†---------------------† Disassembly view: †---------------------† Ctrl + G Goto Ctrl + E Edit Breakpoint Ctrl + D Enable/disable breakpoint Ctrl + B Add breakpoint Left Go back one branch level/goto pc Right Follow branch/position memory view to accessed address Up Move cursor up one line Down Move cursor down one line Page Up Move visible area up one page Page Down Move visible area down one page F10 Step over F11 Step into Tab Toggle display symbols Left Click Select line/toggle breakpoint if line is already highlighted Right Click Open context menu †---------------------† Memory View: †---------------------† Ctrl + G Goto Ctrl + B Add breakpoint Left Move cursor back one byte/nibble Right Move cursor ahead one byte/nibble Up Move cursor up one line Down Move cursor down one line Page Up Move cursor up one page Page Down Move cursor down one page 0-9,A-F Overwrite hex nibble Any Overwrite ansi byte Left Click Select byte/nibble Right Click Open context menu Ctrl+Wheel Zoom memory view Esc Return to previous goto address Ctrl+V Paste a hex string into memory †---------------------† Breakpoint List: †---------------------† Up Select previous item Down Select next item Delete Remove selected breakpoint Return Edit selected breakpoint Space Toggle enable state of selected breakpoint †---------------------†