#!/bin/sh # Convenience script for obtaining plugins, # Use at your own risk. Assumes that it is being run in the plugins directory. #Running this script should do the following: #1) Check to see if the 6 needed plugin folders exist in the current directory. #2) If they aren't. create a temp directory, download the plugins to it from # the official pcsx2 svn, move them into the plugin directory, and then delete # the temp directory. #3) Check for copies of certain plugins in the current directory, and copy them to # the right place if they exist, assuming that they are modified copies of those plugins. curdir=`pwd` PLUGINDIRS="gs cdvd dev9 fw pad spu2 usb" if [ -d "gs" ] & [ -d "cdvd" ] & [ -d "dev9" ] & [ -d "fw" ] & [ -d "pad" ] & [ -d "spu2" ] & [ -d "usb" ] then echo "Plugin directories already present." else echo "Checking plugins out from official Pcsx2 svn..." mkdir "temp" if [ -d "temp" ] then cd "temp" svn checkout http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins ./ -r 405 echo "Copying..." for i in $PLUGINDIRS; do mv $i ../ done cd .. rm -rf ./temp/ fi fi # Copy the common directory in each individual subfolder so that # you can compile the plugins both individually *and* from the # normal subdirectories. for i in $PLUGINDIRS; do rm -rf $i/common cp -r common/ $i/ done if [ -d zerogs ] then echo "Importing local copy of zerogs..." rm -rf ./gs/zerogs cp -r zerogs ./gs/ fi if [ -d zerospu2 ] then echo "Importing local copy of zerospu2..." rm -rf ./spu2/zerospu2 cp -r zerospu2 ./spu2/ fi if [ -d zeropad ] then echo "Importing local copy of zeropad..." rm -rf ./pad/zeropad cp -r zeropad ./pad/ fi if [ -d CDVDiso ] then echo "Importing local copy of CDVDiso.." rm -rf ./cdvd/CDVDiso cp -r CDVDiso ./cdvd/ fi if [ -d CDVDlinuz ] then echo "Importing local copy of CDVDlinuz.." rm -rf ./cdvd/CDVDlinuz cp -r CDVDlinuz ./cdvd/ fi if [ -d CDVDisoEFP ] then echo "Importing local copy of CDVDisoEFP.." rm -rf ./cdvd/CDVDisoEFP cp -r CDVDisoEFP ./cdvd/ fi if [ -d PeopsSPU2 ] then echo "Importing local copy of PeopsSPU2.." rm -rf ./spu2/PeopsSPU2 cp -r PeopsSPU2 ./spu2/ fi