#include "Global.h" #include #include "usb.h" #include "HidDevice.h" #include "InputManager.h" #define VID 0x054c #define PID 0x0268 // Unresponsive period required before calling DS3Check(). #define DEVICE_CHECK_DELAY 2 // Unresponsive period required before calling DS3Enum(). Note that enum is always called on first check. #define DEVICE_ENUM_DELAY 10 // Delay between when DS3Check() and DS3Enum() actually do stuff. #define DOUBLE_CHECK_DELAY 1 #define DOUBLE_ENUM_DELAY 20 unsigned int lastDS3Check = 0; unsigned int lastDS3Enum = 0; typedef void (__cdecl *_usb_init)(void); typedef int (__cdecl *_usb_close)(usb_dev_handle *dev); typedef int (__cdecl *_usb_get_string_simple)(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, char *buf, size_t buflen); typedef usb_dev_handle *(__cdecl *_usb_open)(struct usb_device *dev); typedef int (__cdecl *_usb_find_busses)(void); typedef int (__cdecl *_usb_find_devices)(void); typedef struct usb_bus *(__cdecl *_usb_get_busses)(void); typedef usb_dev_handle *(__cdecl *_usb_open)(struct usb_device *dev); typedef int (__cdecl *_usb_control_msg)(usb_dev_handle *dev, int requesttype, int request, int value, int index, char *bytes, int size, int timeout); _usb_init pusb_init; _usb_close pusb_close; _usb_get_string_simple pusb_get_string_simple; _usb_open pusb_open; _usb_find_busses pusb_find_busses; _usb_find_devices pusb_find_devices; _usb_get_busses pusb_get_busses; _usb_control_msg pusb_control_msg; HMODULE hModLibusb = 0; int DualShock3Possible(); void EnumDualShock3s(); void UninitLibUsb() { if (hModLibusb) { FreeLibrary(hModLibusb); hModLibusb = 0; } } void TryInitDS3(usb_device *dev) { while (dev) { if (dev->descriptor.idVendor == VID && dev->descriptor.idProduct == PID) { usb_dev_handle *handle = pusb_open(dev); if (handle) { char junk[20]; pusb_control_msg(handle, 0xa1, 1, 0x03f2, 0, junk, 17, 1000); pusb_close(handle); } } if (dev->num_children) { for (int i=0; inum_children; i++) { TryInitDS3(dev->children[i]); } } dev = dev->next; } } void DS3Enum() { unsigned int t = (unsigned int) time(0); if (t - lastDS3Enum < DOUBLE_ENUM_DELAY) { return; } lastDS3Enum = t; pusb_find_busses(); pusb_find_devices(); } void DS3Check() { unsigned int t = (unsigned int) time(0); if (t - lastDS3Check < DOUBLE_CHECK_DELAY) { return; } if (!lastDS3Check) { DS3Enum(); } lastDS3Check = t; usb_bus *bus = pusb_get_busses(); while (bus) { TryInitDS3(bus->devices); bus = bus->next; } } int InitLibUsb() { if (hModLibusb) { return 1; } hModLibusb = LoadLibraryA("C:\\windows\\system32\\libusb0.dll"); if (hModLibusb) { if ((pusb_init = (_usb_init) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_init")) && (pusb_close = (_usb_close) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_close")) && (pusb_get_string_simple = (_usb_get_string_simple) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_get_string_simple")) && (pusb_open = (_usb_open) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_open")) && (pusb_find_busses = (_usb_find_busses) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_find_busses")) && (pusb_find_devices = (_usb_find_devices) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_find_devices")) && (pusb_get_busses = (_usb_get_busses) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_get_busses")) && (pusb_control_msg = (_usb_control_msg) GetProcAddress(hModLibusb, "usb_control_msg"))) { pusb_init(); return 1; } UninitLibUsb(); } return 0; } int DualShock3Possible() { return InitLibUsb(); } #include struct MotorState { unsigned char duration; unsigned char force; }; struct LightState { // 0xFF makes it stay on. unsigned char duration; // Have to make one or the other non-zero to turn on