/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright (c)2009-2010 zeydlitz@gmail.com, arcum42@gmail.com * Based on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "Util.h" #include "GS.h" #include "Profile.h" #include "GLWin.h" #include "ZZoglFlushHack.h" using namespace std; extern void SaveSnapshot(const char* filename); #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4244) #endif GLWindow GLWin; GSinternal gs; GSconf conf; GSDump g_dump; int ppf, g_GSMultiThreaded, CurrentSavestate = 0; int g_LastCRC = 0, g_TransferredToGPU = 0, s_frameskipping = 0; int g_SkipFlushFrame = 0; GetSkipCount GetSkipCount_Handler = 0; int UPDATE_FRAMES = 16, g_nFrame = 0, g_nRealFrame = 0; float fFPS = 0; void (*GSirq)(); u8* g_pBasePS2Mem = NULL; wxString s_strIniPath(L"inis"); // Air's new ini path (r2361) bool SaveStateExists = true; // We could not know save slot status before first change occured const char* SaveStateFile = NULL; // Name of SaveFile for access check. extern const char* s_aa[5]; extern const char* pbilinear[]; // statistics u32 g_nGenVars = 0, g_nTexVars = 0, g_nAlphaVars = 0, g_nResolve = 0; #define VER 3 const unsigned char zgsversion = PS2E_GS_VERSION; unsigned char zgsrevision = 0; // revision and build gives plugin version unsigned char zgsbuild = VER; unsigned char zgsminor = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG char *libraryName = "ZZ Ogl PG CG (Debug) "; #elif defined(ZEROGS_DEVBUILD) char *libraryName = "ZZ Ogl PG CG (Dev) "; #else char *libraryName = "ZZ Ogl PG CG "; #endif extern int g_nPixelShaderVer, g_nFrameRender, g_nFramesSkipped; extern void WriteAA(); extern void WriteBilinear(); extern void ZZDestroy(); extern bool ZZCreate(int width, int height); extern void ZZGSStateReset(); extern int ZZSave(s8* pbydata); extern bool ZZLoad(s8* pbydata); // switches the render target to the real target, flushes the current render targets and renders the real image extern void RenderCRTC(int interlace); #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) HANDLE g_hCurrentThread = NULL; #endif extern int VALIDATE_THRESH; extern u32 TEXDESTROY_THRESH; u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibType() { return PS2E_LT_GS; } char* CALLBACK PS2EgetLibName() { return libraryName; } u32 CALLBACK PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type) { return (zgsversion << 16) | (zgsrevision << 8) | zgsbuild | (zgsminor << 24); } void CALLBACK GSsetBaseMem(void* pmem) { g_pBasePS2Mem = (u8*)pmem; } void CALLBACK GSsetSettingsDir(const char* dir) { s_strIniPath = (dir == NULL) ? wxString(L"inis") : wxString(dir, wxConvFile); } void CALLBACK GSsetLogDir(const char* dir) { ZZLog::SetDir(dir); } void CALLBACK GSsetGameCRC(int crc, int options) { // build a list of function pointer for GetSkipCount (SkipDraw) static GetSkipCount GSC_list[NUMBER_OF_TITLES]; static bool inited = false; if (!inited) { inited = true; memset(GSC_list, 