/* LilyPad - Pad plugin for PS2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2017 PCSX2 Dev Team/ChickenLiver
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Found- ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with PCSX2. If not, see .
#include "Global.h"
#include "InputManager.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "DeviceEnumerator.h"
#include "Linux/ConfigHelper.h"
GeneralConfig config;
#if 0
remove 0x10F0 to compute the cmd value
#define ID_SENSITIVITY 0x1007
#define ID_LOCK_BUTTONS 0x10FC
#define ID_LOCK 0x10FD
#define ID_MOUSE 0x10FF
#define ID_SELECT 0x1100
#define ID_L3 0x1101
#define ID_R3 0x1102
#define ID_START 0x1103
#define ID_DPAD_UP 0x1104
#define ID_DPAD_RIGHT 0x1105
#define ID_DPAD_DOWN 0x1106
#define ID_DPAD_LEFT 0x1107
#define ID_L2 0x1108
#define ID_R2 0x1109
#define ID_L1 0x110A
#define ID_R1 0x110B
#define ID_TRIANGLE 0x110C
#define ID_CIRCLE 0x110D
#define ID_CROSS 0x110E
#define ID_SQUARE 0x110F
#define ID_LSTICK_UP 0x1110
#define ID_LSTICK_RIGHT 0x1111
#define ID_LSTICK_DOWN 0x1112
#define ID_LSTICK_LEFT 0x1113
#define ID_RSTICK_UP 0x1114
#define ID_RSTICK_RIGHT 0x1115
#define ID_RSTICK_DOWN 0x1116
#define ID_RSTICK_LEFT 0x1117
#define ID_ANALOG 0x1118
#define ID_DELETE 0x11FF
#define ID_DEBUG 0x1200
#define ID_IGNORE 0x1201
#define ID_CLEAR 0x1202
#define ID_REFRESH 0x1202
#define ID_SAVE 0x1204
#define ID_LOAD 0x1205
#define ID_BIG_MOTOR 0x120A
#define ID_SMALL_MOTOR 0x120B
#define ID_TEST 0x1300
#define ID_CONTROLS 0x1301
#define ID_FF 0x1304
struct GeneralSettingsBool
const wchar_t *name;
unsigned int ControlId;
u8 defaultValue;
// XXX: I try to remove only gui stuff
void DeleteBinding(int port, int slot, int padtype, Device *dev, Binding *b)
fprintf(stderr, "delete binding %d:%d\n", port, slot);
Binding *bindings = dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].bindings;
int i = b - bindings;
memmove(bindings + i, bindings + i + 1, sizeof(Binding) * (dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].numBindings - i - 1));
void DeleteBinding(int port, int slot, Device *dev, ForceFeedbackBinding *b)
int padtype = config.padConfigs[port][slot].type;
ForceFeedbackBinding *bindings = dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].ffBindings;
int i = b - bindings;
memmove(bindings + i, bindings + i + 1, sizeof(Binding) * (dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].numFFBindings - i - 1));
int BindCommand(Device *dev, unsigned int uid, unsigned int port, unsigned int slot, unsigned int padtype, int command, int sensitivity, int rapidFire, int deadZone)
// Checks needed because I use this directly when loading bindings.
if (port > 1 || slot > 3 || padtype >= numPadTypes)
return -1;
if (!sensitivity)
sensitivity = BASE_SENSITIVITY;
if ((uid >> 16) & (PSHBTN | TGLBTN)) {
deadZone = 0;
} else if (!deadZone) {
if ((uid >> 16) & PRESSURE_BTN) {
deadZone = 1;
} else {
// Relative axes can have negative sensitivity.
else if (((uid >> 16) & 0xFF) == RELAXIS) {
sensitivity = abs(sensitivity);
VirtualControl *c = dev->GetVirtualControl(uid);
if (!c)
return -1;
// Add before deleting. Means I won't scroll up one line when scrolled down to bottom.
int controlIndex = c - dev->virtualControls;
int index = 0;
PadBindings *p = dev->pads[port][slot] + padtype;
p->bindings = (Binding *)realloc(p->bindings, (p->numBindings + 1) * sizeof(Binding));
for (index = p->numBindings; index > 0; index--) {
if (p->bindings[index - 1].controlIndex < controlIndex)
p->bindings[index] = p->bindings[index - 1];
Binding *b = p->bindings + index;
b->command = command;
b->controlIndex = controlIndex;
b->rapidFire = rapidFire;
b->sensitivity = sensitivity;
b->deadZone = deadZone;
// Where it appears in listview.