light. unsigned char dunno[2]; // 0 is fully lit. unsigned char dimness; // Have to make non-zero to turn on light. unsigned char on; }; // Data sent to DS3 to set state. struct DS3Command { unsigned char id; unsigned char unsure; // Small is first, then big. MotorState motors[2]; unsigned char noClue[4]; // 2 is pad 1 light, 4 is pad 2, 8 is pad 3, 16 is pad 4. No clue about the others. unsigned char lightFlags; // Lights are in reverse order. pad 1 is last. LightState lights[4]; unsigned char dunno[18]; }; #include int CharToAxis(unsigned char c) { int v = (int)c + ((unsigned int)c >> 7); return ((c-128) * FULLY_DOWN)>>7; } int CharToButton(unsigned char c) { int v = (int)c + ((unsigned int)c >> 7); return (v * FULLY_DOWN)>>8; } class DualShock3Device : public Device { // Cached last vibration values by pad and motor. // Need this, as only one value is changed at a time. int ps2Vibration[2][4][2]; int vibration[2]; public: int index; HANDLE hFile; DS3Command sendState; unsigned char getState[49]; OVERLAPPED readop; OVERLAPPED writeop; int writeCount; unsigned int dataLastReceived; int writeQueued; int StartRead() { int res = ReadFile(hFile, &getState, sizeof(getState), 0, &readop); return (res || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING); } int StartWrite() { sendState.motors[0].duration = 0x50; sendState.motors[1].duration = 0x50; int bigForce = vibration[0] * 256/FULLY_DOWN; if (bigForce > 255) bigForce = 255; sendState.motors[1].force = (unsigned char) bigForce; sendState.motors[0].force = (unsigned char) (vibration[1] >= FULLY_DOWN/2); // Can't seem to have them both non-zero at once. if (sendState.motors[writeCount&1].force) { sendState.motors[(writeCount&1)^1].force = 0; sendState.motors[(writeCount&1)^1].duration = 0; } writeCount++; int res = WriteFile(hFile, &sendState, sizeof(sendState), 0, &writeop); return (res || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING); } DualShock3Device(int index, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *path) : Device(DS3, OTHER, name, path, L"DualShock 3") { writeCount = 0; memset(&readop, 0, sizeof(readop)); memset(&writeop, 0, sizeof(writeop)); memset(&sendState, 0, sizeof(sendState)); sendState.id = 1; int temp = (index&4); sendState.lightFlags = (1 << (temp+1)); sendState.lights[3-temp].duration = 0xFF; sendState.lights[3-temp].dunno[0] = 1; sendState.lights[3-temp].on = 1; memset(ps2Vibration, 0, sizeof(ps2Vibration)); writeQueued = 0; vibration[0] = vibration[1] = 0; this->index = index; int i; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { AddPhysicalControl(PSHBTN, i, 0); } for (; i<23; i++) { AddPhysicalControl(ABSAXIS, i, 0); } AddFFAxis(L"Big Motor", 0); AddFFAxis(L"Small Motor", 1); AddFFEffectType(L"Constant Effect", L"Constant", EFFECT_CONSTANT); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } wchar_t *GetPhysicalControlName(PhysicalControl *c) { const static wchar_t *names[] = { L"Square", L"Cross", L"Circle", L"Triangle", L"R1", L"L1", L"R2", L"L2", L"R3", L"L3", L"Left", L"Down", L"Right", L"Up", L"Start", L"Select", L"L-Stick X", L"L-Stick Y", L"R-Stick X", L"R-Stick Y", L"Left/Right Tilt", L"Forward/Back Tilt", L"???", }; unsigned int i = (unsigned int) (c - physicalControls); if (i < sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0])) { return (wchar_t*)names[i]; } return Device::GetPhysicalControlName(c); } int Activate(void *d) { if (active) Deactivate(); // Give grace period before get mad. dataLastReceived = (unsigned int) time(0); readop.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0); writeop.