/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma once class CRC { public: enum Title { NoTitle, AceCombatZero, AceCombat4, AceCombat5, ApeEscape2, ArTonelico2, Barnyard, BigMuthaTruckers, BleachBladeBattlers, BrianLaraInternationalCricket, Bully, BurnoutDominator, BurnoutRevenge, BurnoutTakedown, Clannad, CrashBandicootWoC, DarkCloud, DBZBT2, DBZBT3, DeathByDegreesTekkenNinaWilliams, DemonStone, DestroyAllHumans, DestroyAllHumans2, DevilMayCry3, DuelSaviorDestiny, EvangelionJo, FFX, FFX2, FFXII, FIFA03, FIFA04, FIFA05, FightingBeautyWulong, Genji, GetaWay, GetaWayBlackMonday, GiTS, GodHand, GodOfWar, GodOfWar2, Grandia3, GT3, GT4, GTConcept, HarleyDavidson, HarryPotterATCOS, HarryPotterATGOF, HarryPotterATHBP, HarryPotterATPOA, HarryPotterOOTP, HauntingGround, ICO, IkkiTousen, ItadakiStreet, JackieChanAdv, Jak1, Jak2, Jak3, JakX, KazokuKeikakuKokoroNoKizuna, KnightsOfTheTemple2, Kunoichi, KyuuketsuKitanMoonties, Lamune, LegacyOfKainDefiance, LordOfTheRingsThirdAge, MajokkoALaMode2, Manhunt2, MetalSlug6, MidnightClub3, NicktoonsUnite, Okami, Oneechanbara2Special, Onimusha3, PiaCarroteYoukosoGPGakuenPrincess, ProjectSnowblind, Quake3Revolution, RadiataStories, RatchetAndClank, RatchetAndClank2, RatchetAndClank3, RatchetAndClank4, RatchetAndClank5, RedDeadRevolver, ResidentEvil4, RickyPontingInternationalCricket, RozenMaidenGebetGarden, SacredBlaze, SakuraTaisen, SakuraWarsSoLongMyLove, SFEX3, ShadowHearts, ShadowofRome, ShinOnimusha, Shox, Simple2000Vol114, SkyGunner, Sly2, Sly3, SMTDDS1, SMTDDS2, SMTNocturne, SonicUnleashed, SoTC, SoulReaver2, Spartan, StarOcean3, StarWarsForceUnleashed, SteambotChronicles, SuperManReturns, SVCChaos, TalesOfAbyss, TalesOfLegendia, TalesofSymphonia, Tekken5, TenchuFS, TenchuWoH, TheIncredibleHulkUD, TimeSplitters2, TombRaiderAnniversary, TombRaiderLegend, TombRaiderUnderworld, TribesAerialAssault, TomoyoAfter, TouristTrophy, UltramanFightingEvolution, UrbanReign, ValkyrieProfile2, Whiplash, WildArms4, WildArms5, XenosagaE3, Yakuza, Yakuza2, ZettaiZetsumeiToshi2, TitleCount, }; enum Region { NoRegion, US, EU, JP, JPUNDUB, RU, FR, DE, IT, ES, CH, ASIA, KO, RegionCount, }; enum Flags { PointListPalette = 1, TextureInsideRt = 2, }; struct Game { uint32 crc; Title title; Region region; uint32 flags; }; private: static Game m_games[]; static std::map m_map; public: static Game Lookup(uint32 crc); };