//int count = ListBoundCommand(port, slot, dev, b);
int newBindingIndex = index;
index = 0;
while (index < p->numBindings) {
if (index == newBindingIndex) {
b = p->bindings + index;
int nuke = 0;
if (config.multipleBinding) {
if (b->controlIndex == controlIndex && b->command == command)
nuke = 1;
} else {
int uid2 = dev->virtualControls[b->controlIndex].uid;
if (b->controlIndex == controlIndex || (!((uid2 ^ uid) & 0xFFFFFF) && ((uid | uid2) & (UID_POV | UID_AXIS))))
nuke = 1;
if (!nuke) {
if (index < newBindingIndex) {
//count --;
DeleteBinding(port, slot, padtype, dev, b);
if (!config.multipleBinding) {
for (int port2 = 0; port2 < 2; port2++) {
for (int slot2 = 0; slot2 < 4; slot2++) {
if (port2 == (int)port && slot2 == (int)slot)
for (int padtype2 = 0; padtype2 < numPadTypes; padtype2++) {
PadBindings *p = dev->pads[port2][slot2] + padtype2;
for (int i = 0; i < p->numBindings; i++) {
Binding *b = p->bindings + i;
int uid2 = dev->virtualControls[b->controlIndex].uid;
if (b->controlIndex == controlIndex || (!((uid2 ^ uid) & 0xFFFFFF) && ((uid | uid2) & (UID_POV | UID_AXIS)))) {
DeleteBinding(port2, slot2, padtype2, dev, b);
//return count;
return 0;
// Ties together config data structure, config files, and general config
// dialog.
const GeneralSettingsBool BoolOptionsInfo[] = {
{L"Force Cursor Hide", 0 /*IDC_FORCE_HIDE*/, 0},
{L"Mouse Unfocus", 0 /*IDC_MOUSE_UNFOCUS*/, 1},
{L"Background", 0 /*IDC_BACKGROUND*/, 1},
{L"Multiple Bindings", 0 /*IDC_MULTIPLE_BINDING*/, 0},
{L"DirectInput Game Devices", 0 /*IDC_G_DI*/, 1},
{L"XInput", 0 /*IDC_G_XI*/, 1},
{L"DualShock 3", 0 /*IDC_G_DS3*/, 0},
{L"Multitap 1", 0 /*IDC_MULTITAP1*/, 0},
{L"Multitap 2", 0 /*IDC_MULTITAP2*/, 0},
{L"Disable Screen Saver", 0 /*IDC_DISABLE_SCREENSAVER*/, 1},
{L"Logging", 0 /*IDC_DEBUG_FILE*/, 0},
{L"Save State in Title", 0 /*IDC_SAVE_STATE_TITLE*/, 0}, //No longer required, PCSX2 now handles it - avih 2011-05-17
{L"GH2", 0 /*IDC_GH2_HACK*/, 0},
void CALLBACK PADsetSettingsDir(const char *dir)
int SaveSettings(wchar_t *file = 0)
CfgHelper cfg;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(BoolOptionsInfo) / sizeof(BoolOptionsInfo[0]); i++) {
cfg.WriteBool(L"General Settings", BoolOptionsInfo[i].name, config.bools[i]);
cfg.WriteInt(L"General Settings", L"Keyboard Mode", config.keyboardApi);
cfg.WriteInt(L"General Settings", L"Mouse Mode", config.mouseApi);
for (int port = 0; port < 2; port++) {
for (int slot = 0; slot < 4; slot++) {
wchar_t temp[50];
wsprintf(temp, L"Pad %i %i", port, slot);
cfg.WriteInt(temp, L"Mode", config.padConfigs[port][slot].type);
if (!dm)
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dm->numDevices; i++) {
wchar_t id[50];
wchar_t temp[50], temp2[1000];
wsprintfW(id, L"Device %i", i);
Device *dev = dm->devices[i];
wchar_t *name = dev->displayName;
while (name[0] == '[') {
wchar_t *name2 = wcschr(name, ']');
if (!name2)
name = name2 + 1;
while (iswspace(name[0]))
cfg.WriteStr(id, L"Display Name", name);
cfg.WriteStr(id, L"Instance ID", dev->instanceID);
if (dev->productID) {
cfg.WriteStr(id, L"Product ID", dev->productID);
cfg.WriteInt(id, L"API", dev->api);
cfg.WriteInt(id, L"Type", dev->type);
int ffBindingCount = 0;
int bindingCount = 0;
for (int port = 0; port < 2; port++) {
for (int slot = 0; slot < 4; slot++) {
for (int padtype = 0; padtype < numPadTypes; padtype++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].numBindings; j++) {