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0); hFile = CreateFileW(instanceID, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if (!readop.hEvent || !writeop.hEvent || hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !StartRead()) { Deactivate(); return 0; } active = 1; AllocState(); return 1; } int Update() { if (!active) return 0; HANDLE h[2] = { readop.hEvent, writeop.hEvent }; while (1) { DWORD res = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, h, 0, 0); if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { dataLastReceived = (unsigned int) time(0); // Do stuff. if (!StartRead()) { Deactivate(); return 0; } physicalControlState[0] = CharToButton(getState[25]); physicalControlState[1] = CharToButton(getState[24]); physicalControlState[2] = CharToButton(getState[23]); physicalControlState[3] = CharToButton(getState[22]); physicalControlState[4] = CharToButton(getState[21]); physicalControlState[5] = CharToButton(getState[20]); physicalControlState[6] = CharToButton(getState[19]); physicalControlState[7] = CharToButton(getState[18]); physicalControlState[10] = CharToButton(getState[17]); physicalControlState[11] = CharToButton(getState[16]); physicalControlState[12] = CharToButton(getState[15]); physicalControlState[13] = CharToButton(getState[14]); physicalControlState[8] = ((getState[2]&4)/4) * FULLY_DOWN; physicalControlState[9] = ((getState[2]&2)/2) * FULLY_DOWN; physicalControlState[15] = ((getState[2]&1)/1) * FULLY_DOWN; physicalControlState[14] = ((getState[2]&8)/8) * FULLY_DOWN; physicalControlState[16] = CharToAxis(getState[6]); physicalControlState[17] = CharToAxis(getState[7]); physicalControlState[18] = CharToAxis(getState[8]); physicalControlState[19] = CharToAxis(getState[9]); physicalControlState[20] = CharToAxis(getState[42]+128); physicalControlState[21] = CharToAxis(getState[44]+128); physicalControlState[22] = CharToAxis(getState[46]+128); continue; } else if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0+1) { writeQueued--; if (writeQueued | vibration[0] | vibration[1]) { if (vibration[0] | vibration[1]) writeQueued = 3; if (!StartWrite()) { Deactivate(); return 0; } }//*/ } else { unsigned int delta = (unsigned int) time(0) - dataLastReceived; if (delta >= DEVICE_CHECK_DELAY) { if (delta >= DEVICE_ENUM_DELAY) { DS3Enum(); } DS3Check(); if (!writeQueued) { StartWrite(); writeQueued = 1; } } } break; } return 1; } void SetEffects(unsigned char port, unsigned int slot, unsigned char motor, unsigned char force) { ps2Vibration[port][slot][motor] = force; vibration[0] = vibration[1] = 0; for (int p=0; p<2; p++) { for (int s=0; s<4; s++) { for (int i=0; iaxes[0].force * (__int64)ps2Vibration[p][s][ffb->motor]) / 255); vibration[1] += (int)((ffb->axes[1].force * (__int64)ps2Vibration[p][s][ffb->motor]) / 255); } } } if (!writeQueued) { StartWrite(); } if (writeQueued<2) { writeQueued++; } } void SetEffect(ForceFeedbackBinding *binding, unsigned char force) { PadBindings pBackup = pads[0][0]; pads[0][0].ffBindings = binding; pads[0][0].numFFBindings = 1; SetEffects(0, 0, binding->motor, 255); pads[0][0] = pBackup; } void Deactivate() { if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CancelIo(hFile); CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (readop.hEvent) { CloseHandle(readop.hEvent); } if (writeop.hEvent) { CloseHandle(writeop.hEvent); } writeQueued = 0; memset(ps2Vibration, 0, sizeof(ps2Vibration)); vibration[0] = vibration[1] = 0; FreeState(); active = 0; } ~DualShock3Device() { } }; void EnumDualShock3s() { if (!InitLibUsb()) return; HidDeviceInfo *foundDevs = 0; int numDevs = FindHids(&foundDevs, VID, PID); if (!numDevs) return; int index = 0; for (int i=0; iAddDevice(new DualShock3Device(index, temp, foundDevs[i].path)); index++; } free(foundDevs[i].path); } free(foundDevs); }