///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/testing.h // Purpose: helpers for GUI testing // Author: Vaclav Slavik // Created: 2012-08-28 // Copyright: (c) 2012 Vaclav Slavik // Licence: wxWindows Licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_TESTING_H_ #define _WX_TESTING_H_ #include "wx/debug.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/modalhook.h" class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxMessageDialogBase; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxFileDialogBase; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // testing API // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Don't include this code when building the library itself #ifndef WXBUILDING #include "wx/beforestd.h" #include #include #include #include "wx/afterstd.h" #include "wx/cpp.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/filedlg.h" class wxTestingModalHook; // Non-template base class for wxExpectModal (via wxExpectModalBase). // Only used internally. class wxModalExpectation { public: wxModalExpectation() : m_isOptional(false) {} virtual ~wxModalExpectation() {} bool IsOptional() const { return m_isOptional; } virtual int Invoke(wxDialog *dlg) const = 0; virtual wxString GetDescription() const = 0; protected: // Is this dialog optional, i.e. not required to be shown? bool m_isOptional; }; // This must be specialized for each type. The specialization MUST be derived // from wxExpectModalBase. template class wxExpectModal {}; /** Base class for wxExpectModal specializations. Every such specialization must be derived from wxExpectModalBase; there's no other use for this class than to serve as wxExpectModal's base class. T must be a class derived from wxDialog. */ template class wxExpectModalBase : public wxModalExpectation { public: typedef T DialogType; typedef wxExpectModal ExpectationType; /** Returns a copy of the expectation where the expected dialog is marked as optional. Optional dialogs aren't required to appear, it's not an error if they don't. */ ExpectationType Optional() const { ExpectationType e(*static_cast(this)); e.m_isOptional = true; return e; } protected: virtual int Invoke(wxDialog *dlg) const { DialogType *t = dynamic_cast(dlg); if ( t ) return OnInvoked(t); else return wxID_NONE; // not handled } /// Returns description of the expected dialog (by default, its class). virtual wxString GetDescription() const { return wxCLASSINFO(T)->GetClassName(); } /** This method is called when ShowModal() was invoked on a dialog of type T. @return Return value is used as ShowModal()'s return value. */ virtual int OnInvoked(DialogType *dlg) const = 0; }; // wxExpectModal specializations for common dialogs: template<> class wxExpectModal : public wxExpectModalBase { public: wxExpectModal(int id) { switch ( id ) { case wxYES: m_id = wxID_YES; break; case wxNO: m_id = wxID_NO; break; case wxCANCEL: m_id = wxID_CANCEL; break; case wxOK: m_id = wxID_OK; break; case wxHELP: m_id = wxID_HELP; break; default: m_id = id; break; } } protected: virtual int OnInvoked(wxMessageDialog *WXUNUSED(dlg)) const { return m_id; } int m_id; }; #if wxUSE_FILEDLG template<> class wxExpectModal : public wxExpectModalBase { public: wxExpectModal(const wxString& path, int id = wxID_OK) : m_path(path), m_id(id) { } protected: virtual int OnInvoked(wxFileDialog *dlg) const { dlg->SetPath(m_path); return m_id; } wxString m_path; int m_id; }; #endif // Implementation of wxModalDialogHook for use in testing, with // wxExpectModal and the wxTEST_DIALOG() macro. It is not intended for // direct use, use the macro instead. class wxTestingModalHook : public wxModalDialogHook { public: wxTestingModalHook() { Register(); } // Called to verify that all expectations were met. This cannot be done in // the destructor, because ReportFailure() may throw (either because it's // overriden or because wx's assertions handling is, globally). And // throwing from the destructor would introduce all sort of problems, // including messing up the order of errors in some cases. void CheckUnmetExpectations() { while ( !m_expectations.empty() ) { const wxModalExpectation *expect = m_expectations.front(); m_expectations.pop(); if ( expect->IsOptional() ) continue; ReportFailure ( wxString::Format ( "Expected %s dialog was not shown.", expect->GetDescription() ) ); break; } } void AddExpectation(const wxModalExpectation& e) { m_expectations.push(&e); } protected: virtual int Enter(wxDialog *dlg) { while ( !m_expectations.empty() ) { const wxModalExpectation *expect = m_expectations.front(); m_expectations.pop(); int ret = expect->Invoke(dlg); if ( ret != wxID_NONE ) return ret; // dialog shown as expected // not showing an optional dialog is OK, but showing an unexpected // one definitely isn't: if ( !expect->IsOptional() ) { ReportFailure ( wxString::Format ( "A %s dialog was shown unexpectedly, expected %s.", dlg->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName(), expect->GetDescription() ) ); return wxID_NONE; } // else: try the next expectation in the chain } ReportFailure ( wxString::Format ( "A dialog (%s) was shown unexpectedly.", dlg->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName() ) ); return wxID_NONE; } protected: virtual void ReportFailure(const wxString& msg) { wxFAIL_MSG( msg ); } private: std::queue m_expectations; wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxTestingModalHook); }; // Redefining this value makes it possible to customize the hook class, // including e.g. its error reporting. #define wxTEST_DIALOG_HOOK_CLASS wxTestingModalHook #define WX_TEST_IMPL_ADD_EXPECTATION(pos, expect) \ const wxModalExpectation& wx_exp##pos = expect; \ wx_hook.AddExpectation(wx_exp##pos); /** Runs given code with all modal dialogs redirected to wxExpectModal hooks, instead of being shown to the user. The first argument is any valid expression, typically a function call. The remaining arguments are wxExpectModal instances defining the dialogs that are expected to be shown, in order of appearance. Some typical examples: @code wxTEST_DIALOG ( rc = dlg.ShowModal(), wxExpectModal(wxGetCwd() + "/test.txt") ); @endcode Sometimes, the code may show more than one dialog: @code wxTEST_DIALOG ( RunSomeFunction(), wxExpectModal(wxNO), wxExpectModal(wxYES), wxExpectModal(wxGetCwd() + "/test.txt") ); @endcode Notice that wxExpectModal has some convenience methods for further tweaking the expectations. For example, it's possible to mark an expected dialog as @em optional for situations when a dialog may be shown, but isn't required to, by calling the Optional() method: @code wxTEST_DIALOG ( RunSomeFunction(), wxExpectModal(wxNO), wxExpectModal(wxGetCwd() + "/test.txt").Optional() ); @endcode @note By default, errors are reported with wxFAIL_MSG(). You may customize this by implementing a class derived from wxTestingModalHook, overriding its ReportFailure() method and redefining the wxTEST_DIALOG_HOOK_CLASS macro to be the name of this class. @note Custom dialogs are supported too. All you have to do is to specialize wxExpectModal<> for your dialog type and implement its OnInvoked() method. */ #ifdef HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS #define wxTEST_DIALOG(codeToRun, ...) \ { \ wxTEST_DIALOG_HOOK_CLASS wx_hook; \ wxCALL_FOR_EACH(WX_TEST_IMPL_ADD_EXPECTATION, __VA_ARGS__) \ codeToRun; \ wx_hook.CheckUnmetExpectations(); \ } #endif /* HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS */ #endif // !WXBUILDING #endif // _WX_TESTING_H_