Binding *b = dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].bindings + j;
VirtualControl *c = &dev->virtualControls[b->controlIndex];
wsprintfW(temp, L"Binding %i", bindingCount++);
wsprintfW(temp2, L"0x%08X, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i", c->uid, port, b->command, b->sensitivity, b->rapidFire, slot, b->deadZone, padtype);
cfg.WriteStr(id, temp, temp2);
for (int j = 0; j < dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].numFFBindings; j++) {
ForceFeedbackBinding *b = dev->pads[port][slot][padtype].ffBindings + j;
ForceFeedbackEffectType *eff = &dev->ffEffectTypes[b->effectIndex];
wsprintfW(temp, L"FF Binding %i", ffBindingCount++);
wsprintfW(temp2, L"%s %i, %i, %i, %i", eff->effectID, port, b->motor, slot, padtype);
for (int k = 0; k < dev->numFFAxes; k++) {
ForceFeedbackAxis *axis = dev->ffAxes + k;
AxisEffectInfo *info = b->axes + k;
//wsprintfW(wcschr(temp2,0), L", %i, %i", axis->id, info->force);
// Not secure because I'm too lazy to compute the remaining size
wprintf(wcschr(temp2, 0), L", %i, %i", axis->id, info->force);
cfg.WriteStr(id, temp, temp2);
return 0;
int LoadSettings(int force, wchar_t *file)
if (dm && !force)
return 0;
// Could just do ClearDevices() instead, but if I ever add any extra stuff,
// this will still work.
dm = new InputDeviceManager();
CfgHelper cfg;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(BoolOptionsInfo) / sizeof(BoolOptionsInfo[0]); i++) {
config.bools[i] = cfg.ReadBool(L"General Settings", BoolOptionsInfo[i].name, BoolOptionsInfo[i].defaultValue);
config.keyboardApi = (DeviceAPI)cfg.ReadInt(L"General Settings", L"Keyboard Mode", LNX_KEYBOARD);
if (!config.keyboardApi)
config.keyboardApi = LNX_KEYBOARD;
config.mouseApi = (DeviceAPI)cfg.ReadInt(L"General Settings", L"Mouse Mode");
for (int port = 0; port < 2; port++) {
for (int slot = 0; slot < 4; slot++) {
wchar_t temp[50];
wsprintf(temp, L"Pad %i %i", port, slot);
config.padConfigs[port][slot].type = (PadType)cfg.ReadInt(temp, L"Mode", Dualshock2Pad);
bool oldIni = false;
int i = 0;
int multipleBinding = config.multipleBinding;
// Disabling multiple binding only prevents new multiple bindings.
config.multipleBinding = 1;
while (1) {
wchar_t id[50];
wchar_t temp[50], temp2[1000], temp3[1000], temp4[1000];
wsprintfW(id, L"Device %i", i++);
if (!cfg.ReadStr(id, L"Display Name", temp2) || !temp2[0] ||
!cfg.ReadStr(id, L"Instance ID", temp3) || !temp3[0]) {
if (i >= 100)
wchar_t *id2 = 0;
if (cfg.ReadStr(id, L"Product ID", temp4) && temp4[0])
id2 = temp4;
int api = cfg.ReadInt(id, L"API");
int type = cfg.ReadInt(id, L"Type");
if (!api || !type)
Device *dev = new Device((DeviceAPI)api, (DeviceType)type, temp2, temp3, id2);
dev->attached = 0;
int j = 0;
int last = 0;
while (1) {
wsprintfW(temp, L"Binding %i", j++);
if (!cfg.ReadStr(id, temp, temp2)) {
if (j >= 100) {
if (!last)
last = 0;
last = 1;
unsigned int uid;
int port, command, sensitivity, rapidFire, slot = 0, deadZone = 0, padtype = 0;
int w = 0;
char string[1000];
while (temp2[w]) {
string[w] = (char)temp2[w];
string[w] = 0;
int len = sscanf(string, " %u , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i", &uid, &port, &command, &sensitivity, &rapidFire, &slot, &deadZone, &padtype);
if (len >= 5 && type) {
VirtualControl *c = dev->GetVirtualControl(uid);
if (!c)
c = dev->AddVirtualControl(uid, -1);
if (c) {
if (len < 8) { // If ini file is imported from older version, make sure bindings aren't applied to "Unplugged" padtype.
