#!/usr/bin/env python3 # PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs # Copyright (C) 2024 PCSX2 Dev Team # # PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- # ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. # If not, see . import sys import os import re from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from os.path import exists gamecount = [0] # ================================================================================================= def deletionChoice(source_extension): # Choose to delete source files yesno = { "n" : 0, "no" : 0, "y" : 1, "yes" : 1, } print("╟-------------------------------------------------------------------------------╢") print(f"║ Do you want to delete the original {source_extension.upper()} files as they are converted?") choice = input("║ Type Y or N then press ENTER: ").lower() if (not choice in yesno): exitInvalidOption() return (yesno[choice]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def blockSizeChoice(is_cd, decompressing): # Choose block size if (decompressing): return 0 sizes = { "1" : 16384, "2" : 131072, "3" : 262144, } if not is_cd else { "1": 17136, "2": 132192, "3": 264384, } print("╟-------------------------------------------------------------------------------╢") print("║ Please pick the block size you would like to use:") print("║") print("║ 1 - 16 kB (bigger files, faster access/less CPU, choose this if unsure)") print("║ 2 - 128 kB (balanced)") print("║ 3 - 256 kB (smaller files, slower access/more CPU)") print("║") blocksize = input("║ Type the number corresponding to your selection then press ENTER: ") if (not blocksize in sizes): exitInvalidOption() return (sizes[blocksize]) # ================================================================================================= def checkSuccess(compressing, fname, extension, error_code): # Ensure file created properly target_fname = f"{fname}.{extension}" if (error_code): print("╠===============================================================================╣") if (compressing): print(f"║ Compression to {extension.upper()} failed for the following:{(37 - len(extension)) * ' '}║") else: print(f"║ Extraction to {extension.upper()} failed for the following:{(38 - len(extension)) * ' '}║") print(f"║ {target_fname}{(77 - len(target_fname)) * ' '}║") print("╚===============================================================================╝") sys.exit(1) print(f"║ {target_fname} created.{(69 - len(target_fname)) * ' '}║") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkProgramMissing(program): if (sys.platform.startswith('win32') and exists(f"./{program}.exe")): return # Windows else: # Linux, macOS from shutil import which if (which(program) is not None): return print("╠===============================================================================╗") print(f"║ {program} failed, {program} is missing.{(39 - (len(program) * 2)) * ' '}║") print("╚===============================================================================╝") sys.exit(1) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkBinCueMismatch(bin_files, cue_files): # Ensure all bins and cues match if (len(bin_files) != len(cue_files)): # Ensure numerical parity exitBinCueMismatch() for fname in bin_files: # Ensure filename parity if (f"{fname[:-4]}.cue" not in cue_files): exitBinCueMismatch() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkDuplicates(source_files, target_extensions, crash_protection_type=0): dupe_options = { "s" : 0, "skip" : 0, "o" : 1, "overwrite" : 1, } dupe_files = [] dupe_names = [] target_files = [] for extension in target_extensions: target_files[len(target_files):] = returnFilteredPwdContents(extension) for fname in source_files: for extension in target_extensions: target_fname = f"{fname[:-4]}.{extension}" if (target_fname in target_files): dupe_files.append(target_fname) match crash_protection_type: case 0: pass case 1: # Skip any dupe files no matter what [dupe_names.append(fname[:-4]) for fname in dupe_files if fname[:-4] not in dupe_names] return dupe_names case 2: # Only skip if intermediate .iso present [dupe_names.append(fname[:-4]) for fname in dupe_files if fname[:-4] not in dupe_names and fname[-4:] == ".iso"] case _: pass if (not dupe_files): return dupe_names print("╟-------------------------------------------------------------------------------╢") print("║ The following files were found which would be overwritten:") for fname in dupe_files: print(f"║ - {fname}") print("║") print("║ You may choose to OVERWRITE or SKIP all of these.") if (crash_protection_type == 2): print("║ NOTE: chdman cannot overwrite .cso files. These will be skipped regardless.") choice = input("║ Press 'O' to overwrite or 'S' to skip and press ENTER: ").lower() if (choice in dupe_options): if (not dupe_options[choice]): # Skip [dupe_names.append(fname[:-4]) for fname in dupe_files if fname[:-4] not in dupe_names] return dupe_names else: exitInvalidOption() # ================================================================================================= def printInitialStatus(decompressing, target_fname): if (gamecount[0] != 0): print("╟-------------------------------------------------------------------------------╢") gamecount[0] += 1 if (decompressing): print(f"║ Extracting to {target_fname}... ({gamecount[0]}){(58 - len(target_fname) - len(str(gamecount[0]))) * ' '}║") else: print(f"║ Compressing to {target_fname}... ({gamecount[0]}){(57 - len(target_fname) - len(str(gamecount[0]))) * ' '}║") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def printSkip(target_fname): if (gamecount[0] != 0): print("╟-------------------------------------------------------------------------------╢") gamecount[0] += 1 print(f"║ Skipping creation of {target_fname}{(57 - len(target_fname)) * ' '}║") # ================================================================================================= def createCommandList(mode, source_fname, target_fname, blocksize=0): match mode: case 1: return [["maxcso", f"--block={blocksize}", source_fname]] case 2: return [["chdman", "createraw", "-us", "2048", "-hs", f"{blocksize}", "-f", "-i", source_fname, "-o", target_fname]] case 3: return [["chdman", "createcd", "-hs", f"{blocksize}", "-i", source_fname, "-o", f"{source_fname[:-4]}.chd"]] case 4: return [["maxcso", "--decompress", source_fname], ["chdman", "createraw", "-us", "2048", "-hs", f"{blocksize}", "-f", "-i", f"{source_fname[:-4]}.iso", "-o", f"{source_fname[:-4]}.chd"]] case 5: return [["chdman", "extractraw", "-i", source_fname, "-o", f"{source_fname[:-4]}.iso"], ["maxcso", f"--block={blocksize}", f"{source_fname[:-4]}.iso"]] case 6: return [["chdman", "extractraw", "-i", source_fname, "-o", target_fname]] case 7: return [["chdman", "extractcd", "-i", source_fname, "-o", target_fname]] case 8: return [["maxcso", "--decompress", source_fname]] case _: print("You have somehow chosen an invalid mode, and this was not correctly caught by the program.