  PCSX2 NSIS Installer Instructions

 * Install NSIS (tested with 2.45)
 * Install NSIS Script: Advanced Uninstall Log (you can find it on NSIS wiki)

 * Download the latest Visual C++ Redistributable (currently 2008 SP1 as of this writing) and
   save it to this nsis/ folder. 
 * Load the PCSX2 Suite solution and rebuild all in the following targets:
    * Release SSE2
    * Release SSSE3 (only needed if packaging plugins)
    * Release SSE4 (only needed if packaging plugins)
    * Devel (optional)
    You may selectively unload plugins you do not wish to package prior to running the NSIS

 * Compile script, and Enjoy :)
  Compilation Targets and Plugin Inclusion

pcsx2-dev.exe is included into the installer as well *if* present (but is not required).
The Release mode (without -dev) is required, and the script errors if it's missing.

To include non-NULL plugins into the installer you must specify /DINC_PLUGINS on the command
line when compiling the script.  The installer will include plugins only if they are present.
If you do not build plugins, or remove some (or all) plugins before running the nsis script,
only PCSX2 and whatever remaining plugins will be packaged.

GSdx SSE2, SSSE3, and SSE4 versions are all included into the installer *if* they are present.
You will need to follow the above instructions and compile all release targets to get all the
GSdx DLLs.

            TODO / Wish List!!

 * pcsx2-dev should probably be an optional section, conditionally scripted only if the
   file is present at compilation time, and packaged.