oldIni = true;
if (config.padConfigs[port][slot].type != 0) {
padtype = config.padConfigs[port][slot].type;
} else {
padtype = 1;
BindCommand(dev, uid, port, slot, padtype, command, sensitivity, rapidFire, deadZone);
j = 0;
while (1) {
wsprintfW(temp, L"FF Binding %i", j++);
if (!cfg.ReadStr(id, temp, temp2)) {
if (j >= 10) {
if (!last)
last = 0;
last = 1;
int port, slot, motor, padtype;
int w = 0;
char string[1000];
char effect[1000];
while (temp2[w]) {
string[w] = (char)temp2[w];
string[w] = 0;
// wcstok not in ntdll. More effore than its worth to shave off
// whitespace without it.
if (sscanf(string, " %20s %i , %i , %i , %i", effect, &port, &motor, &slot, &padtype) == 5) {
char *s;
if (oldIni) { // Make sure bindings aren't applied to "Unplugged" padtype and FF settings are read from old location.
if (config.padConfigs[port][slot].type != 0) {
padtype = config.padConfigs[port][slot].type;
} else {
padtype = 1;
s = strchr(strchr(strchr(string, ',') + 1, ',') + 1, ',');
} else {
s = strchr(strchr(strchr(strchr(string, ',') + 1, ',') + 1, ',') + 1, ',');
if (!s)
w = 0;
while (effect[w]) {
temp2[w] = effect[w];
temp2[w] = 0;
ForceFeedbackEffectType *eff = dev->GetForcefeedbackEffect(temp2);
if (!eff) {
// At the moment, don't record effect types.
// Only used internally, anyways, so not an issue.
dev->AddFFEffectType(temp2, temp2, EFFECT_CONSTANT);
// eff = &dev->ffEffectTypes[dev->numFFEffectTypes-1];
#if 0
ForceFeedbackBinding *b;
CreateEffectBinding(dev, temp2, port, slot, motor, &b);
if (b) {
while (1) {
int axisID = atoi(s);
if (!(s = strchr(s, ','))) break;
int force = atoi(s);
int i;
for (i=0; inumFFAxes; i++) {
if (axisID == dev->ffAxes[i].id) break;
if (i == dev->numFFAxes) {
dev->AddFFAxis(L"?", axisID);
b->axes[i].force = force;
if (!(s = strchr(s, ','))) break;
config.multipleBinding = multipleBinding;
//TODO RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay(1);
RefreshEnabledDevices(1); // XXX For the moment only a subfonction
return 0;
void UnloadConfigs()
if (dm) {
delete dm;
dm = 0;
void RefreshEnabledDevices(int updateDeviceList)
// Clears all device state.
static int lastXInputState = -1;
if (updateDeviceList || lastXInputState != config.gameApis.xInput) {
lastXInputState = config.gameApis.xInput;
for (int i = 0; i < dm->numDevices; i++) {
Device *dev = dm->devices[i];
// XXX windows magic?
if (!dev->attached && dev->displayName[0] != '[') {
wchar_t *newName = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(dev->displayName) + 12));
wsprintfW(newName, L"[Detached] %s", dev->displayName);
dev->displayName = newName;
#if 0 // windows magic?
if ((dev->type == KEYBOARD && dev->api == IGNORE_KEYBOARD) ||
(dev->type == KEYBOARD && dev->api == config.keyboardApi) ||
(dev->type == MOUSE && dev->api == config.mouseApi) ||
(dev->type == OTHER &&
((dev->api == DI && config.gameApis.directInput) ||
(dev->api == DS3 && config.gameApis.dualShock3) ||
(dev->api == XINPUT && config.gameApis.xInput)))) {
if (config.gameApis.dualShock3 && dev->api == DI && dev->displayName &&
!wcsicmp(dev->displayName, L"DX PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller")) {
else {
else {
void Configure()
// Can end up here without PADinit() being called first.
// Can also end up here after running emulator a bit, and possibly
// disabling some devices due to focus changes, or releasing mouse.