\nPlease report this as a bug.") sys.exit(1) # ================================================================================================= def returnFilteredPwdContents(file_extension): # Get files in pwd with extension extension_pattern = r".*\." + file_extension.lower() extension_reg = re.compile(extension_pattern) return [fname for fname in os.listdir('.') if extension_reg.match(fname)] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def deleteFile(fname): # Delete a file in pwd print(f"║ Deleting {fname}...{(66 - len(fname)) * ' '}║") os.remove(f"./{fname}") # ================================================================================================= def exitInvalidOption(): print("╠===============================================================================╗") print("║ Invalid option. ║") print("╚===============================================================================╝") sys.exit(1) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def exitBinCueMismatch(): print("╠===============================================================================╗") print("║ All BIN files must have a matching CUE. ║") print("╚===============================================================================╝") sys.exit(1) # ================================================================================================= # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # ================================================================================================= options = { # Options listings 1 : "Convert ISO to CSO", 2 : "Convert ISO to CHD", 3 : "Convert CUE/BIN to CHD", 4 : "Convert CSO to CHD", 5 : "Convert DVD CHD to CSO", 6 : "Extract DVD CHD to ISO", 7 : "Extract CD CHD to CUE/BIN", 8 : "Extract CSO to ISO", 9 : "Exit script", } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sources = { # Source file extensions 1 : "iso", 2 : "iso", 3 : "cue/bin", 4 : "cso", 5 : "chd", 6 : "chd", 7 : "chd", 8 : "cso", } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- targets = { # Target file extensions 1 : ["cso"], 2 : ["chd"], 3 : ["chd"], 4 : ["iso", "chd"], 5 : ["iso", "cso"], 6 : ["iso"], 7 : ["cue", "bin"], 8 : ["iso"], } # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reqs = { # Selection dependencies 1 : ["maxcso"], 2 : ["chdman"], 3 : ["chdman"], 4 : ["maxcso", "chdman"], 5 : ["maxcso", "chdman"], 6 : ["chdman"], 7 : ["chdman"], 8 : ["maxcso"], } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("╔===============================================================================╗") print("║ CSO/CHD/ISO/CUEBIN Conversion by Refraction, RedDevilus and TheTechnician27 ║") print("║ (Version Jul 16 2024) ║") print("╠===============================================================================╣") print("║ ║") print("║ PLEASE NOTE: This will affect all files in this folder! ║") print("║ Be sure to run this from the same directory as the files you wish to convert. ║") print("║ ║") for number, message in options.items(): print("║ ", number, " - ", message, f"{(70 - len(message)) * ' '}║") print("║ ║") print("╠===============================================================================╝") #print("║") mode = input("║ Type the number corresponding to your selection then press ENTER: ") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: mode = int(mode) except ValueError: exitInvalidOption() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mode < 9 and mode > 0): for program in reqs[mode]: # Check for dependencies checkProgramMissing(program) delete = deletionChoice(sources[mode]) # Choose to delete source files blocksize = blockSizeChoice(mode == 3, mode > 5) # Choose block size if compressing match mode: case 3: bin_files = returnFilteredPwdContents("bin") # Get all BIN files in pwd source_files = returnFilteredPwdContents("cue") # Get all CUE files in pwd checkBinCueMismatch(bin_files, source_files) dupe_list = checkDuplicates(source_files, targets[mode], 1) case 5: source_files = returnFilteredPwdContents(sources[mode]) # Get source files in pwd dupe_list = checkDuplicates(source_files, targets[mode], 2) case 6: source_files = returnFilteredPwdContents(sources[mode]) # Get source files in pwd dupe_list = checkDuplicates(source_files, targets[mode], 1) case _: source_files = returnFilteredPwdContents(sources[mode]) # Get source files in pwd dupe_list = checkDuplicates(source_files, targets[mode]) print("╠===============================================================================╗") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for fname in source_files: target_fname = f"{fname[:-4]}.{targets[mode][0]}" commands = createCommandList(mode, fname, target_fname, blocksize) if (fname[:-4] in dupe_list): printSkip(target_fname) continue printInitialStatus(mode > 5, f"{fname[:-4]}.{targets[mode][-1]}") for step, command in enumerate (commands): process = Popen(commands[step], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) # Execute process stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # Suppress output checkSuccess(mode < 6, fname[:-4], # Ensure target creation targets[mode][step], process.returncode) if (step == 1): # Delete intermediate file deleteFile(f"{fname[:-4]}.iso") if (delete): # Delete source requested deleteFile(fname) if (mode == 3): deleteFile(f"{fname[:-4]}.bin") # ===== EXIT SCRIPT =============================================================================== elif (mode == 9): print("╠===============================================================================╗") print("║ Goodbye! :) ║") print("╚===============================================================================╝") sys.exit(0) # ===== EXIT SCRIPT WITH ERROR ==================================================================== else: exitInvalidOption() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("╠===============================================================================╣") print("║ Process complete! ║") print("╚===============================================================================╝") sys.exit(0)