0, sizeof(GSC_list)); GSC_list[Okami] = GSC_Okami; GSC_list[MetalGearSolid3] = GSC_MetalGearSolid3; GSC_list[DBZBT2] = GSC_DBZBT2; GSC_list[DBZBT3] = GSC_DBZBT3; GSC_list[SFEX3] = GSC_SFEX3; GSC_list[Bully] = GSC_Bully; GSC_list[BullyCC] = GSC_BullyCC; GSC_list[SoTC] = GSC_SoTC; GSC_list[OnePieceGrandAdventure] = GSC_OnePieceGrandAdventure; GSC_list[OnePieceGrandBattle] = GSC_OnePieceGrandBattle; GSC_list[ICO] = GSC_ICO; GSC_list[GT4] = GSC_GT4; GSC_list[WildArms4] = GSC_WildArms4; GSC_list[WildArms5] = GSC_WildArms5; GSC_list[Manhunt2] = GSC_Manhunt2; GSC_list[CrashBandicootWoC] = GSC_CrashBandicootWoC; GSC_list[ResidentEvil4] = GSC_ResidentEvil4; GSC_list[Spartan] = GSC_Spartan; GSC_list[AceCombat4] = GSC_AceCombat4; GSC_list[Drakengard2] = GSC_Drakengard2; GSC_list[Tekken5] = GSC_Tekken5; GSC_list[IkkiTousen] = GSC_IkkiTousen; GSC_list[GodOfWar] = GSC_GodOfWar; GSC_list[GodOfWar2] = GSC_GodOfWar2; GSC_list[GiTS] = GSC_GiTS; GSC_list[Onimusha3] = GSC_Onimusha3; GSC_list[TalesOfAbyss] = GSC_TalesOfAbyss; GSC_list[SonicUnleashed] = GSC_SonicUnleashed; GSC_list[Genji] = GSC_Genji; GSC_list[StarOcean3] = GSC_StarOcean3; GSC_list[ValkyrieProfile2] = GSC_ValkyrieProfile2; GSC_list[RadiataStories] = GSC_RadiataStories; } // TEXDESTROY_THRESH starts out at 16. VALIDATE_THRESH = 8; conf.mrtdepth = (conf.settings().disable_mrt_depth != 0); if (!conf.mrtdepth) ZZLog::WriteLn("Disabling MRT depth writing."); else ZZLog::WriteLn("Enabling MRT depth writing."); bool CRCValueChanged = (g_LastCRC != crc); g_LastCRC = crc; if (crc != 0) ZZLog::WriteLn("Current game CRC is %x.", crc); if (CRCValueChanged && (crc != 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < GAME_INFO_INDEX; i++) { if (crc_game_list[i].crc == crc) { ZZLog::WriteLn("Found CRC[%x] in crc game list.", crc); if (crc_game_list[i].v_thresh > 0) { VALIDATE_THRESH = crc_game_list[i].v_thresh; ZZLog::WriteLn("Setting VALIDATE_THRESH to %d", VALIDATE_THRESH); } if (crc_game_list[i].t_thresh > 0) { TEXDESTROY_THRESH = crc_game_list[i].t_thresh; ZZLog::WriteLn("Setting TEXDESTROY_THRESH to %d", TEXDESTROY_THRESH); } // FIXME need to check SkipDraw is positive (enabled by users) GetSkipCount_Handler = GSC_list[crc_game_list[i].title]; if (!conf.disableHacks) { conf.def_hacks._u32 |= crc_game_list[i].flags; ListHacks(); } return; } } } ListHacks(); } void CALLBACK GSsetFrameSkip(int frameskip) { FUNCLOG s_frameskipping |= frameskip; if (frameskip && g_nFrameRender > 1) { SetFrameSkip(true); } else if (!frameskip && g_nFrameRender <= 0) { SetFrameSkip(false); } } void CALLBACK GSreset() { FUNCLOG memset(&gs, 0, sizeof(gs)); ZZGSStateReset(); gs.prac = 1; prim = &gs._prim[0]; gs.imageTransfer = -1; gs.q = 1; } void CALLBACK GSgifSoftReset(u32 mask) { FUNCLOG if (mask & 1) memset(&gs.path[0], 0, sizeof(gs.path[0])); if (mask & 2) memset(&gs.path[1], 0, sizeof(gs.path[1])); if (mask & 4) memset(&gs.path[2], 0, sizeof(gs.path[2])); gs.imageTransfer = -1; gs.q = 1; } s32 CALLBACK GSinit() { FUNCLOG ZZLog::Open(); ZZLog::WriteLn("Calling GSinit."); WriteTempRegs(); GSreset(); ZZLog::WriteLn("GSinit finished."); return 0; } __forceinline void InitMisc() { WriteBilinear(); WriteAA(); InitProfile(); InitPath(); ResetRegs(); } s32 CALLBACK GSopen(void *pDsp, char *Title, int multithread) { FUNCLOG g_GSMultiThreaded = multithread; ZZLog::WriteLn("Calling GSopen."); #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) g_hCurrentThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif LoadConfig(); strcpy(GLWin.title, Title); ZZLog::GS_Log("Using %s:%d.