985: name: "Under the Skin" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20986: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20986" - "SLUS-21079" SLUS-20987: name: "Pool Paradise" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20988: name: "Playboy - The Mansion" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20989: name: "The Polar Express" name-sort: "Polar Express, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bottom left and right corner garbage. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20990: name: "Metal Slug 4 & 5 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20991: name: "NCAA Football 2005" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20992: name: "Catwoman" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes bloom. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes ghosting. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for offset RTs/textures for post-processing. SLUS-20993: name: "Ghosthunter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes sporadic white triangle SPS. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-20994: name: "Full Metal Alchemist and The Broken Angel" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20995: name: "King of Fighters 2002 & 2003 [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20996: name: "King of Fighters 2002 & 2003 [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-20997: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20998: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-20999: name: "Sega Superstars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 SLUS-21000: name: "Madden NFL 2005" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21001: name: "NHL 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21002: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21003: name: "NASCAR 2005 - Chase for the Cup" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21004: name: "Def Jam - Fight for NY" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21005: name: "Kingdom Hearts II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes effects. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes upscaling artifacts. SLUS-21006: name: "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture and lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes most vertical lines and lighting misalignment. getSkipCount: "GSC_GiTS" patches: default: content: |- // CRC US 95CC86EF, RU 28557423 comment=Rearranging COP2 ops so as to avoid macflag bad stuff // Solves door problems, possibly other issues later on (nobody ever got that far :P). patch=0,EE,0010BC88,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0010BC8C,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,0010BC90,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,0010BC98,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,0012B200,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012B204,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,0012B208,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,0012B210,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,0012B528,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,0012B52C,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,0012B530,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,0012B538,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,00165BB0,word,48468800 patch=0,EE,00165BB4,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,00165BB8,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,00165BC0,word,4a6d617c patch=0,EE,001B0A40,word,4bec682c patch=0,EE,001B0A4C,word,4b8d617d patch=0,EE,001BF4C0,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BF4D0,word,4a0002ff patch=0,EE,001BFA7C,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BFA8C,word,4a0002ff patch=0,EE,001BF6DC,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001BF6EC,word,4a0002ff patch=0,EE,001C0040,word,48588800 patch=0,EE,001C0050,word,4a0002ff SLUS-21007: name: "Kuon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes Sugoroku mini-game. speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # This option enabled brings about 15% more FPS when I tested it, *your experience may differ. mtvu: 0 # For some reason this games halves the internal game FPS with this option. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes red cracklines on walls. SLUS-21008: name: "Katamari Damacy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. SLUS-21009: name: "Sega Classics Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes black and white vehicle previews in MonacoGP. SLUS-21010: name: "NanoBreaker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21011: name: "Cabela's Deer Hunt - 2005 Season" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21012: name: "Rapala Pro Fishing" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21013: name: "Crash 'N' Burn" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21014: name: "High Roller Casino" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21015: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Improves bloom alignment and clarity. SLUS-21016: name: "25 to Life" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21017: name: "Showdown - Legends of Wrestling" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21018: name: "Dog's Life" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes minor SPS on characters. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes double image. SLUS-21019: name: "Technic Beat" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21020: name: "GunGrave - OverDose" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21021: name: "Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21022: name: "Prince of Persia - Warrior Within" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLUS-21025: name: "Madden NFL 2005 [Special Collectors Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21026: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLUS-21027: name: "The Lord of the Rings - The Third Age" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21028: name: "World Championship Poker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21029: name: "Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 0DD3417A: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,D0525B3C,extended,00000800 patch=1,EE,20525B3C,extended,00000000 4A0E5B3A: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,D05257FC,extended,00000800 patch=1,EE,205257FC,extended,00000000 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_MidnightClub3" SLUS-21030: name: "Outlaw Golf 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21031: name: "Gallop Racer 2004" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21032: name: "Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21033: name: "Second Sight" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21034: name: "Magix Music Maker [Deluxe Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21035: name: "Major League Baseball 2K5" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes hang when the baseball hits the ground. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better and stops freezing and or stuttering. patches: 2243CE1D: content: |- author=Prafull comment=Patched by Prafull // Skip hang at start. patch=1,EE,00364080,word,00000000 SLUS-21036: name: "Get On Da Mic" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21037: name: "Project - Snowblind" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes the post processing positioning. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLUS-21038: name: "Pinball Hall of Fame - The Gottlieb Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21039: name: "TOCA Race Driver 2 - The Ultimate Racing Simulator" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. SLUS-21040: name: "The Shield" name-sort: "Shield, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21041: name: "Shadow Hearts - Covenant [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. SLUS-21042: name: "Darkwatch" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blood vision bloom SLUS-21043: name: "Backyard Wrestling 2 - There Goes the Neighborhood" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21044: name: "Shadow Hearts - Covenant [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurrines, preload frame for FMV breaks visuals with this setting. disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes shadows when upscaling. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes the position of monster sprites and reduces garbage in the UI. autoFlush: 2 # Makes the shadow monsters appear. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21041" SLUS-21045: name: "Conflict Vietnam" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. SLUS-21046: name: "King Arthur" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21047: name: "Cold Fear" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21048: name: "Evil Dead - Regeneration" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21049: name: "Outlaw Volleyball Remixed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21050: name: "Burnout 3 - Takedown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLUS-21051: name: "FIFA 2005" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE cycle rate + 3. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes player uniforms. SLUS-21052: name: "Disney's Monsters Inc." region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21053: name: "Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21054: name: "Disney's Treasure Planet [Disney Classics]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS when the solar surfer's engines are inactive. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes hang before going ingame. SLUS-21056: name: "The Cabal ~~CANCELLED~~" name-sort: "Cabal, The ~~CANCELLED~~" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21057: name: "TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - Bush Rescue" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes visible lines in water textures. SLUS-21058: name: "NBA Live 2005" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21059: name: "Tekken 5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SLUS-21060: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21062: name: "Jaws Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes GS packet errors (and potential crash). SLUS-21063: name: "Shining Tears" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21064: name: "GoldenEye - Rogue Agent" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21065: name: "Need for Speed - Underground 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLUS-21066: name: "The Urbz - Sims in the City" name-sort: "Urbz, The - Sims in the City" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes upscaling lines. SLUS-21067: name: "Digimon Rumble Arena 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes menu options freaking out. SLUS-21068: name: "Vietcong - Purple Haze" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21069: name: "American Chopper" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21070: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Chains of Promathia" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21071: name: "Nightmare of Druaga" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21072: name: "Finny the Fish & The Seven Waters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21073: name: "Nicktoons Movin'" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21074: name: "The Guy Game" name-sort: "Guy Game, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21075: name: "Haunting Ground" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. Normal Vertex works better, but causes some lights to disappear. roundSprite: 1 # Further reduces blurriness. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smooths out fire textures. beforeDraw: "OI_HauntingGround" # Fix bloom. SLUS-21076: name: "Atari Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21077: name: "Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21078: name: "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to collect items. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces lighting misalignment but doesn't fully fix it. SLUS-21079: name: "Armored Core - Nexus [Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20986" - "SLUS-21079" SLUS-21080: name: "Samurai Warriors - Xtreme Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21081: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deception [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21082: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLUS-21083: name: "LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad coordinate spam. SLUS-21084: name: "Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloomlike-offsets. SLUS-21086: name: "Big Mutha Truckers 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21087: name: "Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21088: name: "Disney's Chicken Little" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21089: name: "Karaoke Revolution Volume 3" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21090: name: "Alien Hominid" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21091: name: "Scooby-Doo! Unmasked" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21093: name: "Worms Forts - Under Siege!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21094: name: "Midway Arcade Treasures 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21095: name: "DT Racer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects shadows (Currently still broken even with this). mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, matches sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21096: name: "Ape Escape - Pumped & Primed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects fullscreen bloom misalignment. SLUS-21097: name: "MX World Tour featuring Jamie Little" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21098: name: "Frogger - Ancient Shadow" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21099: name: "Stolen" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Improves performance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. SLUS-21100: name: "NCAA March Madness 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21101: name: "Mortal Kombat - Deception [Premium Pack]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21102: name: "Hard Rock Casino" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21103: name: "Commandos Strike Force" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLUS-21104: name: "MX vs. ATV Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 95BB1901: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid clip flag response. Fixes SPS. patch=1,EE,001b0458,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001b045c,word,4BDBD9FF SLUS-21105: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21106: name: "True Crime - New York City" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS on highway. roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes scene switching in intro. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes numberplates and ensures above targets are valid. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in some post-effects. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21107: name: "X-Men - The Official Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21108: name: "Hitman - Blood Money" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLUS-21109: name: "Drive to Survive" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21110: name: "Pirates of the Caribbean - The Legend of Jack Sparrow" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21111: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21112: name: "L.A. Rush" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 4 # Fixes textures. SLUS-21113: name: "Atelier Iris - Eternal Mana" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21114: name: "NHRA Championship Drag Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21115: name: "Okami" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Reduces misalignment issues but the game is just bad for upscaling. SLUS-21116: name: "187 - Ride or Die" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Softens bloom on objects and cars. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom on objects and cars. SLUS-21117: name: "World Soccer - Winning Eleven 8 - International" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21118: name: "NFL Street 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-21119: name: "Kessen III" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21120: name: "Psychonauts" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLUS-21122: name: "Taito Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21123: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 3 [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21124: name: "Delta Force - Black Hawk Down" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes sky bloom. SLUS-21125: name: "Airborne Troops - Countdown to D-Day" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21126: name: "NBA Street V3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21127: name: "Brave - The Search for Spirit Dancer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting/shadows. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes sun flickering. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun through objects. bilinearUpscale: 1 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. SLUS-21128: name: "Blitz - The League" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21129: name: "Tenchu 4 - Fatal Shadows" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21130: name: "SnoCross 2 featuring Blair Morgan" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21131: name: "Pump It Up - Exceed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21132: name: "Stella Deus - The Gate of Eternity" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21133: name: "Xenosaga - Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Bose [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadows in cutscenes. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. memcardFilters: # Allows import of Xenosaga I data. - "SLUS-20469" - "SLUS-20892" SLUS-21134: name: "Resident Evil 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLUS-21135: name: "MVP Baseball 2005" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21136: name: "Graffiti Kingdom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21137: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lights especially in NVGs. SLUS-21138: name: "X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21139: name: "Gun" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes textures and crashes. gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken light and shadow rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures and water textures and reflections. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes misaligned bloom and character shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom intensity and alignment. SLUS-21140: name: "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - Never Ending Tomorrow" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21142: name: "Constantine" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Resolves dumpster not being able to be climbed from front in level 2. SLUS-21143: name: "Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-21144: name: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Lockdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21145: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLUS-21146: name: "Far East of Eden" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21147: name: "FIFA Street" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21148: name: "TimeSplitters - Future Perfect" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of distant objects. