/* * The IOP exception manager module. */ #include <tamtypes.h> #include "err.h" #include "kexcepman.h" #include "kloadcore.h" #include "iopdebug.h" #define _dprintf(fmt, args...) \ __printf("excepman: " fmt, ## args) int _start(); int excepman_reinit(); int excepman_deinit(); void *GetExHandlersTable(); int RegisterExceptionHandler(int code, struct exHandler *handler); int RegisterPriorityExceptionHandler(int code, int priority, struct exHandler *handler); int RegisterDefaultExceptionHandler(struct exHandler *handler); int ReleaseExceptionHandler(int code, struct exHandler *handler); int ReleaseDefaultExceptionHandler(struct exHandler *handler); struct export excepman_stub __attribute__((section(".text"))) ={ 0x41C00000, 0, VER(1, 1), // 1.1 => 0x101 0, "excepman", (func)_start, // entrypoint (func)excepman_reinit, (func)excepman_deinit, (func)GetExHandlersTable, (func)RegisterExceptionHandler, (func)RegisterPriorityExceptionHandler, (func)RegisterDefaultExceptionHandler, (func)ReleaseExceptionHandler, (func)ReleaseDefaultExceptionHandler, 0 }; void* *extable; struct exHandler *handlers[16]; void *defhandler; void iopException(); extern void defaultEH(); void defaultEHfunc() { __printf("panic: excepman: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); __printf("EPC=0x%x, cause: %x\n", *(u32*)0x404, *(u32*)0x40C); __printf("EXECUTION HALTED\n"); for (;;); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void registerEH() { int i; _dprintf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); // Set up the chain of exception handlers, making sure that each used one is terminated by the // default exception handler. for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (handlers[i]) { struct exHandler *eh = handlers[i]; while(eh->next){ struct exHandler *p_handler = (struct exHandler *)(eh->info & ~3); struct exHandler *p_next_handler = (struct exHandler *)(((struct exHandler *)(eh->next))->info & ~3); p_handler->next = (void*)p_next_handler + 8; eh = eh->next; } { struct exHandler *p_handler = (struct exHandler *)(eh->info & ~3); p_handler->next = defhandler; } } } for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (handlers[i]){ extable[i]=(void*)((handlers[i]->info & ~3) + 8); } else { extable[i]=defhandler; } } } //////////////////////////////entrypoint///////////////////////////////[00] void Kputc(u8 c) { *((u8*)0x1f80380c) = c; } void Kprintnum(unsigned int n) { int i = 0; while(i < 8) { u32 a = n>>28; if( a < 10 ) Kputc('0'+a); else Kputc('a'+(a-10)); n <<= 4; ++i; } } int _start() { int *src, *dst; int i; _dprintf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); for (i=0; i<16; i++){ handlers[i] = NULL; } defhandler=NULL; extable = (void*)0x440; // Install the exception handler to address 0 for (src=(int*)iopException, dst=0; (u32)dst<0x100; src++, dst++){ *dst = *src; } RegisterDefaultExceptionHandler((struct exHandler *)&defaultEH); RegisterLibraryEntries(&excepman_stub); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[02] int excepman_deinit(){ return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[01] int excepman_reinit() { excepman_deinit(); return _start(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[04] int RegisterExceptionHandler(int code, struct exHandler *handler) { return RegisterPriorityExceptionHandler(code, 2, handler); } // This is a pool of containers. They form a linked list. The info member of each points // to a registered handler. struct exHandler _list[32]; struct exHandler *list = NULL; void link(struct exHandler *e) { e->next = list; list = e; } struct exHandler *unlink() { struct exHandler *e; if (list == NULL) { int i; list = _list; for (i=0; i<31; i++) { list[i].next = &list[i+1]; } list[i].next = 0; } e = list; list = e->next; return e; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[05] int RegisterPriorityExceptionHandler(int code, int priority, struct exHandler *handler) { struct exHandler *n, *p, *p_prev; _dprintf("%s: code = %d, pri = %d, (handler=%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, code, priority, handler); if (code >= 16){ _dprintf("%s ERROR_BAD_EXCODE\n", __FUNCTION__); return ERROR_BAD_EXCODE; } if (handler->next){ _dprintf("%s ERROR_USED_EXCODE\n", __FUNCTION__); return ERROR_USED_EXCODE; } n = unlink(); priority &= 3; n->info = ((u32)handler & ~3) | priority; n->next = NULL; p = handlers[code]; p_prev = NULL; // walk along the chain starting at the handlers[code] root to find our place in the queue while(p && ((p->info & 3) < priority)){ p_prev = p; p = p->next; } n->next = p; if (p_prev == NULL){ handlers[code] = n; } else { p_prev->next = n; } registerEH(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[06] int RegisterDefaultExceptionHandler(struct exHandler *handler) { _dprintf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (handler->next){ _dprintf("%s ERROR_USED_EXCODE\n", __FUNCTION__); return ERROR_USED_EXCODE; } handler->next = defhandler; defhandler = &handler->funccode; registerEH(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[07] int ReleaseExceptionHandler(int code, struct exHandler *handler) { struct exHandler *p, *p_prev; _dprintf("%s: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, code); if (code>=16) return ERROR_BAD_EXCODE; p_prev = NULL; for (p=handlers[code]; p != NULL; p_prev = p, p=p->next) { if ((struct exHandler *)(p->info & ~3) == handler) { // found it // Mark the handler as no longer used ((struct exHandler *)(p->info & ~3))->next = NULL; if (p == handlers[code]){ // special case, no more list handlers[code] = NULL; } else { // Remove container p from the list p_prev->next = p->next; } link(p); // Add the container back to the pool registerEH(); return 0; } } return ERROR_EXCODE_NOTFOUND; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[08] int ReleaseDefaultExceptionHandler(struct exHandler *handler) { struct exHandler *p; _dprintf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); for (p=defhandler; p->next; p=p->next-8) { if (p->next == handler->funccode) { p->next = handler->next; handler->next = 0; registerEH(); return 0; } } return ERROR_EXCODE_NOTFOUND; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[03] void *GetExHandlersTable() { return extable; } // 256 bytes of this code are copied to memory address 0 in order to install the exception handling code. // Take careful note of the alignment of the code at 0x40 and 0x80 if you change it at all. void iopException() { __asm__ ( ".set noat\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" /* 0x0040 */ /* This the breakpoint exception vector location. */ "sw $26, 0x0420($0)\n" "mfc0 $27, $14\n" "mfc0 $26, $13\n" "sw $27, 0x0424($0)\n" "sw $26, 0x0428($0)\n" "mfc0 $27, $12\n" "mfc0 $26, $7\n" "sw $27, 0x042C($0)\n" "sw $26, 0x0430($0)\n" "lw $27, 0x047C($0)\n" "mtc0 $0, $7\n" "jr $27\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" /* 0x0080 */ /* This is the general exception vector location. */ "sw $1, 0x0400($0)\n" /* $1 saved at 0x400 */ "sw $26, 0x0410($0)\n" /* $26 saved at 0x410 */ "mfc0 $1, $14\n" "mfc0 $26, $12\n" "sw $1 , 0x0404($0)\n" /* EPC -> 0x404 */ "sw $26, 0x0408($0)\n" /* STATUS -> 0x408 */ "mfc0 $1, $13\n" "sw $1, 0x040C($0)\n" /* CAUSE -> 0x40C */ "andi $1, 0x3C\n" /* Isolate EXECODE */ "lw $1, 0x0440($1)\n" "jr $1\n" /* jump via EXECODE table at 0x440 */ "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" "nop\nnop\nnop\nnop\n" ".set at\n" ); }