%d.%d.", libraryName, zgsrevision, zgsbuild, zgsminor); ZZLog::WriteLn("Creating ZZOgl window."); if ((!GLWin.CreateWindow(pDsp)) || (!ZZCreate(conf.width, conf.height))) return -1; ZZLog::WriteLn("Initialization successful."); InitMisc(); ZZLog::GS_Log("GSopen finished."); return 0; } #ifdef USE_GSOPEN2 EXPORT_C_(s32) GSopen2( void* pDsp, u32 flags ) { FUNCLOG g_GSMultiThreaded = true; ZZLog::WriteLn("Calling GSopen2."); #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) g_hCurrentThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif LoadConfig(); ZZLog::GS_Log("Using %s:%d.%d.%d.", libraryName, zgsrevision, zgsbuild, zgsminor); ZZLog::WriteLn("Capturing ZZOgl window."); if ((!GLWin.CreateWindow(pDsp)) || (!ZZCreate(conf.width, conf.height))) return -1; ZZLog::WriteLn("Initialization successful."); InitMisc(); ZZLog::GS_Log("GSopen2 finished."); return 0; } #endif void CALLBACK GSshutdown() { FUNCLOG ZZLog::Close(); } void CALLBACK GSclose() { FUNCLOG ZZDestroy(); GLWin.CloseWindow(); SaveStateFile = NULL; SaveStateExists = true; // default value g_LastCRC = 0; } void CALLBACK GSirqCallback(void (*callback)()) { FUNCLOG GSirq = callback; } void CALLBACK GSwriteCSR(u32 write) { FUNCLOG gs.CSRw = write; } #ifdef _WIN32 #define access _access #endif void CALLBACK GSchangeSaveState(int newstate, const char* filename) { FUNCLOG char str[255]; sprintf(str, "save state %d", newstate); ZZAddMessage(str); CurrentSavestate = newstate; SaveStateFile = filename; SaveStateExists = (access(SaveStateFile, 0) == 0); } static bool get_snapshot_filename(char *filename, char* path, const char* extension) { FUNCLOG FILE *bmpfile; u32 snapshotnr = 0; // increment snapshot value & try to get filename for (;;) { snapshotnr++; sprintf(filename, "%s/snap%03ld.%s", path, snapshotnr, extension); bmpfile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (bmpfile == NULL) break; fclose(bmpfile); } // try opening new snapshot file if ((bmpfile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) { char strdir[255]; sprintf(strdir, "%s", path); #ifdef _WIN32 CreateDirectory(wxString::FromUTF8(strdir), NULL); #else mkdir(path, 0777); #endif if ((bmpfile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) return false; } fclose(bmpfile); return true; } void CALLBACK GSmakeSnapshot(char *path) { FUNCLOG char filename[256]; if (get_snapshot_filename(filename, path, (conf.zz_options.tga_snap) ? "bmp" : "jpg")) SaveSnapshot(filename); } // I'll probably move this somewhere else later, but it's got a ton of dependencies. static __forceinline void SetGSTitle() { char strtitle[256]; #if !defined(ZEROGS_DEVBUILD) const char* g_pShaders[4] = { "full", "reduced", "accurate", "accurate-reduced" }; const char* g_pInterlace[3] = { "interlace 0 |", "interlace 1 |", "" }; const char* g_pBilinear[3] = { "", "bilinear |", "forced bilinear |" }; if (SaveStateFile != NULL && !SaveStateExists) SaveStateExists = (access(SaveStateFile, 0) == 0); else SaveStateExists = true; sprintf(strtitle, "ZZ Open GL 0.