///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/msw/bitmap.h // Purpose: wxBitmap class // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/97 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_BITMAP_H_ #define _WX_BITMAP_H_ #include "wx/msw/gdiimage.h" #include "wx/math.h" #include "wx/palette.h" class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxBitmap; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxBitmapHandler; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxBitmapRefData; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxControl; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxCursor; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxDC; #if wxUSE_WXDIB class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxDIB; #endif class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxIcon; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxMask; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxPalette; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxPixelDataBase; // What kind of transparency should a bitmap copied from an icon or cursor // have? enum wxBitmapTransparency { wxBitmapTransparency_Auto, // default: copy alpha if the source has it wxBitmapTransparency_None, // never create alpha wxBitmapTransparency_Always // always use alpha }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBitmap: a mono or colour bitmap // NOTE: for wxMSW we don't use the wxBitmapBase base class declared in bitmap.h! // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxBitmap : public wxGDIImage, public wxBitmapHelpers { public: // default ctor creates an invalid bitmap, you must Create() it later wxBitmap() { } // Initialize with raw data wxBitmap(const char bits[], int width, int height, int depth = 1); // Initialize with XPM data wxBitmap(const char* const* data); #ifdef wxNEEDS_CHARPP wxBitmap(char** data) { *this = wxBitmap(const_cast(data)); } #endif // Load a file or resource wxBitmap(const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type = wxBITMAP_DEFAULT_TYPE); // New constructor for generalised creation from data wxBitmap(const void* data, wxBitmapType type, int width, int height, int depth = 1); // Create a new, uninitialized bitmap of the given size and depth (if it // is omitted, will create a bitmap compatible with the display) // // NB: this ctor will create a DIB for 24 and 32bpp bitmaps, use ctor // taking a DC argument if you want to force using DDB in this case wxBitmap(int width, int height, int depth = -1) { (void)Create(width, height, depth); } wxBitmap(const wxSize& sz, int depth = -1) { (void)Create(sz, depth); } // Create a bitmap compatible with the given DC wxBitmap(int width, int height, const wxDC& dc); #if wxUSE_IMAGE // Convert from wxImage wxBitmap(const wxImage& image, int depth = -1) { (void)CreateFromImage(image, depth); } // Create a DDB compatible with the given DC from wxImage wxBitmap(const wxImage& image, const wxDC& dc) { (void)CreateFromImage(image, dc); } #endif // wxUSE_IMAGE // we must have this, otherwise icons are silently copied into bitmaps using // the copy ctor but the resulting bitmap is invalid! wxBitmap(const wxIcon& icon, wxBitmapTransparency transp = wxBitmapTransparency_Auto) { CopyFromIcon(icon, transp); } wxBitmap& operator=(const wxIcon& icon) { (void)CopyFromIcon(icon); return *this; } wxBitmap& operator=(const wxCursor& cursor) { (void)CopyFromCursor(cursor); return *this; } virtual ~wxBitmap(); #if wxUSE_IMAGE wxImage ConvertToImage() const; wxBitmap ConvertToDisabled(unsigned char brightness = 255) const; #endif // wxUSE_IMAGE // get the given part of bitmap wxBitmap GetSubBitmap( const wxRect& rect ) const; // NB: This should not be called from user code. It is for wx internal // use only. wxBitmap GetSubBitmapOfHDC( const wxRect& rect, WXHDC hdc ) const; // copies the contents and mask of the given (colour) icon to the bitmap bool CopyFromIcon(const wxIcon& icon, wxBitmapTransparency transp = wxBitmapTransparency_Auto); // copies the contents and mask of the given cursor to the bitmap bool CopyFromCursor(const wxCursor& cursor, wxBitmapTransparency transp = wxBitmapTransparency_Auto); #if wxUSE_WXDIB // copies from a device independent bitmap bool CopyFromDIB(const wxDIB& dib); bool IsDIB() const; bool ConvertToDIB(); #endif virtual bool Create(int width, int height, int depth = wxBITMAP_SCREEN_DEPTH); virtual bool Create(const wxSize& sz, int depth = wxBITMAP_SCREEN_DEPTH) { return Create(sz.GetWidth(), sz.GetHeight(), depth); } virtual bool Create(int width, int height, const wxDC& dc); virtual bool Create(const void* data, wxBitmapType type, int width, int height, int depth = 1); virtual bool CreateScaled(int w, int h, int d, double logicalScale) { return Create(wxRound(w*logicalScale), wxRound(h*logicalScale), d); } virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type = wxBITMAP_DEFAULT_TYPE); virtual bool SaveFile(const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type, const