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes HUD blending. SLUS-21149: name: "Yourself! Fitness" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21150: name: "Beat Down - Fists of Vengeance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21151: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: F2A25D7B: content: |- author=refraction // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,00203dd8,word,484e9000 patch=1,EE,00203ddc,word,4bdbd9ff SLUS-21152: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21152" - "SLUS-20974" SLUS-21153: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21154: name: "Killer7" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21155: name: "Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E." region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21156: name: "Without Warning" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21157: name: "Flipnic - Ultimate Pinball" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21158: name: "Rugby 2005" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21159: name: "MotoGP 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21160: name: "Tekken 5 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes camera and stops constant coin noises on Pirates Cove. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Align post. getSkipCount: "GSC_Tekken5" SLUS-21161: name: "Fight Night - Round 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21162: name: "Ford Mustang - The Legend Lives" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21163: name: "Brothers In Arms - Road to Hill 30" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness, there are still ghosting issues for like lighting poles. SLUS-21164: name: "Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21165: name: "Arc the Lad - End of Darkness" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, corrects the depth of field effect. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21166: name: "Full Metal Alchemist 2 - Curse of the Crimson Elixir" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21168: name: "Castlevania - Curse of Darkness" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with microVU. eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes missing blade. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes to be bigger. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21168" - "SLUS-20733" SLUS-21169: name: "Rollercoaster Tycoon - The Peeps" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21170: name: "Makai Kingdom - Chronicles of the Sacred Tome" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21171: name: "Harvest Moon - A Wonderful Life [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 304C115C: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fix hang at shipping shed. patch=1,EE,002bdb1c,word,00000000 SLUS-21172: name: "Conflict - Global Terror" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes abnormal character behaviour. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21173: name: "Dora the Explorer - To the Purple Planet" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21174: name: "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21175: name: "The Bible Game" name-sort: "Bible Game, The" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21176: name: "World Championship Poker 2 featuring Howard Lederer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21177: name: "In the Groove" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21178: name: "RPG Maker 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21179: name: "Colosseum - Road to Freedom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes sun background on the windows when selecting your 'race'. SLUS-21180: name: "Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. SLUS-21181: name: "D.I.C.E. - DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21182: name: "TOCA Race Driver 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLUS-21183: name: "Teen Titans" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLUS-21184: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Mutant Nightmare" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21186: name: "NBA Ballers - Phenom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21187: name: "Samurai Western" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes line across the middle of the screen and offset blur. SLUS-21188: name: "America's Army - Rise of a Soldier" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21189: name: "The Suffering - Ties That Bind" name-sort: "Suffering, The - Ties That Bind" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 1 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes debris and blending on lower part of screen during monster transformation. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21189" - "SLUS-20636" SLUS-21190: name: "Outlaw Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21191: name: "Crash Tag Team Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes constant recompilation problems. gsHWFixes: PCRTCOverscan: 1 # Fixes offscreen image. nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes the look of screen effects. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects the alignment of screen effects. SLUS-21192: name: "Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2006" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21193: name: "Inuyasha - Feudal Combat" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21194: name: "Phantasy Star Universe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving (especially Chapter 7 boss). SLUS-21195: name: "Breeders' Cup - World Thoroughbred Championships" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21196: name: "Indigo Prophecy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21197: name: "DreamWorks Shrek - SuperSlam" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. SLUS-21198: name: "Batman Begins" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. SLUS-21199: name: "Medal of Honor - European Assault" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes sun shinging through surfaces and graphical corruptions. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes black spots appearing on some surfaces and massively reduces RP TC and TU count. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21200: name: "Armored Core - Nine Breaker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned blur. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level brightness. memcardFilters: # Can import data from AC:Nexus. - "SLUS-21200" - "SLUS-20986" - "SLUS-21079" SLUS-21201: name: "Tales of Legendia" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_TalesOfLegendia" SLUS-21202: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21203: name: "Tomb Raider - Legend" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes distant characters and models. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes multiple lighting effects from lights, computers, cave walls and more. SLUS-21204: name: "Victorious Boxers 2 - Fighting Spirit" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21205: name: "Aeon Flux" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21206: name: "Shining Force Neo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21207: name: "Dragon Quest VIII - Journey of the Cursed King" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-21208: name: "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Improves post-processing rendering. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. SLUS-21209: name: "Urban Reign" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Mitigates bounciness of vertical shaking but better fix with EE cyclerate +1. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes corruption. getSkipCount: "GSC_UrbanReign" SLUS-21212: name: "Spartan - Total Warrior" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes garbage textures flashing on the character model. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing post processing. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns post processing. SLUS-21213: name: "Madden NFL '06" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21214: name: "NCAA Football 2006" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21215: name: "The Warriors" name-sort: "Warriors, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21216: name: "Soul Calibur III" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes bad colours on character select when in Progressive Scan. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes blurriness (normal vertex causes vertical lines). recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes menu transparency. SLUS-21217: name: "The Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer" name-sort: "Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the street's textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment when upscaling. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes duplicated bloom when upscaling. SLUS-21218: name: "Tak - The Great Juju Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21219: name: "Pac-Man World 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21220: name: "World Soccer - Winning Eleven 9 International" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21221: name: "Magna Carta - Tears of Blood" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21222: name: "Top Spin" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21223: name: "Karaoke Revolution Party" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21224: name: "Guitar Hero" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes cut-off numbers and restores missing whitespace inside combo meter. SLUS-21225: name: "Bratz - Rock Angelz" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21226: name: "Velocity" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21227: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines when powering up. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. SLUS-21228: name: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21229: name: "Motocross Mania 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-21230: name: "We Love Katamari" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes right edge artifact. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS. clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes performance and falling through floor and other gameplay. memcardFilters: # Allows import of constellations from Katamari Damacy. - "SLUS-21230" - "SLUS-21008" SLUS-21231: name: "Sniper Elite" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes sky bloom. SLUS-21232: name: "College Hoops 2K6" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: A60E027C: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // This fixes random hangs and makes the game playable. patch=1,EE,0045f410,word,00000000 SLUS-21233: name: "NBA 2K6" region: "NTSC-U" patches: E5C65369: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,004413a8,word,00000000 SLUS-21234: name: "NHL 2K6" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 patches: 87007AB7: content: |- author=Prafull // Avoid hang at start. patch=1,EE,003fd608,word,00000000 SLUS-21235: name: "Major League Baseball 2K6" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 88BB9A5C: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,003c4280,word,00000000 SLUS-21236: name: "Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes double image. SLUS-21237: name: "AND 1 Streetball" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21238: name: "Final Fight - Streetwise" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21239: name: "Beatmania" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21240: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21241: name: "NHL '06" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21242: name: "Burnout Revenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" memcardFilters: # Reads Burnout 3 and NFL 06 saves for unlockables. - "SLUS-21242" - "SLUS-21050" - "SLUS-21213" SLUS-21243: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 3]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21359" SLUS-21244: name: "Fatal Frame III - The Tormented" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-21245: name: "Suikoden Tactics" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Allows import of Suikoden 4 clear data. - "SLUS-21245" - "SLUS-20979" SLUS-21246: name: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes offset bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21247: name: "Jackie Chan Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21248: name: "Legend of Kay" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes broken polygons on trees. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glitchy black rectangles. SLUS-21249: name: "Yourself! Fitness - Lifestyle" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21250: name: "Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes bad graphics. SLUS-21251: name: "FlatOut 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLUS-21252: name: "SpongeBob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, PANTS!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-21253: name: "TY the Tasmanian Tiger 3 - Night of the Quinkan" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes story mission to make it completable. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes visible lines in water textures. SLUS-21254: name: "Zatch Bell! Mamodo Battles" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21255: name: "Trapt" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21256: name: "IHRA Drag Racing - Sportsman Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21257: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). SLUS-21258: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol.1 - Rebirth" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" - "SLUS-21258" - "SLUS-21488" - "SLUS-21489" - "SLUS-21480" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects proportions of some letters in HUD. SLUS-21259: name: "Stacked with Daniel Negreanu" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21260: name: "Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy - The Mis-Edventures" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 2 # Fixes missing text. SLUS-21261: name: "Shadow the Hedgehog" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves smoke rendering. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21262: name: "Radiata Stories" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes incorrect model position. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical bars. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment bloom effects. SLUS-21263: name: "Romancing SaGa" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21264: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21265: name: "The Sims 2" name-sort: "Sims 2, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21266: name: "NASCAR '06 - Total Team Control" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto because shaking otherwise. SLUS-21267: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21267" - "SLUS-21351" - "SLUS-21065" SLUS-21268: name: "24 - The Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes mini-map HUD. gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes pause menu backgrounds. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects proportions of fonts and pause-screen lines, adjusts display closer to software. SLUS-21269: name: "Bully" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes the inability to take the bottle in the trophy case in Chapter 2: Hattrick vs Galloway. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes door transitions. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces ghosting. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces ghosting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21270: name: "MS Saga - A New Dawn" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21271: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLUS-21272: name: "Super Monkey Ball Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes texture normals. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21273: name: "The Matrix - Path of Neo" name-sort: "Matrix, The - Path of Neo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix effects upscaling. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes broken post processing. SLUS-21274: name: "OutRun 2006 - Coast 2 Coast" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment still a bit misaligned + font artifacts. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21275: name: "River King - A Wonderful Journey" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21276: name: "Ford vs. Chevy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21277: name: "Barnyard" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fix text and post blur. mipmap: 2 # Base mip level isn't always used. autoFlush: 2 # Needed for recursive mipmap rendering. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SLUS-21278: name: "SSX On Tour" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 0F27ED9B: content: |- author=refraction and jordanthetoast // Rearrange COP2 codes. patch=1,EE,0032465c,word,48478800 patch=1,EE,00324668,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032465c,word,48478800 patch=1,EE,00324668,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032c430,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,0032c43c,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032c5b4,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,0032c5c0,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032c984,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,0032c990,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032e078,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,0032e084,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032e2b0,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,0032e2bc,word,4BF9D6EC patch=1,EE,0032f488,word,48428800 patch=1,EE,0032f494,word,4BF9D6EC SLUS-21279: name: "NBA Live '06" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21280: name: "FIFA '06" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-21281: name: "Marvel Nemesis - Rise of the Imperfects" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21282: name: "007 - From Russia with Love" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center upscaling line during explosions. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting. SLUS-21283: name: "Total Overdose - A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21284: name: "Nicktoons Unite!" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. Also needed for recursive mipmap rendering. mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment but has a texture cache issue that makes it worse. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes rainbow lighting for some areas. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLUS-21285: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes Spider-Man's eyes texture. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 SLUS-21286: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21287: name: "Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLUS-21288: name: "American Chopper 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21289: name: "Sea World - Shamu's Big Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21290: name: "Ford Street Racing" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21291: name: "Suikoden V" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21292: name: "Wild ARMs 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes font artifacts and out-of-bound 2D textures. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. memcardFilters: # Allows import of Alter Code F clear data. - "SLUS-21292" - "SLUS-20937" SLUS-21293: name: "Metal Saga" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes combat interface. SLUS-21294: name: "Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21295: name: "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes water and grass textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Improves post-processing rendering. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. memcardFilters: # Game saves use the normal edition serial. - "SLUS-21208" SLUS-21296: name: "Dance Factory" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21297: name: "Devil Kings" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLUS-21298: name: "NCAA March Madness '06" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21299: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Xtreme Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. SLUS-21300: name: "Over the Hedge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Fixes bad graphics due to bad T-Bit handling. SLUS-21301: name: "World Series of Poker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21303: name: "Rebel Raiders - Operation Nighthawk" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21304: name: "Justice League Heroes" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Ingame capes become SPS mess with lower than extra VU clamp. SLUS-21305: name: "Arthur and the Invisibles - The Game" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLUS-21306: name: "Ghost Rider" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes alignment on fire effects. SLUS-21307: name: "Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes occasional SPS on moving around, jumping and falling. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. patches: EEC195CA: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv // Intro screen freeze fix. patch=1,EE,002FEB80,word,27bdfee0 patch=1,EE,002FEBBC,word,27bd0120 SLUS-21309: name: "Let's Ride - Silver Buckle Stables" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21310: name: "Brothers In Arms - Earned in Blood" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLUS-21311: name: "King Kong, Peter Jackson's - The Official Game of the Movie" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Increases image brightness. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects vignette to match software. estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. SLUS-21312: name: "Wallace & Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment/bloom when upscaling. SLUS-21313: name: "Friends - The One with all the Trivia" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21314: name: "Ruff Trigger - Vanocore Conspiracy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Needed to go ingame. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Bring back blooming scattering like in software mode. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment like volcano lighting. patches: F73488D5: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fixes random hangs when going ingame. patch=1,EE,00296368,word,00000000 SLUS-21315: name: "50 Cent - Bulletproof" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Removes chromatic effect when upscaling also works with halfpixeloffset Special Texture. SLUS-21316: name: "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21317: name: "Street Fighter Alpha Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes squares around sprites when upscaling. SLUS-21318: name: "Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - IbitHack # Fixes lights. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21319: name: "Flow - Urban Dance Uprising" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21320: name: "Rogue Trooper" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21321: name: "Squadra Course Alfa Romeo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21322: name: "Eragon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS and spawn issues. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes post processing misalignment. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. SLUS-21323: name: "Rampage - Total Destruction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21324: name: "Major League Baseball 2K5 [World Series Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes hang when the baseball hits the ground. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better and stops freezing and or stuttering. patches: D592B291: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Skip hang at start. patch=1,EE,0036b220,word,00000000 //1040fffd SLUS-21325: name: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-21326: name: "Shadow Hearts - From the New World" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and reduces text box artifacts. SLUS-21327: name: "Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts for health and other sprites. texturePreloading: 0 # Improves performance and prevents it disabling itself regardless. SLUS-21328: name: "Pac-Man World Rally" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: default: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Fix bad geometry patch=1,EE,0016DDE4,word,4A80AADC patch=1,EE,0016DDEC,word,4B7103BC patch=1,EE,0016DDD0,word,4B00A29C patch=1,EE,0016DDD8,word,4AF103BC SLUS-21329: name: "CMT Presents - Karaoke Revolution - Country" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21330: name: "Monster Rancher Evo" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21331: name: "Sonic Riders" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves track and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21332: name: "Real World Golf" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 SLUS-21333: name: "World Poker Tour 2K6" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21334: name: "Grandia III [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21335: name: "The Hustle - Detroit Streets - Kat's Story" name-sort: "Hustle, The - Detroit Streets - Kat's Story" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21336: name: "Zathura" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21337: name: "Arena Football" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-21338: name: "Armored Core - Last Raven" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects shadow alignment and reduces blurriness. recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes level and map menu brightness. SLUS-21339: name: "Puzzle Collection - Crosswords & More!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21340: name: "World Championship Cards" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21341: name: "Stuart Little 3 - Big Photo Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21342: name: "MLB Slugfest 2006" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21343: name: "Samurai Champloo - Sidetracked" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21344: name: "Steambot Chronicles" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLUS-21345: name: "Grandia III [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21334" SLUS-21346: name: "Ace Combat Zero - The Belkan War" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes FMVs disabling hash cache. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Helps banding when dithering is enabled. mipmap: 2 # Fixes terrain rendering. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes ghosting in foggy maps. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes HUD artifacts. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. mergeSprite: 1 # Better aligns main menu strips, improving font readability. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21346" - "SLUS-20152" - "SLUS-20851" patches: 65729657: content: |- // Fixes collision/missile hit issues. patch=0,EE,00131EBC,word,48498800 patch=0,EE,00131EC0,word,4B00682C patch=0,EE,00131ECC,word,484A8800 patch=0,EE,00131ED0,word,4B0C682C SLUS-21347: name: "AMF Xtreme Bowling" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21348: name: "Yakuza" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLUS-21349: name: "Taito Legends 2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21350: name: "Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21351: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted [Black Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21267" - "SLUS-21351" - "SLUS-21065" SLUS-21352: name: "Dai Senryaku VII Exceed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21353: name: "Eureka Seven - Vol.1 - The New Wave" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21354: name: "Curious George" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21355: name: "Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition Remix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 60A42FF5: content: |- comment=Patch by Refraction // Patches a CTC2 write to FBRST to not set the T-Bit enable // Fixes slow speed in MTVU due to developers leaving T-Bit enabled and not using it // PCSX2 has to sync more when T-Bit is enabled so the game spends more time waiting // for VU1 to finish, which reduces the advantage of MTVU to basically zero. patch=1,EE,D052907C,extended,00000800 patch=1,EE,2052907C,extended,00000000 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_MidnightClub3" SLUS-21356: name: "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21357: name: "Hummer Badlands" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21358: name: "Naruto - Ultimate Ninja" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21359: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 3]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. SLUS-21360: name: "Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 3 of 3]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21359" SLUS-21361: name: "Devil May Cry 3 - Dante's Awakening [Special Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes inability to enter door in Mission 18. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but still an issue compared to native. roundSprite: 2 # Clears up much of the blurring that HPO Special does not. SLUS-21362: name: "Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misalignment and upscaling lines. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21180" SLUS-21363: name: "Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21364: name: "One Piece - Pirates' Carnival" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21365: name: "The King of Fighters 2006" name-sort: "King of Fighters 2006, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21366: name: "Ultimate Board Game Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21367: name: "MVP '06 - NCAA Baseball" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken replay window graphics. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21368: name: "Rugby '06" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21369: name: "FIFA Street 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruptions. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes corrupted graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken icons on HUD. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21370: name: "Mega Man X Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21371: name: "Rapala Pro Tournament Fishing" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21372: name: "The Legend of Spyro - A New Beginning" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - A New Beginning" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting on mushrooms + others. patches: D03D4C77: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv and refraction // Fixes HUD and menu display. patch=1,EE,001849b8,word,00000000 SLUS-21373: name: "Drakengard 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 2 # Fixes wrong color on some characters and breakable objects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting characters. mergeSprite: 1 # Align sprite fixes FMVs but not garbage in-game, so needs merge sprite instead. texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SLUS-21374: name: "Marvel - Ultimate Alliance" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes triangle holes in geometry. SLUS-21375: name: "Torino 2006 - The Official Game of the XX Olympic Winter Games" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # For SPS with microVU. SLUS-21376: name: "Black" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" patches: 5C891FF1: content: |- author=refraction // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,0037EB14,word,4b000460 patch=1,EE,0037EB18,word,4af103bc patch=1,EE,0037EB30,word,4a800460 patch=1,EE,0037EB34,word,4b7103bc SLUS-21377: name: "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21379: name: "Cabela's African Safari" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21380: name: "Snoopy vs. The Red Baron" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad textures and missing geometry. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog line. patches: 213DCAC9: content: |- author=refraction // Rearrange DIV Q COP2 operations to fix SPS. patch=1,EE,0017caf0,word,4BE0A39C patch=1,EE,0017caf4,word,4B00A29C patch=1,EE,0017caf8,word,4AF103BC patch=1,EE,0017cb04,word,4BE0ABDC patch=1,EE,0017cb08,word,4A80AADC patch=1,EE,0017cb0c,word,4B7103BC SLUS-21381: name: "Bode Miller Alpine Skiing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-21382: name: "Franklin the Turtle - A Birthday Surprise" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21383: name: "Fight Night - Round 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - GIFFIFOHack # Fixes flag corruption. SLUS-21384: name: "Cabela's Alaskan Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21385: name: "The Godfather" name-sort: "Godfather, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLUS-21386: name: "Tales of the Abyss" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post lighting. SLUS-21387: name: "Warship Gunner 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21388: name: "The Sopranos - Road to Respect" name-sort: "Sopranos, The - Road to Respect" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but doesn't fully fix it. SLUS-21389: name: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Disc 1 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. memcardFilters: # Allows import of Xenosaga II save data. - "SLUS-21389" - "SLUS-20892" SLUS-21390: name: "Urban Chaos - Riot Response" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes edge garbage and thin lines. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes misaligned lights at native resolution. SLUS-21391: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21392: name: "Shrek Smash and Crash" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21393: name: "Gallop Racer 2006" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21394: name: "Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. wildArmsHack: 1 # De-blurs the 3D image. SLUS-21395: name: "Avatar - The Last Airbender" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21396: name: "Star Trek - Encounters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21397: name: "Disgaea 2 - Cursed Memories" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21398: name: "Dynasty Warriors 5 - Empires" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21399: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLUS-21400: name: "Monster House" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21401: name: "Lucinda Green's Equestrian Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 SLUS-21402: name: "Micro Machines V4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-21403: name: "Backyard Sports - Baseball 2007" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21404: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21405: name: "Xiaolin Showdown" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: PCRTCOffsets: 1 # Stops screen shaking. SLUS-21406: name: "The Godfather - Collector's Edition" name-sort: "Godfather, The - Collector's Edition" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center line in post processing. SLUS-21407: name: "NFL Head Coach" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes light occlusion. SLUS-21408: name: "FIFA World Cup Germany '06" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21409: name: "LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21409" - "SLUS-21083" SLUS-21410: name: "Mortal Kombat - Armageddon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21411: name: "M2 Rock" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21412: name: "World Championship Poker featuring Howard Lederer - All-In" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21413: name: "Thrillville" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21414: name: "Delta Force - Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21415: name: "The Ant Bully" name-sort: "Ant Bully, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21416: name: "D1 Grand Prix Series - Professional Drift" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes black screen. SLUS-21417: name: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra [Disc 2 of 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and reduces ground shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes bad crystal surfaces. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21389" - "SLUS-20892" SLUS-21418: name: "Sprint Cars - Road to Knoxville" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes flickering textures on cars. patches: A08C4057: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Rearrange COP2 instructions to fix bad mac flag stuff. Fixes ingame physics. patch=1,EE,00264d60,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00264d64,word,309000E0 patch=1,EE,00264d6c,word,4BF0116C patch=1,EE,00264d74,word,00908024 patch=1,EE,00264d78,word,4A0002FF patch=1,EE,00264d7c,word,4BF019AC patch=1,EE,00264d90,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00264d94,word,309000E0 patch=1,EE,00264d98,word,4BE2896C patch=1,EE,00264d9c,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00264da0,word,4BE389AC patch=1,EE,00264da4,word,4A0002FF patch=1,EE,00264da8,word,4A0002FF SLUS-21419: name: "Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21420: name: "Disney's Chicken Little - Ace in Action" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21421: name: "Spy Hunter - Nowhere to Run" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21422: name: "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes building and ground colours. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21423: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Removes blur due to misaligned fullscreen effect. SLUS-21424: name: "NBA 2K7" region: "NTSC-U" patches: F5AEDCC3: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,0044ef60,word,00000000 SLUS-21425: name: "NHL 2K7" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 478EFBDB: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,004409d8,word,00000000 SLUS-21426: name: "Call of Duty 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes crash going ingame. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misplacement. SLUS-21427: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21428: name: "Bionicle Heroes" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. SLUS-21430: name: "IGPX - Immortal Grand Prix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21431: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken effect rendering. SLUS-21432: name: "NRA Gun Club" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21433: name: "FIFA Soccer '07" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-21434: name: "Superman Returns - The Video Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gameFixes: - VUOverflowHack # Fixes SPS. SLUS-21435: name: "One Piece - Grand Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes character outlines, shadow misaligment and more. SLUS-21436: name: "Just Cause" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Helps clean up water trilinearFiltering: 1 # Helps clean up water recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # High blending accuracy fixes notoriously broken water. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21437: name: "Disney's Kim Possible - What's the Switch" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Fixes extreme EE and VU usage. SLUS-21438: name: "Cartoon Network Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-21439: name: "Destroy All Humans! 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes material stretching across screen that appears for a split second. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLUS-21440: name: "Big Idea's VeggieTales - LarryBoy and the Bad Apple" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21441: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLUS-21442: name: "Super Dragon Ball Z" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21443: name: "The DaVinci Code" name-sort: "DaVinci Code, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21444: name: "Tony Hawk's Project 8" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invalid VU size spam and likely SPS. SLUS-21445: name: "Ar tonelico - Melody of Elemia" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLUS-21446: name: "Family Feud" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21447: name: "Guitar Hero II" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLUS-21448: name: "Rule of Rose" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes Black FMV's. SLUS-21449: name: "The Fast and the Furious" name-sort: "Fast and the Furious, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes car reflections. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes bluriness. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bluriness. SLUS-21450: name: "Super PickUps" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21451: name: "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy" name-sort: "Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21452: name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VuAddSubHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces bloom misalignment. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes area transition vertical lines and lessens red forest vertical lines. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition. nativePaletteDraw: 1 SLUS-21453: name: "Disney's Meet the Robinsons" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21454: name: "DreamWorks Shrek the Third" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes black zones. clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes objects spawning. SLUS-21455: name: "Happy Feet" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21456: name: "Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLUS-21457: name: "World Championship Paintball" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21458: name: "NHL '07" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21459: name: "NCAA Football '07" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21460: name: "NBA Live '07" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21461: name: "NASCAR '07" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21462: name: "Samurai Warriors 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Helps to alleviate misaligned text. memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21462" - "SLUS-20878" - "SLUS-21080" SLUS-21463: name: "College Hoops 2K7" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21464: name: "Winning Eleven - Pro Evolution Soccer 2007" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Fixes grass field. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. SLUS-21465: name: "Raiden III" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21466: name: "The Plan" name-sort: "Plan, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21467: name: "Open Season" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21468: name: "Charlie Brown's All-Stars [Cancelled]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21469: name: "Nicktoons - Battle for Volcano Island" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Better characters and environment. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Using mipmaps, so may as well. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes texture corruptions. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Render mipmaps on the CPU. SLUS-21470: name: "Bratz - Forever Diamondz" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21471: name: "Tokobot Plus - Mysteries of the Karakuri" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21472: name: "World Pool Challenge '06" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21473: name: "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21474: name: "History Channel - Civil War - A Nation Divided" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21475: name: "Final Fantasy XII [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21476: name: "Madden NFL '07" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21477: name: "Madden NFL '07 [Hall of Fame Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21478: name: "Pirates - Legend of the Black Buccaneer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21479: name: "Reservoir Dogs" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21480: name: ".hack//G.U. Volume 1 - Rebirth - Terminal Disc" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" - "SLUS-21258" - "SLUS-21488" - "SLUS-21489" - "SLUS-21480" SLUS-21481: name: "NCAA March Madness '07" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21482: name: "NFL Street 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-21483: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21484: name: "Flushed Away" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21485: name: "Backyard Sports - Basketball 2007" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21486: name: "Eagle Eye Golf" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21487: name: "Art of Fighting Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21488: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol.2 - Reminisce" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" - "SLUS-21258" - "SLUS-21488" - "SLUS-21489" - "SLUS-21480" SLUS-21489: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol.3 - Redemption" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-20267" - "SLUS-20562" - "SLUS-20563" - "SLUS-20564" - "SLUS-21258" - "SLUS-21488" - "SLUS-21489" - "SLUS-21480" SLUS-21490: name: "Test Drive Unlimited" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-21491: name: "World Series of Poker - Tournament of Champions" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21492: name: "Scarface - The World is Yours [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - IbitHack gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes post processing overlay. roundSprite: 1 # Greatly reduces chromatic effect when upscaling. wildArmsHack: 1 # Fixes chromatic fringing. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21493: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLUS-21494: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLUS-21495: name: "Sudoku, Carol Vorderman's" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21496: name: "ProStroke Golf - World Tour 2007" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21497: name: "Strawberry Shortcake - Adventures in the Land of Dreams" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21498: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack gsHWFixes: mergeSprite: 1 # Reduces bloom but fixes blurriness around models + Recommended to use Shadeboost brightness 80. SLUS-21499: name: "Corvette Evolution GT" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21500: name: "Superbikes - Riding Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21501: name: "Raw Danger" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21503: name: "God Hand" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Depth of field effect aligned properly + Shifts buildings correctly. SLUS-21536: name: "The Sims 2 - Pets" name-sort: "Sims 2, The - Pets" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. SLUS-21537: name: "Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol.1" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21538: name: "Eureka Seven - Vol.2 - The New Vision" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21539: name: "Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21540: name: "Karaoke Revolution Presents - American Idol" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21541: name: "Ratatouille" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blooming misalignment. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces blooming misalignment. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes glows. SLUS-21542: name: "Sega Genesis Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21543: name: "Mortal Kombat - Armageddon [Premium Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21544: name: "Fantastic 4 - Rise of Silver Surfer" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes edge depth bleeding during power attacks and misaligned bloom. SLUS-21545: name: "Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21547: name: "NHRA - Countdown to the Championship 2007" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21548: name: "Mercury Meltdown - Remix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21549: name: "The Sopranos [Collector's Edition]" name-sort: "Sopranos, The [Collector's Edition]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but doesn't fully fix it. SLUS-21550: name: "Metal Slug Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21551: name: "The Dog Island" name-sort: "Dog Island, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes certains font colors. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes almost all vertical lines. SLUS-21552: name: "Spider-Man 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes idle camera behaviour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. SLUS-21553: name: "Lumines Plus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21554: name: "The King of Fighters Collection - The Orochi Saga" name-sort: "King of Fighters Collection, The - The Orochi Saga" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21555: name: "Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Anniversary" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. SLUS-21556: name: "Konami Kids Playground - Dinosaur Shapes & Colors" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21557: name: "Konami Kids Playground - Frogger Hop, Skip & Jumpin' Fun" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21558: name: "Konami Kids Playground - Toy Pals Fun with Numbers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21559: name: "Konami Kids Playground - Alphabet Circus" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21560: name: "Family Guy - The Video Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves grass and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21561: name: "Major League Baseball 2K7" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 73D6D171: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,003CDE10,word,00000000 SLUS-21563: name: "Horsez" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21564: name: "Atelier Iris 3 - Grand Phantasm" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs, character portraits and other sprites. SLUS-21565: name: "Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21566: name: "Brunswick Pro Bowling" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21567: name: "Shining Force EXA" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21568: name: "Arena Football - Road to Glory" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing crowds. SLUS-21569: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-21570: name: "Heatseeker" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21571: name: "Growlanser - Heritage of War" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: moveHandler: "MV_Growlanser" # Fixes precomputed depth buffer. SLUS-21572: name: "Surf's Up" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21573: name: "Harley-Davidson - Race to the Rally" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21574: name: "Dawn of Mana" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21575: name: "Naruto - Ultimate Ninja 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 0 # Fixes glow effects. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes rare SPS. SLUS-21576: name: "Rayman - Raving Rabbids" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21577: name: "Odin Sphere" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21578: name: "Biker Mice from Mars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. SLUS-21579: name: "Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21580: name: "MTV Pimp my Ride" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns bloom as best it can be. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21581: name: "UEFA Champions League 2006-2007" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21582: name: "MVP '07 - NCAA Baseball" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken replay window graphics. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21583: name: "Crash of the Titans" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21584: name: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21585: name: "Samurai Warriors 2 - Empires" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21586: name: "Guitar Hero Encore - Rocks the '80s" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLUS-21587: name: "Made Man - Confessions of the Family Blood" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes Textures flicker when shooting. SLUS-21588: name: "Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21589: name: "Pinball Hall of Fame - The Williams Collection" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21590: name: "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned effect when in-game Trails option is turned on. SLUS-21591: name: "Ski-Doo Snow X Racing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21592: name: "The Adventures of Darwin" name-sort: "Adventures of Darwin, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21593: name: "Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21594: name: "Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - OPHFlagHack # Fixes game freezing. SLUS-21595: name: "T.M.N.T. - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21596: name: "Burnout Dominator" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLUS-21597: name: "Medal of Honor - Vanguard" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes occasional vertical lines. SLUS-21598: name: "Digimon World - Data Squad" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21599: name: "High School Musical - Sing It!" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21600: name: "Spider-Man - Friend or Foe" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21601: name: "Sprint Cars 2 - Showdown at Eldora" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes flickering textures on cars. patches: 75D13A19: content: |- author=kozarovv // Rearrange COP2 instructions to fix bad mac flag stuff. Fix for bouncing vehicles. patch=1,EE,0027573c,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00275740,word,309000E0 patch=1,EE,00275748,word,4BF0116C patch=1,EE,00275750,word,00908024 patch=1,EE,00275754,word,4A0002FF patch=1,EE,00275758,word,4BF019AC patch=1,EE,0027576c,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,00275770,word,309000E0 patch=1,EE,00275774,word,4BE2896C patch=1,EE,00275778,word,48448800 patch=1,EE,0027577c,word,4BE389AC patch=1,EE,00275780,word,4A0002FF patch=1,EE,00275784,word,4A0002FF SLUS-21602: name: "Transformers - The Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out texture transitions. SLUS-21603: name: "Soul Nomad & The World Eaters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21604: name: "GrimGrimoire" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21605: name: "Nicktoons - Attack of the Toybots" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes garbage textures in the distance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlueTongueGames" # Mipmap rendering on CPU. SLUS-21606: name: "Metropolismania 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21607: name: "The Legend of Spyro - The Eternal Night" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting on mushrooms + others. patches: B80CE8EC: content: |- comment=Patch by kozarovv and refraction // Fixes HUD and menu display. patch=1,EE,00173cb8,word,00000000 SLUS-21608: name: "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21609: name: "Dance Dance Revolution Disney Channel Edition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21611: name: "Thrillville - Off the Rails" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes texture corruption light shimmering and reflective surfaces. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom effects. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21612: name: "Legend of the Dragon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21613: name: "Manhunt 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_Manhunt2" SLUS-21614: name: "Star Wars - The Force Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 2 # Fixes player shadow definition and color banding. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes player shadow. patches: 879CDA5E: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fix for graphical issues, QTE events, subtitles, health bar. // Patch replace values passed to FPU to workaround x86 rounding issues. patch=1,EE,0017cf24,word,3464fff0 patch=1,EE,0017cf30,word,3463fffc SLUS-21615: name: "Wild ARMs 5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font sizes. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes sepia-tone flashback sequences. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes micro-stuttering and drops in performance while also reducing hash cache explosions and GS usage. SLUS-21616: name: "Tony Hawk's Proving Ground" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS and VU size spam. SLUS-21617: name: "Spiderman 3" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes idle camera behaviour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom intensity. SLUS-21618: name: "The Plan" name-sort: "Plan, The" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21619: name: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-21620: name: "NCAA Football '08" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21621: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 memcardFilters: - "SLUS-21621" - "SLUS-21569" SLUS-21622: name: "DreamWorks Bee Movie Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes hive color. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bloom on sunlight. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21623: name: "The Bigs" name-sort: "Bigs, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21624: name: "Cabela's Trophy Bucks" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21625: name: "Cabela's Big Game Hunter III" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21626: name: "Stuntman - Ignition" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misalignment. SLUS-21627: name: "Jackass - The Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. SLUS-21628: name: "Hot Wheels - Beat That!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-21629: name: "Samurai Shodown Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21630: name: "Star Trek - Conquest" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21631: name: "Phantasy Star Universe - Ambition of the Illuminus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes enemies not moving. SLUS-21632: name: "NHL 2K8" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 77B49EF8: content: |- // Patched by Prafull-thanks to harsh. // Avoids hang at start. patch=1,EE,00432310,word,00000000 SLUS-21633: name: "Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Zombie Ninja Pro-Am" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadows. SLUS-21634: name: "Crazy Frog Racer 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 1 # Fixes black fade effects and some overlays texts in the menus. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves road and grass textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 deinterlace: 9 # Fixes disorderly interlacing lines. SLUS-21635: name: "Monster Jam" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21636: name: "Looney Tunes - Acme Arsenal" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom positioning. SLUS-21637: name: "Disney/Pixar Cars - Mater-National Championship" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes ground texture flicker and improves car body reflections. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes lens flares and missing sun. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 patches: 57F534F4: content: |- author=refraction and jordanthetoast // COP2 Rearrangement. Fixes broken collisions. patch=1,EE,0020f2c8,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,0020f2cc,word,4BDBD9FF SLUS-21638: name: "Madden NFL '08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21639: name: "NASCAR '08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto. SLUS-21640: name: "Rugby '08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21641: name: "Innocent Life - Harvest Moon - Pure" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21642: name: "Sonic Riders - Zero Gravity" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes light bloom. SLUS-21643: name: "Bratz - The Movie" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 3 # Removes ghosting of bloom and shadows. SLUS-21644: name: "Nickelodeon SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21645: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21646: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fix black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21647: name: "NHL '08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21648: name: "FIFA Soccer '08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-21649: name: "NBA Live '08" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21650: name: "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Flickery textures. SLUS-21651: name: "Noddy and the Magic Book" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21652: name: "Guilty Gear XX - Accent Core" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21653: name: "Heavenly Guardian" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21654: name: "Kane & Lynch - Dead Men [Sneak Preview]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21655: name: "CSi - 3 Dimensions of Murder" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21656: name: "Hannspree Ten Kate Honda SBK - World Superbikes '07" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21658: name: "Need for Speed - ProStreet" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. SLUS-21660: name: "Disney Princess - Enchanted Journey" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21661: name: "Ben 10 - Protector of Earth" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21662: name: "Warriors Orochi" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21663: name: "Cocoto - Fishing Master" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 7 # Fixes blurriness. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes blur. SLUS-21664: name: "The Sims 2 - Castaway" name-sort: "Sims 2, The - Castaway" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Removes horizontal and vertical lines on the ground, trees and the sky. SLUS-21665: name: "The Simpsons Game" name-sort: "Simpsons Game, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects misaligned cel shading. roundSprite: 1 # Further corrects misaligned cel shading. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21666: name: "Mountain Bike Adrenaline" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21668: name: "George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21669: name: "NBA 2K8" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21670: name: "Backyard Football '08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21671: name: "MLB Power Pros" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21672: name: "Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLUS-21673: name: "College Hoops 2K8" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21674: name: "Petz - Dogz 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-21675: name: "Petz - Catz 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-21676: name: "Dancing with the Stars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21677: name: "The Golden Compass" name-sort: "Golden Compass, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21678: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. beforeDraw: "OI_DBZBTGames" SLUS-21679: name: "Power Rangers - Super Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21680: name: "Harvey Birdman - Attorney at Law" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21681: name: "Boogie" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour. SLUS-21682: name: "Rock Band" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21683: name: "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - The Beginning of Destiny" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21684: name: "Barbie as The Island Princess" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21685: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2008" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21686: name: "World Series of Poker 2008 - Battle for the Bracelets" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21687: name: "The King of Fighters XI" name-sort: "King of Fighters XI, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21688: name: "MotoGP '07" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21689: name: "Petz - Horsez 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 patches: D0BA28BD: content: |- comment= patch to fix hang at first loading screen //prafull's patch to fix hang at first loading screen //Game also works with ee timing rate +2 or +3 patch=1,EE,002f6d70,word,00000000 SLUS-21690: name: "Alone in the Dark" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game hanging at boot. SLUS-21691: name: "Swashbucklers - Blue vs. Grey" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21692: name: "Puzzle Quest - Challenge of the Warlords" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21693: name: "7 Wonders of the Ancient World" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21694: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Wings of the Goddess" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21696: name: "Ford Racing - Off Road" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21697: name: "Iridium Runners" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes game engine errors when going ingame. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes light/bloom positioning. patches: 304497e5: content: |- // Fixes random hangs when going ingame. patch=1,EE,002242e0,word,00000000 SLUS-21698: name: "NCAA March Madness '08" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21699: name: "UEFA Euro 2008" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21701: name: "MX vs. ATV - Untamed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 08FE7DFD: content: |- comment=Rearranging COP2 ops to avoid clip flag response. Fixes SPS. patch=1,EE,001a9d98,word,484E9000 patch=1,EE,001a9d9c,word,4BDBD9FF SLUS-21702: name: "Fire Pro Wrestling - Returns" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21703: name: "Luxor - Pharaoh's Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21704: name: "Final Fantasy XI - Vana'diel Collection 2008" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21705: name: "Madden NFL 08 en Español" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21706: name: "Alvin and the Chipmunks" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21707: name: "Godzilla Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21708: name: "NeoGeo Battle Coliseum" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21709: name: "Obscure - The Aftermath" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # For stripes on FMVs and crashes on scenes. clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes Lock picking pin. SLUS-21710: name: "PopCap Hits! Volume 1" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random crashing throughout the game. SLUS-21711: name: "RTL Biathlon 2008" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-21712: name: "History Channel - Battle for the Pacific" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21713: name: "Winter Sports 2008 - The Ultimate Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-21714: name: "Baroque" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting of characters. SLUS-21715: name: "Cabela's Monster Bass" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21716: name: "The Spiderwick Chronicles" name-sort: "Spiderwick Chronicles, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu0RoundMode: 0 # Fixes invisible wall collision in bedroom. SLUS-21717: name: "Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Mermaids" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21718: name: "Go Diego Go - Safari Rescue" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21719: name: "Karaoke Revolution Presents - American Idol Encore" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21720: name: "Arcana Heart" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21721: name: "Nobunaga's Ambition - Rise to Power" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21722: name: "Chaos Wars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21723: name: "Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol.2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21724: name: "SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21725: name: "World Heroes Anthology" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21726: name: "Samurai Warriors 2 - Xtreme Legends" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 3C93E16A: content: |- // Fixes the AI in Sugoroku. patch=1,EE,00102230,word,00000000 SLUS-21727: name: "Naruto - Ultimate Ninja 3" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes invisible QTE button prompts and overbright in some scenes. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. SLUS-21728: name: "Crash - Mind Over Mutant" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21729: name: "Major League Baseball 2K8" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 0BE24520: content: |- author=Prafull // Fixes hanging at start. // This hanging problem is common in every 2K // games sport titles. // They all hit the exact same piece of code when crashing. // The game can randomly goes a bit further but it's impossible // to progress in menus without this patch at least. // Note: This issue will only happen if the game // run on the inhouse Visual Concept engine. // My theory is on a deep timing issue. patch=1,EE,003cc1a0,word,00000000 SLUS-21730: name: "Jumper - Griffin's Story" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21731: name: "Silent Hill - Origins" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes black textures and flashlight circle not working. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes grey text. SLUS-21732: name: "El Tigre - The Adventures of Manny Rivera" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 # Fixes garbage textures in the distance. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects most vertical lines. SLUS-21733: name: "Sega Superstars Tennis" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes post bloom alignment. SLUS-21734: name: "Falling Stars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21735: name: "Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes jump issue. gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Vertical lines in FMV. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misalignment of textures in the Pause Menu. SLUS-21736: name: "Disney/Pixar WALL-E" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes bloom on HW renderer. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces the ghosting effect. roundSprite: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLUS-21737: name: "Riding Star" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21738: name: "Nitro Bike" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21739: name: "Iron Man" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21740: name: "Guitar Hero - Aerosmith" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Crowd textures. SLUS-21741: name: "Sea Monsters - A Prehistoric Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21742: name: "Women's Volleyball Championship" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21743: name: "Code Lyoko - Quest for Infinity" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 9 # Game requires adaptive bff de-interlacing instead of auto for the UI at native. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting effects. SLUS-21744: name: "NASCAR '09" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto. patches: 1B6C22B9: content: |- author=PSI // This game intentionally corrupts a DMA transfer by writing junk values to a buffer just before starting a transfer. // Normally this would require EE data cache, but this patch NOPs out the bad writes. This is likely anti-emulation code. patch=1,EE,003cb014,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,003cb124,word,00000000 SLUS-21745: name: "NBA 2K9" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21746: name: "Call of Duty - World at War - Final Fronts" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes bloom misalignment. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lighting misalignment and depth lines. SLUS-21748: name: "MLB Power Pros 2008" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21749: name: "Garfield - Lasagna World Tour" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21750: name: "Hannah Montana - Spotlight World Tour" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21751: name: "Backyard Baseball '09" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21752: name: "NCAA Football '09" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21753: name: "Monopoly" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Needed to render the board and lights correctly. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns the 1/4th of the game that does upscale because the game is silly. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves the game's stupid rendering but it's still awful. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21754: name: "CID the Dummy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21755: name: "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader - Make The Grade" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21756: name: "The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian" name-sort: "Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces ghosting but on normal vertex is less ghosting but causes corruption at the sides. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes title-screen bloom and church windows on new game and other locations. SLUS-21757: name: "DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes textures. SLUS-21758: name: "Rock Band - Track Pack Vol.1" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21759: name: "LEGO Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Corrects bloom misalignment. SLUS-21760: name: "Jeep Thrills" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLUS-21761: name: "B-Boy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21763: name: "NHL 2K9" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 patches: 29FDCBF7: content: |- author=Prafull // Avoid hang at start. patch=1,EE,00431848,word,00000000 SLUS-21764: name: "Cake Mania - Baker's Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21765: name: "The Incredible Hulk" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21766: name: "Pipe Mania" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21767: name: "Dance Dance Revolution X" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21768: name: "PopCap Hits! Vol.2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random crashing throughout the game. SLUS-21769: name: "Yakuza 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Allows import of Yakuza 1 data. - "SLUS-21769" - "SLUS-21348" SLUS-21770: name: "Madden NFL '09" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21771: name: "NHL 2009" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21772: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21773: name: "PDC World Championship Darts 2008" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights not appearing. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes lights going through darts players. SLUS-21774: name: "Dynasty Warriors 6" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Corrects rendered menu strips, making font more legible. SLUS-21775: name: "The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" name-sort: "Mummy, The - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21776: name: "FIFA 2009" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-21777: name: "NBA Live '09" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-21778: name: "Dokapon Kingdom" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21779: name: "Eternal Poison" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 0 # In-game background visible. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness when upscaling. SLUS-21780: name: "Ferrari Challenge - Trofeo Pirelli" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lack of bloom intensity. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom and rainbow garbage at edges. SLUS-21781: name: "Guitar Hero - World Tour" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Corrects note board position. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes graphical issues ingame. SLUS-21782: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21782B: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21783: name: "Space Chimps" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21785: name: "LEGO Batman - The Videogame" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes ghosting on objects and people. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. HPO Normal required if not using CLUT Renderer. SLUS-21786: name: "Summer Athletics - The Ultimate Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21787: name: "TNA Impact! Total Nonstop Action Wrestling" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - EETimingHack SLUS-21788: name: "Ar tonelico II - Melody of Metafalica" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes "Fall through floor" bug when approaching chests. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes textboxes and character portraits. beforeDraw: "OI_ArTonelico2" SLUS-21789: name: "Cabela's Legendary Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21790: name: "Shrek's Carnival Craze" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21791: name: "Bratz - Girlz Really Rock" # Also has french region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21793: name: "DT Carnage" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Improves performance and reduces hash cache size. autoFlush: 1 # Corrects shadows (Currently still broken even with this). mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, matches sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21794: name: "Go, Diego, Go! Great Dinosaur Rescue" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21795: name: "Totally Spies! Totally Party" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VUSyncHack # Partially fixes graphical issues also needs EE+3 to be fully fixed. speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-21796: name: "Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Snow Princess" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21797: name: "Nickelodeon Tak and the Guardians of Gross" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21798: name: "Shepherd's Crossing" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21799: name: "Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain of Memories" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes double image. halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. SLUS-21800: name: "Rock Band 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21801: name: "Need for Speed - Undercover" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_NFSUndercover" SLUS-21802: name: "Naked Brothers Band - The Video Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21803: name: "Warriors Orochi 2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21804: name: "Avatar - The Last Airbender - Into the Inferno" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21805: name: "Hasbro Family Game Night" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures on battleships model. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21806: name: "Barbie Horse Adventures - Riding Camp" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21807: name: "Monster Jam - Urban Assault" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21808: name: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 halfPixelOffset: 1 # Reduces ghosting and vertical lines. SLUS-21809: name: "Backyard Football '09" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21810: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21811: name: "MotoGP 08" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21812: name: "Speed Racer - The Videogame" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom alignment. autoFlush: 1 mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21813: name: "007 - Quantum of Solace" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21814: name: "Disney - Think Fast" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21815: name: "Ben 10 - Alien Force" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21816: name: "King Of Fighters 98 - Ultimate Match" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21817: name: "SBK Superbike World Championship" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21818: name: "Spongebob SquarePants Featuring Nicktoons - Globs of Doom" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes graphical errors video. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21819: name: "High School Musical 3 - Senior Year Dance!" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21820: name: "The Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon" name-sort: "Legend of Spyro, The - Dawn of the Dragon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting and bloom misalignment. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Rainbow spots if alone applied but needs cpuCLUTrender to look like software mode. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Blue horizontal lines on it's own but needs cpuSpriteRenderBW to look like software mode. SLUS-21821: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2009" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21822: name: "Spiderman - Web of Shadows" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Connect hits, able to summon... etc... SLUS-21825: name: "Pro Bull - Riding Out of the Chute" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21826: name: "Disney - Sing It" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 2 SLUS-21827: name: "PopStar Guitar" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21830: name: "Rock Band Track Pack - Volume 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes broken rendering. SLUS-21831: name: "Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21834: name: "Goosebumps Horrorland - Happy Halloween" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Needs both vu0 and vu1 extra+sign clamping to fix crash on flume ride. SLUS-21835: name: "History Channel - Civil War Secret Mission" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21836: name: "Secret Service - Ultimate Sacrifice" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21838: name: "Monster Lab" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes black with rainbow screen. gpuPaletteConversion: 2 # Fixes HC size and eliminates most texture uploads. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset bloom. SLUS-21839: name: "Ski and Shoot" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21840: name: "DreamWorks Madagascar 2 - Escape 2 Africa" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21841: name: "Cabela's - Dangerous Hunts 2009" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21842: name: "Dragon Ball Z - Infinite World" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21843: name: "Guitar Hero - Metallica" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Crashes without. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes bad colours during play. SLUS-21844: name: "Bolt" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21845: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner 2 - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 memcardFilters: # Allows import of save from Devil Summoner 1. - "SLUS-21845" - "SLUS-21431" SLUS-21846: name: "Sonic Unleashed" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_SonicUnleashed" SLUS-21847: name: "Guilty Gear XX - Accent Core Plus" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21848: name: "Rock Band Track Pack - AC-DC Live" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21849: name: "Winter Sports 2 - The Next Challenge" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-21850: name: "Score International Baja 1000 - The Official Game" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21851: name: "NCAA Basketball '09" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21852: name: "The Tale Of Despereaux" name-sort: "Tale Of Despereaux, The" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21853: name: "Shaun White Snowboarding" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21854: name: "Coraline" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21855: name: "NPPL Championship Paintball 2009" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21857: name: "Short Track Racing - Trading Paint" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21858: name: "Tomb Raider - Underworld" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Needed for post processing effects. SLUS-21860: name: "The Bigs 2" name-sort: "Bigs 2, The" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21861: name: "Disney Sing It! High School Musical 3 - Senior Year" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21862: name: "Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja 4" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes vertical lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Corrects post processing position + fixes subsequent runs of starter FMV vertical lines. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Reduces the bloomy blur of characters. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes bad dialog backgrounds. vu1ClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on characters. SLUS-21863: name: "Suzuki TT Superbikes - Real Road Racing Championship" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21864: name: "Disney Pixar - Up" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21865: name: "Guitar Hero 5" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS and VU size spam. SLUS-21866: name: "Guitar Hero - Smash Hits" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. SLUS-21867: name: "Guitar Hero - Van Halen" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes icons. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. SLUS-21868: name: "Nobunaga's Ambition - Iron Triangle" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21869: name: "Trivial Pursuit" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21870: name: "Monsters VS Aliens" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21871: name: "Major League Baseball 2K9" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 72905002: content: |- author=Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,003CC5D8,word,00000000 SLUS-21872: name: "MTV Pimp my Ride - Street Racing" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Aligns bloom as best it can be. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes bloom rendering. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21873: name: "Dynasty Warriors - Gundam 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21874: name: "Jelly Belly - Ballistic Beans" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21875: name: "M&Ms Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21876: name: "Rock Band Track Pack - Classic Rock" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21877: name: "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Fixes black textures on characters. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21878: name: "Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLUS-21879: name: "Marvel - Ultimate Alliance 2" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21880: name: "X-Men Origins - Wolverine" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Flickering objects, sound loop. SLUS-21881: name: "Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes soft shadows. patches: 137C792E: content: |- // Fix Pause menu, some hud parts, etc. patch=1,EE,0016ee38,word,3464fff0 patch=1,EE,0016ee58,word,3464fffc SLUS-21882: name: "Ghostbusters" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21883: name: "Cars Race-O-Rama" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21884: name: "Backyard Baseball '10" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21885: name: "Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21886: name: "G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21888: name: "Rock Band Country Track Pack" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21889: name: "Rock Band Metal Track Pack" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 3 SLUS-21890: name: "Mana Khemia 2 - Fall Of Alchemy" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in sprites but still some lines left. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes missing graphical effects. SLUS-21891: name: "Disney G-Force" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes bloom misaligment. SLUS-21892: name: "NCAA Football 10" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21893: name: "Madden NFL 10" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21895: name: "Astro Boy - The Video Game" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21896: name: "The Secret Saturdays - Beasts of the 5th Sun" name-sort: "Secret Saturdays, The - Beasts of the 5th Sun" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21897: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner 2 - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon" region: "NTSC-U" memcardFilters: # Allows import of save from Devil Summoner 1. - "SLUS-21897" - "SLUS-21431" SLUS-21898: name: "Band Hero" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes character shadow misalignment. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes icons. SLUS-21899: name: "Silent Hill - Shattered Memories" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes missing graphics. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. SLUS-21900: name: "Scooby-Doo! First Frights" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeDivRoundMode: 3 # Fixes AI pathing. SLUS-21901: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21902: name: "Bakugan - Battle Brawlers" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 roundModes: eeRoundMode: 1 # Fixes black textures in conjunction with VU0 clamping set to none. clampModes: vu0ClampMode: 0 # Fixes black textures and SPS. gsHWFixes: deinterlace: 8 # Game requires AdaptiveTFF de-interlacing when auto for the (starter) FMVs. SLUS-21904: name: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Smash-Up" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21905: name: "FIFA Soccer 10" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-21906: name: "Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21907: name: "Jurassic - The Hunted" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21908: name: "NBA 2K10" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21909: name: "DJ Hero" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21910: name: "Marvel Super Hero Squad" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. SLUS-21913: name: "Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 71BA3429: content: |- author=kozarovv // Fixes graphical glitches. // It's a problem which applies to most games made by Krome Studios. // The EE seems to send invalid data to the GS and expects // some kind of unknown behaviour to operate. // This can be fixed on the GS side but the software renderer is impossible to fix. // So this patch corrects the issue on the EE side. patch=1,EE,00173328,word,3464fffd SLUS-21914: name: "NHL 2K10" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 patches: 82CA153C: content: |- comment=Patch by Prafull // Fixes hanging problem. patch=1,EE,00431b70,word,00000000 SLUS-21915: name: "The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn's Quest" name-sort: "Lord of the Rings, The - Aragorn's Quest" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21917: name: "Dance Dance Revolution X2 [Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21918: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2010" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21919: name: "Backyard Football '10" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21920: name: "Disney Sing It - Pop Hits" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21921: name: "Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21923: name: "Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21924: name: "Guitar Hero - Van Halen" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes icons. roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Fixes VU size spam and potential graphical issues with GH3 engine. SLUS-21926: name: "Ni Hao, Kai-Lan - Super Game Day" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21927: name: "Sakura Wars - So Long, My Love [English - Disc 1]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SakuraWarsSoLongMyLove" SLUS-21928: name: "Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21929: name: "Major League Baseball 2K10" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 2283765A: content: |- author=Prafull // Avoid hanging at loading screen. patch=1,EE,003cd6d8,word,00000000 SLUS-21930: name: "Sakura Wars - So Long, My Love [Japanese - Disc 2]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SakuraWarsSoLongMyLove" SLUS-21931: name: "Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vuRoundMode: 2 # Fixes very minor lines appearing at certain points during the game. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces the ghosting effect. wildArmsHack: 1 # Reduces the ghosting effect. SLUS-21932: name: "NCAA Football 11" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21933: name: "Despicable Me" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21934: name: "Rapala Pro Bass Fishing 2010" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21935: name: "Cabela's North American Adventures" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21936: name: "NBA 2K11" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21937: name: "Madden NFL 11" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Shows the crowd in the back. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21938: name: "Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21939: name: "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21940: name: "WWE All-Stars" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ring textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21941: name: "FIFA Soccer 11" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21942: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2011" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21944: name: "Dora's Big Birthday Adventure" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21945: name: "Major League Baseball 2K11" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 3D621C56: content: |- author=By Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,003CFE58,word,00000000 SLUS-21946: name: "Madden NFL 12" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-21947: name: "FIFA Soccer 12" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21948: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2012" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-21949: name: "Netflix Streaming Disc" region: "NTSC-B" # Brazil / Portuguese SLUS-21950: name: "NBA 2K12" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-21951: name: "Major League Baseball 2K12" region: "NTSC-U" patches: C26C70A9: content: |- author=By Prafull comment=fixes hang at start patch=1,EE,003D4098,word,00000000 SLUS-21954: name: "FIFA 13" region: "NTSC-U" # Latin America with En,Fr,Es SLUS-21955: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 2013" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-27014: name: "WWE SmackDown vs Raw - Superstar Series [Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-27029: name: "Disney Sing It [Bundle]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-27030: name: "High School Musical 3 - Senior Year DANCE! [w-Mat]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-27034: name: "Disney Sing It! High School Musical 3 - Senior Year" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-27093: name: "FIFA 14" region: "NTSC-B" # Brazil with En,Fr,Es gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes misaligned blur. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes stadium banners and improves performance. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-28002: name: "Red Faction [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28004: name: "Klonoa 2 - Lunatea's Veil [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Objects appear in wrong places without it. vu0ClampMode: 3 # Fixes water reflection and object glow. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering graphics. gsHWFixes: cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes shadows, object and enemy colours, platform transitions. SLUS-28006: name: "Burnout [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLUS-28007: name: "All-Star Baseball 2003 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28008: name: "Sky Gunner [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28009: name: "UFC - Throwdown [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28010: name: "Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS on main menu. SLUS-28012: name: "Tekken 4 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-28013: name: "Dual Hearts [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28014: name: "Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28015: name: "Gun Grave [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28016: name: "Shinobi [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28019: name: "Haven - Call of the King [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-28020: name: "Everquest Online Adventures [Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28021: name: "Everquest Online Adventures [Beta Vol.2.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28023: name: ".hack Infection Part 1 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. SLUS-28025: name: "Disaster Report [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes incorrect blur effect. halfPixelOffset: 4 # Improves blur. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-28026: name: "Everquest Online Adventures [Beta Vol.3.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28027: name: "Black & Bruised [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28029: name: "High Heat - Major League Baseball 2004 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28031: name: "Auto Modellista - Public Beta Volume 2.0" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28032: name: ".hack Mutation Part 2 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28034: name: "Disgaea - Hour of Darkness [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28037: name: "Kya - Dark Lineage [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes smoke effects. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes fog misalignment and depth line. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun going through objects. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing sun and sky. SLUS-28039: name: "Rogue Ops [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 2 # Fixes hang on opening memory card screen. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-28040: name: "Transformers [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLUS-28043: name: "Test Drive - Eve of Destruction [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28044: name: "Choro Q [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28045: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Nocturne [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Ladder glitch in "Assembly of Nihilo B11" level. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes missing lights to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-28046: name: "Guilty Gear Isuka [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28049: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28050: name: "Stella Deus - The Gate of Eternity [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28051: name: "Samurai Western [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28052: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga 2 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28053: name: "Magna Carta [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28054: name: "Combat Elite - WWII Paratroopers [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLUS-28056: name: "State of Emergency 2 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28059: name: "Metal Saga [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes combat interface. SLUS-28061: name: "Steambot Chronicles [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLUS-28062: name: "Dance Factory [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28063: name: "Rule of Rose [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes Black FMV's. SLUS-28064: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken effect rendering. SLUS-28065: name: "Odin Sphere [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-28067: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes interlacing. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-28068: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes flashing windows. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-28069: name: "Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 4 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29001: name: "ESPN Winter Games Snowboarding [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29003: name: "Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 gameFixes: - InstantDMAHack # Fixes broken half-bottom artifacts. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes broken skin colour on Vlad and others. SLUS-29004: name: "Unison & Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29005: name: "Red Faction [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29006: name: "MX 2002 - featuring Ricky Carmichael [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29007: name: "Arctic Thunder [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29008: name: "ESPN X Games Skateboarding [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29009: name: "Devil May Cry [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Fixes corrupt textures. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Alleviates blur from upscaling. SLUS-29010: name: "Crash Bandicoot - The Wrath of Cortex [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes refraction effect. SLUS-29011: name: "WWF SmackDown! - Just Bring It [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29012: name: "Top Gun - Combat Zones [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29013: name: "Victorious Boxers - Ippo's Road to Glory [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29014: name: "Half-Life [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29015: name: "Dark Summit [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29016: name: "X-Games Winter SnoCross + ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 + Winter X Games Snowboarding 2002 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29017: name: "AirBlade [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29019: name: "High Heat - Major League Baseball 2003 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29020: name: "Sky Gunner [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29021: name: "Aggressive Inline [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29022: name: "UFC - Throwdown [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29025: name: "R.A.D. - Robot Alchemic Drive [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes DOF effect. SLUS-29026: name: "MX SuperFly [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29027: name: "Red Faction II [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29029: name: "Summoner 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29030: name: "FireBlade [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29032: name: "Egg Mania - Eggstreme Madness [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" patches: 0A016AD4: content: |- //SFX/Background Music Fix. author=kr_ps2 patch=1,EE,001183DC,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,001183E4,word,00000000 SLUS-29033: name: "Dual Hearts [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29034: name: "Tekken 4 [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-29035: name: "Eidos Demo Disc" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29036: name: "The Scorpion King - Rise of the Akkadian [Demo]" name-sort: "Scorpion King, The - Rise of the Akkadian [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29037: name: "DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29038: name: "Haven - Call of the King [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes ghosting. alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-29040: name: "Dr. Muto [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29042: name: ".hack Infection Part 1 [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Sharpens world in far distances. SLUS-29044: name: "Pride FC - Fighting Championships [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29045: name: "Black & Bruised [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29047: name: "Def Jam - Vendetta [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29048: name: "Splinter Cell [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29049: name: "Warhammer 40,000 - Fire Warrior [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes corrupted graphics. SLUS-29050: name: "Everquest Online Adventures [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29053: name: "NBA Street Vol.2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29054: name: "Splashdown - Rides Gone Wild [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29055: name: ".hack Mutation Part 2 [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29056: name: "Alter Echo [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes side borders. SLUS-29057: name: "Sphinx and the Shadow of Set [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29058: name: "Soul Calibur II [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Respawn issues, Fixes SPS, avoids teleporting characters. gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical lines. SLUS-29059: name: "Hunter the Reckoning - Wayward [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29060: name: "Gladius [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29061: name: "Freaky Flyers [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29063: name: "Everquest Online Adventures - Frontiers [Public Beta Ver.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29065: name: ".hack Outbreak Part 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29067: name: "Tak and the Power of Juju [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SLUS-29068: name: "Crash Nitro Kart [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. SLUS-29069: name: "Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Reduces post-processing misalignment. SLUS-29070: name: "XIII [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29071: name: "Namco Transmission Demo Disc v1.03 [Regular Release]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29073: name: "Need for Speed - Underground [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Broken textures. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves reflection quality. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned post-processing. SLUS-29074: name: "DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29077: name: "I-Ninja [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29079: name: "NCAA March Madness 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes missing textures. SLUS-29080: name: "Whiplash [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 1 SLUS-29081: name: "Metal Arms - Glitch in the System [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Texture flicker. speedHacks: mvuFlag: 0 # Fixes SPS. SLUS-29082: name: "Beyond Good and Evil [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: eeRoundMode: 0 # Fixes SPS with water in some places. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes the shape of shadows. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes water rendering. halfPixelOffset: 3 # Fixes bloom misalignment, needs this harsh offset for autoflush. cpuFramebufferConversion: 1 # Fixes shield rendering. SLUS-29083: name: "Maximo vs. The Army of Zin [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around environmental objects. SLUS-29084: name: ".hack Quarantine Part 4 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29085: name: "Champions of Norrath - Realms of Everquest" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29086: name: "FIFA Soccer 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 2 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-29087: name: "Square Enix Sampler Disc Vol.1 - Drakengard Playable Demo" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Characters are visible in-game. gsHWFixes: texturePreloading: 1 # Performs better with partial preload because it is slow on locations outside gameplay foremost. SLUS-29088: name: "Champions of Norrath - Realms of EverQuest [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. SLUS-29089: name: "Resident Evil Outbreak [Public Beta 1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29091: name: "MX Unleashed [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29093: name: "NFL Street [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Missing geometry with microVU. SLUS-29095: name: "007 - Everything or Nothing [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes lines in cutscenes. mipmap: 2 # Cleans up texture detail. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. SLUS-29096: name: "Final Night 2004 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29098: name: "Square Enix Sampler Disc Vol.2 - Front Mission 4 Playable Demo" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes mech shadows. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-29100: name: "Ribbit King [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29101: name: "Crash Twinsanity & Spyro - A Hero's Tail [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes bad geometry. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLUS-29104: name: "Galactic Wrestling - Featuring Ultimate Muscle [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29107: name: "Transformers [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack speedHacks: mtvu: 0 gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth line. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow and sky rendering. deinterlace: 9 # Any other method causes very bad lines on movement of the camera. SLUS-29108: name: "Def Jam - Fight For NY [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29110: name: "Monster Hunter [Public Beta Vol.1 - Ver.1.01]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. SLUS-29111: name: "Asterix & Obelix - Kick Buttix [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29113: name: "Burnout 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLUS-29116: name: "WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29117: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLUS-29118: name: "Need for Speed - Underground 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. SLUS-29123: name: "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes texture and lighting misalignment. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes most vertical lines and lighting misalignment. getSkipCount: "GSC_GiTS" SLUS-29124: name: "Fight Club [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29125: name: "Konami Preview Disc" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29126: name: "Champions - Return to Arms [Demo]" # aka "Champions of Norrath 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 4 gsHWFixes: estimateTextureRegion: 1 # Improves performance. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in menus HUD and in game. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes erroneous line in menus. SLUS-29127: name: "FIFA Soccer 2005 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29129: name: "25 to Life [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29130: name: "Crash 'N' Burn [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29131: name: "Project Snowblind [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 1 # Fixes the post processing positioning. mipmap: 2 trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. SLUS-29132: name: "S.L.A.I. - Steel Lancer Arena International - Phantom Crash [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes double image and aligns glow effects. SLUS-29133: name: "Namco Transmission v2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29134: name: "Namco Transmission Demo Disc Vol.2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29135: name: "NCAA March Madness 2005 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29137: name: "Mercenaries - Playground of Destruction [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing lighting. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment. Do not enable this, it breaks a lot of graphics. SLUS-29138: name: "The Punisher [Demo]" name-sort: "Punisher, The [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 2 # Fixes font artifacts and sizing like the letter c. SLUS-29139: name: "Shadow of Rome [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness and misaligned garbage when upscaling. SLUS-29140: name: "MX vs. ATV Unleashed [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29141: name: "NBA Street V3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29145: name: "Final Night - Round 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29147: name: "Juiced" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: instantVU1: 0 # Significantly improves game speed. gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes overbrightness. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 1 # Fixes broken window and shadow rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes headlight brightness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes broken headlights. minimumBlendingLevel: 3 SLUS-29148: name: "The Incredible Hulk - Ultimate Destruction [Demo]" name-sort: "Incredible Hulk, The - Ultimate Destruction [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: eeCycleRate: 1 # Fixes occasional post process flickering. gsHWFixes: nativePaletteDraw: 1 # Fixes lines in certain effects when upscaled. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes offset bloom. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, fixes textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-29149: name: "Flipnic - Ultimate Pinball [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29150: name: "Destroy All Humans! [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLUS-29151: name: "Enthusia - Professional Racing" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29152: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLUS-29153: name: "Burnout Revenge [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes buggy lighting in the garage. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Improves car reflections. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes depth lines. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes blur and obscures sun behind objects. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. getSkipCount: "GSC_BurnoutGames" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLUS-29154: name: "NHL '06 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29155: name: "Need for Speed - Most Wanted [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: bilinearUpscale: 2 # Smooths out sun glare textures like native. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Final colour adjustment LUT. gpuTargetCLUT: 1 # Fixes sun penetrating bridges (along with HPO special). SLUS-29156: name: "Marvel Nemesis - Rise of the Imperfects [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29157: name: "Dragon Quest VIII - Journey of the Cursed King [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes missing bloom from surfaces like windows. # halfPixelOffset: 1 # Aligns shadows properly, but causes grid lines to appear in sea travel. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances, aligns some bloom better. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes font artifacts. SLUS-29159: name: "One Piece - Grand Battle [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29160: name: "FIFA '06 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-29161: name: "SSX On Tour [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes missing lighting and makes snow not look like snow sludge. SLUS-29162: name: "NBA Live '06 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-29163: name: "NCAA March Madness '06 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes broken sprite rendering and crowd rendering. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. SLUS-29164: name: "Star Wars - Battlefront II [Online Public Beta]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes bloom misalignment. autoFlush: 1 # Fixes missing lights. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-29167: name: "007 - From Russia with Love, Need for Speed - Most Wanted, SSX World Tour [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles in 007. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting in 007. SLUS-29168: name: "007 - From Russia with Love [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - SoftwareRendererFMVHack # Fixes lines in FMVs. gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for complex offset shuffles. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes center upscaling line during explosions. recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes lighting. SLUS-29169: name: "Resident Evil 4 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. SLUS-29170: name: "Total Overdose - A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29171: name: "Final Fantasy XII [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29172: name: "Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: minimumBlendingLevel: 4 # Fixes ground texture rendering. autoFlush: 1 # Post-processing. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Offset post-processing. texturePreloading: 1 # Improves performance. getSkipCount: "GSC_Battlefield2" # Depth clear. beforeDraw: "OI_Battlefield2" # Framebuffer copy, fixes rendering for bottom part of screen. SLUS-29173: name: "The Sims 2 [Demo]" name-sort: "Sims 2, The [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 1 # Fixes misaligned textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-29174: name: "Namco Transmission Demo Disc Vol. 3.1" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29175: name: "Namco Transmission Demo Disc Vol. 3.2" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29177: name: "Guitar Hero [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 1 # Fixes cut-off numbers and restores missing whitespace inside combo meter. SLUS-29178: name: "TOCA Race Driver 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: alignSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting and vertical lines, also works with normal vertex. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned map. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves some textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 skipDrawStart: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. skipDrawEnd: 1 # Removes large black box around player car till we properly emulate it. SLUS-29179: name: "Sonic Riders [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves track and building textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-29180: name: "Black [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 4 # Improves lighting on buildings and objects. autoFlush: 2 # Properly diffuses light instead of strips of light. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lighting misalignment such as the street poles and the sun. mipmap: 2 # Fixes over sharpening. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Smoothes out mipmapping. getSkipCount: "GSC_BlackAndBurnoutSky" beforeDraw: "OI_BurnoutGames" SLUS-29183: name: "Fight Night - Round 3 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29185: name: "Driver - Parallel Lines [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes some bad textures. cpuCLUTRender: 1 # Fixes the rest of the bad textures. roundSprite: 1 # Reduces misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Removes bloom explosion around electrical lights and other light sources such as moon/sun. SLUS-29188: name: "Steambot Chronicles [Regular Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: getSkipCount: "GSC_SteambotChronicles" # Causes green (incorrect) water but removes depth and blur issues. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes colored 3D anaglyph bleeding effects. SLUS-29189: name: "FIFA World Cup - Germany 2006 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 SLUS-29191: name: "Hitman - Blood Money & Urban Chaos [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Fixes bump mapping issues gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes post processing. getSkipCount: "GSC_HitmanBloodMoney" SLUS-29192: name: "Test Drive Unlimited [Public Beta Vol.1.0]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - VIFFIFOHack # Needed to load the main game properly. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 4 # Fixes bloom misalignment. SLUS-29193: name: "Need for Speed - Carbon [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" clampModes: eeClampMode: 3 # Fixes game hang after opening intro. SLUS-29194: name: "FIFA '07 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Reduces blurriness. SLUS-29195: name: "Yakuza [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes flickering. SLUS-29196: name: "Destroy All Humans! 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes shadow maps. roundSprite: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun occlusion and brightness. SLUS-29197: name: "Flushed Away [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29198: name: "Guitar Hero II [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" roundModes: vu1RoundMode: 0 # Massages the Z on the score meter for hardware mode, software doesn't really need this. SLUS-29199: name: ".hack//G.U. Vol.1 - Rebirth [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Sharpens world in far distances. roundSprite: 1 # Corrects proportions of some letters in HUD. SLUS-29200: name: "FIFA Soccer 08 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-29201: name: "FIFA Soccer 08" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-80421: name: "Resident Evil 2 [Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-90009: name: "Resident Evil 2 [Trade Demo]" region: "NTSC-U" SLUS-97133: name: "The Getaway" name-sort: "Getaway, The" region: "NTSC-U" gsHWFixes: textureInsideRT: 1 texturePreloading: 1 # Performs much better with partial preload. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes outlines around characters. getSkipCount: "GSC_GetawayGames" SLUS-97405: name: "ATV Offroad Fury 3 [Greatest Hits]" region: "NTSC-U" speedHacks: mtvu: 0 # Increases FPS drastically. SLUS-97657: name: "MLB 11 - The Show" region: "NTSC-U" compat: 5 SRPM-70201: name: "Space Venus Starring Morning Musume." region: "NTSC-J" TCES-10001: name: "Mirage Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TCES-51613: name: "This Is Football 2004 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E-S" TCES-51904: name: "SOCOM II - U.S. Navy SEALs Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-M5" compat: 5 gameFixes: - VIF1StallHack # Fixes broken HUD. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes texture corruption. TCES-52004: name: "Killzone Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 0 # Resolves I Reg Clamping / performance impact and yellow graphics in certain areas. gsHWFixes: halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. TCES-52033: name: "Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lights going through walls. preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes light flicker. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Corrects light position. gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes random hangs. patches: 0DDA2728: content: |- author=YukiXXL // Speed Correction (25 FPS) patch=1,EE,00175a7c,extended,00000019 patch=1,EE,00175848,extended,00000019 TCES-52042: name: "Formula One 04 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TCES-52154: name: "EyeToy - Chat" region: "PAL-Unk" TCES-52389: name: "World Rally Championship 4 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity and car shadows. roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes minor ghosting on objects. TCES-52426: name: "This Is Football 2005" region: "PAL-Unk" TCES-52456: name: "Ratchet and Clank 3 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - EETimingHack # Fixes SPR errors while going in-game. gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 disablePartialInvalidation: 1 # Prevents the situation that a level (Aquatos) doesn't render characters and geometry. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes misaligned bloom. autoFlush: 2 # Helps fix misaligned bloom. TCES-52582: name: "Everybody's Golf 4 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 TCES-53033: name: "Formula One 05 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TCES-53247: name: "WRC - Rally Evolved Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes SPS. gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned text. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes sun luminosity. TCES-53286: name: "Jak X Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" compat: 5 gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fix lines in the sky. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lighting. mipmap: 2 # Fixes broken textures. trilinearFiltering: 1 # Fixes water textures. cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes water textures. Can't use BW 4 here because of post effects. cpuSpriteRenderLevel: 2 # Needed for above. textureInsideRT: 1 # Fixes broken character models. TCPS-10058: name: 電車でGO!新幹線 山陽新幹線編 運転士セット PlayStation 2 the Best name-sort: でんしゃでごーしんかんせん さんようしんかんせんへん うんてんしせっと PlayStation 2 the Best name-en: "Densha de Go! Shinkansen [with Controller]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10068: name: 電車でGO! 旅情編コントローラ同梱セット name-sort: でんしゃでごー りょじょうへんこんとろーらどうこんせっと name-en: "Densha de Go! Ryojou-hen [with Controller]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10074: name: スペースインベーダー筐体型コントローラ同梱セット name-sort: すぺーすいんべーだーきょうたいけいこんとろーらどうこんせっと name-en: "Space Invaders 25th Anniversary Bundle" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10075: name: "Takahashi Naoko no Marathon Shiyou yo!" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing text. TCPS-10084: name: 零式艦上戦闘記 [数量限定パッケージ] name-sort: れいしきかんじょうせんとうき [すうりょうげんていぱっけーじ] name-en: "Zero Shinkikan Josentoki" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10085: name: 電車でGO!FINAL name-sort: でんしゃでごーFINAL name-en: "Densha de Go! Final [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" compat: 5 TCPS-10094: name: イースIII 〜ワンダラーズフロムイース〜 name-sort: いーす3 わんだらーずふろむいーす name-en: "Ys III - Wanderers from Ys" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10106: name: イース IV Mask of the Sun -a new theory- name-sort: いーす 4 Mask of the Sun -a new theory- name-en: "Ys IV - Mask of the Sun - A New Theory" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10107: name: 翼神 ギガウィング ジェネレーションズ name-sort: よくしん ぎがうぃんぐ じぇねれーしょんず name-en: "Giga Wing Generations" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10109: name: イースIII 〜ワンダラーズ フロム イース〜 [初回限定版] name-sort: いーす3 わんだらーず ふろむ いーす しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Ys III - Wanderers from Ys [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10111: name: エレメンタル ジェレイド -纏え、翠風の剣- name-sort: えれめんたる じぇれいど まとえ すいふうのつるぎ name-en: "Erementar Gerad" region: "NTSC-J" gameFixes: - XGKickHack # Fixes chocolate coloured characters. TCPS-10113: name: 虫姫さま name-sort: むしひめさま name-en: "Mushihime-sama" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10114: name: 魔探偵ロキRAGNAROK 魔妖画 〜失われた微笑〜 name-sort: またんていろきらぐなろく まようが うしなわれたほほえみ name-en: "Matantei Loki Ragnarok Mayoukaku" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10115: name: "Taito Memories - Joukan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. TCPS-10117: name: 虫姫さま 初回限定版 name-sort: むしひめさま しょかいげんていばん name-en: "Mushihime-sama [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10123: name: ラングリッサーIII name-sort: らんぐりっさーIII name-en: "Langrisser III" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10124: name: "Taito Memories Gekan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. TCPS-10125: name: 雷電III name-sort: らいでんIII name-en: "Raiden III" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10128: name: アルティメット プロ ピンボール name-sort: あるてぃめっと ぷろ ぴんぼーる name-en: "Ultimate Pro Pinball" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10130: name: HOMURA name-sort: HOMURA name-en: "Homura" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10131: name: 鋳薔薇 name-sort: いばら name-en: "Ibara" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10132: name: サイキックフォース COMPLETE name-sort: さいきっくふぉーす COMPLETE name-en: "Psychic Force Complete" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10133: name: サイキックフォース COMPLETE ウォン フィギュア同梱版 name-sort: さいきっくふぉーす COMPLETE うぉん ふぃぎゅあどうこんばん name-en: "Psychic Force Complete [with Wong Figure]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10134: name: サイキックフォース COMPLETE エミリオ フィギュア同梱版 name-sort: さいきっくふぉーす COMPLETE えみりお ふぃぎゅあどうこんばん name-en: "Psychic Force Complete [with Emilio Figure]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10135: name: サイキックフォース COMPLETE ウェンディー フィギュア同梱版 name-sort: さいきっくふぉーす COMPLETE うぇんでぃー ふぃぎゅあどうこんばん name-en: "Psychic Force Complete [with Wendy Figure]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10136: name: サイキックフォース COMPLETE フィギュア三体同梱版 name-sort: さいきっくふぉーす COMPLETE ふぃぎゅあさんたいどうこんばん name-en: "Psychic Force Complete [with 3 Figures]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10147: name: 零式艦上戦闘記 弐 name-sort: れいしきかんじょうせんとうき 2 name-en: "Zero Shikikan Josentoki Ni" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10148: name: 零式艦上戦闘記 弐 [限定版] name-sort: れいしきかんじょうせんとうき 2 [げんていばん] name-en: "Zero Shikikan Josentoki Ni [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10152: name: ローゼンメイデン ドゥエルヴァルツァ [通常版] name-sort: ろーぜんめいでん どぅえるゔぁるつぁ name-en: "Rozen Maiden - Duellwalzer" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10153: name: "Rozen Maiden - Duellwalzer [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10154: name: イースV LOST KEFIN,KINGDOM OF SAND name-sort: いーすV LOST KEFIN,KINGDOM OF SAND name-en: "Ys V - Lost Kefin - Kingdom of Sand" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10158: name: "Ultimate Spider-Man" region: "NTSC-J" clampModes: vu1ClampMode: 0 # Fixes Spider-Man's eye texture colour. gsHWFixes: cpuSpriteRenderBW: 2 # Fixes textures. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 autoFlush: 2 # Fixes shadow alignment along with HPO Special (Normal looks better but causes top left glitches). halfPixelOffset: 2 TCPS-10159: name: TT SUPERBIKES name-sort: TTすーぱーばいくす name-en: "Suzuki TT Super Bikes - Real Road Racing" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10160: name: "Taito Memories - Joukan [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. TCPS-10164: name: "Taito Memories Gekan [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. TCPS-10166: name: ウィザードリィ・外伝 〜戦闘の監獄〜 name-sort: うぃざーどりぃ がいでん せんとうのかんごく name-en: "Wizardry Gaiden - Sentou no Kangoku - Prisoners of the Battles" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10168: name: 虫姫さま TAITO BEST name-sort: むしひめさま TAITO BEST name-en: "Mushihime-sama [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10172: name: HOMURA TAITO BEST name-sort: HOMURA TAITO BEST name-en: "Homura [Taito the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" TCPS-10178: name: "Taito Memories II - Joukan [Taito The Best]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. TCPS-10182: name: "Rozen Maiden - Gebetgarten [Limited Edition]" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: beforeDraw: "OI_RozenMaidenGebetGarden" TCPS-10183: name: "Taito Memories II - Gekan" region: "NTSC-J" gsHWFixes: roundSprite: 1 # Fixes vertical and horizontal lines. TCPS-10184: name: "Rozen Maiden - Duellwalzer [Taito the Best]" region: "NTSC-J" TLES-52149: name: "Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gsHWFixes: preloadFrameData: 1 # Fixes missing loading screens. mergeSprite: 1 # Fixes misaligned bloom on light sources. TLES-52339: name: "Crash 'N' Burn Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TLES-52707: name: "Monster Hunter Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" clampModes: vuClampMode: 3 # Fixes lighting on character models as caves and other locations don't turn mobs into glow-in-the-dark creatures by themselves. gsHWFixes: maximumBlendingLevel: 0 # Fixes unnecessary load on the GPU. TLES-52768: name: "Commandos - Strike Force" region: "PAL-Unk" TLES-52781: name: "WWE - Smackdown Vs Raw Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TLES-52940: name: "S.L.A.I. - Steel Lancer Arena International Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TLES-53544: name: "Pro Evolution Soccer 5 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TLES-54240: name: "FIFA '07 Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" TLES-82043: name: "Metal Gear Solid Subsistence Beta Trial Code" region: "PAL-E" gameFixes: - BlitInternalFPSHack # Fixes internal FPS detection. - InstantDMAHack # Fixes missing letters in text such as E. gsHWFixes: recommendedBlendingLevel: 3 # Fixes skin colour and banding. autoFlush: 2 # Fixes lens flare. halfPixelOffset: 2 # Fixes blurriness. mipmap: 2 # Mipmap + trilinear, improves ground textures to match sw renderer. trilinearFiltering: 1 getSkipCount: "GSC_MetalGearSolid3" # Fixes depth of field blur.