%d.%d | %.1f fps | %s%s%s savestate %d%s | shaders %s | (%.1f)", zgsbuild, zgsminor, fFPS, g_pInterlace[conf.interlace], g_pBilinear[conf.bilinear], (conf.aa ? s_aa[conf.aa] : ""), CurrentSavestate, (SaveStateExists ? "" : "*"), g_pShaders[g_nPixelShaderVer], (ppf&0xfffff) / (float)UPDATE_FRAMES); #else sprintf(strtitle, "%d | %.1f fps (sk:%d%%) | g: %.1f, t: %.1f, a: %.1f, r: %.1f | p: %.1f | tex: %d %d (%d kbpf)", g_nFrame, fFPS, 100*g_nFramesSkipped / g_nFrame, g_nGenVars / (float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_nTexVars / (float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_nAlphaVars / (float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_nResolve / (float)UPDATE_FRAMES, (ppf&0xfffff) / (float)UPDATE_FRAMES, g_MemTargs.listTargets.size(), g_MemTargs.listClearedTargets.size(), g_TransferredToGPU >> 10); //_snprintf(strtitle, 512, "%x %x", *(int*)(g_pbyGSMemory + 256 * 0x3e0c + 4), *(int*)(g_pbyGSMemory + 256 * 0x3e04 + 4)); #endif // if( g_nFrame > 100 && fFPS > 60.0f ) { // ZZLog::Debug_Log("Set profile."); // g_bWriteProfile = 1; // } GLWin.SetTitle(strtitle); } void CALLBACK GSvsync(int interlace) { FUNCLOG //ZZLog::GS_Log("Calling GSvsync."); static u32 dwTime = timeGetTime(); static int nToNextUpdate = 1; #ifdef _DEBUG if (conf.dump & 0x1) { freezeData fd; fd.size = ZZSave(NULL); s8* payload = (s8*)malloc(fd.size); fd.data = payload; ZZSave(fd.data); char filename[256]; // FIXME, there is probably a better solution than /tmp ... // A possibility will be to save the path from GSmakeSnapshot but you still need to call // GSmakeSnapshot first. if (get_snapshot_filename(filename, "/tmp", "gs")) g_dump.Open(filename, g_LastCRC, fd, g_pBasePS2Mem); conf.dump--; } g_dump.VSync(interlace, (conf.dump == 0), g_pBasePS2Mem); #endif GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); g_nRealFrame++; // !interlace? Hmmm... Fixme. RenderCRTC(!interlace); GLWin.ProcessEvents(); if (--nToNextUpdate <= 0) { u32 d = timeGetTime(); fFPS = UPDATE_FRAMES * 1000.0f / (float)max(d - dwTime, (u32)1); dwTime = d; g_nFrame += UPDATE_FRAMES; #ifndef USE_GSOPEN2 // let PCSX2 manage the title SetGSTitle(); #endif // if( g_nFrame > 100 && fFPS > 60.0f ) { // ZZLog::Debug_Log("Set profile."); // g_bWriteProfile = 1; // } if (fFPS < 16) UPDATE_FRAMES = 4; else if (fFPS < 32) UPDATE_FRAMES = 8; else UPDATE_FRAMES = 16; nToNextUpdate = UPDATE_FRAMES; ppf = 0; g_TransferredToGPU = 0; g_nGenVars = 0; g_nTexVars = 0; g_nAlphaVars = 0; g_nResolve = 0; g_nFramesSkipped = 0; g_SkipFlushFrame = 0; } #if defined(ZEROGS_DEVBUILD) if (g_bWriteProfile) { //g_bWriteProfile = 0; DVProfWrite("prof.txt", UPDATE_FRAMES); DVProfClear(); } #endif GL_REPORT_ERRORD(); } void CALLBACK GSreadFIFO(u64 *pMem) { FUNCLOG //ZZLog::GS_Log("Calling GSreadFIFO."); #ifdef _DEBUG g_dump.ReadFIFO(1); #endif TransferLocalHost((u32*)pMem, 1); } void CALLBACK GSreadFIFO2(u64 *pMem, int