wxPalette *cmap = NULL) const; wxBitmapRefData *GetBitmapData() const { return (wxBitmapRefData *)m_refData; } // raw bitmap access support functions void *GetRawData(wxPixelDataBase& data, int bpp); void UngetRawData(wxPixelDataBase& data); #if wxUSE_PALETTE wxPalette* GetPalette() const; void SetPalette(const wxPalette& palette); #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE wxMask *GetMask() const; void SetMask(wxMask *mask); // these functions are internal and shouldn't be used, they risk to // disappear in the future bool HasAlpha() const; void UseAlpha(); void ResetAlpha(); // support for scaled bitmaps virtual double GetScaleFactor() const { return 1.0; } virtual double GetScaledWidth() const { return GetWidth() / GetScaleFactor(); } virtual double GetScaledHeight() const { return GetHeight() / GetScaleFactor(); } virtual wxSize GetScaledSize() const { return wxSize(wxRound(GetScaledWidth()), wxRound(GetScaledHeight())); } // implementation only from now on // ------------------------------- // Set alpha flag to true if this is a 32bpp bitmap which has any non-0 // values in its alpha channel. void MSWUpdateAlpha(); public: void SetHBITMAP(WXHBITMAP bmp) { SetHandle((WXHANDLE)bmp); } WXHBITMAP GetHBITMAP() const { return (WXHBITMAP)GetHandle(); } void SetSelectedInto(wxDC *dc); wxDC *GetSelectedInto() const; protected: virtual wxGDIImageRefData *CreateData() const; virtual wxGDIRefData *CloneGDIRefData(const wxGDIRefData *data) const; // creates an uninitialized bitmap, called from Create()s above bool DoCreate(int w, int h, int depth, WXHDC hdc); #if wxUSE_IMAGE // creates the bitmap from wxImage, supposed to be called from ctor bool CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth); // creates a DDB from wxImage, supposed to be called from ctor bool CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, const wxDC& dc); // common part of the 2 methods above (hdc may be 0) bool CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth, WXHDC hdc); #endif // wxUSE_IMAGE private: // common part of CopyFromIcon/CopyFromCursor for Win32 bool CopyFromIconOrCursor(const wxGDIImage& icon, wxBitmapTransparency transp = wxBitmapTransparency_Auto); DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBitmap) }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMask: a mono bitmap used for drawing bitmaps transparently. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMask : public wxObject { public: wxMask(); // Copy constructor wxMask(const wxMask &mask); // Construct a mask from a bitmap and a colour indicating the transparent // area wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour); // Construct a mask from a bitmap and a palette index indicating the // transparent area wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap, int paletteIndex); // Construct a mask from a mono bitmap (copies the bitmap). wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap); // construct a mask from the givne bitmap handle wxMask(WXHBITMAP hbmp) { m_maskBitmap = hbmp; } virtual ~wxMask(); bool Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour); bool Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap, int paletteIndex); bool Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap); wxBitmap GetBitmap() const; // Implementation WXHBITMAP GetMaskBitmap() const { return m_maskBitmap; } void SetMaskBitmap(WXHBITMAP bmp) { m_maskBitmap = bmp; } protected: WXHBITMAP m_maskBitmap; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMask) }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBitmapHandler is a class which knows how to load/save bitmaps to/from file // NOTE: for wxMSW we don't use the wxBitmapHandler class declared in bitmap.h! // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxBitmapHandler : public wxGDIImageHandler { public: wxBitmapHandler() { } wxBitmapHandler(const wxString& name, const wxString& ext, wxBitmapType type) : wxGDIImageHandler(name, ext, type) { } // implement wxGDIImageHandler's pure virtuals: virtual bool Create(wxGDIImage *image, const void* data, wxBitmapType type, int width, int height, int depth = 1); virtual bool Load(wxGDIImage *image, const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight); virtual bool Save(const wxGDIImage *image, const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type) const; // make wxBitmapHandler compatible with the wxBitmapHandler interface // declared in bitmap.h, even if it's derived from wxGDIImageHandler: virtual bool Create(wxBitmap *bitmap, const void* data, wxBitmapType type, int width, int height, int depth = 1); virtual bool LoadFile(wxBitmap *bitmap, const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight); virtual bool SaveFile(const wxBitmap *bitmap, const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type, const wxPalette *palette = NULL) const; private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBitmapHandler) }; #endif // _WX_BITMAP_H_