/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma once #include "GS.h" #include "GSCodeBuffer.h" #include "xbyak/xbyak.h" #include "xbyak/xbyak_util.h" template class GSFunctionMap { protected: struct ActivePtr { uint64 frame, frames; uint64 ticks, actual, total; VALUE f; }; hash_map m_map; hash_map m_map_active; ActivePtr* m_active; virtual VALUE GetDefaultFunction(KEY key) = 0; public: GSFunctionMap() : m_active(NULL) { } virtual ~GSFunctionMap() { for_each(m_map_active.begin(), m_map_active.end(), delete_second()); } VALUE operator [] (KEY key) { m_active = NULL; typename hash_map::iterator i = m_map_active.find(key); if(i != m_map_active.end()) { m_active = i->second; } else { typename hash_map::iterator i = m_map.find(key); ActivePtr* p = new ActivePtr(); memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->frame = (uint64)-1; p->f = i != m_map.end() ? i->second : GetDefaultFunction(key); m_map_active[key] = p; m_active = p; } return m_active->f; } void UpdateStats(uint64 frame, uint64 ticks, int actual, int total) { if(m_active) { if(m_active->frame != frame) { m_active->frame = frame; m_active->frames++; } m_active->ticks += ticks; m_active->actual += actual; m_active->total += total; ASSERT(m_active->total >= m_active->actual); } } virtual void PrintStats() { uint64 ttpf = 0; typename hash_map::iterator i; for(i = m_map_active.begin(); i != m_map_active.end(); ++i) { ActivePtr* p = i->second; if(p->frames) { ttpf += p->ticks / p->frames; } } printf("GS stats\n"); for(i = m_map_active.begin(); i != m_map_active.end(); ++i) { KEY key = i->first; ActivePtr* p = i->second; if(p->frames && ttpf) { uint64 tpp = p->actual > 0 ? p->ticks / p->actual : 0; uint64 tpf = p->frames > 0 ? p->ticks / p->frames : 0; uint64 ppf = p->frames > 0 ? p->actual / p->frames : 0; printf("[%014llx]%c %6.2f%% %5.2f%% f %4lld t %12lld p %12lld w %12lld tpp %4lld tpf %9lld ppf %9lld\n", (uint64)key, m_map.find(key) == m_map.end() ? '*' : ' ', (float)(tpf * 10000 / 34000000) / 100, (float)(tpf * 10000 / ttpf) / 100, p->frames, p->ticks, p->actual, p->total - p->actual, tpp, tpf, ppf); } } } }; class GSCodeGenerator : public Xbyak::CodeGenerator { protected: Xbyak::util::Cpu m_cpu; public: GSCodeGenerator(void* code, size_t maxsize) : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(maxsize, code) { } }; template class GSCodeGeneratorFunctionMap : public GSFunctionMap { string m_name; void* m_param; hash_map m_cgmap; GSCodeBuffer m_cb; enum {MAX_SIZE = 8192}; public: GSCodeGeneratorFunctionMap(const char* name, void* param) : m_name(name) , m_param(param) { } VALUE GetDefaultFunction(KEY key) { VALUE ret = NULL; typename hash_map::iterator i = m_cgmap.find(key); if(i != m_cgmap.end()) { ret = i->second; } else { CG* cg = new CG(m_param, key, m_cb.GetBuffer(MAX_SIZE), MAX_SIZE); ASSERT(cg->getSize() < MAX_SIZE); m_cb.ReleaseBuffer(cg->getSize()); ret = (VALUE)cg->getCode(); m_cgmap[key] = ret; #ifdef ENABLE_VTUNE // vtune method registration // if(iJIT_IsProfilingActive()) // always > 0 { string name = format("%s<%016llx>()", m_name.c_str(), (uint64)key); iJIT_Method_Load ml; memset(&ml, 0, sizeof(ml)); ml.method_id = iJIT_GetNewMethodID(); ml.method_name = (char*)name.c_str(); ml.method_load_address = (void*)cg->getCode(); ml.method_size = (unsigned int)cg->getSize(); iJIT_NotifyEvent(iJVM_EVENT_TYPE_METHOD_LOAD_FINISHED, &ml); /* name = format("c:/temp1/%s_%016llx.bin", m_name.c_str(), (uint64)key); if(FILE* fp = fopen(name.c_str(), "wb")) { fputc(0x0F, fp); fputc(0x0B, fp); fputc(0xBB, fp); fputc(0x6F, fp); fputc(0x00, fp); fputc(0x00, fp); fputc(0x00, fp); fputc(0x64, fp); fputc(0x67, fp); fputc(0x90, fp); fwrite(cg->getCode(), cg->getSize(), 1, fp); fputc(0xBB, fp); fputc(0xDE, fp); fputc(0x00, fp); fputc(0x00, fp); fputc(0x00, fp); fputc(0x64, fp); fputc(0x67, fp); fputc(0x90, fp); fputc(0x0F, fp); fputc(0x0B, fp); fclose(fp); } */ } #endif delete cg; } return ret; } };