qwc) { FUNCLOG //ZZLog::GS_Log("Calling GSreadFIFO2."); #ifdef _DEBUG g_dump.ReadFIFO(qwc); #endif TransferLocalHost((u32*)pMem, qwc); } int CALLBACK GSsetupRecording(int start, void* pData) { FUNCLOG if (start) StartCapture(); else StopCapture(); return 1; } s32 CALLBACK GSfreeze(int mode, freezeData *data) { FUNCLOG switch (mode) { case FREEZE_LOAD: if (!ZZLoad(data->data)) ZZLog::Error_Log("GS: Bad load format!"); g_nRealFrame += 100; break; case FREEZE_SAVE: ZZSave(data->data); break; case FREEZE_SIZE: data->size = ZZSave(NULL); break; default: break; } return 0; } #ifdef __LINUX__ struct Packet { u8 type, param; u32 size, addr; vector buff; }; EXPORT_C_(void) GSReplay(char* lpszCmdLine) { if(FILE* fp = fopen(lpszCmdLine, "rb")) { GSinit(); u8 regs[0x2000]; GSsetBaseMem(regs); //s_vsync = !!theApp.GetConfig("vsync", 0); void* hWnd = NULL; //_GSopen((void**)&hWnd, "", renderer); GSopen((void**)&hWnd, "", 0); u32 crc; fread(&crc, 4, 1, fp); GSsetGameCRC(crc, 0); freezeData fd; fread(&fd.size, 4, 1, fp); fd.data = new s8[fd.size]; fread(fd.data, fd.size, 1, fp); GSfreeze(FREEZE_LOAD, &fd); delete [] fd.data; fread(regs, 0x2000, 1, fp); long start = ftell(fp); GSvsync(1); list packets; vector buff; int type; while((type = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { Packet* p = new Packet(); p->type = (u8)type; switch(type) { case 0: p->param = (u8)fgetc(fp); fread(&p->size, 4, 1, fp); switch(p->param) { case 0: p->buff.resize(0x4000); p->addr = 0x4000 - p->size; fread(&p->buff[p->addr], p->size, 1, fp); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: p->buff.resize(p->size); fread(&p->buff[0], p->size, 1, fp); break; } break; case 1: p->param = (u8)fgetc(fp); break; case 2: fread(&p->size, 4, 1, fp); break; case 3: p->buff.resize(0x2000); fread(&p->buff[0], 0x2000, 1, fp); break; default: assert(0); } packets.push_back(p); } sleep(1); //while(IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) //FIXME map? int finished = 2; while(finished > 0) { unsigned long start = timeGetTime(); unsigned long frame_number = 0; for(list::iterator i = packets.begin(); i != packets.end(); i++) { Packet* p = *i; switch(p->type) { case 0: switch(p->param) { case 0: GSgifTransfer1(&p->buff[0], p->addr); break; case 1: GSgifTransfer2(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 2: GSgifTransfer3(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 3: GSgifTransfer(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; } break; case 1: GSvsync(p->param); frame_number++; break; case 2: if(buff.size() < p->size) buff.resize(p->size); // FIXME // GSreadFIFO2(&buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 3: memcpy(regs, &p->buff[0], 0x2000); break; } } unsigned long end = timeGetTime(); fprintf(stderr, "The %d frames of the scene was render on %dms\n", frame_number, end - start); fprintf(stderr, "A means of %fms by frame\n", (float)(end - start)/(float)frame_number); sleep(1); finished--; } for(list::iterator i = packets.begin(); i != packets.end(); i++) { delete *i; } packets.clear(); sleep(1); GSclose(); GSshutdown(); fclose(fp); } } #endif